#I Was encouraged to come back with my finished project so that's on my to-do once I get him in a presentable state haha
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
aceromanticperfection · 31 minutes ago
@razgriz95 I think it might be about this article.
The only other link between ‘Severance’ and Tumblr I recall was people thinking it was inspired by someone reading a @charlesoberonn post about the concept (at least I think it was him).
I know the O.P. is rephrasing the ‘Torment Nexus’ meme, but that in itself reminds me of how Roald Dahl essentially saw modern generative A.I. coming in 1954’s “The Great Automatic Grammatizator”:
“WELL, Knipe, my boy. Now that it’s finished, I just called you in to tell you I think you’ve done a fine job.”
Adolph Knipe stood still in front of Mr. Bohlen’s desk. There seemed to be no enthusiasm in him at all.
“Aren’t you pleased?”
“Oh yes, Mr. Bohlen.”
“Did you see what the papers said this morning?”
“No, sir, I didn’t.”
The man behind the desk pulled a folded newspaper towards him, and began to read:
“The building of the great automatic computing engine, ordered by the government some time ago, is now complete. It is probably the fastest electronic calculating machine in the world today. Its function is to satisfy the ever-increasing need of science, industry, and administration for rapid mathematical calculation which, in the past, by traditional methods, would have been physically impossible, or would have required more time than the problems justified. The speed with which the new engine works, said Mr. John Bohlen, head of the firm of electrical engineers mainly responsible for its construction, may be grasped by the fact that it can provide the correct answer in five seconds to a problem that would occupy a mathematician for a month. In three minutes, it can produce a calculation that by hand (if it were possible) would fill half a million sheets of foolscap paper. The automatic computing engine uses pulses of electricity, generated at the rate of a million a second, to solve all calculations that resolve themselves into addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For practical purposes there is no limit to what it can do…”
Mr. Bohlen glanced up at the long, melancholy face of the younger man. “Aren’t you proud, Knipe? Aren’t you pleased?”
“Of course, Mr. Bohlen.”
“I don’t think I have to remind you that your own contribution, especially to the original plans, was an important one. In fact, I might go so far as to say that without you and some of your ideas, this project might still be on the drawing-boards today.”
Adolph Knipe moved his feet on the carpet, and he watched the two small white hands of his chief, the nervous fingers playing with a paperclip, unbending it, straightening out the hairpin curves. He didn’t like the man’s hands. He didn’t like his face either, with the tiny mouth and the narrow purple-coloured lips. It was unpleasant the way only the lower lip moved when he talked.
“Is anything bothering you, Knipe? Anything on your mind?”
“Oh no, Mr. Bohlen. No.”
“How would you like to take a week’s holiday? Do you good. You’ve earned it.”
“Oh, I don’t know, sir.”
The older man waited, watching this tall, thin person, who stood so sloppily before him. He was a difficult boy. Why couldn’t he stand up straight? Always drooping and untidy, with spots on his jacket, and hair falling all over his face.
“I’d like you to take a holiday, Knipe. You need it.”
“All right, sir. If you wish.”
“Take a week. Two weeks if you like. Go somewhere warm. Get some sunshine. Swim. Relax. Sleep. Then come back, and we’ll have another talk about the future.”
Adolph Knipe went home by bus to his two-room apartment. He threw his coat on the sofa, poured himself a drink of whiskey, and sat down in front of the typewriter that was on the table. Mr. Bohlen was right. Of course he was right. Except that he didn’t know the half of it. He probably thought it was a woman. Whenever a young man gets depressed, everybody thinks it’s a woman. He leaned forward and began to read through the half-finished sheet of typing still in the machine. It was headed “A Narrow Escape”, and it began “The night was dark and stormy, the wind whistled in the trees, the rain poured down like cats and dogs…”
Adolph Knipe took a sip of whiskey, tasting the malty-bitter flavour, feeling the trickle of cold liquid as it travelled down his throat and settled in the top of his stomach, cool at first, then spreading and becoming warm, making a little area of warmness in the gut. To hell with Mr. John Bohlen anyway. And to hell with the great electrical computing machine. To hell with…
At exactly that moment, his eyes and mouth began slowly to open, in a sort of wonder, and slowly he raised his head and became still, absolutely motionless, gazing at the wall opposite with this look that was more perhaps of astonishment than of wonder, but quite fixed now, unmoving, and remaining thus for forty, fifty, sixty seconds. Then gradually (the head still motionless), a subtle change spreading over the face, astonishment becoming pleasure, very slight at first, only around the corners of the mouth, increasing gradually, spreading out until at last the whole face was open wide and shining with extreme delight. It was the first time Adolph Knipe had smiled in many, many months.
“Of course,” he said, speaking aloud, “it’s completely ridiculous.” Again he smiled, raising his upper lip and baring his teeth in a queerly sensual manner.
“It’s a delicious idea, but so impracticable it doesn’t really bear thinking about at all.”
From then on, Adolph Knipe began to think about nothing else. The idea fascinated him enormously, at first because it gave him a promise—however remote—of revenging himself in a most devilish manner upon his greatest enemies. From this angle alone, he toyed idly with it for perhaps ten or fifteen minutes; then all at once he found himself examining it quite seriously as a practical possibility. He took paper and made some preliminary notes. But he didn’t get far. He found himself, almost immediately, up against the old truth that a machine, however ingenious, is incapable of original thought. It can handle no problems except those that resolve themselves into mathematical terms problems that contain one, and only one, correct answer.
This was a stumper. There didn’t seem any way around it. A machine cannot have a brain. On the other hand, it can have a memory, can it not? Their own electronic calculator had a marvellous memory. Simply by converting electric pulses, through a column of mercury, into supersonic waves, it could store away at least a thousand numbers at a time, extracting any one of them at the precise moment it was needed. Would it not be possible, therefore, on this principle, to build a memory section of almost unlimited size?
Now what about that? Then suddenly, he was struck by a powerful but simple little truth, and it was this: that English grammar is governed by rules that are almost mathematical in their strictness! Given the words, and given the sense of what is to be said, then there is only one correct order in which those words can be arranged.
No, he thought, that isn’t quite accurate. In many sentences there are several alternative positions for words and phrases, all of which may be grammatically correct. But what the hell. The theory itself is basically true. Therefore, it stands to reason that an engine built along the lines of the electric computer could be adjusted to arrange words (instead of numbers) in their right order according to the rules of grammar. Give it the verbs, the nouns, the adjectives, the pronouns, store them in the memory section as a vocabulary, and arrange for them to be extracted as required. Then feed it with plots and leave it to write the sentences.
There was no stopping Knipe now. He went to work immediately, and there followed during the next few days a period of intense labour. The living-room became littered with sheets of paper: formulae and calculations; lists of words, thousands and thousands of words; the plots of stories, curiously broken up and subdivided; huge extracts from Roget’s Thesaurus; pages filled with the first names of men and women; hundreds of surnames taken from the telephone directory; intricate drawings of wires and circuits and switches and thermionic valves; drawings of machines that could punch holes of different shapes in little cards, and of a strange electric typewriter that could type ten thousand words a minute. Also a kind of control panel with a series of small push-buttons, each one labelled with the name of a famous American magazine.
He was working in a mood of exultation, prowling around the room amidst this littering of paper, rubbing his hands together, talking out loud to himself; and sometimes, with a sly curl of the nose he would mutter a series of murderous imprecations in which the word “editor” seemed always to be present. On the fifteenth day of continuous work, he collected the papers into two large folders which he carried—almost at a run—to the offices of John Bohlen Inc., electrical engineers.
Mr. Bohlen was pleased to see him back. “Well, Knipe, good gracious me, you look a hundred per cent better. You have a good holiday? Where’d you go?”
He’s just as ugly and untidy as ever, Mr. Bohlen thought. Why doesn’t he stand up straight? He looks like a bent stick. “You look a hundred per cent better, my boy.” I wonder what he’s grinning about. Every time I see him, his ears seem to have got larger.
Adolph Knipe placed the folders on the desk. “Look, Mr. Bohlen!” he cried. “Look at these!”
Then he poured out his story. He opened the folders and pushed the plans in front of the astonished little man. He talked for over an hour, explaining everything, and when he had finished, he stepped back, breathless, flushed, waiting for the verdict.
“You know what I think, Knipe? I think you’re nuts.” Careful now, Mr. Bohlen told himself. Treat him carefully. He’s valuable, this one is. If only he didn’t look so awful, with that long horse face and the big teeth. The fellow had ears as big as rhubarb leaves.
“But Mr. Bohlen! It’ll work! I’ve proved to you it’ll work! You can’t deny that!”
“Take it easy now, Knipe. Take it easy, and listen to me.”
Adolph Knipe watched his man, disliking him more every second.
“This idea,” Mr. Bohlen’s lower lip was saying, “is very ingenious—I might almost say brilliant—and it only goes to confirm my opinion of your abilities, Knipe. But don’t take it too seriously. After all, my boy, what possible use can it be to us? Who on earth wants a machine for writing stories? And where’s the money in it, anyway? Just tell me that.”
“May I sit down, sir?”
“Sure, take a seat.”
Adolph Knipe seated himself on the edge of a chair. The older man watched him with alert brown eyes, wondering what was coming now.
“I would like to explain something, Mr. Bohlen, if I may, about how I came to do all this.”
“Go right ahead, Knipe.” He would have to be humoured a little now, Mr. Bohlen told himself. The boy was really valuable—a sort of genius, almost—worth his weight in gold to the firm. Just look at these papers here. Darndest thing you ever saw. Astonishing piece of work. Quite useless, of course. No commercial value. But it proved again the boy’s ability.
“It’s a sort of confession, I suppose, Mr. Bohlen. I think it explains why I’ve always been so ... so kind of worried.”
“You tell me anything you want, Knipe. I’m here to help you—you know that.”
The young man clasped his hands together tight on his lap, hugging himself with his elbows. It seemed as though suddenly he was feeling very cold.
“You see, Mr. Bohlen, to tell the honest truth, I don’t really care much for my work here. I know I’m good at it and all that sort of thing, but my heart’s not in it. It’s not what I want to do most.”
Up went Mr. Bohlen’s eyebrows, quick like a spring. His whole body became very still.
“You see, sir, all my life I’ve wanted to be a writer.”
“A writer!”
“Yes, Mr Bohlen. You may not believe it, but every bit of spare time I’ve had, I’ve spent writing stories. In the last ten years I’ve written hundreds, literally hundreds of short stories. Five hundred and sixty-six, to be precise. Approximately one a week.”
“Good heavens, man! What on earth did you do that for?”
“All I know, sir, is I have the urge.”
“What sort of urge?”
“The creative urge, Mr. Bohlen.” Every time he looked up he saw Mr. Bohlen’s lips.
They were growing thinner and thinner, more and more purple.
“And may I ask you what you do with these stories, Knipe?”
“Well, sir, that’s the trouble. No one will buy them. Each time I finish one, I send it out on the rounds. It goes to one magazine after another. That’s all that happens, Mr. Bohlen, and they simply send them back. It’s very depressing.”
Mr. Bohlen relaxed. “I can see quite well how you feel, my boy.” His voice was dripping with sympathy. “We all go through it one time or another in our lives. But now—now that you’ve had proof—positive proof—from the experts themselves, from the editors, that your stories are—what shall I say—rather unsuccessful, it’s time to leave off. Forget it, my boy. Just forget all about it.”
“No, Mr. Bohlen! No! That’s not true! I know my stories are good. My heavens, when you compare them with the stuff some of those magazines print—oh my word, Mr. Bohlen!—the sloppy, boring stuff that you see in the magazines week after week—why, it drives me mad!”
“Now wait a minute, my boy…”
“Do you ever read the magazines, Mr. Bohlen?”
“You’ll pardon me, Knipe, but what’s all this got to do with your machine?”
“Everything, Mr. Bohlen, absolutely everything! What I want to tell you is, I’ve made a study of magazines, and it seems that each one tends to have its own particular type of story. The writers—the successful ones—know this, and they write accordingly.”
“Just a minute, my boy. Calm yourself down, will you. I don’t think all this is getting us anywhere.”
“Please, Mr Bohlen, hear me through. It’s all terribly important.” He paused to catch his breath. He was properly worked up now, throwing his hands around as he talked. The long, toothy face, with the big ears on either side, simply shone with enthusiasm, and there was an excess of saliva in his mouth which caused him to speak his words wet.
“So you see, on my machine, by having an adjustable co-ordinator between the ‘plot-memory’ section and the ‘word-memory’ section I am able to produce any type of story I desire simply by pressing the required button.”
“Yes, I know, Knipe, I know. This is all very interesting, but what’s the point of it?”
“Just this, Mr Bohlen. The market is limited. We’ve got to be able to produce the right stuff, at the right time, whenever we want it. It’s a matter of business, that’s all. I’m looking at it from your point of view now—as a commercial proposition.”
“My dear boy, it can’t possibly be a commercial proposition—ever. You know as well as I do what it costs to build one of these machines.”
“Yes, sir, I do. But with due respect, I don’t believe you know what the magazines pay writers for stories.”
“What do they pay?”
“Anything up to twenty-five hundred dollars. It probably averages around a thousand.”
Mr. Bohlen jumped.
“Yes, sir, it’s true.”
“Absolutely impossible, Knipe! Ridiculous!”
“No, sir, it’s true.”
“You mean to sit there and tell me that these magazines pay out money like that to a man for ... just for scribbling off a story! Good heavens, Knipe! Whatever next! Writers must all be millionaires!”
“That’s exactly it, Mr. Bohlen! That’s where the machine comes in. Listen a minute, sir, while I tell you some more. I’ve got it all worked out. The big magazines are carrying approximately three fiction stories in each issue. Now, take the fifteen most important magazines—the ones paying the most money. A few of them are monthlies, but most of them come out every week. All right. That makes, let us say, around forty big stories being bought each week. That’s forty thousand dollars. So with our machine—when we get it working properly—we can collar nearly the whole of this market!”
“My dear boy, you’re mad!”
“No, sir, honestly, it’s true what I say. Don’t you see that with volume alone we’ll completely overwhelm them! This machine can produce a five-thousand-word story, all typed and ready for dispatch, in thirty seconds. How can the writers compete with that? I ask you, Mr. Bohlen, how?”
At that point, Adolph Knipe noticed a slight change in the man’s expression, an extra brightness in the eyes, the nostrils distending, the whole face becoming still, almost rigid. Quickly, he continued. “Nowadays, Mr. Bohlen, the hand-made article hasn’t a hope. It can’t possibly compete with mass-production, especially in this country—you know that. Carpets…chairs…shoes…bricks…crockery…anything you like to mention—they’re all made by machinery now. The quality may be inferior, but that doesn’t matter. It’s the cost of production that counts. And stories—well—they’re just another product, like carpets and chairs, and no one cares how you produce them so long as you deliver the goods. We’ll sell them wholesale, Mr. Bohlen! We’ll undercut every writer in the country! We’ll corner the market!”
Mr. Bohlen edged up straighter in his chair. He was leaning forward now, both elbows on the desk, the face alert, the small brown eyes resting on the speaker.
“I still think it’s impracticable, Knipe.”
“Forty thousand a week!” cried Adolph Knipe. “And if we halve the price, making it twenty thousand a week, that’s still a million a year!” And softly he added, “You didn’t get any million a year for building the old electronic calculator, did you, Mr. Bohlen?”
“But seriously now, Knipe. D’you really think they’d buy them?”
“Listen, Mr. Bohlen. Who on earth is going to want custom-made stories when they can get the other kind at half the price? It stands to reason, doesn’t it?”
“And how will you sell them? Who will you say has written them?”
“We’ll set up our own literary agency, and we’ll distribute them through that. And we’ll invent all the names we want for the writers.”
“I don’t like it, Knipe. To me, that smacks of trickery, does it not?”
“And another thing, Mr. Bohlen. There’s all manner of valuable by-products once you’ve got started. Take advertising, for example. Beer manufacturers and people like that are willing to pay good money these days if famous writers will lend their names to their products. Why, my heavens, Mr. Bohlen! This isn’t any children’s plaything we’re talking about. It’s big business.”
“Don’t get too ambitious, my boy.”
“And another thing. There isn’t any reason why we shouldn’t put your name, Mr. Bohlen, on some of the better stories, if you wished it.”
“My goodness, Knipe. What should I want that for?”
“I don’t know, sir, except that some writers get to be very much respected—like Mr. Eric Gardner or Kathleen Morris, for example. We’ve got to have names, and I was certainly thinking of using my own on one or two stories, just to help out.”
“A writer, eh?” Mr. Bohlen said, musing. “Well, it would surely surprise them over at the club when they saw my name in the magazines—the good magazines.”
That’s right, Mr. Bohlen!”
For a moment, a dreamy, faraway look came into Mr. Bohlen’s eyes, and he smiled. Then he stirred himself and began leafing through the plans that lay before him.
“One thing I don’t quite understand, Knipe. Where do the plots come from? The machine can’t possibly invent plots.”
“We feed those in, sir. That’s no problem at all. Everyone has plots. There’s three or four hundred of them written down in that folder there on your left. Feed them straight into the ‘plot-memory’ section of the machine.”
“Go on.”
“There are many other little refinements too, Mr. Bohlen. You’ll see them all when you study the plans carefully. For example, there’s a trick that nearly every writer uses, of inserting at least one long, obscure word into each story. This makes the reader think that the man is very wise and clever. So I have the machine do the same thing. There’ll be a whole stack of long words stored away just for this purpose.”
“In the ‘word-memory’ section,” he said, epexegetically.
Through most of that day the two men discussed the possibilities of the new engine. In the end, Mr. Bohlen said he would have to think about it some more. The next morning, he was quietly enthusiastic. Within a week, he was completely sold on the idea.
“What we’ll have to do, Knipe, is to say that we’re merely building another mathematical calculator, but of a new type. That’ll keep the secret.”
“Exactly, Mr. Bohlen.”
And in six months the machine was completed. It was housed in a separate brick building at the back of the premises, and now that it was ready for action, no one was allowed near it excepting Mr. Bohlen and Adolph Knipe.
It was an exciting moment when the two men—the one, short, plump, breviped—the other tall, thin and toothy—stood in the corridor before the control panel and got ready to run off the first story. All around them were walls dividing up into many small corridors, and the walls were covered with wiring and plugs and switches and huge glass valves. They were both nervous, Mr. Bohlen hopping from one foot to the other, quite unable to keep still.
“Which button?” Adolph Knipe asked, eyeing a row of small white discs that resembled the keys of a typewriter. “You choose, Mr Bohlen. Lots of magazines to pick from—Saturday Evening Post, Collier’s, Ladies’ Home Journal—any one you like.”
“Goodness me, boy! How do I know?” He was jumping up and down like a man with hives.
“Mr. Bohlen,” Adolph Knipe said gravely, “do you realize that at this moment, with your little finger alone, you have it in your power to become the most versatile writer on this continent?”
“Listen, Knipe, just get on with it, will you please—and cut out the preliminaries.”
“OK, Mr. Bohlen. Then we’ll make it... let me see—this one. How’s that?” He extended one finger and pressed down a button with the name TODAY’S WOMAN printed across it in diminutive black type. There was a sharp click, and when he took his finger away, the button remained down, below the level of the others.
“So much for the selection,” he said. “Now—here we go!” He reached up and pulled a switch on the panel. Immediately, the room was filled with a loud humming noise, and a crackling of electric sparks, and the jingle of many, tiny, quickly moving levers; and almost in the same instant, sheets of quarto paper began sliding out from a slot to the right of the control panel and dropping into a basket below. They came out quick, one sheet a second, and in less than half a minute it was all over. The sheets stopped coming.
“That’s it!” Adolph Knipe cried. “There’s your story!”
They grabbed the sheets and began to read. The first one they picked up started as follows:“Aifkjmbsaoegweztp-pl-nvoqudskigt&,-fuhpekanvbertyuiolkjhgfdsazxcvbnm,pe-ru itrehdjkg mvnb,wmsuy…”
They looked at the others. The style was roughly similar in all of them. Mr. Bohlen began to shout. The younger man tried to calm him down.
“It’s all right, sir. Really it is. It only needs a little adjustment. We’ve got a connection wrong somewhere, that’s all. You must remember, Mr. Bohlen, there’s over a million feet of wiring in this room. You can’t expect everything to be right first time.”
“It’ll never work,” Mr. Bohlen said.
“Be patient, sir. Be patient.”
Adolph Knipe set out to discover the fault, and in four days’ time he announced that all was ready for the next try.
“It’ll never work,” Mr. Bohlen said. “I know it’ll never work.”
Knipe smiled and pressed the selector button marked READER’S DIGEST. Then he pulled the switch, and again the strange, exciting, humming sound filled the room. One page of typescript flew out of the slot into the basket.
“Where’s the rest?” Mr Bohlen cried. “It’s stopped! It’s gone wrong!”
“No sir, it hasn’t. It’s exactly right. It’s for the Digest, don’t you see?”
This time it began. “Fewpeopleyetknowthatarevolution-ary-ewcurehasbeendiscoveredwhichmaywell-bringperma-nent-relieftosufferersofthemostdreadeddiseaseofourtime...” And so on.
“It’s gibberish!” Mr. Bohlen shouted.
“No, sir, it’s fine. Can’t you see? It’s simply that she’s not breaking up the words. That’s an easy adjustment. But the story’s there. Look, Mr. Bohlen, look! It’s all there except that the words are joined together.”
And indeed it was.
On the next try a few days later, everything was perfect, even the punctuation. The first story they ran off, for a famous women’s magazine, was a solid, plotty story of a boy who wanted to better himself with his rich employer. This boy arranged, so that story went, for a friend to hold up the rich man’s daughter on a dark night when she was driving home. Then the boy himself, happening by, knocked the gun out of his friend’s hand and rescued the girl. The girl was grateful. But the father was suspicious. He questioned the boy sharply. The boy broke down and confessed. Then the father, instead of kicking him out of the house, said that he admired the boy’s resourcefulness. The girl admired his honesty—and his looks. The father promised him to be head of the Accounts Department. The girl married him.
“It’s tremendous, Mr. Bohlen! It’s exactly right!”
“Seems a bit sloppy to me, my boy!”
“No, sir, it’s a seller, a real seller!”
In his excitement, Adolph Knipe promptly ran off six more stories in as many minutes. All of them—except one, which for some reason came out a trifle lewd—seemed entirely satisfactory.
Mr. Bohlen was now mollified. He agreed to set up a literary agency in an office downtown, and to put Knipe in charge. In a couple of weeks, this was accomplished. Then Knipe mailed out the first dozen stories. He put his own name to four of them, Mr. Bohlen’s to one, and for the others he simply invented names.
Five of these stories were promptly accepted. The one with Mr. Bohlen’s name on it was turned down with a letter from the fiction editor saying, “This is a skilful job, but in our opinion it doesn’t quite come off. We would like to see more of this writer’s work…”
Adolph Knipe took a cab out to the factory and ran off another story for the same magazine. He again put Mr. Bohlen’s name to it, and mailed it immediately. That one they bought.
The money started pouring in. Knipe slowly and carefully stepped up the output, and in six months’ time he was delivering thirty stories a week, and selling about half.
He began to make a name for himself in literary circles as a prolific and successful writer. So did Mr. Bohlen; but not quite such a good name, although he didn’t know it. At the same time, Knipe was building up a dozen or more fictitious persons as promising young authors. Everything was going fine.
At this point it was decided to adapt the machine for writing novels as well as stories. Mr. Bohlen, thirsting now for greater honours in the literary world, insisted that Knipe go to work at once on this prodigious task.
“I want to do a novel,” he kept saying. “I want to do a novel.”
“And so you will, sir. And so you will. But please be patient. This is a very complicated
adjustment I have to make.”
“Everyone tells me I ought to do a novel,” Mr. Bohlen cried. All sorts of publishers are chasing after me day and night begging me to stop fooling around with stories and do something really important instead. A novel’s the only thing that counts—that’s what they say.”
“We’re going to do novels,” Knipe told him. “Just as many as we want. But please be patient.”
“Now listen to me, Knipe. What I’m going to do is a serious novel, something that’ll make ’em sit up and take notice. I’ve been getting rather tired of the sort of stories you’ve been putting my name to lately. As a matter of fact, I’m none too sure you haven’t been trying to make a monkey out of me.”
“A monkey, Mr. Bohlen?”
“Keeping all the best ones for yourself, that’s what you’ve been doing.”
“Oh no, Mr. Bohlen! No!”
“So this time I’m going to make damn sure I write a high class intelligent book. You understand that.”
“Look, Mr. Bohlen. With the sort of switchboard I’m rigging up, you’ll be able to write any sort of book you want.”
And this was true, for within another couple of months, the genius of Adolph Knipe had not only adapted the machine for novel writing, but had constructed a marvellous new control system which enabled the author to pre-select literally any type of plot and any style of writing he desired. There were so many dials and levers on the thing, it looked like the instrument panel of some enormous aeroplane.
