thevalleyoftriumph · 1 year
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riathedreamer · 8 days
I did celebrate in the server yesterday, but I forgot to scream here!
Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the official Footnotes server! I remember being so anxious about attempting to start a Discord server for my fic - would people be nice, would there be drama, would people care, would people even join?
I expected maybe a handful of readers and I would be grateful for every one of them.
And now, a year later, we are almost 150 people in there, and I cannot imagine not having this amazing community full of kind, supportive, funny talented people! People who comfort each other, who hang out, who praise each other, who inspire each other! All the lovely movie nights and voice chats! The chaos after dropping a chapter, and the speculation - Oh the speculation! Writing a mystery fic, I always hoped readers would have fun finding and playing with clues. I am forever amazed seeing how clever and observant my readers are when they share their thoughts in the Spec Hub - which has *28K messages alone* in that channel!
The fact we have a channel dedicated to resources - timelines, summaries of theories, conspiracy board!
That we have a fanart *archive* because we ran out of pins in the main fanart channel!
But most importantly - that I wake up always having someone to talk to. It's been a tough year personally, and according to my parents, this server has saved me. This place has given me friends, a sense of purpose, so many souls willing to listen and be supportive! The fact that I see people in the server becoming friends with each other is so so heartwarming. The fact that some have met in real life - and that more are planning to do so!
The internet can be a rotten place most of the time, but the Footnotes server is such a light in the dark, and I am so grateful for all of you.
Man, this post is just pure gushing, but I still cannot believe I am lucky enough to have all of this.
Anyway, join the fun and become a sad, gay bird in the Footnotes server!
To the stars we haven't seen yet!
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vibeless15 · 1 year
Shaddddy! hello, hi, I hv a question here. because I wanna post some Infected fanart in your Server(Alphatale Official Commu'Discord) but I hear that channel need a grunt role to be allow. May I? but!! if it breaks the rules( I also hear that be active enough we will get that grunt role too!) you don't hv to.
for now, I post some Infected fanart in random-art channel. thank you(it' okay! if you not allow)
my discord : ferrettiepspsps
but if' disturb you, it okay to delete this asking (bow emoji)
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OMG i didn't know you were there. Yea you have to be active enough, but I'm sure you'll get there eventually. Once your name turns purple then feel free to repost them in the AlphaTale fanart channel.
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fadebolt · 2 months
Soooo uhhhh, I'm about to go on vacation in two days. Don't worry, I'll still be doing the room analysis posts, and I will still probably post an AF attack or two, I'm mostly just bringing it up cus.... nostalgia. (Yes, I'm about to reminisce on my times in the RW community - I've been trying to keep these kinds of rambly posts to a minimum, but this felt like a pretty good time to go off about this)
Because the first time I discovered Rain World was two years ago, when I was also about to go on vacation very soon, and Htwo's video about the AI of the game caught my eye.
I was like "Wait, really? This looks like one of those old retro games, how the hell can it have a more complex AI, than some of the newer big games that are doing real fancy things with them?", so I just had to investigate, and something about the visuals, and the creatures, and the things described in the video.... it really mesmerized me, and I just had to learn more.
Which I did during vacation, checking out some spoiler free reviews and recommendation videos (as well as official stuff, including the DP scug previews, which sounded real interesting, even from a newcomer's perspective), as well as tons of fanart.
Of course, I did spoil myself a bunch in the process, but it all completely lacked context, so it didn't really mean much. I especially liked a guy called something along the lines of 'FlameFlower' (I'm sort of blanking on it, sry), as they had a real neat art style, and a lot of their comic pages were made traditionally, which impressed me a lot. It was nice and sweet and cute, and I liked the humanoid robot villain who I assumed to be the artist's personal interpretation of what the higher intelligence in this world might be like (yeah, I assumed the concept of an iterator was exclusive to that comic which is real silly, but still xd).
Anyways, I was eager to try out this difficult game filled with weird creatures, where you'll need to be patient and clever, but also skilled and quick witted, which I immediately did, after I traveled home.
I also quickly joined the Discord server, mostly just to view more art, but to my delight, there were a bunch of channels specifically for newbies on their first playthroughs, where I hung out a bunch.
Afterwards, I've mostly just been playing for the next couple months, having a blast while also struggling a little here and there, especially when I got to try Hunter.
I wasn't really doing anything with the community, outside of maybe chiming into a discussion or two. I had ideas, but I sorta lacked motivation. Sharing stuff in Discord gallery chats is not overly fun, as there's rarely any interaction (outside of a few random reacts - a lot of which comes from people that press reacts on literally everything), and the way Discord works makes it very difficult not to start comparing yourself to the other stuff you see, and it really demotivated me, especially cus my skills were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse back then (which is fair, I barely did art before my RW days, but still, good lord do I hate my older stuff xd).
I also just didn't particularly enjoy the vibes of the server too much. Lurking around the chats and looking at the things other people were doing was fun, but I never felt like it would be worth it to try and be a part of that.
Then you know, the new year rolled around, Downpour came out, the game got traction, and everything was getting crazy.
I was still mostly inactive, until my very first art month came up, and I had some fun with it (my skills still being absolutely horrendous, but at least I still had fun :3).
But then something caught my eye - a certain artist doing 'bombs', drawings where the Slugcat designs of many different artists were present. Yeap - I'm talkin' about Pansear!
I was digging around, and I found out that you can get featured by sending a DM, so I gathered the courage to send over a Saint, which was honestly extremely nerve-wracking. Yet the conversation was really pleasant. She actually complimented my design, which felt incredible, and was extremely appreciative of me congratulating her for getting featured in Akupara's Virtual Art Month Museum.
I know that this might sound like a basic everyday thing for most, but for a person with my levels of social anxiety? This was an enormous leap, one that I'm very grateful to have made.
Afterwards, things have finally started happening. I noticed that Pan and her buddies made a new server where they started hosting voice acting sessions for all the comics in their Shipping Container server. So I leaped on the chance to join in, the moment the invites were reopened again, since I always enjoyed imitating the voices of characters, and the idea of me doing the characters myself sounded incredible, especially when they're from a game I love so much.
And from that point onward, I stopped chatting in, or even looking at the overpopulated 'Main World' server entirely, and all my interactions with the community came from that small new server.
Then last year's vacation arrived, where.... nothing really happened, tbh. I was forced to miss out on the Helm fandub, but I had some fun doing colorless Artificer and Rivulet (aka, the first art pieces I ever posted onto Tumblr) on the beach.
But a few days after I returned, I noticed that North was actually starting a new video series, where she would animate Inv's dating sim, and she was looking for VAs on Tumblr, so I grabbed the opportunity, and made an account, so I could upload my auditions.
Yup, the Thanks Andrew dating sim is the reason why this account exists.
Neat, ain't it?
And initially, I didn't really know what to do with this thing, so I was just reblogging, and uploading art, as well as voiceovers, until...
The shipping polls arrived. And thus, my series of daily poll ramblings have begun. Ramblings that have been happening for almost a year now.
And then... I just sort of, kept doing the things I was doing, y'know. I finally got my wish, to be a part of a community I adore, even if just a minor one.
