#I LOVE this question
operationandre · 1 month
what do you think cal and andres go to fast food place would be 👀
cal’s is chick fil a. he constantly refers to it as the “homophobic chicken.” someone will ask where he wants to go, and that’s legitimately what he’ll say. andre used to get pissed when he said it, but at this point, he just sighs and starts the car.
andre’s is burger king. that man gets himself a crown and a coke icee and has the time of his life. he gets a new thing every time, but always has to have onion rings. cal complains that his breath smells after. andre says it’s worth it.
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thursdayinspace · 14 days
do you think they were fated to meet each other??
oh man, what a question, I love it.
no. because i do not believe in fate. they might as well not have met each other and their lives would have been very different. they wouldn't necessarily have been worse, though. there is no way of knowing that. mulder may have met someone else who would have supported him. scully may have had a family of her own. who knows.
BUT. i think because of who they are and what they both believe in, once they did meet, there was little chance of them not becoming what they are to each other. to me, that's more meaningful than fate. because every day, with every crisis, every time they hurt each other, every time they save each other, every time they pick up the phone and call each other, every time they have a chance to go down a different path but choose each other instead, their relationship grows and changes. they choose each other every time out of their own free will, and that is love and commitment.
they met by chance. they met because of everything they did and everything that happened before they met. but all those moments and decisions and events and thoughts and journeys before she was assigned to debunk his work led to the point where that could happen in the first place. it shaped them into the people they are. the universe had no plan for that to happen. the universe has no consciousness of its own. it's the amalgamation, or one giant stew of billions of individuals, of thoughts, decisions, actions, history, culture, art. anything can happen. there's incredible beauty in that chaos. and it led them to each other. and gave them the chance to keep choosing each other over and over and over again.
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azaleasparrow · 1 year
Which one is the mask? Daredevil/Matt Murdock
I think that, to some extent, they are both the mask.
When people write about this, they (tend to) talk as if Matt Murdock and Daredevil are two personalities placed into one mind, two definitively separate halves of a whole. I don’t necessarily agree with that. Matt Murdock is Daredevil and Daredevil is Matt Murdock, and there is no sharp line between them only a blur. They are just different aspects of one personality, unbalanced when viewed without the context of the other.
I do get the ‘two halves of a whole’ thing, and I think there is an amount of truth to that. But there is no clear separation between the two, no point where Matt Murdock ends and Daredevil begins.
Those who only know Daredevil would think of him as brutal and violent, which he is. Yet those who only know Matt Murdock would think of him as soft spoken and charming, and he’s all that too. Daredevil and Matt Murdock are not mutually exclusive. They coexist.
I also think that this is why Foggy doesn’t seem to accept that Matt can’t just give up being Daredevil. He knows Matt, has never known Daredevil so he finds it hard to accept that this soft spoken and charming guy is a brutal and violent vigilante. Matt acts as the mask there. (@ceterisparibus116 very much inspired this take)
(Plus, the (literal) mask isn’t what makes Matt Daredevil. The anonymity it provides allows him to be a vigilante, but removing the mask doesn’t erase what created/fuels Daredevil, it simply removes what enables Matt to physically be Daredevil.)
In short: Daredevil and Matt Murdock are not separate entities. They are simply different characteristics zoomed in on in a way that ignores the other parts entirely. Both are incomplete without the other, both are the mask.
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ominouspuff · 1 month
what would be on your art creation wish list? something you haven’t drawn yet for whatever reason?
Ohoho, ROOK. This is a difficult question, but I love it.
I have a few private answers, but one I can share is an animation dream. I admire Hayao Miyazaki as an artist, and respect his philosophy. I am very serious about wanting to create traditional frame-by-frame films someday, especially ones that likely would fall under the same ‘genre’ of stories.
At the moment, this is beyond me. I’m practicing frame-by-frame animation, but it will be a long process. Here’s a piece for reference:
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I have many animation dreams, some more serious and dear to me than others.
For my current Star Wars interest (and just for kicks and practice) I’d love to put together a short end-credits style piece about my RepGA AU, like a wholesome epilogue, or a happier-ending AU to my AU that may not feature all these happy endings precisely.
