letsgetrowdy43 · 28 days
Love on the lake—
Quinn Hughes x Fem!Reader
Request: 🐞 Quinn isn't usually a touchy person but when he gets with the reader he is all over her "Never figured you for this much of a cuddler."
Warnings/notes: It's a cold start, couldn't quite think of a better intro so please ignore that!
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End of summer celebration!!
One of Quinn's hands gently held her hips flush to him as he steered the boat, a grin on his face as her hands placed themselves over his on the steering wheel. "You're doing really good," he mumbled into her ear, followed by a kiss on her freckled cheek right before he explained the importance of the water markings. Her back pressed against his toned chest as he taught her how to steer the boat, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she nodded at his instructions before he removed her hands and let her take control.
His hands began to roam her sides, sending goosebumps down her warm skin as he began playing with the little red bows on the hips of her bikini bottoms which gained a groan from his brothers in the background who had been tortured with Quinn's affection towards his girlfriend since she arrived in Michigan earlier in the week.
Sometimes, it was as if his brothers ceased to exist the moment she appeared. This, of course, led to many agonizing moments for his younger siblings.
Quinn wasn’t usually one for public displays of affection, especially not around his family. But now as he sat with his girlfriend prettily on his lap in the captain's chair of the boat, his arm wrapped securely around her, he couldn’t help himself.
He was completely, unabashedly, all over her, and he didn’t care who saw it.
Jack and Luke, who were both sprawled out on the opposite side of the boat, couldn’t help but notice the giddiness that seemed to occupy Quinn's demeanour. Jack shot his older brother a look, raising an eyebrow in mock disbelief at his shameless roaming hands.
“Never figured you for this much of a cuddler, Q-ball,” he teased his tone light but with that signature smirk Quinn knew all too well, all the while his girlfriend's face broke out a red flush. Luke chimed in, nudging Jack with his elbow. “Yeah, who knew Quinn had a soft side? What happened to your mysterious act?”
Quinn rolled his eyes but couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as the girl leaned further into his hold, face buried in his neck as she hid the slight embarrassment of being caught.
Normally, Quinn might have been a little annoyed at their jabs, but today he was too content to care. “You guys are just jealous,” he shot back, his thumb absentmindedly tracing circles on her thigh.
She laughed softly, tilting her head to look at him with a smile that made his heart do that weird fluttery thing it always did when she was around. “I didn’t realize I was dating such a softie,” she teased, her voice full of affection and a little sultry as she dipped down to press a kiss to his lips, eliciting a cry of agony from his little brothers. "You changed me for the better I fear," he said lowly as he looked up and waved off at the boat passing by.
Jack leaned back, folding his arms behind his head as he shot Quinn a knowing look. “Man, you’re in deep,” he said with a laugh. "It's pretty sad,” Luke agreed, chuckling as he shook his head before ridding himself of his shirt and diving into the lake.
He looked down at her, the warmth in his chest growing as she smiled back at him. No words were needed—just a simple look that solidified the unspoken connection between them, something that resembled love that ran deeper than anything words could convey.
The day got hotter as the laughter and playful banter of his brothers echoed around them. But for Quinn, all that mattered was the girl in his arms, the way she fit so perfectly against him, and the simple, undeniable fact that he was exactly where he wanted to be.
And as the sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the water, Quinn leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his brothers’ teasing forgotten. He was content, truly happy, in a way he hadn’t expected. And even though this wasn’t typical for him, he found that he loved every minute of it.
Because with her, being a little out of character felt like the most natural thing in the world.
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fruitcoops · 2 months
Please, Please, Please
Cubs beach day in Nice and prompt C4: "Sunscreen" for day 2 of @oknutzy-week-2024! Characters belong to @lumosinlove (except Colette)!
“You,” Logan began, rubbing his hand faster until an aggressive thwap-thwap-thwap punctuated his words. “Are not going to be embarrassing me here, ouais?”
“Okay—Jesus, Lo—yes, alright, I got it.”
Logan pulled back and examined his handiwork. Functional. For now. Down the beach, Leo already looked half-asleep in the sun, and Finn’s longing glances toward him were not even slightly hidden. The breeze ushered a cloud further along; the sudden sunburst made Finn squint.
Logan huffed and squirted another dollop of sunscreen onto his palm, aiming for Finn’s shoulder this time.
“Oh my god, Tremz.”
“You’re going to burn!” he insisted. Finn squirmed away, but he had never been able to shake Logan. Not on the ice, and certainly not on a pebbled beach he’d been traversing since literal infancy. He smoothed out a stray arc of white over Finn’s spine and watched goosebumps flare on his arm. “What would you do without me, eh? Crisp? Like toast?”
“You sound like your grandmother.”
“If I bring back a lobster boyfriend, she’ll think I don’t know how to take care of you!” Logan wiped the excess on Finn’s waist and nodded, satisfied. “Bon.”
Finn quirked a grin at him. “Am I free to go?”
He was so sweet in the sun. So sparkly, copper and amber and caramel catching in his hair where the salt air had starched soft waves. Logan came close and pressed a kiss to each of his summer-warm cheeks. “I love your freckles too much to let them roast.”
“Hmm.” Finn turned his head slightly to the side, pushing his smile into Logan’s cheek. “Just my freckles?”
“And maybe you, a little,” he conceded.
Finn’s hands were pleasantly cool when he ran them along Logan’s sides in a long up-and-down. “A little?”
“Maybe a little more.”
“Enough to bring me home.”
Logan scrunched his nose at him. “I had to bring you, or the hot blond wouldn’t come.”
Finn slapped the sunscreen bottle from his hands with Logan’s favorite wordless sound of affronted disapproval—nearly a squawk, mostly a whine, almost his name. He snatched the bottle just before it hit the coarse sand and took off at a jog, dodging driftwood and clumps of drying seaweed.
Nice was beautiful in the summer. There was a reason he had brought Finn here, years ago. Finn hadn’t known a lick of French and Logan had hardly known what to do with himself watching the autumn reds of Harvard against a backdrop of blue and purple, but it was perfect. Still was. He knew just where to step to make the dock silent as he slowed and made his way to the far end, matching the steady rock of the current as it broke on the sand below.
“ ‘Jour.”
A lazy smile spread over Leo’s lips when Logan knelt to straddle him, knees sinking into the soft towel they had brought down from his grandmother’s house. She utterly adored Leo, with his cherub curls and his good manners and (most delightfully) the ability to speak French. They hadn’t stopped chatting in nearly a week. Logan could listen to it forever.
Leo stretched, torso arching, arms overhead, ankles popping behind Logan—and relaxed, one wildflower-blue eye peering up. “You’ve got a halo,” he murmured. “Mon ange.”
Logan sighed through his nose and let his weight rest heavy across Leo’s waist. His breaths were measured with the comfort of a beach day. The sun had been kissing him golden since the first hot day in June; a week lounging on the coast of France practically made him glow.
“Le mien.” He drew a line down the center of Leo’s chest, where tiny freckles peeked through if you knew where to look. Mine.
Leo’s smile widened until his eyes crinkled. “You sound different here.”
“C’est, um…” He raised a hand with great effort, tapping his fingers together like a crab claw. “Taffy. Smoother. Fancy.”
“You don’t sound like anybody here,” Logan laughed, relishing the judder of Leo’s belly beneath him. “But, my grandmère loves you anyway.”
“Yeah, she does,” Leo said, prodding him in the chest. “We talk all day long and she doesn’t say I sound funny once. You, on the other hand…”
“Ah! Un petit caneton! Ouais-ouais-ouais, coin-coin-coin-coin,” Logan mimicked.
Leo’s laughter nearly unseated him; he had hardly caught his breath when a shadow cooled Logan’s shoulder, and he leaned blindly into Finn’s thigh. “Are you being bullied into proper skincare, too?” Finn asked.
Leo tilted his head back with a hum. “We’re discussing how Madame Colette likes me better, thinks my French sounds exotique, and calls her only grandson a duck because he speaks like un canadien.”
Finn tapped the bill of Logan’s hat, knocking it off his head. “So you’re Frenching without me and not manhandling Leo into sunscreen? Preferential treatment, much?”
Logan blinked up at him with all the emptyheaded innocence he could muster. “C’est quoi? Je ne parle pas l’anglais, j’regrette.”
Finn’s lips pursed—his ears reddened. “He’s so sorry,” Leo translated before Finn could open his mouth. His hands slid up Logan’s thighs, high enough to edge on indecent but steady enough that Logan really didn’t care. “He just came here to swim and hang out with his hot boyfriend. Doesn’t know a thing about sunscreen, do you, baby?”
A gentle flick to the forehead was a small price to pay for propping his chin on Finn’s knee. “Here in France,” he said, laying on a thick false accent. “We don’t…’ow do you say…burn? I have never ‘eard of zees sun-screen you speak of.”
Finn looked at him for a long moment, then down at Leo. Chocolate-brown eyes fell on Logan again and he batted his lashes. It drove Finn fucking crazy when he did that, less in the sexy way and more in the don’t you give me those eyes you menace way. Logan employed it often for petty crimes like leaving one chip in the bag and putting it back in the pantry, just to watch Finn’s head explode for his own amusement.
Finally, Finn clucked his tongue. “I’m getting on the plane home without you. Good luck finding a redhead in France.”
Logan caught him around the calf with both arms when he began stepping back. Finn pulled, but he stood no chance when a featherlight kiss found the base of his thigh. “You’ll love me in the morning,” Logan countered. “When you aren’t stuck inside with aloe all over.”
“I happen to like staying inside and doing puzzles with Madame Colette.”
“Grandmère will keep trying to teach you French,” he threatened.
Finn narrowed his eyes, though he had long since stopped trying to free his leg. “Maybe this time I’ll learn, and then we can make fun of you together.”
“You won’t get to see the surprise,” Leo singsonged.
Logan frowned down at him, confused. “What surprise?”
Leo took his lower lip between his teeth and looked up at Finn, plucking at the hem of Logan’s swim trunks. “Remember when Lo and I went into town for bread yesterday?”
“…yes,” Finn said slowly.
“He got a really tiny swimsuit.” Logan watched Finn’s eyes widen. “And if you burn, you won’t get to see it.”
“It’s green,” Logan offered helpfully.
The corner of Finn’s jaw worked. “That’s a hard bargain,” he said at last. He beckoned Logan up with one finger and took the sunscreen back from him, setting it down by Leo. There was a curious, analytical look in his eye that made Logan want to know everything and nothing all at once. “I’ll think on it.”
“Can I help you make up your mind?” he teased.
“Yeah, actually,” Finn said, brightening. “You can.”
Logan’s pulse kicked. One week here with them had left him feeling like he’d been soaked in honey, and it only seemed to get better. He had barely been nineteen when he first brought Finn along. This future had not even been in his best daydreams. “Quoi, rouge?”
“You can cool off.”
The sudden shove to his chest caught him by surprise—the clash of the ocean around him silenced Leo’s bark of laughter in a blur of bubbles and blue. He could see Finn’s wobbly outline sketched out by the sun. Where the water drew him down to smooth gray pebbles, they drew him up, and he kicked off the bottom with the world waiting above.
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tomblythismyhusband · 9 months
sweetest con [ billy the kid x fem!reader]
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[summary]: billy the kid x fem!reader | you and Billy enjoy a quiet morning before he has to leave town.
[warnings]: just fluff :), mentions of violence (murder)
[wc]: 1860
[authors note]: this was so cutesy to write. i love soft billy. i feel like it kinda got a tinsy bit sad at the end, was thinking of doing a part 2 but idk!!! lmk!
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The sun fell in warm beams through the curtains of your bedroom. The warmth enveloped your body, making yourself smile. Your eyes cracked open and your heart fluttered at the sight of Billy, still lying next to you, soundly asleep. His face looked peaceful, his hair a perfect mess.
You laid there for a moment watching him, debating whether or not to wake him. You felt a sense of pride that you were the one to see him sleeping and in such a vulnerable position like this.
When the name “Billy the Kid” was usually mentioned, fear swept through the minds of those who heard it. He was a wanted man, a murderer. He was said to be cold blooded and ruthless. It was valid for anyone to be wary but you knew the real him.
Instead of terror your body was always filled with love whenever you heard his name. You always had to be careful how much you felt these emotions when out on the town. It would be very suspicious if you were all smiley when someone mentioned him. No one knew it, but he was yours and only yours.
You shifted your body to lay on your side, staring at Billy’s sleeping face which was now illuminated by the sunlight. You could see the dots of faint freckles on his nose, the perfect shape of his soft lips, and the hint of blush in his cheeks.
He looked like art. Art that you could never get tired of.
You took a hand and gently ran it over his cheek. His skin was warm and comforting. You brushed some of his messy brown curls off his forehead as he stirred a bit.
His blue eyes fluttered open and a small, groggy smile pulled at his lips.
“Mornin’ beautiful.” He mumbled, the smile still on his face. You always liked him in the morning. He was always softer, more down to earth.
You leaned in and planted a soft kiss on his nose. He let out a deep hum in response.
“Morning to you too.” You whispered, your face still close to his. Billy let out a sigh, staring up at you. The sunlight seemed to make his eyes glow an even brighter blue.
“You always look so gorgeous in the morning, darlin’” He said softly, running his finger gently through your hair. The feeling of his fingers brushing their way through your locks made your head feel like it was buzzing. You leaned down to plant another kiss on his nose, overcome with happiness.
“I like it when you play with my hair.” You sighed once you pulled back. “It feels nice.” This earned you a smile in return from him.
“Well I like being this close to you.” He said in a low voice.
His eyes studied your face, taking in every perfect.
“I would never leave this bed, and stay here with you forever if I could.” He whispered, moving his hand up to trace your lips with his rough fingers.
You pursed your lips, kissing his thumb as it gently ran across your mouth. He moved his thumb off your lips and you spoke.
“We don’t get to spend time like this together often… its rarity makes it more special don’t you think?” You said softly.
Billy let out a small chuckle. “You’re right…. But in all honesty I could do the same thing everyday with you and it would still be special, y/n.”
You felt your cheeks warm at this and leaned in for a kiss on his lips. Unlike your usual kisses with Billy, this one was soft, slow, and gentle. The usual roughness and need for dominance had melted away.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as you slid closer to him, not breaking the kiss. When you finally pulled back he wrapped his strong arms around your body and held you tightly, as you placed your head on his chest. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you laid there. Billy gently ran his fingers over your hips, tracing every delicate curve with love.
“Do you know what time it is?” He mumbled into your hair after long moments of silence. You shook your head letting out a sigh. You dreaded this question, but you knew it was coming.
“Do you really have to go Billy? Can’t you stay a bit longer?” You whispered, a hint of sadness in your voice.
Billy kissed the top of your head softly, letting his lips linger for a moment. “You know why I can’t stay darlin’. It’s too dangerous for me right now.” He said in a low voice.
As much as you hated it, you knew he was right. He was on the run. In sweet moments like these you always forgot that he was a wanted man. An outlaw. In a perfect world he would be safe from the law, but the world wasn’t perfect.
You tilted your head up to gaze up at him. “Please don’t go away for too long this time ok?” You said quietly.
Billy gave you a sad smile. He wanted to comfort you, tell you he would be back soon, but he also knew he shouldn’t make promises he couldn’t keep.
“I’ll try my hardest darlin’…..” He paused for a moment, lips parted. Finally he spoke again. “But I can’t make you any promises…”
You let out a huff in reply, squeezing him closer to you. He combed his fingers through your hair in a comforting way.
“Darlin’ the worst case scenario would be me gettin’ caught, because I’m sure as hell not coming back if I’m hung.” He said in a serious tone.
You squeezed him a little tighter. “I know…..” You said sadly. “Your constant runnin’ just really is the sweetest con.”