The vacations weirdly represent huge moments for me, as I found out and fell in love with the game during one, while my Tumblr was created immediately after the one that followed.
It's weird to look back on these last two years, and just how much has changed. Despite the downers that the community has had as of late, this was still a really pleasant journey, getting to have fun with others, and make them happy, while they also make me happy in return.
And I suppose this year's vacation can sort of represent my Artfight being created? That was also a pretty enjoyable experience, though it doesn't quite carry the same weight.
I dunno, not every year needs to be a special one. Though the last two have undoubtedly been that way! :D
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codywanwipproject · 1 year
Event FAQs
Is there a server for the Codywan WIP Project?
Sort of! Jedi & Commander is a Codywan-centric server where we will have a WIP Project specific channel so everyone can chat about the event. But if you want to connect with a Codywan community, Jedi & Commander is the one associated with this event.
What kind of event is this?
This particular event is centered around Cody & Obi-Wan and encourages people to complete any unfinished Codywan work they might have hanging around on their cloud or harddrive. The goal is to reveal all posted creations on Halloween to give the fandom a bit of a guaranteed Treat.
Wait, what happened to CodyWan AU Fest?!
We’ll be back next year! This event is to encourage everyone who might have unfinished stories, or half-started stories, or stories in various states from the 3 (!!!) previous AU events to finish them!
What do you define as a WIP?
We define a WIP as any work in progress that has not been posted anywhere else. We have low minimum requirements for a WIP to enter the event and the only true requirement is that we hope you’ll be able to finish your project in the allotted time!
Do I have to sign up?
We are requesting that participants in the WIP Project sign up for the event. We want to be able to encourage all content creators along their journey and to present those who complete their works with completion certificates and banners for their Tumblrs. If you would like to participate in an unofficial capacity, we won’t stop you! You just will not be able to be included in the official AO3 Collection or receive the event bonuses.
I have to drop out.
That’s all right! Please just contact us via Tumblr (or via DIscord if you want to hunt us mods down) so we can remove you from the event. We wish you the best on your WIP journey but we understand that real life happens and support you for prioritizing yourself above a silly fic event. <3 
What content is allowed in the WIP Project?
All fanworks are allowed for the WIP Project, so long as: (1) it is Codywan; (2) it is a WIP prior to July 2023; (3) it is completed by the posting period in October. All ratings are allowed, but all content must be rated.
This applies to, but is not limited to:
Fanvids or Fanedits
Can you define “Codywan”?
For this Fest we are defining “Codywan” as: (1) a romantic relationship between Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi; (2) a queer-platonic relationship between Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi; (3) a sexual relationship between Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi; (4) a familial relationship between Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi; (5) a “situationship”/relationship without labels between Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi – basically, GO NUTS! So long as the content focuses on the relationship (however you want to define it) of Cody and Obi-Wan, it’s good. 
Let no one tell you your version of a relationship is not valid!!
How long does my WIP have to be to enter the Project?
The bare minimum for a WIP to enter is as follows: 
Fanfic: At least 250 words
Fanart: At least a sketch, black&white
Moodboard: Minimum, three images
Gifsets/Icons: 2 gifs/4 icons
Poetry: A pair of haikus or 8 line minimum
Podfics: 5 minutes in length, with author permission or blanket permission
Fanmixes: at least 5 songs
Fanvids or Fanedits: at least 30 seconds
What’s the difference between posting and revealing?
Similarly to the Codywan AU Fest (which is taking a break this year), we’re asking creators to post their works to the AO3 collection in the last half of October so all creations can be revealed on October 31. That way everyone in the Codywan fandom will be able to have some nice Treats on Halloween!
Can I post outside of the Collection? / Can I post early? / Can I post late?
While we would prefer that everyone post to the Collection to be part of the Event, we understand if people would prefer not to post to the Collection. The Collection will be created when the final prompts go live, so if someone finishes early they can post their creation to the Collection and not have to worry about posting to AO3.
If you would like to post your creation to Tumblr or AO3 before or after October 31, you are welcome to do so. However, as the intention behind this Event is to have a bunch of WIP creations released on Halloween (trick or treat!), it would be hard to include your creation in the Event.
What happens if I don’t finish in time?
We’d still love to see your creation! All WIPs are welcome and valid, even if you don’t get to be part of the official Collection. If you sign up, you’ll still receive the encouragement of the mods and have your fic featured on the Tumblr during the spotlight time frame. We’d love everyone to finish, but we understand that sometimes that’s just not possible.
What tags should I use if I post to Tumblr?
Please use the “#codywanWIP2023” tag! (no spaces, tumblr is mean)
What are the important dates for 2023?
Sign Ups run from July 2 to July 15
Posting will be from October 15-30
Reveal will be on October 31!
Once posted, creators can sit back and wait for the reveal of goodies on Halloween!
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antonblastdeluxe · 2 years
Now that I've slept on it for two days, I think my thoughts are clear enough to finally formulate my words about the whole situation with a certain pig. Actual final post on this unless. Idk something worse happens but given that pizza discord was lifted up like a nasty rock I sort of doubt it.
I've been seeing a lot of takes lately given the pizza game. I agree with a large chunk of them that boil down to 'don't make playing this game a moral thing'. I don't agree with sentiments that are akin to 'this was years ago', or 'you're all just trying to cancel him because the game got popular'.
I was in that discord. I had most of the channels muted, but I'm pretty sure I left it in 2020ish. I only didn't see the grossness people are outlining firsthand because I only looked at the dev update chat at the time so I can see what he was implementing. One of my dearest friends had a very, VERY bad experience with it. It's not my right to exactly describe what happened to them, but... Yeah. It was awful. I get that all official discords become cesspits when they get thousands of people in there, but there's no excuse for what happened in there.
I can confirm that the discord was always full of redditor-like types and worse, which is why I muted all of the talk channels to begin with and didn't even glance at the fanart I was really there for. You may notice, if you're a long-timer that is, a lot of early Pizza T0wer artists didn't make fanart again when the game came out. The reason is a lot of them were treated like garbage in the discord. Sure, you had your usual types of people who stupidly make comparisons like 'oh your oc looks like (canon character)' thinking that's a good thing to say to a random artist who may or may not be ok with that, but many of them were just... Outright hostile.
Moderation was never good. I can't exactly recall how the mod team was cycled, but most of them didn't-- Or couldn't do their job because of the vast amount of people flowing in pre-release. It is legtiamately no wonder why it's had so many issues upon release. What I'm getting at here is the discord server was an awful idea. Even if it was patreon only a lot of the patreons made this sort of gross echo chamber. The reason why the stuff with pig both surprised me and didn't surprise me was because of the other half of the publishing company, Sertif.
Sertif to me is the most baffling part of all of this. Not because they did anything wrong, no, the exact opposite. They're arguably the most squeaky clean part of the team, being a far cry from whatever slop pig spewed. Which makes the fact that pig said all of that stuff lowkey worse to me? I don't know if they forgave him for that, or they were somehow unaware. Sertif is also the reason why I can't fully hate the game even with the flaws sprinkled throughout.