A few scenes that would feature:
- Plo Koon stepping out of a train-transport onto what is clearly a foreign planet’s platform, with much alien tropical vegetation, wearing a sun hat and followed by first one, then two, then the entirety of his battalion all decked out for a vacation and parading like ducklings (Wolffe is wearing colorful shorts alongside the equivalent of an incredibly thick, tough mountain shacket and combat boots).
- Ahsoka waving out of a train transport, grinning happily as it comes into the station, and the camera panning to see Anakin and Padme very worn, leaning on eachother with signs of recent hospital stay, and Rex right next to them grinning like a fool and holding both twins in his arms (Anakin has a hand pointedly resting on Luke’s head around Rex’s back, so that he essentially is a hen clutching the entire party to his person, visually).
- Fox and Cody in whatever counts as intensive care with healers in the vicinity. They are bickering about the weird hospital food that transcends all AUs and dimensions.
- Obi-Wan digging through rubble to help with cleaning up the wreckage of a sub-city in Coruscant, pausing to catch his breath while Alpha-17 both makes fun of him and walks over leisurely with a water bottle for him. Nearby, a team effort comprised of engineering tools used in a way not quite intended by the designers and Fordo’s raw strength launches an enthusiastic Wolffe up into a second-floor they were having trouble accessing, through a hole in the wall.
There are more, but they would give spoilers.
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doitforbangchan · 4 days
Hello! What are three works that you're most proud of or love the most? (Please link them for readers to check out!)
And a bonus question if you'd like to answer it; what's something you're working on right now that you're excited about?
hi there nonnie! thank you for asking!
ofc i have to say i am so proud of my baby All Bark and No Bite. It is my very first completed multi-chapter story and it still lives in my mind rent freeeeeeee
another one i am proud of is one i wrote for hannie called Weather the Storm. i just love how it came out, even if it didn't do as well on here as some others did :) plus it has my darling hannie 🥰
thirdly i am going to say deity ! my most popular one shot i wrote for hyunjins bday and i still think i can never live up to it bcuz it was actually so good im so proud of it 🥲
i am excited about my newer series ever lovely that only has a few chapters rn but more are to come soon!!! also im pretty stoked about a seonghwa halloween one shot im writing and mayybbeee a seungmin one too we shall seeeeeee
it was very sweet of you to ask, my dear thank you i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day 💖
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laughterfixs · 8 months
I'm dying to know more of Lofi, so here I go-
When and why did Lofi start being the biggest ler ever and playing with people? Was she a person at some point, or did she just pop into existence?
Follow up: who's Lofi's favorite target?
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Is Jughead great at oral given his fixations and appetites or is he actually one of those dudes who never goes down on a lady?
jughead seems like the type to prefer oral sex over anything else and he definitely prefers giving head rather than receiving it. now, is he great at it?? part of me says yes and the other part of me says no. something about him gives off “kinda bad at sex” vibes but since i love him and don’t want to be mean to him i will say he is amazing at it
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artgroves · 1 year
I do traditional art a lot, but I can't figure out how to take good pictures. How do you do it?
Hey there, thank you for the message!
In the past I had an dslr camera on a tripod, lights, etc, art pinned up on my easel, but it just took so long to set up and get it right, I got super frustrated with it, expecially as I don't have a dedicated studio space so I had to pack everything up and down each time. Also, the camera would bounce light off the greylead in my pencil work and pictures would have shiny areas that didn't look clean so it was useless. It was a little bit better for my pastel works and took a good size image, but the fishbowl effect was so hard to fix later so if the picture was larger and I needed to move the tripod back a little, the image would be distorted and need adjustments in photoshop afterwards, it all took so damn long and I got really sick of it.
After trying various techniques and set-ups, I now just use my smartphone. I have learned it's really important to have as little movement as possible so I set the art up on a slight angle on my easel to catch the right amount of light on the paper, I brace my elbows/arms on the table, breathe out completely so my body's not moving even for a breath, and snap off a few quick shots on my phone. I take care to line up the picture with the straight edges on the sides, top and bottom so it's centered as well as possible within the frame and not distorted.
