#I also wore turtle earrings to it hehe
sleepis4theweak · 1 year
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So uh... mutant mayhem am I right?
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Hey can you do platonic tmnt 2012 x child reader who is like Nezuko
Child reader is a experiment subject,they wear a mask because they don't want to lose control.They eat fruit instead of blood and gore.
Welcome to the Family
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author’s note: okay so I went off script a little dear anon, I hope you don’t mind I only watched a few episodes of demon slayer hehe, also what do you guys think of the color coded dialogue? or do you rather it all white? this got to be verryyyy long it’s 4 am >.< i just couldn’t stop oml
warnings: child abuse, cursing, violence, angst, comfort ending, fluff
“Alright guys, we are doing this quick: in and out, got it?” Leonardo said drawing his swords as he nodded to Raph, he knew he would enjoy kicking the door down. “Yeah yeah yeah let’s do this already!” Raph said impatiently. “Remember Dr. Falcon was the one who-“ Donnie was cut off by Raph kicking the door down and Mikey pushed his way past his older brothers. “Booyakashaaa!” He hollered twirling his nunchucks ready for anything.
“Stick to the plan!” Leo seethed as all eyes landed on the doctor who had a large syringe in his hand. A big metal chair sat in the middle of the room, tiny arms were the only thing visible to the turtles, they were strapped down tightly. “He’s got mutangen!” Donnie yelled recognizing the color immediately. Falcon gritted his teeth, “don’t move, or else she gets it.” It only took a second of hesitation on the turtles part for Dr. Falcon to stab the needle into the patients arm, the chair was turned away from the turtles so they couldn’t see who was on the receiving end of such brutal treatment but that was all it took for Raph to lunge forward sais ready to take down the enemy. Leo flanked his red brother, only sidestepping to go on the right side of the room while Raph took the left. Donnie went to the chair, spinning it to face him and he almost dropped his bo. Mikey went to give his older brothers back up but it was pretty unnecessary, the fight was over in five minutes flat, the doctor cowering to the floor in surrender.
“Donnie what’s wrong??” Leo asked, leaving Mikey and Raph to watch over Dr. Falcon to make sure he didn’t try anything else like escaping. “It’s a child…” Donnie said softly watching as the little girl struggled underneath her binds, eyes completely red, her fingers elongated into sharpened claws, and fangs could be seen behind the contraption she wore. The muzzle was muffling her raging screams as she lashed around as much as she could. Needle marks were littered on her arms, and it became obvious she had been under the doctor’s control for a while. Leo’s eyes hardened, turning back to face the doctor with disgust. “What were you doing to her?” He spat as Raph couldn’t help himself leaving Falcon to go see the child, Mikey followed suit his eyes saddening.
“Enhancing her, you’d never understand, she’s special, she was born special.” Raph came back eyes a-blazing “enhancing her?! you keep kids strapped into chairs stickin’ them with ooze? fuckin’-“ Raph’s foot launched forward kicking the doctor in the stomach, “-psychopath!” He finished breathing hard and fast, he was flexing his fingers around his weapons he wanted to hurt this guy bad. Wanted to keep kicking until he heard bones crunch, but held himself back. The doctor was heaving and coughing up blood and Donnie watched as the child reacted to the smell of the copper, her eyes growing a darker red and becoming more ferocious. His hands went forward slowly and the girl started to tremble, “it’s alright, I’m not gonna hurt you,” Donnie said softly as Mikey watched clenching his nunchucks silently. It was a first for him he usually had lots to say.
Donnie pushed back the long black hair that draped over her ears and sure enough he had guessed correctly. She had large protruding ears resembling those of a bat. It all tied in and he drew his hand back, noticing how she had stilled completely not even breathing until his hand was a safe distance away. “She’s a bat mutant, distinguishing features are ears, teeth, eyes, and nails.” The rest of her looked very much human, she was thin, frail, and paler than a ghost. “Donnie is she gonna be okay?” Mikey spoke up beside his genius brother. Donnie didn’t answer because he didn’t know what to say. “We’ve gotta save her!” Mikey said going for the straps trying to release her.
“Wait!” Leo said and Mikey frowned, “We can’t leave her here Leo,” Mikey said shaking his head not letting that even be an option. “I know but we don’t know if she’s dangerous what if she attacks us?” Leo said looking at each of his brothers. “He must have a sedative here,” Donnie said muttering to himself as Dr. Falcon started crawling to the window. “And where do ya think you’re goin’” Raph said smiling sadistically, sais clinking together as he stepped down on the doctor’s ankle to keep him from moving further away. “The cops will be here soon, we gotta be quick Donnie,” Leo said as he looked back at Raph, “just knock him out,” and once Raph had the go ahead he reveled, “with pleasure!” Stowing his weapons away he cracked his knuckles and watched as the doctor cowered. “fuckin’ pussy” he snarled not holding back his punches until the man was slumped.
Donnie got another needle ready and he hated how the girl’s eyes widened in horror. He winced, “I’m sorry I promise this is the last one you’ll ever have to endure, it’s for your safety and ours,” he spoke quickly and held her forearm still to prevent her from thrashing and making it worse. As soon as her eyes rolled back everyone was helping with her binds. “I’ll carry her,” Mikey announced as the sirens could be heard approaching. “Alright let’s move.” Leo said as they cleared out to the rooftops. Raph shook his head, “Splinter’s gonna have our shells,” he muttered under his breath wondering how the rat would take Mikey’s new friend. He didn’t want to leave the girl there either he thought maybe she’d be better in police hands but remembered she was part mutant. They’d cast her out as a freak as soon as she woke up.
“You did what?!” Splinter brought down his cane to the floor in a thump and everyone flinched. “She’s like us Sensei, we couldn’t just leave her!” Leo spoke up for his brothers as Mikey held her close to his plastron. “And I suppose you four are going to care for her?” Splinter narrowed his eyes, wanting it to be clear that they were not some rescue that took in every poor soul. He had himself and his sons to think about, the more people who knew of their secret home/hideout the worse it would be for them. And the easier it would be for Shredder to find them all and take the new family that Splinter was willing to die for. He wouldn’t lose his boys to anyone.
