#I Made Her Happy (pink diamond's pearl verse)
petalsxfallen-a · 4 years
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“Pink gave me a nickname.” Blue pearl might’ve been used to more silence among her fellow pearls but petal wasn’t known for keeping her mouth shut unless in front of the other diamonds. “She calls me petal. Isn’t that so sweet? It’s because I love flowers.”
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allymoved4 · 5 years
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mandareeboo · 4 years
SU Music Rankings
Bc I can and I wanna start some Disk Horse rip. These are all in order of preference, with explanations, etc. It’s a long bitch. That said, I’m not counting little short jingles or small joke songs like Little Butler. This is the meat and potatoes of SU music- just under 30 songs. I might do the rest if people like my takes lol.
I scored it mostly on three bases- how dear it was to my heart, how much/often I relisten to it, and also what it means to the plot. That said, little fun songs don’t automatically go farther down than big, plot-heavy songs either! It’s a strange little balance.
Special Note: I don’t dislike any of this music! I love SU and that includes its bumps and glitches. I just pick favorite children lol.
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1.) Change
Was there ever a more Steven moment than when he wiped the blood off his face and kissed it into sparkles? I think not. 
If “Be Wherever You Are” is an ode to young Steven, then this is teen Steven’s. Talking about change, and how much and how little it can do. How he holds his arms up for Spinel to hug him, so trusting. How he seems able to just. Break into soft tears at will, and not to be manipulative- it’s just his kind nature. The warmth in his voice. Fuck yesssss.
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2.) Change Your Mind
This song is only fifty five seconds and it’s EVERYTHING to me. It really felt like someone was speaking the words I’d always held deep inside of me, unsure of how to say. It feels like a goodbye to someone who never really loved me. 
As much as I enjoyed Future, if this was the finale of SU, I would’ve been perfectly okay with that.
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3.) Drift Away
This song gave me legitimate shivers the first time I heard it, and it still haunts me to this day. Spinel stayed, and waited, and all she got was a transmission thousands of years later. Fuck.
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4.) Here We Are In The Future
THE MOVIE IS SU AS ITS BEST AND I WON’T BE SWAYED ON IT. Steven being a teen who loves his weird family but is growing just a bit sarcastic to their drama. The adorable love he and Connie share. His slow realization that he will always be working, always have things to do, is both somber and real. The Crystal Gems won’t be safe with one epic battle. They’ll be safe with years of hard work and love. HIS LITTLE HANDSHAKE WITH AMETHYST.
This is a helluva bop and a great way to summarize the main character’s backstories.
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5.) Let’s Only Think About Love
Did ya’ll know that Zach Callison killed his throat with that last note? He gave his all for this performance in a vocal range he no longer comfortably do and by god did it SHINE. The FLAIR. The FORESHADOWING. All of the Gems all being awkward about Rose and Steven trying to bring them to the present. Peridot having a mini-existential crisis in a cute yellow dress. I love Zach Callison’s normal singing voice but man is that a fucking bop. Nothing will ever beat it.
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6.) Here Comes A Thought
This bad boy helped me out a LOT with some mental issues I was dealing with in high school. I was unmedicated, unsupervised, and full of anxiety. I’d have break downs when I tried to speak about certain things. I couldn’t function. This song inspired me. It helped me feel okay with my intrusive thoughts.
And the episode! -chef’s kiss-. Once again bringing up the morally gray area of training child soldiers. Connie expanding her social group. Steven’s trauma hauling ass in that second half. The ANIMATION. Stevonnie’s gorgeous singing voice. GOD yes.
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7.) It’s Over Isn’t It?
Just barely squeaking above Stronger Than You, this ballad is everything gorgeous. The whole episode is. I think Mr. Greg stands in the top five of my episodes for the entire show. It even got nominated!
There’s just so much about this song that I love. The gentle melancholy of Pearl’s voice. How the crew had to redo the shots for this bit bc Deedee went so fucking hard. The hard cuts between Pearl, remembering the love of her life, and Steven, who has begun to feel like he took her away. I’d recommend this song to anyone, regardless of what they do or don’t know about SU, simply bc it tugs so many heartstrings of love, loss, and responsibility.
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8.) Stronger Than You
Did you realize this episode aired SEVEN years ago? This bitch was what got me into SU! Hearing about Ruby and Sapphire made my little gay heart so happy inside, and then getting a whole song confirming that they were a couple, that their love powered the strongest Gem on the team? Aaaaaaaaa
To this DAY I get excited when I hear Estelle start singing. This song is timeless. This song will live in media history. God I fucking love this song.
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9.) Other Friends
I’m not the biggest musical person, so I hadn’t heard of Sarah Stiles before her casting as Spinel, but JESUS CHRIST the lady went hard. She went SO fucking hard. Sarah Stiles started on 100 and somehow just kept CLIMBING. You can just hear the sheer manic energy building in her voice, the anger and resentment. 10/10 Sarah Stiles is a queen.
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10.) Independent Together
This made the list entirely bc the crew was like “you’re gonna get a himbo ass Steven-Greg fusion singing with Opal while Garnet flies across the moon on Lion while floating” and I am forever thankful to them for it
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11.) Who We Are
Bismuth deserved more songs. ‘Nuff said.
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12.) Peace and Love (On the Planet Earth)
It Could’ve been Great is EASILY one of my favorite s2 episodes. I love the entire concept of this song. Of Steven making music to reflect how much Earth means to him and his family. Of him teaching Peridot some self-care. Also Peridot’s singing voice is really cute and squeaky. 
I know it’s silly, but I would’ve really enjoyed a flip around of this in Future! Like Peridot reminding Steven how much he loves music, that he needs to take time to relax for himself, maybe with a new verse or just a remix of the original song!
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13.) Something Entirely New
I watched this episode as it aired, and I legitimately almost cried. I love Charlyne Yi’s voice so much ya’ll- her raspy, not perfect singing voice against Sapphire’s deep soothing lull is great.
And to have Ruby and Sapphire’s meeting be the way it was- for Ruby to bemoan Sapphire losing Homeworld, to being stuck with a single Ruby, while Sapphire is a noble who has always been taught everyone in her “caste” is vitally important (and has, in her own mind, taken that to mean every Gem, as she should) and how they come together and make each other happy. Good shit good shit.
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14.) I’m Just a Comet
The fact that Greg’s music career never really blasted off pisses me off to this day bc Tom Scharpling’s voice is fucking BUTTER. Also the song really feels like a jab at his parents now that we know the kind of dynamic he had growing up. “This life in the stars if all I’ve ever known” is definitely him wiping away their existence after reminding them (and himself) the things they used to say about him.
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15.) Do It For Her
This episode. This fucking episode. This episode got me permanently hooked on SU. I’d just binged season 1 and was kinda meh about it overall after the bop of Stronger Than You. “Oh,” I thought to myself, foolishly, “I’ll probably just casually watch this from time to time.”
Like three days later Sworn to the Sword aired and that was it. I was hooked! Pearl’s gentle training song turning darker and darker, Connie’s accompaniment from nervous to determined to fully into such a toxic mindset. The fact that SU had the BALLS to discuss the repercussions of training child soldiers, now and later. This episode was everything to me, STILL is everything to me.
Six years and well over 100 fanfics written later, I think it’s safe to say this show swallowed me whole and never let go.
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16.) System/Boot.pearl_final(3)
I debated putting this on the list because it’s not anything crazy important, just a way to show things are Wrong, but I had to do it entirely bc Pearl is so damn SALTY.
Like telling us about the Gems makes sense, she felt like she was given a duty, but she went so damn petty. WHY is that Ruby alone. Gross. This Amethyst is a trash dump. Wtf are you people.
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17.) Full Disclosure
This episode really feels like a turning point for SU. Before, the show had its dark moments- but now we’re in the thick of it, and it’s not going away. Full Disclosure felt like an rebuff to the idea of returning to any normal we’d established in season 1. Gems are actually a giant species now. Gems tried to kill us now. There’s this Yellow Diamond bitch who got namedropped. Something about a Cluster. 
The song itself is BALLER, with its ingenious use of Steven’s ringtone and photos as he tries to decide whether to clue in Connie on all this nonsense. Meanwhile we, the audience, already know damn well Connie about to yeet some common sense into him.
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18.) What’s the Use of Feeling Blue?
I’mma admit it- I’m a Yellow Diamond stan. I’ve always loved her- her anger, her poise, her hardworking nature. I actively argued against the “Yellow Shattered Pink” theories back in the day. But, man, when this arc leaked? I got so overexcited I was too jittery to watch it for like two days. It’s easily my favorite arc of the series. The sheer alien nature of the zoo, the Famethyst, and absolutely Patti Lupone’s beautiful ballad. Goddamn. Yellow singing to Blue to try and help her regain her old status, the warble in her voice as she reminds Blue she misses Pink too, the movement of the bubbles as she talks about attack. It gives me shivers to this day. FUCK.
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19.) Tower of Mistakes
This is, fun fact, that only SU song I have completely memorized. The story itself is kinda funny! See, we lost internet at my house for a solid 5 to 6 months when these episodes aired, so I only got a very brief window to view them all. But this was the first Amethyst song in a long while, and I didn’t want to forget it! So I keep replaying it in my head for ages. And that’s still definitely a thing.
Anyway will never not be sad that this entire song was about making it up to Garnet for Amethyst’s perceived slights with Sugilite (which was a two-way road), only for Garnet to pressure her into fusion later when pissed and never discuss it again bc Garnet probably never thought twice about it and Amethyst has the emotional openness of a clam that’s just been told its ugly. Helluva way to make someone feel like shit, G. Helluva way to bottle that shit, Ames.
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20.) On the Run
I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: Amethyst! Needed! More! Songs! 
The dichotomy between Steven’s play and Amethyst’s honest desire to run away from home is so well-done, especially when you consider a lot of Steven and Amethyst’s actions are playing together. The song is also near and dear to me simply bc it’s my favorite Amethyst episode to exist (well, maybe second to What’s Your Problem, but not by much). Moments like these are all the proof I need that they were right to fuse first.
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21.) Be Wherever You Are
This tune really just feels like an ode to who Steven was as a kid. Trapped on an island with no way home, and he’s just happy to be with his friends. The stars are beautiful and not oppressive. Also that one animatic with Lars and the Off Colors playing in the Homeworld Kindergarten to this music was iconic and made this song get stuck in my head for a solid month.
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22.) Familiar
I ADORE how the crew use bright neon colors to show how alien Homeworld can be. And Steven recognizing that the Diamonds treat him how the CGs used to, and how prepared he is to “fix” a broken family. It’s a soft, gentle tune about melancholy. Also the Pebbles are beautiful.
