the-offside-rule · 1 year
Max Verstappen - Nice To Meet Ya
Requested: no
Prompt: Nice To Meet Ya by Niall Horan
Warnings: nope
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Max sat in the Red Bull garage, looking over to a new member of the team, Y/n. Max could never seem to be able to introduce himself to her casually and that bothered him greatly. He just wanted to know her name and he couldn't even do that right. He would go asking, but then word would spread and people would assume things. Regardless if Max felt those feelings or not, he didn't want those whispers spreading. He carefully formulated multiple plans to find out her name and nott a single one seemed to work. Everytime he turned around, she disappeared which made everything so much more difficult.
Max looked away from her to talk to one of his engineers that was showing him something and the second he turned back around, she was gone. He groaned slightly frustrated. Where did she have to be all the time? He had given up on waiting for her, he decided to go and look for her instead. He turned to his engineer Paul and decided to just ask. "Hey Paul? Who's that girl that I keep seeing but never meet?" he asked, trying to sound as uninterested as possible but it didn't work. He tried too well and that's what betrayed him. "What? Do you fancy her or something?" Max was cornered now. "Yeah, yeah. Don't tell anyone! But who is she? I've never seen her before." he said, keeping his voice down. "Well you can go and ask her now. She's working on your car." Max spun his head around and low and behold, there she was doing a check. "Right guys, the car seems to be alright on the outside. Let's have a look inside and then fire her up." Max was almost captivated by her voice as he looked down at her admiringly. He heard a few chuckles and laughs which made him look up to see some of the other mechanics catching his stare. "Guys! Less of it, come on!" the mystery woman snapped. Max liked her. She was feisty.
"Can I help you at all or are you just going to stare at me from behind?" his eyes widened. "No, not at all. Just watching the car." Max replied cooly. "Actually, what's your name? I know everyone here except you." he continued on. "Does it matter really? You can't possibly remember who I am." she scoffed. "No really, I know everyone's name. I just need yours and I've ticked off my list." She stood up, finally finished looking in her side of the car. "Front right is fine." she called and walked to the computers. "Seriously, what is your name? What do you do here?" She finally gave in. "I'm Y/n Y/l/n and I'm Composite Event Support Technician for Red Bull Racing in 2023." Max blinked. Y/n. What a beautiful name.
"So then Y/n, any problems with my car at all?" Max asked as she worked away. "Nope. You don't have to worry about any of that. You just drive well so it proves we weren't wasting our time." She smiled, getting a bit annoyed with the driver. "I am getting the feeling that you don't like me all that much." Y/n let out a breath and turned back around to work. "Look, let me bring you out and I'll prove I'm not that bad of a guy." Max said swiftly sliding in front of her. "Out? Like a hangout?" she asked. "I was thinking more of a date." Y/n looked at him with wide eyes. "Isn't that a bit unprofessional?" she asked. "Very but I want to blow your mind. Just come with me." She chuckled and shook her head in disbelief. "You just met me and already you asked for a date. Why is that?"
"No reason. I just like the way you talk, I like what you wear, it's just perfection." he smirked. "You've only ever seen me wearing Red Bull gear." she laughed. "So let's change that. I'll treat you to a drink and you can determine whether or not I'm a good person." Y/n really didn't want to go but she was curious. Was he at all a good person? Only one way to find out she guessed...
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canirove · 5 months
Friends, lovers… and an orange | Chapter 5
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"The internet is going nuts about you and that Nico."
"Yep" Jourdan laughed. "Right now it is team Mason vs. team Nico, and it is so funny. I don't know who has the craziest fans."
"As long as they leave me alone..." Adele sighed.
"Have you heard from any of them?"
"Nope. Mason seems to be still working in Italy, and Nico followed me on Instagram and that's all I know."
"Was he just a one night stand, then?"
"Yeah. He's cute and we had fun, but I don't think anything else could happen."
"Then team Mason wins!"
"I hate you, Jourdan" Adele said, rolling her eyes.
"Hate you too" she smiled. 
"And my mum is calling me, I guess it's time to leave."
"Oh, good luck! I can't wait to see those photos, they are gonna be amazing."
"I hope so."
"They will, you'll see. Good luck, Addie."
"Thank you. I'll need it" she replied before hanging up.
"Mum, move your right hand a bit. Yes, perfect" Adele said before snapping another photo. 
"She's a natural" she heard the other photographer say behind her.
"Both of them are" Maria Grazia added.
They had decided to stay and see her and her mum work together for the Dior campaign, which had made Adele feel even more nervous than she already was. This was her first professional photoshoot, and since being for one of the most iconic brands wasn't enough already, she had their creative director and a photographer who had been working for as long as she had been alive, keeping an eye on her. 
When she first picked up the camera, her hands were shaking so much that she thought she wouldn't be able to take a single photo. But as her mum started posing, she relaxed and everything flowed. 
"Ok, I think we are done" Adele said.
"Wait, no" her mum stopped her. "Let's take a couple more. Maybe standing?"
"Maria Grazia, what do you..."
"Yes, yes" she said, holding Adele from her shoulders and not allowing her to turn around.
"Ok…" Why were they all suddenly acting so weird?
"Now I do think we have them all" Elizabeth smiled after just a couple of shots. "Should we check them on the computer?"
"Sur... Mason?" Adele said when she was finally allowed to turn around. "What... How..."
"Hello, Addie. Elizabeth" he said with that smile of his that had broken so many hearts.
"What are you doing here?" Adele finally managed to say. "Weren't you in Italy?"
"I was, yes. But we wrapped up early, my mum told me that you were shooting your mum for Dior, and I said to myself, why don't I pay them a visit? I know this is huge and I wanted to be here for you. To support you."
"Thank you, Mase" she smiled, feeling her cheeks get warm.
"Mason, since we have you here, would you mind taking a photo of Adele and I together? You are the only one who manages to convince her to pose in front of a camera and I want to remember today."
"Of course. What do you say, Addie?"
"I'm not looking presentable, I..."
"Nonsense, you look beautiful. Give me that and join your mum" he said while taking the camera from her hands.
"C'mon, do as he says" Elizabeth insisted.
"Ok, fine" Adele replied, rolling her eyes and doing as she was being asked. Or ordered to. 
"I hate you so much."
"Why?" Mason laughed.
"The trap you and our mums set up?"
"Oh, that. We just wanted to surprise you on a big day."
"Yeah, sure" Adele snorted.
"Will a macaroon make you forgive me?" Mason pouted, offering her the little box. After the shoot was done, they had decided to go for a walk around the city to catch up and stop at their favourite bakery.
"It may help" she said. "So, how was Italy?"
"Definitely not as fun as Paris. Every time I saw you on Instagram I wished I was here with you. It looks like you've made some new friends."
"I've met so many people, Mase... So many" she chuckled. "But I don't consider them my friends, just acquaintances."
"Nico too?" Mason asked as he looked down, suddenly too interested on the floor.
"Nico too."
"You won't be seeing him again, then?"
"Good?" Adele chuckled.
"I mean, you've probably seen everything that is going on online. Team Mason vs. Team Nico and all that. You are struggling enough with everything going on with us, you don't need to add more to it."
"Yeah, you are right" she sighed. 
"Hey, what are you doing?"
"Eating another macaroon?"
"Haven't you had enough?" Mason laughed, hiding the box behind him.
"No, I have not. I barely ate today, I was too nervous."
"Then let's go find something else to eat. This is too much sugar."
"Oh, c'mon, Mase. Just another one" Adele pouted.
"Just one, please" she said, trying to take the box from his hands.
"I said no" Mason smirked, lifting it in the air so she wouldn't reach it.
"That won't stop me. I'm almost as tall as you are."
"Yeah... Perks of having a mum who is a supermodel and a dad who could have played basketball, right?"
"Exactly" she said, standing on her tiptoes and reaching the box.
"Addie, wait… Addie!" Mason said, the macaroons that were left on the box falling to the floor. "Now what?"
"Now I guess the pigeons will be having a feast, and you'll have to buy me lunch" she shrugged.
"Ok, come here you little rascal" he laughed, putting an arm around her shoulder and starting to walk. "What do you fancy?"
"Addie, I just came from Italy. Can't we have something else?"
"Ummm... No" she replied with her best smile.
"Ok, then. I can't say no to that face" he said before kissing her cheek, her skin tingling where his lips had been. It was something Adele had never felt before with any other guy, and definitely not with Mason. 
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lunareclipses-moments · 10 months
Red string of trouble
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Idia x FAB reader
Words count:1.2k
That's part 2 , but you can read both of them separately
Part 1
Tags: @ryuuisthecutest
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As the first rays of sunlight nudged the humans, some were reminded of their responsibilities, reluctantly emerging from the small safe haven known as bed, groaning and clearly dissatisfied with being awake. The other half remained wide awake, potentially completing a late assignment, gaming into the night, shedding tears and seeking forgiveness from God (Rollo), or possibly grappling with insomnia.
One the other hand Ortho Expecting his brother to be wide awake, Ortho anticipated the usual sight of him glued to his computer screen as if it were his lifeline. However, that morning brought an unexpected change. His brother was sprawled on the floor, fixated on his thumb like a lovesick high schooler, giggling, and mumbling words in a charmingly incorrect manner.
"Ortho!! You're awake! How was your power nap?" exclaimed Idia, unusually excited and brimming with life, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor.
"Who is this?! What did he do to my gloomy, depressed older brother? Is this the real world, or am I still dreaming? Yeah, probably,"Ortho pondered deeply. Deciding not to spoil his mood, he chose to ignore it for now.
"It was great, nii-san. But what put you in such a great mood, especially in the morning?" Ortho inquired.
Huh, me? I'm always in a good mood when I see the most adorable robot, who happens to be my lovely younger brother," Idia said, faking an innocent face to lure his younger brother.
'Liar! Oh, that's probably because I took his lab coat and forbade him from wearing it indoors to game,' Ortho thought, starting to feel slightly annoyed by his older brother's bad hygiene habits.
"No, I'm not giving your lab coat back. Deal with it," Ortho stated as he made his way towards the door. Idia hurriedly closed it, panicking, "No, wait! That's not what I was going to ask!"
"So you want something from me. I am hurt, nii-san," Ortho faked an expression of being hurt to tease his brother. Idia was starting to think he hurt the little robot's feelings.
"No, no, no, you got it all wrong—" but Ortho interrupted him before he could continue his sentence.
"I'm just joking, nii-san. Of course, I am happy to help with anything, except illegal behavior, of course," Ortho finished with a little giggle.
"You know, maybe I'm starting to regret letting you resign from the film club," Idia said, feeling like a fool being played by his brother like that.
"You still didn't answer my question, though," Ortho asked, ignoring his last pity remark.
"Define illegal?" Idia asked, not meeting Ortho's gaze. On the other hand, Ortho was starting to worry about what kind of foolish things his brother got himself into, or maybe he was planning something harmful.
"I don't know, maybe kidnapping?!" answered a very concerned and confused Ortho.
"For your information, the king of the underworld kidnapped his lover, and she still loved him back."
"Idia... That was a story our parents used to tell us before bed. You're not planning to kidnap someone, are you?" Ortho was in a frenzy from his brother's crazy ideas, and a very uncomfortable silence fell between them.
"Is this the part where you tell me you were joking?" asked Ortho, trying to break the silence.
"Nope, I am dead serious," replied Idia without hesitation.
"But that's the part where I leave and forget that this conversation happened," giggled Ortho.
"Unless you want me to cook up a plan that doesn't involve kidnapping and Stockholm syndrome," ortho suggested as idia analyzed his plans and the possibilities. He thought that maybe giving Ortho a chance might help him.
"But if it doesn't work, we'll go back to my original plan," Ortho couldn't help but sigh at his brother.
"Ah, fine. But only because I know my plan will work just fine. Go get some sleep; you look like a sleep-deprived zombie," he added, knowing he was dealing with Idia.
"Sleeping is overrated."
"Go to bed, or I am calling Mum." Ortho was ready to stoop that low just to get his brother to bed.
As the day went by, Idia couldn't help but feel like something was amiss. After his previous conversation with Ortho, the little robot was nowhere to be found. Worry started to gnaw at him, but his concerns were momentarily replaced when Ortho sent him a text, instructing him to go to the woods behind the ramshackle dorm in the dead of night.
'I have a very bad feeling about this,' Idia thought to himself, screaming internally.
Meanwhile, with Ortho and the ramshackle perfect, Ortho was set on putting his plan into action. Following his unconventional conversation with Idia, he sought out the perfect. If his brother couldn't talk to her normally, then he would help him, whether Idia liked it or not.
This led him to engage in a pleasant conversation with the perfect, highlighting how wonderful his brother truly was and how much of a sweetheart he could be once you got to know him. Surprisingly, the perfect seemed to take a liking to Idia.
'Everything is falling according to the plan,' Ortho couldn't help but think to himself.
"You know, Ortho, I actually enjoy talking with you. It feels nice conversing with an intelligent being once in a while," her words filled Ortho's ears, eliciting a giggle from him.
"You know, Perfect, I made a surprise for you," Ortho's words reached her, and she couldn't help but feel confused.
"Huh, me?"
"Yeah, you. I heard that you were searching for your soulmate, and I think I can help you," Ortho's voice carried a hint of knowing something she didn't.
"Well then, what are you waiting for?! Lead the way, lil guy."
