brandongamesall · 2 months
So, I'm going to rank more of the cuphead bosses, but this time I'll make it shorter lol. I'll also put a compiled list down at the end.
24. Dr. Kahl's Robot - This is now on my top 10 favorite bosses of all time, but i have to say, this is, third stage. The chaos emeralds just coming at you and you can only get the pink ones by dodging the laser walls and crystals. Crazy. I love the aspect on how it builds up now, but you also have to hit his three weak points in a certain way on the first stage to even remotely get close to an S rank easier. Overall, the bombs killed me the most and if I don't have to play it, I may not.
23. Mortimer Freeze - just annoying all around. RNG sucks with any projectile, including cards, Popsicles, and the lazers on the last phase. I think cool idea, but actually annoying as heck when this is a boss you really need a precise reaction time. The last phase truly sucks so much a**
22. Moonshine Mob - probably the most iconic fake out knock outs that killed everyone 😂 I truly love the second phase because bee girl 🥰 but, the first phase can be an RNG killer. What saves this from going lower is the third phase I kind of like, but the fake out with the tongue can get annoying to even try to dodge or parry.
21. Phear Lap - truly ironically killing everyone their first time playing the King Dice... Blue hood guy kills everyone I feel like. I actually like how they did the circles horse shoes coming at you, but I can't tell you how many lives I lost on this mini boss before continuing because of... Blue Hoody Guy. Though, super comes in clutch in this fight.
20. Baroness Von Bon Bon - Truly one of the first times I started to actually struggle in the game. First phase was alright, no matter who was the first to come out. But then, starting on the second and third phase, I swear cupcake dude made me so mad I reset everytime I got him. I think the only other dude with bad RNG that made me mad was candy corn. Other than that, I think the third phase was alright, but too long though. It takes like two supers to kill her last phase. But I remember being so frustrated with her 3rd and last phase that I started to dislike the game from her!
19. Chips Bettigan - just an annoying mini boss all around. Boring as hell. COOL TYPE OF BOSS! You can dash through him almost every time, and still end up possibly losing 1 health. Just boring, not worth exploring to come back, and annoying to die from (as a beginner mostly).
18. Mr. Chimes - the last mini boss who really tests your patience... on patience. I have some, but Jesus. Getting cards wrong in the wrong place could get bad RNG with him speeding up towards you. Monkey claps are pretty easy no lie, and I actually like the type of design where he has to be hit in phases. But, it's more like the patience you have to have in this mini boss.
17. Angel and Demon - basically one of the hardest fights in the game, and spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME trying to figure out the code to unlock it. The fight goes hard, but spending an hour on it just isn't worth it to not play again. The concept is great, flipping loved it. BUT! I think this was the hardest time I raged in cupheas (compared to Cow girl, maybe the same). Never got to boring though!
16. Goopy Le Grande - One of the best beginner bosses! Too easy though. Even for a beginner player. Thought it may got harder for S ranking, nope. Boring after 3 attempts. Good intro boss and a great concept for a beginner boss, but not challenging at all.
15. Wally Warbles - Ain't no way the second phase is just that easy in between a very hard first and third phase, like what!? First phase is fine until either you're not paying attention to his fingers and have a split second to dodge bullets, or the fact the egg bombs spread three hard dodging ways. This is the boss I feel like took the longest and I swear I was hating this boss so much, I left it 4 times until I HAD TO FINISH IT! Most of the times, when you're ready to use a super on the second phase, you may get unlucky and accidentally hit a feather. Though, I love the baby bird and last phase, the first three is what set me off to hate it the most. Though, this was a challenging level and I started to like it a lot afterwards because it makes you utilize techniques you can use!
I wrote less today, but ranking over 10 was so thought provoking, I lost my mind XD Hoenstly, the hardest ones to rank were these. I might even switch it afterwards.