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23.) Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart
Such a cute little love ballad, but every time I listen to it now I just imagine the heart attack Rose must’ve had at the line “And if we look out of place/Well, baby, that's okay/I'll drive us into outer space.” like there’s a Vietnam war flashback if I ever heard one
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24.) What Can I Do?
I’m kind of neutral on this one? Rose and Greg both have great voices, but the song itself lacks many lyrics. I think it was definitely a good way to show Rose’s flaws in thinking.
Also, I’m shocked they managed cram that much vaguely sexual innuendo into two minutes, followed by how Not Hetereo that dance between Rose and Pearl was, and not get their asses chewed by it. You go guys.
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25.) Cookie Cat
I love a lot of the vibes this song has. The lyrics are so damn prophetic, but they also sound like the kind of weird 90s commercials I grew up on. It’s been like two decades since I saw the Shirley Temple commercial but I’ll be damned if I don’t remember “Animals crackers in my soup! Monkey and rabbits loop-de-loop.”
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26.) Giant Woman
I am. NOT the biggest fan of Steven’s original singing voice. I feel bad saying that, since it was just Zach Callison as a kid, but he never jived well with me for some reason. So I wouldn’t listen to this on the fly. 
The song itself is still really good though, with all sorts of fun animation of Amethyst and Pearl being bitchy to each other. It’s a bit sad in hindsight to see tiny Steven trying to get his moms to get along. Ahh, season 1.
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27.) Strong in the Real Way
This song has SUCH a strong start. Pearl reflecting on Sugilite’s problems, but the show making sure to show us that Pearl’s lack of enthusiasm towards her also lends itself to jealousy as well as just general malaise. How much she cares about Steven, and wants him to grow up strong. 
And then Steven just kinda. Ruins it? I appreciate his enthusiasm for tryna bulk up but to take what was starting as such a rich, personal song and broadcasting it to random strangers just makes me a bit sad. Almost a bit angry on her behalf?
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28.) That Distant Shore
I KNOW this is gonna create some discourse, but I’m just not the biggest Lapis stan. I love her voice. I love the visuals of the song. And I get why she felt afraid and needed to flee.
But Lapis never got to take responsibility for her own actions. And, in the end, the song feels hollow to me- because we all know she’ll never talk to anyone about it, know she’ll burst back in and destroy the barn, and no one will ever question it. I like Lapis a lot, but I feel like her arc never was fully finished. She never got help. She never learned to feel safe.
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29.) Dear Old Dad
I’ve yet to meet a single human being who likes this episode tbh. There’s some great discussion about what kind of parent Greg is from it, and what kind of dynamic he has with the Gems that he felt he had to fake an injury to hang out with his son. Honestly the first half was fine and dandy. It’s just that then they Greg just went out of his way to drag Steven away from missions and such. It never jived well with his character before or after.
Also, is it just me, or does Zach himself sound like he hates the song as he sings it? There’s no passion or heart in his voice. It sounds like they told him to read off cue cards and he did. Tom Scharpling’s best attempts didn’t save this one for being a skipper. But the episode, unfortunately, isn’t, so it gets a spot on here.
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chemiste · 4 years
Logan and The Diamonds
a/n: aaaaaah to be a rockstar and have harry styles fall in love with you
mah masterlist bitches
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The crowed roared. 
The stage shook with excitement. 
You and your girls rose up about of the floor, posed and ready for battle. Standing in the center, you raised your arm up to the sky and yelled into the microphone, “I give you, Logan and the Diamonds!”
The beat dropped and you started the song.
Your band consisted of 5 girls, Bonni, Effy, Pearl, and Tonya, then yourself. Your band had been on the cover of the Rolling Stones, TIME magazine, Vogue, and many others. Logan was your stage name, you were the head of the band, lead singer and a cut-throat song-writer. 
Roughy a year ago you would have been sitting in your cramp dorm room apartment, pouring out lyrics onto any spare piece of paper you had, now here you were, absolutely smashing it on your world tour with your Diamonds.
Bonni and Effy danced together down the middle aisle of the stage, Effy grabbed a flower crown thrown to the stage and slapped it onto her curly head of purple hair. Bonni laughed and started her verse of the song, throwing an arm around her bandmate and swayed. 
Pearl and Tonya were on the right side of the main stage, grinding together. You stood on the left, running a hand through the crowd that was desperate for a simple taste of you and your girls.
Your band was unique in a way not seen for a while. You never wore the same outfit, only coordinating colors, each time different for each performance. 
Tonight was sliver, Bonni had on sliver high-waisted pants and a matching crop top. Effy wore a mini romper, sliver sequins shaking with her every move. Pearl had on sliver eyeshadow and Tonya wore a sliver skirt. You went with a biker jacket, sliver studs engulfed your shoulders and back. Your black jeans were tight against your legs and honestly, you looked fucking hot. You felt it too. 
You and your girls were on fire.
Harry thought so too.
He’d heard of your band a few months ago when he heard Mitch and Sarah jamming out to your song, Devil in the Daylight, during a break at rehearsal. 
After that, his curiosity kept him circling back to your band’s Instagram, keeping up with any news that popped up. Finally, after a few months, he snatched some pit tickets for one of your band’s shows. Sarah and Mitch attended with him as well, and were now laughing and singing to their hearts content, crammed up to the front of the stage.
The song ended and applause followed, the girls moved to different spots on the long runway, waving to screaming fans.
Effy spoke up, “Alight right everyone, you know the drill! Every show we do a surprise cover of a song, I wanna see how fast you can figure this one out.”
 Bonni walked along the left side of the runway, flipping a long dark braid over her shoulder. “This song is from one of the 2015s most iconic bands,” she said.
 Tonya continued, “If most of you are over 15 and haven’t been living under a rock, you deficiently know the band—“ “Maybe even have a favorite,” Pearl added on.
“We all do,” you said, smirking out to the crowd as the yelled answers.
Sarah and Mitch went through bands with each other as Harry watched you and your bandmates scan the crowd. Harry liked your look, it reminded him of a metal head and the aura you gave off was just a confidence that made him want to be with you or even just be you. 
H looked around and took a moment to realize he wasn’t the only one.
People yelled out random bands.
“Mumford and Sons!”
“Fallout Boy!”
“Fifth Harmony!”
“Maroon 5!”
Harry chuckled before throwing all caution to the wind and yelled, “One Direction!”
You head snapped to the area he was in, trying to see who’d said the name.
 “Well, my diamonds, looks like we have a winner! 3, 2, 1 lets go!”
The girls lined up in specific poses as the music started, the crowd roared with excitement finally knowing the song.
You started,
I've got fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I got a river for a soul
And baby, you're a boat
Baby, you're my only reason
Harry’s jaw dropped, as Pearl sang Louis’ part, his eyes stayed trained on you. Your body moved with the song, throwing your head back and swaying to the beat.
All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down
You danced to your girl’s singing, happy to be on stage doing the thing you loved most.
All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down
Harry watched, absolutely amazed by how you just dominated the song, no hesitation. You smirked as you ran a hand through the screaming crowd. Glancing over, you watched as Effy pretended to twerk on Tonya who was laughing hysterically.
I got a fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy
I got a river for a soul
And baby, you're a boat
Baby, you're my only reason
Bonni sang Niall’s part, walking over to where you stood with a bit of swagger, possibly imitated the man she was singing for. 
You flipped your hair dramatically and leaned an arm on her shoulder while sticking out her tongue. Harry’s eyes stayed trained on your body as you waltzed down the stage, singing into your microphone.
If I didn't have you there would be nothing left (nothing left)
The shell of a man who could never be his best (be his best)
If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun (see the sun)
You taught me how to be someone
The rest of the girls joined you at the edge of the tongue of the stage, basically within feet of Harry and co. Sarah was freaking out, shaking Mitch’s arm with an enthusiasm H hadn’t seen since tour.
All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me
All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love nobody can drag me down
The Diamonds had now each taken a spot along the aisle, Bonni closest to the main stage, then Effy, Pearl, Bonni, and right at the front, you. The former band boy’s breath caught in his throat as he realized what was about to happen.
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down (down)
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me (down)
Mitch turned to Harry, “Is she about to—“ He nodded, not able to use words.
Nobody, nobody
Here comes the moment of truth.
“Nobody can drag me dooooooowwwnnnn!”
Holy shit.
She was nailing it.
Nobody, nobody
Like a true lead singer, you took few steps forward and slid on your knees to the edge before signing your part again.
“Nobody can drag me dooooooowwwnnnn!”
Nobody, nobody
Slowly, you lifted your head looking up to the nosebleeds. Harry swore a halo from the stage lights lit up atop your head.
“Nobody can drag me down.”
The crowd was silent for a moment before erupting with applause in excitement and energy. The Diamonds and you rounded together for a big hug, relieved your surprise song did well.
Bonni waved to the crowd signaling them to die down, “I’m glad y’all liked it. Actually we all were really pumped for this song cause we all have a favorite in the band!” 
Fans screamed, overjoyed from the news. Effy laughed, “Ya, we all got to sing as our favorites, can you believe that?!”
I’m her favorite?
You cackled, picking up a lollipop that had been thrown to the stage and pulled the wrapper off, popping it into your mouth.
Harry’s pants got a little bit tighter at the sight.
“Yeah, you guys should’ve seen Logan in the recording studio, I think she about cried when we decided to this song.” Peal said.
Tonya was soon to jump in, “Exactly, this girl fought hard, no one was going to have Harry’s part except her.” H watched as you brought a hand up to cover your face.
“Oh come on guys, stop it…” You whined into the mic while hiding under your hand. Mitch bumped Harry’s shoulder, “Dude, I can’t believe Logan has the hots for you!”
Right as Mitch said that, Harry knew it was too late. 
A few girls beside them looked over to the commotion that a drunken Mitch was making, and promptly freaked at the sight of Harry Styles. Harry groaned slightly as the two girls whispered about the rockstar next to them.
What he wasn’t excepting was what happened next.
Harry’s jaw dropped open while Sarah bursted out in laughter, fans started talking, loudly, about the man in the crowd.
“Logan! Over here!”
“Harry Styles is at your show!”
“I think he liked your performance!”
“Logan! Logan!”
You were enjoying the lollipop, finishing it and putting the wrapper around the sticky part of the stick when you heard some commotion from the left side of the pit. 
As the girls chatted to fans and each other, you walked closer to the bubbly whispers of the crowd calling your name. 
Harry watched in partial horror as you crouched down on the stage, roughy 5 feet from where he was standing. He watched your face scrunch in confusion, listening to the conglomerated voices trying to tell you something.
You spoke softly into the mic as to not disturb your fellow bandmates from their conversion with the rest of the crowd. 
“What’s wrong guys?” 
