m43d4y · 3 months
For fun here is how I imagine the dudelings would react to getting hugged by Peepaw (P4)
Again this is mostly just for fun so don't take it super seriously (altho there are some serious topics) it's just pretty much my personal headcanons for their personalities :)!!
Peepaw is literally the only person he trusts in this fucked up world, no one else but the old man takes his paranoia seriously and genuine tries to help him through it. So if gramps were to give him a hug he would immediately latch on, death grip on his robe anywhere his hands rest with his head burried in his chest. He can't say anything in his moment, just accepting the warm embrace of the one man in this world who cares about him, his parents didn't... Not even the other Dudes. So he would fully welcome it, probably crying into his clothes if his emotions overwhelm him. But more often than not he will be fully quiet, as if he was a kid hiding in a closet trying to make his breathing as quiet as possible.
Any sort of physical contact makes this man tense up, so a hug would not be any different. Although rather strangely he wouldn't push him away, simply standing in place with his arms flush to his sides. Sure he would be telling the old man to fuck off or acting like he hates it but a small part of him knows he needs it. Or may he does hate it, maybe he'll immediately push Peepaw off and say something about he's not some sissy who needs to be coddled. It really depends on his mood, but most of the time he will resist and be all grumbly about it. He just hates physical contact pretty much.
Mr carefree and snarky would be all the same, laughing and making jokes the entire time as if it doesn't effect him at all. It's just a hug! He has no reason to get all angry or emotional about it! But rather notably he wouldn't be hugging back... He'd just stand there laughing and saying how the old man can stop... But he doesn't. And the longer this goes on the sooner the man's internal feelings will show. Telling Peepaw how he didn't need his cheap affection, no more laughter and no more jokes as he's trying his hardest to contain himself. All he wants is to be seen and heard... And as soon as he gets it he doesn't know what to do with it. He hates getting choked up...
BONUS!! -Other Dude-
Nothing. Absolutely no reaction. Not even a joke, no anger, no nothing. Maybe mocking laughter at the start but after that he'll go deathly quiet. He genuinely feels nothing about this, he'll only let it go on for a while longer before letting the old man's blood soaked body fall to the ground.
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thatsitso · 1 year
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Finished Trimax, feeling good
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avas-wonderland · 5 months
(Puzzlevision Spoilers)
Me after every college semester
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But yeah the movie was AMAZING
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narugen · 2 months
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to my three audience we did it boys
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rainswept · 10 months
omg new mootie hi hi hi 🫶🏼✨
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sommerbueckers · 2 months
hii oml i love your writingggg, do you think you could do like paige x reader at a sleepover??? like a birthday kind of thing
𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤
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✰ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐲...
✰ 𝐰𝐜 :: 𝟒𝐤
✰ 𝐢 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐦𝐥. 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐤 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !!
"THIS IS HER HOUSE?" Amy questioned when the estate finally came into view. "Ask her parents if they're hiring."
Paige broke a smile for the first time that night, and she shook her head at her mother. However, this did nothing to rid her of the incessant anxious feeling she had experienced all day. For the first time, in all the years that she and Catherine Drago had been going to school together, she had been invited to her birthday sleepover.
It was a big deal, the biggest deal. Catherine didn't invite just anyone to her sleepover, typically it was just those in which she conversed with regularly. This year, that happened to include Paige. It had started with the accidental add of Paige's Snapchat account to one of Catherine's private stories, the blonde slid up on a picture of her with a sweet compliment, and it was all up from there.
Now, she sat outside of the girl's residence as she worked up to courage to simply exit the car. Her mother placed a comforting hand on her leg, rubbing up and down the way most mothers often did.
"You nervous?" she asked softly.
Paige, leaning her head back on the seat, nodded quietly. "It's just that I don't have any of my best friends here, like, they probably all know each other and i'm just gonna be feelin' awkward..."
Amy wore a sympathetic expression as she listened to her daughter's concerns. "Well you're friends with Catherine aren't you? You're here for her, not everybody else."
"Yeah but I didn't think we were even close enough for her to invite me," Paige said. A lie. Paige didn't think she'd get invited because of the way she and Catherine talked to each other. They texted nonstop, about anything and everything. But as of recently, their conversations had had more of an intimate feel. They talked about their sex life, about their personal kinks and turn-ons, and Catherine had even shared a picture or two.
Not to mention the 'birthday gift' that Paige had told her she would get, Paige was drunk that night.
She wanted it to be just her and Catherine, not her, Catherine, and Catherine's friends.
"How about this, you go in there and try your best to have fun. And then in one hour, if you're still not having fun and want me to come get you, I will," Amy posed.
"Really?" Paige asked incredulously.
Paige nodded her head in agreement, deciding that the offer was suitable enough for her. Giving her mom a quick kiss and hug goodbye, she stepped out of the car and made her way up to the large glass door.
She could see into the house entirely. The floors were a cream colored wood that seemed to be freshly polished, there was a living room off to the right where an incredibly large couch sat. It looked like something you'd see displayed in a furniture shop, clean and untouched. The house as a whole looked like nobody lived there, like it was simply there to take up space on the property.
To the left was a floating staircase leading up to a second floor that Paige couldn't see much of from her place outside. The most she could see was a glass railing that went across the edge of the floor. She swallowed her anxiety and rung the doorbell, the sound echoing throughout the house as well as outside.
Her mom's car remained parked in the circular driveway, waiting for her to be retrieved from the front of the house before she pulled off. She hadn't been standing out there for long, perhaps all of thirty seconds had passed before a brown skinned woman appeared in view. She was coming from around a corner deep within the house, her steps hasty as she made her way over to the door.
"You must be Paige!" the woman greeted with a smile, to which Paige nodded her head. "Come inside. Is that your mom?"
The woman gave a polite wave to the car before Amy drove off, leaving the woman to close the door and turn her attention to Paige.
"It's nice to finally meet you! I'm Mrs Drago but you can call me Phoebe or Catie's mom or whatever you'd like," the woman laughed.
Paige nodded her head, shifting uncomfortably under the woman's gaze. She tried to focus on what Phoebe no Catie's mom no whatever the woman wanted to be called was saying, but she couldn't stop herself from thinking about how good she looked for a mom. She was fit with a slender face and model cheekbones, at least now Paige knew where Catherine got her looks from.
"The girls are upstairs in Catie's room, it's the double doors at the end of the hallway," she pointed up at the glass railing Paige had seen earlier, encouraging her to go up.
She ascended the staircase holding onto nothing but the blanket and pillow she had brought seeing as though nobody had bothered to extend the glass railing to the steps as well. The hallway was more of a loft area that lacked furniture; the flooring up here was marble with recess lighting illuminating the way to every room. Paige zeroed in on the double doors at the end, Catherine's room.
One of the two doors had a keypad lock on it, what the fuck...The blonde knocked softly and listened to the faint chatter and shuffling that occurred on the other side of the door before it opened. She was met with Catherine's unexpressive face, a feature that changed rather quickly upon realizing it was Paige that stood before her. She smiled brightly, flashing her pearly whites at the taller girl, and pulled her in for a hug. It lasted longer than it should've.
She smells good, like coconut and vanilla.
"So glad you could make it..." she murmured, dragging her hand across Paige's stomach as she pulled away. Opening the door, she allowed Paige access into the room. To say it was huge would've been the understatement of the century. There was a small couch in the front where another blonde sat mutely, a bottle of red nail polish in her hand as she went over her nails again. There was a vase of flowers on the coffee table in front of her, it was surrounded by loads of other miscellaneous things like card games and jewelry.
The fireplace, which Paige later learned was gas which Catherine hated, was turned on despite the eighty degree temperature outside. The tv played an episode of Grey's Anatomy, the girls had turned it on just before Paige's knock at the door. Behind the mini living room were two steps that led up to the king sized bed, the covers were all over the place and there were a few pillows lying around on the floor. Paige's scrutiny of the room was interrupted when Catherine's voice grabbed her attention.
"Do you live far from here?" she had made herself comfortable on the couch now, her head resting in the unnamed blonde's lap.
Paige set her things down beside the couch, shrugging her shoulders, "Kinda, like...twenty minutes maybe."
Catherine hummed in response.
The three girls remained quiet for a few moments, Meredith Grey's voice being the only thing between them and a silence thicker than a heavy fog. Paige was overcome with the thought that she was the only one feeling awkward. Catherine and this other blonde were casually laid out on the couch, something Paige figured they did often. She would too with a room like Catherine's.
Her eyes traveled up and down the girl's soft, smooth legs. At least that was the feeling they gave off when Catherine rubbed them against each other on the couch, almost teasingly. Paige bit her lip gently, frantically moving her gaze between Catherine's legs and the blonde's eyes to make sure she wasn't caught.
Catherine, thankfully noticing Paige's hesitation to do anything other than stand at the edge of the couch rather than her wandering eyes, invited her to sit down. She slightly readjusted herself so that she was still laid out but wasn't invading Paige's personal space. Paige would've liked her to, invade her space that is. But the dark haired girl was feeling unusually nervous now that she was actually in front of Paige instead of talking with her through the phone.
It wasn't long before a beeping could be heard from the door and four new faces appeared behind it. Three boys and one girl. Paige had to admit she would've liked it to just be the three of them, it was hard enough trying to settle her nerves with Catherine and one other friend. Now she would be forced to do it with four more. It was then that she remembered the words of her mother, and how she really only needed to stay for an hour.
Would it be rude to leave?
The room erupted in cheers as the boys jumped on top of Catherine, burying her beneath their bodies. Her protests were muffled as she fought to push them off.
"Will you guys chill? I'm trying to do my nails," the blonde grumbled, scooting over with the nastiest face Paige had ever seen.
One of the boys rolled off the couch, "Try a little harder, they look like shit."
She flipped him off with a freshly painted nail, her nose scrunching up at the mere sight of him smiling above her. The rest of the boys followed suit as they got up off of the couch, brushing themselves off. Another guy, pushing his soft brown hair out of the way turned to Paige and smiled goofily. "You look unfamiliar," he commented.
Catherine snorted, "Guys this is Paige, she goes to my school. Paige this is Zane, Theo, Malachi, and Sasha."
She gave them a small wave, not knowing what else to do since there were too many to greet one by one.
"I thought you hated everyone at your school," Malachi frowned, squeezing himself between Paige and Catherine.
Catherine frowned, she wanted to sit next to Paige.
"I hate everyone except Paige," she clarified, giving the girl a cheeky wink.
Everyone made themselves comfortable somewhere in the living area, whether it was on the couch or in front of the fire. Paige was even warming up, now finding herself in a conversation with Malachi and Zane about basketball.
"What position do you play again?" Zane frowned, his blonde eyebrows scrunching together.
"Point guard."
"I remember my point guard days, I was a beast!" he reminisced humorously.
"Yeah in the fourth grade," Malachi chimed in.
"You're committed to UConn right?" Zane asked, ignoring the other boy.
"Yeah, how'd you know?" Paige smiled.
"Cat talks about you all the time," he shrugged.
At this, Catherine shot up from her position on the couch and slapped the back of his buzzed blonde head. "No I don't!" she argued.
He stood abruptly, and rubbing the now burning patch on his head he said, "Yes you do! I literally remember you saying-"
"Okay!" The blonde girl interjected, "Can we please play a game or something? I'm bored."
"Just go back to painting your nails Noella, the grown ups are speaking," Zane gestured to himself, Catherine, Malachi, and Paige.
"Well in that case you should sit your ass down," she snapped.
"What game?" Malachi asked.
Just like that, the topic of Catherine's incessant talk of Paige had been dropped. Dropped by everyone except the two girls who now stared at each other with pleasant smiles. The group gathered around in a circle and Uno cards were disputed amongst them, everyone audibly reacting to their own deck.
Paige seated herself beside Catherine, nudging her shoulder. "You talk about me huh?" she laughed.
"Zane blows everything out of proportion, i've mentioned you like once or twice," Catherine dismissed simply. It was a lie. Catherine talked about Paige like a proud girlfriend, boasting about how great of a basketball player her new friend was and how good she looked while playing.