"Heheh, I knew you would listen to me,but you will lead the way , we will you the string around your finger as our guide " their laughter filled the small forest as they ventured into the pitch black forest
On the other side, as Idia walked into the small forest, he couldn't help but groan at the soreness he felt, and the burning sensation around his thumb wasn't helping at all.
'Ortho, you're lucky that I love you because if I didn't, I wouldn't be here,' he sighed. Despite the discomfort, he continued walking, occasionally bumping his head into random tree branches. After five minutes of aimless wandering, he heard voices.
The voices were familiar, in fact, it was his brother's voice along with another. Out of curiosity, he stealthily made his way closer to eavesdrop on his brother's conversation. However, his not-so-subtle attempt at stealth was thwarted when he accidentally snapped a stick under his foot, prompting the perfect and Ortho to look around in confusion.
"Huh, no, I didn't hear anything at all," Ortho replied, attempting to divert the perfect's attention away from the mysterious noise who was probably his brother;to salvage his plan.
"I swear I heard something."
"Well, if you're interested, I can look for it, but you have to follow the red string on your pinkie, though."
"No 'buts,' go!" Ortho insisted, lightly pushing her forward.
"Fine, but if I get kidnapped, it's your fault."
"Don't worry, no one will kidnap you today, at least," he muttered the last words to himself with a sarcastic laugh.
"What was that?" the perfect questioned, catching Ortho off guard.
"Nothing at all"
As the perfect followed the red string, she felt like she was chasing prey that kept slipping away every time she got close. Unbeknownst to her, Idia was indeed running away from her, fueled by a desperate attempt to avoid being caught. However, his limited stamina betrayed him, leaving him gasping for air while leaning against a tree for support.
"Finally found you! Do you know how many sticks and stones I tripped over to reach you?" she exclaimed as she approached the crouched and breathless Idia. Despite the guilt creeping in, he mustered the courage to turn around and face her.
"Well, congratulations on finding what you were searching for. But sorry to disappoint you, though. I'm not going to be your knight in shining armor or the prince that will whisk you away to his fairy castle. Feel free to turn around and go home. I'm ready for rejection," he added with a touch of sarcasm before turning away and attempting to walk off.
Just then, he felt something grab his hand. "Look, we landed on the wrong foot here. How about we get to know each other first? Even though Ortho told me a lot of great stories about you, I'd like to hear it from your mouth. I'll start first," she suggested, extending her hand for him to shake.
"Hello there, my soulmate. My name is Y/n; I am the ramshackle perfect. I'm not from here, and I would like to know more about you." To say Idia was stunned was understandable, but he wasn't about to let this opportunity slip away, so he shook her hand.
"Idia Shroud, Ignihyde dorm leader. Nice to meet you too, I guess."
"Ortho was right; you can be nice when you want to be," she exclaimed with a little giggle.
"Speaking of Ortho, where is he?" she wondered, looking around.
"No idea, but I wouldn't worry too much. He's probably here hiding somewhere."
Unknown to them, the little robot was sitting in the tree above them, silently observing as they chatted the night away. Ortho, perched in the branches, watched with a contented smile as his matchmaking efforts unfolded. The trio enjoyed each other's presence without realizing that this ordinary night would lead them to something even more magical.
As they laughed and shared stories under the moonlit canopy, the small forest became witness to the beginning of a beautiful journey. Little did they know, the magic of that night would set the stage for countless more enchanting moments and enduring connections, weaving a tapestry of memories that would last a lifetime. The little robot, hidden among the leaves, silently celebrated the success of his unexpected and heartwarming adventure in bringing two souls together.
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0-r-a-y-0 · 9 months
Overwhelming— Romantic #17
In which: Nick is stressed out with editing and getting closer to going on tour again, Jasper forces him to take a break
This is my oldest draft. I’m so happy I get to finally post it 😭😭 also posted twice in one night 😱😱
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Hours after hours, Nick had been staring at his laptop. His headphones plugging into his ears with Melanie Martinez and Doja Cat blasting as he went through and edited videos and created thumbnails; as well as respond to emails. They were about to go on tour again soon, and Nick didn’t want to be editing while sitting on a tour bus. So if he got it all done now, he’d only have to worry about traveling and meeting fans.
But there was a downside to this. He had no time to spend with his boyfriend and brothers since he’s been stuck in his room since he made that decision. Matt and Chris barely see him in the house and he doesn’t remember the last time he talked to Jasper. He felt so stressed and overwhelmed but he didn’t know what to do to relief that stress. And he didn’t know how much longer he could go until he broke.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees his phone light up but he doesn’t care to check it, even though he knows who it is. He sighs, turning his music up louder and getting back to work, focusing ten times harder than he did a second ago.
Without Nick being aware, his bedroom door opens and Jasper slips through. He sees him working and can hear the music through his headphones. He sits next to him and taps Nick on the shoulder, causing him to jump and rip of his headphones off.
“Fuck! You scared the shit out of me!” Nick yells, his hand on his chest.
“You’re still editing?” Jasper asked, laying on his side, his arm propping him up.
“Yeah, I think I’m almost done though. I only have like five videos left.” He answers.
“Hun, you need a break. Your brothers told me you haven’t left your room in days.” The curly haired boy stated.
“That’s not even true. I left like…” Nick trails off to check the time. “Five hours ago to get a snack.”
“Baby, that’s not right. You’ve been working your ass off. Take a break.” Jasper says.
“I can’t. Tour is coming up in two weeks and I need to get everything done so I’m not worn out while I’m meeting fans and performing.” The redhead replies.
“Hun, you have two weeks. A little break isn’t going to affect anything. But if you’re nonstop working, you’re mental health is going to be horrible and you’ll be Murder able during tour, and that’s when you’re supposed to have fun.”
“I know I’m supposed to have fun but I’ll be stressed about this until it’s done and—”
“Nope. No more of that bullshit. You’re breaking out right above your nose and you know what that means when you break out there? It means you’re stressed. And I know you’re overwhelmed because there’s no pimple patches on your face.” Jasper claims. “And you look so tired, baby.”
“Honey, I’m fine. It’s nothing to worry about. How about I finish these five videos and then we can destress or whatever you want to do.” Nick suggested.
“No. We’re doing it now. Everything is so overwhelming for you right now and you need a minute to take a breather.” He confirms. “Shut your computer and put it away.”
Nick sighs, but doing what he’s told. “Good. Okay, now let’s get some food.” Jasper says, pulling him out of bed.
They decide to make Mac n cheese, well Jasper makes it, Nick sits down at the table with his head down. He’s tired, mentally and physically, and he is ready to take a break.
Jasper feeds Nick at the table since he started complaint about how his fingers are beginning to hurt from typing and editing for hours on end. Which, Nick thought it was ridiculous for him to get fed but he wasn’t going to complain about it.
After they eat, they go up to Nick’s room again, where they lay down and watch some of his favorite movies.
“You’re tense.” Jasper comments, rubbing Nick’s shoulder.
“I mean, I guess.” The redhead shrugs like it’s nothing.
“Take your shirt off and lay on your stomach.” He says.
“What?” Nick asked.
“Just do it!” Jasper says.
“Fine.” He replied, sitting up and pulling his shirt off and laying down.
Jasper gets on top of him, rubbing and kneading his shoulders. “Are you giving me a massage?” Nick asked, only to be shushed by Jasper.
“Yes, now be quiet and let me do it! It isn’t helpful if you talk.” He claims, twisting his hair before going back to massaging his shoulders.
Jasper goes on to massage his whole body, his shoulders, then the rest of his arms, his neck and then his back. Minus the low groans and whimpers from satisfaction, Nick stayed mostly silent.
After they’re done, Nick throws his shirt back on and lays down in his bed, feeling more refreshed then ever. “When did you learn how to give massages?” He asked.
“My mom used to give me massages all the time. Like twice a month or something.” Jasper replied, laying beside him and playing with his hair.
“That’s cool. Your mom is cool.” Nick yawns, sinking into his pillow. “I’m tired.”
“I bet you are. Go to sleep, darling, I’m right here.” He tells him, rubbing his cheek.
And with night, Nick drifts off, feeling relaxed and no longer stressed.
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babiesdreams · 10 months
Hey! Ignore this if you busy! I was wondering if you could write a jeon soyeon smut? Like her eating you out or whatever you want. You can add gifs if you want, but their not necessary. If possible I would prefer her to be dom. Thank you sm if you decide to write this! Have a great day!
Advent Calendar
Day 13: Jeon Soyeon +18
Warnings: None. It's pretty vanilla
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You and Soyeon were roomates but you barely spoke to each other. You always thought she hated you, since she rarely even looked at you. It wasn't a big concern since you liked the peaceful silence anyway.
You hear loud music coming from Soyeon's room and wonder wether or not you should talk to her and ask her to tone it down a little bit. While you're debating what to say her door opens. She looks at you, surprised and smiles softly.
"Did you want something?" She asks crossing her arms. You shake the initial shock and answer. "Just... The music. Could you tone it down?" You ask nicely.
"No" She simply replies. "Anything else?" You hum, trying to digest what she just said. "Why not?" You ask, defiant raising an eyebrow. "I'm working" She explains briefly. You knew she was a song writer and a rapper but you had never heard her play music so loudly.
"Actually" She says chainging her tone. "Could you help me? I need a higher pitched voice for the song" You look at her, completely puzzled. "I don't sing" You explain. "I don't need you to sing" You're even more confused now but ou can't really refuse now that she grabs your hand and drags you inside her room. She closes the door behind you and sits on her bed. You sit on her chair and look at her waitig to see what she wanted you to record.
"Oh" She says getting closer to you, you move your head, avoiding her instintictively. "Wait you have..." She says grabbing the back of your head with her hand. A finger approaches your face, she softly grabs a fallen eye lash and holds it onto her finger. "Done" She says getting rid of it with a smile.
"Thank you" You mumble to yourself. "So what I wanted you to record is this audio" She explains while browsing the audio on her computer. She hands you her headphones and you put them on. She hits play and you can hear clear and loudly a very explicit moan. You can almost feel your skin go from pale to red. You laugh nervously. "I can't do that" You simply reply getting the headphones off.
She chuckles and grabs the headphones from your hands. "It's okay, I understand it can be... embarassing" She says putting the headphones away. "But you should stay though. We barely got to know each other" You nod shyly.
"So, what do you want to know?" You ask her. "Do you have a boyfriend?" She asks, not even getting her eyes off the coputer's screen. "I don't" You reply which is followed by a "And a girlfriend?" You instantly guess she might have seen the Bisexual flag on your room. "Nope" You reply.
"Oh cool. I am bi too" She points out. "I left my girlfriend last week" You look at her expectant of what exactly she expect from this conversation. "I've never had one" You spit out. "A significant other or a girlfriend?" You chuckle. "A girlfriend. I had a girl crush on high school but she didn't like me back"
She looks at you with a shocked expression. "How is that possible? With a girl like you?" You chuckle. "A girl like me?" She hums and sit comfortably on the bed. "Pretty I mean" You blush at her words and she chuckles.
"Have you never been called pretty by a girl?" She asks stroking your thigh. You let out a nervous laugh (saphic panic) "Not really" You say. Her body gets up from the bed. Both of her hands are on your thighs and she gets closer to you. "You're so fucking pretty" She whispers inches apart from your lips. You can't resist giving her a quick and soft smooch on her lips.
She smiles against your lips and kisses you again. This time it's a messy and heated kiss. She grabs your hands and pulls you towards the bed, her body positions itself on top of you, not breaking the kiss for a split second. Her hands keep brushing the sides of your face, caressing them softly, but they quickly slide down your neck towards your sleeveless shirt.
She pulls out the kiss, a string of saliva connects your lips until it falls down, watering your collarbone. "You look so good in this shirt" She whispers. "I couldn't wait to take it off you" Her hand travels down your stomach lifting your shirt slowly until it's off you. You're crabing for the feeling of her lips over yours again. Though his soft and full lips kiss the limits of your bra instead.
You suffocate your moans of anticipation as she passes her tongue along the soft skin of your breast. Her hand undoes your bra, getting it off you soonly after. "Soyeon I've never" You huff trying to explain but she shuts you up, passing her tongue over your nipples. You throw your head back and grip onto the bedsheets.
A soft moan escapes your lips filling the rooms silence. Your body casts heat across the room. You slowly turn your head back to its normal position to look at Soyeon, she has a rather mischievious look on her face, her tongue still playing over your nipple. She moves shortly after tho, leaving awet spot on your breast that seems to attract the coldness that fills the moment.
Chills run through your skin forcing you to gasp when her tongue reaches your other nipple. Her hand cups your other breast, squeezing it softly. When her tongue travels down your body her other hand cups your now lonely breast.
Her tongue traces a wet path along your bust until it reaches the limits of your skirt. This time she doesn't take it off, instead she skips that step and pulls your panties down. You feel a string of your own wetness keeping your cunt and your panties connected for a second. She doesn't make a comment about it, which you appreciate since you're already flustered by the situation.
Her hand lifts your skirt, exposing your naked hips to her face. Two fingers pass along your wetness and then travel all the way to her mouth. "Mmm" She mutters. "You taste so good baby" She comments before burying her face in between your legs.
You feel her tongue pass along your folds, all the way up to your clit, she pauses there for a moment, making circular movements over it. Your hands move on their own, placing themselves on her hair. You push her closer to you, so that you can feel how her wet muscle plays with your sensitive spots.