It's just upsetting. I can't blame people for reacting the way they have, but at the same time people have gotta stop making excuses. I think it's completely valid to say 'hey you're still allowed to enjoy the game and characters, just don't defend the stupid ass pig'. I think a lot of people put it aptly that the game has already gotten traction. It's your choice if you still want to make fan content or not, it probably won't have a heavy effect on the game's sales at this point. It's sort of people trying to boycott pkmn to a much lesser extent-- People are still going to buy it because they're not engaged with online couture or multiple other reasons.
I do indeed have zero respect for people rubbing their hands together like flies like 'finally I have an excuse to dislike popular thing'. Like, really??? That's where your priorities lie? You can dislike the pizza game. You could've still disliked it if the pig was squeaky clean. But this exact same thing happened to two fixations I heavily fell out of, that being 0mori and f//nf. They gained traction, and people dug stuff up on the creators.
I'm not going to claim that people only dug this stuff up because the game got popular. I won't assume bad faith despite many people assuming bad faith out of others becoming a trend nowadays. People have a right to know what the hell creators did before deciding to get into a game. But claiming people are a bad person for liking a piece of media...
...For the love of god, at least confirm if they do or do not condone the creator's actions.
It's very easy to say 'no media is perfect', sure, but I think most people have gone through the song of dance of 'thing I like was made by an awful person!' there are rare white whale situations where you really should drop the franchise (cough) bad wizard franchise (cough), but expecting everyone to just... Drop a piece of media like a sack of bricks?
Please think realistically. It's great that you're informing people, but expecting people to drop media... You don't know their history with it. You don't know how much comfort it brought them or anything else. Demonizing people for liking pieces of media with flawed creators is really just a waste of time.
I won't ever undermine what pig has said and done. I hope he properly apologizes and hell, takes the extra mile, adjusting those questionable enemies and donates to a few charities or something to show he gives a shit. The very little credit he's done is he admitted what he said was shallow. I know the bar is in hell, but it's good that he isn't trying to double down and go 'bluh that was funny though' (I can imagine his cesspit of a discord echochamber has tried to say this. No way in hell I'm going in there to check and I wouldn't encourage anyone to go into that place with a ten foot pole).
I know I don't need to defend myself nor am I a bad person for acknowledging the creator is a shithead and still enjoying the game and the fan content around it. I have a lot of friends who like fn4f who hate Scott. I wouldn't be friends with them if they defended him. People trying to say this and that about this stance is... Bizarre.
I understand how Pizza game can make people uncomfortable now (always have given the long running history of the bad discord), and people have their full right not to engage with me because they are uncomfortable. At the same time, they shouldn't accuse me of being a bad person because I like something made by a bad person.
A lot of music artists, or hell, artists in general are pretty bad people but people will still admire the artist's ability. A lot of people online who hostility attack people over their interests probably have one of their own pieces of media that isn't squeaky clean.
Please save yourself the mental trouble and stop making people feel 'bad' for liking media. In most cases, you can just block them and mute the tag. It's a waste of everyone's time to hunt people down over this sort of stuff.
Stay informed, don't make excuses for content creators. That's all I ask.
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staysafedontdie · 1 year
Jason: Do the pin-ny thing???
Apparently you can pin posts on Tumblr now???
About me:
Name: Jason Age: 31 What the fuck am I:
A Leo.
Trans dude
Bisexual (Former pan; hated the jokes, miss the flag)
4th generation Pretty-White Canadian. Like really, really Canadian.
Alternative acceptable answer would be "an embarrassment"
Favorite Color: Blood red and Cerulean Blue together OR if i have to choose one and can't make up my mind then a rich, bold, Reddish-Orange that looks like Safety Orange, International Orange, and Kenny McCormick had a color baby together.
What to expect:
From me:
Me yelling into the void
Me screaming in the tags
Pictures of my mini museum and any new specimens I get for it (rocks, gems, fossils, bones, meteorite pieces, insect taxidermy, maybe other weird shit)
Merch pics, maybe
Book recs, probably
Shippy stuff
Idk gays, probably
In general:
Whatever I think is cool/looks cool/is interesting
South Park (I like Kenny, Cartman, and Butters the most, so expect a lot of them.)
Other fandoms (Chainsaw Man, My Hero Academia, Deadpool, The Expanse, Demon Slayer, The Crows half of Grishaverse, Xiran Jay Xhao's Iron Widow-verse.)
Nostalgia fandoms (Maybe some Undertale, Pokemon, FFX, lil Homestuck if I'm feeling spicy)
General cool stuff
Crows and snakes (i got to touch a python at a pride event and cried legitimate tears i love snakes and corvids so much!!)
People Who Have No Business Being That Attractive, Dear Lord
Socially progressive stuff ("why can't we be friends" by Smashmouth plays aggressively in the distance)
Cool science/space
For you:
Go ahead and message me/send me asks if you want?
Join my (aged 17+) South Park Discord that's aiming to recreate the energy of the official South Park Discord's Discussion Channel but everywhere. And you can RP, theorycraft, talk ships, post fanart and fanfics and shit, idk. It's a tiny server, but a vibe.
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zeondraws · 2 years
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I must say I had alot of fun drawing this one a couple of days ago!
dunno if I print this out for diary
I often scroll through tumblr to look through the art tips tag and honestly it's so fun finding neat little art hacks and colour theory tips that I always want to try out when I can hop on my laptop!
Even if I might feel a bit like "ooh damn when will I become as good?" But I also want to try and channel my feelings into motivation, to continue to have fun and try out new things and develop through this.
This whole art path is so scary to me at times, because there is this? Responsibility I feel like, that I have when I post my bus art online, how would people react? Did I have fun drawing this? How will I continue my goals?
Since I want to try and shake up the whole bus community in some way, not like in a bad way but to perhaps make it feel more interesting. I feel like there is a lack of creativity or a lack of artists compared to the amount of bus manufacturers and bus companies you have who try and sell busses, make them interesting to people etc, but how do you reach people? For me it feels like it mostly just reaches people who are already interested in busses and the bus companies always feel sterile or very cooperate (I think I have already mentioned this in a previous post, I often repeat myself)
I am already seeming to have small success, I don't know how to call it or how to feel because this is a very new territory for me.
In my discord server some of my active members started drawing much more, which makes me feel very honored that they're inspired to do so because of me. Some even made bus animations or silly bus drawings or comics. Heck when setra announced their new bus we had some fun talking about it, and one of my members drew fanart of it which is amazing.
Like they're probably the first and only person who made fanart of this setra bus, okay there is official artworks (somewhere), but I'd like to point out that bus fanart is waaay more rare than your usual plane/train or idk fanart of animated shows.
I can't stress enough how busses don't get enough love, there is this universal thing of people unaware of them.
So it's obviously one of the reasons I started my tumblr and Instagram account, hopefully after my apprenticeship I will start my youtube stuff which seems way more scary. Because at the end of the day I am a nobody, who is dreaming of changing something. But of course I don't want to forget to have fun and enjoy what I do, there are so many silly bus stories I want to share.