Paige nodded simply, not wanting to tease Catherine too much but also taking pride in the fact that the girl talked about her.
They played games for a hefty chunk of the night, stuffing their faces with pizza and cookies and whatever else Catherine's kitchen had to offer. Paige was surprised to discover that the boys were sleeping over as well, though they were in a separate room, she couldn't ever imagine either of her parents allowing something like that.
When the time came for everyone to settle down and get ready for bed, Noella and Sasha disappeared into the bathroom while Paige and Catherine waited in the bed.
"Do you wanna shower tonight?" Catherine asked her suddenly, switching off her phone.
"Yeah, sure. Are you gonna shower?"
"Mhm," Catherine nodded. "It shouldn't take them that long in there cus they're in there together so..." her voice trailed off as she shrugged.
Paige frowned, switching her own phone off as she turned to Catherine. "What do you mean?"
"They're showering together," she laughed, "we do it all the time 'cus we grew up together 'n' stuff."
Paige's lips parted as she went to respond, but at the last second she decided not to. They shower together...What kinda shit is that? Never in life had Paige ever considered showering with someone she saw as just a friend. Showering was your private time to clean yourself and all the parts of you that no one else was supposed to see, to share that time with someone else was intimate, wasn't it?
"Sometimes we just go ahead and finger each other too," Catherine revealed, and Paige's eyebrows shot to meet her hairline. "Kidding! Holy shit i'm kidding, we don't do that."
The pair burst into laughter, using it as an excuse to touch and grab at each other. Catherine ended up with her hand on Paige's knee, toying around with the thread of the sweatpants she was wearing. She smiled slightly, "You believed me for a second though."
"I definitely did," Paige nodded, "was finna grab my bags and go," she joked.
Catherine smirked, "You don't like that?"
"Like what?"
The energy in the room shifted quickly with just that one word, both girls now staring at each other in silence. Paige couldn't help but feel like Catherine was asking for reasons other than being genuinely interested, and she wanted to give her what she wanted.
"Not my friends...no," the blonde shook her head.
"You don't like it or you've just never done it?" Catherine questioned further, rolling off of the bed and heading over to her dresser. She rummaged around through the drawers for some pajamas as she waited for Paige to respond to her forward question.
If Paige didn't have a crush on the girl, she would've been uncomfortable by the topic, but since that wasn't the case, she provided her with an answer. "I've never done it."
Catherine laughed sweetly, her back still turned. Paige stared at her legs again and the way her jeans shorts cupped her ass perfectly, two gold stars on the back pockets. Paige wondered what it would feel like to run her fingers up and down those legs, how Catherine's ass would fit into her hand as she squeezed it during a passionate kiss. She wanted to see her tits, her back, she wanted to explore every part of the girl standing before her.
She pulled out a pair of lacy panties and a white tank top, tossing them onto the bed and sitting back down. Paige didn't know how she was going to keep it together all night if Catherine was planning to walk around in the pieces of string she had just gotten out. However, after taking a closer look at them, she noticed how familiar they looked. They were the same pair that she had been wearing in the very first picture that Paige had received from her.
Catherine looked at her, waiting for her to say something. She knew, Paige knew, they both knew, and yet their smiles were the only telling factors.
When the sound of the shower cut off, Catherine glanced in the direction of the bathroom. She slowly got up off of the bed and grabbed her clothes (if you could even call them that).
"I'm gonna shower..." she told her.
Something in Paige's eyes darkened as she watched her back up toward the bathroom door. She got up as well, her own pajamas in her hand as she backed up to the other bathroom door.
"I think i'm gonna shower too...After you though 'cus...I don't shower with my friends," Paige smirked knowingly.
"Right, totally understood."
✰ ✰ ✰
Paige couldn't keep her eyes off of Catherine's wet, soapy body. Though she had to admit, she wasn't trying that hard either. The shower was big enough for an entire family of people and yet the girls still found themselves mere inches away from each other. Catherine was standing under one of the shower heads, her eyes closed and head tilted in the air.
Keep it together.
Paige had repeated those three words in her head over and over again, the task proving to be more difficult with every second that passed. She wanted to pin Catherine against the wall and take her right there, but she wouldn't. Not until she got the green light.
She wondered whether that was the direction this shower was going in, did Catherine want to hook up or was she just this close with all her friends? But Paige wasn't just a friend, was she?
Those messages say otherwise...
Brown eyes fluttered open, and Catherine smiled coyly at Paige. She stepped out from under the water and closer to the blonde, her head tilted slightly upward to meet her eyes.
"Are you okay?" she whispered.
Paige nodded, "Are you?"
She hesitated before slowly shaking her head.
"What's wrong?" the blonde frowned.
"You haven't given me my birthday gift yet..."
How had Catherine known that Paige had even gotten her anything? For all she knew, it was just a card with some money slipped inside. But Paige wasn't that inconsiderate, she had gotten her a jelly cheek tint from Sephora, but Catherine couldn't have known that. And she didn't, because that wasn't the gift Catherine was talking about.
Paige hid her surprise at the mention of the drunken promise, that entire conversation between the girls had been a blur for her. It was a couple weeks ago, Paige had been at a party while she was texting Catherine, their conversation quickly turning sexual the more Paige had to drink. She didn't think Catherine had taken it seriously, but she probably should've expected it.
"It's not your birthday yet," Paige smirked.
"Don't fuck with me," Catherine mumbled, crashing her lips onto Paige's.
The smacking of their lips was drowned out by the water coming down hard around them. They moved in sync with each other, grabbing thirstily at one another. Paige couldn't decide what to do with her hands, she wanted to grab her neck, to hug her waist, to smack her ass.
The scent of her shampoo was overwhelming to Paige, she felt herself drowning in it as she kissed her, pulling her in deeper. There was a sense of urgency between them, at any second they could be interrupted by one of the girls outside. They couldn't risk that happening, they had waited all night for this.
Catherine backed up into the wall, dragging the blonde with her without ever disconnecting their lips. Paige tasted amazing, Catherine could say that without a doubt for she was exploring every inch of the girl's mouth. Her tongue moved with ease as she maneuvered it around Paige's own, the kiss becoming sloppy.
A string of spit stretched between their mouths when Paige briefly pulled away only to attach her lips to Catherine's jaw instead. She sucked harshly in any spot that Catherine reacted to. Paige licked a straight line from her neck up to her ear, placing a kiss right underneath it.
"Been waitin' all night for this huh?" she teased, her hands trailing slowly down Catherine's body. She was holding the taller girl impossibly close, releasing breathless moans the more attention that Paige paid to her neck. "Been wantin' me?"
Catherine had her arms draped over Paige's shoulders, one hand tangled in her hair while the other dug deep into her skin. She mumbled incoherently in response to Paige, the cold glass on her back and the warmth of Paige on her front sending her into a clouded state. Paige's hands snaked down to her ass, spanking it hard before following up with a soothing rub.
She did it again, and again, and again until Catherine was a whining, begging mess.
"Please Paige," she panted heavily, "need you so bad..."
"What do you need?"
"Need you to fuck me."
Paige laughed tauntingly, "Spread your legs," she demanded.
Catherine obliged pitifully quickly, one of her legs hooking around Paige's body.
Paige ran her fingers through Catherine's sopping slit, relishing in the way the shorter girl shuddered in her grasp. Her thumb toyed around with her swollen clit whilst she began to tease her entrance with her fingertips. Paige stared darkly into her eyes, unconsciously biting her lip at the pleading look that Catherine was giving her.
"What's the magic word?" the blonde smirked mockingly.
"Mmm, please," Catherine whined.
"Please Paige just fuck me!"
Paige watched in accomplishment at the way Catherine's face contorted in pleasure when she inserted her fingers. The blonde nodded her head understandingly, "Yeah that feels good doesn't it?" she cooed.
"Yes," the curly head sighed out.
Just as quickly as she had pulled them out, she thrusted them back in. Catherine unwillingly whimpered.
"This what you wanted?" Paige asked darkly. "For me to fuck you on your birthday, hm?"
Catherine matched the rhythm of Paige's fingers as she moved her hips against them. Paige stared deep into her eyes as she fucked her, their foreheads pressed together to stay grounded. A burning sensation erupted on Paige's back, the shower water was coming in contact with the scratches that Catherine was leaving. She used it as motivation to go faster, plunging into her so hard and so fast that Catherine's legs began to tremble.
She clung onto Paige for dear life, one of her hands slamming against the glass door behind her as Paige fucked her into it. The other was hooked under Paige's arm and gripping her shoulder.
"Yesyesyes," Catherine mumbled in hastened breaths, "so fucking good, so fucking good."
"You gonna cum mama?"
"Yes, keep going."
Paige noticed the way Catherine's walls were clenching around her, and she nodded her head encouragingly.
"C'mon," she urged, "c'mon."
The other girl elicited moans that Paige had never heard in her entire life. They were uncontrollable as Catherine's body writhed and squirmed. The most guttural noises left her mouth and filled the bathroom and Paige muffled them with the palm of her hand. She slowed the pace of her fingers and let Catherine ride out her orgasm before completely removing them.
The younger girl was out of breath, her chest heaving up and down at a rate quicker than usual.
Paige held onto her, rubbing her back softly as she calmed down. She kissed the top of her head, "Are you okay?"
"Mhm," she nodded into her chest.
They stood in silence, holding each other and placing small kisses on each other's foreheads and shoulders.
"We should probably wash again," Catherine laughed shyly.
Paige smiled, "Yeah we should." She ruffled the wet curls of the pretty girl in front of her, "Happy early Birthday Catherine."
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 5 months
Hiii love your writingggg, could you plsss do very innocent!reader and pervy!ethan 🫶🏻
Hiii! I hope you like it, even though you requested this MONTHS ago.
I'm not innocent, so I'm not the best at writing it🙃 Hopefully this is okay:)
Creep - Pervy!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: You ask Ethan for help in econ, and once Mindy mentions the empty bedroom in the apartment she shares with Ethan and Chad, you agree to move in. But you realize that your sweet, dorky new roommate has been stealing your panties.
Contains: Pervy kinda creepy Ethan, innocent inexperienced reader, fingering. m!masturbation.
A/N: Okay...this needs a part 2 but I'm already at 5k words lmao. A lot of fics I've read along these lines had had Ethan more subby, but not in this one. 👀
*For the poll I posted earlier today, this one had the most votes at the time of me posting this fic. I'm going to write them all in the order that they're wanted:)*
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It seemed like your life was starting to fall apart. You couldn’t stand your roommate, your boyfriend had broken up with you, and your grade for econ was starting to tank. When you brought up your grade to your professor after class, hoping to figure out some way to raise it, she suggested that you talk to Ethan Landry.
The next time you had class, you beelined towards him once he walked in. He noticed you, getting a little nervous the closer you got. He wasn’t the best at talking to girls, he even thought this could’ve been a figment of his imagination that the girl he struggled to take his eyes off was walking to him. He was chewing the inside of his cheek, his eyes not leaving you until you were finally face to face.
“Ethan, right?” you sweetly said, as he nodded. “I hear you’re the best for tutoring, and I desperately need your help if you have the time.”
“I’ll make the time,” he spat out, before he internally screamed at himself for sounding so desperate to help. “I mean, I can help you.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” you said, as you pulled out your phone. “What’s your number?”
“Oh, um…” he trailed off, racking his brain for those ten digits that he suddenly forgot. “I’m sorry, it’s been a long day.”
“It’s okay,” you smiled, “Are you okay with me just giving you my number and you can text me so we can set something up?”
“Yeah,” he said, as he pulled out his phone and went to create a new contact. He passed you his phone as you typed in your name and number, before you handed it back to him.
“Don’t forget to text me,” you said, a sweet smile playing on your lips as you turned to walk back to your seat.
“I won’t,” he said, tightly gripping his phone in his hand as you turned to smile at him once more.