Your moans only get louder and messier. Her fingers enter you while she keeps sucking your clit nonstop. "I'm close" You manage to let out in between moans. "Cum for me babe" She whispers before moving her tongue fastly over your clit. Her fingers curve inside of you, hitting your g-spot and making it impossible for you to hold your high any longer.
You're loud. Louder than you've ever been. Your whole body is shaking while you still enjoy the feeling of the orgasm brushing over your body. You start calming down slowly, noticing the wet kisses that the girl's been placing on your thighs. "Ready for round two?" She asks with a cocky expression.
Advent calendar masterlist
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noodyl-blasstal · 10 months
Maff Guy
It's @taznovembercelebration day 22 and we're still on the train, baby! Today's prompt was "fix it" and this happened. I think it's prime for the expanding at some point though?
Read below or on Ao3, catch yesterday's here if you missed it!
Maff Tutor Wanted
That definitely wasn’t on the notice board last night when Kravitz was closing. The request was polite though, kindly worded, enough to make Kravitz believe that “Taako” really did want some help. Kravitz snags the poster, he’s not going to reduce his chances by letting anyone else apply. What was another job to add to his collection? Orchestra did not pay as well as people seemed to think - especially in the season break that Gerald insisted they have because when else was he going to visit the second house his family bought him as a treat for graduating. Not that Kravitz was bitter. No no, it’s fine. It’s even more fine that Gerald got all the solos because his parents were very generous with their donations. Totally and completely fine.
Kravitz carefully adds the number to his phone and forgets about it until break time when the poster falls out of his bag as he attempts to wrestle his reading out. His manager had banned him from reading at the register, even when the place was empty.
Kravitz [10:32] Dear Taako, Are you still looking for a maths tutor? My name is Kravitz and I would be willing to work with you on your math ability. Kind regards, Kravitz.
Kravitz is face first in a paragraph about orchestral arrangements which seems to be trying its best to be as incomprehensible as possible when his phone buzzes.
Taako - Maths Tutoring [10:48] That’s what it’s called here? When can you start?
Kravitz reads it again, just in case he’s missing something, but nope. What the fuck do they call it anywhere else? Oh… Unless it’s the math/maths thing?
Kravitz [10:49] Dear Taako, Thank you for getting in touch. I’m free Thursday evenings between 7am and 9pm, Fridays 10am to 3pm, and Sundays any time. Would any of these slots be suitable for you? Kind regards, Kravitz
He’s rereading the paragraph for the four(…teenth?) time when Taako replies again.
Taako - Maths Tutoring [10:58] Taako’ll take all of the above.
All of them? Kravitz does some quick mental maths (to warm up for the tutoring) the wage on the poster times all of those hours is many many of money. So many of money he might be able to jack in the survey job. He loathes having to con people into filling out their personal details on the stupid little tablet computer for a ‘chance to win’. He especially hates that they’ve started using GPS to make sure he’s ‘on the move’ i.e. not holed up in the toilets making up answers for a variety of fake people he’s busy inventing… in his defence, it was very rainy. Taako might be a murderer, but there’s not really a way to ask that that won’t lose him the job. Taako’s also probably not going to reply with yes I super duper am, swing by at 7 and give him a heads up on said murdering. He’ll give it a go, then decide whether to quit the Pulse of Neverwinter role or not.
Kravitz [10:59] Dear Taako, Okay, shall we meet at the library? We can start tomorrow. Kind regards, Kravitz.
He rehouses everything in his bag and makes it back to the counter before Jenkins can yell at him for going over his allotted break time. When he’s allowed his 15 minutes for lunch (Jenkins’ break schedule is bordering on sadistic) there’s one final text waiting for him.
Taako - Maths Tutoring [11:02] CU there.
Kravitz stands nervously in front of the library. He’s swiftly realising that describing himself or setting a meeting point other than ‘the massive fuck off library’ may have been helpful.
“KravitzSaysWhat” Says a voice from behind him.
“Wuah!” Kravitz jumps and spins to look at the speaker.
“Well that’s no fun, you’re supposed to say what.” The man, the very handsome man, stood behind Kravitz pouts adorably.
“Better late than never.” The man smiles wide and wild. He has a gap between his front teeth and what looks like days old eyeliner under his eyes. Kravitz thinks he might be the most most handsome man he’s ever seen. “The handle’s Taako, I believe you’re maff guy?”
“I… uh.” Kravitz says intelligently, tutor-ily, super responsible trust me with your education-ily. In his defence, he didn’t expect to have to use his being-normal-around-hot-guys brain alongside his thinking-brain today. “Oi oi, pleased to meet you.”
Oh good.
Fucking perfect.
He’s cockney now apparently. He truly thought he was past the anxious accent. Shit.
“Ooooh, a man with an accent, Taako loves it. So, shall we get down to it?” Taako gives him a slow once over and Kravitz wonders if they’re still talking about the tutoring. Honestly, Taako could teach him anything any time, he’d listen. Maybe they could take turns?
“Sounds good to me.” He remembers the accent, thank the lady. “I booked a study room.”
Taako tilts his head and frowns at Kravitz. “You’re not a murderer right? If you are and you don’t tell me it’s entrapment.”
“No.” Says Kravitz. “But that’s probably what a murderer would say… Are you one? I wanted to ask, but just picked a public place as I thought you’d probably lie if you were.”
“Cool.” Taako shrugs and doesn’t say anything about his murderous intent or lack thereof. “My sister made me ask.”
“Do you need to tell her you checked?”
Taako scoffs. “Already did, handsome.”
He’s walking away before Kravitz can decide whether he’s more interested in the fact Taako definitely didn’t text his sister during their conversation or being called handsome by him. Apart from he can, and it’s the latter, even though it probably shouldn’t be. Kravitz sets his shoulders back, stands tall, and follows behind. Handsome! Taako thinks he’s handsome.
“Okay, so I’m gonna level with you. Cha’boy gave up learning maff like mmmm, 50 years ago, it kept being different and I was just passing through, but now cha’boy’s staying put there’s no escaping it. Trust me, I’ve tried.”
Kravitz is baffled. Those are definitely all words he knows, but they sure aren’t in an order he can comprehend.
“So now that you’ve decided to stay here…” Kravitz pauses, hoping Taako may decide to fill in a blank for him here.
“You forgot about your accent.”
“I mean…” Kravitz tries in his very Cockney twang.
“Nope!” Taako cuts him off. “Too late. You can tell me all about why you decided to do that later, but right now, Taako needs to know how to add shit because he keeps fucking up in shops and apparently my sister and brother in law decided to fall in love with a place that has taxes.” Taako glares at the concept of taxes which is apparently currently inhabiting the corner of the room.
“Okay. Where would you like to start?”
“Just gimme everything. You don’t need to know baby speed, I know gangals.”
“I’m sorry, you know what now?”
“Nevermind, let’s build it from the ground up. I bet you’d construct some lovely foundations.” Taako’s eyes linger on Kravitz’s mouth.
Kravitz has no idea what the double entendre is entendre-ing at, but he’s a big fan of whatever is happening right now.
“Are you familiar with the Arabic numerals, like 1-10?” Kravitz asks. There’s something he’d like to be familiar with, but it’s not number based.
“I can think of something I’d like to be familiar with.” Taako has no shame, he doesn’t even look vaguely embarrassed.
Kravitz ploughs on valiantly… he can think of something else he’d like to plough. Oh shit. No. This was bad teaching. Could you get fired for impure thoughts? “Maybe if you write here the numbering system you’re used to we can work from there?”
“Whatever you say, kemosabe.” Taako takes the pen from his hand and begins scribbling. A few minutes later the page is full of incomprehensible squiggles and a number 5.
Kravitz points to it happily. “I know that one.”
“Everywhere does, it’s the one thing that never changes. Taako doesn’t count on much, but he can always count on five.” Taako laughs then, like he’s just told a great joke, like he’s the funniest man alive.
Kravitz laughs too. Taako can be whatever he wants to be.
An hour and a half later and Taako’s got the hang of the numbers. He knew most of them, it was just the order that was tripping him up. Kravitz is almost disappointed when he realises they’re at a natural stopping point.
“So, you said all of Sunday was free… Wanna come see my ship? Taako’ll cook you dinner as a thank you for the numbers.”
Kravitz should say that it’s fine, he should say he doesn’t go to clients’ houses, he should say that Taako doesn’t need to pay him back for anything because he’s literally paying him.
“You live on a house boat?”
Taako cocks his head and looks at Kravitz for a moment, then smiles. “That sure is a thing you can call it.”
Hope you enjoyed! Wanna read more? You can find the next prompt here.
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stopiteatpopcorn · 1 year
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Fandom: Bungo Stray Dogs
Characters: Ler!Ango x Lee! Reader
It was getting late and your boyfriend was currently still at his desk, typing away at documents on his computer. But you weren’t having any of it, you wanted him to put it away even for a moment and give you attention before you were too sleepy. And maybe you wanted the tickly kind of attention too…His fingers scribbling over your sides and maybe your back and-! You stopped yourself there, getting flustered even thinking about it. But you had to try! So you walked over to him, draping your arms around his shoulders.
“Angooo~ I’m so bored…!” You whined, leaning over his shoulder. “Why don’t you close that document and finish it later…?”
“Unfortunately I can’t, I need to do it now. Why, though? Do you need something?” He asked, but his eyes were still glued to the computer in front of him.
“Not anything specific…Just want you to pay attention to me!” You replied, giving him a small cheeky smile. He looked to you with a small apologetic smile of his own, bringing his hand to your cheek. Had he finally given in?
“I’m sorry love, but this is really important..Just give me a few more minutes, then I’ll be able to give you all the rest of my time!” Nope, he still wouldn’t budge. And you knew he meant more than a few minutes, the man was the biggest workaholic you knew! So you decided to pull out the big guns and gave him the iconic pleading puppy eyes.
“But Ango..! It’s getting late! By the time you finish, I’ll be fast asleep…!” He shook his head with a small snicker at your antics. He’d be lying if he said your charms weren’t almost working. Almost.
“Well then, I promise to be as quick as possible to avoid tha-Hey!” You had taken his laptop off the table, saving the work before closing it and holding it high above your head. “I need to finish tha-“
“I saved it for you! You can finish it later!” You gave him a sly smirk, thinking you had won.
“Why you-!” He was about to just take it out of your hands, after all, he was taller than you. But he didn’t. Because he could read you like a book, he knew what you wanted from him. Though he wasn’t about to let you get it so easy. “You know what fine-! Take it! I’ll just work on these papers!” He said, holding back his own smirk as he sat down again, grabbing a pen and the sheets of paperwork in front of him.
“…What?” You couldn’t believe it. Sure he was a typically serious man, but normally that would have brought out his playful side. Pouting, you put the computer down in front of him, before going to lay on the couch in the corner of the room. A dramatic groan of annoyance escaped your lips as you closed your eyes, bringing your arms up to shield them from the light, crossing them over your face. For a moment, you both sat in silence. Ango would have dragged it on a bit longer, maybe make you admit what you wanted. but he decided to be merciful. So he got up from his desk, making his way towards you. It wasn’t until he sat himself above you that you realized he was there.
“So, you just gonna lay here? Not even gonna try again?” He said, hands moving to your sides, but doing nothing else. Yet.
“Why should I? If you’re so busy, I won’t bother you..!” You said, huffing, as a blush started to rise on your face. Though you didn’t move your arms down to look at him.
“You know what…Maybe I could go back to my work if you don’t need me anymore.” He hummed, as he let go and pretended he was about to get off you and leave. Okay maybe he was still a little mean! Could you blame him though? He loved seeing your reactions!
“No! I mean-! Uh-!” You yelped, stuttering and grabbing his hands. There it was, your adorable blush he loved so much!
“Oh..? Is there something you want after all~?” He asked innocently, but he couldn’t help the teasing tone that crawled out of his lips.
“W-Well- I- Can you- Agh-!” You huffed in flustered annoyance, before pulling his hands to your sides slowly. “C-Could you- Maybe…Ya know…”
“Could I maybe what, sweetheart~?” Damn him and his sweet names, making you even more red than you already were. At this point you were nervous you’d die right then and there from all the nerves, before anything even happened!
“Canyoupleasetickleme!” You blurted out quickly, and you could feel his fingers slowly curl around your waist at this. It made you all giddy, as you held in anticipatory giggles. But his fingers still didn’t move.
“What was that hon? I’m sorry, I’m not sure I caught what you said!” Although he was normally merciful and genuine, you knew he was teasing this time, as you peaked through your fingers giddily.
“ You- I- Just-! Just tickle me alreheady-!” You whined out slightly, a small giggle accidentally escaping.
“Nawww is that what you want~? Well, I suppose I could indulge you~!” He gives you a small playful smirk, as he slowly raises his hands off you, and for a moment, he waits. You lay there in the quiet, confused, before peaking through your fingers again.
“Ango…? Why aren’t you doing anythi-!” You stopped yourself mid question, as he wiggled his fingers playfully in the air. He wasn’t normally the type to tease like this, so this side of him always caught you off guard when he showed it. You hid your face again, not able to hold in your giddy giggles anymore. “Ahango…! Stohop dohoing thaHAhaha-!” And as if on command, he dropped his hands to your sides, gently tracing across them. It caught you by surprise, as you began giggling lightly. “Ahahangoho!”
“What? You told me to stop teasing you~!” He said, a small smirk still playing on his lips, his glasses shining.