A small laugh puffed past his lips. “And why’s that?”
You gazed up at him. “I don’t like how you always have to leave… but at least I know I still have you, at least you’re still mine.”
Billy leaned down and kissed you softly on the lips again. You wished that you could lie like this with him forever.
He then shifted his body, almost like he was signaling to you that he had to get ready to go. You released your grip reluctantly and watched him sit up. You stayed laying down, your head in the soft pillows as you watched him stretch up his arms and let out a soft grunt. You liked the view of his broad shoulders, and bare chest in the morning sun. All these little things about him made it even harder to watch him go.
You watched him as he turned his head towards you. “Now don’t get all pouty on me darlin’” He teased, brushing his fingers on your arm.
You let out a breathy laugh and pulled yourself up from the pillows so you were sitting next to him. Your messy hair and rumpled clothes made Billy admire how effortlessly beautiful you were. He took his hand and ran it across your collarbone while staring deeply into your eyes.
“Every second I’m gone I’ll be thinking of you.” He whispered.
My cheeks grew warm, as a smile spread across my face.
“I love you Billy.” You said softly. A look of excitement flashed across Billy’s face, before it turned loving. He had never really had someone who he had truly loved. All the women he had been with were always temporary. They were only interested in late night meetups, and casual flings. It was comforting to have you and to know that this wasn’t temporary, this wasn’t a fling, this was real.
He leaned in to kiss you on the forehead with a smile. “I love you too angel.” He said quietly. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
He gave you one final kiss on your lips before pulling back the covers of the sheets to climb out of bed. He was still groggy, his movements a little sluggish. You flopped back down on the pillow watching him with admiration.
You watched as he roamed around the room collecting his things. You noticed how his back flexed as he pulled on his shirt.
“Darlin’ don’t you know it’s rude to stare?” He teased when he noticed your eyes roaming his body.
You giggled and sat up in bed, pulling the covers off of yourself. “I can’t help it. You know I have a thing for rugged outlaws.” Billy let out a chuckle at your teases.
You got up handing him things like his socks and his suspenders. You sat down at your vanity and brushed out your hair. He was almost dressed when suddenly he frowned.
“Y/n where are my boots?” He said, searching around the room. His eyebrows were furrowed.
You looked at him through the mirror and smiled. “If I tell you then you are able to leave.” You pouted. Billy came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He placed his head in the crook of your neck and stared into your eyes through the mirror.
“Darlin…….” He sighed. It pained him to see you so desperate for him to stay.
“Fine…” You breathed, leaning your head against his affectionately. “Your boots are beneath my bed.”
Billy let out a small chuckle. He placed a kiss on your cheek. “Thank you.” He said softly as he pulled away to grab his boots. You watched as he bent down and spotted the pair near the front end of the bed. He sat down and yanked them on.
You knew that it was time to say goodbye once the boots came on. It was almost routine now.
You stood up as he slung his gun over his waist and placed his hat on his head. You walked over to stand in front of him, his tall body towering over you.
“Be safe ok?” You whispered, grabbing one of his hands.
“I will be. Don’t worry.” Billy said softly. His voice had a tinge of sadness to it. It made you feel better knowing that you weren’t the only one saddened to have to be apart.
His hand squeezed yours in a comforting way. You tried to soak in every aspect of him because you knew the moment he left the loneliness would creep in.
You leaned up to kiss him. You savored the kiss. You memorized the shape of his mouth, the softness of his touch, the warmth of his breath. You didn’t know when he would be back, it could be days, weeks, maybe even months.
You pushed down the looming fear that this could be the last time. The world was a dangerous place for him. The slight chance that the next time you’d see him would be at his grave scared you.
Billy could sense the tenseness and anxiety in your body. He cupped your face gently.
“Y/n, I’ll be fine. Please trust me.” You could see the sincerity in his eyes, and nodded.
“Goodbye Billy.” You whispered.
“Goodbye darlin’. I love you.”
And with that he was gone. To your disappointment he seemed to have left quickly. A part of you pursued that he would come running back, but he never did. You couldn’t help but relish in the feeling of sadness that had crept into your heart.
He came and he went. And you couldn’t help but wish that his boots were still neatly tucked beneath your bed.
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dixonsbrat · 8 months
💭 — blurbs ; send this and a character from above + a prompt or an idea of ur own for a blurb !
sebastian sallow + ❝  the way i love you goes beyond description.  even those words don’t seem like enough.  ❞
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the fire crackles quietly as it illuminates your small area of the library, keeping both you and sebastian warm as you flip through the books sprawled out before you. no other sounds could be heard other than the occasional hushed whisper of students as they made their way out for the night, giving you a moment alone before you too had to leave.
glancing up from the book in your hand, you spot sebastian already looking your way - staring, in fact - and a small smirk quirks up at the corner of his lips. his dark locks softly falling across his forehead, and the freckles that dusted his skin danced under the glow of the fire.
"what's that look for?" you query, suspicion furrowing your brows which then quickly stems into panic. "what is it? is there something on my face?"
you reach up immediately in search of anything that felt foreign on your skin but sebastian simply shakes his head, his smirk now contrasting into a proper smile. he pulls your hands away, and lets them fall into his lap, cradling them as he does.
"no, i was just thinking is all," his thumbs begin to roll back and forth over your knuckles now. a soft and comforting touch that you had grown so used to.
"thinking about what?" you shuffle forward.
"...you, actually."
"and what about me has sparked such an interest in that big head of yours?" gently, you push a finger against his forehead, and it lulls back slightly before he returns to meet your gaze. "were you thinking about how i'm so much better at duelling than you?"
"no," he laughs. "i was actually thinking about... how much i love you."
"oh, really?" this time when you speak, there's a hinted sarcasm to it and you shuffle forward once more to wrap your arms around the slytherin boy. "and exactly how much does the sebastian sallow love lil ole me?"
"well, i couldn't tell you if i tried," his shoulders raise in a nonchalant shrug.
"and, why not?"
he sighs, a hand reaching up to trail along the side of your cheek., "because the way in which i love you goes far beyond any description. even those words alone don't seem to be enough."
sebastian was passionate about the things he loved, there was no doubt about that, and yet, every day you found yourself growing more astounded by how far the depths of his love truly ran. that you got to be one of those things he cared about so deeply.
"oh, bastian," there's a halt in your breath as you take in his words and he looks away sheepishly for a moment, but you stop him and turn his head to look back at you. "whatever you feel for me, i feel for you right back."
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ashwhowrites · 3 months
smut prompt 35&36 w sub!robin
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
A show
“You’re still horny? Didn’t I fuck you hard enough last night?
“Touch yourself.”
Robin loved her girlfriend for so many reasons. The way she provided love and comfort. How her eyes shined when she laughed. How soft her hand felt in Robin's. And one thing Robin stood by was that Y/N was the best sex of her life.
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Maybe it was because they were in love, or because Y/N knew exactly how to have Robin wrapped around her finger. The way Y/N could turn her into a crying mess with one look and one touch.
Robin hummed as the morning sun shined into her bedroom. She could feel the sun burning against her naked skin as she rested on her stomach.
"Morning, gorgeous" Y/N whispered. Her breath added to the heat as she spoke against Robin's beck, before gently kissing the skin. She kissed down Robin's spine, her freckled skin shining under the sun.
"Morning" Robin's morning voice cracked. She smiled as her girlfriend's lip moved up to her shoulders and then to her neck. Robin turned her face now inches away.
Y/N leaned down and kissed Robin's lips softly. Robin moaned and deepened the kiss, her hands on the back of Y/N's head. Robin snuck her tongue into Y/N's mouth, loving the warmth.
Robin pushed Y/N back, moving herself on her girlfriend's lap. Y/N gladly allowed Robin to take the kiss in a different direction, teasing her softly as she rubbed Robin's thighs.
Robin shook with pleasure as she pulled back from the kiss, her mind racing with the memories of last night. Robin melted into Y/N's body when Y/N's fingers softly ran up her folds and began to rub her clit.
"Oh Rob," Y/N mocked, "You wake up this wet?" she laughed, running her fingers through the wetness
"Yes, you drive me insane!" Robin spazzed
“You’re still horny? Didn’t I fuck you hard enough last night?" Y/N asked
Robin wanted to hide her face but she wanted to be touched way more.
"Yes" Robin whimpered, she could see the dominance entering Y/N's eyes.
"I think," Y/N said as she took her hand away. "I'm still tired from last night. So if you really need to get off, why don't you put on a show?"
"Like as in?" Robin asked, wishing Y/N's hands were on her again
"Touch yourself,” Y/N demanded, her face solid as stone
"Yes, ma'am," Robin said quietly
Y/N leaned back, a smug look on her face, her hands behind her head.
The love and lust in her girlfriend's eyes made her feel sexy and wanted. Robin happily smiled, ready to put on her best show.
Robin put two fingers in her mouth, sucking them softly as she moaned around them. Then she moved her fingers down to her chest. Rolling her nipples as she began to rock her hips. She arched her back and moaned loudly as she played with her breasts.
Y/N enjoyed the show Robin was putting on. She loved the way Robin's hard nipples were so sensitive and the way her breasts perked. How her stomach moved as she panted and the way her skin glowed with the sun. Y/N placed her hands on Robin's thighs, watching as she rocked them against her lap.
"Feels so good," Robin moaned, then she moved one hand down to her cunt. Slowly pushing two fingers inside her cunt, loudly moaning.
Y/N watched in bliss for minutes on end. Watching her girlfriend work herself to an orgasm right on her naked body.
Y/N took over once she saw Robin's hips start to twitch and the sound of her breathing increasing. Y/N smugly rubbed Robin's clit, moving her fingers in circles as fast as she could. Moving forward to suck another dark mark on Robin's chest, barely finding an open spot.
Robin felt herself lose all control. Her body shook as she felt her orgasm wash over her.
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pinkyqil · 5 months
I don't know if you are taking request but do you think you could write something about Ona×Aitana. Maybe something about them getting together after Ona comes to Barca.
I Like You // aitana bonmati y ona batlle
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Ona and aitana had feelings for each other but never got the chance to confess as she's was transferring to manchester united while aitana stayed at barcelona.
It was obviously very hard for both of them to let it each other go especially when you're feelings for them are deeper than the sea.
Ona's feelings for aitana ran deep she always felt inspired by her.
Loved the way her skin would glow under the spanish sun how her pink her glossy lips would be on hers.
They've never talked about their feelings but it would be very obvious to people around them how much they liked each other but would never admit it.
Ona's contract with manchester united came to an end very quickly given her to sign with barça as soon as possible.
when aitana heard the news about ona transfer excitement would be an understatement on what she felt.
She couldn't wait to hang around the freckled girl and show her what she missed around the city and to be able too play alongside her.
Month's had passed since ona transferred and let's say life was good. except the fact that she hadn't made a move on aitana and she could lose her seeing how close she was with a certain english player.
It annoyed ona so bad how Keira was always around aitana meaning they couldn't hang around that much since aitana was would be priocuped or to busy hanging around Keira to be with her.
She had no rights to feel jealousy especially when they weren't a thing it hurt ona so bad.
Aitana on the other hand was hanging around Keira so she could figure out a way to confess her feelings for ona after accidentally spilling she had a crush on her fellow teammate.
Days passed and aitana finally figured out how she was going to confess but ona had been acting weird around her but she didn't think anything of it.
Until they both lashed out in the locker rooms after getting into a very heated argument leading to confession flying out.
"What is your problem with Keira she's been nothing but this".
"I don't have a problem with her she's just been hanging around you a lot".
"What wrong with that it not like your my girlfriend or something".
"What's wrong is that I like you very much and it hurts when you push me a side for her .
They both want silent after ona's sudden confession not knowing what to do or say.
"Oh wait you actually like me". Aitana questioned.
"Yes for a really long time actually". Ona told her
"I like you too very and Keira was helping me plan to confess my feelings for you I didn't really expect it to come like this". Aitana said
"Now I feel stupid". ona said as she threw her head back feeling a bit embarrassed about the way she lashed out.
"It okay onita how about I take you on a date this afternoon how about that". Aitana asked her.
"Yes please". The younger girl replied.
The two of them ended their day at a restaurant that aitana found early reservations for.
after the dinner together they went on a walk and had ice cream while laughing about how naive they both we're not realizing there feelings for each other.
Before parting their separate ways ona left a small kiss on aitana lips before pulling away and greeting her goodbye telling her she'll host their next date.
Today couldn't have been more prefect after both the girls confessed and had there little moments together.
A/n: another request done hope y'all enjoy this as much has I did, I honestly love writing pxp it more fun and everything especially when you guys leave in player's you want me to write about and as always feedbacks are appreciated 💗
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wol-fica · 2 years
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pairings - wednesdayaddams x fem!reader
summary - soulmate au <3
warnings - love-sick wednesday
an - twas a buzzy saturday for me so i decided to write how i felt
Love is such a wonderful thing.
Many people rely on it to live, to survive. It’s a craving, something that can satiate an irritating appetite. Love comes from within a person and blossoms into a gorgeous flower once their intended other half comes along; what bliss it withholds.
Well, Wednesday didn’t want that bliss.
The whole ‘find your soulmate’ thing was pointless to her. Why waste her life away chasing someone she has never met, just to supposedly drop everything she knows and fall in love with them? Utter nonsense if you ask her.
Hence to why Wednesday despises her ‘soulmate mark’ that dawned upon her wrist. It was an auburn red quill with white streaks that probably belonged to an unsuspecting hawk. Apparently, upon meeting your soulmate, the mark will burn fiery hot and disappear once skin to skin contact happens with your destined lover.
Wednesday will never meet her soulmate, she vowed to it. She would be far better off by herself than having some relationship hold her back from making something good of herself.
But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t accidentally curious.
At times, she would catch herself peering at people’s wrists to see their marks, but every time she looked, it was never matching hers. If she were to be honest, a pang of disappointment would hit her; but there was no room for her to be upset about not seeing her soulmate that day, she didn’t care anyways.
But, she did care when she saw you.
Meeting you was completely an accident, she didn’t mean to stare at you in class and memorize your features. The curve of your jaw, the faded freckles that dotted across your nose, the way your hair fell around your shoulders in a wave.
It wasn’t purposeful when she sneakily made a copy of your schedule so she could walk past you in the hallways. It was all a coincidence when she made a list of your likes and dislikes so she could find your favorite activities and foods. An accident is what she calls it when she hacked into Enid’s instagram to find your account and scroll through all your photos so she could save a few and put them in her journal.
It wasn’t her fault when she started to imagine scenarios of you two together, how she would kiss and hug you, how she would care for you if you were sad or upset, how she would trace her fingers along your skin whilst mumbling “mine” just to remind you who you belonged to.
It especially was an accident when she ran into you, when her arms snaked around your waist to save you from falling, when your noses were centimeters apart, and when she felt the surprising burn upon her wrist.
“I…uhm…” Wednesday stuttered, frozen while holding you in a dipped position.
Your eyes were wide, your hand twitching as you felt the similar sting on your arm. Your eyebrows furrowed in thought, your beautiful eyes tracking Wednesday’s.
“It’s you.” You mumbled, reaching for her face.
“And you…” She recited back, a warmth crossing across her cheeks as you cupped them.
You smiled at her, a sight she wishes she could bottle up and wear around her neck, and pushed your feet under you so you could stand upright.
Wednesday’s arms were still around you, so you took it as a request to step closer to her. Your hands went around her neck, resting on her shoulders while you gazed into her endless soul of black.
“I’ve been waiting.”
Wednesday nodded, her focus trained in on your face. She felt, vulnerable, a feeling she used to despise but now craved as she leaned into you.
“I know.” She replied.