He was struggling to focus as he sat through that class. His fingers kept rubbing over the phone screen that your thumbs had moved across, and he started to realize how pathetic he was for already being so addicted to you when you’d only spoken to him once.
Later that week, you were supposed to meet Ethan in the library to study. You both completely forgot about the renovations they were doing, the normally quiet space filled with the loud sounds of the various pieces of machinery on the opposite side of the room.
“Maybe we should try to do this some other time,” you yelled over the noise. “I can’t concentrate on anything you’re saying.”
“Oh, okay,” Ethan said, looking down so you wouldn’t see the sad look on his face. That’s when he started to get an idea. “My apartment is only two blocks away. It should be quieter. You want to come over to study?”
You liked to be cautious, and you normally wouldn’t go to someone’s apartment that you barely knew, but Ethan seemed innocent enough, and you desperately needed to pass the class so you wouldn’t have to take it again.
“Sure,” you said, wincing as the noise in the room got louder.
You walked beside Ethan as you went to his apartment, and even though it was just for studying, he felt a glint of pride as he walked with you. He hoped that anyone who saw you together would think you were his.
“Hopefully my roommates won’t be too loud,” Ethan sighed, as he stuck his key in the front door.
“Nothing is worse than what’s going on in the library right now,” you said, as he shrugged.
“You say that now…”
You barely made it inside when you heard arguing. Ethan sighed in defeat before he turned to you, “I moved in with my friends, and they’re constantly arguing.”
“Oh,” you giggled, as you followed him into the living room of the apartment. “Oh, hey Mindy,” you said, as she turned to you and smiled.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” she asked, as she walked over to you. Chad just stood there, still worked up from the spat they were having when you walked in.
“Ethan’s trying to help me not fail econ,” you said, as she nodded.
“I remember you mentioning you were having trouble with it.”
Ethan was confused as he stood there, because Mindy had never mentioned you, but she seemed to know you quite well. The two of you talked for a few minutes, and once Ethan heard another guy’s name get mentioned, he immediately got jealous.
“I’m proud of you for not giving him another chance,” Mindy said, as you let out a small laugh.
“I’m not going to say I didn’t think about it, but I don’t need him making my life any harder than it needs to be right now,” you sighed, “On top of the bullshit with him, my roommate is just so awful. Like, she woke me up blasting music before the sun even came up today. I’m trying to find somewhere else to live, but I haven’t had any luck yet.”
“Well, we’re looking for a fourth roommate…” Mindy trailed off, as Ethan’s eyes grew wide. “It’d be nice to have another girl here.”
“Don’t tempt me,” you joked, as Mindy smiled.
“Seriously, think about it,” she said, before she started to yell. “Chad!”
You noticed that the other boy was no longer in the room, but you saw him again as he turned the corner and groaned. “What?”
“Okay, don’t be rude,” she snapped, “I’m trying to convince her to move into the fourth bedroom.”
“Oh,” Chad said, his annoyed face turning up in a smile. “Hey, I’m Chad.”
“Hey,” you said, before he started to go over rent and other things you’d need to know. “Why would I want to move in when you two argue like this?” you joked, as Chad tried to play it off.
“We shared a womb, we lived in the same house until we moved into our dorms, and I finally got a break from her,” he said, as she scoffed, “But now we have to live together again and we’re trying to figure out how to do that.”
“I’ve never lived with boys before…and I’m sure my parents would kill me if they ever found out, but I’ll definitely think about it,” you said, before you turned to Ethan. “I’m sorry, you want to study now?”
“Yeah, let’s go to my room,” he said, as he led you there.
You both got settled on his bed. He sat across from you, his back against the headboard as you adjusted to get more comfortable, laying on your stomach. He bit his lip once he noticed the perfect view he had down your shirt, the neckline barely covering anything as your chest was pressed against his bed.
“So, where should we start?” you asked, your soft voice barely getting his attention as he kept staring at your chest. He wanted to squeeze your boobs, suck on them, fuck them, even. “Ethan?” you questioned as you looked away from your notebook, and opened your laptop, completely blocking the sight he was fantasizing over.
“Oh, uh…” he said, as he opened his laptop. “Maybe let’s work on the quiz that’s due this weekend. It’ll show me what you do and don’t need help with.”
You spent over an hour studying with Ethan, and you felt like you were having a little bit of a better understanding. You were starting to get hungry, so you closed your laptop. Ethan glanced over his screen the second he noticed, getting another peak down your shirt again. This time, he saw a part of one of your nipples peaking out of your bra, the sight making his pants grow tighter. He fought off the sound that was threatening to come out before you sat up, once again taking his perfect view away from him.
“I’m starving,” you said, as you started to put your stuff away. “But thank you so much for your help, and I hope you’ll want to keep helping me. You’re my only hope.”
He softly chuckled at your words, “If you move in, we can study whenever you want.”
“You’d be cool with it?” you asked, smiling at him. “You didn’t really say anything out there and I didn’t want to actually start considering it until you said something.”
“Yeah, I think it’s cool,” he said, “If you do want to, and you need help moving or anything, let me know.”
“Thanks, Ethan,” you said, smiling again before you made your way out of his room.
He wanted to walk you to the door, but he knew the second he stood up, his hard cock would be so obvious. He ran his hand over the spot you were laying on the bed, your warmth still soaked up by his comforter. The view down your shirt was burned in his brain as he got up and walked over to the door, shutting and locking it before he dropped his pants to give his aching cock the attention it desperately needed.
The next time you had econ, you walked in and sat down beside Ethan. He didn’t notice at first, but he soon smelled the familiar scent that he couldn’t get out of his head after you’d left his apartment a few days before. He wasn’t sure if it was your hair or the perfume you were wearing, but it smelled delicious.
“Hey,” he smiled, his pupils growing large as he saw you. “Are you okay?”
He took in the stress on your face, and how tired you looked.
“Yeah, are you sure you’re cool with me moving in?” you asked, “Because I can’t deal with my roommate anymore.”
“Yeah, of course,” he said, “What happened?”
“She invites her boyfriend to stay over whenever she doesn’t have class the next morning,” you sighed, “I don’t want to explain all the sounds I had to listen to while I tried to sleep last night.”
“Oh,” he said softly, “Well, your room would be beside mine, and I wouldn’t keep you up all night.”
“I bet that’s why I’m failing this class right now. I never sleep,” you said, as you looked over to him. “Wait, you don’t have a girlfriend that stays over?”
“No,” he said, his cheeks turning pink at your question.
“Sex is overrated,” you shrugged, “But I really thought you would’ve had a girlfriend.”
“Really?” he asked, as your professor walked in.
“Yeah, you’re a cutie,” you smiled, before you directed your attention to the lecture.
Ethan was thankful that you were so focused and didn’t see the cheesy smile on his face. The girl he’d been thinking about as he jerked his cock for the last few days called him cute, and his heart was swelling.
After a couple weeks, Ethan, Chad, and Mindy showed up to the apartment you currently lived in while your roommate was at her boyfriend’s to help you move.
“First, I want you guys to know that none of this mess is mine,” you said, as soon as you answered the front door for them.
“Whoa,” Chad said as he glanced around. “There’s no way you live with a girl.”
“Yeah, you’ll never guess what I found on the kitchen floor this morning,” you said, as Mindy started to think.
“With the mess, I’m going to guess…dead mouse?”
“Not even close,” you said, as you shook your head and shuddered as you thought about it. “It was a condom.”
“Like…in the wrapper or…?” Chad asked, as you, once again, shook your head.
“Ewwww,” Mindy said, cringing at the thought.  “Okay, is anything in the kitchen yours?”
“I already boxed that stuff up. Except the dishes that she’s refused to wash,” you said, as you led them to the living room. “The TV is mine, and that lamp,” you said, as you pointed, “But other than that, I really just have to worry about my room.”
“I think it’d be best to have all the heavy stuff in the living room so Ethan and I can worry about that,” Chad said, as you nodded and led them down the hall.
You had already packed up most of your room, which made it so easy for your new roommates to help you. Once Chad was carrying your mattress out and Mindy had ran out to get coffee, Ethan started to glance around your room. He noticed the hamper full of clothes in the corner, and he found himself inching closer towards it as he listened to you and Chad talk in the living room. Before he could stop himself, he grabbed a shirt off the top of the pile, inhaling its scent. He let out a deep breath before he went to put the shirt back in the hamper, before he noticed some black lace sticking out under a pair of your jeans. He snatched it out of the basket and put it in his pocket before he put the shirt back in it once he heard footsteps coming back down the hall.
“Did you need help with this?” Ethan asked, pointing to the basket, trying to make it not seem like he was being weird.
“Shit, I forgot to do laundry,” you groaned, as the realization hit him that the panties he’d grabbed had been worn. “I’ll carry that out.”
“Okay,” Ethan said, before Chad motioned for him to help with the dresser.
Later that day after you got your stuff moved into your new room, you flopped on your freshly made bed as Mindy popped in.
“So, I’m going to try to convince the guys to share a bathroom so you don’t have to share with Ethan,” she said, as you shrugged.
“It’s not a big deal,” you said, “I just hope he doesn’t mind all the girly stuff in the shower and the makeup and stuff.”
Ethan didn’t mind at all. In fact, he’d already been in the bathroom, smelling your body wash, your shampoo and conditioner. The skincare products you used. He realized that all those things together were the cause of the scent that made his head spin.
Later that night after you had takeout with everyone, Ethan excused himself to go to bed. He couldn’t stop thinking about your panties that were still in his pocket. Once he pulled them out, he ran his fingers over the lace before taking in your scent. He softly groaned before he dropped his pants, the thoughts of his face buried in your pussy making him harder by the second. He had them tightly clutched in his fist as he started to stroke himself with his free hand, small whimpers flying out of his mouth as he tried to imagine how soft your hand would feel wrapped around him. His bottom lip was in between his teeth once he started to get louder, the tip of his cock red as be brought himself closer to the edge. Just as he was about to cum, he deeply inhaled the scent of your panties one more time before he rubbed them against the tip of his cock, his thick, white ropes covering the lace.
You thought living with boys was going to be difficult, but your first month wasn’t bad. You were surprised at how clean they liked everything to be, and Ethan always put the toilet seat down. You started to get close to your dorky roommate, especially once you spent so much time studying together. You already thought he was cute, but once you actually got to know more about him, you realized that he was so sweet, so nice. He might’ve been a little shy, too, but he got to the point where he was doing cute little things to make you laugh.
One day, you went to do your laundry in the apartment. You walked over and were about to throw stuff in when you noticed clothes were already inside, and Ethan quickly rounded the corner with the rest of the stuff he needed to toss in.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he said, “You want me to take my stuff out? I can wash it later.”
“No, it’s fine, I’ll wait,” you said with a smile, before you noticed something familiar in the washer. “Oh,” you said, your cheeks turning pink as you reached out and grabbed your panties out of the washer. “Must’ve dropped these in.”
Ethan’s eyes grew wide as he noticed them in your hand, the realization hitting you that they were sticky.
“Eww, what is all over these?” you said, a disgusted look on your face as you tried to figure it out. You looked over to Ethan, his face bright red and his eyes huge, when you pieced it together. “Ethan…”
He just stared at you, the silence deafening as he tried to think of something, anything to say to you. He’d gotten away with stealing your panties for a month, but it was a way for him to feel close to you, and satisfy some of the sexual frustration he had whenever he thought about you.
“What’s on my panties?” you questioned, as he tensed up. “Actually, I don’t think I want to know.”
You tossed them back in the washer and walked past him and headed straight to the bathroom to wash your hands. When you went to your room and shut the door, Ethan huffed and tossed in the rest of stuff that was in his hands before he started the washer.
As the day went by, you couldn’t stop thinking about Ethan, and how you’d noticed that pairs of your panties had been going missing ever since you moved in. But then you’d randomly see them again, in the top drawer of your dresser after a few days. You didn’t think Ethan was like that, and it made you feel a little uneasy to live with him.