First, by depressing one of a series of master buttons, the writer made his primary decision: historical, satirical, philosophical, political, romantic, erotic, humorous, or straight. Then, from the second row (the basic buttons), he chose his theme: army life, pioneer days, civil war, world war, racial problem, wild west, country life, childhood memories, seafaring, the sea bottom and many, many more. The third row of buttons gave a choice of literary style: classical, whimsical, racy, Hemingway, Faulkner, Joyce, feminine, etc. The fourth row was for characters, the fifth for wordage—and so on and so on—ten long rows of pre-selector buttons.
But that wasn’t all. Control had also to be exercised during the actual writing process (which took about fifteen minutes per novel), and to do this the author had to sit, as it were, in the driver’s seat, and pull (or push) a battery of labelled stops, as on an organ. By so doing, he was able continually to modulate or merge fifty different and variable qualities such as tension, surprise, humour, pathos, and mystery. Numerous dials and gauges on the dashboard itself told him throughout exactly how far along he was with his work.
Finally, there was the question of “passion”. From a careful study of the books at the top of the best-seller lists for the past year, Adolph Knipe had decided that this was the most important ingredient of all—a magical catalyst that somehow or other could transform the dullest novel into a howling success—at any rate financially. But Knipe also knew that passion was powerful, heady stuff, and must be prudently dispensed—the right proportions at the right moments; and to ensure this, he had devised an independent control consisting of two sensitive sliding adjusters operated by foot-pedals, similar to the throttle and brake in a car. One pedal governed the percentage of passion to be injected, the other regulated its intensity. There was no doubt, of course—and this was the only drawback—that the writing of a novel by the Knipe methods was going to be rather like flying a plane and driving a car and playing an organ all at the same time, but this did not trouble the inventor. When all was ready, he proudly escorted Mr. Bohlen into the machine house and began to explain the operating procedure for the new wonder.
“Good God, Knipe! I’ll never be able to do all that! Dammit, man, it’d be easier to write the thing by hand!”
“You’ll soon get used to it, Mr. Bohlen, I promise you. In a week or two, you’ll be doing it without hardly thinking. It’s just like learning to drive.”
Well, it wasn’t quite as easy as that, but after many hours of practice, Mr. Bohlen began to get the hang of it, and finally, late one evening, he told Knipe to make ready for running off the first novel. It was a tense moment, with the fat little man crouching nervously in the driver’s seat, and the tall toothy Knipe fussing excitedly around him.
“I intend to write an important novel, Knipe.”
“I’m sure you will, sir. I’m sure you will.”
With one finger, Mr Bohlen carefully pressed the necessary pre-selector buttons:
Master button—satirical
Subject—racial problem
Characters—six men, four women, one infant
Length—fifteen chapters.
At the same time he had his eye particularly upon three organ stops marked power, mystery, profundity.
“Are you ready, sir?”
“Yes, yes, I’m ready.”
Knipe pulled the switch. The great engine hummed. There was a deep whirring sound from the oiled movement of fifty thousand cogs and rods and levers; then came the drumming of the rapid electrical typewriter, setting up a shrill, almost intolerable clatter. Out into the basket flew the typewritten pages—one every two seconds. But what with the noise and the excitement and having to play upon the stops, and watch the chapter-counter and the pace-indicator and the passion-gauge, Mr. Bohlen began to panic. He reacted in precisely the way a learner driver does in a car—by pressing both feet hard down on the pedals and keeping them there until the thing stopped.
“Congratulations on your first novel,” Knipe said, picking up the great bundle of typed pages from the basket.
Little pearls of sweat were oozing out all over Mr. Bohlen’s face. “It sure was hard work, my boy.”
“But you got it done, sir. You got it done.”
“Let me see it, Knipe. How does it read?”
He started to go through the first chapter, passing each finished page to the younger man.
“Good heavens, Knipe! What’s this?” Mr. Bohlen’s thin purple fish-lip was moving slightly as it mouthed the words, his cheeks were beginning slowly to inflate.
“But look here, Knipe! This is outrageous!”
“I must say it’s a bit fruity, sir.”
“Fruity! It’s perfectly revolting! I can’t possibly put my name to this!”
“Quite right, sir. Quite right!”
“Knipe! Is this some nasty trick you’ve been playing on me?”
“Oh no, sir! No!”
“It certainly looks like it.”
“You don’t think, Mr. Bohlen, that you mightn’t have been pressing a little hard on the passion-control pedals, do you?”
“My dear boy, how should I know?”
“Why don’t you try another?”
So Mr. Bohlen ran off a second novel, and this time it went according to plan. Within a week, the manuscript had been read and accepted by an enthusiastic publisher. Knipe followed with one in his own name, then made a dozen more for good measure. In no time at all, Adolph Knipe’s Literary Agency had become famous for its large stable of promising young novelists. And once again the money started rolling in.
It was at this stage that young Knipe began to display a real talent for big business.
“See here, Mr. Bohlen,” he said. “We’ve still got too much competition. Why don’t we just absorb all the other writers in the country?”
Mr. Bohlen, who now sported a bottle-green velvet jacket and allowed his hair to cover two-thirds of his ears, was quite content with things the way they were. “Don’t know what you mean, my boy. You can’t just absorb writers.”
“Of course you can, sir. Exactly like Rockefeller did with his oil companies. Simply buy ’em out, and if they won’t sell, squeeze ‘em out. It’s easy!”
“Careful now, Knipe. Be careful.”
“I’ve got a list here sir, of fifty of the most successful writers in the country, and what I intend to do is offer each one of them a lifetime contract with pay. All they have to do is undertake never to write another word; and, of course, to let us use their names on our own stuff. How about that?”
“They’ll never agree.”
“You don’t know writers, Mr. Bohlen. You watch and see.”
“What about the creative urge, Knipe?”
“It’s bunk! All they’re really interested in is the money—just like everybody else.”
In the end, Mr. Bohlen reluctantly agreed to give it a try, and Knipe, with his list of writers in his pocket, went off in a large chauffeur-driven Cadillac to make his calls.
He journeyed first to the man at the top of the list, a very great and wonderful writer, and he had no trouble getting into the house. He told his story and produced a suitcase full of sample novels, and a contract for the man to sign which guaranteed him so much a year for life. The man listened politely, decided he was dealing with a lunatic, gave him a drink, then firmly showed him to the door.
The second writer on the list, when he saw Knipe was serious, actually attacked him with a large metal paperweight, and the inventor had to flee down the garden followed by such a torrent of abuse and obscenity as he had never heard before.
But it took more than this to discourage Adolph Knipe. He was disappointed but not dismayed, and off he went in his big car to seek his next client. This one was a female, famous and popular, whose fat romantic books sold by the million across the country. She received Knipe graciously, gave him tea, and listened attentively to his story.
“It all sounds very fascinating,” she said. “But of course I find it a little hard to believe.”
“Madam,” Knipe answered. “Come with me and see it with your own eyes. My car awaits you.”
So off they went, and in due course, the astonished lady was ushered into the machine house where the wonder was kept. Eagerly, Knipe explained its workings, and after a while he even permitted her to sit in the driver’s seat and practise with the buttons.
“All right,” he said suddenly, “you want to do a book now?”
“Oh yes!” she cried. “Please!”
She was very competent and seemed to know exactly what she wanted. She made her own pre-selections, then ran off a long, romantic, passion-filled novel. She read through the first chapter and became so enthusiastic that she signed up on the spot.
“That’s one of them out of the way,” Knipe said to Mr Bohlen afterwards. “A pretty big one too.”
“Nice work, my boy.”
“And you know why she signed?”
“It wasn’t the money. She’s got plenty of that.”
“Then why?”
Knipe grinned, lifting his lip and baring a long pale upper gum. “Simply because she saw the machine-made stuff was better than her own.”
Thereafter, Knipe wisely decided to concentrate only upon mediocrity. Anything better than that—and there were so few it didn’t matter much—was apparently not quite so easy to seduce.
In the end, after several months of work, he had persuaded something like seventy per cent of the writers on his list to sign the contract. He found that the older ones, those who were running out of ideas and had taken to drink, were the easiest to handle. The younger people were more troublesome. They were apt to become abusive, sometimes violent when he approached them; and more than once Knipe was slightly injured on his rounds.
But on the whole, it was a satisfactory beginning. This last year—the first full year of the machine’s operation—it was estimated that at least one half of all the novels and stories published in the English language were produced by Adolph Knipe upon the Great Automatic Grammatizator.
Does this surprise you?
I doubt it.
And worse is yet to come. Today, as the secret spreads, many more are hurrying to tie up with Mr. Knipe. And all the time the screw turns tighter for those who hesitate to sign their names.
This very moment, as I sit here listening to the howling of my nine starving children in the other room, I can feel my own hand creeping closer and closer to that golden contract that lies over on the other side of the desk.
Give us strength, Oh Lord, to let our children starve.
At long last, we have created Severance from the classic sci-fi series Don't Create Severance.
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sysig · 4 months ago
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Challenge level: Impossible (Patreon)
#Doodles#Spoiler alert: I was in fact not normal about it lol#You can tell those first two are old by comparison for how short my hair was at the time lol#From back in July! I guess I just hadn't been drawing myself much there for a bit huh#As for that last one I swear I Promise I drafted this in September it's not a reference I'm just actually genuinely Like This lol#I didn't choose this life etc. etc. lol#From the top!#Burst of inspiration wherever could that have come from hehe <3 What could've happened in July that made me want to draw I wonder hehehe#Bit funny considering I fell off posting - not like the inspiration stopped! And what I Did draw was Very lol#I still have some of it in an ever-present photoviewer because I like being able to look at it at any point <3#Still inspired! Still want to do more studies!! So pretty ♥♪♫#Sleepy thoughts - I had my Pkmn Diamond/SoulSilver field dex/guides for all of like two months and then they were packed up again#And this was Before the Pokemon burst! Sheesh sheesh#I love my field guide dexes they're so neat and well-made ahh#I have got a couple craft projects still back-burnered - those papercrafts to do with Pokemon are still on the list!#A little Pokedex-notebook is so fun.......And I have Pokemon stickers that I could put in it or on it......ah........#I do want to! I will at some point the energy will return to it eventually#Alright so the main course lol#Went fabric shopping for plushies because yes I Am determined to Make Thing! Another that's been a bit backburnered - but I will!!!#I do still really want to it's turned out pretty good for far :) But while I was shopping!!#We did the usual small talk thing with the store employee like ''Oh what are you buying this for'' that whole back-and-forth#So I explained that I was making plushies and needed the tear-away stabilizer to draw the embroidery outline on#In my head I was being very tempered because while /I/ know that I'm making a Max plushie not many people are familiar with him (wrongly so)#Lol#So we continued and he was like ''Oh cool I've made some patches with embroidery :)'' so I asked of what and he lead with CotL's crown#And then-#Look Zarla's work was Already on my mind with Max as my project I was in a Delicate Way already do you really expect me not to talk about it#The answer was no and he walked away with a Vargas recommendation in his pocket I hope he enjoyed it lol#And I got my fabric and started work on Max's face it's fine it all worked out in the end it's all good it's great lol#I Was encouraged to come back with my finished project so that's on my to-do once I get him in a presentable state haha
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fluentmoviequoter · 3 months ago
Bradford Has a Princess
I used one of the amazing Tim Bradford ideas posted by @nevereclipse for this!! I hope you like it and it's along the lines of what you were thinking!☺️
Pairing: Tim Bradford x younger(24-26y/o)!fem!reader
Summary: Tim Bradford is whipped for you, treats you with nothing but the best princess treatment, and when his fellow officers call him out on it, he realizes how he truly feels about you.
Warnings: fluff! princess treatment and Tim being a SOFTIE™
Word Count: 1.6k+ words
Part 2 >>
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You blow your hair out of your face before you tug it painfully behind your ear.
“Easy,” your boyfriend mutters, reaching over carefully. He gathers your hair much gentler than you had, pulls it loosely behind your ears, and uses the hair tie he wears around his wrist to secure it. “Better?”
You hum before you say, “Thank you, Tim.”
His hand moves down your back, resting comfortably against the base of your spine. After you finish your project, you take a paper towel from the nearby roll and wipe your hands.
“Need anything else?” Tim asks.
You smile over your shoulder as you rest against Tim’s chest. He’s older than you, and though some people might frown upon your relationship, you love him, not only because of the selfless way he treats you. Tim places his arm around your shoulders, then uses his free hand to pull your hand closer to him. He traces his thumb over your knuckles, then looks at your nails as his calloused palm holds you like you are the most precious thing in his life, in the world.
“I can make you an appointment at the nail salon you like,” he offers. “Tuesday?”
Tim shifts his hands, running his fingertips up and down your palm as he smiles.
“I can wait,” you answer. “I actually saw a kit online that lets you make your own nail art. Maybe I should try that next time.”
“Send me the link.”
Tim kisses your temple, then twirls the ends of your hair around his fingers. He decides he could spend forever here and wouldn’t even care what his friends thought about it.
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“Tim!” Angela calls. “We’re all going to Andre’s.”
“Actually,” he begins.
“No, you skipped out the last three times, you’re coming with.”
“No arguments,” Nyla adds. “We might even make you pay.”
Tim sighs, his shoulders dropping as he nods. He follows them out of the station and is unsurprised to see Lucy, Nolan, Aaron, and Wesley waiting in the parking lot.
“Tim, you’re coming too?” Wesley asks. “I thought you’d finally sworn off fraternization.”
“Ha ha,” Tim deadpans.
“Can I ride with you?” Aaron asks. “My car’s getting a new wrap and Wesley’s backseat is a little tight with the carseats.”
Tim doesn’t answer but doesn’t say no, so Lucy nods and encourages Aaron to go. Aaron climbs into Tim’s passenger seat and buckles his seatbelt without a word.
“Oh,” he exclaims as Tim backs out of the space. “Who’s the Dior lip gloss belong to?” He lifts the tube out of the floorboard and recognizes it as part of a set his mom has. “This is expensive, they must be missing it.”
“She knows it’s here,” Tim grumbles, extending his hand to take it.
“Your sister?” Aaron guesses as Tim places it in the center console. He sees several other items, like a scrunchie, a receipt, and powder.
“None of your business,” Tim snaps. “Why are you getting an expensive car wrapped, anyway?”
“Because I can.”
Tim and Aaron fall silent, Tim thinking about you as Aaron wonders if the others know about the woman taking up space in Tim Bradford’s truck and in his life.
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During your next date night, Tim opens the door for you, then wraps his arm around your waist as you enter the restaurant. He moves to his left to stand slightly behind you as you wait to be seated, and you smile over your shoulder at him.
At your table, Tim pulls your chair out for you, but you stop before you sit when someone says his name. You turn, and Tim’s shoulders tense beneath his blazer.
“Angela,” he greets tightly. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m on a date,” she answers with a smile. She looks at you before she asks, “And you?”
You sense the tension and interrupt to introduce yourself. You provide your name and shake her hand, then look to Tim.
“My girlfriend,” he tells Angela. “We’re on a date, so…”
“I’ll ask more later then. I mean that Timothy, you have a lot to tell me.” She turns toward you again and says, “Nice to meet you.”
“You, too.”
Alone, you take Tim’s hand across the table and apologize for interrupting him and his friend. He promises that he wasn’t bothered by that and assures you that he wasn’t avoiding introducing you on purpose but was just surprised. You fall into easy conversation, as usual, and the date is over far too soon.
When the waiter leaves the check on the corner of the table, you ask, “Going Dutch?”
“Going insane if you think I’m letting you pay for a date,” Tim mumbles before speaking up to say, “My treat.”
Tim offers his blazer before you walk out into the windy Los Angeles night, and you wrap your hands around his arm as he leads you to his truck. You’ve never felt as loved and as cherished as you do with Tim Bradford.
As you enter Tim’s house, he uses your joined hands to pull you back toward him. He dips his chin, gesturing for you to sit on the couch, then lowers to the table before it. With a gentle touch, Tim runs his hands down your leg, from your knee to your ankle. After he hooks his finger under the strap of your heel, he pulls your foot up, resting your calf on his knee to unhook the small buckle against your ankle and remove your shoe. He repeats the process with the other shoe, then lays his hands on your knees and leans forward.
“Hi,” you whisper with a smile.
Tim smiles in the proximity, then runs his hands up your legs to rest on your thighs.
“I love you,” you add.
“I love you,” he replies before he moves beside you on the couch, cups the back of your neck in his hand, and pulls into a kiss that proves it.
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Tim stops mid-step as he enters the roll call room the following morning. Angela and Aaron are perched atop the tables to watch him with matching looks.
“What?” Tim asks.
“You have a girlfriend,” Angela says.
“That I’m thinking you bought Dior for,” Aaron adds.
“Who are you and what did you do with Timothy Bradford?”
“Yes, I have a girlfriend, and I bought her some makeup,” Tim admits. “What’s the big deal?”
“The big deal?” Aaron repeats incredulously. “You, Tim Bradford, are whipped.”
“He took her to an expensive restaurant last night,” Angela tells Aaron without looking away from Tim. “I bet he footed the bill, too.”
“There is no reason to be discussing this at work,” Tim points out. “So, drop it.”
“Drop what?” Lucy asks from the doorway.
One word, Tim mouths to Aaron. Aaron nods, but Angela smiles. Tim knows he has no power over her, but when she changes the subject, he sighs and nods once. She’ll bring it up again when he least expects it, but for now, the ‘news’ of his ‘being whipped’ for you is contained. He isn’t ashamed of you, of course, but some things need to be private.
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Immediately after walking into Tim’s house, he kisses you so hard that you can feel the sticky texture of your lip gloss as it smears from the corners of your lips and onto your chin. When he pulls back, holding you up as you blink at him, breathless, he uses his thumb to wipe away the shiny mess he made.
“I missed you too,” you say.
“I was told today that I’m whipped,” Tim replies.
You furrow your brows, and Tim taps his knuckle against your forehead and smiles as he shakes his head. You relax but hold his side as you wait for more information.
“Aaron and Angela know about you, and he told me I was whipped. I realized that he’s right.”
Terrified that Tim is about to break up with you after this realization, you pull your bottom lip between your teeth. He huffs and tugs it free.
“I am more in love with you than I ever dreamed of being capable of. So…”
Tim is clearly trying to find the right words, and you smile as you offer, “Incandescently happy?”
“Completely and incandescently happy,” he agrees. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Tim smiles, then notices he disturbed your outfit with his sudden affection. He tugs the ridden-up fabric down over your hips before dragging his fingertips along your upper arm to fix your top.
“Remember when you bought me the makeup wipes?” you ask.
Tim nods and inquires, “Do you need them?”
You try to contain your smile but fail. “No, you just proved you can take off lip gloss without them.”
Tim tugs you closer, hooks his arms under your hips, and lifts you up. You gasp in surprise before gripping his shoulders. After he carries you to the kitchen and sets you on the counter, he takes your shoes off and stands between your legs.
“Should I make dinner or are you going to keep distracting me?”
You tap your finger against your jaw and pretend to ponder the question. “That depends… will your friends still be okay with this relationship when they find out you’re a cradle robber?”
“Maybe I should give you back then.”
You pout, and Tim kisses your forehead before he turns away. He passes you a bouquet of red roses, then sets a glass of your favorite beverage beside you. It’s the response you hoped for, and after you gently place the flowers aside, you pull Tim closer by his collar and smile against his lips.
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anyamaris · 8 months ago
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Summary- Your unrequited crush on Hoseok seems to have played itself out as you overhear a conversation between him and Yoongi. But Yoongi has a secret of his own to tell you.
Word Count- 11372
Pairing- Yoongi x F!Reader (x Hoseok in a way?)
Trope- Friends to lovers au, smut/angst
Warnings- Unrequited love, a bit of a love triangle? Adult language, vulgarity, unprotected sex, lots of smutty things, minors DNI 18+++
Tags- @ksmutsociety @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @yoonguurt @shinestarhwaa @stardragongalaxy @kpop-stories-21 @starlitmark @millennial-fangirl @ericssmile @wooahaeproductions @changbinslovelylegs @yeosxxx @starillusion13 @duchesskaren @minki-moo @woosanbby @frenchkisstheabyss
@cafekitsune Thank you for banners and dividers! 🤍💜🤍
A/N- Well this started out as a Hoseok fic....but Yoongi kind of took over? This is my first attempt at a BTS fic so please be kind. Thank you to @kwanisms for the gorgeous header and to @frenchkisstheabyss for beta reading all of this process and encouraging me...this wouldn't have been written without you!!
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“What do you mean?” You hear the familiar sound of Hoseok’s voice from the other room as you walk in.  
Smiling, you open your mouth to announce yourself, but the next words have you clamping it shut. 
“She’s just my friend, I don’t see her that way.” 
Curious, you set the bag of food down on the coffee table in the living room, wondering who he’s talking about.  
“Liar, I see how you two are together.  You’ve been friends for ages, and I can tell-”
“I’m not lying.  Seriously, man-maybe you’re projecting.  She’s just my friend.  As if I could ever see her as a woman.” 
Hoseok’s laugh at that last line has your heart dropping two stories below the apartment, the tingle of hurt burning the back of your throat.  
“Hobi-” You can hear the tightness of Yoongi’s voice as you try to calm the tsunami in your stomach.  
“Why are you so intent on matchmaking us? It’s not like you, dude. Stop meddling, it’s weird.”
“As long as you say so, man. I just figured I’d check before-” 
Their voices halt the moment you begin to make noises, unwilling to hear your two friends talk about you like that. 
You already felt invasive enough having listened in on that little bit.
Fighting down the tears pricking the back of your eyes, you manage to call out to them.  
“I’m back with food!”  
You’re certain your voice is normal as you make your way into the kitchen, settling the bag down on the counter to pull out containers for everyone.  
“Come eat while it’s warm…” you manage, ignoring the two men as they wander out from Hoseok’s bedroom.  
“That was quick…” Yoongi mutters, and you don’t catch the glare he throws at Hoseok.
Shrugging, the latter man comes over to give you a big smile.  
“Want to eat in here or the living room?” Hoseok asks, nudging your shoulder playfully as you finish unpacking the food.  
Trying to school your features, you just shrug, glancing over at Yoongi.  
He’s just looking between you, eyes narrowed before he sighs and finally shrugs back at you.  
“Whatever works, I’m just hungry.” Yoongi grabs a carton of noodles to sniff it, glancing around at the little buffet you’d brought.
“Thanks for the food.” he says, shooting Hoseok another look as he hovers beside you, bumping into you as he picks through the array.  
After you all eat your fill and clean up the kitchen, you find yourself on the couch beside Hoseok as he rambles on about his day.
Eyeing him, you can’t help but think about what he’d said earlier.
“As if I could ever see her as a woman.” 
As long as you’ve been friends with the man, he’s always been playful and flirtatious with you.  
While that was all fine with you, there were times that you could swear there was something more.  
That he may have something beyond just your close friendship.
That he may feel the same way that you do for him.
The crush you’d had on him existed long before you’d called him your best friend.  
Long nights talking about everything and anything, lingering on the phone even after one or the other passed out.
How he’d show up after he’d heard you had a bad day, bringing you your favorite coffee or treat.  
How willing he’s always been to make you smile.  
Yes, that’s what friends are for.  
They care for you in your bad times, as well as the good.
You’ve told yourself this so often that you’d convinced yourself at this point.
You’d had to, the silly crush you had on him had slowly become true feelings.
Feelings you’d been struggling to suppress because your friendship had always meant more to you.  
Yet, he was always cuddling with you, touching you, brushing back your hair….
The flirtatious nature of how you were together had of course been noticed by all of your friend group as well.  
Yoongi asking Hoseok about it was nothing new either, so that’s not what bothered you.
Even as much as you’d told yourself that you were only friends, hearing him say that he couldn’t even see you as a woman had your heart dying in your chest.
It shouldn’t hurt, you’ve told yourself that very thing night after night after he’d done something to get your pulse racing, your emotions stirring in ways you couldn’t ignore.
Lost in your thoughts, you jump as you feel Hoseok’s breath on your ear.
“Whatcha thinking about?”  He asks and you turn to look at him, swallowing heavily.
There it was-that cheerful smile.  
The one that always had you wondering how you would ever survive being around him.
“Nothing.” You mumble, turning to glance at Yoongi, pulling back to put some distance between you.
“How’s your work going?” you ask, pretending not to notice how Yoongi shoots yet another look at Hoseok.  
Before he can answer, there’s a knock at the door and you eagerly jump up to get it.
You’re not sure if you can handle Hoseok’s touchiness tonight.
Not while you were still reeling from his painful words.
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“Hey, are you ignoring me? You’d better be free that night, what would I do without my bestie beside me?”
You just sigh at the text, chewing your lip as you ponder how to deal with him.
Your writing had been taking a toll ever since your mood had plummeted.  