“I’ll take full responsibility!” Mikey quipped up, eyes serious as he met Splinters. “I hope you all know what you’re doing.” He said turning away, going to his room to meditate and think the whole thing over. Hopefully with a clearer head he could talk to his boys without it becoming an argument. All four turtles sighed in relief. Mikey felt you stir in his arms and he squeaked with surprise, “she’s coming to!!!” He didn’t know what to do or what to expect and quickly handed you off to Donnie. Who quickly handed you off to Leo. He held you awkwardly and decided it was best to leave the dojo, “c’mon let’s go to my room,” he said quickly and they all followed suit. He placed you gently on his bed and they all surrounded you, heads coming in close as they watched you blink drowsily awakening.
You blinked once, twice, three times, your eyes were big as they slowly widened, Donnie noted how clear they were now, not red at all. You peered up at all of them silently as they stared down at you, Mikey broke the silence, “Awwww she’s so cute~!” He gushed hands reaching out to scoop you in his arms and you backed away, kicking your feet out underneath you until your back hit the wall. “Quit it Mikey you’re scarin’ her” Raph said annoyed as he reached out and grabbed Mikey’s face pushing his brother back. “Geez Raph!” Mikey groaned as he rubbed his face, frowning, he hadn’t meant to scare you. “It’s okay,” Leo spoke softly to you, “Falcon’s gone, and you’re with us now,”
You had to be at least 7 or 8 years old. But Donnie really couldn’t guess too accurately because your malnutrition played a big factor in this. The doctor hadn’t seemed to be feeding you properly because Donnie didn’t think it was healthy to look that pale or skinny for a human. “Do you know where your parents are?” Leo asked and they all waited silently for your answer. You blinked. “You think she speaks English?” Mikey asked worriedly and Donnie smacked his palm to his face, “she may not be able to speak at all Mikey, or perhaps she was never taught..” Donnie listed some possibilities and Raph grimaced. “Can you understand us or not?” Raph asked and you nodded slowly. Still looking very wary and on guard.
“Do you have parents?” Leo tried again. But you didn’t respond and Leo looked over to Raph. “Uh, do you have a family?” Raph tried and you tilted your head to the side. Mikey would’ve found this adorable if not for the reason of your confusion. Did you not know the word family? Had you been alone in that room with just Falcon for as long as you could remember? Mikey tried to shake the thoughts away, “we’re your family now,” Mikey said smiling at you as he pressed his hand to his plastron and then waved his hand towards his brothers. “I’m Mikey, I’m the raddest,” he introduced himself and nudged Donnie for him to do the same. “Uh I’m Donatello but you can call me Donnie,” he said formally, “I’m Leo,” he spoke with a soft smile, and Raph said gruffly, “Raph,” he pointed a finger to his plastron and then he pointed at you.
They all waited in silence again, your hands came up and touched the muzzle you wore. Donnie’s eyes immediately widened, how could he forget! He wondered if it had hindered you from speaking in the first place. Or worse if it had been causing you pain, “I can get that off for you, but it’ll be easier in my lab..” he muttered the last part as Leo and Raph shot their purple brother a glare. “Alright alright I’ll be back,” he said holding up a finger to you indicating one moment. “Ohhh the metal stuff won’t let you speak?” Mikey said after a few moments catching up with the rest of his brothers. “Obviously numb nuts,” Raph said rolling his eyes.
“Sorrrry, kinda hard to pick that up it’s my first time seeing something like this!” Mikey said putting his hands on his hips. Leo sat down on the floor, hands going up to stretch. They had all been bent over for some time, watching your every move with great interest. You did the same, your eyes flitting around the room quickly before going back to look at the turtle brothers. Raph sat on the edge of the bed, Leo raised an eyebrow at him in question but Raph wasn’t looking at Leo. “I just want you to know, no one’s gonna hurt you here. You’re safe.” You looked into the red turtle’s eyes for a long time, Mikey almost thought it was a staring contest until you nodded, tears forming in your eyes. All the brothers inched forward, “shi-“
“Raph.” Leo cut off his brother from cursing, “I mean shoot.” He grumped as he looked worriedly at the tears that threatened to fall. “Great going Raph!” Mikey said as tears formed in his eyes too unable to help it. He sniffed trying to hold them back. “I didn’t mean to!” Raph said defensively. “It’s okay to cry, you’ve been through a lot,” Leo said, heart hurting that what he said was sadly true. He wished it wasn’t and you nodded again tears falling as you sniffed. Donnie walked back in, arms full of tools and he almost dropped it all when he noticed the crying fest going on. “What happened?!” He said rushing forward. “Raph made her cry!” Mikey wailed as he cried too, and Raph took a deep breath trying to not punch his orange brother in front of you. “All I said was, we ain’t gonna hurt her and that she’s safe!” Raph again said defensively crossing his arms. Donnie breathed out relieved that you weren’t in any physical pain though his heart ached to know you were going through some emotional turmoil. “You ready to get that thing off?” Donnie asked you and you nodded again wiping your tears with the back of your hands.
“Alright just tap me if it hurts,” Donnie said placing all the tools on Leo’s bed as he leaned forward, motioning for you to do the same. You did so hesitantly. With careful hands, Donnie was able to remove the contraption, it had been cruelly made to tighten at any movements, and hindered your speech. You opened and closed your mouth, the feeling so foreign to you. You basically had a bar in your mouth for however long you had been confined with Falcon, it reminded Donnie of a horse bit mouthpiece. It was inhumane. Mikey hadn’t been able to watch for long and offered to go get pizza. Which left three brothers, Donnie was surprised Raph hadn’t wandered off as well, but he stayed sitting next to you on the bed while Leo watched from the floor. “How do you feel now?” Donnie asked picking up his tools to go return to the lab, “b-better,” a soft whisper of a voice could be heard and all the turtles stilled. “I’ll be back,” Donnie said chewing on the inside of his cheek as he motioned his head to the tools in his arm.
“So do ya have a name?” Raph asked and Leo stood from the floor, going to sit on your other side. You shook your head. “Well you’re in luck, Mikey’s the best when it comes to names,” Leo spoke up smiling to himself as Raph chuckled. You were looking back and forth between the red and blue turtle. “R-red” you pointed to Raph and then you turned, “B-blue” you said pointing this time at Leo. “Close enough,” Raph grinned and clenched his hands to keep from ruffling your hair. “Do you have a favorite color?” Leo asked and he watched as you slowly crawled out of his bed, legs dangling off the edge before you pushed off. They watched as you landed shakily, both holding themselves back from going forward to help. No one wanted to scare you.