Later that night, you had to say something to him. You walked out of your room and glanced around the apartment for him, before you walked to his closed door and started to knock. He eased it open after a few seconds, his eyes connecting with yours through the small crack.
“Can we talk?” you asked, as he took a deep breath and hesitantly opened the door for you.
You walked in and took a seat on the side of the bed, your gaze on his floor as you tried to think of the right way to talk to him.
“You want me to leave the door open,” he asked, barely above a whisper as you shook your head no.
“If Mindy or Chad come home, I don’t want them to hear the conversation.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled, before he took a seat beside you. “I’m sorry.”
“Why were you stealing my panties?” you asked, as he took a deep breath.
“I can’t explain it without sounding like the total creep you probably already think I am.”
“So…that was what I thought it was on them,” you said, as you turned to look at him. He nodded, looking away to not meet your gaze.
“Again, I am so sorry,” he said, “I know you probably hate me, and I understand if you don’t want to be around me. I’ll stay in my room so you don’t have to see me.”
“I’m just a little confused,” you said softly, as he finally let his eyes connect with yours. “What’s so exciting about my panties?”
At that moment, one thing you said to Ethan started to play in his head. ‘Sex is overrated.’ He was questioning how much experience you actually had.
“Do you really not know or are you fucking with me?” he questioned.
“Like, does it feel good? How does it even turn you on?” you asked, curiously staring at him.
“They uh…yeah, it feels good when I uh…rub them on myself. And they smell like you.”
“They smell like fabric softener and laundry detergent,” you said, a small laugh slipping out as he shook his head.
“I haven’t been stealing clean ones…they smell like you.”
“Oh,” you said, as you looked away from him. “That turns you on?”
“You have no idea,” he said, and even though the conversation was uncomfortable, he was getting hard.
“Why are guys so weird?” you thought out loud, laughing a little as you shook your head. “So does that mean that you like me? Or you’re like…sexually attracted to me? I still don’t fully get it.”
“Both,” he said, “I think you’re so beautiful, and I’ve had so much fun with you this last month…but I also think about you in a different way, too. Ya know?”
“I’ve thought about you that way, too,” you admitted, “It’d kind of hard not to. I hear you through the walls all the time.”
“You’ve heard me?” he asked, a blush spreading to his cheeks. “I’m sorry, I know you hated when you heard your old roommate.”
“I like it when I hear you,” you said so softly that he barely heard it.
“Do you touch yourself when you hear me?”
Your breathing got heavier at his question, and Ethan noticed. You were getting so flustered under his gaze.
“I…I’ve tried to,” you said, as you took in the curious look on his face.
“Tried to?” he asked, “What do you mean?”
“Like…I know what feels good, but I can never get myself…there, if you know what I mean.”
“You’ve never made yourself cum?” he questioned, admiring how cute you looked as you got embarrassed.
“No one has.”
“No one?” he asked, his throat dry at the thought. “Are you a virgin?”
“No…but I’ve never enjoyed sex. Like, it feels good, but I think it’s so disappointing when you hear how amazing orgasms are and then I just never get one.”
Ethan expected the conversation that was happening to go so differently. He thought you hated him, but there you were, telling him that you’d tried to get yourself off when you’d heard him. The thought of him being the first one to make you cum had him salivating, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable if he offered.
“Have you ever…given someone an orgasm?” you asked, as he nodded. “I’m jealous of whoever she is.”
“Don’t be,” he said, scooting a little closer to you. “Fuck, I’d make you cum all the time if I could.”
“Really?” you smiled, “If you ever want to, I’m right next door,” you joked, as he smiled and shook his head.
“Hey, don’t offer that or I’ll be in your room every day.”
You were starting to squirm against his bed, your thighs rubbing together so subtly that he could barely tell. The sexual tension was so thick, your breathing getting heavier as you thought about how good Ethan would make you feel.
“I think I need to go back to my room,” you said, as you started to stand up. That’s when you glanced at Ethan’s lap, noticing the tent in his sweatpants.
“Do you really want to?” he asked, “Because if you want me to take care of you right now, I will.”
“Seriously?” you questioned, as he smiled and nodded.
“Come here,” he said, reaching out to grab your hands, pulling you to him.
Once Ethan leaned in to kiss you, he was almost taken aback by how quickly your lips were moving against his. He was desperate for you, but you were just as desperate for him. He matched your pace before he pushed you back on the bed, his hand running from your hip, up your ribs, until it landed on your breast. You gasped into the kiss once he squeezed it.
You had massive butterflies in your stomach once you felt his cock pressing against your thigh through his sweatpants, your head was spinning, but you were loving every second of it.
“Hey, I have an idea,” he said, once he pulled away to catch his breath. “I think we should go to your room.”
“Why?” you asked because you didn’t want to stop. You needed his lips back on yours.
“Because you have that full length mirror leaning against your wall,” he said, chuckling once you noticed the confused look on your face. “I want you to see what I’m doing to make you cum…in case I’m never here to help you.”
“Okay,” you said, as he stood up and grabbed your hands.
Once he opened his bedroom door, he listened to make sure he didn’t hear anyone else in the apartment before he walked out and to your room next door. He shut and locked your bedroom door once he made it inside, before he pulled you into another kiss. His hands held onto your hips until they started to rub against the flesh under the hem of your shirt. He kept inching it further and further up, until he pulled away to pull it over your head. His lips went back to yours as he reached around to unhook your bra, his hands squeezing at your breasts once they were free.
His mouth moved to your neck as his hands explored your body, before they snaked under the waistband of your leggings. He moved them down over your hips as you shimmied out of them, leaving you in nothing but your panties. He recognized them as the first pair he ever stole, the black lacy ones.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, as his hand moved to rub you over your panties. The material was soaked as you moaned at the feeling. “That feel good?”
“Yes,” you said, quickly nodding your head just in case he needed the extra confirmation. “So good.”
“I hate that I have to take these off you,” he said, as he inched the fabric down your thighs, leaving you completely nude in front of him. “I’m going to sit on the floor in front of the mirror, and I want you to sit between my legs.”
“Okay,” you said, as he took a seat on the floor, his legs spreading for you to sit. You did as he said, looking at him in the mirror as he spread your legs, placing your feet on either side of his legs on the floor.
You watched him lick two of his fingers before he placed them against your clit, rubbing slow circles. Your eyes stayed on the reflection of his hand, your mouth parting as you started to breathe faster. He added a little more pressure as you fully relaxed back into his chest, the softest moans slipping out as he went a little faster.
“Ethaaan,” you whined out, the noise quickly becoming his new favorite sound.
“Shh, I don’t know if anyone else is here,” he said softly, “Just keep your legs spread for me, baby.”
He rubbed a few more circles on your clit before his fingers moved lower, one of them slipping inside you. He pumped it in and out for a minute before he added another, as you angled your neck to look up at him. He leaned down to kiss you as his fingers moved, before he started to mumble against your lips.
“If you ever finger yourself, this…” he said, as he curved them just right, a low moan flying out of your mouth, “Is the spot that needs attention. Okay baby?”
“Okay,” you whimpered, as he moved his fingers faster.
The sounds you were making just kept getting louder, and Ethan was just hoping and praying that no one else was home. One of your hands clung to his thigh as your other hand wrapped around his wrist, as you started to feel…different. It felt so good, and the last thing you wanted was for him to stop. Once he went even faster, the squelching sound of your wet pussy and your whimpers filling the room, your legs were trying so hard to close as your toes curled against the carpet on the floor.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, your fluttering eyes watching his hand in the mirror as your body started to tingle.
“Cum for me baby,” he encouraged, as you finally let that feeling wash over your body. You were jolting, your eyes screwed shut as his fingers started to slow, his free hand roaming your chest as you let out all your sounds.
Once you fully relaxed in his arms, he placed a kiss to the top of your head as your hazy eyes connected with his in the mirror.
“Now you can’t say no one’s ever made you cum,” he said with a smile, as he slid his fingers out of you. “Did it feel good?”
“That was better than I thought it was going to be,” you said, “Thanks, Ethan.”
“You’re welcome.”
You sat there in silence for a minute as you felt his cock pressing against you, and you wanted so badly to take care of him, until you heard commotion in the apartment.
“Hey, guysss,” Chad yelled, as he walked down the hall.
You tensed up as you glanced at your door, before Ethan whispered, “It’s okay, I locked it.”
You relaxed again before Chad started to yell again, “Tara’s here!”
You forgot about hanging out with Mindy and Tara for the night, and you didn’t want to pull away from Ethan, but you hesitantly did, your legs wobbling as you tried to stand. Ethan got up to help you, and once you got your bearings, he started to grab your clothes off the floor for you.
“Thanks,” you said, before you noticed him pick up your panties.
“No, thank you,” he joked, a smirk playing on his lips as he backed towards your door. “I’ll see you when you get back in the morning.”
“I better still have panties in that top drawer when I get back.”
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akuma-coffee · 13 days
may i request for !tattooartist geto :333 love your writingggg !!!
suguru geto x reader tattoo au!!
sfw, reader gets tattooed, totally a cute comfort scenario! geto and reader totally end up dating at some point after this >.<
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geto suguru, an artist you've followed for a little while; a respected figure within tokyo's tattoo scene. after contacting him regarding a flash piece, he'd responded quickly to say his books were full, but as you're a friend of satoru's, he would fit you in after hours.
the date preoccupied you all week, a churning within the pits of your stomach when you envisioned the needle puncturing your skin. this isn't your first tattoo but it's your first with geto - someone you had only admired, never spoken to. satoru was usually the one to push ink under your skin, a friendship blossoming somewhere along the way when he'd invited you out for drinks.  "not, like a date - other people will be there..." the machine stops and he withdraws, and you laugh.  "yeah, alright." 
some years later and you're still reaping the perks of befriending the gojo satoru; discounted tattoos, and now, you're able to get inked by someone you've admired for a long while.  you've been in the shop after hours once or twice (day sessions running a little over schedule), though never with anyone other than satoru. 
it's odd seeing the shop from the outside while it's lingering into evening, streetlights brighter than the ebbing sun, the shop's florescent white peering through slats in the blinds. your fist rasps over the glass door, eyes lingering momentarily over the closed sign before geto's pushing keys under the handle and your lips are forced upward into a friendly smile. 
"hi, it's me..." you're a little awkward, but geto's already been briefed on your personality through satoru; he knew what to expect. he returns the smile and steps to one side, allowing you to pass through the doorway before it's closed behind you, locked again. 
there's the usual dividers in the shop, though at this time they're no longer housing artists and clients, instead darkened by the lack of headlamps or ring lights, the framed ink of each person's flash or prided art less vibrant by the missing luminosity. one station is still well lit, though. 
"mind just filling this one out?" geto picks up a clipboard from a seat in the waiting area, a pen latched between the metal teeth. you take it from his hands, pulling the biro out and glossing over the sheet of paper - nothing you haven't done before. "i'll just set up over here, take a seat." 
you do as he says, the small wooden bench by the door groaning as you allow yourself to perch upon it, legs bouncing a little from nerves. your handwriting scrawls over the white page, name, date of birth, allergies... a form you've filled out tens of times. there's the tearing of kitchen roll and you're pulled from your entrancement from the health declaration form and instead gazing at geto. the bed is out of your sight but you can see his height, occasionally dipping down as he leans, setting up clingfilm, pouring ink into the small pots. lastly, he removes his gloves and tugs at the loosened bun that'd been hanging at his neck, placing that little black elastic between his teeth and re-tying the bun much tighter than before.
