#I Think It's Her Way Of Saying Anything's Possible
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lunarxcity · 2 days ago
Why you? (Part IV to Why me?)
azriel x rhys' sister! reader
angst/eventual comfort (Now Azriel is in his healing era, don't worry he does suffer in this chapter so prepare for the azriel angst. You can't be in a healthy relationship when you are mentally at your worst and lashing out at everyone around you and Azriel is learning this the hard way.)
Summary: When you walk in on Azriel and Elain the mating bond snaps leading you to flee to Autumn with Eris so you can be free of Azriel. Your absence causes Azriel to come to some drastic realisations, but is it already too late and has your time in Autumn led to you moving on?
Parts I, II, and III if you missed them!
They say that misery breeds loneliness, or was it misery likes company, either way Azriel couldn't remember how it went but he knew he felt miserable and alone.
You were gone and Rhys had banned him from seeing Elain, even though it didn't matter. He couldn't even look at her without feeling crushing guilt. Guilt for considering killing your friend for the sole reason of him wanting to fight for his mate, which any honorable fae male would have done. Guilt for possibly driving you out from the Night Court. Guilt for dragging Elain into this and then ignoring her.
To say that Azriel has been a mess would be an understatement. After needing to sleep in your bed to calm himself down the night you left, he hasn't had a decent night's sleep. At this point, his dark circles had dark circles, he hadn't shaved, and he has basically been on autopilot for the past 3 months.
Him and Rhys hadn't been on good terms for the first month, but he came around and apologised for the way he spoke to him. They were civil, but Azriel didn't know how he could be close with him again after what he said. If you were there you would have played the peacekeeper, telling him what to say and scolding Rhys for his lack of sensitivity. He thinks about you more than he would care to admit, which is saying something because he's been admitting it a lot lately.
The first 2 weeks were so rough for Azriel that he threw himself into his work, not talking to anyone and even missing his training which he can't recall having ever done. He walked into the training ring and first thing Cassian did when he saw him for the first time since the night you left was laugh and say, "Oh brother, you look a bit rough for wear. You have obviously had better days."
Azriel didn't say anything. His face was set in the same straight-faced look that he had been wearing every day. He just walked up to Cassian and began fighting him. You would think that missing 2 weeks of training out of the hundreds of years wouldn't make a difference, but he had lost every single sparring match between him and Cassian. You would have loved to see it, you probably would have been on the sidelines laughing saying that Azriel needed to be humbled with his snowball fight record. His thoughts strayed to you and he was immediately snapped out of it by Cassian landing a blow on his right jaw sending Azriel to the ground."
"You seem distracted brother. I am always here if you want to talk." He holds his hand out as a truce, but Azriel doesn't take it. He was upset and in pain and feeling a flurry of emotions that he didn't know how to deal with. He picked himself up and told Cassian, "I appreciate it brother, but I don't need you or Nesta or Rhys trying to fix me." Granted he realised he was being a bit dramatic, but his adrenaline was high and didn't know how to deal with what he was feeling, let alone what he was feeling.
Azriel turns his back on Cassian, beginning to storm off from the training ring. "You think she would want you to suffer in Silence? To keep hurting everyone else because you're trying to outrun your problems? " Azriel stilled. "If she cared enough, she wouldn't have left. Why should I care about myself when she is so repulsed by me that she would prefer an enemy of the Night Court's company over mine?" His voice was ice that sending shivers down Cassians spine, this was the feared Spymaster of the Night Court speaking, not his brother.
"For someone who's job it is to collect information, you truly do not know anything." Cassian shook his head and took off into the sky before Azriel could say anything.
Great now that's two of his brother's that he's not on great terms with. Things with Cassian continued to be tense and since he was also on Rocky grounds with Rhys, things had become a bit awkward with Feyre and Nesta. Yes they were polite and would invite him to things and he would still have his weekly coffee with Nesta, but things were a lot more tense since they couldn't even bring up their mates.
No one in the inner circle would bring you up, not to Azriel at least. He knew they talked about you and Azriel, both in friendly hangouts he wasn't invited to and the family dinners that he had been dodging. He knew that they probably had a lot to say when the insomnia had gotten so bad that he needed to take residence in your room. He doesn't know the exact details because the shadows have been withholding information from him too. Just what he needed another person who had an issue with him, this one actually being part of him.
At this point he was on the best terms with Amren which actually started an unlikely friendship. He must have looked so pathetic for Amren to invite him over for tea. It started with talks of the prison, which then led to the inner circle, which then led to inner workings of the Night Court. Tea with Amren became a normal ordeal, she didn't treat him differently and was the same blunt Amren she's always been. It was a good distraction.
He wore the gloves you had gifted him regularly, even if his hands weren't bothering him, he liked the sense of comfort he felt when he wore them. He still felt a mix of emotions when he thinks about your departure, he's angry with you for leaving him here like this, sad because he feels like you have given up on him, and most of all feeling like he's an idiot because all he wants is for you to come home. To come back to him.
Rhys had assigned him on his first mission, a recon mission in the Dawn Court. Azriel had begged to go to the Autumn Court, to at least check on you and make sure you're okay, but Rhys immediately shut him down every time. It's a two week long mission and he was ready to go. The blade you gave him for Solstice had been left in your desk, since Azriel moved to your room. It was too special to him to risk damaging it, so he left it there but he feels like he wouldn't be doing your gift justice if he didn't wear it on his mission.
At this point it had been about 6 weeks without you. He took the blade from the sheath you had also had made for him and inspected it. The silver metal shone in the sunlight, and the blade was the thinnest and sharpest he had ever seen. Outside the silver edge of the blade there was a clear outlining that went all the way around the edges of the blade. He assumed this was the blood bind, so Azriel took the blade and sliced his left hand. The blood weld and the blade absorbed it, the clear lining turned red with blood and once it had decided that was enough blood spilled to activate the blood bond, the red turned into a shimmering black.
Azriel admired and then sheathed the blade. He turned and looked at himself in the mirror and almost jumped at the sight. He truly did look terrible, the beauty of the blade you had crafted for him a contrast over his current ragged state. Your blade. That you had made for him.
Azriel knew he hadn't been the greatest friend lately. He skipped the things you guys would usually do to try and get to know Elain better, his reasoning being you guys have already spent so much time together and would have so much more. He wishes he could go back in time and deck himself for even thinking that. He misses your coffee runs. He misses pranking Rhys with you. He misses laughing with you at Cassian being well Cassian. He misses your laugh.
He doesn't even need you there, he would take whatever small part of you he can and would happily thank the Mother for even allowing him that small respite. He's coming to realise that in the midst of his cruel and miserable existence, you had been the one ray of light in his life and that when the Mother decides that it's his time and he's nothing more than stardust scattered across the universe or the Mother decides to take her revenge for the sins he's committed in this life that it's the sound of your laugh that would carry him away. If the Mother was good she would allow him the luxury of scattering you with him, but ashes are plentiful and he only needs a single ember.
In the silence of your room, haunted by the ghost of your absence Azriel breaks. Tears stream down his face for the second time in this very spot and realizes that something needs to change, that he needs to change.
When Azriel returns from his mission, he knocks on Cassian's door. Cassian opens the door, his face is straight and devoid of his usual smile. "Are you finally ready to talk or am I going to have to kick your ass again and watch you storm off and brood some more." Azriel begins to feel shy, it is not a feeling that is common to him nor one he likes. This was already very hard for him, but he also forgot that Cassian was Cassian and he wouldn't allow him to walk in like nothing happened. Azriel knods and looks at Cassian with determination in his eyes, "I'm ready." Cassian matches his seriousness and then breaks down in laughter and brings Azriel into a bone-crushing hug. "I'VE MISSED YOU BROTHER." Azriel normally would have tried to get out of it, but he needed this.
Azriel sat down and told Cassian his problems. All of them. They started mid-day and didn't end until passed out after sunrise. He told him about feeling worthless and left out. He told him about you and how he doesn't know what he did or how to fix it but does know he's going insane like this. He talked about Rhys and how that whole situation had really affected him, Cassian had no idea and was so upset that he left for an hour or two and came back bloodied. 15 minutes later Nesta came in and brought him bandages and ice while telling him good job for putting Rhys in his place.
This became regular for Azriel. Him and Cassian would talk out all his problems one by one and he would actually try to do something to fix them. Cassian talked with Madja, and Azriel was now seeing her regularly as she claimed that "illnesses of the mind must be given the same level of attention as illnesses of the body." He started showing up to family dinners again. He apologised to Elain and told her that he couldn't go on with what they were doing because he wasn't in a place for anything right now and could barely deal with himself. She understood and was happy he was finally getting the help he needed. He told her not to wait for him and that it would be better for them to remain friends and she agreed.
Azriel began doing things for himself. He went to your guys' favourite bakery on the regular. He started reading all the books you had left on your shelf. He even started playing piano again, a hobby he had long forgotten, but only remembered because found his old compositions stuffed in a book on your shelf. He had no clue how you got them, he thought they were all thrown away, but nonetheless he was glad to have them.
Things were looking up for Azriel. The only thing bothering him was that he still didn't have you here or know why you left. No one would tell him anything and they would all shut down around him when you were brought up. Conversations would quiet, and topics would be changed. This confirmed the suspicion he had from the beginning, the reason you left was directly concerned with him.
While he was getting better, Azriel did have his ups and downs. His biggest down was the realisation that you had been writing to every single person except for him and Elain. The shadows had finally decided to start talking to him again and the first thing they had told him is that they caught your scent in the house. He flew like a madman from the other side of Velaris, getting there in record time. He searched for your scent, desperate to see you, when he found a handful of envelopes, all with your name and scrawl. The ink was a dark red and the lines were too thin to be from any of your writing tools. You must be using Eris' then.
This bothered Azriel so much he almost forgot the reason why he was holding these letters. He looked at who they were addressed to and saw every single Inner Circle member had received a letter but him and Elain. He put the letters back on the desk and waited to see if anyone would bring them up. Nothing. His shadows began to update him of their arrivals. You had been regularly corresponding with them and not him. Azriel was crushed.
Nevertheless, he continued with his routine. He saw Madja regularly, became close with his family again, and began to actually do things for himself. The process was difficult and so incredibly hard, especially for someone who had been bottling things up for as long as he had.
He's even been visiting his estate lately to see his mother, as she lives on his property. He avoids her when he isn't doing well, she's been exposed to many cruelties over the span of her long life she doesn't need to deal with more. Talking with his mother has really helped. Her warm smile could brighten any day. He's missed her lately. He has a bad habit of putting the ones that he cares the most about on the back burner, but he's working on it.
It's been 3 months since you left and Azriel is finally feeling better. He was at his weekly session with Madja. It was going really well actually, well it was going really well until she causally says, "And how do you feel about a certain princess' return to the Night Court?" She asked almost sounding like a child teasing their friend in front of their crush. Azriel didn't even pick up on it. His shadows stilled and his eyes went wide. You were coming back? Back to the Night Court? Back to him?
Madja looks at him confused. She tilts her head, "You didn't know?" He shakes his head no. He lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and goes, "No I had no idea. I'm still the only one she hasn't spoken to." His tone bitter, but he caught himself and asked, "When is she getting back?" He hopes she'll just forget about his mini outburst just a second ago.
Madja looks surprised and Azriel is even more surprised at her confusion. She has sat here for the past few weeks hearing about him complain about your lack of communication with him, shouldn't she know that he knows nothing of this?
Madja goes, "You do know you have little shadow spies that listen in to all of your conversations?" Good to see that age hasn't dulled her sense of humour. How did he forget about that? Azriel shakes his head and goes,"Fair enough Madja."
She gives him a pitying look and sighs, "She'll come back. As far as your relationship goes, I would recommend talking it out in person. You both obviously have a lot on your minds, your relationship won't be able to move progress until you address this." Madja leans forward, like she's about to tell him a secret. "Now knowing both of you for so long, I can assure you that you guys will be fine. You're fond of each other and your biggest fear is losing each other, it's going to take a lot more than this to ruin you relationship."
Azriel looks at her agape. While this was fairly common knowledge, no one had actually sat him down and told him this. He assumed that you guys were fond of each other in the way he was fond of each of the inner circle members. Now that the dynamics of the inner circle shifted, they were all pairing up and finding their person. While you had always been close to Rhys, Azriel was the one you had usually ended up pairing up with in the end. Azriel had never come to this realisation, his entire life, he had been yearning for someone to pick him, only to drive away the one person who did.
Madja looks at him and he swears she can read his mind. She shakes her head and starts, "You were ready to die for her Azriel, when she was going to be clipped. You put yourself under the mercy of the old high lord for hundreds of years to ensure her safety and you're going to let your relationship fall apart because of what? A misunderstanding?"
Azriel stills, the conversation had escalated very quickly, leaving him speechless. He can't jump to conclusions before he even knew your side. He would talk to you and everything would be okay. It was just one big misunderstanding. It had to be.
He takes a deep breath and revels in his new found peace and clarity. The Azriel of a weeks ago would have angrily stormed off, lashing out at whatever unfortunate victim would check on him to make sure he's okay, but he's getting better now. He isn't anywhere near perfect, he is the same Azriel, but he hopes that when you get back he will be someone that is deserving to have you in their life without taking you for granted.
He takes a deep breath in and out. "Okay. When is the soonest I can speak with her?"
note: Azriel self-help arc time! Yes he did suffer for a bit and yes he will suffer a lot more so don't you worry, but I do think he deserves a little respite. He's coming to his senses... slowly. Thank you all for the support on this series I know we've hit a bit of a slow point in the storyline but there will be the reunion in the next episode which will be explosive one way or another so keep an eye out for that. Until next time loves!
note note: I probably will stop putting out chapters at this speed because I want to actually be able to edit them and the next parts are really important to the story and I do want to get it right :)
taglist: @alimarie1105 @chaosabroad @bbontenswhhore @tele86 @ashblooddragons @circe143 @i-am-infinite @princesssunderworld @thestartitaness @tiffany-xx @cpfantasybooks @lucia-valentinaa @jennigsonl @ivy-34 @firefly-forest @k-homosapien @coeurdeveea @cherryjain17 @bckynatt @becstersworld @rcarbo1 @gojospearlycim @atluky
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brenwritesss · 1 day ago
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝'𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑
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⋆˚࿔Paige Bueckers x reader ❀˖°
Summary: You were done with Paige, but she keeps pulling you back in.
Warnings: smut
a/n: long-awaited part 3 is officially here. so sorry about that long wait
part 1 | part 2
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paigebueckers started following you.
paigebueckers sent you a message.
I shouldn’t have said that.
The time of the message read 3:05 AM and even though it had been a restless few nights for you after the catastrophe at the bar, you tried your best to forget Paige’s existence and move on. But of course, Paige couldn’t help herself and she had to find any possible way to weave herself back into your life. And it started with her unblocking and messaging you to reel you back in.
You keep the message open, seeing that she’s active but close out of it when you decide that she’s not worth trying to get back. Out of sight out of mind right?
So you left her on read, a closing to that part of your life that you wanted to so desperately crawl back to but you couldn’t do that to yourself. Again. 
And that was how it started. These little things that Paige would do to reel you in and you wondered how she felt when she realized it wasn’t working. First it was the Instagram message, then it was hanging out with you and Azzi; although that didn’t last long when you would just leave, leaving Paige to deal with Azzi’s questions. Then she started “coincidentally” walking past your communications class when you would be leaving. Then it was liking your Instagram posts. 
She was trying to get to you and you weren’t going to let that happen again, no matter how hard she tried. 
Kathrine huffed as she sat up in your bed, watching you at your desk. “Are you seriously still mad at me?”
You don’t say anything and continue studying.
“Y/n, it’s Paige Bueckers. Who wouldn’t make out with her? I know you would.” The tone in her voice was condescending almost, as if you were some idiot she was lecturing.
You turn to her, looking her dead in the eyes. “You want to go make out with Paige, then go make out with her and shut the door on your way out.”
Kathrine’s eyes widen at you, earning you a scoff from her. She crosses her arms in front of her chest. “Why the hell are you so bothered by it anyway? We’re not fucking dating so I can make out with whoever I want.”
You close your eyes, trying to fight the anger rising in your chest. “It’s not about you.” You say it so quietly, she can barely hear you.
“Speak up.”
“I said it’s not fucking about you,” you shout, louder than you had intended too.
“Then what is it?” Kathrine’s voice echoed throughout your room.
You slam your pen down on your desk, standing up from your seat and rubbing your hands on your face. Kathrine jumps at the sudden outburst, not knowing what you would do next. You had many options: kick her out, scream, tell her that Paige was your ex, pull her into your own heated make out session. But even now in your own dorm, Paige haunted your mind. So much to the point that you couldn’t even think of a good enough response to make up for the fact that you were letting this get to you this easily.
You take a deep breath, letting your hands fall from your face as you sit down on the bed beside her. “Sorry, I don’t know why I freaked out. It’s probably just midterms.”
Kathrine, weirded out and probably uncomfortable, shuffles away from you and grabs her stuff. “Yeah well you need to figure your shit out.”
You roll your eyes. “What do you mean?”
Kathrine stands up from the bed, moving towards your door. “I signed up for good fucking sex and the occasional cuddles in bed. Not,” she pauses, signaling to the space around you. “Whatever you have going on or whatever this is.”
You let out a laugh. “Believe me, I’m still looking for that good fucking sex.”
Kathrine’s eyes are practically bulging out of her head at this point. “Paige probably fucks better than you anyway.”
“Yeah good luck with that.” You stand up and open the door for her, waiting for her to walk out.
“Good luck?” She asks, not believing the scene before her.
“You’re not her type.”
Paigebueckers liked your post.
“Damnit,” you curse as the notification causes you to accidentally drop your glass cup in the sink. “Fuck.” You stare at the broken shards of glass in your sink. Even through Instagram she could still get to you and that was scary. How could a high school relationship fuck you up this bad? You didn’t think it would until you saw her the first time since. 
Paige never did anything specific to cause you to break up with her. In fact, throughout the entire relationship she was perfect and that made it a million times worse when you had to break up with her. You had been told by everyone that a high school relationship wouldn’t last in college and maybe breaking up with her was the right decision. Or maybe it wasn’t and this was you suffering the consequences.
“What the fuck happened?” Azzi asks, walking into your dorm which causes you to jump.
“God, Azzi what the fuck?” You place your hand on your chest, trying to catch your breath and she laughs as she walks over to peer over the sink.
She points to the glass. “You should really clean this up.”
You roll your eyes at her and give her shoulder a quick shove. “What are you doing here?”
Azzi holds up a paper bag with the Chick-Fil-A logo on it and you immediately broke into a smile which Azzi returns. “Figured you could use a pick-me-up.”
“You’re the best.”
Azzi sets the bag down on your bed and sits down, wrapping herself in your covers and taking a bite out of a waffle fry. “Don’t gotta tell me twice.”