“Thihihis is wohohorse!” You giggled out, however you made no effort to squirm away. He continued to trace up and down your sides, occasionally squeezing and poking, making you squeal.
“Oh is it now~? Well it can only get even worse then~” He teased, eventually stopping the traces and giving you a small break. However, he was quick to get up and flip you over on your stomach, before sitting above you again. “I believe the last time we did this, your back proved to be pretty sensitive right?” He asked, sounding both genuine and teasing. You blushed, burying your face in your arms.
“I- I uh- Nooo….? That’s not true!” You said, but he wasn’t one to forget small details like this, nor was he one to fall for your lies.
“Tsk Tsk…Trying to deny it now is practically like you’re asking for me to prove you wrong~!” He teased as he slowly dragged a finger up your spine, making you shiver.
“D-Don’t you dare-!”
“Don’t I dare do what~?”
“Tickle me- I mean-“ You realized your slip up a little too late, as he brought all ten fingers up, placing them on your upper back.
“Well, If you insist~!”
“Wahait that’s nohot what I-EEP! NAHAHA!” And with that, his fingers began dancing around the spot. Up and down, side to side, no area was left untouched. “AHAHANGO-! NAHAHAT THEHEHERE!” You squealed out, practically exploding with laughter.
“Nawww, but this is your favorite spot is it not~?” He teased, spidering his fingers over your shoulder blades. If your face wasn’t as red as a tomato already, it definitely was about to be. “Besides, you aren’t even trying to fight it. And you keep saying "not there!”, but never ask me to actually stop! I think you’re enjoying this~!” He said with another smirk. How dare he call you out like that! You buried your face into a pillow to hide the undignified and childish screech that left your lips when he suddenly leaned down, blowing small raspberries into your shoulders.
“AHAHANGO-! I CAHAHAN’T!” You managed to say through your muffled laughter. He honestly found it endearing how you were so sensitive to this.
“Can’t what? Is someone a little too ticklish? How cute~! Also just because I can’t see your face with you hiding it, doesn’t mean I don’t know you’re a blushing mess over there~!”
“SHUHUHUT UHAHAP!” You squealed out, but you’d be lying again if you said he wasn’t correct about everything he’d said so far.
“Shut up? Now that’s not very nice! Ya know what you asked for this~” He said, feigning hurt, before blowing a big raspberry right in between your shoulder blades, causing you to shriek loudly, incoherent squeals spilling through your laughter. This continued on for a bit longer, however you were reaching your limit, which he noticed quickly. He raised his head away, however bringing one finger to light traces again, making your laughter quiet down to sweet giggles.
“You okay there sweetheart?” He asked genuinely, a fond smile on his face.
“Yehehea..Buhut youhu are so mehean…”
“Oh? Do I need to continue~” You squeaked, but were too tired now to squirm away.
“Nononoho! Noho mohore..!” He chuckled slightly at your reaction, eventually stopping the traces and getting off you. You practically melted into the couch, a content smile on your face.
“Alright, Alright…I suppose you’ve had enough now?” He asked, to which you nodded softly.
“Yes…Thahank you…” You said, a few leftover giggles pouring out.
“Of course, any time. As long as I’m not too busy that is!” You both laughed a little at this. “Do you need any water?” He asked, and you nodded. He was quick to leave, before returning with a glass of cold water for you. You took the glass carefully, gulping down the water, before placing it down on the small coffee table in front of you. He then walked over to glance at the work on his desk, and then back at you. Meh, he supposed the papers could wait a bit longer. He came back to the couch, pulling you into his arms, to which you shivered. “Don’t worry, I’m done, no more tickles I promise! Now c’mere..” He spoke softly, and you allowed yourself to relax in his arms as he wrapped his them around you. He began running his hand through your hair, and soon you could feel yourself falling asleep in his comforting hold. He smiled down at you as you closed your eyes, kissing the top of your head lightly.
“G’night Ango…” You said, before succumbing to sleep.
“Sweet dreams my love…” He whispered, and soon, he found himself asleep too.
A/N: HI NAT OMG THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST! I loved writing this, as you can probably tell! I hope it was good, as I haven’t written in a while haha TvT This was also probably out of character jdhbjsb- Anyways, once again thank you for your request and to anyone else reading, I hope you have a good day/night!
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footballerimaginess · 2 years
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credit to @footballbff​ for the gif x 
Birthday Prompts of course it's not selfish! could i get surprising you at work with kepa? maybe you think he's gonna be playing away in the champions league but it turns out he told potter he couldn't go so he could be with you 🥺 requested by @odegaardsreds Word Count: 334 Sitting at work on your birthday is not where you wanted to be at all, when you woke up that morning it was quiet in your house as Kepa was at training already.  The only surprise you had was from the dog when you rudely were woken up by him going absolutely crazy. 
“y/n, you have a visitor” you looked up and had a look up and saw Kepa standing there with a bunch of white roses which were your favourite.  “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on your way to Paris right now?” you questioned him as you fell into his jacket.  “Well I was supposed to be, but Potter said I wasn’t allowed to travel. Something is up with my passport or whatever it was. I don’t fully get what happened. But I would rather be here celebrating my girl’s birthday” he smiled as he placed the flowers on your table.  “But I have to work?” you bluntly replied.  Kepa shook his head. “Nope I got you the afternoon off, so you can come home and spend the day together” you grinned from ear to ear as you turned your computer off, chucking your coat on as you headed out the office as you shouted goodbye to everyone. “I’m so glad you came and saved me, I was sooo bored” you over dramatically replied to kepa as he shook his head at your dramatics.  “You are such a dramatic baby” he pinched your cheeks as you pursed your lips as he pressed a kiss on them.  “Good” you smirked as you took his hand as you walked to the car.  “So... what shall we do today?” you asked him.  “Whatever you want too, it  is your day today. So you can decide” he smiled as you liked that idea.  “Okay, i fancy a McDonalds and maybe a long walk by the river” you smiled as Kepa agreed with the suggestion.  “That sounds just perfect” he smiled as you headed off.  Taglist: @footballffbarbiex​ @percervall​ @footballxixstars​ @football-and-fanfics​ @mrseriksen​ @simpingmyassoff​ @0alanasworld0​ @odegaardsreds​ @ghwoticz​​ 
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monaisme · 7 days
Sicktember: Day 19
#19- Hypochondriac Tendencies
Something was off. Tony was sure of it.
Yes, he’d been working on repairs to the Mark 48 before the next Avengers emergency, and trying to troubleshoot the issues with the new Starkphone for R&D, and figure out how to tweak the graphic card for their latest gaming computer simply because Peter thought it was so cool, and yes, he’d been hunched over a workbench for the better part of four hours, but this felt different.
He cast a quick glance at his wrist, intent on checking his vitals one more time via his watch, but the screen showed nothing but the time. 1:17pm.  
“What the hell, FRIDAY?” Tony called out as he pulled off the watch. “What’s this?”
“It would appear to be your most current incarnation of the Starkwatch, Boss.”
Tony exhaled slowly. He would forever regret the personality algorithms he’d slaved over for FRI. “Alright, smartass, if we’re going to play the game, my watch has stopped transmitting my stats. Do me a solid and run a diagnostic on it, would you?”
If Tony hadn’t known better, he’d have sworn there was an uncomfortable pause.
“I’m sorry, Boss.” FRIDAY replied. “Your watch is completely functional. Ms. Potts has reimplemented the “Tony Is Trying To Make Stuff Up To Get Out of Another Board Meeting” protocol and has locked down your health tracker until further notice.”
Tony scowled. “Again? I swear—I never should’ve given her that kind of access.” he grumped. “And what kind of shit name for a protocol is that anyways?”
“It’s the name Ms. Potts provided, sir.”
“I know,” he rolled his eyes and squeezed the back of his neck with his hand to provide some relief. “Just—I thought I was doing better. How long am I locked out for this time?”
“Ms. Potts has specified that the lockout run a full forty-eight hour period, sir.”
“And how many times did I actually check to deserve this?” He was almost afraid to find out.
“You’ve accessed your pulse, blood pressure, and heart rate monitor fifteen times since you entered your lab at 9:57am, sir. That, coupled with meetings set in your calendar, triggered an automatic denial of access per the protocol and Ms. Potts has been notified.”
“Perfect.” Tony bit out as he picked up a screwdriver from his workbench and whipped it across the room and into a table of scrap parts Peter would usually scavenge through for his projects. It was very seldom that he lost control like that, but sometimes Pepper wouldn’t listen and... “I keep trying to explain—!” Tony started then stopped before starting again, “I mean, what happens if I decide to have a stroke and die during the lockout?” Not that Tony expected something like that to happen, but the frustration at her lack of understanding was almost too much. He was sure she’d understood when he’d first told her, instead—
“Boss. There is a recorded message that I have been instructed to play in the event that you do trigger this particular protocol. Would you like the audio version or—”
Tony paused, then realized what FRIDAY had just said, “Hang on. What do you mean, ‘this particular protocol?’ Are there more?”
“Yes, Boss. There are three other protocols in play—”
“Nope!” Tony waved his hands in air, basically shutting FRIDAY up. “I don’t want to hear it. I’m done. But I swear, FRI, if something happens, on your head be it.”
“As you wish, thought it should be noted that you did not provide me with a head, Boss, and I’ve queued the audio clip. Would you like me to play it for you now?”
Tony dropped his head in defeat. “Sure thing, just keep the volume reeeeeal low, okay?”
“Understood.” FRIDAY replied. “And, if this is any comfort to you, in the event that you do lose consciousness anywhere on Stark Industries property, I can notify emergency medical personnel immediately.”
“Gee, that makes me feel so much better,” Tony snarked. “Or I could just, you know, have access to a vital feature on my own personal device.”
“I’m afraid you’ll need to discuss that with Ms. Potts.” FRIDAY stated as a matter of fact. “But while the audio message is playing, I am also to remind you that your presence is required in Ms. Potts’ office at two o’clock this afternoon for a progress check-in with the various team leaders for the Research and Development Department.”
Tony glanced over to his work bench and the projects screaming for completion. “Perfect.”
“As well, today is ‘lab day’ and Mr. Parker is expected to arrive at the tower at four o’clock.  Would you like me to place your standard pizza delivery at an appropriate hour, or would you prefer for Mr. Parker to choose something when he arrives this afternoon?”
Tony perked up immediately at the mention of his favourite teenager.  “Is it Tuesday already? Hot damn! Maybe I’ll be able to force myself to get through this meeting after all! Four o’clock, you said?”
“Yes, Boss.”
“An end to this miserable day is in sight! Yes! And I think I’m feeling a little cheeseburgery today. Why don’t you order something for us from that little diner Pete’s scary friend likes instead of pizza? Grab an extra couple of orders of fries and a chocolate milkshake so he can dip ‘em like the weirdo he is, too. Got it?”
“Got it, Boss.”
Tony glanced at his near useless watch. 1:33pm. There was just enough time to deal with the Starkphone before Pepper jumped down his throat again.
And at least there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
While he wasn’t one hundred percent positive, Tony was pretty sure he was dying. All he had to do was keep upright in the elevator, get back to the lab and breathe a little and hopefully things would settle like they had the last time Tony’d had a—
Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropists did not have—
The elevator door opened and he stumbled out, loosening his tie and taking off his sunglasses as he approached the door. He pressed a thumb to the biometric scanner and almost wept when he heard the lock disengage. He could make his way across the lab to the couch, lie down for a bit, try to figure out how he could make the laundry list of impossible tasks that the R&D folks were demanding of him happen even though he was the freakin’ boss while also figuring out how to manage his Avengers tasks as the decidedly not-boss and then let his body figure out how in the ever lovin’ hell it was supposed to draw in oxygen again.
“Mr. Stark?”
“Shit!” Tony clutched his chest as he flinched and lost his balance as he threw himself back into the workbench he’d been set at only hours before and knocking the components of his Mark 48 onto the floor. The clatter had Peter ducking for cover while covering his ears against the crash.
It registered a beat too late.
He couldn’t be here. He couldn’t see Tony—not like this!
But it was too late. Peter knew.
The boy approached his mentor tentatively. “Uh, Mr. Stark? Are you okay?”
And wasn’t that the question of the hour?
Tony fumbled with the sunglasses still in his hand, trying to put them on but gave it up when he realized his hands were shaking too much. Instead, he simply plastered on his ‘Tony Stark Media Star’ smile and stuffed his hands in his suit jacket pockets. “I’m fine,” he answered in a totally convincing, not weird at all sort of way.
“Are you sure?” Peter gave Tony a once over. “You’re looking a little—funny?”
“Ouch,” Tony patted his chest, played up to the bit, “way to get me right here, kid. I’ll have you know I’ve been on People’s ‘Sexiest’ list for twelve years running.”
“Be serious, Mr. Stark.” Peter stared, unimpressed.
“Bigger ouch. Tough crowd.”
Peter crossed his arms and waited for an explanation, and when none came, he spoke up again. “I know you think it’s creepy when I do this, and I’m really sorry about it, but, uh, your heart rate is sorta’ fast. Have you had Ms. FRIDAY scan you yet today?”
Tony’s faux-grin dropped and he shook his head, ‘no.’ “What do you mean exactly?” Of course his heart was racing, but what if Peter had heard something else?
Peter shrugged, “I’m not sure what I’m hearing, Mr. Stark,” Peter replied. “Ms. FRIDAY?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Parker. I am unable to access the protocols necessary to do as you’ve requested. I could suggest bringing Boss up to the med bay for evaluation if you are concerned.”