Tho it feels somewhat scary to do the first step, because I didn't think that I'd be standing here doing this myself. But who else is gonna draw busses? I can't wait years until someone random appears to draw what I want to see. So I'll do it myself (still scary tho, getting outside your comfort zone LOL)
Because I feel like there is something that those bus manufacturers/companies are not acknowledging over the potential . And I am here to change that, however I can with my silly and messed up ideas. haha
I am currently taking a week break from discord so that I can collect myself again and focus on other things. And also to draw BUS
Bro I have sooooo many bus ideas on my trello the list will never get lower.
I shall end this post with a meme
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I love Mushroom Bus very much
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magicbench · 2 years
OMG HELLO!?!?;$$;&:)3/&, ive been turning the whole internet upside down in search of fujiwara bittersweet content and i stumbled upon YOU, THE Magicbench omgmg😭😭 I got the game a few days ago and let me tell you im OBSSESSED. The artstyle is adorable and the characters are all so lovable. My absolute favorite is Yuta and Toshio i love them sm <33 Ive drawn countless fanart of the love interests bc i just cant get enough of them😫 I saw that youre planning on making a fujiwara remake along with dlcs? and i was wondering when it will be released? But then i saw that youre already working on another game too so i assume youll be giving priority to that one first. Either way thank you so much for giving us such an amazing game!!!! Sending lots of love!!! <33
Hello! Thank you for the kind words, it makes me so happy! And I'm so happy you loved the game that much too, please don't hesitate to post your fanarts on tumblr or twitter with the #fujiwarabittersweet or #fujibitterart for me to find them more easily (we also have a fanaworks channel on the official Discord server, so don't hesitate to join and post them if you feel like it)🌼 As for the remake, yes I'm planning on releasing one ~ But as you guessed right, I can't 100% focus on it right now (but again, sometimes I post sneak peeks on the Discord server if you are curious) so it won't be released before a while (u___u) I'm only lead project for the current other game so the writing, atmosphere and art style isn't the same as Fujiwara, but once it's done I'll be able to work 100% of my time on the series! For now, the estimated release date for the other game I'm working on is July 2023, so I should start working more on Fujiwara around September next year if all goes well✦ I think I've answered all your questions, but don't hesitate to ask me more if ever! And thank you again for all the love you're sending my way, it's comments and support like yours which keep me motivated every day!❤ P.S: I have some more projects and demos on my itchio page if ever you are curious too~
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plottwiststudios · 3 years
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I’m a simple man: If you stream, post, or upload lolpositive Women of Xal content, I will like, follow, and subscribe. And depending on the topic, comment and/or reblog. That goes double for fanart. Ya’ll have NO idea what it’s like working on this project for 4 years with little to no feedback - other than the constant concerns from the well-meaning that I chose a very hard path having an entire cast of dark-skinned lovelies. So I’ve been so happy to hear that, so far, bugs have not been reported, and players are thoroughly pleasantly surprised over what the game actually offers. ;  v;
Also, you can talk about Women of Xal with other fans on the fan-Discord server, ran by a fan. I technically have power there too, but I sort of just woke up into it. Don’t worry about it! You can also join them in screaming at me to rest and stop working.
Additionally! I’ll make another, more official post about this tomorrow - like always, but! The voice actress for Naxia will be doing a livestream of Women of Xal tomorrow! If you have any interest in seeing how Women of Xal plays, but not sure about committing time and money into it, absolutely follow these two before their stream begins. They’re precious beans that I consider incredibly good people. Again, I’ll update ya’ll when a time is cemented.
2bitAdventure’s Twitch Channel
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fairymint · 2 years
Rules | Muse List |  Verses | RP/Personal Discord server! | F/Os | twitch channel | youtube channel
My Voice (in reference to Felix’s voice!) | Felix’s Bio (pokemon)| Felix the Villager (Animal Crossing/Smash)
 Public vs Private Knowledge for Felix Fae
RP Help Blog | Personal blog Mun |
Personals/etc.: Please don’t reblog my posts without commentary! Writing content produced here is Art. RP blogs please use your usual headcanon tag. RP blogs please tag my URL in replies.
Full mobile/shortcut rules here:
Hello, and welcome to my multimuse, featuring my self-insert, Felix! All hopes to have fun here, but a few boundaries and guidelines are here to make things easier and smoother!
Please be patient! Especially on the weekends for the time being, but I really write best when not under pressure. 
Be Nice, OOC. Mostly, be civil- this means not talking shit about others because you’ve blocked them, they’ve blocked you, different headcanons, and of course different identities and such; I will not be writing a specific DNI for the illusion of being exhaustive- I expect you to try to be decent regardless of situation.
I am not comfortable writing active depictions of rape, pedophilia/ephebephila, sexual myths, and zoophilia. That said, I don’t have any triggers on the internet per se, and am not easily spooked at all, so I ask that you please respect that in a sense; I do not owe you personal sensitivity or outrage, ever.
There will be zero tolerance for rage-filled IMs on discord or otherwise; Asks follow a similar policy on OOC level.
Please give me a similar effort on thread level, but particularly when it comes to shipping and smut; believe it or not, I enjoy writing those two things, in detail! I want character-based replies with description- please do not shorten replies to hurry things along to some goal that you have.
I, and therefore Felix, have chronic pain, and will not be writing cures to such; temporary relief only. It’s really just not something that I can properly fathom.
Your rules are law, as are others; Don’t send asks on my behalf to other blogs that break their rules; and please try to assume that I don’t mean to break yours.
I write in third person, which means that my muses’s pronouns are literally right there in the writing, use them. Check bios if you really need, but I will not be tolerating degendering/misgendering based on things like genitals or icon aesthetics; They are their gender, not what gender you think they are. For similar reasons, I list things like orientation, preference, outness status, and surgery status in bios; feel free to ask more anytime.
Don’t be a shithead about me writing a self-insert in general; I have a happy and fulfilling offline life, and made this blog via popular demand for fun!
This blog is multiship, poly, multiverse, duplicate, LGBTQIA+, NSFW, and generally friendly! Intersectional safe space is the name of the game here.
Felix’s main faceclaims (which I’ve iconed myself): Hiura Mihate from ‘I Turned My Childhood Friend (♂) Into A Girl’ [not transphobic despite the awkward title] Yuu Koito from Bloom Into You (anthology included) Nandeshiko Kamigahara from Yuru Camp Yuuki Maisaka from Otome Danshi Kohane from Anima Yell Botan Kurashiki from Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso wo Kasaneru
Pokemon icons are likely from nationalicondex or trainersearchsystem! Those have the distinctive red pokéball border.
Umaru Doma from dresspheres
Kyouko Hori icons are from dresspheres, as well as Komari&Natsumi Koshigaya icons
Miraidon/Koraidon icons are by wishfxljikan!
Akari’s faceclaim comes from bladeworksicons, Sakura Adachi.
Other icons that aren’t my own can be found in the ‘icons.’ tag,  I don’t crop new fanart by the by- all fanart used is from sets that’re already on tumblr- I use official art or resort to faceclaims.
