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gxazgs · 1 day ago
Emm, a bad translation (maybe? Even though I know English, some words fail and I have to use a translator.)
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Two versions HAHAHA
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pinchan · 11 months ago
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agreed to do pet play and she immediately euthanizes me
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lavenderjewels · 1 year ago
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anyone else remember the chapters where kenjaku and takaba went on a date??? just me???
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epickiya722 · 9 months ago
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sulky-cabbage · 8 months ago
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Sukugo and takaken both having their date on Christmas day is so 🤌🏻
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Gege really gave these thousand-year old curses their first date in a Millenia and made them experience love for the first time in the most romantic day of the year !!
And the takaken chapters being right after The sukugo fight? lmaooo
They both found someone that matches their freak, you love to see it.
Idc what anyone says takaken are another parallel to the Sukugo fight to me, just like Kashimo and Yorozu...
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And look at Kenjaku checking on how his bestie's date is going😭
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cnth-rb · 6 hours ago
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You can blame @1ichtbringer for this
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justsomerandomplanet · 8 months ago
Kenjaku's taste in partners (tengen, jin, takaba) are certainly wide and different from each other huh good for them!
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miaoupeach · 5 months ago
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it's supposed to be just a pose study, but I guess it's Mafia AU takaken now, idk I JUST LOVE THEM AND I NEED PINCHAN FOOD OKAY
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evillex11 · 4 months ago
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kenjaku 🩷 wip ! this is for a gojoken doodle page 🤭
kenjaku has surely been growing on me 😭 I used to dislike him because I love Geto a lot ! but recently I've been thinking about him and ships that involve him, 3 of them actually—takaken, tengken, and gojoken. tho, the 3rd one is more of a pairing than a ship to me? 🤔 since I don't want them to be together, their dynamic is just interesting if they were. toxic yaoi material...
ahh I don't know, there's just something about him. geto's face definitely helped me like him more 😭 I'm biased LOL
but can you blame me? he keeps geto's gorgeous face alive for longer (I miss him so much) 😞
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a little off topic now but I just love gege's style in the later chapters. he draws characters soooo beautifully, it's distracting !!
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greyzanticz · 9 months ago
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female takaba fanart bc i love him..... and featuring takaken bc i cant get enough of them either
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cursedvibes · 1 month ago
2024 Fic Review
Tagged by @voxofthevoid thank youu ���� I'm not gonna get anywhere close to your word count holy shit xD
My Top 5 Fics by Hits: (only counting 2024)
Surprisingly enough TakaKen fans even managed to overtake my Yuuji fic here. Then again, TakaKen has more chapters, so that might help.
Build A House From Cinders TakaKen, Kenjaku Survives AU
Eat Your Young Yuuji & Choso, Being Raised By Kenjaku AU
An Old Nightmare Jin-centric, him dealing with memories of being Sukuna's twin (not actually as it turns out, thanks Gege)
Can't Let Go TenKen, Modern/No Powers AU
Out of Touch, Out of my Head TenKen, Tengen notices that she is starting to lose control over her body and soul and asks Kenjaku for help. The resulting discussion leads to the first crack in their relationship.
Very thankful to the handful of TenKen fans who keep reading my very self-indulgent word vomit about Old Person Yuri
My Most Bookmarked Fic:
Eat Your Young
It has Yuuji and Choso in it, probably the most popular characters I ever wrote about, so it's not that surprising.
How Many Words I Wrote in 2024:
Officially 73,525, but the unpublished stuff is much higher. Not sure how high, since I don't keep track of what I wrote when and adding it all together would be a hassle. Save to say that I didn't write as much as I wanted to, particularly in the second half of the year, but I'd say it's still a decent number.
Question Stuff
1. What was the most surprising thing about writing in 2024?
How much work got in the way of me actually writing anything and then publishing it 🥲 Also that while I lost quite a bit of passion and interest in JJK overall, that doesn't apply to TakaKen and TenKen. They thoroughly keep me engaged. :D
2. What was the most enjoyable to write?
Toss up between Build A House From Cinders and Can't Let Go I'd say. Easy to tell by this also being the fics with the highest word count lol. I think it's especially the domestic (but still somewhat unsettling) aspects in both of them that I love a lot.