Peter didn’t bother to ask why the AI couldn’t do something she was more than capable of on any other occasion. And Peter knew Mr. Stark well enough that he would not appreciate being dragged all over the tower and risk being seen. No way. But Mr. Stark needed help and Peter was apparently the only one who could offer it.
He scanned the lab, looking for anything. The AED was sitting prominently on the wall next to the wash station, but that wouldn’t do them any good. And the first-aid kit was stocked to the gills with anything one would want or need for burns, bruises, stitches, and anything else that a little gauze and tape could patch up, but this?
And then his eyes fell on his backpack. “Got it!” he exclaimed, and then Peter was across the room, tossing textbooks and notebooks out of the bag and onto the floor so he could grab his mask and put it on.
“What? What are you--?” Tony panted out as he gave up on pretending.
Peter tugged up the sleeve of his sweatshirt and fussed with his own official Stark brand wristwatch for a few seconds before it came off then pressed it to Tony’s wrist. “Karen, can you take a comprehensive reading for me, please? Tell me what we’re dealin’ with?”
Tony almost sagged in relief. Such a clever boy.
Tony couldn’t hear her reply. “Of course, Peter.”   
The two stood awkwardly together while Peter listened to Karen’s diagnostic results and then Peter offered a, “Thanks, Karen,” then put his watch back on and pulled off the mask.
Tony was still trying to get his breathing under control.
Peter waited a second before he said anything, and then blurted out, “Did you know that butterflies can taste with their feet, Mr. Stark?”
Tony blinked, played back what the kid had said in his head and then blinked again. “What?”
“Yeah, they use something called chemoreceptors. Apparently it helps them identify plants.” Peter said, completely sincere in his offering. “Cool, huh?”
Tony thought about it before he drew in a bigger breath and answered back, “I guess so?”
“And owls don’t have eyeballs—they have eye tubes.”
Tony just shook his head. “That sounds kinda’ gross, kid. I call bullshit.”
Peter paused for a second and shrugged. “Maybe? MJ had us all looking up weird animal facts in the cafeteria at lunch today and there was a list. Now that I think about it, I should be doing a better about confirming stuff like that before spreading it around.” Peter tossed his mask over to the backpack where the rest of his suit was hiding, then pulled his phone out. “Wanna check on the owls while I do the butterflies?”
Tony didn’t have the energy to do much else. “Sure.” At least his hands weren’t shaking as much when he pulled his own phone out.
They made their way the few steps to the couch and sat in what had fast become their designated ends and became absorbed in their tasks. Not that it took long for them to find what they’d been looking for.
“Well, I’ll be damned.” Tony muttered. “Eye tubes are apparently a thing?”
Peter popped his phone back into his pocket, “And so are tasting feet. Nature is weird.”
“Agreed. I’ll take metal and tech over eye tubes any day of the week.”
 And then neither of them said anything... until Peter broke the silence a few minutes later.
“Do we need to run a diagnostic on Ms. FRIDAY, tonight?” he finally asked. “I mean, she should have caught that, right?”
Tony sighed and let out a long, slow breath. “FRIDAY is working just fine, kiddo.” Tony put an arm around Peter’s shoulder to reassure him and leaned back into the couch. “I imagine Pepper got a little frustrated with my insanity and figured she needed to shut me and my hypochondriac tendencies down.”
Peter had to process that for a second. “Uh, but you literally just needed FRIDAY and you couldn’t access her? Wouldn’t that mean that she’s actually trying to kill you?”
Tony barked out a laugh. “No, Pete. I’m pretty sure she’s just pissed off, though we’ll definitely need to have a chat about adjusting some parameters, I think.”
They got quiet again, and then, “Well, pissed off or not, that wasn’t very kind of her.” Peter slapped a hand over his mouth as he expressed an opinion he had no business in holding.
“It’s okay, Roo. Right now, I don’t disagree.” Tony closed his eyes as he melted further back. Panic attacks took a lot out of him. “But I can understand where she’s coming from, I guess. I have a job to do—and it’s not like I haven’t given her reasons to get irritated with my ‘behaviour’ in the past.”
Peter didn’t look impressed. “If she loves you, it shouldn’t matter.”
This kid was too pure. “Nah,” Tony opened his eyes and tilted his head to look over at him. “Even I can agree that I’m a little much sometimes... and by a little, I mean even my parents didn’t really like me so I’ll take what I can get when I can.” Tony chuckled at his own joke.
“Mr. Stark!” The indignance on Peter’s face, that someone couldn’t love their own child. “No way! I don’t believe you! And even if I did believe you, that doesn’t justify—”
Tony put a hand up to halt the tirade he was working up to. “Kid, you’ve read the biography, right?”
Peter nodded, ‘yes.’
“So you know Pep has been dealing with my crazy for a long time. First, the palladium poisoning,” he started. “Granted, I was hiding the fact that I was technically dying from everyone but I’d been so diligent about tracking saturation points and trying to find a balance with my diet and anything else I could think of.” Tony huffed a laugh, “You know, it’s actually one of the reasons the Starkwatch was so ahead of the competitors when we’d first released it. I’d already done all the field testing for myself. Using it to buff up or tech marketing was a no brainer, and Pepper was happy.”
“Peter.” Tony cut him off yet again. “It’s okay. I haven’t even gotten started about these damned panic attacks.”
Peter did not think any of this was okay. He chewed at the inside of his cheek, obviously thinking of what he was going to say next.
That it bothered Peter so much bothered Tony more than he’d thought it could. “It’s really, well... I’m fine now—and this is all stuff for the grownups to deal with anyways.”
Peter glared. “I’m fifteen,” his cheeks flushed, “and I know what it’s like to be scared for reasons that make sense and still make no sense at all.”
Tony saw that this wasn’t sitting well with Peter, and he was working himself up to say something important, so Tony bit his tongue.
Peter Benjamin Parker had the floor.
“When I was little, I had a really hard time after my parents died.” Peter blurted out. “Like, a ‘I wouldn’t leave May or Uncle Ben because I was afraid they’d die if they left my sight’ kind of hard time.” His eyes widened in his own panic as he realized what he’d just blurted out.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Tony said softly, sitting forward to give the kid his full attention now that he could draw a full breath.
“Yeah, thanks,” Peter almost brushed the condolences off. “But there’s more. You see, Aunt May had a nurse friend who’d been gifted a new stethoscope by her family. Aunt May had told her friend about me and what was goin’ on, and between the two of ‘em, they came up with a plan. The friend gave Aunt May her old stethoscope for me to use, so I could double check that everyone I worried about was okay whenever I was scared.”
Tony’s heart melted a little. This poor kid. “Peter.”
But Peter shook his head to stop him and shrugged. “It’s okay now, I promise.” He said it in such a way that Tony wondered if it wasn’t really, but Peter kept going, “I’m just thinkin’ what it would have been like if someone decided that I was being dumb and needed to be done checking on everyone before I was ready to stop on my own, is all. So I get it.”
“Besides, panic attacks are no joke, and maybe Ms. FRIDAY would have caught it earlier if you were being monitored?”
 He wasn’t wrong.
“Just—It bugs me that it happened, and I’m sorry that someone did that to you, and I’m especially glad I could loan you my stethoscope today.” Peter bumped into his mentor affectionately. “Have I mentioned how much I love my steth—I mean AI lately?”
And Tony’s heart swelled at the sincere affection.
... Maybe it was time to have a different kind of conversation with Pepper?
FRIDAY broke the moment when she spoke up, “Boss, your dinner delivery has just arrived in the lobby. Would you like me to have someone from security bring it up to you?”
Tony heaved what must have been his millionth sigh. “Yeah, FRI, thanks,” and then he looked over to Peter. “Wanna check out that graphics card I was telling you about after dinner?”
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jinx-blackout-84 · 1 year
The Shady Kid From The Alleyway
Chapter 1
Tommy-centric SBI TNTduo Benchtrio fic
Dream stans DNI you won't like this one I made hum a manipulative villain.... like IRL
4016 words
TW for mentions of violence, mentions of blood, and cursing
Anything in slashes are in /italics/
Anything in dashes are -bold-
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“Motherfucking fuck!”
Tommy saw a spark jump across his hand before he felt it. He snapped his hand away from the piece of metal in his hands that he was trying to install a computer chip in.
He picked it back up, sighing and glancing at the clock.
2:32 AM
His eyes were heavy, threatening to fall closed as he sat in his apartment’s kitchen. Picking up a screwdriver and the computer chip, he went back to fiddling with the metal gauntlet he had been staring at for the better part of four hours.
Does he sleep, or finish the gauntlet?
He weighed the two options in his head before conceding to finish the gauntlet on the grounds that he wouldn’t sleep anyways.
The light above the table reflected into his exhaustion-glassy eyes as he finished installing the microchip, leaving him with only a few pieces left to do. He first checked that a simple code Tubbo had written would work when run through the chip, activating a simple digital motor that would open one of the flasks attached to the gauntlet’s side, which would later be used to store gasoline to help Tubbo, in his words, “make arson more efficient, don’t you want my arson to be efficient, Tommy?”
Tubbo’s ability, the ability to conduct heat and electricity, made setting fires very easy for him even without the gasoline, which Tommy mentioned and was then debated by Tubbo. Do not debate Tubbo.
Tommy called over to the couch where insomniac Tubbo was pretending to sleep while Ranboo watched TV.
“We’re patrolling tomorrow, right?”
“Should be unless you fall off of a roof again. Think you can get that gauntlet done by tomorrow so I can code it?”
“Yeah, I just have to get a few panels screwed in and hook up the other digital motors and we should be good.”
“Awesome, let me know when you finish it up.”
“Yup, by the way, how’s the coding for my boots going?”
“Pretty shit.”
“Nope, just some new mechanics I don’t quite understand yet.”
Ranboo, enthralled moments ago by a documentary about art forgery, said, “He threw his computer at the wall earlier and I had to teleport it onto the bed so he wouldn’t break it.”
“I also had an English test today so I don’t want to hear it. That shit is difficult,” Tubbo grumbled.
“No, no, he has a point,” Tommy agreed. English was his worst subject back when he was in school.
Tommy chewed on the inside of his cheek as he hooked up a few wires from one of the motors to the CPU.
He slipped his hand into the gauntlet, flexing his fingers a few times before throwing it at Tubbo, who caught it without looking. Tommy was impressed.
“Try it on to see if it fits,” he said to Tubbo
Tubbo snarked back at him “Nope, it’s three sizes too small.”
Tommy threatened to make the gauntlet fit; and after watching Tubbo try on the gauntlet to make sure it fit, nodded, extremely proud of himself for being the most intelligent person to ever exist.
The stuffy air in the apartment was stale, and since it was not too cold outside, Tommy decided he needed some air, calling out to Tubbo and Ranboo,
“Hey, I’m heading up to the roof”
"Okay, don’t die again, thanks,” Ranboo replied, and Tubbo gave a thumbs-up.
Tommy opened the grimy window and pulled himself out onto the fire escape, which creaked concerningly under his weight. Scaling the rusted metal with expertise gained by years of practice, he finally got his hand over the upper lip of the apartment building’s roof.
The wind was quite harsh, cold against Tommy’s face, but not unwelcome after being at the table working on the gauntlet for so long. As he sat back on his hands, three things happened.
First, Tommy’s hand supporting his weight slid into a puddle and out from under him. Gross. Roof puddle.
Second, Tommy heard a scream from a nearby alleyway.
Third, he fell off the roof, directly into the alley the scream had come from.
“MOTHERFUCKER” He screeched, trying to throw out his hands to use his power.
A sudden gust of wind slowed his fall considerably, but hitting the concrete hurt like a bitch, which he said.
“That hurt like a bitch.”
“Looked like it,” A gruff and oddly robotic voice answered.
Tommy spun around quickly, making eye contact with a towering man. A man with a red cape and pig mask.
“Nope. I think the fuck not. I’m going back to my apartment. Fuck no.” Tommy said with conviction.
Just as he turned to leave, the man’s hand caught his hood, turning him around.
There was something cold under his chin, Tommy realized. Ah, it was a sword. Wonderful.
“You can’t just leave,” the man drawled “How do I know you won’t report me?”
“I promise that you, The Blood God, SBI and syndicate member, highest kill count villain, can handle being reported,” Tommy pointed out, before his brain could tell him to please shut the fuck up.
“You’re pretty mouthy for a hostage.” The Blood God drawled
After a moment of thinking, Tommy added “Please do not stab me. I do not have health insurance.”
“I am probably not going to stab you, just,” The Blood God pressed the heel of his hand against his forehead, “need a second to think.”
“Who screamed just now?” Tommy’s shoulders relaxed upon receiving the news that he was not to be stabbed, “was it you? Did you fall off of one of the roofs?”
After saying this, Tommy noticed a massive pool of blood below his feet.
“Oh, never mind,” he said cheerfully.
The Blood God sighed. He did not get paid enough for this. “Look, kid-”
“Fuck you I’m 16”
“-just, I don’t know, let me knock you out.”
“In a dirty alleyway? I cannot afford to be sick right now, bitch, and I probably already have AIDS from standing in this blood so thank you for that.”
Tommy tensed to run out of the alley, not liking his odds if he tried, but liking his odds if he got knocked out less.
“Okay, then just stay here or something. You can't get past me anyways."
"You can't hold me here, that's child abduction," Tommy said matter-of-factly.
