dtaegis · 10 months
3 days. and the boy already feels bad for the decisions he took 🫥
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imagine-loki · 8 years
F#*king marry me already
TITLE: F#*king marry me already CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 1 AUTHOR: Valarie Ravenhearst2 ORIGINAL IMAGINE:
Imagine Loki trying to propose to you, trying to make it the most perfect occasion. But every time that it comes to the big night, something happens, like you getting sick or have to work, so it keeps getting put off because he wants it to be perfect
RATING: M NOTES/WARNINGS: the usual stuff ;)
I don’t know why I bother running when I’m stressed; all it does is get me more pumped up. As I continue jogging down the footpath I can see a group of older teens, further along, messing around with skateboards. As I get closer one of them tries to do some trick but stacks it and falls to the ground just in time for me to run into him – sending me flying over him and tumbling along the pavement. 
I’m fine. 
But fuck I’m pissed. If it’s one thing I’m good at: is taking a hard hit or falling and not hurting myself. It’s walking casually when I always hurt myself with my ‘random gravity checks’. Though, depending on my mood, I’m more than good at pretending that the damage is worse than it is. And God help the people who catch me on a bad day. Like this guy.     Mentally checking my body one last time before I move, I can hear his little friends laughing and making noises of exasperations.
“OHH DAMN…” One of them exclaims and I finally push myself up, just as the other boy rolls to his feet.
“Shit girl, I’m sorry.” He begins. Okay, don’t lose it. He’s just a kid. Maybe a drop-kick motherfucker but still a kid.
“Don’t you watch where you’re going?” I adjust my ponytail.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you.”
“Oh, you didn’t see me coming towards y’all. Bet you didn’t see all these other people just walking on the street as well. Fuck, that’s really fucking bizarre: all these people walking on the footpath. I bet that must really bother y’all. All of us just getting in your way.” I place my hands on my hips. His friends laugh whilst he looks like he doesn’t know whether to laugh or not.
“Look I’m sorry, are you okay?” He continues. No, I’m fucking not, I’ve had a shitty day and you picked the wrong day to fucking mess with me.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine I get bowled over by idiots on skateboards all the time.” I smile charmingly at him and a few of his friends whistle, encouraging me to keep messing with him.
“Can I help you or anything? Help you home, or get your number to check on you later?” He boldly runs his eyes up and down my body with what I assume is an approving nod; quirking his eyebrows suggestively, “make sure you’re okay.” He’s not seriously hitting on me? Was he dropped at birth? I arch a brow which says are-you-serious?
“I think I can manage.” I smooth my shirt out before going to turn.
“Well, can I still get your number?” He asks again. This kid has fallen too many times off that board.
“Why, you need a babysitter?” I question, evoking a roar of praise and whistling from his friends. He tries to laugh it off and shrug, but he clearly isn’t happy about his ego taking a blow in front of an audience. I turn and head back into a run leaving behind a trail of whistles.    At least he had the smarts not to make some kind of comment after; ‘cause he would have received a punch square in the nose for it.    I mean, come on! The fucking skate park is right across the fucking road! Is it really that difficult for them to walk a hundred meters, instead of being public nuisances and endangering the community? They’re one of Loki’s pet hates; he always makes them trip when they get in his way on the street LOKI!     I glance at my watch before swearing under my breath. Shit, I forgot I’m supposed to be having dinner with him in thirty minutes. I pick up my pace, sprinting the last ten blocks home.     Jogging up the stairs to the seventh floor to my loft, I burst through the stairway door huffing like a woman in labour by the time I get my door unlocked. “Hey.” I wheeze as I enter hastily. Loki casts his emerald eyes up at me, whilst leaning against the kitchen bench. The buttons of his white shirt working overtime to prevent keep his muscular body contained; his raven hair pushed back and sitting obediently off his face. “I’m sorry I know we had plans. I lost track of time.” I manage to exhale as I get to the fridge, grabbing out my water bottle - chugging down gloriously cold water. I take a few long breaths to try and get my heart to stop thumping like an agitated hummingbird. Once I sound like I’m out of labour I smile and lean over the bench, kissing him on his thin lips. “I’d hug you but I’m all hot and sweaty. I’m going for a shower.”
“It’d have to be only five minutes if we’re to make our reservations.” Oh, that voice could soothe all my worries away; though currently, it has an annoyed prickle spiking its silkiness. I stop at the stairs, spinning with a guilty grin on my face. He rolls his eyes with a sigh, looking back at his paper in front of him.
“Baby…” I pout, shuffling back over to him, sliding my arms around his waist. “Don’t be angry,” I mumble against his shoulder. Lord, he smells so divine … which makes me more aware of how disgusting I feel compared to him. “I’m sorry hunny. I just had a really shitty day and I forgot about dinner. Then I went for a run and this punk kid tripped me –”
“What! Are you okay?” Well, that got his attention. He straightens like a rod; his godly power showing as his eyes burn with fury; scanning me for injuries.
“Yes, yes, I’m okay. Don’t worry I handled myself.” I smile to try and ease him; his nostrils flare as he exhales angrily. “I’m okay sweetheart, it was an accident,” I admit with an eye roll. “He apologised and I gave him a mouthful; it’s fine.” I cup the sides of his face. “Look I’m sorry about tonight; I just really don’t feel up for going out tonight. I’m sorry baby.” His anger slowly subsides but only to reveal his disappointment once more. “Look I’ll make it up to you; I’ll call up tomorrow and book us a table for Friday.”
“It took me a month to get a reservation.” He sighs, attempting not to appear so disheartened.
“Yes, well you don’t know the chef. I do.” I pull his head down to mine. “Don’t look so sad.” I pout and kiss him again. “It’s just dinner. We go out for dinner all the time.” He just rolls his eyes. “Come on, I’ve got something better for us to do tonight.” I lead him by the hand, heading back towards the back wall to the bathroom. “How ‘bout you have desert first and I’ll make dinner later.” I grin wickedly, prying a slight smirk from him. Backing into the bathroom, I begin unbuttoning his shirt and they gladly give way. He makes good work of removing my tank top and slides down my running tights with ease. We hastily switch to discarding the remaining of our own clothes before we go at each other with a burning desire. Our actions become more passionate as he pushes me up against the wall; my legs wrap around his waist. The water begins cascading by itself – perks of dating a sorcerer. His eyes glow with lust filled ferocity as we grin wickedly at each other as he carries me into the shower.     And I can tell you: he certainly didn’t stay sad for long. We skip dinner completely and just have second servings of dessert in the bedroom … and thirds … and fourths.
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