You were breathtaking, a fallen angel that was caught in her net; her heart. The aura you produced was glowing and warm, a perfect satiatee for Wednesday’s cold demeanor.
Your hands moved back to her face, the soft pads of your fingers tracing along the skin of her jawline as you leaned in. You whispered one word before claiming her with a kiss.
tag list: @tundra1029  @i984  @king-scarlet     @simp4thena @dreifhraniquo29  @fall-08 @efectoangel @alexkolax  @k1mba @annalestern @i-love-u15 @vorsdany
i do not give permission for anyone to repost or copy my work onto any other platform
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berryjoong · 2 years
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✩ sunkissed - lee felix ✩
pairing: lee felix x afab/fem reader
summary: soft, slow mornings like these were always your favorites, just you and your sunkissed angel.
song: sunkissed ~ khai dreams
word count: 2.6k
warning: smut under the cut, minors do not interact! unprotected sex (stay safe kids), fingering (f rec), creampie, use of pet names (princess, baby, darling), honestly just vv soft and vanilla lmao
small a/n: this is my first time writing anything even remotely ✨spicy✨ so feel free to leave constructive feedback! sorry if it lowkey sucks lmaoo but requests are open, so drop an idea if you’d like !!
soft, slow mornings like these were always your favorites.
you blinked a couple times as you slowly woke up. golden rays of sunlight enveloped you and the beautiful boy next to you, giving his honeyed skin a nearly ethereal glow. felix was still sound asleep, quiet huffs leaving his slightly parted lips as he dozed in the soft morning sun.
you smiled a little to yourself, reaching a finger up to lightly trace patterns between the freckles that dotted his bare shoulders. it was one of your favorite pastimes, truly. you could just lay there all day, endlessly connecting constellations from the little stars his skin was made up of. as you gazed over at him, you were wholly unsure of how you ended up with someone that wasn’t just beautiful on the outside but also the sweetest person you’d ever met.
slowly, a few moments later, the angel boy next to you started to stir. he lifted his head up from where it rested on the pillow just slightly and blinked once, twice, before his eyes fully fell on you. a gentle, sweet smile stretched across his lips the moment his sleepy brain registered where he was and that you were there in front of him.
“good morning, my love,” felix mumbled out, early morning voice a touch deeper than his normal tone.
“morning, my sunshine,” you said back, your own voice soft, so as to not disturb the calm quiet of the morning. you reached the hand that had previously been on his shoulder up to gently brush away a few strands of blonde hair from his forehead. the light color of his hair only added to the fact that he looked like a walking ray of sunshine.
felix gave you a sleepy smile, though his eyes were still full of a starry love only he was capable of. you smiled back, just taking in his heavenly sunkissed form in the soft morning light.
“you’re so pretty, lix,” the quiet words escaped your lips before you even had time to think.
slowly, his smile grew wider and he shook his head. “i think you’re thinking of yourself, lovely,” he said, before leaning forward to lightly press his lips against your own.
you reciprocated the move immediately, kissing him back in the same relaxed manner that he kissed you. you smiled against him, bringing a hand around to the back of his neck and gently pulling him in closer.
you felt him smile into the kiss you shared in return, nudging his nose against your own. “i love you so much,” he murmured into your mouth, not wanting to pull away and be separated from you.
you pulled back just barely to shake your head. “mm, i love you more.”
felix let out a soft whine in disagreement and just kissed you again, not wanting to argue when he knew you wouldn’t let up.
the two of you stayed like that for some time, all tangled up together, lazily pressing kisses against one another. you weren’t in any rush, you just enjoyed the quiet of the morning and the gentle comfort of each other.
you ran your hands through felix’s hair as he detached himself from your lips and started slowly leaving a trail of small open mouthed kisses down your neck. your breaths fell shallow as he made his way to your collarbone and left a small nip there before returning to your lips and kissing you once more.
you lightly pressed yourself more to him as you kissed him back. your hands found their way to the back of his neck again as he rolled over, carefully lifting himself on top of you. he smiled against your lips as one of his hands crept its way under the hem of your shirt and to the soft skin beneath.
you breathed out a quiet sigh as his fingers danced across your skin, wandering ever higher. before you knew it, you were trying to wriggle out of your shirt to allow him to touch more of you.
at this, felix pulled back just slightly, a small smirk playing at his lips. “what does my baby want?”
you narrowed your eyes at him. “you know full well what. just help me get my shirt off,” you said, hands tugging at the hem of your shirt again.
“whatever my princess wants,” felix answered, teasing tone gone as he helped you pull your sleep shirt up and over your head.
with the layer of fabric that previously covered you gone, he sat back for a moment and just admired you. “wow…” he breathed out, awestruck smile adorning his lips. “you really are truly gorgeous, my love.” just like that, he dove back into kissing you. he kissed you like you were the very air he breathed—like without you, he would just cease to exist. he ran his fingers up and down your sides, causing you to shiver slightly at his touch.
your hands cupped either side of his face before they slid to rest on his shoulder blades as he left your lips again. he slowly mouthed his way back down your neck, taking his time to show you just how much he loves you.
he lightly rolled his hips over yours and you couldn’t help the soft, breathless noises that left your lips at his motions. you gripped his shoulders tighter and tilted your head to give him easier access to your neck. and with every lazy roll of his hips, you felt the need for him grow inside you.
he pulled back just slightly to admire the artwork he’d created on your skin. tiny bites and light bruises showcased how much he was yours, just as much as you were his. you opened your eyes and caught his gaze, warm brown now dark, his pupils blown out wide with want. bare skin and blonde hair already mussed up, he was the picture of messy perfection.
you pulled him back down, a groan leaving him as soon as his lips hit yours. one of his hands found its way up to your chest, kneading at the flesh there. you gasped, mouth pulling back from his when he lightly pinched at your nipple, slowly rolling the bud between his fingertips. he took this opportunity to lean down and capture your other nipple in his mouth, sucking softly and flicking his tongue over it.
your hands were back in his hair immediately, the soft moans leaving your mouth slowly becoming louder the longer he played with your nipples. he focused on them one at a time, lightly pulling at each one with his teeth. you tugged on his hair, causing him to groan against your skin once more. his hips rolled down to meet yours again and you bucked your hips up into him, needing some relief from the growing ache in your core.
breathlessly, you begged him, “l-lix, baby, please…”
he looked up from where he was and let your nipple fall from his mouth with an obscene pop. “what do you want, my love? use your words,” he said, his gentle tone so in contrast to his words and actions.
you felt yourself flush even as you answered him, “more- more of you.”
one of his eyebrows raised as his lips quirked upwards in a slight smirk. “and where do you want me, lovely?”
you let out a soft whine and pushed your hips into his again. “inside me, please, lixie,” you begged, desperation growing in your voice. “need you in me.”
his smirk faded to a genuine smile once more and he leaned up to leave a light kiss on your nose. “as i said, whatever my princess wants right now, she will get.”
with that, he leaned back and hooked his fingers inside the waistband of your sleep shorts, pulling them and your underwear down your legs. his smile grew only wider, seeing you all pretty and spread out for him, already clenching around nothing. gently, he ran his hands up and down your inner thighs a few times, just appreciating the beautiful wonder you were laid out before him.
“fuck, you’re glistening, baby. so ready for me,” he breathed. slowly, he dragged one of his fingers up through the wetness that had gathered at your core. your back arched slightly at his movements and you let out your loudest moan yet.
felix chuckled at your reaction and slipped that finger inside you a moment after, in love with the way you clenched around him immediately. “does my baby like that?” his voice was lower, deeper than normal. you could hear the need for you in his tone, making you shiver and grip his finger tighter.
he pushed a second finger in, beginning to move them at a languid pace. the extra feeling made you moan out loud again, head thrown back at the contact.
“yes, lixie, fuck, always- always so good,” you stammered out, already only half coherent.
he chuckled lowly, curling his fingers slightly, relishing in the way your warm walls felt around him. he brought his thumb up to play with your clit and nearly lost it when you whimpered at his touch. he leaned down and kissed you hungrily, moaning into your mouth as he worked you with his fingers.
you pulled away just enough to whimper out, “please, stop teasing, want- want your cock in me. please, need you.”
felix swore in that moment, he could’ve came just from your words alone. he nodded and pressed another hurried kiss to your lips. he was quick to pull his fingers out of you and shed his bottom layers, cock bouncing up against his lower abdomen, all hard and flushed and pretty just for you.
gently, he spread your thighs a little wider before settling himself between them. he glanced up at you, the smile on his face much too soft and pure for the setting you both were in.
“ready?” there was that gentle tone again, always present to make sure you felt safe saying no if you wanted. you nodded quickly though, and wriggled your hips slightly in anticipation.
felix chuckled at your eagerness and took his length in one hand, slowly dragging the head through your folds, up and down. it took another whimper of, “please,” from you before he carefully lined up with your entrance and pushed into you. you both let out matching moans at the feeling of him sinking deeper and deeper. he nestled himself into you, bottoming out moments later.
he braced himself with his arms on either side of you, dropping his head against your neck while you relaxed and adjusted to him. he left a few more soft pecks where your shoulder and neck met before he slowly started to move. he lazily fucked into you, in no rush, just rolling his hips and taking his time to savor the feeling of your tight heat sucking him in every time he pulled back.
“fuck, you’re absolutely perfect, darling,” he said, a breathy moan following his words as he felt you flutter around him. “always so, so perfect. just like you were made for me.”
you moaned at his words, wrapping your legs around his hips and clawing at his shoulders, the raw need to just be close overwhelming you. you swore at the feeling of him reaching even deeper in you once you hooked your ankles together behind his back. his hips stuttered at the move and he had to take a moment to collect himself before he started thrusting again.
his hands wandered all over your body, his lips kissed every part of you he could reach and added to the mosaic he’d started on your neck. the only noises in the room were just that of skin on skin and your moans mingling together. the obscene sounds were like utter music to felix’s ears and spurred him on more to do whatever he could to hear those sweet noises fall from your lips again.
his moans slowly became more breathy and airy as his thrusts steadily started to pick up speed, unable to help himself anymore. “just- fuck- just love you so much. you’re so good for me, lovely,” he babbled, his own brain clouding as his high started to approach.
you pulled him closer, grabbing at any part of him that you could, feeling that familiar knot in your stomach starting to build.
“so- so good… so good to me, lix,” you stumbled across your words and bucked your hips up to meet his, both of you chasing your own highs. “oh fuck- i’m close.”
felix let out a whimper as he mouthed at your neck once more, clearly close as well. “me too- shit, me too, baby. fuck, come on, cum for me, sweetheart,” he rambled, sneaking a hand down to rub at your clit again. he moved away from your neck to find a slightly better angle, thrusts faster and more sloppy than before.
the added sensation on your clit was all you needed to come undone around him. you let out a loud whine of his name as your body shuddered and your walls clenched tightly over his cock. feeling you tighten around him was enough to make his mind go absolutely blank. a few deep thrusts later and felix was following right behind you, cumming hard inside you as an airy, high-pitched moan tumbled from his lips. his hips stuttered again as he worked through his high, helping you come down from yours as well. he shallowly fucked into you a couple more times before slumping against you, cock still buried deep inside you, his face finding its way back into your neck shortly after.
you both were panting heavily, just staying where you were for a few moments while you came back down to reality. felix let out a soft whimper from overstimulation as he slowly pulled out of you a minute later.
he placed another gentle kiss on your neck, over one of the bruises he’d made minutes earlier. “i love you so much, my perfect baby,” he mumbled, voice already heavy again with oncoming sleep.
you smiled, leaving a soft kiss on the top of his head. “and i love you too, my sunshine.”
you felt as he smiled against the skin of your neck, just staying slumped against you for a beat longer before hauling himself up and to the bathroom for a washcloth to clean you both off. he returned a second later, warm, wet washcloth in hand and set to gently wiping you down. for felix, aftercare was just as important as everything you’d just done together. no matter how hard or soft he went on you, you knew he’d always be there afterward to clean you up and cuddle you to your heart’s content.
when he was finished cleaning you both off, he just threw the dirty washcloth to the floor and climbed back into bed with you.
“i’ll get it later. just need more cuddles from my love right now,” he said softly, blinking sleepily as he gently pulled you into his arms.
you happily reciprocated his affections and cuddled into his arms, curling back into a ball in his hold. you felt him kiss the top of your head before he slowly started to drift off to sleep again. while you weren’t as close to sleep as felix, you’d be more than content to stay there with him as long as he needed.
you truly loved soft, slow mornings like these. there was no rush as the rest of forever stretched out comfortably in front of you, just you and your sunkissed angel.
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nights-legacy · 8 months
Our Place - Lo'ak x Reader
Main Masterlist ~ Avatar Masterlist
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2106 words
Warnings: none (if you find one please let me know)
+ Lo'ak discovers a private spot one day and can't wait to show you, his best friend. That spot becomes a safe haven for you two. Eventually, it may just become more.
"Come on, Lo'ak! Were going to get in trouble!" I ran after the boy through the trees. I was laughing regardless of the chance for trouble.
"You know you love it!" He yelled back. We were out way past eclipse and curfew. He said he wanted to show me something but it was better to see it at night. I agreed without a second thought.
Lo'ak and I have been best friends since we were kids. My mother was a good friend and fought alongside Neytiri so it was fate for us to be friends. It was also a relief to his parents that I seemed to balance him out, sometimes.
"Hey slow down Lo'ak!" He was quite a bit ahead of me and was getting farther away. He just shot me a smile over his shoulder before disappearing from sight. I slowed as I made it to a small empty clearing. "Lo'ak?"
I couldn't see or hear Lo'ak anywhere. I turned around slowly scanning the area for the boy. My grip tightened on my bow as the silence grew. My tail was stiff behind me, Only the end twitching in unease as my ears twitched with every sound.
"Gotcha!" A hand grabbed my tail and yanked me back. I landed against his chest.
"Lo'ak! You skxawng!" I yelled and looked over my shoulder at him. His face was a lot closer than I anticipated. We were nearly nose to nose, close enough I could count everyone of his freckles. I noticed his hand was still holding my tail.
"Oh, um... Sorry but I got you. I totally did." He let go of my tail but lightly punched my shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah. You got me." I rolled my eyes but laughed nonetheless. He did a little dance. He is adorable.
"Come on. It's just a little ways this way." He pointed through the trees.
"Okay." I nodded. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along. My tail perked up at his touch.
I realized a long time ago that I had feelings for Lo'ak. Very deep, strong feelings for him. I would spend the rest of my life with him if he chose me.
"Here it is." He looked at me before pushing through some large leaf. Before us was the most beautiful waterfall spring I've ever seen.
"Oh my Eywa..." I gasped, covering my mouth in awe. I stepped out of the leaves and looked around.
The water was glowing with the bioluminescence. Perfect draped vines hang over some of the most beautiful flowers in every color. There was a wide overhang cave of the rocks next to waterfall. It would be a perfect shelter from the rain. The whole area was like an oasis for Eywa herself.
"Lo'ak... how did you find this place?"
"I was out here hunting one day on my own. I didn't find much to hunt but I found this." He was admiring the view with me. I met his gaze. "There's more though."
"More?" I looked at him shocked. He took my hand again and pulled me to a clear patch of grass. He pulled me to the ground and sat me next to him.
"Now lay back." He said as he laid back with arm behind his head. I did and looked up. From this Spot, there was a Perfect view of the stars. "Amazing isn't it?"
"Yeah." The word came out so soft, I wasn't sure if he heard me. We laid there in peaceful silence for a while. "Thank you for showing this to me."
"Of course." I looked over at him and I could see the reflection of the stars in his bright yellow eyes. I bit the inside of my cheek as my heart fluttered. He must have sensed my gaze because he turned to meet it. We shared a smile before turning back to the sky.