He could maybe yell for Tubbo? Maybe Ranboo could teleport him out?
"Ah, well you see, as a criminal, I am hardly concerned about what is or is not a crime." The Bitch God responded.
Ah. The Bitch God had a point, Tommy conceded
Well. Tommy knew more than all men because he was far cooler than them, he decided.
Tommy said this to The Blood God, who looked down at him with disdain. The Blood God then tapped the side of his mask and spoke into it, "Yeah, so I found a kid," he paused, "Yup in the alleyway with me, no I cannot kill him. Yes we are still meeting here."
Tommy watched him, curious, and said, "who are you talking to?"
Okay. Shit. Tommy had to get out of this. How could he get out of this.
"None of your business," The Blood God replies
Tubbo and Ranboo were out of the question because The Blood God had heightened reflexes and would not hesitate to kill Tommy before Ranboo could teleport him out.
“Just tell me," Tommy protested
"You're like a toddler," The Blood God said, pinching his nosebridge.
"I AM NOT, BITCH," Tommy said, defending his honor against The Blood God's deceit.
"FINE I was talking to the rest of the Syndicate," The Blood God replied.
"You said they were coming here. Are you going to kill me?"
"Yes," the Blood God deadpanned.
Tommy hoped that was a joke "well good luck, I am the coolest and biggest man ever."
The Blood God looked over at him, raising his eyebrows and dropping the sword to his side.
Tommy’s posture relaxed the moment the sword was removed from his throat.
He felt the air in his fingers and imagined pulling it all towards him. The air pressure suddenly grew and he shot upwards, flying high enough he could've grabbed the top of the building if he hadn't been pulled back to the ground. Fuck.
Tommy hit the ground for the second time that night, and felt a thud reverberate through his ribs. They were for sure gonna kill him now. Panic clutched Tommy’s chest, though he tried not to let it show.
He heard an impressed whistle behind him.
Turning around, Tommy saw a large pair of wings and shining green eyes. Oh shit. The Raven.
"This the kid?" The man spoke and it had the same robotic sound as the Blood God’s. Voice changers then.
"Yep. Annoying as fuck, too," the Blood God Replied.
"You don’t want to do this" Tommy said, panic in his eyes.
"Ah, I see what you mean, mate, but he's just scared" The Raven replied.
"Oh no, he's very bitchy for a hostage. Give him a minute to get his attitude back." The Blood God said.
Tommy flicked his eyes over The Raven, trying to size him up under the cloak he wore.
And then, Tommy heard a snicker from the entrance of the alleyway.
And holy shit.
Tommy's favorite villain.
Mercury who could make anyone do his bidding with just a word. Who had never been apprehended, who fought with a smoothness Tommy had tried to emulate for years. Holy shit.
Mercury spoke, "so you can fly?"
"Well, sort of," Tommy said.
"What's your mutation?" Mercury asked.
"I can’t just tell you that" Tommy said.
Mercury rolled his eyes. "Well I can make you tell me, what is it?"
"Air pressure control."
The Blood God's eyes widened incrementally and he said, "damn."
"Do you have strong control?" Mercury questioned.
"Damn. That's a strong power." The Blood God said.
"I don't know, I can just jump around and fly a little"
"Then you're not using it right" Zephyrus said.
"Huh? Don't tell me how to use my powers bitch!" Tommy yelled, indignant.
"Oh, there's the attitude," The Blood God said.
Shit. He let his tongue get away from him. Shit he was dead. He got lower to the ground, pulling an exacto knife out of his hoodie pocket. It wasn’t much, but it might work if he was lucky.
Mercury snickered "Is that an Exacto knife?"
The Blood God began to speak "You’re gonna need more than tha-"
The crackle of a radio attached to The Raven's hip cut him off, and all of them fell silent to listen to it
“Hey, you need to get out of there, someone reported you.”
Three faces turned to Tommy.
"How would I report you? I left my phone inside. Plus, I would rather /not/ help the heroes if I have the choice. " He said.
"What do you mean, mate?" The Raven asked.
"They're not as great as everyone says. Even I know that, and I didn't even finish high school," Tommy muttered
"Huh, you an anarchist?" The Blood God asked.
"Not an anarchist, just a hero-anti I guess. I mean I could care less, they protect us in Logstedchire about the same amount as they would if they weren't here. Dosen't matter much if they're around or not," Tommy shrugged.
"Huh," The Raven said.
Mercury spoke into his mask, but there was something different in his voice than when he spoke to Tommy, “Hey Ace, can you figure out who reported us?”
The radio crackled again, “I mean I can try.”
"Well," Mercury said, "that's our cue. Bye kid"
He watched as Zephyrus took off carrying The Blood God, spiraling into the sky. Mercury used some smoke bombs on his belt to cloud the alleyway, gone by the time the smoke dissipated.
Tommy did not want to be in the alleyway. It was full of diseases and blood.
He walked through the entrance to the apartment building, disheveled and tired, and decided to think about that interaction later.
He then walked back through his apartment door, Tubbo's head popping up to look at him.
"Why didn't you come in through the fire escape?" Tubbo asked.
Shit. He needed a good lie.
"Fell off the fuckin roof again," Tommy grumbled.
Ranboo spoke, muffled by the pillow his face was squished into, "called it."
"Why is there blood on your shoes?" Tubbo questioned.
"I dunno man, there was blood in the alleyway." Tommy said.
"You're suspect."
Tommy grumbled some more.
He glamced at the clock
"I'm going to fuckin bed."
"Not until you shower," Tubbo said, "You have that interview tomorrow"
"Fuckin fine." Tommy replied.
Wilbur tapped his pencil against his notebook as he sat criss-cross in his bed.
He had sheets of paper strewn around him, trying to draft a song he had been writing for awhile, but he couldn't think.
He couldn't seem to focus on the song when every time he blinked he remembered how that kid had looked at him. Something in the kid struck Wilbur as familiar, and he looked at his Mercury mask sitting on his bedside table.
Eventually, he gave up on trying to write new lyrics, knowing it was a fruitless effort.
He walked into the kitchen, seeing the clock sitting in the corner of the kitchen.
4:13 AM
He rubbed his eyes as he grabbed a glass, jumping when he saw a looming figure enter the kitchen. Techno's pink hair looked orange in the low light that shone through the kitchen.
"Couldn't sleep?" Techno asked.
"Couldn't stop thinking about that kid," wilbur replied, filling up his glass with ice cubes.
"Reminded me of you, you know," Technoblade said.
"That's funny. He made me think of you," Wilbur replied
Tommy had not slept. He had laid in bed staring at the roof, which was so familiar by now that he thinks he could point out a new crack or stain instantly.
The room had been quiet, and Tommy's mind had made up for it, turning his interaction with the villains over in his head over and over again.
He eventually dragged himself out of bed, looking to the red numbers on the clock
4:47 AM
Tomorrow was Wednesday. Well, technically it was already Wednesday, but he didn't have to be at the interveiw till 11 AM. Shuffling around the kitchen for a moment, he sat down at the table with a mug of coffee and opened his laptop.
It was old, but it worked well enough as he tried to model some peices for printing on the 3d printer him and Tubbo had built shortly after becoming vigilantes.
He was making a new mask for Ranboo with night and thermal vision and a voice changer. He and Tubbo already had voice changers, but the pieces for thermal and night vision were too expensive for them to all have it, so he gave it to Ranboo, the least likely to break it. Tubbo shouldn't have to code this one much, so maybe if tommy could make it quickly enough Ranboo could have it by Saturday.
He worked on the rims of the goggles, making sure they were proportionate and would fit Ranboo, before sending the file off to the printer to realize.
The clock blinked.
5:34 AM.
Tommy blinked.
The carpet in the waiting room had a stain in it, Tommy noticed. The rest of the carpet was an even grey, but the stain was red-brown. Gross.
It was 10:49
He was fiddling with the spacebar on his laptop as he tried to focus back onto a new support tech item he was supposed to be designing was a dart gun that you didn’t have to reload.
His current idea, the darts were stacked into the gun like toothpicks in a toothpick holder. It could probably shoot about five times between reloads. This was unrelated to the fact that Tommy had accidentally stabbed himself with a dart in the middle of a fight and passed out six times to date. He didn’t need help reloading a dart gun. He just thought it would be cool. Yup.
He rubbed his hand over the band-aid under his chin from The Blood God’s blade. He considered the interaction. Why hadn’t the villains killed him? Why did The Blood God say his power was strong? Tommy heard footsteps and snapped his laptop shut. Someone came out of a door to his left his glasses, with odd red and blue lenses, caught on the fluorescent light. His nametag read “Jack.”
The man nodded at him, asking “You Thomas Innit?”
“Awesome, your interview is this way, follow me.”
Tommy trailed after Jack, tempted to ask about the glasses.
“Hey, why are your glasses like that?” Tommy paused, “not to be rude. Sorry.”
���Nah you’re good mate. It’s part of my power. I can vaguely see people’s emotions based on color, and the glasses help to get rid of it. It’s kind of distracting and feels like an invasion of privacy so I like having them but I don’t have to wear them,” Jack explained.
“Dude that’s fuckin’ awesome,” Tommy replied, faltering. “Am I allowed to say that here?”
“I mean I would avoid saying it in front of Bad but yeah,” Jack said.
They came up to a door and Tommy took a deep breath.
“Nervous?” Jack asked kindly.
“Fuckin’ terrified” Tommy replied with a huffed laugh.
“Well, I’ll put in a good word for you.”
“Thanks, big man.”
“Oh, I never said my word meant anything, I’m just an assistant,” Jack smiled.
“Still nice to know I’ve got at least one of you bastards on my side.”
Jack smiled again and walked away.
Tommy pushed open the door.
The first thing he noticed was not the floor-to-ceiling windows or the giant desk.
It was the man’s eyes.
They were a bright green, cold and calculating as they watched the door.
He also noticed how they widened in shock when he saw Tommy.
Tommy looked at his shirt to make sure he didn’t have something on it. He knew it wasn’t a suit or anything fancy but he tried to dress up a little and wore a collared shirt with jeans.
By the time Tommy looked up, the man had regained his composure, and the confidence on his face made Tommy wonder if he had even seen the man’s shock at all.
He walked into the room a bit further.
“Hello, Thomas,” The man spoke, with warmth in his voice as his glare softened into a more laid-back type of playfulness “Please sit. You’re here for the interview, correct?”
Tommy sat, and when he spoke, he did not drawl his words, giving them a crisp lightness, “Yes, I’m glad you could make time to meet with me.”
“My name is Philza and I will be interviewing you for a job as a Tech Department Manager," The man said.
Philza looked at Tommy and spoke, "what makes you qualified for this job, Thomas?"
"I think you can see that for yourself, Big man," Tommy said.
Philza smiled.
"Yes," he picked up Tommy's resume, "I can see you have a degree in Engineering from L'manburg Technology and Mathematics University. by the way, how old were you when you graduated high school?"
"Oh," Tommy paused, "I was fifteen."
This, Tommy knew, was a lie. He had no degree, had never finished high school.
You know, the kind of stuff that happens when you were supposed to be dead.
"Now, these are unusual circumstances because our last technology manager was killed by villains, and we currently have no one on staff that could take over the job.”
Tommy nodded to show he was listening.  Now, I’ve read over your resume, and It’s impressive, I’m not going to lie, especially for a, oh how old were you?”  
“Eighteen, nineteen in a month or so.”  
Philza smiled sharply. “Ah, yes, how could I have forgotten. So, you were emancipated at sixteen, correct?”  
Tommy nodded.
“Yes, I had a rough home life, so I applied for emancipation. I think this job could help.me get my footing.”  
“It’s not an easy process, takes some determination,” 
Philza said, ignoring Tommy’s attempt to change the subject.  
“It’s easier when It’s the only way you’ll make it to eighteen,” Tommy said with false calm, letting some of his Upper L’manburg accent slip, quickly adjusting his voice to have the definitive posh lilt.  
Philza backed down.  
“So,” Philza said, grinning, “Why this job?”  
Tommy leaned back in the chair. He could do interviews now that the questions about his past were over. “Well,” he began “I think I have a fitting skillset and could flourish in this position,” he ignored as his brain made a that’s what she said joke, “I think I could be an asset and I have been working in technology and engineering since I was sixteen. I am responsible and work well in leadership and would love to collaborate with the people here to produce new and innovative designs to improve the-” he faltered for a moment, “the capabilities and influence of heroes,” He finished.   
Boom, Perfect answer, Tommy thought to himself.
 “Huh. Okay then mate,” Philza paused, leveling his eyes to meet Tommy’s again and he felt himself pierced by the viridian gaze.   
Philza continued, “What do you think about heroes, Thomas?”   
Tommy paused.  “Well, they keep the community safe and help to stop villain attacks and are wonderful role models. If I had a better Mutation, I would want to be one, but I just aspire to represent them as much as I can in my day-to-day life,” Tommy lied, talking with his hands like the people in upper L’manburg. “I think they do a great job of showing how we can all come together to prote-”  Philza put a hand up, “Cut the shit”  Tommy balked, “I beg your pardon?”  Philza made eye contact with him
"Your accent is good," Philza said.
"Pardon?" Tommy asked.
"The accent's great, but Upper L'manburg citizens talk with their hands. Yours were in your lap the whole time."
Tommy froze.
"You can cut the shit, mate," Philza said.
“What are you suggesting?” Tommy asked, a threat veiled as politeness.  