After that evening, you’d recovered some from the hurt.  
You’d known that you two were only friends, but apparently there was a part of you that had clung onto a small bit of hope that he’d secretly felt something more for you.
At least you had your answer to that now, you keep telling yourself.  
Don’t act weird, you think, shaking your head at how ridiculous and emotional you were over something you knew already.
Flirtations or not, he’d never attempted to do anything beyond just that.  
Don’t be a greedy bitch, and don’t whine about stupid shit, you think to yourself.
“Fine, fine, but you’re buying the drinks.” You send him, smirking.
“DEAL!” he sends back with his typical emojis, making you laugh despite the ache.  
Checking the rest of your messages, you manage to see a missed text from Yoongi.
“Huh, weird…”  you mutter, opening it.  
“Hey, so…are you free sometime this week for coffee or lunch?”  
You frown at the text, tilting your head in wonder.
Curious, as Yoongi wasn’t one to reach out suddenly for no reason, you just message back:
“Sure, I can meet whenever you’re free.  Is everything okay?” 
It’s a bit before you get a response, which was typical for the man, as he was always doing something in his studio.
“Yeah…just wanted to talk to you about something personal.” 
His response has your curiosity peaking, and you immediately respond back to him.
“Well, let me know when you have the time and I’ll come meet you wherever!”
Interesting, you think.  
Yoongi and you had been friends for as long as you and Hoseok, but you’d never developed the same kind of closeness.
Mostly because of how different they are, of course.
Yoongi is reserved, a bit more quiet and serious.  
He rarely spends a lot of alone time with you, so something must be up if he’s asking for a one on one.
Hoseok is cheerful and upbeat, talkative and he never shies away from physical touch with you.
Frowning, you realize that’s part of what got you into this mess in the first place.
It’s not his fault that I have inappropriate feelings for him, you chastise yourself.
You take a moment longer to read the next text from Yoongi, responding that he will text you when he has time.
Setting down your phone, you turn to your laptop to see if you can break through the writer’s block today.
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You make your way inside the quiet little coffee shop, glancing around to see if Yoongi was inside yet.  
None of the tables were taken, and there was a lone barista behind the bar, cleaning.
I must be early, you think, checking the time.  
Figuring you’ll get drinks while you wait for him, you make your way to the counter.
“Hello, what can I get started for you?” The man asks, and you place your order, deciding to get something for Yoongi as well.  
By the time the young man is setting your two drinks on the counter, you hear the chime over the door ring.
“Hey, sorry, I got held up at the last minute.  Freaking Taehyung and Jungkook and their normal antics.” He grimaces.
You can’t help but grin, knowing all too well how hard it was to escape the little menaces.  
“No problem, here I got you a drink already.” You hold it out to him, his eyes lighting up as he takes it.  
“Thank you…my intention was to buy your drink, but you beat me to it.” He smiles, gesturing to the open tables. 
Choosing a two seater by the window, you slip into the chair as he does the same across from you.
“So, how is work going? Super busy?” You start as he sets his coffee on the table.
He sighs, running a hand over his face as he glances out the window, nodding.
“Always, and those two little-” he begins, then shakes his head.
“Anyhow, it’s nice to get away.  How is your writing going?” He inquires, leaning forward as he turns to face you fully.  
Letting out your own sigh, you look down to toy with the lid of your cup.  
“Eh…I’ve had better weeks of writing. Lately….” you let the words drift off, just giving a small shrug to fill the void.
You notice his frown as he studies you, concern in his eyes as he tilts his head.
“Lately? Did something happen? What’s going on?” He asks, his sudden worry apparent.
Waving him off, you take another sip of your drink.
“Oh…just…things.  Life.” You try to smile, “Just stupid thoughts and trying to work through something.  But it’s nothing important.” 
You try to look reassuring but the concern stays on his face.  
“What about you? You said you had something personal to talk about?” Changing the subject was the best bet, you think.
“Mmmm….” he hums, his voice deep and low as he seems to ponder how to start.
“I…well…” he chews his lip, glancing down, then back up at you.  
“We’ve been friends for a while, right?” He asks, taking you off guard.  
You merely nod, thinking for a moment before you respond, “Eight years, yeah.”
He nods once at your answer, studying you before glancing away again.  
“You haven’t…dated anyone since we’ve all been friends.” He says and you furrow your brow at him.
“I mean…no…I actually haven’t.” You mumble, frowning, worried about where this is going.
“How come?” he asks bluntly.
You can only blink at him with a blank expression.  
“Not to be rude but…I thought you wanted to talk about something personal?” You deflect, wondering why he’s suddenly so curious about your dating life.
His cheeks flush pink and he looks down at his cup as he idly spins it on the table.
Clearing his throat, he manages to say, “Well…yes, this is personal…” 
Glancing around the little shop, you try to think of how to word it. 
It’s not like you can blurt out, “Because I’m in love with Hobi.” Because…just no.  
“It’s…complicated, I suppose.” you finally respond, tapping your foot against the table leg.  
His eyes meet yours, flicking back and forth as they seem to want to see beyond your evasive answer.
“I have you guys, why do I need to date? I guess the right person just hasn’t presented themselves.”
He hums, leaning back to watch you as you speak.  
“You mean you have Hoseok?” He asks simply, causing you to choke on the sip you were taking.  
Reaching for a napkin to clean up the coffee that shot out of your nose, you dab at your face as he watches you with a serious look.  
“I don’t-” you start but he puts up a hand, shaking his head.
“I’m not going to pretend that I don’t notice how you two are together, everyone has asked at some point if you two are a couple.” He says softly, his words obviously not intending to hurt but damn, do they.
You just take a moment to tamp down on the surge of pain at the reality of things versus what everyone “thinks”.  
“Yeah well…he has a way of making people think that, doesn’t he?” The bitterness in your voice doesn’t go unnoticed by Yoongi, who leans forward once more.
“Is this why you asked me to come out, Yoongi? To talk about my personal life?” You say a bit more harshly than you intended, wiping up the little droplets of coffee off the table to distract yourself.
“Hey-not…like that.  I’m not trying to…” he waves his hands around, flustered at your reaction.  
“Look, I heard you two talking the other night, alright? I’m very well aware of how  he sees me, so it matters little what I think about anything, doesn’t it?”  You tell him, finally looking up at him.
His frown tugs down even more now as he reaches out to place his hand over yours.  
Sighing, he shakes his head.  
“I didn’t mean for you to hear that…I’m sorry-” 
Cutting him off, you blurt out, “He doesn’t even see me as a woman, so-” 
“Well he’s fucking stupid then.” Yoongi counters, almost growling the words as he spits them out.
You can’t even think of what to say, shocked at the tone of his voice, the anger in his dark eyes as he squeezes your hand in his.
“I swear, I wanted to slap the smile off his face the other day when he said that to me,” he continues.
“How could anyone not see you as a woman? It’s fucking rude to say something so disrespectful, even if he thought you couldn’t hear him. I don’t care if we’re friends or more.” 
You swallow the pain at the memory, but the fact that Yoongi is getting so defensive for your sake has a warm feeling blossoming in the pit of your stomach.  
You manage to blink away the tears threatening to slip from your eye as you listen to his tirade.  
“He can think whatever he wants…” You mutter, glancing out the window to watch the people walk by, life going on outside of this painful conversation.
“Well, he doesn’t need to be so blunt about shit like that.  He’s the one always clinging to you like you belong to him-” Yoongi almost snarls out, but he stops, sighing as he blinks down at his drink.  
“Well, for the record, I don’t belong to anyone.” You tell him, intrigued and curious about his reaction to everything.  
You swear he almost sounds-
“I sound jealous, don’t I?” He says, a humorless laugh accompanying the words.  
“You sound like you just didn’t like what he said, I wouldn’t think you were jealous, Yoongi.” You tell him, giving him a reassuring smile.
He pauses as he looks down at your hand beneath his own, rubbing his fingers along yours.
“What if I were to say I was jealous?” He asks, continuing to look down before he raises his gaze to meet yours.  
It seems as if time stops in the tiny cafe as his words echo through your head.   
“Yoongi, I’m not in the mood for jokes today.” You sigh out.
He purses his lips, his jaw working as he holds your gaze.
“I like you.” 
Your heart stutters, his sudden confession taking you completely by surprise.  
There wasn’t a glimmer of humor in his eyes.
Not an ounce of teasing in his tone.
He slips his hand off yours, leaning back as if he expects an outburst, but he never takes his eyes from yours.
Your mind is reeling at the idea that he’s being deadly serious.
Min Yoongi just confessed to you.
Yoongi…the serious, stoic friend you’d had for years.
When you don’t immediately respond, he just wipes a hand over his face.
“I wasn’t trying to be intrusive when I asked him about how he felt about you the other day.” He admits, finally breaking eye contact to look out the window, tching with his tongue as he considers his next words.
“Honestly, for years, everyone has had the idea that the two of you had some secret relationship going on.  That you just were being completely quiet about it, though to us it seemed very obvious.”  
You glance down at the hand he was just holding, feeling as if you’re floating in some weird alternate universe.  
Hearing how you and Hoseok had been viewed, mixed with the fact that Yoongi has had feelings for you….
You try your best not to zone out, hanging on his words as he continues.
“Of course, if that was the case, I’d be happy for the two of you.  You’re my friend, first and foremost.  Despite how I feel about you.”  
The low timbre of his voice lulls the pain of what he’s talking about a bit.
You’d always loved his voice, especially when it dropped low and deep like this.
Eyeing him as he watches the people walk by, you tilt your head to look at him in this new light as he talks.
It wasn’t a secret that you found all of your friends extremely attractive, every single one.  
Sometimes it felt almost unreasonable how handsome they all were, and you’d told them as much on many occasions.  
You certainly weren’t afraid to voice that opinion, it was just a fact at this point.  
It had just been so easy to look beyond the physical with all of them and Hoseok had definitely always been right up close, demanding all of your attention.
Never once past getting close with all the guys did you consider that any could have feelings for you, with the exception of Hobi of course.
“You…like me?” You finally respond, your entire worldview turning on it’s head.  
He winces at your words, turning back to meet your gaze.  
Pursing his lips, he merely nods.  
“I’m sorry if it’s abrupt, and if it upsets you at all.” he says softly, reaching out to grab his cup to drink from.  
“So the conversation you had with Hoseok….” you let the question linger as he sets his cup back down.  
He clucks his tongue, nodding gently as he finishes the thought.
“I figured if there was something between you two, if there was no hope…” he shrugs, chewing his lip as he looks down.
His words feel so very close to how you’ve been feeling lately about Hoseok, hitting you harder than you expect.
“Then you’d know…then you could let go.” You say without thinking, blinking at having uttered the words out loud.
His dark gaze meets yours, understanding passing between the two of you as he nods.
“I was shocked, honestly.  When he said nothing had ever happened between you.  But when he said-” he stops, his jaw clenching.  
You only manage an anemic smile as he continues, shrugging off the almost familiar pain.
“I’m not good at this kind of thing.” he tells you, “Confessing…admitting to you how I feel.”
You can’t help but feel a smile creep across your face as his cheeks tinge with a blush, unable to feel anything but excitement at his bravery.
“Yoongi-”  You start, but he stops you before you can say more. 
“Look…I asked him because I wanted to know how he felt about you.  If there was something there that I shouldn’t touch. On his side.” 
You just nod, understanding his logic with that.
“I want you to know that…telling you this, I don’t expect anything to come of it.  I know we’ve been friends a very long time and…I doubt you’ve ever seen me in that way.” 
Before you can respond, he only gives you a look and you let him continue speaking before saying anything.
He fiddles with his now empty cup, seeming to be turning over how he’s going to proceed.
“I’ve had feelings for you for a while now.  I thought eventually that they’d fade away and I wouldn’t have to deal with them.” he shrugs a shoulder as he says this.
His words still stun you, even though he’s already admitted to liking you.  
“Now I know how he feels about you, but I also want to ask you the same thing.  If it’s not too intrusive, of course.” he says, watching you closely.
You swallow the immediate urge to deflect and deny your true emotions for Hobi.  
But Yoongi was being completely honest with you, not to mention the courage it was taking to confess like this.
It felt dishonorable to lie at this point.
Feeling your cheeks heat, you can only let out a shaky sigh as you build up the courage to admit your true feelings out loud.
“I …. I have had emotions for Hoseok for a long time.” You finally say, watching him as closely as he’s watching you now.
He blanches a bit, but he seems unsurprised as he nods.
“I had the feeling that was the case.” he mumbles, his eyes narrowing as he glances out the window, his tongue in his cheek.
“It’s not like I expected anything, but…” you can only spread your hands out, as if to say, it is what it is.
“So his words the other day must have hurt.” He says, as a statement rather than a question.  
Feeling the slight ache at the memory, you can only nod as you shrug a shoulder.  
“It did, but it’s not as if I expected anything else. He’s never expressed any interest in me.”  
Yoongi’s head snaps around to look at you, his eyes narrowing even more.  
“Don’t lie to yourself, it’s obvious that he’s encouraged your feelings.  Even if it’s been unintentional.  I can’t tell you how much that pisses me off, now that I know how you feel.”  
His words seem to snap something inside of you, and suddenly he’s sitting forward as he reaches out to you, his eyes widening.  
“Hey…shit I’m so fucking sorry-” 
It takes you a moment to realize that tears are streaming down your face, and you’ve been holding your breath.  
He is out of his chair in a heartbeat, suddenly kneeling beside you, using a napkin to gently dab at your cheeks.  
You let out a shaky breath, intending to tell him it’s alright, that you’re fine but the moment you open your mouth, only a sob escapes.
“Damn it, I came here to admit my own feelings and here I am, hurting you.”  His voice is laced with anger, directed at himself.
Shaking your head, you just cover your mouth, trying to not draw the concern of the poor barista as you try to compose yourself.  
“No-” you choke out, looking down at the deep, concerned eyes of Yoongi.  
“Can I…?” He gestures awkwardly with his arms, and you immediately nod, slipping into his hug.  
“Shhh, hey, it’s alright.  I’m so sorry I’m digging up painful things for you, I never intended to upset you.”
You cling to him, gripping the back of his leather jacket as you try your best to collect yourself.
He rubs a hand down your spine as he continues to soothe you with small, simple words, giving you time to calm down.
“You-didn’t.” you finally manage, pulling back as you wipe at your face.  
You take in his pain filled eyes, and it’s an odd feeling to be filled with wonder at his sympathy and care all while wanting to bawl your eyes out over Hoseok at the same time.  
“I-I’m just confused, and frustrated.  At myself, mostly.” You say, trying to laugh.
“At yourself?” He asks, still kneeling before you, holding you at arms length as he reaches out to wipe away an errant tear.  
You just nod, taking in a deep breath.
“Yeah, I know he and I are only friends, so it’s stupid to think of anything else between us.”  
His eyes darken as he grimaces at your words, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“Hey, don’t do that.  Your emotions are valid, even if you don’t want to have them.  It’s not something we have much control over, believe me.” He smiles but you can tell he’s empathizing more than he’s letting on.
This man had just confessed to you and here he was, comforting you over another man.  
Your head spins from the day's events, feeling overwhelmed from it all.
“Yoongi…” you start and he hums in askance.
Unable to stop yourself, you reach out to cup his cheek, almost laughing at the shocked and panicked look that washes over his face.
“Things have been…confusing.” you tell him, and he can only nod, but he leans into your hand as you continue.
“I’ve known for a long time that Hoseok doesn’t have feelings for me.  That…it’s in my head.” You admit, albeit sadly.
His lips thin into a line, but you continue before he can say anything.
“I’m still processing this…” you gesture with your free hand.  “It’s the last thing I expected…especially from you.” 
He raises his eyebrows, tilting his head at your admission.  
“Especially from me?” He asks softly.
You just smirk and nod, “Yes, especially from you.  You’ve never given me the impression that you’ve…been interested.” 
He just grins, and you still with shock over just how ridiculously sheepish and handsome he looks kneeling before you.  
Maybe...there was something here.  
Something you never considered because you’ve been blinded by Hoseok standing in the way.
Before you can jump on that train of thought, you manage to focus on what you were trying to say.
“Would you be willing to give me some time?” You ask him quietly.
His eyes widen and you can see him trying to fight back a smile at your words.  
“You…you’re not outright rejecting me?” He asks in surprise.
Smiling at his shock, you merely shake your head.
“No, I’m not.  But...knowing I have feelings for someone else has to have you lose some  interest.” You tell him, not even posing it as a question.  
You know it’s not something most people would tolerate.
“Hey…I’ve had a feeling that you two had a thing at some point.  It didn’t make me any less interested in you. And…I’ll be honest…” His eyes graze over you slowly, causing your face to flush at the deepening of his voice.
But it’s nothing compared to how his next words turn your world upside down.
“I’ve always seen you as a woman.  And not just any woman…an intelligent, strong and beautiful woman.”
His fingers brush your cheek, collecting the tear that leaks down your face as he gives you his signature lopsided smile.
“Take all the time you need, I’m not going anywhere, alright?”
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Time seems to fly by, yet it feels as if you’re trudging along in a slow fog all at once.
Since your coffee meeting with Yoongi, your emotions have been all over the place.
The one good thing about being in this state is that your writing block is nonexistent.
After getting home from your talk, you’d naturally gone to your laptop and opened it, your thoughts racing like mad.
On a whim, you just started writing.
Pouring your heart out into the void of white on your screen, tears blurring your eyes as you let your imagination work through some of the confusion and stress that had been building.
Knowing this would never see the light of day, you just ran with it; allowing your frustrations out on your fictional characters as day bled into night, then into day again.
Picking up your mug, you pause as you realize that it’s empty.  
Glancing around, you blink at the morning sun peeking through the blinds, suddenly feeling a yawn claw its way out as you stretch and crack your neck.
6:44am, the clock seems to judge you with its ticking second hand.  
Well…you’ve definitely gotten quite a lot of work done, even if it’s never going to become anything.
Standing to stretch out your back, you glance around at your empty apartment.
The tension headache you’d developed over the last week still lingered, but you felt a bit lighter now that you’ve worked through the swirl of emotions that had been threatening to drown you.
Padding into the kitchen, you turn on your electric kettle and lean against the counter to wait, thinking back on the way you’d left things with Yoongi.  
His words still didn’t seem real, and you can’t help but think about him on his knees before you.
His long dark hair hanging in his eyes, one side tucked behind his ear.
Eyes narrowed, biting his lip as he professed his concern for you.  
It would be a bold faced lie to say you’d never looked at him as a woman does a man.
You and your girlfriends had often had some seriously depraved conversations about the men in your friends group, but you felt that was only natural.
You hung out with a group of handsome men, who wouldn’t give them the once over and imagine?
When you’d all first started hanging out, it was impossible to not find them all attractive.  
Have you ever even considered Yoongi?
For certain you’d appreciated his looks, his deep voice, his laid back demeanor.  
But from the beginning, it was always Hoseok’s sunny smile taking up your entire vision.
Gorgeous, cheerful, energetic-you had both been drawn to each other in a way you couldn’t explain.  
It was easy to get sucked into his energy, to let yourself get swept away.  
Before long, you and Hoseok were best friends, sharing everything with one another.
All of your friends were convinced that one day you’d just announce that you were together.  
Yet here you were, eight years later, hearing that he didn’t even see you as a woman.
That sentence just stuck like popcorn lodged in your gums; the more you teased at it and tried to dig it out, the more painful it became.
Then Yoongi out of the blue drops that bomb on you.
As much as you know you have to work through these emotions for Hoseok, you can’t help but think about how there’s really nothing to get over.
You never had anything together.
Sure, he flirted and teased.
Yeah, he almost always had to touch you, be next to you.
But…there was nothing more.
Not one kiss.
Not even an “almost anything”.  
In the end, it seems like it was just his way of being your best friend and you resent that you feel like he’s hurt you in some way.
He hadn’t done anything wrong and there wasn’t even anything to be angry at.
Sighing, you pour some hot water over a teabag, forcing your thoughts away from Hoseok for the moment.
Your last conversation with Yoongi replays in your mind as you steep your tea, a small warmth blooming in your stomach at the memory.
Not much had been said that hadn’t been talked about over coffee; he’d walked you home as you both awkwardly discussed going forward.
“I hope you don’t feel any pressure to give me an answer-” He’d said as you approached your building.
His hands were in his pockets, dark strands dangling as he kicked at the pavement outside of your building.
It was a rare sight to see Min Yoongi being shy and nervous, and you couldn’t help but smile softly at him.
Stepping forward, you’d drawn his gaze, his eyebrows raising as you cut him off.  
“Yoongi, do you want to come over sometime this week and watch a movie?”
Your words had shut him up for a solid thirty seconds as he blinked at your invitation.
“Eh?” He finally managed, then he was tilting his head in confusion.  “I thought you needed time?”
“Time to think about things, yes.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t hang out.  Unless you’d rather not-” 
“No-I mean, yes, sure, I’d love to come watch a movie.”
Even now, you can’t help but smile at the delight in his dark eyes before he looked away, even as he clucked his tongue and cleared his throat.
Shuffling back to your cozy chair, you check your phone and notice a bunch of missed texts.  
Of course, you think, opening the familiar name on the screen.
“Whatcha doing?”
“Hey, are you sleeping?”
“I bet you’re writing and you have no idea what time it is! GO TO SLEEP!” 
Shaking your head and smiling, you just ignore Hoseok’s texts for now, scrolling through the others just checking in and saying hello.
Reluctantly, you make your way to your room, slightly annoyed that Hoseok knew you well enough to call it.
“Jerk.” You mutter, curling up with your blankets and drifting off.
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“I swear, you guys just want something to gossip about.”  Hoseok scolded the nosy men in the room.  
“Don’t lump me in with them.” Namjoon says, turning his back to ignore the chatty trio.  
“Really, though, what would happen if she got a boyfriend?”  Jimin was asking, glancing at Taehyung as if to ask him for backup.  
Hoseok just leans back, sighing as he rests his hands behind him.  
“Then I would congratulate her and wish her well.”  He shoots back without hesitation, shaking his head.
He ignores the looks the two share, nodding at Yoongi as he makes his way into the practice room.
“Really? Just like that?” Taehyung asks, disbelief in his voice.
“Just like that.” Hoseok responds, shrugging his shoulders.  “You’re all overly concerned with my personal life right now.”
Yoongi stays silent, merely observing as they continue their conversation.  
“So, if-” Taehyung begins but Hoseok groans in annoyance, giving him a dark look that stops his question.
“If you’re not going to focus on practice-” He growls, causing the two to scramble and make excuses about things they need to do.
“What is it with these questions lately?” Hoseok mumbles, shaking his head as he stands to resume his choreography.  
Yoongi just grunts in response as he turns to focus on his own work.
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Answering the door, you smile as you’re greeted with Yoongi’s familiar smiling face.  
Opening the door wider to allow him in, you can’t help but admire how handsome and soft he looks.
He’s wearing a loose grey sweater and jeans, and his long dark hair is pulled up into a half ponytail.  
Honestly, he looks...really sexy.
“I brought snacks.” He says, holding up the bag as he walks in and takes off his shoes.  
“Great!” You respond, taking the bag to the kitchen to put into little bowls so you can enjoy them during your show.
It’s been almost a month now that he’s been coming over for a movie night, making this number five.  
They weren’t dates, necessarily.  
Nothing had happened.
You’ve talked, laughed, watched movies, dramas, music videos.
Chatted about work, food, life in general.
Everything but touched on the topic that started all of this.
The respect he has had for you has been amazing, not once asking about your feelings towards anything, never inquiring about Hoseok or being intrusive in any way.
And he almost always sat with something between the two of you on the large couch, you think, watching him make his way to his normal spot.
Much had changed in a month, yet it also felt as if you were in this kind of limbo with Yoongi.
Of course, you were well aware that you were the one who asked for time.  
Hoseok had started to notice the little things as well.
Once upon a time, you’d have been on the phone with him at least a few times a week, ranting about your most recent writing project, or listening to him talk about dance practice and everything in between.
Those calls had slowly dwindled as you found yourself focusing more on yourself, on your work, on learning how to exist without him being your primary focus.  
On the other hand, you had been exchanging alot more conversation with Yoongi over this time.  
You’d been friends with him just as long as you have been with Hoseok and the others, yet you were learning things about him you never knew.
As you set the dishes down on the coffee table, you glance at where the pillow sits beside Yoongi, creating a makeshift barrier between the two of you.  
It wasn’t a sudden thought to remove it and toss it, to slide in beside him and see what it felt like for Yoongi to be the one to pull you into his side, to lay his head on yours as you curled into him.
No, it wasn’t sudden at all, it has been building up over these little drama dates you’ve been having with him.  
Settling on the couch beside the pillow, you chew your lip, considering how to even go about wanting to close the distance with him.  
Perhaps it was still too early, you think, returning his smile as he looks over at you, nodding along to his suggestions for your selection of the night. 