A few hyper voices spoke up and Harry saw it on your face the moment you knew. You eyebrows rose ever so slightly and you followed the trail of pointing fingers to him.
When your eyes locked, you knew you were done for.
Fucking— oh my, Harry Styles just watched me basically sell my soul to his song.
And he knows about my crush, damn.
You face flushed with warmth as did Harry’s, a pink tint lighting his cheeks. Taking a deep breath, you raised the mic to your lips.
“Hi Harry.”
should i do a part 2?
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bates--boy · 3 years
Peter was just about done with work that day, cleaning the bottles for the infant animals when his phone buzzed in his pockets. He shut the sink off, yanked off the wet rubber gloves, and pulled his device out of his pocket. “Oh!” he chirped, seeing the name of the sender.
         [Naseem] Yo, Pete, it’s Naz. Was wondering if you have plans for lunch today? 
         [Naseem] I wanted us to do some extra rap practice and maybe go over the lines between Troy and Stefan before our big night
          Peter turned to sit back against the lip of the sink, hugging one of his arms across his torso as he typed. 
          [Peter] i have a half-day today so i’m free once i clock out at twelve.
          [Peter] i’d be happy to buy you lunch if you haven’t eaten yet. i know a great place to get a bite to eat.
          [Naseem] Bet. My break’s half past noon. See you at your work?
         [Peter] fine by me! see ya!
          Smiling at the screen before shoving his phone into his pocket, Peter finished cleaning the rest of the bottles, went to the changing area to wiggle out of the waterproof overalls, and then to the employee area to punch out at the time clock and fetch his hoodie and his copy of the stage play from his locker. He looked down at the practically beaten-up book, some pages curled in, corners folded, colorful tabs poking out of the pages: pink for Josef’s spoken lines, blue for Troy’s; green for Josef’s songs, yellow for Troy’s. Slightly crinkled from the times Peter shoved it into his bag to carry at all times, or when he had his quick bursts of sleep while reading over the thing.
          With a quick cleaning at the employee basin, Peter made a brisk walk back to the grounds, heading to the entrance area. He sent a quick message of his location and waited with the play lying open, quietly murmuring Josef’s verses. Soon, the familiar deep blue XC60 rolled onto the lot, with the Nigerian, Palestinian, and Swedish flags painted across the back. Naseem climbed out and waved as he strolled over, a leather messenger bag slung over his shoulder and his copy of the play rolled in his hand. When he drew close enough, Naseem said, “Wow, it’s been a while since I last came here.”
           “Ah, so you probably don’t know about the new aerial arts performance they have here,” Peter grinned as they walked back to the conservatory grounds together. 
         Naseem shrugged. “I have. And I’ve been meaning to come check it out, but, you know. Schedule..”
          “Well, the next time you’re free, come on over! I can even sneak you in for a show!” Peter nudged his shoulder against Naseem.
           “How are you gonna--” Naseem stopped once he saw the coy grin on Peter’s face. “Lemme guess: you’re the star?”
          “One of them.” Peter bobbed his shoulder and looked away in faux modesty. He giggled and patted Naseem’s arm. “Come on, I know a great picnic area we can practice in.”
          Peter and Naseem took the stroll to the benches, dodging giggling little kids darting everywhere to get to the next animal enclosure that caught their eye, and the wandering animals that escaped their habitats, mainly small bird and marsupial species. After Peter bought them both bottled smoothies at one of the snack kiosks, they settled at a table near the wooden fence post, drawing annoyed glances from passersby as they sat on the tabletop instead of the benches.
         “Which scenes do you want to practice today?” Peter asked before pulling a long draught from his bottle. “We can just do a couple so I can treat you to lunch.”
          Naseem skimmed the pages he had marked, going back and forth and shrugging. “Ones that have our characters singing so we can work these vocal cords. Let’s start with...” he consulted his shorthand notes. “Act III, scene 4. So, my character comes up to yours.”
          Naseem clambered down the picnic table, took a few steps away, and stomped back. The chills Peter felt may or may not have to do with the complete switch of energy Naseem made. Even his green eyes flared with fury.
          “Why the hell did you do that to Josef?!”
          Peter sighed as his character did, shifting on the table and leaning forward on his knees. So cool and unaffected, to the point of almost being despondent. Peter still couldn’t figure this Troy out, but he spoke his lines.
          “I didn’t do a thing to him, Stef.”
           Naseem crossed his arms and tilted his head. “Oh, really? So when he said no to that stage deal because ‘his mom’s gonna die alone in their apartment while he’s out singing for pocket change’, that wasn’t you?” Peter had to pause here, as Troy struggled to find an excuse. Naseem threw up his arms. “God, what is wrong with you?! What kind of a friend are you?!”
          “A realistic one.” Peter’s tone remained calm, stoic - a stoner too mellowed out to get worked up.
          Naseem rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right. Realistic. Jo finally had what he needed right in his lap, and you couldn’t even be supportive of him because you’re realistic. That’s bull crap, even for you.”
          “You can say whatever you want about me, Stef, but of all these people feeding him these wild dreams --” Peter swept his hand about, gesturing to a figurative crowd while a few eyes turned their way. He pointed to his own chest. “--I’m the only one looking out for him.”
           “No, looking out for him would be helping him with this. He has a chance to get a better life, but you don't want that for him!"
          "I don't--?!" Peter gave a scoffing laughing and rolled his eyes. "You're so far off, it's funny!"
           "Yeah? So all this time you kept telling him to don't do it, it's not because you know you're wasting your own life being some bum mad that you lost your trust fund and you're angry that Josef can make it?"
          "No!" Peter's voice started to boil, Troy's cool, arrogant façade starting to crack and chip. His free hand curled into a shaking fist.
          "Then why? Why are you being such a shitty friend?!"
          Out of the corner of his eye, Peter could see a uniformed figure walking up to them, parents trying to distract their kids from the argument.
          "Because this would break him just like it almost did me!"
          In a blink of an eye, and a sudden flush of heat on his cheeks, Peter was on his feet, too, feeling Troy's despair as he and Naseem were practically nose to nose. For all the anger, the anguish, and the overprotective adrenaline Troy was supposed to feel at that moment, Peter channeled the underlying heartache and exhaustion; he sounded tired.
          "Like it did my sister."
          "Er, excuse me," the uniformed man said when he came close enough, a hand reaching out to them. "Is there a prob--"
          Naseem stared at Peter for a breath. "Your sister?"
          Peter gave a soft, sad laugh. "Oh, that's right, I never told you about Anna, did I?" He silently filled his lungs with air.
You don't know the story of a boy and a girl Mommy pleasers destined to dominate the world
           The worker looked between the two men, casting an especially long glance at the singing one. "...What?"
Born to hold the dreams that Mommy tucked away Cause she got bare footed and pregnant Waiting on her someday
          The worker furrowed his brows. “What is--” he spotted the open scripts in their hands and lowered his own hand. “Oh... okay...”
         Peter felt a tickle of a grin almost appearing on his lips, amusement almost breaking his character. Almost.
Commercial deals, toddlers on every single ad Barely out of diapers, and we’re out there selling fads Taught to walk so we could tap dance and do a twirl And hold our hands out for all the gold, silver, and pearls
Yanked outta school when the lime lights calling us Daddy got you a gig, so you better not fucking fuss! Tuck in your gut, tilt up your chin, chest out and sing You’re gonna make it worth taking this diamond ring
What you do with heavy makeup and cameras flashing? Swallow cotton and pinch our cheeks red to stay dashing Seeing enemies in friends looking for a ladder to climb Trying to bring you to ruin when they find the right time To strike, like vipers on the hunt for your big juicy kill And the only way to stop the cracks is a tiny yellow pill
A tiny yellow pill A tiny yellow pill A handful of tiny yellow pills Until her heart went still
          Naseem slowly started to unfold his arms, his character Stefan hit with a world-shattering realization. “Oh...”
          Peter turned his face away. “Yeah...”
         Naseem shook his head and sighed. “Man, I’m... I’m sorry. But, see, here’s the thing...”
 I had never known you were crushed this hard Ruled by your fears, beaten, tattered, and battle scarred Now that I think it, so much shit start to make sense Is this why a little stage work gets you so incensed?
I hate that for you, all this pain you’ve been burdened Chasing a high and identity that doesn’t leave you hurtin’ But it’s unfair how you hurt Josef with your sister’s ghost Breaking a dream for someone else’s overdose
What does it do for the person on the other spectrum Piss poor, tryna get meds for his ailing, dying mum When even his close friend is robbing him of a dream Cuz he can’t stop himself from falling apart at the seam? Still blinded by phantom lights, suffocating at the gills? What about Josef’s mum little pills?
Her little pills Her life saving pills If she don’t get hers, then her heart will stand still.
          This was the part where Peter is stunned into silence, indignant, hurt, scrambling for more excuses, still trying to cling to the death of his sister -- the crux of Troy’s listlessness and indifference. But then a loud cry rang out around them.
          The crowd of mere picnickers grew during their rehearsal, it seemed, now cheering and clapping and whistling, someone even going “You tell him, baby!”
          Stuttering, Peter looked towards Naseem and exchanged smiles with him. They stood closer together, held hands, and took a bow.
          “Thank you, thank you!” Peter called out, waving to the cell phones held out. “If you want more, purchase tickets for Inner City Lights before they sell out!”
          “Written and produced by Gunnar Didig!” Naseem added, calling out the website to purchase over the hooting and whistling.
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serendipitous-posts · 4 years
Wayfarer Au - Spinel
The background was more focused on Pink Pearl than Spinel. This was because not much happened; we know Pink Diamond abondende Spinel, and nothing happened in the time of isolation. But I want to fix that so; some information about Spinel in the Wayfarer Au!
Spinel is the only one of her kind, specifically made just for Pink Diamond. She’s quite a bit younger than Pink Pearl and Crystal Pearl, since she was specifically made to replace Pink Pearl.
Her cut is perfect, her cultivation was perfect, and her powers were perfect for a toy
Because, at the end of the day, that’s what Spinel was, a toy. She realises this soon after she arrives on Earth: Pink had never thought of her as a friend, as a living thing. To her, she had been a fun plaything to throw away when she got bored
(She’s a little bitter, sue her)
She and Crystal Gem Pearl never really interacted all that much, despite sharing the same owner for some time, and both acting as a replacement for Pink Pearl, but since Spinel is the only one of her kind, she’s extremely memorable
(Hence why, despite not knowing her personally, being thousands of years and her looking different, in the movie Pearl was able to immediately realise who Spinel was and who she belonged to)
Spinel’s existence was really confusing to the Gem Hierarchy. The Pearls were the lowest of the ranks, as slaves.
But Pearl’s had jobs. They brought you things, took things down for you, stored things. They were, loathe as they were to admit it, useful. Spinel was just a toy really. Did that mean she was lower on the social ladder than the Pearls? After all, Pearls could entertain as well, singing and dancing if you so required.
