cheryl-cutie · 2 years
Feeling upsetti spaghetti, then I see a cute Cheryl on my dash and I feel a bit better... thank you so much! :D
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just smol doodles! getting used to drawing cheryl again! :D
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boltupbitches · 2 years
I dont know what your limitations you have for writing shorts, but can we have a Joey Bosa short? 👀
We need some love from him, especially nowadays.
((((Abso-fucking-lutely!))) (Listening to the Weeknds Dawn FM so drawing inspiration from that)
Joey Bosa - Less Than Zero
I sat in my seat in disbelief at what just transpired this past hour. It felt like we were on top of the world at one moment.. and the next? Defeat.
I looked over to my mother-in-law who was equally shocked at the turnout.
Seeing Joey meltdown just a bit ago definitely was the icing on the cake to a rough season and I was dreading the comments that were likely already spamming the shit out of his social media accounts.
I felt my phone buzz and I looked down to see a text from Nick.
'Don't let him on social media tonight. It's not good.' Was all it read.
I showed the message to Cheryl who had tears in her eyes. It wasn't just the defeat that was felt by us, but knowing that Joey hasn't had it easy as of late and has struggled with his depression and anxiety over the last couple of years especially.
As someone who dealt with my own share of the same demons, I knew how hard it was to deal with the aftermaths of these feelings. I just wasn't a player in the NFL who would wake up to thousands upon thousands of harassing messages.
Cheryl gave me a hug as we pulled back into the hotel we were staying at - the exact same hotel where the players were staying. I waited anxiously for Joey to text me about coming up or that he was coming down. But there was nothing from him.
A few hours passed and just as I was getting to bed after trying to get some reading in, I heard a clicking sound of someone unlocking the door. The only person with the extra key card was Joey and I wasn't too worried to stop what I was doing to see.
"Hey." He muttered as he limped over to my bed. He sighed quietly as he sat down on the bed, his shoulders slumped as he stared ahead.
I quietly crawled on the bed behind him, holding my hairbrush in my hand. I sat it down next to me as I hugged him around his shoulders from behind.
He leaned back into my hug and said nothing.
We sat like that for a while before I asked him, "Want me to brush your hair?"
"Yeah." He said back quietly.
I pressed a kiss to the crown of his head, catching a whiff of his shampoo, before picking my brush up again and working on brushing his hair gently, careful with any knots I snagged.
I could feel him starting to relax a bit as we sat there in peaceful silence.
"Thank you, babe." He said to me.
I paused what I was doing, smiling sadly at him even though he didn't see it. "You're welcome, baby."
I crawled off the bed and put the brush down as Joey pulled the blankets back and got in. I followed soon after and snuggled close to him.
Just before he turned the lights off he said, "I love you."
I leaned in to kiss him languidly before pulling back, wiping the tears building at the corner of his eyes and said back, "I love you too. So much, Joey."
At some point we fell asleep in each others' arms. Knowing tomorrow, whatever came our way, we'd take care of it together.
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ballad-of-medusa · 2 years
I'm in love with the style of you
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VINTAGE LOVE (Andreas & Eirlys)
Here is Andreas & Eirlys, you already saw them on this account! Actually, it's their grown-up versions. I drew Eirlys in that outfit and Zonbi said that it would really fit her for her grown-up version. I choose a hairstyle around the same area (50s), and boom! Andreas is wearing a uniform from the Navy Forces, though he is clearly NOT a member of the Navy. But it was fitting the same time period. Thus, they are my "vintage couple". I really like the aesthetics of the 50s, I can thank the series DARK for enlightening me on that point!
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Next on the list are Hans and Maria! They are the original couple, the one who started everything in our projects and in our universe! We always pictured them with victorian outfits and it was actually pretty difficult to draw them in other outfits, since we are so used to see them wearing the same clothes again and again. But ... I think I made something which turned out pretty well? I particularly love Maria's dress. Well, it has been a torture to draw it on a very small size, but it was worth!
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MODERN LOVE (Abel & Neoko)
Of course, I had to draw Abel and Neoko! But ... it's their older versions! Well, not so old actually, around university, somehow? I love Abel's outfit, I must be honest. I don't usually change a lot my OCs' outfits but here, it looks kinda cool? I mean, I also love very much Neoko's outfit. It's always a pullover and a dress but ... it's still a different outfit!
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FANTASY LOVE (Isaak & Cheryl)
Isaak and Cheryl! You've seen them during the MerMay challenge! Actually, Zonbi requested this couple and I love them too, so it's was a good idea. I wanted to do a sort of medieval outfit for them but since they love cosplaying, it was funnier to draw them with actual cosplay! So there it is: Isaak is cosplaying Fallen Takumi and Cheryl is cosplay Nohr Azura! Isaak's hair has a more purplish hue than his regular hair because I couldn't draw Takumi's purple flames. Hence, I decided to put purple hues on everything!
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ANTIC LOVE (Roan & Meilys)
And of course, I would draw Roan and Meilys. I really love to draw greek antic outfits! They are always really acting like a calm pill for me? I don't know ... Anyway, it kinda fits Roan and Meilys. I picture them in these outfits pretty easily, probably because they are kinda pure and simple? They don't need much, that's maybe why the outfits suits their personnalities as well!
✿ A small series of couple of OCs I drew back in 2020 as cheebs. I really loved to put them in different outfits and different eras. That was quite something to do!
Andreas Kreutz, Hans von Friedholf, Abel von Friedholf, Cheryl Creg & Roan Dwight (OC) are Zonbi's. Eirlys Hayes, Maria von Friedholf, Neoko Ailen Shinkiseki, Isaak Kreutz & Meilys Shinkiseki (OC) are mine. Art is mine.
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womensharpoon · 4 months
More autobiography
...I've rambled here about my art series. I haven't written much more about my life, but there is so much more, so here I go again. I left off in my teens, circa 1965, wandering New York, sneaking off from my suburban New Jersey home to explore and wonder and wander. Finally I graduated high school. My mother scored me a job in Monticello, NJ, at Swinging Bridge Lodge. It was a fabulous summer, I had my first sex, my first love, my days were filled with waiting tables and learning how to water ski from beautiful boys who wanted into my pants, my nights bartending (I was only 17 but everyone ignored that). My hair pulled up, a fake braid down my back, strumming my guitar, sitting behind the bar, cigarette dangling from my lips, wailing out Buffy St Marie and Joan Baez, life was sweet. It was then, one glowing evening sitting on the back porch of the Marina Restaurant, listening to Phil and Fanny Hype, the owners, chatter from the kitchen, gazing out across the lake, I visualized myself in my 80's, looking back at a life filled with adventures, telling my tales, and I knew between now and then I had to fulfill that self-prophecy...live my life to its fullest; grab every token, follow every path that presented itself, never let an opportunity go by. That was the real beginning, the intent to life my life to its fullest.
The summer passed. I returned to my NJ suburban home. I already had sculptures and drawings in a gallery in Englewood, the only artist showing, but Sharon Cohen, the owner, was so supportive she had somehow convinced my parents to let me pursue my studies at the University of Hartford Art School. It was a disaster. I didn't know how to be a student, I didn't follow the rules, I didn't understand or even know the rules and my fuck-it-all attitude annoyed the professors. The following summer, counselling at some Jewish sleep-away camp in upstate New York, teaching little people how to water ski, I met a girl who talked me into quitting school and getting a job at Columbia U. I just did it. The next day I was driving back home, I shucked the camp, college, and other people's ideas of what I should be doing with my life and slid out of it like an old, ratty, worn-out coat. I started commuting to my job at Low Library at Columbia on 116th St in NY, renovated my brother's unused bedroom into an art studio, got a bunch of drawings accepted at the Marissa del Rey Gallery on Madison Avenue, and my new life was underway.
Life slid into perfection. The 60's in New York was filled with civil disobedience, marches and sit-ins against the Vietnam war spilled out from Low Library onto the campus. I started seeing a boy who edited an underground newspaper filled with anarchy and insurrection, his tiny apartment in the Village smelled of Brussel Sprouts and cat litter and pot. Coming home at 2am stinking of Mary J, stoned out of my mind, sitting at the piano, composing and flying high. Commuting daily to my mindless job, weekends painting, drawing, exploring art, showings at my 2 galleries.
Mom decided I was drifting. Hear this voice, slightly Jewish NY accent, saying "Hally, you need something to fall back on. I signed you up for Katherine Gibbs. Go, you need a real job." Mothers. Can't live with them, can't be born without them. What could I do? I didn't have an alternative, the ultimate was given. My brother was living in Englewood with his friend, Dan Hennessey (yeah, he wasn't born in Toronto, he was born in Demarest, NJ -- Hi Dan, give me a call sometime) but he wouldn't let me move in, so I was trapped.
So I learned typing and shorthand. I hated every minute of it until I met Cheryl Vernon. Kindred spirit, gorgeous face with a marring split lip, we wore huge hats (hats were a must have at Katie Gibbs), white kid gloves that turned black from subway soot, heals under 2", skirts below your knees. It's 1968. Beatles, Donovan, folk rock. At the end of class every day we put our shoes and hats in our lockers, we rolled up the waists of our skirts to show our thighs, we put on our hip-high white patent leather boots that were definitely meant for walking, see-through shirts, chocolate Nat Sherman's delicately held to our glossy painted lips, we sauntered down Fifth Avenue with the rest of the girlie brigade.
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switchbladedreamz · 2 years
Just a blurb
Found it in my drafts.
"Babe! Can you call my phone? I can't find it for the life of me." I was rushing around the apartment frantically trying to get ready for this interview. I collide with my boyfriend's strong chest and look up, his large hand encasing my phone. "Its your editor, she's also texted you nine times in the past five minutes". "Thank you baby" he gives me a thumbs up before walking back to the couch and playing his hockey game. "Hi Cheryl, yes I'm on my way. I'm literally walking out the door right now!" I lie as I grab a bag of fruit snacks and kiss my fiance on the forehead, whispering a quick 'love you, bye baby'.