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sanderssidessims · 4 years
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Hello Guys, Gals, & (of course) Nonbinary Pals! 
This is the Tumblr for my simming/gaming Twitch SandersSidesSims!
     ★ Who is SandersSidesSims?
SandersSidesSims is run by a dude named Finn. He is 32 years old, trans FTM, gay, and exhausted. He very much loves Sanders Sides and making people laugh, and so it is with that thought in mind that he created SandersSidesSims!
Also, as a fun note, I decided to use a unicorn as my mascot/logo. I am currently using a clip art unicorn (he’s dabbing so it fits) but I will be commissioning an official one soon, so if you are an artist and interested, please Submit or DM me your commission information. 
     ★ What is the purpose of my Twitch Stream?
The main purpose of SandersSidesSims is to stream Sims 4 gameplay from creation of the sides/ships, to actual gameplay, to fun little challenges set by all of you. 
I also have purchased Minecraft, a game I have never once played and am completely out of my element, so that I can can have something other than just Sims 4 to share with you guys. I did get skins for each of the Sides as well as Remy and Emile so when we do Minecraft, it’s like the Sides are playing. (You guys are totally allowed to laugh and poke fun as I learn since I am a total Minecraft newb!
     ★ What links can viewers/fans use to keep in touch/keep updated?
Okay here are the links that will get you everywhere that I currently have my Twitch identity connected to:
Twitch [ http://www.twitch.tv/sanderssidessims ] Discord [ https://discord.gg/NgwErbH ] (this is an invite link, if doesn’t work PM me) Patreon [ https://www.patreon.com/SandersSidesSims ] Tumblr [ https://sanderssidessims.tumblr.com ] Steam [ https://steamcommunity.com/id/SandersSidesSims/ ]
     ★ I am a minor. Can I still watch and support?
YES! ABSOLUTELY! In fact, I pretty much plan to be a non-adult oriented type streamer. That means anything that would be deemed inappropriate for minors is a complete non-issue. I do curse in reality, so there is a chance a word or two might slip through, but you guys are TOTALLY allowed to get onto me about it if, and when, it happens as I am here for everyone, regardless of age.
     ★ Is there anything we can do as viewers/fans to help support you?
Okay, so! As of right now I do not have any plans on doing this professionally. That may as of yet change, however, the main point of all of this is to HAVE FUN together while I’m playing something I have always loved and has brought me happiness. 
That being said, streaming is a HUGE undertaking and I would love to be able to get all the Sims 4 games, which I do not yet have, as well as better equipment and things for streaming. If you guys are financially set and taken care of and want to help me grow in this, my Patreon exists for that purpose (though there will be more purposes for it in the future) and I have one single monthly Tier at $2 a month. 
It’s basically there as like a “tip”. I will have more Tiers in the future once I have things I can award for them outside of just the base everything goes, which is what the Tip Tier is for. Also once I start drawing and using it for my art as well. 
    ★ I can’t afford $2 a month. Is there anything else we can do to support?
Of course! The above is just if you can afford it! Please do not feel obligated. There are other ways that you can help:
Reblog this post. (Once is fine, but feel free to periodically do it as that would be so helpful to me! :D)
Tell your friends! (The more the merrier, am I right?)
Come to my streams! (This one is a no brainer.)
Join my channel’s Discord Server. (Interact and have fun with other viewers!)
     ★ What is the purpose of the Tumblr page in regards to your Twitch?
Great question! So, I will be a little different than other Twitch peeps in that I am a fanfiction writer/future author and that will come into effect in this blog. As I am playing a game we are playing through together, I will likely have times where I get muse for a fanfiction or fan art (once I actually have talent in fanart) and so I will post those here. 
I will also answer questions about the characters in the games here that the game doesn’t really answer (i.e. headcanons and in-character answers for questions that are directed at the characters).
I will also likely reblog stories and art from other fanders. Help use this to signal boost fan stuff! So if you want to rec me stuff, send it in! :D
    ★ Anything else we should know?
Nope, this is a new journey for all of us! Let’s enjoy it together! Lastly, I just want to thank each and every one of you for your interest and support! Let’s do this!
I want to thank everyone who reblogs, comments, and likes this post! I also want to super duper thank anyone and everyone who chooses to join me in this little (big?) passion project of mine! 
Thank you!!
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Terra has a Chat with a REAL Moderator this Time
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In lieu of my original post that gained a lot of traction, and me talking about being “contacted” by someone claiming to be a mod.
An ACTUAL mod from the Official Cookie Run discord managed to contact me and  set the record straight on a few things, as well as discuss a few things regarding what happened. So it seems that this whole situation has indeed caught the attention of the mods of the Cookie Run Official Discord, and even MicMac himself. So what’s been done?
I do wanna talk about it in greater detail, so I’m gonna put everything in a cut, starting now. If you want the TL;DR version, skip to the second picture of Chestnut with Walnut at the end.
First things First, the person who I talked on the moderation team was someone by the name of Zayder, who contacted me on anon with their details. Using some help from friends We were able to background check and confirm, yes this person is actually legit. So I was reassured I wasn’t walking into some kind of trap.
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(The photo given to me to prove authenticity by a friend. I blurred out their Discord number myself just for the courtesy of privacy)
What’s Being Done to Protect Artists on the Discord, Moving Forward?
I think this is the big question on everyone’s mind since I made my original post and all eyes are on the moderators and MicMac to make the change.
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There seems to be a genuine admittance to the fact that the previous way fanart was moderated was ineffective and caused issues such as the theft and reposting to happen. 
So they’ve gone ahead and added stricter measures to prevent this from happening again. Including preventing new members from posting until they get the “Cookie” role, a cooldown on the channel to allow for easier moderation and viewing of said artwork, and heavier infractions laid down for art theft. 
I mentioned that the cooldown also allows for time for people to appreciate genuine artwork posted. So considering the magnitude of its members I’d say that’s a great first step in moving forward towards protecting community fanartists. I got confirmation from members in my own discord that the cooldown IS indeed already enacted and even increased from 10 to 30 minutes, so I have reassurance that what’s being told to me is true. 
They DO have a report system on their bot, but it seems most people prefer just messaging mods so that system in itself is rather flawed, but only so much you can do there. 
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(^ This one’s my own artwork, btw!! ^) Zayder also asked me for my own feedback on what could be done to help protect artists, since I am an artist myself. It seems most of the moderation team are not artists and this probably lent itself to making moderation there so weak. 
In summary my main suggestions that were noticed were being mindful of traced art, and a dedicated section or post explaining art theft and how it harms artists and the importance of crediting artists. As not everyone understands how it hurts us, some people genuinely are uninformed. Which Zayder stated he would forward to Mic Mac. (Not sure how I feel about my own suggestions going directly to MicMac himself, but you know!!)
Fawn’s Situation happened so Long Ago that most of it is Lost (or worst case scenario, was deleted by a member of the moderation team) 
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While the general consensus now is indeed “Yes, Fawn created Nutmeg Cookie,” there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of evidence towards who the perpetrator was (We had their username, hazbinalastor666, but not their ID and they’ve since changed it to cover their tracks) and the moderators involved with Fawn’s “Ban” to be found on the Official Cookie Run Discord. At least not anymore.