3. Which fic is the most underrated?
Any of the TenKen stuff, but the ship is just underrated in general. That's why I appreciate the few people who keep checking out fics. 😊
4. Which fic(s) had something "cut" or an idea that never happened?
in search of connection was originally supposed to be the beginning of a much longer fic spanning basically Kenjaku's whole life. I'll still publish the second half of it as a separate fic though.
5. Which fic(s) did you want to write but didn't get around to?
Countless...one part of it is my TakaKen No Powers AU I'm still mulling over. It's coming along, but both ideas I have are not quite finished yet.
6. Any WIPs that never got published?
more like what WIPs did I get published Basically the answer from above. I also wanted to write more about Jin and how him being Sukuna's twin affected his relationship with Kenjaku, but I'm a bit stuck there...
7. Share a snippet from a WIP fic?
Part of the second half of in search of connection that I ended up cutting and is becoming it's own unrelated thing
"Dream On"
Letting go of her and sending her to another relic of the past to keep her safe is not as unimaginable as it used to be, it doesn’t twist their insides as much. All they can think about is that man, lying there on the forest ground, blissfully unaware of the chaos breaking out around him. He is still caught in a dream, relishing in the after effects of their comedy show together. Kenjaku can’t fault him. Not even the blade piercing through their brain can chase away the image of his smile burned in the back of their mind. The thrill making their brain tremble in memory of their souls’ resonance. Takaba Fumihiko has given them joy at the end of their long life they wouldn’t have been able to imagine before. That is enough for them. Enough to be able to embrace death with only a slight twinge of regret and the hollowness of Tengen’s absence not quite as cold anymore. Void surrounds their mind and swallows them up, taking the memories of their final encounter and the loss of their first friend with them.
8. Which fic was the one you were most excited to write?
Can't Let Go I always had a lot of ideas for how Tengen and Kenjaku might interact in a non-jujutsu world. How they might meet, how not knowing each other quite as long might affect them and how there might actually be a chance for them to live relatively conflict-free together. Imagining Tengen as an old shut-in ex-professor was also fun. There was just so much to play around with and a chance to finally have them interact in a non-antagonistic way. Just lots of fun to write.
9. Fic hopes for the New Year?
Write more 🙃 So far my focus is mainly on getting that fic I posted a snippet of above published and at least one of my WIPs for No Powers AU TakaKen as well. We'll see about the rest.
Tagging: @hxhhasmysoul @kaitakushi and anyone else who wants to do it
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theclearblue · 1 year ago
love the new header image - it’s fire 🔥
adslkjgf thank you so much, I used it to answer an ask and then I was like wait...they both kinda served cunt in this panel...another takaken win
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dinnerplusdessert · 2 months ago
since 2025 is probably the last year of me writing fanfic, or at least jjk fanfic, i think its interesting to reflect on. prior to joining the fandom in 2021, i'd really only written very small original works. then, here comes jjk and i wrote my first every fanfic. it was a vampire skfs au, horror of course. and i think its then i found my groove in terms of my love of horror and feeling more comfortable to explore/present darker themes in a way i could never do i oc centric spaces.
eventually, the love i had for skfs burned out. and now ive got all this merch of them i dont care for! damn you sukuna! i think its because the skfs was pretty turbulent in 2022, and the hakari-kashimo fight was ongoing in the summer. i got bit by a new bug of inspiration; i remember writing the first fic for them in a single week between chapters.
it's pretty funny how, back then, i was the only person shipping hakari and kashimo. it was pretty lonely (this seems to be a theme in my jjk fandom experience...), but now when im not really into them as much, there's way more shippers. not many, but more.
it always been funny to me how hakashimo was a bit of a "grey zone" in terms of being ~problematic~. if you ask me, i think its probably more problematic than quite a few other age gap pairings (kashimo is literally a 70 year old man, he just looks like a twink). but that's kinda the reason i love it. god, the drama and concept is hilarious. if i wasn't so burned out, i could see myself writing one final fic for them. maybe. we'll see.
i once lamented how i seem to be afflicted with a curse when it comes to the ships i like
hakashimo have a whole arc -> kashimo has 1 interaction w sukuna --> everyone ships kashikuna
takafushi have bonding scene and takaba consistently works with/helps megumi --> takaba has his whole gay ass fight with kenjaku --> everyone ships takaken
and i get it! it's a little funny, actually. i like kashikuna and takaken too. despite how much i lament my negative experiences in fandom (particularly centred around takaba), im happy people actually appreciate and utilise the culling game characters now. when that arc was releasing weekly, it was a miserable time for their fans (me).