I walk back through the door of my apartment 8 hours later. Mentally and emotionally exhausted. "There's my beautiful and talented insanely hot wife, I made us din-" Chris' sentence stopped as he looked up and saw my face over the steam coming from the pot. He turns all the burners off and follows me to where I collapse on the couch face down. Being an entire foot taller and much more stronger than I, he picks me up and cradles me in his lap. "What happened today (Y/n)?". I nuzzle into his chest as deep as I can. Wrapping his arms around me tighter, I grab his large hand and play with the many rings littering his fingers. "You called me your wife. I can't wait for October" I smile but it quickly turns to tears as I look up at his concerned face. He pulls his arms away, his right arm wrapping around my body and his left hand cradling my head to his chest as I cried. "You're safe here baby. You're home. I've got you." He whispers into my hair. The tears ruin my makeup but that only succeeds in making me look more goth. I'm glad Chris is about always wearing black shirts. The tears stop flowing gradually, I sniffle and look to my beautiful goth fiance. "What'd you do today baby?". Taking the hint he starts telling about his day, I grab a blanket and wrap it over us. "I recorded some more radio promos, talked to Jeremy about scheduling another photo shoot with all the artists we collabed with on Scoring. I went to the store and picked up ingredients for dinner, and I also got a call from Cheryl saying that you've had a rough day and that I need to be extra nice to you when you get home. I told her "no I think I'll just spit in her face when she walks through the door". That didn't make her laugh." I start laughing. "I don't know where she gets the idea that you're secretly mean. Maybe she doesn't like goth couples. My day was ass baby. The interviewer was completely misogynistic and sexist. Asked if I had a male ghost writer. Kept asking if I was single or how my relationship was going when I pointed to my ring. No questions about the book. I tried to get lunch and a couple people actually spit at me, the ground, but still. I made a kid cry when he looked at me, and normally I'd find that hilarious or try to comfort the kid but I just couldn't. Everyone was staring at me with this dread for turning on the air raid siren that was that child's scream. I had to change because as I walking past the historical homes for my inspiration tour my pants got caught on a broken rod of a wrought iron fence and ripped. And all I could think about was coming back home and screaming. And you called me your wife-" I started tearing up again. "And it was really beautiful and I wanna marry you so hard.". I chuckled through the wetness trailing my cheeks, Chris chuckled with me. "I want to marry you so hard to. Here. Go the guest bathroom, degoth, I'll finish dinner and then I'll draw us a bubble bath. Hows that sound babybat?" I smile wider and kiss him. "I love you and your amazing ideas."
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Chris and I are laying in bed, Dexter playing in the background as he kisses all over my face. We end the night with his head on my stomach, cuddling me.
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riverdale-retread · 2 years
Riverdale S6 Ep 18  (#113) Biblical
So Riverdale, a formerly pretty, now busted up looking town where a series of unfortunate events have occurred without break, is so desensitized to disaster that they all just calmly invented silly explanation for signs of the apocalypse and went on with their days! 
Frogs ‘escaped the biology lab,” flies, lice!  Ew!  Ack!
The most unrealistic part of this for me, the true sign of the end times, was that they somehow got Cheryl Blossom washing lice out of her niece’s hair.  She looks like she wants to vomit and she roped the hapless Heather into it, but still she does it. With her own luxuriant mane down.  
There is a completely bonkers transition by the way.  The camera zooms in on the foaming lice killer on Juniper’s head which I was terrified was going to show me a big dead lice but then it did something worse - the lice killer shampoo TURNED INTO CAPPUCCINO that Veronica Lodge directly sipped from.  WHY?
And there is an answer, actually!  Veronica Lodge is about to get news and receive a request that is exactly as palatable as sipping poison foam flecked with dead lice:
Toni tells her that she and Fangs are getting married (siiiiiighhhhhh) 
that she is not going to be bringing money and profit to Veronica by renting a champagne suite (Did the Five Seasons get run out of business? I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve heard about the hotel.) 
that she is being asked to be a wedding planner. 
Veronica is the nicest of the OGs. She really is.  She is clearly a bit disheartened by this request, but she keeps the smile on and says only the most perfect, kind, appropriate things. 
We cut to Betty and Archie  in their nice cozy home.  
Betty looks very pretty despite a very loud stripey cardigan made of bath towels, and Archie has surreal brassy reddish orange hair that clashes with his very depressive blue flannel. 
Archie says he agreed to be a groomsman for Fangs as long as he doesn’t have to make any effort.  I’ll say this for Archie - he always says exactly how much of a limited person and unabashed asshole he really is.  It’s not his problem that everyone around him refuses to actually listen to him. 
Betty for her part is looking forward to a happy event to dress up for after her difficulties at SlaughterCon.  They kiss sweetly  and are nice to each other.  I agree with them that all of them “need something good to celebrate,” as Archie says.
But a fucking wedding between Toni and Fangs cannot POSSIBLY be a good thing. No.
Another fun shift as we burst through the wall of the Barchie residence to Jughead typing away on the typerwriter Betty got him back in the day.  The last word he types is ‘Boys.’  Jughead is in the Bunker with Tabitha.  Jughead ropes in all his girlfriends to be his beta readers (unless he’s writing about them directly, maybe) so Tabitha is standing there reading the pages hot off the presses.  Tabitha says she loves the La Llorona story he wrote. When asked how he’s suddenly so prolific after suffering long bouts of writer’s block, Jughead says that he’s been ‘riffing off’ of the voices he has been forced to contend with (from Percival’s violating his mind’s boundaries).  She is so gentle with Jughead, Tabitha is, so she asks him in the least pressured, most calm way whether he can consider coming out of the goddamn bunker and join normal life.  I find it distressing how the bunker behind Jughead looks more and more like his home with her - the bric-a-brac in the green shelf in the corner, the Jughead Jones candle fetish out in full force, his penchant for creating bulletin boards on the fridge.
Tabitha tries to draw Jughead out of the bunker for the (I’m sure it’s cursed) cursed Foni wedding but Jughead says that while writing (by riffing off the voices) does make them subside, he just isn’t ready to go back out into society.  Then he says he doesn’t want Tabitha to go alone to a wedding ,and she very gently says she just wants him to be OK.  I just love Tabitha so much, and really, after all his troubles, it’s so wonderful to me that Jughead has someone who looks out for him consistently.
In his magic shop, Percival is muttering magic spells (which subtitles are telling me is Latin), bringing on more plague events.  There’s a very convenient hole in the brick wall through which Kevin peers in on Percival, and watching him drop something in a bowl of water while muttering makes Kevin freak out quite a lot. 
Tabitha is on a tour of good cheer because the next sad person she visits is Veronica.  Unlike Toni, Tabitha picks up on the sadness that Veronica feels about her present situation in life, and what Veronica lays out highlights all the ways she’s the Jughead Girl Version.  Veronica is mopey because she had a brief but glorious “Dreams Comes True” time in NYC (her as a Wall St. hotshot, him as a hotshot new writer) which then went terribly wrong, replete with a toxic partner, which landed them back in Riverdale under much less fun and thriving circumstances.   For his part, Jughead really lucked out in terms of starting a relationship with Tabitha, but Veronica hasn’t had good luck in that area of her life.  
Which makes me circle back to Toni.  I agree with her that if I wanted something big done right one should go to Veronica Lodge, but she’s asking the woman who had to shoot her husband dead in self defense to plan her wedding.  It’s bizarrely cruel. 
Tabitha tells Veronica that her five year plan’s also gone to shit, leading to these two brilliant, beautiful, energetic young women having a moment of grief for their aspirations. It was a little bit too real.
Just as Veronica gets done saying she has a lot of love to give and wants to share her heart with someone, she gets an intercom message saying “There’s something wrong with the plumbing.”  So I think this must be of a piece with her drinking the lice shampoo cappuccino - her heart is plumbing, and her actual building plumbing is spewing blood. 
Everyone’s water is blood - Archie doing his dishes, Britta trying to get a gulp at the fountain, Toni and Fangs’ sink.  Kevin chooses this time to visit to make a big announcement: He will no longer be seeking custody of Baby Anthony!  So, while Kevin’s custody-stealing arc has come to a pretty OK resolution with his seeking forgiveness, I do find it a little dispiriting that he does it with these words: “You’re his mother, Toni” and also “You’re his REAL father, Fangs, not me.”  
This seems exceptionally retrograde for this nonsexual throuple family - a gay couple and their best girl friend and the ambiguous baby daddy / sperm donor / who cares about the paternity had a breakup and now we have a straight-looking couple with their bio baby who are getting straight married with the gay guy on the outs seeking forgiveness for disrupting their nuclear family peace.
Bisexuals in a straight coupling don’t stop being bisexual OBVIOUSLY but this is a weirdly conservative way for the show to drive these relationships.  The Foni relationship  looks straight and now Baby Anthony’s biological provenance is important. What the fuck.
Oh and also.
The extremely sad look that Fangs gives Kevin is a tiny nugget they threw my way, I guess. 
Archie is trying to mess around with his plumbing. While he’s down there Percival gives a call, demanding that Archie call off the strike.  The difference between American TV Villain Brit cadences (so very sing song and high pitched) and All American Hero speech (vocal fry, growly, low, curt, almost monotone) is a fun contrast.   Being ominously poetic at Archie Andrews might be fun to do but is ultimately useless, so after flapping his yap about God’s Lowliest Creatures and so forth, Percival is left with no choice but to tell Archie to watch the news which is so lame.  Archie Andrews’ density does come in very handy quite a lot of the time. 
Right on cue comes Alice Smith Cooper on the news, and she hilariously describes Sweetwater River as having turned ‘blood red.’  Uh, whether a fluid is actually blood or not is actually testable, you know?  But the apparently incompetent “scientists” of Riverdale, who are “at a loss to explain this stunning, apocalyptic development” are unable to test whether the fluid in the river is blood, and will only concede that it is red of a bloody hue.  It’s up to Alice Cooper to editorialize and put words into people’s mouths (“dare *I* say”) like the trash tabloidist she is at heart. 
It’s only after having his girlfriend’s mom tell him through the television that it’s APOCALYPSE NOW that Archie looks concerned and freaked out.  His eyebrows are black and his hair is a terrifyingly unnatural color.
Percival “insinuated that he was responsible” for the water going weird, is what Archie tells the assembled Riverdale Avengers (minus Jughead).  It surprises me that Archie uses words like ‘insinuated.’  I like that the Riverdale Avengers is this collection of very pretty, extremely strange women.  Cheryl (no explanation needed), Betty (ultraweird), Veronica (poisonous murderous party planner) and Tabitha who fits in like she grew up with these people.  Tabitha thinks Percival is boasting.  Cheryl concedes that powerful sorcerers exist but is not willing to give that crown to Percival just yet.  
Cheryl has been all about the low cut top with the push up bra these past episodes and I don’t know, do people get desensitized to such magnificence?  I find it so distracting. 