“Shut up,” you mutter as you get in bed beside her. Azzi is already holding the fries towards you which you gladly take while you grab some buffalo sauce. Moments like these with Azzi were some you treasured deeply, not wanting to lose these little times that you could see her and be yourself around her. And all of that reminded you why you needed to stay away from Paige in the first place.
“She’s sorry y’know,” Azzi says quietly with her mouth stuffed with chicken nuggets.
Those words alone cause you to stop chewing and turn your head towards her. “What?”
“She told me about what happened at the bar and even though I don’t want whatever happened between you happening again, she is sorry for saying what she said.”
You looked into Azzi’s eyes which were sincere and that made you feel bad. Not because you felt bad for Paige but because you were unintentionally dragging Azzi into this whole mess which you were trying to forget.
“It’s whatever, I don’t care,” you say back, shrugging. “She’s entitled to her own opinion.”
“You’re not a bitch, Y/n.”
You turn away from her because deep down you knew Paige was right. You may not have been a bitch to everyone but you definitely had your moments. Especially with Paige and that made you feel even worse than you already did. Wrapping your comforter tighter around your body, you let yourself sink into your mattress. “Maybe not to you.”
Azzi moved closer to you, moving the food and wrapping her arm around you. “What Paige said was just her being angry for no fucking reason that didn’t have anything to do with you. Her words don’t make up the type of person you are which are none of the things she mentioned.”
“I’m just over her bullshit.”
You show up to class a week later, books in hand as you slide into your seat and placing them neatly on your desk. Fishing a pen out of your backpack, you sigh as you prepare yourself for another boring lecture. Your professor begins the class with the usual procedure: attendance, short quiz, and then note-taking. All of which you do complete easily as someone comes to sit in the open seat beside you. You pay no attention to it, too focused on writing down your notes when they speak, “is this seat taken?”
“No, it’s–” you turn your head to see Paige staring right at you. “Not.”
“Great,” she smiles as she puts her backpack down. “So, what are we learning today?”
“Listen and find out for your fucking self,” you whisper as you go back to taking notes, not before moving your chair farther away from her.
Paige, who is looking at you like you were the craziest person on the planet, slides her hand over to your notebook, bringing towards her and giving it a look. “You always had pretty handwriting.”
You look at her dumbfounded. “You can’t be serious.”
Paige smirks at you. “Very serious.”
You pull your notebook back to you. “I thought I was too much of a bitch to be around.”
Paige’s shoulders fall, her playful expression falling with it. She leans towards you, “I said I was sorry about that. I didn’t mean it.”
“I don’t give a fuck what you mean. If you didn’t mean it, you wouldn’t say it.” You go back to taking your notes. “And besides, we got a promise to keep for Azzi. So let’s honor that please.”
“Right because now you suddenly care about that promise.” You hated how hot her voice was. How hot she was just sitting there right next to you. How close she was just like that night at the bar.
You scoff, “you wanted nothing to do with me.”
“No,” she rebutted. “I said I didn’t want you meddling in on my love life. Why can’t we be friends?”
Her sudden change in demeanor from when she was screaming at you outside of the bar compared to now made you turn your head enough to where you could almost get whiplash. “You should have said that maybe like two or three weeks ago. Or I don’t know,” you pause, pretending to think. “Maybe a damn month ago.”
“But I want to now, ma.” The use of the pet name made you freeze on the spot, dropping your pen and by the way you felt, you just knew that your cheeks were red as fuck. And by the look on her own face, you knew she was enjoying your reaction. “Just like old times.”
“Go suck up to one of the bitches you fuck,” you spit out, putting your books away and getting up from your chair without another word. 
“Y/n–” Paige began but you couldn’t hear the end of her sentence because you were already out the door. Not only did you have a promise to keep to Azzi but also a promise to keep to yourself: don’t let Paige into your life again.
You don’t know exactly how you ended up here yet there you were, standing in the crowded kitchen of a frat house trying to fish through the cooler to look for a drink. Another party you let Azzi drag you to and each time she did, you regretted it deeply. While frat parties were the final boss of college partying, the one thing you hated the most about these parties were the awful tastes in music these guys had with TikTok music just circulating throughout the speakers. It also didn’t help that you were wearing a tight and short black dress that made every guy at this party look your way. And that made you feel disgusted.
And with your luck, Azzi left you to go find some girls from the team, leaving you in the kitchen to fend for yourself. You find a can of Coke in the cooler which looked like the best decision compared to the other drinks that were available. You lean back up, opening your can and taking a sip, letting the carbonation hit the back of your throat.
“Enjoying the party?” Kathrine whispers behind you, pressing her body against your back. Your breath hitches and your fingers curl the can in your grasp. Kathrine can sense you being on edge so she slowly glides her hand up your waist, trying to elicit some sort of response that was something other than being guarded.
“Not my scene,” you say quietly, trying to let yourself relax in her grasp.
“We can always change that,” she pauses, spinning you around so that you’re now facing her and her fingers are tangled in the black fabric of your dress. “I always liked you in black.”
You look into her eyes, “I thought you preferred nothing at all.”
Kathrine’s eyes lowered themselves onto you as she spoke, “I thought that was a given.”
Trying to get your mind off of Paige was something you were used to and even though you were never actually into Kathrine, she provided a good distraction. Maybe it was the party getting to you but there was something about getting with the same girl that you found Paige making out with weeks ago made it seem almost fun.
You instinctively grab Kathrine’s hand as you drag her to a wall just a few feet away, pushing her up against it. She immediately responds to you, grabbing at your face as she brings your lips together. It was heated and fierce, both of you trying to fight for dominance as Kathrine wasted no time in shoving her tongue down your throat. The two of you could both tell that this wasn’t anything more than all of your meaningless hookups had been. Meaningless. That night in the locker room with Paige was never supposed to be meaningless.
And fuck, now you were thinking about her when you’re making out with someone else.
Kathrine spins around, catching you against the wall as your hands become tangled in her mess of blonde hair. Her skin was warm compared to your cool fingertips and her lips were soft like they always had been. 
Kathrine’s mouth wanders down your jaw, causing you to let out a short gasp that only the two of you can hear through all of the loud music. Her mouth wandered down farther to the crook of your neck and you braced your hands against her shoulders trying to steady yourself as she sucked and nipped at your neck.
You open your eyes for the first time, watching Kathrine’s head bob down as she continued to kiss along your collarbone and damn did that make you horny. It became worse when you look across the room and notice those familiar blue eyes staring you down. And that stare created a pool between your legs. 
Paige had been watching you and Kathrine the whole time with a bottle of beer in her hand. The way she looked at you was a mix of a glare and disbelief as if you had just seen straight through her. For the first time in a while, she looked hurt and you were the reason why. You let your hands drop from Kathrine and you pull her head up from your neck which causes her to look at you with confusion.
“Is something wrong?” she asks you with swollen lips and partly out of breath.
You look away from Paige and towards Kathrine, giving her a slight head shake. “No, nothing’s wrong.”
Before you can say anything else, Paige is walking towards the two of you, the bottle that had been in her hand was now on an empty table as she approached you, eyes filled with fire. You didn’t know what she would do but the second that Kathrine’s lips were reattached to your neck, Paige pulls you out of her grasp.
“What the fuck?” Kathrine asks, not realizing that Paige was standing in front of her.
“Hands off,” Paige says, not a break in her tone. Not a stutter at all.
You move your arm out of her grip. “I’m not a damn animal, Paige, I can speak for myself.”
Paige looks at you, making an attempt to grab your arm again. “I don’t give a fuck, Y/n. I’m done watching you and not doing jack shit about it.”
She drags you out of the house, pulling you into the backyard. And as much as you fight her, her strength wins as she holds you in front of her before letting go and shutting the glass door. You couldn’t believe the scene that had just played out and every part of you wanted nothing more than to scream at her. “What the fuck is your problem?”
Paige’s voice broke through with an urgent tone. “My problem? You’re the one who won’t let me apologize for what I said.”
You grab at your hair before snapping at her, “Why do you care? Tell me why because this whole thing is so confusing that it’s driving me insane.”
“What’s so confusing about it?” Paige acts clueless yet you know better than to believe that.
You raise your voice to match hers. “You kiss me in the locker room then you pretend that I don’t exist, saying that you’re doing it because of Azzi when we both know that’s bullshit because if you cared about Azzi in this situation you would have never dated me in the first place!”
Paige took a step towards you, tilting her head. “I was seventeen! What the fuck did I know? And you’re acting like you’re a fucking saint when you know damn well this was equally your fault as it was mine.”
“You tell me to stop coming back into your life and when I finally listen, you decide that’s not good enough and you try anything to weave your way into mine,” you say as you spit your words and you feel the sudden sting in your eyes. “Are you so conceded that you can’t handle that I’m moving on from you? That I want to live a life without you?”
“We both know you don’t want that,” she snaps. “I don’t want that.”
Those four words make you pause as you bite your lip, flipping your hair in distress. “What?”
Paige takes a deep breath, calming down from her outburst. “I thought ignoring you was going to fix this and finally make me get over you. But you’re not fucking easy to get over and seeing you with that girl or anyone else makes me want to go over there and show everyone why I wanted you in the first place.”
You couldn’t believe the words you were hearing. If anything, you were just confused because one second, she’s calling you a bitch and the next, she’s telling you she still has feelings for you. You take a slow step back from her, putting your hands behind your back. “You can’t keep doing this to me.”
“Do what?”
You huffed because you knew that once you opened your mouth, there was no going back and everything that has happened could either be done for good or a new step forward. You didn’t let your eyes wander from her and you took a step back again, creating a bigger gap between the two of you. “Pulling me in, pushing me away and then doing that shit all fucking over again. It’s too much.”
Paige tried to take a step forward, reaching her hand out to you but all you could do was take another step back. Anything to show her that you were done. When you rejected her movement, she sighed and glanced at the ground before looking back up to you. “I didn’t think–”
“That’s right,” you say, cutting her off. “You don’t.”
Paige’s frown turned into a line when she shook her head at you. “If that’s how you feel then fine.” And she leaves you there in the backyard as she walks back inside the house. You didn’t know whether to be upset or happy at the fact that maybe she’d finally understand how you felt. You hoped she at least had the maturity to do that. At first, you didn’t know if you should walk back inside but after a few minutes, you decide to and shut the glass door behind you.
Everyone were still in their places dancing and drinking with the occasional grinding against one another which made you feel sick for some reason. You looked around the house for Kathrine but she was nowhere to be found so you had just assumed she left. Deciding to check one last bedroom, you open the door and drop your drink on the ground as you walk in on two girls, one straddling the other on the bed. They both had their shirts off and were clearly in the middle of an intense makeout.
Feeling completely embarrassed, you apologize, “Sorry, sorry my bad…” You trail off when some brunette gives you a disgusted look as she shifts in Paige’s lap. At first, Paige looked at you with anger but watching you drop your cup made her feel guilty and it was clear that you could tell.
You don’t say anything else as you shut the door and leave Paige in the room with that girl. You walk down the stairs and decide to leave the house. And as you expected, Paige never followed you.
You walked into the elevator in your building, pressing the button to the fourth floor as you continued to try to erase Paige from your mind. She shouldn’t have this much of a hold on you but she did and there wasn’t anything that you could do about it at this point. You leaned against the wall of the elevator as the doors shut and it begins to move up. You haven’t spoken to anyone including Azzi for several days since you had walked in on Paige and that random girl. And yes, it wasn’t fair to Azzi but everything and everyone reminded you of Paige. And you needed a break.
That break was going to have to wait a little bit longer because when the elevator stopped on the second floor and opened, Paige walked in, freezing in her spot when she looks up and makes eye contact with you. You look up from your phone and mimic the same expression before going back on your phone. Paige hit the button to close the elevator door and decided to stand beside you, resulting in you taking a step farther away from you.
“Can we talk?” Paige asks from beside you and all you could do was turn away and not even glance in her direction. Paige huffs at your response, turning her body towards you. “Really? Are you going to act like a child right now?”
You give her no response which fuels her even more. You hear her step towards the elevator door and out of nowhere, the elevator stops in its place. You turn towards her and look at her hand that has just pulled the red button. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Paige smirks. “So it takes me stopping a damn elevator for you to say a word to me?” She grabs your arm to which you tear away from her.
“You’re fucking crazy, Paige,” you yell out, trying to get yourself as far away from her as possible. Your chest tightened and your breathing hitched, making your face go red. Was now a good time to mention that you are claustrophobic?
“You clearly have me going fucking craz–” Paige responds but notices the way your breaths get caught in your throat. She takes a step towards you, concern clearly written across her face. “Hey, hey are you okay?”
Your back hits the elevator wall and you slide down until you’re sitting on the cold floor. You pull your legs out in front of you and hide your face in your knees, trying to gain control over your breathing.
Paige kneels down beside you, placing a warm hand on your knee which causes you to jolt in your place. “Fuck–I forgot you’re claustrophobic. I’m so sorry.”
Paige gets up and tries pressing other buttons to get the elevator moving but it’s no use because the two of you are still stuck. When it’s clear that her actions aren’t working, she comes back to your side and pulls you into her arms, wrapping her hands around you and pulling your head into her chest. “Relax princess, nothing is going to happen to you. I’m right here.”
Against your better judgement, your hands snake up to wrap around Paige’s neck as your breathing steadies. Even though Paige was the cause of your anger, she always knew how to calm you down. Paige’s grip on you gets tighter as she rubs small circles on your arm. Her touch alone was enough to fully ground you and gain control of your breathing, which Paige could tell instantly. “Talk to me mama.”
The old pet name surprised you and you couldn’t deny the way your heartbeat slowly increased again. You lifted your head up to look at her. “I’m okay I think.”
Paige gave you a soft smile, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “You scared me there for a second, L/n. I can’t have you scaring me like that.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have stopped the elevator then.”
Paige’s eyes became half–lidded as she took the sight of you in her arms in. Her hand that was on your shoulder dipped to your lower back to which you could instantly tell that the mood between the two of you had shifted. You cleared your throat. “We should call for help or something.”
Paige couldn’t take her eyes off of your lips as you talked, which only turned you on more. “Or we just wait.”
“That could take forever.”
“I’m good with forever.” Her eyes couldn’t leave your mouth and yours couldn’t leave hers. This was a very bad idea but fuck it, you knew you needed her. Now.
Before thinking about it again, you pull her face towards yours and kiss her like it was your last day on Earth. Paige let out a small gasp as she held your waist to gain some sort of stability, moving her lips against yours without any shame whatsoever. Paige’s hold on your hips grows tighter as she pulls you effortlessly onto her lap. Your hands move from the sides of her face down to her neck, which you rub circles on with your thumbs. The kiss between the two of you was intoxicating and even though your mind was foggy, all you wanted was more. 
Paige lets one of her hands on your lower back drift farther down until it dips underneath the belt of your pants and caresses your ass. You gasp at the sudden move which gives Paige all she needs as she uses that opportunity to slide her tongue in your mouth. It causes you to moan and that makes Paige smile against your lips. Paige pulls away slowly, making you whimper at the sudden loss of her lips. “Look who’s desperate for me.”
You roll your eyes. “Shut the fuck up.”
She pulls at the bottom of your shirt, looking at you with raised eyebrows and a small smirk. “Can I take this off?”
You didn’t think twice before nodding as she pulled the fabric over your head with ease. She admired the sight before her of you in your bra that happened to be in her favorite color. Paige lets her fingers glide along your chest, outlining the shape. “You’re so fucking hot, princess.”
You tilt your head down at her. “Do you want to keep touching or do you want to actually fuck me before someone comes to fix the elevator?”
“Yes ma’am,” she whispers, taking off her own shirt and undoing your belt. You immediately go back to kissing her like you had just been and damn did it feel like the most amazing thing on the planet. All those times you would kiss other people, especially Kathrine, it never felt like this. Like they belonged with you. To you. You grip her bare shoulders which are warm and sculpted like a fucking Greek God and that only makes your pussy throb more than it was. She pulls your hips up in order to pull your pants off and you help her, tossing them to the side onto the cold floor and going back in to kiss her. She sinks you back down onto her lap and you could immediately feel yourself pooling on her sweatpants. And she could feel it too because she pulls away and laughs. “It really doesn’t take much, does it?”
You slap her shoulder. “Fuck you.”
“Is that not what you’re doing?” She asks with the slyest smile you have ever seen. When you don’t respond, she begins moving your hips against her, creating long, colored streaks on her gray sweatpants. The movements cause you to let out a moan, which causes Paige to bite her lip. “Just like that.”
Her reaction ignites a fire in you to move faster, attaching your lips to the crook of her neck and the second you do, you could almost feel her eyes rolling to the back of her head. You smile against her neck as you leave a big mark on her neck that would no doubt, soon turn into a huge hickey. Paige’s hands were everywhere on you. On your neck, your tits, your waist, your back, your thighs, your ass and the electrifying shock of her touch sent butterflies through your entire body, making you crave more.
Paige grabs a hold of your hips, slightly turning your body which causes your lips to leave her neck. You whine at the sudden loss of contact but Paige kisses you before she turns your entire body so that your back is now laying against her chest. Your legs are sprawled out but you squeeze them together to try to stop your core from dripping even more onto Paige’s lap. 
“Stop that,” Paige whispers in your ear as she forces your legs apart with her own, locking them in place so that you can’t move them back together. She wraps an arm around your stomach to keep you from squirming on her and you knew what was going to happen in exactly a few seconds. Her fingers trail down your body until they’re circling your clit slowly. You whine out, “Paige please.”
“You want more, huh?” Paige is almost mocking you at this point and you’re eating it the fuck up. She circles over your clit once, stopping and applying pressure, and then stopping once more. You’re already on edge and these small movements make your pussy throb. It’s like Paige can feel it because she begins dragging her fingers down to your entrance, teasing you before she brings them back up to your clit. 
“Paige please stop teasing me,” you breathe out, shutting your eyes every time her fingers run over your sensitive clit.
Paige uses her other hand to lightly brush your hair out of your face. You could tell by the tone of her voice and the smirk on her face that she was enjoying this a little too much. “Just tell me what you want mama.”
You closed your eyes, preparing yourself to give Paige exactly what she wants. “Please fuck me.”
“Whatever you want, ma,” she says quickly and doesn’t give you any more time to prepare as she sinks two fingers deep inside you. You gasp and lean your head back on Paige’s shoulder.
“Fuck,” you mutter as she keeps her movements controlled and slow. You take a hold of her arm to provide you some sort of stability, gripping it so hard that your fingertips turn white.
“You like this shit, huh?” Paige looks down at you and the image before her was so beautiful, she couldn’t take her eyes off of you. You nod as you let out a moan, Paige’s fingers thrusting even deeper. You were practically seeing stars at the moment and never in your life did you ever think you would be fucking Paige Bueckers in an elevator. 
“Faster.” You don’t even remember those words leaving your body as Paige speeds up her movements and begins to curl her fingers inside of you which causes you to scream out, “oh fuck.”
Paige starts going as fast as she can, using the strength in her other arm to hold your body up. You can feel the knot in your stomach beginning to unravel and that causes you to push your body more against Paige.
