#I actually have a mouth but I can’t let out a single scream it’s insane-
whereismyhat5678 · 9 months
(An edited version of a post that kinda bugged me, hope this one’s alright-)
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Haha funny Peppino’s go brrrrr-
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obsidiancreates · 8 months
One Undead To Another (Chapter 8)
(Shorter one, trying to ease back into a tone a little closer to the show, hopefully the humor lands lol)
“I’m not sure Shawn going to jail is a good idea.”
“I know O’Hara, but even though you like him–”
“Not that, well, not just that. Closed quarters with people he’s arrested? Even if he’s… even if they can’t hurt him now, they can get hurt and bleed.”
“And, he might kill someone again in the prison!”
“So he’ll take out some lowlife scum from inside! Better than him potentially taking someone good out out here.”
“That is… just an awful way to look at this, Carlton. You and I both know there are people with wrongful convictions stuck in there–”
“-- and, what would that do to Shawn? I mean, have you ever seen him this… lost?”
Lassiter turns to look her in the eyes. “O’Hara. Who do you think would be right at the top of his potential victims list?”
“It’ll be close friends, family, and colleagues.That’s not just Guster, that’s not just me, that’s you.”
“He wouldn’t hurt me.”
“He’s a vampire! Don’t turn this into some teen romance novel, you’re a target! Spencer even agrees with me on this one!”
“Uh, actually Lassie–”
They both scream and draw their guns, startling Shawn into holding his hands up again. Jules lowers her gun and puts her hand to her chest (and ignores the way Shawn follows the movement, stares at her chest, her heart, her blood under her flesh). 
“Ah!” Gus interrupts Lassiter’s expletive. “I think we should all avoid saying the names of religious icons and figures as much as possible around Shawn. Just in case.”
“Oh, thanks, buddy, I didn’t even think of that. But um, sorry for scaring you, Lassie.”
“You see that, O’Hara? Silent movement, you won’t even know he’s on you until it's too late. Spencer, hold out your hands.”
“About that, Lassie.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Afraid not– the uh, the spirits, have… told me that’s not the right move.”
“The spirits.”
“Lassie, we literally saw dozens of ghosts when we rescued Shawn. You can’t still be doubting him. Mary told us he’s for real!”
“Also a weird crystal thing.” Shawn rubs his right palm with his left thumb. “But that’s, neither here nor there. I received several visions of what would happen if I got arrested, and none of them were good. Well, they were good in a horror movie sort of way, but… not an events-we-want-to-actually-happen sort of way.”
“Describing yourself as a horror movie isn’t helping your case here, Spencer.”
“Look, according to my visions, if I get locked up I won’t be able to help on cases anymore and The Spirits are insisting that not happen! I need to be out here, solving cases, getting justice!”
“Great. Let’s start with getting justice for the guy in your living room who doesn’t have any blood anymore.”
“Spencer. Shut your trap, and listen to me. Can you honestly say, without a shadow of a doubt, that any of us are not on the menu for you?”
Shawn opens his mouth… and hesitates, just a beat.
“That’s what I thought.” Lassiter stands and goes to slap the cuffs on.
“Lassie, what’s worse? A sane vampire who you can keep a personal eye on at all times, or an insane vampire who you have to rely on other people to handle?!”
Lassiter pauses. 
“Think about it, Lassie. You know me way better than some random prison or mental facility guards. You know how I work. And, you know I’m actually a vampire and a psychic– if the guards wherever I get sent don’t believe either of those, how will they be able to actually keep an eye on me? Plus, you think they have your skills? Man, you already fought vampires, and won! You know you can handle me, especially me!”
Lassiter is lowering the cuffs. 
“Plus, what’s a common theme in vampire or monster media, huh? Power of love, man! Isolation will just drive me away from humanity, every single story about this kind of situation proves it! Having a large support group will keep me out of the darkness, literally and metaphorically.”
Lassiter’s mouth twists. “Look Spencer, I agree that out of everyone I believe I could best take you down if you got out of line–”
“And I wouldn’t mind that, might even enjoy it.”
“– but, you killed someone. I can’t let you just get away with that.”
“So don’t!”
“What, am I supposed to just keep an eye on your twenty-four seven?”
“No, but– come on, Lassie, work with me! What do I have to do for you to feel satisfied with me not going to jail and going all Lost Boys after a few years?”
“... How often will you need blood?”
“I– Lassie, I didn’t exactly get a handbook for this, and you kind of killed the only people who could write one. Not that I’m mad about it! I’m remembering bits and pieces now and you and Jules were seriously sexy fighting like that.”
“Well can’t you divine what you’ll need?”
“It doesn’t work like that, Lassie.”
“Mary even confirmed that for us,” Jules pipes in. “He said whatever Shawn gets is at the whims of the universe.”
“He did? … That’s awesome. I’m using that, for sure.”
“... No cases.” Lassiter puts his cuffs away. “No cases, no leaving this apartment, and no talking with O’Hara until we figure out how often you need blood and how much.”
“Lassie. The isolation is why I can’t be put away, remember? I’m not– I’m not super stoked about this either, man, you think I’m not freaking out? I– I killed a guy, I didn’t even… I don’t want, to be a danger to you guys. But my vision was clear, it’s… the only way. I have to stay free.”
“... Fine. You can go between here and your office, but I’ll be the one driving you to keep an eye on you. Guster, I want crosses and any other vampire nonsense you know about at every exit so he can’t leave until he’s allowed to.”
“You wanna trap me inside our tiny office with a vampire?!”
“Dude! I thought you had confidence in me here!”
“I do! But you keep looking at my neck!”
“I do?”
“Are you sure? I don’t think I am. I think you’re imagining that.”
“You don’t even remember what happened tonight, you can’t trust your own perception right now!”
Shawn physically steps back at that one. It’s like Gus just shoved him and spit in his face, but the way his expression falls isn’t angry, or offended, it’s just… hurt. “... I guess you’re right,” he mumbles.
Gus takes a deep breath, his own expression falling with guilt, but before he can say anything Lassiter jumps back in.
“Blocking off exits, a guard while going from place to place, and I want Guster noting every behavior shift you have. If this gets worse, I’m arresting you, Spirits or no.”
“Okay. It’s… more than fair, for what I’m asking of you.” Shawn looks out at the doorway separating them and the living room. “Now uh… about that.” 
“I am not disposing of a body for you.”
“I don’t expect you to, Lassie. … Jules? Gus?”
“Shawn, I’m already at my limit with my own morals here.” Jules sighs deeply. “I don’t want you arrested either, but I don’t think I can help cover this up in such an active capacity.”
“... Gus?”
“If I touch that body, I’m going to throw up again.”
“... Great. So I have to become a murder victim, a killer, and a coverer-upper in the same night. Why is he the one throwing up out of stress?”
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pretty-chaotic-world · 11 months
if my BPD can scream
1. I wish i could have a normal love... but no, my brain wants to worship every little detail of you until it drives me insane
2. sorry i pushed you away i felt abandoned and suicidal 
3. I’m sick of going to bed and knowing things won’t be better tomorrow 
4. I'll ask you thousands times if you really love, please don't get annoyed
5. I'll create "drama" and mishaps only to feel like I'm in home
6. i’m afraid that one day my anger will overshadow the little love i still have left for the world
7. I feel numb. No tears, no anger, nothing. Just going through the same day again and again. I would rather just sleep without waking up.
8. I'm so tired of everytime one small argument or inconvenience breaks out I want to end it and self destruct, it's so draining. 
9. I want to stop feeling anything and when i actually don't it breaks my heart but I can't cry it out.
10. "its all in your head" well duh where tf else is it gonna be??? in my fucking kidneys????
11. I am constantly between wanting people to care about me and wanting them not to so I can hurt myself without feeling guilty 
12. Psychiatrist told me there is no cure for bpd and I've to change myself. Well why cant they just let me die then?
13. Until you live with bpd you'll never know what it's like to be too much and not enough at the same time.
14. i know im constantly too much for everyone but sometimes i just want to be enough for someone
15. if he will leave me, my next diagnosis will be of "sociopath"
16. im so jealous of all the people who see him and touch him and talk to him every single day it should be me me me me 
17. oh I got my hair coloured. why? because I can't hurt myself anymore 
18. "you're so distant" because you can't handle my abandonment issues.
19. My younger self disappoint me a lot. like why were you begging people to stay in your life? ohh no worries I know the answer
20. I wanna throw a plate against the wall, stab a knife through my hand, destroy my laptop with a hammer, smash my door in with an axe and spray graffiti all over the walls of my room 
21. Why shouldn’t I be mad? Why can’t I just be angry and be allowed to feel it? Why can’t I burn everything down?
22. I have to watch my mouth every fucking second to make sure I don't destroy every relation I have coz apparently social life matters!!
23. Isnt it fucked up how he got away with every horrible thing he made me experience and I’m the one who has to live with myself feeling absolutely fucking worthless 
24. I don't deserve food and love. im a horrible person.
25. this is how my eating cycle goes
feeling weak coz i haven't ate anything -> eat -> purge -> feeling guilty after purging -> eat more -> feeling guilty after eating so much -> cry coz you don't know what's happening
26. the diagnosis makes me believe I'm not insane just lil emo ig!! NOOOO YOU'RE INSANE
27. “don’t let it bother u” baby i’m gonna be bothered by this for the next 10 years 
28. if I tell you I love you its equivalent to I can kill someone for you
29. Actually upon further inspection that shit really hurt my feelings 
30. I don't dive into insecurity anymore, i drown in self-loathe
31. i shut up in between group convo coz I know I'll talk invaluable shit and nobody really cares what I say until it's psychology class
32. "if you are fully aware of yourself, why do you keep acting like that?" slapping self awareness on top of bpd only grants the ability to watch yourself self-destruct straight from the vip section thats all it does literally
33. “Where do you see yourself in the future” building a cult for mentally ill people 
34. ofc I've a praise kind i was ignored as a child
35. I'm much better than I was before. you know why coz I don't to air now and don't see monsters walking by side all the time
36. No I don't want to self harm anymore I need to kill that fucking monster
37. Don't mind me, I'm just casually sabotaging all my positive relationships with negative delusions because my life doesn't feel real unless something dramatic and destructive is constantly occurring 
38. i don’t care i don’t care i don’t care (im going to sob my fucking eyes out)
39. “Stop making your disorder your personality” I have a fucking personality disorder for god sake
40. turning my mental illnesses into kinks and calling it the BDSM-5 
41. "destroy something precious while you're in rage" ohh yeaa and then I'll do that again and again 
42. what I hate most about my BPD is the fact that I have started doubting every emotion that I’ve ever felt in my life, whether it’s love, my grief through multiple traumas, or my anger, & it’s so saddening. It has actually led me to start questioning my reality.
43. if I need medication to stay alive, am I really meant to be here?
44. it's either be alone without 75% of my symptoms, or be with someone and display the most horrendous unstable awful version of myself. why do i have to choose between love & happiness or peace & stability?
45. That fucking bpd rage where everyone's voices makes you want to scream and every noise around you makes you want to sh and you're so mad you can almost feel the cuts everywhere 
46. getting worked up to the point of becoming physically ill (throwing up/stomach issues etc) because you felt rejected/abandoned by your favourite person  
47. i wish my trauma made me kind as everyone says but i’m becoming what i fear the most- a monster.
48. imagine getting diagnosed with a personality disorder and the only visible representation of that disorder is an animated horse man, a sociopathic sitcom character from philadelphia, and darth vader
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slickchickchocolatier · 5 months
i believe my bf heelel is into some kinks. i wonder- like curious to know what kinks and positions he has tried so far on the reader,u dont have to describe them if u dont want to,u can even list it out idm!
Oh it’s fine. Lol this blog knows no shame.
So since Se7en is about or over a year old now (maybe more, can’t remember off the top of my head) let’s just say….a shorter list is what hasn’t he done…bc by now, you both covered every single position known to man and have done a lot…ALOT. Heelel has no limits or boundaries, since he is so very obsessed with reader, he has done everything (even against her own wishes) that’s the type of guy he is. It’s not necessarily just bc he’s the devil. It’s bc he is insanely in love with you that he has to (metaphorically speaking) devour every inch of you. I’m talking fucking your tits, anal, and oral (both you and him receiving. I picture him being very fond of the 69 position.)
Like heethan, he is also a masochist. But he kind of overdoes it bc…he’s the devil. He wants to see broken skin, blood, toes curling, and screams. Ofc it’s all in the line of pleasure, like he’s never going to just go and do physical harm to you that would cause great pain and injury for no reason. To everyone else, yes. Do you? No. But pain with pleasure, hell yeah.
I’ve also had a random thought of just how far he would go in his pace and momentum, and the man is relentless. I randomly thought of him fucking reader so hard, that she ended up vomiting due to exhaustion and just being railed so hard. (It was seriously a random thought bc sometimes I think about heelel and heethan from time to time.) but that gives you an idea.
I also had a thought where he stole Asmodeus’s ancient and original scripture of the Kama Sutra, and kept it so he could replicate all the positions with you, and even alternate some of them to better fit his desire. He loves making you feel good, but there are some times…the man is selfish and wants to feel good, even if you’re hurting.
My random thought about the anal piece was when I was answering some asks. I didn’t draft it but it came to my head out of nowhere and the way I saw it go down is, reader being hesitant bc she’s never done it before and wasn’t feeling too comfortable about it, but heelel forced the issue and pretty much restrained her with his own hands and just went for it. He was rough all up until he lined the tip to her rear, he actually got a bit gentle bc he knew it was her first time doing it, so he kind of verbally guides her. “Take a deep breath baby, this is going to sting a little.” Heelel spent lifetimes playing (and murdering) the succubus’s and stray angels, so he’s very experienced. I pictured him clicking his tongue and tapping the tip of his d*ck on your rear cheeks and calmly telling you to take a deep breath, and exhale as he enters. He still had readers wrists pinned behind her lower back with one hand while he used the other to slide in and as he goes in inch by inch, he would say things like “breath, hold. Now exhale.” And once he was all the way in, he’d thrust in and out at a very slow pace, giving you time to stop sobbing and start enjoying. Once he hears your moans coming in, he’ll pick up the pace and go harder and harder. He’ll watch reader go from sobbing victim of non-con to a filthy minx that wants more of him. And he loves to witness that transition. The second time around you guys do it, he ditches the slow and understanding pace and just goes for it, making that first noise coming out of your mouth a sharp yelp.
He’s very dominate, so any position that would render him vulnerable is out the window. He’s always going to be in control. Sven if you’re on top, those hands of his are going to be squeezing your waist and you’re basically being lifted repeatedly and slammed down by his rhythm.
On oral sex….bro…I picture this dude to be extremely brutal! Like making you choke on it, taking it out every once in a while to slap your face with it, sticking it back in your mouth and forcing you to gag on it until your throat bleeds. He’s a raging beast and that’s the whole reason why he made you go through all his brothers to turn you immortal, bc mortal version do you won’t survive.
He has a few favorite positions: reverse cowgirl, standing missionary, you straddled on his lap while he’s on his throne, and doggy.
And yes…he still likes to give it to you in his demon form or partially demon form. A lot of ppl did not like this or felt uncomfortable, but that’s what heelel likes. He’s twisted and very sadistic (the devil y’all) and he likes to make reader uncomfortable sometimes bc he loves seeing you scared and begging, but loves it even more when he sees you transition from being scared to wanting him more. I usually picture him doing you with his horns/antlers protruding out of his head. Since he doesn’t have regular devil horns like the devil is traditional portrayed with, he has a pair of beautiful and magnificent antlers, like an elk. When he’s in his full demon form, he almost looks like a wendigo, and he can adjust his size and be either colossal (like in the battle towards the end of the series) or he can be 7 feet tall (which is usually how big he’ll become when fucking you…get ready to take in 12 inches)
When he is fucking you in his demon form, it is very sinful and demonic, and you’ll feel very ashamed and dirty after it’s all done, but he won’t care. All he can think about is how much you were screaming and begging for him to keep going. Again, it always starts off with you fighting and begging him to not do it, but once he starts hurting your spot and making you leak everytime the tip of his dick punches it, you kind of go dumb (literally fucks uou dumb) and you’re a slob wrong mess.