Anyway, Cheryl says that she is an awesome Devil’s Advocate, Veronica gives a very funny nod-nod of agreement. Cutting right to the chase, Cheryl suggests that they just kill Percival. She delivers this suggestion with a bright smile, and very responsibly offers to do the deed herself.  Tabitha looks not alarmed but rather skeptical, Veronica is stressed, Betty just looks at Cheryl like she’s told a bad joke, Archie puts a hand over his eyes.  Cheryl’s exasperated, sotto voce, “Oh my god” before she points out that they have all thought about it is both true and very amusing. I love Cheryl. 
Archie as the leader (?) kiboshes the murder plot by saying that in the fight between good and evil you cannot choose the ways of evil.  Cheryl rolls her eyes, and so did I. I don’t know about you, but using evil’s tools to dismantle evil looks really good to me in real life right now. Good keeps losing and maybe we need to get our hands dirty? 
Whatever. SO anyway, continuing on with the very bizarre retrograde values kick the show is on by forcing this marriage between Toni and Fangs, Archie says that the wedding should not be rescheduled (as per Veronica’s very sensible suggestion) because a wedding will remind everyone about what they’re fighting for, because a wedding is a symbol of a better tomorrow for our families.  Right.   But that’s so cursed, because this quickie shotgun wedding between the Serpent King and Queen was originally manipulated out of Fangs by Toni under false pretenses (she wanted to marry him to win the custody war), the need for which has now dissipated. 
Betty, who has just recently told Archie that getting married, being a mom, and living in a white picket type situation may not be for her, casts a very worried look at Archie as he delivers this speech about Family Values, essentially, being paramount to well being.  Oh dear.
Jughead in the bunker is visited by La Llorona complete with water drip and squish sound effects.  
The ventilation, plumbing and other issues with this bunker fascinate me all the time. Jug is burning candles in votive cups and bottles all night apparently, because I guess he’s scared of the dark while he sleeps? But doesn’t that do weird things to the air quality, to burn so very many candles like this in a closed space?  Also does he LOCK the bunker at night? 
Jughead narration says immediately after that he had “vivid nightmare.”  It’s not clear what time it is or how soon after that La Llorona visitation (or dream).  He asks “Can someone have snuck into the bunker and stolen it?” about the missing La Llorona manuscript.   Well I don’t know Jughead!  Can you lock the bunker??  The fact that he still makes these single hard-copy drafts of his works even after Jess made off with an entire (cringey, drug-induced) book length manuscript is amazing to me. Get it together, sis.
Meanwhile at the diner the striking workers are chafing at the bit, because having no income (supplemented by whatever per diem the union is able to provide and free meals at Pop’s) is not enough.  Tabitha (who has her own business) exhorts everyone to hang on ‘for the future.’  This is the key weakness shared by movements like this, I guess. The present is such a terrible burden, so the endurance necessary for something to be realized “for the future” cannot be sustained. 
At the FBI office, Betty asks Agent Lin to get her bibles and texts about apocalypses.  The response is highly weird, because Lin immediately assumes that Betty is asking for these things for her personal needs. (“I didn’t know you were such a religious person”). Is this how Riverdale thinks the FBI works, that Betty as the senior ranking (somehow?) agent can make Lin do her personal shopping? Betty explicitly explains that she needs it for a case.
Veronica and Tabitha are spending a lot of time together, which is soothing to me and grounding for the show which is doing a lot of audacious things (La Llorona wetly jumping universes from Vale to Dale; Biblical plague brought on by a black magic sorcerer, Toni and Fangs getting fucking married etc).  Veronica is not wearing her very questionable 1980s first lady type skirtsuit with big buttons, for which I am relieved.   I love her in polka dots. 
Veronica lays the stakes full out: 
Tabitha is fighting for Jughead. (WHICH NOBODY HAS EVER DONE BEFORE EVER, NOT ONCE NOT EVER, OMG THIS IS HUGE. ahem). (Betty would have fought for Jughead, in theory, but in actuality did not.)
Betty and Archie are fighting for each other. (Is this right, though?  I feel like Archie is fighting against Percival. Archie doesn’t seem like someone who fights FOR things. And Betty is along for the ride, but as always Betty is primarily grappling with the problem of herself.)
Toni and Fangs are fighting for Baby Anthony (So, Veronica the smart one knows that Toni and Fangs are not marrying for love. They’re marrying so they don’t lose their son or risk losing him to Kevin Keller, because Kevin is just that untrustworthy and unreliable. She knows what this is.)
Veronica doesn’t know what she’s fighting for, which is interesting. Most of her teen life she was either actually fighting with her dad or with her idea of her dad and how it affected her. Now he’s dead (at her hands) and she’s feeling adrift, rather than liberated. Tabitha is very tactful and doesn’t try to suggest things that Veronica can feel attached to.  Instead she invites Veronica to find out, for herself, her reason for staying in Riverdale.  
Except, uh oh, Veronica looks very called out. 
At Thornhill (does Heather just live here now?), Cheryl tells Heather that she agreed, at Toni’s request, to officiate the Toni/ Fangs nuptials.
I -
OK So.
The deliberate, unthinking violence that Toni seems to keep doing to her friends (Veronica first, now Cheryl) as she marries the baby daddy that she tricked into marrying her, who really wasn’t that into it, is awful.   Cheryl was fortunately wearing her version of Veronica’s 1980s political candidate wife skirtsuit (with the same round brass buttons), and it gives her the affect of a Jackie O post-assassination.
Fittingly, having this act of aggression inflicted on her while she doesn’t have the coldness that I have to just refuse to participate drives Cheryl into deciding to commit homicide as a present for Toni.
Cheryl is all Id.  She wants to kill Toni for this cruel, careless, self serving request, so she channels that and wants to give a marriage she disapproves of a charred corpse as a ‘gift.’ Nice.
Percival in the meantime lovingly puts together an altar of food, beautifully lit like a classical still life, before doing some Latin magic spell to do with making things putrid.  It rots the food on his tableau but it also rots all the food set out for the Toni/ Fangs wedding.  
This is when both My Five Year Plan Failed Tabby Tate and Nothing To Fight For Veronica Lodge both get pissed, but for very different reasons.  Tabitha, as a food purveyor, is very annoyed at the ruination of perfectly good, edible food.  Veronica, as a very uptight person who used to get a lot of her sense of self from doing and achieving things, is FURIOUS that the thing that she recently put a lot of energy into has been rendered for naught.  To fulfill her own ego needs, Veronica insists that the wedding and the rehearsal dinner must go on, in the face of Toni’s very reasonable conclusion that it should be put off.
Meanwhile, Jughead is typing away in his bunker when he get a supernatural delivery of burger, fries and a cup of coffee, which came along with some watery sounds that apparently he can’t hear.  He recognizes the scent.   Jughead apparently never got over his intense food insecurity, but the scene that happens  is extremely funny.   Jug sees the clearly NOT NATURAL  burger, but only says it’s weird, rather than,  I am losing my mind.  He says, I shouldn’t touch it, and then touches it.  He says, I definitely shouldn’t eat it, then takes the hugest possible bite out of the potentially poisonous burger. 
Cheryl in her blue suit and Heather in her Little House on the Prairie pajama dress have made a huge salt pentacle lined with red candles.   This is to project Cheryl’s power to burn Percival by burning his poppet.  The extremely childish way they recite the common language incantation is a big warning that this is not going to work, because in evil and magic Latin trumps everything.  They even wrote it into a little ditty.  The fire projection DOES hurt Percival for a bit, which was very fun to watch.   But he defeats it, as expected, with Latin.
Nana Rose is set on fire!  Cheryl comes in and screams her head off.
Cheryl is not at the rehearsal dinner.  
Veronica is not ok.  She ends up dissing Pop’s in favor of complimenting Toni (“she elevates everything to five stars” which means Pops isn’t, which, true, but still).  Tabitha is shown not to mind. 
Then she bursts into song. She sings a song to single girls at a wedding rehearsal dinner. Her eyes did dim watching Archie and Betty kiss just then, but this song has been preplanned. Britta is having a good time because the beautiful Ms Lodge comes to sit on her lap (uhh) but all the adults are increasingly scared at Veronica’s rendition and the pointed delivery of these already sharp lyrics.
I mean, Toni, you brought this on yourself. 
You asked Cheryl to officiate, and you forced Veronica to do this, which is only half a step better than asking KEVIN to be your wedding planner. I already didn’t like Fangs this season and now they’ve taken Toni away from me. The bastards!
Veronica takes a glass off the Barchie table, GLARES at them, and then smashes the full glass on the floor.  Betty checks to see nobody got stabbed by flying glass while Archie blanks out.  Veronica then yanks Fangs out of his chair to violently fling him against the bar, sits on him as the lights turn an evil red, before slamming his head down on the bar top. She hollers “dieeees” as this happens. 
She looks insane.  She starts shouting at people to rise. Rise! RISE!  And nobody does, because they’re too scared, so she points at individuals who have no choice but to comply
Some of the attendees at this thing just think she gave a rousing (if inexplicable) performance because you can hear some dude going Woah! Yeah!!! but Toni, Fangs, Archie Betty, even little Britta - people who all know Veronica when she’s well, are worried, scared, confused, concerned.
So - I am not the hugest fan of Broadway musicals (or West End musicals either, tbh) but I will say that Veronica doesn’t sound bad at all and doesn’t falter in what sounds like a big belting number that has lots of pitfalls for the vocalist. 
Afterwards, Veronica is sitting alone at the bar quaffing alcohol.  Betty is the only person brave enough to approach her at this juncture. Is this what hell looks like for Veronica?  To be weirdly (in)famous in a little town, too rich, too fancy, too successful, too beautiful to be approachable?  Betty says something that could be read either way - “That was quite the performance, V” and henceforth I am going to take after Veronica when interpreting statements of this kind. I will simply assume they are praise so that I can respond accordingly. 
Betty asks if Veronica has a date to the Foni wedding, knowing the answer is no, so that she can suggest that Veronica third wheel Barchie. 
I retract my question - this IS hell for Veronica.  I did like the mutual sarcasm of the two girls calling themselves ‘badass’ about their distinctly very lame adventures in being the two girldates of Archie Andrews all the way back as sophomores in high school.   This trip down memory lane appears to lead Veronica to conclude that what she’s fighting for is “her friends.”  But actually, Veronica just wanted to make this conversation end.  Betty did make the right gesture in asking her to talk, but said a series of useless things.  That’s kind of a cause for despair, isn’t it? When your female friends can’t come up with the salve for the wound.