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kate-iguess · 6 years
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hi!! here are some rare werner friendships for you! ok! so, for sally and werner i thought that sally would always brush werner’s hair, give him bows and loads of other feminine shit and werner just goes with it and secretly enjoys it cuz he’s a siSSy- and they’d have cute conversations about they’re s.o’s and rant and ugH IDK WHY I LOVE THESE TWO AS FRIENDS JDJD— aa so yeah i think those two would be cute pals!!! as for cagney and werner, i feel like cags would take a while to get used to werner but wern would talk about his war stories and cagney would teach him how he made his little gatling gun whilst werner takes notes!! and cagney wouldn’t want to admit it but he really likes werner (as a pal) sO- yeah! exams are over too (apart for a couple french and german ones) and im gonna try to draw more irl! i haven’t in a while so these might be a little untidy hh- anyway, enjoy! 💖💖
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angsty-teacup · 5 years
Seam being really flattered?
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( ̄▽ ̄) !! 
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steamed-tets · 4 years
💎💔🎥 i'd like to know for all of them but if you wanna make me choose tell me about Ferb cause I love him too
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation? OKAY SO TPoH: Click is my least favorite character i want to punt his tiny nutcracker head into the sun because i love RGB and Hero and HE SHOT ONE AND TRAUMATIZED THE OTHER as for my favorite scene A LOT OF THE MOST RECENT CHAPTER HAS SOME GOOD BITS AHHHH THE HUGS but i think my all time fav is when Hero ties the ribbons on his sleeves in Cell’s shop Don’t Starve: i don’t like maxwell he’s crusty and crabby and he’s the reason all these innocent people are the survivors are there in the first place, perish thot can i cheat and say that my favorite scene is literally the whole video for wes’ “update” and wendy’s video not counting the end ???? that stuff counts right????????
Cuphead: I FUCKING HATE DR KAHL’S ROBOT THAT BOSS IS NOTHING BUT A FUCKING STICK IN THE ASS some people make it look so fucking easy but i have done literally nothing besides struggle with that boss i didn’t like it when i played through the game normally and i liked trying to s rank it even less favorite scene???? idk the end is rlly good there aren’t actually a lot of scenes in the game now that i think about it salkhdsalkhdaslkh
Phineas and Ferb: i dont rlly like hate??? any of the characters per say but like for example i dont like the bugs from doof 101/the owca files they were kinda annoying/distracting to me??? i didnt like “delivery of destiny” at all??? like idk i dont have a least favorite but i sure do have a number that like their mere existence baffles me to this day fav scene: I know Ferb’s entire speech from “The Lizard Whisperer” and i can and will quote it to the best of my ability if asked and have actually gotten mad at myself if i fuck it up (dan can attest to that claim because i have done exactly that)
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1358456 · 6 years
Recently, instead of working on updates, I’ve been playing Cuphead, since it was 15% off (again), so I figured, hey, why not. I was hesitant because my only functioning controller’s left thumbstick no longer works so well when moving to the right (the “right” command doesn’t register sometimes). But I did it anyways. And suffered quite a few times for it. But ehn.
Absolutely LOVE the music.
And now that I’ve beaten the game on Expert and gotten every achievement (I will be back for the S rank on every boss. 8 more to go!), I think it’s time to rank the bosses in terms of how much I struggled against them in total. The basis is kind of funky, since for some bosses I tried to get an S rank (I got A+ on every boss for the Regular run) from the beginning, but for some I was happy to just beat them. So for the “S rank” attempts, I retried the moment I got hit, and for the others I tried until I got hit twice.
So here goes. From easiest to hardest. Golly!
1) Goopy Le Grande
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While I kind of f*cked it up a few times in regular, that’s because it was the first time playing the game. But on Expert... I f*cked it up only once and that was due to the controller being an ass again. Went right to dodge, but that command wasn’t registered so Cuphead stood there and got flattened. Still, this boss has no ranged attacks, so easy.
