marskid11 · 2 months
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this character showed up for four minutes and is still one of my favorite designs in the series I stg
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Some of you might be mad at me for saying this but "Mel is not an evil person, but a complicated woman who comes from an imperialist nation and despite it all, she rejects these values and choses peace" and "Mel as a person with the most influence in Piltover is as responsible for the state of the Undercity as the rest of the council, and it is their ignorance that leads to their downfall" are both statements that can co-exist actually.
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i still havent processed how insane ep5 is.
like wdym Caitlyn frees Vi from the prison she's been in for YEARS. wdym Jinx almost beats Vi's high score. wdym Vi calls Caitlyn hot. wdym Caitlyn agrees to pretend to work in the brothel. wdym SEVIKA is a regular at said brothel (!!!!!!!!) wdym Jayce and Mel's sex scene is framed as Jayce cheating on Viktor. wdym we get the Jinx baptism scene. wdym Imagine Dragons is a canonical band in the Arcane universe. wdym Sevika's cards forshadowed Viktor's transformation. wdym Viktor is dying and again, is framed like Jayce cheated on him. wdym Sevika/Vi fight (butches save me save me butch lesbians). wdym Sevika hip reveal. WDYM CAITLYN SAVED VI A SECOND TIME.
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lullabyes22-blog · 24 days
Confession. Mel's nose is adorable, and softens her entire face into a girlish playfulness that really suits her character.
Peak character design. That is all<3
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zorosnavigator · 12 days
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Same vibe idc
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bbqhooligan · 8 months
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you know what ill take it
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melmedarda · 2 months
Can't stop thinking about the thoughts Mel must have had after waking up to an empty bed. She had just laid her heart bare, given her body to Jayce and to wake up the next morning alone?
When he returns to her, she tells him there's a lot he doesn't know about her. She'd shared such an intimate part of her the night before, but she doesn't want Jayce to feel like he knows her. Because if he thinks he knows her, he must have not considered her worthy of staying for. She likely thought that he had gotten what he wanted from her and cast her off.
And why should Mel think this? A woman who is so wealthy, so beautiful, so accomplished and powerful? Because her mother had seen her and cast her off. Her family had disowned her because she was not good enough in their estimation. So all those twelve years that she's been in exile, and her mother has not visited her or called her back to her side, Mel likely thought she was not good enough. All those twelve years, she was just a girl trying hard enough to be.
And then Jayce comes, bares his heart to her as well. Lets her see him in his weakness, in his uncertainty. Shows her how much he values her, wants her around, how highly he holds her opinion. Even when he knows. Perhaps, because he knows her heart. Values it and the compassion she holds within her. And she finally feels good enough.
Only for her mother to come, and tell her it's time to come back home, to be at her side. Only after her brother is dead. When there is no other choice. So yes, of course Mel chooses Jayce, Piltover, and the legacy of peace they've begun to forge. Her family disowned her. Now, she disowns them too.
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gg-force · 2 months
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A quick Mel edit
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korderoatado · 17 days
I need some arcane mutuals before s2 drops pleaseeeeee i'm too lazy to run a sideblog........ why WHY don't any of you follow me back..........
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demacianpuppet · 1 year
Having some Meljayvik thoughts that I wanted to share badly.
Meljayvik is one of this ships I really enjoy not only because I tend turn most possible love triangle to polycue but because for it to actual work, it would mean that both Mel and Viktor would have to work on their flaws and get a better understanding of themselves.
Mel is a person who needs control. As someone who grew up in Noxus, she learned early about how to use pure brutality to crush all your enemies. And while she chose a softer approve, the teaching never left her. The serie does a fantastic job to show how much influence Mel has over the council and how she is not afraid to use it, her weapon of choice is silver-tongued diplomancy instead of pure strength in contrast to her mother.
If Mel would engage in such relationship, she would have to relinquish her control over Jayce. Instead, she would have to come in term with her need to have influence about everything and everyone and this would resolve (imho) in a better understanding about her relationship with Jayce and herself.
Viktor’s conflict would be all about learning to see his own self-worth and stopping comparing himself to everyone. One of Viktor’s major theme - aside from the whole dying plotline - is his battle with his sense of inferiority. Born on the wrong side of the river and having a disability resulted in a difficult journey to success. Everything that Vikor achieved, he had to work twice as hard. And no matter that, it never feels enough for Viktor.