After that, the clearing was our secret spot. The place where we could escape it all. We had brought stuff to make the place more comfortable. Pillows, blankets, etc. We went very often. Like today.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you but it's my life. I'll do what I choose." I screamed as I ran out of my family hut. I just had an recurring argument with my parents. This time though, everything went too far.
"Y/N!" I heard them yell but I ignored them. I wanted nothing to do with them. I ran through the village, past the Sully's, and into the trees, heading for the spot. Tears were running down my face by the time I made it. I stumbled and fell as soon as I made it into the clearing.
"Shit!" I yelped as pain shot through my left wrist. Thunder rolled above me as I slowly got up to my knees. I glanced up at the dark clouds before getting up & walked over to the cave. I collapsed into the bedding and I broke down. The weather matched my tears but with earnest.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Someone's voice broke through the storm after about 10 minutes. I peeked out from the pillows to see someone running through the rain. They quickly jumped up and stepped into the cave with me.
"Lo'ak?" I croaked, throat raw from the crying.
"Woo! It's really pouring." He laughed, shaking off the water. "What's up? Tuk said she saw you run by at full speed and..." He paused, dropping his bow. "What's wrong?!"
"Lo'ak..." I tried to wipe my face.
"You've been crying. What's wrong? Who did this?" He knelt in front of me, cupping my face. I started to sob again. "Shit..." He pulled away.
"No!" I whimpered, reaching for him. I grabbed his wrist. He set his hand over mine and caressed my wrist with his other hand.
"I'm not going anywhere. I just need to dry off and I'll be right back, I promise." I reluctantly let go. I buried myself in the pillows again. It was only a few minutes before he came back. He hopped over me before sitting behind me. "Come here."
"Okay." I turned over and shuffled in close. He pulled me into his chest and laid back. Fingers began to run through my hair and he laid his head on mine. The tenderness sent me over the edge again. I sobbed into his neck and in response, he tightened his grip and softly spoke.
"It's okay. Go ahead and cry. I've got you." He said into my hair. The gentle touches, the sound of his breathing, and the warmth of his skin was like a safety blanket. After I didn't even know how long, I began to calm down. "There we go."
"I'm... I'm sorry." I hiccuped as I wiped my face. He sat us up and scooted back to lean against the pillows, tucking me into his side.
"No, no. Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong." He took over in wiping my tears away. I met his soft eyes and he gave me a smile that made my heart melt. "What happened?"
"My parents and I got into a major fight." I revealed.
"My future and who I choose to be my mate." I said. His eyes widened before speaking.
"Oh, what about it?"
"They want me to follow the same path as my aunt and not be a Warrior. They also want me to choose to mate with Ni'vite."
"Ni'vite? He's an asshole and a sleazy bastard."
"I know. But they won't listen to me. They only see the strong warrior and not the boy he is." I set my head back down on his chest. "They said they will make it an arranged mating."
"What! Why would they... that's not fair to you. You should be able to choose who you want and what you want to do with your life."
"You would think but they think otherwise." I grumbled. I finally calmed down and snuggled into him more. Tears were still falling but silently now.
"So have you already chosen who you wish to bond with?" There was something in his voice that gave way to being upset and pained.
"Well yeah um, no but I..." I sat up and detached myself from him. I could feel his eyes on me. I wanted to tell him the truth and tell him I chose him but I was scared of losing him.
"Y/N?" He sat up too, setting his hand on my back. I peaked at him to see him worried and eyes full of care. Turning out to look into the rain, trying to gather the courage I needed. I took a big breath. "Are you alright?"
"I have chosen." I said.
"Can I ask who?" He asked softly.
"Then who..." I turned, grabbing his face. I pulled his lips to mine and he made a noise of surprise. I kept my eyes closed, waiting for his response. My heart ignited in my chest when he began to kiss me back. His arms wrapped around me and softly pulled me with him as he laid back. I laid on top of him on his chest.
"I choose you Lo'ak." I whispered as I pulled away. I propped myself Up with one hand. He looked up at me with starry eyes. He seemed to be in another world beneath me. '"Lo'ak?" His eyes focused and met mine with a determined glint. He cupped my face while pushing himself up. His lips met mine eagerly as if I were the air he needed to breathe. I moaned against his lips as he pulled me into his lap.
"I choose you too." He said as he pulled away, breathless. We were both breathing heavily, chests brushing against each other with every breath. I felt tears well up again but this time with happiness. I giggled and hugged him tight. I felt his hands brush up my back before returning the hug.
We sat there for a few minutes, enjoying each other's presence before I pulled away. He took my hand, smiling from ear to ear. I giggled at how adorable he was. I reached up and pulled the band holding his hair back out and smiled.
"You always liked it better down, didn't you?" I nodded.
"But it looks good no matter the way." I run my fingers through his hair before trailing my hand down to place it over his heart. "Oel Ngati Kamele, Lo'ak." He sucked in a breath before copying my movements.
"Oel Ngati Kamele, Y/N." He said softly but sincerely. A loud clap of thunder spooked us out of our moment. Lo'ak clutched me to his chest as the rain began to come down harder and the Storm got worse.
"I think it's best if we stay here for a while." I suggested. He nodded quickly. He pulled us deeper into the bedding before laying us down again.
"I'm going to let my dad know, so he doesn't freak out." He said while reaching for the communicator on his neck.
"Good idea."
~Time Skip~
I sat on my knees in the small meadow. I looked around, taking everything in. All the memories me and Lo'ak have made here running through my mind. I clutched the windchimes Lo'ak had made right after we declared this place ours to my chest. The birds, the water, and my sniffling was the only thing that could be heard now.
"Yawne..." I turned to see Loak coming out from the brush, holding a big leaf away from his face. He had a sad look on his face that matched how I felt. "We must go now."
"Ok-nay..." A sob escaped my throat. I covered my mouth.
"Oh Y/N..." He came over quickly, kneeling and pulled my head to his chest. I cried, setting my hand above his heart. I could feel his breath shuddering. "I'm going to miss this place too. But you know we must go. You know that."
"I know. I know." I pulled back and he reached up to wipe my tears. He helped me up and noticed the windchimes in my hands. He smiled.
"Bringing a bit of this place with us?" I nodded. I leant against his side while looking around one more time.
"I hate the RDA sky people."
"Me too." He said before pulling me away. I longingly looked back Until it disappeared from sight. I hope one day we could come back but for now, Jake and the rest of the Sully's were waiting for us so we could seek uturu, away from the demons.
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jennay · 10 months
Honey Bee
Master List Part 1
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The morning light seeped through the gaps in the curtains, casting a warm glow on Jolly's face. He squinted his eyes and shifted slightly, feeling a dull ache in his neck. He wanted to groan, maybe even curse the cheap curtains that failed to block out the sun. But as he opened his eyes fully, he saw a sight that made him smile.
You were curled up next to him, your head resting on his chest, your arms wrapped around his torso.
Your hair is tousled, and your breathing is soft. Jolly gently stroked your back. He barely remembered you waking up from a nightmare last night, wide-eyed and uncomfortable.
It took him a minute to remember he invited you to sleep in his bed. He didn't mind sharing his space with you. He liked having you close.
Jolly felt frozen, holding his breath, afraid that any sound or movement would wake you up. He softly touched your cheek, his brown eyes filled with admiration as they roamed your face. He followed every curve and contour, every freckle and delicate line that marked your laughter, and every strand of hair you had colored in bright hues of purple and blue. He smiled, knowing how much you loved experimenting with your hair, changing it to match your mood and personality.
Jolly felt a numbness in his arm, but he ignored it. He didn't want to break the spell of this moment. He gently ran his fingers through your hair, feeling its softness and texture. He hoped you were dreaming of something beautiful that would make you happy.
You're aware of his presence, his skin against yours, his warmth radiating through you. You let out a soft sigh, feeling his breath caressing your face.
You open your eyes, but they are still heavy from sleep. You blink a few times, trying to adjust to the light that filters through the curtains.
You feel his arms around you, holding you close, and look up at him with sleepy eyes. You see his smile, his gentle gaze, his messy hair.
You softly say, "Good morning."
He whispers back, "Good morning."
You can hear his heartbeat, his steady breathing, his soothing voice. "Sleep, OK?" He asks in a sleepy voice, his eyes barely open.
You yawn, stretching your arms and legs. You feel the sheets' softness, the blanket's warmth, and the bed's coziness.
"Yeah, but I feel so exhausted still." You complain, rubbing your eyes.
"I think it's part of your charm." He teases, and you feel his chest vibrate with laughter. He tickles your sides, making you giggle, and hugs you tighter, making you feel loved. "If you let go of my arm, I'll get up and make you some coffee. We have a lot to do today." He says, sounding reluctant to leave as well.
You gently raise your head from his muscular bicep. You give him a sheepish smile, feeling guilty for making him uncomfortable. He smiles back warmly, his eyes glimmering with happiness. He rolls onto his back and stretches out his limbs, making a few loud groans that echo in the room.
You take the opportunity to scoot up, grabbing his fluffy pillow and throwing the cozy blanket over your head. "You're making me go outside where there are people?" You whine loudly, hiding under the covers. "You're breaking my heart!" You exaggerate your distress, hoping he will change his mind. You pull the blanket off your face and pout at him.
Jolly tilts his head, amused by your antics. His lips curl into a grin at your cute expression. "What did you think we were going to do this whole time? Just stay in bed and watch TV? There was no way I was having Noah over and not having a lineup of plans. So now you have to fill in the spots." He says teasingly as he sits up and slowly slides to the edge of the bed, standing up. He looks at you with a playful glint in his eyes. "Get ready." He says as he walks towards the closet, leaving you to wonder what he has in store for you.
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You feel Jolly's warm breath on your neck as you browse the jewelry counter. He leans over your shoulder and gazes at the dazzling display of rings and necklaces. He knows how much you adore them; he's seen your impressive collection at your apartment. He's even bought you a few pieces himself.
He whispers in your ear, "Do you see anything you like?" His head rests on your shoulder, and his long dark hair cascades over your arm and tickles your cheek. His hair smells like mint and vanilla, a scent you've come to associate with him. You can feel his stubble scratching against your skin. You try to suppress a shiver as you bite your lip.
You point to a shiny oval opal ring on a black band. It catches your eye with its iridescent colors. It looks like a rainbow trapped in a stone. "I like that one," you say. "But I'm going to think about it. It's a little out of my price range at the moment. Maybe if it's here tomorrow, it'll be a sign." You pretend to be deep in thought as if you are making a life-changing decision.
Jolly steps back and gives you some room to breathe. He looks at the ring and nods approvingly. "It would look good on you," he says. "I think you should-" But before he can finish his sentence, you have moved on to the next thing.
You can't resist the urge to touch every single trinket in the store, picking them up and examining them curiously. You wonder at the intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and delicate shapes. You see a silver necklace with a moon pendant, a wooden box with a carved dragon, and a crystal ball with a swirling mist inside.
You are the owner's worst nightmare, a potential source of damage.
Jolly gives the man standing behind the counter a sympathetic look as if to apologize for your childlike behavior. He knows you mean no harm, but he also knows how much the owner values his merchandise. He sees the owner's eyes darting nervously from you to the shelves as if he's afraid you'll break or steal something. Jolly smiles reassuringly at him and reaches for his wallet, ready to pay for damages.
You are mesmerized by how different everything looks; blue seems to be the dominant color in every design. You love the creativity and how everything was hand-crafted at this shop. You see blue glass vases, blue ceramic plates, blue metal sculptures, and blue paintings. You wonder how long it took to design some of these things or where they found the rocks that they turned into beautiful statues. You see turquoise, sapphire, cobalt, azure, indigo. These kinds of stores were your favorite, and you could spend hours looking at everything. You feel like you are in a wonderland, a place where imagination and artistry come to life.
You feel Jolly's hand on the small of your back, gently nudging you forward. "I know you'd stay here for the rest of your life, but we have other things to do." He pulls out his phone, looking at the time. "It's noon, and we have much more to see." He gently grabs the green porcelain mermaid out of your hand and puts it back on the shelf.
"Besides, I think Karl over there is about to kick us out." He nods towards the owner, who glares at you from behind the counter. He looks annoyed by your prolonged browsing and touching of his precious items.
Jolly grabs your hand and drags you to the door. He opens the door, and you step out into the bright sunlight.
You smile at him, grateful for his patience and understanding. You know he doesn't share your passion for trinkets, but he always indulges you when you find a store like this. He knows how much joy they bring you and loves seeing you happy.
"Where to next?" you ask, curious about his plans. "I'm taking you to my favorite place, well, my favorite, while I'm home anyway." He says with a shrug. He doesn't reveal anything else, leaving you in suspense.
You nod, following his lead; one thing you loved about being here was everything was within walking distance. You pass by trinket stores, restaurants, live music venues, and the waterfront park.
You see people walking, biking, skating, and laughing. You hear music, chatter, and waves. You smell food, flowers, and fried foods.
You wonder which one of these places is his favorite.
You glance at the colorful signs of the food trucks and restaurants that line the street, your stomach rumbling. You smell cheese, meat, sauce, and spices.
"Is it food?" You ask him with a playful smile, hoping he'll treat you to something delicious. "Food sounds good…" You add, nudging him with your elbow. You know he has good taste in food, and you're always hungry for more.
He looks down at you with a warm grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yes," He chuckles, "I knew you'd be excited." He wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer, making you blush.
You bite your lip and smile back. "Food is the way to my heart; you know this. This will be one of those cute moments in the movies where you order food for me 'cause I don't know what the menu says, and then you'll be like, just try it, even though I'm terrified by the looks of it." You say, imagining the scene in your head.
You picture him ordering something exotic like pickled herring or Smorgastarta, and you'd make a face as you taste it.
He laughs, his breath tickling your ear. "You've thought this through." He says, amused by your fantasy.
"I've seen a lot of romance movies…except we're friends, and it's platonic, but you can pretend for me, right?" You ask, batting your eyelashes at him. You hope he'll say yes.
He opens the diner's door, and the two of you step in, the smell of deli food and desserts filling your nostrils.
You see a cozy booth by the window and head towards it. "You sure you want me to pretend? You have Noah at home; you might accidentally fall for me." He jokes, but you can hear a hint of seriousness in his voice. He looks at you curiously as if trying to read your mind.
"Again, with the Noah thing?" You laugh. "How many times do I have to tell you he's my best friend?"
Jolly chuckles, "C'mon, I see the way he is with you." He winks, "How come you never give him a shot?"
You want so desperately to tell him the truth, but you're still scared of losing him. Jolly acted like Noah sometimes, making you doubt his feelings for you. You thought he only saw you as a friend, just like Noah did.
You just shake your head, “I don’t want to think about Noah right now." You open the menu and pretend to look at it, but you can't focus on anything but him.
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After lunch, you're led back to Jolly's car and make yourself comfortable listening to Jolly talk about other places he wants to take you while you are there.
You gaze out of the window, trying to spot any landmarks that might indicate your destination. Jolly keeps his eyes on the road, his expression unreadable.
"Are you taking me out to the wilderness to kill me?" You joke; You see endless rows of trees, no sign of civilization in sight. "You were the last person I expected to murder me, Jolly. You were so nice." You laugh, which earns you a grin from him.
"Nope, you're not that lucky." He teases. "Too many people will know if you go missing." He parks in front of a colorful building, and you see people of all ages exploring outside and inside the building. You notice signs that say "Welcome to the Butterfly House" and "Discover the Magic of Nature."
"Prepare to be amazed." He says, opening the door and jogging to your side. He opens the door and helps you out. He takes your hand and leads you to the entrance. "You'll want to stay forever." He says, his eyes shining excitedly. “C’mon Honey Bee.”