"all done?" he asks as he glances over his shoulder, and you nod, taking your lips silently between your teeth. hopefully he hadn't noticed you staring. "i'll do the stencil now." he comes to the front desk's computer, and you hear the printer stutter. he takes the clipboard from you, glancing over your answers. "perfect. come on over."
the placement is over your left shoulder, a large spider lily beginning on the shoulder and ending over the collarbone. geto's gloves are on once more, black latex clinging to the skin, and he grabs a small bottle of gel, pouring it over his own fingertips to run over your shoulder. you sit in silence as he draws a small line in sharpie to figure out the central point, occasionally moving your arm. eventually, the stencil is on, and you're glancing in the mirror to check. it's beautiful, perfect.
laying down, you're forced to look at the ceiling tiles. you feel your throat tighten with anxiety, even with experience, getting a tattoo is nerve-wracking. there's that familiar hum of the machine, and your eyes glance to your side as geto's dipping the needle in the pot of ink, allowing black to collect in the tip. "ready?" he asks, flickering from his focus on the machine to you. you're a little lost in his eyes before you're responding, the deep brown hues mesmerising. they're mellow and friendly, relaxing to your anxious state. you nod.
the needle finally penetrates the skin, but despite your discomfort you remain still and loose, focusing on your breathing. in, out. the pain is only a stinging, a prickling that you've grown used to over the years. nothing that you can't handle.
"all okay?" geto asks, and you appreciate the check-in.  "yeah, good thanks." he stretches your skin with his left hand, steadying his right to control the needle. his touch is delicate, gentle as if to ease your nerves, hard focused on the artwork over your skin with a stoic but pointed expression; a furrowed brow. there was something about being tattooed by geto that was so different to satoru, he was so much calmer, almost timid. by now satoru would have to stop from laughing too hard, or offering you candies for the hundredth time. geto was mellow, and it was nice. not to mention the face of concentration he held was cute, his pretty features a match to the art he drew.
"how did you meet satoru?" geto's voice hangs in the air a few minutes after you'd been sat in silence, though his gaze is still transfixed on his work. you smile at the memory, a puff of air from your lips. "he was a regular at the cafe i used to work at, i started in winter and by spring he had buddied up with me. the first time i didn't wear a jumper to work he this god-awful tattoo i got on my 18th birthday, it was my star sign, but looked more like a blob. offered to cover it up at a discounted cost - or if i gave him free chocolates for the week." geto smiles and you don't miss it, peering through your peripheral. "what did you do?" he questions, and you raise your free arm. "i got tattooed."
the hum stops, silence enveloping your ears as geto's attention is diverted to your inner arm, covered in ink he'd recognised to be his close friend's. he squinted as he tried to spot the cover up, and when looking closely he could see the older, blown out ink hiding under more controlled lines. "wow, it looks great. looks like you came back, too."
you nod, relaxing your arm. the buzzing doesn't start straight away, and you peer back to him. "what about you?" you questioned - it felt like he'd been waiting for you to ask. he smiles now, shaking his head. "there's no fun story, we just went to school together. one day i didn't know satoru, the next he was my brother." he raises the machine a little, left hand meeting your skin once again. the thrumming returned, and he glances over your expression before the needle meets your flesh.
"he was a pain in the ass, but he was the reason i went to school every day." a small piece of hair has escaped from the bun, hanging over his forehead. "i almost dropped out, but he kept me in check." you picture satoru in your head, trying to place them together as highschool buddies. they're so different, you wouldn't believe they were so close if satoru hadn't already chewed your ear off over his best friend, and their history together. they've gone through a lot, though you're sure there's so much more you don't know.
"was he as high maintenance in school?" you ask, in attempts to continue the conversation. geto laughs, his teeth peeking through his lips. "worse, somehow. he mellowed out in his twenties." the machine is pulled away and placed on the table beside him, his gloved hand wrapping over a sheet of kitchen roll, a small squeezy bottle in the other. the paper is placed over your shoulder, the liquid poured over alleviating the hot stinging of your skin.
"gonna start on the shading now." geto's eyes bore into your own, and there's a fluttering in your chest.
"are you still working there?" the needle is different now, as is his technique, the machine dragging in faster sweeping motions as he uses a stippling effect. "at the cafe? no, after giving satoru his free chocolates i got fired." geto's expression widens. "it's fine, i work from home most of the time now, no more annoying customers." you inhale sharply as he works on a sensitive area, swallowing back any discontent and putting on a brave face. 
"you're doing really well." he comments on your easily discernible unease, and those words of affirmation go straight to your head. geto flickers up at you, then back down to his work. there's silence for a little while more, the hum of the machine growing to hypnotize you as your vision hangs over the white ceiling.
"want anything? water, or some music?" his voice almost makes you jump as you realise how heavy your eyes had been. they're torn from the tiles above you to meet his face, and the white noise stops. "music would be nice." you reply, and he peels back a glove, using the free skin to unlock his phone. a soft guitar tone meets the air, you vaguely recognise the melody and listen as the chugging continues. it's accompanied by buzzing only moments later.
"it's deftones." he explains, weight shifting on the pedal to gain the momentum the machine had previously held. "how long have you been tattooing?" you try and further converse. "coming onto ten years, got an apprenticeship at twenty. tried art school and dropped out - showed up to some shithole with my portfolio and worked for free until i got good enough. opened this place about six years ago with satoru."
"do you enjoy it?"  "of course, i get to do what i love as a job... that's everyone's dream, isn't it?" he pauses for a moment, wiping over the skin with a scrunched piece of kitchen roll before the needle is brought back.  "yeah." you're quieter as you picture your own dream job. admin certainly wasn't it, but it pays the bills and isn't too taxing. 
"okay, i think we're done." suguru speaks, and repeats the same steps as before, washing the ink with solution before wiping it over. the coolness causes goosebumps to prickle over your skin, a balm applied with gloved hand as you know this will be the last time his fingers linger over this part of your shoulder. you're glad the session has finished, though as you make your way over to the mirror to peer over geto's art, you feel a little heartbroken this is coming to an end.
"oh, it's perfect." the words leave your mouth as you stand in awe, admiring the new ink embedded in your skin. it's breath taking, and exactly what you'd needed to fill in that area. you flicker up to meet his gaze through the reflection, eyes jolting downward when they meet his to instead linger over his arms - you hadn't paid all too much attention to the black lines covering his skin until now. his sweater sleeves are rolled back to his elbows, allowing you to peek at his forearms. it looks like satoru tattoos geto too, his style clear in his work. 
"will i see you around?" geto asks, his demeanour shifting back into shyness. you allow yourself to meet his eye, butterflies coming to swarm within your belly as he awaits your answer.  "definitely." you smile - you're definitely going to be asking satoru more about geto once you're home, you can picture him sussing out your crush instantaneously, though.
pleeease let me know if you want more from this au cause i loved writing this omg!!
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raphaerolo · 3 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: In a new post, put the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as you have words (or as many as you feel like)
Tagged by just so many people (some from a while ago but it's okay): @anxiousotters @chiliger @bladelei @nobie @vytels
I'm once again doing the double wip, drawing and writing. First, drawing!
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They're everything to me.
I don't have much explanation for this one, iykyk (and it's pretty obvious). My last line was shading on Cody's face. They're just—
And writingggg. I just finished changing this 5k wip from past to present tense, but I did add a line to this scene. I love putting accurate math into my codywan teacher au fic. Precalc is so fun.
“So the inverse of this function, if we swap out x and y and solve for x, comes out to be 2x plus four. Is that all making sense so far?”
He sees a variety of nods and decides to move on.
“Now, if we loop back to transformations,” he says as he grabs a whiteboard eraser. He swipes at the orange marker and it - doesn’t erase. He scrubs at the marks and they just smudge, but don’t vanish. “This marker doesn’t erase.” He chucks it into the trash can by the door.
“What, no, don't throw it out,” Waxer cries. “You could give it to Mr Kenobi.” Other students begin calling out their agreement.
Cody glares at his students. “If I give that marker to Mr Kenobi, when he discovers it doesn’t erase, he will just write over it and it won’t be good for anyone.” Cody should know; Obi-Wan had accidentally written on a whiteboard at home with a permanent marker and, well. Trying to read three layers of his handwriting overlapped was a challenge to say the least.
Tagging.... okay, first of all, everyone who tagged me, uno reverse flip flop I'm tagging you all back. And also. @smoosey @chickengodnoodle @why-cant-turtles-fly @friendlyneighbourhoodelf @ferretrade @merlyn-bane consider yourselves all tagged
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
Hiiiii! I love your clarisse stuff!!!! Can you pleaseeee do a fic where Clarisse says something mean to R and they get upset so Clarisse goes to comfort them!!! You’re free to make it your own. i love your writingggg!
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- don’t say I’m to much -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Girly! Reader
An - guys send me more clarisse FIC ideas but also request Abby to pretty please
An Pt 2 - this lowkey sucked ass bc I was distracted while writing it but yall will live
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Sitting by the bonfire, Clarisse beside and the comforting atmosphere brought you a sense of comfort. Clarisses Hands found themselves under your tanktop, rubbing the small of your back as you continued to sing with everyone else.
“What are You doing” You giggled once the song ended, looking up at clarisse with a dumb smile. “I’m keeping my hands warm”
“There’s a fire right there”
“This was is warmer though”
Laughing some you tilted your head up just to give her a kiss. Most nights clarisse wasn’t this clingy but on a special occasions she preferred to have you close to her.
After a few moment you had noticed a long forgotten face across the fire. One of your first friends at camp was a son of Hermes names Logan “Oh my gods Logan!” You excitedly yelled.
Giving a kiss goodbye to clarisse you quickly ran to the blonde tackling him in a hug. Clasisse knew you were close with the son of hermes but that didn’t mean she had to like it.
Watching during your conversation with him, his hands rubbed your waist and hips which rubbed her the wrong way. What finally set her off however was the sheer audacity this man had to slide his hands under your shirt but to also peek at your showing cleavage.
Without realizing it clarisse got up and walked towards where you two stood— away from the fire.
“Oh! This is my girlfriend clarisse” You happily introduced the girl, quickly being cut off though as she decked him in the nose making the boy fall over, blood dripping down his face.
Standing in shock you turn led to clarisse yelling at her “what is wrong with you!”
“He was being a creep am I not allowed to defend you anymore” she scoffed trying to play off the entire situation.
The campers around the fire went quiet, turning to watch what had just happened. The Apollo and a few hermes kids ran over worried.
Watching as they helped the boy to the infirmary clarisse tried to grab your arm only for you to push her off of you and walk away. “Babe wait!” Clarisse yelled after you.
Once at your cabin you stumbled to open the door giving clarisse just enough time to catch up. “What’s wrong”
“What’s wrong?! Your seriously asking me what’s wrong? Clarisse you just decked my best friend!” You spoke louder than you should of.
“Well excuse me for protecting my girlfriend from a Fucking Creep”
“He’s not a creep!” Both of you yelling at each-other to the point that your voice had broke. “I don’t need you to beat the shit out of ever guy who looks at me wrong”
“Well maybe if you didn’t dress like a fucking slut all the time then I wouldn’t have to.!”
Clarizse knew she had fucked up as soon as she said it. “Wait pl—“ you finally managed yo get the door open, slamming it in her face.
In her cabin That Night all of her siblings knew to just leave her alone, especially with a few new holes in the wall none of them wanted to face her anger.
You couldn’t sleep. The thought of clarisse calling you a slut replayed constantly. Did she really think that low of you..
Shaking that thought out of your mind you went upstairs. Going to the balcony all you wanted right now was some fresh air. However what. You didn’t expect to see was clarisse lifting herself up and over the wooden railing. You both made awkward eyecontact
Crossing your arms you looked her up and down. “Go”
“Wait please” clarisse grunted finally getting over the railing and walking towards you, grabbing your arm she turned you around. “Please just five minutes, no arguing no yelling… Ill just talk, I won’t say something that I’ll regret please I’m just asking for five minutes.” Her tone breathless most likely from the climb up
Being with clarisse for as long as you’ve been not once have you seen her act this vulnerable.. nodding your head slowly you relaxed letting clarisse speak. “Im sorry.. im so so sorry… your not a slut I should of never yelled that to you I just, I got mad.. Logan had his hands under your shirt and he was blatantly looking at your cleavage and it’s not that I don’t like you wearing revealing clothes I do I just..I don’t like seeing people taking advantage of you”
It was quiet at first. Clarisse letting out a deep breath, only to be met with you kissing her lightly. “Next time.. you feel like that, don’t deck someone in the nose maybe talk to me about it and use your words not actions”
“Yeah.. Yeah” she mumbled, kissing her once again. “I’m still mad at you though”
“I know”
“Good” You remained neutral but led her inside.