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taegularities · 3 years
hiiiiii i need to! (you sent me here) hi, can i get a drabble for soaring high?? the only request i have is that they're in the same room together. post coital? pre? during? i don't care... i just need them.
thank you!
luv u
<3 harrow
hehe anything for you, my love !! @sugalaritae AHH ALSO, writing this made me so nostalgic for them. and he's so sexy. so thank you !! <3 –– can be read as a stand-alone!
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pairing: Taehyung x reader fic: soaring high wc: 1.2k (oh wow) warnings: smut – rough sex, some degradation, dirty talk, finger sucking, dom!tae, big dick!tae, biting, praising... usual stuff, squirting, fingering, cum eating i guess, unprotected sex, they're actually so cute too, aftercare, feelings? maybe. and. yeah.
Taehyung gave you one single rule, and to his pleasure, you keep breaking it.
As the curve of his cock penetrates your dripping walls with the familiar force for the umpteenth time, you nearly yell his name into the room. The hand pushing you face-down on his couch vanishes, the hammering of his hips growing more merciless than before.
It’s as though he wants you to scream, so he can punish you accordingly.
The large palm settles over your mouth, pressing into your face as he leans in and whispers, “Shh… I told you Jae’s sleeping… and what I’ll do… should he wake up because of you.”
You remember what he said.
A shudder takes over your body, and you dig your fingers into the material of his couch further. When he continues his journey, your eyes roll back in their sockets, your moans muffled and your body burning from his utterly merciless thrusts.
It’s safe to say that Taehyung has become comfortable with you since he first met you on a plane weeks ago. You didn’t think you’d ever see him again; much less, that you’d find yourself kneeling on his carpet, your knees bruising, because he was too impatient to even get you on his sofa.
The fling crowning you a member of the mile high club has long advanced to a silent affair – and here you are now, bent over his furniture, a drop of sweat trailing down your face as you let him wreck you inside out.
“Pretty little slut for me, aren’t you?” he whispers, snapping his hips against yours nearly aggressively.
With whatever strength you’ve left, you nod, tears blurring your vision before you squint and let them escape slowly, one by one. Taehyung watches your dark make-up taint your cheek, black tears colouring his nimble, long fingers that still press into your face.
He loosens his grip around your cheeks, pushing your torso into the couch further as his fingers sneak their way to your aching clit and draw torturously slow circles around it. You attempt to press your legs together, but his thighs split you apart, his cock spearing your poor battered pussy.
The sensation is too much; too mind-numbing. You want to scream, want to call his name, let him pin your arms behind your back and fuck you dumb and stupid all night. But forced to keep the silence in his house, you remain as quiet as you can, losing your mind when he presses his chest against your back and states, “This must be my favourite pussy ever. I fucking swear.”
His praises never fail to fog your mind enough for you to forget your name; but despite the haziness, you still part your lips, somehow managing to utter, “‘M gonna come… more, please–”
“More, baby?”
“Please, Tae, I can’t stay qui– god, god, fuck.”
“One day,” he begins, massaging your clit harder, watching you come undone, “Jae will be… with Jimin and… I’ll make sure you can’t walk after I’m done with you, shit.”
You can barely imagine a behaviour more demonic than this, but you can’t deny that the idea lights your nerves on fire immediately. His effect on you might never falter; and if you told him, he’d never let you crawl out of his bed ever again.
Biting your lower lip, you let go finally, soaking his cock in a generous amount of your juices; you can’t see him, but you’re certain the sight must be driving him insane.
Taehyung lets out a breathy chuckle, fucking you through your orgasm, pushing your high back into your cunt as he feels your walls clench and pulsate around him. The upper half of your body sinks into the couch some more, your knees nearly buckling before he grips your hips tight.
It takes mere seconds until his movements stutter, too, and he bites into your shoulder hard, immediately trying to soothe the sting to suppress your whimper. And when he spills inside you eventually, lewd curses fall from his mouth, his body falling lazily onto yours as you hear him whisper, “Fuck… really don’t wanna fill any other cunt anymore. Princess takes me so well every single time, doesn’t she?
“You’re a demon.”
“Sorry,” he apologises, clear mock and ingenuity in his words, “I’ll be more gentle next time.”
“No, you won’t be.” Your fingers shift on the couch, tapping blindly until you reach his hands and place your palm on his wrist. “And I don’t want you to be.”
“Thought so.”
Taehyung pulls out of you without a warning, and the emptiness he leaves you with feels unfamiliar, cold. You don’t realise how wound he’s fucked you until he slides two fingers inside your cunt, toying with your nerves before he brings his digits to your mouth and says, “You’ll keep the rest inside for now, yeah?”
You nod, obliging to his silent request to open your mouth as you lick his fingers clean of your mixed orgasms. Patting your ass, he declares once more, “good girl,” before pulling you to your feet carefully.
With your eyes drooping and your body aching, you let him guide you to god knows where, your brain and limbs so exhausted that you don’t notice where you are until you hear the sudden, pleasant sound of running water. Your eyelids flutter open fully when he places his hands on your cheeks, lips touching yours for a moment before he asks, “All good, baby?”
“Mmmhm,” you mumble, chasing his mouth some more, hands wandering to his bare chest.
“Are you still with me?”
“Yeah. Yeah, ‘m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise,” Taehyung’s deep, reassuring voice whispers, taking your hand in his before he steps into the bathtub with you. He settles behind you, arms wrapping around your body as he kisses your hair and adds, “We’ll go to bed soon, okay? You deserve some rest.”
“Thank you… you monster.”
“Hey now,” Taehyung says, his laugh vibrating against your back as he grabs a shampoo bottle, “don’t act like you don’t like it.”
You move your head sideways, staring at his sharp features and flawless profile as you admit, “I love it. You’re insane, but so fucking hot.”
“Says you, gorgeous lady.”
He massages the shampoo into your hair and washes it off, cleaning your body carefully and gently; his touch builds a stark contrast to what he did to you in his living room. Soothing, comforting, fond.
As he plants occasional kisses on your shoulder and neck, you nearly fall into a slumber. He wipes your face clean, getting rid of any remnants of your smudged make-up before he informs you, “All done. Let’s get you to bed now, yeah?”
You yawn as he helps you get dressed, your fingers combing through your wet hair before you walk to his bedroom, your hand holding his and pulling him forward from behind you quietly. Taehyung doesn’t know what it is about you that draws him in every single time. What it is that makes him want to come back to you every day.
But when you cuddle into him in bed, pulling the blanket to your chin, he doesn’t bother figuring out what you ignite in him. Instead, he wishes you a good night, rubbing smooth circles on your back before he hugs you close and falls asleep with a smile plastered on his face.
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charnelhouse · 3 years
my heart in your hands
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Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader Wordcount: 2.5K Warnings: descriptions of giving birth. rough smut. lactation kink. daddy kink. some blood. cum play. squirting ish. INSANE FLUFF (this is SO not me). Summary: You give birth and all the rest. A/N: This is follow up to you became all the things I wished for
“I’m going to fucking kill you,” you growl at him. 
Din Djarin has been genuinely frightened maybe five times in his life. He watches you on the white med bed. Your hair plastered to your brow. Your expression is screwed up into agony. There are all sorts of fluids - streams of pink and red making rivers on sterile sheets. 
He has never felt this scared - this out of control. Your fingers tighten around his hand - crushing it to splintered pain. He can’t even feel it. 
“You’re going to have to push,” the doctor tells you.
“I am fucking pushing,” you snap as you cling to Din. You peer up at him - tears flooding your eyes. It makes him die a little. “Tell him - tell him I’m pushing.”
“She’s pushing,” Din grunts. It rolls cold and calculating through his modulator. He hopes it gathers all of the inflection of i will fucking end you if something goes wrong. 
The doctor blanches and hunches back between your open legs. Din lowers his helmet to the top of your head, soothing you the best he can. He hates that he has his helmet on. He hates that he can’t brush his mouth over your temple - transport the heat of himself into you. 
“You’re doing so well, mesh’la,” he murmurs. “Just a little more. I know it fucking hurts. You’re the strongest person I know. I’m so proud of you.”
You don’t seem to hear him because you scrunch your face up and hiss: “I’m never fucking you again.”
“Alright,” he replies. “That’s fair, pretty.”
Minutes pass - seconds - inches - the doctor announces the crowning and you scream as you break Din’s fingers and then there’s a sharp cry. The doctor lifts the squalling, squirming bundle of flesh and Din exhales for the first time since he stepped in here.
The infant blinks at him with big, brown eyes - his eyes.
“Congratulations,” the doctor says. “It’s a girl.”
Din stares in awe as they rest the baby on your breast. She’s beautiful - small and flushed and wet as she watches her mother between half-closed lids.
You’ve burst into tears - snuggling the baby close - kissing her brow as the nurse droid teaches you how to latch. 
“Wait,” your murmur. “Wait - let’s give her to her father.”
Din steps back - shaking his head. “I’m - I’m in my armor right now, sweet girl.”
He’s so fucking nervous - so uncertain. Everyone in this damn Med Center has given him strange, bizarre looks. He knows that he stands out like a silver-gleaming slash - razor-sharp and yelling death - in every single room. He is not blood-pumping, smooth skin - he is not meant for soft things.
“No,” you protest as you wrap a pink blanket around the infant. You hold her up to him, smiling brightly - smiling with so much damn trust that it hurts him. “She needs to feel her daddy as he is..” before you add. “...in his Beskar.”
Din croaks - his throat thick as he struggles to swallow. He gingerly lifts the swaddle of blankets to his chest - tilting his helmet down to stare at his tiny daughter. She gurgles - her cheek rubbing up against his cool, shiny steel. Her lips curve upward - pink gums and a the dart of a tongue. 
“She’s smiling,” Din mutters - stunned. 
The droid turns to him - its voice blunt and glitched. “Babies actually cannot smil - “
“Shut up,” you warn before beaming at Din. “She is - she loves you.”
Din’s heart pounds in his chest - grows ten sizes. He lifts his visor to you. “When’d you get so soft?” he teases - taken aback at his warrior-girl who never went for sentiment. 
You collapse into your pillows - grimacing at the ache and the leftover pain. He really did owe you a new vibroblade.
“I’ve - I’ve always been soft,” you defend, picking at your blanket. “I think she just brought it out.”
Of course, he thinks. Of course.
It’s like magic. It’s a turn of the moon. It’s new love - different love - the kind he feels for Grogu - the kind he feels for you - and this squirming infant with his eyes.
They name her Zara. 
Grogu handles her with patient fingers. He watches as the baby nurses from you - touching her cheek and babbling up at you. 
“Yes, Grogu,” you say seriously. “She knows exactly what you mean.”
Greef sets them up in a house in town. It makes sense. They can’t spend weeks on Din’s ship with a brand new baby. They’ll have to figure out the future later - the place they should settle - the fate of each of their careers. Din isn’t sure if he can let you hunt.
It’s not his decision. He knows that he can’t just keep you home and safe, but he’d prefer it if you didn’t. He knows that controlling you is like trying to cuff the wind - it’s impossible - it’s pointless. He loves you too much anyway. 
You spoil Grogu. You go to the market in town and come home with armfuls of blue cookies and carved wooden creatures and bottles of bubbly fruit-juice. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Grogu is going to feel left out now that he isn’t the only kid,” you sniff. “He needs to be reminded that he’s still loved.”
Din could say that Grogu has you wrapped around his claws. He does. He knows exactly how to work you and has done so since before you even got pregnant. He coos and reaches for you and you melt - crushing him to your chest and kissing him while you sneak him too many snacks.
But Din knows not to correct you. You’re hormonal and exhausted and stretched thin. 
Din just asks what do you need and then shuts up.
As the months pass, Zara begins to cry for Din. She pushes her chubby cheek against his helmet - leaving streaks of milk-wet drool across the surface - fisting her baby-hands into his cape. She’s seen him both in and out of his armor and knows both of them as her father. 
He’s struck dumb with love. He has never thought himself capable of handling a baby - of having a daughter with her fluffy hair and pink puckered lips. Her brilliant brown eyes that blink owlishly up at him as he shows her his weapons. 
He’s still hard in places - still dark in the lower parts of himself that harbor all of his hunter aggression. The streaks of his Mandalorian education.
 He takes that out on you - in the bedroom - because you ask for it.
“Fuck, Djarin,” you hiss as he sucks your clit between his lips. “Fuck - just - take me right now. I want your cock.”
“You’re gonna end up pregnant again,” he grins as he stuffs three of his fingers inside you, hooking them up and prodding into something spongy before pushing down on your belly. He angles everything just right - stretching his fingers over your stomach so he can roll your clit in sweet little circles. You shoot up on your elbows - thighs trembling around his ears as you just gush into his open mouth. 
It’s filthy - their sex has gone all primal. Din feels for you in ways that make him lose his head. He’d watched you have his baby - watched you struggle through it and then spend your days and nights taking care of her - feeding her - singing to her in old Mando’a to teach Zara his culture. 
You don’t pronounce any of the words right, but you try so hard that it makes Din want you in a way that he cannot even understand. He wants to devour you - bury himself inside you until they are simply one and they cannot be parted or disentangled or torn apart.
Din knows this - in his blood and in his bones - that if he ever lost you he would chase you across planets and hyperspace. He would go beyond life and death to be with you.
The intimacy has broken the ceiling - has floated right up into the brilliant stars of the galaxy where Din’s love just keeps growing. 
He sits on the edge of the bed. He draws you into his lap, smearing the head of his cock through your folds, catching it on your swollen bundle of nerves as you arch into him. You’re a sight - messy hair and glossy in sweat - your tits heavy with milk as he licks a stripe between them.
“Can I?” he asks - low and heavy. His balls are tight with need - he wants to slam himself inside you - bruise you up. But he also wants to taste you. 
You nod, lifting your breast and feeding it to him. He latches to your nipple - purring when the warm lash of milk spills over his tongue. He doesn’t know if this is wrong or dirty. It feels different - it feels like a true desire - to drink from you like he’s savoring your lips or your puffy cunt. He’s done it with your blood - with your cum and spit. This is another way to be as close as he can - to imbibe the girl of his dreams - his life.
You grind on his thighs - scraping your hands through his hair and tugging it gently as you crush his face into your breast. He grips your waist - lifting you slightly so he can angle his hips and spear you on his cock. 
You groan - another flood of sweet milk down his throat as you start to move on top of him. He releases your nipple and you maneuver his face up to yours - kissing him open-mouthed and desperate so you can lick away your slick and milk that paints his tongue.
“Perfect girl,” he praises. “Does that feel good? Riding my cock like this?”
You nod. He lowers his gaze so he can watch your gorgeous cunt swallow him whole - he uses his fingers to peel back the hood, to curl his thumb over and flick your bud - making you pulse with knotted pleasure.
“Din,” you cry out. “Shit - just like that.”
He makes you cum - your walls spasming around his length as you dig your nails into the muscles of his shoulders. He eases himself out before tossing you on the bed and getting you on all fours. He cracks his palm across your ass - feeling it jiggle in his hand. He spreads your cheeks - letting himself see the work he’s done to your swollen, soaked sex. It’s all blushed up from his actions - from the ferocity that he’s used it. He traces his fingers through your folds - smirks as your hole flutters around his fingers and you rock forward trying to grind down on his hand.
“Aw you desperate little thing,” he marvels. “You need it, huh?”
“Din,” you growl. “Don’t be a tease. The baby is gonna wake up soon.”
Oh. Right.
The only difference to their sex now is that it’s pushed into the lull between feedings and naps. He’ll be mid-thrust and Zara’s cries explode from her room and one of them has to scramble to go get her. 
They’re still struggling with parenting - still unsure if what they’re doing is right - if going to her every time she cries is the appropriate thing to do. 