You follow Jolly into the building, feeling curiosity and anticipation. He has a massive grin as if he knows something you don't. You wonder what he has planned for you and hope it's not too wild.
You trust him, but he can be a lot sometimes. You walk through a corridor and enter a large hall filled with natural light.
You gasp as you see what's inside. It's a butterfly garden, a stunning display of nature's beauty and diversity. Hundreds of butterflies of different shapes, sizes, and colors fly around and land on flowers, trees, and rocks. You see monarchs, swallowtails, blue morphos, and more.
The air is fragrant with the scent of blossoms, and you hear the gentle sound of water from a fountain.
"Wow," you whisper, feeling awestruck. You're surrounded by a sea of colors and shapes, a living painting of nature's beauty.
You want to explore every inch of the garden and touch the delicate wings of the butterflies. You wonder how they feel, whether soft, silky, or powdery.
You're tempted to reach out and catch one, but you know better than to disturb them. You step forward, but Jolly quickly grabs your hand and pulls you back to his side. "Don't touch anything," he warns you, laughing. "They'll kick us out if you mess with the butterflies. They're very sensitive, you know. I should have gotten a wrist leash for you." He says, teasing you. He knows how curious you are about everything. He finds it adorable but also wants to protect you from getting in trouble.
You roll your eyes but smile. "I'll behave, I promise," you say jokingly. You tug on his hand and drag him along. "Come on, let's go see more. This place is amazing." You say, your voice filled with excitement.
You walk towards a section of the garden with more flowers and butterflies. You see roses, orchids, lilies, and more. You smell their sweet fragrance, and you feel their soft petals. You notice that some butterflies have patterns and colors matching the flowers they land on. You see a yellow butterfly on a sunflower, a pink butterfly on a peony, and a blue butterfly on a hydrangea.
"How do they know where to stay?" you ask, fascinated. "Do they have a preference, or is it random?" You wonder if they choose their flowers based on appearance, scent, or nectar. "There's signs." He says, pointing in front of you. He sees a board with information about the butterflies and their habitats. He leads you to it and lets you read it.
Jolly's heart melts as you lean forward to read, your colorful hair dropping in front of your face, but he can still see your lips moving as you read the signs. He thinks you look so cute and intelligent and can't help but stare at you. He pulls out his cell phone and snaps a picture of you.
The two of you continue your travels, admiring every part of the garden. He was right; you could stay here for hours. You feel like you're in a fairy tale, a magical world where anything is possible.
"One more place, you ready?" He asks, his voice full of excitement. He takes your hand and leads you to the exit.
You nod, following him, "Did you think you'd have this much fun with Noah?" you giggle.
He laughs, wrapping his arm around you, "This was for you. Not for Noah." He says, squeezing you gently. He looks into your eyes, and you see a hint of something more than friendship. He quickly looks away, and you feel confused.
Does he like you, or is he just being nice? You bite the inside of your cheek.
Smiling up at him, "Thank you." you quietly say.
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The night has fallen, casting shadows over the unfamiliar landscape. You've left the city behind and are now in the countryside. You see fields, forests, and hills.
You feel a breeze on your face, and you shiver. Your eyes feel heavy from the jet lag, and you struggle to stay awake.
You don't know where he's taking you, but you trust him. You hope it's worth it.
"Wake up sleepy head," Jolly says, nudging your leg gently. He sees you nodding off, and he tries to keep you alert. He doesn't want you to miss the surprise.
You jerk away from his touch, "Sorry. I'm still not used to the time zone here. Where are we going anyway? I get that you want to surprise me and all, but can't you give me a little hint?" You tease him.
He shakes his head, "Nope. You'll have to wait and see. Trust me, you'll love it." He says, smiling mysteriously.
"I was kidding before about the whole you murdering me thing but, this looks like a perfect spot for a murder. It's pitch black, you're driving on a dirt road, and there's a huge fucking lake ahead of us. This is it, isn't it?" You joke, trying to lighten the mood.
You see the dark water reflecting the moonlight. You wonder what's on the other side of the lake and why he's taking you there.
Jolly gives you a baffled look. "What with all this talk about murder?" He chuckles, "Maybe I should be the one who's scared. You're the one who's always watching those crime shows and reading those mystery novels. Maybe you're plotting to kill me and make it look like an accident." He jokes back.
You shrug your shoulders as he parks off to the side, "Men are the biggest threat to women." You remind him while grinning. "So if this is it…just tell Noah to keep my cat please, George won't survive by himself."
He turns the car off, and you hear the engine die down. "OK, well, I'm still not going to kill you. I want to show you this spot I like and, it's perfect right now with the full moon." He says, his voice full of excitement. He looks at you with a playful grin.
Jolly steps out of the car and waits for you at the front of his car. He takes your hand and leads you down a small dirt trail as you approach him. You feel his fingers intertwined with yours, and you squeeze them gently.
You follow him, trusting him to guide you. You see the moon shining brightly in the sky, casting a silver glow over the landscape.
The sound of rustling leaves and chirping crickets fills the air as you walk through the brush. You breathe in the fresh scent of the night, and you feel alive. You see the shadows of the trees and the plants, and you hear the occasional hoot of an owl. You feel a thrill of anticipation, wondering what lies ahead. You squeeze his hand again, and he looks back at you. He smiles reassuringly, and you feel a warmth in your chest.
As you emerge from the trail, you are greeted by a breathtaking lake view. You gasp as you see the water sparkling under the moonlight, reflecting the stars. You see the ripples and the waves, and you hear the splash of the fish. You see the sandy shore and feel the softness under your feet.
Jolly sits on top of the picnic table off the side, patting the spot next to him for you to join.
"Today was nice. Thank you for showing me around." You say, feeling grateful for his company. You had a wonderful day with him, exploring the city and having fun. You saw many beautiful and exciting places and learned more about him and his culture.
Jolly sees you noticeably shiver and wraps an arm around you, pulling you in. He feels your cold skin, and he wants to warm you up.
"What was your favorite part?" He asks, curious about your opinion.
You hum softly, trying to think. You had so many memorable moments with him, and it was hard to choose one. "Oh, the garden was amazing, but I loved that shop we went to." You say, recalling the places you visited. You sigh, feeling regret. "I'm kinda bummed I didn't get that ring. It'll probably be gone tomorrow." You say, wishing you had bought it.
Jolly's breath catches in his throat as he remembers the jewelry in his pocket. He bought the ring for you when you weren't looking. He wanted to give you something unique that would remind you of him. "Oh, wait! I almost forgot. I have something for you." He says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small black box. He shifts closer to you and hands you the box. He looks at you with anticipation and hopes you'll like it.
You furrow your brows, confused by the gesture. "What's this?" you ask, grinning as you open it. You open the box, and your eyes widen with shock when you see the opal ring propped up in the container. You take the ring out of the container and notice the opal's intricate details. The colors of the stone seem to change as you move it around in the light. You see shades of blue, green, pink, and purple. You now own the rainbow trapped in the stone.
"I can't believe you got it. You're so sneaky! I didn't even see you buy it." You say, amazed by his action.
You look at him and see him smiling nervously. Jolly's heart races as he watches you admire the ring under the moonlight. He sees your eyes shining with happiness. He sees your lips curling into a smile and feels a flutter of desire. "I'm glad you like it," he says, his voice barely above a whisper.
You turn to face him, smiling widely, and notice the look in his eyes of love and want. You take the opportunity to lean forward, hoping he'll take the hint. He leans in, his eyes locked on yours, and you feel his breath on your face.
You close your eyes, anticipating the kiss, but Jolly quickly pulls away.
"I'm sorry," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't." He looks away from you, unable to meet your gaze. He knows he hurt you, and he hates himself for it.
He can't be selfish and take what he wants. He can't kiss you, even though he wants to more than anything. You open your eyes and look at him, feeling disappointment and confusion. You don't understand what happened, what changed.
"What?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
You want an explanation, a reason. You want him to say he's sorry and he made a mistake. You want him to say he loves and wants to be with you.
"I'm sorry." He says. He doesn't give you an answer, a justification. You feel your heart sink to your stomach, and you want nothing more than to leave.
You feel embarrassed and humiliated. You feel like a fool for thinking that he cared. You feel like a loser for being rejected. You bite the inside of your cheek as you stand up, crossing your arms over your chest.
You try to act cool and pretend that it doesn't matter. You try to hide your pain and act like you don't care. "It's fine. I get it. We should go. It's late anyways." You say, forcing a smile. You look up at the moon, and Jolly nearly dies when he sees the water in your eyes reflecting off the light. He sees the tears you're holding back and feels a stab of guilt.
Right now, he wished he didn't give a shit about Noah's feelings, but he does and betraying Noah was not something he could do.
Part three
Tags: @blackveilomens
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moldycantaloupe · 5 months
Mushy May Day 8
Sex turned love making
Pairing; Swiss/Phantom
Rating; E for Explicit!
Cunt and folds used for Phantom, they're trans!
It was a long week in the abbey. With tour dates secured, everyone from a clergy member to a sibling of sin was bustling ass to get everything prepped and ready for when it was time. The band ghouls were no exception, and a couple would say they had it the worst. With practice going for almost three hours a day, perfecting every little thing, planning out their own things for tour and what to bring. Stress loomed over everyone’s head, and made them all antsy and pissy with each other. Swiss, specifically, was in need of a relief, and when the young quint came raging into the kitchen that afternoon after a sibling of sin tested their patience, he knew how he’d go about it.
He had Phantom pinned to the bed, head shoved into the pillows and ass up to meet him. Swiss slammed into the ghoul with reckless abandon, and Phantom took it with loud and desperate noises. They were speaking in incoherent sentences, most of them ending in pleas.
“Fucking take it,” Swiss growled. He leaned down and bit into the nape of their neck, just enough to leave a mark. They yelped and clenched around him and he groaned.
“Swiss, oh- fuck,” The pillow underneath them was wet with drool and tears, eyes red and glassy, “s-so good-”
They choked on a moan when his hand gripped into their hair suddenly, pulling.
“Yeah?” He whispered into their neck. “That pathetic cunt gonna cum for me?”
“Oh, gods-” Swiss stopped for a moment and Phantom was immediately whining in protest. He shushed them and pulled out quickly.
“Turn, need to see you.” He huffed. They obliged, their sore limbs going as quick as they could manage to turn and face Swiss. He ran his cock along their folds and they nearly cried.
“Swiss, please put it back in,” they begged, “I need to cum so bad.”
Swiss looked up to their face, whether to argue or laugh was suddenly beyond him as he stared. Those lidded eyes were wet with tears and glowing specks of purple, Phantom’s magic coursing through their body. Their skin was flushed a deep purple, their freckles glowing in the same vein as their eyes.
“Beautiful.” Swiss muttered, any rage and aggression lost to him. They frowned slightly and tilted their head.
“What?” They sounded so frail at that moment, completely vulnerable to Swiss. For Swiss.
Swiss leaned down and caught their lips with his. It wasn’t rushed, he took his time in kissing those sweet lips.
Phantom whined in confusion but was quick to reciprocate, their arms going to hook around his shoulders. They didn’t try to rush the kiss, if anything they were a bit hesitant. He leaned away from them and stared, adoration making his chest bloom.
“You are the most beautiful ghoul.” Swiss finally responded. “I am so lucky to have you.”
Phantom looked at him, their mouth agape. Their lower lip began to tremble and fresh tears joined the old ones, daring to fall. They pulled him closer and nuzzled into his neck.
“Please,” they whispered. He lined himself back up and slowly pushed back in, savoring the hitch in their breath and low whines in the back of their throat. He bottomed out and immediately caught them into a deep kiss.
“Please,” they repeated against his lips, “Swiss, please.”
He pulled away and began moving his hips, short and deep thrusts that made them cry in pure bliss. Their claws scratched at his back, their legs fumbling to wrap around him, trying to entice him further in. If that were possible.
They stared at each other, both stuck in a lust and love filled trance. Swiss couldn’t find himself to be able to look away, Phantom didn’t think they could.
“Close,” they eventually breathed out, brows pinched and voice shaky, “I’m so close, Swiss.”
“In?” He huffed out.
“Yes!” They nearly sounded panicked, as if the prospect of anything else was terrifying to them. “Please, I need it-”
“Okay, buggy,” Swiss leaned down and peppered small kisses to their cheek and neck, “I’ve got you.”
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live-laugh-neteyam · 1 year
Forever ||| tsu’tey x omatikaya!reader
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pairings: tsu'tey x omatikaya!fem!reader
summary: sometimes nothing lasts forever
words: 1.5k
warnings/notes: angsty angst, use of y/n, arranged marriage, forbidden love, implied smut, blame lewis capaldi for this one I love this song and it’s still on my mind after hearing it live
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Looking over the crowd everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time. Everyone but him. Tsu'tey would never admit it aloud though. There was shame in admitting you'd rather be anywhere but your own engagement party.
Eyes briefly scanning over you entering the crowd, he quickly stopped for a double take. The sight of you caused his breath to catch in his throat.
It was foolish really, to think you wouldn't show up. Of course you would be there. The celebration was for the future Olo'eyktan after all, everyone would be there. But still, seeing you caught him off guard.
Looking up you caught his gaze. Tsu'tey's intense eyes were locked on you, leaving you feeling exposed before him. Offering him a small smile you watched as his rough exterior melted slightly. Only you had that effect on him.
Gracefully you weaved through the crowd. Your radiant smile was on full display as you greeted people. Tsu'tey felt his heart pinch at the sight. He wanted to be the cause of your smile.
Before he could think about it his feet began taking him towards you. He stood before you not saying a word, he resembled a lost child.
"Oel ngati kameie Tsu'tey." You gestured towards him. Your smile never quite reached your eyes.
"You're here." He breathed.
"Of course. You are my future Olo'eyktan and my friend. I am here to show my support." You nodded.
The word stabbed at his heart. He didn't want to be your friend, not when you held his heart in your hands.
"Can we talk?" Fighting the urge to touch you he kept his fists glue to his side.
"Tsu'tey." You sighed. "We can't. Not with everyone here."
"Then let's leave." He pleaded with you. "Please Y/N."
"I don't think that's a good idea." You looked up at him pained. "You know it will change nothing. We can't go back."
"I don't know how to go through with this without talking to you first." His eyes clouding over with tears.
"We knew this would happen. No regrets, remember?"
"I know what we said, but-"
"Go back to your party Tey." You interrupted him. "Your betrothed is waiting."
Tsu'tey watched helplessly as you wandered back into the crowd. An arrow to the chest would hurt less than watching you walk away.
He knew this would eventually happen. He was chosen to be Olo'eyktan so he was to go through with an arranged marriage. But how could he when his heart was no longer his to give?
He loved you. He saw you. There was room for no one else.
Tsu’tey’s love for his people also ran deep. He felt that he was chosen for a reason; he couldn’t let his people down. No one ever questioned Tsahík for she interpreted the will of Eywa.
But there you were, beautiful as ever, freckles glowing under the bioluminescence of the night. The sight made him question his resolve all over again.
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You couldn't pinpoint when exactly it started. It had just always been him. Your heart beat for him and him only. The day you found out he reciprocated your feelings something inside you was lit aflame. The warmth in your heart had yet to subside.
The two of you had crossed the line of friendship long ago. Suddenly sweet kisses and hand holding were no longer enough. Your late night talks turned into late nights without much talking.
You slept soundly tucked away in his arms knowing that he was yours and you were his. Tsu'tey planned to take you as his mate, he all but told you so. He wanted you and no one else.
When it was announced that he was to be the next leader you felt as though your world was crashing down. Tsu'tey's future mate would be the next Tsahík and you were not her. You were just a common member of the clan; you weren't special or significant in any way.