She can feel that you’re close so she whispers, “doing so good, baby. Keep going.”
That’s all it takes when you grab her hand that’s currently deep inside you and and push her hand as far as it will go as she curls her fingers again. Paige lets out a small laugh at your movement as you cum all over her fingers. Your eyes roll back as you do nothing but moan and slump against Paige. She helps you ride out your orgasm and when your breathing starts to slow down, she pulls her fingers out of you and looks in awe at how covered in cum they are. You watch as she licks her fingers clean. “You taste good, baby.”
You are about to respond when the elevator suddenly starts to move and that’s when everything hit you. Paige had just fucked you which meant that you let in all of the old feelings for her. That you accepted everything that had happened between the two of you for years when you were just starting to accept that she didn’t want to be part of your life anymore.
You get up as quickly as you can and try to forget what just happened as you put your clothes back on as fast as possible.
“Y/n–” Paige says as she gets up from the floor, her sweats still covered in your cum.
You finish putting your shirt on as you turn around to her. “This should never have happened. This–this can’t happen again.”
“What?” Paige looked confused and mostly hurt at the sudden change in your tone. “What just happened changes things.”
You were a mess. More of a mess than you were twenty minutes ago. You go over to the elevator door and press any button you can to open the door. “What just happened was a mistake.”
Paige walks over to you, gently grabbing you by the arm so that you’ll look at her. “A mistake?”
“You can’t just pretend I don’t exist and the second that I’m finally moving on, pull me back in and pretend that this,” you say as you motion to the space between the two of you. “Will ever be something more than just fucking or playing with each other’s emotions.”
The door opens before Paige can respond and you take the first opportunity to run out of the elevator and to your dorm. And like you had expected again, she never followed you.
A few hours later had resulted in you not knowing what to do and needing something to take away all of the sudden emotions and feelings that Paige made you feel in that elevator. So that’s how you find yourself here, in your bed with Kathrine’s body on top of you. That was the thing about her. She wasn’t Paige. She never made you feel as good as Paige did but that meant she never made you feel as bad as Paige did too. And that’s what you needed right now; to not feel worse or confused. Because with Kathrine, there was no confusion in where you stood with her. So while you moaned Kathrine’s name and let her hands touch every inch of you as if she owned you, you felt safe.
Little did you know that Paige was standing outside of your door, hearing every cry and moan with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in her hands.
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alinathinkstoomuch · 2 days ago
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pairing: aaron hotchner x reader (ex!reader, i suppose) summary: even though the two of you are no longer together, hotch can't help the fact that he still has the need to comfort you. warnings | an: lil hurt & comfort, two exes making soup together but they're still blatantly in love with one another, also pretty sure this is not the correct way to make soup i was really just saying shi to make them busy, yearning i suppose?? word count: 2k
✧ masterlist
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You were having what you could only describe as a series of bad days. There were no particular causes or events for them, just the uncomfortable feeling of a heaviness in your chest. There wasn’t anything glaringly wrong, but there wasn’t much that felt right, either.
For the past week, you’d been snoozing your alarm until the last possible second. Mornings turned into rushed scrambles - brushing your teeth and hair the only boxes you’d managed to check before bolting out the door. You hadn’t bothered with makeup or a decent outfit in days, simply because nothing seemed worth the effort.
You knew the feeling would pass eventually, it wasn’t a constant thing. Every now and then, you just felt…off. Like you were watching yourself from the outside, going through the motions but not really present.
You were sure there was a word for it. Something detached and clinical - Spencer had once mentioned it on a flight home from a case. The memory hovered at the edges of your mind, but you couldn’t find the energy to chase it down just to label what you already knew.
You just didn’t feel like yourself.
“You’re not seriously staying here past five on a Friday night, are you?” Penelope asked, using your desk as a dumping ground to sort through her large purse.
You glanced up with a tried smile. “No, Pen. Just finishing up. I’ll be out of here soon.”
“Okay, sugar,” she said in what was supposed to be her warning voice – though, like everything Penelope said, it came wrapped in warmth and sweetness. “Promise me you’ll go home, take a nice hot bath, light some candles –” she fluttered her fingers animatedly, “–and show yourself some love.”
You arched a brow. “Is this your subtle way of telling me I look like shit?”
She gasped, swatting you lightly with her pink glasses case. “I would never use such language. But also…yes. A little bit.”
You shook your head and rolled your eyes, giving her a full performance of your pretend annoyance.
Penelope just grinned, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Text me when you get home. And take care of that beautiful face, okay?” She reached out, giving your chin a playful squeeze before blowing you an air-kiss. “Self-care, my love. Don’t make me come over there and enforce it.”
“Yes, boss,” you said, standing from your seat. “Have a good night, Penny.”
Once she was gone, you stacked the last forms for your report into a folder, quietly relieved that Hotch wasn't in his office to hand it in to. It had taken you far longer to complete than usual - in fact, you were pretty sure yours was the only report he was waiting on to close out the case.
He wouldn't have given you a hard time about it – he never had – but still, you didn't want him thinking you couldn't handle your workload. Not when you both agreed the job was too important to let anything, especially your relationship, interfere with it.
You made your way into his office, the lights still on despite the fact that he'd stepped out for a meeting hours ago. It should've felt strange being in his space. Working with him. Seeing him every day, even after the two of you had mutually agreed to call it quits. But it didn't feel strange at all.
If anything, your relationship with him had stayed almost exactly the same. The only real difference was that you couldn't crawl into his arms at the end of a long day - and that was okay, or at least you had spent a lot of time trying to convince yourself that it was. You were both adults. Mature. Maybe a little too career-hungry.
You'd given it your best shot for almost a year, and it just didn't work. That was it. There wasn't anything more either of you could've done – or, if you were honest, wanted to do. Maybe if you'd both been accountants, or if one of you had decided to transfer out of the BAU, it might've worked. But neither of you wanted that.
You both loved the job exactly as it was.
So you let go.
And maybe that was love too, in its own way.
You left the report neatly on his desk, then made your way back to your own. After packing up your things, you headed out, the building quiet behind you.
On the way home, you stopped by the grocery store near your place, telling yourself you'd pick up something for a proper dinner. But somewhere between the fluorescent lights and the half-empty shelves, you settled on a frozen meal instead. Very high-nutrient of you, truly.
By the time you got home, you didn't even bother unpacking your haul. You just dropped the bags on the countertop and left them there, your keys landing beside them with a dull clink. You headed straight for the bathroom, aiming for a quick shower and could practically hear Penelope rolling her eyes at your refusal to take a proper bath.
It couldn’t have been later than eight when a knock echoed through your home. Your slippers dragged softly across the wooden floor as you made your way to the door, unsure of who you were about to find on the other side. Perhaps it was Penelope, coming over to check whether the bath salts she had given you for your birthday had finally been put to use.
But when you opened the door, it wasn’t Penelope standing there.
It was Hotch. Still in his work clothes, with a brown bag tucked under his arm.
“Well, fancy seeing you here,” you greeted, opening the door wider to let him in.
He stepped inside without a word, moving through the space like he’d never left it. Like it still belonged to him, at least in some small way. And maybe it did. For a while, this had been his second home.
You watched him cross to the kitchen, settling the bag down beside your still-unpacked groceries.
“No Thai?”
“Not tonight,” he replied, slipping off his jacket. “I thought I’d make soup.” His sleeves were rolled up before you could even respond and he was at your sink, using your soap to wash his hands to make you dinner.  
You really couldn’t make this up.
You took a seat on the bench, folding your legs beneath you as you watched him unpack the contents of the bag. “Did you read my report?”
He didn’t look up as he pulled out a bundle of parsley, a container of chicken stock and various vegetables. “I did.”
“Am I going to have to redo it?”
He glanced at you then, the faintest trace of amusement crossing his face. “No,” he said. “It was good. A little rushed, maybe – but not wrong.”
You gave dry laugh. “You can tell me to redo it, I promise I won’t get mad.”
“I know you won’t, but I also know when you’re not at your best. And I’m not going to punish you for having an off week.”
You nodded slowly, watching as he moved to grab a cutting board.
After a moment, you spoke again – softer this time. “You won’t be able to do this forever, you know.”
His eyes met yours again, but he stayed silent.
“I’m serious,” you went on, offering a small smile. “What happens when you start dating again? You’re just going to keep showing up at your ex-girlfriend’s house with soup ingredients?”
“I don’t think dating is in the cards right now.”
You tilted your head, teasing gently. “Why not? Did I leave you that emotionally wrecked?”
He shook his head with a quiet laugh. “No, you didn’t. It’s just…not where my focus is.”
You clicked your tongue, reaching for an orange from the fruit bowl. “Well, that’s a shame. Because dating is in my cards,” you revealed, digging your thumb into the skin and starting to peel.
“Yeah. Thinking of going for a broker this time,” you mused, not looking at him as you pulled off a strip of peel. “You know, mix it up. Maybe someone who doesn’t alphabetize their spices.”
“And you’d be happy with a broker?”
You shrugged, glancing up at him as you popped a piece of mandarin into your mouth. “Who knows.” You chewed slowly, then added with a smirk, “I can easily picture you with a nurse. Or maybe a doctor. Wouldn’t that be fun? We could do double dates, your nurse-doctor, my broker. Very grown-up of us.”
“I don’t think I’m built for double dating.”
“No,” you agreed. “You’d probably scare my broker away.”
“Would that be such a bad thing?”
You paused, taking the time to eat your second piece of mandarin. “Depends.”
“How much I like the broker."
He didn’t respond right away, turning back toward the stove. “Where’s your big pot?”
“Exactly where you left it,” you replied, watching as he moved toward the lower cabinet, like he still remembered this kitchen better than his own.
And the truth was, this – whatever this was – probably wasn’t the healthiest of situations, and it wasn’t making moving on any easier for either of you.
But it was what you knew. What you remembered.
And if this was the version of him you were allowed to keep, you’d take it. You weren’t ready to go back to a life without him, not yet. Not when he still offered pieces of himself and not when you still kept saying yes.
“Do you need any help?” you asked, rising to your feet, your knees clicking in protest.  
“Always need your help,” he responded – just a little too casually. You knew he hadn’t meant for it to land as heavily as it did.
You gathered the orange peel and turned to toss it in the bin, just as Hotch stepped back from the stove. And suddenly, he was right there – in front of you. His eyes found yours and held them, like he was reading something you hadn’t yet decided to say. He’d always been good at that, seeing things before you did. Predicting thoughts you hadn’t even fully formed.
“Have you been sleeping?”
You nodded, brushing past him to rinse your hands. “Like a baby.”
He turned just slightly, enough to catch your expression. “That’s a no, then.”
“It’s hard to get comfortable on a bed that’s broken,” you said, equal parts explanation and blame. And while you wished it was a great sex story you were referring to…it wasn’t. You’d asked him to hang a frame above your bed. The next thing you heard from the living room was a loud thud – one of the bed legs snapping clean off.
“Hey, I fixed what I broke,” he offered.
“Not very well,” you muttered, drying your hands. “Where do you want me?”
Hotch paused mid-motion as he added vegetables to the pot, eyes flicking up to meet yours.  
“In terms of helping,” you added, arching a brow like it was his mind that had wandered.
The corner of his mouth twitched. “Right.” He nodded toward the cutting board. “You can shred the chicken.”
You did as you were told, moving to stand next to him. Your elbow brushed his now and then, neither of you bothering to move away.
“You still do this thing,” you said after a moment, not looking up. “Organising everything before you start. Like you’re in a restaurant kitchen.”
“It saves time,” he reasoned, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“It’s kind of endearing.”
“You used to call it controlling.”
You shrugged again. “I don’t recall.”
“Just like you don’t recall watering the basil?” His eyes moved to a pot on the windowsill, it’s leaves wilted, dropping sadly.
“You’re welcome to take it home with you.”
He raised a brow. “And let it die under my care instead?”
“Seems fair. Full-circle moment.”
Your elbow brushed his again and the two of you fell silent.
“...You okay?”
You didn’t look at him. “Yeah.”
“You sure?” he pressed, gentler now.  
You nodded, still not meeting his eyes. “Yeah. I mean… not great, but – functioning.”
“Is there anything that I can do?”
You glanced up, offering a tired but genuine smile. “Just make sure the soup’s good.”
“It will be,” he assured you. “I know how you like it.”
And he did – because he still remembered all of it. Everything you liked, everything you didn’t. What you tolerated with a tight-lipped smile and what you outright hated. He hadn’t forgotten a thing.
And as you stood there, watching him move through your kitchen like he still belonged in your home, in your heart, you couldn’t help but wonder how many more times the two of you would let yourselves end up in moments like this.
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tags - @fandomscombine @dohmeti @pastelpinkflowerlife @hazzyking @bernelflo @risenqueen1521 @jazzimac1967 @camihotchner @abschaffer2 @ill-be-okay-soon-enough @pacmillo-blog-blog @stilestotherescue
(please lmk if you want to be removed from the general tag list & just be kept on the fake finance tag list)
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ice-man-goes-bwoah · 2 days ago
Brother||Platonic!Max verstappen x Fem!reader
Summary— Max has to say goodbye to the little sister he took under his wing
The beginning of this fic is based on this video
Tagging— @ironmaiden1313
Warning character death sad angsty read at your own risk
Max sat on the chair next to y/n's bed looking down at the girl. His friendship with her was important as she was like a little sister to him. Even then he saw himself in the younger girl — another version of him, hardworking and dedicated to the sport.
Max always thought Y/n would make it to Formula One if it wasn’t for the accident. She would have been a possible contender for the second Red Bull seat, which Max would do anything to make happen. Just like he’d do anything to wake her up.
He thought back to when they had that interview when y/n joked saying that “Max wasn’t allowed to retire until they were teammates,” something that he was fine with.
"Hi, I'm Max Verstappen, and I'm a Miami taxi driver," Max joked. Y/n smiled at the camera and introduced herself, "Hi, I'm Y/n l/n, and I'm an F1 academy driver."
The two drivers were seated in the rear of the car, with Max holding a can of Red Bull, and Y/n clutching her water bottle. They both were wearing a Red Bull team polo shirt and a hat to match.
Max turned to Y/n and teased, "That sounded better than my intro," which led to a chuckle from both of them. "Stroopwafels or Poffertjes?" Y/n asked, sparking a friendly debate. "I would go with Stroopwafels, but that's only because I think I had too many Poffertjes when I was growing up," Max replied with a grin. The interviewer then asked about their most memorable races.
"For me, it's Barcelona because my first win was there," Y/n said, smiling and nodding her head. "Winning my first Formula 1 race, as well " Max responded with enthusiasm. "That was your first win in Barcelona, right?" the interviewer clarified. "Yep, Barcelona is good to us," Max confirmed, looking over at Y/n. "Yeah, Barcelona is good to us," Y/n chimed in.
The memory of the thrilling moment lingers vividly in her mind. She vividly recalls the exhilarating instant she surpassed Lia Block just as they crossed the finish line, securing first place. Her veins pulsed with adrenaline as she gingerly rose from the car, feeling the weight of her legs and the trembling sensation. With a triumphant smile, she emerged from the car and dashed toward the barrier where her team awaited, leaping into the air amidst the cheering crowd. Y/n's heart pounded wildly in her ears, reminiscent of the thundering sound of galloping horses in full stride.
The interview moved on to discussing their racing career and their experiences. Y/n shared how she started in karting and worked her way up through the motorsport ladder. Max chimed in, recalling his karting origins as well as the passion and dedication throughout his journey. The interviewer asked, "What's the best part about being a driver?"
Max answered, "It's the adrenaline rush of racing and the feeling of success when you win a race." "I agree," Y/n added. "The thrill of racing and the satisfaction of improving." The interview continued, and the conversation shifted to their off-track lives.
"What's your favorite pastime outside of racing?" the interviewer asked. "I like to relax and spend time with friends and family," Y/n replied. Max chuckled and added, "I'm a bit of a video game enthusiast."
"I've learned that playing video games requires as much focus and skill as racing," Y/n teased. "So, Max, any special someone in your life?" the interviewer jokes, prompting smiles from both drivers.
Max chuckled and jokingly replied, "Yeah, my two cats." Y/n joined in, chiming in with, "I have a goldfish, does that count?" Causing everyone around them to laugh at her statement. The interview took a lighthearted turn as they began discussing their favorite tracks and memories.
"Apart from Barcelona, what's your favorite track?" the interviewer asked. "Spa," Y/n responded without hesitation. "The Belgian crowds are amazing, and it's a historic track."
Max nodded, adding, "Spa's a good one. For me, it's hard to beat my home track, Zandvoort."
“Oooh I love Zandvoort” y/n responded with a gleam in her eyes. Max grinned, looking at Y/n's enthusiasm. "I knew you had good taste in tracks," he teased. "Zandvoort has a unique atmosphere, and the fans are passionate." The interview moved on to questions about their relationship, and the conversation took a more serious turn. "It's no secret that you two have a close relationship," the interviewer said. "How would you describe your bond?" Max looked at Y/n, waiting for her to respond. Y/n smiled and spoke with confidence, "We're like siblings. We know each other inside and out, and we can rely on each other no matter what." Max added to her answer, saying, "We support each other both on and off the track. It's a rare connection, and I'm grateful for it." The interviewer smiled and nodded “And lastly do the two of you see yourselves as teammates in the future?” They asked.
Max looked at Y/n, and they both smiled before Max responded with a hint of determination. "That's the plan. Y/n and I have been working together for years, pushing each other and learning from each other. Together, we could make history." Y/n nodded in agreement.
“I also told Max that he’s not allowed to retire until we become teammates” Y/n jokes. Max chuckled and jokingly retorted, "I guess I'll have to stick around for a bit longer, then." Y/n smiled, adding, "You better keep that promise. We have big dreams to fulfill." The interviewer wrapped up the interview, expressing gratitude to both Y/n and Max for the insightful conversation. As they walked out of the studio, Max turned to Y/n. "You know, you have a way with words." Y/n shrugged, "What can I say? We're a great team." "We are," Max agreed, putting his arm around Y/n's shoulder. "But I have to admit, you saying that I can't retire until we become teammates was pretty funny."
“Oh I was serious” Max chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Are you saying you'll try to block my retirement?” Y/n shrugged with a mischievous smile, "If that's what it takes to become teammates, then you bet I will."
Max shook his head in amused disbelief. "You're something else, you know that?"
Y/n just smiled, enjoying the lighthearted banter between them. “Trust me Max I know”
Wiping away the tears from his eyes Max's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the hospital room door opening. A nurse entered, checking on Y/n's vitals and making sure everything was alright.
Taking a moment to observe the girl, Max couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. Despite the steady beeping of the heart monitor, Y/n lay eerily still in her bed, her condition critical.
The nurse, sensing Max's concern, walked over to him. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder rubbing her thumb against his shoulder.
“You should go home and get some rest” the nurse suggested in a soft but firm tone. Max scoffed at her statement he wasn’t exactly in the mood for unsolicited advice from anyone at the moment.