He takes his cock between his fingers - pushing it through your slit - gently nudging the head against the peak of your sex as you shudder - as your pussy leaks and drips and begs for him.
“You want me to fuck you?” he murmurs. “Want me to take you hard? Make it rough?”
You shoot him a lusty expression over your shoulder - a smug smile full of innuendo and Din pauses - unsure of what you’re up to. You shove your face into your pillow and slam your ass back into him, nearly knocking him off the bed as you purr: “Yes, daddy, do it.”
Maker.  You fucking knew what that word did to him.
He snarls before he positions his cock at your entrance and then slams himself to the hilt. It jerks you forward - makes you whimper as his balls brush up against your swelling pussy. He leans forward to gather your hair in his hands - drawing it back so your spine curves up like a pretty little bridge. 
And then he fucks you - fucks you frantic and hard - angling himself so that each punch of his cock hits something devastating inside you. You try to anchor yourself against the sheets - muffling your moans into the bed. He plants his knees - taking you in precise, long strokes - gripping your hair with one hand and your hip with another. He snaps into you with abandon - with a feral energy that has claimed him ever since he saw you birth their kid. 
It’s so fucking wet - the echo of his length sliding through the remnants of your orgasm - your pussy sucking him deep with loud squelches. Your ass bounces against his groin and he spreads you open - dragging his cock all the way out, head catching on the rim, so he can spit on it - before ramming it back inside you. 
You cum again - suddenly - explosively - your lower muscles tightening as your pussy bears down on him - choking his dick and making his eyes nearly roll back. 
It’s so much. The sounds and sensations. The image of you stretched out on their bed as he possesses you in every way he can. It’s a relief - a strange relief - to know that he can still fuck you with such brutality and still understand that their love is tender - is trusting - is brilliant and sweet. 
He hits his climax - leveraging his weight above you - knuckles curled around your shoulder as he yanks you down on his pulsing cock. He fills you with ropey strands of his seed - grinding his body into your ass as hard as he can to keep it inside you.
He’s drained - nearly pushed all the way to exhaustion. You lurch when he pulls himself out of you - his fingertips dancing through the mess he’s left.
He collapses beside you - tugging you flush against his heaving chest. 
“How was that?” he asks as he kisses your hair.
“So fucking good,” you hum appreciatively, winding your ankle around his own. Your tone drops - goes lusty and indulgent as you finish it off with: “Daddy.”
He wrestles you into the mattress - his tongue muffling your laughter - his cock already half-hard.
“C’mon, Zara,” Din croons. He’s down on his knees - arms spread as he reaches for his daughter. You’re balancing Grogu on your hip - a place he has decided is fully his despite the fact that there is another baby.
Zara smiles at him - eyes scrunching. Tiny white nubs for teeth. She gingerly lifts herself - toddling on fat little legs as she stumbles toward Din’s hands. She makes it two or three steps before he catches her, sweeping her up and praising her through his helmet.
“Look how well you did,” he crows. “Look at that!”
Zara collapses into giggles, curling into Din’s chest which has decidedly become her favorite spot in the galaxy. 
You move toward them, pinching Zara’s cheek as she grabs at your wrist. You tilt your chin up to stare at Din, your eyes serious and meaningful and full of warmth that knocks Din flat.
“You’re a really good father,” you declare - caressing the side of his helmet as you would his cheek. “You’re the fucking best.”
Din’s throat gets thick - the scratch of wet at his eye that he thought quite impossible. He finds himself unable to respond - unable to find the words.
It seems he doesn’t have to.
You do it for him - as usual - knowing exactly when to fill the gaps between them. You kiss the crown of Zara’s head as you stroke Grogu’s ears. “Who would have thought, huh?”
Din laughs.
Part Three
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golden-wingseos · 4 years
“uh oh.”
when they accidentally embarrass themselves in front of their crush... [y/n].
featuring —
✧ bennett, chongyun, diluc, zhongli (separate) x gn!reader
warnings ―
✧ not proofread, blood (not graphic, but mentions), mentions of death
notes ―
✧ woke up at 5am, had this idea, wrote it all at 5am... went back to sleep 😻
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𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐓  -: ✧ :-゜・.
he was living life, actually talking to you until...
until he accidentally. slipped. and fell flat on his face. and what makes it even worse? the moment he got up, he slipped again. right on his bottom
to anybody else—maybe that wasn’t too bad! yeah! it’s okay, chin up king!
no. absolutely not. because he was about to confess to you. he had the flowers (a single windwheel aster) ready! 
“ah, bennett, are you okay?” you smiled, holding your hand out to him as he short-circuited, his life replaying through his very eyes as he prepared to dig his grave and hop right in
“your nose is a little red, here,” pulling out a handkerchief, you let bennett wipe his slightly bloody nose as you handed him a cute band-aid for future needs
“a-ah, thank you! [y/n]!” bennett cradled the band-aid you gave him, his heart still pounding in his chest—but now, it was at least two times faster
hmm, even if he did brutally embarrass himself in front of you and messed up his confession... at least you gave him a band-aid!
don’t be surprised when he goes home to tell his expecting-dads... 
“hey bennett, did you do it? did ya confess?”
“no! but i got a band-aid!”
“. . . oh you bet they like you, benny!” one of his dads laughed, slapping bennett’s back as the adolescent boy lurched forward upon impact
feeling his now dry nose, bennett’s mouth hung agape at the thought
you liking him? wow... did anybody want to like him?
well, he could only hope!
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𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐘𝐔𝐍  -: ✧ :-゜・.
you bet it—he accidentally (was fed) jueyun chilis!
xingqiu was having the time of his life. but chongyun? king was partying on top of tables, announcing his profound love for you, sobbing because he thought you didn’t like him... you name it
glaring at xingqiu, you mouthed ‘i’ll kill you’ while chongyun was joining xinyan’s performance as the orange-eyed fellow winced under your stare, whistling innocently while you chased to catch up to chongyun
“oi! chongyun! you can’t interrupt xinyan’s—“
“[y/nnn]! i missed you!” the boy immediately turned around, rushing towards you with his hands outstretched for a hug
“you just saw me like five minutes ago...”
“i love you, hehe.”
was he even listening? your eyes widened at the use of the ‘l’ word. seriously? how could he throw it around so easily? even when you two weren’t even dating!
“i... um... yes,” you nodded, patting his back stiffly as he hugged you. you had never been this close to chongyun before, for he often held everyone at arm’s length to not trigger his condition
and yet, as he embraced you. you noticed the sky blue light of his hair, the scent of mint and the many popsicles he ate fanning off of the white garments of his clothing
xingqiu—who watched from afar—merely smirked, patting himself on the back as he opened up a book as to not look obvious with his staring
“another one for the great xingqiu!” he quietly snickered.
and once he cooled down, chongyun’s HORROR when he heard the rumors from walking down liyue’s streets. older women giggling at him for how cute he was while he slowly went insane
what did they mean he hugged you? and confessed his love? what!? you didn’t mention any of those things! neither did the usually-teasing xingqiu
and oh boy... the pure embarrassment he feels when the mr. zhongli confirms those rumors... he has to go scarf down four popsicles or else he’d trigger his condition again
“i’m so sorry [y/n] i’m so sorry [y/n] i’m so sorry [y/n]—“
ah. you hummed, nodding at his apologies as you made an observation
he was cute with his condition triggered and without
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𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐔𝐂  -: ✧ :-゜・.
how did the diluc of mondstadt get embarrassed? well, you see, it was kaeya! why of course it was kaeya... kaeya was the source of all of diluc’s problems /hj
he was just bartending for angel’s share, you know, the usual. and then, you came in!
you bet his crimson eyes did a double-take. you drink?! even he didn’t know that
and once he saw the oh-so-familiar irritable blue hair of his (regrettably) brother, his eyes narrowed at the sight. was this a date?
his suspicions were confirmed to be true by kaeya, who simply grinned as you were oblivious to the silent fight the brothers were having, their eyes darting around as to symbolize the words they could not share with your presence here
“ah, [y/n]. what can i get you?”
“uh, apple cider is fine,” you smiled, sending the red-head’s heart racing at least at 200000 beats per minute
“hm, quite good taste, dear!” kaeya smirked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as diluc deadpanned, his irritation growing as he clutched his hands a bit too tight around the glass cup, shattering it with the mere squeeze of his fingers
oh crap. diluc thought.
oh crap. kaeya thought.
the WAY diluc wanted to bash his skull in. he would’ve handed kaeya his claymore, his eyes devoid of any emotion as all he could muster out was “do it, kaeya. kill me.”
kaeya’s widened eyes quickly turned crinkle as he laughed, getting kicked out of the tavern as you watched the entire exchange silently, your face contorting into confusion, then worry, then back to confusion
“i—uh, sorry, i’ll remake your drink...” diluc cleared his throat, a light blush dusting his face as he ignored the shattered shards on the floor, fixing you up another apple cider as he practically heard kaeya’s taunting voice in his ears
“yEaH. i’Ll rEmAkE yOuR dRiNk.”
now diluc really wants to bash his skull in.
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𝐙𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐈  -: ✧ :-゜・.
he didn’t get embarrassed during the time. only until he went home, replayed it in his mind, screamed into a pillow, and prepared to go into a solitary hideout did he realize how much he messed up
it was just a normal day for the ex-archon—walking through liyue with you by his side as he utilized his knowledge in informing you about the ways of the harbor, and ultimately, life!
and while you walked towards a restaurant, zhongli being the gentleman he is, held the door for you
of course, if it weren’t for trying to push on a pull-door. 
he made it blatantly obvious too, trying his best to push through the laws of engineering as you stared, a small smile dusting your face like the golden light that’d shine through liyue harbor
he merely said ‘oh’ once he pulled it, opening it for you without a care in the world as his gentlemanly duties were always first
but oh boy did his amber eyes morph in embarrassment while he sat alone in his home, his face buried into his pillow as he could not bear this—this travesty of his past self
did you notice? probably. is that why you smiled at him? oh crap! he’s such a fool, a big fool. stop. get rid of it. get rid of the memories
at least the others (bennett, chongyun, diluc) can forget about it once they die. but oh boy—zhongli? he’s gonna remember that for another century
but hey... at least he was considerate? ah hah?
“no,” his voice was muffled against the fluffy texture of his pillows, his eyes scrunched in embarrassment as he forced himself to fall asleep
ah... how you had him in such a trance you could bring even him to embarrassment
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
“Move the plans”
Pairing: Florence Pugh x actress!reader (platonic)
Summary: Florence tells you to cancel your plans when she ends up in New York.
Warnings: Nothing really bad. Mentions lactose intolerance? Idk if that’s sensitive to people. Probably some spelling errors.
A/n: Hello darlings! I’m back from my unannounced break. I decided to write a platonic Florence fic because she’s a sweetheart and I loved her as Yelena! Also for those who follow me, don’t worry, I will be working on a sequel to my Tom Holland “Sour” fic!! But for now, please enjoy this fic!😚💕
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
You stood backstage in front of a mirror, looking at your appearance and making sure there were no wrinkles on the dress you wore. Your hairstylist was behind you, fluffing your hair and managing the stray baby hairs on your head. You were currently at NBC Studios in New York City, about to do an interview with the infamous, Jimmy Fallon. Tingles buzzed through your skin as you heard the cheers and music from the stage. Jimmy’s voice can be heard faintly backstage, only adding to your growing excitement.
The sound of heels clicking approached you, it took less than a second for you to feel the warm presence of Florence behind you. The both of you were starring in the upcoming Black Widow movie alongside Scarlett Johansson; after months of working together and spending days hanging out, you and Florence had become very close friends. She was, without a doubt, your favorite person in the world. Since the moment you met her, she had always been the most sweetest and caring person you’ve ever met—and you were proud to say you had her in your corner.
You met Flo’s eyes in the mirror and bright smiles were instantly on your faces. Turning around, you open your arms wide, and wrap them around her. Bear hugs were a must in your friendship with Flo, you both just loved receiving hugs from each other.
“Ahhh! I told you that dress would be perfect for tonight, you look stunning!” She squealed, tightening her arms around you. A day before Jimmy Fallon, you and Flo had been at your place with your stylist, picking out which dress you should wear for the interview. The dress was casual, but the color was so ever vibrant that it made the dress pop.
You pulled out the hug and looked at what she was wearing. Her gorgeous blonde hair was curled into loose locks and her dress was just as vibrant as yours. The pink of her dress and the orange (yellowish?) of yours complimented each other. Which coincidentally enough, was a parallel of your lovely friendship with Florence.
“Me? Flo, you look gorgeous! I’m so obsessed with this look!” You help her twirl, hyping her up as she showed off her outfit. After sneaking in a little mirror selfie and posting it onto Instagram, the two of you were given a five minute warning from one of the crew members. You and Flo were moved to stand behind the curtain, waiting for your cues to walk onto the stage.
While the two of you were getting mic’d up, Florence leaned closer to you.
“Can I be completely honest with you?” She mumbled, her stare remaining on the curtain before her. Your brow raises in curiosity as your head slightly turns to look at her.
“Of course, hun. What’s up?” You ask, your attention on her. She sighs and leans even closer so only you can hear her.
“I feel like I’m about to shit my pants.” She admits, swallowing nervously. Your mouth gapes, “Did you have iced coffee too?”
Flo’s face scrunches up in confusion, “N-no! That was me telling you I was nervous! Did you have iced coffee?” She fully turns to look at you and judging by the look of guilt plastered across your face, you did in fact have iced coffee.
“Maybe?” You answer, though it came out more like a question. Florence rolls her eyes at you.
“(Y/n), how many times do you have to be reminded that you’re lactose intolerant?” She scolded you.
You scoff, holding a hand up at her, “Trust me, I’m reminded every time I sit on a toilet.” You shake your head, trying to refocus the conversation.
“This isn’t about my poor digestive system—why are you nervous?”
She sighs, “I don’t know why I’m so nervous, I’m used to doing interviews and stuff. But I haven’t been on Jimmy Fallon, and there’s an audience out there and I don’t want to mess up or accidentally spoil the movie.”
You place a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “You may be British, but you’re not Tom Holland. You won’t spoil anything.” You start. She quickly shoots you a look that screams, “you’re not helping”. You make a gesture physically telling her that you’re getting to the point.
“You’re going to be fine! I mean you did Jimmy Kimmel right? This shouldn’t be that different, it’s the same thing—just different studios, in different states, and different Jimmy’s.” You point out. She nods along as you continue, “Plus, I’m gonna be up there with you. You won’t be alone.”
With the help of your reassurance and witty little comments, Florence felt her anxiousness simmer down. They weren’t completely gone but the fact that you were gonna be up there together made her relax more. Being part of Marvel had its pros and cons. Sure, the movies are spectacular and the actors are outstanding. Though when it comes to doing promo for said movies, it can be quite stressful. It’s a known fact that Marvel and it’s executives can be quite strict when it comes to interviews with anyone involved in the making of their films—their strictness made sense, although for first time MCU members, it took some getting used to.
Florence smiles at you, “Thank you.”
You playfully nudge her shoulder with yours, “Don’t worry about it.” You say with a kind smile.
The wholesome moment was interrupted by one of the stagehands telling you and Florence that the two of you were on in 15 seconds.
“Our guests tonight are making their big MCU debut in the new Black Widow film, please welcome (Y/n) (L/n) and Florence Pugh!”
“So in the movie, there’s three of you guys—where’s the other one?” Jimmy asked, motioning his hand to the small space between you and Flo.
“She’s at home I believe.” Florence answered, glancing at you. “She’s busy doing stuff, you know—adult things.” She added.
You took the opportunity to make a joke and said, “Yet here we are promoting her movie.” You roll your eyes playfully. The crowd bursts out laughing, along with Jimmy, who smacked his desk.
“You know, we deserve a raise for this.” Flo considers, going along with your joke. She slightly snorts and nudges your arm with her elbow. “We could take Scarlett’s check and just split it in half for ourselves.”
“Problem solved.” You shrugged, high fiving her.