You both laid down on your bunk, laying close in clarisses arms you were finally able to fall asleep. Were you going to have a talk about it in the morning, probably. But right now you didn’t care about that all you cared about was Her.
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
Hey girlll, it’s me again (at this point file a restraining order LMFAO😭) I quite literally had this idea right now- Zuko, Katara, and Reader (if you need to choose then waterbender?), are fighting Azula together, and reader takes the hit of lightning form Azula instea of Zuko to protect him (they have like A HUGE mutual pining too rn lol).
Later when they won and are at the palace, he visits her and says he wants to talk, and he says he was super scared and wouldn’t know how to live without her and confesses, and she says yes and says similar stuff and like they start dating.
"I'm okay, I swear!" You put your hand over his and it flexes on the bed, "I just need to rest, most of it was deflected by my water bending."
Zuko's thumb crawls out from underneath your palm and gently rubs the top of your hand, "But not all. You- you got hit by lightning, Y/n. You could have died."
You grunt as you shift on the bed, the bandages around your stomach preventing a fully comfortable position. "Yes, but I didn't. You don't have to worry, Zu, I'm not going anywhere."
And something about the way the light from the candle beside your bed catches your expression, casting such beautiful shadows on your reassuring smile, compels a heart-wrenching feeling inside Zuko. He needs you to know, in case he doesn't get a chance to say it again and because his overwhelming gratitude for your kindness towards him needs him to repay your pain with something almost as difficult to do.
"Y/n," He starts and despite the nerves, keeps his fiery gaze locked onto yours, "I- I can't lose you. I wouldn't know what to do."
You're a little taken aback, a rosy blush dancing with the firelight across your cheeks but you remain with that comforting smile of yours, "You'd keep being the good person you are, keep loving."
"I don't know if I could," He confesses with a small shiver down his spine knowing all he can tell you is the truth, "I don't think I can be a person at all without you. I can't live without you."
Your eyes widen, easy grin flattering and Zuko knows that rejection is coming, braces for it like he's in the presence of his father again until your soft hand is pulling his face closer and you're kissing him. You're kissing him slow and gentle, like leaves in a summer breeze but its your lips and it drives him crazy all the same. He presses a little more, molding his mouth against yours when a rushed exhale leaves your nose and he remembers your wound.
He pulls out of your reach, clutching the hand that drew him in as he checks your tummy and makes sure you're alright.
"Zuko," It comes out breathless and accompanied by a laugh, "I'd be more alright if you kiss me again."
So he does. A couple more times actually. And when you ask him to lay next to you in the bed as you sleep, no matter how red the idea makes him, he blows out the candle and tucks you in anyway. He watches your eyelashes flutter as little snores leave the lips that left him speechless and knows that he gets to watch you breathe in and breathe out, everyday for the rest of his life.
He wants to kiss your forehead but you're a light sleeper from your time with the Gaang so instead, he opts to kiss you tomorrow. And the tomorrow after that, and the one after that too. And he gets to kiss you and hold you and watch you breathe for the rest of his life, knowing how deep the love of yours goes as he traces a lighting bolt into the sheet beneath him.
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konigenblobbity · 1 year
your angst is so UGHHHHH AMAZING. im literally reading every single thing on your masterlist. i need more hobie hurt/comfort or miguel or anyone actually idc who it is i just love your writingggg. maybe like they’ve had a bad day and reader tries to help but instead they get annoyed and say sum ab then being annoying n never shutting up and reader gets quiet after and stuff. although i’ll literally read anything you put out thank you!!!
Request: Out of Line [Hobie]
Hobie x GN!Reader
—> [Miguel’s Version]
Warnings: Angst, yelling, insults, sad reader, comforting, crying, cursing
A/n: Such kind praise anon literally tysm. I love writing angst, it’s just fun to make characters suffer :) but yes! This idea is so good. I also made one for Miguel. enjoy meine Lieben!
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You were sat next to Hobie on the couch, an arm wrapped around his shoulder while the other sat on his thigh. Your gaze sympathetic and kind as you looked at your boyfriend, body slumped over from exhaustion and disappointment. His elbows were resting on his knees, head resting on his hands as he was lost in his thoughts, still frustrated from todays mission.
Once he entered and slammed the door, you know the mission went wrong. He had been unexpectedly pulled away that afternoon when Miguel said it was an emergency. Hobie left with a smile and kiss goodbye… only to return with a grimace and a set of gritted teeth.
The only thing he told you was that he was responsible for losing sight of the anomaly and Miguel gave him an earful for it.
So there you were, comforting and reassuring your boyfriend with your words, throwing praises onto him like a crazed fan girl. “You are absolutely phenomenal Hobie. Don’t ever question that. No matter how much Miguel scolds you or criticizes you, you are an amazing part of the team that Miguel is lucky to have” you wouldn’t stop.
In your mind you saw that as a good thing… that Hobie would appreciate how you showered him with affection, but truly it was getting on his nerves. Wishing he could’ve just come home and forgotten all about Miguel and the mission, but no… now he had to hear about it at home too.
“You’re an amazing spider-man, one of the best that spider society has! Remember when you took care of that prowler anomaly single handedly? Or that green goblin anomaly from last week? Miguel didn’t seem to thank you for that if I remember! Now he suddenly decides to get up in your business?!” With each word you were giving him a soft caress on his shoulder or gently shaking his thigh.
His shoulder tensed under your hand, you thought it was because of an injury but if you only knew what really had him so irritated. His eyes were clenching shut, trying to fight the part of him that calls your voice annoying and yells at him to tell you to shut up… because he knows you’re trying, and usually he loves it! Oftentimes the only thing that helps is when your voice rambles on and envelops him like a warm embrace.
“Im gonna say it! Miguel should just keep his mouth shut I think! He-“ you were ready to say another whole soliloquy before Hobie’s voice cut through your own “No you should! I swear all you do is ramble and it drives me up the fucking wall. So just shut it!” His tone was laced with venom, every word a jab to your heart.
His head was turned to look at you with unforgiving eyes, burning with an unbridled rage that you knew wasn’t aimed at you… but it still felt personal. He lets out a light chuckle and when he smiles maliciously it, had your skin crawling. “After todays mission I want some peace and quiet. The sound of your voice is doing my head in. So do me a favor and take your own advice.”
You slowly pull away your hands, noticing how his body relaxes slightly when you do, which only made you more upset. “O-oh… okay” your voice was soft, but clearly shaken. After that you sit in silence for a few minutes, the only audible sound being Hobie sighing every once in a while.
Every second of silence is another second of you pondering and recounting what Hobie said to you. Playing it over in your head until you felt your eyes begin to gloss over. You take that as your sign to leave, clearing your throat and mumbling out a soft “i-I’ll see you upstairs” before leaving without another word.
Hobie stayed downstairs for a bit longer, organizing his thoughts and using the silence to quell his irritation. He then had the opportunity to think back on what he said to you. Cursing into his palm when he realizes just how harsh he got with you.
This wasn’t the first time… he often got harsh and lost his filter when he was in a bad mood; you always understood that. Whenever he’d go off on you, you never took it personally, understanding that he was in a bad mood or a poor state.
He’d always come up to you later and apologize for what he said, and he was lucky because you always understood and forgave him. Afterwards he’d cuddle up with you, telling you all about the terrible day he had or how horrible his mission went. You were always there to comfort him, listening to every word.
This time was different though. He didn’t just make an offhanded comment about how he wanted silence or how you weren’t helping, he made it personal by insulting your voice, a part of yourself that he usually loved and was now suddenly deeming as headache inducing.
When Hobie eventually went upstairs, he found you sitting in bed, back against the headboard, looking at your phone, not even sparing him a glance. He walked over and sat on the edge of his side of the bed, placing a hand on your thigh. You didn’t react so he took the time to apologize.
“Hey love… look, I’m sorry for what I said earlier. Todays mission just left me absolutely gutted and I just felt right shit. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. It was just really rough and I fucked up bad” his hand absentmindedly caresses your thigh as he spoke. You didn’t move and just let out a hum in response.
He paused and hesitated before speaking “I-I’m really sorry…. I didn’t mean it love. You know that right?” he leans forward and goes to kiss your lips, you turn your head so kiss lands on your cheek instead. He was slightly surprised but more disappointed. He decided not to press the topic though. “alright… I’m gonna go get ready and I’ll be back” he says and walks off to the bathroom.
When he comes back out, you’d shifted to be lying on your side, back to him, as if you’re ready to go to sleep. As he gets into the bed behind you, he notices how your eyes are still open and you were just looking at your phone.
He leans over your figure “Love? A-are we not gonna cuddle?” his voice was soft, you could hear the slight pout in his voice. To his question you shake your head, he moved onto his side of the bed and positioned himself to sit against the headboard.
“Oh… can I tell you about my mission though?” you could hear the dejection in his tone but managed to brush it off. You shrug causing Hobie to hesitate, but after a pause he begins to tell you about the mission, going on and on, but never once do you react.
“And then, that prick just threw a sign at me! A goddamn sign, can you believe that?” He looked over at your figure waiting for a response, waiting for you to agree with him or encourage him to continue talking as you usually did, but you still don’t say a word.
He clears his throat at the silence “b-but it really hurt and my shoulders still sore because of it” he continued to complain hoping you’d break your vow of silence but he still got nothing. He can see you’re still awake which causes him to huff out in disappointment, a pout forming on his lips. He shifts on the bed and placed his chin to rest on your arm.
“Love? Why’d you go so quiet?” He watched your expression, it didn’t shift and you just continued to scroll through your phone. There was a pause and then he spoke again. “Was it because of what I said earlier?” You stop scrolling on your phone and he takes that as a sign that he guessed right.
“God… love I didn’t know it hurt you that bad. I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have said it and I didn’t mean it. Not even the slightest bit” he wraps his arm around your waist trying to pull you back against his chest. Much to his relief you didn’t struggle or try to move away, allowing him to pull you against his chest.
“I love the sound of your voice, I look forward to hearing it after every mission. I was just really irritated and I snapped at you for no reason” you put your phone down but still don’t look or speak to him. He let out a soft sigh and the hand on your waist began to trace soft circles on your skin.
“I’ll keep apologizing as long as it takes for you to speak again. I miss your voice love. Please… even if it’s quiet? I wanna hear it” he placed a kiss on your shoulder, and kept it nuzzled against your arm as he waited patiently.
“You said it drives you up the wall…” a smile graced his lips as you finally spoke, it was a soft murmur but it was something. He places another kiss on your shoulder “Thats not true, I was being stupid. You have every right to be upset with me, it was a daft thing to say and I was being a proper prick” you hum softly in agreement, which he took as a sign of encouragement.
He continued to place kisses on your arm and shoulder “You agree don’t you? Hm?” He says and you shrug, a small smile beginning to appear on your lips. His arm wraps further around your waist, beginning to roll you onto your back as his playful kisses moved to your neck. “Cmon you can say it, I was being stupid, I was being a prick… go on” he had a smirk on his face as he kissed at your jaw.
You chuckle softly and then look into his eyes, a smile now settled on your lips. “You really were. The biggest prick I’ve ever met” you say and he pulls away and gives you a fake pout. “Ouch… now that hurts” you roll your eyes and he chuckles softly. He leans back down and begins to pepper kisses all over you face.
“I’m really sorry love” he says and pulls away to look at you with a gentle smile. You sigh out but smile at him. “I believe you” You shift slightly so you’re sitting back against the headboard “but what I can’t believe…” you begin to say and Hobie looks at you curiously.