"How is she doing?" Max inquired, his voice filled with worry, he didn’t care about anything else that wasn’t his friend.
The nurse glanced at Y/n's chart before responding, "Her condition remains critical, but no change so far."
Max nodded, staring at Y/n's still form, praying for some sign of improvement.
“I meant what I said before Mr.Verstappen you should go home and rest. I don’t think your friend would want you to sit here and beat yourself up over something you can’t control.” The nurse says with a tight-lipped smile and a soft tone.
Max turned his attention back to his friend. He reached out to hold Y/n's hand, feeling the coolness of her skin against his own.
"Come on, Y/n. You've got to pull through," Max whispered, his voice cracking slightly.
Max closed his eyes, recalling the memory of the accident vividly. He could still hear the sound of the collision and the sight of Y/n's car spinning out of control. It was a scene that he had replayed countless times in his mind.
He remembered the rush of fear and adrenaline when he first saw the accident and the way his heart stopped when he realized it was Y/n in the mangled car.
Max clenched his fists, the emotions from that day flooding back to him. The helplessness he had felt as he watched the paramedics rush to the scene, the desperate hope that she would be okay. And the sickening feeling in his stomach when he was informed of the extent of her injuries.
Y/n’s skin was covered in dark purple bruises and cuts that were covered with gauze, curious Max reached over and grabbed the folder that contained the information about Y/n’s injuries. She had eternal bruises and a fractured rib followed by two broken ones; her femur, the radius, and the ulna in her right arm were also broken. The more Max read on her injuries the more he felt sick to his stomach.
Y/n also had a small hairline fracture in her skull instinctively Max touched the side of his head from when he had his big accident back in 2021 during the Silverstone Grand Prix realizing how lucky he was. Continuing reading the charts y/n was also punctured by a piece of carbon fiber slicing through her Kidney, Liver, and aorta artery causing major blood loss the more Max read about y/n the sicker he felt.
The accident had happened during a pre-season Barcelona test. It was supposed to be just a routine session, a chance to try out some new car parts and strategize for the upcoming season.
But things went awry when Y/n lost control of her car on the rain-dampened track. Her car skidded out of control, slamming into the safety barrier with a sickening crunch.
The impact had been severe, and Max's heart stopped as he watched the chaotic scene unfolding before him. Max watched on the monitors as the medics worked on pulling her bloodied and unconscious form from the wreckage.
In that instant, Max's world had shifted. The laughter and banter they had shared just moments ago in the interview room now felt like a cruel echo of the present. As he sat by her bedside, holding her motionless hand, all Max could think about was how unfair life could be.
Somehow by the grace of god, Max was convinced that he should go home, shower, and rest. Sighing Max walked into his apartment tossing his keys onto the table by the door he was also greeted by his two cats Jimmy and Sassy who he was grateful to see.
“Hi guys,” Max says squatting down to pet the cats who were happy to see their dad. “Are you hungry?” Max asked walking into the kitchen to feed the cats. Once the cats were fed and happy Max went to his bedroom turning on the light he walked over to his dresser picking out clean clothes to put on after his shower. Emptying his pockets Max plugged in his phone to charge while he was showing.
In the bathroom, Max gazed at his reflection in the mirror. He appeared worn out, with a complexion flushed and swollen from tears. His eyes were bloodshot and stung from sleep deprivation, and the dark circles beneath them were a deep shade of purple. Once Max took in his appearance he turned in the shower to the desired temperature of water and stripped out of his clothes.
The hot water felt good on his sore muscles, something Max was grateful for in that moment. He stood there underneath the water until it turned cold. That's when Max got out of the shower and got dressed. It wasn’t long after his shower Max got into bed for the night sleep welcoming him as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Max was woken up by the sound of his phone ringing groaning out in exhaustion. He sat up in bed and looked at his phone to see who was calling him. Max felt his heart race at the sight of y/n’s calling him. Max immediately. Answered her phone call.
“Mrs. L/n is everything alright?” Max asked, standing up to pace around his bedroom.
Max was met with silence from the other end of the phone “Oh Max I’m so sorry” Mrs. L/n lets out shakily and Max’s heart breaks even more than it already was.
“No no she didn’t— she’s still here she has to be,” Max says in denial refusing to accept the harsh reality that his friend was gone.
"Max, I'm sorry. She’s gone," Mrs. L/n says, letting out a broken sob, and with a single sentence Max's whole world came crashing down around him with a choking sob and an anguishing scream.
The warmth she felt was a kind of warmth that radiated from the sun and she also felt safe, which was kinda ironic since the last thing she could remember was her car spinning out of control just before crashing into the barrier before her whole world had gone pitch black and cold.
Opening her eyes Y/n noticed that she was lying in soft green grass looking around she noticed a group of people standing around a freshly dug grave. Confused, Y/n stood up brushing off the black dress pants she was wearing. Black pants that she didn’t remember putting on hell Y/n didn’t even remember how she got here in the cemetery.
The closer y/n got to the group of people she realized that these were her closest friends and family. Looking around she noticed Max who stood tall and composed, dressed in a black suit as he looked out over the funeral service. It was a beautiful ceremony, yet the grief weighed heavily in the palpable air.
As Y/n approached the group, no one seemed to notice her presence. They were all deeply immersed in the funeral service, their faces etched with grief and sadness. The air was heavy with a mix of sorrow and acceptance, a stark reminder of the reality they were facing.
Her parents were seated in the front row, silently weeping. Max stood nearby, his gaze fixed on the open grave where her coffin would soon be lowered.
Feeling out of place and utterly confused, Y/n tried to approach Max, hoping to get his attention. But as she neared him, her body passed directly through him, making her gasp in surprise.
Max didn't react, not even seeming to notice the feeling of her presence passing through him. It was a surreal and unsettling experience for Y/n, who couldn't make sense of what was happening.
a realization dawned on Y/n as she took in her surroundings, the people gathered at the funeral, and the grave that was awaiting her. She remembered the accident and the blackness that followed, the absence of any feeling or sensation.
"Am I...am I dead?" she asked aloud, her voice barely above a whisper.
The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, crashing down on her with the weight of finality. She wasn't just injured or in a coma; she had lost her life in the tragic accident.
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes, her chest feeling tight as the reality of her situation sank in. She had been so focused on her dreams and ambitions, so determined to become a Formula 1 driver, and now it was all over.
She looked at her parents, grief-stricken and tearful, and then at Max, a man who had become like a brother to her through their shared passion and friendship.
The weight of sadness and regret settled deeply in her heart as she watched Max standing there, stoically carrying on without her. As the ceremony continued, Y/n realized that she was nothing more than a specter, an observer of the event that marked her death. She was a ghost, unseen and unheard, a silent witness.
The realization was both heartbreaking and surreal. She had dreams, aspirations, and a future that had all been snatched away in a single instant.
At that moment, Y/n just wanted to reach out and touch Max, to tell him how much he meant to her and how much she would miss him.
But she knew it was futile. She was trapped in this ghostly state, unable to interact with the living world in any meaningful way.
All Y/n could do was watch from the sidelines as her friends and family said their final farewells, her heart aching with a mixture of sorrow and longing.
Soon the funeral came to an end and y/n watched as Max placed a single flower on top of the coffin.
“Vaarwel Zus,” Max says with a whisper.
As Max stepped back from the grave, the finality of the situation weighed heavily on him. Y/n saw the grief etched on his face, mingled with a sense of loss and acceptance.
"Vaarwel," Max whispered again, his voice filled with nostalgia and sadness.
Y/n watched as her mom approached Max, her voice filled with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. Tears streamed down her face, and she struggled to find the right words.
"Max," she said, her voice quivering, "Thank you for being there for my daughter. She always spoke so fondly of you. You were like family to her."
Max, his expression filled with a hint of sadness, placed a comforting hand on her mom's arm.
"Y/n was also family to me," he replied softly. "She was one of the strongest and most determined people I've ever known. I'm honored to have been her friend."
Y/n smiled faintly as she listened to their conversation. Despite the circumstances, it warmed her heart to know that Max cared deeply for her and that their bond extended beyond their shared passion for racing.
“Oh Max you should have been there" She got the call for pre-season testing in Barcelona. She was so excited I've never seen her so happy Y/n was excited to become your teammate” Mrs.L/n says
Max's eyes softened upon hearing those words. He remembered how Y/n had joked about them becoming teammates, and a pang of sadness hit him. That dream would never become a reality now.
"I remember," Max responded, his voice filled with nostalgia and regret. "She deserved that chance. Y/n had more talent and determination than anyone I knew."
Mrs.L/n nodded, tears still streaming down her face. "She looked up to you, you know."
Max looked down, guilt and sorrow filling his heart. "I should have been there to guide her, to support her. But it's too late now."
Mrs.L/n reached out to grasp Max's arm gently. "Don't blame yourself, Max. You were an excellent friend to her. Y/n was an amazing girl, but fate had other plans."
Max's eyes met Mrs.L/n's, and he saw a mixture of pain and acceptance. "I'll always feel like I could have done more. She was so young, with so much potential and ambition."
Mrs.L/n's voice trembled as she spoke again. "She had so many dreams. She wanted to make her mark in Formula 1."
"And she would have," Max said, his voice filled with conviction. "Y/n was born to race."
They stood there in silence, the weight of the loss hanging heavily. Max's mind was flooded with memories of Y/n - the laughter, the banter, the shared passion for racing. The emptiness she left behind felt immense.
The connection they had was unique, and now with Y/n gone, Max felt the absence more than ever. He could only hope that wherever she was, Y/n was surrounded by peace and happiness.
Mrs.L/n looked up at Max, gratitude filling her eyes. "You were like a brother to her, Max. Thank you for being there for her. Thank you for being a part of her life."
Max gently squeezed her arm, his voice cracking with emotion. "I was lucky to have her as a friend. Y/n was one of the best people I've ever known. She'll always be in my heart."
They stood there, two people connected by a profound loss, each silently honoring the memory of Y/n. The bond they shared, forged through their love for her, would endure with time.
Mrs.L/n hugged Max tightly, her body trembling with grief. "Please take care of yourself," she murmured. Max nodded, holding her close and providing comfort and unwavering support.
"I will," he assured her. "I'll make sure to honor Y/n's memory and continue living passionately. That's what she would have wanted."
They shared a moment of silent understanding before Mrs.L/n pulled back, her eyes still filled with tears. Max stepped back, watching as she walked towards the car with her husband and children, leaving him alone at the graveyard.
Y/n stood there with tears streaming down her face as she listened to her mom and friend talk about her. All she could do was smile sadly at the two of them as they had their conversation. She watched as her mom and Max had one last hug before parting ways.
“Goodbye, Mom I love you,” Y/n says, reaching out fingertips lightly brushing against her mom's arm causing her to falter in her steps looking over to where her daughter stood, seeing nothing she shook her head and kept walking the car.
Y/n turned to look at Max who stood firm in his position “Thank you Max for everything” she said reaching up to try to wipe away one of his tears.
Max was overwhelmed by a sense of comfort that washed over him as If it was warm and comforting. Looking up and around, Max couldn't shake the feeling that Y/n's presence was with him. He was certain that she was right there with him.
“Thank you for everything Y/n” Max says, smiling a small smile.
“tot ziens broer” Y/n whispers before going into the light.
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yourstrulyrani · 4 hours ago
Hi luv!
I am new to Simon Riley but I am DOWN BAD lmao
Could u please write something about mommy reade being insecure and struggling with like body image after pregnancy and during post-partum. Like being a REAL MAN he is, he just adores his mama and loves how her body changed and created their baby.
U can totally change it however u like, i am bad at explaining 😭😭
I absolutely loved ur last dad!Simon imagine, I could never 😭
Keep it up 🫶🏻🫶🏻
dad!simon riley x mom!reader
blurb: dad!simon soothes your insecurities about your postpartum body. cw&tws: body image/weight, suggestive right at the end // wc: 1279
a/n: aw hii you’re so kind, thank you! & don’t worry you explained it perfectly and i am so in love with this idea so here it is, thank you for your kind words btw 🥹🫶🏼 i want to bring attention to anyone reading who needs to hear it, that no matter your weight or how your body looks: you’re enough. your looks are not “hideous” or anything else along those lines just because society tells you otherwise. in no way do i have the intention of promoting body negativity/shaming. every body is a body worthy of love and respect as long as you treat others the same. please take care of yourselves & love yourselves as much as possible 🤍.
With the spare time you have now as your baby is asleep in her nursery, you take off your tank top, now clad in only a nursing bra and your underwear.
You step in front of the mirror. You thought your heart sunk enough when you saw the number on the scale, but you were wrong. You run your hands along your stomach. The skin is still saggy from the pregnancy and birth, and the stretch marks from your pregnancy that were once faint now boldly start at your hips and vine their way to your belly button. At this point, you let the tears fall. You want the body you had before pregnancy. You want the body where you could see where your waist ended and your hips started. You want the body where your breasts don't have stretch marks. You want the number you had on the scale from before. You don’t even recognize yourself.
You think: How did I let myself go this much?
You break down on the wooden floor of the bedroom, the hot tears falling on the cold floor.
“Sweetheart?” His voice calls out to you.
You forgot he was home too.
You look up through your tears, a blurry image but enough to know it's your husband at the doorway of your shared bedroom. Simon doesn’t hesitate to walk over and sit down with you on the floor, placing his hands on your cheeks and rubbing your tears off with his thumbs. “Baby.”
Your eyes shut, letting more tears fall at the pressure. You can’t look at him. You can’t be with him. Your body isn’t enough. Enough for you. Enough for him. “Baby, look at me.” His voice tightens along with his hands on your face.
You whimper in pain, “No.”
His hands move from your cheeks to your elbows, lifting you up gently. “Here, let’s get you up on the bed.” You have been recently so happy with the arrival of your baby, Simon too. It pains him to see you like this. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.” He pleads gently until you finally open your eyes.
As soon as you sit on the bed and your bloodshot eyes weakly gaze at him, his chest tightens. Your breathing is labored yet you manage to get out a few words, “My body, Simon.” You wrap your stomach around your arms, clutching at the body that’s giving you trouble. “It’s so ugly. I’m sorry.” You hiccup, the crying making it harder to breathe. “My stretch marks, my belly, my swollen legs and feet. Everything. I’m sorry I’m not as pretty as before.”
“You don’t think you’re pretty?”
“I’m hideous, Si.”
Simon’s ears rang when you called yourself that word: Hideous. His gorgeous, dedicated, sweet wife. The mother to their baby, the love and light of his life, and here she is talking about herself like this.
“Stand up for me, sweetheart.” Simon grabs your hands and you reluctantly do as he says. He tugs at your bra, “Can I take this off?”
“But the doctor said no sex for six wee—“
“I know, baby. Don’t worry. Not planning on that right now. You need to heal." Your nod of permission makes him unclasp your bra. He cups your cheek and places a kiss on your forehead before guiding you by the shoulders to the mirror. Here you are, again, facing the woman you can’t stand.
Simon stands behind you, his chin resting on your shoulder and his hands on your arms. “You’re so beautiful.” He kisses your neck, the touch of affection featherlight but heavy with love.
Simon’s hands move down to your breasts, cupping one in each hand. His hands are big enough to let his thumbs trace over the stretch marks on them. “These stretch marks are normal and perfect. Your body grew selflessly for our girl and this shows it.” His eyes gaze into yours through the mirror. “I don’t think your stretch marks are hideous. I think they’re a physical sign of your strength.” His hands give your breasts a final rub, then move on to rub the stretch marks across your hips and stomach. You turn your head to the side, disgusted at looking at yourself for any longer.
Your husband clicks his tongue. “Look, baby. Please. Right there in the mirror. Look for me.” Simon glides his hands along your stomach. He squeezes gently, enough to feel the softness without hurting you. You turn your head back to face the mirror, and Simon gives you a warm smile through the mirror. You look at your body, analyzing every inch. The stretch marks you once saw as something that should be disgusted over, you now see them as a physical witness to your pregnancy. You start to think they're not so bad.
His hands circled all around your stomach. “And your belly you said? Here is where you carried our baby. You let her grow here. Your stomach is not hideous. It changed beautifully. It’s softer than before and I love it. I love feeling it. I love looking at it.” He keeps reassuring you in your ear and you can't help but to shiver. You always loved Simon's voice, but the combination of it and his honest reassurances does something else to you.
You slowly start to feel better, but your doubts still rise about how Simon feels. “But I don’t feel pretty enough for you. I’ve changed so much after this pregnancy.”
“You are always pretty enough for me. You are always beautiful. You’re perfect, mama. Your body changed because you got pregnant and that’s normal. I’m not disgusted. If anything I am in awe of you and your body’s ability.”
Simon walks around to stand in front of you now, making you look up at him by lifting your chin up with his finger. His head lowers to kiss your forehead, his lips kissing their way down to your cheek, and lastly to your neck. “Believe me when I say your body has changed in the best way possible, my love. Every inch. Every stretch mark and curve. It’s all beauty to me. You are beauty to me. Love yourself, please.”
Your eyes tear up. Not because you hate your body anymore, but now realizing just how much you should love it and how much the man you love loves it. "I love you," you whisper. Both of you look into each other's eyes, none of you denying the amount of love in each pair.
"I love you too, mama." Simon brings you into an embrace, wrapping his forearms around your upper back. His face finds the crook of your neck, his lips grazing your most sensitive spot as he speaks. "My beautiful woman. Just a few more weeks and I'll prove it to you just how beautiful you are." He softly kisses your neck, thinking about how fortunate he is to have a woman who loves him like you do.
You giggle and cross your arms playfully, “How so?” You know exactly what he means, but it wouldn't hurt to hear it out loud.
Simon chuckles before moving his head away from your neck to look down at your face. He admires every slope. He loves the way your eyelashes compliment your eyes, the way your lip color is the perfect shade to kiss, and your cheeks soft enough to hold in his hands. He does the latter, his words laced with suppressed desire as he whispers, “The same way I got you knocked up.”
You think: How did I get so lucky?
(brb gonna go cry UGH i need a man to praise me like he's doing RIGHT NOW.)
~ yours truly, rani ♥︎
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aainiouu · 2 days ago
A tethered mind free from the lies
Hen Wilson loves Evan Buckley, it’s just a fact. He is like a little brother to her and she just… loves him. Fiercely. She wants to know things that go on in his life, he wants to hear stuff and likes when Buck asks for her advice. Sure she teases him and gives him grief, but the bottom line is that there is a little Hen wouldn’t do for Buck.
But this? This is something she would have never imagined she would have to and never wanted to do.
“Tommy! You have to stay awake!” Hen yells and Tommy’s glassy eyes turn to her. The helicopter is a flaming husk of debris a safe distance away and Hen is aching all over and the blood is seeping somewhere on her scalp but somehow Tommy had made sure their crash landing didn’t hurt her too badly.
And then had the absolute audacity to demand Hen to leave him there. No way. She wasn’t planning to do that.
The concerning thing is that even if Hen did get Tommy out the situation is not good. In fact it’s possibly catastrophic, but it’s dark and even though Hen patched Tommy up to the best of her ability, it might not be enough.