Another round of laughs fill the room as Jimmy says, “So you’re both taking Scarlett’s money?”
Jokingly, you nod in approval, “By the end of this interview? Definitely.”
Dropping the bit, you shake your head with a grin on your face. “I’m kidding! I’m only joking, I wouldn’t do that to her, even if I were forced to.”
Jimmy moves on as a picture of you, Florence, and Scarlett pops up on the screen. The picture had been posted on your Instagram and was taken while the three of you were filming in between takes. You were taking the selfie while Scarlett and Florence were poking their heads out from behind you making funny faces.
“I can’t imagine how exciting it is to be on a Marvel set, and to even work with one of the first ever heroes in the MCU—that must be insane!” Jimmy exclaims, motioning to another picture of the three of you.
“It’s unbelievable. To work alongside Scarlett and to follow this kind of path that she’s paved in the MCU is an honor. She really was like our older sister behind the scenes, because she was always guiding us and taking care of everyone. She’s the best.” Florence responded while you nodded in agreement.
“I watched the movie last night and one of the things I enjoyed the most was the dynamic the three of you had. You guys were like actual siblings.” Jimmy mentioned, motioning between you and Flo.
Florence giggled before squeezing you into a tight hug, “Yeah, she’s my big sister.” You smiled beamingly, patting her cheek before she let go.
“No, really! She’s like my actual younger sister.” You tell the audience, who “awed” at the hug you both shared. “We spent months on this movie and we spent every single day with each other. By the middle of production, we were basically roommates.”
“Roommates?” Jimmy questioned, leaning his elbows on his desk.
“Because I was always at her house.” Florence answered in a ‘duh’ tone. “I’ve actually grown an attachment to (Y/n), she’s like my comfort blanket. So I need to have her with me at all times. If she’s not with me, I just won’t leave the house.”
“Speaking of your attachment to (Y/n), there’s this video of you that you apparently sent her?” Jimmy gestured at you, “And you posted it on your Instagram and now the whole internet is obsessed with it.”
“Yup, that’s the one.” You confirmed.
“I know there’s probably some people who haven’t seen it, so here’s the video.” The video of Florence popped up on the screen and began to play.
(This fic was based on this TikTok😭)
Jimmy looked at you and Florence in amusement, “Can we get some context?”
Florence waved her hand at the screen and said, “As you can all see, I’m very persistent.”
“This wasn’t your first time sending her these kinds of videos?” Jimmy asked. You shook your head, a feign look of annoyance on your face.
“No, she does this all the time.”
“In my defense, I was unexpectedly flying out to New York for a project. I knew I was gonna be in the city for a few days, so I decided to call (Y/n) and make the most of my trip.” Flo defended herself, slightly pouting.
You leaned your head on her shoulder, “To be fair, it was also our first time seeing each other since we wrapped Black Widow, and we really missed each other.”
“(Y/n), did you have to move any plans?” Jimmy turns to you. Florence does the same.
“You know what, you never told me if you had plans or not.” She squints her eyes at you. Your arms crossed while your body slowly sunk into the couch.
You pretend to fix your lipstick, quickly muttering, “I might’ve moved some plans around.”
Florence’s mouth gapes in shock, her entire body freezing. She grips onto your shoulder, “Wait, you actually moved plans for me?”
“I might’ve rescheduled a lunch with someone, but that doesn’t really matter.” You replied, trying to move on from the topic. Jimmy pointed at you, a giant grin on his face, “You actually moved plans for Florence!”
Florence’s mouth was still wide in shock, “I can’t believe you actually moved plans for me—(Y/n)!” She whined.
“I missed seeing you, so of course I had to move them.” You bashfully explained, the corners of your lips turning upwards. Florence pulled you into a hug.
“Gosh, you really do love me!” She exclaimed.
“I really do!” You said, your arms wrapping around her as well.
🏷 Tags:
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lilyrizzy · 3 years
Ummm, Daniel reacting to Max being pregnant even though both of them don’t know yet?? God-tier tag would love to know more!!
Anonymous asked: Pregnant max please!👀
Anonymous asked: Any deranged mpreg au your heart desires!!!
Thanks for the prompts guys! Have two pregnant max scenes, because I couldn’t decide which one was actually good :(
set after this insane drabble. cw: mpreg (obviously lol) 
Max still smells different a few weeks after Daniel’s rut.
It’s not bad. It’s the opposite of bad, warmer, and richer. Like Perth sunshine drying the beach after a rain shower. It’s driving Daniel insane and he can’t help pull Max against him at every opportunity, mouthing at his neck. He’s never been good at pushing aside his instincts to protect and provide when it came to Max, but when he smells like this it’s harder.
“Daniel,” Max laughs when Daniel brings him the third glass of water in under an hour, “thank you, but I have not finished the last one.”
Daniel can’t help but touch him now they’re close, rubbing his thumb over Max’s pulse point. “Well, it’s there if you need it.” Max beams at him from the seat of his sim, pink-cheeked, and, fuck, Daniel wants him all the time but now he’s going crazy with it.
“Do you need anything else?” He asks, raking his eyes over Max’s body, his thighs in the tiny shorts he always wears to stream in, and watches Max flush deeper, body always responding so sweetly to Daniel’s attention.
“I-“ and then he’s turning off the sim and letting Daniel pull him back to bed.
But then another few weeks later and Max is- Daniel can’t decide what Max is. Distant. Anxious
Even if he didn’t know Max well enough to smell it, his actions scream it. Pulling away from Daniel in their bed, making excuses not to shower together. Pushing Daniel away when he tries to kiss him, touch him. Turning away his phone screen, going onto their balcony to take calls.
“Is everything okay with- has something happened with your dad?” It’s the only thing Daniel can think of. Max and his dad came to some tentative peace over Max and his choice to be with Daniel that Max never wants to talk about.
“No. I am fine.” Max snaps, sounding anything but as he stomps back to the sim to ignore Daniel for another day.
Daniel can’t get Max in one place long enough to ask him again, until he asks Max, pathetic, if they can spend some time together. Max looks ready to bolt, make more flimsy excuses so Daniel pulls out the big guns. “Please. I miss you.”
Daniel suggests watching a movie after Max shoots down all his other ideas of how to try and have fun. Max shrugs, and he picks something he thinks Max will like, a silly comedy with no violence. He tries to get Max to cuddle with him, but Max is sat as far away as he can get, face lit up in the dark by the light of his phone screen as he furiously types.
Daniel couldn’t explain a single plot point. Daniel just wants to touch Max, to feel that he is the same as always beneath his hands. Doesn’t know how else to make whatever this is better, has never needed anything else before now.
“Max?” and he scoots over when Max looks up at him, startled like he forgot Daniel was there.
Max’s eyes slip shut, phone falling to his lap, when Daniel cups his cheek, thumb cradling his jaw, lets out a tiny, desperate noise. Daniel reaches out his other hand to press his fingertips against the sliver of stomach he can see from where Max’s t-shirt has ridden up.
Max freezes, eyes snapping open. Then he’s jerking away, scrambling to the other end of the couch.
“Max?” Daniel asks again, confused. Max has never responded to his touch like- that.
Max hunches over himself, breathing like he’s just got out of the car. His eyes are looking down, hand pressed flat against his belly and- Oh.
The way he smells.
“Max, are you-“ Daniel can’t keep the wonder out of his voice, accent thicker, “Are you pregnant?”
Max is trembling now, shoulders vibrating where they sit around his ears. He nods, eyes screwing shut so tight it must hurt.
Images flood into Daniel’s head like a dam has broken. Max, big and round, skin on his stomach stretched tight around Daniel’s child. His hands resting low in the curve of his belly, needing Daniel to help him to his feet, waddling when he walks. Max, wet and open, so full and still begging Daniel for more.
Daniel wants to gather him into his arms, kiss him, hold him but Max clearly doesn’t want to be touched. He’s trying to remember health class lessons he probably never went to, to remember if pregnant omegas need space when-
“I’m sorry.” Max sounds so miserable.
“Baby, why are you-“ It’s then Daniel notices how his scent has changed since Daniel touched him and he doesn’t know how he’s managed to ignore it until now. Sour, like curdled cream.
Right. Of course, Max isn’t happy about this.
“Because- because you don’t want it, right?” He hates the way his voice fails to sound neutral.
Max’s head snaps up, his eyes wide and startled. His left hand joins his right, resting on top of his stomach, protectively. “No,” he says, harsh and firm. Then, soft but still miserable, “I do. I want it, so. Sorry.”
“Maxy,” Daniel breathes out, heart racing. He reaches for Max, tentative, doesn’t want to watch him pull away again.
Max is saying, in one long rush, “I know it is stupid, with racing. And- if you do not want this, of course, it is okay, you will not have to do anything. I can tell people it’s someone else’s-“
Daniel barely manages to hold back his flinch at the idea, when all Daniel has ever wanted was to lay claim to Max, and now to his baby growing inside him.
“Maxy,” he says and Max’s mouth snaps shut, “I want this.”
Max’s face fall, soft and shocked, like the idea is not something he ever considered. Daniel aches for him, how he will never understand the ways Daniel loves him.
“You do?” he asks, uncertain still. Daniel needs him in his arms.
“Fuck, yes Max- Can I- please can I touch you,” and Max nods. Daniel places a hand over the top of Max’s on his stomach, imagining the day he’ll feel movement there. He kisses Max slowly, gently, wants to thank Max for giving him this but he’s scared he’ll sound insane.
“I love you,” he says instead, “and I’m going to love our kid.” When he pulls back to look at Max his eyes are shining.
Max scowls at his reflection in the mirror.
He looks swollen everywhere, his face, his stomach. His tits. Everything stretched so tight. His body has never been his friend, but now it feels like a foreign country.
He only came in here to brush his teeth, but he’s naked, not wearing the t-shirt of Daniels he started sleeping in. Daniel had given him a sad smile last night when he’d reached for it, so Max had left it on the bedroom floor.
Now he can’t look away.
“Max, what are you-” and suddenly Daniel’s stood behind him, meeting his eye in the toothpaste flecked mirror. His eyes look questioning and but then they drop to where Max is cradling his belly and they change.
“I look fat.” Max jokes, but it’s not a joke, it’s taking everything he has to let Daniel look, to not crawl back into bed and hide behind the soft way Daniel lies, says that he thinks Max is beautiful.
“No, baby.” Daniel says, eyes still fixed on the new curve of Max’s stomach, “you look pregnant.” His hands are reaching, slowly, like he’s giving Max time to pull away. He doesn’t.
Daniel’s hand cups his stomach, long fingers splayed out possessively. He presses his face into the side of Max’s throat so his lips catch against his sensitive skin.
“You’re getting bigger here,” he says, and then reaches to touch Max’s left tit, “and here.” He rubs Max’s nipple, already pink and puffy. Cups him, and now Max has a little handful, where before he was firmer and flatter.
Daniel hasn’t touched him here, not since he told him how sore they’d gotten. He didn’t know how to explain to Daniel that since he- Since this, every nerve in Max’s body has been a livewire leading right to the pit of need inside him, making him ache for Daniel’s touch more than usual.
“Daniel,” Max whimpers, looking between his own wide eyes and Daniels fingers on him. His cheeks are bright red, his lips dry and so he licks them and now they’re shiny and- he looks the way he looked in the video Daniel took of his face once, as he’d fed Max his dick.
“You smell so fucking good,” Daniel is groaning into his skin, “I can’t keep my hands off you.”
It takes so little now, to get Max leaking. He’s dripping all over himself, slick smearing between his thighs as he squirms under Daniel’s gaze, dick curved upwards, leaking against the rose on Daniel’s hand where he’s still touching Max’s stomach.
He doesn’t even remember getting hard.  
“Will you let me take care of you, baby?” he’s asking. Max nods and Daniel takes him to bed.
Daniel puts Max on his back, screws two fingers inside him even though he’s already sopping, so open he doesn’t need it. Sucks the fingers into his mouth, tongue chasing the taste of Max down his knuckles as fits the head of his dick to Max’s hole, presses inside.
He fucks Max slowly, hands roaming over Max’s tender spots, lighting him up every place he touches. Under hooded eyes, Max can see the blissed out expression Daniel’s face as he tells Max he’s gorgeous, good. Max throws an arm over his face so he doesn’t have to see Daniel tell him, “I can’t get enough of you,” or “you’re so wet,” or “I’d put another baby in you right now if I could.” Doesn’t have to see him come all over himself, untouched.
Daniel knots him as Max is coming back to himself, and Max knows that if he was normal he’d be annoyed, knotting face to face gets uncomfortable and he shouldn’t need this outside of heat, but Max isn’t normal.
Daniel holds himself up on his elbows, says, “I can’t squash my offspring,” when Max tries to tug him down.
Max frowns. “Offspring? What is this word?”
Daniel laughs. “It means baby, like- my baby.”
It makes warmth bloom in Max’s chest and reminds him he can do this, that they will face all that is coming together. “Yeah,” he says, tilting his head for Daniel to kiss him, “your baby.”
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elysianslove · 3 years
Which JJK male characters would be interested in anal sex with a female partner? He would be the one fucking her, not her fucking him. (Not pegging.)
my favorite asks are ones like these ngl i just <3333 
anyways let’s get into ittt. warnings; anal i guess????
nanami kentō; he doesn’t really talk about it, but also doesn’t really not talk about it? he’s never gonna be the one to bring it up to his girlfriend, but god does he love it. something about power, something about how good it feels. when you ask him to do it, you mean it as a joke, but he takes it so seriously that you’re just. going with the flow at this point. he absolutely knows what he’s doing too, that it’s sort of suspicious when you actually get to do it like,,, he’s definitely done this before. he goes fucking feral when he’s inside of you. he makes sure to prep you properly beforehand. even when you get impatient and beg him to just get on with it, he won’t. he’ll stretch you out until he deems you ready. but once you are? no mercy. fucks you even harder than he would your pussy. just has your hips gripped in his big ass hands, basically just using your body. he makes your body go absolutely numb. you’re literally just limp on the bed while he fucks into you, so fucking hard. and his cock’s so big too that you’re so thankful he didn’t listen to your pathetic whining and begging before that. after giving you a taste, he makes sure that he’s brainwashed you enough to want it to be a regular thing. sometimes he does it when he knows you’re needy and need him inside your cunt, just cause <3 
gojō satoru; okay to gojō, he honestly just wants to try every kink known to man. don’t be surprised if he asks you to try some weird ass shit like “babe let me piss on you 😍” i hate this man. but he does bring it up eventually, and begs, begs, for days, for you to let him hit it. eventually you reach a compromise: you peg him, he fucks you in the ass. it’s a fair deal, and besides, it’s another kink he can check off his list. he makes you watch anal porn a day before, like porn is the epitome of sex ed or something??? he doesn’t not know what he’s doing, but he’s also definitely winging a lot of it. puts his dick in after not that much prepping, but it’s like, bearable. honestly, he makes it really enjoyable for you, i’m not gonna lie. fucks your brains out, like he always does. and he pays attention to the rest of your body too while fucking you, so you’re just sensitive all over. also! he’s actually super soft with you when he’s first putting it in, just soothing you and rubbing your back and telling you to be good for him. but anyways, he loves it, like so much. he goes like three rounds that night, because he can’t get enough of how different, but good different, it feels. you’re just so fucking hot and tight around him, it drives him insane. also he’s weirdly into the way it looks, just his cock thrusting into your ass. absolutely fucks you in the ass while fucking your cunt with a vibrator or something. like he adores making you way, wayyy too sensitive. 