You both settle on a drama that has been airing, finding yourself involved and before long, two hours have passed.  
“Did you want to sleep or-?” He asks, turning to you as he holds the remote in his hand.
“If you don’t mind, I’d love to watch another.” You say softly, admiring him as he gives you a cute little smile as he turns to queue up the next episode.  
“Alright, bathroom break, I’ll be right back.”  He says, wandering off down your hallway.
“Need anything while I’m up?” you ask, going to get two more water bottles.  
“I’m good!” He calls as you go to sit back down.
You hesitate a moment before you grasp the irritating pillow and toss it over to the chair beside you.  
“There.” you mumble, proud of yourself before you’re filled with a sudden anxiousness as he comes to join you again.  
“Oh…” he says, eyeing the now empty space between you, glancing at you in askance as he sits down.
“It was in the way.” You say, cheeks heating as he nods slowly, and you catch the cute little eye twitch as he settles into the couch.  
“Ready?” He asks, side eyeing you as you adjust so you’re a bit closer to him.
“Yep.” You nod, trying to act nonchalant.
It’s slow, but as you make your way through the next hour-long episode, you find yourself bumping his knee with yours when you exclaim about what is going on.
Leaning in as you laugh, turning to see if his reaction matches your own.
Little by little the distance closes before your shoulder is brushing his, his deep throaty laughter evoking little tummy trembles.
And before you know it, you’re more focused on his facial expressions, his little grunts of surprise, the way his lips turn down as he finds something displeasing on the screen.  
Swallowing heavily, you reach out to brush an errant strand of hair back, causing him to freeze in place.
“Oh…sorry…you just…I-”  
“It’s fine.” He says, his eyes no longer taking in the show as his gaze sweeps over you.  
Your breath hitches a bit as you watch his adam’s apple bob, swallowing as  he licks his lips and clears his throat.
Brushing the strand back, you catch his dark gaze as it lingers on your lips, causing your stomach to flip.
He winces as he meets your eyes, clucking his tongue in that adorable way he does.
“Are you enjoying the show?” He asks, his voice a bit deeper and softer than normal and you can only nod as your fingers linger on the soft strands of his hair.
Somehow you’ve moved directly beside him, and you find yourself wondering what the exact distance is between his mouth and yours.
He clears his throat once more as he watches your gaze drop to his lips, seemingly unsure of what to say or do next.  
“I am.” You respond softly, your eyes just taking in the entirety of his face this close, unable to resist rubbing the silken strands between your fingertips.  
“Are you?” You ask after a long pause, the voices on the television fading into the background as you hear your heart thump in your chest.
How long had it been since you’d kissed someone? you wonder.
Since someone touched you in ways that were anything but friendly?
Feeling almost starved, you blush as you watch your hand tremble as you tuck his hair, your fingertips skimming the shell of his ear.
Suddenly, his hand is around your wrist, gently halting your motion as he studies your eyes.
“I don’t mean to sound…rude but…” He halts as your tongue darts out to wet your lips, his lashes fluttering as he appears to calm himself.
“Are you aware of what you’re doing right now?” He asks huskily, the timbre of his voice seeming to tickle something so deep within you that the very awareness of it is enough to cause you to squirm.
You hesitate to answer him, but not because you’re unsure of your response.
No, you need him to know that you’re very much aware.
Holding his gaze, your teeth capture your bottom lip as you nod slowly, intentionally.
“Good.” He grates out.
Within the next breath, the distance is bridged and his lips are capturing yours, the fingers around your wrist loosening as they trail down your forearm.
You don’t even have time to feel ashamed of the needy moan that gets lost in the depths of his mouth, because he’s too busy slipping his fingers up into your hair, kneading your scalp as his lips quiver against yours.
The show is forgotten as you both cling to one another, his free arm slipping around you to tug you closer.
Your fingers finally delve into the long, satin strands of hair that have been tempting you for weeks.
It’s a shock and yet not surprising at all when your hand slips over his back, across his shoulders and you feel the taut muscles bunching as he slowly pulls you ever closer to him.
You’re not even sure which noises are his and which are yours as you allow, no, you encourage him to tug you halfway onto his lap.  
Before you know it, you’re looking down at him, your fingers skimming his cheek as your lips part and meet, again and again with hot breathy sighs and groans.
“Yoongi-” You breathe out, and you can’t help but flush with shame at the desperation in your wavering voice.
He freezes suddenly at the sound of his name, unsure as he pulls back to check on you.  
The whine that escapes you as he withdraws causes his eyes to widen with concern, misunderstanding the meaning behind the embarrassing noise.  
“Too much-?” 
Unable to stop yourself, you straddle him properly, one thigh on either side of his, crushing your mouth to his as you cut off his sentence.
“No-” you manage as his hands immediately grasp your hips, a soft groan escaping him as you cup his face.  
It’s as if every touch of his is burning a trail along your body as his palms skim up your sides, sliding around your back, then down to cup your ass.  
Your head is swimming with the sensation overload as you roll your hips against him, finally realizing how very hard he is.  
Heat pools in your abdomen as his fingers knead your plush ass, his tongue dancing delicately over yours between his breathy groans.  
Your hand slips between you, a sudden need causing you to tug at the button of his jeans.  
Belatedly, you register how his body freezes, his hands gripping you to still you as he slows the kiss.
Drawing back, you swallow harshly, doing your best to not cry out at the loss of his lips on yours.  
His dark, anxious eyes study you as he brings a hand up to trace your cheek, and it takes you a moment to realize that those gorgeous lips are moving, that he’s speaking to you.
“Hey…woah…let’s slow down for a moment…” 
His voice sounds almost pained, gravelly and hoarse as he clears his throat.
“Yoongi?” You ask softly, concerned that you may have pushed him a bit too far, that maybe he doesn't want this.
He clears his throat again, eyes darting down to your lips before he looks away.
Yet he keeps you seated right there in his lap as he finally manages to get his words out.
“Let’s talk before…” His thumb caresses your cheek gently and you can feel his body shudder under yours as you blink at him.  
Nodding, you take a deep breath, pushing down the desperation and need within you in order to clear your mind.
“As much as I want you…want this…we should have a conversation.” He continues, finally meeting your eyes once more, “I don’t want to rush into anything either of us will regret.”
You process his words slowly, chest heaving as you do your best to calm yourself.  
The emotions that had gradually been building for him over this past month seem to evolve at his care for you, making your next words hold even more weight.
You slip your fingers into his hair, brushing it back as you admire the man you’d come to see as much more than a friend.  
“Yoongi…I like you, too.” You manage, your voice hoarse with the need you’ve pushed back for the moment.  
His eyebrows twitch upwards, lips parting with the tiniest little gasp as you smile softly at him.
“I want you…I want this. I want…more.” 
His eyelashes flutter at your words, eyes closing slowly as if he’s savoring the meaning behind them, the gravity of them.
“Are you sure? I don’t want something casual. We both deserve more than that.” He says before opening those deep chocolate eyes to observe you, gauging your reaction closely.
Without hesitation, you nod, running your thumb over his beautiful lashes.  
“I wouldn’t do that to you or myself, Yoongi.  I don’t want a pillow between us anymore.” You whisper, leaning down to brush your lips over his.  “I wouldn’t have removed it if I wasn’t ready for this. For us.” 
Your eyes are locked on his as you do so, curling your lips gently as his arm slips around your waist to hold you close.
“What about…Hoseok?” He whispers hesitantly, apprehension written all over his face.  
You knew this would come up, and it’s all that’s been on your mind over the weeks since he’d confessed.
Emotions are so complicated and slippery, especially when nothing is clear, when all you have is doubts and nothing is ever communicated.  
He watches patiently as you try to think of how to communicate the choice you’ve made properly to him, so he won’t think this is a rash decision on your part.
“I’ve had years to process those emotions, and nothing has ever come of it.  Perhaps it’s because I never communicated them properly, or maybe I just didn’t have the courage to face the rejection.” 
You smile fondly at him as he listens intently, your heart stuttering at the complete open trust and acceptance in his eyes.  
“Honestly, I’ve been blinded by my own wants and needs for so long with him, yet I never took the time to find out how he felt.  He’s my friend, and that will never change.  As much as it hurt to hear how he truly felt about me, I needed that. I can’t be even remotely mad or upset with him, as it’s me who was hurting myself all this time.”
“What I feel, or felt for Hoseok has nothing to do with you and I.  It’s a fleeting possibility that I spent far too long being preoccupied with.  I didn’t need the time I asked for just to solidify how I felt about you, Yoongi.” 
As you speak, you can feel the confidence and determination in your words as he holds you close, giving you the courage to continue.
“I wanted to make sure that when and if I was able to take this step with you, I would be giving you all of me.  Not just fragments warring with an unrequited crush for someone else.  I’m laying that part of me to rest, even if you decide that you want to stop right here.  That you want to just stay friends-”
The limbo you’ve both been suspended in seems to pop like a bubble as he suddenly flips you on your back, drawing out a small surprised cry from you.
“That’s all I need to hear.” He growls, his lips capturing yours in a searing kiss.
The force behind it has your teeth digging into his lips, his tongue plunging into your mouth desperately as you meet his need with your own.  
Clinging to the soft fabric of his sweater, your legs slip around his thighs as he presses you into the couch with his hips.
His erection is even more prominent in this position as he presses wet kisses along your jaw, his hands slipping down to slip under your shirt to caress the bare skin of your waist.
Soft cries leave your parted lips as he rolls his hips, your already damp panties starting to soak through as he grinds against you.  
“I don’t want to be just friends.” The heat of his breath brushing over your neck causes you to shiver, your fingers grasping frantically at his sweater until your fingertips meet the hem, slipping your hands up his naked back.
“Give me all of you.” The rough timbre of his voice alone has you arching your back as he helps you yank his sweater over his head, tossing carelessly to the side.
The sight of him bare chested, hovering over you with that long hair hanging down almost undoes you right there and then.  
Placing your hands on his stomach, you run your palms slowly upwards, enjoying each and every twitch and spasm you extract.  
The way he bites his lip, the soft, throaty gasps.
How his eyes seem to darken to onyx in lust.
Pushing against him, you sit up as you slip your hands up his chest to his shoulders, then down his arms.  
Without uttering a word, you take his hand and tug him up, leading him to the darkened doorway of your room.  
As you reach the edge of your bed, he spins you around, tugging your shirt over your head before crushing his mouth against yours once more.
Your head spins from his familiar fragrance of warm spice and tobacco from his cologne, reveling in the fact that he’s covering you in his scent.
Rough calluses brush against your bare flesh, his hands eager yet gentle as he explores you as if they’re dying of thirst and your body is the only thing that can sustain him.  
He reacts to each soft whimper, every drawn out moan with his own, heightening the ache between your legs as he backs you towards the bed.
Your nails graze lightly down his back as his teeth nip the sensitive skin of your neck, his tongue laving at the tiny marks he’s leaving behind.  
“Harder.” he commands, his hands finally slipping down to grab handfuls of your ass to press you into him.  
Without even having to question what he means, you dig your nails into the skin of his back, raking them harshly down his skin to leave angry red lines behind.  
The room upends as he topples you onto the firm mattress, clinging to one another as you tug and pull, your hands finally making their way back to the button of his pants.
This time he doesn’t stop you, propping himself up to watch as you yank and unzip, pushing down the material keeping him from you.
His ragged panting fills the air around you as he helps you kick them off along with his boxers, your stomach tightening as you encircle his cock as it springs out.  
“Oh fuck-” He grunts, hips jerking forward as you stroke along the length.
Before you can respond, he’s returning the favor, yanking off your pants, leaving you only in your bra and panties beneath him.  
“You’re so fucking beautiful-” his voice is coarse as he rakes his gaze over you, dipping down to press his face between your breasts to inhale you.
“Yoongi…” You whimper, shivering as his hair tickles your sensitive skin as your hands slip around his back to stroke over the harsh marks you’ve left.  
He settles his weight on you, his hips dragging the underside of his dick along your panties as he palms your breasts through the fabric of your bra.  
“So soft..” He mumbles, tugging down the lace harshly and at this point, you don’t give a damn if he’s torn it.  
His words contrast with the feel of him against you, stiff, thick and throbbing as you soak through your panties with every motion he makes. 
“Yoongi, oh my god-you’re driving me-insane-” You manage to stutter as he wraps his lips around your taut nipple, suckling gently as he gazes up at your flushed face.
Your fingers find their way back into his hair, grasping desperately as he grins, his eyes shining with delight, your other hand clinging to his shoulder for dear life.
He releases your nipple with a wet pop, slowly kissing his way along the valley of your tits, making his way over to give the other fair treatment.
His warm breath tickles your skin, and you suck in a sharp breath as he laughs softly at how you’re reacting to him.
“Lose your mind then, love.  I’ve been losing mine over you for years.” 
He punctuates the words with a harsh suck as he claims your other nipple, causing your back to arch for him, digging your nails into his shoulder as you tug at his hair.  
Your eyes roll as he circles his tongue around the tightened bud, his eyes never leaving your face as the ache between your thighs throbs with need at his every touch.  
You’ve seen many sides of Min Yoongi but nothing compares to the sheer control he has right now, all while holding back the desperate need you can see in his stare.
Your cries grow louder as he reaches between you, his strong hand gripping the side of your panties and ripping the flimsy material, flinging them to the side. 
The moment your panties are gone, his fingers are slipping between your lower lips, parting them as he lets out a soft, deep whimper of his own.   
You barely register his hand slipping behind your back, unclasping the hooks of your bra to tug off the now damaged garment.
Your mind is consumed by how deftly his fingers tease at your core, his thumb honing in on your sensitive clit.
“You’re so gorgeous like this…” he rasps out, eyes hooded as he watches you arch your back as he gently circles his thumb, licking his lips as his breathing becomes even more ragged.
Choking back a moan, you writhe under his palm as he teases a fingertip into you before pulling back to rake his eyes over your naked form.  
The tightness in your stomach builds as you shudder beneath him, yanking harshly on the hair clenched in your fist.  
The moment he flashes that sexy lopsided smile, you can’t hold back anymore.  
The last thing you want to do is lie here losing your mind when he looks far too in control.  
“Min Yoongi, if you aren’t buried deep inside of me in the next ten seconds-”
Your words are punctuated by another tug of his hair, your legs slipping around his thighs, hips tilting to offer yourself up to him in desperation.
Before you can even finish your sentence, his mouth is on yours once more, his fingers parting from you to guide the head of his cock against your aching entrance.
He lets out a shuddering breath against your lips, a soft groan building in his throat as you feel him start to sink into your warmth.  
He brings his hand up to cup your face as he slowly fills you, the sound of your name on his lips swallowed up as you deepen the kiss.  
You gasp as you feel yourself clench around him, your body already shaking beneath him as he draws back just to thrust forward once more.  
“Fuck-!” he growls as his lips leave yours, looking down between you to watch his cock delve into you, “Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are?” 
All you can muster is a moan, then a sharp gasp as he pulls almost all the way out, then thrusts forward suddenly as he bottoms out within you.  
“Yoongi!” you cry out, wet noises filling the room as he starts snapping his hips into you, setting a hard but steady pace.
All you can do is watch his face as he fucks you, that gorgeous dark hair dangling above you as he bites his lip in concentration.  
“Look at me.” you demand between moans, drawing his attention back to you.  
His eyes flick up to your face, then rake down your body and back up as the force of his thrusts cause your body to shake beneath him.  
“I can’t take my fucking eyes off of you, fuck you feel so good-” He moans as he dips down to reclaim your lips.  
“Don’t fucking stop-” you whimper between kisses, and he only responds by grasping your wrist and pinning it over your head.  
His mouth leaves yours, hot breath skimming over your chin, then your neck as he kisses and licks his way over to your ear.  
“Do you like it when I fuck your pretty little pussy?” He growls, the deep tone of his voice sending a shock through your body alone.  
His pace quickens as you tighten around him, your moans and whimpers only encouraging him as you begin to feel the familiar need building in your abdomen.  
“Fuck, yes, Yoongi! Harder!” you scream, the heat of his breath, the sounds of his guttural moans vibrating in your eardrum pushing you closer and closer to tipping over that precipice.
Your back arches, angling your hips so that he’s hitting your sensitive clit with each thrust as his cries grow louder, melding with your own. 
The sound of your name in your ear almost undoes you, and you let out a choked scream as he draws back to look down at you.  
“So close-” you gasp as he releases your wrist, threading his fingers with yours above your head.  
“Yeah, baby? Gonna come for me?” he rasps out as he watches your face contort with every motion.
You nod your head frantically, feeling as if you’re balanced on a tightwire and all you want to do is fall off.  
You can feel his entire body quaking as he continues to speak, the sexiest filth dripping from his lips in that rich deep voice.  
“Let me feel you come around my cock, baby, that’s it.  You’re all mine, all fucking mine, and I’m all yours-fuck! God, your cunt is perfect, so tight and wet, I just want to fill you full-”
Each word is like a nudge, and finally the sensation that’s been bubbling up within you this entire time seems to erupt from every single cell in your body as you finally tip over the edge.
“Yoongi! Yoongi!” is all your brain can manage as your orgasm crashes into you, clenching tightly around him as your body lifts from the bed.
Your strangled cries are met with his own, ripped from his throat as his eyes widen, his lips parting in an “o” as he throws his head back and thrusts forward once more.
A warm burst fills you as his whole body tenses above you, trying your hardest to watch him fall apart along with you.  
The ringing in your ears starts to fade, and the only sounds in the room are your combined labored breathing as he slowly lowers himself down to nuzzle his face into your neck.  
You gasp as you involuntarily clench around him, a hoarse moan escaping him as he slowly gives you a few small thrusts as he finally empties himself deep inside of you.
Swallowing harshly, you do your best to catch your breath as you comb your fingers through his damp hair.
You’re both covered in sweat, you think, a small smile curling your lips as you close your eyes and bask in the after effects of your joining.
“Fuck.” Yoongi grumbles into your neck, his lips dancing over your sticky skin.  
“Mhm.” you agree, humming softly.  
Floating through the haze of bliss, you finally open your eyes as you feel him draw back, withdrawing from you to leave a wet mess seeping out.  
Your eyes meet his and he just gives you a sleepy smile as you continue to run your fingers through the strands of his hair.  
He rolls you both to the side, arms wrapped around you as he kisses you softly, no words spoken for what seems like eternity.
No words are really needed, just soft touches, kisses, little smiles and laughs as your eyes meet.
The sun starts to creep through the blinds before he finally whispers that he will return in a moment, leaving you only long enough to bring back a warm cloth to clean you up a bit.  
Blushing slightly, you help do the same for him, tossing the cloth into the laundry before you settle back into his arms.  
Pressing a kiss to your temple, he lets out a long breath.
“You’re not leaving yet, right? You’ll stay for a bit?” You ask him, finally breaking the silence as the birds sing outside the window.
He laughs softly, propping himself up to look down at you with an eyebrow raised.  
“Of course I’m not just leaving…unless you’re kicking me out?” He responds, biting his lip as he runs his finger along your shoulder.  
You snort, shaking your head, “Sorry, no.  You told me you’re all mine so I think I may just keep you.”  
You do your best to keep a straight face, failing horribly as he feigns shock, his brows drawing together adorably as he protests.
“You think?!” he teases, sliding his arm around you to pull you closer, rolling you both so you’re on top of him.  
“Hmm…” you straddle his hips, brushing back his dark strands as you admire the handsome man beneath you, “I can be convinced…”
He gives you that familiar gummy smile you love so much before he’s growling out your name, tugging your mouth to his as he laughs.  
“Oh, really? I’m actually quite good at pleading my case…” he hums as his hands slip down to take two handfuls of your ass.  
“By all means-”
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It’s midday by the time you both manage to uncling to one another.
“I shouldn’t have let you shower with me…” you hum as you make coffee, shaking your head as you feel his arms wrap around you from behind.  
“Well, we were just conserving water…” he answers, and you can’t help but giggle as you contemplate what to make for an early dinner.
By the time you get around you checking your phone, you sigh at the many missed messages and calls.
“I think Hoseok is going to send the police to my house.” you tell Yoongi as you both sit down to finally eat something.  
He just rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he gestures to your phone.
“I’m surprised he hasn’t shown up yet, honestly.” He grumbles, taking a bite as you read through your messages.
“Well that would be a fun conversation…” you hum, biting your lip as you contemplate how that is going to go over with everyone.
“Speaking of…” Yoongi says, placing his utensils down as he leans back to look at you.
You glance at him, knowing what he’s thinking. 
“Should probably leave that to me.” You tell him before he can continue.
Feeling suddenly shy, you clear your throat as you look over at him.
He’s only wearing a pair of your sweats, his naked shoulders and chest distracting you as you try to think of your next words.  
“We are…together ... .like…” you gesture with your hands, embarrassed at asking. 
He only blinks at you, shock on his face before he is leaning forward and taking your hand.  
“Are you asking if I’m your boyfriend now?” He asks, an amused lopsided smile growing on his face at how flustered you are.
You just slap his hand, but then slip your fingers through his, nodding shyly.  
“Yes, baby.  I told you last night…I want you.  All of you.”  he whispers.
Your eyes meet his and you can only blush, your cheeks heating at his words.  
“You have me, then.  All of me.” you tell him.  
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“Where the fuck is she?” Hoseok mutters, doing his best to contain the rising panic as he makes his way to your apartment building.  
Checking his phone for the hundredth time since last night, he sighs.  
Over the last month, it feels as if you’ve been withdrawing more and more, but you still respond to his messages.
If he’s being honest, it didn’t feel very good.
All he can think of is the comments everyone has been making.  
What if she does end up dating?
What if she has someone she likes?
Hoseok can only frown as he finally gets in the elevator to take him up to see you.
Of course, that would eventually happen.
Someone she’s interested in, other than me, he thinks.
The idea is so completely foreign, he has a hard time wrapping his mind around it.  
More important than me?
Shaking off the thought and this feeling of discontent it brings, he pushes himself off the side of the elevator wall as the doors open.
Making his way down your hallway, he glances up as your door opens, a sense of relief filling him as he hears your familiar laugh.
That relief is short-lived as he hears a man’s voice responding to your voice.
Not just any man’s voice-
He stops in shock as he watches you emerge from your apartment, hand in hand with another man.
He can’t make out the words, but his heart seems to drop into his stomach as he recognizes the owner of the hand in yours.
Min Yoongi.
Fucking Min Yoongi…holding your hand.
The hand holding his phone clenches tightly as he watches his friend lean in and brush your hair back, your eyes seeming to dance with happiness as you gaze at him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” he hears faintly as he watches you nod to him.
“Tomorrow.” he hears your voice respond.
The world seems to stop as he watches two of his closest friends lean towards each other and kiss.
“No way…” he whispers, but it’s not amusement or happiness at watching two obvious lovers leaving one another.
No…against everything that is logical, he feels a burning rage and betrayal building deep in his stomach.
Before he can even process it, he’s turning on his heel, making his way to the emergency stairs and rushing down and out of the building before either of you notice him.
His phone starts to buzz as he makes his way home, and he sends it to voicemail immediately.
He can’t even form the words to say to you right now.
Not while he’s feeling like this.  
Whatever this was.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year ago
Hi Neil,
First off, Good Omens is so wonderful— thank you (and Terry Pratchett and David Tennant and Michael Sheen!) for bringing Crowley and Aziraphale into existence. They bring so much joy to me and to so many people!
Secondly, I have a writing question! I am not a writer, primarily; I’m a scientist. But, I’m a scientist writing a journal article, specifically a journal article that has been hanging over my head for many years now. I’ve reached a point where I feel completely burnt out, almost pathologically unable to make progress on the manuscript. The data and results are strong and important, and I recognize that it’s a “story” that needs to be told, and that I’m the only one who can tell it (not to mention that I have several collaborators counting on me to get this done!).
So, my question is, have you ever had a story that you felt, for one reason or another, that you really should tell or needed to tell, but that was a horrific struggle to actualize on the page? Do you have any advice for how to make myself write when I’m completely demoralized and weary with what I’m writing, but unfortunately am nearly contractually unable to simply throw it in the trash and start on something else?
Thank you so much for any advice you can give (or even just a word of encouragement!!), and for your continued engagement with the writing and fandom communities! 
Sometimes you can do it by getting out of your own way. Sometimes you can do it by remembering or finding out once again what do you like about the project on the story to begin with.
I have frequently found when faced with a story that had died or that I had lost interest in or that I thought was awful, that if I read it aloud to another person they get interested and I start getting interested and often finish wanting to carry on to find out what happens next and to move forward. Dead projects have come back to life like this.
But it's also worth remembering that there are bad days and there are good days and there are projects that even if the days are awful and the whole thing feels terrible, the only way you will get to the good days is by pushing forward. The good days are there and waiting for you -- you just have to keep going to reach them.