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Zayder has confirmed that Fawn “left” the server in December of 2019, which lines up with Fawn’s own statements on the situation. However Zayder stated that whoever kicked her didn’t actually put her on the banlist. So either they kicked her manually, or they used the bot and then used it to erase all evidence of it and pretend nothing happened (which he certainly HOPES is not the case, and I do as well). It did not help that Trial Mods were not a thing yet by this time (They were not introduced until February of 2020), according to what Zayder told me. So things on that Discord were essentially pretty gun-ho. It’s not as simple as looking up a term and going to “Oldest” to track down stuff from the time.  Plus a good chunk of it seemed to have happened through DMs so... Good Luck getting that evidence.
Zayder informed me that Fawn is welcome to come back at any time. Though speaking with her she’s chosen not to, and considering her situation I don’t think anyone can blame her. I would like to believe that the version of the Discord that Fawn had to go through is not the same as the one we have now but something like isn’t essentially going to wash away what happened.
As for evidence that Fawn created Nutmeg first? Yes I do have it. The original incident,  hazbinalastor666 claimed that they created Nutmeg in November of 2019, However there’s evidence in our own discord showing Fawn creating Nutmeg as early as September of 2019.
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As well as the day Fawn came forward on our discord about the situation after keeping quiet out of fear of backlash, ignited by seeing the thief get a commission of Nutmeg. However, I don’t plan to post that publicly unless I have Fawn’s okay. 
Yes. The First “Mod” That tried to Contact Me was Pretty Undeniably Someone Posing as a Mod From the Official Discord
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“I'm also really curious on what you found false on what the "moderator" said to you. Nobody on the mod team ever told us they were gonna contact you, so I wouldnt know who that is.”
So that was my first sign that clearly the original person who contacted me at least wasn’t doing so without the consensus of the other mods, and neither did they consult the mods afterwards... So very, very likely they were a fake from the start. Some of the things that were off that I told to Zayder, and that we found through conversation were as follows:
The first person contacted me on a throwaway and refused to disclose who they were. Zayder gave me the ID of his personal discord and we could verify who they were easily.
The first person blew off my own suggestions for helping improve the fanart channels with statements like “We’re already cracking down on it.” Zayder asked me for my own suggestions as an artist without even being asked.
The first person kept trying to get me to get Fawn to use a VPN in order to get back into the Official Cookie Run Discord. Despite being told repeatedly that’s not how a VPN works. That’s just fucking weird. 
The first person couldn’t track anything down regarding Fawn’s situation years ago, Zayder was at least able to actually pinpoint the date in which Fawn was kicked, and rather quickly too I might add.
Zayder had pretty proficient knowledge on the bot the Discord uses for moderation and how it works. Which he explained to me a few times. The first person said to me at one point, and I quote, “For all I know the bot gives messages when infractions are laid.”
So seeing how talking with a real Moderator like Zayder was, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that someone was trying to dupe me here for some reason. Was it revenge? Did they want some sort of blackmail? Did they want me to proverbially “back off?” And if they ARE a mod why wouldn’t they give the info and such that I gave them to the other mods? Who knows. 
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Long Story short, it does appear as if the Moderation Team and Mic Mac have heard the artists of the fandom and are going to be working hard to lay down stricture rules regarding posting and doing their best to make sure credit goes where credit is due.
Fawn’s incident happened so long ago there’s not much evidence to be found on the Official discord, but we DO have proof that Nutmeg Cookie belongs to UpsetFawn!
The First Person who claimed to be a Mod was a fake and talking with Zayder proved it.
Overall, my talk with Zayder was very pleasant and enlightening and I believe Zayder would say about the same! I never meant to cause such an uproar, but I’d like to think things will change for the better now that we’ve all spoken up on behalf of our fellow artist. 
What we need to do now is watch how the Cookie Run Official Discord moves forward and if they’ll stick to their word towards protecting fandom content creators from theft and uncredited reposts. Though after my talk I’m certainly optimistic they will.
Always have your back for your fellow fandom artist, TerraTerraCotta
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whoson1st · 4 years
Are you in the official King Falls server at all? Just trying to get an idea of what's going on and who knows what's going on
Hoooooo BOISE.
So, long story short, yes. Yes I’m in the discord, yes I know what’s going on, and it’s all really, really stupid. I think that there were mistakes made on a lot of fronts, but I also think that the end result is, in a lot of ways, a long time coming.
I haven’t been responding to things I’ve seen on social media for the most part, and wasn’t REALLY keen to respond to this, but there’s also a lot of misinformation happening due to hurt feelings. There’s plenty of abridged accounts of what’s going on, and I’m pretty sure you know that. I’m taking this question on good faith that it’s genuinely asking and not setting me up to get torn down but...honestly, either way, I don’t care. I’m not on tumblr much these days anyway so it doesn’t really matter, and internet drama is just….it’s always dumb. But there’s a lot of “evidence” being put forth that is out of context or in bad faith, and the people who are being the loudest are a whole lot of the problem, so I’ll put in my account and opinions.
Anyway, I’m putting everything under a cut because it’s...a lot.
So first off, full disclosure, I used to be a mod on the discord. I left the team at the beginning of the year of my own volition because I’m an adult with a job and a life and things to take care of that aren’t that and needed a break. I’m still friends with all the current mods, and talk to them regularly, as well as being on good terms with the cast and creators. Just in case you’re dead set on hating any of them, you should know that. I try to keep a pretty good perspective, and I’m a little more removed than I was a few months ago, but I won’t say I’m totally free of bias either. If that’s what you’re into, just go ahead and skip this.
This all started with a piece of fan art, which honestly should be a clue as to how petty this all is. The fanart included The Dirt in a BDSM outfit as part of a larger work, and it was posted in the fanart section of the discord. It was bordering on NSFW, and the artist maybe should have asked the mods and/or put it behind a spoiler tag--which is probably as far as the mods would have gone had they been consulted, because it was 1) part of a larger thing and 2) canon compliant (it’s Jacob Williams, what do you want?). Neither of those things happened, people complained, the art was taken down. Then Kyle Brown, one of the writers, retweeted the copy that had been uploaded to twitter on his personal account--his account, not KFAM official--and someone complained that it made them uncomfortable and was not safe for work. Another cast member, Trent Shumway, replied that twitter isn’t a safe for work site, which it’s not. Which then led to both Kyle and Trent being socially crucified for not taking more care in what their followers see on their personal accounts on an open social media platform that is not dedicated to any single person or work.
It was already stupid. Really, really stupid. Especially since this is not a SFW podcast. It never has been. Everyone remember the third episode with Archie’s pomchies? And I know that certain aspects of that make people uncomfortable but if you are choosing to listen to the show regardless of that, it’s on you. An artist isn’t going to repaint something because you’re not a fan of green. And the SFW rule on the server has always been “within the guidelines of the show”.
So then, someone made this post that has since been deleted but I’m including mostly because if other people want to go ahead and pull receipts, I’m also going to.