itadori yuuji; saw it on porn and just desperately needed to try it. he was willing to do anything to let you try it with him. like anything. “babe i will be your bitch for a day if you let me,” ok then bark for me, yuuji. pls he actually does. anyways. you agree but on the condition that you actually research, and that does not mean watch porn. he just deflates like are you seriously gonna make me read about anal when i could just watch :( but he sits and pays attention because he’s not about to blow this opportunity of a lifetime. unsurprisingly, all and everything he learnt gets thrown out the window the moment he has just two fingers in your ass. two. with a cock like his, there’s no way he’s fitting after two. you’re just huffing and trying not to moan too load as you attempt to glare at him, telling him you need him to stretch you out more. nearly forgets the lube when he’s gonna finally get to fuck you, but honestly, he’s just so, so excited. you insist on riding him because you can’t trust that he won’t lose all his inhibitions, but honestly, bold of you to assume he can’t take control even with you above him. just jackhammers your shit, rip. he grabs you by the waist and pulls you to him, fucking up into you that you literally see stars. you’re trying to tell him to slow down, you’re not going anywhere, but he’s so lost in it. fucks you till you’re braindead honestly, like your eyes are crossing and you’re drooling everywhere, barely even letting out a sound. there’s no way you’re not gonna wanna do it again with him.
getō suguru; monster cock man will have you begging for it 😩he teases you so much about it if you ever like bring it up but deep inside, deep inside, he wants nothing more than to rock your shit. pls the PUN HFSKFHA. he also somehow knows what he’s doing, but like. listen. being with getō is so overwhelming like he’ll be fingering your ass with his mouth on your clit, and he’ll be teasing you, calling you mean names, making it act like you’re the one so desperate for this when you literally only just suggested it and he’s the one that was immediately pouncing on you. he preps you, every single time you do it, for way too long. like you’re properly stretched, but he still goes on to finger you, giving you just barely anything, leaving you literally drooling for more. when he finally fucks you, he goes so slow, but so deep and hard. he just has you bent in half, gripping and pushing at the back of your thighs as he slowly just pulls out, and thrusts back in suddenly, filling you up. you feel him in your throat, on god. if you beg enough, he’ll eventually just lean down, your legs on his shoulders, his hands resting heavily on the bed beneath you, and fuck you so hard you might, might, pass out. he has you crying and screaming so loud for him that your voice is basically gone the next day. plays with your pussy to make your orgasm even more intense, fingering you, rubbing at your clit. he loves when he finally pulls out and sees you gaping for him. even if it becomes a regular thing, he still absolutely makes you suffer with his teasing every time. 
ryomen sukuna; oh my god of course he does??? firm believer of a hole is a hole <3 so romantic <3 actually, he tries to slip it in your ass halfway through sex and you were like 😳✋🏼 slow down there, sir, there’s a time for everything. unfortunately, you have to prep yourself, but he gets so impatient and pushes aside your hand, saying he’ll take care of it for you. i’d think he’d be so impatient that he won’t even prep you thoroughly, but actually it’s the opposite for sukuna. what’s the point if he can’t fit??? he doesn’t go slow, at all, at any point. soon as you’re stretched out for him, he grabs your hips and pushes his cock all the way in, no warning, no build up, nothing. he just makes your eyes roll back so far, your back arching up, and he’s so responsive to it, pulling you to him, thrusting into you harder, just fucking your brains out. oh my god and when he gets close enough to you, has you pulled up against him directly, the mouth on his stomach lets its tongue peak out, licking and slurping at your cunt as he fucks your ass. it’s honestly all a little surreal. sukuna has a lot to give too, especially in terms of cum. i said it before and i’ll say it a thousand times, he cums so fucking much. breeder balls <333 my point is, he’ll cum in your ass, then fuck your pussy and cum inside of you there too. he’ll have you properly full of him. he’s a possessive man, what can i say? also ! also. also. sukuna with— two cocks? idk how that would work, but if he could fuck both your pussy and ass at the same time? or both in your pussy? both in your ass? who needs to have a threesome when you’re dating the king of curses <3 
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divinefireangel · 3 years
SF9 reaction to their s/o being horny in the middle of the night lol ty
Me being horny rn helps ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Warnings: Smut. A lot of it. Female anatomy. Everything is consensual. Unprotected sex. Biting. Fingering. Pussy slapping (sorry for the choice of words, I'm tired rn 💀). Dom/sub tones. Manhandling? Doggy style. Oral (R). Missionary. Kitten as pet name. Riding. Thigh riding. Face sitting. Cockwarming. Dirty talk. Lmk if I need to add more.
He won't wake up till his dick is like super hard
And that's gonna happen easily cause you're squirming against him
When he does wake up tho
He'll grab your hips to stop you from moving
Slowly grinds his front to your back
Pleased breaths while his eyes are still closed
"Need some help jagi?"
And he asks that in a deep ass voice conveying that he's awake
Won't think much about it tbh
He'll just pull your shorts/underwear down along with his
And fucks his cock into your wet hole
Lemme tell you it feels heavenly when he enters you
You can't help but moan out loud as your eyes roll back
Harshly bites your shoulder and neck
His expert hips do an amazing job 🤤
The pace is fast then slow
Definitely squeezes your ass harshly
Oh he's gonna be a lil pissed that you made him horny
But he doesn't get fully hard
He will in the morning but right now
He wants to punish you 😉
Strips your lower half so quickly you don't even finish a gasp
Smacks your pussy a few times while scolding/degrading you a lil bit
"Fuck you can't keep your hands off me can you?"
"Want me to make you cum baby?"
And while he's dirty talking to you
His fingers are teasingly running over your hips and inner thighs
Just to rile you up more
His tongue enters your mouth at the same moment his fingers enter you
So relentless in his movements
Thumb is circling your clit while his whole fingers pump in and out of you
"Yeah. You like that don't you?"
And fuck you do cause you're literally shaking against his body that's on top of yours
Starts to suck on your neck when you start to clench
Oh he's just gonna groan as soon as he's half awake
Not cause he's upset
Oh hell no
He's actually very happy
Just give him a moment to wake up
"Get ready to be sore in the morning jagi"
Bites his lip as his hands roughly turn you into your front
Straddles your thighs
Slaps your ass and presses his crotch along it's curve
Pulls both of your pants till your mid thigh
Enters you whole swiftly making your legs quiver
One hands is placed next to your head and the others is holding your head to the pillow
Literal inhuman pace
Wants to make you cum quickly
And preferable more than once
Mocks your whines omg
"Fuck can you feel the bed shake baby?"
"You love it when I fuck you into the mattress?"
Loves that your night shorts are restricting your leg movements making you writhe under him whenever you cum
Oh he isn't asleep don't worry
Smirks when he hears your breathy moans as you clench your thighs together to relieve yourself
Slowly slips under the covers
Kisses your thighs so suddenly you shriek
Also kisses your folds over your shorts
When you throw the covers off your bodies, he pulls your shorts off
"Are you wet for me baby?"
Doesn't let you answer cause he's already diving into your pussy
Licks long stripes up and down at first
Then enters you with his tongue
Nose nudges your clit
Fingers pinching your inner thighs
Arms wrapped around your thighs and hips to hold you down
Cause you're shaking so much from the pleasure he's giving you with his mouth
Purposely swears while he's sucking your clit just to make you cry out for him
Very cruel
But it's okay cause he makes you cum hard
You're chewing on your wrist just to not scream from your intense orgasm
So proud when he comes up to your face level
He'll be half asleep when he tells you to stop and go back to sleep
And also that he'll fuck you in the morning
But you are his needy kitten right
So you turn to face him and start to trace his facial features with one hand
Your other hand slips between your bodies to cup his length over his sweats
Slowly you tease him till he's awake
But what you don't know is that he's been awake since he asked you to stop
Cause when you teased him he was reminded of how good your feel wrapped around his dick and body
Grabbing your hand he surprises you
"I'll teach you a lesson now. My sexy kitten is horny for my dick huh?"
Throws the covers off so suddenly
Pulls you to the edge of bed by the back of your knees
Spanks your thighs till they're red while dirty talking you till you're begging him to fuck you like his good kitten
Rubs your folds with the head of his veiny cock
My gosh you can feel the texture of his dick on your walls when he enters you
Fucks you senseless
He wants you leaking on the bed but at the same time he wants to punish you for waking him up
He'll hold your face in his palm to make you look into his eyes when he teases you and when he cums deep in you
"Stop. Please."
Cause he knows that if he's hard he will fuck you till your legs are jelly
But he doesn't have the energy for that right now
When you whine and plead while tracing his chest and abdomen
He'll give in
Obviously he will
Pulls his night shorts down till his dick is free
Strokes himself during the whole time you get up and undress your lower half
Hand rests on your hip as you straddle his naked core with yours
Groans when you start to sink down on him
Definitely wide awake when he's completely in your heat
Moving back and forth bit by bit you bite your lip and release teasing moans of his name
"Fuck please go faster. You feel so amazing around me"
So many compliments 🥺
Pushing your hair to one side you lean down to capture his lips
Kissing him desperately you ride him faster
His hands rest on your ass
Squeezing it when you clench around him
Kiss his neck to drive him insane omg
His thighs tense and his hands roughly grab your hips when he cums
Curses mixed with your name
Which triggers your orgasm too
Yoo Taeyang
Tae would've been fast asleep
If it weren't for you sighing angrily every few minutes
Then every few seconds
All you were trying to do was to relieve yourself of your horniness
Clenching on nothing but air
Tae was rather tired today but if he wasn't, he'd be all over you and in you in every fucking way he knows
"Just turn on to your side"
His voice did startle you but you obeyed
So you spoon with him being the bigger spoon
That is until he moved your shorts to a side
"Fuck. You're really wet baby."
He says as his fingers play with your folds agonizingly slowly
Teasing your entrance purposely
When you beg him not to tease you cutely
He just lifts your upper leg higher till it's bent at your knee
Pumps his cock a few times leaving you in inticipation of what he'll do next
You moan when he enters you, taking you gently
Shuddering you clench around him so much that he hisses you to stop
Driving his dick completely in your warmth he just stays there
Not moving a bit and and groaning you to stop whenever you squeezed his length
Holds you close like that till you both fall asleep
He just laughs tiredly
"Babygirl I can't right now"
Almost sounds like whining
But when you kiss his neck and grind on his thigh and ask him oh so sweetly
"Please 🥺"
Fuck his resolve breaks and he's wide awake now
Gulps and licks his lips
"I have an idea. Ride my face."
He giggles when he sees your happy yet shocked expression
Massages you thighs as you climb up to his face
His eyes never leave your core 🤭
God he's never looked so hungry for you ever
His pupils blown, breathing heavy
The moment you are comfortable over his face he just goes to town
Pulls you lower by your hips
Eyes closed the whole while
Humming in approval at the way you taste
And you totally losing it above him is just motivating him more
Your cries
Your hands pulling his hair
Or holding the headboard
Or when you lean you head on the wall when his teeth scrape your clit
Gosh he'll want to do this every single fucking time you have sex
Okay he's gonna be a little lazy
He's too tired to fuck you or even get hard or so he thinks
So he'll just stop your whining by nudging your thighs apart
And pushing his knee in between them
"Make yourself cum"
He's barely awake lmao
When your start riding his thigh, he slowly wakes up when he feels that wet patch from your leaked arousal on his thigh
Slides his hand in his own pants and strokes himself to the same speed as you hips
The other hand rides up in your shirt
Tweaks your hard nipples
Kisses your neck when you whimper
Moans your name into your ear
Presses his hard chest into your back
Starts flexing his thigh muscles to give you added pleasure
Slips the hand playing with your nipples inside your shorts
Rubs your clit at a fast pace
"Close baby?"
Tiny pecks your neck to ear when you cum from his hand and thigh
Pecks at your cheek and jaw lovingly as you calm down from your intense high
SF9 Masterlist
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
Try A Little Tenderness
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Summary: Han Seo gets treated with kindness and affection and he doesn’t know how to process these foreign feelings. Also he gets a first eye contact of the mafia couple. 
Author's note: A few of you said you would like to read this so I popped it out real quick in between real life and all that mess, I did something like this for IOTNBO and really enjoyed that sometimes it’s fun to see a relationship from an outsider’s pov. I also saw a few people say that they ship our puppy with a certain someone so I threw in some crumbs because the visuals would be very pretty and good for my health. It has talks of past abuse (see psychopath brother) but I don’t think it’s any darker than the regular show. Happy reading! 
He keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop, for them to realize that he's nowhere near good or smart enough to keep alive such less work so closely to them and listen to their plans. They trust him, he can tell by the way that conversations don't taper off if he comes into the room with another question about how to use the copy machine- there are so many buttons and it's confusing figuring it out by myself.
This first time he sheepishly asks for help after reading articles online and coming no closer to understanding the massive machine, he expects more fanfare; a slap on the cheek, a rap on the forehead or just a simple sigh and "idiot" that he would smile in the face of but the word would stick to his heart for days on end. His eyes were glued to the ground after his inquiry so he missed whatever look they originally gave him but surprisingly enough Ms. Hong stepped forward, he almost flinched as the hand approached his view but instead of pain he just felt warmth on his shoulder.
Guiding him with the hand on his shoulder, she led him back over to the machine and patiently explained all the buttons to him, even smiling gently when he pulled out a little notepad to write down the many directions.
"You really only need these three buttons this is the power button, but this thing is ancient so sometimes it may need a good kick." He jumped marginally at the loud bang of her foot against the side, quickly writing that down as well.
Really old. Needs kick.
"Then you press this button to choose the amount of copies, choose double or single sided and choose with staple and that's it." His eyes darted rapidly trying to keep up with her directions while taking his notes. It sounded simple enough but his brother had taught him that if there was a way to fuck something up, he would find it, naturally. So his nerves skyrocketed when she turned to him with a grin and said, "Are you ready for another test? Make 20 copies of these." She handed him a small stack of papers. 
His heart jerked in his chest and suddenly he was fifteen years old again staring at a test sheet and knowing none of the answers. It was hard to study with the fear of Han Seok barging into his room at any moment to do another sick experiment on him, once he had sliced his finger just to watch it bleed. He'd told his father that he accidentally cut himself while cooking and let the shame wash over him as he got a look that screamed that he was incompetent and pathetic.
"Han Seo? Are you okay? You seem like you're a million miles away." The pretty lawyer's concerned voice brought him back to reality and he could feel the stares of the other men in the room on his skin, Vincenzo being the heaviest. He really didn't want to look stupid on front of the man for some unexplored reason. He swallowed hard before facing the machine, feeling like he was going off to war.
He pressed the big power button, shaken when nothing happened but suddenly remembered his notes and with an almost unnoticeable glance he found his answer, swiftly kicking the beast of a copier he watched it roar to life and almost on autopilot he mimicked the motions that Ms. Hong had just demonstrated and watched in terror as the paper was swallowed and the copies were spit out from the compartment in the bottom.
I did it.
Everything seemed to be in order and the machine hadn't exploded. Yet. 
The triumphant smile that had graced his face slide off like rain on a windowpane.
"I messed up. I'm sorry. Please let me try-"
He was bowing before he could stop himself, shame a familiar friend at this point in his life. There were very little moments that he didn't feel a tsunami of shame crashing over him in a thick heavy sheet.
"You just forget to select stapled. But that's minor, we can just staple them by hand." She responded nonchalantly picking up the copies and bringing them over to the table, "Good job though. Next time you'll probably get it perfect right?"
It was pathetic. He was pathetic. There was no reason for pride to grow in his chest like a mustard seed, he had only completed a basic task. Something that even a monkey could, actually monkeys could do even more complicated tasks.  It was nothing to be proud of. He shouldn't have been smiling as largely as he was, they would think he was insane and kick him out.
She'd said he did a good job. That wasn't a phrase he was used to hearing, he wasn't someone who did anything worth praising. He shuffled away back to the shelves that needed to be organized in alphabetical order, moving a large file to the front of the row unaware that there was an equally huge smile on his face. It stayed there for the rest of the day.
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Working there was different from working with his brother. Astronomically. Nobody hit him there, even when he made mistakes. Instead he just got three heads over his shoulder helping him fix said mistake or Mr. Nam pushing his chair out of the way and taking over with only a gentle chide of, "Be careful next time." And it's clear that they all care for and respect each other. It's evident in the way that there's no clear hierarchy at the law firm, when they have meetings they alternate on who makes the coffee for the team, take turns buying meals and they are all allowed to speak and share their ideas without waiting for approval. It's nothing like he's used to and it makes him wonder if this is normal and what he's used to is...not.