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thollandneedy · 4 months ago
Masked- Peter Parker
A/N: Since y'all enjoyed so much the Ned's sister prompt... (last halloween themed fic btw)
Summary: Peter hooks up with someone on a Halloween party, but he didn't know that it was Ned's sister
Warnings: Language, teasing, mentions of alcohol, sexual content (p in v; fem!receiving, and praise kink)
Don’t forget to share, like, comment and leave your ideas here
Bellah’s Masterlist 🪻
The sound of classic Halloween songs blared from the speakers scattered around Ned's house, while the wind blew the orange leaves into his yard. The boy in the Zorro costume cursed to himself every time he saw the leaves falling, as it would be another chore to do the next morning, since his parents were out of the house. With hurried steps, he ran to the door to open it for the guests of his not-so-secret party (since his younger sister had told the whole school that there would be a party at her house on the thirty-first).
Unlike Ned, Y/n was considered popular in Midtown because of her charisma and, above all, her beauty. Like her brother, she had inherited good genes and had a mental capacity to envy. The girl was only a year younger than Ned, and yet he made a point of treating her like a child. After many fights and discussions to find a theme that met his sister's “aesthetic pinterest” requirements, Ned agreed to have a masquerade costume party where everyone had to wear personalized masks for their characters to “encourage creativity” in his words.
Although it wasn't much talked about, everyone knew that Ned and his family were well-off, and that consequently their house was big enough to easily house more than 100 people without them all bumping into each other. Ned looks back one more time before opening the door, already leaving a jar of sweets at the entrance for the guests to pick up as soon as they arrive at the house. The dark-haired man opens the door, only to find Peter standing there, while other cars are already parking so as not to have any problems, but late in the day with a lack of space on the street.
“What's up, man?” Ned smiles when he finds his best friend, Peter Parker, dressed as the Phantom of the Opera. “I liked the costume, but I thought you'd come as Zorro with me.”
Peter wasn't one to talk about liking musicals, but one of the few ones he really admired was “The Phantom of the Opera”, which became one of his secret passions after his aunt took him to see it on Broadway a few years ago. Parker didn't have his face completely hidden as it should have been, but it was what he had for that day, and he was going to use that to his advantage rather than spend more time making an artwork that would probably look terrible.
“That one was on sale.” The student says quietly, then laughs and enters the house as soon as the door closes behind him.
The house was decorated with mainly purple and blue neon lights, while the windows bore handprints smeared with fake blood. On some walls you could see some mystical beings pasted on, while some projected ghosts were flying over the kitchen ceiling. Cobwebs were used on furniture, themed food was displayed on the kitchen worktop, and the rest of the decoration was based on cushions, candles and decorative utensils.
“Let me think about who did all the decorating.” Peter looks around, admiring Ned's sister's creativity.
“Don't even tell me about it.” Ned rolls his eyes. “I told Y/n to keep it simple, but you know how she is about parties. It always has to be her way, or she'll freak out.” Ned comments, taking a seat among the decorative pumpkin cushions in the living room.
The sound of the doorbell ringing catches the boys' attention, while Leeds spares no effort to call out his sister's name so that she can welcome the guests. The girl doesn't answer, causing her older brother to curse to himself and shout once more:
“I'M FINISHING MY HAIR, YOU SELFISH PRICK. I DON'T HURRY YOU WHEN YOU'RE TAKING TOO LONG TO GET READY TO GO OUT WITH BETTY” The girl shouts, opening the door to her room and then slamming it shut.
“Son of a bitch.” Ned puts one of his hands to his face, getting up from the sofa to greet his sister's guests, while Peter reacts with a low laugh. “Make yourself at home, Pete. My sister will be down soon, and you talk to her.”
The sound of the conversations seemed to overpower the loud music, and apparently Y/n's idea was working. The girl had the masks in mind so that there would be no differentiation between groups of friends, allowing everyone to express themselves as they saw fit, and to be able to talk to people outside their group of friends without feeling threatened. Y/n was sitting at the kitchen table, her two hands resting on the side of her body as she chatted with some friends. Her white dress hugged her hips, while her loose hair only enhanced her beauty.
From afar, it was possible to see the house full. Some were in the living room playing “Just Dance”, while others were in the kitchen drinking and some in the games room using the pool table for their drinks bets. Fortunately, it wasn't as rowdy as university parties, but Ned was certainly a lot more worried about someone using his motel room. The student was sitting in the living room, watching his colleagues from the robotics class sweating in their costumes as they danced to 'Timber', and doing extremely badly. Peter, on the other hand, was chatting to some girls in his class.
Peter Parker never stopped being a nerd, but he also never stopped being extremely attractive. Many girls liked Peter, while the boys didn't know whether to try to befriend Parker in order to benefit from the girls, or just swear at him so that he would lose their confidence.
“I didn't know you were in a couple.” One of the girls dressed as Doroty commented to the brunette.
“I'm not.” Peter commented, grimacing and looking around in search of a twin of his costume.
“That girl is wearing the Christine Daaé costume,” another girl pointed out, causing the brunette to turn quickly to face her.
She was beautiful, delicate and her eyes were mesmerizing. Her legs were exposed, while her feet wore low heels in the same pearly color as her dress. The girl also had little sparkly star-shaped clips in her curly babylined hair. Her mask was white with lace around it, making her eyes stand out even more
It was sexy, tempting, intriguing.
“Do you know who it is? Her mask doesn't let me identify who it is.” The brunette commented, still watching the girl who was laughing at other people's conversations with her apparent friends.
“Go and ask.” The other girl dressed as Glinda comments, watching as Peter says goodbye and heads in the direction of his character's romantic partner.
Peter approaches with slow steps, adjusting his mask and cape, trying not to look strange as he approaches her, but before he can say anything, the girl calls out to him with a smile on her face, waving one of her hands at him.
“Hi, Peter.” The girl calls out.
“Hi.” He replies awkwardly. “I like your costume.” He points to the white dress, along with the corset that makes her breasts look higher.
“And I like yours.” She replied, realizing that he hadn't recognized her.
Y/n was no different from her classmates, and the other girls in the other classes. Y/n would never tell her brother about the little crush she had on her brother's best friend, but she always watched from afar. Taking advantage of the fact that she was wearing a mask, she thought she could use this to her advantage. Because if he didn't recognize her, maybe she could try something more like the way she daydreamed when she had her imaginary scenarios before bed. She was his best friend's sister, and if he knew that, he would never try anything.
“Are you friends with Ned's sister?” The girl asked, getting off the workbench and approaching the brunette, who came closer to her ear so she could speak.
“I know her, but I don't talk to her that much. Whenever I come here to study with Ned or play video games, she's doing something. Or at school in the drama club, or book club, or at the mall with her friends, or even sleeping in her four-poster. Anyway, it's very difficult for us to meet other than at school.” The boy says loudly into the girl's ear, who agrees with a smile on her face as she feels him close to her.
“Have you and Ned been friends for a long time?” The girl stands on her tiptoes to comment in the costume designer's ear.
“We have been for quite a while, actually. Since they were 12, and you? Are you friends with his sister?” Peter asks, leaving Y/n against the wall at his question.
She didn't want to lie to Peter, because if he found out about this little lie, he might look at her with different eyes. The girl just nodded, turning quickly to the side, where some drinks were positioned on the counter decorated with cobwebs and toy spiders. The girl faced the table, picked up a red cup, and looked at Peter as if to ask if he wanted a drink. Peter doesn't usually drink, but he would, just to be able to keep up with the mysterious girl.
“What do you recommend?” He moves closer, standing with his shoulders side by side with hers.
“What do you like?” The girl asks, opening the clear bottle of vodka.
“Girls dressed as Christine Daaé.” He tucks a piece of Y/n's loose hair behind her ear, causing the girl to let out a low laugh and nod. “And you?”
Y/n stares at him, making a point of penetrating him with her eyes, as if he could be restrained alive by intention alone. The younger girl approaches, raising her head to answer him as he narrows his gaze:
“Boys with attitude… and tequila sunrise” Y/n comments, drawing a silly laugh from Peter.
At that moment, not even the people passing by could make the tension disappear from the air, and only those who could feel the heat of desire take over their bodies were attracted. Peter wasn't the type to do things quickly, as he liked to pay attention to detail, but it was a party and not a play for him to declare himself. The girl looked at the table with several bottles on it, stared at them for a few seconds, and then turned her gaze to Peter once more, waiting for him to do something other than talk. Fortunately, the brunette slid one of his fingers down the younger girl's exposed arm, reaching her free hand and saying:
“Do you want to go somewhere else?”
The music and side conversations were no longer loud, and there was a certain peace wherever they were going. Y/n had her hands intertwined with Peter's, guiding him into a room that was being used as an office. It was large, with dark wooden shelves and a glass table in the center behind a large window that mirrored the moonlight. Y/n and Ned's parents were realtors in New York, but the bad part was that they also owned an agency, which meant that every month they had to travel out of state to resolve or improve an issue in the company.
Y/n closed the white door behind her, allowing Peter to step away from her and look at the books on the shelves, and some paintings too. Y/n was easily charmed by Peter's knowledge, as he was good at everything he did and knew a bit about everything. The brunette gently touched the base of the books, pulling them out to read their titles. The girl didn't hurry, she just followed him, putting her hands on his shoulders and kissing his neck without pulling him away, but Peter wasn't there to look at books.
The boy turned to the clean, innocent image that Y/n was passing by, putting his hands on her waist and finally pressing his lips to hers. The kiss began slowly, increasing in intensity as their tongues caught fire and their hands roamed their bodies. Parker moaned softly against the younger girl's lips, holding onto her waist tighter and tighter, waiting for the slightest sign that he could lose himself completely in the mysterious girl's body. Y/n, for his part, ran his nails down the buttons of his white shirt, slowly unbuttoning them.
And that was the last straw
“Can I touch you?” Peter asked breathlessly.
“Please.” Y/n asked in a low grunt, causing the boy to hold her in his lap, placing her on the glass table.
Peter put his weight on Y/n, lifting the rest of the dress that fell down her legs, to finally reach her smooth thighs. The girl tilted her head back, as if asking him to go deeper. Peter could feel his pants getting tighter and tighter, while his fingers seemed to search for a treasure in the middle of Y/n's legs, leaving him completely kneeling for her. He quickly removed his mask, throwing it on the floor and enjoying the wet core that was already waiting for him. Peter held Y/n's thighs tightly, pulling her closer to his mouth, which couldn't seem to take the pleasure. His tongue slid between her clitoris and her entrance, painting her orgasm in an explosion of guarded feelings. The girl held tightly to Parker's hair, which was now messy.
“Fuck, you taste amazing,” Peter said against her wet pussy.
“Keep going, please.” The girl pleaded desperately, having her request granted as soon as she felt the student's tongue enter her pussy. “That's fucking it!”
Peter stood up, noticing that Y/n's legs already seemed to be shaking. In a moment of anguish and desire, he held her from behind, allowing her to taste him. They both moaned in satisfaction, allowing the younger girl to touch Peter's penis, which marked his pants. Y/n bent down, trying to unbutton Peter's pants, quickly unzipping them and placing the black fabric on the floor. When the girl tried to put her feet on the carpet and kneel down, Peter stopped her with a kiss and denied her with his head, saying:
“I want you.” He said with swollen lips. “Do you want me?”
Y/n doesn't respond, but his body does. His hair stood on end, and his legs spread wider so that he could fit in. Quickly taking off his underpants and throwing them to a forgotten side of the room, Peter pumped his penis a few times, and you could see the glow that his tip exuded from his over-excitement. The brunette kept his hands strong, biting his lip to control the loud moans that begged to come out. Y/n just watched, putting her hands behind her corset to untie her belly, which was compressed by the garment. They both stared at each other for a moment, appreciating their bodies from top to bottom, exuding their desire through their sin-subdued gazes.
“Shit. The condom is in my wallet pocket that was left in the car.” Peter remembers, cursing under his breath for having forgotten the fact.
“I take birth control. It's fine.” She says, knowing that Peter would be trustworthy enough to use the privilege of using a contraceptive.
“Really?” Parker questions her to make sure of what she was saying.
“Yes.” She shakes her head energetically.
Peter moves closer to Y/n, already feeling that his legs would collapse just from her touch. Y/n bites her lower lip at the image of the boy entering her sensitive spot, absorbing all of her thickness to the point where the girl in the white dress puts her own hand over her mouth to cover the loud moan that escapes her pink lips. Peter holds her by the waist, while the girl's body is practically leaning over the table, giving the brunette room to reach the bottom of the woman's pussy. They can both feel their sweaty skins coming into contact, and the sound of them slapping together as the movement increases.
“Peter.” The girl moans.
“Do you like it? Tell me how you like it.” The brunette asked, furrowing his brows as he moaned lowly, waiting for an answer.
“I've wanted you for so long. You have no idea.” Y/n moans louder, feeling the tip of Peter's penis hit her G-spot.
“We should have done this before then, princess. You fit me so well.” He grunts, increasing his speed and feeling his legs tremble with each thrust.
“You wouldn't notice me.” She comments impatiently and slyly.
“It's impossible for me not to notice someone like you, angel.” He stretches his hand out to one of the woman's breasts, making her place one of her hands on top of his, indirectly asking him to squeeze them. “I'm going to come like this, princess.”
“Me too. Please don't stop.”
Y/n moved her hips, searching for more pleasure, following the movements of the older man who, in a few seconds, hugged her tightly, putting his member in much deeper than before, ejaculating his hot liquid at the same time as his partner dug her pink nails into his shirt, screaming into his shoulder with her legs wrapped around his hips. Their legs tremble and their mouths return to a calm, wet kiss, catching their breath and slowly pulling their faces apart until their eyes penetrate each other once more, even interpreted in such a dirty way that it could be considered a crime.
“Are you all right?” Peter asks, running one of his hands through Y/n's messy hair.
“Yeah, and you?“ Y/n asks.”Shit, my friends must be looking for me.”
“Sure, mine too.” Peter agrees, slowly withdrawing his member from Y/n's vagina, and looking for the rest of her clothes while the girl re-ties her corset. “I still don't know your name.” Peter comments.
“And would it be important to know?” Y/n smiles softly, watching him only in the moonlight.
“Not really.” Peter comments, finishing putting on his pants, which were lying on the floor. “I wasn't surprised you chose Phantom of the Opera, by the way.” Peter commented, pointing with his chin at the girl's outfit that had come down from the table.
“And why not?” Y/n fixes her hair, tilting her head to one side as soon as Peter asks.
“Because I was the one who left the flowers in your dressing room after you finished your performance, Y/n. By the way, great idea to reuse the costume. You look hot in it.” Peter buttons up his white blouse.
Y/n stops for a second, realizing that she wasn't as cunning as she thought she was. The girl opens her mouth to try to say something, but realizes it was all a game. Peter walks over to her, finishing buttoning his last button. The brunette bends down to pick up his mask and then puts it on, still watching Y/n's perplexed face.
“Why didn't you tell me you knew who I was?”
“Isn't that what masks were for?” Peter gives a sideways smile, kissing the top of Y/n's head gently.
The boy turns around, opening the door and leaving the room.
“ Motherfucker” Y/n curses him, smiling at his incredulity.
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tetzoro · 1 year ago
HERE’S TO YOU — ༉‧₊˚.
ft. kuroo tetsuro !
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : kuroo lands the all star project and the two of you go out celebrating. but the excitement buzzing in the air is almost too much for kuroo, especially when you look that good.
꒰ CONTENTS ꒱ : MDNI. f!reader. minor alcohol consumption (they have sips of champagne), use of pet names (sweetheart, baby) semi-public sex, unprotected sex, praise, creampie, — WC : 3k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : the first installment of the all star project is finally here ! i hope you enjoy ᰔ dividers by @/cafekitsune
ᯓ★ masterlist.
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ᰔ*.゚
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“congratulations tetsu.” you smile, holding your flute of champagne high up into the air. kuroo playfully clinks it against yours, the sound ricocheting within your small booth and solidifying the fact that he had gotten what he had worked so hard for — the all stars project.
many months ago, kuroo had a vision. one where he could take one of the things he loves most and share it with the world. the dream to lower the net, to show everyone how amazing volleyball is and hope they fall in love with it just like he did. and all of it was just on the outskirts of the horizon, rising with the steady sun as he gets ready to make his mark on the world.
earlier this week, he had submitted the proposal and given his presentation to the higher ups as well as the board. and of course, it had gone off without a hitch. the proposal was unsurprisingly approved today.
“thank you sweetheart.” he takes a quick sip of his drink, as do you. “i couldn’t have done it without your support. especially on those late nights when i was editing the proposal.” 
you let out a light chuckle at that, heat rising to your cheeks as you remember the night very clearly. it involved a lot of give and take – ensuring that kuroo was staying on track but also taking some well-deserved, arguably too long breaks.
you gently set down the glass and reach over the table to touch his hand, trying to pour all of your love in the simple motion. his hand easily flips over and finds yours, securely holding it in place. a tender warmth blossoms in your chest at the small gesture. basking in his love was the embodiment of personified sunshine, casting a warm glow that seeps into your bones, like finding the perfect ray to lay in as his skin brushes against yours. the world comes into focus, soft and fuzzy around the edges as you gaze at him, pride filling you to the brim.
“i’ll always be here to support you.” you assure, giving his hand an extra squeeze. barely a second goes by before he gently squeezes right back. “but seriously, i’m so proud of you. i know this is only the start but i’m so excited to watch you go on this journey. you deserve this.”
kuroo’s eyes search yours for a moment as he tries to find the right words. the sudden praise filled his head and encouraged him to dive in a little deeper. 
“you know, in high school i tried so hard to make the battle of the garbage dump happen. it was always my coach's dream to see it happen and somewhere along the way, i adapted it into my own. even though we lost, i was so relieved that we were able to play it at all. and i know it meant the world to him. so i’d like to think that the game was just practice for this. like i’m meant to do this. i know i can and i know it’s going to take a lot of work too. but i think i’m ready.” kuroo says, finishing with a quick sip of his drink. 
the whole world stands still whenever kuroo talks about volleyball. his love and passion for it commands the attention of everyone nearby, drawn to the spark that ignites in his eyes. if anyone could pull off this project, it was him. your heartstrings tug as you watch him excitedly ramble on about it all, the essence of a young boy's dream turning into a man’s reality taking shape before your very eyes.
when you first met kuroo two years ago at the olympics, you saw it then – the fire in his heart when it came to volleyball. striking up a conversation with anyone near the court to ask for their opinions about the match, listening thoroughly to what they had to say.
which is how he met you. little did he know you were a sports journalist looking for your next story. the way he knew these players in and out made him a plethora of knowledge and later, one of your closest informants. 
the connections he held and still holds never ceases to amaze you. that’s why you knew he was the perfect man for the job.
“that’s incredible tetsu.” you smile at him, tilting your head to the side. “i really think you were meant for this too. you have a knack for bringing people together. even if you can be an ass about it sometimes.” you pause before adding that last bit under your breath, but still loud enough for kuroo to pick up on it.
“oi! i was being serious.” he pouts, furrowing his brow at you. you catch the glint in his eye and continue to push, knowing he always got a kick whenever you teased each other.
“so was i.” you smile, swirling your drink around. you carry on before he has another chance to retort. “but seriously, i am really proud of you.”
you watch in delight as his cheeks tinge pink and look away. you remember when he first started drafting the proposal, the hours he poured into it. it may have only been the beginning of the journey, but you could clearly see how driven he was to do this.
“ooh is that a blush i see?” you tease, trying to see how red you could make him. it was always a rare sight to see him flustered.
“it is! you’re totally blushing right now kuroo tetsuro.”
his tongue pokes against the inside of his cheek as he lets out a small chuckle in response, a smirk lining his features. kuroo slowly shakes his head before his eyes snap back to yours. his cheeks are still dusted red – maybe even more so now – but his resolve was always strong. 
“fine, you caught me. what can i say? you just have that effect on me.” he gives in.
“good. somebody needs to humble you.” you cast him a smug look while he rolls his eyes, letting you win this time. but you knew better. you stare at each other for a moment, before you both erupt into giggles. emotion took over you and mixed with the champagne you were drinking, it felt like you and kuroo were on top of the world together. 
the laughter slowly fades out but the eye contact remains, holding each other's gaze like you’ve done so many times before. his shining eyes reflect yours, filled with all the absolute adoration he holds for you. all you can do is look back at him with the same expression. a look filled with so much love, so much passion. one that conveys the many words you wish you could say, words that he’s heard a thousand times but not even that could tire you out from saying them again and again. so instead, you settle on saying something else.
“quit staring.” you giggle, taking another sip of the champagne. kuroo only chuckles, his eyes slowly trail over you as he takes in your appearance for the hundredth time tonight. but this time, it was clear — he wasn’t planning on just admiring you this time around. he was drinking every ounce of you in. 
who needs to be drunk on champagne when he has someone as delectable as you to indulge in?
“alright.“ he smirks, smoothly getting up and sliding down into the booth to be right next to you, slinking his arm around your waist before his hand rests on your hip. you feel his lips lightly press against your earlobe, the deep rumble of your name flows through you, his voice only lulling you closer to him. “this better for you then?”
“tetsu-” you breathe out, slightly squirming in his hold. 
“that is my name.” kuroo merely teases you as he nuzzles his nose against your cheek, hoping to elicit more out of you. a shiver runs down your spine, heat bubbling up and pooling deep within you. your thighs reflect that as you not so discreetly start rubbing them together. “is there something you want?”
“no.” you’re quick to answer – too quick. and he picks up on it, chuckling against your skin, his breath fanning across your neck as he continues his descent. you almost jump out of his hold as he presses open mouthed kisses along your collarbone, but his hand is still securely gripping your hip. your eyes dart around, silently thanking kuroo for insisting on getting the most private booth, but still – “we’re out in public.”
“and has that ever stopped us before?” he chuckles lightly, the sound swarming your head. his hand rests on your thigh, the rings that adjourn his fingers felt cold against you, but his hand was so, so warm. all it took was a couple words, a few touches, and he’d always be able to have you right where he wanted you. but you both knew it worked both ways. “besides, i can’t help myself. you look too good.”
“shouldn’t we at least wait for dinner to arrive first?” you ask, watching his hand trail up to the hem of your dress. it was all too easy for him to slip his finger under, gently teasing along your inner thigh but not going any farther just yet.
“why have dinner when we could skip right to dessert?” he smirks, leaning in to lightly bite down on your earlobe.
“you’re so-” before you could call him out on his cheesy line, his finger glides all the way up to where you needed him most, teasingly rubbing against the all too thin underwear you had on.
“sorry, didn’t catch that, what were you saying?” he purrs in your ear, toying with your underwear but not quite giving you what you want. your hand flies to his wrist, delicately wrapping your fingers around him. 
there was a brief pause, his eyes flickering to yours as he waits to see if you want him to stop. but instead, your eyes only gaze into his — counting all the tiny specs of gold that coats his dark irises like the setting sun. with a small nod of your head, the game changes.
“well?” you whisper, watching the smirk on his face grow.
“bathroom?” kuroo asks, slowly sliding his hand from you. your thighs rub together again, already missing his touch.
“bathroom.” you lean in, kissing the corner of his smirk — one of his weak points. kuroo’s eyes widen a fraction before he nods, excitement buzzing throughout the air. “meet me there?”
“go on then.” he smirks as you slide out of the booth, adjusting your dress. you send him a playful wink before quickly scurrying to the bathroom. you quickly go in, finding yourself standing in front of the mirror. you take out your lipstick and touch it up while you wait, smacking your lips together to seal in the color. the door abruptly opens as kuroo races in, locking it behind him.
the two of you stare at each other for a moment. similar to the look you shared at the dinner table, but this one was more charged – passion igniting you both. without any word, he pounces on you, backing you up against the wall and hitching your leg up around his waist. his other hand delicately pulls you in closer to him by your neck, his lips furiously attacking yours. you hardly had a chance to breathe, let alone think.
“you drive me crazy, you know that?” kuroo whispers against your lips, the sound slightly muffled. the hand that’s loosely holding your neck slides up, grasping onto your chin. his hold pries your mouth open a little more and he’s able to deepen the kiss to his liking. 
the kiss lit up every nerve in your body. the amount of passion he could pour into it dizzied your mind. all the drive and determination he held for his job seeped into the kiss, charging it up even more than usual. he pulls apart, panting against your lips. “been wanting to do this since the moment i saw you in this dress.”
“well you certainly didn’t waste anytime-” your arms wrap around his broad back, grabbing at his tailored made suit. even though he was pressed up against you, he wasn’t close enough. the hand that was keeping your leg in place by his hip slides up, softly smacking against your backside.