“Is that that goddamn anomaly threw a sign at you?!” You say exaggerating your shock but loving the smile that it puts on Hobie’s face. “I know!” He say and moves to rest his head against your lap. Letting go of your waist and intertwining his hand with yours to wrap them around his shoulders.
For the rest of that night he recounted his mission to you, every small detail and every tiny slip up, but this time you actually reacted. And every time you spoke his heart sang at the sound of your voice.
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avenging-fandoms · 1 year
Hey!! I love your writingggg.. can’t get enough of soft loverrrr pedrooooo definitely need moreeee
I was wondering if you take requests. So I have this fantasy of like Pedro and the reader living in a shared house/apartment in New York and they’re in a long term relationship. For the last few months Pedro’s been travelling busy with filming and so they haven’t seen each other for a while, e-reader decides to have a self care day that ends with being sprawled on the bed playing with themselves. Little do they know Pedro’s decided to surprise by coming home early, only to have the reader nowhere to be found; as he walks deeper into the house he hears your moans and panics thinking you might be cheating, only to find the reader sprawled on the bed wearing one of his shirts that still smell like him and moaning his name.
That will be all.
Thank you 😊
yeah.. it's nasty as hell. don't read if you're a minor.
adding this request: request: pedro smut🤭 praise kink🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
“it’s ok” “i know baby, i know” “you’re alright baby” “you’re doing so good” “you did so good sweetie” immediate aftercare when you’re worn out😦🤤
"Today was so rough, Pedrito," You drape your head over the armrest of the couch and sigh. "I wish you were here to hold me until I felt better."
Pedro could hear the pout through the phone. "God I dream of holding you every night, sweetheart. 2 more months and I'm all yours."
You smile and sit up, leaning your elbows on your knees as you look at your nails. "I think I'm gonna take a bath, I always feel better after those."
"A bath, hm? I hope you'll let me see how relaxed you are." His voice was deeper and you bit your lip, leaning back and playing with the strings on your sweatpants.
"Maybe, I'll think about it. I'm mad at you for being away from me for so long."
"I'm away for so long so I can buy the biggest diamond to put on your finger, princesa. Don't start now." You giggle and sigh, shaking your head. "Enjoy your bath, listen to some Prince to think of me, I'll be shooting but I have my phone. I love you honey."
"I love you, Pedro." You make a kiss noise and hang up the phone, heading to the bathroom with the speaker. You set it on the counter and connect your phone, playing your 'Pedro' playlist and sure enough, Prince came on. You turn on the water and sing into the mirror as you wait for it to be ready.
You added salts and some flowers with bubbles, lighting a candle and sliding into the tub. You submerge in the water and your nerves could finally relax. You close your eyes and listen to the song until it ends before opening your eyes again.
You dry your hand and grab your phone, opening your camera and taking a photo of your lips down, with your body barely covered in bubbles with your wet thigh poking out of the water.
Pedro: I may quit my job just to eat you up.
You bite your lip and inhale sharply with a big smile, setting your phone down and closing your eyes, dreaming of everything you could be doing with Pedro if he walked through the door. How you'd touch him, kiss him, make him scream, you were desperate for his touch.
After almost an hour in the bath, you finally brought yourself to get out. You dry off and wrap yourself in your towel, draining the tub and shutting off the speaker.
You head into the bedroom and take a picture in the mirror of you in your towel with your cleavage popping out.
Pedro: Enough Pedro: I'll fly home to you dressed as Joel Miller Pedro: I won't even change
Yn: Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
You grab one of Pedro's shirts and underwear, falling on the bed in your towel. You hold his shirt in your hands and sit up, sliding it over your head and smiling at how it smelled like him. The thoughts of what you'd do with Pedro if he was home came back and your body shivered.
You bit your lip and opened the side table drawer, turning on the vibrator and pressing it to your clit softly as you went to your 'Hidden' album to listen to a video of you and Pedro.
Your moans mixed with Pedro's from the video as you moved the vibrator around your clit slowly. You closed your eyes and imagined Pedro was the one holding the toy, and your moans grew louder.
Pedro smiled as he closed the door to the apartment, locking it behind him and dropping his backpack. He looked around the whole floor for you, but it was dead quiet.
He grabbed the railing and took two steps before stopping dead in his tracks. He heard your beautiful moans coming from the bedroom, and he got a sick feeling.
You would never cheat on him. But then again, he is away for so long.
Pedro took deep breaths as he walked up the stairs slowly, peeking into the crack of the door and his mouth fills with saliva.
Your legs were spread, your left leg bent with your knee towards the air and your right leg straight. His pants got tight as he watch you pleasure yourself with his shirt over your nose, hearing his moans and holding back a whimper as he hears you moaning his name.
Pedro walked in the room and you gasp, scrambling to shut off the video and he placed his knee in between your legs, grabbing the vibrator and pressing it hard against your clit.
"P-Pedro! Fuck- What are you doing here? Fuck." Your nails dug into his biceps as your back arched, holding your breath as he pushed his fingers into you and fucked you fast with the vibrator in his left hand.
You exhale deeply and gasp, moving your hips up and down slowly as you shake while riding out your orgasm. "Oh.. fuuuck.." Your eyes roll back as you grip his shirt, his fingers still fucking you without the vibrator.
“Oh, I know, let it out sweet girl.” Your moans turned to whimpers and he pulls his fingers away. "What a welcome home."
Pedro shut off the vibrator and threw it to the side, kissing you slowly as he moved his hips against yours. "You didn't quit, did you?" You breathe and he laughs, shaking his head.
"They don't need me for 4 weeks, it was unexpected and I'm so grateful I made it home just in time." You smile and his fingers moved again. “Oh, look at you..” His voice was soft and hoarse, bending down and spreading your pussy before moving his tongue against your clit.
Your fingers grip his hair as he hums, shaking his head before pulling away and kissing you messily.
“Take off your fucking pants, Pedro.” You hiss into his mouth and he smiles, standing up with his hands on his hips and closing his lips and smirking.
You had to do it.
You sit up and grab his waist, pushing up his shirt and kissing his happy trail with your bottom lip hitting his waistline. “Enough, princesa.”
“You missed me, P?” You smile and look up at him as you pull his pants and underwear down, drooling at the sight of his hard cock. “I missed you, Pedro.” He stepped out of his pants and you couldn't wait any longer as you watched his dick bounce with every move.
“I missed you so fucking much, honey. So much.” He breathed and his chest moved rapidly as your mouth moved up and down his dick. His head fell back with his hands in your hair, pushing his fingers through it and taking the hair tie off his wrist and put it in your hair. That's what it's always there for, just in case.
"How much, Pedro?" You smile up at him as you move your hand around his tip and he held your chin, making you stand up. Your hand touches his stomach and gasp softly as he hand wraps around your throat.
He pushes his thumb under your chin and makes you look up, lips kissing your neck slowly and tickling your skin with his facial hair. “Like how the moon misses the sun. My heart sang to you every night, mí amor, couldn’t you hear it?”
His voice was a whimper and you were a puddle. You pulled him down on you and kissed him, wrapping your leg loosely around his waist. “I’ve waited 8 months for you, Pedro. Please.”
“I love when you use manners.” He positions himself and slides in slowly, nearly collapsing on top of you as he missed how wonderful you felt.
“Yes, Pedro, harder!” You beg and his hips snap into yours, pushing your knees against your chest and you grip his wrists.
Your eyes roll back and you hear him chuckle as your eyelids shut. “Yes.. oh my god.. look at you. You take my fuckin’ cock so good. Such a good girl.”
He kisses your calf and you smile, dropping your legs and Pedro holds them up. Your ankles sat on his shoulders with his hands holding your thighs, continually fucking his hips fast into yours.
“Pedro.. fuck… Pedro.. Pey…” you gasp, whimpering his name as you grab his shirt frantically in a fist as the pleasure was overbearing. “Right there, fuck!”
He stopped. “Were you going to tell me you were touching yourself to me?” Pedro was out of breath, fists next to yours as he knocks your legs off him.
Your legs fall to the bed, bending them with your knees against his side. He moved his hips slowly, watching himself as he pulls his dick out so just the tip was in, and snapping into your hips before your whine.
“Yes.. Yes, baby, I was going to send you pictures and videos..” You breathe with your hand pressed against his chest.
A light bulb went off in Pedro’s head. He walks away from you and leaves you on the bed, grabbing the vibrator, a tripod and a dildo and made it back to the foot of the bed.
“What the..?”
“You, my sweet, good girl, are going to show me exactly how you touch yourself without me here.” He set up the camera and you stared at him as you sat up on your elbows. “Miller.”
��If you feel uncomfortable, yell or scream or shout ‘Miller’ as in Joel Miller and we’ll take a break.” Pedro nods to you and you nod back.
Pedro hands you the toys, and you grew embarrassed. Stage fright? You looked into his eyes once and that was it.
Pedro started recording and you laid down slowly with your eyes locked on his, moaning as you push the dildo inside of yourself.
“Shit..” You breathe as you pump it in and out of you, Pedro stroking himself as he watched your every move.
“Pedro.. I-I can’t-“
Buzzing filled your ears and you shiver with a moan as you press the toy against your sensitive clit.
“Good girl.. look at you. Spread your legs more.. mmhmm.. just like that..” He started to pant and put his hands on his hips as he caught his breathe.
Your moans hummed in his ears as he watched you fuck yourself. “Please.. Pedro I need you, not the toy.”
“Don’t stop. I didn’t tell you to stop.” His eyes burned holes into your pupils and you gulp. “Keep going. You’re doing so good, so beautiful.”
Pedro sat next to you and moved his finger tips up and down your inner thigh as you continue to fuck yourself, his hand slowly replacing yours on the dildo.
His hand moved quickly, pounding deeply into you and you gasp, screaming his name as you reach your climax.
Pedro ripped the toy away and you gasp while dropping the vibrator, his body in between your legs as he fucked you again. Your fingers gripped his hair tightly and you bite his ear, whimpering his name in his ear.
“Please Pedro, I need to cum so bad, please.” You beg and he smiles, kissing you deeply as he rubs your clit.
You nearly rip a hole in his shirt as you scream his name, orgasming around him. He grunts and curses your name, huffing as he spills his seed into you.
You close your eyes and Pedro lays on his side next to you, his finger tracing your features. “You did so good, mi amor. I’m so proud of you.” He kissed your shoulder and you hum with a smile, turning your head towards him and he kisses your nose.
“I was so lonely without you, Pedro.” You whisper and he pouts, kissing your lips softly as well as your jaw.
“I know, mi hermosa. But I’m here for 4 weeks, and we can spend all those days in this bed.” He whispers and you look at him, kissing him a few times before tapping his chest.
“But first.. a shower and we wash these sheets.” Pedro laughs and you head into the bathroom.
“Welcome home.” Pedro mumbled to himself with a smile as he rolls up the covers.
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chococolte · 2 years
Heyyy can you do SAGAU!Telling them that their your favorite with kaeya, gorou, and venti? Also I LOVEEE YOUR WRITINGGGG! YOU GOT ME GIGGLING AND RUNNING LAPSS.
word count. 2.1k
୨୧ — ꒰cw. yandere, unhealthy relationships, possessive & obsessive thoughts/behaviors, religious + cult themes, sagau + cult au, g/n reader. i do not condone yanderes irl.
୨୧ — ꒰ a/n. I LIVE. also, thank you!! srry abt the quality i am Sick and i have been working on this for days and i just want to Post It Already
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Kaeya is used to the cold of loneliness.
He does not expect anything from you, nothing more than he should. He is acutely aware of his place, the empty spot by your feet, choked next to all of the others who worship you. That is where he resolves himself to live. That is where he expects himself to sit.
With that alone, he would've been content. Always desperate for more, hanging off of your every word, but never daring to take more than allotted.
Kaeya was fine to serve as your acolyte, patiently waiting for your next kindness or glance, no matter how much he would've liked to be more— but you seem to enjoy letting him live his little fantasy of being special to you. You like to see him fester in it. Kaeya doesn't care if his perception of you is altered, twisted like hot air in a torrid desert— he trusts himself over the word of god, no matter how hallowed your voice or how much he wishes to believe it.