“I think you know exactly what I’m suggesting, Thomas,” Philza said evenly, pausing, “I want to know your opinions on heroes. Say what you think not just recite some news article from Upper L’manburg to me.”  
“Well, I am entirely indebted to the heroes of L’manbur-”  
Philza set his hand down on the table, not slamming it, but hard enough to make a noise.
Tommy flinched, watching as Philza stored that information.  
“I said cut the shit.”  
Tommy laughed, letting his accent fall away. “Okay, you want to know what I think of heroes? I think that if they cared about my side of L’manburg, like Logstedchire and theFarlands half as much as they do the center district and Upper district, then L’manburg would be crime free. Instead, I have face-to-face encounters with the villains they’ve sworn as their enemies in alleyways full of blood while they’re off saving some millionaire’s watch so they can put it on the fucking news. I think if they really want vigilantes gone, they should do their goddamn job so teenagers and non-trained citizens in masks don’t have to do it for them. I think I should be able to sleep through the night in my Logstedchire apartment without being woken by fucking gunshots. I think they do it for the money and the fame and spit on anyone who dares question them. That’s what I FUCKING think.”  
Philza looked at him with something Tommy couldn’t decipher.  “We’ll call you to let you know if you got the job,” he said, no tells of any emotion in his voice.  
Fuck. Tommy had needed this job and he had gone and fucked it up.
God fucking damn it.  
Tommy passed Jack on the way out, who gave him a questioning look, and Tommy shook his head slightly.
Jack’s shoulders sagged. He gave him a sad nod and waved as Tommy left.
Tommy waved back, holding back tears. 
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clunelover · 5 months
Today I really hit a wall on Men. Specifically the male attitude of "helpful women are like virtual calendars/a substitute for remembering things."
Sequence of events:
E is in their school play, and once the date and time is up and the (free) tickets are available, I forward the email to everyone in the family. The play has two showtimes, a 10 am and 6:30 pm.
Unrelated to play, I offer to host a birthday dinner for my stepdad. I text everyone the date and time and say what I'll be cooking.
One week before bday dinner: my dad texts to ask "is the dinner thing this weekend or next weekend?"
At 4:45 on the day of the dinner: Stepdad (guest of honor) texts me "we're meeting at 5, right?" Nope, it's 6! Hey, at least he asked instead of coming an hour early??
During the dinner, the topic of the play comes up. My dad and stepdad both want a reminder of when/where it is. I try to calmly say, and then my dad says "oh I might prefer to go to the morning show time, can I do that?" [lengthy digressions about the different showtimes and the ticketing website, ultimately leading to my dad needing to see if he's actually free in the morning.]
Yesterday, I text my dad to ask if he decided on which show so I'd know whether to get him a ticket for the morning (he can't work the ticketing website). No reply. The play is on Wednesday.
Today, I take E to therapy. On the way back to school, they tell me that at the bday dinner party, my dad said "hey E, gimme a kiss" on his way out the door, and they didn't want to but didn't feel like they could say no (I didn't notice this happening in the moment). We have a big discussion about how I definitely want them to feel like they can say no, they DO NOT have to worry about hurting grandpa's feelings, I will tell grandpa that he should not say "gimme a kiss" to either of my kids and try to have my antenna up at future gatherings. I drop them off at school.
Literally as soon as I drop them off, my dad texts me back about the play - "when is it, tomorrow? I have a doctor appointment at 10."
Blood starts coming out of my ears and mouth. I'm so angry I drive into a ditch while screaming "fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou!" (...not really but that's how I feel)
I reply "the play is tomorrow. There is a 10 am show and a 6:30 pm show. I got you a ticket for 6:30. At dinner on Saturday, you said you might prefer to come to the morning show. But if you have a doctor's appointment at 10, sounds like 6:30 is the best bet. Hope to see you there!"
He replies, "Don't get mad, but where is it? At the school? What's the name of the school?" [he's definitely managed to show up at this school once or twice before. BUT no, the play is not at the school cause there's not enough room there. It's at a church and all that info is in the email I forwarded everyone]
[blackness and tv static noise]
I finally get settled in to my work computer. The first thing I see is a message from my middle aged man coworker saying "hey when you get in can you tell me again how to do a merge request? I'm trying to make myself a checklist so I stop getting it wrong" (a document on this process already exists, as well as two different video recordings, one of which is actually a video of me training THIS VERY GUY. Oh and by the way, there's one other person on my team who knows the procedure inside and out...a male person...but somehow the messages asking for help are sent ONLY TO ME?!?!)
I'm seriously going to lose my fucking mind. I mean the #1 priority is tackling the bodily autonomy stuff for my kid's safety. As for the rest of it, the answer is probably to stop answering these messages and see what happens, but I fear that will lead to worse things (panicked day-of calls that will cause me more stress than a text...or in the case of my stepdad's party, him just being there an hour early to piss me off and get underfoot, and okay maybe you say "that's fine, put him to work!" but in case this post doesn't make clear, these men will find a way to make a simple delegated chore into my problem too.)
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 4 months
In a Heartbeat - Chapter 38 - Part 3
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*Warning - Adult Content*
"Does Aspen know you're here?" Vince asked, almost immediately as I stepped in the room carrying my duffel.
He was on his laptop on the couch, the television playing something softly in the background.
"Um," I placed my bag down before scratching my head.
He blinked, before shaking his head and continuing to type.
Maybe it was the serotonin from being with Sally and Helen earlier or from my discussion with Lucas, but I was feeling bolder than normal.
Normally, I'd sit the furthest possible seat from Vince but I decided to sit in the middle, within arm's reach from him as he continued to work on his computer.
I could tell he was anxious, glancing out of the corner of his eyes, pausing his typing to turn towards me.
"Seriously?" he scoffed.
I frowned, noticing the same tense feelings he was feeling from the other day still present.
"What're you doing here?"
"I can't be here?"
He shook his head again before jabbing his thumb at the bed.
"If you're tired, sleep there. I'll sleep on the couch."
"I'm not tired," I told him.
"I wanted to talk."
"Talk?" he scoffed again.
He rubbed his temple before turning to look at me.
I nodded, before asking.
"What are you doing?"
"Work," he responded curtly.
He didn't elaborate, only continued to stare at his emails on the screen.
I hummed, letting the silence grow again before I decided to lay down.
Grabbing the pillow, I placed it next to Vince, resting my head a mere few inches from his leg.
He tensed but surprisingly didn't move, just continued to type on his computer and for a second, it reminded me of sitting next to Sam while he worked.
We'd be silent for an hour, then talking for hours like it was nothing.
The silence was never awkward around him, no, it was more the opposite.
It was inviting, soothing.
With Vince, it was painful to watch.
Watching Vince type made me wonder what it'd be like if he placed his hand on my head like Sam, rubbing soothing patterns through my hair like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Would it ever be like that between us?
I wanted to slap myself for getting carried away, trying to imagine something so implausible.
A couple of minutes passed in silence before he asked...
"Are we not going to talk about what happened?"
"Why should we talk about it?"
"You wanted to talk," he said incredulously, pressing the bridge of his nose.
"Besides, Aspen is not going to be happy if it happens again."
"He's harmless," I brushed off.
"He looked ready to murder me that morning."
I waved my hands.
"No, he wouldn't."
He looked down at me like it was a blatant lie.
"Seriously," I told him.
"He means well and I already told him it was just a dream."
"It didn't seem like just a dream," he replied.
"Most people don't scream when they wake up from one."
"Nightmare, then," I corrected, a recurring one, I wanted to add.
He sighed, before shutting the laptop closed and that when I remembered the wound I made.
"How's your arm?"
He raised a brow, before looking at his upper arm.
"It's mostly healed. It didn't hurt."
I pouted, poking at the arm.
"Liar. I could feel it. You were hurting that morning too."
He blinked, before looking at the television screen.
He didn't say anything and it made me wonder.
"Did I hurt you somewhere else?"
He shook his head, sighing loudly before responding.
"I had a dream that night too. Nightmare. I guess I was still shaken up about it."
"Oh," I drawled.
"What about?"
I didn't expect him to elaborate, especially when he refused to look at me again, zoning out at a corner of the room and in a soft tone, he replied.
"You," he repeated.
"Sixteen years ago. That memory."
"Oh," I said softly.
"I had the same dream."
I looked up at him, his hands were starting to shake again.
"How so?" I prompted.
"My family... they were there, all of them," he explained, shaking his head.
He nodded and I could feel a surge of emotions emitting from him like he was seeing it replay in his head.
"Yours too. But..."
"But what?"
He took a deep breath in and exhaled heavily before turning to look down at me.
"You asked me to kill you."
I bit my lip, thinking about all the times I had wondered the same thing.
Was he simply scared like Lucas mentioned?
But even so, it didn't explain why he did everything else.
With my family or kicking me out.
None of it made any sense but I wanted it to, I wanted it to make sense, so I can understand why I went through what I did. I deserved to know.
So I looked him dead in the eye, narrowing the, before asking him...
"Why didn't you?"
A strange emotion flashed on his face before he blinked.
"Why didn't you?" I repeated.
"Why kill them and not me too? Why not kill me instead, if you hated me that much? You should've just killed me with them."
"I," he faltered.
"I couldn't let that happen."
My jaw clenched, getting annoyed by the second.
I sat up to look at him harshly.
"What are you talking about?"
He shook his head.
"I couldn't let you die."
"Why not?"
"I just couldn't," he exasperated.
"I didn't want..."
"No," I shoved at his chest.
"Why? Why do those things? Why not just reject me or just kick me out. What did my family possibly do..."
"I don't know," he cried out, a pained expression plastered on his face, but it only made me angrier.
I was the one in pain, not him.
He didn't get to feel hurt by this.
"I just don't."
"You do know!.You're the only one that knows why," I shouted, feeling the tightness in my chest build but I continued to pummel at his chest, the tears starting again.
"Why would you do that? Why?"
"I can't."
He balled his fists, gritting his teeth.
"I can't explain."
"I need to know why, Vince," I tried to glare at him through the tears.
"What did I do to make this all happen?"
"It's complicated," he said.
"Then uncomplicate it, you bastard," I cried, slamming my fist on his chest harder.
"Why Vince? Why?"
He took the punches, even though I was sure it would hurt later but the emotions were too strong for me to stop.
Years of not knowing anything, feeling lost and guilty really took a toll on me and now he refused to tell me why.
It wasn't fair and I needed him to know that.
"I can't," I heard him say over my muffled cries taking in all my punches until I finally stopped, as I let out earth-shattering sobs into his chest.
"I just can't."
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seungsuki · 7 months
money - convincing sae to buy you something is like winning a lottery (gn!reader)
warning: none
note: this was so random but i just imagined sae being a rich guy
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“mi amor… just what am i even looking at?”
to say that sae was confused was an understatement. oh boy, he was beyond confused here. he came home from practice like every normal tuesday. tired, he just wanted some dinner and watched the soccer highlights but you had other plans. 
you grabbed the tired boy and pushed him on the couch. telling him to sit tight, you ran into your room and came back with your computer. hooking it up with some cables, you connected it to the tv. before sae could even ask, you pulled up a presentation
“i made this and it’s very important! you better listen carefully or else!”, you threatened and gave him a smile
he shrugged since he was used to you being weird and doing questionable things already. making himself comfortable, he read the title of the so-called ‘important presentation’ you made 
“why you should buy me tickets to watch lesserafim… have i heard that name before?”, sae asked carefully to not make you upset 
“you don’t know lesserafim?? i’ve been talking- you know what it doesn’t matter. just hear my reasoning”, you grumbled and moved on to the slide 
“you remember when you told me i could get anything i wanted for my birthday”, you asked
“yeah i remember”, sae cautiously agreed 
“so i decided that i want lesserafim tickets for my birthday! as a broke university student, it is difficult for me to afford it”, you read off your slides 
“i just don’t see where this is my problem? this lesserafim thing is something you like so i don’t see why i have to buy tickets. that’s not counted as a birthday gift”, sae replied 
you facepalmed yourself as you stared at the pro player, who only shrugged his shoulders. it was gonna be difficult but were you going to quit? nope 
“you’re rich! where are you even gonna use this money?? it’s not even that expensive. the tickets are only around $2000 without the commission fees and stuff”, you argued 
“only $2000? mi amor that’s a literal scam. you’re just gonna watch some girls sing and dance so you could literally watch it at home for free!”, sae said 
well… he technically did have a fair point. you could watch it from home. keyword: could. you agreed that prices were crazy high but the experience and feeling of being there with the crowd live was something no money could replace. you looked at sae in a pleading way to hopefully change his mind. the soccer player sighed before reaching out for his wallet in his pocket 
“just this once i’ll buy you some lukewarm concert tickets. gosh, $2000 for just a performance that you’ll forget someday? why not just get a nice necklace or ring”, sae sighed in defeat 
you celebrated your victory as sae handed you his card to make your purchase. you quickly gave him a hug and constantly thanked him before giving him a kiss on the cheek. then you ran to your computer and began the booking process 
you were too engrossed to see the way how sae placed his hand on the same spot you kissed. a small trace of blush spread over his cheeks as he coughed to cover any embarrassment. watching you get this excited made every minute worth it.
he didn’t care how much money you asked. heck, you could even run your dream cat cafe if you wanted to with his money. he’d give up all his money just to see you smile- though he would never admit it and act all grumpy about it 
“i hope you made dinner or else i’ll take my card back”
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© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator
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takecareluv · 2 years
jack gives the reader a head massage and she ends up falling asleep 🤣🤣🤣 i’ve had those before and they just feel so good and a great way to relax.
a.n. i’ve never experienced this in my life but it sounds so amazing and relaxing. i’m jealous 😭
relax, baby || jack harlow x reader
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it had only been a couple weeks into your fall semester and you already felt yourself falling behind. you found yourself waking up earlier each morning just to get a few extra minutes at the library, as well as staying up later than usual, shuffling through your never ending list of assignments and attempting to catch up on your readings.
you were beyond stressed to say the least and jack took immediate notice of this.
he hated seeing you get like this, especially with how much he knew you already struggled with your mental health. every semester for the last three years he watched as you shut yourself out from everyone, spending ever waking hour studying and prioritizing receiving an A mark in every class over taking care of yourself. he knew how stubborn you could be, but this semester he wasn’t going down without a fight. he was going to get you to step away from that mountain of textbooks sitting on your desk and finally have you relax.