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Before I go ANY further with this, I want to say this: this person has been a problem for a LONG TIME. Months, at least, since before I left the mod team, and is honestly part of the reason being a mod became so difficult for me. They have displayed a pattern of abuse of the mods, the creators, and other members of the community on both twitter and tumblr, and have made people on the discord server uncomfortable enough that they either don’t participate or have left completely. This one person. And they have a bully squad behind them. And it sucks. But in the end, it was always decided that we couldn’t police what people did on their individual accounts or single someone out who hadn’t technically broken guidelines in the server, despite numerous complaints, because the mods and creators want to make everyone feel that they’re included. This decision was made...numerous times. After multiple incidents. For months.
I had my own issues with this decision, but that’s neither here nor there, and doesn’t really matter anymore. Because that post was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Kyle, misunderstanding the term, took it as a threat. Not hard to do, given the already heightened emotions, the tags, and this person’s history. So the person was immediately banned. The fact is, even without misunderstanding, that’s a really shitty post. That’s hating one a writer and a cast member and still wanting to pretend they have nothing to do with the THING THEY CREATE because this person doesn’t like what they said on twitter.
Following that, one of their friends--who had also been a longstanding problem--attempted to start a knockdown dragout in the general chat with one of the mods over this, and was upset when the mod in question first said they’d be happy to talk on DM but not on the server, and then ignored them when they repeatedly tried to carry on the argument.
Then they lit a candle in the channel the banned person had pitched a fit in order to form, as if the person was dead and not just a jerk. And then they made this post:
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They also got banned, because OBVIOUSLY. Again, misunderstanding or not, that’s a horrible way to deal with it. You can’t possibly expect to call someone an illiterate fuckwad and still want to be included in spaces they created, much less EXPECT to be. 
And then several other people who were attempting the same nonsense publicly. And then invites were taken away when the mods got word that there was a possible plan in the works to spam the server. And there’s a weird campaign to EXPOSE THE CREATORS FOR THE ASSHOLES THEY ARE.
And that’s...about where things are at now. A lot of people are upset and hurt across the board. And it sucks.
Here’s the thing. Mistakes were made. Kyle misunderstood Death of the Author, and has a tendency toward knee-jerk, unedited reactions. The mods should have been more on top of the problem and not let it fester. There were ways that this could have been mitigated and done better. There always are.
But this was always going to happen in some fashion.
Podcasts and podcast communities are not new anymore, folks. But it still seems like people have a hard time grasping their actual level of involvement in the creation because of how active some creators are. You’re free to say whatever you want, but you are not free from consequence. And you’re not exempt from being wrong. This isn’t just a matter of the creators of KFAM--or any work, to be honest--not being able to take criticism, this is a matter of people thinking that their criticism is 100% correct 100% of the time, and the entitled attitude that comes with that. KFAM isn’t perfect, I have my own criticisms of it, because I have criticisms about basically everything under the sun, so it’s not just blind following. But it is trust in the creators and the people around them to find the best way to tell their story, to the see their problems and strive for better. And we’ve literally seen that happen in KFAM, in changes made to Walt, in Emily’s storyline, in Lily’s...everything. In the addition of “guys, gals, and non-binary pals”. They’re trying. They’re not perfect, but they’re not deaf. They’re also not obligated or beholden to everything their audience says regarding their story.
The whole argument that they can’t take criticism is undercut when it’s being made by people who think that everything they say should be taken as gospel, and treat every instance where someone disagrees with them as a personal attack. The scope of hypocrisy here is just...breathtaking.
Also, when not withstanding some nonsense attacks, they’re all genuinely kind and friendly. I already admitted some bias here, but seriously, they go out of their way to check on people and respond to people and lift people up. It’s total horse dookie to act like they don’t care about their fans.
And as for the discord--god, just get a life. The mods there work SO HARD to make everyone feel included, to encourage participation, the create a positive environment for people to talk about the things they love and make friends. They have meetings and spreadsheets and calendars and work together as a team and with Kyle to keep the place working smoothly even though there’s FIVE of them running a HUGE server. The person who was initially banned was forever complaining about the discord and how the mods ran it, even while some suggestions they had were implemented. But that discord has like 1500 people in it, gang, it’s not about what one person wants all the time. And that person has their own server anyway so just go be unhappy there and leave everyone else alone. It’s what you were doing anyway.
TL;DR: There was a lot of manufactured outrage over something incredibly dumb, and some misunderstandings, and resulted in actions that had been looming for a long time and just finally popped off. Kyle and the mods aren’t perfect, but they aren’t the villains. The people who were banned have a history of negativity and bullying that led to the decision to remove them.
If anyone takes anything from this, please let it be that it’s a GODDAMN PODCAST. If it makes you angry, if you don’t like it, go watch a movie. Eat a snack. Knit a sweater. Take a nap. Listen to a new music album. Literally anything. There’s so many things to do in this life that aren’t LOOKING for things to be upset about.
Remember the golden rule, and don’t be a dick.
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hqvalentineexchange · 4 years
Posting the gifts
You don’t know how to post the gift? Or just want to make sure how to do it? Are you curious if there is any official formating you should adhere to? This post is for you!
Before I get to the point though, a small reassurance that it's not too late to ask for beta! You can ask for beta till the end of the event! So if you finish your fic sometime during the posting week, you still can ask for beta as well!
Now to the revealing the gifts - so, since there are people who never participated in a fandom exchange before, as well as people who already did, I will do some explaining.
(a table of content of sorts:
1. How to reveal my gift?
2. Formating
3. AO3 collection
4. A few additional words to people who participate in an exchange for the first time
5. To summarize)
So, short explanation for exchanges veterans: you can reveal your gift however you want! There are no submissions (meaning - you don't have to send the gift to us first; you can submit your gift to this blog if you want your work posted on Tumblr but don't have an account, but there are no mandatory submissions)! The only important thing is making sure your giftee sees it (so you should @ them, send them the link etc., but well, you’re the veterans, it’s an obvious thing)! Of course you don’t have to @ them on every platform you post your gift on. You can also find a few words about proper tagging below in the "Formating" section ^^ Also there's AO3 collection if you want to add your work there! You can find more information about the collection below the "Formating" section.
Long explanation for those, who aren’t sure what “you can share it however you want lmao” entails: there are a few different ways to post your gift, briefly explained in the FAQ (mobile friendly link). The most important thing is you don't have to send your gift to us first. How to reveal it then? There are a few ways you can do it:
1. You can submit your gift here and we will publish it when the time comes (you can find more in depth explanation about formating below). It's not a mandatory thing! The option is here if you want to have your gift posted on Tumblr, but don't have an account! The "submit" window is easy to use, although a bit limited - it only has the basic formating options and doesn't accept HTML, which means that whatever HTML code you'd use, it'll stay as a code (for example when you put text between the <i> marks to make it into italics, it will stay as "<i>word</i>" in the post, instead of becoming "word"). Just remember to @ your giftee!
2. You can post it on your own Tumblr blog/Twitter page/etc. (you can find more in depth explanation about formating below). Remember to @ your giftee!