“Black,” it was your first word you hadn’t tumbled with. As you touched your hair, it was the color of the night sky, and long going down your back curling towards the ends. “Not pink?” Leo teased and you promptly shook your head. Your stomach growled and this had both brothers up and moving, you immediately moved backwards quickly, reacting to their movements. They moved slower, “c’mon Mikey’s got pizza,” Raph said nodding his head to the doorway as Leo went first leading the way. You followed and Raph walked leisurely behind you, keeping his distance. You hardly came up to his hip! He still couldn’t believe how young you were and he tried to push the thought away, it only made him angry and anger made him violent.
He’d rather not have an episode while you were here. Hopefully they’d find your parents soon. Mikey entered the abandoned subway, pizza boxes in hand. “Who’s hungry?!” He hollered as Donnie entered the room from his lab. You raised your hand in response, and Donnie held back a laugh. Everything you did was adorable! “Alrightttt” Mikey said beaming at you as he carried the pizzas to the kitchen table. They all waited for you to climb into a seat first before they all rushed to sit in the chairs next to you. Mikey and Donnie winning out this time. “I’ve got pepperoni and classic cheese!” Mikey said grabbing you a slice of each.
The smell of bread and cheese wafted in your face and you licked your lips hungrily. But as you took a bite and the brothers watched as your eyes turned red and fingernails elongated, fangs coming out to pierce the pizza. Their mouths dropped open. “I don’t think she’s gonna be satisfied with pizza,” Donnie said and it was as if a switch had flipped. With your mouth piece off and your hunger at the forefront of your mind you stood on your chair. “Kid, sit back down,” Raph warned and you hissed and glared at him, your eyes painfully red now. Donnie pushed his chair out, “Don’t let them take off,” he said as he went to the cabinets and pantries as he reminded himself what exactly did bats eat other than blood and bugs.
Your fangs were abnormally long, jutting out past your mouth and digging into your lower lip. You whimpered as your stomach grumbled, and your eyes started darting towards the kitchen door. Leonardo was moving before you could have a second thought. “Sorry, can’t let you escape that easy,” he was in front of the kitchen door, blocking it with his body. You stomped your foot into the chair and it creaked under the force. “Temper temper,” Raph couldn’t help himself, using the words that were usually thrown in his face. “Everyone just calm down,” Mikey said hands going up, “man I can’t believe you don’t like pizza!” he frowned.
You had enough, jumping down and running to Leo, his eyes widened not wanting to touch you but he couldn’t exactly let you get past him. His hands went out to scoop you but you ducked and stomped your foot down again this time on Leo’s toes. He howled in pain immediately reacting and leaving an opening for you to dart past him. “Raph!” Leo called out wondering why he was the only one stopping you as Mikey ditched his pizza and Raph clambered up quickly chasing after you. Donnie entered the room holding up an apple, “fruit! Bats eat fruit!” He said triumphantly only to see Leo hopping on one foot holding onto his toes the kitchen table empty. “Great.” Donnie said sarcastically as Leo shot him a glare and Donnie ran for the door.
“Y/n!” Mikey called out as you jumped over one of the subway turnpikes. You hesitated, and that was all Donnie needed for him to come into view and wave the apple frantically. Your mouth drooled as you ran back to them, Donnie bent down letting you swipe the fruit from his hand as you greedily sank your fangs into the apple. “Yay! Food accomplished!” Mikey cheered as everyone waited for you to finish, by the time you were done the apple was shriveled to its core. Your eyes faded back to normal clear whites, and your fangs weren’t as long anymore either. You looked at Donnie shyly, and he knew what that look meant, “we’ve got more if you’re still hungry,” he smiled and you nodded quickly. Going back into the kitchen holding onto the core. “So cool!” Mikey gushed as he followed you and Donnie, Raph behind everyone else.
When you pushed the door open and noticed Leo back in his chair you ran forward. Cheeks dusting with embarrassment, as you patted his knee in apology. At that Leo couldn’t help himself, he ruffled your hair without a second thought, “all’s forgiven hungry-pants,” Leo teased. Then you followed Donnie as he led you to the pantry where he found two more apples. You gave him the apple core in favor of the new apples. He threw it away for you and watched as you walked back to your chair. It seemed you weren’t as famished to quickly drain those two.
Crisis averted everyone ate, making small talk, trying to get you to speak every now and again but let it go when you only answered with a nod or a shake of your head. “So Y/n,” Mikey started, pizzas devoured and your apples diminished to cores. “You named her already??” Leo said surprised and Raph nodded, “Yeah while you were bouncing around in here,” Leo’s mouth went into a straight line as you covered your eyes in embarrassment. “Can’t wait to see your reaction when your toes get crushed,” Leo muttered and Raph’s eyebrows went up, “oh I’ll tell you what’s gonna happen, ain’t gonna be a big pansy about it that’s for sure!”
“Oh really?” Leo said and Raph responded immediately “Really.” They were both having a stare off when Mikey interrupted, “Just ignore them Y/n that’s what I do,” he whispered to you as you peeked at the orange brother through your fingers. “Anyways, it’s getting late, I was wondering where you wanted to sleep?” He asked and that quickly got everyone’s attention. It was like Mikey had asked who was your favorite turtle. You shrugged and Mikey said it was high time for a lair tour. All brothers got up talking at once trying to show you their rooms first, all except for Leo. He went to crouch beside you, “wanna just sleep in the living room? We can make a pillow fort or pile up the bean bags,” he whispered into your ear. He hadn’t needed to get that close, in fact he could’ve whispered from across the table and you would’ve heard him but your eyes sparkled at his idea.