Just then, Tabitha and Archie tell B&V about the summons to Thornhill. Cheryl says that HEATHER is rubbing a salve on Nana Rose’s burn wounds, which  - why is this?  Shouldn’t Cheryl be doing this? It’s HER grandmother. Or maybe this is my not-American credentials coming out.  The gang - Archie, Betty, Veronica, Cheryl and Tabitha (as Jughead proxy?) put all the pieces together:
Percival is a powerful sorcerer
He is bringing all the plagues
They must call off the strike and try for subterfuge of the Ghost Train rail construction instead.
Betty wishes they had someone on the inside. Veronica says Kevin might be coming around to the light, so Betty says she will speak to Kevin.  Is this wise?  Betty and Kevin’s relationship is really actually kind of terrible. 
Meanwhile, in the bunker, the magic burger is disagreeing violently with Jughead, who vomits, and then has to lie down. 
In the depressing forest greens of the Andrews house interior, Kevin is making a confession to Betty, who absolves him (“I went along with it like a fool” - “You weren’t the only one.”).  I see now why it had to be Betty that had this conversation with Kevin.  Betty, sensible and practical, has to be the one to bring the audience along to accept the magic /supernatural turn that this story is continuing to take.  Tabitha and Cheryl are already too involved in the magic, and Archie and Veronica do not have enough of a connection to Kevin.   Percival is officially confirmed as A Magic Man Who Performs Spells. Kevin is given the mission of trying to steal Percival’s book of spells.
At the relocated diner, Fangs is leading The Guys with his tits out to go play basketball. (He touches the basketball, and does not hold his son.  Yeah I am fixated on this. Maybe I have daddy issues.  What about it?)   Archie does forthrightly bring up the topic of calling off the strike to negotiate better working conditions terms with Percival.   
When the very dim Fangs says, without the necessary information that would allow him to make an INFORMED decision, that he wants to do ‘what is right,’ Archie grins and says “Screw it” to unilaterally alter the plan.  
Betty has put up a Plague Board in her office.  Boils are next.  And right on cue, Percival starts ‘boiling’ little men figurines.  This is not what boils mean.  Archie runs over to Percival, and as he plays around with the chess pieces, Archie asks “What the HELL are you PLAYING at?”  Masterpieces.
Percival doesn’t care about the strike. He now just wants Archie’s submission.  “Work for me” often means slave labor in Riverdale.
Jughead is visited in the bunker by Cheryl looking fucking amazing in her Rivervale Midsommar get up. She says, “Sweet Forsythe, what ails you?” which is AN AMAZING LINE.  He still has his tummy ache.  Cheryl stabs him to make it all better.  Jughead wakes up , freaked out, only to discover that there’s an actual knife stabbed on his desk.  To someone (himself? us?), Jughead narration asks, “How much do you want to bet another one of my stories was stolen!”
Kevin has entered Percival’s lair to enact his mission.  He gets caught IMMEDIATELY.  Very cleverly, Kevin plays the sad low-self esteem man which disarms Percival.
Betty’s sifting through Bibles when she finds a really well done plate of the Whore of Babylon. Flashback to TBK calling Betty that, which she takes very seriously. 
From here we directly cut to Archie Jesus carrying the cross on Riverdale Golgotha.  The Jughead narration intones, AND LO IT CAME TO PASS, ON THE THIRD DAY WHILE ARCHIE ANDREWS WORKED THE RAILWAY TO SPARE HIS CREW ANY MORE SUFFERING,  
I just basically lost consciousness. 
I was so scared I was going to get struck by lightening.  Like that time I watched The Last Temptation of Christ scene where Christ walks off the cross led by an androgynous angel to Mary Magdalene’s house to fuck her while she asks if they’re gonna have babies. 
Fortunately, the scene is short and we move on to everyone else: Veronica is busily setting up the wedding, FONI are putting their wedding vows together, while a solar eclipse happens which Alice Cooper didn’t make any sort of announcement about.
Betty, as the voice of reason whose job it is to take us all along on this journey, sounds exceptionally beleaguered as she says something literally impossible: “And now SURPRISE ECLIPSES ARE HAPPENING IN RIVERDALE.”
This sounds like something someone who watches a TV show called Riverdale might write into a snarky episode summary, doesn’t it? 
Kevin is there to tell her that Percival is buying weapons. “Stockade for the Harlot of Babylon” is the one that really captures Betty’s attention.  So Betty goes charging to Percival.   She keeps speaking for the viewers (“I don’t understand it. I STILL DON’T UNDERSTAND IT”) but charges ahead to say that she knows she’s the Whore of Babylon and Percival’s war is the only war (on the planet?) that she is “aware of, currently,” a phrase that sounds like it was put together by a legal team.  She offers  to put herself in the stockade in exchange for a stopping of the plagues.  Percival tells her what he really wants.
Cut to!
The Blossom residence which is massively done up in candles again (Cheryl and Jughead decorating soulmates). Turns out what Percival wants is Baby Anthony.  Earthquakes, Fire from the Sky, Pestilence, Hail and Death of the First Born are next.  
Heather has a huge reaction to the word “stockade.”  She knows what this is and Cheryl and Heather read the witchy gobbledygook at the group.  Two witches, a woman who travels through time, an FBI agent, a mob princess, a cult follower and a Fail Serpent Queen decide to invade Percival’s lair.  This is to me strongly reminiscent of True Blood, except nobody is a vampire. (Can Kevin be a vampire, please?).
While they’re doing this, Jughead is talking to a deep dark hole. “Who are you?” and “What are you?” and “What do you want from me?” and “Why are you stealing My Work?”
I really adore Jughead for the way he talks about His Work  all capitalized like that. 
The dark hole sends him a message in a bottle, that says, Keep Writing, type written.  He has a flashback (forward?) to Vale’s Jughead with his ships in a bottle that made Vale Tabitha finally break down and want to kill him. 
At his shop, Percival is cooing at a pestilent insect perched on his hand. Betty enters carrying a baby shaped thing in her hands.  She even dandles the baby, but it’s a big doll.  She is wearing a very interesting outfit for this - a lowcut red dress and purple blazer that doesn’t go with it at all.  She summons all the other ones who approached invisibly using Cheryl’s witchcraft that they all accepted and acted as though it totally worked.
Um. OK so - I know JKR is persona non grata to a lot of people so Harry Potter Reference TW  (Skip to after the second ***)
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley showed MUCH MORE surprise at the functioning of Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak and they went to Hogwarts, than the librarian, the former banker, the diner owner and the sheriff’s son do that Hold Your Breath and Think of Cheryl rendered them invisible to the local wizard sorcerer. 
Cheryl knocks Percival out with the blow-in-your-face powder that functions like whatever it is  Donna Sweett used on Betty back in the day.
Cut to Archie, shirtlessly building the railway, Surprise Eclipse or no.  He looks marvelous, all rippling muscles and sweaty skin in the red glow of doom.  Jughead is having a wonderful time continuing to use Ye Old Biblical Speeche that I haven’t ever seen in a Bible in our post Vatican II era. Or maybe this is how he actually feels any time he sees Archie without his shirt on - he wants to shout : AND LO!
Percival is captured which brings the sun back.  Or rather, the capture of  The Mad Monk is what does it.  This is what Jughead calls him because I guess Jughead doesn’t realize that Percival and Kevin have fucked. Or maybe he does that on purpose. Oh.  
Veronica in a very interesting checkboard green knit outfit, takes the time to taunt Percival, locked up on the very stockade that freaked out Heather so much, in the dungeon she’s rigged up for him in the basement of her establishment (Her vault).
We skip over to the Foni residence where the queers are reconciling.  Toni and Fangs tell Kevin that he’s invited to their wedding (which is very not straight, at all, nope) and Kevin excitedly asks of Moose can come too, to which Fangs says yes.  Fangs and Kevin and Moose have all fucked each other.  This could be so bohemian and out there, but I just hate it. 
The Toni/Fangs wedding cake IS A MONSTROSITY.
It looks like a pile of rubber tyres wound through with rose petals on thorny vines topped by what looks like a big bloody turd but turns out to be an intertwined pair of a red and green snake forming a heart as the green snake kisses the red snake on its head.
You mean to tell me Veronica Lodge ordered this cake.  On purpose?  She’s secretly anti-Tangs, anti Foni. Veronica is on my side. I know she is. Because nobody but an anti-fan could order this cake. oH No.
The aesthetics of this wedding horrify me.  Cheryl has dusted off her red Serpent jacket to wear over what look like bedazzled matador pants.  Toni is wearing a wedding dress that doesn’t flatter her with weird lace cut outs at the sides, Fangs has YELLOW ROSES in his lapel while dressed for a funeral, wearing a terrible fail beard.
Fangs and Toni also got INITIATED into the Serpents. Did they get punched in the face too?  I thought they were BORN Serpents?  (Goes off into the distance to pitch my usual fit about how I wish they wouldn’t bring up Serpent lore if they’re going to fuck around with it this much).
The speech Fangs gives is mostly fine, except it’s terrible.  He says he loves her and their family, but he doesn’t say he’s in love with her.  He says it’s us against the world and Toni looks very neutral. Why are they going through with this?
Her speech is even worse.  "I love how unconventional, surprising and beautiful our relationship is.”  Then she lies. “You’re an amazing father.”  No he isn’t. He’s just the sperm donor and has acted like it all season.  She says, “You make Baby Anthony and I very very proud.”   She does not mention the word love once to speak about Fangs.  This is the most damning wedding speech of all time.   
I am very appeased by how the writers are making it very clear that Toni knows exactly why she’s getting married. She has realized that she needs to grab as much privilege for herself as she can in order to protect herself and her needs and heteronormativity is one of the few that are available to her.  Fangs being queer is helpful because she wouldn’t be able to breathe in a marriage of convenience with a completely straight man (that’s why she loves how ‘unconventional’ their relationship is). 
While this bullshit is going on upstairs, Percival hums Flight of the Valkyries to himself to summon the pestilential insects.
Fangs and Toni kiss and everyone is completely BEAMING for unknown reasons (like why is POP’s so happy about this? Or Principal Weatherbee??) but Kevin and Moose are merely being polite. They are correct. 
Kevin sings a song with Moose on keyboard at this wedding. Britta has a girlfriend!   They’re so excited to be dancing. Britta & girlfriend are the only people that are making me happy during this number.  That and the fact that Moose apparently plays keyboard. This makes me like Moose even more.
Percival has broken out of the vault with the help of insects.  The first place he goes to is Thornhill, where he murders Nana Rose.  She’s the eldest living first born child of Riverdale and he kills her.  As the Eldest Daughter I am deeply offended that they’re altering the plague to be First Born CHILDREN and not First born SONS as in the original. 