But if it’s not enough she has to be the one to tell Buck so Hen isn’t giving up anytime soon. Not that she would anyway. Everybody always forgets that Tommy was her and Chim’s friend first.
“This isn’t looking too good, Hen,” Tommy coughs out, “My dad always said I would get myself killed, it seems like he got his wish”
“Shut the fuck up, Tommy, you’re not dying here.” Hen grits out and puts on more fabric around the stick (a branch really) poking out Tommy’s abdomen. Hen doesn’t know how Tommy manages it but the look and the scoff he gives her tell exactly how little he believes that.
“Hen, you have to tell Evan..” Tommy starts but Hen shuts him up with a look.
“I’m not telling the lover boy anything because you are going to tell him yourself.” Hen can feel the panic clawing up her throat but she needs to say on top of it. Tommy needs to survive this.
“No, please, Hen, I need to..” Tommy swallows and for Hen’s horror his eyes fill up tears. “I need him to know. I don’t think I’ve ever loved anyone as much as I love Evan.”
Hen takes Tommy’s hand which is shaking, clammy and covered with blood. Tommy’s breath is shaking too and Hen feels herself tear up as well.
“Tell me about your Evan, Tommy,” she says and gently swipes Tommy’s hair from his forehead. Tommy smiles and looks at the sky. The fire paints his features strong, sharp but the look on his face makes him look boyish somehow. Tommy is a very handsome man, even crying and covered with blood.
“Evan, is, god, he showed me what could be. I never… I never thought I would get that, I still don’t not really, not the way we keep… we keep messing it up. But he showed me what could be.”
Hen smiles and keeps the pressure on Tommy’s wound, it’s still bleeding sluggishly, but the pulse she can feel on Tommy’s wrist is still going pleasantly strong.
”He’s the one I didn’t see coming, god, someone so light, so good, so gorgeous, so adorable, I didn’t know they made them like that.”
Hen can help but snort and Tommy somehow manages to pinch her hand slightly.
“He has so much life in him, so much love. He is simultaneously so giving with it, it scares me but also so careful on how it is received, it kills me.” Tommy turns his gaze back to her and the sheer adoration on Tommy’s face makes it hard to look away. “I don’t deserve it, I never have but god how I wish… I wish I could. I’ve never met anyone like him, I doubt there is anyone like him to meet. Not to me.”
“You do deserve it, Tommy.” Hen says quietly and the disbelieving laugh Tommy let’s out makes her heart hurt, “You do. Hell, don’t believe me, but believe Buck. The boy is crazy about you. If I let you die here, he’s never going to forgive me.”
“He will, Hen, he would never hold a grudge.”
“He won’t because I’m not letting you die.”
Tommy’s hmms and coughs wetly.
“I’m cold, Hen, and it’s not really hurting anymore and we both know it’s not a good sign.” Tommy grunts. “God, I would give everything to feel Evan’s arms around me right now, he’s like a furnace, a big, gorgeous, clingy furnace. I never felt cold sleeping with him.”
Hen takes off her jacket and lays it on the top of Tommy.
“I just want to see him again, I want to tell him…I—”
Tommy’s eyes slip closed and at the same moment a ray of light reaches them and someone runs towards them. Someone big, not careful, someone shouting their names on the top of their lungs, voice hoarse, panicked and wet.
It’s Buck.
Tommy’s pulse gets weaker and then it’s gone.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 hours ago
Hello! deeply enjoy your writing and portrayal of characters! We've had sick reader but if you feel up to it may I ask for reader looking after sick shadow milk cookie? I don't know if he could get sick as easily, but there's also a possibility that he's pretending bc he wants to be doted on and doesn't know how to ask for attention directly lol, whichever way you want to take the scenario! Tysm!
Thank you! I'll make this a reverse fic of that one I wrote (where Smilk gets the "spice sickness" instead but Reader's got not clue if he's actually ill or making it up)
"Oooohhhh...the paaaaiiin. This may be my final hour, my dearest. The curtain calls! Tell Candy Apple Cookie and Black Sapphire Cookie they were the best minions anyone..could ask for....."
"...Shadow Milk Cookie, c'mon. You're not dying." You shake your head, amused by the antics your partner currently displayed as he laid in bed, snuggled beneath a handful of blankets. Even without all his ruffles and usual jester outfit on, he felt unusually warm--like he'd melt at any moment.
Somehow he contracted an illness from the storm that was raging over the Land of Spice, having a coughing fit nonstop ever since you two returned to the spire. Rumor Weaver caught wind of his condition and was gossiping about it to the other inhabitants, suspecting that Burning Spice Cookie had given it to him on purpose after they had a disagreement.
Of course, he allowed her to believe what she wanted, as right now he felt too "sick" to do anything else except wallow in bed and have you tend to his every need.
You were almost certain that this was his way of obtaining your affections and attention. He's too prideful to ask you for a simple kiss like a normal cookie would.
It was hard to know which parts of this he was faking, although judging from his watery eyes, specs of spice flakes in his blue dough, and sniffles..there was some truth to his ailment. And the fact that he was willing to trust you enough to be seen like this indicated how serious it was.
"Eat some of this." Picking up a bowl of cool lassi--which a Kulfi child had given you before your departure--you stirred it around a little bit. "It'll soothe your aching throat."
You offered him the spoon, but he just looked at you in disgust. "You don't think I can feed myself?"
"....well, if you insist on-"
"I'm kidding." With a small grunt, he sat up and waited, his cheeks appearing a bit flushed. You couldn't tell if it they were reflections of his sickness or emotions, although he didn't say anything more.
"Very well." You chuckled, spoonfeeding the creamy yogurt to him, tilting his chin up. "You know...I'm starting to think you enjoy this."
"Heh...feel like I'm tormenting you yet? Forcing you to tend to my every need?" He quietly rasped. "You don't seem all that concerned that I might just be faking 99 percent of this."
"Sure, maybe. But I'm just focused on the one percent chance that you possibly aren't."
He remained unusually quiet after that, even as you helped him finish the remaining lassi. His throat did feel a lot less scratchy, but he decided to lay back down, already feeling exhaustion catching up to him.
As his hair spilled all over the pillow, many blue eyes blinked up at you, half-lidded just like his actual eyes were.
You hummed and set the bowl back on the nightstand, taking this as your cue to get up and leave him be-
When suddenly he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down onto the bed beside him. Before you could even ask what on earthbread he was doing, he had his arms wrapped around you tightly, keeping you trapped in his hold as he cuddled into your chest.
"Who said you could leave?"
"I-I..uh..." You were a bit flustered. "I figured you wanted to rest"
"Yeah, but...I just...I don't wanna be alone. Please stay.." He quietly expressed, sounding a little sad and worried that you were going to try to leave him anyways.
Maybe he was actually delirious from the spice sickness, and his true feelings were finally being laid bare in front of you. But you decided not to question it and instead smiled.
"Oh, Shadow Milk Cookie. You could have just asked." You chuckled softly, hugging him closely as you rested your chin on top of his head. "I'll stay as long as you want me to. But if this gets me sick, I'm blaming you, alright?"
His lack of response indicated that he had quickly fallen asleep, which surprised you considering how often he was on-guard, or touted that he never needed sleep.
Then again, you didn't wanna question anything and spoil this rare moment of intimacy. So you just kept watch over him until sleep eventually came for you, too.
Even if you also contracted the spice sickness because of this, it was well worth it.
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coke-whore · 3 days ago
billy x slasher reader, she only kills guys. and lets say she ends up getting caught by him in the woods or something after sneaking off with a guy at a party.
she’s like “what are you doing here?”
and he’s like no, “what are YOU doing here?” 🤨
he ofc notices the blood, the gloves, the corpse on the ground. when reader showed up into town he took minimal interest in her, she was pretty but she had nothing that peaked his interest. he had more important things to worry abt. well now she was visibly panicking and he’s amused.
he NEVER expected this of all things. how long was this going on? was that the reason so many guys had gone missing recently only to turn up dead? only for the killings to be blamed on him and stu? reader was clever he had to admit, going to an area like this. allowing the blame to fall on them. and now that she looks like she’s abt to charge at him— he decides to make things a lil interesting and let her in on his plan.
also i like tagging requests with emojis anytime i send asks so ppl know who it’s from. ^^ is it okay if i do that? if so ill use a 🍒 !
yes ofc! btw srry for the doing this so late, life has been HECTIC.
- Billy Loomis 𝓍 fem!reader
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𝜗𝜚 - billy loomis x fem!reader
𝜗𝜚 - story (possible multi part)
𝜗𝜚 - mentions of death & gore, blood, stabbing, killing
ღ - a/n: The title is so Jennifer Check
𝜗𝜚 - navigation requests are open
word count: 1,349
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The sound of music playing in the background gradually faded into a muffled thump as you made your way further and further into the woods behind none other than Stu Macher’s house. Stu always did throw the best parties; at least that’s what you managed to grasp from the minimal time you had spent in Woodsboro.  
Growing up with a parent whose job involved moving from state to state all the time meant learning how to navigate your way through each school. It was difficult at first of course with all the anxiety of making new friends and the guilt of not being able to keep in touch with them and blah, blah, blah, but over time you came to realize how fucking similar everyone was. There was always that one group of popular kids who were straight up assholes, the group of nerdy, geeky people, the smart kids who would die if they ever got anything besides an A, the stoner kids, and everyone else who were essentially just background characters. 
And there were always, always, copies of various people regardless of the school you found yourself in. For example, you would find yourself in conversation with a blonde-haired girl who talked exactly like this one brunette you knew but could not be bothered to remember the name of, and they might have had contrasting appearances, but holy shit were they the same exact person. It really serves as a reminder that people aren’t as ‘individual’ and ‘special’ as they think they are.  
Apart from realizing the simplicity and naivety of people, you had also come to realize guys are such immature, brainless pieces of shit. Especially teenage boys. It was like the moment they reach puberty all they can think about is getting their dick wet. You had no space to even begin to judge them for being horny. I mean who doesn’t like a good fuck every now and then. But the way a portion of them spoke about women as if they were objects had you physically reeling. It was disgusting, the way they could easily engage in conversation about a girl as if they were some trinket they were considering buying at the mall.  
You could not let that slide. You just couldn’t. You wouldn’t. What type of feminist would you be if you just stood around without taking action.  
Some people might call what you are doing just a tad bit over dramatic. But you always had loved theatrics and if anything, everything you did – are doing – would be in vain if it was not at the very least a little entertaining. Your target audience would expect nothing less. 
The rustle of leaves brings you back to reality as you smile at the green eyed blonde you had tied up against a tree. “Listen, honey, it’s nothing personal – really, it isn’t, it’s just,” you crouch down in front of him with a sigh, rubbing your thumb across his cheek in a soothing manner, “you’re such a fucking manwhore.” Your smile turns into a sneer as the last part falls from your mouth. Propping yourself up from your current crouching position you stretch with your hands clasped above your head until you feel the soothing burn as your back pops. “Now,” you clasp your hands together with a grin “for the main event!”  
You hum “California Dreamin’” to yourself as you open the duffle bag you had hidden under a pile of leaves beforehand. You gasp and turn to face the petrified guy with a broad smile. “Oh my god that is so ironic.” you gushed as you placed your hands on your hip. You bit your lip stifling a laugh. “Get it ‘cause the lyrics – y'know it’s about leaves and shit.” you snickered before pouting when you realized all the blonde was doing was staring up at you as his face got paler as the seconds ticked by. “Tough crowd” you muttered rolling your eyes, swiftly turning your back to get the hunting knife and garbage bags tucked in your bag.  
“Alrighty then,” you beamed “time to slice ‘n dice” the leaves crunched under the weight of your boots as you leisurely made your way in front of the alarmed guy. He squirmed away as best he could, shouting muffled protests as the blade in your hand made its way to his neck. “It’s a shame, really – “you said with a tone of mock pity “you’re so pretty but alas, you were just too easy.” you sighed fiddling with your knife. “All I did was flash you a candy smile and you took the bait, hook, line and sinker.”  
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Smoke left Billy’s mouth as he finished his cigarette, crushing it under his boot on the porch of Stu’s house. He made his way back into the chaotic party accidently bumping into someone in the process. “Oh my goodness I am so sorry.” you apologized before hastily grabbing onto the guy you were presumably about to leave with. “I’m such a klutz when I’m tipsy” you giggled before getting dragged off by John? Josh? Whatever his fucking name was.  
Billy had seen you around school a few times, you both shared an AP English class, and you always made an appearance at parties like these. But ever since you showed up guys had been dropping dead like flies. He wouldn’t have usually minded aside from a couple curious thoughts but whoever it was that was going on this killing spree was fucking up his plans. The last thing he needed was for ‘Ghostface’ to be suspected of all these murders. And he had a sneaking suspicion that you were connected somehow.  
So, of course, like any rational person, he followed you when you took your boy toy into the woods. Oh, and was he treated with a surprise.  
You were humming to yourself as you began disposing of a body that had multiple stab wounds littered across it. He could not help the cheshire grin that made its way across his face as he watched you discard everything step by step as if it was a routinely business of yours. 
“Cute hobby” he crowed grinning that God awful ‘Billy Loomis’ esque smile. “You do this often or... –?” You whipped your head towards the sound of his voice so fast you could have sworn your neck nearly snapped off. Headless horseman was not the look you were going for. 
Billy Loomis. Billy motherfucking Loomis. You internally screamed your lungs out because how was he standing here. Well, you knew how he obviously followed you, but why? You bumped into him leaving the party, and he saw whatshisname trailing along beside you like a puppy and thought ‘oh free porn’ or some dumb bullshit? There was no possible way you would be able to play this off. There is a dead body directly next to you, the hunting knife you used had your prints all over it and you had splotches of blood beginning to soak into the soft material of your shirt leaving small crimson red dots.  
‘So, what now?’ 
“What are you doing here?” you asked in an accusatory tone as you continued to spiral further not in the least bit prepared for this situation. He chuckled, taking a few steps forward as the maroon leaves that filled the forest floor crunched beneath his feet. “I could ask you the same thing.” 
Tension fills the air and the only noise that can be heard is the quiet ‘thump, thump, thump’ of music in the background save for the occasional hoot of an owl. You are visibly shaken by Billy’s sudden and unwanted appearance while he looks indifferent. The scent of cheap beer and cigarette’s fill your nostrils as he edges closer, and you contemplate gutting him and making it look like a Ghostface killing. 
“This is usually the part where you run.” you squint at him, narrowing your eyes while he tilts his head with a faint smile as though you had said something amusing. “I gotta give you credit,” he says completely ignoring your remark, “coming to this shithole and letting the blame fall on ‘Ghostface’ is pretty clever.” “Is it?” you questioned rhetorically, tightening the grip on your blade. He seems to notice as his eyes flick towards the sharp object but carries on with his little speech. “Mhm, yeah, it is. And before you come charging at me with that thing why don’t we... have a chat.” 
You eyed the boy suspiciously doubt flickering across your features. “A chat...?” He turned towards you with a wicked smile.  
“I have a proposition.” 
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spiralinghearts · 11 hours ago
”and vlyad says she can do what she wants but implies its pretty much inevitable that laurence is going to hit a breaking point. And hes completely right.” — it makes me think that, vylad and vincent convincing laurance to go back to the nether was the best diversion of disaster. if laurance stayed with everyone, kept ignoring the calling, his emotions, everything, he would have lashed out. and i feel like it would have been horribly devastating, not only for everyone around him, but for himself too. even though he didnt want to go, it was brought to his attention of what could possibly happen if he kept ignoring the signs. he had to go. and i think for this, it was mercy on himself and the ones he loves.
more emphasis needs to be put on the fact that cadenza is scared of her own brother. theyve been close for all, most, of their life. cadenza knows laurance best as a silly guy, a charming one. and just suddenly hes shifted to a different being. and his behavior is deteriorating.
"this inevitable downfall brought on by an act that was completely selfless" — it is such a great way to summarize the regression of laurances character... by an act of heroism, he was subjected to this torturous change.. to think that on top of him despising the fact that aphmau loves another man so much more than he, that she is now pregnant with another mans child, and that he just holds so much resentment of these facts, one could think that he also despises having sacrificed himself for her long ago.
honestly for "heres the thing", when i was younger i liked laurance a lot because he was just the type of male character i liked. (and like you mean. boiled down). in my own interpretation, he was a guy who was silly, charming, the classic casanova, but he had this tragedy to his character as well, and i could also sympathize. he wanted the girl he liked so badly to like him back. he felt so tainted. take the scene by the pond in the forest after he slaughtered a whole werewolf tribe (ToT) he thought he was a terrible monster and he didnt want to become like what was now in his nature. (also to mention. when i was younger and loved mcd, and laurance, i took things at face value, i wasnt an analytical gal. i wasnt seeing the slow descent of laurances mad behavior, but seeing him as a guy who cared deeply for the woman he liked, and those around him. but now i see all of the faults. the creepy behavior.)
but nowadays, i find myself sympathizing and internalizing things from a womans point of view (versus a human beings view. because i am a woman, and i do understand all emotions from all people, it is so much more connecting to feel (and project) a womans emotions as a woman). so sure laurances character is certainly a tragedy and i sympathize with it. but standing from a womans perspective, his behavior towards aphmau is foul. hes constantly, sometimes inadvertently, hounding her about love. who does she love- will she ever love- can she love him-. it feels like at this point, he would even appreciate a fake reciprocate of love from her. the way that his constant displays of affection are uncomfortable to her. i used to think she was just silly, she was laughing of his displays to save his heart from breakage, but now i see that she was laughing because she didnt want anything to change between the two, about their fun quips and jokes, she doesnt want to believe laurance is a different person, and all the same, she didnt want laurance to break into aggressive behavior.
my take !
Ill admit ive never been that into laurence (any his variations really) but something has been really bothering me since rewatching parts of MCD.
What really caught my attention about MCD Laurence is that he starts out as this well adjusted, loyal knightly and charming guy- and then after he becomes a shadow knight you just see this slow decay of him. Like hes slowly losing parts of himself and its causing him to become more and more unstable to the point where by the end of season 2 hes honestly kind of terrfying.
And ALOT of that is reflected with how his relationship with aphmau starts to shift. He goes from this sweet, suave and honestly pretty silly personality, to being so obsessive and vindictive towards her.
Theres this one scene, at the end of ep 95 S2, where aphmau has just essentially seen a ghostly image of aaron and is really shaken up by it. Laurence comes to sit with her and ask her about it. And at first, it genuinely seems like hes just trying to get her to open up so he can support her. But then it quickly spirals into him demanding to know why she cares about aaron so much and why shes greiving so hard for him, like its a problem. He becomes so aggressive and condensending to the point where Garroth has to intervene and he walks off.
In this moment you see how far hes really fallen, he goes from semingly reasuring and gentle, and by the end of it hes disrepecting a dead man, who gave his life to save both his brother and supposed love of his life, who he travelled and fought along side with for months, who close to the end of his life was taking care of an orphan (something he comlimented in aphmau), and hes thowing all of that out the window because hes taken Aphmau's attention, due to the fact he fucking died.