It's enough to overwhelm him.
Then something catches his attention in the peripheral of his eye, Ms. Hong impatiently goes to take a sip of her coffee ignoring Vincenzo's firm warning against doing so and she flinches at the heat of the beverage, sticking out her tongue instantly after the first sip, blowing and huffing theatrically- something he's grown used to seeing from her. This isn't what shocks him though, it's Vincenzo's reaction. Immediately he walks over to the water cooler, filling a little paper cup before bringing it back over to her and thrusting the cool liquid into her outstretched hands.
"I told you to be careful." He says voices filled with exasperation as she gulps down the water, shooting him puppy dog eyes.
"I thouf it mould be cool enouf." She replies around her extended tongue and he watches the interaction with wide eyes, that only grow larger when the murderous Mafia member picks up the lawyers mug of steaming liquid and starts to blow on her coffee, his lips puckered into a perfect o. Ms. Hong watches absently as if this is expected behavior and after a few minutes, Vincenzo takes a sip of her coffee deeming it cool enough before handing it back to her. She takes a sip dangerously close to the spot his mouth had just occupied and hums at the temperature, shooting him a brilliant smile. To his utter surprise the usually stoic Mafia member smiles back fondly, before walking off to make a call. Ms. Hong watches him walk away before realizing that he's watching their interaction and a delicate blush blossoms in her cheeks before she stutters walking off to her table.
He glances between the two with his head tilted. Feeling curious.
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Once he starts looking it's almost indecent how often the two touch each other, Vincenzo's hand never too far from Ms. Hong's back or arm and she never reacts to the sudden touches, no flinching or tensing up when a foreign hand is suddenly on her person. That's a new concept for him, he doesn't like surprise touches.
Then there's the fact that Mr. Cassano never allows Ms. Hong to hold anything, when she comes bustling through the doors with bags in her hand the smell of pasta permeating the room the older man is already making his way across the room tugging the bags from her hands wordlessly. He places them carefully on the table before smoothly dragging out her chair and guiding her into it with a hand on her waist.
"I brought your favorite. Authentic Italian food." She smirks up at him, opening the containers and he feels his mouth water at the tantalizing aroma that fills the room even more than before.
"It smells amazing! Where did you find authentic Italian food?" He asks inserting himself into their conversation and for a minute, he second guesses himself gearing up for a blow. But it never comes and Ms. Hong waves him closer, pushing a container of thick noodles in his direction.
"Are you hungry? Here have some!" She shoves chopsticks into his hand and watches him eagerly and he can do nothing but follow her orders, stuffing the tomato sauce drenched noodles into his mouth. When he looks up he sees that they are both watched him avidly, awaiting his review and he smiles around his bulging cheeks putting up two thumbs.
"It's delicious! Best Italian food I've ever had!" He stares excitedly and he's unprepared for Vincenzo's sudden glare, it's the first time the man has thrown such a look his way he gulps nervously at the unnerving sight.
"What- did I say something wrong?" He warily asks watching the Italian man angrily stomp off whilst muttering something indecipherable to him but that makes Ms. Hong smile mischievously, grabbing the container and chasing after the fleeing man.
"Stop being a snob! Have some, say ahhhh!" He can't comprehend the sight that he's watching, dumbfounded as the petite lawyer hangs on Mr. Cassano's arm and tries to feed him the Italian food.
"No! I don't want it, stop! Why do you keep bringing that here?" The Italian Mafia boss whines pushing her away but he notes that he never pushes her too hard, his shoves are very soft barely rocking her slight body. When she starts to chase him around the room, Han Seo can only watch in shock the behavior too childish for him to reconcile that these are the same people who have been thwarting all his brother's plans. Not even Mr. Nam entering the office is enough to stop their shenanigans and in the end it's Vincenzo who admits defeat, backed into a wall. Han Seo waits for her to give him the food and for this moment to come to an end. But neither one of them make a move, frozen against the wall staring at each other looking a million miles away.
It's then that it clicks for him.
They are more than just partners. 
When one of the various plaza tenants burst through the doors only then is the tense moment severed, Ms. Hong jumps back flustered thrusting her hand at his face and Mr. Cassano has to open his mouth lest he get smashed in the jaw. He watches amused as a grimace crosses the older man's face as he swallows the food as if it's poison.
Ms. Hong flies across to help the cute pianist that he's seen around a plaza a few times. He stares at her from under his bangs, looking away when she catches his eyes. Coughing loudly he walks away to do something important that doesn't involve losing his wits because of a pretty girl. Maybe he can talk to Mr. Cassano later just to ask about her, there's nothing wrong with being curious about your neighbors after all.
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He doesn't know where else to go so he comes to Jipuragi, letting out a sigh of relief when he sees all the lights off. He pulls the key that Mr. Nam gave him from his pocket, still in disbelief that they trusted him enough to give him a key to the establishment. He had blinked away tears when the older man pushed the small metal object into his hands, it felt like a huge responsibility. Almost like he was being accepted into their makeshift family. It was far more than he deserved. 
Sitting down on his chair, he lets the agony wash over him. His cheek is throbbing, sore and swollen from the open handed slaps against the skin. Their stocks had dropped again from all the accusations and bad publicity, and his brother had once again taken it out on him berating him like a dog before kicking me out. It's nothing new, nothing he's never experienced before but it feels worst. Now that he's been around people who don't treat him like he's dirt, it hurts even more to go back to the old ways. He's so lost in thought he doesn't notice the door opening or the person creeping inside.
"What are you doing here?"
He jumps at the unexpected voice, twisting in his seat panicked. His heart rate settles once he sees the cool eyes of the man he's grown to respect. Vincenzo Cassano. He slumps in his seat, no excuses coming to mind and then it's too late and the other man is crossing the room and taking a seat across from him.
Those cold eyes narrow as they search his face, "What happened to your face?"
Images of his brother looming over him and slapping him on the ground flood his mind, along with his screams of pain as he pleads for him to stop. Then visions of a much smaller version of himself pleading similarly as his brother pulled his hair and laughed at his cries. He's crying before he ever realizes that the tear has condensed. 
Vincenzo tenses across the table, looking lost and uncomfortable.
It only makes him cry harder. It's so much better than getting hit.
Without a word the Mafia boss stands up pushing his chair away, stomping powerfully to the door. He watches alarmed before finding his voice and calling out, "Where are you going?"
The man looks at him darkly answering, "To kill your brother."
He gapes at the statement said so matter of fact and a bubble of laughter rises to the surface, making him chuckle through his tears. He rears back further at the other man's blatant confusion following his outburst, feeling freer than he's ever felt because this is the first time someone has tried to defend him.
It feels nice. Better than nice, unbelievable.
His heart thumps as he looks at the other man that he has every reason to be scared of but instead he feels safer than ever in his presence, it almost feels like what a brother should. A real brother not the one that he has who would kill him tomorrow without batting an eyelash.
"He's not done suffering yet. But thank you." Vincenzo shifts awkwardly at his show of gratitude never accepting of thanks something he has noticed while observing the enigmatic man, he vaguely wonders what this man has been through to make the complicated person he sees in front of him. Maybe one day he'll ask.
"Well if you're going to stay here, there's a bed up there."
Impulsively he replies, "Have you ever used it before? Is it really okay for me to use?"
He's met with a puzzled look, which he returns with a calculating one and then he spares a quick glance over to Ms. Hong's table and the gears click and Vincenzo is tomato faced and yelling, "Watch your mouth you brat! Do you want a beating?"
It shouldn't be funny with his face still throbbing from a beating just hours earlier, but he laughs so much his stomach hurts and that pain dulls the ache in his face.
"Oh my goodness what happened to your face?" He's barely able to get out an answer before Ms. Hong is jogging across the room, ever so gently catching his face in her small warm hands. Immediately he's reminded of his mother and he has to look away before he embarrasses himself.
He mumbles a lie about tripping but she's already sending a ferocious knowing look over to her partner and he watches their silent conversation with large eyes, until her voice breaks the pregnant pause.
"I can't wait until we kill that punk. How dare he put a hand on you? I'll go get some medicine, you-" she points to Vincenzo, "get him some ice before it starts to swell." The man automatically follows her instructions, looking like a dutiful husband.
And that's how Mr. Nam finds them, Vincenzo pressing ice wrapped in towels against his cheek as Ms. Hong squeezes creamy ointment onto her finger and smears it across his cheek. He blames his glossy eyes on the pain in his cheek and not the one in his chest.
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It's his first time walking around the plaza and he tries to ignore the suspicious eyes that trail him, he knows that they know him as their enemy's brother and underling so he doesn't blame them for not trusting him, he would do the same. The clang of piano keys catches his attention and leads him to the source of the noise like a siren luring lost men, he watches transfixed through the glass as delicate fingers fly across the keys in a frenzy. It’s mesmerizing. 
He was forced to get piano lessons when he was younger, he was surprisingly good at it even better than Han Seok thus his brother became enraged and smashed his fingers putting a permanent end to his lessons.
The music lulls him into a sense of comfort so much so he doesn't realize when it ends and the small pianist notices that she has an audience.
When he finally looks up and catches her eye, he freaks out expecting her to look at him like all the others have today so he's unprepared for the door to slide open and for her to beckon him in with a crooked finger. He walks in almost as if in a trance, she's so pretty it's almost unnatural a supernatural glow surrounding her in her white flowing dress.
"How does it feel working at Jipuragi?" She asks suddenly catching him off guard, he sputters before taking a deep breath and looking away before replying, "I feel useful. It's....new."
That's all he can disclose and honestly it's more than he intended on saying but a knowing smile stretches across her pale face.
"Vincenzo, he's someone special who can make others feel special too." He smarts at the clear adoration in her voice, of course. She liked Vincenzo too. Every woman at this plaza probably did, the Italian was much more appealing than he would ever be- naturally charismatic and handsome, every woman's dream.
He smiles defeated stepping further into the space, running his fingers longingly across the piano keys. Something else that just wasn't meant for him.
"You like him too. It makes sense, he's really cool." He whispers, self deprecation swaddling him like a blanket. 
It's obvious who else he's referring to only Vincenzo and Ms. Hong seem to be in denial at this point everyone else assuming that they're already dating.
She doesn't deny his accusation. It's his own fault for having hope but that knowledge does nothing to tamper the hurt that rumbles in his chest. 
She hums before walking closer to him, fingers trailing across the black and white keys.
"I did. But they're good together."
He stills in shock, lightly pressing down on the key beneath his finger the sound vibrating through his skin. Then she presses another key that rings harmoniously with his and he can't not look over at her and he jolts breath stuck in his throat when he finds her already staring at him with a serene smile, "There are a lot of interesting people here though, someone else has caught my eye."
He plays the final note to fulfil the chord they started and their eyes never leave the other, music floating on the air between them.
Full. He’s never known what that felt like before but now he feels full of everything and he can't go back, can't ever go back to the way things once were.
There’s no looking back, only forward. 
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drakenology · 4 years
Yeah, My Boyfriend’s In A Band
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guitarist!todoroki x fem!reader
summary: something straight outta wattpad! you go to a rock band’s concert and stand front row of the stage. The band’s vocalist /guitarist catches your eye and.. well, the rest is history! this is the story of how you first met.
author’s note: soooo.. how yall been? i kinda said fuck it to the schedule i made. why force myself to make content when I just can’t ya know? I’d much rather upload content when it’s at it’s best. so enjoy! I used some lyrics from some of my favorite rock songs for this, can you guess em? Also the art work above isn’t mine!
warnings: smut (duh.), drug use (weed), size kink, pinch of daddy kink, spitting, degradation
It was a hot Saturday night. You were all dressed up and excited to see your favorite heavy metal band the Diaspora play in your city. You were a huge fan, their posters adorned your bedroom walls. You’ve been a fan since they first came out as a cover band.
The members were all pretty fuckin cute, especially the band’s front man. Todoroki Shoto.
He was so handsome; black and red half and half hair, grey sullen eyes, the sexy scar on the left side of his face only adding to the edginess of his visage. His tattoos coated his left arm in a sleeve, his eyebrow pierced as well as his lower lip. He was fucking hot. Obviously not the kind of guy who would pay any attention to you right?
You threw on the Diaspora t-shirt you bought just weeks before the show and tied it in the back so it could be a little cropped and called your uber, frantically spraying perfume in a panic that you were going to be late to the concert. You ran outside, saying goodnight to your roommate as you rush out the door and jump into the car.
“Hey. I’m Shoto Todoroki and I’m the lead singer and guitarist for the band The Diaspora. Hope to see you guys at the show tonight at 8.” You hear as smoothe and sultry voice play over the radio.
You swoon and text some buddies who were also going to the show in excitement, the rush going straight to your brain in a haze as you blast some of their music in your headphones.
When you arrive to the stadium, you spot your best friend from highschool Nejire Hado. You two actually grew up together and even graduated together. It was like you two were sisters, inseparable since birth. Nejire saw you and waved excitedly, squealing with glee and motioned you to come to her spot in line.
“Y/N!!!! Over here!!” She yelled, causing you to run over and jump up and down with her.
“I can’t believe we’re finally here!” You say.
“Me either! Hey, did you hear? There’s rumor’s going around that their having an after party after the show! We have to go, Y/N please say yes.” Nejire rambled, clapping her hands with an inability to contain her excitement.
You look down at your shoes, unsure at first. What if you aren’t even allowed inside? It could be VIP only.
“Fuck it. Let’s go!” You say, causing Nejire to scream and laugh with joy.
Suddenly, the band’s security comes outside to greet the fans waiting to come inside for the show.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please enter in a single fil-“ the poor guy couldn’t even finish his sentence before hundreds of eager fans rush past him and squeeze into the stadium doors, running as fast as the could to get to their seats.
Luckily for you and Nejire, you had front row tickets. Those days of refreshing the page for them as they sold out every second really paid off. You grab Nejire’s hand and run inside, elbowing and clawing your way through to your spot with your best friend by your side. The lights suddenly go dim and the crowd goes insane.
The show’s about to start. You heart seemed to float up into your throat as you stood sweating and nervous, Nejire screaming her head off and jumping up and down when the band came rising up from the bottom of the stage. Smoke covers them for a while until it clears and all you see is Todoroki standing above you, the real him finally being exposed to you as you gaze from the crowd.
He was even more handsome in person. Tonight he wore black jeans and a white band tank top ,showing off his muscular and tattooed arms. Chains hung on his hip and his boots as he propped his foot up on the amplifier in front of him.
“YOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” He screamed into the mic, causing the crowd to scream impossibly louder. He smirked, causing you to feel woozy just seeing him look so smug, as if he knew the effects he had on his fans.
You could’ve died right there a happy woman as the band started to play their hit single, the gritty sound of the electric guitar sending chills up your spine as you and Nejire headbang and dance to the music. You sing along to the top of your lungs, watching as Todoroki owned the stage. You gaze up at him again to see something completely and utterly unbelievable.
He was looking right at you.
You gasp, your eyes widening as you lock eyes with him. Shoto kneeled down towards you and reached his hand out to you. You almost scream and grab his tattooed hand with both of your own and smile at him, keeping your eyes focused on his. Shoto took your hand and kissed it as he sang a pretty racy part of his song to you,
“I wanna take you home.” (sleeping with sirens fans?? your nickle aint worth my dime???? NO?)
Oh. My. God
“OH MY FUCKING GOD! Y/N, HE-“ Nejire screamed, just as excited as you. You stood there shocked and flustered, staring into space. Todoroki fucking Shoto just kissed your hand. Shoto smirked and let your hand go, continuing the rest of his show in hopes you got the message. He wanted you. It was common sense that you go to the afterparty now.
The show continued for another 2 hours, Todoroki now dripping in sweat from the hot lights shining upon him and his band.
“Thank you all so much for coming out. For those invited, I’ll see you all at the afterparty! Goodnight everyone!” Todoroki bellowed to the crowd, causing them to cheer him and the band off the stage.