“up.” and you don’t waste a beat, jumping up so your legs are loosely wrapped around him, both of his hands cradling you up, sliding under your dress, letting the fabric bunch at your waist. kuroo presses himself against you, his voice dropping an octave. “been needing you all day, you gonna take it for me?”
you nod as your hands fly to his zipper and you can feel him pushing, no – pulsing – against his slacks, further proving how true his statement was.  the zipper slides down with ease and you reach under his clothes, pulling out his aching cock, the tip glistening with need. he hisses at the heavenly contact.
“shit.” he whispers as you spread around the precum he had leaking from his weepy tip, stuttering into your hand. “you’re so good to me.”
“so proud of you tetsu.” your purr in his ear, repeating your words from earlier. you feel his cock twitch in your hand at the praise and you can’t help but smile. his fingers snake around to push your panties to the side as you line him up to your entrance, more than eager to sink into you. “let me show you how proud.”
kuroo lets out a sound of approval as he slowly slides into you, your cunt sucking him in greedily. within a short breath, he buries the rest of himself into you. 
kuroo’s heavy breath fans along your collarbones, lips eagerly attaching themselves to the skin there as he gives you a moment of reprieve. all you can focus on is the way he swirls his tongue against the small bite he left behind.
as much as you loved it, your body demanded more, moving on its own accord as you squirm in his hold.
“yeah? you ready for me?” he whispers with a shaky breath, obviously not immune to how good you feel. you nod your head, chasing the friction you desperately sought before he starts to finally move his hips. once they start, they don’t stop – a steady pace that has you throwing your head back into the wall. leave it to him to always figure out exactly what you need and driving it all the way home. each of his thrusts only show you how much you desire him, between the squelching noise of your sopping cunt and the way you kept sucking him back in.
“tetsu-“ you gasp out, nails digging further into the shirt that was sure to wrinkle. “faster!”
and he delivers, hips snapping into action before the plea can finish rolling off your tongue, shoving you further into the wall. his fingers dig into the plushness of your thighs, holding you steady as he thrusts into you, grunting in your ear.
“you’re taking me so well, so eager for me, yeah?” he babbles, lost in the pleasure that you endlessly bring him. it was always so easy to get lost in each other, to feel like you were the only two people left in the world. your love for each other was all consuming.
your head was so wrapped up in him that you didn’t care about where you were. it didn’t matter that you were in some bathroom at some restaurant – what mattered was that you were in his arms, feeling him everywhere. being connected the way you always longed for no matter how many times you got it.
and kuroo didn’t disappoint. he had always been a passionate lover but he was fired up tonight – driven by the success he’s gained from his proposal being passed, vigorously using it to thrust into you deeper, his cock nudging your core perfectly, your eyes falling to the back of your head as you cling onto him. 
and his mouth didn’t stop, filthy words flowing between his provocative lips, driving you further over the edge as your cunt squeezes around him tightly.
“gonna cum for me?” he whispers in your ear, his hands digging further into your hips as he tries to stave off his release for just a little longer. he wants to reduce you into an absolute mess, having you crying out on his cock, begging for more and more but he figures he should wait until he gets you home first to really ruin you.
“y-yes!” you go to cry out but he’s faster, the palm of his hand muffling your enthusiasm. the action makes your eyes roll to the back of your head, squeezing around him so tightly that his pace stutters. his fingers dance along your clit, throwing you into your release as you cum all around his cock.
“shit—“ he voice cracks as his words turn into a sweet moan, your release influencing his. he quickly bites your shoulder, trying to muffle the sound he lets out. his hips jerk as he presses them flush against you, panting in your ear as you milk his cock for all he’s worth. quickies with him were always so rewarding, especially out in public because it always made him cum that much more. 
he eases you down from where you were pinned against the wall, peppering your face with kisses as he helps adjust your clothing. 
“that was incredible.” he kisses your forehead, zipping up his pants and tightening his belt. “i hope you’re ready for more once we get home. didn’t get a chance to savor you the way i wanted.”
“yeah? then we better hurry up and eat our dinner.” you smirk.
“how about we take it to go?” he chuckles, his lips pressed against the top of your head. his laugh echoes throughout your body and it’s entirely impossible to say no to him when he’s so excited like this. 
“you box up the food and i'll start the car.” you smile, walking out of the bathroom. “don’t make me wait too long.”
“wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.”
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thank you so much for reading ᰔ — next part.
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11cupids-tarot11 · 8 months ago
What's going on right now? Need Clarity? A message from Spirit!
Choose a selfie! ☆
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I 🫶🏾 y'all!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Pile 1- 9 of Pentacles, 9 of Wands, Princess of Pentacles, 3 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 9 of Swords, The Hermit, Ace of Cups, King of Cups, Ace of Wands, 2 of Cups, extra card- Prince of Pentacles.
Bottom of the deck- The Lovers
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Hi my pile 1!
Today I feel like Spirit really wants to talk about you and your work. I heard something about planting roots, could be a literal 9-5 job we're talking about or even a relationship for some of you (I'm picking up on a masculine here), but I'm feeling like it might not be the way you want to to be right now, you're not seeing the results of all of your hard work but the Nine of Pentacles talks about having to climb that last mountain before you can reach the top and rest. This energy here is expressing though we may be so tired and want to give up it's very important you look back and see how far you've come in any given situation, how much you've progressed with maybe in a job, or something that really matters to you like finishing a book or even how much progress you've made in a relationship as well. (My phone buzzed as confirmation, I feel like there's a little bit about love in this reading which is crazy because I'm trying so hard to be diverse and not talk about romance so much but other forms of love too lol). Overall I'm getting don't give up, I know it's a struggle but sometimes it's good to sit back, reflect and remember our "Why". We just need that extra push of motivation, whatever motivates you, even if it's taking a small break before you decide to get back at it again, anything but quit! An example I could use is when I'm working on my Digital Art for a good hour and decide I still don't like how my drawing looks, I get tired but deep down want to finish it soo bad, so instead of giving up I take a break, let my fingers breathe and get a snack before going back at it again, sometimes it's okay to not break your back trying to finish projects no one's perfect.
So I feel like Spirit also wants to warn us of becoming too materialistic, it's clear this message is for someone who's worked hard to get to where they are now, but I feel like you haven't had the time to celebrate that because you're too focused on moving on to the next thing so quickly, we should appreciate and honor and celebrate all that we've done for ourselves even if you haven't reached the highest goal you've set, go out and celebrate with people you love! You deserve it!
So I feel energy like someone putting so much on themselves, I feel like you make yourself your main concern? If that makes sense? Like someone who gets frustrated at themselves because they quit something, someone here overworks their mind way too much, to a dangerous point. You're pushing your body to work so much because of a certain goal and I see here you see yourself as the problem. You are the very thing that crafts your reality but you can also break it as well. You know that saying less is more? I just heard it in my head, like if you stopped focusing so hard on this and live a little you might manifest it better not obsessing over it so much.
I'm picking up on two different messages, one is for someone who hardly has fun, I think the main message for you to overcome some things is to reach out more to people you love, spend more quality time with them! Have fun, go out and just go for a walk or sit in the park! Do something that doesn't feel like a job, you know? For others, I'm getting you might be more introverted, Spirit is encouraging you to branch out more, maybe work is something that you've just always known and been comfortable, but Spirit is encouraging you to go make some friends, step out of your comfort zone a little! Sometimes someone's companionship is all you need and you would've even realize it because if you're like me and hardly care for socializing it's something you can definitely live without, can't miss something you've never had right? Lol.
I feel some anxiety, negative thoughts and bad coping methods that are no longer serving you, but I feel like this anxiety is just coming from being scared, scared of the unknown especially. This energy doesn't serve you, focus on healing this and pushing this energy out of our consciousness, don't expect it, normalize it or embrace it.
I think as time goes on you could slip into a state of wanting to be alone a lot, I think this is a warning if you continue on you'll always be stuck in that energy. I think the hermit also reminds us to consider ourselves better, present and future, encourages to get to know yourself as well, take time to really understand and appreciate yourself.
I think you're a kind person, I'm seeing here you're represented by the Ace of Cups as well as how you see yourself, which means there is self love there, even if you don't see it or feel it's not impossible! Take it day by day, step by step, whatever that looks like for you! You have lots of joy and sunshine 🌞 maybe you're someone who likes to keep a positive appearance and rarely ever show your real emotions especially if they're negative.
I keep picking up on small messages of someone waiting for a specific love interest or maybe just waiting for your love life to get juicy in general.
I feel like someone's hoping for a connection, there's lots of masculine energy here. This is a special message so if you've been hoping for a specific person Spirit knows! I can't get much but maybe that's because it's not supposed to be a love reading, but I did get that message, Spirit hears you. Maybe this masculine is also a person some of you know, like they're in your life already and they have a heavy impact on you. I'm seeing for some of you it doesn't have to be romantic, could be a father figure for those of you wishing to get closer with your father's!
In conclusion, I don't want to say you'll never find a solution to your problems, but I will say life will always be throwing tough situations at us, at any given time, I think the highlighted message here would be that our mindset is the key here, you can't change your situation maybe but you can decide how you handle them. A strong mindset is always important, a clear and positive one. It's not an answer, no, but it's more like encouragement. I feel like Spirit wants to remind you as long as you have you, you'll never really be stuck or lost, you have the power to see the greater good of any situation or the power to visualize and manifest a life or outcome of a situation you want!
Hope you like this reading! Love you! <3
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 2- The Hermit, Judgment, Eight of Pentacles, Four of Cups, The Tower, The Star, Three of Swords, Nine of Cups, Nine of Wands, The hanged man and The World.
Back of deck: Queen of Cups
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So the Hermit is once the fool, right? I feel this card is drawn today to point out that you need to focus on something with yourself. You're being pushed to learn more about yourself maybe, I'm getting this card also signifies someone who mostly spends their time alone, this could be because you're being drawn to focus more on yourself and this could also serve as a warning for some that you could be surrounding yourself with too many energies. Either way this card does signify a change does need to happen. A path needs to be taken. Something needs to be done, let's see what it is!
So currently it's healing, I'm seeing it's something heavy on your mind and heart. Well, with the Justice I hear that you have the option to heal right now, you maybe have been wondering what does healing really mean? and I'm hearing that the Angels Gabriel maybe are present with this card and that the path to healing is about to basically open up for you to take. I want to go into great detail about what I mean but can't find the best words, my book describes it like 'an opportunity to scrape off any remaining bits of mud clinging to your boots'.
I feel like someone here is very focused on healing for the greater good, you have a desire, strong will and determined just to do better for you and with the Eight of Pentacles it serves as kind of a confirmation that your guides do see and hear your efforts. Some of us could even be manifesting greater things, better days and your guides definitely do hear you! Makes me feel like they're hinting that your wish will be granted soon, the judgment card does often hint at justice! ;)
I know it might be confusing or some of you are probably like "what?" But I'm hearing that you'll just get random downloads and be like "oh yeah, duh! I should totally try doing that." A specific message for a few of you lol.
So the four of cups makes me feel like your guides are just pointing out more the need to kind of take a break away from everything and everyone. Maybe you're around people who don't have your best intentions or don't really serve you or your healing journey and spirit warns to watch who we keep around, it might be time to cut some people off. Some of you might be getting invited out, it's okay to reject them and let them down easy, take time for you, it's okay to not be bothered and be in the comfort of just yourself! <33
Right now I feel like you're carrying a lot of tension, anxiety and there's a call to release all of that, a change, I feel like being around people might be causing this anxiety because this is supposed to represent your external energy and you got the tower card, but so far all I'm getting is isolation is good for you, which is making me think there might just be a specific person causing this anxiety, if they make you feel bad they're not worth having around, i had to learn that the hard way whoever needs to hear this 😭 🩷
So we're letting go of burdens, anything that's holding us back, we're getting into really good energy! I love this pile honestly lol. You got the hope card! While all of this is happening, you're going to be passing through really heavy energy I bet, it might feel like you got hit by a bus even but your guides want you to remain hopeful! Try to stay as optimistic and positive as you can be, showing gratitude can also help right now! But good job! You're looking at every corner of your shadow self, you're doing a really good job too!
Okay, see! The three of swords is heavy energy but it does signify ✨ NEW 😍 and BETTER 😩 things for us! If you keep going this road, you're going to find something that really brings you contentment and life will feel good again for you! You're getting justice baby!!! I'M TRYING TO GET YOU HYPED BECAUSE YOUR GUIDES ARE PROMISING EVERYTHING YOU'VE WISHED FOR!! 😍😍 Lol whatever that might look like for you, like lately I've really been wishing for a new apartment, so when spirit says my wishes are about to be granted I'd get real excited because that means I'm gonna find a way to get that new apartment soon! Lol.
So right now I feel like you know you're able to manifest these good things all on your own. I feel like a few of you are like me and it maybe took you this long journey to get where you are now, maybe mentally or also in a physical matter, either way you look back and see how far you've come, you still want so much more and maybe you kinda pick on yourself when you realize that but your working on being content and grateful and moving forward now that you really understand how to now!
So I'm hearing that you might have some fears about never seeing progress, or maybe you're grinding very hard I'm talking day and night and you haven't seen the results you want, but you'll get there! I'm hearing the only way you don't is if you give up on yourself. As long as you have the consistency, motivation and power to keep showing up you will definitely see the results you want!
You got the world card as your outcome! This is a possible outcome, the world represents completion usually all things of a happy ending basically! Which means this is how your outcome will be! You do big work and receive big rewards from the universe! You're going to be sooo happy, you're on your way to your biggest achievement yet I feel! Congratulations! 🤭😍
I also heard a message about someone needing to further develop their spiritual growth!!
Hope you enjoyed!! 🩷 Love you sweetie piez
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
Pile 3- Eight of Cups, Temperance, Three of Cups, Seven of Cups, Princess of Wands, Ace of Cups, King of Swords, The Emperor, Princess of Cups, Ace of Swords, Two of Cups.
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Hii! ☺️ So there's a message for you in pile 2! Specific for some of you, maybe if you felt drawn to more than one pile I highly recommend checking it out because I could not stop channeling that!
Let's get into your reading now!
So you're currently in an era of change right now, moving away from toxic energies, environments, mindsets and/or situations, I'm hearing it's because you're embarking on something new and you want to have a fresh clean state basically. Good for you! I totally resonate with that, it's a very good example of bringing home a new puppy even though you already have a dog, you still buy the new dog it's own toys and personal items because you can't just take the old dog's things and give it away, you have to start all over again and buy fresh items, you know? Weird example but this is the best I could explain it 🤣 I don't even have a dog so bare with me lol.
So I see that you're currently questioning how to go about this, and I get the feel that the Temperance card is telling us that we have that answer within. I think Spirit really wants to remind you to listen to your inner child as well, not only that but all parts because it's very important, even our shadow selves. So I feel like that's something you're going to be going through, mental clarity. This energy is a lot like pile 2! There's an overlapping message! Pretty soon you'll be gaining insight, like you'll be receiving downloads and messages from your team and everything will just "click" for you, yk? 😭 Lots of magical energy in all of the piles today it's crazy. I think you're also going to be learning how to balance yourself out, you're going to Intuitively just know because you've done the work searching every part of yourself!
So I see some tension and desire around three of cups, maybe someone here could be wishing for healthier connections, maybe there's some fear of being alone even and it's triggering some healing to be done around that area.
So like I said earlier, you're going to be receiving some intuitive messages that will bring you lots of clarity which is confirmation with the Seven of Cups, it'll just come to you, you might receive an important dream soon! So just keep on keeping on lmao basically stay true to your goals and keep forward on your path!
Okay okay I see you working on moving into your Princess of Wands energy! So the Princess part is like someone who's still learning, so you're going to be in an energy that you're in control of! I feel like you're already represented by the Princess of Wands energy and you're just working on being Queen now! You're going to learn how to utilize your personal energy, creativity and sexual power. Okay so you're going to need this new energy for the path you're going down, you're going to shine through it, literally you're a star whoever you are lmao other people see your energy too, you're someone people look up to! You're embarking on a new journey, I feel like I keep repeating myself a lot but even in my tarot book it says the exact same thing in the card description as the messages I'm channeling from Spirit 🤣 I've gotta start a YouTube so I can show you guys more! Or would you guys prefer if I just included pictures? I don't for aesthetic purposes but let me know guys!
Anyways, back to YOU lol,
So I see you wishing for lots of abundance like love maybe, doesn't have to be very deep and serious like marriage but I feel like a few of you want a baby and someone that loves you and it's a dream of yours, but you're probably putting that dream to the side right now to work on yourself which is good! That way when you are ready to receive you'll know exactly what to do with your gifts, treat them nicely lol! I do see a promising future for you where you receive all of that plus the self love from yourself which will already come first before anything, I think it's really beautiful energy I really like this pile 😭 I love you whoever you are, you feel so sweet!
OOO I see a King of Swords in someone's future? I feel like this is a romantic for a few of you because you also have the Two of Cups as your ending card which represents union to me. My book describes this person as fascinating, and talkative, they'll be very good at providing you emotionally and physically wise! I feel like after all of this work you're finally getting the connection with someone you've been waiting for!
Gender doesn't matter here, but you might see yourself as the Emperor, even if you struggle to, the outside world does too! You're a born leader, you're strong and intelligent enough to LEAD the team! People respect you I feel like, you're very hardworking, you like to set goals, some people might call you a nerd lol 🤓. I feel like in school you were the one who took control in group projects, you're very outspoken and an outgoing person, people love to be around you!
You might not have had many relationships, I'm hearing you might be kind of scared of love and have some hope and fears around it, you'll be discovering your own love language I hear ☺️ how precious omg.
So someone around you with the Ace of Swords suggests that someone you've already had your eye on someone for a while, a few of you might even be in the talking stages still! Either way you might already know who you're coming into union with 🤣 Crazy! For others of you, you will be meeting this person soon! A complete stranger you'll just bump into within divine timing on the weirdest day of your life!
So the Two of Cups is your outcome! With the two of cups it means you'll get the perfect person you've been waiting for! Which is what you've been wishing for, right? (Me too😭) I'm seeing that picturing your perfect person will help manifest them! Some of you could be dating after heartbreak as well I'm picking up on, for those of you who are single you'll be glowing! People will notice and compliment you a lot more. You're just ready to receive while being in your Queen energy! Real hot girl shit 😍 lol I love that omg.
Lots of water energy, someone could be a water sign, Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer or have those placements heavily in ur chart. Someone here could like the color blue or purple or those colors might be significant for you. The number 4 might also be significant. Someone could wear red a lot.
I hope you enjoyed this reading! Love youuu!!!
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knavesflames · 6 months ago
Not to be nasty or anything but do you think Arle is more into fingering? Tribbing? Or strap? Hihi Just a silly question that's taking over my mind recently
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No be nasty, I like it >:]
I’ve had a burst of inspiration just now so perhaps a fic today!! Anyway, your question.
Nsft utc >:] (no word count, I wrote this on tumblr instead of docs like usual!)
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I like to think she likes all three, depending on her mood. She feels like the type of person to hide her emotions until she gets to come home to her love. I feel also she may not cry, or shout when she’s upset. She prides herself on being graceful, does she not?
So, picture this: when you meet her at her office to drop off her lunch, or to ask her if she needs anything, or even to just let her know you’re going out (she needs to know you’re going to be safe, there are a lot of people against her, and in turn, against you), Arlecchino is practically salivating at the outfit you’re wearing. It suits you perfectly, and she can’t help but stare.
Once she snaps out of it, she gestures you closer with a singular bend of her index finger. You know she has decided she just can’t wait, and her hands, though calloused from years of training, grip your waist gently so she can lift you onto her desk. One hand covers your mouth, the other one has two digits softly rubbing your aching clit before sinking into your pussy, who so greedily clenches around her.
Or, perhaps, imagine: a date night. You have them seldom, for she is oh so busy with whatever project she is working on. She refuses to tell you what, you refuse to ask, as long as she is careful. On those nights, you beg to please her, too. Yet, her mind is constantly focused on you, so how could she give up your pleasure for her own? Enter the tribbing. A good compromise, you both agree. She can pleasure you and watch as you writhe (or, very rarely, vice versa) and she can chase the high she rarely allows herself to have.
On those special nights, picture you against her, grinding your clit messily onto hers, your own whimpers and whines as quiet as possible so you can hear the way she groans when you circle your hips, the way her hands tighten on your body, her breath coming out in quiet pants as she whispers praise to you. “Louder,” she encourages you, but you can never tell if it’s because she wants you screaming or if she’s hiding her own sounds she’s trying so hard to hold back.
You watch when her eyelids flutter she finishes with a hiss and a jerk of her body. The sight alone lets you come undone with her.
Also consider: some fatui officer messes something up again and she has to fix it, wasting hours and hours of her precious time. She does not express her anger then and there, no. Of course not. She comes home, and by the look in her eyes alone, you know she’s had a bad day. Still, she envelopes you in her arms with her nose buried into your hair. Her body relaxed slightly, but it’s not enough. “Please,” she mumbles into your hair. It’s the closest she’ll ever get to begging. Little does she know, you were offering yourself the second she came home. You secretly enjoy the way she fucks you when she’s frustrated.
Bedtime comes quickly, an early 9pm. Neither of you sleep, no. Instead, you’re ass up for her on your bed, hands ready to grip the sheets. Your entire body shivers when you feel her dragging the silicone of her favourite strap between your folds. With one hand fisting the base of it, and the other resting firmly on your back, she pushes her hips forward. She always starts slow, only for you.
When she knows you’ve adjusted, based on your breathing, she moves. It’s a gentle rhythm, but she ends up losing her patience, and she’s quickly fucking you and turning your mind to mush. Arlecchino could live on your moans like they coursed through her veins (she wishes you coursed through her body instead of the flames that overtake her) and she does everything possible to let the tip of her strap hit the gummy spot inside of you. The room is quiet, other than her small grunts, your whimpers, and the sound of your dripping pussy. She’ll fuck you until you cum. Then again. And again, until you say the word that makes her stop. Then, she’ll take care of you, like always.
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huihuiheart · 5 months ago
Loosen Up My Buttons - Seventeen - Woozi
Seventeen Masterlist
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Pairing:  Office Worker! Jihoon x Office Worker! Fem Reader
Summary: Your work rivalry carries a lot of tension. Especially come promotion time, but what happens when the two of you finally snap?
Warnings: Cursing, dirty talk, bratty speech, degradation (in the dirty talk), oral (fem rec), fingering, spanking (light), dom! Jihoon, sir kink (light), unprotected sex, cumming inside, multiple orgasms, crying (from pleasure).
Word Count: 4278
You swore that if he wasn’t so hot and you didn’t need this job quite so badly you’d have snapped a long time ago. Jihoon really grated on your nerves. It didn’t help that he was your only rival when it came to being noticed at work. Your only true competition for a raise or promotion. Thankfully up to now it had been for promotions with multiple openings, but not anymore. Your department head had just left and so the potion opened to the team leads. You and Jihoon each push yours to keep ahead of the other. You were mumbling curses under your breath when entering the break room for another coffee only to see the very bane of your existence. 
He turns from pouring his coffee, expression smug as ever upon seeing you, “Guess who just completed another project.”
“That’s because they only trust your team with low-level shit. If you had the Arlington or Campbell projects things would be very different.” You counter without hesitation. 
“Is cursing really appropriate for the workplace?” Jihoon jumps topics seeing the opportunity to strike at something, as the snake of a man always did. 
“Have I ever fucking cared? I stay professional with clients and in meetings, but in the break room no one fucking cares.” You roll your eyes at him. 
“You better watch out, when I get promoted I better not hear any of that or we’ll have a problem,” Jihoon smirks at the way you so visibly bristle at the comment.
“If you get it because god knows I’m not going down without a fucking fight. Now get back to work… or do they actually get more done without your hovering?” You have a turn to smirk now having finished fixing your coffee to leave before he does as the supervisor passes. The same supervisor who had been in the area and you intentionally neglected to tell Jihoon. If he wanted to be a dick he’d get to see what it got him. 
“Come on guys, I know we’re exhausted, but we’re almost done. Arlington meeting is on Friday and if we nail that we’ll all get a nice little check and on top of that we can go to Boo’s Bar on me. Start our weekend off right.” You encourage your team, and the cheers in response make you chuckle when Jihoon walks by with a scoff to sour your mood again.
“Having to bargain to get work done isn’t a good sign of your leadership.” He muses, raising a brow when you whip around towards him.
“It’s not bargaining, it’s a reward to thank them for all the hard work they do. Some of us know how to appreciate others and have fun after all.” You counter feeling more smug than attacked.
“I know how to have fun! In fact, I’m sure I could have more fun with my team than you do!” Jihoon insists, having to make a competition out of everything.
“If you have to make fun into a competition then you really don’t grasp the concept of it.” You scoff rolling your eyes, “But if you insist you know where we’ll be Friday night.” 
Jihoon got on your nerves, yes, but that would certainly be good entertainment for you too. Seeing how out of place such a stuck-up man like Jihoon would be in that environment. This would be something to look forward to, especially whenever he got on your nerves between now and then. Though you knew the antisocial man was likely to chicken out. 