After that happens, aphmau has a conversation woth vlyad where he basically tells her that laurence has to accept what he is and go to the nether or else hes gonna go insane, and that the only reason he came back is because hes "chasing a fantasy". Aphmau responds by suggesting they get cadenza over so that he can be with family, and vlyad says she can do what she wants but implies its pretty much inevitable that laurence is going to hit a breaking point. And hes completely right.
Before laurence even gets to speak to cadenza, he eavesdrops on the conversation where aphamu reveals shes pregnant, and just immediately peaces out, out of fear that hes going to MURDER HER.
Not to mention that in that conversation, cadenza herself tells aphmau not to tell laurence because shes scared of how he would react. He has gotten so unstable that his own sister, who loves him more than anything, can recognise that he is a danger to some degree and shes RIGHT.
All this paints a stark contrast, the laurence we first met vs the man he has now become. Its tragic because its this inevitable downfall brought on by an act that was completely selfless, him sacrificing himself that got him turned into a shadow knight in the first place.
Even this is eventually tainted, his selfless act becomes a selfish one as he seems to cling to aphmau's love and affection as an emotional crutch. Aphmau obviously loves and cares for him deeply, but not in an explicitly romantic/sexual way. And if she doesnt love him the way he wants, then why is he suffering through this? Why did he bother to sacrafice himself at all if theres no reward? Its honestly horrifying how pretty much everyone who loved and respected him, makes what should be incredibly out of place predictions on him, but they always end up being right except for aphmau. She cant accept that hes changing and theres nothing she or anyone else can do change that. Its gut wrenching.
This all lead me to beileve that i didnt give enough credit to his character. I love this. This is the type off tragic story telling im here for. Theres so much more to this character than i ever expected.
Heres the thing.
Why the fuck do laurence's biggest fans seem to just completely disregard this? If you believed a good portion of the fandom, laurence is just this sauve uwu sad boy who was unfairly rejected and ignored by a woman who demamded the world from him.
Im dead serious, i saw people saying that laurence "deserved better than aphmau", that he deserved someone who recognised the sacrafice he made. Which like- there is so much to unpack there.
First of all, aphmau did recognise his sacrafice, she did love him and try to support him in the best way she could, even when literally everyone around her was saying it was a lost cause. She did everything she could for that man and forgave so much of what he did while struggling with the calling and she got nothing but shit for it.
Second of all, no the fuck he doesnt?? As illustrated in the examples above he did not respect Aphmau's boundaries. He did not respect her feelings. And by the end, he didnt even respect her bodily autonomy. Lets be honest here, he basically abandoned everyone he apprantly "loved", because bro tapped it before he could. She loved him so much, but because he wanted something she wasnt willing or able to provide, that being explicitly romantic and sexual attention, he just didnt see it. To try and argue that hes the real victim here, is in the same vain of "nice guys finish last". Him being kind, compassionate and selfless- shouldnt be reliant on whether or not this woman will fuck him or not. That is an insanely misogynistic way of thinking.
But most important to me in the context of this analysis- what is there to like about laurence with this interpretation? What possibly sets him apart from the gazillion other brunette pretty anime bois? Am i to gay for this? Is there something im not seeing?
I understand fanon can wildly divert from canon, and i understand that alot of this is probably down to the fact that i find dissecting and critiquing canon more intresting than reinventing it through fanon. Im locked into the Baldurs gate 3 fandom and i had the same experience there (laurence fangirls got NOTHING on Astarion girlies). But both experiences have left me with the same question- what draws you to a character, when all you do is boil them down to their most generic aspects?
I find Laurence intresting cause we are seeing this man crash out and become a monster in real time. And i dont see how he is worth even an honourable mention, when you take that away.
What is there left to be compelled to?
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acourtofthought · 18 hours ago
Someone just shared this Reddit in a group chat I am in for acotar. What’s your thoughts on it?
I looked in the book and prior to Elain acknowledging Lucien talking to her, all the words Lucien speaks in is block letters but once Elain speaks to Lucien all the “spoken” words are in italics.
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It is something interesting to consider.
Lucien words before Elain spoke (which the reddit poster has above):
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Lucien's words after:
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It would also fit in to theories that it's possible Elain and Lucien have been communicating all this time with the looks they gave one another in ACOWAR. There were so many scenes where they were simply staring at one another, not saying anything, but it seemed those looks spoke volumes. And could explain why Elain suddenly stopped meeting Lucien's eyes in ACOFAS / ACOSF, if she were afraid that by doing so he could once again easily "hear" her thoughts and she was trying to hide away from everything that made her feel too much in the same way Nesta did after the war. With that said, can a daemati hear the thoughts of person A while person A is sending thoughts into person B's head if the daemati is only in person B's head? We know Feyre can "hear" Lucien's thoughts but could she also hear Lucien "hearing" Elain's thoughts? Or did Feyre inadvertently slip into both Elain and Lucien's minds?
I'm going back and forth on whether it was intentional or Sarah mistakenly wrote Lucien's one sided conversation in the beginning with regular text rather than it being italicized, but I do think it's something fun to consider as a possibility! I definitely think Sarah will play into a strong connection between Elain and Lucien in their book, maybe even carranam in the way Aelin / Rowan were and how they too could carry on non-verbal conversations with one another.
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yummyrevivalfluid · 1 day ago
What Wouldn't Senku Do For Science?
Summary: What was supposed to be a journey to Treasure Island gets interrupted when a storm has the Perseus sail off course.  The kingdom of science finds itself landing on a mysterious island inhabited by the people of Flora Village. Imagine Senku’s surprise when he is face-to-face with the Queen of the village who has a necklace made of platinum around her neck. Surely Senku wouldn’t try to charm you into giving up your necklace in the name of science?
Chapter 1 Synposis: It's the day of your coronation ceremony! What can possibly go wrong?!
Warnings: Misogyny, Deaths, slightly suggestive themes (NO SMUT...yet...), anxious reader
Word Count: 5,608
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You’ve been lying awake in your bed, trying to ignore the sick feeling in your stomach. The weird, swirling sensation of feeling empty. Every so often, you turn on your stomach, your head lurching off the bed, trying to swallow the feeling that keeps arising, to swallow back the sour and bitter taste.  
Only one thing kept running through your mind. Try as you might, your thoughts keep going to the future, thinking of all the ways your coronation can go. Despite having planned everything for your coronation. You couldn’t stop this nagging feeling in the back of your mind. The feeling that something will go wrong, that something unexpected will come crashing towards you.
Your mind begins to drift back to your father, anything to slow the rhythm of your heart—anything to even your erratic breathing. ‘Tomorrow is a day of celebration’ you can imagine your father telling you. With a bitter laugh, you close your eyes in an attempt to sleep. You were unsure if you had slept at all…
You open your eyes to the warmth of the rising sun. The warmth of the light that touches your skin calms your nerves. The song the birds sing brings you peace. After hours of self-inflicted mental torment, you finally feel at ease. Even if it is just a few minutes.
“Honestly, you think she’ll be awake at a proper time, especially today out of all days…I fear for the village when she becomes queen...”
And with the overheard whispers of your aunt, you dread the day ahead of you.
“Look who’s finally decided to wake!” your uncle shouts. The giant grin on his face was doing little to mask the mockery in his voice. “Thought you would sleep through your coronation!” He places his hand on your shoulder and squeezes, his fingers digging into your skin. You brush off his touch.  
“The sun has yet to fully rise,” you say as you take your seat at the table. “And what kind of queen would I be to just sleep the day away?”  
“A bad queen.” Your cousin answers. Your aunt is quick to interject, “A bad queen indeed! But you know better than to do that!”
You bite your tongue, not wanting to reveal what you overheard. You pray that you didn’t roll your eyes at her response; you wouldn’t hear the end of it. An unsettling silence washes over the table, and you do nothing to remedy it. Instead, you eat your breakfast, not sparing a glance at your family. As you near the end of your breakfast, your aunt finally speaks.
“Look at your face! Those bags under your eyes…It’s as if you didn’t sleep,” your aunt says in a sickening sweet voice. As if she cared for your well-being. Her tone only masks the judgmental observations under a caring disguise. “Is that what you plan on wearing to the ceremony?” she asks, eyeing your attire with a slight sneer.
“No,” you reply, with a deep sigh following your words. You can feel your right eye resisting the urge to twitch. Another wave of silence until your uncle coughs in an attempt to get your attention.  
“Have you thought of what we said?” his voice deepens. He looks at you briefly with a disdainful look, his fork playing with the food on his plate. You look at him questioningly, waiting for him to elaborate further. He doesn’t get the hint. Your patience was wearing incredibly thin today. Without thinking of the consequences of your actions, you drop the fork on your plate, sighing exasperated, accompanied by your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep…
“What are you talking about?” you say, your words revealing your annoyance. “Which of the many idiotic things are you referring to? Are you referring to my capabilities as a leader? Or is it about me finding a partner? Birthing an heir? Or is it about me possibly contracting the same illness as my father?” you laugh bitterly. “Well, you can cut the act because I know that’s what you want.”
Your aunt’s eyes widen at your response, gasping as if you cursed her. Your uncle narrows his eyes at you and scowls. “Although you are to be crowned queen,” he sneers, face turning red, “that is no reason to speak to us in that manner!”
You know you should control yourself. You have endured this for 18 years; what is a few more? What is a few more years of mental torment?  How many more backhanded comments and false celebrations can you handle until their faces are meeting the back of your hand?
What is a few more years of snide looks? How many more of their questioning gazes in your choice of attire can you take? How many more side-eyes can you take until you shove their eyes in the back of their skull?
 What is a few more years of forceful embraces? How many more fingers digging into your skin can you take? Their embraces feel like an attempt to break your ribs.
What is a few more years living with them when they wish that you were dead?
“This is the manner that you three have spoken to me all of my life!” you cry out. You stand from your seat, your hands bawl at your sides. “I know what you think of me. I know what you want from me. Your whispers are not as quiet as you think. I know that you blame me for my mother’s passing. I know that you wish I were dead…” You glance at them, and every one of them refuses to meet your eyes. Instead, they find their empty plate so fascinating. You roll your eyes, and you wave your hands in the air in defeat. You storm your way towards the exit, but you don’t leave, not yet. You haven’t finished giving them a piece of your mind.
“If you do not like the tone I speak to you, then please take a moment to reflect. From here on out, I will speak to you in the manner you speak to me.” You open the doors, and before you let them close behind you, “I will see you at the ceremony, and I expect an apology.”
You stormed out of the dining hall, opening the doors outside. The brightness of the sun that was once welcoming now irritated you. The villagers were now awake and beginning their preparation for the festivities. Their chatter and the bustling of their tasks overwhelm your ears.  Your eyes squint, attempting to adjust to the new lighting as you walk through the village to get back to your hut. Quickly, you are met with greetings from the villagers. They voice their excitement for your ceremony and for the festivities that will follow. You ease your stride and hide your frustrations. You smile at them shyly, and before you can get to your destination, you are pulled away.
You trip over your feet as someone pushes you inside their home.
“Time to get you ready for your coronation!” a voice cheers. You regain your composure and glare at the person in front of you.
“Did you have to be so rough with me?” you ask. “I’m already having a rough morning. I don’t need you to kill me before I’m queen.” You joke with your friend, Daisy. She is quick to embrace you, her touch genuine.
“You can tell me all about it while I get you all pretty!” She grips your shoulders and directs you to sit in the seat centered in her room. A mirror was placed in front, and her collection of brushes and pigments, waiting at the side. You take a seat, and she stands behind you. She holds your hair in one hand and a brush in another. “I will brush your hair while you tell me everything.”
You smile weakly at her before you begin your rant. Expressing that everything is moving too quickly. That not even a week ago you were mourning the loss of your father, and now you are expected to lead the village. You tell her that when the moon overlooked the village, you were at your haven saying your final goodbyes. You reveal to her the vow you made to yourself, to not practice sorcery for as long as you were queen. You retell the events that occurred not even an hour ago.
“-and I just stormed off!” you say, still frustrated from what occurred in the morning. Daisy hums, acknowledging you. She finishes brushing your hair and begins to style it. Opting for a simple braid with flowers incorporated.
“Please don’t take this the wrong way!” she starts nervously. “You know I love you and respect your decisions…but when are you going to find a partner…” her voice getting softer near the end of her words.
“What?” you ask, betrayed and shocked that she seems to agree with your family.
“I mean…I’m just concerned.” You look in the mirror, attempting to meet her eyes, but she refuses. Her gaze locked into your hair as she continued to braid. “For all the time that I’ve known you, I haven’t seen you interact with any of the boys from the village. The only time I do is when you reject their advances…” her voice drops and then she gasps, tugging your hair in excitement, “UNLESS YOU HAVE A SECRET LOVER YOU HAVEN’T TOLD ME ABOUT!”
You don’t respond. Your mind is trying to catch up with the sudden mood change. Your body reacts faster than your mind. You feel your face getting hot at her question. “Uh- “
“YOU DO!” She walks to stand right in front of you, her eyes staring into yours in excitement. “WHO IS IT!” she gushes.
You jolt from your seat. You felt flustered and began to pace in circles. You fan your face, attempting to cool yourself. “I don’t have a lover.” Your voice is quiet, bordering on the line of a whisper.
“But whyyyyy!” she groans, falling dramatically against the chair you were just sitting at. You’re so pretty! You can get anyone you want! SO WHYYY!” She lifts herself and walks over to you and grips your shoulders. She stares at you with a serious look despite the foolishness in her words, “And please don’t say it’s the men! There are so many eligible bachelors!” she drools.
You stay silent for a second, your mind trying to find a reason. Was it because you were always huddled up in your hut experimenting with minerals you found in the cave? Or was it because you avoided looking for a partner to spite your aunt and uncle? You keep those reasons to yourself and give her a different answer. What you thought was a logical response was blasphemy to her ears.
“If I were to choose a lover…I would like for them to be knowledgeable, …a know-it-all.” You blush at the idea of such a person existing. “I also want them to be curious… and creative. I want them to give me gifts made by their own hands…gift me something that yet exists. I don’t think any of the men in the village fit these criteria…”
As you finish your answer, you watch her hang her head in mock disappointment. Shaking her head as your answer sinks in.
“Sweetie, unless a boat washes up on the shore with your dream man aboard, you are never going to get a man. I mean, what are the chances!”
“The chances are low but never zero…” you replied optimistically, which resulted in a fit of laughter between the two of you. You continued to converse with her as she pampered you. From styling your hair to doing your makeup and choosing your attire, she made sure you looked your best. She incorporated flowers from the fields of the island into your hair. Dressing you in the village's finest jewels. Choosing your attire to match the royal necklace that will be bestowed on you.
You eyed the deep neckline in your top. “Is this not too deep?” you ask.
“Pshh! As if!”  She dismisses your concern. She grabs a necklace and rests it against your neck. “Once you are crowned Queen, they will bestow you the royal necklace. With this neckline, the necklace is going to stand out!”
“I suppose…” you reply, voice unsure. You were never fond of dressing up, so anything other than your usual attire felt strange to you, but you trusted her judgment.  “It’s just for a day,” you reason with yourself.
As if time was repeating itself, the moment you fully feel at ease, your aunt’s voice is there to ruin it. She knocks on the door and calls your name, wanting to talk. You turn to Daisy and thank her.
“I’ll see you at the ceremony.”
You’ve been strolling the shore of the island for a few minutes with your aunt. Despite saying she wants to talk, she hasn’t said a single thing.
“What is that you wanted to talk to me about?” you ask, tired of the tense silence between the two of you. Your aunt finally stops and turns to look at you.
“I want to apologize.” She speaks. This was the first time you’ve ever heard her voice sound so soft-so sincere. “My reasons for my actions towards you are no excuse. I-I” her voice cracks, and you feel your breath hitch. “-I don’t think I handled my loss correctly, just misguided my emotions.”
You feel her take your hands in hers, her thumb rubbing circles into your skin. For once, her touch didn’t hurt. “Before you were born, I gave birth to a healthy girl…S-she looked healthy…so I don’t know why she passed in her sleep.”
“I never knew…” you say to her. You squeeze her hand in a way to console her.
“So, when my brother said he was expecting his first child, I was envious…Then your mother gave birth to you, and that envy turned to resentment. Resentment because I believed you took the place of my daughter. Resentment because I blamed you for your mother's death…I know it’s not your fault, and I’m sorry for making you feel that way.” She pulls you into a deep embrace as she begins to sob into your neck, her hands clenching onto your clothes. Overwhelmed by her confession, you felt your body tremble. Your hands are shaking as you return her embrace. Oddly enough, you took comfort in the repeated sorry she whispered against you. It makes you believe that maybe the relationship between the two of you will heal with time.
“I lost my brother, and you lost your father…I’m sorry that I wasn’t there for you.”
“It’ll take some time…but I want us to get along.” You confess. She replies with a weak smile.
“Of course…Please give my husband and son time to adjust. They will come around.” She holds your hand and resumes the stroll again. This time, leading you back to your quarters. This time, the silence in the stroll was comforting. You felt at peace, and things were beginning to look hopeful. You reach your doorstep, and before she leaves, she hugs you once again, “You look lovely, by the way.”
“Thank you.”
The feeling again came back. The feeling that time was moving too quickly for you. The hours until the time for your ceremony quickly dwindled to zero. Everything in between felt like a blur.
You walked through the fields of flowers where the ceremony was being held. Vases of flowers lined the aisle you walked through. On either side of you were the two eldest of the villagers. They held onto your hands as they delivered you to the center of the field where the priestess waited for you. Their deliverance signifies the torch of prosperity and wisdom being passed down to the newer generation.
You attempted to stay calm, the number of eyes on you overwhelming you. You reach the priestess, and the elders let go of your hands, just before giving you a reassuring squeeze. You kneel before the priestess, and she begins her speech.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been kneeling or how long she had been speaking. Time is yet again a blur to you. Unsure how long you were stuck in a trance, deep in thought, until the priestess' words snapped you back to reality.
“Do you accept?”
“I accept.” Your voice resonated through the crowd of villagers. You turn to face them as the priestess clasps the platinum necklace around your neck. The metal feels cold against your skin. You take a step forward.
 “Our queen!” the priestess shouts, and the villagers begin to cheer.
I can do this…
You begin to walk down the aisle as the villagers throw flower petals over you.
What can go wrong?
You reach the end of the aisle, and you face the cheering villagers. Your fingers reach for the necklace around your neck, seeking courage to announce the commencement of the festivities. You take a deep sigh.
I can do this…
“OUTSIDERS!” the voice of a guard shouts over you. The sound of your words was lost under his shouts. You can feel your body going tense at the sound of the villagers gasping. It's hard to distinguish if they are from shock or fear. You would prefer neither.
“Outsiders?” you ask in disbelief.  The guard runs to you, out of breath. He kneels before you and apologizes.