You stand there, high off of every guitar riff and belt from the performance feeling sad that the concert was over. But a rush of hope filled your heart in knowing that you were going to see Shoto again soon. You and Nejire walk out of the stadium hand in hand as you discussed the plan to get to the party.
“So the party is not too far from here, exactly 15 minutes away. We could totally call an uber.” Nejire explains, saying that it’s going to be held in Todoroki’s mansion.
When you both arrive at Todoroki’s Mansion your jaws drop. A huge fountain greeted your uber driver’s car, cobblestone driveways leading you towards his front door. There were hedge sculptures all over the front yard and expensive cars adorned the driveway as you and Nejire step out of the car to see the line to get into the party. Damn. More lines.
You approach the security guard; the same one from earlier that night with a nervous wave.
“U-Um excuse me sir, we’re on the list..” You said unconfidently. Nejire nervous laughed and nudged you for sounding so unsure after giving you a long confidence pep-talk in the car.
“Sorry, kiddo. I’m not seein’ an ‘Y/N’ or a ‘Nejire’. Back o’ the line, ladies.” The security guard huffed, hardly even looking at his list.
“Nah it’s cool, Ben. Let them in.” You hear a familiar voice utter before you get the chance to turn around and walk to the back of the line. Sure enough it was Todoroki standing there, joint lit and eyes hazy. Clearly stoned.
It was like he got more gorgeous as you got closer to him, your cheeks heating up as you realize you’re literally standing in front of your fucking celebrity crush. Nejire squeals and runs inside to go find the drummer and get his number, she says drummers do it harder.
Shoto took you by the hand and led you inside the rager in his foyer. The smell of beer and weed absorbs your nostrils as you walk inside with Shoto in hand, watching as Nejire talks up the drummer with ease as if she already knew him from way back when.
Todoroki sat down on the most comfortable couch you have ever sat in with you next to him, taking a big drag of his joint and motioning it towards you.
“Wanna hit? It’s not laced. Promise.” He said cooly, slowly blowing out the smoke. You take it and take a hit, coughing a little as you puff out the smoke.
Damn this must be what rich people smoke.
“Good huh? Grew it myself. Heh.” Todoroki laughed a little as he watched you take another hit.
“Shit. I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, finally.” You say, nervousness coating your tongue. Shoto gave you a warm smile, his hazy eyes gleaming in the dim lights of the room.
“Gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl.” Shoto said, kissing the same hand he did at the concert.
You heat up, your panties becoming slightly wet at him touching and kissing you. He smirked and grabbed you by your chin to make sure you look him directly into his grey orbs.
“When I saw you in the crowd, I almost couldn’t keep my eyes off you.” He said into your ear, causing your mind to block out any outside sound that wasn’t his voice. You gulp, blinking dumbly as you try to find the words to say something.
“I-I, um. Th-thank you.” You say, looking down into his lap. Shoto pulled away to smoke his joint a little more. You two talked all night, everyone around you both becoming irrelevant as you seemingly grow closer together.
Strangely, none of the rumors about Todoroki were true. He wasn’t this stuck up asshole the media made him out to be. He was calm and gentle, the sweetest guy you’ve ever had the pleasure of having a conversation with. You learned so much about him that night. He was so misunderstood.
You’re high now and completely hazy as you and Todoroki make out on the couch. You’re not sure how you two even got to this point but you loved it. One thing led to another and now you were straddling him on the couch, his hands in your back pockets as he groped and squeezed your ass.
Your lips mingled as you moan into the kiss, Todoroki’s tongue slipping into your mouth to make home of it. The kiss got so hot your pussy was sopping wet underneath your jeans as you mindlessly grind against him for some kind friction.
Todoroki pulled away and started kissing your neck, damn near ripping your clothes off in front of the entire party. You’re gasping and grabbing at his clothes, forgetting where you are as you become desperate for him. You wanted him so bad and you knew he wanted you too.
“Wanna get out of here? Go upstairs I mean.” Shoto asked, huffing into the skin of your neck as his hard dick poked at your thigh.
“God yes.” You say breathily. As soon as he got your consent he carried you upstairs, the party raising their glasses and their blunts in celebration for Todoroki getting some.
“YES! Y/N tell me everything okay!?” Nejire yelled drunkenly, pulling away from her makeout session with the band’s drummer. You giggle and wave down at her, Todoroki laughing softly as he watched the interaction between you and your best friend.
“Just so you know, princess. I’m not going to go easy on you.” Shoto said, pinning you against the hallway wall.
“I don’t want you to.” You mewl, leaning into his neck to nip at it. Shoto let out a low chuckle and nearly kicked down his bedroom door, tossing you onto his luxurious california king bed.
You take a quick look around his darkly colored room, black walls with coordinating grey funiture. Posters of his inspiration adorned his walls, almost similar to your room just $100,000 richer. He had a mirror above his bed as you look up at your reflection you see Todoroki crawl on top of you, unbuttoning and pulling your jeans off in one fell swoop.
You’re immediately embarrassed, forgetting it was laundry day at home so you threw a thong on because you didn’t have anything else to wear. It was black and lacy and oh so skimpy you quickly move your hands to cover up in shame, Shoto grabbing your wrists and pinning your hands above your head.
“Heh. How’d you know I love lace?” Shoto teased, practically salivating at the sight of your smooth legs beneath him. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Shoto said, running his hands along your sides as if he was a lion playing with his prey before he ate it.
You bit your lip, dripping and hungry for some kind of touch in the places you needed him most, your nipples prodding at the thin fabric of your band tee. Yeah, you forgot to wear a bra. Shoto pulled your shirt above your head, tossing it somewhere and hissing at the sight of your bare breasts.
“No bra either? Man.. it must be my birthday. I’m gonna have fun with you, princess.” Todoroki says taking a nipple into his mouth, not breaking eye contact with you as he suckled gently following with short lick causing your entire body to catch flame.
You start moaning miserably, your whole body begging him to take you. Shoto pulls away from your nipple with a light pull of his lips and slips his hand down to your slit, caressing it agonizingly slow to tease you. He takes his other hand and presses his thumb to your lips.
“Open your mouth.” He rasped. And you did, sucking on his thumb as he rested it on your tongue making Shoto moan at the sight, humming a ‘good girl’ under his breath. Shoto held your mouth open and spit, pulling you into a sloppy kiss as he plunged his thick digits into your needy hole.
You arch your back off the bed, biting down onto Shoto’s lip as he finger fucked you without mercy. Your moans filled the air, Shoto watching you intently as he took your breast into his mouth once more.
“Sho- ah! I-I’m gonna-“ You bellow, trying to hold onto something for dear life as he brought you closer and closer to your peak.
“That’s daddy to you, princess. Try again and maybe I’ll let you cum around my fingers.” Shoto hissed, slowing his pumping fingers a bit to ensure you got the point.
He was in control. You pant, your chest heaving as you try to catch your breath only for it to get caught in your throat again. Desperate moans fall out of your mouth as you beg him to let you cum.
“D-Daddy!~” You gasp, Shoto leaning into your neck, his ear right next your mouth as you scream for him. You collapse into his arms, fucked out and stupid off Todoroki’s strong fingers. All those years of guitar weren’t for nothing.
“That’s it baby.. fuck, you made a mess.” Shoto cooed, slowly dragging his fingers out of you as he watched your slick stick to him sloppily. At this point, he’s so hard you can clearly see the veins in his dick jumping out of his pants, his size making you wince in pain before he even entered you.
“Think you can take all of me, princess?” Shoto asked, throwing his contricting pants and boxers somewhere across the room, releasing his impressive size for you to see. You gulp but nod, licking your lips at the sight of him.
Shoto smirked at your reaction and pumped himself a few times before teasingly tapping the head of his dick against your clit, causing you to yelp from the sensitivity of your abused core.
“Pleaseee.” You whine, Shoto grabbing you by the neck and choking you almost to tell you to shut up and be patient. He wastes no time in plunging into you, the thickness of his dick stretching your walls with a delicious sting.
You claw at his back as he bottomed out, gasping sharply as he filled you completely.
“Am I hurting you?” Todoroki asked with what little sympathy he had left in his body. You shook your head no, moaning as he stayed still inside you.
“P-P-Please move..” you mewl, chewing your bottom lip. Shoto smirked and began rutting his hips into yours at a rough pace, not really caring if you adjusted to him or not. Hard slaps and the sound of your whiny moans filled the room as the headboard of his bed slammed against the wall, probably alerting the entire party downstairs.
You’re screaming now, a moaning mess beneath him as he split you wide open. As your eyes rolled to the back of your head, Shoto throws your legs over his shoulder and starts pounding into you.
He’s going to make sure you’re unable to walk straight for the rest of the week, marking you as his.
“Fuckkk, daddy. S-Slow down.” You pleaded only for Shoto to ignore you and continue his pace, laughing at the shocked and fucked out face you were pulling.
“Told you I wasn’t taking it easy on you. Did you forget already, princess?” Shoto breathed, moving his hands to rub shallow circles into your clit.
Your toes curled up tightly as your orgasm ripped through your body, your moans reaching a cresendo as your scream Shoto’s name.
He hissed as your walls fluttered around him, your pussy gripping him tightly as he fucked into you continuosly.
“I hope you didn’t think I was through with you just because I made you cum. I’m not done yet, doll.” Shoto muttered through your pathetic whines for him to slow down.
He cooed praises at you, a “good girl” here and a “you take my dick so well” there until his thrusts got rusty and sloppy; a sign he was close to cumming.
“Shittt, where do you want me to-“
“I-Inside m-mee! Fuck, cum inside me!” You shriek. And so he did, fucking his hot stickiness into you for a while as you both moan and pant. Shoto rode out your climaxes for a while before slowly pulling himself out as he watched his cum ooze out of your abused pussy.
As Shoto flopped on the bed next to you, you both stare up at the mirror on his ceiling. You’re both sweaty and your hair was a fucking mess from being tossed around the bed for what seemed like hours.
“Shit. Probably late as fuck by now. You wanna stay the night?” Shoto asked, taking your hand and famously kissing it once more. You smile and nod, unable to form coherent sentences as you feel yourself doze off.
Todoroki jumps from his bed and opened the door, screaming from the top of the stairs, “Oi! All you motherfuckers can fuck off home!Party’s over!” You laugh and throw a pillow at him.
“Don’t be so mean, Sho. Uh.. C-Can I call you Sho?” You ask embarrassed.
“You keep fucking me like that you can call me whatever you want, angel.” Shoto groans, grabbing you by your face and kissing you sweetly.
“Honestly, I wanna go again. You down?”
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witchersgoldenbard · 3 years
If you haven’t already answered a question about the breakfast club wip i would love to know more!!!!
oooh, that one was one of the first witcher fics i had started way back when, while watching the breakfast club. i only have the beginning (as per usual..) of it, but still strongly love the vibes and hope to continue at some point bc this fandom needs a berakfast club au. it's a classic, but there's still none?? a crime.
Geralt: the quiet, brooding guy who gives zero fucks about school or what people think of him Jaskier: the loud, cheery theatre kid who runs his mouth before he thinks, a bit feral sometimes Yennefer: the insanely pretty mean girl who hates popular kids Triss: the Princess, a popular kid who’s actually very kind and likes to help but peer pressure prevents it Renfri: nerd who likes to get into people’s business, ace
they're all there for detention, stregobor sucks. it's definitely geraskier and probably yenntriss because renfri is just judging them all and simply hoping for this day to be over before they can decide to kill stregobor the next time he enters the library.
you can... have the entirety of the beginning, which is everyone's introduction in true breakfast club style. but it's 1.5k words and splitting it up would make no sense.
Saturday, 13 March 1999. Temeria High. 6:56 am.
A silver BMW is parked in front of the school, the engine still running. Triss Merigold is staring at the abandoned building in front of her. Never before has she seen it so deserted, and never again does she wish to see it this early on a Saturday morning. She sighs in trepidation and turns back to her dad who is smiling at her in an almost patronising way. As always.
“I can’t believe you can’t get me out of this,” she sighs, looking back at the building. She finds that she doesn’t mind it as much as her father’s condescending patience. “It’s so absurd I have to be here on a Saturday.”
Her father turns in his seat to face her and she looks back at him. “I’ll make it up to you,” he grins, and she refrains from rolling her eyes. Of course he will. Of course he didn’t listen to a word she said. Of course he never even asked why she has to be here in the first place. Merely jumped at the opportunity to take her here and pick her up this afternoon before her mother could get a single word in.
Triss isn’t stupid. She knows her father doesn’t care about her so much as he cares about getting back at her mother. Another proof for how he will take every chance to get into Triss’s good graces is the bag of expensive sushi he presses into her hands now. They never actually make food at her house, and Triss is beginning to despise it.
She takes it and doesn’t even bother to fake a smile.
“Have a good day,” her father says like he doesn’t know, doesn’t even care about where they currently are. Detention. De-fucking-tention! Nobody here will have a good day. She wants to scream at him, wants him to listen to his own words – but it would be no use. Her mother has tried. She has tried. All he did was smile.
So she doesn’t scream. Doesn’t say a word. Only rolls her eyes and gets out of the car, slamming the door shut behind her and not turning back to wave. Her dad wouldn’t check if she did anyway.
She exhales and summons all her strength. Right. Detention. Let’s do this.
Another car, red this time, pulls up on the empty parking lot before the school. The atmosphere here is just as tense as in the one before.
“I this the first time or the last time that we do this?” Renfri’s mother asks venomously before the car even comes to a stop.
Renfri clenches their jaw and breathes deeply, looking at the building instead of their mother. They don’t want to face her piercing eyes, her commanding tone, anything. They just want to survive the day and get this over with.
“The last,” Renfri murmurs, still not meeting mother’s eyes.
“Well, get in there and use the time to your advantage,” she demands. That woman has no idea how the real world works anymore.
Renfri rolls their eyes and looks up. “Mom, we’re not supposed to study in there. We just have to sit there and do nothing, you know?”
Now it’s her turn to roll her eyes. “Well, missy, you figure out a way to study!” Her tone books no room for discussion, and Renfri doesn’t bother. Doesn’t try to correct her either. Just sits there and tries not to reach out and punch their mother in the face. It’s a close call, this early on a Saturday morning.
“Well, go!” she calls, and Renfri does. Feeling miserable and misunderstood and godsfucking tired. They should have brought coffee. Or a whole machine, rather. Fuck. This day already sucks.
Behind the red car, a brown SUV comes to a stop. Within it, a tense silence. Vesemir isn’t looking at him, but Geralt knows that even if he were, there would be no judgment in them. Disappointment, maybe. Annoyance at having to be here once more on a Saturday morning. But no anger, no judgment.
“Let’s not do this again next week,” his old man grunts with a hint of resignation that tells Geralt he’s very well prepared to be in this exact same spot this time next week. It almost makes him smile.
Almost. Instead, he grunts. “Hm.”
Geralt doesn’t give a single flying fuck about school and grades and detention. He just wants to finally be done with it all so that he can work full-time in Vesemir’s garage like his brothers already do. His family knows that, and they are patient with him.
He brings home passing grades, sometimes even more than passing, and he aces shop. Stays out of trouble as far as he can, but he knows that some teachers just have it out for him. One, because he’s a Rivia, and everyone’s still traumatised by Lambert. Two, because he’s apparently intimidating and the assholes they employed here want to take him down before he can become dangerous, or something.
“Geralt,” Vesemir says, and he meets his eyes. A beat. “Try not to get in trouble.”
Again, it’s not like he tries to get in trouble. It’s just that trouble usually finds him.
“Want me to pick you up after?”
Geralt shakes his head. “I’ll walk.”
It’s not a long way to the garage, and this way he also gets a chance to cool off, as he so often needs after pointless detention. Maybe, if he’s in good spirits, he’ll pick up some late lunch or early dinner on his way, bring some for the rest of his family.
It’s a comforting thought.