Once Friday rolls around though you refuse to allow yourself to dwell on Jihoon when you have to present your team's project in one of the biggest quarterly meetings. Focused solely on getting through and your team completing this successfully. A wave of relief washing over once you’re on the other side of it. Seeing them off rather professionally before your team immediately turns to cheers after, everyone is relieved after putting so much into this project. Now finally able to amuse yourself with the concept of Jihoon being knocked down a few places as everyone rambles about how they will celebrate tonight at Boo’s or over the weekend. Only more excited as Jihoon stomps past you to his desk to sulk. 
Your team mostly walks down the block to Boo’s after work, packing your blazer into your bag, and undoing a button to relax some. Sitting at the bar to let Seungkwan know you were covering the team tonight and unwinding some there before whatever else happened. Somewhat stunned as Jihoon’s team walks in a few moments later. Jihoon’s tie was long gone and a few buttons popped, sleeves rolled up as well. The sight of him making your jaw drop for a second before quickly correcting yourself in time for him to spot you and head over. 
“A Vieux Carré,” Jihoon says, obviously trying to seem above this place only to blink in shock as Seungkwan goes to mix it up without an ounce of hesitation. Making you have to hide your smirk at how ineffective his plan to make this all seem lesser blew up in his face so well when the drink was placed before him.
Seungkwan’s attention turned to you, “I indulged you with your first drink request, but no more of this. See you need to celebrate tonight, so I’m bringing your wine out.”
You watch him walk off, returning with a bottle of 2004 Masseto, opening it to pour you a glass before setting it back down. Jihoon’s jaw-dropping now at the sight of the wine.
“I… here I was thinking you had no taste at all, but I stand corrected. At least you know how to pick a good wine.” Jihoon finally speaks though it is still slightly condescending and Seungkwan has you back before you can even put your glass down.
“Too bad you won’t be getting any of it. See this is part of the private collection that I have just for her.” He beams before winking at you. Today certainly was your day and maybe it would teach Jihoon to keep the pointless remarks to himself for once, though you knew that was likely too good to be true. 
Jihoon scowls and it only makes you even prouder, taking the opportunity to goad the man even more, “Besides what do you even have to celebrate tonight?”
Jihoon rolls his eyes, “You can go out for reasons other than to celebrate something.”
You know that he’s trying to save face and it makes you smirk around your glass, “Right, that’s why you’re so good at letting loose.”
“You say that as if you’re not just sitting here too.” Jihoon counters and you roll your eyes.
“That’s because everyone else has someone they're with, and them having fun is more important than me proving something to you.” You shrug as you sip on your wine, “ Sometimes I’ll dance with Boo too, but he’s busy right now.
Jihoon raises a brow before standing and offering you his hand. Surprising you some, but you’re not about to give him any more reasons to talk shit to you. So you take his hand, get up, and follow him out to the floor. Hating how your body heats up when he puts his hands on your waist. Closer to Jihoon than you ever anticipated you would be right now, following his lead even as it has you both drawing closer to each other. Hands drifting all over each other as the music takes over, your coworkers all whispering as they notice. Jihoon not letting you go anywhere when you get flustered though.
“Are you going back to being shy, put together, professional now? Don’t tell me that now that I’m proving you wrong you can’t back up your own words.” Jihoon muses, only chuckling a little more when you glare at him.
“Absolutely not.” You insist as you continue to dance with him, “What about your stuck-up reputation though?”
“Like they would say anything to me when I’m about to get a promotion.” Jihoon counters to bristle you intentionally.
“If.” You roll your eyes, “If you get the promotion.”
“Well, how exactly are you going to stop me from getting it?” Jihoon taunts you smugly.
“You should be the one worrying about stopping me after today.” You taunt right back. You are biting down on your lip to stop any sounds when his grip tightens on you.
“You know what I hate most about you?” Jihoon’s question is rhetorical as he whispers it against your ear, “ It’s that you’re how when you’re trying to be a threat.”
You shudder when he says it, but you’re not giving in that easy, “If this is a new tactic to beat me it won’t work.”
“I wish that it was sweetheart, but unfortunately for me, it's the truth. Even if that gives you a slight edge over me.” Jihoon admits, licking his lips as he looks over you instead of being flustered or embarrassed over it. 
“Well, what if I told you that makes us even?” You respond though you’re not as bold as him in doing so. It only serves to make him even more smug though.
“Awe, have you been having a hard time when I put you in your place sweetheart?” Jihoon is backing you towards the bar now as the song ends.
“Have you been having a hard time when you can’t?” You counter, taking a turn to smirk when his eyes darken as a result. Leaning in all the way now as he traps you against the bar.
“How about we get out of here and I show you just how well I can put you in your place, hm?” Jihoon offers and you’re snatching up your purse, letting Jihoon drag you out of the bar and presumably to his place. Your brain only sends red flags for a moment that perhaps he was playing you, but that quickly gets thrown away when he pulls you inside and smashes his lips against yours. Pressing you against the door and pinning you there with his body. Jihoon quickly dominated the kiss, wanting to show you who was calling the shots. 
Jihoon is affected by you even more when he pulls away to see you panting and dazed just from a kiss. Growling into your mouth when you grab his collar and pull him back in. Nipping at your lips in retaliation.
“What was that?” Jihoon hisses when you both separate again.
“Oh please Jihoon, since when have I ever made anything easy for you?” You counter only to whimper when Jihoon’s hand is behind your head, gripping your hair firmly.
“Fair enough, we’ll do this the hard way then.” Jihoon shrugs before leading the way to his bedroom with that grip, tossing you onto the mattress.
“What’s the hard way?” You ask and Jihoon smirks as he crawls over you.
“Well if I told you then it would spoil the fun.” Jihoon pouts coyly at you, not about to let on anything about what he has in store for you.
“How will you know if I’ll like it then?” You counter, gasping when Jihoon’s touch travels under your shirt.
“Little bratty sluts like you like whatever I have to give, don't worry,” Jihoon says, fingers toying along the hem of your bra before pinching at the flesh. Pulling his touch away just to remove your shirt.
“Oh, that’s what they’ve lied and said to you?” You can’t help but take the opportunity to mess with him. Jihoon not saying anything in response, simply removing your bra next only to slap your boobs and smirk when you whimper. 
“Well look at how fast you stopped talking. Jihoon teases you.
“I can start again just as fast.” You shoot right back. Only for him to pinch your nipples and earn a yelp.
“A minute from now I’d like to see you try.” Jihoon isn’t phased by your attitude as he finishes undressing you. When he doesn’t toss your panties aside you assume it's him being a prick who is just pocketing a prize. Only to realize that’s not what it was when Jihoon is twisting them around your wrists. Securing them tightening in the fabric over your head.
“What’s that supposed to do to stop me?” You raise a brow at him.
“Oh I thought about stuffing your mouth with them to shut you up instead, but then I thought that we could probably find a much better use for that mouth of yours.” Jihoon counters and suddenly you have nothing to say, your mind full of thoughts of him filling your mouth with other things. Jihoon caresses your cheek before gripping firmly and making your lips part as he undoes his pants, “So let's see what your mouth can do better yeah? Talk shit or make me cum.”
You give in easier than you’d like to admit with his cock in front of you. Your mouth falling open more than his grip was forcing, sitting pretty and limp as you looked up at him and waited for what he would do.
Jihoon doesn’t keep either of you waiting long before he’s in your mouth. Pressing against the back of your throat when he gets as deep as he can, his work slacks pressed against your cheek as you gag around him slightly. Your spit not only coating his cock, but creating a mess on his pants as well. Jihoon couldn’t care less though, ready to pay whatever dry cleaning bill came out of this. So long as he could continue to lose himself in the feeling of your mouth. Grip returning to your hair and tugging slightly before holding you in place. 
“See I knew you could do so much better if your mouth was given a better use.” Jihoon pants out, never stopping the movement of his hips, “Just made for taking cock, not for trying to take my place. 
You definitely would have made a smart response to his face had you not been unable to. Jihoon’s other hand comes down and brushes under your teary eyes.
“That’s all it takes to make the smart, composed Y/N dumb. A cock down her throat.  It’s okay to cry though, pretty girl. In fact, it’ll get you what you want… my cum.” Jihoon’s voice is cracking and shaking more than he’d like to admit. You’re really about to make him cum though. His moans are music to your ears as he finds his orgasm, stiffening as he cums into your mouth. Pulling out to just the tip until you take every last drop.
“Show me.” Jihoon tugs your hair, tilting your head back and sucking in a sharp breath when you show him all of his cum in your mouth, “Good, now swallow.”
You’re giving in too easily and you know it. You don’t find that you care all that much right now though. Not really anyways. That doesn’t mean you won’t test him, however. After all, it got you such a good result this time, who knows what it might get you next. Hopefully something even better. 
“You learn anything, sweetheart?” Jihoon asks and he should know as soon as he sees you smirk that you aren’t about to give him the answer he’s looking for.
“Yeah, that when I talk shit you get hard and cum in like a minute.” You smugly answer only to get a smack to your thigh. 
“I bet you think that you’re some hot shit right now, don’t you?” Jihoon scoffs, “But we’ve barely gotten started, so why are you talking when you don’t even know what you’re in for?”
“Because it's fun pissing you off, plus you’re hotter angry.” You shrug giggling a little in enjoyment.
“Oh sweetheart I’m beyond angry. I’m livid.” Jihoon spits back and you’re practically dripping now. So overwhelmed with lust that your head feels heavy.
“And what is that going to get me?” You ask Jihoon, wanting nothing more than to poke the bear right now.
“What I want, not you.” Jihoon insists though you’re sure that you’ll have no problems with whatever it is he wants.
“And what is it that you want?” You question Jihoon, licking your lips knowing how many possibilities there are.
“You reduced to a dumb crying slut beneath me.” Jihoon answers, “And that’s exactly what I’m going to get too.”
“Then get it.”Your words make Jihoon jump to action again, practically ripping the rest of your clothes off your body. Pushing your legs towards your chest until you let out a whine at the tight stretch making him smirk a little and coo.
“So tense sweetheart, is this from being all uptight at the office? Don’t worry we’ll get you loosened up a little more each time we do this. After all, I like you all exposed for me, filthy little soaking cunt just begging to be stuffed.” This is the first time anyone has implied that this isn’t a one-time thing and it stirs something in your gut. “Gonna train every inch of your little body to handle me.”
You open your mouth to retort, but he beats you to it, blowing onto your pussy and making you whimper instead of talking back as he intended. Exactly what Jihoon had been planning on achieving in doing so.  You’re quick to fix him with a glare though. 
“Do you even need to do that for your small dick?” You bite back, only you see his eyes darken more than they ever have tonight or in the time that you’ve known him. Jihoon only smirks as he turns around to straddle you, using his body weight to pin your legs towards your chest still, and maybe stretching them a little more in his irritation at the moment.
“As if you didn’t choke on it.” He scoffs to himself spitting on your cunt before using his now free hands, two fingers smearing his spit around before spreading your folds to spit more directly onto your entrance now. Pressing one finger in as his lips wrap around your clit, not spending any time on gentle and delicate. Fully intending to get you ready for him quickly so he can make you eat your words as he fucks you entirely open. His weight prevents you from squirming away from his harsh actions. Jolting at the way he curls his fingers once he has added a second and finds the spongy patch that has your vision blurring a few seconds later. You think it’s solely from the sheer pleasure until you feel your cheeks wetting as tears fall only then realizing the full extent of your body's reaction. Jihoon is unable to see how quickly he got what he wanted as he is locked onto your pussy right now, fully intent on having you gush around him. The pads of his fingers massage at your spot while his mouth only gets more intense on your clit, moaning around it between harsh sucks. Not letting up until you’re cumming around him, lifting his weight off your trembling legs to turn around and face you again, only growing more smug at the sight.
“One orgasm is all that it takes sweetheart? Had I known that I would have crawled under your desk to give you one a long time ago, after all, that’s probably the best way to get you like this. Sweetest too.” He winks at you as he licks your slick off his lips. “How much more of a crying mess does that mean you’ll be on my cock though? Do you wanna find out sweetheart?” 
“Will you even last long enough to make that happen?” You raise a brow at him as if you’re not an absolute fucked out mess beneath him.
Jihoon responds with a swift slap to your cunt before pressing your legs to open more until your hips lift, “I’m not some little virgin who blows his load the second he feels a slutty cunt.”
“You could have fooled me with how you reacted to my mouth, but I guess we’ll just have to see.” You know it's quite likely that you’ll be the one eating your words, but that you’ll have no real complaints about it when he does.
Jihoon scoffed as he ran his tip through your folds only pushing in when he finally pulled a whine from you, “That’s right sweetheart. You’re talking big, but just a needy little cockslut for me huh?”
When you refuse to answer him he stills inside of you, “Answer me. Be good and say yes sir.”
“And why would I ever give you that satisfaction?” You grit out as if you weren’t so gone you were almost ready to give him anything that he asked for.
“I mean you should get used to saying it now since I'm going to be your boss soon enough.” Jihoon grins wickedly, “And if you don’t I’ll walk away leaving you high and dry.”
The threat in his words settles on you like a heavy weight and your heart nearly stops, swallowing down your pride, “Yes sir.”
“Yes sir what?” Jihoon pushes you further as he still doesn’t move.
“Yes sir, I’m your needy little cockslut.” Your voice is soft, but thankfully not so much so that Jihoon doesn’t push you further.
“There’s a good girl who knows how to listen. Don’t worry sweetheart, girls who do as they’re told get rewarded.” Jihoon’s tone is slightly condescending still, but he’s praising you nonetheless as his hips slowly start to move. The position he has you in allows him to press in deep, the man focusing more on that and making it hard than fast. “Bet you’d learn to listen even better if I filled you up with cum. All the biggest brats just need someone to make a mess of their little cunts to start acting right.”
“There’s only one way for you to find out if it will.” Your words spur him on. Willing to say whatever you’ll need to to get him to follow through on that though. Something that has Jihoon cursing under his breath and finally picking up the pace, shifting so that his pelvis grinds against your clit whenever he fills you up again. That is the moment when you once again become an incoherent mess. Jihoon looks into your eyes as he smirks down at the incoherent mess that he’s made of you.
“That’s right go dumb for me. I want you to cum like this and only when you’re good like that will I fill you up.” Jihoon growls down at you as he closes the gap, breath hot against your face. Not letting up until that’s what he gets, you delving further into pleasure as you cum for him. Jihoon continues on for only a moment longer until he’s cumming inside, warmth spreading through your core for another reason now. Jihoon rolling off you now to allow you both to catch your breath and for you to stretch your sore legs out.
Jihoon looked over your form, licking his lips before grinning mischievously, “Round two?”
You huff a laugh before grinning right back, “You’re on.”
The rest of your night ends up like that. Bleeding into the weekend as well. Though you weren’t entirely animals, having some reprieve from all the sex. Having to adjust to the sight of Jihoon in casual clothes which was surprisingly more shocking than seeing him naked. Adjusting also to having to wear his clothes for your little impromptu weekend away. Learning that Jihoon wasn’t as much of a prick as he could be in the office. Still, all good things had to come to an end… kind of. Going back to work on Monday sparked the rivalry back up, but had anyone really focused there were signs things had changed. A door held when it would have been left to close in the face. A coffee cup was replaced with a full one right on schedule by the other. Including certain people in lunch orders now. Still, it never went anywhere beyond friendly professionalism in the office. Despite the fantasies on both sides. Even outside the office where it was obvious something was developing you were both still feeling it out. Slow to everything outside of the physical aspects so as to see if it was merely tension or not. Finally grasping the feelings involved as the month drew to a close and the time to reveal the promotion came.
Jihoon finds you in the breakroom as you both get coffee before the meeting to announce it, “You know it’ll be really hard not to fuck you in the office when you’re having to call me sire all the time.”
You would have gotten him back for the teasing had you not gasped so incredulously at how blatant he just was in the office. Despite you two being the only ones in the breakroom. Jihoon simply winks as he sips his coffee on the way out. You roll your eyes as you follow behind. Having to hold back your laughter when Jihoon ends up eating his words anyway, you having been given the promotion.
You lean in with a smirk while passing his desk after finalizing everything with HR, “You may not be my boss, but that doesn’t mean I won’t let you fuck me in the office.”
Your whispered words make it up slightly to Jihoon who is now following behind you to help you break in your new office.
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elodieunderglass · 7 days ago
I just wanted to say, i'm SO READY to buy the jockey-romcom-family-drama-horse-sad-story book when it comes out, you have no idea.
(In reference to Killie the Jockey OC and his complicated little life)
Well, thank you so much! I called that incredibly kind and supportive of you, because you are by no means obligated, and I truly appreciate your encouragement.
I’m a new believer that when you are seized by a radiant alien urge to create, then you have been touched by something beautiful and genuine and true, and that you should graciously accept the gift, and follow it where it brings you. That’s why I keep finding myself writing fanfiction, despite constantly saying that I’m Not Sure How Important It Is As A Hobby (I Need To Weed The Allotment Instead). Sometimes you get possessed by an idea, and enter that spirit of flow and power, and wake up a few hours later having written the story - you know how that is? I increasingly believe that you have to say YES to this, and follow it where it’s going, even if it seems somewhere pointless or silly, and you can’t immediately see how it’s a better use of your time than weeding your actual material allotment. But I’ve been thinking about it since the summer, and now I think that being this kind of Possessed is a bit of a gift, and if you take it, and then give it to others in the spirit that you received it - freely, and with generosity and courage, and with no more expectation of reward than a wild animal expects another sunset - then you get more gifts. So we should do this!!
That being said, I’ve got no damned idea how to write a book.
Here’s what I think is probably involved:
Finish my two existing WIPs and the outstanding fundraising work for the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Have fun with Killie asks for now, because they are FUN and a GIFT
Do my damndest and best in my free time to turn a whole folder of years-old Killie nonsense into three novellas that are also one book.
Hopefully have some friends willing to do this with me, ideally as parallel play with their own tasks, so we can throw eggs at each other
Hire and pay an editor who is brave and true, and who knows how to write a book.
Hire and pay sensitivity readers who are brave and true, so that Jewish and Irish characters remain brave and true: also ideally someone who knows more than me about horse racing, so that nobody forgets about the blood-soaked Problematic Sport.
Work out some self-publishing mechanism by which I don’t have to care about Marketing, or the fact that sad-drama-romcom-messy-sports-fantasy isn’t a marketing genre. Or that people who see that there’s a gay relationship might be expecting Romance.
I will simply be saying HERE IS A GHASTLY LITTLE MAN, BEING TRAMPLED BY 20-30 BUSINESS HORSES. take it or leave it
Include the Killie comics in the books.
Take advice from cleverer people on correct Authorial Behavior, which I believe to be things like being very cool and distant about your work on social media. (Will have to check this.)
Fantasy stretch goal: make enough money from the book to earn back what I paid the editor and sensitivity readers (unlikely but always possible)
Sounds like a fun project for spring/summer if I scramble!
I will be very brave and do this, as a promise and a gift and a privilege.
I would love it if you would be brave with me this year and do something similar too.
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spookysweaterblog · 1 year ago
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I absolutely love sharing my art on here and creating funny doodles to make people laugh. I love receiving asks, even the questionable ones, just seeing the inbox notification gets me excited to see what someone said.
During some of my lowest moments, this blog has been a huge comfort for me. At the start of my drawing journey, just being on tumblr and on this blog inspired me so much and gave me SO much confidence. I don't think you know the extent of how much the interactions and comments and encouraging messages have made me who I am. They're what kept me going honestly. To my own fault, at this point I feel like it's become a crutch for me... Lately I've been using this blog in particular as a distraction for how downhill my life's going. I don't know what I'm doing with my life, and I really need to get it together.
From this point forward I'm stepping out of fandom I think... at least till I get my life together. Who knows when that's going to be? ugh
My plan is to start putting energy into personal projects for the stuff I always wanted to create, so I'll probably use this blog to update you guys what I'm planning on doing when I get to that point.
Once I'm finished with other fan project blog stuff and wrapped them up, I think that's going to be it. I'll still do posts on my Patreon, (the normal posts I do, and also patreon commissions), I'll still do some YouTube videos like I do once in a blue moon, and I'll do the occasional post on twitter because the whole reason I got that was to get connections.
This isn't an end.... but it's like? An end to my fandoms? If that makes sense? I'm not saying it's a break because I'm not going to promise I'm coming back. idk... I honestly don't want to let it go and it sucks so much, but I need to. I'm getting things in order... Hopefully I wrote this out well, if it's weirdly written uhhhhh, no its not ❤️
I really do appreciate all the years on here, they were some of the happiest for me.
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randomspagetti · 5 months ago
{The End/A Compilation on This Project}
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I don't really like the climax I came up with at the time so I'll be adding a new version here. So if It differs from the images that's why, I feel like I made the pages during a time where I just wanted to get the comic over with so it kinda feels generic and half baked.
Starting from our last point, with the words of encouragement from the Light of Resolution and the steel force will to get his dad back, Choco manages to land a powerful strike, surprising the ancients and phasing Berserk Cacao.
This leaves space for the ancients to also be able to help, Pure Vanilla gives both Choco and Holly buffs while Holly holds the line and protects them from incoming attacks. By doing so they're able to get closer. Finally, a combined attack is hit to where something finally seems to happen. It's powerful and cuts into the indoor wall of the citadel. The smoke dissipates and all that is left is just Cacao.
They're all pretty suprised, but Cacao still has some lingering curse corruption on his body and his breathing is shallow. Hearing the loud crashes from the room the watchers (and Caramel) run in to see the ... interesting situation that had unfolded.
We then cut to Cacao sitting in a hospital room, he had woken up a bit earlier and is trying somewhat to recall the events of the previous day.
Holly and PV soon walk in with mugs, not expecting him to be up. They're caught off guard but soon calm down and get to chatting. Cacao finally admits he's not really doing all so well with both his kingdom and his son over the course of the conversation.
He also sort of opens up about more sensitive issues he's been through, thought he doesn't hold that topic for long given it's just too much for him at the moment. Holly understands where he's coming from and offers some words of encouragement, while PV tells him they're going to look into something for the curse and to actually help Cacao mentally.
Cacao reluctantly agrees.
It ends a bit more open ended with your own interpretation of how Cacao deals with his issues being set, though there would be a few aftermath pages exploring the relationship with the characters shown after the events of the story, this one for example is Cacao and Choco doing pottery painting.
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Some interesting facts, and stuff I made that didn't make it into the final cut:
-In my discord server berserk Cacao was often referred to as "The enemy spider"
-I often used their hands (so many hand drawings) as a way to show more of their character, Holly has hand scars while PV has a redness around his nails from stress. I like to add a human aspect to each of them so the reader can relate
-Berserk Cacao has had so many iterations before the final one, I just couldn't decide what I wanted him to look like!
-Each character has a different way of showing their thoughts/flashbacks! Caramels are more center focused given her only thought in that flashback was of the loud crash, Choco's are blurry given his eyesight, and Cacao has flashbacks and thinks in grayscale! You can actually notice this more during the dinner scene, this has it's own reasoning but it's bit more darker
-Most of the sketches were 10x more funnier than the finished project but I had to make it realistic
-Affogato was originally going to make it into the comic as a background character, but I felt it was too OOC for him given his devious crimes
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Onto the darker stuff-
TW: Implied Abuse, Blood
-Everyone knows about the cut panels but there was actually an entire page scrapped too, originally this would follow along with the Light of Resolution convo (I will now refer to it as the LOR) but I scrapped it for a few reasons.
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-Firstly I felt like it didn't add anything and only just re-established something the reader already well knew from both Holly and Cacaos statements, secondly I just felt like it was OOC for how I wrote the LOR. The LOR is in part Cacao. He is Cacao's resolution made physical. This would be his story to tell because he is a part of Cacao. It is Cacao in a way. I also felt revealing his face felt kinda eh and just didn't fit. So for those reasons I chopped it
-Cacao's curse wound was actually bleeding in this scene, though it's a bit hard to see with the shaders
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That's all! Thank you everyone for being on this journey with me, I appreciate each and every one of you, you truly helped me expand my art horizons
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aspenmissing · 8 days ago
could you maybe write some silco fluff?? like silco needs help with jinx during the earlier days of becoming her father figure so he takes her to the reader who’s an art teacher/instructor that supports and encourages jinx with her art. after months of reader visiting jinx once or twice per week silco grows fond of her and so does reader so it’s like fluffy early relationship stuff yk
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ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | ꜱɪʟᴄᴏ | ᴊɪɴx
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The first time Silco crossed the threshold of your modest studio, the girl at his side was tense, her sharp eyes darting around the room like a cornered animal. You could tell she was used to being on guard, coiled like a spring, ready to snap at a moment’s notice.