Spinel, though intelligent, could often be insensitive and sometimes even clumsy. But Spinel was a Diamond’s, and, due to her questionable position on Homeworld’s Social Ladder, nobody really punished her for it
Spinel is very, very clever. She was the one who had the idea for getting the Gem’s memories back in the Movie, and she managed to put together a plan to destroy Earth that came closer than anyone else, including the Diamonds
In this verse, Spinel was made to be the best of the best, and, as such, has an intelligence a lot higher than the average gem. She’s not logically intelligent like Crystal Gem Pearl, she’s spatially intelligent, making her an imaginative gem capable of spatial reasoning, of thinking of things in three dimensions and is very good at drawing conclusions from limited data
Ironically enough, for a gem literally made to be someones friend, Spinel is extremely emotionally stupid. She makes jokes at inopportune times, doesn’t seem to understand when Pink wants to be left alone and comes across as naive and gullible
That last one comes back to bite her, hard
Upon finding out that Pink Diamond tricked her, the stress of it all causes her to poof and reform, into the outfit we see in the movie
Spinel’s faith in Pink Diamond is broken, as she realises that she never had any plans to come back for her, and immediately starts voicing her betrayal and hurt at being betrayed
She wakes up to find that Pink Pearl took her gem and fled to Earth, which she is not happy about
It was originally because she didn’t want to be on the planet that reminded her of Pink; because she was grieving, but it swapped to all consuming rage real quick once she realises what Pink Diamond did to her
Spinel doesn’t have anything against Pink Pearl, but, like in the movie, she’s hurt and so lashes out at her, while also not wanting her to be out of sight
Pink Pearl is also going through some shit right now, just waking up from years of brainwashing. She’s normally a very laid back gem, from what we see of her, and as a Pearl she is taught not to talk back to her superiors. But she would see Spinel as her equal here, and she is not going to let some upstart lecture her when she could of have just left Spinel in the Garden
They argue. A lot. Pink Pearl’s habit of excusing Pink Diamond’s abuse does not mesh well with Spinel’s hatred of her former owner
They wander for a bit, and settle in with some North American tribes, but, after realising Humans aren’t immortal like they are, they start travelling. 
Spinel takes the longest to be won around to Earth’s side, due to the bad memories of Pink abandoning her for it, but she loves the children who trip over themselves to play games with her
Spinel and Pink Pearl’s relationship is something I wanna go deeper into in a different post, but they finally start to get along when Pink Pearl finally admits what Pink Diamond did to her
They move a lot, and it is usually Spinel’s fault- her bright pink skin is very hard to hide, and she feels a lot of guilt over that, though Pink assures her that it’s okay, that it’s good that they moved, they would of have had to eventually
Over the centuries, Spinel and Pink Pearl have been poofed many, many times, though they are always super careful to make sure the other isn’t cracked - thankfully humans discover a way to heal cracks in gems, and the outfits change, usually to fit the era they’re in
The 1930′s was great, it was there that they finally figured out how to fuse at will instead of awkwardly stumbling into it every now and then
Currently, Spinel favours wearing hoodies or jumpers, loose and baggy, covering her gem because she’s not going to have that out for all to see and possibly crack. The hoodies hide her face, so bonus
Spinel’s personality was never as bad as it was in the movie; she continues to have extreme mood swings to this day, but since she wasn’t in isolation as long as Canon!Spinel, it didn’t affect her as bad
“As bad” 
One day Spinel will probably have to see a therapist after a run in with the earth’s government (awkward) and she will probably be diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder or something along those lines
Spine’s personality is extremely bitter most of the time; she is deeply cynical, contrasting Pink Pearl’s optimism, and is a pragmatist and an opportunist. Self deprecating humour is her strong suit, though she does like shitty puns and knock knock jumps
They did run into gem monsters at first, and are always really confused as to what that’s about, but they have no problem bubbling or shattering them when they have to
As they move away from the area the corruption song hit, they see less and less of them, and they kind of sort assumed that they were dinosaurs or something
Spinel and Pearl have found themselves in the middle of wars or revolutions, and, after a while, they start joining in, being extra super careful to make sure nobody realises they’re there and what they are (it doesn’t work)
Spinel’s weapon is still a scythe, but it’s design is different. She named it Peekaboo, which Pink finds hilarious
Spinel is more aggressive than Pink Pearl. She never aims it at Pearl- the closest she gets is the very start of their partnership when they first arrived on Earth. 
Instead, it’s more aimed at everyone else. She knows that the humans will all eventually die, and leave her, so she shuts them out- though she absolutely adores kids. She’s the main muscle between her and Pearl, and is by far the better fighter
Due to how weak Pearl’s naturally are, even a well made one like Pink Pearl, she is naturally protective of her other half
Of course, Pink Pearl will cut a bitch if you make her friend/girlfriend/wife cry
Spinel loves, loves, LOVES theatre, it’s something she and Pink bond over a lot. They both loved to visit William Shakespeare when he was around, though Spinel suggested that he could make some of his poems a lot less angsty, please?
When the circus was invented, she was over the moon, and kept dragging Pink off to go and see it (she may or may not have inspired the idea for clowns)
Over the years, Spinel tries branching out, to try and discover what she likes to do outside of making others laugh. It takes a while, and almost drives her to a nervous breakdown because oh stars what if all she can do is make others feel good, what if she can’t break outside her programming what if-
She discovers that she likes photography, and, after cultivating that skill for hundreds of years, she is quite good at it. She likes the idea of having pictures of everywhere they’ve been, and in her spare time creates scrapbooks to gift to Pearl
She has all kinds of nicknames for Pink Pearl; Raspberry, Loveheart, Sweetheart, Doll, Valentine, etc
Pearl admitted to her that she hates her name, of being “a” pearl, so, after going back and forth, they decide that she can be called Peach
(Because I refuse to call her Volleyball in this au)
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polar-stars · 5 years
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Just a little One-Shot on a tad bit of bonding time between the former Central Ladies
Takes place in the “Shokugeki no Kimiko”-Verse. In case you don’t know, the “canon” ships involving these characters in this verse are: EiRin, SoMomo and EtsuNe and there will be heavy implications and mentions regarding that. So in case that there’s something about it that’s not your cup of tea...Here’s your warning. 
Just like she always did, Nene arrived first. However her burgundy lipstick, open hair, squared glasses and pale pearl earrings did make her look more mature, even a tad bit more experienced. The days of her innocent, prudish pigtails being long gone. She wore a black, lacy cocktail dress with a wide skirt that went to her knees and probably costed more than all of her striped T-shirts from earlier days together did. Her legs were covered by transparent tights and her feet had dived into a pair of flat pumps. The entire ensemble was covered by a warm, grey coat. With crossed arms she stood in front of the brightly lit restaurant, surrounded by the sparkles of the city’s lights and the misty clouds she blew into the air with every breath.
The next one to arrive was predictively Momo who stepped out of a car that had driven right in front of the restaurant and Nene. While there was still a lot of youthfulness in Momo’s stoic face, one could still tell that she got older as well. Her straight, purple hair had gotten longer and went beyond her shoulders nowadays. There were bits of glitter in her pale eye shadow and small, embroidered flowers on her short dress. Considering that she was not much of a tall person, she made up for that fact with a pair of high-heeled pumps. The purple plush-cat she held close to her chest was the most strongest reminder of the times when both Nene and Momo would meet each other in royal blue school uniforms. “Kinokuniyan. You’re here already.” Momo greeted in usual flat manner. Nene took a step forwards and gave a slight head nod. “Momo-senpai, good evening.”
Of course Rindou was the last one of the party to show up. Even back in their school days, she had always looked the most mature out of the three. The other two spotted her running towards them, her high heels echoing through the streets, laughing and ecstatically waving her hand. Her bright, red locks flew wild and free in the night air and her yellow, cat-like eyes practically glowed in anticipation. Given her sensitivity to the cold, she had wrapped a scarf around her neck and wore a more than thick jacket whose hood had, what the two assumed to be, fake fur attached to it. Dark red lip stick was on her lips while she had settled on smokey eyes for eye-make up. “Sorry for being late.” She giggled when stopping in front of the two, cheeks flushed from the cold and the running. But before the other two could even begin to debate wether they should forgive the lateness or not, they were already pulled into a tight hug.
“Good evening, ladies!” Rindou exclaimed full of joy, as she clutched the bodies of her much more reserved friends closer to hers. “I’m so excited we got to do this!” “Go….Good evening, Rindou-senpai.” Nene was able to press out. Momo was a bit more precise. “I can’t breath, Rindou.”
After a few more seconds, in which Momo felt like being in the grip of an anaconda, Rindou finally let go of the two, of course with a big grin. "I haven't seen you for a long time, Momo!" She chirped. Momo only huffed. Nene brought herself back into the conversation. “I am certain that Momo-senpai is looking forward to seeing you too. The same goes for me, of course.” She explained in her usual dry manner.
Rindou giggled. "Oh boy, for a second there I felt like it’s been only a day ever since I left Totsuki behind." She eyed her two friends from top to bottom. “Appearance-Wise you two have changed quite a bit, especially you Nene, and I am sure you have a lot to tell me. But let's go in first. ”
So Rindou just started to walk, but her friends actually followed immediately. And it didn’t took long till the three of them were sitting at the table reserved by Momo in one of the most decadent restaurants in the city.
"Well then." After ordering, Rindou put her two elbows on the table and rested her head on her hands. A mischievous smile graced her face and her feline eyes glittered mischievously. “Feed me news, Akanegakubo and Kinokuni.”
Immediately surprise wandered over both Nene’s and Momo’s face. "Since when are you using our last names?" Momo finally asked, remembering how a young, short-haired Rindou had shouted enthusiastically a long time ago. "Your name is 'Momo'? How sweet! Here’s a cheers for a good companionship, Momo! ”
"Hm-Hm~" Rindou’s smile widened a little. “I merely make use of the last moments in which I can do so. Or am I not talking to the future Ms. Saito and future Ms. Eizan? ”
Momo raised her eyebrow while Nene’s cheeks turned slightly pink. But before they could even start thinking about what to answer, Rindou’s arms suddenly jerked forward, grabbed Momo’s and Nene’s hand and pulled them forward. "I want to see the engagement rings!"
"Rindou..What was that about?" Pouted Momo, who was startled by the sudden action. Her face also turned a little red. " Ho...Honestly...Rindou-senpai ..." Stammered Nene. "Oooh ~ It looks fairly expensive." Rindou only purred while inspecting Nene’s hand and the small, radiating diamond on her finger. A classic, as well as sumptuous promise for faithfulness, devotion and a life without financial worries. "But I wouldn't have expected anything else from Eizan." Nene’s free hand went to her glasses to adjust them while she looked bashfully to the side. Discussions about love had turned the cool, strict girl, who was not afraid to reservedly threaten death to classmates, into an innocent, shy wallflower.