speaking of takafushi, my otp, my beloved. i think im really happy i got into their pairing and decided to write them, despite everything. i originally found fondness for the pairing when i was re-reading takaba's scenes for a planned (now scrapped) murder mystery skfs fic in 2022. i ended up loving takaba so much, and in turn his dynamic with megumi. takaba also had some design and personality traits i tend to love, so it felt like everything slotted together nicely in my brain.
i'd written small ideas for them on twt and the like since 2022, but then after megumi got taken over my sukuna, i was struck with inspiration while taking my friend to the airport. i wanted to have them interact in a postcanon context and explore their dynamic more (especially with megumi aged up, as i do for all my ships with him). it was also such a sad time for megumi in the manga, i wanted him to have something happy goddamnit!
and thus, imitation of life was born. this is probably my favourite fic of all the ones i've written. there's so much of myself in that fic, and it's sequel-slash-alt-pov a slow slow death.
it's funny, i wrote imitation of life around six months or so before the idiot survivor arc, and tbh this six months was one of the nicest times i had as a takaba/takafushi enthusiast. didn't last, unfortunately.
i think i could deal with the loneliness and embarrassment of being the "takaba and megumi guy" when it was just, yknow, me being seen as a bit weird and passionate about something no one else cared about. then, after the idiot survivor arc, i was quickly met with hostility and nastiness even though i'd been there all along.
not that being there first matters, it doesn't. but i wont lie and say it didn't hurt, when all i did was exist quietly in a space, with my stuff always appropriately tagged and curated, only for people to enjoy talking down about me, or outright send nasty messages. that's why i deleted my original tumblr to begin with, because it felt constant and endless.
when you ship something "problematic" and there's loads of other people right there with you, it's easier to ignore and move past. but with takafushi, it was just me. so most of the time it wasn't "i hate this pairing", it became "lets shame this creator." it also came primarily from other fans who shipped takaba and kenjaku, which of course made me feel worse and worse.
i still have significant anxieties and reservations about writing and sharing takaken fic because of it. which is a shame! i have some of the first takaken fanart saved on my computer and i was so excited by the idiot survivor arc. i have a couple of fics and concepts sat on my computer which never saw the light of day (or ao3) because of this.
it even effects ongoing works of mine, passion projects. my tkfs horror fic DEPLOY was supposed to heavily feature explicit romantic takaken, and im still in a position where i don't really feel comfortable including it or even tagging it for that matter. i was upset for a long time, and i do think this experience probably contributed to my creative burnout and general disillusionment with fandom.
still, i plan to finish DEPLOY this year! i managed to get some groove back over the holidays and chapter three is shaping up nicely, which im pleased about. if the starts align (and i have time outside of work 💀), i'd love to make a takaba/tkfs fanzine as a little final hurrah for my time here.
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sumobasho · 3 years ago
Oh I love to see people take out the beach ball. I am not a Takaken$ho fan.
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Uwatenage done by Abi
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evillex11 · 5 months ago
I fw takaken (takaba x kenjaku) heavy ...
do I kind of dislike that geto's body is the face of kenjaku in that ship? yes maybe.. but oh well😞 he's too iconic
I might draw a kenny design derived from geto's appearance... with just a few changes. like how sukuna sort of looks like yuji (they are family tbf) bc of the pink hair lol
I don't have any ideas yet ! but I think you can already easily distinguish between kenjaku and geto based on facial expressions
I like their dynamic. they're so silly. and their “fight” was so entertaining and light, I loved reading it 😭
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pinchan · 29 days ago
Sorry if this sounds weird but I made that post about that doujinshi mostly for other takaken fans who want more content but partly because I was like "I hope my favorite ship artist sees this if they haven't already" and you did. I love your work and I hope you make a lot more art of Takaba and Kenjaku 💕
ack i didn't get the notif for this my bad </3 it's nice knowing ppl enjoy my works, tysm for sharing that doujin!! i have a plan to draw more of them but no promises as something else has my brain on a chokehold... if you'd like a rough summary-esque translation of the doujin that my friend has made just lmk and i can send it your way :-)
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