2) Grim Matchstick
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For some reason or other, this dragon was REALLY easy. In regular, it took me a grand total of about 6 minutes to get A+ on it, and only took slightly more tries to get S on the Expert run. And some of those failures were caused by accidentally falling through the cloud instead of jumping. Whoops.
3) The Root Pack
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The very first boss. And for some stupid reason, it took me more tries than it should have to get S rank. The onion f*cked me a few times. I did not think the tears would fall so quickly. And because of those tears, it took me more tries on this boss than the dragon. WHY?! Stupid onion.
4) Sally Stageplay
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EASY. ... I also did not realize that I could jump onto those cupids. I learned the hard way, and that flustered me enough that I could not dodge the dive kick. But still, this boss was kind of pitiful.
5) Werner Werman
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This... er... Prussian mouse was also quite easy. Though a few times, it wouldn’t catapult the parry opportunities, forcing me to try to get the parries with the ghosts, and then f*cking it up there.
6) King Dice
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Boss rush aside, the dice man himself was pretty damn easy. And for the boss rush, #2, 5, and 7 were the easiest ones. Though 3, 4, and 8 were also easily manageable. F*ck 6. For some stupid reason, I couldn’t parry the die on the right moment a LOT of the times, forcing me to battle like 5 bosses before getting to King Dice... and two instances of landing on “start over”. Fortunately, the “start over” doesn’t reset the bosses, so I could just land on the now-safe boss places all the way to King Dice.
7) Cagney Carnation
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I got slapped by that flower FAR more times than I’d like to admit. But as long as the pink seeds were parried before hitting the ground, things were kind of easy. If the pink seed was not parried then it produces a damn flying brain plant that shoots at you and is kind of annoying.
8) Baroness Von Bon Bon
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The headless candy lady and her cake house from hell. None of the stages were particularly hard, but I did f*ck up quite a few times for some reason.
9) Phantom Express
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Ooh, spooky. But the level gives me FAR too many parries, allowing me to spam the ultimate attack pretty often. The pumpkin has f*cked me a couple of times by moving that cart, though.
10) Dr. Kahl’s Robot
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Bullet hell! But easily manageable. I only struggled hard at first because I destroyed the first phase targets in the wrong order. Laser + homing bombs = go f*ck yourself. No laser + homing bombs = much, much easier.
The last phase is annoyingly long but fortunately, I do quite well in bullet hell kind of games. So easy!
11) Beppi the Clown
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Ah, RNG has f*cked me quite often here, though when is that anything new? Parry a pink balloon and immediately get hit by another balloon had JUST spawned right above it. Over and over and over. And that rollercoaster comes at the most inopportune moments.
12) Captain Brineybeard
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The boss that’s actually super easy, and yet I kept f*cking it up over and over to the point where I opted to get the S at a later date. Came so close so many times and yet, not yet. On Regular, this boss is stupidly easy. On Expert... no. But I will return one day to get the S. 1 of the 8 bosses I haven’t S’ed yet.
13) Ribby and Croaks
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Another boss I haven’t been able to S rank yet. On Regular, EASY! Expert... no. Both frogs attacking at once is kind of overwhelming at times, and the slot machine phase is... really fast. ... But I will return. 2 of 8.
14) Hilda Berg
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The freaking green zeppelins... 3 of 8 that I haven’t S’ed yet. I know what I need to do but I keep messing it up. Why must they send that many green zeppelins on Expert?
15) Djimmy the Great
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That f*cking hat. That f*cking hat! 4 of 8... One day I shall get an S.
16) Wally Warbles
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Another easy boss on Regular that’s a real pain in the ass on Expert. The egg shell that splits off into 5 pieces instead of 3 is the bane of my attempts at an S rank on this boss. 5 of 8. I will be back for the S rank...
17) Cala Maria
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If RNG is involved, it will f*ck me, 9 times out of 10. That’s the only reason why I haven’t been able to get an S here yet, and why this boss is so annoying for me. Medusa, why? 6 of 8.