"I have to say, I never thought I would ever hear that the refined, proper Kinokuni Nene got engaged to..." She let go of Nene’s hand and started tapping her finger on her chin while playfully pretending to be naive. “... what did you always call him back then? Ah yes!” She fixiated her former Elite 10 colleague with an amused and penetrating look. "... the rude, ruthless barbarian."
One of the waiters came and poured the three women a high-quality wine that was exactly the same color as the one that Nene’s head had taken in the meantime.
"In ... third year of high school, he changed a lot." Nene explained, still looking somewhere else as soon as the waiter was gone. Beside her, Momo shrugged. “Momo has always seen it coming. After all, Etsunyan had always had a crush on Kinokuniyan.” She pouted again. "If he hadn't been so clumsy in his courtship, you might even have become a couple earlier and not when Momo left school."
The completely overheated Nene did not answer, but preferred to take her first sip of wine this evening. Rindou, on the other hand, only laughed loud enough for some heads at the other tables to turn in their direction.
Still giggling, she finally turned her eyes to Momo's hand that she was still holding on to. “Then let's see what the good, old Saito gave you- Oh! Well, that's cute!” There was a golden flower attached to Momo's ring and in it was a sparkling green emerald to match Momo's eye color. Rindou couldn't help but smile. Everyone knew how much Momo loved flowers. "If it hadn't been cute, I would hardly have said 'yes'." The wearer of the rings snorted, although it didn't sound too convincing despite all her efforts.
Rindou smiled and released Momo out of her grasp. “It’s nice knowing you two happy then. Glad to know that you can look into the future with someone by your side.” She leaned back and for a few seconds Nene thought she saw a kind of sadness in her otherwise bright eyes.
"And what about you Rindou?" Momo asked and immediately became more precise. "What about you and Tsukasa?"
The glow in Rindou’s eyes returned and a laugh was heard. “What’s there to talk about? Apart from the fact that we both address each other by first name now, kiss each other on the lips and exchange various other forms of affection that I don't have to discuss in public… nothing much has changed between us. ”She started rubbing her cheeks a little like a rapt schoolgirl. "He brings me breakfast in bed, we cuddle a lot and sometimes I wake him up at 3 to see the stars with me." Her voice became a little quieter but Momo and Nene heard complete happiness speaking from her. "It’s like everything’s stayed the same and yet it’s still so much more beautiful."
When she looked back at her two friends, she saw a honest, small and truly touched smile on Nene’s face. Momo just nodded in agreement. "I also always knew that you two would become a thing." She looked at Nene. "Hopefully Tsukasa doesn't take too much time with the wedding proposal, right Kinokuniyan?"
The smile disappeared from Nene’s face and she frowned, almost a little motherly. “Momo-senpai...Don’t rush them.” Rindou had to giggle again.
The time passed. Plates stacked with exquisite delicacies were emptied. Topic-changes piled up.
And at some point the overly delicious dessert, which even the extremely critical Momo had praised, was consumed.
"It's late." Nene said, looking at her elegant, silver wristwatch. "It felt a lot shorter than it was." Momo commented. Rindou then just cheered. “That's how it is with good friends!”
For a short while there was silence. Then just when Rindou wanted to call the waiter to pay the bill, Momo spoke up again. "Say Rindou ... I've wanted to ask you all this time, but why haven't I heard much about you and Tsukasa lately?" Her forehead wrinkled. “You are two of the most famous personalities who have ever left Totsuki and yet none of you have opened a restaurant. Is there at least one planned? ”
Nene gave an automatic nod. “I must confess, I was wondering about that as well. It shouldn't be too difficult for you two to get a foothold in the industry. When it comes to opening a restaurant, Etsuya may also be able to help you as a consultant. ”
Rindou remained silent for a moment. Something unreadable in her facial expressions. Then she smiled, though weaker than usual. "As sweet as it is to hear that you want to get your fiancé some work, but neither I nor Eishi have any plans for a restaurant or anything."
"Oh?" Nene pushed her glasses up her nose in surprise. Momo started talking again. “Then what are you planning? You haven't even said anything about your career all evening. ”
The corners of Rindou’s mouth dropped again and this time the silence was a little longer. Then finally she seemed to have found her answer. "Let's put it this way ... it's a surprise."
The bill was paid and finally the three found themselves out in the night air again.
"Somei picks me up, he should be here soon." Momo mumbled with a quick look at her cell phone, which after all these years was still in a case that would be associated with a middle schooler based on the look.
"I'm going to order a taxi." Nene said, more to herself, but she still got Momo's attention. “We can take you too, Kinokuniyan. You just have to tell Somei where you live.” Nene looked down at the much smaller companion and started a search for excuses in her head. “Oh no ... that's not necessary. I don't want to be any troub- ” “You aren’t a trouble.” Momo promptly interrupted her. And before Nene could argue, Momo turned to her former classmate. “And you Rindou? We can take you too.”
Rindou only made a fleeting hand gesture. "No need. I much prefer to walk home.” She spread her arms enthusiastically. "There's nothing like a night walk!"
"... night walk?" Momo repeated, raising an eyebrow. "It could be dangerous, Rindou-senpai." Nene pointed out.
Rindou, however, gave them both a charming wink. “Don't worry too much about me. I'm a big girl after all.”
For a few more seconds, skepticism persisted on Momo’s and Nene’s faces. But finally Momo grumbled. "If you really want to." "But please be careful!" Came from Nene.
"I will, I will!" Rindou laughed and walked up to them. "Well, I think it's a goodbye for now." Without warning, she fell forward and pulled her friends into a hug. “Goodbye you two! Greet Saito and Eizan from me. All the best for your sweets-empire Momo and your restaurant-plans Nene. ”
Momo felt that Rindou’s hug was even tighter and longer than at the beginning. Nene didn't want to believe her ears but somehow she couldn't shake the feeling of hearing a slight melancholy in Rindou’s voice.
"Goodbye, Rindou." "Come home safely, Rindou-senpai."
Rindou let go of the two, gave them one of the most beautiful smiles on planet Earth, and then turned away.
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Okay, as I (threatened/promised), here’s my silly drabble. Feel free to play the song while reading it, it kind of gives it the necessary ambience to hear the song along with reading the action. Enjoy!
High Enough
Or, How Two Lovestruck Musicians Throw a Wedding To Remember
              “… brings us together today, this celebration of love and devotion.”
              The words, spoken with a smooth voice like dark velvet on a cloud, reinforced for everyone present on the beach this brilliant August day what the purpose of their gathering was. The young lovers stood at the head of the makeshift aisle, a crowd of human citizens of Beach City and gem residents of Little Homeworld centering their attention on two of their own, who they had witnessed grow up, grow away, and then return. Smiles broke across the faces of all of the attendees.
              On the Beach City side of the group, at the head of the aisle, stood the resplendent and smiling visage of Connie Maheswaran, almost glowing in her bridal regalia, the custom armor Bismuth had fitted her with allowing her both comfort and motion. She breathed deeply but with excitement, as this day’s plans had gone off without a hitch. She hoped that her extracurricular plans for the ceremony would as well. She shot a quick, thankful look back toward her bridesmaids, Pearl and Bismuth. Of course, she wouldn’t have had her wedding without Pearl, her favorite teacher and matron of honor, and of course she wouldn’t ask her to do it without her own spouse.
              Standing on the side of Little Homeworld, slightly constrained by the formal wear he insisted he wear for the occasion, was the diamond son Steven Universe, nearly vibrating with his own excitement over the event … he had always loved weddings, and this being his own made it all the more thrilling. A gentle purple hand patted his arm to calm him down, a big reason he had picked Amethyst to be his best gem. On the other side of her, Steven caught a glimpse of his father Greg, who simply beamed. Greg had always liked Connie, and after Steven’s breakdown he had come to love her like a daughter.
            At the head of the aisle, the smiling visage of Garnet warmly looked over her friends and family, her eyes visible for a change since Steven and Connie had asked her to leave her visor off for the ceremony. Not for any particular reason, just because they wanted to see her eyes. Those three eyes shone with great warmth, for Steven and Connie, for everyone present. She looked over to the assembled crowd, as Steven and Connie turned toward each other to join hands.
              “And so it is now, today, we have come to witness the fusion of two hearts, the marriage of Connie Maheswaran and Steven Universe.” Garnet spread her hands widely, encompassing the two young celebrants in a visual hug. “We have known them for so long, known their friendship, known their highs and lows, and now share the highest of their highs.”
              “So far!” a high pitched voice rang from the front of the Little Homeworld side. Steven chuckled as he recognized Peridot’s enthusiasm.
              Garnet smiled and returned to her solemn duty. “May we have the rings, please?”
              Both Steven and Connie turned to their respective parties. Amethyst extracted a small gold ring out of an inner pocket of her jacket, planting it in Steven’s hand. Meanwhile, Pearl teleported a red anodized ring out of her gem into her hand, delicately landing it in her own hand before handing it to Connie. Turning back toward each other, they deftly slipped the jewelry onto each other’s fingers. When it was done, Garnet re-established their attention.
              “These rings represent your devotion and love. They are a reminder that you will always be together, even when you are apart.” She turned toward Steven. “Steven Quartz Cutiepie DeMayo Diamond Universe, do you take this woman, Connie Maheswaran, as your wife and partner, to love, honor, and cherish forever?”
              Steven grinned widely. He caught a glimpse in Connie’s eyes, reflecting that same love right back at him. His voice quivered. “I do.”
              Garnet nodded. “Good choice.” This brough a chuckle from the assembled witnesses as the fused gem turned toward Connie. “Connie Maheswaran, do you take this man, Steven Quartz Cutiepie DeMayo Diamond Universe, as your husband and partner, to love, honor, and cherish forever?”
              Connie’s heart felt like it would burst, both with her love and with her anticipation of what she was planning. “With all my heart, I do.”
              Garnet nodded reverently. “Then it shall be so.” She lifted up her hands. “Let everyone here be witness to the love we confirm here today. There’s just one more thing.” She cued Connie with her eyes, smiling.
              Connie took her cue, turning back to Pearl. She was already taking action, as her gem was teleporting items out again. Two items in particular, her bass guitar and the royal blue electric violin Steven had given Connie as an engagement present.
              Connie smiled. “Thank you. And Steven …” she turned to face her husband-to-be and spoke sweetly, placing the instrument on her shoulder, the bow in her other hand gently touching the strings. “Steven, this is for you.”