The last thing you wanted was to break things off with him. But you knew what you had to do. Tsu'tey would be an excellent leader and you couldn't take that from him. You'd be damned if you robbed him of that great honor.
But there was a selfish part of him that refused to let you go. So every time you attempted to end things with him he never really listened. He was too focused on your lips to hear the words flowing from them.
"We still have time." He interrupted you.
"This won't last forever Tsu'tey." You mumbled. "We should quit while we're ahead."
Deep down he knew it wouldn't last forever, but that wouldn't stop him from trying to get there.
It went on like that for months. You would try to end it, but then he would kiss you and you melted. How could you ever say no to him?
"Tsu'tey." You wined as his fingers danced across your skin.
This was a dangerous game, you both knew it. You were playing with fire, practically daring your heart to break. But you couldn't bring yourself to care. Not when he whispered sweet nothings into your ear as his hand dipped into your loincloth.
You came completely undone under his touch. Melting like putty in his hands. You belonged to him. Body and heart you gave it all to him.
You treasured the nights spent tangled with him. Your love was untamed, the two of you completely blocking out what was to come.
One day these moments would become distant memories. You tried to live in the present as much as you could. Attempting to commit every last part of him to memory while he was yours.
Because you knew, it wouldn't last forever.
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Tsu'tey hadn't slept at all that night. It was becoming increasingly impossible after he became accustomed to sleeping with you in his arms.
The morning light stung his eyes as he stepped outside. His mind was on autopilot in his drowsy state. Tsu'tey didn't remember walking to your home, but that's where he found himself.
"Tsu'tey?" You questioned when you noticed him outside.
Guiding him in you made him take a seat. Your heart clenched at the sight of him. The dark bags under his eyes an indication of his lack of sleep.
"Are you alright?" You hesitantly questioned. He shouldn't be here.
"No." He grumbled.
"Why are you here?" You hated being so formal, but he was betrothed now. You no longer had any claim to him.
"I don't remember why." He mumbled.
Tsu'tey was lost without you. The distance was making him lose his mind. He started pondering giving up on his duties. He wouldn't mind if in the end he could have you.
"Oh Tsu'tey." You sighed. This was like stones in your heart. But you had to be the bad guy. The one to make the tough call. You wouldn't allow him to throw away his future for you.
"Do you regret it? Regret us?" He asked almost fearful.
“I regret the timing. The circumstances. But not you. I would never regret you.”
Nodding somberly he seemed somewhat satisfied with that answer.
“I keep thinking if things were different.” He spoke.
“No. Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t do that to me.” Tears clouded your vision.
“Yawne.” He whispered.
“Don’t call me that.” You whimpered. “Please do not call me that.”
Tsu’tey went to reach for you. His protective instincts kicking in the moment he noticed your tears. Immediately you pulled away from him.
“You act like this is not hard for me. This is killing me, but one of us has to take things seriously.” You said as your arms wrapped around yourself.
“I have accepted an offer of courtship.” You sighed.
“Who?” Tsu’tey asked through gritted teeth. He was seething with anger at the thought of someone trying to claim what was rightfully his.
You shook your head at him. You knew Tsu’tey like the back of your hand. You wouldn’t allow him to do something regretful in his blinded jealous rage.
Tsu’tey sighed in defeat. It felt real now. You were no longer his and he would never be yours again. His heart that once burned bright with his love for you now felt like a flickering ember.
He wanted to wish you the best, but he didn’t think he was able to. Selfishly, he didn’t want to wish you happiness when it wasn’t with him.
“I think you should go.” You wiped away a few stray tears. “I’m so sorry.”
Without another word Tsu’tey got up to leave. Turning he took one last look at you. Tears were still streaming down your cheeks. You offered him a weak smile.
“I hope you know I wish you happiness. I truly do Tsu’tey.”
In that moment he wanted to rip his heart out and offer it to you so you’d never be apart. It was already yours.
“Goodbye yawne.” He whispered before he left.
As he walked back towards home tree he realized that the two of you together now only existed in his memories. Your shared love now officially a thing of the past.
Nobody said that it would last forever
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death-threats · 1 year
15 “I don’t know about you, but I want out. I can’t keep doing this and act like we’re just friends.”
With a character of your choice!
Portgas D. Ace x GN!Reader
CW: Nothing but romance and fluff. ♡ Not proofread or edited for grammar, so my bad if anything is wacky Thank you so much for the prompt! Ace was the first one that came to mind for this and my mind just RAN with it. Hope you like it!
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The cool summer evening was so serene. The sound of a babbling stream nearby permeated the night air along with the buzzing of mid-summer insects. Fireflies started to become more and more visible as the sun continued to set behind the horizon. The light rustling of trees in the soft breeze played like a backing track to the harmonizing cicadas.
You and Ace sat in comfortable silence, sharing a warm drink and assorted desserts. The two of you had been great friends for some years now, and your fondness for him just continued to grow and grow like the tall trees that currently surrounded you. Tonight wasn't a special occasion. It was just one of your regular hangouts. Sometimes you'd go for a thrill, checking out a local fair with questionably assembled rides and attractions. Other days were just like this; full of serenity.
Ace moved to sit on his knees upon the soft blanket you laid out and gently cupped a passing firefly in his hands. He had such a childlike grin on his face and the utter joy he showed in that moment made your heart swell. You both looked on at the little creature in wonder and amusement before he held his hand out and let the glowing bug go, its abdomen glowing a soft greenish-yellow against the indigo sky.
You were still looking at his freckled features with adoration, seemingly in a daze. Ace felt you staring and looked over to you, a smirk growing on his face. He waved a hand in front of your eyes to get your attention.
"Earth to Y/N. Everything okay?" He asked, grinning at the spaced-out look you had.
You blinked a few times and nodded, a shy chuckle escaping your lips. "Yeah, all good." A pause accompanied by an exhale to steady your thoughts, you continued. "Actually, no. I don't know about you, but I want out."
Ace's brows knit together in confusion and he tilted his head. Before he could verbally respond, you held a finger to his lips to preemptively 'shush' him.
"I can't keep doing this and act like we're just...just friends." You slowly lowered your hand from his mouth and he caught it in his own gentle grip before you had the chance to bring your arm back to your body. Your heart caught in your throat. He'd held your hand a bunch of times before this, but this felt different.
"It was botherin' you too, huh?" Now it was your turn to be a little confused. Ace continued, "How long have you felt this way?" He asked, gently squeezing your hand.
You sighed through your nose and looked down at the ground, absentmindedly pulling at the blades of grass next to where you were sitting. "Too long, Ace. I need to know," you swallowed nervously. "I need to know if you feel the same because if you don't I'll totally understand but I just don't wanna be hurt and-" You spurt out those words in a quick run-on, but Ace stopped your mini tirade with a quick kiss to your lips.
A quiet squeak caught in your throat and you looked at him with wide, startled eyes as he pulled back. Ace shot you that million-dollar smile and took your other hand in his, rubbing reassuring circles into the backs of your hands. "I like you. I like you a lot, Y/N. I always have." He paused to bring your knuckles to his lips and he gave them a soft kiss. "I was actually scared you wouldn't feel the same."
A fond expression crossed your face and relief filled your soul. "We're kinda silly, huh? We don't know what we have even if it's staring at us right in the face."
"I know what I have. I have you, and that's more than anything I'll ever need." With that, he leaned forward to kiss you once more. It was slow and full of love and reverence. With that kiss alone, you could feel just how much Ace adored you.
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simply-ozul · 5 months
yippe!! my first post yaaay :D
dont know wut to think of it so ill let you be the judge lemme know how you like it!
enjoy <3
Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler || just a fluffy oneshot ft. flustered Robin and adoring Nancy
Just a Lovely Thing Like You is Fine
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Nancy was never one for huge gifts or gestures; she usually preferred spending private quality time with her loved ones at home, on a picnic, or even a walk through the park. It’s the little things, y’know? At least, for her it is. Seeing as she spent the majority of her teen years hunting and being hunted by interdimensional monsters and sociopathic murderers with unexplainable mind abilities.
However, it was a little different with one Robin Buckley. Nancy knew the girl was dirt poor, to put it simply. She couldn’t afford fancy gifts, or shiny jewelry, but Nancy didn’t really want any of that anyway. Despite this, Robin still insisted on proudly presenting things to her girlfriend.
She’d write her little letters with mixed phrases from different languages she’s learned over the years, giving little translations on the back of the page with little colored heart doodles all over the paper. She’d make little crafts that Nancy absolutely adored, and she knew Robin poured all her love and appreciation into the little lop-sided clay swan holding a little stick that was poorly shaped into a shotgun she’d given Nancy for her birthday.
Nancy placed it carefully on her bathroom sink so she’d be able to look at it during her morning and evening routine, smiling the entire time.
However, Nancy’s favorite thing Robin gave her was something so simple and cliche. Flowers. Nancy wanted to laugh at herself in disbelief sometimes. Flowers? Really Nancy?
But then again, Nancy could argue that the little adorable twist Robin put to it made Nancy’s heart swell, squeeze and melt all at once. She’d always show up to Nancy’s door, hands and knees covered in dirt while it had somehow smeared everywhere else on her body. She’ll never forget the first time Robin gave her flowers.
As soon as Nancy pulls open the door, her eyes widen in surprise. Robin. Sweet, sweet Robin. The shaggy-haired girl held a clutch of beautifully bright wildflowers in her hands, the stems uneven and slightly bent or broken in some areas. The taller raised the fist of color, eyes big and puppy-like as she looks at Nancy with a ducked head. The brunette can see the light dust a pink glowing beneath her freckles—as well as noticing the smear of dirt across her cheekbone.
“Um… I got you flowers.” She mumbles shyly, before straightening in a rush to continue. “And I know you’re not really a huge fan of gifts or whatever, but… I was walking home after dog-sitting and I noticed them in a ditch, and they were so colorful and felt like a perfect gift so I couldn’t not pick them, y’know? I tried to pick them as carefully as I could but it was really hard to hold and pick flowers at the same time, and I basically ran to your house to give them to you, and some of the petals fell off and I just,” Robin pauses, forcing herself to quit her babbling. Nancy can only blink, mouth slightly agape as she listens. “They’re pretty. They reminded me of you.” She finishes with a shrug, shuffling on her feet.
After an awkward amount of silence, Robin backtracks. “I get it, you probably think it’s stupid, right? I mean, wildflowers? They’re practically weeds and store-bought ones are so much prettier. Even then, flowers are such a dumb tradition anyway—“
“You picked them for me?” 
Robin chokes to a stop, head jerking a bit in surprise.
“I- yeah? Did you want ones from the store instead…?” She trails off with a squeak. The flowers in her hand sink as Robin deflates.
Nancy can’t help but smile, huffing through her nose. She finally pushes through the doorway, stepping in front of her girlfriend. She looks at her through her lashes. Her hand reaches up to brush against the tight hold Robin has on the flowers, and her fist loosens. Nancy gently pries the flowers out of the tense girl’s grasp, bringing them up to her face, partially to smell them as well as hide her face.
“They’re beautiful, Robin.” Nancy whispers. She can’t stop the giggle escaping her throat when Robin dramatically deflates in relief.
“Holy shit. I was worried you’d hate them or something. I spent like thirty minutes picking out the prettiest ones and now there’s dirt under my nails and it sucks big time, but it’s so worth it now that I know for sure you like them. I mean, you do, right?”
Nancy laughs, bringing her unoccupied hand up to caress Robin’s cheek. The fumbling girl pauses, breath hitching, unable to help herself as she leans into the touch. Pushing herself onto her toes, Nancy leans forward to press a kiss to the corner of Robin’s mouth.
“Thank you, Robbie. I love them.” Robin freezes, eyes wide and sparkling. Nancy’s brows furrow in concern; had Robin stopped breathing? She’s about to check when the lanky girl clears her throat and nods, rubbing her sweaty palms against her jeans while she looks away. Nancy bites her lip at the red that blossoms up from Robin’s neck to across her cheeks and nose, trying her hardest to keep her grin from growing. Her cheeks hurt, she doesn’t care.
“Good, good. That’s good.” Robin stutters. She looks shyly to Nancy once again, opening and closing her mouth for a moment. Nancy raises a perfect eyebrow questioningly. Finally, she squeaks out,
“Could you do that again?” Nancy laughs.
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ameagrice · 2 years
chapter twenty-one | it’s called…hope
percy jackson x fem reader
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You’d gotten so caught up in your time with Travis, that it fell dark before you knew it. And despite the cold air numbing your fingertips and toes in your shoes, the two of you ran down to the canoe lake giggling like kids.
The wooden walkway provided enough space for the two of you to lay on your backs, knocking your shoe against Travis’s absently, watching as every breath pushed out puffs of white air into the cold against the dark sky. Stars had been thrown across it, clear as day.
In your Hunters coat, you didn’t feel much of the cold anywhere besides your hands, face and feet. But Travis had bundled up in a sweater, a coat, two pairs of jeans, and sneakers like he was about to do a runaway.
“You know,” his voice chattered with his teeth. “This was a lot cooler in my head.”
“You want it to be colder?” You turned yours, a teasing smile on your face. It took him a second to catch on.
Travis rolled his eyes. “Oh, ha-ha. Yeah, can see why you’re a daughter of Athena, alright.”
“Just got the brains, what can I say?”
“You got something but I don’t think it’s brains.”
You barked out a sudden laugh, and Travis grinned. “What is it then?”
“You’re too young to get it. You’re a child, still.”
You gasped, leaning on your elbow. “I’m a year younger than you!”
He sighed jokingly. “Hmm…no.”
You practically dropped back to the deck and Travis visibly winced. “Fine. Whatever. Doesn’t bother me one bit.”
“Yeah. I can tell.”
The balls of light placed around the lake offered a gentle, rosy-pink and yellow glow cast over where you both lay. In this light, when you turned to look at Travis as inconspicuously as possible—ooh, that side of the lake was very interesting—you could see that he had a golden glow to his face, and those wide eyes swept slowly across the sky, the woods, and then to you.
In your stomach, you could feel your pulse, in the bend of your arm, and you could hear it, beating away hard, quickly.
“Think I’m ‘boutta have a heartattack,” you whispered, just letting it slip out. You’d worry about the embarrassment later. Bleh. “Your face is so ugly I’m going into cardiac arrest. Seriously, sort out your eyebrows, Travis, what have I told you?”
“Damn, Brains. Here I thought we were on to something.”
“Yeah, tweezer sales. You should start looking.” Your hair rustled your jacket as you looked away.
He huffed a laugh, letting his mouth curve. Travis had a cheeky smile, the kind that yelled hold on to your wallets, everybody! He had a small, barely-there dotting of freckles under his dark-brown eyes, and lips a neutral pink. In this light, you thought he was the definition of pretty. Not handsome. Not godly. Just pretty. Boyish. Lovely.
“Have you talked to Percy today? He seemed pretty bummed out at dinner.”
You hummed. “I have, actually. He’s upset about Annabeth going missing.” Which you had already explained.
“He’s bound to be. I mean, come on, they’ve been inseparable since last year’s quest.” Your heart clenched. Stop it, you told it. “He’s the one who convinced her to give going home to her dad a try.”
Your brain short circuited. “I knew that she went,” you said. “Just didn’t know he was the one to tell her to do it. I didn’t know they were that close.”
Travis developed a confused line between his brows. “She never mentioned him?”
“If she has done,” you shuffled uncomfortably. “It wasn’t to me.” Something flickered in you.
The silence after made you think. Sure, Annabeth and Percy had gotten closer since their quest last year. How could they not after something of that nature? How could Travis have known about Percy telling Annabeth about going home if you didn’t know a thing before his mentioning it. You were either out of the loop, or wildly behind. Either way, things would be sure to come out now. You would all have to work together from now on, because things were growing tenser and more troubling.