FIRST BORN DAUGHTERS HAVE IT HARD ENOUGH OK?  Even Yaweh understood this and gave us a pass that time.  Fuck you Percival!
Nana Rose RIP. Her last exhaled breath is red.
At the wedding, Veronica is very upset, watching Barchie dance.  Tabitha approaches to comfort her.  Veronica asks WHO IS ENDGAME. I’m shocked that she asks Archie And Me as an option for Endgame.  Veronica actually tried to make the Endgame with Archie happen, but she couldn’t stand it.  Why girl, WHY?
Tabitha knows! And is about to tell her!
But Archie dies. 
Then die all the First Borns.  Fangs (yay!). Toni (yay!).  Unknown Serpents 1.2.3.  Cheryl runs directly to Toni. 
At the Bunker, Jughead wakes up. I love Jughead wakes up scenes, he’s so great at these.  This is again a different variation from what he’s done before. This is being woken up after falling asleep expecting to be woken up by an unwelcome visitor.   Jughead has flashlight at the ready (for some reason he didn’t light all his usual candles!).
His unwelcome visitor is HIMSELF!  He shouts at himself to turn around. Other Jughead glares meanly at him, but our Jughead starts to expire, under the curious and not very concerned gaze of Other Jughead. 
At the cursed wedding where both Toni and Fangs are dead, Betty weeps over only Archie, and nobody went to Sunday school because they all forget that it was THE FIRSTBORN SONS that died, and shouldn’t have affected the women, but I suppose Percival hates women and he upgraded just for us. (I am taking this very personally.)
Everyone names their older sibling (Hermosa for Veronica, Jason for Cheryl) but nobody cares about Heather so she doesn’t say anything.  Kevin doesn’t say who his older sibling is and nobody asks about that either.  Or Moose.  And Baby Anthony is still alive somehow. 
The only person who gives a care about Jughead is Tabitha, who runs as fast as she can on super high heels and a tight dress.  Betty, Cheryl, and Kevin all simply absolutely utterly do not give a shit.  Wow. This is a truly lonely life that Jughead Jones lives. Goddamn. 
Heather mentions that they should call on Sabrina the necromancer.
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
Fake It | Weasley Twins | CH1
Warnings | 18+ SMUT, mature themes, fake relationships, secret relationships, love, sex, drama, angst, fluff.
Summary // Fred Weasley has been set up to publicly date Y/N, London's best Quidditch Seeker in order to drum up some publicity. Y/N however has a different ginger man on her mind; George Weasley.
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He was giving you that look. not the look, that look - the one that told you to stop doing what you were doing. It wasn't often that you'd layer it on thick for the press, making sure that you're giggling as you press your hand to his chest. With each flash of a picture you make sure you're striking a different pose. It was hard work being a liar, but it was even harder work without the publicity you gained. 
Your Publicist Cheryl or 'cherry' as she begged you to call her, had devised her own scheming plan to generate not only some amazing press for you, a well established quidditch player, but also some well-needed hype and sales for Fred Weasley's shop. After all, it's not every day that London's best quidditch player was dating Infamous Fred Weasley, Gryffindor Star beater and all-in-all stellar man. The plan had been well and truly in action for just over four months, With Fred the main face of the shared brand with his brother George, it felt like the best option according to Cherry. 
You were leaning into Fred, answering press questions about the latest win, how you were feeling about the upcoming game and, of course the all too regularly asked update on the relationship. You were 'very happy with a man like Fred', he was smiling down at you, gushing sappily "She may be the best Seeker in the game, but my god is she a keeper." The line made you sick to your stomach, When Cherry had pitched it to you both, you were groaning in disgust, but as she pulled the lollipop from her bright red lips with a pop, staring at you with raised eyebrows, you knew it had to be done.
As the interview began to wrap up, you thanked the photographers and journalists, grabbing Fred's hand and interlocking your fingers with a beaming smile, you made sure the cameras could see, after all the last issue of the Daily Prophet branded it as a 'winning smile'. You were escorted away from the press, once out of sight from them, your hand dropped from Fred's grip. "Well done for not making that so not obviously fake." you quipped at him, going to pull your coat on and check your phone for any messages. He laughed, imitating your voice, "Oh, Fred, you're so handsome, won't you just kiss me right now?" You scoffed, throwing your bag over your shoulder. Your phone had three messages when the screen had lit up, your stomach feeling like it had butterflies when you noticed the name. 
>> Do I get to see my beautiful girl later? 
>> I got your favourite for dinner. 
>> I miss your lips already
You felt like the luckiest girl alive in his presence, he made you feel like a princess - a queen even, with every night you spent with him. It all started at Hogwarts for you two, after all, It's not often you get to see the best Slytherin seeker and the Gryffindor star beater together. It really wasn't often because you'd been hiding your relationship for that long. He taught you quidditch skills that got you to where you are today during late, late night practices, often ending with makeout sessions on the grass as you straddled his hips,giggling into the bitter Scottish air. 
You fell in love with George Weasley as a teenager, and for 6 years you had kept your relationship a well-guarded secret. Even through the war, you kissed each other goodbye, praying that it was only a see you later. You knew that one day you would marry the gorgeous man you loved so dearly. You tried to persuade Cherry, who had and still has no clue about your true relationship status, for it to be George you had a public relationship with, but she quickly shut the idea down because George was 'too quiet'. 
<< I miss you so much Georgie… heading back to the shop with fred now
<< btw I'm staying over tonight, I won't suffer another night without kisses :'((
>> Just kisses? ;) 
<< Shut up. 
<< I love you xx
>> I Love you too, babygirl xx
>> Daddy can't wait to see you <3
George stood lazily, arms draped over the balcony as he was smiling down at his phone like a muppet. He was so head over heels with you that he wasn't sure what to do with himself. George wasn't mad that you had to fake date his twin, after all, he'd rather it be Fred than some random quidditch man, or worst of all, Krum. He knew and recognised how important it was to your career plus, what good businessman turns down the opportunity to rake in some sales? It hurt to read the papers sometimes, seeing how much attention you both got together, a part of him wished it was he who got to show you off. 
When you entered the shop, you caught George's eyes immediately, a bashful smile spread across your face, immediately feeling like a schoolgirl again in his presence. Fred sulked off to his office, leaving you to browse the shop until your driver arrived to take you to team practice. You were browsing the upper back wall of products when you felt his stare on you, he was meters away from you and you ached to draw him in for a kiss. You reached out to him, making the grabby hands that he couldn't resist, he checked over his shoulder, seeing nobody, before waking over to you, he pulled you into a quick and needy kiss by your neck, his other hand finding your hip. 
"I'll be home after practice," you mumbled between kisses. It was common for you to travel to his via floo, arriving at the place you truly called home, leaving a vacant and empty flat behind. He shook his head, the tip of his nose brushing against yours. "Too long to wait," he laughed softly, his lips pressing to yours again, you were just about to deepen the kiss when you heard Cherry yell out, "Y/N let's go or you'll be late for practice!" You sighed, leaving your boyfriend behind, fingertips being the last thing to separate as you walked away, leaving him dumbfounded. 
Practicing with your team was always a long, tough grind, your captain worked you hard and she knew it was all for the best, she was due soon to step down from her duty as captain, leaving the team in your hands, so you felt like you were learning double constantly. The warm water running down your skin made you crave George's touch even more, pushing the thought of Fred's hand on your hip out of your mind completely, you simply couldn't wait. 
When you arrived home, George, as promised had your favourite dinner ready for you. He was an amazing chef, using muggle techniques and tools to help create the perfect dishes without the need for magic. You shrugged off your jacket and bag, relaxing into the dining table chair as George brought out your bowl, his hands were massaging your shoulders as you ate, "Aren't you gonna eat, Georgie?" you questioned him, he smirked, "I've been waiting for you to get home so I could have my favourite." George was on his knees, hands reaching up to pull down your leggings, you lifted your hips up, allowing him to drag the material down each of your legs, hooking them over his shoulders, 
You knew exactly what he was doing, your hands found his hair and he tutted, breath fanning over your pussy as he looked up at you. "I made your favourite for you, Princess, You always liked it when we eat together." His tongue darted out to lick over your covered slit, feeling you already wet through your underwear, he hummed in appreciation, his teeth pulling the material to the side before attaching his lips to your clit.
Every time he hummed against you, it made you shake, the task of eating dinner becoming more and more strenuous, as you struggled to swallow down the food while he was pulling such sinful moans from you. George's skilled tongue was fucking your cunt, swallowing everything he could like it was the last meal he'd ever eat, and godric did he think you tasted divine, his thumb came up to circle your clit slowly, bringing you closer and closer to the ege. 
Thing is with George, he doesn't stop till he's got what he wanted. "Finish your dinner, baby," he smirked, a long finger slowly teasing your entrance, "I'm not finished until you are too." he was a determined man, by your second orgasm you could hardly hold up your fork, but nevertheless you soldiered on, managing to swallow the last piece just before number three hit, your legs were shaking and you were moaning incoherent sentences. That was possibly the best meal of your life, your weak legs could hardly hold you up when you tried to stand. 
George pulled you up into his arms, carrying you to the bed where he found your favourite shirt of his, helping you change into it, he left to make you a cup of tea, bringing it into the bedroom for you. sitting contently beside each other.
George's phone buzzed on the side, he read the message from fred. Laughing before showing it to you, the irony all too funny for him to resist. 
>> George, if only you had to do this… Fancy swapping places at the product launch on Saturday? 
<< Love to, but I'm not sure that's how the whole twin thing works. 
>> With an ass like hers, I don't mind it too much… shame, she seems like your type. 
The last text from him made george both laugh and be angry at him sexualising his girl. You laugh, pressing a soft kiss to your boyfriend’s jaw before taking a sip of your tea, "He doesn't know George."
He hums a little bit before typing a reply. 
<< It really is a shame, she does have a nice ass. 
You scoff, rolling your eyes - Men. 
///TO BE CONTINUED///  Chapter Two >>>>>
Taglist // @starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @gcdric @theweasleysredhair @whiz-bangs78 @weasleysflowr @vogueweasley @minty-malfoy @vivianweasley @feetoffthetablee @thisismynerdyself @rip-us @witch-and-a-half @sarcasticallywitty15 @pandaxnienke @loony-loopy-lupinn
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
Part Two: Jabitha: Don't leave me
Ok guys, this is a bit messy, but please bare with me on this one. It hasn't been the easiest week but I really wanted to get this out before 5x13 as it is based on a theory about this incoming episode.
With that in mind, please enjoy.