              She began playing a gentle, sweet melody on the violin. Instantly Greg’s ears perked up, as he recognized that string line. His recognition was confirmed as Connie began singing.
              “I don’t wanna hear about it anymore/It’s a shame I gotta live/Without you any more …”
              Steven recognized the song too. His heart jumped into his throat, then back down, and felt like it had swelled to the size of his entire body. He turned around toward Amethyst, who stood there grinning, holding up two guitars: the striped older six string Greg had used on stage back in the day, and the streamlined pink newer axe Steven had picked up on his travels. Both men assumed control of their instruments from the gem, strapping them on as Connie reached the next lines of the verse.
              “There’s a fire in my heart/A pounding in my brain/Driving me crazy …”
              Steven found himself unconsciously weeping, even through his grin at the surprise. “I love you, Connie,” he whispered before jumping in and harmonizing with his bride. “We don’t need to talk about it anymore/Yesterday’s just a memory/Can we close the door …”
              The sweetness of Connie’s voice created a slight contrast to the baritone Steven’s voice had developed over the years. She dropped out briefly to hear his voice take the lead.
              “I just made one mistake/I didn’t know what to say …”
              Okay, long enough! “When you called me baby!” Connie’s voice meshed with Steven’s like they were two strings on the same piano. She dipped her shoulder to create emphasis for a long arpeggio, leading into the next lines of the song. Steven’s guitar became more heavy, emphasizing the rock groove. He came nearly nose-to-nose with Connie as they launched into the next lyrics.
              “Don’t say goodnight/Say you’re gonna stay forever/Whoa oh all the way!”
              Steven answered Connie’s arpeggio with one of his own, his fingers scrambling up and down the neck of the guitar in a flash. Both Steven and Connie launched themselves into the refrain, the joy evident in their voices and their playing, the crescendo of the music matching the swelling of their hearts.
              “Can you take me high enough/To fly me over yesterday?/Can you take me high enough/It’s never over/Yesterday’s just a memory …”
              Steven’s eyes shone, bright and loving to his love and best friend. He brought the music back to a sweeter, more wistful level to start the next verse. “I don’t want to live without you anymore/Can’t you see I’m in misery/And you know for sure …”
              Now it was Connie’s turn for heart pangs, albeit joyous ones. Tears formed in her own eyes. She had practiced the song away from Steven for weeks now, to keep this a surprise until today, and even after studying the lyric sheet repeatedly and practicing the song even more repeatedly, the next line always affected her and made her feel even more emotional toward him. “I would live and die for you/And I’d know just what to do/When you call me baby …”
              Another guitar sting. This time, the rest of the wedding party joined the happy couple going into the next refrain. Greg, keeping pace with his son’s ample playing, and Amethyst, simply having the time of her life, jumped behind Steven. “Don’t say goodbye …”
              Pearl and Bismuth, behind Connie, shared a loving look between themselves. Bismuth placed an arm around her partner. “Say you’re gonna stay forever …”
              And then the entire group collected on the beach, Beach City and Little Homeworld together, joined in. “Whoa oh, all the way …”
              The group deferred to Steven and Connie and their friends at the head of the aisle, launching into the refrain again. All except Garnet, however … she was strangely silent, though at this point in the song Steven and Connie were oblivious to anyone but themselves. “Can you take me high enough/To fly me over yesterday?”
              Behind the happy couple, the party was starting to rock harder. Greg and Amethyst stood back-to-back, as Amethyst air-riffed along with Greg’s actual playing. Bismuth clung tighter to Pearl, who was getting lost in the bassline, turning from time to time to share a gentle stroke of the face. “Can you take me high enough/It’s never over/Yesterday’s just a memory …”
              “I’m running …” Steven’s guitar got more insistent, his voice more intense. It was clear how much the song was affecting both himself and Connie, as she locked her eyes on her groom. “I was running for the door/The next thing I remember …”
              Connie finished the line for Steven with a sly grin and publicly-acceptable bedroom eyes. “I was running back for more, yeah …”
              Connie stepped back slightly, allowing the Universe men to come together on a power guitar riff that they passed back and forth, perfect harmony between the two. Greg had always waxed admiringly about this particular guitar solo, marveling at how the chord progressions were in a major key but the riff itself was in the relative minor. Both he and Steven asserted their own styles on the solo: Greg’s guitar had more of the earthy tones, lower in pitch and wider in timbre; whereas Steven expressed technicality in his fingerings, notes chirping off the strings like quick absent thoughts, absent any meaning but that which Connie gave to Steven’s life, and vice versa.
              For her part, Connie held herself back, her strings maintaining the momentum of the song, backing her husband-to-be and the man she saw now as a second father figure. The solo wound down, coming back to the verse. Connie stepped back up, with more artful play on her instrument, until she was shoulder-to-shoulder with Steven once more, catching the verse.
              “Don’t say goodbye/Say you’re gonna stay forever/Whoa oh all the way …”
              Steven grinned, launching into another dramatic arpeggio. “All the way …”
              Connie raised her voice into a rocker wail no one had ever known her to be able to achieve. “All the way, yeah!” Her own fingers joined in Steven’s arpeggio, creating a harmonic run to match the intensity of the love between them, climaxing into a shattering power chord.
              “Can you take me high enough/Can you fly me over yesterday?”
              Their merged voices, joined in happiness and love, caused an emotional shockwave throughout the assembled parties. Everyone present was in tears, their eyes locked on the lovers’ duet they were witnessing.
              “Can you take me high enough/It’s never over/Whoa oh oh oh …”
              Greg, wiping tears away, smiled at his son and gracefully backed away, bringing his guitar silent once more. Pearl took her cue from Greg and silenced her bass, though she did not automatically return it to her gem as she might have normally.
              “Can you take me high enough/Can you fly me over yesterday?”
              Everyone was now completely focused on Steven and Connie. They were close to each other, facing each other once again, closing the miniscule gap between them quickly as the song began winding down, the only instruments now present being Steven’s guitar and Connie’s violin.
              “Can you take me high enough/It’s never over/Whoa oh oh ohhhh …”
              Steven too, finally, dropped out, his guitar’s strings ringing with their last note. All that was left in the crisp sea air was the sound of Connie’s violin, concluding the song with her own soft, sweet style. Both hers and Steven’s cheeks shone with their happy tears, as the two longtime jam buds touched their foreheads together.
              At this point, Garnet chose to break her own silence. Tears streamed from all three of her eyes, even as a wide smile decorated the rest of her face. “I think that will do.” She placed her hands on Steven and Connie’s shoulders, continuing quietly. “By the power vested in me by the state of Delmarva, I now pronounce you husband and wife, partners for life.” Her eyes got intense as she looked between the two young newlyweds. “Remember you two, your love is always the true experience.” Her smile turned into a grin. “You may kiss.”
              They looked breathlessly at each other, still rocking the performer’s high. Instruments were cast aside as they clutched to each other and kissed, the energy built up from the song spilling out into their lips. After what felt like a pleasurable eternity, they disengaged, smoldering emotions making them both weep.
              “I love you,” Connie breathlessly whispered.
              “I love you too,” Steven’s voice barely squeaked back.
              Garnet wiped the tears from all of her eyes, turning her attention to the witnesses. “Ladies, gentlemen, gems of Little Homeworld, please allow me to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Connie Maheswaran-Universe!”
              The energy of the song was built up in the crowd as well, as they erupted in joyous cheering for the happy couple, a sound that belonged more in a mosh pit than a chapel setting. After exuberant hugging from their families, Steven and Connie raced back up the aisle, to begin their new life.
Okay, please be brutal in your feedback. This is literally my first real attempt at fanfiction in nearly 20 years, so I can take the criticism.
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shinneth · 5 years
what I learned from Steven Universe: The Movie
... in relation to my own continuity, anyway.
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I made the right call not redeeming White Diamond. 
She legit creeped me out in the movie even more than she did in CYM. Same goes for Yellow and Blue to a lesser degree. Technically, I did redeem Blue, but... if you’ve read my stuff, you all know what that amounted to. 
tl;dr: Nice Diamonds creeped me the fuck out and not in a good way. Speaking of, what a fine job they did making Pink Diamond even more of a bitch, right? :P
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Spinel is precious and hell YES I am going to write her one day.
Ever since I saw her design, I knew I was going to find a way to have her face off with Chartreuse Diamond in some way. Now that we know her full story, it’s stupid easy to bring her into the GAverse.
I’m gonna have to get through the Gypsum stuff first, but I can very quickly set up a premise for how GA Spinel will become a thing. 
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See, I love Amethyst and I feel bad that she’s not really had much time to shine in the GA continuity (I think her role in late Act II and her epic comic relief in Act III is where she peaked). So one short story I’ve wanted to do is one where Peridot spends some time with her and studies Amethyst’s emergence point to determine her exact birthday.
In the GAverse, Peridot was privy to the details of her own emergence; it just took forever converting Homeworld time to Earth time to figure out the Earth equivalent of her own birthday (which, as I’ve said, is August 27th). Since Homeworld is fucking gone, Amethyst is really the only character left that has a hole left to study on that kind of thing (I mean, there’s also Jasper, but those of you who read This is Who I Am know why GA Jasper is a touchy subject).
On the plus side, since Amethyst was born on Earth, Peridot can bypass that stupid-ass time conversion. On the other hand, Peridot has to carefully apply the Gregorian calendar to a time before it was even implemented, so it’ll still be something of a chore, but one she’s happy to do for Amethyst. 
(it should go without saying that Amethyst is getting a February birthday)
While doing this, Amethyst is going to talk to Peridot about the issue with the colonies and their inevitable collapse via civil disorder thanks to Homeworld no longer existing. She knows this is a lower-priority thing because they need to figure out how they’re going to run Era 3 on their own planet before worrying about the colonies (and also figure out how to play the diplomacy card right, lest they piss off said colonies and they come to invade Earth in retaliation), but Amethyst still can’t help but worry about the Famethyst stationed at Pink’s Human Zoo. 
Peridot will eventually be swayed to consider going there first, and going much sooner than originally planned. Some of the CGs have actually been to this place, they’ll know who to expect there, and it isn’t truly a “colony”, so after Gypsum is dealt with, there’s gonna be some plans to visit the zoo soon after.
So, how does Spinel fit into all this?
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Either on their way there or on their way back home, they’ll find Pink Diamond’s garden on accident. I’m not 100% sure how to go about it since this is naturally a fresh idea, but I’m thinking Spinel might find out about Homeworld’s destruction sooner than she finds out the truth about Pink in canon. She might be generally bored and lonely enough to spot the spaceship and send out some kind of flare/signal to draw their attention, either for the sake of company or in hopes of getting answers. 
I’m also not sure what design she should take on when she’s first encountered...