Vesemir reaches over to clap his shoulder, neither of them men for a lot of words. “Have a good day, kid.”
Geralt huffs at the sarcasm in his old man’s voice and rolls his eyes. “Hm. You, too. Saturday morning customers are known for their patience.”
Vesemir groans. “Maybe I’ll put Lambert on front desk duty, then. Will teach them a lesson.”
“And him,” Geralt agrees.
“And him.”
Grabbing his lunch bag, Geralt opens the door and exits the car, though he is careful not to slam it shut. He scowls at the familiar picture of the deserted school building glowing in the light of the rising sun.
Let’s get the over with.
The lone boy approaching the school has nobody to bring him, but he favours the crisp air of early spring to the confinement of a car full of people who will judge him. He doesn’t care about walking or the early morning hours – they are the least of his worries. All he cares about is the music coming through his earphones. It’s the third time this morning that he listens to Come On Eileen, and he needs the energy of this song to survive this day. It’s working, so far.
Lost in his music and the general apprehension of this whole day and every one that would follow, Jaskier doesn’t even care about the approaching blue car that almost hits him if it wasn’t for that slight side-step he does in tune with the song. Shame, really. Maybe being hit by a car would have got him out of a whole day of detention.
Come on Eileen, tah-loo-rye-aye
Come on Eileen, tah-loo-rye-aye
I say, too-ra-loo-ra, too-ra-loo-rye-ay
What a great song to be hit by a car to. Maybe next time.
Yennefer steps out of the car, sparing a passing glance at the boy they just almost hit. Her parents ignored him just like they always ignore her. She idly wonders what would have happened if they’d hit him – the boy never even faltered. Just keeps walking with his stupid headphones on. She wonders what he’s listening to. Considers stealing his Walkman or his headphones. But he doesn’t strike her as popular enough for her attentions.
After all, she doesn’t bully loners.
Without a single word or even a backwards glance through the rear-view mirror, her father takes off again, not even acknowledging her existence. She tries not to let it get to her.
She fails. As always.
Swallowing down the lump that has been forming in her throat ever since she was born, Yennefer follows the boy with the misplaced spring in his step to the front door and into the library. Artificial, blaring light hits her and she can already feel the headache coming on. The fluorescent tubes in the ceiling are doing nothing to wake her up and only increase her already bad mood.
Three rows of tables are set out in the middle of the library. She takes a seat in the second one, wanting to be in the middle of the action – because of course there will be action. She’ll make sure of that if she needs to.
ask me about my wips
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marsbutterfly · 3 years
Hiiiii! I just binged all your writing on AO3 and I love all your work, especially the one with poor Hange hallucinating. I'm not sure if requests are open right now but if they are, I'd love to make one! I'm sorry for being hyper-specific but I just had my wisdom teeth removed, they had to hammer and drill to get one of them out that grew wrong and, I'll spare you the details but it took over an hour for the one and I'm sore and swollen to say the least and not looking forward to having to eventually eat something, and I wonder how Hange would take care of a reader that just had their wisdom teeth removed.
Please feel free to ignore this if you're not interested, and regardless thank you for your time and sorry for the wall of text! Hope you have a great day!
Note: Thank you so much anon, I appreciate your support <3 It makes me really happy! I hope you are all right now and that your mouth healed up ok. This is a mixture of a short fic and headcanons. I hope you enjoy! <3
Tooth Ache
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Summary: When you get your wisdom teeth removed, Hanji tries her best to take care of you. Modern AU!
Warning: Mentions of blood.
AO3 Version! | Wattpad Version!
“Come on, baby.” Hanji says as her torso reaches over you, struggling to fasten the seatbelt. You shift your body to the left gently, trying your best to help her but the effects of the laughing gas having yet to leave your body.
All you can do is giggle, watching the messy brown hair dangling in front of you. Without realizing what’s happening, a heavy weight is lifted from your body and your lungs can expand to their full capacity once again.
You look around confused, trying to understand what just happened, only to shift your eyes to the left, watching as Hanji starts the car. The sound of the engine roaring makes your heart beat slightly faster, a hint of fear rushing through your veins.
Before any words form, a warm, gentle hand brushes against your exposed thigh softly and the feeling is enough to soothe you. 
Body resting against the car seat, you take your fingers towards your mouth, touching the area around it as you try to make sure everything is still there. The piece of gauze that sat in your mouth now lies in between your legs, a few blood splatters following closely behind.
“Hanji, did you give me cranberry juice?” You ask, not realizing what that hot liquid was. She holds in a laugh, eyes shifting from the road to you for a second as she reaches for a small pill bottle sitting in the cup holder.
“Not yet.” She replies, handing you a decently sized pill and a small, cold box of juice. “But here, why don’t you drink this?”
You grunt in annoyance but still obliged to her request, earning a bright smile in return. 
The car falls silent, only the sounds produced by the vehicle fill the void. Your eyes wander outside, green leaves dance atop of the trees while an old lady’s blonde hair flows around in the wind, reminding you of last night’s dinner.
“Can I have some noodles when we get home?” You ask with stars in your eyes, knowing that Hanji has never once denied you anything at all.
“No, love. I’m sorry.” She replies, eyes focused on the road as you enter your neighborhood. In that moment, her words felt like a knife going into your skin, destroying your heart as a consequence. 
“But…” Tears form in your eyes and your bottom lip quiver.
“It’s for your own good.” She says, right hand squeezing your thigh before you push it away and all she does in response is sigh. 
Grabbing your phone from the glove compartment, you speed dial your most recent caller. A few seconds pass before Eren answers the phone and the image that welcomes him is the desolated, groggy mess behind the screen. Tears flow down your face as you try to speak through the gauze pads in your mouth.
“Hanji won’t let me eat noodles.” You say, earning a quiet giggle out of the brunette driving the car. “All I want is to eat my noodles.”
“It’s for your own good, Y/N!” He replies, a smile on his face as he tries not to laugh. From his end, you can hear two other voices but, in your current state, you don’t realize they are coming from Mikasa and Armin.
“That's what I said.” Hanji replies, reaching for your phone. “Now hang up Y/N.”
“NO!” You scream, pressing your body against the door and moving the device barely out of her reach. “I want to show Eren my lipstick.”
“Lipstick?” The camera shifts angles and now Armin’s face fills the screen. “Uhmm… Y/N?” 
You pull your head back, fingertips gently brushing against your chapped lips until the warm liquid touches them. In response, you let out a giggle. “Oh no. I think it’s blood.”
Hanji’s laugh echoes through the car as she pulls into the driveway. Once the vehicle comes to a full stop, she places her left arm against the window, fingers pushing her glasses up as tears of laughter stream down her face. 
You shoot her a confused look, trying to understand why she’s laughing. In response, she reaches for your phone once again, finally being able to catch the device from your hands and immediately hanging up the call.
“Come on, baby.” She says, removing her seatbelt and unbuckling yours. 
You reach for the handle to open the door many times but your hand simply slips right past it. After what seemed like an entirety, you’re able to hook your hand on it and open it, little do you know Hanji is actually the one to let you out.
Your vision is fuzzy as you try to step out of the car, everything spins around and you look at the sky. A pair of sturdy hands begins to guide you towards the entrance to the house and you smile gratefully.
Hanji seats you on the couch before handing you a cold compress. You stare at it for a few seconds, wondering what it is that she expects you to do with it. 
She laughs and sits beside you, your knee touching hers. “Like this.”
The cold compress against your cheek feels godly and it relieves some of the pain you are in. You instinctively let out a moan.
“I’m gonna go get your meds and be right back, ok?” She says while getting up.
“Otay.” You reply, humming to a random song you heard on the radio early that day. Unknowing to you, Hanji’s eyes glow as they watch you from behind the couch, her heart beating slightly faster as her cheeks blush.
A few minutes go by and when she returns, you are still moving your head and feet to the melody you sing. 
She hands you a cup of cold water and you happily take the pills from her hand. 
Your eyelids become heavy and you rest your head on her shoulder, feeling as her hand goes through your hair gently. You smile through the bloody gauze pads and she giggles.
“Hanji…” You whisper, calling her close to you with your finger and she leans towards you, “I want noodles.”
“Not this again!”
Hanji is not a good driver so it takes her a couple of days to convince you to let her drive you to the appointment instead of asking Armin or Mikasa to do it.
She nearly sleeps for too long the day of your procedure because she spent the night before worried sick, even if you’re just getting your wisdom teeth out.
Once it’s done, she has to control herself and not give in to your every request like she usually does. No solid food, no milkshakes, no moving more than you have to.
Hanji sets alarms for every 8 hours so you won’t miss a single dose of your pain medicine and, if the pain is too bad, she gives you an extra pill. Not only that, she constantly reminds you of when to change the gauze pads.
You always have fresh ice to apply to your cheeks and Hanji kisses them every chance she gets.
She can’t cook for shit, she tries but when the house ends up smelling like burned soup, she immediately calls Levi, who shows up with at least 3 days worth of food. For you and for Hanji.
When the anesthesia wears off, she pulls up her phone and shows you the embarrassing videos she took while you were high. Of you singing terribly to whatever is playing on the radio, your conspiracy theories on how your dentist was an alien or simply videos of you begging her to give you solid food.
She brushes your teeth for you when you can’t, always making sure to go around the extraction sites and scrubbing your tongue.
The day after the surgery, she rinses your mouth out with warm water and salt, even if you can do it yourself she keeps saying she’ll do it better than you, so you simply let her.
Hanji always makes sure your head is propped up while you’re lying down, even when you beg her to let you put your head down, she won’t let you. Instead, she sits behind you and props your head on her chest. You can hear her heartbeat so you can’t complain.
Once you are healed, she buys you an insane amount of junk food and you suggest going on a picnic with Levi and Erwin to eat it all. She agrees and immediately picks up the phone as you run upstairs to take some medicine so you won’t throw it all up.
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Gotta See Blood
Genre: Smut, angst
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: vamp!lix, mentions of murder, blood.
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gif credit @915archive​ 
He comes across you late at night in the forest, far away from your village, alone but clearly not scared. You’re screaming at the night sky, foolishly trying to summon an ancient power that you have no business messing with. It intrigues him though, and he makes his presence known to you. If only so he can entertain himself with the silly human girl who thinks that she could even stand in the devil’s presence without her skin getting seared off her bones. 
“Be careful who you call for, girl, or he might just answer.” A deep, alluring voice speaks up and you whip around to face its source, coming face to face with a silver-haired human-like creature.
You stare at him with both fear and confusion. You didn’t think the devil would look this...ethereal. 
“Are you the devil?” You venture uncertainly and he laughs a low, hoarse laugh. “No, darling, you wouldn’t be alive right now if I was.” 
Quickly, your moods flips, your short-lived fear replaced by the all consuming anger once again at having this creature waste your precious time. “Then what do you want then? Fuck off.” You spit out and go back to trying to summon the devil. 
In a second he’s behind you, a hand clasped over your mouth while his other arm loops around your body to stop you from waving your hands around in an abysmally incorrect incantation. You struggle against his hold but seize your movements entirely as soon as he presses his fangs to your neck. 
“There. Are you going to listen now?” He whispers, dazed as the smell of you hits him. Damn, you smelled good. Maybe he should sink his teeth in you and forget about whatever foolish attempt you were making.
But then you bite his hand. You bite him, and he’s so shocked he actually lets you go. 
“Fuck off, you filthy blood sucker. I refuse to die by your hands so go find some poor, frightened woman to suck dry. I have things to do.”
He stares at you in bewildered awe, infinitely amused by you. “You are trying to summon the devil. You, a mere mortal. It would be a waste to have him burn you alive before I get to have a taste, don’t you think? If you are going to get yourself killed anyway, why not let me do it? I can make it feel good.” 
You sneer at him in contempt, refusing to be discouraged by his fear mongering attempts. “I’m not going to get myself killed. I’m going to kill them all, and if you don’t get out of my way, I’ll kill you too.” 
That makes him let out a genuine laugh, something he hasn’t done in years, and he’s glad he didn’t kill you right away. “Ok, I’m going to humor you and say you can kill me, what then? Who are they and why do you want them dead?” 
Irritated at his continued disrupting presence, you ask, “If I tell you why, will you leave me alone?”
“Depends.” He shrugs, and you groan. The smile never leaves his face, you are just far too entertaining. “Maybe I could help you.”
That gives you pause, and you size him up, trying to decide if he can really help you or not. 
Apparently, you decides that yes, he can, and go on to tell him all about how your neighbor’s wife accused you of being a witch because she was jealous her husband lusted after you, and planted evidence to convince the whole village that you really were a witch and they were going to burn you at the stake if you hadn’t escaped. 
“That bitch.” You growl, fire burning in your eyes once again. “I’m going to carve out her husband’s disgusting cock and feed it to her.” 
The vampire smiles, “Is that why you were trying to summon the devil? To get revenge on your neighbor and her husband?”
“To get revenge on the whole village. I want them all to die suffering for what they were going to do to me. They deserve to burn like they were going to burn me.” Your anger burned so hot that the vampire came to be almost convinced that you really had the power to face the devil himself and will yourself to not be burned. In all his centuries of living, he has never seen someone so stupidly fearless and so insanely passionate… just looking at you made the cold blood in his veins run a little warmer, and that’s when he decides that he has to keep you for himself. 
But first, he had to win your affection, and he knew just how. 
There you were, on your knees between his legs, the head of his member pushed against your plump lips that have driven him absolutely insane countless times before. 
“Do you want me, my darling?”
“Yes.” He’s ashamed by how small that one word sounded. Truth is, he’s become absolutely consumed by you. 
After he’d wiped out your village, he was able to have you, have your body, have your blood, and that should’ve been enough. He should’ve killed you after that, he had no more use for you, and you knew it too. You were waiting for it, not a whiff of fear he could smell on you. You had done what you had set out to do and now you had nothing more to live for. That is what your eyes seem to say to him, and it hurts him deeply. 
It is a weird feeling, a sharp pang in his cobwebbed heart that has long forgotten what it’s like to feel at the notion that you haven’t considered living for him. 
So he kept stalling, pretending that he still wasn’t done with you. Which was the truth, he wanted to keep you around for an eternity, until all the world died around you, but he didn’t know how. 
You put him in your mouth again and his thoughts go quiet for a moment. He’s thankful to just get lost in the warm feeling of your mouth on him. But then he’s reminded that you're not his. If you were, you wouldn’t be warm. 
Breaking away from his cock, you get up to straddle him, taking him inside your warm heat that threatens to sear his brain. He can’t think so clearly with you around him like this. He needs to have you completely. 
But when he puts his fangs on you, you push him back. 
“No. I know what you want, and no. I will not let you turn me.” You say, completely unmoved and unmovable. “I will stay with you, but I will stay human.”
“But, my love--” He still tries to argue. Hasn’t he proven himself to you? Hasn’t he earned your utter devotion? How can you be so cruel to him?
“I have no use for eternities or even a regular lifetime, but I’ll stay alive for you. That’s all I can give you. Alive, Felix, not undead.” 
His eyes burn with the ghosts of tears he cannot shed. He would let every single person he’s ever fed on suck the blood back from his body if it meant that he could be human with you. 
But he can’t so he’ll just settle on trying not to melt away in your mere presence. 
Your power over him is immeasurable, and you bounce up and down on his member, he clutches onto your hips for dear life. 
“Wanna cum for me, my darling?” You ask, making his cock twitch inside of you. “You wanna paint my insides with your seed?”
He nods vigorously, a small pathetic moan bubbling up in his throat as his nails dig into your skin and little drops of blood seep out of the abrasions that he’ll spend the night lapping his tongue over and nursing them back to health. 
“I love you.” He cries out as he cums, his seed as cold as everything about him, but you’re grown used to it, and the little chill tips you over the edge too. 
“I love you too, darling.” You murmur, kissing his lips to shut him up before he can protest that if you truly loved him, you’d let him turn you. 
A/N: just a little sumthin sumthin for the up all night mv. I’m still working on the iyym blurbs dw
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