*Kind comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
Half an hour passed before Jughead revealed anything of note. During that time, Tabitha had relocated to the floor beside the bed, leaning up against the wall with her head in her hands. She wanted desperately to call Toni again- to have her soothe her anxiety in the way she had been doing for months, but she had a feeling the woman was dealing with her own issues.
“Tabby?” Jughead’s voice cut through the tense silence. He sounded tired, shaken.
Tabitha looked up at her boyfriend. He still refused to meet her eyes, but hey, her name was a start. Right?
“Tab, P-Percival said you’re going away.”
She immediately bolted up, a million thoughts running through her mind. Something sinister had to be at play here.
 “Jug, when did you talk to Percival?”
Slowly, so as not to startle or distract him, she edged over towards the bed and sat down on the corner.
“Uhh,” he groaned quietly, “I think this morning? Actually yeah. It was this morning, with Cheryl, Betty and Archie. We ran into him at- at- Tab, I don’t remember.”
His voice broke and he looked up at Tabitha, unshed tears lingering in his eyes. He ran his hands through his hair, almost tearing at it with the intensity of his movement.
“Hey, hey, that’s ok.” She tried to fill her voice with as much optimism as she could, “Can you think of anything he said to you? What did you mean when you said I was going to leave?”
Jughead tentatively reached out for her for the first time that day, and Tabitha took his hand gratefully. She started stroking rhythmic circles into his palm.
“I-I-I just don’t want you to leave me like she did. I love you; I love you Tab. And I just can’t be alone anymore, I wouldn’t know what to do, you’re all I have left.”
She inhaled deeply. This was not how she’d imagined their first love you’s to be exchanged. But that wasn’t the point. The point was, that her boyfriend seemingly been sorely manipulated and was almost at his breaking point. She needed something to calm you down.
“Hey, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Just try and stay focused on what I’m drawing on your hand, ok?”
Tabitha swallowed, focusing her attention onto the spiral pattern she traced onto his skin. He let her draw, his breathing gradually slowing.
A few minutes went by before Tabitha had an idea. She released his hand, causing him to jolt in alarm.
“Jug, would you be open to taking some medication tonight? Just to help you sleep.” She asked.
He thought for a moment, staring cautiously around the room, “Yeah. Yeah, ok.”
“I’m going to have to get up to grab it for you though, is that alright?” Tabitha slid to the edge of the bed, waiting for his tiny nod acknowledgment before standing up.
“Please be quick.” He whispered, grabbing a throw pillow and hugging it to his chest.
“I’ll be right back.”
As she rifled through her medicine box, Tabitha fired off a few quick messages to Toni.
Both Jug and Cheryl were with Percival this morning.
Betty and Arch too.
 I think he did something to them- Jug’s freaking out, thinking I’m leaving?
Giving him some anxiety meds.
Talk soon.
She replied almost immediately.
That’s what I’ve gathered too.
I drove Cheryl to my place.
She wouldn’t let go of my arm the whole way.
She keeps thanking me for keeping her safe and seems to be hallucinating her mom.
I’ll call you in the morning. Try and sleep 💕
Tabitha rested her phone on the kitchen table with a soft clatter, before picking up two pill bottles and a cup of water. She strode into the bedroom and perched carefully in front of Jughead.
“I’m back,” she said.
He lowered his pillow, revealing red-rimmed eyes. Tabitha felt a pang in her chest. It wasn’t often she saw Jughead cry- he hadn’t the day he found out about his lost hearing or any of the hard days at work. She knew whatever was brewing must have taken a larger toll on him than she’d expected.
“Hey, you’re ok Juggie. I’m here. I’ve brought some pills for you, this one to lower your anxiety, and these for sleep.” She passed him the glass and he sipped at it cautiously.
“Are these yours?”
“Yeah, but I don’t take them as often as I used to anymore. Just on bad days.”
 “And I have a feeling this was one of those days for you.” She added as an afterthought.
He stared blankly at the wall for a second before he spoke again. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. I promise we’ll figure this out in the morning, ok? We just need to try and get you some rest.”
So, that was how they ended the night, Tabitha in her work clothes, pulling her boyfriend close and gently rocking him in her arms, feeling his heartbeat starting to slow against her touch. He lay with his head in her lap, allowing her to thread her fingers through his hair as he drifted off to sleep.
Just as she was about to close her eyes, Tabitha heard a feint whisper.
“Tabby? You’ll still be here in the morning, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll be here.”
“You know, I wasn’t lying when I said I loved you,” he whispered into her chest. His voice was strained, vulnerable, but entirely sincere.
“I love you too.”
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eirasummers · 3 years
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I posted 6247 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 54.8 posts.
I added 3958 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 130 characters
#one on my lower back from when i crouched down to get something from the floor and hit myself with a really bad placed sharp angle
My Top Posts in 2021
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I've been working on this for a couple of days. They're from Twisted Wonderland: Deuce and @chibichibisha's OC Ermine.
She shared with me a snipet of them a few days ago and they wer eso precious and gave me so many feels I just had to draw something. I love them so much <3 So my headcanon for the scene goes like this: Deuce tells him "I've found this flower and it reminded me of your eyes" and hold it on his hair "it's pretty, but you're way prettier..." tries to be suave and put the flower on Ermine's hair. He fails miserably because Ermine doesn't have human ears in where to put it. Panics, tries to find a solution and finally notices that he can put the flower on the hairpin so it doesn't fall. Meanwhile Ermine finds him adorable and laughs, and seeing him laugh is worth the embarassement for Deuce. That's it, that's the scene in my head, badly writen lmao I'm not a writer for a reason P.D.: You can see the timelpse on my twitter too~
61 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 12:43:49 GMT
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I've wanted to do my OC Dillon as a chibi in the game for some time already, and I got some assets recently and worked on this!! And since it didn't take much to do, I asked @chibichibisha if she wanted me to do any of her bois too, and so here's Ermine too :D They could be better, but I think they turned out ok~ Hope you like them~~ All the assets I used were from @/alchemivich on Tumblr! Thank you so much! <3
63 notes • Posted 2021-06-29 13:06:00 GMT
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iHello! I come back with something I've been working on for a few days with the amazing @kirayamidemon and @rozengrotto !!! It's a three way collab we decided to do of Twisted Wonderland fanart!! And here they are: Trey, Cater and Riddle!! They all look so good together, I'm so glad we could work on this together!! <3 I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!! :D Edit: here's the link to Milka's post and Kira's post!! Please check them both out!! <3
68 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 21:59:17 GMT
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I've been working on this for a few weeks and I'm finally done!!! I joined a twst discord server and everyone's OCs were so awesome, I wanted to draw some. But also I didn't want to overstep sklfhaklf So I asked them if they would like to request some, and here they all are!! Mar is @tisafinedayforsimping's OC. Russell is @rozengrotto's OC. Yua is @twstedtales's OC. Ermine is @chibichibisha's OC. Ivelyn is @pancaketachi's OC. Yuu is @kirayamidemon's OC. (Actually requested by Andrea.) Iggy is @missbonekitty's OC. (Actually requested by Kira.) Cheryl is @chervill's OC. Ray is @notfairestwriting's OC. Please, check all their tumblrs out, they're all amazing! <3 Also, I made this template myself, if anyone wants it, you can ask me! I can share it! :D
85 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 15:10:33 GMT
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It's technically not yet the 24th where I live, but it is in Japan, so here's B-day art for Riddle!! :D I hope he accepts this offering and blesses me with his b-day card when I pull ┗( T﹏T )┛ It also doubles as a request I got from @rozengrotto, who asked me to draw Fem!Riddle!!
I, obviously, took direct inspiration from his SSR dorm card, kinda recreated it with that in mind!!
That's it, hope you like it! :) You can see the timelapse on my twitter as well~
85 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 19:26:30 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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The speakeasy “Le bonne nuit” Riverdale season 3/smut
It was hot autumnal night. It felt more like a summer. The night breeze was whispering tales of the teenage love that was experienced in the past months. We all had our summer flings. Some of them blossomed into relationships, others had to stay hidden because of love that was said to be unfit or unworthy in front of the messed up society of the small town of Riverdale that we called home. 
That night was much different then the rest of the nights we had ever since the new school year had started. Our friends, our brothers, all of which Serpents, had gathered in the tent park to discuss a matter that couldn’t be kept in the waiting. The Goolies were back and, as far as we knew, their leader, the former Serpent, or more like a black mamba as I liked to call her, Penny Peabody, were back in town and they wanted the taste of fresh blood. Their strings were pulled by the much higher standing persona of the man in black. And, as Ronnie had infromed us, this man was her father, the one and only Hiram Lodge.
I was an honorary Serpent and I still didn’t have my jacket on my back, but as the night was getting older and so was my bravery. I was sitting on the ground, near the fire, next to Tony and Cheryl. Sweet pea and Fangs were pressing their bags to the nearest tree. Fp was pacing back and forth in front of the fire, while Jug was sitting in his throne, an old chair with crown drawn on its leather, and his queen,Betty, who was also my editor in the Blue and Gold, was standing right by his side.
“We gotta do something, man. We can’t just let them go round our land free. If they want blood, we should give them some.” Sweet pea said as he pushed himself off the tree. His face was death serious, something I wasn’t used to see, at least not when we were alone. Nobody knew that him and I had a secret. After my parents fled on me during riot night, Tony had offered me shelter with the Serpents. Every single night since then, when I was feeling down, scared or had a nightmare, I would go to Sweet pea’s trailer and I would stay the night with him. At first, nothing really was happening between us. But the more I was seeking the comfort of his warm bed, the more we wanted to push it forward. And so during the last days of summer, after Josy ditched him, we finally laid the cards down and did it. We’ve been hooking up for quite some time but decided to keep it down low so it was only between me and him. But the others got a little suspicious of his protectivness over me, which found its way to the surface again that night. 
As he was talking to Jug, going on how we should defend our last piece of land, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around me so I was warm. He prefered to be cold but to keep me warm. That act alone, of having his Serpent jacket on my back, gave me the voice I’ve been trying to find all along.
“No, Sweet pea! We will not attack first. That will give them a reason to kill us all. We have to get more information. If Hiram is helping them, we have to get into his deepest deals to get the game. Then we will attack and free ourselves once and for all of them.” Jug said while tapping with his leg nervously on the ground.
“That’s a very good idea, Jug. There is only one problem. My father never speaks to any of us about that. So we have to go to the people he trusts to get what we need.” Ronnie declared standing behind Jug. Nobody had seen her come to us but she was our strongest ally so we were happy whenever she could offer us a good piece of information.