So, naturally the CGs are a little apprehensive to take a chance on this, though Pearl might vouch for the curiosity of the younguns since she does know Spinel. It could be seen as an opportunity for Peridot and Steven to practice diplomacy as their Diamond personas.
Likely, it’ll at first just be Chartreuse Diamond and Pink Diamond 2.0 going in. Chartreuse has teleportation that can get them out quick if things go south, after all.
So I imagine Spinel’s going to meet Steven and Peridot looking like this....
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... and naturally be confused.
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And most likely will not like what she sees.
Since Steven and Peridot have such a nice, playful relationship to begin with...
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And it doesn’t help that Chartreuse has a VERY similar hairstyle that can EASILY make Spinel interpret her as a “playmate replacement”...
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... plus, at this point, since Peridot and Steven’s Diamond alter egos are the only Diamonds left in all existence which just makes the exclusivity burn that much more....
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... and I’ll admit I do find Steven/Spinel very cute as a ship.
So naturally, I need Steven being fought over by two immature twin-tailed cinnamon rolls. I’ll probably fucking draw that.
I highly doubt she’ll have the means to do what she did in the movie for GA verse, but I’ll figure something out down the road.
After all, this is all new ideas and stuff. Movie just aired last night, after all!
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Steg and Spinel were the best parts of the movie. Fuck yes I must have Steg in GA, too.
Well, I made Greg more relevant in GA way more than canon did in CYM, so I think it’s my duty to make Steg a reality. I’ve grown to enjoy writing Greg, anyway. I just need to find a way to fit him into something. He may be a Crystal Gem in GA’s continuity, but he’s still just a support character in the end. Steg will help move him on up.
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I did this epic trio first and did it better.
Really was a bit underwhelmed with how much time these three got in the movie, but I’m not all that surprised. Also, I guess it’s evident in canon that Bismuth leads this division rather than Peridot. I mean, she is a solid #2 in GAverse and maybe would have been the real deal had it not been for the unique circumstances... still. Hoping these three are done justice in season 6.
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Peri, your Fourth Wall is showing.
That was like my favorite line (outside of Greg and Bismuth NEARLY saying shit, lol). 
That said, I’m hoping that’s not all what she amounts to in the future. I’d complain there wasn’t enough Peridot in the movie, but let’s be real: I’d complain about that even if she was in every scene of the movie.
And that’s all I’ve got to say for now, I think!
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feralwaff1e · 5 years
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Merry Christmas @tired-nursing-student
The only sound in the room was the glasses clinking, the noise itself in a way, was calming for the Citrine.
The Citrine in question held the cup close to her chest, the warm liquid in the cup made the cup itself feel rather nice against her navy blue skin. In this moment the Citrine would take any kind of comfort she could get, especially with the task at hand.
With a little sigh, Citrine looked up, The Rose Quartz and The Renegade Pearl bot looking at her with such guarded trust. Even though they didn’t show it, both of the gems in front of her felt uneasy, she could feel it all the way across the table. The feel of their unease only made the job the Citrine was meant to do, just a little more easy for her.
“Rose Quartz-”
“Oh please, just Rose! There isn't such a need for formalities here unlike The Diamond Courts.” The Rose Quartz took another sip of her tea and looked up with a smile, “Please tell me Citrine, how is your tea? Is it satisfactory? I know some gems don’t like to partake in drinking or eating, but I know some find some comfort in the smell or temperature of the tea.”
The Citrine sighed and put her glass down, “Yes Rose, the tea is fine. Now may we please go back to the topic at hand please?”
Out of the corner of her eye, Citrine could see The Pearl scowl, her annoyance rolling off her body in waves. Good, the more negative emotion the better for her.
Citrine sat up a bit straighter, “As you may know I’m Blue Diamond’s personal Citrine. I believe, I could help with this rebellion Rose Quartz. If you were to let me, I could spy on her and give you tips about her plans and where she were-”
“And how would we know you wouldn’t double cross us Blue Citrine?”
Citrine froze… She had forgotten this Pearl didn’t belong to anyone anymore, and had forgotten the Pearl spoke for herself. Although to her credit, Citrine recovered quickly and just gave The Pearl a warm smile, only letting a fraction of power flow out of her body to make The Pearl feel slightly guilty.
“Now Pearl, why would that be something I would want? After all you out of all gems should know that we all hurt under the diamonds rule. After all look at all these gems you’ve liberated, I must say, it's quite something.” Citrine then turned her attention to Rose Quartz, making sure to give her an energetic smile, “I mean Rose Quartz, no offense, but what kind of gems wouldn’t want to be apart of something like this?”
Citrine noticed the Rose Quartz flare of negative emotion before she replied “The Diamonds for one Citrine, and all of the gems they’ve brainwashed into this so called ‘society’.” Rose Quartz put down her cup, Rose and The Pearl looked at each other before looking back at Citrine, “Take Pearls for an example Citrine, they slave over us and just look pretty. They’re just living furniture and they think they’re happy with it.”
The Citrine nodded along, trying to look interested, “But they can do so much more,” Citrine raised an arm to point at The Pearl, “Look at you Pearl, you are free and have learned to battle, you even have a gem weapon. That’s something that even The Diamond knew was possible before you Pearl.”
The Pearl in question flushed a little before waving her hand, “Oh Citrine, please, enough flattery let's get back to business shall we?”
Citrine nodded again, picking up her cup and smiling just a bit before taking another sip, “Of course Pearl, now back to where we left off, I won't double cross you, that I can promise you. But I will double cross Blue Diamond, that's of course if you were to let me.”
Citrine relaxed a bit, she noticed how The Pearl and Rose Quartz looked over to each other. It was a silent conversation and Citrine knew it was, just a few more steps and the plan her Diamond had for her would be complete.
“Blue Citrine, might I say you are a very well versed actor?”
Citrine froze, “I’m sorry Rose?”
Rose Quartz put her cup down and gave Citrine a sad smile, “I said your a very well versed actor Citrine. I mean, what else could I have expected from the one defective gem in Blue Diamond’s Court?”
Citrine stood up, trying to keep her composure, “I’m sorry? Just what do you mean from that Rose Quartz?”
The Pearl stood up and Citrine kept her on it, all the while Rose Quartz took another sip of her tea, “I mean that Blue Diamond is predictable, she was never really one for sneak attacks, that’s Yellow Diamond’s domain. But if I’m correct and please correct me if I’m wrong, but Yellow Diamond isn't here is she? She doesn't plan to even step a foot near this planet after what happened to Pink Diamond?”
Citrine stepped back, a blue aura engulfing her body, “Yes, your very much Rose Quartz, but I’m afraid you're a little too late, once I’m done with you, I’ll make sure your shattered for crimes. Then the rest of your little rebellion will squashed, and The Diamond Authority will live on.”
The Rose Quartz stood up, and Citrine couldn't help but feel a little small compared to the gem. The gem in question just gave her a small, sad, pitiful, smile, “Don't worry Citrine, once this is all over, I’ll make sure to un-bubble you. Maybe by then we can find a way to help with your powers.”
Citrine felt herself scowl, and the blue aura all but was engulfing half of the makeshift tent now, “Excuse me?”
Before another word could be said, Citrine felt it, one, two, tree, projectiles enter her body. Her eyes widened and as the rest of her body fell top the ground, before she poofed only saw the tears of Rose Quartz.
Rose Quartz only gave a sad smile to the gem on the floor before picking it up and bubbling it, “You are excused Citrine.” She touched the top, sending the bubble into a secret place, “Hopefully you’ll rest well until the end of the war.”
Rose turned to Pearl, “Well, My Pearl, one of Blue’s important gems have been bubbled. We are just that much closer to the defeat of them, but it does feel a little bitter sweet doesnt it?”
Rose Quartz looked down at the ground, her tears still falling freely down onto the floor, She felt Pearl put a hand on her shoulder and cover Pearl’s hand with her own before turning to give her a genuine smile, unlike the ones she had given the Citrine.
“For gem kind my Pearl.”
“For gem kind my Rose Quartz.”
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blueberryrock · 5 years
Hey, sorry I didn't post this yesterday but this kinda has smut at the end so I didn't know if I could actually post it.
But I'll try, so here it is the next chapter. Enjoy!
(I'll but these *** before the smut just in case)
(Blue's POV)
I shift uncomfortably on the freezing cold medical table, the scanner in front of me starts to move. It moves the probe, or as Steven calls it, a thermometer.
I take an unnecessary breath in and shut my eyes, I try not to move as I feel the red light slowly inch down from the top of my head to my chin.
I open my eyes, the bright red light from the scanner inch slowly down my neck, only pausing to scan my gem.
I start shivering as the scanner moves from where my breasts and gem is to the start of my stomach area.
I notice that the scanner had to move back a bit to scan my stomach, and the medical pearl notices it too. The second the red light hits where my belly button is, it starts beeping like crazy.
Steven and Amethyst cover their ears and Yellow frowns.
"What's going on" Steven semi loudly asks.
"Gah, give me a minute" the medical pearl says, she pulls up another green screen. She presses a button and the machine shuts off.
"The scanner found something in your abdomen" the medical pearl starts "but I'd have to grab a camera scanner and some gel, give me a minute" she wheels the scanner out of the room.
I look at Yellow, she looks nervous, her one leg is bouncing and she is drumming her fingers on her other leg.
I look at Garnet, she is talking to Pearl. Well, whispering would be better.
I wrap my covered arms around my belly, I start shivering even harder. Yellow decides to get up and comfort me, she sits on the table to my left and wraps her warm arm around me. I sigh and I put my head on her shoulder.
I practically shove my entire body into hers, trying to soak up as much of her warmth as possible.
"Y-yellow I'm s-s-scared" I say very lowly.
"It's going to be okay, we'll find out what's wrong" Yellow reassures me, I look up to meet her golden eyes, I give her a small smile and she kisses the top of my head.
And for a few seconds everything fades away, it's just me and Yellow. But the doors open and I jolt up, Yellow gets up from her position and takes her seat again.
I let out a quiet groan, the small medical pearl wheels in another scanner.
"What will this one do" Amethyst asks, Pearl answers "it's kind of like an ultrasound, they'll be able to see if anything is inside of her".
I notice the look that Garnet gives Pearl, and I frown a little. I try to keep my balance as the medical Pearl lowers the table so she can reach me. She jumps up onto the table right by my hand.
"Do you remember what to do?" she asks.
"I r-rem-member hav-ving t-t-to take P-pink to get o-one of t-t-these ca-ause she sw-w-wallowed somet-thing" I smile fondly at the memory, it turns out that some tourmalines dared her to swallow a rock, so she did and it got stuck...Yellow got so mad...
"Ok, so first I need you to take you off your veil, then you need to lay on your back" the medical pearl says, she moves back a bit so I don't hit her as I take my veil off. Now I'm completely vulnerable to the cold room.