"My favorite," you say. You say it with such ease, the words rolling off your tongue as if they're not blessings in verbal form. As if they are not words he has imagined you saying over and over, countless times to lull himself to sleep. Your favorite, he's imagined himself as being; only whenever he can't unlodge the thought from his mind, for the moments where he can't stomach to think of anything other than you.
Kaeya thought it would stay as a mere daydream. He would've preferred it that way. It would've made it easier to hate you.
He could've lied to himself before. He could've said that he meant nothing to you; merely a tool at your disposal. That of all his love and worship was worthless, that he should stop caring so much for a being who never cared for him back.
"My favorite," you say. You say it only once, though Kaeya wishes you would say it again.
Your voice was soft. Comforting. Kaeya could almost believe you were being genuine. His heart still sings regardless, humming in his chest, banging against his ribcage as if it does not know the ugly truth of the world. People lie. And the gods are cruel, and to imagine you as anything different means to be a fool.
Still, Kaeya lingers. He feels the frost slowly thaw, warm blood beginning to run through his fingers. He feels you, as all that you are, welcome him. Kaeya knows he should not believe any of it, that he should turn away now while he still has the time to do so, but he can't bring himself to look away from you.
It's you, after all. The world itself wouldn't dare to stand beside you. Kaeya is no better, bruised and unwanted— but you want him. You look at him with fondness, with favor he knows he does not deserve. With love that should not be his.
Still, Kaeya hungers. He takes your words and he runs, desperate to keep them to himself. He is yours, no one else's; he is your favorite, not anyone else. He may not deserve it— he doesn't, not when he has hated you for so long— but he wants it to be his alone. He wants to be yours alone.
He wants to sit by your feet, to caress the flesh of your legs. He alone wants to be beside you, to call you by your sacred name.
"My favorite," you say. Does that mean he can be yours? Does that mean he can finally rest in your embrace, safe and loved by you and no other?
Can he finally worship you the way he has always wanted— his mouth on your skin, his piety unfurling like flowers from his lips? Pure and untainted, he molds against you as if his entire body was meant to be a perfect fit. Your every touch remains even after you've left, burning his skin and setting his nerves aflame.
Kaeya replays your words one more time. Just once, he tells himself, though he knows he'll do it again. He can't forget the way you looked, the curve of your smile, and the twinkle in your eyes. You in every way. The you he would kill to breathe the same air as. The you he would die to know if he exists within your heart.
You'll tell him again, won't you?
Gorou doesn't think he's deserving.
He knows he isn't. Gorou is many things, but worthy of your affection is not one of them. He is not the strongest of your acolytes, neither is he the brightest— Gorou is merely himself, and he is keenly aware of how little meaning that holds.
Gorou partook in daydreams and sinful reveries, but was self-aware enough to realize they would never come true. He is beneath you, barely deserving to exist in the same world as you, and he has done nothing to deserve to walk beside you. He knows where he stands, and he knows that any step towards you is imaginary.
You are his god, and Gorou is fine to exist as he always has. Only ever dreaming of what it would be like to be yours.
How nice your touch would feel. How lovely your voice would sound so close. How amazing it would be if he could feel your hands in his hair, or your fingers running through the fur of his tail. He imagines what it would be like to be your pet often enough the thought feels like home.
You feel like home. Warm, safe. Yet, he can't reach you. He can't even brush his fingers against your form.
You are entirely unreachable, no matter how much he tires his arms trying to grab you. You sit at the top of heaven, beyond everything that he is. Gorou can only taste you in his thoughts, where even then the shame eats at him. If you knew how he’s tarnished your pure form, tainting you with his impure thoughts— would you finally do away with him? Though, in all his desperation, maybe he really wouldn’t mind. He’d get to see you.
"You're my favorite," you say. You reach over and scratch his scalp, fingers scraping against the base of his ears. Gorou represses a shiver, barely able to stand. His knees tremble lightly, despite how hard he tries to keep himself calm.
Your voice is so soft, so lovely it makes his heart ache. And from this distance, he knows he couldn't have misheard you— he's your favorite, and his lungs are almost entirely bereft of air.
Gorou wants to hear you say it again. He wants to ask, but the words die on his tongue, useless. He can't speak, his throat choked by thoughts and mantras of how wonderful you are. Just you, you, and you— you are everything, and he is nothing. But he is something to you— you have made him into something.
Something that you like. Something that you prefer, that you favor over the rest. Gorou isn't useless anymore, isn't worthless; he can't be, when his existence is liked by you. He serves a purpose now. Your purpose. And that purpose is perfect.
If he does well, maybe you'll say it again. If he proves himself worthy of having your gaze, maybe you'll touch him again. He can't stop thinking of the curve of your palm, the warmth from your pulse. His ears twitch, following the lingering echo of your voice in the air. Desperate to hear you again, even in such a small, pitiful way.
If you saw how pathetic he is, hugging his pillow pretending it's you— would you say it again? He hopes you would.
The wind carries your words far before they reach him.
The air is heavy with languor, and the pleasant scent of flowers and honeysuckle. Your breath is soft, almost soundless, but Venti hears the roll of your tongue, the curl of your lips; he hears your words, beautiful as they are, and struggles to keep himself composed.
Venti thinks your voice is the most stunning in the world. Mellifluous and euphonious; every utterance a perfect cadence, every stutter a beauteous lyric. You could insult him, and he would take pleasure in hearing you speak. Your praise is like a siren’s song, drawing him in— Venti does nothing as his senses are overwhelmed by you, only spreading his arms wider so you may reach all of him.
And to be your favorite is the highest praise there is.
You say it with a small smile on your face. You say it unaware of the effect it has on him, of the way your words grip and pull him tight. Venti can't breathe, but he enjoys the feeling of suffocating— he delights in it. It's because of you, after all; and he delights in anything you could ever give to him.
Your breath is a holy gale. Your speech is to be delivered on the swiftest winds. Your laughter echoes throughout all of Teyvat, light and pleasant. Your voice is like an angelic choir singing, though he loathes to associate you with anything lesser. It is a sound incomparable to anything he knows; it is uniquely yours, entirely you. It belongs to nothing immortal or mortal, to no god or man. He could listen to you endlessly, an eternity spent writing poems and ballads about the way you talk.
Venti likes it most when you compliment him. When you tell him how pretty he is, or how talented he is musically. His skill has been tempered and honed by centuries of practice, and little compliments shouldn’t fluster him as easily anymore— but yours do.
"You're my favorite," you say, but Venti makes sure no one but him hears.
He wants to scream and for the world to know it. He wants to send your words so far that every life will have heard it. He wants to beg on bruised knees and plead with a bloodied throat for you to say it again, and again, and one more time after that— but he stops himself with all of the patience learned from being the anemo archon, however little it may be. Venti keeps himself silent, barely contained.
You wouldn’t want the others to know. You’d prefer it if it stayed between you, a secret kept between sealed lips. You wouldn’t want the others to fight, kind as you are. Venti says nothing of his own opinion on the matter, that he’d rather they all maim each other until they’re bloodied spots on the ground.
He wants everyone to know. He wants them to look, to gawk, and weep their mindless tears and apologies for not being good enough to deserve your attention. He wants to revel in their jealousy and bitter resentment; he wants nothing more than to bask in your light, love, and affection. He wants the others to know their place. Beneath him, beneath you.
But a small part of Venti still hungers to keep it to himself. Your words are just his to own, to stay close to his chest and treasure. He wants to adore them in private, to worship your speech alone. He could write ballads about your utterance until his fingertips bleed raw. His fingers have long ached from how often he strums his lyre, his knuckles an unsightly purple. You don’t want that, though. Venti thinks that’s a shame. How else is he supposed to show you how much he worships you?
Especially if he’s your favorite. He has to be worthy to hold onto that title. Worthy enough there’s no risk of him ever losing it.
He is constant, wild, and zealous. He is like a storm, forever churning and spinning. Venti doesn’t dare to hide behind masks of guile, or to act as if he isn’t desperate for a single glance in his direction. He would never lie to you. He is exactly as he appears— an acolyte who has run out of reasons to live long ago, but found them spirited deep within you.
Venti has always cared little for propriety, but he grows only bolder with your admission. He hooks your arms together, interlocking your fingers with eyes of fervor. He hungers for your attention and he does so ostensibly. But there’s a certain desperation in his actions, a plea for you to keep your eyes turned to him.
You don't mind his greed, do you? Let him find life within your voice.
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bitchiswild · 6 months
Who your top fav writers and why? I am new and I want to start reading
Very good question! So first off we have
@jensettermandu-oh em to the gee She has AMAZINGGGG STORIES AND HER WRITINGGGGG CHEFS KISS.
@pupyuj- ENAAA MY BESTIEEE WHO I KEEP PROMISING TO PLAY GAMES WITH BUT HAVE NO TIMEEEEEEE ( IM SO SORRYYYY) her writing and blurbs are saur good 10/10 everytime.
@jade-jini - MY BABY MY DAUGHTER (including keer ily keer mwah) HER WRITING SO GOOD LOVE IT LOVE HER.
There are many more people to add but this is the gist of it all, ( if i didnt add you it doesnt mean i love you any less, complain to me then ill add you in a heart beat dw) i hope i answered your questions anon :3 give support to my family thank you very much 😌🙏
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whosbloom · 9 days
Kyle Spencer » Bearable
⋆.˚ summary/request: “So maybe this time it’s reader who is resurrected and she see Kyle having a panic attack so she try to calm him down like he’s doing when she have a panic attack.”
⋆.˚ fluff , panic attacks , hints of what his mom does (I’m not doing details because no), all that jazz. GUYS ITS BEEN FOREVER. I kinda stopped watching AHS like a month ago but I’m back with writingggg, I have some stuff in the works including Kai, Warren, James—hopefully I get them done by next week 🫶 anyway enjoy!!
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Kyle always seemed to be calm when it came to—well, anything really.
Though, lately, with his home life getting worse he had been more uptight and jumpy around you. You didn’t push him to tell you why, even if you really wanted to, but what finally broke you was when you found him hyperventilating on your bed once you got back from a class.
“Kyle?” You quickly approached him, hesitant to touch him as you carefully put a hand on his shoulder.
Without another word he had pulled you closer to him, burying his face into the fabric of your shirt. His arms tightly held you, his body shaking as tears started to escape his eyes.
This was never something you had to deal with before, it had always been the other way around.
You quickly engulfed him in a hug, one hand rubbing his back while lowering your head to whisper to him.
“Hey, hey.. you’re okay. I’m here.” You pressed a kiss to the side of his head, letting out a soft sigh as you rested your head on his. “Need to talk about it?”
He slowly nodded, lifting his head to look up at you, using the back of his hand to wipe his tears away. “Just—just my mom.” He let out a short breath, closing his eyes as he rested his head against your stomach again.
You listened for the next minute or so as he explained everything—skipping over some details to spare you the disgust—but overall let everything out.
You were still rubbing his back, his hands starting to pick at the fabric of your shirt, occasionally sniffling or having a hiccup cut off his words.
“I hate it at home ‘cause of her.” He mumbled out, looking up at you with slightly furrowed brows and the faintest pout on his lips. “You make it bearable.”
You couldn’t help but smile, moving yourself to sit next to him on the bed, settling into the mattress and leant against him. “I’m glad I do.”
He let out a soft sigh, turning his head to find your gaze, leaning closer and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Thank you.. for listening.” He smiled softly as he saw the blush creep onto your face, his gaze softening as it met yours.
“No need to thank me, Kyle. You needed it.”
He shrugged slightly, before leaning in and pressed his lips to yours for a moment, pulling back ever so slightly after a second. “I love you, y’know that?”
You smiled a bit wider, nodding slowly while bringing a hand up to cup the side of his face. “You’ve mentioned it a few times.”
He rolled his eyes playfully, leaning into your touch before pulling you back in for another kiss.
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