If Viktor would find himself in this kind of relationship, he would have to learn that this is not a competion about who wins Jayce’s attention. This is not how a non-monogamous relationship work, these are complete different relationships which have different basis and needs. Jayce’s love to him would be a different than to Mel because Viktor is Viktor and that would be enough for Jayce.
And in the end, Mel and Viktor would maybe notice that they have more common with each other than just the interest in the same man.
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2kuro2tori · 1 year
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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literaryspinster · 1 year
I do believe that Black characters can be set up by the creative team to be disliked by the dominant audience, I’ve seen it, but if you’re applying that to every Black character with a complex personality then you’re skewing closer to respectability politics than thoughtful media criticism.
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sunrisebones · 15 days
How much I’m gonna talk about arcane on this blog is determined on if Mel is alive or not
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shot-by-cupid · 6 months
EVERYONE SHUT UP. I’m so in love with her actually shut up
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She is actually so fucking gorgeous looking at her is like. Breathing for the first time. She is my EVERYTHING. I would kill somebody for her idc. She says jump I say HOW HIGH. I would jump over the fucking. CN TOWER. If she wanted me to.
She’s stunning. Don’t even she is STUNNING. She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen I feel sick.
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starry-nights12 · 1 year
I love how she sensed something else was wrong. As he's talking she gives him a look. Like she sensed that something was off.
She listened to him and then asked what was really bothering him.
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"My family cast me out and yet part of me still loves them."
And Jayce looks back at her when she says it. I'm guessing he's surprised she doesn't resent them? I don't know. I just like it.🤷🏿‍♀️
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"Heimerdinger will understand eventually."
His eyes lit up at her assurance. It brings him hope🥺😭
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jinx dying is not at all a resolution to her arc or to the story. even if you ignore league and jinx as a champion, her death would be unsatisfying as a conclusion to the story. her death would solve nothing and as s2 is the final season, they wouldnt have enough tjme to fully explore the impact of her death on the other characters, on society, etc. fundamentally the story is about the two sisters, and i think a much likelier conclusion is some reparation of the bond they shared as children? i'm not entirely sure and it'll definitely be bittersweet, esp looking at their relationship in league, but there is absolutely no way jinx dies
Jinx dying would solve like half the cities’ problems. In fact, keeping her alive would mean keeping alive the conflict between the cities. There seems to be no feasible way to have Jinx live AND tie up a resolution to the show because as long as she lives, she wreaks havoc, thus causing more plot.
Let me be clear, I love Jinx and don’t want to see her dead. I want there to be a way for her to live. It just doesn’t seem like there is one right now.
We SAW ALREADY the sisters almost reconciling and we were shown exactly why that wouldn’t work. With Vi allying herself with the enforcers, they stray even further away from any sort of truce.
Arcane is inherently a tragedy. Main characters have a tendency to die in tragedies. Sorry, Jinx.
The problem is, Arcane isn’t just a tragedy. It’s also an adaptation of League of Fucking Legends. And Jinx isn’t dead in League of Fucking Legends. Sorry again, Jinx. Therein lies the contradiction.
You sound a lot like me back when I was convinced Mel would live. Her dying wouldn’t be satisfying or good for the story, but you know whose story it would be good for? Ambessa’s. I still don’t fully understand why they’re also killing off Jayce and Viktor, especially since the Hexcore is still active and volatile, but I get that there’s so much going on with everyone else’s arcs and plot that they don’t have time for these two stooges’ bullshit. There’s simply no room for a divorce arc amidst the Zaun family drama, as sad as I am that we won’t get to see more of Viktor and Mel.
A lot of things can be implied from the context around it, and a lot of stories conclude with an open or partially open ending. We may leave it off with Jinx’s dead body and a grieving Vi above her, Cait at her side mourning on her behalf but resolute that it had to be done. Whatever the ending, it has to be bittersweet. It’s an ending we’ve all felt so many times before in many different stories. A lot of good can come from leaving the audience to ponder on how the characters carry on after that, how the cities get rebuilt, who ends up in power after all is said and done, how the inventions that came as a result of war changed the world for better or worse…
Arcane is a tale that may actually benefit from exploring less of the result of its resolution. It would open up more avenues for fanfiction and fanart, get more people talking and hypothesizing for other shows Riot and Fortiche may make, generally increase engagement and hype for future projects.
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