18) The Devil
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The final boss of the game! Surprisingly manageable, but I kept f*cking it up. I walked right off the platforms in the latter phases WAY too many times. And shadowflame, my arch nemesis in the first phase. I know all the steps. I just have to NOT f*ck it up and hope that the shadowflame doesn’t come. 7 of 8. I will be back for the S.
19) Rumor Honeybottoms
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... This f*cking bee. Oi, oi, oi! Must the platforms hate me too? “Time to jump and... WHERE ARE THE PLATFORMS?!” This damn bee took me an hour and a half to get A+. No other boss took remotely as long. And I have no idea how long it’ll take me to get S. I certainly came VERY close quite a few times (surprisingly early on, too), and... I got punched by the bee plane. Over and over :(
I’ve done the surprisingly fun thing of mashing A as fast as I could the moment I parry into the pink ball so I’m parrying the ball while I’m inside, over, and over, and over until I parry out of it, coming out with all five cards... and then falling off the f*cking platform.
... But one day, I will return for the S. ... Maybe. Hopefully. For vengeance! 8 of 8.
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acid-and-anime · 5 years
I think most ppl who play Cuphead think that the hardest boss fights are Grim Matchstick and Dr Kahl’s Robot
I didn’t think that Grim was that bad, but yeah the robot is pretty bad. It was really hard S ranking his fight, but I thought that S ranking the fight with the frog brothers was harder
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pineconesale · 6 years
Day Twenty-Seven: What do you think the biggest differences between living as a singlet and living as a person with DID are?
I have no idea how to answer this honestly. What's a singlet do? Eat cereal without panicking and sobbing? Idk.
Day Twenty-Eight: Share a memory of one of a different alter fronting which you’ve either been told about by them or by another friend.
I know of this because it's a systemwide meme.
Jay was really sick sometime last year, and he was starting to feel better enough to play Cuph/ead. So he's trying to S rank Dr. Kahl's Robot, when he starts to feel a little queasy. He goes to take some medicine, but it dissolves in his mouth and he gets very sick. Very bad. And after his little episode, being home alone, he chokes out the words "FUCK YOU, KAHL" as?? I guess he blamed Kahl for getting sick dmdksks. But that's my favorite memory of his, and I will always cherish the words Fuck You Kahl.
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sociopplwatcher · 7 years
Social Stratification knowing how social class affects you.
When you hear the term social class you probably think of lower, middle and upper class. They have become the common indicators of where we fall within a society based on our wealth and income. Nowadays there are several models and categories to assign someone's social class position. I choose to utilize the Gilbert-Kahl Model since it shows the occupations that usually rank there, approximate wealth and roughly what percent of the population fits in each category. But, there’s much more to how sociologists evaluate the differences in social classes.
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Defining the difference between wealth and income
Let’s define the difference between wealth and income since they help differentiate between inequalities amongst some of the social classes.Although they work aside each other they are different.Income doesn’t yield a return the way wealth does.You can have income and little to no wealth but in most cases, you can’t have wealth without a decent income to obtain it. It also is one way the wealthy are able to stay wealthy as investments yield return and can continue to grow.The wealthy tend to spend less and invest more while the income of other classes tends to be spent getting buy and surviving with little ability to move ahead.
Wealth is a person's net worth overall including all assets minus any of their liabilities and owed debts. Wealth is built up generally over a certain time frame, generally the course of one's lifetime. This includes savings, investment accounts, stocks, bonds, and property including your house, land, and vehicle.
Income, on the other hand, is more immediate. This is what’s earned for profit. It can come in the form of wages from a job, government assistance, or rental properties. It is more “free-flowing” and continually moving, it can, however, last for a short time rather than continual. Examples of this can be seen with job loss and more debt then income scenarios. 