I use an iPhone Xs and the camera is awesome for my pencil drawings, it doesn't capture any of the shine off the pencil and the lines always come up nice and crisp.
I hope this helps, let me know if you need more info or detail!
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the-epic-hiram-lows · 3 months
What flavor milkshakes are the rvd characters? Not their preferences but their personalities
Doing the core four. I'm also going with fairly common flavors here, otherwise I would go crazy.
Archie is vanilla. We know this. He is the standard. The generic. The old reliable. He's widely, almost universally, enjoyed. This is not an insult. In a world filled with dubious hybrids and ultra-manufactured pints with cavity-inducing, sense-numbing flavors, he dares to be the lone safe choice.
Veronica prides herself on being different. Not in the same way Jughead does (insert hat quote here,) but in a sense that she wants us to think is both incredibly capable and nuanced. She also has shades of femme fatale sensuality as well as an exotic, glamorous past. For this reason, Veronica is an off-the-menu order. Something along the lines of half chocolate, half cherry or half chocolate, half salted caramel. Topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
Jughead is different. Unpopular. Misunderstood. Esoteric. Youth is a curse to him. For that reason, he is pistachio, butter pecan, or rum raisin. Something that is only on the menu because of Jug and a few early bird special frequenters.
Betty is both utterly approachable and deceptively complex. She has depths that both attract and disgust people. In theory she is for everyone, but in practice she is an aquired taste. For this reason, she is a blended root beer float.
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mightymizora · 4 months
is it ever hard to let your characters make bad decisions? I find often when I’m stuck or when something isn’t working, it’s because I’ve given into the temptation to let characters I’m fond of be too nice, or too correct, or too understanding, when the realer, truer thing to their character is to let them fuck up. and I joke about reading your Manva stories (which I adore) through from behind my fingers, whispering “oh, Manva, no…” every time, but that comes from a place of such admiration for your ability to let her embrace the worst choice, again and again, because it IS the right thing for her and for the story. is it a challenge sometimes? how do you work through that, if so? (I need to learn your ways!)
The sorry answer is that most of my OCs are just awful people lmao and they just will make poor choices.
But on a more serious note, I think it is because I’m so often interested in people’s flaws and foibles and I will always want to do what serves the story first. And sometimes that does mean killing your darlings (often it’s subplots or the appearance of more characters for me) or making hard choices.
Manva is an unusual one because she exists primarily to be a tragedy - her story is purely about the tragic inevitability that comes with carving yourself to ribbons for devotion, so it’s easy to let her make the poor decisions because that’s what she’s there to do. But for other characters, like the origin characters and nicer OCs like Glim and Meroia, I just have to take a breath and think through a few points:
If they are under pressure from the story, would they revert to their worst instincts?
If not, why not? Are they supported by another character? Do they feel safe? How does that impact their view of themselves?
Because the reality is even the nicest characters have those flaws. Wyll is self-sacrificing to a fault and will tear himself to pieces for somebody he loves. Halsin can’t cope with being taken out of his comfort zone and becomes prickly and difficult. Karlach is sunshine, yes, but she’s also fury and rage and pain and will fly off the handle. You just have to be realistic on what they do under pressure and then to me it becomes easy.
Because we love people at their best and worst you know? And that’s doubly true of characters I’m writing.
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homecoming or jesus of suburbia?
*dissapears into the void*
This is actually such a fucking good question, like actually.
I personally like Jesus of Suburbia better, just because I've known it longer- but I love Homecoming too because of Mike & Tres solo ngl
(Legit listening to She rn)
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happyhealthycats · 1 year
I have a question for you: my cat (7f) loves to lick my armpit. She really loves waking me up by licking my armpits. Why does she do this? Is she just strange?
Cats socialize by scent mingling with others that they feel safe with and love! It can just...get a little confusing when the cat in question wants to scent mingle where you smell the MOST like you - in your armpits or possibly in your groin.
It might look weird, but it's coming from a really sweet place. She likes your smells!