You still let each brother drag you around the lair, showing off their respective rooms and why theirs were better than the others. When it came time to choose and the group was back in the living room you pointed straight down to your feet. “Here?” Raph said disappointed as you nodded. He groaned but left to get his pillows and blankets. You flashed Leo a smile as he smiled too going do the same. All the brothers did and it was the first time they had left you alone. And at that same moment Splinter came entering the room quietly, but you heard him immediately and your breathing quickened, scared of the newcomer. He was taller than the turtles. “Red!” You wailed and Raph had been on his way back when he dashed forward, worrying why you sounded so frightened. “What’s the matt-,”
Splinter was watching you quietly, thinking as he looked down at what you wore. It seemed his sons hadn’t given you a change of clothes yet. You wore a patients gown, which couldn’t be warm he noted. “Raphael,” Splinter spoke as the turtle came to your side and your hand reached up to hold onto one of his fingers tightly. “Yes Sensei?” Raph wasn’t worried now that he knew why you had called for him, but his heart was still racing, the fear in your voice, he hadn’t been expecting it. “Get her into new clothes before you all go to sleep,” and his head bowed to you slightly as he turned to leave. Raph’s eyes went down to your clothes, it was like he hadn’t noticed the tattered gown until now. He cursed under his breath, not knowing you could hear what he said quite clearly.
“Hmm, we’ll have to go get you something better tomorrow but do you wanna wear one of my shirts for now?” He asked wiggling his finger that was still in your grip, you were still staring after Master Splinter in wonder, “that’s our dad,” Raph noted as you looked up at him. “Yeah he’s a rat not a turtle,” he said scratching his chin with his free hand. You tugged on his finger and he took that as a yes to his earlier question. He led you to his room again, letting you put on his shirt as he stood outside of his room, shell leaning against the doorway as he watched Mikey emerge from his room. “No fair!!” Mikey gasped as he saw you come out of Raph’s room dressed in a big red t-shirt that basically looked like another gown on you.
Your patient gown in your hands, you didn’t know what to do with it. Raph held out his hand, “want me to chunk it?” He asked and you nodded, placing the fabric in his hands. Everyone had their pillows and blankets in the middle of the living room, Leo had the tv on playing an episode of Space Heroes. “Not this again!” Raph groaned as Donnie helped you and Mikey build the pillow fort. “It’s the structure that’s the most important part, without that the foundation will just~” Donnie droned on and you peered over at Mikey who was making silly faces. You giggled and the sound rang out to all the turtles ears. They all looked at one another smiling, “that was all me bros,” Mikey said proudly. With the fort finished and large enough for everyone to fit in, it was one big slumber party. “Goodnight Y/n,” Mikey said happily and everyone else followed suit wishing you a goodnight and to have good dreams. “night night,” you yawned quietly turning underneath the blankets getting comfortable. “We totally have a little sister!” Mikey whispered excitedly once your breathing had deepened. Donnie rolled over, “she might have parents Mikey,” he didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news but he knew Leo was thinking the same thing. “Well I think she’d like it here.” Mikey whispered again this time quieter and more unsure of himself. “Get some sleep,” Raph mumbled. “We’ll talk to Y/n about it tomorrow,” Leo said softly, trying to reassure his younger brother. It got quiet and Leo was the last to fall asleep, looking at all his brothers under a pillow fort with you in the center. It had a been a while since they had last done something like this. He smiled, silently hoping for the same thing Mikey was wishing for, he knew all his brothers probably felt the same way after today. You were a part of their family, even if you did have folks waiting for you.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
reminiscence. (? x f!reader) pt10
hello!!!!!! we r back with another edition of this fic hehe. thank u all for ur support, i appreciate u so much! it’s also five am and i am not even tired so rip. 
also!! who do u think reader should end up with? i have it decided but i’m willing to hear reasoning and perhaps be persuaded ;)
“So, where do we find this Iroh guy?” Mako asked.
“You think he has any relation to General Iroh?” Bolin questioned. “I mean, how many Iroh’s can there really be, y’know?”
“He’s Iroh as in, Zuko and Iroh,” Korra informed them, and Bolin let out a shocked gasp. While she was nervous about getting her memories back, (Y/N) would definitely be grateful not to be absolutely lost when things were discussed.
A Republic City winter was nothing compared to a South Pole winter. (Y/N) was cold while she slept, cold while she moved, cold while she stood still! Korra’s mom had her wrapped up in so many different coats, furs, and blankets that she waddled while she walked. “How are you okay right now?” She asked Korra as they walked to breakfast together. “I feel like my nose is going to fall off.” 
Korra looked back and flashed her a smile. “It’s all I’ve ever known! You just kind of get used to it.” (Y/N) frowned. She couldn’t imagine ever getting used to weather like this. 
As they sat and ate their breakfast--(Y/N) tried to eat, but the layers made it hard to bend her elbows--they discussed their plan for the day. Led by Tonraq, they would travel by snowmobile to the Spirit World Portal. It was a long trip, so they would have to camp for the night, but the next day they would be trekking through the Spirit World looking for answers. “It’s warm there,” Korra said, nudging (Y/N) with her elbow. She smiled gratefully. 
She decided to ride on the back of Korra’s snowmobile. Bolin would be on the back of Asami’s and while Mako also had his own, (Y/N) wasn’t sure if she wanted to have her arms wrapped around him for the entire trip, especially when they hadn’t discussed the things that happened between them. Her and Mako hadn’t discussed things at all, really. She knew they were on better terms since the first time they met, but he was so guarded and she was so scared that anything Mako had to say to her, she might not want to hear. 
So, she waddled over to Korra’s snowmobile. “Mind if I ride with you?” She asked as Korra secured their supplies. 
“Not at all!” Korra said, her face lighting up. Then she cleared her throat and turned her eyes back to tying knots. “Just be sure you hold on tight, okay?” (Y/N) nodded, managing a joking salute. 
She wrapped her arms around Korra’s middle as tightly as she could, but it must not have been enough because as soon as Korra hit the gas, (Y/N) was flung off, landing on her back in the snow. She let out a shout of surprise, followed by a groan as she opened her eyes and saw Korra staring down at her. She wore a humored smile on her face. “I told you to hold on tight!” 
“I was!” (Y/N) insisted as Korra helped her get back to her feet. She pulled some rope from their side pouch and wrapped it around (Y/N’s) waist, then tied it to her own.
“We do this for little kids sometimes, so they don’t get lost in the snow.” (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her. Korra laughed at the childishness and helped her get back on the snowmobile. Then they were off, (Y/N) much more secured this time around. 