“Yes, my Queen. They are arriving in a boat bigger than I could ever imagine.” He explains as he points to the ocean. You walk closer to the ledge of the mountainside from where the guard was stationed. Your eyes widen at the sight, and you quickly turn back and begin to shout orders.
We have time until their boat arrives at our shore. We need to act promptly.
“HA HA!” Ryusui laughs as he stands at the end of the ship as the wind of the ocean attempts to silence him. “Mother Nature is finally revealing her true side!” The boat begins to sway as the ocean current worsens.
“What the hell!” Senku shouts at Ryusui. Senku stares at the grey clouds that are approaching them faster than they wish. The waves begin to rise and crash loudly against the ship, water beginning to flood the deck “Sailor’s intuition my ass! We’re heading straight to a storm!”
Ryusui is silent, wondering what the best course of action for the safety of everyone on board would be. “It’s too late to turn back.”
“Don’t tell me we're going straight into the storm!” Chrome shouts as he points to the lighting clouds ahead of them.
“INDEED, WE ARE!” Ryusui snaps his fingers just as lightning strikes behind him. “WE NEED ALL HANDS-ON-DECK!”
“It’s time to pit The Perseus against Mother Nature!”
After hours of enduring the cruel ocean storm, the Perseus prevails. The ship is still at sea, and although it's still afloat, the sails of the ship are in tatters; some are missing entirely. Pieces of the boat were claimed by the ocean waves. The kingdom of science had to face waves higher than the surface of the deck. The crew is currently panting exhaustively against the surfaces of the ships, drenched from head to toe in salt water. Their arms are sore from holding onto the ropes connected to the sails, their bodies still shivering from the harsh winds. The crew is left in shambles, except for Ryusui, who is shouting victoriously over the ocean.  
“Stop taunting mother nature…” Senku seethes. He peers over the sides of the deck, inspecting for damage. He knows better than to be shocked. Damage was going to be unavoidable by the level of the storm they faced, but to the extent he sees. He did not like this one bit. “We can’t handle a round two. We need to head back.”
“No!” Ryusui argues back. “We need to make a stop and repair the damages.”
“Uh-huh. And where do you suggest we go?” Senku counters back. “We don’t know where the hell that storm took us! It’s going to take me a few hours before I can determine our location, and we can’t risk facing another storm. The likelihood of an island being nearby is 10 billion percent impossible.”
It was a silent standoff between the two of them. Ryusui narrowed his eyes at Senku, his arms crossed in front of his chest while Senku carried a scowl, his hands on his hips. Neither spoke, waiting for the other to be challenged. It wasn’t until Suika's shout that broke their tension. “LOOK! An island!”
“HA HA! Sailors luck!”
As the Perseus got closer to the island, it became apparent that they were about to be visitors to an occupied island. Eyeing what can be assumed to be guards waiting at the shore, Senku couldn’t help the irritated smile on his face from showing. “I’m starting to think that Sailor’s luck is a load of shit.” His words are directed at Ryusui, who continues to grin.
“Maybe they’re friendly,” Chrome shouted optimistically. Despite his own words, Chrome doubted it to be true as he eyed the guards standing at the top of the mountainside overlooking the shore.
“Fat chance” Kohaku butts in. “If they want to fight, then we’ll fight!” she attempts to lift the handle of her sword but is cut off by Gen’s hand.
“If you leave me to do the talking, I’m sure we’ll be welcomed with open arms.” A sadistic smile appears on Gen’s face as his eyes lock onto you.  
“Hmmm…got a plan already, mentalist?” Senku asks, looking questionably at Gen. Gen smiles in return and draws his attention back to the shore. He doesn’t miss the amusement on Gen’s face. Curious, he follows Gen’s gaze, and then he understands. He sees you surrounded by guards as you walk down the hillside overlooking the shore. Grabbing the makeshift binoculars, he zooms in and notices you’re giving orders. Pointing your fingers and the guards following. He follows the direction and notices that they are guarding a…cave? No…a mine!
“Looks like we know who’s running the show.” Senku says excitedly. His mind was racing with ideas of what’s hiding in your mines or the labor force you can provide.
“How advanced do you think they are?” Chrome asked as he reached for the binoculars in Senku’s hands.
“Hard to say…” Senku mumbles, finally removing the binoculars as he begins to pace around the deck. “From what I can see, they have mines, and they were quick to guard them before we landed. They, at least they understand the importance of minerals…”
“Mines, you say?” Ryusui speaks up. The wicked smile did little to hide what he was thinking. Already thinking of how to introduce his Dragos to your island and take control of your mines. “I want their mines!” Suddenly, a better idea washed over him, “HA HA! Better yet, this island shall be mine!”
“Hold your horses, Columbus.” Senku jokes. “We need to make sure they don’t attack as soon as we land. Gen?”
“Leave it to me, dear Senku.”
From the outside, everyone saw a calm and collected queen but if you were being honest, you were freaking out.
Just my luck…
When the boat was first spotted, you were quick to defend the island, sending guards to cover the area where the boat was expected to land. As quickly as you could, you met with the village advisors, arguing how to handle the outsiders. It was no surprise to you that your uncle argued against your ideas.
“She just became queen! This decision is too much for her to handle!” your uncle tried to reason. You see your aunt elbow him in the side. Be patient, you remind yourself.
“It is hers to make. We are only advisors. Our duties are to provide our perspectives and advice. It’s the queen’s responsibility how she handles the information. This responsibility lies on her,” a village elder replied.
‘It’s my decision to make,’ you think to yourself as you walk down the hillside, guarded by your sides. You stand at the center of the shore, trying your best to hide your amazement at the size of the boat.
‘Can this even be called a boat?’  
It was very much bigger than any boat in your village. The shadow it cast over you, the sound of it landing on the island, watching as the people aboard moved around, and the big thud of wood hitting the sand was enough to bring you back to reality.
‘Am I going to die on the first day being queen?’
You watched as three men walked down the ramp of the boat and began to walk towards you. A man dressed in layers with a purple overcoat walks in front. Following behind him is another wearing blue with a headband. Finally, a man with sparkly eyes, an overly nice smile, and hair that reminds you of…green onions? Your eyes roamed over their bodies, looking for any type of weapon, nothing that you could see. Except for the one wearing blue carrying a suspicious-looking bag.
“Ah!” The man in purple exclaims, his voice sounding frail. “Land at last!” he throws himself to the ground in front of you. “Oh? And who might you be?” he asks, as if he hadn’t noticed the guards surrounding them.
You narrow your eyes at his behavior, even wearier of the outsiders.  “I am the queen of Flora Village. Who might you be?” you ask.
“Us?” The man in purple with his eyes shining and watering. “Oh, we're just victims of the vil-eay ocean!” he exclaims. “We almost lost our ship!”
“Ship? You mean this big boat?” you ask, pointing at the wrecked ship behind him.
“Oh my, aren’t you smart and so eautifal-bay” Gen continue to charm you. “And possibly, perhaps generous and kind?” he asks, once again giving you puppy eyes as his lips quiver. Gen is kneeling before you, Chrome and Senku following his lead. Senku finally decides to speak.
“Miss?” his voice overly sweet and soft, catching Gen and Chrome by surprise. “Will you ever be so kind and generous to allow our Kingdom to stay? Just until we repair our ship. Then we’ll be on our way.”
His question is exactly what you were expecting from them.
It’s my decision to make…
At first glance, they seemed harmless. A little too harmless, especially for a kingdom to be sailing on an ocean bigger than all your village's boats combined…but then again…A SHIP! HOW?! You were curious about what else they could offer, and there was only one way to find out…
“As queen…” You walk closer to the men standing in front of you, holding out your hand for a shake, “My village welcomes you.” Senku takes your hand and shakes it.
And to seal the deal…Gen thinks to himself.
“In return for your generous hospitality, we offer you entertainment!” Gen announces, signaling to Chrome to begin his act. “To demonstrate what we can offer to your village, we present to you…. Rainbow Bridge!”
As Chrome begins to pull out the materials from the mysterious bag, it dawns on you what they plan to do. Your defenses relax, and you signal the guards to be at ease. All the villagers watched with anticipation, trying to understand why the rocks appeared to be of great importance.
“Watch as I manipulate fire!” Chrome shouts.
You watched as he threw salt into the fire, and the color of the flame changed to yellow. The villagers gasped in shock, amazed. Others are terrified of the sorcery the outsiders are displaying with pride. But your reaction caught Senku’s attention. You weren’t impressed or scared like the others. Then it hits him. You already know. Before Chrome can throw in the last mineral, Senku’s voice stops him. He needs to know for sure.
“What color do you think the flame will turn when he throws this in sulfur?” Senku asks, handing you a yellow rock, a mineral that you recognize. You hold the mineral as if it were poisonous, holding it far from your body. You hesitate to answer. Do you answer truthfully? Will the villagers connect the dots that you’ve been delving into sorcery, which is looked down upon? You hand the mineral back to him and whisper loudly enough, so the words barely reach his ears, “purple.”
Senku grins and hands the mineral back to Chrome, who throws it into the fire. The flame turned bright purple. Senku looks back at you and notices the small smile on your face as your answer was correct. Yet his mind is trying to wrap around the need to whisper.
“This is the power of science! Science is so bad!” Chrome shouts.
“That’s not science! That is sorcery!” a villager shouts from the back. One negative comment was enough to start a riot with your people. Your smile quickly faded, and Senku quickly connected the pieces. Just my luck…stuck on another island that looks down on science…
You are quick to ease the concerns of the villagers, putting a quick end to their fear of sorcery being allowed inside the village. You turn to look at the three men in front of you, locking eyes with Senku. “I assume you are their leader?”
“Yup, that would be me,” Senku answers.
 “There are matters we need to discuss if I am to allow your kingdom to stay. Follow me.”  
“We welcome you to our village, but you must respect our rules. You and your people are welcome to enter Flora village at your leisure when the sun is up. When the sun is down, you are to stay away from the village and its properties. You may stay at the shore with your ship or set camp in the woods.” You state as you read off the rules you have written in short notice.
“Alright, makes sense,” Senku says as he stands beside you, reading the list you have written.
“After the performance on the shore,” your voice wavering, “I’m sure you understand we might have different viewpoints on sorcery-.”
“Science,” Senku corrects you.
“Sorcery.” You repeat firmly, challenging him to correct you. He doesn’t, he chooses to stay silent despite the itch. “We have different viewpoints on sorcery. I will respect your customs as you will do ours. You can practice your sorcery on this island, but away from the village. If there are any reports of you practicing inside the village, your kingdom will be asked to leave.”
Senku stays silent. Not due to the conditions you have listed, although there is something that was bugging him, but he’ll have Suika investigate it soon. He stays silent because of what he notices is dangling from your neck. He wasn’t one to care for jewelry, but your necklace was anything but ordinary.
You notice he has yet to agree to your condition. Curious about what the issue is, you look at him. You drop the paper in your hand and gasp as you step back, shocked by Senku’s lack of personal space.  You quickly piece together why he appeared to be distracted. From your point of view, it looked like he was ogling your chest. In reality, Senku was intrigued by your necklace. One that just so happened to be dangling very close to your exposed cleavage. Once you took a step back, Senku took a step forward. His face is inching closer to your chest, with a perverted and creepy smile on his face.
“What the hell!” Senku shouts as he rubs the side of his face, shock written all over his face. You held your stinging palm close to your chest, regretting the strength you put in the slap.
“I didn’t think I had to state the obvious…” you mumbled as you begin to add a new condition to the list, “no perverted advances to the people of my village.” You write ogling underneath the condition, in case you need to be specific.
“I wasn’t ogling!” Senku counters. You glance back at him with a disgusted look on your face. “If you weren’t ogling, then what were you doing staring at my chest?” you ask. Once again, Senku stays silent a little too long for your liking before he answers.
“…fine…I was…” Senku lies. He can’t give away his interest, he had a hunch that your necklace was important, something he simply couldn’t ask for and expect to get so easily. He needed a plan. Whether you liked it or not, he was going to keep an eye on you.
After confirming the details of the stay, Senku walked back to the Perseus, where everyone waited for him. In one hand, he carried the scroll where you had written all your conditions, including the one you created solely because of Senku’s actions. On the other hand, Senku was rubbing the side of his face, still trying to ease the pain from your slap. Unfortunately for him, he was unaware of the hand-shaped welt you left him.
“Everyone,” Senku announces, not noticing the confused stares locked onto the mark on his face. Too distracted by his mind reeling with ideas of how to get your necklace. “Things just got interesting, so get excited!”  Senku announced with a sadistic smile on his face. “I need their queen!”
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chefkids · 24 hours ago
What are your thoughts on the multiple times Carmen has said “isn’t that what you wanted” to Syd? Is he saying like “bro, this is what you WANTED, I’m trying to give it to you! I don’t get it” or is this a petty “be content with what I give u, cause you asked for it” type of thing?
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He's not trying to be petty, he's trying to show her that he's the capable chef she thought he was before meeting him and that he's listening to her and paying attention and that he cares about her, but he can't straight up say he cares about her and feels like she doesn't want to have anything to do with him beyond just cooking, so he tries to show her by doing things for her and shutting off his personality.
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But he's ignoring what she wants most from him which is just communication, because he's inept at communicating directly with her and can't even communicate with himself how he actually feels about her.
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He was doing things things without her in season 2 because he was scared to get close to her because he did not want to confront his feelings towards her, so it was just easier to avoid her all together. But he still wants her to know that he cares and listens to her so he made her menu drawings and got her the jacket made.
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In season 3 he knew he had to physically be there for her so he is trying to give her the star he knows she wants. He has basically given up on being a normal human, because he thinks he's incapable of having any normal relationship. So the only thing he can give her is the chef version of him that he thinks she likes. He knows she was impressed by his stars and accolades so he's trying to give that to her and to prove to her that he is still the same excellent chef she was obsessed with when she first met him.
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He gets frustrated when she tries to do things differently because thinks if they do things exactly the way he was taught then he'll get her that star and it will be worth it because she will be happy with it even if she hates him. But she doesn't just want to be handed a star, she wants to be actually seen and heard for what she can do.
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Carmy tried to get stars and accolades as a f*ck you to his brother ignoring him and he didn't actually pay much attention to his passion for food and creating something special to obtain it, he just retained stars by following someone else's directions. His blood orange dish that he made is the one time we see him take a risk and put himself into his cooking at that high level, the rest of the time he's on autopilot doing the industry standard cause that dish is not what got him to retain a star.
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Sydney doesn't want stars just as an f*ck you. She wants them because she wants people to see and recognize that she can make something special and different that still feels like herself. Carmy scrapped all the personal riskier chaos menu dishes from the end of season 2 because he does not trust them to get them a star, because that's not how he got his. He got close to trying to doing something different and inspired at the end of Season 3 but got scared because he knows Sydney is what inspires him and admitting that to himself is just opening a whole can of worms that he doesn't want to process and face the possibility of rejection from her.
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He still has to learn to be open to change and to let Sydney in and listen to what she really wants from him, which is just to be seen and heard and appreciated, in particular by him, which is really why she wants a star in the first place.
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sharkyboyatlas · 2 days ago
gonna do this for the two others now :3 (Flora is gonna be w and Fern is gonna be c cus wolf and cat lol
W: sub vers but will explain more in other questions, C: sub leaning switch and bottom unless other person wants him to top
W: being manhandled and a strong mate and play fighting for dominance, C: bullying basically lol
W: not quick enough in her eyes lol, C: quick and he likes to be teased/made fun of for it
ears for both of them lol
W: be strong, C: bully him
W: not often cus she'd rather just mate instead, C: very often
W: the expected mating press or doggy lol, C: against a wall
W: great wolf, C: Whitney
W: nature : D, C: alleyways at night
W: yes ? it is sorta always with the pack around in game lol, C: yes cus Whitney romo route lol
W: growls and whines and whimpers and makes squeaky noises a lot, C: very loud and pathetic everyone nearby will know exactly what's happening lol
W: no, C: not yet in the game but will
W: both, C: mostly receiving cus he can't focus enough to give well lol
W: yes lol lots, C: as often as possible
W: to be play fought and wrestled into submission then bred (and praised but won't admit that part), C: to be degraded and edged and overstimed for hours until his brain is mush and he's a pathetic mess
W: what Angel called her is pretty accurate lol, C: pathetic loser slut <3
W: 30D to 32C and 5 in (herm in game and cus wolf tf I say she has knot cus I can), C: 4 in and probably a little extra textury cus cat tf
W: strong people breeding her, C: being made fun of for masterbating
W: pan, C: very gay lol
W: play fight, C: be degraded
W: always in the woods lol, C: a lot of odd places but probably the math class bj cus it's in the middle of class and somehow the teacher doesn't notice
W: neck and chest (especially if they start to leave marks), C: probably shoulders and anywhere on his face
W: anything before she was stalkhomed lol, C: none really cus he really likes people being mean to him
W: yes, C: yes lol
W: constantly when in heat/rut (in game it says she goes into rut but cus she's herm I'm gonna say it's a weird mixture of the two lol), C: a lot lol
W: she is a little frustrated with being short cus how people treat her if you call her short she is gonna pick you up and toss you lol, C: everything and nothing at the same time depending on mood
W: depends cus could be a lot and could be like once quick, C: as long as you want he can handle a little dehydration lol
W: playful seriousness, C: can't think cus too into it lol
W: she will bite and it will result in blood cus strong sharp teeth, C: will scratch a lot on accident especially if you pull or hit or step on his tail in any way
hello dolpcverse. hit me (another ask game)
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feel free to rb for your own use :3b
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angeliteeyes · 3 days ago
Platonic Astral Express Crew x Reader - How They Comfort You After a Breakup
For the anon I responded to before this 🩵 I really hope this helps
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When she hears your sobs coming from your room, she gently presses the door open and peeks inside. Seeing you in this state breaks her heart, her considering you and the other members as her own family.
"What's wrong, dear? Did something happen?"
Before long, she's creating a stockpile of every single post-breakup item she could possibly think of. Tissues, chocolates, and so on. Her warm palm rubs up and down gently across your back, hoping to provide you some solace. Although she says little, her actions speak for her just fine.
"I'll be here with you for as long as you need."
Welt's paternal instincts kick into high gear when he learns of your situation. He appears generally reserved and calm most of the time, but when it comes to you or another crew member being hurt, he can't help but get protective.
"Are you sure you don't need me to get involved? If you ever feel as though you're in danger in any way, we'll do everything in our power to protect you."
After ensuring you're really alright, he quickly grabs a book out of his collection that he thought you'd enjoy and reads it to you. No matter how long it takes you to fall asleep, he'll remain there by your side.
•°~Dan Heng~°•
Although he doesn't immediately realize what's happened to you, being locked in his room, he eventually notices the others going in and out to support you. He patiently waits for a moment where you're left alone and knocks.
"May I come in?"
Once he gets your permission, he cautiously enters. Regardless of how close you two may be, navigating this social situation was new for him and left him feeling a bit nervous. He doesn't actually say much of anything outside of the basics, but you wind up with a new potted plant next to your bedside.