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ask-harvey · 1 year
Hello hello. A simple question to make you think.
If you were a Pokémon trainer, who would be your main?
pokemon…? hm… if there are any pokemon that specialize or have associations with healing, i feel i’d resonate most with that.
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perhaps audino, chansey, or potentially a grass-type with special healing abilities? if any other ideas come to mind i would love to know.
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meownotgood · 1 year
Can I ask what your ✨Aki journey✨ was like? I’m a Aki girlie but you clearly love Aki more than any blog I’ve ever seen (purrr) When did you start becoming interested in him? Was it an aHA moment or did it develop over time? I’m really curious!!! What inspired you to start this blog? I live, laugh, love backstories 🫶🏾❤️‍🔥
YES I would be so happy to answer this!!!!!!!
so before I read chainsaw man, I knew next to nothing about it, I wasn't really a manga reader in general to be honest but I started getting into it because I wanted to get caught up with jujutsu kaisen after finishing the anime. when I did, I really enjoyed jjk, I wanted to read more manga and a friend suggested I read chainsaw man because it's similar. I was like okay... a lot of people are into it... it looks cool... why not.
and when I started reading and I got to that third chapter and I saw aki... I literally said to myself: yeah, he is going to be my favorite. because he's exactly my type — the suit, the hair tied up so it's long and pretty when he takes it down, the SMOKING??? THE PIERCINGS????? I thought his hair was silly but adorable, his personality was stern but quirky and likable, his kon power was so cool. he was just so cute and hot and definitely my type of character.
but really, even though aki was always my favorite character from the start, my obsession truly began when I finished the manga. aki's arc is just so good... I fell in love with him the whole way through but especially after the manga was over... I loved watching him grow as a character, he just feels so real and relatable personality wise and story wise. he's immensely flawed but kindhearted to his core. he's so human. I love how he's emotional and soft and the conclusion to his arc is genuinely my favorite thing in any piece of media ever, it's so bittersweet and compelling. (and I'm a mess for that bittersweet shit okay)
anyway after I read chainsaw man for the first time I was feeling a mix of emotions between "wow that was the greatest thing ever" and "what the fuck did I just read" but more than anything I yearned for more aki, and so I read it a second time almost immediately after, and then the aki brain infection just grew worse and worse.... was screenshotting every panel of him... I read it a third time... a fourth time in the colored version to collect more panels......... I started my blog over a year ago to post fanfic and rant about aki and the rest is history
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bunny-is-cute · 5 months
really random question, but do any of the pets still exist within your AU? If so, how do they interact with the babies?
That’s a great question!
Fat Nuggets is kinda nervous around the babies at first, but knows they are family. So when they start crawling around and try to play, Fat Nuggets runs away because babies can be kinda rough. Angel would be trying his hardest to make the babies understand that you have to be gentle.
Kee-Kee (like most cats) would begin hissing at the triplets because they are part cat and cats are territorial. Eventually though they would co-exist. Kee-Kee’s favorite of the babies is Osian (because he’s Lucifer’s son and Charlie’s brother) and Noir (surprisingly enough).
Razzle will try to play with the babies when it’s appropriate. He’s especially close to Osian who is part of the Morningstar Family. Charlie even tries to give Razzle to Osian but Lucifer insists that he would make his own friend one day.
The remaining Egg Bois: They are too frighten to go near the babies because they fear they might hurt them. One of the egg bois did try to play fight with one of the triplets but was easily defeated. (Think when Simba pounces on Zazu from The Lion King).
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xactodreams · 6 months
what’s your favourite AU/headcanon/trope for SC?
oh i'm a sucker for Medieval AUs for supercorp. it really puts a spotlight on the devotion they canonically have for each other.
I'm also a big fan of fics that focus on them after Kara has returned from the Phantom Zone, and how they can heal their relationship after realizing that, despite everything, they don't want to live without each other.
I also am obsessed with any fic where they end up married on Earth Prime after Crisis, and then have to navigate being divorced as friends but married in public.
and of course I love any cameos of Jess the Secretary!
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