As they rode through the snowy hills, (Y/N) leaned her head on Korra’s back, taking in the sights of the Southern Water Tribe. Far out where the sea was, icy glaciers poked through the inky waters, shimmering against the sunlight. Everything was rather sparkly; if (Y/N) looked at the snow for too long her eyes felt sore. She turned her head and waved a gloved hand at Bolin, who gave her a thumbs up from his position behind Asami. 
Sometimes, when she looked at Bolin, it physically hurt her heart. She knew it was some sort of physical reaction, something her body remembered that her head didn’t. The feeling increased when he had referred to them as being friends. There was nothing wrong with being friends, in fact she supposed that was better than any other alternative, but even now she had always thought there was something more between them. Perhaps she had interpreted everything wrong. There was a giant piece of her memory missing, after all, and all she knew was that she had really messed up Bolin when she had left. It was probably better if they were just friends. Bolin was great and she didn’t want to lose him a second time. 
Their ride was so long that (Y/N) had eventually fallen asleep against Korra’s back, only to be awoken by the snowmobile coming to a jolted stop. She awoke and squeaked in fear, gripping on tighter to Korra. 
“Sorry!” She said. “I’ve never been really good at breaking.” 
“You’re going to tell me that after I spent hours on a giant metal deathtrap with you?” (Y/N) huffed. 
“It wasn’t that bad considering you were snoring into my back,” Korra quipped, quickly turning herself around so she could untie them. “You sounded like a lion turtle.” 
“I don’t even know what that is, but I’m sure you’re wrong.” (Y/N) slid off the snowmobile and began untying the packs. 
“Lion turtles used to carry cities on their backs and bestow the gift of bending to humans occasionally.” 
“Think we’ll find one in the Spirit World to grant me some powers?” (Y/N) asked. “What element do you think I’d bend? I think fire’s pretty cool but-” 
“Oh, you’d be an airbender for sure,” Korra said as she hoisted two packs onto her back. (Y/N’s) face lit up.
“Really! Why do you think that? Is it because of my calm and collected nature?” 
“It’s because you talk so much,” Korra explained. “You’re constantly bending air with your mouth.” She booped (Y/N) on the nose before making her way to the rest of the group. 
“You’re hilarious! (Y/N) called after her, gathering her own packs onto her back. “Why don’t you stop being the Avatar and become a comedian instead!” 
They set up their tents and made fire, which was easy work considering two out of the six people in the party were firebenders. As soon as (Y/N) finished her tasks she sat in front of the fire. She was probably too close, but she didn’t care. It’s warmth, albeit small, made her feel just a smidge less cold than she had been, and she’d take it. The rest of their group soon joined her, Asami sitting on one side and Korra sitting on the other. She appreciated the girls protecting her from any awkwardness that could potentially ensue from being near the boys. 
“I’m thinking when we get to the Spirit World, we’ll try our luck at finding Iroh,” Korra explained. “He’s always got spirits around him, maybe one of them will know who took (Y/N’s) memories.”
“And if they don’t?” Mako questioned. “We can’t just wander around the Spirit World hoping for some clue.” 
“Maybe I’ll start remembering again,” (Y/N) suggested. “Like when Bolin took me to the spot where we met. I got that memory back.” 
“You also threw up and passed out from that,” Asami reminded her. (Y/N) pursed her lips. 
“I can handle it,” (Y/N) reassured them. “At this point, I’ll do whatever it takes to get my memories back.” 
“The Spirit World is magnificent, but it’s also dangerous,” Tonraq said. Night had fallen, and his face was illuminated only by the fire. “They might not be happy to see humans there, especially after what happened last time.” 
“I’m the Avatar,” Korra said. “They have to at least listen to me.” 
“I just want you all to be careful. Whatever took (Y/N’s) memories has to be powerful. Maybe dangerous.” 
“We’ll be careful, Dad,” Korra reassured her father. Tonraq trusted his daughter’s abilities, that was obvious, but the worry he held for her was still evident on his features. (Y/N) swallowed, her mouth feeling dry. She hadn’t really considered that this could be a dangerous mission. If she was being honest, she had never really thought this far ahead. She had spent every day maneuvering around the different dynamics of the four friends, making sure that she didn’t overstep her boundaries or create unnecessary problems. She hadn’t considered what would be waiting for them on the other side of the Spirit Portal, or that the people she had grown to cherish would be put in danger for her sake. 
Asami passed around their food and (Y/N) ate silently, considering this information. Her friends talked around her, but she was so distracted that their comments went in one ear and out the other. Once she finally zoned back in, it was just her, Korra, and Mako sitting around the fire. 
Korra let out a big yawn, stretching her arms. “I’m absolutely beat,” She said. “I think I’m gonna turn in. You coming?” (Y/N) shook her head.
“I think I’ll stay near the warmth just a little longer.” Korra nodded and gave them a sloppy salute as she waded through the snow and to the tent she shared with Asami and (Y/N). It was just her and Mako now. 
She stared at the flames of the fire and how they danced in the cold night air. Should she say something to Mako? This was the first time they had been alone together and neither of them had immediately made up somewhere else they needed to be. They’d be heading to the Spirit World tomorrow, so if there was any time for them to communicate, it should be now. 
(Y/N) adjusted her coat, huddling further inside it. “Want me to make it bigger?” Mako asked, and (Y/N) nearly jumped, surprised to hear him talking to her. She looked at him, eyes wide and not quite understanding what he was talking about. “The fire, you want me to make it bigger?” 
“Oh, no, that’s okay,” She said. Mako stared at her for a moment before making the fire larger and while she had said she hadn’t wanted that, (Y/N) was grateful. It was so hard to be straightforward with Mako sometimes, because of the way he jumbled her brain. It was like she didn’t even recognize herself when she was around him anymore. Before, only one emotion accompanied being around Mako, and that was anger. Now, (Y/N) felt a whole range of emotions when she looked at his amber eyes. “I think we should talk,” She said finally, wincing at how small her voice sounded. 
“I think so too,” And he gave her a half smile. (Y/N) nodded, but both of them remained silent. How should she start? How did people even communicate properly? Perhaps the thing (Y/N) was most excited about getting her memories back was how to talk to people normally. She felt so awkward! 