I start shivering even harder,  I toss my veil to Yellow, once she catches it I start to move to lay down on my back. I try not to accidentally squish the medical pearl in the process.
Once I'm on my back, the pearl beings the scanner and the gel onto the table, she angles the screen part of the scanner so everyone in the room can see it.
"Okay, now you need to remove the part of your dress that is covering your abdomen" the pearl says.
I try to carefully phase away only what she needs and not the entire top. Once it's phased away I get even colder, I accidentally start shaking the table, the everyone gives me a sympathetic look.
I lay my head on the cold hard table, I let out an exhausted sigh as the medical pearl climbs onto my belly. She opens a bottle of gel and pours it onto my skin.
I shiver as she rubs it around a bit before putting the small camera part of the scanner onto me. The screen part turns on and a screen of fuzziness shows.
The medical pearl carefully moves the scanner around my belly for a few minutes until she decides to go lower.
I hold another unneeded breath, as soon as the pearl stops moving down and moves the stick around, the screen changes and everyone gasps.
I weakly lift my head up to see the screen, my eyes go wide, on the screen are three little blobs...
Three little heartbeats...
Three little gemlings....
I lay my head back down and let go of that unneeded breath. I quickly phase the missing part of my dress.
I stare up at the ceiling and thoughts come flooding in. I can hear everyone congratulating me and Yellow, but I don't pay attention. I feel the medical pearl wiping off all the gel and get off of me.
What are we going to do? What am I going to do?
I honestly don't feel anything except being cold, no joy, no pain, nothing. Yellow had walked over to me "Blue are you okay"
I finally blink and I try to sit up "I a-am r-rea-ady to l-leave wh-hen y-you are" I tremble.
"You didn- nevermind" she says
Yellow helps me slide off the table and onto my feet, I didn't notice that Steven was talking to me.
"BLUE" Steven shouts to get my attention.
"Wha- oh I'm s-sorry S-Stev-ven" I shudder, Yellow hands me my warm veil, I quickly and carefully put it on.
"Nah it's okay, I know you're probably tired. I mean after news like that you both have got to be tired." Steven says I nod, "ahhh, I'm so happy and excited for you" Steven jumps in the air then floats back down.
Pearl moves to put her hand on his shoulder "we should let her get some rest, come on let's go" Steven nods. They move to the door, I start to move but the medical pearl stops me.
"I have somethings to mention" the medical pearl says "while pregnant you will need to eat, drink, and sleep constantly"
"But I thought" Yellow gets cut off.
"Well, my dia-blue diamond is having three gemlings, that's a lot of power going into them so she wil-is extremely weak and tired. So she will need to eat and drink constantly, also if like to scan every few weeks to make sure the gemlings are fine" the medical pearl finishes.
I thank her and move to the door, Yellow grunts and moves as well. Steven opens the door for us, we say our goodbyes and Yellow leads me back to my chambers.
I sigh as the warm air hits me, I walk into my room and take my veil off, I walk to my vanity and sit down. I grab one of my many blue hairbrushes and I try humming a song that I learned from Steven.
Yellow walks behind my chair "would you like me to warm up your extraction chambers?" She asks I give her a slow nod, she gives me a small kiss on the check. Yellow walks to the entrance of my extraction chamber and open the big blue boors and walks inside.
I can faintly hear the water turning on, I continue humming the song, soon humming turned into words.
"Oh won't you come with me, where the moon is made of gold" I sing softly "and in the morning sun we'll be sailing free, oh won't you come with me where the ocean meets the sky, and as the clouds roll by, we'll sing the song of the sea" I finish the verse.
Yellow walks over to me "is that a new one?" She places her warm ungloved hands on my cold shoulders.
"Yes, Steven taught me it" I put down my hairbrush and push my chair ack so I can stand up, Yellow helps me walk into my extraction chamber.
"Maybe you can sing it to me" Yellow says, I phase away my dress and underwear and I step into the steaming water.
"Maybe" I sigh as I sit down, I let myself sink lower and lower, till the water hit my chin.
Yellow joins me and sinks into the water, she helps me sit back up. I rest my head on her shoulder, she wraps an arm around me. "I got ordered some food for you and some water, it's nothing much but I want you to get used to eating." She says, she looks down at me and I look up to her.
I give her a small smile "thank you, what did you order?" I ask
"Oh just some fruit, the gardeners figured out how to make huge pieces of fruit and vegetables" Yellow says "so you don't need to worry, this pregnancy will go splendidly"
I frown at the word pregnancy, somehow I forgot all about, I put my hand on my almost non-existent baby bump.
Yellow notices that "something wrong blue?"
"Oh um, no" I half-lie.
"Okay, well just tell me when you are ready to get out or when you're hungry" she says, I nod. I put my hand on her chest eight above her gem.
"I love you" but I'm not sure I want this I wanted to add but I couldn't.
"I love you to" yellow leans in to kiss my lips, I push myself up to meet her halfway.
Kissing quickly turns to making out, our tongues fight for dominance and our hands touch each other.
Yellow breaks the kiss and leaves little kisses and nibbles down my jaw to my neck. She sucks where my neck meets my shoulder, she continues lower to the tip of my gem.
Yellow lazily drags her tongue across each and every facet of my gem, I moan in pleasure.
Yellow keeps kissing and licking my gem, she grabs one of my breasts, she rubs and pinches my rock hard nipple. Her other hand travels further in the water and down my leg, Yellow's hand travels between my legs.
I gasp as I feel her hand brush against my clit. She smirks, she decides to start kissing and sucking on my other breast.
I let out a moan as she rubs slow circles around my slit. She teases it by almost putting her fingers in. Her hand goes back to my clit again, stroking faster circles around it. I let out another loud moan.
She stops rubbing my clit, she kisses my gem once more then goes lower and lower. She only stops when a low growl comes from my stomach.
"Looks like someone is hungry" Yellow chuckles. I blush a little.
"That's what that noise meant" I blurt out.
Yellow laughs "ok, let's get you some food."
"Fine, but you're finishing this later" I say as Yellow helps me out of the water.
"As you wish, my diamond"
And there, I tried to write smut, I'm not good at writing it but I'll maybe try to write more. But thanks for reading and see y'all next Saturday bye!
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petalsxfallen-a · 4 years
@yellowserve​ II x
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The pink pearl giggled in delight at her annoyance. Even circling around her fellow pearl. Doing little spins and twirls. “Well pink says I can do whatever I want while I wait so no. Besides just being quiet and standing still sounds boring.”
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harinezumiko · 7 years
Even though canon shot it down (for now), I absolutely adore your Rose is Pink Diamond verse, especially your one fic, Decisions. If you don't mind, I have a question: We know that Solaire was going to Earth to retrieve her and Hope's Pearls. Would she have discovered Steven and his connection to Jubilee? Would she have blamed him for her death? Or would there have been an intergalactic custody battle between the Diamonds and the CG over Steven?
Canon can pry it out of my COLD, DEAD, HANDS. AHH. 
But I’m so glad you like it! Almost all of my fics have some kind of Rose-is-Pink undercurrent, because it makes so much sense.
Decisions is actually two scenes from an RP between @cheaptactix, @psykopsy and myself that we… probably will never finish formatting. It deviates wildly from canon, but it was so much fun to do. I don’t think the others will mind me talking about it! Psykopsy was the one playing Solaire, so I might get some details wrong along the way, but Hope and Promise were my territory (and I think Jubilee was supposed to fall to Cheaptactix, but I was playing Steven)!
Hope and Solaire, I think, weren’t going to buy it initially. They know that Jubilee somehow gave up her power to become Rose Quartz, but they don’t know how it was possible or where that power went–but they certainly wouldn’t look at Steven and see her right away. Pearl is the only ‘compelling’ reason they have to believe that Jubilee-as-Rose-as-Steven is still alive, because they don’t think pearls can function without the Gems they’re made for… and they’re not completely wrong. Without Jubilee in the world, something is always missing from Pearl’s life, and it’s something that she lost when Jubilee became Rose, and it got even smaller when Rose became Steven.
But Promise knows.
Promise, who has no personal pearl, but who instead works alongside Nacre–Mother of Pearl–is the one Jubilee gave her power to, in exchange for White Diamond promising to stay out of the war for 1,000 years. Jubilee didn’t think Hope or Solaire would fight her that long, would waste so many resources on one planet, would deny her this one thing… But Promise was her contingency plan. 
After 1,000 years, Hope and Solaire had to launch the Final Strike. Promise joined in, because Jubilee’s time was up. Promise has spent the past 5,000 years consumed with grief because she used Pink’s power as well as her own to mount the attack. As far as she knows, Gem life on Earth has been wiped out completely, and she can’t bear to hear that she’s right. She can’t imagine that she would hear that anyone survived.
Hope and Solaire, by contrast, assume Jubilee survived in some way, because the alternative is that they killed her. As Diamonds, against a rebel army, they can deal with that idea–but they can’t abide by the idea that Jubilee is gone, even though she’s been gone since before the war got off the ground. Their names are all transparently symbolic. Jubilee was the happiness and joy of the empire.
So they don’t know what to make of Steven, or of Pearl’s “lies.” They don’t want to see that life on Earth exists, they want a monument in Jubilee’s memory that also condemns Rose Quartz, and instead, they get… Earth. Steven still defeats the Cluster with love, and because he’s invested in their pearls, because he’s heard their stories about their Diamonds, of Hope’s radiance and Solaire’s brilliance, Steven tries for diplomacy. It’s a valiant effort, but I think the plan was for Solaire to take their pearls back in a fit. She and Hope would fight, because true to her name, Hope wants Jubilee to be alive in some way. She wants the Rebel’s words to be true. She wants to believe that Nacre was right that the pearls are completing their intended set as a service to their Diamonds, because those are things she can understand.
Ultimately, Promise and Nacre would have to come to Earth. What remained of Jubilee’s power would be offered to Steven, but Steven can never be Jubilee. He’s Steven. And he belongs on Earth, not Homeworld. But Promise can see Jubilee in him, and she can see the pearls are better off together. The plan was ultimately to have a “good end” where Steven is recognized as Pink Diamond’s successor, and Earth put in his (and the Crystal Gems’) custody, and communication would slowly be reopened between both galaxies to keep the pearls in line… and of course, Steven’s Mom Miasma would eventually get to Solaire, Hope, and Promise, so they would come around to him someday.
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petalsxfallen-a · 4 years
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“Hey.” The pearl sang as she made her way over to the gem. She was probably guarding something. Maybe the door? Eh she really didn’t care. She was just bored and pink was in one of her boring meetings. No pearls allowed. “I’m petal. You’re a cute little ruby you know that?”
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