Boy troubles would have to wait.
Percy’s cabin was next. On your walk back to the cabins—Travis going in first—you watched a window in Percy’s cabin light up where he flicked a lamp on. It must have been at least eleven, now, maybe pushing midnight. What was keeping him up?
You stepped away from your cabin door, quietly sneaking across the grass. If you weren’t a demigod, you’d have made a good career as a criminal, because you were at his door and knocking on it in seconds.
Percy answered, looking frayed around the edges. He pulled you in by your wrist and closed the door.
“Dude, you look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge.”
He sent you a look. “Thanks. What are you doing out so late? You’re freezing.”
“It’s cold out.” You shrugged. “Anyway,” your arms crossed. “I’m here to check on you. You’ve not been up this late like this since Yancy.”
The edges of his eyes were rimmed dark red in the yellowish lamp by his bed. It smelled remotely of boy, sea salt and fresh air in here, a vast difference to your own cabin which held a slight smell of burning as of late. A result to an always experimenting cabin, you supposed.
“Just…” Percy shrugged his shoulders. He wore a simple pair of black shorts and a camp shirt a size larger, it looked. His eyes met the ground, and his shoulders drooped miserably. “Thinking about Annabeth. We’re safe here but she could be anywhere. Who’s to say she isn’t dead already?”
You pressed your lips together. Tension filled in you. Just how could you diffuse this? How could you make Percy feel better when you didn’t know the answer to his thoughts? To any of this?
“Luke’s a horrible guy,” you started, moving closer. You dropped a hand from your arm to flay it, palm up, as you talked. You wandered over to Percy’s bed, sitting heavily on it. “But he’s not so horrible as to let Annabeth die. They’ve known each other for years, haven’t they? That has to count for something.”
Percy was tired, you could tell, if his slowly dropping eyes flicking up was anything to go by. But he nodded. “Yeah, I guess.” He moved and planted himself down next to you. You turned.
“C’mon,” you pressed your hand to his shoulder. “You’ll feel better when you’ve slept.”
“Why?” He pulled away, confused.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. Something Chiron told me when I had a meltdown over my shoes last summer. It was true, though.”
“This is Annabeth!” He exploded. He fixed you with a piercing, hard gaze. You almost jumped. “This is your sister! She isn’t a pair of stupid shoes and nothing is going to make this any better unless we start to do something about it!” He breathed heavily, chest heaving. His face was twisted in annoyance. “She’s my best friend and nobody’s doing anything.”
Once again you were at a loss for words. “We just have to have hope, Percy.”
You dropped your hand down, circling your fingers around his wrist softly. He twisted his hand, and turned his face away from you, red cheeks on show as his palm met yours. Percy held your palm to his tightly, almost squeezing it. It was warm and soft, and you almost melted.
“That’s all we can do.”
Fresh air was gained as you all stood crowded in front of your cabin. All you could do was thank your mother you had chosen a pair of decent pyjamas last night.
Huddled in your bed covers—now smelling profusely of smoke and chemicals—you watched as the grey smoke inside poured out and up into the air.
“What did you do?”
You kept your eyes on the cabin. “What makes you think I did something?” You asked lazily, drawling your words.
“Because,” Travis set his elbow on your head. You were pretty sure he was closer than necessary, but…who were you to complain? “You’re covered in ash.”
“What a genius!” You smiled with extremely copious amounts of sarcasm. Now you really did turn to Travis, whose elbow dropped, and who had an eyebrow raised, not impressed. “I don’t know how you’re not a son of Athena, Travis. Someone was experimenting and it went wrong.”
“Don’t lecture me, man,” you turned back. Cora was retching dramatically in the doorway, sounds and all. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Gods—what, are you on your period or something?”
You snapped your gaze dangerously to him. The boy looked caught out, shocked at himself. His face screamed shouldn’t have said that, shouldn’t have said that.
You clenched your jaw. You turned slowly. “I beg your pardon?”
In this early morning light of a pale violet, your eyes stung, but the sight of your friend cured the morning’s sourness to a certain extent.
Percy had a sly, conniving sort of smile on his face. At your side, he had his hands stuffed deep into the pockets of his coat, and his hair was a terrible mess of ruffled black.
“Whose chimney have you been up?”
“Aren’t you brave man considering.” You drolled.
Cold, tired, and feeling as though your lungs were weighed down with iron weights from whatever it was that was set off, you were in no way, shape or form in the mood for this this early.
Percy draped his arm around your shoulder. Out the corner of your eye, Travis had moved away from you both, escaping the tricky situation he put himself in, talking to a girl at his side. You were about to look away—
A girl?!?
“Listen, we need to talk about—”
You sighed heavily, coughing on the smoke. “The only—” HACK “gods—the only plan I have today is to shower, clean my sheets, and sleep. No can do any athletics or brains today, muchacho.”
“Dude,” you moved your head, sniffing your covers. “I smell like a barbecue. Honestly, I gotta take a shower ASAP.”
“Can you meet me after, then?” He sounded tired. You nodded, not questioning it. Just as you were walking away, back towards your cabin as the last of the smoke billowed out, Percy grabbed you by the shoulder of your blanket. You looked at him. “I had a dream last night. Grover’s going to meet us in the fields after breakfast. I want to talk to the both of you together.”
You eyed him momentarily. Then nodded slowly. “Okay.”
“A cave ceiling collapsed on her?” Grover asked.
“Yeah. What the hell does that mean?” Percy twisted his fingers in the grass anxiously, pulling at it. You looked from him to Grover.
Grover shook his head. “I don’t know. But after what Zoe dreamed—”
“Whoa. What do you mean? Zoe had a dream like that?”
“I…I don’t know, exactly. About three in the morning she came to the Big House and demanded to talk to Chiron. She looked really panicked.”
“Hang on,” you interrupted, leaning forward a little past Percy to look Grover in the eye. “How do you know about this?”
Grover blushed. “I was sort of…camped out outside the Artemis cabin all night.”
Your jaw dropped. “Grover!”
“What for?” Percy asked.
“Just to be, you know, near them.”
“You’re a stalker with hooves.” Percy scoffed.
“I am not! Anyway, I followed her to the Big House and hid in a bush and watched the whole thing. She got real upset when Argus wouldn’t let her in. It was kind of a dangerous scene.”
“What did she say?”
Grover grimaced. “Well, she starts talking really old-fashioned when she gets upset so it was kind of hard to understand. But something about Artemis being in trouble and needing the Hunters. And then she called Argus a boil-brained lout—I think that’s a bad thing, and then he called her—”
“Woah,” Percy sighed. “Wait. How could Artemis be in trouble?”
For once, you didn’t dare open your mouth to make some smart-mouthed remark. Not only was this important, but you wanted to know what was going on.
“I…well, Chiron finally came out of the house with his horsetail in curlers—” you snorted, “and, well, Zoe said she needed permission to leave camp immediately. Chiron refused. He reminded Zoe that the Hunters needed to stay here until they received orders from Artemis. And she said…she said ‘how are we supposed to get orders from her if she’s lost?’.”
“Lost?” You flicked your eyes to Percy, who looked just as confused. “What does she mean, lost?”
“Like she needs directions?”
“No,” Grover said, exhaustedly. “Like kidnapped. Taken. Gone.”
“But…” you struggled for the words. “How could someone just take a goddess? How’s that possible?”
“I mean, it happened to Persephone.”
“But she was, like, the goddess of flowers.” Percy said.
Grover looked offended. “Springtime.”
“Whatever. Who could kidnap Artemis? And why would they want to?”
Grover shook his head miserably. “I don’t know. Kronos?”
“He can’t be that powerful already, can he?”
“I don’t know. I think somebody would know if he was reformed. The gods would be more nervous, don’t you think? But still, it’s weird you and Zoe Nightshade having a nightmare on the same night.”
“It’s like they’re connected,” you said, and Grover nodded grimly. Percy had stopped picking at the grass. “The only people I can think of behind a dream like that would be Morpheus, or someone involved who took Annabeth.”
“Exactly. But who would be—”
“Hang on,” Percy turned his head, looking at you. “Who’s Morpheus?”
“God of dreams.”
“Ah. Fun. I’m gonna talk to Zoe about it. We have to figure out what’s happening.”
“Um, before you do…” Grover unzipped his coat pocket and dug his hand inside, pulling something out. It was folded like a pamphlet at a doctors waiting room. “You remember how the Hunters just turned up out of nowhere, right, at Westover Hall? Well, i think they were scouting us.”
“Scouting us?” You and Percy shared a look. “Why?”
He handed Percy the pamphlet, and Percy turned a little to share it with you. The front read A WISE CHOICE FOR YOUR FUTURE! You turned the first page, fingers brushing Percy’s. Inside were pictures of Hunters running, shooting, or smiling, like an advertisement for a holiday camp. The different pages had captions like HEALTH BENEFITS! and A BOY-FREE TOMORROW!
“Only for the weird,” you muttered.
“I found that in Annabeth’s backpack she left behind,” Grover nodded at it.
Percy’s coat ruffled as he looked up, dark hair touching his jacket. He really needed a haircut. When he spoke, it was with a little irritation. “I don’t understand.”
It was then that you understood what was happening. The quest with Annabeth last year. The worry deeper than just friendship. A sleepless last night. And the look on Percy’s face now. You weren’t stupid (you thanked your mother, and also cursed her). It was clear to see, even if Percy didn’t (boys were typically oblivious to this stuff).
Percy liked Annabeth. This worry went deeper than friendship.
“Percy,” you said softly, a weird feeling in your body. “Annabeth was thinking of joining.”
You didn’t see him for the rest of the day.
Wherever you went, Hunters were, and they only reminded you of Annabeth’s leaflet, then that reminded you of Annabeth being missing, and that reminded you of Percy’s sadness, and that reminded you of the feelings you still couldn’t label.
But it all came back to the dreams both Percy and Zoe had. And thus brought you back to…
“Chiron!” You beamed, leaning in the doorway. He looked up from the chess table, opposite Mr. D. with a weary but kind smile. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”
You stepped inside, pulling the door closed behind. It was warm inside as always, and the snow on your boots began to melt into the doormat. You dragged your feet along the harsh bristles and wiped it off. You’d settled on your Hunters coat; comfort over looks, in dire situations as these, and a scarf you left behind last year. You pushed your hands into your pockets.
“What is it, child?” He asked kindly.
You went to walk to the couch, but found yourself glaring at Mr. D. instead.
“Well, you certainly know how to ruin a good day. You and all those other whiny campers. Can we not simply have a bit of peace without continuous complaints?”
“Tushe,” you bit back, and he looked up, hand poised on a chess piece, face glowering.
“What is it you have come for?” Chiron cut in pointedly.
A shot in the dark, maybe. You sighed. “I wanted to talk to you about the nightmare Zoe Nightshade had.”
Chiron closed his eyes for a second. “Have you had any dreams?”
“No, but Percy has.”
You explained Percy’s dream feeling a little guilty to be spilling his personal life. But if it could help get your sister back, and prevent death, you had a reason to do so.
By the end, you found yourself sitting on the sofa, leaning forward with your elbows on your knees, looking desperately at Chiron for an answer.
“I really think that if we don’t start looking for Annabeth,” you said, trying to convince him. “She’s going to die. And from the sounds of things, Artemis will be in danger too. And then the gods will fight, and there’ll be carnage, and we’ll all die or something. It won’t end well if we sit here any longer.“
The fire crackled and popped, and you sat waiting for a response.
Finally, you got one. But not the kind you’d hoped for.
“You know what your problem is,” Mr. D. turned away from his game. “What all you heroes’ problems are? You get too involved. You cannot solve a goddess’s problem. Your friend is miles upon miles away. From what you have said so far, there is nowhere to start, no place to begin searching, yet here you are, complaining about how awful life is. Take this in, half-blood: some things just cannot be fixed.”
“What—Chiron!” You looked to him, mouth agape. “Even you’ve said that we need to look for Annabeth! And—and if we find Annabeth we might find Artemis, too, don’t you think? For them to go missing at near enough the same time can’t be a coincidence.”
Chiron’s worried, weary face reflected his thoughts. And he nodded. Relief filled you. “I agree,” he turned his head to Mr. D. “It is a very strange happening. And I fear if we leave things any longer, Annabeth and Artemis will not be the last to disappear.”
Capture The Flag only soured your mood further.
“I—” you tugged on a chest armour strap. “Hate. Capture. The. FLAG!”
Percy matched your energy. You turned your back to him and gestured to the straps you couldn’t pull properly. He tugged on the ones at your shoulders, tightening them. You did the same for him.
There weren’t many campers around, only fourteen, you counted, including yourself, and about thirteen Hunters. Little Nico was jumping excitedly and chattering away about his card game to a little boy called Harley, who was four and only hanging around to see the action; he lingered at Chiron’s side, obviously unable to join in with the game. He had turned up at camp just before you left last time.
“I’ll show them ‘love is worthless’,” Silena Beauregard grumbled viciously, swinging a sword between her fingers. The tree opposite her should have been scared. “I’ll pulverise them!”
“I’m with you on that one,” you said. Silence gave you a high-five.
Nico ran over to you in his clunky armour. You lifted his helmet from over his eyes, and he looked sad. “Percy said we don’t get to kill the other team.”
“But the Hunters are immortal aren’t they?”
“The aim of the game is to have fun,” you said trying to be upbeat. “Even if it isn’t fun.”
“It can’t be fun if we don’t get to kill the other team.”
You lay your hands on his shoulders, pushing him towards Chiron. “Alright, kid! Let’s go visit Chiron. And maybe a psychologist.”
“Heroes!” he called. “You know the rules! The creek is the boundary line. Blue team—Camp Half-Blood—shall take the west woods. Hunters of Artemis—red team—shall take the east woods. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. No intentional maiming, please! All magic items are allowed. To your positions!”
“Intentional maiming, my ass,” you muttered. Silena snickered quietly.
“Blue team! Follow me!” Thalia bellowed, and you set off.
Little Nico bolted off ahead to Percy, who didn’t look the least bit happy. Travis was bumping his hip with a girl you came to know to be Katie Gardener. Silena Beauregard wasn’t a particularly close friend of yours, but living at camp through the quieter months and the busier months when things were packed together provided the opportunity to get acquainted with people. So at your side, you agreed to stick together. Thalia and Percy would likely stick together. Nico was running amok. And the Hunters worked too well together.
Your team flag was to be set up at the top of Zeus’s fist—you’d petitioned to rename it the Poop Pile, but Chiron hadn’t let you despite all in favour of the name. You scampered up the rock, planting it in place before scaling it back down.
Nico was set on guard duty by Percy, along with Connor and Travis and Charles Beckendorf. Yourself, Silena, Katie Gardener, and two Ares boys, Laurel and Jason, would be the decoy group, a fact you weren’t too happy about.
“Make a wide arc around the Hunters. Attract as many as you can. I’ll take the main raiding party round to the right and catch them by surprise.”
Everyone nodded. It sounded good.
“Anything to add, Percy?”
“Uh, yeah. Keep sharp on defence. We’ve got four guards, two scouts. That’s not much for a big forest. I’ll be roving the place. If you need help, yell.”
“And don’t leave your posts,” Thalia warned.
“Unless you see a golden opportunity,” Percy added. A tiny smirk began to grow. You could see what was happening.
Thalia scowled. “Just don’t leave your post.”
Thalia set her hand on his arm, and he yelped. Everyone ‘oooh’d at the sound of the static shock.
“Sorry,” she said, though she didn’t sound very sorry. “Now, is everyone clear?”