“Why’d you kiss me?” She asked suddenly, her face heating from embarrassment. Mako’s eyebrows shot to the top of his forehead. 
“Oh,” He coughed. “I mean, well, it’s a little--it’s like--” (Y/N) couldn’t help giggling. “What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing!” She insisted, biting down her smile. “You just...you seem so tough and confident and aloof sometimes that it’s funny to see you act so...” 
“Embarrassing?” He guessed. (Y/N) shook her head. 
“Normal?” She tilted her head and shrugged. “You don’t always have to wear this tough guy act, you know.” 
“It’s not an act,” Mako insisted, but he and (Y/N) exchanged a look that had them both stifling back their laughter. “Maybe sometimes. People believe you’re tough if you act like it. Keeps you from getting your stuff stolen when you’re sleeping in a gutter.” 
“You grew up on the streets?” (Y/N) guessed. Mako nodded. 
“Sometimes I forget what you know and what you don’t.” 
“Me too, if we’re being honest.” They paused into a silence that wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable, just full of anticipation. “They teach you how to dodge questions on the streets, too?” 
Mako sighed, running a hand through his black hair. “It’s not easy for me to explain stuff like this. Bolin’s the one that can talk about emotions and feelings.” 
(Y/N) smiled. “Bolin can talk about anything.” 
“When we were arguing on that balcony, I wasn’t just angry at you for being here. You hurt Bolin a long time ago, but watching you be with my brother and knowing that I could never be with you...that hurt, too. You were so close to me that night and something inside of me said I should kiss you and once the idea popped into my head, I couldn’t get it out. I think I hoped that once I did it, it’d be some sort of release. Like a way to get it all out so I’d stop feeling like that.” 
“Was it?” 
Mako looked directly into her eyes. Normally, his gaze would make (Y/N) feel weird and she would have to look away. She couldn’t bring herself to do that tonight. 
“Not at all,” He admitted. “I thought I had gotten over you once you disappeared, but once you came back it all hit me full force.” 
(Y/N) thought for a moment about what she wanted to say. Then, she took a deep breath. “I don’t have any memories to base my feelings off of. But there are certain things, feelings, that I remember that I can’t place. They’re just there.” She placed a hand over her heart. “It happens when I look at Bolin. I remember feelings, like sadness and regret, but I don’t know why. It’s overwhelming sometimes, discerning emotions. The things that I feel for Bolin, they’re like past feelings that I’m remembering. Kind of.” She squinted her eyes shut. She wasn’t sure if she was explaining this right, but she was trying her best. “But when I look at you, now that the anger has subsided, I feel things now. Being around you feels nice and when you talk to me, I feel very...light and relieved. I can barely hold your gaze without blushing, and--and I think about you. A lot more than a friend should, I think.” 
“But,” She continued. “I don’t have all of my memories back. I don’t know how or why I left and I don’t know if things will change once I do.” 
“I get it,” Mako said. “As much as someone with memories can.” (Y/N) gave him a small smile. “And I don’t want to confuse you even more, because I’m sure being around Bolin is confusing enough as it is.” 
“You have no idea,” (Y/N) breathed. 
“I’m glad I told you. Almost two years and I finally admitted to my brother’s ex-girlfriend that I had a crush on her the whole time. This is a big day for me.” 
“The whole time?” (Y/N) questioned. “When did you realize that you liked me?” 
“I think Kya told us that we couldn’t share too much about the past with you, or else you might lose your memories forever?” (Y/N) pouted. “Fine, but if you can’t get your memories back, don’t blame me.” The wind picked up over them and he scooted closer to her so that he wouldn’t have to shout over it.
“Aye-aye, Captain,” (Y/N) said, giving a small salute. She rested her chin in the palm of her glove in order to pay attention. 
“There was this one time when you got to our place. Bolin wasn’t there yet, I think he was out performing tricks with Pabu. It was cold outside, one of the coldest days Republic City had had in a while. You came in and you were like an icicle. You were shaking and had forgotten your coat and decided to walk halfway across the city to our place. I gave you a blanket and one of Bolin’s coats, but your hands were still like ice, so I used a little firebending to warm them up.” Mako remembered the feeling of your hands completely encased in his. “I held your hands for a while, until they were warm enough. I got up to leave for work and you grabbed my hand and pulled me back down onto the couch. You said, ‘Stay, Mako! I love having you around.’ So, I stayed. We talked all day until Bolin got home, and I ended up losing that job, but spending that time with you made it all worth it.” 
(Y/N) sat silently for a long while before saying, “I’m sorry for making you lose your job.” 
Mako laughed. “It’s cool,” He said. “I wasn’t a very good delivery boy anyway.” 
(Y/N) pulled off her gloves, exposing her hands to the cold winter air. “Do you think you could...?” She offered her hands to Mako. He gave her a small smile and nodded, removing his own gloves and taking her hands in his. (Y/N) let out a happy sigh of relief at the feeling of warmth that emanated from his skin. 
“I’m sorry for being so mean to you at first,” Mako said. “I just didn’t want Bolin to get hurt again.” 
“I understand,” She said quietly. “I’d probably do the same if I were you.” Cautiously, she leaned her head on Mako’s shoulder. They sat like that for a long while, staring at the fire as Mako held her hands in his. While she was probably even more confused about her emotions than before, part of her hoped that whatever happened in the Spirit World wouldn’t change how she was feeling right now. She wanted to see where this could go. 
Once the cold became too much for either of them to bear, Mako and (Y/N) parted ways. Korra and Asami were fast asleep when she entered their tent and slid into her sleeping bag. She fell asleep quickly, her hands still warm, but it felt like she was asleep for only moments when Korra shook her awake in the morning. 
“One more hour,” (Y/N) grumbled, rolling over to avoid Korra’s gaze. The Avatar scoffed. 
“I already let you sleep in as late as possible!” She gently kicked (Y/N’s) butt. “Up! Spirit World today, woohoo!” A very groggy (Y/N) reluctantly left the warmth of her sleeping bag. The early morning sun was absolutely blinding as she walked out of the tent. (Y/N) let out an unhappy grumble. 