“What do you have in mind, V?” Betty asked. She had that gift inside herself to read people’s mind just by looking into their eyes. Whenever an idea was forming in our head, she knew we were up to something. I wonder how she haven’t found out about me and Sweet pea yet.
“All I am saying is that his gorillas, Leo, James and whatever the hell were the names of the other, know more than I would ever know.”
“That’s easy. We will get them, fix up their faces and they will sing like birds.” Fangs said from his place next to the tree.
“Not everything is solved with fists, Fangs.” Fp blurted out with his nervous voice looking straight into Fangs as he was trying to tame a little tiger with the power of his eyesight.
“That’s at least an idea, Fangs. But these neanderthals don’t go anywhere without daddy. We would have to think of something else.” she answered him never cheating to her habit of gesturing with her hands.
“Don’t we forget something here, guys?” I said. All of a sudden everyone turned to me. “ They are men before everything else. And what usually makes a man go crazy and spill everything? Think about it.”
“A woman ready to play. I like how you’re thinking. If we could get those idiots drunk and hard, they will tell us all.” Tony finished for me beaming with pride at my idea.
“No! I am not putting you in danger. All of you. We would figure it all out.” Jug said shaking his head.
“Don’t shut us down just that quick, Jug. We are women, we know how to lure men into doing what we want.” Betty took the initiative. “I would go with my girls as a true queen, to help V please her dad and his gorillas. Meanwhile, you and the boys will be inside as security guards. The moment we get them to leave the Speakeasy, you can handle them as you want to. It’s a plan worth trying.”
“I am in. I got just the dress for that.” I said.
“No, Y/N! I am not keen on the idea of using our women for target.’‘ I was surprised by the sudden outburst of Sweet pea but I knew he was saying it because this plan involved me.
“It’s a good plan! We’ll do it. Tomorrow night. Veronica will invite her dad for a casual talk while the girls take care of the bodyguards as we are there to secure the Speakeasy.” Jug said approvingly.
The same night I went into Sweet pea’s trailer again. I knew he wasn’t happy for the plan but it was our best shot.
“Hey, Pea! Would you let me stay the night again?”
“You’re always welcome!” he said openning the sheets of his bed for me. “But I don’t know how I feel about the seduction thing you came up with. I don’t want to look how some asshole will touch you and look at you as you are an item he can claim”
“You don’t have a say here, Pea. I want to deserve my jacket and I think the idea is damn good. And you would be there to keep an eye on me and the gorilla. But I can do my best to assure you that it’s just work and nothing more to me.” I said as I kissed him and got on top of him. 
Slowly I started moving all the while kissing him. I pulled away from him and took off my shirt. He was always in the mood for a middle of the night fun. His hand were tracing paths between my hips and my buttcheeks. He was squeezing tightly at the skin, kissing me with all the passion he got. I could feel how hard he was underneath me. In one swift motion he turned us over so now he was on top of me. I took the hem of his shirt in my fingers and lifted it towards his head. He took it off himself to easy me. Next his pants and boxers followed as well as my own bottom and lacy underwear. He trailed kissed down my neck and colar bone, slowly kissing his way down south to the place that craved him the most. I was already wet and he knew it well enought. 
His kisses and touches sent chills through my whole body. Kissing all his way to my very core, he started drawing circles with his tongue. I buried my hands in his hair and left myself be completely absorbed in the sensation of him eating me out. It was something I loved to be given and he was giving it to me everytime. His hands found their way to my breast, squeezing them, claiming that they were made for his touch. My body was waving on its own under the sweet pressure of the extasy that was builing in me.
Soon enough he kissed his way back up and I felt a pure bliss when he entered me in one painfully slow but extremely good motion. He started moving slowly at first, kissing my neck. With each moan he was picking up the pace, making me go completely lost under his touch.
“You’re a mess right now, babe. So wet for me and so tight. Do you know how hard that makes me? How crazy I am about every part of you?” he hissed in my ear, biting it softly
“Dammit, Pea! You’re gonna make me scream if you continue to talk to me like that. And I am not sure I want to muffle this scream.”
“Scream for me, baby. I want to make you scream. You’re going to let go! So soon!” he was feeling how close I was. My walls were tightening agains him. I simply nodded and gave myself fully to the sensation of riding out my orgasm. 
I knew he wasn’t finished yet, so I pushed him on his back and got to business.Just like he did, I kissed my way down to his still hard dick and slowly licked it all up from the core to the head. His deep moan made me go wet all over again. I took it deep into my mouth, giving him a firm stroke as I was sucking it. He hands got a hold of my hair making me go a little faster. His deep voice moans were making me eager to go faster and faster untill I felt him twich and realese the tention in my hand.  His smile said it all to me as I went up to kiss his lips and then rest my head on his shoulder.
The morning came and so did the night. We all got dressed in our sexiest dresses and went to the Speakeasy waiting for Hiram to arrive with his gorillas for the casual talk with his daughter. The boys, who were all wearing black, stood by the bar playing their role of security guards for the night.
“Daddy, welcome!” Ronnie said as her dad walked inside.
“Mija, you wanted to talk to me, so here I am.” He said sitting at one of the tables.
“Let my girls take care of your fellas here, daddy, while we have some quility father-daughter time.” she said as she waved at us.
“Let’s do this girls!” Tony said as we all finished our drinks and went to the gorillas. They were three and so were we. Betty, Tony and I went up to them and sat in their laps. I could sense how mad Jug and Sweet pea were just by this sight. We started talking, whispering sweet nothings in their ears as we were handing them drink after drink after drink. Leo, the one that I took, was moving his hand up and down my leg that was peeking through the slit of the dress. I looked behind his shoulder and saw how Sweet pea squeezed his hand into a fist and slammed in on the bar. Jug put his hand on his chest and said word for I am pretty sure was “Not now, give them some more time!”
Soon the alcohol did its magic. The tree almost middle aged gorillas Hiram had hired were completely under our spell. All three of us stood up and took them by the hand taking them towards the back room with smile on our faces all the while biting our lips knowing that in a few second the boys would take care of them.
We took them back without Hiram seeing anything. Ronnie was doing amazing job at keeping him distracted.The boys slipped into the back room after us while Reggie and Pops were holding the forth at the bar. 
“Ladies, you can step aside. We advice you not to see what will happen next.” Jug said telling us to leave.
“No, we’re staying. My girls and I want to see these scumbags singing like lovebirds.” Betty said with a certain dark beam in her eyes. We moved to the side of the room and waited the Serpents to work their own kind of magic to make them talk and spill all about Hiram’s plans with the Goolies and the drug dealing.
“Sweet pea, do you wanna show this one here how to act around a lady?” Jug said.
“My pleasure, Jones!” He said as he arched up his back and slammed his right fist in Leo’s face so hard that it broke his nose. “This is for touching my girl! Now let’s talk business. Speak! What has Hiram with the Goolies?”
I was weirdly proud of his eagerness to protect me, that he called me his girl and of his honor. But also I was a little scared of his force and thirst for punishing these scancs.
Not long after the first fists, all three of Hiram’s gorillas started singing all the information we need. We pulled it off as an incident of some drugged men trying to take us away from the gorillas. Hiram acted like he didn’t suspect anything and called them idiots. “You can’t even hold one teenage girl for the night without getting into a fight. Why did I even hire you? Let’s go! We’re done here, Mija! When you have a better deal, call me!”
“Oh, I will, daddy! I’ll make sure.” Ronnie said as she turned to us smiling. Our job for the night was done. Once more we proved that teenagers and especially the Serpents can trick the big bad men in black without them even noticing. But little did we know that the war between father and daughter had just begun.
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Jason//don’t blame me for falling
Request: Can I request a jason/reader where Polly is jealous of the reader because she's dating Jason and she tries to break up both of them up but the bulldogs and the vixens confront Polly and tells her to back off because the reader and jason are end game and can the reader also be co-captain and Jason Captain of the bulldogs and can the reader being bestfriends with Cheryl! And thank you btw I love your writing!!!!
hey! i hope everyone is having a good day!! i don’t really get/have a lot of jason imagines so this was super fun to write. title is from harry styles’ ‘to be so lonely’. i hope you like this!! k, byeeee
Polly Cooper has done some things in her time. She’s lied, stole and caused more drama than you can wave a commentary youtube channel at. 
But this time, she’s gone too far. 
You knew she was jealous when you and Jason started dating. It was understandable, they’d dated and he’d essentially broken up with her for you. But thats as far as it went. There was never any cheating or lying involved, and Polly was your friend...sort of. 
But everyone could see that Jason was miserable with Polly, whether that was her fault or not, nobody knew. But when your friends saw you and Jason talking to each in the corridor. When Cheryl would invite you over to hang out after school and she’d find you with Jason instead of getting a snack like you’d told her, everyone knew it was inevitable. 
The captain of the football team and the co-captian of the cheerleaders...it’s just destiny. Especially if they’d grown up together. Especially if your best friend was his sister. It was bound to happen eventually, it was just a matter of waiting for the timing to be right. 
And eventually, after years of waiting and pining and staring longingly at each other...it happened. 
You went to a party together like you always did on a Friday night. You snuck both Cheryl and Jason out of their house with a little help from the Vixens and Bulldogs and then you were off to Hayley Grey’s party!
There, the two of you drank a little too much (it was for a good reason, Jason was upset about his very messy breakup and the fact that Polly now hated him and you, even though you weren’t even together then) and by the end of the night you’d played a very drunk game of truth or dare, made out in the bath tub, confessed your undying love for each other and then fell asleep in the back garden.
You were woken up the next day by Hayley’s dad shouting at the two of you to get off the freshly mowed lawn otherwise he’d call the police and the neighbourhood watch. You’d grabbed Cheryl, ran past Hayley being scolded by her mom and went back to the Blossom’s. 
Once you got there, Mr and Mrs Blossom were stood outside the gate with their arms crossed and scowls on their faces, and stood next to them was your parents, also looking more than annoyed. 
The three of you had been grounded for three weeks, but it was worth it. 
Without that party you and Jason would still just be friends, so you silently thanked Hayley Thomson and her parents, while you and Jason stood beside each other, your fingers still intertwined as your parents shouted at the three of you. 
And the rest as they say, is history...
Or at least thats what you thought they’d say. 
But this is real life and nothing is ever that easy. 
Because yes, for the rest of the weekend you were happy. Texting each other in secret with hidden phones the two of you had gotten ages ago so you could continue to talk to each other. 
You told your friends, he told his and they were so happy.