“Loud and clear, corporal.” You swiped a salute. Thalia just shook her head, looking away. A couple of kids laughed quietly. Nico began to march childishly in his clunky armour, saluting everyone, gaining more laughs.
The horn sounded, and your team dashed off to the left.
“We’re the decoys, right?” You called up ahead to Silena and Laurel. They yelled back a confirmation. “Does that mean I can do anything to be distracting?”
“Sure, as long as it’ll work!”
Once you were further in, you walked up a tall hill, able to see Chiron standing watch further away, and some people running about.
You set about your plan.
“Hello?! Guys, we’re up here!”
A brief, surprised cackle came from one of the boys running past. In a gap of the tree crowning above, watery light streamed through and highlighted a silvery shade jacket, moving.
You set off down the hill, and were ambushed instantly by a taller girl with a long ginger ponytail.
It might have been a fair fight, if she didn’t have arrows.
“Are you sure this isn’t against the rules?” You asked. She trained an arrow on you as you moved slowly away. “I mean, that’s definitely offensive. I can’t be defensive if you’ve got a weapon like that—”
You yelled out as something knocked her over. Silena!
“Aw, man, I didn’t even mean to do that. Don’t go down that hill, guys. The rocks are out to get us,” she groaned, sitting up. The Hunter shrieked, as if she were totally outraged.
“You’re all childish! You could never be Hunters! And you argue like children!”
“Cool, okay,” Silena was finally standing. She flipped her dark braid back. “Well, thanks for letting our team progress. We’ll be on our way, now.”
Her face was a picture of pure loathing. The shimmer of another Hunters jacket glimmered, and the girl yelled out.
“Leyla! I’ve got two!”
You didn’t know you could run so fast, but apparently, camp offered the opportunity for new findings. You ran alongside Silena, up the hill, and had to make a sharp dash to the right, sending sticks and mud flying as you skidded, when three other Hunters came out of nowhere. Now you had five after you. The two of you lead them away from your team.
Close by, people called out and shouted, and then began gagging.
“What’s going on there?” You asked.
“No fair!” Thalia’s voice came through. “Fart arrows are unsportsmanlike!”
As you ran on, you watched the scene unfold. Your team came back together; Percy sprinted toward Zoe Nightshade holding your flag; Chiron had Travis and Connor on his back, both pale in the face and sporting bandages round their heads. Thalia was yelling furiously. Then…
“The Hunters win!” Chiron announced, not with pleasure. “For the fifty-sixth time in a row.”
Zoe had ran over to her side, pushing down Percy in the process, and the Hunters were cheering. She waved the flag in the air, laughing gloriously, as her teammates crowded around her laughing and cheering.
“Perseus Jackson!” Thalia boomed. Everyone looked her way. Even a good few metres from you, the smell of rotten eggs was prominent. Her armour crackled with electricity. “What in the name of the gods were you THINKING?”
Percy had gotten up off the ground, and glared at Thalia. “I got the flag, Thalia,” he waved it in her face. “I saw a chance, and I took it!”
“I was their ATTHEIR BASE!” She fumed. “”But the flag was gone. If you hadn’t butted in, we would have won!”
“You had too many on you!”
“Oh, so it’s my fault?”
“I didn’t say that!”
“Argh!” Thalia yelled angrily. She threw her hands out and pushed hard on Percy, shocking him with electricity and throwing him into a creek at the same time. A couple of people gasped—a couple Hunters tried to stifle their laughter—but some, like you, let out surprised noises. You stepped forward, ready to fetch Percy’s fried, dead body from the water if need be.
“I’m sorry!” Thalia shrunk back. She’d gone scarily pale. “I didn’t mean to!”
A wave roared as it burst from the creek, standing a few metres tall until it descended, right at Thalia, dousing her from head to toe violently.
Percy stood up, breathily heavily. “Yeah? I didn’t mean to do that, either,” he growled.
“Enough!” Chiron demanded.
Thalia held out her spear. A weird feeling you weren’t fond of began to seep through your body. “You want some, Seaweed Brain?”
Gods, did Percy’s face change.
Once more, Annabeth had inadvertently wound her way into the conversation today.
“Bring it on, Pinecone Face!”
Percy raised his sword, but before he could do anything more, lightening struck, hit Thalia’s spear like a conductor, and with a crack, hit Percy directly in the chest. He practically fell hard, his clothes singed and steaming.
“Thalia!” Chiron said. “That’s enough!”
Your friend stumbled to his feet, determined, and the water around him, every bit from the creek, rose and swirled into a massive funnel.
You soon realised what your gut feeling was for.
Percy dropped the water. He stared at something in the distance. Thalia frowned, confused, and turned as well, prompting others to do the same.
You moved forward, and it felt like every organ in your body dropped.
Something was approaching, clouded in dark green mist. It it got closer, you saw it wasn’t a something but a someone: the Oracle.
“No way,” you breathed. Even the Hunters had fallen silent. People began to step back on the sidelines as she grew closer and closer, decrepit, old, and faded. You moved back until you were out of the way. Looking at him, you said, “Chiron—”
“This is impossible,” he said, very worried. “It…she has never left the attic. Never.”
His words and knowledge did not matter, because she stopped in the centre of the group. In front of Percy.
Nobody moved. Nobody dared to. Then her voice hissed inside your head, and it was like a nightmare come to life. You hands met your ears.
I am the spirit of Delphi, the voice said. Speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python.
The Oracle turned slowly, morbidly, to face Zoe Nightshade dead-on. Again, in your head: Approach, Seeker, and Ask.
Zoe visibly shook and swallowed hard. “What must I do to help my goddess?”
The Oracle’s mouth opened, and green mist poured out. It grazed the ground, and people stepped back to try and avoid it. You watched it pool around your ankles. That wasn’t the strangest part.
In the mist, images appeared. A mountain, and a girl you remembered to be Artemis standing at the barren edge. She was wrapped in chains, fettered to the rocks, kneeling with her hands raised as if to ward off an attacker. And she looked like she was in pain.
The Oracle spoke again.
Six shall go West to the goddess in chains,
One shall be lost in the land without rain,
The bane of Olympus shows the trail,
Campers and Hunters combined prevail,
The Titan’s curse must one withstand,
And one shall perish by a parent’s hand.
Then, as everyone watched, captivated, the mist began to come together and go back into the Oracle’s mouth, like a giant snake. She stepped back, and sat down on a rock, and went still, as if she’d never moved at all.
Well then. How are we feeling about that? :P
@bl6o6dy @embersparklz @lilyevanswhore @rottenstyx @hawkeye12 @rory-cakes @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @marshmallow12435 @luckydragontriumph @lantsovheiress @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @bugsys-bubble @twsssmlmaa @gayandfairycore @padsfirewhisky @emu281 @mrswang17 @jessiegerl
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heartcereql · 2 years
born to die
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neteyam sully x fem!omaticaya!reader
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒- in which, you make it out alive from the attack to the sky people’s base, but a part of you is gone, forever.     ࿐࿔*:・゚ Choose your last words, this is the last time / 'Cause you and I, we were born to die࿐ ࿔*:・゚
𝐂𝐖- ATWOW SPOILERS !! , angst, mentions of death, blood, italics are past memories, pre-mating relationship, english is not my first language, 
A/N- LANA’S NEW PHOTOSHOOT HELLOOOOO!! this had me in tears bskdhdfr if you have any requests w any song feel free to submit! <33
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you didn’t cry at first. you couldn’t. you thought this was some joke- a sick one. despite tsireya’s efforts to keep you away from his body, you had to see him. you needed to see him. your neteyam. because he wasn’t gone, right? he couldn’t be. 
why him, of all souls? why him?
you begged for your feet not to fail you as you ran on the rocks that surfaced towards where the metkayina girl had avoided leading you. you asked for your feet to take you to the finish line. yet your heart was breaking with every step you took. hoping that he would be waiting, that he would continue to be yours. 
walking through the smoke, tears started to blurry your vision. every time you tried to deny it, it became more and more real. 
*:・ sky people were at it again. and of course toruk makto’s eldests had to be there once again. as your hands carelessly prepared bandages for the hurt, you heart tightened at the though of neteyam out there. was he hurt? was he okay? had he been taken down? had he- 
your thoughts were interrupted when you saw the sullys’ ikrans. you left everything to come to their encounter. jake was telling off neteyam and lo’ak. neteyam. he was okay. or so you thought until you saw kiri’s worried expression as she aided him to get to mo’at. 
“hey! kiri, stop!” you shouted, jogging towards them. your eyes were immediatly roaming his body, in search of whatever injury was causing him the slightest pain. said eyes widened when you saw a trail of blood. 
“neteyam!” you gasped, barely audible. 
your fingertips were caressing the scratched area, worry washing your features, when his hands made their way to your jaw, gently lifting your gaze to meet his. 
“ ‘m okay, i promise” he smiled. 
for eywa, how you loved this man. you pressed your forehead together, kiri long forgotten a she made a disgusted expression, leaving to find her grandmother. 
“don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry over nothing, neteyam sully” you whispered, while your beloved brought you closer to him *:・
oh how you wished love would be enough now, when the road got though. you just wanted him to make you laugh once again. life was long, but, with him, you carried on, trying to have fun in the meantime. 
as you started to acknowledge it, every inch of you started to ache, every inch of you that wouldn’t be caressed by him again. 
stumbling in your unsteady stride, you finally spotted a group of people. your heart fell to the floor. it could’ve stopped beating, it wouldn’t make any difference to you. 
tears flowing now uninterrupted. your hands were shaking as you tried to control your breath, exhaling softly as you finally reached the family. 
*:・ he had taken advantage of jake and neytiri’s night out to take you out. walking together, hand in hand, you diverted your gaze towards the glowing wildlife of the forest. 
neteyam, however, couldn’t take his eyes off of you. the way some freckles shone, matching the night, made you look even more majestic. eyes wide, taking in the beauty of nature, reflecting the sparkly night, made you look different than how neteyam had always seen you, yet he loved it as much. 
he was so absorbed in admiring you he didn’t even notice the drops falling until you tugged at his arm. 
“ ‘teyam, it’s raining!” you laughed, dragging him under a big leaf.
“you look so pretty, yawne” he whispered, tucking a few strands of hair away from your face. 
“ma neteyam” you spoke in an equally soft voice.
your hands went to cup his cheeks, the tips of your fingers brushing his braids slightly. your senses were focused on neteyam and neteyam only, so much that you didn’t notice the rain pouring harder and harder, making weight on the leaf that you were using as an umbrella. this resulted in a stream of water landing on the crown of your neck and sliding down your spine. 
you gasped loudly, your body shivering against the cold liquid. neteyam was quick to laugh. 
“stop laughing, skxawng!” you exclaimed, gently shoving his arm.
he took your hand again, intertwinning his fingers with yours. he hadn’t stopped laughing, and, before you could get ahold of yourself, you were laughing with him. 
he dragged you out of the leaf and into the rain, making you laugh even more. he brought you close to him again. looking deep into your eyes he pressed a delicate kiss to your forehead.
“let’s go!”
he suddenly started dragging you throught he forest once again, but this time you two were laughing, enjoying the rain, the sky, each other. *:・
 you grew up confused, lost, you tried to take what you could, scared that you wouldn’t find all the answers. but you were found. and yet, it was being taken away from you now. 
muffled sniffs and agony grumbles could be heard from the distance you kept. seeing neytiri rock a body, his body, absolutely shattered your soul. as painful as it was, you felt like you had to get there. 
the pointy rocks stung your bare feet as you sped towards the family. you remembered when he told you he was going away with his family. how you cried, endlessly. and how you were determined to go after them. and so you did. look where it got you. 
if only your ikran hadn’t been injured during your flight along the metkayinas’s ride. if only you had been able to get there on time. 
tuk was the first one to notice your presence, since she wasn’t able to keep her eyes on the devastating scene. she immediatly ran to you. the two of you had gotten close, back in the forest. you loved taking her to your favorite spots deep in the woods, or going for a flight together. 
“y/n!” she screamed, strangled by tears. 
you ran to her encounter as well, tears stinging in your eyes as well. you knelt down and hugged her tightly as she launched into your arms. shoothing a hand over her head, you buried your face in her shoulder. you wouldn’t be able to see lo’ak’s face, nor anyone’s for the matter. 
tuk’s rapid heartbeat was aching you. you wanted to stay like this forever, in the comfort of a child as sweet as tuk, forgetting everything else. but you knew you couldn’t.
you lifted your head from tuk’s shoulder, only to meet their broken eyes. but your gaze quickly shot down to his body. and there he was. limbs rigid, eyes still open, since nobody could find the strength to close them. neytiri, who was all tears, was rocking his body. jake was holding lo’ak and spider, engulfing them into a hug, each boy standing at different sides.
letting go of tuk, you started to move to neytiri. to neteyam. getting close enough to see his expressionless face, his wound, his numb body, was enough to make you crumble.
you dropped to the floor, like your limbs were no longer at your command. your whole body was shaking, you eyes were exhaling every tear left on your body.
neteyam was loved. by his family, by his clan, by the metkayinas, by you. yet love didn’t seem to be enough when the road got tough.
*:・“you cannot be serious” you said “you’re leaving!”
“y/n, it was not my choice. my father chose to protect us by taking off to another place”
you were beyond upset. not with neteyam though. but who was going to care for him like you did? and who was going to care for you like he did?
“i understand. i try to” you whispered, looking now at your feet.
he was on the point of leaving. his things were packed and his ikran was ready. his arms sneaked around your waist.
“i see you, y/n” he said. 
the tears that threatened to spill were now held back. of course you saw him too, more than that, but this was the first time he told you.
“i see you” you were quick to say back, the brightest smile adorning your face. 
his tail was tracing patterns down your legs, making your stomach, and every other part of you, erupt in butterflies. 
“i will be back, i promise” he spoke.
“i know you will” you responded. 
as you watched him take off, you had made a decision. you were going after them. *:・
unconsciously, your hand was now over his cold one. remembering all the moments they were laced together. reality hit you as you came back to your senses. 
his hands wouldn’t caress you again. his eyes wouldn’t see you no more. his lips wouldn’t twist into the beautiful smile you’d grown to adore. his mouth wouldn’t speak tender words to you again. his laugh wouldn’t spread to yours ever again.
your tears were staining your vision. slender fingers dazed over his face. 
*:・“you are insane” neteyam scolded you. don’t get him wrong, he was beyond happy to see you, but you could’ve gotten caught, you could’ve been captured by the sky people. 
what was truly a miracle is that jake and neytiri weren’t mad nor bothered by your presence, although they did tell you off about how dangerous it was. 
“well, you like your girls insane” you shrugged, a playful smile on your face, that was quickly matched by neteyam’s.
“i’m glad you’re here” he told you, walking to you. “still, that what reckless. eywa knows what could’ve happened to you”
you didn’t hestitate no longer and oulled him into a hug.
“i missed you, tey” you whispered against his skin. 
“missed you too, yawne” he rested his head on top of yours as he answered. *:・
‘i miss you , ma neteyam’ you thought now, as you evoked moments that were just mere hours away. 
*:・“what do you mean you’re going back? we have to get out of here!” you hurried him.
“spider is still there!” he explained, grabbing your arms gently “it is dangerous, but we can’t leave him. i’ll be back before you notice i’m gone”
he kissed you knuckles as your heart clenched at the anticipated anxiety you knew you’d have as you’d wait. 
“be careful, ‘teyam” you told him, eyes begging him to stay. 
he nodded, giving you a reasuring smile as he rushed to lo’ak. *:・
he didn’t quite think his last words to you though, did he? foolish you, who had returned to where tsireya was waiting, believing it would be as he said. 
you felt empty. a part of you was gone as well. 
but you’d see him again, right?
cause you too,
you were born to die
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