“Tea?” Asami offered, handing (Y/N) a thermos. (Y/N) smiled gratefully at her and took a long sip of the beverage, feeling it warm her from the inside out. 
“Thank you so much!” (Y/N) said. “I needed that.” 
“You were up pretty late,” Asami said, giving her a knowing smile. “Any particular reason?” (Y/N) shrugged playfully as she loaded her sleeping bag onto Korra’s snowmobile. 
“Mako and I finally talked.” 
“And? How’d that go?” Asami glanced over at Mako’s who sleepily nodded at whatever Bolin was excitedly saying to him. (Y/N) lightly slapped her friend’s arm. 
“Don’t stare!” She laughed. “It went fine. We talked about our feelings, actually.” Asami’s eyes widened in excitement and she opened her mouth to say something, but (Y/N) cut her off. “And while there are some feelings there, I told him how until I got my memories back, nothing could be certain.” 
Asami hummed in approval. “Seems like a good resolution.” 
“What’s a good resolution?” Korra came over to tie her own belongings to the snowmobile. 
“Mako and (Y/N) finally talked about their kiss.” 
“Woah!” Korra exclaimed. “Are you guys dating now?” 
“I’m missing like seventy-five percent of my memories and you think we’d be dating?” (Y/N) snipped. Korra shrugged. 
“I don’t know what goes on in your head!” 
“Like I told Asami, it was a good conversation. We talked about our feelings but I said that until I got my memories back, nothing could be done. I mean, what if I get them back and there was actually a non-Spirit World reason for why I was so awful to Bolin?” (Y/N) shook her head. “I was honest about how I felt and I think that’s good progress.”
“You know Korra,” Asami started. “Weren’t you telling me yesterday how much your bag hurt from having (Y/N) hold onto you?” 
“What? No?” Korra said, furrowing her dark brows. Asami elbowed her sharply in the side. 
“Remember? You said she held on too tight? Don’t you think that today you should ride on the snowmobile by yourself, since you’ll need to be at your best Avatar abilities in the Spirit World?” 
“I know what you guys are doing and I’m having absolutely none of it!” (Y/N) insisted. “I’m riding with Korra, end of story.” 
“Oh, I see what’s happening here,” Korra said. She placed her hands on her lower back. “Oh, yep, there’s definitely a tough knot there and it’s all (Y/N’s) fault. I don’t think I can ride on a snowmobile with you anymore.” 
“I thought the Avatar was supposed to bring peace, but all you’re causing is chaos,” (Y/N) hissed. 
“Hey, Mako!” Asami called out. Mako looked over to them, raising a questioning eyebrow as (Y/N) banged her head against the snowmobile. “Do you think (Y/N) can ride with you for today? Korra’s back is absolutely killing her.” 
“Ow~!” Korra drawled dramatically. 
“Uh, sure?” Mako questioned. He walked over to Korra’s vehicle and untied (Y/N’s) pack from it. “I think Tonraq said we were leaving in a few minutes, so I’ll be over there.” 
“Sounds great, she’ll be right there,” Asami said. 
“I’m not going,” (Y/N) said with a shake of her head. 
“I thought you said it was a good conversation?” Korra questioned. 
“You guys are so lucky I’m not a bender and I’m not very good at hand-to-hand combat because--” She shook her fist at both of them. “You’d be getting it!” She stomped over to Mako, a frown etched on her face. 
“Everything alright?” He asked. She let the frown fade from her face. 
“Everything’s fine,” She said with a sigh. “Korra and Asami are just being big pains.” 
“Don’t I know it.” Mako strapped his helmet and placed (Y/N’s) on top of her head, buckling it underneath her chin. He then tied a rope that connected the two of them, as Korra had done yesterday. “Safety first,” He said with a smile. (Y/N) felt her face flush as he helped her onto the snowmobile. Shyly, she wrapped her arms around his middle, and then they were off toward the Spirit World Portal. 
This trip was much shorter than the previous day’s. The portal was only an hour or two away from where they had camped. While (Y/N) was surprised that they had arrived so soon, there was no doubt that they were there, as the portal was a beam of warm yellow light that shot into the sky. It lay in the middle of the woods, only accessible by foot. 
They parked their snowmobiles on the outskirts of the woods. Tonraq began setting up his tent; they had agreed that someone should stay behind with a radio just in case anything went wrong and they needed backup. But to (Y/N’s) surprise, Asami was setting up her own tent as well. 
“You’re not coming with us?” She asked. Asami raised an eyebrow and shook her head. 
“We agreed before you woke up this morning that someone else should stay behind with Korra’s dad to help keep watch. You obviously need to go, as does Korra, and I knew Bolin and Mako would be absolutely horrible if they had no idea what was going on inside. So, I decided to stay.” 
(Y/N) frowned. While the reasoning was sound, it still made her sad that Asami wouldn’t be accompanying them on their journey. She and (Y/N) had developed a real friendship over the last few weeks. They had spent nearly all of their time together. It would be strange, not having her around. 
“Be safe, okay?” (Y/N) asked, throwing her arms around Asami and squeezing her into a hug. 
“You’re going into a completely new dimension and you’re telling me to be safe?” Asami laughed, but she wrapped her arms around (Y/N’s) frame and hugged tightly. “I can’t wait to hear all about your memories.” The two friends parted and (Y/N) lifted her pack onto her back. 
“Ready?” Korra asked, and she, Bolin, and Mako nodded. Their group said their goodbyes to Tonraq and Asami before Korra led them into the woods. 
“The last time I was here, I was frozen into a block of ice by an ex-girlfriend,” Bolin said. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him. “It wasn’t you! It was Korra’s cousin from the Northern Water Tribe.” 
“The one with the evil dad?” (Y/N) asked. 
“That’s the one!” Bolin nodded. 
“This is it,” Korra said as they stopped in front of the Spirit World Portal. (Y/N) could feel its energy radiating from outside the forest, but now it was even more prominent. “Next stop, Spirit World.” She turned around to look at (Y/N), whose face looked as if she had seen a ghost. “Everything alright?” 
(Y/N) nodded, gulping. “I’m okay,” She nodded again, trying to convince herself that she was speaking the truth. What if getting her memories back wasn’t necessarily a good thing? Something had blocked them out. Perhaps they had done it for her own benefit. But they had come this far, so she remained silent as she stepped through the threshold and into the Spirit World. 