3. You can post your gift on an outside platform (for example if you’re writing fanfiction, the outside platform would be AO3, FF.net or whatever platform you use), copy the link to it and paste it in a post you make on your Tumblr blog/Twitter page/etc. (you can find more in depth explanation about formating below). Remember to @ your giftee! Also if you're posting on AO3 - there's event's collection you're welcome to post to (more information about the collection below the "Formating" section)!
4. If you are in our event Discord server and your giftee is there as well, you can just post your gift in the right channel and @ them, no need for any public posts.
5. If you decide to post your work on an outside platform, you can also just copy the link and send it directly to your giftee on their social media in a private message. No need for any public posts. The only additional requirement here is to let us know you shared your gift!
Let’s be honest, a fanart doesn’t really need any specific formating (outside of 1 small thing), so this section will be mainly dedicated to fanfic writers. The said one small thing is a thing that everyone should do if they decide to post their gift on their social media, and it’s:
a) @ing our blog or Twitter page (depending on where you post)
b) using the #hqvalentineexchange or #hqvalex2021 tags (in the five first tags if you post on Tumblr)
so we can reblog/retweet it. 
Now, to the actual formating part. Remember it’s only recommended formating! You can format it however you please. There are a few ways to do it tbh:
once you enter your work which you posted on AO3, there is a “Share” button right above the fic’s header, between “Comments” and “Subscribe” buttons. Once you click it, it will show you HTML code to copy and paste. There are also two buttons below the code (for Tumblr and for Twitter) that will create a post ready to publish when clicked, if you don't want to copy the HTML code or don't know what to do with it.
you can make your own text version of preview. You should include a pairing, rating and word count, then. If you post your work in its entirety on Tumblr, you should also consider putting the story under a read more for convenience of others. You also should include the things that can potentialy trigger others, even if your giftee is fine with such content (for example - the person you’re making the gift for asked for super angsty and dramatic zombie apocalypse au with a happy ending. You should warn others there’s violence and blood, and maybe gore, even if your giftee is absolutely fine with it).
you can make a screenshot of your AO3/FF.net preview and only put the link to your fic below it. Some writers decorate it in some way (putting the preview half-transparent on a pretty background for example), so you can play with it if you want something more special!
AO3 collection
You can find the collection here or by typing "hqvalentineexchange" in the collection field while posting your work. It has the same profile pic as the event blog and Twitter page, so it should be easy to find!
The collection is moderated, which means your work won't show up in the collection until we approve of it, so don't worry if it doesn't show right away! We will accept it in a matter of a few hours ;D
A few additional words for those, who participate in an exchange for the first time
There is no set etiquette of giving gifts in the exchanges, so don't worry about it! ;) Your message to your giftee can be as long or as short as you want. Some people compliment the prompts their giftee gave them, some say they enjoyed working on the gift, some wish their giftee a happy Valentine's Day (or holidays, speaking about exchanges more in general, since a lot of them are holiday themed/specifically Secret Santa events), and some are simply like "my gift for @giftees-name for @exchanges-page, hope you enjoy". Don't sweat it ;D
To summarize
there are 5 ways to reveal your gift (or maybe more if you came up with something else not on the list? Asks us first though, please! ;)), they are listed at the beginning of the post
you have to make sure your giftee will see your gift
you should put #hqvalentineexchange or #hqvalex2021 in the tags or @ this blog or the official event Twitter page; there's also an AO3 collection you're welcome to post to
all the formating suggested above is optional and presented here more as an inspiration - you're only limited by your creativity! ;)
If you have any questions/concerns/doubts, feel free to send us an ask or message us privately on our social media (mobile friendly link)! ;D
And have a nice day/night/whatever it is in your timezone! ❤️
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toogayforthistoday · 4 years
hey gabe! can i ask 2, 4, and 9 from the selfship au asks :0???
Hey Benji! Of course you can!
2. Do they prefer selfshipping by inserting themselves into your source,  or by daydreaming about you in their own little / personal world, or by  imagining you by their side during their daily life?   
I think Hiei and Husk would daydream about their own personal worlds, and Hitoshi and Dabi would imagine me by their sides in their day-to-day lives.
4. Do they spend more time on wikipedia, on your fandom wiki, on your TV tropes page? Looking for official content they might’ve missed, like fun trivia? Looking for fanart, for fics? Looking for information and details and references for fics or art or other fancontent they’re making because they want to make sure they get everything right? 
Hiei would just re-read my source over and over and over again, trying to memorize everything.
Dabi would have like 6 tabs permanently open to my wiki pages, and Ao3 (FF.Net and what’s left of LiveJournal if he’s really desperate that day)
Husk would be looking for fanart, and has like 4 different forum threads dedicated to finding my merch.
And Hitoshi would constantly be looking at references so he can ‘do me justice’ in his artwork (Artist Hitoshi is canon and I will DIE ON THIS HILL-)
9. If you have multiple f/os (romantic, platonic, anything), imagine them making or joining a Discord server or a group chat about you or your source. Who gushes, who shares art and fics, who analyses everything, who sends memes? 
Dabi, Loki, Hancock, MacCready, and McCree all gush, will just not shut up about me
Compress saw me chop all my hair off at the start of the High School arc and just went “That Kid’s Trans.” Half the server nodded in agreement, the other half weren’t too sure, but still liked his headcanon. High School arc ends and the canon is Trans, and now everyone is either convinced Compress is friends with the author, or is the author.
Husk, Eddie, Varric and Lambert all write x Readers. Varric writes full on smut novels, and the server is still in disbelief that Varric fucking Tethras, a published author, is on this server writing smut about me. If you’re interested, and you pay for printing costs and delivery fees, he will send you a signed hardcover copy of his fics. Lambert writes fluff, but everyone on the server thinks he’s a girl, because he uses a pen name. Eddie writes slice of life drabbles. Husk will absolutely take all the kinky, raunchy requests. Dabi keeps enabling him, and keeps introducing him to more and more kinks to write. But Husk keeps accidentally posting the smut in the wrong channels when he’s drunk, so if he does it again, he’s getting banned. “Seriously dude, there are kids on this server!” Lambert’s a mod.
Hitoshi shares all of his art on the server, and actually streams some of his progress. He’s one of the more popular artists in the fandom. His little sister, Eri, is also a fan, and Hitoshi shares her artwork with the server as well. There have been multiple group voice calls with Eri telling her that her artwork is amazing.
Hiei and Sesshomaru are fans who are really uncomfortable sharing their f/o, so have not joined the server. But they’ve seen Hitoshi’s work, and are big fans.
Compress, Regis and Roadhog regularly get together to analyze what might happen next in my canon, and posit ‘what if’ scenarios to each other
Alistair, Garrus, Aizawa, Mordecai, Maya, Isabella, and Nemuri all get in trouble constantly for accidentally starting roleplays in the wrong channels
Dabi, Hitoshi, Deku, Toga, Spinner, Shigaraki, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Gaige, Garrus, and Vetra are all memeing shitlords.
...Oops that got long, my bad!
~ Gabe
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