* ࣪. ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪ ♡ ࣪.* ࣪ ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.*
it was approaching midnight and you were on your fifth consecutive hour of studying.
jack watched as you tiredly typed away on your computer, trying to finish a paper for your psych class before the sun came up. 
he decided then that you needed a break, walking over to were you sat hunched over a book that probably weighed ten pounds. he threw the book aside, swiftly lifting you into his arms.
you let out a squeal from suddenly being picked up and thrown over your boyfriend’s shoulder. “jackman, what are you doing? put me down! i need to finish my paper!”
“nope,” he simply replied. “you need to take a break, baby. you’re working yourself too hard.”
“i promise i’ll take a break once i’m done but i need to finish this.” you tried to counter, but jack was as stubborn as you were and he wasn’t taking no for an answer.
“the paper will still be there in the morning, after you’ve relaxed and had a good nights sleep. and i’m sure you’ll be much happier with what you write after you’re well rested, bub. you need to get some rest, please baby, for me.” jack was almost begging at this point. he hadn’t seen that usual glimmer in your eyes in days, let alone that smile that never failed to light up the room. he missed it, and he missed you.
you accepted defeat as jack continued to carefully carry you into the bathroom that was connected to your shared bedroom.
he softly set you down on the counter before he walked towards the tub, starting a bath for you. you watched with love in your eyes as jack moved around the room, grabbing your favorite bubble bath, that was only to be used on special occasions, along with a fresh, warm towel straight out of the dryer. he was always so good to you and you absolutely adored him for it.
once the bath was filled enough, he helped you undress before assisting you into the warm water.
he turned to walk away once you were settled in, but you quickly grabbed ahold of his wrist asking him to stay.
“of course, baby. i’ll be right back. just going to throw a sweatshirt in the dryer for you so it’s warm when you come out.”
he exited the room and returned only a few minutes later, although it felt like much longer to you, with one of your favorite scented candles in his hand to light. you smiled to yourself, his sweetness was never ending and you couldn’t help but fall more in love with every small, caring gesture he made.
you didn’t realize you had been staring as he stripped and joined you in the tub. “like what you see, baby.” jack teased with a smirk on his face that caused you to blush.
“you know i do,” you admitted quietly, the warmth rising to your cheeks.
* ࣪. ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪ ♡ ࣪.* ࣪ ⋆ ✧ ゚: * ♡ * : ゚✧ ⋆ ࣪.*
you stayed in the bath with jack resting behind you, and your bodies intertwined until the water became too cold to find relaxing any longer.
jack got out first, quickly drying himself off before holding out a hand to help you get out of the bath. once you were out, he wrapped you up in a towel and guided you to sit back on the counter so he could help you complete your nighttime routine.
he situated himself between your legs, grabbing your toothbrush from behind you, wetting it before putting a line of toothpaste on it and, of course, wetting it again. he helped you brush your teeth, and even held your hair back so you could spit into the sink when he was finished.
he then pulled out your face wash and night cream, softly applying them to your skin, all before placing a quick peck to your lips. “beautiful, baby.”
once he was finished with that, he picked you up, carrying you back into the bedroom, slipping one of his old hoodies over you head that was extra cozy, having been fresh out of the dryer.
you cuddled up close to him, throwing you leg over his and wrapping your arm around his waist. his hand found it’s way to your head, giving you a scalp massage that had your eyes rolling to the back of you head. you didn’t realize how much you needed this relaxation until now.
jack continued to give you a head massage until you breathing stilled and he heard faint snores, the most adorable snores might he add, falling from your lips.
he smiled to himself in victory that he finally got you to rest.
he placed a gentle kiss to your forehead, whispering a faint, “good night, baby. i love you,” before falling asleep himself.
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eddiesfairy · 2 years
Hii! i was wondering if I could get a 🐈‍⬛ with robin buckley, and the prompt “yeah, okay, so what if i dreamt about kissing you? don’t we all do that to our best friends? …no? what do you mean no?” tysm!!
best friends don’t do that — Robin Buckley x Reader
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You’re supposed to be hanging out with Robin at Family Video today. That was the plan. She told you she had to work today so she’d only be able to go to your house after work, so you decided to go to her instead. She has also made it clear that she cares about you a lot. You consider her your best friend and vice versa. You open the door to Family Video and take in your surroundings. Steve’s packing out films on the shelves and Robin types on the computer, helping a customer with their rental.
Steve is the first to take notice of your presence and waves you over, “Hey there stranger! I wondered when I would be seeing you again.” he says as he greets you. “Steve! My favorite hair icon. I’ve missed you too, it’s been way too long”, you smile kindly at him before you’re making your way to Robin who’s just finished typing into the computer looks up and her face lights up when she sees you standing in front of her. “Y/n! Hi! You’re here!” she’s rambling on about an embarrassing situation that happened and Steve joins you both at the counter, glancing at you before interrupting Robin, “Listen, Robin, I’m sure y/n would want to hear all about that, but can you please hand me the stack of films on your left?” he pleads and Robin smiles evilly before shaking her head, “Nope. Sorry dingus” moving the films away from Steve and closed to her.
Steve raises a brow warningly and sighs. “So I can tell y/n about the dream you had about her?” He says and your eyes almost bulge out of your head. A dream? About you? What could it possibly be about? You look at Robin, expecting her to be red and flustered but she has a calm expression on her face. “What dream? I’ve told you about a lot I had.” She replies and you look at Steve, waiting for an explanation.
Steve rolls his eyes, “The one where you were kissing her. Getting all cozy and lovey-dovey with her.” Steve says and your ears feel hot. She dreams about kissing you.
Robin shrugs and looks towards you, “Oh yeah, okay, so what if I dreamt about kissing her? Don’t we all do that to our best friends?” Robin asks and you almost choke. Steve laughs at your expression and looks at Robin, “No. . .”
Robin’s face goes white as a ghost and her tone is much softer, “What do you mean no? People don’t dream about kissing their best friends?” you shake your head, “Are you sure?” she asks and you clear your throat to speak up. “People don’t usually dream of kissing their best friends. That’s more of a relationship thing,” you say and Robin’s eyes go wide.
Before Robin can start overthinking, you grab her hand and squeeze, “If it makes you feel any better Robs, I dream about kissing you too.” you say and you feel your face grow hot for the nth time today.
Robin’s eyes sparkle at your confession and Steve takes that as his cue to leave, shaking his head and smiling like a proud mom before taking the films that Robin hid from him and packing them on the shelves on the other side of the store.
Robin squeezes your hand with her free one and smiles at you shyly, “So when I finally get off of work, can we share exactly what we dreamt of?” she asks and you smirk, kissing her on the cheek.
“Sure, I can’t wait.”
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illfoandillfie · 2 years
How about “Actually I just miss you” (from the 5 word prompts) with pedro?
oooo cute okay! kinda did something i dont normally do with this one and flipped back and forth between reader and pedro so hopefully it works skfjksjfksdjs also she a fluffy one
Pedro’s eyes were tired and he had to squint at his too bright screen as he typed, the fluffy comfort of his hotel suite bed beckoned to him. But he couldn’t sleep until he was sure you knew he was safely back on the ground. Of course you’d be asleep now anyway and wouldn’t see his messages until the morning but now that he’d had the idea to message you he couldn’t let it go. If he’d had his way he would have made a stop back home for a night or two just to see you. He’d tried to fit it into the itinerary but between two different production studios requiring his presence, the timing hadn’t worked it. It never did. **
You had to rub your eyes a few times before you could properly read the messages displayed on your phone. They’d come in while you were asleep and you were not yet ready to get out of the comfort of you bed so lay there, body twisted awkwardly, groggily attempting to read them while the phone remained plugged into the charger. As your brain slowly woke up you realised they were from Pedro (and that your phone was completely charged and could be unplugged.) The first had come in around one in the morning.
Pedro: Heading to the airport. SXSW was incredible, wish I was heading to you but still needed in Canada.  Talk soon! 🛫
The second had been sent a few hours later
Pedro: So tired 😴 Flight landed fine, on my way to hotel. I know you’re alseep right now (like I want to be 😆) but I hope tomorrow’s a good one for you. ✌
You chuckled as you read them and sent off a quick reply telling him to sleep in or at least drink an extra coffee, and wishing him luck with the filming. It was sweet that he’d thought to tell you he arrived safely but you’d long given up hope that his considerate actions were a symbol of affection deeper than friendship. He was a considerate and sweet guy. So you pushed the disappointment about not seeing him aside and set about your day.
The next day, sometime around mid-morning, you heard your phone ringing and dug it out from under the work that had piled up on your desk. Your employer had decided to keep everyone working from home which was nice, though without Pedro around you were fast losing touch with the outside world. He’d always known when you needed to escape the confines of your place for even just a fifteen minute walk. So when you looked at the number flashing on your screen you thought maybe he’d sensed your growing frustration. “Hi Y/N,” he said as you answered, a smile clear in his voice, “Have I caught you at a bad time?” “Nope. Perfect timing. I was about to make a fresh coffee. I cannot look at my computer for another minute.” His chuckle crackled down the line as he pictured you leaning against your kitchen bench to talk as the coffee machine spluttered away. “How’s filming?” “Uh yeah, fine.” he said, pulled from his reverie, “They’re setting up the next scene now. I just wanted to ask you something quickly.” “Oh, yeah, what is it?” “Umm, well, d-, I was wondering if yo-” he paused for a second and then said all in a rush, “I think I left my headphones at your place, I just wondered if you’d seen them.” “Oh. That’s what you called me to ask? Pedro, you haven’t been here in like a month.” “I know, I meant to ask earlier but um...” he tapped his phone against his forehead, annoyed at himself, and let out a sigh before continuing, “Y’know, don’t worry about it. They were just my backup set, I can buy new ones. Anyway, they’re calling me I’ve got to go, bye!” You barely got your farewell said before Pedro hung up in your ear, leaving you more than a little bewildered.
The next day brought an equally baffling call from Pedro. You were on your lunch break when the phone rang and you barely looked up from your book to answer it, surprised when you once more heard his unmistakable voice. “Pedro?” “Yeah, hi,” “Long time no...chat.” You cringed at how awkward you sounded. “I know,” Pedro said with a airy laugh, “Quick question.” “I haven’t seen your headphones, if that’s what you were wondering.” “No, no, I wanted to ask...what was the name of that show you recommended?” the phone dug uncomfortably into the space between his thumb and forefinger as his grip tightened and he fought the urge to throw it across the room, “I’ve got some downtime and needed something new to watch.” You had to think for a minute, completely thrown by the question, before you could remember what you’d recommended to him before. “You know, you could have just texted me that.” “Yeah, I probably should have. Sorry for interrupting.” “No, it’s fine. Just a bit weird.” “Mmm, well, I should let you get back to work. Have a good day.” Once more Pedro seemed in a rush to hang up on you and you felt more confused than ever.
Three days in a row you received an unexpected call from Pedro and by the third you were a little annoyed. The man seemed so eager to stop talking you wondered why he’d bothered to call in the first place. And each time you picked up he asked you an inane question of absolutely no importance as if he were trying to waste your time or get your hopes up. So, when you got that third call you were already halfway to being pissed off as you picked up. “Pedro, really? What is it this time? Did you leave some useless object at my place? A travel mug maybe? Or is it that you need another tv show to watch and forgot how to text?” Pedro swallowed thickly as you ranted and blurted out the first excuse that came to mind, “I have a package being delivered and I forgot to reroute it so I was hoping you could pick it up for me.” “Oh.” You felt suddenly embarrassed about everything you’d said, “Yeah of course I can do that.” Pedro kicked himself for yet another terrible lie, he was getting no better at it despite how frequently he was doing it. Of course this was the worst one yet since there was no package en route. He held his breath for a count of three and slowly released it. “Actually...” The pause seemed to last much longer than it should and, already feeling guilty for getting snappy, you worried that Pedro was about to decide he hated it. “Actually, truth is there’s no parcel. I just miss you.” “Y-you miss me?” You were more confused than ever. “Yeah. A lot. I was going to ask you out when I got back home. On a date.” You felt your cheeks heat up and your heart began to pound at double speed, “I’d like that. I’ve missed you too.” For a moment Pedro couldn’t speak, his smile taking up too many muscles, “Okay then. That, uhh, that’s good. So when I get back.” “Maybe I could fly up to you one weekend instead.” “You could do that?” “As long as you promise to stop hanging up one me so fast.” Pedro laughed, he deserved your teasing, “Deal.”
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