Social Stratification exists in many societies and has all throughout history. The difference, however, was based on the social characteristics of that society and wealth was variable by different forms of hierarchy systems. The effects of these rankings today can be seen in a wide variety of ways. These system rankings placed on us by society sets us up for different life chances from the beginning.
The wealthy often have access to better schools, health care, tend to live longer and children tend to have higher wealth like the family they were raised in. Lower class and poverty-stricken families, however, don’t have access to great schools, may not have access to health care at all, don’t live as long and often are associated with higher crime rates. 
Social Mobility doesn’t mean we will be stuck forever! We do have some degree of mobility within the system. 
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The good news however, is not all hope is lost. The bad news is for most of us we have little social mobility as far as going upward very much and some of us we will stay stuck as the wealth disparities continue to grow further apart between lower classes and the wealthy. Despite hard work and the American dream many will continue to struggle due to this balance of inequality. 
Most of our mobility will be done horizontally as a group or individually:
This would include things like an employee changing jobs, keeping the same title, but at a new location or a job change of equal skill set. The status is the same though. Converting to a new religion or moving to a new town, are also included in horizontal mobility.
Vertical mobility is the rise or fall between groups. This can be felt ascending or descending. This could be moving up in class due to a lottery win and good investing or going down in social class after losing your job and ending up homeless. 
Both sets of mobility can be affected by the economy. Structural Mobility will be felt most on the individual level. It effects everyone due to the changes in the economy. The depression, housing bust, and other large-scale economic issues come in to play. As debt keeps rising for the middle class so does the lack of upward mobility. The wealthy are able to stay wealthy because changes don't affect them as much due to their wealth that's available.
What affects social mobility and creates more inequality?
As the industrialization age began and technology continued to advance more disparities began to appear. 
Globalization formed enhancing the rise of trade and goods that could be produced and shipped globally. This required migrant labor and produced multinational businesses. This was the beginning of how wealth and inequality began forming social economically with varying degrees of difference.
 Since the United States is founded on the American dream we have to take into account inconsistencies. Education, Income, and occupational prestige have a huge part in social economic status. Those who have all three items tend to generally be better off financially. However, there are other factors to keep in mind when thinking sociologically like how racism, bigotry, and misogyny all play a part in fueling these differences as well as our choices and sacrifices towards our own personal progression.
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Conley, D. (2017). You may ask yourself: an introduction to thinking like a sociologist. New York: W.W. Norton.
Robert Kiyosaki- Philosophy of the Rich [Digital image]. (2015, March 19). Retrieved December 8, 2017, from https://thefranklinsociety.com/how-to-become-rich/
Sills, S. J., Dr. (n.d.). G Robert Kiyosaki- Philosophy of the Rich [Digital image]. (2015, March 19). Retrieved December 8, 2017, from https://thefranklinsociety.com/how-to-become-rich/ ilbert-Kahl Model of the Class Structure [Digital image]. Retrieved December 8, 2017, from https://uncgsoc101.wordpress.com/module-6-social-stratification/ 
 Solomon, M. R. (2015). Social Mobility [Digital image]. Retrieved December 8, 2017, from http://slideplayer.com/slide/4728773/15/images/18/Social Mobility Social Mobility: Horizontal Mobility:.jpg
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angsty-teacup · 5 years
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Here’s a little doodle I did last night! I really wanted to draw them after playing Cuphead again, I’m trying to beat the game on expert (´・ c・`)
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acid-and-anime · 5 years
I got S rank in cuphead today! I beat Dr Kahl’s Robot and the Phantom Express
I’m so glad that I didn’t watch all the boss fights before buying Cuphead. Like, yeah I watched a lot so I knew how to beat a lot of them. But I remember that I didn’t watch the Phantom Express, so when I first fought it, it was a real surprise seeing each new phase I made it to. IT WAS SO HARD
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acid-and-anime · 5 years
Today I just got all P ranks in the run and gun stages
and I have S ranks in almost all the bosses.
I just need to work on dr kahl’s robot, the ghost train, king dice, and the devil
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