Like this plant, you too shall grow stronger with each day that passes.
•°~March 7th~°•
"Hey, did I leave my camera in here—wait, what's wrong?"
She grows flustered as you confide in her what happened. Her concern for you overpowers any other matters that were on her mind, making her rush over towards you.
"There, there, it'll be okay. Oh, I think we got some candy earlier. Be right back!" March darts from room to room to bring over anything and everything she thinks you'd find comforting.
If you need to rant, she's all for it and actively encourages you to do so. Regularly, she'll chime in with her own opinionated comments too. Stuff like "You can do better than them anyway! They don't deserve you!" Of course, if you express that you don't want her to speak ill of them, she'll keep her mouth shut.
They will bring you video games to play together, no questions asked. When it comes to supporting you, their primary goal is to get your mind off of the situation. If they can get a laugh out of you too, that's an added bonus.
Once they notice you focusing on the game and calming down, they smile to themself. You deserve to have some peace.
Also, expect at least a couple of jokes to be thrown into the conversation. They'll try anything to bring up your mood, even if they end up being rather cheesy and pun-filled. As long as you find them funny, it doesn't matter.
"Hm, what's that noise? Is that... crying?"
Pom-Pom's cleaning comes to a halt as they linger outside of your room. They've experienced their fair share of crew members needing comfort, given their long time aboard. Still, seeing you sad... somehow, they end up crying even more than you did.
"That's not fair..." They sniffle and use their ears as makeshift tissues for their tears. "You shouldn't have to go through that." In the end, you and Pom-Pom wind up cuddling each other for the rest of the night, until you both eventually nod off to sleep.
Author's Note: Dear anon and anybody else who's going through a rough situation, stay strong and keep pushing forward!! Just like the Astral Express crew, you can make it through hard times ^-^
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auguryofjellyfish · 1 day ago
wada essay time!! (warning, it's super long.)
i've been thinking a lot about wada and hiroaki's relationship lately. specifically, the way wada expresses physical and verbal affection towards him, because it's different from how he acted towards anyone he's been close to so far. it's super interesting to me, so i wanted to analyze and speculate about it. before i get to that, i want go to through the other major relationships wada's had for comparison, starting with...
wada and tsuno.
tsuno was very generous with showing affection towards wada, often taking him into her arms at the slightest hint of upset, or saying that she loves him out of the blue and then moving on like it was nothing. but wada didn't really return her gestures, or initiate any, so for the longest time i was confused on how he felt about her. in [audio visual experience], when she called him her little brother, he said "you're still running with that?", thinking it's just been a bit. he was keeping her at arm's length, but he still clearly liked and trusted her so... there could be a few possible explanations for that.
some time ago, i said that wada seems like he doesn't really trust words. he looks at people's actions and behaviour, and he believes his own conclusions over what people say. tsuno frequently put up a front around wada, acting way too upbeat during dire situations or hiding when she was upset. she didn't want to burden him with her problems, but it does signal a lack of trust in him and his capabilities to support her back. and wada saw that. he knew that she was stressed and overworked, and that he added to that stress by being constantly sick and breaking down and generally needing a lot of care. but if she's always denying it whenever he brings it up, offering endless reassurances instead, even though those don't really work on him and he knows better... how is he supposed to fully trust her? to truly feel like he stands on level ground with her? so, maybe when he heard tsuno say that she loved him, that he's her little brother, it registered, but he didn't let himself take it to heart. 'maybe she's just saying that, like all these other things. saying what he wants to hear.' and, if she doesn't want his support, to rely on him, then maybe she wouldn't want anything else he has to offer either. wada likes to be of use to people he loves/trusts/is grateful to- so being denied a chance to helpful, being basically deemed in some way 'insufficient' for the task when he was 'taking' so much from tsuno, made him feel even more like a burden.
another possible reason: tsuno was an overwhelmingly kind person, helping others was her main purpose in life. she was a self-proclaimed superhero! so, why would wada believe that he was special to her just because she was kind and warm to him? that's just who she was. that was just a part of the job she took upon herself. so if he let himself be affectionate back, and it turned out that she was only being nice and helpful because that's who she is and not because she cares about him as a person specifically...hhhh...ouch. he's already been way too vulnerable with her. wada's parents hated him, he has been mistreated and unwanted his whole life. pure speculation now, but he might have been burned before, maybe in his foster families or elsewhere, when people made him feel that maybe that was finally it, until inevitably something went wrong. and so now he doesn't let himself get his hopes up without being very sure.
it kinda seems like i'm making wada out to be so distrusting of tsuno, which is not true. wada was audibly comfortable and happy whenever he was with her. wada knew tsuno wanted the best for him because of everything she did, and he was very grateful towards her. by now, i know that he loved her, he just wasn't expressing it very openly like she was.
it's just, the disconnect between tsuno's behaviour and reality, and her refusal to give wada a chance to support her created distance between them. all these factors were muddying the waters and causing him to let his walls down at a snail's pace.
the only time it was different was in the last moments they spend together, during chap 3's investigation. tsuno's manner was noticeably dimmer than usual. first, wada tried to cheer her up by talking about silly topics, like learning to play tuba. finally, he asked her if she was okay. and just because she was vulnerable, he finally had an opportunity to offer support- to be there for her in her grief. she didn't put up a front this time, she treated him as an equal, and was honest. and so, when she said she loved him, he said it back.
i think if tsuno had lived, and started being more real with wada, he might have began feeling more comfortable with expressing affection openly, but...i'm still glad she got to hear that from him, just once.
wada and isono.
isono is tricky, because they spend very little time being real friends, but how he acted towards her parasocially says a LOT about how he acts towards people he loves and admires. even though she was only one of multiple streamers wada watched and supported, she was still incredibly important to him. he had been watching her for long enough for a deep emotional connection to form regardless of whether he knew who she truly was. and, it was very real to him, even though it was one sided.
before the KG, she was his lifeline. although he had no one in his life, through her and other streamers, he felt genuinely cared for. this next part is going to be more speculative... there weren't many reasons for wada to get out of bed, but, whenever isono asked her viewers to take care of themselves, maybe he found it a bit more doable, like it was worth it. and he couldn't really let her down now after she said that, could he? through her, maybe...he found the strength to face another day. again, and again.
he had nothing to offer, but he needed to show his gratitude somehow. well...all he had was the meager amount of money he earned, so, he could support her and others with that. he didn't have a steady or large paycheck, and this money could really be put to a better use, something to truly improve his life, but that didn't matter- the streamers kept him going, they were the only ones he had, really. when they gave him so much, he had to give back, even if he was left with nothing.
presently, she's still the one wada has the deepest emotional connection with. so much so that even after tsuno dies, he still goes to talk primarily to isono's ghost. he feels like he can share everything with her without reservations, as if out of everyone, she was the one that truly cared for and understood him.
before she died, he didn't have many opportunities nor time to open up to her and show her affection, but still, they seemed like they were on the fast track to becoming great friends. isono loved to tease him and play harmless pranks, and she cared about him. they also had a few moments together as a comedic duo. and wada got to meet her, to talk to her, to get to truly know her... it must have been anxiety inducing but, in some way, also a dream come true.
isono's still the most important person to him. there's no comparison. and yet...
wada and hiroaki.
now this. this pair has been driving me crazy since chap 4. even though wada is not nearly as emotionally close with hiroaki as he still is with isono, the way he's acting with him is different than the way he's been with anyone else. after months of me being confused about how wada felt about tsuno cause he's been so closed off, with hiroaki i have zero doubts in my mind that he straight up adores him. it's bewildering.
physical affection. with hiroaki, wada initiated hugs on his own! i don't remember him ever being the one to do that with tsuno, she always had to beckon him towards her. but with hiroaki, he did that two times, completely unselfconsciously, despite hiroaki's protests, just because he wanted to. i didn't think much of it at first because what hiroaki did for him, giving him clothes + a haircut, was so significant that it warranted a big show of gratitude, but taking everything else into account? that was still unusual for wada.
wada's also been very verbally affectionate when the right opportunity presented itself. he's been calling hiroaki nagawa very consistently, but everyone's been calling him that so it's kinda nbd. however, last week's "we love you nagawa!" was like...what? i'm?? months ago i would never ever have guessed that wada would become hiroaki's biggest supporter after ojima. he was so happy at hiroaki making progress, he was almost giddy, and he said that like it was nothing! that sounded like something a fan would shout at their idol to cheer them on, so i had a thought that maybe wada's been feeling a little like hiroaki's something like his oshi. but then he said he was proud of him, and then repeated it again for emphasis. you don't say that to someone when you place yourself below them, you say that to an equal, (although i'm still holding onto the oshi thing). they're both flawed individuals who have difficulties with self-worth and expressing themselves, and who they want to be. hiroaki has very visible problems and weaknesses, he's been struggling hard with changing and growing as a person, and wada can heavily relate to that.
with hiroaki, he's not scared or reluctant of showing affection when he truly feels like it. he just does it. he loved tsuno, but he never was like that with her, so... i just wondered what made the difference.
wada and hiroaki didn't have much of a relationship for the first two chapters, at least on wada's side. he thought hiroaki was a loudmouth and a jerk, as did most other people. also he was lowkey scared of him due to the sketches hiroaki had made of him. that changed in [formentia] when wada watched hiroaki calm hama down from an anxiety attack. that was the first time he truly saw hiroaki's kind side. realizing that there was a lot more to him than meets the eye, he started calling him by his first name from that point on. another scene that was significant for them happened in [the other room], when ojima took wada away from okazaki and tsuno's fight and placed him in the room with hiroaki. despite his pretense of not being concerned, hiroaki offered him reassurance, and they had a nice conversation where they learned more about each other and bonded a little as fellow creatives.
this is a good place to mention that hiroaki also really likes wada, to the point where he doesn't bother denying it anymore. he had been hard at work on a gift for him for two weeks, and the conversations they had in chap 3 made him even more fond of him. so when wada came into the dining hall in [salvage], acting pissed off and shooting hiroaki down for no reason, when he had been nothing but demure and friendly with him so far? it hurt. really hurt, cause he didn't expect that from wada. hiroaki wasn't even being particularly hostile, he was just making a few dumb comments that wada normally wouldn't really react to. he was just being himself, which wada seemed to be accepting of... up until that point. so, in response to what was essentially a jab to the shoulder, hiroaki went straight for the jugular.
after that wada was back to being anxious around hiroaki, even becoming openly hostile and resentful towards him following tsuno's passing. and then it seemed like that was that- their tentative friendship was over... until [grieving process].
tsuno's death was the hardest moment wada's experienced thus far. after the trial, he was just crashing in his room. and here comes hiroaki, respecting wada's coping mechanism despite deriding it before, and making an effort to be vulnerable in front of him. and then... he gave him new custom clothes he had sewn himself, wanting nothing in return.
hiroaki put in hours upon hours of thought, effort and work in order to create something wonderful just for wada, which he didn't have to do at all. but he did, because he wanted to, because he felt wada was worth it. and then, he gave it to him in his darkest hour, to uplift him and give him strength. and so... wada now knows for sure that, no matter what, the person who reached out to him right then with the most thoughtful gesture he's experienced in his life, cannot be anything but kind at his core.
wada relaxes. his body feels lighter than it ever has. without a shred of selfconsciousness, he steps forward and gently wraps his arms around hiroaki. he feels safe. he doesn't pay hiroaki's words and tone any mind. he sees beyond them, and he understands now. he sees him.
that moment was beyond monumental. wada didn't have to do anything to "earn" this, or even ask for it. hiroaki just went completely out of his way, doing something completely selfless, and he didn't do that for anyone else but wada. this gesture was so big, so full of effort and time, so much kindness, specifically for him, it made wada lower down his walls in an instant.
i have no doubt that this made wada feel very special and loved.
it also helped that he definitely likes hiroaki as a person. he doesn't trust him 100%, he still prefers to speak his thoughts to empty air, but he can trust that hiroaki truly likes and cares about him, and that if he hurts him, it's never on purpose.
that. that one thing, hiroaki going above and beyond when he didn't have to, when it was completely unexpected, only for him, was what i think made wada trust him much faster than tsuno. categorizing these relationships, i would put hiroaki closer to isono than to her, which is???? remarkable to me when he knew isono for far longer. don't get me wrong- he LOVES tsuno. i'm not saying that hiroaki's closer to him than her or that wada holds him in higher regard. it's just...different. i'm holding off with the L word for now, even though he said it himself, but still. wada really really likes hiroaki a lot. cannot overstate that enough. despite me trying hard to understand why, it still astonishes me that wada wants to and feels like he can express his affection and support this openly and easily towards anyone. it's incredible. hiroaki didn't want any payment from him, so he just...offers his words and gestures instead. and hiroaki has been so protective of wada it's crystal clear to everyone too, like, tamba saying he dotes on him?? i think a lot of that protectiveness came from tsuno's death, but he's definitely truly fond of wada as a person too.
maybe if wada manages to willingly open up to hiroaki, then i will be able to say with certainty that he loves him.
for the end, i want to talk about [quick check] because it's been driving me bonkers. it's such a weird episode.
in it, wada comes across hiroaki, who checks up on him. and wada, eh...he doesn't really want to elaborate on his mental or overall state, but it seems like he still REALLY wants to have a low-stakes conversation with him. then he asks hiroaki a bunch of questions, which is amazing because he hardly ever asks anyone anything. he's trying really hard here. now this i know is a reach, but when he said like "omg i forgot, ken's waiting for me in my room, i just came here for water"....to me, it sounded a little like he wanted hiroaki to stop him?? to say something like "you're hanging out with hasezawa? that boring old nerd? no way, hang out here with me!" i have nothing to support that claim, it's just funny. but either way, what i'm sure of, just like his every other question, it was meant to act as a springboard for eliciting a sort of response from hiroaki that would get things rolling. buut, instead, all that wada gets are monosyllabic and dry answers...which is sad. at the end, he still waits a few seconds in silence to see whether hiroaki would engage him on his own, but nope. he just wasn't in the mood.
i might be misinterpreting it, but it would make sense with how much wada likes hiroaki. either way, it felt weird as hell... there's just something about it. if this episode turns out to be not in any way relevant to the plot later on i'll eat my hat.
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howdeepthegrave · 2 days ago
Nicky and Rio try to teach Agatha how to play Minecraft but in their collective excitement forget to explain the most important part... how the controls work.
note: all-autistic Vidarkness fam incoming and AGATHA REDEMPTION BUT IN A LEARNING VIDEO GAMES WAY
"It's sooo easy, Mama!" Nicky declared.
"Easy when I help you, mijo," Rio said.
"You only help me a little bit! Anyway, Mama, it's so easy! You can do anything in Minecraft. All you gotta do is mine things and craft stuff!"
"And defeat the Ender Dragon."
Nicky nodded, babbling on, and Agatha looked between him and Rio, utterly befuddled. She was not certain if it was the pain meds—damn sprained ankle—or the fact that her son and her spouse so often seemed to communicate in ways she could not possibly comprehend, but most of what was being said was flying right over head.
"Three of us in one house," she grumbled, "and of course you two got the autism that's all matchy-matchy."
Rio rubbed her back gently, taking the video game controller from their son.
"It's easy, mi vida. You just have to..."
The words rattled on, and Agatha tried to take in what was happening onscreen and match it to whatever Rio and Nicky were saying. They had assured her that this would be a fun way to pass the time while they were gone for the day and she was laid up, but she was feeling doubtful. Still, as she watched the action on the screen, a sense of understanding crept in. This might actually be an interesting game. Could be. Possibly.
"Maybe we'll just leave you in creative mode," Rio said, and those were all words that made total sense.
"No, no, I think I get it," Agatha said, "and if I give it a try I'm sure..."
Rio's watch beeped, and she groaned.
"Crap. We gotta go. Here, love."
Agatha found herself in possession of the controller as Rio grabbed the two matching backpacks by the coffee table, tossing the smaller one to Nicky.
"C'mon, mijo. Time to head out."
Nicky hugged Agatha fiercely, and she smiled, kissing his cheek before he could pull away. He was already at the front door as Rio leaned down and kissed Agatha softly.
"Just take it easy today, mi vida. Don't try to do too much. Alice promised to stop in and check on things when she drops Nicky back from school, and I'll be home in plenty of time to make dinner."
"I love you," Agatha said.
"Love you too."
"Love you, Mama!" Nicky shouted, and then "C'mon, Mami!"
Then they were gone. Her baby boy and the love of her life. Of course, they would both return eventually, but still, there was a moment when Agatha's heart shuddered, imagining a world where they might not. She decided it was definitely the pain medication kicking her ass emotionally.
Something on the television made a sound, and she looked to see things... Happening in the game. There was a cow. Okay. A cow was not so bad. She could...
She looked down at the controller in her hands. She studied it like it was vital to a case.
Shit. She had no idea what buttons did what.
Rio slumped in through the garage. Alice's car was still outside, and that had worried her at first, but she figured maybe her old friend had just stuck around to keep Agatha and Nicky company. Alice was cool like that.
Going to the fridge, she started to pull out the ingredients for dinner, smiling to herself as she heard cheerful laughter and conversation from the living room. Her family was happy. It had taken them a while to get where they were, but...
"Language, Aunt Alice! Go, Mama, go!"
Setting aside the food, Rio decided she had better go and check on things, just a bit.
Agatha was on the couch, just as she had been this morning, injured leg stretched out and elevated, but she was twisted around at an awkward angle, her good foot on the floor as she leaned over the controller in the way Rio normally would playing a racing game. Nicky was in the big armchair, excitedly clapping his hands as he watched whatever was happening onscreen. Alice was sprawled on the floor, cheering Agatha on.
"Hey, how's everything?" Rio asked.
"Mami, Mama's about to get th' Ender Dragon!"
"Oh, took me a little trial and error," Agatha said, "but I am about to whomp this thing."
"You... You've never played before today."
"You don't even like video games."
"Oh, I do find Ace Attorney diverting. Otherwise, no, I usually don't."
"So how..."
"I may have looked up some tutorials while I was, you know, figuring out how the controls even work."
"Wait, you..."
"Well, you and Nicky did manage to avoid even telling me how to move in this... Darn game, but eventually I got the hang of it."
"Rio," Alice said, "Agatha is tearing this shit UP!"
"Language!" Agatha and Nicky chorused.
Rio moved around behind the armchair, reaching down to ruffle Nicky's hair and watch as Agatha bulldozed her way through taking out the Ender Dragon. It was, in an odd way, glorious.
Later on, after dinner, after Nicky was in bed, Rio helped Agatha up to their room and sat with her on their bed.
"So, you conquered Minecraft in a day."
"What," Agatha shrugged, "like it's hard?"
"After we didn't even think to tell you how the controls work?"
"Sometimes, if you want something done right, you turn to loud young men on the internet. Well, some loud young men on the internet."
Laughing, Rio shook her head.
"You amaze me, Agatha."
Smiling, Agatha reclined back against her pillows and shrugged again.
"Don't tell anyone, but sometimes, I even amaze myself."
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