It was an odd feeling, transitioning between two planes. It felt like each particle of (Y/N’s) body was buzzing, until suddenly she was on the other side and staring at so many colors, some that she was sure she had never seen before. She released the breath she had been holding as she stepped through. 
Indescribable beings flew overhead, cawing and cooing at them. Korra had been right: the Spirit World was significantly warmer than the South Pole. The group removed their jackets as (Y/N) took in her surroundings. Currently, they stood in the middle of a rocky wasteland, but patches of flowers and grass popped up here and there. In the middle stood a gnarled tree with a hollowed out middle. 
“That’s the Tree of Time,” Korra explained. “That’s where the first Avatar had imprisoned Vaatu, the dark spirit that I defeated a month ago. His energy made this part of the Spirit World a wasteland, but it’s healing.” 
“It’s beautiful,” (Y/N) breathed, and Korra smiled. Their group walked across the barren land to the greener parts of the Spirit World. Butterfly-like animals flittered around them as they walked and Korra explained her many trips to this place. Mako and Bolin had been here as well, although they had never been further than the Tree of Time. That helped (Y/N) feel less out of place. 
“So, where do we find this Iroh guy?” Mako asked. 
“You think he has any relation to General Iroh?” Bolin questioned. “I mean, how many Iroh’s can there really be, y’know?” 
“He’s Iroh as in, Zuko and Iroh,” Korra informed them, and Bolin let out a shocked gasp. While she was nervous about getting her memories back, (Y/N) would definitely be grateful not to be absolutely lost when things were discussed. 
“There it is!” Korra exclaimed, and then she started running. The others dashed behind her, not quite sure of where she was going, until a small house appeared seemingly out of nowhere and they were right in front of it. A small tea party of spirits and one human sat at a table in the garden. 
“Korra!” The old man exclaimed. “Welcome back! We were just about to start afternoon tea.” He peaked behind her at her friends. “And you brought company! The more the better, I think I have some extra teacups in the house.” 
“Hi, Iroh,” Korra said. “We really appreciate it, but we don’t really have time--” But the old man was already headed inside his house. When he returned, he held four additional teacups and a bright smile on his face. 
“Sit, sit,” He insisted. Korra looked to (Y/N), who shrugged, and dropped her backpack to the ground and took a seat. If having tea was what she needed to do in order to get her memories back, then she would do it. “You!” Iroh said as he placed (Y/N’s) teacup in front of her. “I’ve heard many things about you. Welcome back.” 
“Back?” (Y/N) questioned, looking at her friends. “I’ve been here before?” 
“You are (Y/N), yes?” She nodded. “When Korra first visited me to ask about you, I did not know much.” He placed a hand to the side of his mouth. “Spirits are horrible gossips sometimes, and I did not want to lead the Avatar on a path different from the one you must take. But I have asked many a visitor about you and they have all said the same thing: you were here, not too long ago, but you were here for a while.” 
“Why was she here?” Mako questioned before (Y/N) could. Iroh sighed as he poured their tea. 
“Whatever the reason, it was not good. Many of my friends say they saw her enter the dark part of our realm and she did not leave for a long time.” 
“It’s true!” One of the spirits interjected, an oddly blue wolf. “I saw you months ago with my own four eyes. You looked nothing like you do now. You came through the portals, yeah? Last time, someone brought you here the other way.” 
“You mean through meditation?” Korra asked. The spirit nodded. 
“Whatever it was, something powerful had to do it. I couldn’t do nothing like that.” 
“So, powerful spirit in the dark parts of the Spirit World. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but it doesn’t sound like something a good spirit would do.” (Y/N) looked to Iroh to confirm her suspicions. 
“Spirits are neither good nor bad, unless we are discussing Vaatu and Raava. But there are some spirits whose motives become skewed.” 
(Y/N) deflated in her seat. The spirit who had taken her memories was powerful and most likely dangerous. And if they found it, she would be leading her friends right to them. 
They finished their tea with Iroh before continuing on their journey. Bolin had talked excitedly with him about his adventures with Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko, whoever those people were, and Iroh gave him a Jasmine Dragon teacup to take back to the mortal realm. The entire time that they talked, (Y/N) was incredibly distracted by what Iroh had told them. 
“We should go back,” (Y/N) said suddenly. All three of her friends stopped and looked at her as if she were insane. 
“But, you need to get your memories back,” Bolin said. 
“I’ll just start over,” She insisted. “I can start fresh. Whatever this spirit is, it isn’t good, and I don’t want to hand you guys to it on a silver platter. We’ll go back and I’ll just learn to live without my memories.” 
“There are pieces of you you’ll never get back. Important memories that might have meant a lot to you. You deserve answers, (Y/N), for everything that’s happened to you.” Bolin grabbed her hands and she felt that same shock of electricity run through her body every time he touched her. 
“It’s not worth it if it means you guys will get hurt.” 
“Stop trying to play hero,” Mako said suddenly, his voice much harsher than it had been the night before. “If we didn’t want to be here to help you, we wouldn’t be.” 
“You shouldn’t be helping me. You guys fight every day for the greater good, for the people of the world. I’m one person. You can’t get yourselves hurt over one person. This,” She gestured to the entirety of the Spirit World, but referred to their mission. “Isn’t as important than whatever is going on back in the mortal world.” 
“But you’re important,” Korra said suddenly. “You’re important to Bolin and Mako and you’ve become important to Asami and I. The Avatar fights for the greater good, but as your friend, I’ll do whatever it takes so that you can feel like yourself again.” 
(Y/N) felt her eyes watering. Why weren’t they getting it? “If anything happened to you guys while we’re here, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.” 
“And if we gave up on you, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself,” Bolin said. She looked up at him through watery eyes. “No matter what we’ve been through, we care about you. I care about you. And we’re going to get that dumb spirit to give your memories back.” 
(Y/N) looked from him to Korra to Mako, whose head immediately turned as soon as her eyes landed on him. “Okay,” she said. “But I think this is a horrible idea.” 
“I find that horrible ideas make the best stories,” Bolin said with a smile.
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