The door creaked slightly as they entered, the scent of oil paints and varnish thick in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of turpentine. Canvases, some completed and others abandoned halfway, leaned against every available surface. Streaks of dried paint decorated the wooden floorboards like an abstract mosaic, and your own hands bore the evidence of your latest project—fingers smudged with cobalt blue and sienna, splatters trailing up your forearms and onto your worn, paint-stained apron. A streak of yellow arced across your cheek where you must have absently wiped at your face earlier.
You had been mid-stroke, painting a vibrant splash of crimson onto a half-finished piece when you heard the door open, glancing up just in time to catch the pair stepping inside. Silco—sharp, poised, his presence exuding an almost effortless control—contrasted starkly with the jittery energy of the girl beside him. She was small but wiry, all tension and restless movement, a skittish energy buzzing under her skin. Her eyes darted around the room, flickering over the paintings, the brushes soaking in jars of murky water, the shelves lined with worn sketchbooks. You could practically see the gears in her mind turning as she took in the unfamiliar environment, her fingers twitching with the need to fidget.
"Jinx needs... structure. Something to focus on," Silco had said, his voice a cool rasp, though you caught the faintest thread of uncertainty beneath it. "Art, as you say, seems to help."
You set your brush down and wiped your hands on your apron before stepping closer.
“I’d say art’s a lot of things, but structure isn’t really one of them.” You gave him a lopsided smile before shifting your attention to Jinx. “It’s expression. And it’s fun. If you don’t have fun, I’m not doing my job right.”
Jinx narrowed her eyes, skepticism evident in the tight set of her lips. Her arms remained crossed in front of her chest, but despite her apparent reluctance, her gaze kept flicking toward a nearby easel, where an unfinished piece swirled in bold, chaotic colours. Her fingers twitched again, a tell-tale sign of a restless energy looking for an outlet.
You took a step back, gesturing toward the messy worktable filled with palettes, scattered brushes, and tubes of paint squeezed nearly dry. “You can just try something out. No rules, no expectations. Just paint whatever comes to mind.”
She huffed, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “I don’t do ‘soft and pretty’ stuff,” she muttered, almost defensive.
You grinned, flicking a bit of dried paint from your palm. “Good. Neither do I.”
A beat passed. Then, hesitantly, Jinx unfolded her arms just enough to reach out and grab a brush.
That was a start.
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The sessions became a weekly ritual.
At first, Jinx barely touched the paint. She hovered, eyed the colors with suspicion, picked up brushes only to put them back down again. She was restless in a way that had nothing to do with excitement and everything to do with uncertainty.
The first few lessons were spent coaxing her into trying something—anything. She would trace the wooden edges of the easel with her fingertips, run her hands over the bristles of a clean brush, but she wouldn’t commit. It took time.
“Here,” you had said once, dabbing a small amount of paint on your own fingertip and pressing it to the canvas. “No pressure. No rules. Just… make a mark.”
She stared at the smudge of color for a long time before, with almost exaggerated reluctance, she dipped her own finger into the paint and pressed it down next to yours.
That was how it began.
Slowly, hesitantly, she started to participate. But it wasn’t just painting. You experimented—spray cans, allowing her to let loose with vibrant graffiti-style murals on old discarded wood panels; clay, molding crude figures that sometimes got smashed in frustration, sometimes reshaped into strange but brilliant sculptures; wire mesh, bending and twisting into erratic structures she swore had meaning even if no one else saw it. The more methods she explored, the more confident she became.
Jinx began to experiment on her own. Sometimes she’d show up already covered in splashes of paint, giddy about something she had tried in the dead of night. She scribbled chaotic ideas in a tattered sketchbook, blending mechanical schematics with abstract colors in a way that only she seemed to understand. Her work became something both erratic and beautiful, a mixture of impulse and intention that fascinated you.
And Silco? He remained an observer. Always on the outskirts, arms crossed, watching. At first, he never spoke, content to listen as you coaxed Jinx into sharing her visions. But over time, he, too, began to ask questions. Small ones. Simple ones.
“What does that colour mean?” he once asked, gesturing to a streak of violent crimson cutting through one of Jinx’s works.
Jinx shrugged. “Dunno. Feels like noise, I guess.”
But as the weeks passed, he moved closer, his questions becoming more thoughtful. “Why does she always use so much blue?” he asked one day.
“She likes the energy of it,” you mused. “Or maybe it just feels safe to her.”
Jinx, overhearing, snorted. “It ain’t that deep.”
But the next week, she experimented with red.
Silco lingered longer, his sharp presence becoming a part of the space rather than just an observer. He started to appreciate the raw emotion in Jinx’s work, and in the quiet between each session, something shifted. A growing understanding settled between the three of you—unspoken, yet deeply felt.
You caught the way his hand tensed behind his back sometimes, the way his guarded eyes softened when Jinx lost herself in the art. Whatever it was, whatever fragile thing was forming, it was real.
And it was only just beginning.
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As the weeks stretched into months, you began to notice the subtleties. The way Silco’s sharp gaze lingered on you when you laughed at Jinx’s antics, his mismatched eyes narrowing slightly, as if trying to pinpoint what it was about your amusement that intrigued him. How he’d occasionally tilt his head when you praised the girl’s work, the minute shift in his expression suggesting that your words carried a weight he was still measuring. There was something calculating about the way he watched, always watching, but you couldn’t quite tell whether it was curiosity or something deeper—something he hadn’t yet decided what to do with.
And then, one evening, he stayed longer than usual.
Jinx had left ahead, scampering off into the Lanes with a half-dried painting under her arm, babbling about finishing touches and explosions in the same breath. Normally, Silco would follow, letting her burn through her energy unchecked, but tonight, he remained.
The silence of the studio settled around you both, warm and thick with the scent of paint and old wood. You felt his presence before you turned to face him, his figure dark against the dim light filtering in through the cracked window. His gloved fingers trailed idly over the wooden frame of an unfinished piece, the pads of his fingertips barely grazing the surface, as though hesitant to disturb it.
It was one of yours.
His gaze lingered on the abstract strokes, taking in the contrast between light and dark, the jagged edges where the colors bled into one another, the unfinished elements that might have seemed careless to an untrained eye but were, in truth, deliberate. You had left gaps—spaces where the painting simply ended, abrupt and unresolved.
Silco studied it in silence, his expression unreadable, but there was something in the way his brows pulled together slightly, the way his eyes dragged over each detail with meticulous focus, as if searching for a hidden message beneath the layers of paint.
“What is it meant to be?” he finally asked, his voice quieter than usual.
You hesitated, then stepped beside him, mirroring his posture, arms crossing loosely as you regarded the piece.
“It’s whatever it needs to be,” you replied, the words coming easily, as if you’d already had this conversation in your own head a dozen times before. “Some things don’t have neat endings.”
His fingers twitched against the frame, his jaw shifting in a subtle movement that betrayed thought.
“And this?” He gestured to a jagged streak of deep violet cutting through the canvas, a sharp divide in an otherwise fluid composition. “What does this mean?”
You tilted your head, considering. The streak had been an impulse—something raw and instinctual, laid down in a moment when the painting had felt too controlled.
“Change,” you said finally. “Or conflict. Or maybe nothing at all.”
His exhale was slow, measured, but there was something in the way his lips pressed together, something in the slight narrowing of his eyes, that made you think he wasn’t asking out of idle curiosity. He was looking for something—recognition, maybe.
“It’s...unsettling,” he murmured after a moment.
“Good,” you said softly. “Art should make people feel something.”
For the first time since he had stayed behind, Silco’s gaze flickered to you, studying you now rather than the painting. There was something different in his expression—something less calculating, less distant. It wasn’t quite warmth, but it was an absence of coldness.
“You’re patient with her,” he said at last, his voice thoughtful.
You smiled, tilting your head slightly. “She deserves patience.”
A pause. A longer one this time. Then, ever so slightly, the corner of his mouth twitched in something that wasn’t quite a smirk but wasn’t a frown either.
“Not many would agree,” he murmured.
“But you do,” you countered. “Otherwise, you wouldn’t bring her here.”
Silco held your gaze for a moment longer before looking back at the painting. A slow blink, a flicker of something unreadable behind his eyes.
The silence between you shifted, taking on a different weight—not strained, not uncomfortable, but expectant. Like a brush hovering over a canvas, waiting for the next stroke.
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The shift was slow, almost imperceptible. A lingering glance that stretched just a moment too long before he looked away. A quiet conversation after Jinx had left, the silence between words growing more comfortable with each passing evening. The briefest touch—his gloved fingers brushing against yours as he handed you a cup of tea one particularly late night, his gaze flickering to your face as if to gauge whether you had noticed.
And you had.
The first time he stayed past dark, it had felt almost accidental. The hours had slipped away, swallowed by conversation, by the quiet scrape of charcoal on canvas, by the rhythmic tapping of rain against the windowpane. When you glanced outside and saw the dim glow of the streetlights reflecting off the wet cobblestone, you had turned to him, realizing for the first time that he hadn’t yet left.
“Tea?” you had offered, half-expecting him to decline.
He hesitated. Just for a second, just enough for you to notice the flicker of deliberation behind his eyes. And then, to your quiet surprise, he nodded.
You had talked about everything and nothing—the kind of wandering conversation that only happened in the stillness of late hours, when the world felt quieter and less demanding. You told him about how art had shaped your childhood, about the first time you had picked up a brush and realized that creation could be its own kind of freedom.
He had listened, quiet but attentive, his eyes sharp yet strangely thoughtful as he leaned back in his chair, fingers curled loosely around the delicate porcelain of his teacup.
And then, in turn, he spoke of the Lanes—not in the way most did, with resentment or longing or bitter resolve, but as if it were something crafted, something layered. A canvas of contradictions.
He painted it in words, describing the way the air grew thick before a storm, heavy with the scent of oil and metal, the undercurrent of something electric—something alive. The way the neon lights bled across the puddles after a heavy rain, distorting in ripples, turning the cracked pavement into a kaleidoscope of colors too striking to be accidental. The way people moved, their lives a careful balance of sharp edges and soft moments, survival not just an instinct but an art form in itself.
“It has its own rhythm,” he murmured, his gaze distant, as if seeing it unfold before him. “Its own language.”
There was something reverent in the way he spoke of it, something unspoken in the deliberate way he shaped each word. To others, the Lanes might have been ruin, chaos, a mess of crumbling industry and flickering lights—but to him, it was a masterpiece in its own right.
He didn’t speak of his past, but you caught glimpses of it in the way his voice dipped lower, the way certain words lingered just a second too long, as if they carried a weight only he could feel.
And then there was Jinx.
He never said it outright, never admitted to any fear or concern, but you saw it in the way his fingers tightened around his cup whenever her name was spoken. You heard it in the careful way he described her—not as a leader, not as a weapon, but as something else entirely.
Brilliant but volatile. Fearless but fragile in ways she herself didn’t seem to understand.
You didn’t press. You didn’t need to.
Instead, you simply told him the truth. “She’s got a good heart.”
Silco had exhaled, long and slow, staring into the dark swirl of his tea as if looking for something in its depths.
“Perhaps,” he had murmured.
And that had been that.
He never made any grand declarations, never openly acknowledged that something had shifted between you—but you noticed the way he relaxed in your presence, the way his voice lost some of its sharpness when he spoke to you. The way his visits grew more frequent, how he lingered just a little longer each time, as if testing the boundaries of whatever this was.
And you? You found yourself looking forward to his company just as much as Jinx’s. The brief moments of unspoken understanding. The way the quiet stretched between you not as an absence, but as something full—something warm. The way he would watch you paint, his gaze thoughtful, as if trying to decipher something unspoken in the brushstrokes.
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One evening, as you were tidying up, Silco stood by the doorway, watching. The light in the studio had dimmed to a soft amber glow, casting elongated shadows that stretched across the floor. The scent of paint and turpentine lingered in the air, mixing with the faint, ever-present trace of smoke that clung to him.
He wasn’t in a hurry to leave. He never was, now.
“You never charge me for these lessons,” he murmured, his voice quiet but carrying easily in the stillness of the room.
You glanced up from your work, carefully setting a brush back into its holder, the movement slow, deliberate. A flicker of amusement crossed your features, though you kept it tempered. “Because it’s not about money.”
His gaze remained steady, unreadable as ever, though you could feel the weight of it—searching, considering. “Then what is it about?”
You hesitated for only a moment before answering, your voice softer now, more certain.
For the first time that evening, you met his gaze—not looking at the king of the Lanes, not at the man whose name was spoken in whispers of fear and reverence, but at Silco. Just Silco.
“Because Jinx isn’t the only one who needed a place to breathe.”
The words settled between you, quiet but unshakable, lingering in the air like the final stroke of a brush on canvas. A pause stretched, long enough for you to wonder if you had overstepped, if you had pressed against a boundary neither of you had spoken aloud.
But then, something in his expression shifted—just enough for you to notice. The sharp edges softened, the ever-present tension in his shoulders eased, the weight he carried so effortlessly seeming, for just a moment, a fraction lighter.
He didn’t reply, not right away. Instead, he regarded you with an intensity that felt different from before—less calculating, more contemplative. And then, finally, he exhaled, slow and measured, and the corner of his mouth curved.
It wasn’t wide, wasn’t grand. It was small, subtle—just the faintest twitch of his lips, the kind of smile that most wouldn’t even notice if they weren’t paying attention.
But you were.
And that made all the difference.
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makerofmadness · 2 months ago
ok so: Beast-Ancients Swap AU but actually the Beasts messed up the timeline and made it one
(I will explain I swear-) The following sprite edits and designs were a collaborative effort of me and @driftwoodmfb
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(Lily's design and edit is not finished yet, and Ssalt isn't getting one until that character is released-)
general shoutouts to Driftwood for collaborating with me on this in a lot of aspects btw she's the mvp of this whole project
I am Very bad at concise descriptions but basically: "5v5 climactic final showdown occurs but the bad guys win and then the group consensus on what to all do together to compromise thanks to slightly different priorities is 'Hey we all really hate the ancients now so let's just like. Screw them over' so they basically used their combined virtues' powers or something (look all of this I came up with just to justify the AU's actual concept) to like reset and alter the timeline to swap their places with the ancients basically. and then they kinda accidentally get redemption arc'd in the process. Meanwhile the og ancients... are not happy"
I'm def gonna post more about these guys in the future (and also I like. Encourage people to send asks because I need enrichment dndndnmd! I have a ton of stuff sitting around about them and I love talking about them- so. Here's my attempt at an overview (I. Suck at being concise this took all day to not make way too long dndndndm):
Shadow Milk Cookie - Calls himself the Dark Moon Magician. He's quite braggadocious and more than a little mischievous, quite the show-off too, but he has a good heart down there (nowadays). Though he has often had to be badgered by the Light of Truth into actually telling the truth on things...
Eternal Sugar Cookie - You'll meet them someday. Just not now.
Mystic Flour Cookie - Her face and voice do not do much to express how much she despises the Cookie she used to be, and the Cookie she still sees whenever she looks in the mirror. She is the most eager to come clean to her Cookies, but something is holding her back... she decides to save it for when she has finally repented enough by her standards, to earn her position as queen. It's never enough.
Burning Spice Cookie - For the kingdom he rules, you may (or may not) be surprised seeing how little he cares for material riches. To him, lived experiences are the most precious things- hence why he's always looking for a good fight. Or to just have fun with those close to him- which is not many as he has had a history of issues- after all, transient things fall to time, but the impressions they leave can last up to forever...
Silent Salt Cookie - The fallen hero. It wasn't supposed to happen again. They all knew it could happen, they agreed to prevent it. Why did they make the same mistake...?
Pure Vanilla Cookie - The embodiment of the most common lie. He can string Cookies up to make them move and speak against their wills. He does this to himself often, when he grows tired. He is very ashamed of what he has become, but no matter, he will be fine once he regains the light of Truth, and exposes the truth of this world to all Cookiekind...
Hollyberry Cookie - Berry juice is a comfort to her, such is why she had wished so badly to drown her mind and all her pain in it. She is... frankly, harmless the way she is now. She doesn't have the power, pride or energy to fight. Her heart is just as full of love as it's always been, even if her mind's gone fluffy as frosting. So much that even being in a permanent stupor won't stop her from missing her family, still...
Dark Cacao Cookie - As he describes himself fully, an empty vessel without a will of his own, whose only goal is to carry out the will of fate. He will play his part in this story, for he knows there is no other way. After all, they'd tried to resist already, and it was all in vain. He is cold, empty, such was his resolve: to be unburdened by feeling, so that he would feel no pain...
Golden Cheese Cookie - Calls herself the Demonic Goddess. When she gets upset, she tends to fly into fits of destruction- which she has become very, very good at causing. She laughs it off, she laughs a lot in general, but she really does not like what she's become. However, she is still the same greedy Cookie as she always was, and still wants nothing more than to annihilate the ones who had displaced her and her friends and take back what is rightfully hers...
White Lily Cookie - Founder of the Lily Kingdom. She is a stern, serious figure who tries to keep everything under her control. She quickly silences those who tell her what she does not wish to hear untrue, unkind, or unnecessary things. She does not get very openly emotional often, and tends to address everyone with the same attitude even if it's her friends. (They can generally tell when she means well). She plans to silence all lies from Cookies' mouths, especially regarding who the "Heroes" and "Beasts" are...
(i. Never mentioned the name of the AU itself the whole time in this post did I? Ok uh that's Immemorial Interchange btw if I ever say that or II then I'm talking about this thing for future reference XD)
Edit: I have a tag on my blog for the au and I just kinda post whatever I feel like. Hope y'all can enjoy this I'm probably gonna be dumping a lot of stuff I've held on to. And I would love it if people send asks X3
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months ago
🎉 Happy New Years! 🎉
It's been a loooong year so I figured I may as well make a post about it, as well as talk a bit about my plans for 2025! As you know, I tend to ramble, so this got a little long, and maybe sounds a little too much like an Oscars acceptance speech...whoopsie 😅...but from the bottom of my heart I genuinely just felt like I needed to get all these emotions that were emotion-ing today thinking about the New Year out for those of you who have played a part in giving them to me.
If you have a few minutes, please do give it a read through!
The Mushy Stuff:
Firstly, and most importantly beyond a doubt, I want to thank everyone who's been so incredibly kind and supportive of my writing this past year! Every kudos, comment, like, follow, ask, all of them have been treasured by me!
I've had a very difficult year. As I've mentioned before, I'm a full-time masters student. I also work a nearly full-time job on top of that. And while I don't like my blog to have anything to do with my train wreck of an irl life this year, let's just say it hasn't been great...lots of stuff went down, lots of things went wrong, so on and so forth.
Point is, my tippy taps have been crucial to my mental health. I started TTSBC, literally posted the first story 'Pretty Boy' on my very first day as a grad student, sitting there in the office with the knowledge that between school, work, and things happening in my own life, and I'd be having a really rough couple of years to get this degree done.
I finish in May, and I feel confident with my work, I'm ahead of the curve, I'm doing well, and I think that's in no small part because of my tippy taps. These AUs, the writing challenges, the amazing friends I've made and the little community that's somehow decided for whatever reason to form around my obsession with the block people, they've been a very big part of what's kept me going through all of this.
Knowing I could count on people to read my work, to enjoy it, that I could give someone out there something to relate too or even just make them smile if they were feeling as shitty as I was, that made me feel better. It's been so, so important to me.
So thank you. Thank you for following Through the Sky-Blue Cracks and Traveling Thieves. Thank you for screaming over my Whumptober and Febuwhump collections. Thank you for following me, for chasing me and my thoughtful Batman gif around in the asks, for playing along with my goofy-ass side blog, for commenting and kudos-ing and somehow materializing the instant a chapter goes up even before I post the tumblr notif. It means a lot more than I think any words I could come up with would convey.
I also really really really want to thank my Tinted Glass crew!
@silver-sunray This is all your fault. You started this 😤 And by that I mean you made these AUs and me screaming into the void alone so much more than that. It's because of you that I started to fight the fear, scuttle out of my shell and start actually trying to talk to others in this little online sphere. Your incredible work on the Beyond project and now in helping with my side blog and all our other plans and projects mean the world to me! You always have so much spunk and confidence whenever any ideas pop up that I suddenly feel like it's so much more is achievable thanks too you. I'm so very happy you reached out to me this year and I know so much that I've done with my writing wouldn't have happened without you 💖
@boo-the-ahh you're just the sweetest! You always make everything feel so light even when things are complicated or heavy, and you don't even know it! I love getting to work with you on the podfics and our other projects we've been plotting! You're always so full of energy and enthusiasm and encouragement that makes me feel like I can come up with the most whack-ass idea and you'll just back me up, and that's absolutely amazing! I'm so happy you reached out to me and started podficcing for me! Your work is incredible! You put in so much effort, your final products are always so beautifully polished and you always go the extra mile even when it makes things trickier. I admire that so much! And I apologize in advance for the sheer amount of my writing you're probably doomed to have to read out loud in the coming year 😅
@khoirkid You're just a marvel, in my opinion, which I know you don't share but shhhhhhhh. You come up with masterpieces at the drop of a hat, and the fact that you are willing to draw my whack-ass lil guys is still just unfathomable to me. You're always so easy to talk too and down to earth, and you're so creative and imaginative with how you weave symbols into your art with different imagery and color! I feel like half the time the stuff you come up with is so articulate and amazing that it goes over my head, but that's fine! 😆 You're so knowledgable and you have a perspective on things that helps me think things through. I love getting to work with you and I'm so very grateful for all the gorgeous illustrations, and for all the time you've given to me that's made me feel a little less alone.
All three of y'all are just so cool and supportive and talented that most of the time I don't get why you're hanging out over here and giving so much of your time and energy to these projects of mine, but I'm forever grateful that I have you as my friends. So thank you. 💜
Plans for 2025:
Ok, now that I've gotten my emotions all emotion-ed out, let's talk a little bit about my plans for the New Year!
Of course I'll still be continuing TTSBC and TT! No doubt about it! There's big things happening in both the AUs, and I'm so very excited to share them with everyone!
I'll be finishing my degree in May...to be perfectly honest, I'm still unsure of how much of a workload I'm gonna end up having academically this last semester, so I think I'll just say that if updates slow down a bit, just assume Amethyst is drowning under piles of revisions doused in red ink and a bunch of reference texts and papers due to be graded. I promise I'm not gonna just stop tippy tapping! I don't think my brain would be able to handle it if I did 😅
As far as some of the typical challenges go, I will not be participating in Febuwhump this year. I wish I could, but I know I'll definitely have too much going on academically to commit to another writing challenge...also I think Whumptober almost killed both Khoir and I, and we don't need to be doing that again anytime soon 😵‍💫 I'm still gonna check out the prompt list, and if I see a few prompts that I find particularly intriguing maybe I'll write those up, and do a few of the days, but I won't be doing the full writing challenge.
Jury is still out on Hermit-a-Day May, which I'm hopeful will be running again this year! I'd love to do it, but I'll have to make that later, once I know for certain how my workload is feeling since I'll be doing my final revisions, my defense, all that good stuff in late April, which is when I'd typically be working up my fics for Hermit-a-Day May.
I will be doing Whumptober. No questions about it!
I have a few other Hermit/Traffic/Empires fanfic projects on the back burner that I'm working on here or there whenever I need to take a lil break from TTSBC and TT. One of them is a project that all of the Tinted Glass Crew is working on together, and while I don't wanna give spoilers, I'll just say that it's going to be a ton of fun! It's unlike any other AU or one-off I've ever done before, and even just brainstorming it has been incredible so please look forward to it!
I also have my original series. Which...I haven't talked about, not really. I'm pretty nervous about putting it out there, to be honest, but it's my baby and I've been working on it for over four years now. It's written in a similar style to TTSBC and TT, that is, focused on queer romance and found family in a ton of stories all organized in chronological order and written up and down on a timeline. One of my big hopes for this year is to finally share this series. I dunno where yet, or when...it'll definitely wait until after I finish my degree in May, that much is for certain, but I suppose I just wanted to prime everyone. The Tinted Glass Crew has already been so amazingly kind as to agree to help me find a way to get this story that's so dear to me out to all of y'all someway somehow...and I'm confident if I have those guys on my team we'll figure it out! 😅
I hope, if you've enjoyed TTSBC and TT and any of my other work, you'll at least give my original blorbos a shot whenever they are freed from their little cage in my notebooks and save files. They're not so different from the way I write my MCYT characters, they're a bunch of big gay idiots with personality issues, a ton of tangled up secrets, and more trauma than you can shake a stick at...and they're mine, which means I really like to put them through the wringer. 😆 But after everything I've done over this past year and even further back here on this blog, on A03, and in this little community, I feel like maybe they might find themselves a home in at least some of your hearts...or maybe just piss you off with their poor life decisions and accidentally give you brainrot, who knows.
Anyway, this has been a lot. Sorry I tend to ramble...all of this is just to say thank you. I had a lot of fun this year, getting to share my stories with all of you, and I hope you'll continue to support me as I tippy tap my way into the New Year!
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