Cheryl the most because it meant she didn’t have to listen to you mope about Jason whenever he was with someone that wasn’t you, or listen to Jason try to subtly mention you in conversations that related to you in no way, and failing. 
Everyone was happy. 
But by Monday morning, word had gotten around and one person wasn’t happy. 
Polly Cooper. The older and arguably more annoying sister of the Cooper children. She’s always been a little wary of you, you did hang around with her boyfriend a lot and she’d heard the bets about how long it would take for you to get together. 
But when Jason broke up with her, that was it. 
Even though you two didn’t get together until like three weeks after they broke up so you don’t really know what she was complaining about.
She had a list on enemies and you were number one, Jason followed closely at two and then Cheryl was three, just because. 
Her hatred started off slow. She would glare at the two of you whenever you walked past her. Then there were the whispers, laughter and of course the name calling, which then bizarrely evolved to middle school-esque notes passed during class that made you roll your eyes and Jason laugh at the crude drawings. 
“Do I really look like this?” He asks, holding up the latest note that has been shoved through his locker. 
“Hmm.” You think for a few seconds, glancing between him and the paper. The hair’s the same colour, but apart from that, “nah.” You shrug and he nods, looking at the drawing one last time before throwing it in the bin. “You’re much more attractive.” You say, a smile tugging at your lips as you lean over the lunch table to kiss him. 
“Slut!” Polly shouts from across the cafeteria and you pull away reluctantly, both you and Jason sharing a look of annoyance. 
“Do you want me to talk to her?” Cheryl asks from beside you, too busy staring at her phone to actually pay attention to anything around her. 
“Its fine.” You say. “I’ve got it.” You turn in the direction of Polly and flip her off, a sweet smile adorning your lips and your friends laugh loudly. “This is the 21st century, there’s no such things as sluts Polly.” 
“You’re the exception to that.” She replies.
“Well done Polly. That was actually really good for you.” You compliment. “You keep working on your insults and come back to me when you have something better than slut. Oh and how did you get in my boyfriends house to put your bra in his bed? We’ve spent hours trying to figure it out and nothing.” The room goes quiet at your revelation and Polly glances at the table, trying to regain her composure. 
She looks back up a few seconds later and the usual smug grin settles on her face. 
“I must have forgot it the last time I was there, which was what Jason? Last night?” 
“I don’t think so Polly because I think I would have noticed you there.” You reply and hushed gasps and giggles echo around the room. 
She shuts up after that, thankfully letting you eat the rest of your lunch in peace. 
You know it won’t last, but you’ll take the small victory. 
“Did she seriously put a bra in his room?” Cheryl asks as the two of you walk out of the changing rooms and towards the front doors. 
Vixen and Bulldog practice both finish at the same time so the two of you wait by the doors for Jason and the rest of your friends. 
“Yep.” You reply, popping the p and she looks at your amused. “I genuinely don’t know how she’s getting in there. Jason thinks she never left, she’d living in the walls.” You giggle. 
“But why though? I would never leave any of my bras in anybody’s room. They’re all too pretty.” 
“I agree.” You nod. “I dunno. She’s been trying to break up us since we got together. She’s spread rumors about both of us, left bras in his bed and faked texts between the two of them.” 
“Well thats annoying.” 
“If anything it’s just sad.” You sigh. “I kind of feel sorry for her.” 
“What? Why?” 
“I dunno. I mean, her boyfriend did break up with her and then start dating his best friend three weeks later. He was miserable but it still doesn’t make it any less upsetting for her.” You frown as you speak. 
Despite being together for over 5 months now, you still can’t help shake the feeling that maybe you’re in the wrong. You don’t want to upset anyone, it just so happens that you’ve been in love with Jason Blossom for as long as you can remember. 
“Well, you’re a bigger person than me.” Cheryl shrugs, looking around the empty corridor. “Where the hell is he, this bag is heavy.” She complains and unlocks her phone, sending another text to Jason and huffing loudly when she doesn’t get an answer immediately. 
You laugh and go to rearrange your bag on your shoulder when your realize that you’ve forgotten it. 
“Shit, Cheryl. I left my bag.” You say and she rolls her eyes. 
“How do you forget a bag that big?” She asks and you shrug. “Go on, I’ll wait.”
“Thank you Cheryl, you’re the best.” You smile sweetly before rushing back towards the gym and changing rooms. 
All the way back you feel like you’re being watched. 
It’s not an intense feeling, its just makes you a little bit more aware of your surroundings, a little bit more jumpy when one of the janitors drops a mop on the floor. You look over your shoulder a little more often when you searching for your bag, and when you finally find it you walk a little quicker out of the room and into the corridor. 
You start the slow walk back to the front of the school, deciding to keep Cheryl waiting for a bit longer. And it’ll be even better if Jason is stood with her, both of the Blossom’s annoyed. 
But just when you think you’re safe, Polly appears and you can already feel the headache starting. You force a smile and stare straight at her, trying to feign niceness. 
“Hi Polly. Great practice wasn’t it?” Thats right, she follows you literally everywhere, even to practice, despite not listening to anything you or Cheryl says. 
“Stay away from my boyfriend.” She replies and your eyes widen, now fully invested in wherever this conversation is going. 
“Excuse me?” You blink. 
“You heard me. Stay away from my boyfriend.” She moves closer to you, effectively backing you into a corner and the only things thats keeping space between the two of you is your gym bag...of course it is. 
“Polly, he isn’t your boyfriend anymore. He broke up with you, remember?” 
“Remember?” She laughs bitterly. “How could I forget. You stole the love of my life away from me.” 
“I di-” 
“You’ve been planning this haven’t you. I mean I get it. Your friends with him for ages and then it slowly develops into something more. I understand that. You know, he always told me I had nothing to be worried about whenever I asked about you. That was a lie wasn’t it? Because here you are, happy and in love while I’m alone. But remember this. He chose me first. He was your friend for years and he never wanted you until now.” 
“Look Polly, I don’t know what you want me to say.” 
“I don’t want you to say anything. I want you to shut up, and listen.” She says, backing you further and further into the corner. 
“I will get Jason back. Slowly but surely, he’ll realize he made a mistake and that he’s supposed to be with me. You’re only supposed to be his friend, nothing mor-” 
“Is everything okay?” A voice asks. 
Polly pauses and both of you move to look who the voice belongs to. A small smile twitches at your lips when you see your friends from both the Vixen’s and the Bulldogs. 
“Yeah.” Polly says through gritted teeth. “Everything’s fine, isn’t it Y/n?” 
“Are you sure? Because from where we’re standing, it looks like you were threatening Y/n. Doesn’t it?” Juliet continues and looks around at the rest of the group. They all nod, glaring at Polly. 
“Jason’s chosen who he wants. Do everyone a favour and back off.” Cheryl says in a cold tone. 
The group of Vixen’s and Bulldogs part to let her through, and as soon as she’s at the front, she’s backing Polly into the wall. You quickly side-step to avoid being squashed and watch as Cheryl continues to subtly threaten Polly. 
Its not how you would prefer to tackle the issue, but she ignores everything else, so maybe Cheryl will do the trick. You don’t know for sure, what you do know is you’re very thankful to have friends that find you when your in trouble, even if they do want to go home. 
Cheryl finishes her threats with a very sweet ‘got that?’, and even you’re a little scared as to how she can change her tone and entire demeanor so quickly. She then grabs your hands and pulls, the two of you walking towards the front doors, your friends following all talking loudly. 
You see Jason stood by the door, pacing up and down while he frantically texts. Once he hears noise he looks up and the worried expression disappears as soon as he sees you. 
“You okay?” Jason asks, his eyebrows kitting together as he takes in your shaken appearance. 
“I am now.” You reply, sending him a small, but relieved smile. He nods, but you can tell he doesn’t believe you. 
He knows when you’re lying, he knows everything about you, but he also knows you’ll tell him later if you want to. He knows right now he just needs to see you smile properly.   
“Pops?” He suggests and slings an arm over your shoulder, the two of you set off in a slow walk out of the doors and towards his car. “We can split a milkshake.” 
“Why can’t I get my own?” You ask, feigning annoyance. 
“Because in all our years of friendship, when have you ever gotten your own milkshake?” He replies. 
“Never.” You sigh. 
“Exactly.” He nods. “Just because we’re together doesn’t change anything.” 
“Thats fine by me.” You grin. 
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statticscribbles · 4 years
Summary: Cheryl/Jones!Reader Request: After finding out FP is to blame for Jason’s death; what would happen to their relationship and then after they figure out it was actually Clifford Blossom.
Cheryl’s voice floats into your ears. It’s then you realize she’s not talking to you, she’s talking next to you. To the space closest to you without needing to acknowledge you; you hope it’s because she still has feelings for you. Although as she presses herself against the wall as you step forward; you watch her eyes shine and you understand. Cheryl Blossom, your girlfriend, is afraid. You leave deciding you’re unwilling to know if it is fear for you or of you. “I know what Jones’ are capable of!” She shouts after you. You bite your tongue to not shout back. You let your brother pull you into a hug. “I’m guessing trying to explain it to her didn’t go well?” You shrug as Jughead keeps his arm around you, you follow him from the school and towards the holding cell in the sheriff’s station. “I’m only capable of loving her; why can’t she see that?” You kick a rock from the pathway as you trudge towards the station.
“She can; that’s what scares her. She can avoid a murderer, she can avoid me cause I mean nothing to her. Only thing worse than someone who hates you;” He pauses stumbling slightly so you’re forced to turn around. You catch Cheryl jerking back to hide. “Is someone who loves you.” “Jug, she hates me! Did you not hear her threaten to cut me from the Vixen’s earlier, or about how I shouldn’t touch her with “murder child hands” He laughs as you scowl.
“If she hated you she would have broken up with you. Or gotten you expelled” He nods and shoves you towards her. You keep your eyes on the ground. “I can’t forgive your father.” She spits and you nod. “Can you forgive me?” “Why?” You meet her eyes surprised to see her confused. “You didn’t do anything Y/N, you didn’t kill JJ, you didn’t help your dad hide the body, you did nothing wrong.” “My dad did.”
“Yes he did, but I’m not having my girlfriend suffer due to guilt by association. Beside’s Jason would want me to be happy, and being with you is what makes me happy.” You nod at her turning back as you hear Jughead open the door to the Sheriff’s station. “I have to go, visiting hours are tight.” She nods and you try your best to steel yourself for her being gone once you leave.
Your dad’s not angry you’re still with Cheryl, he seems more surprised than anything, offering you and Jughead only one mouthful of advice. To leave it alone. You’re not a hundred percent sure exactly what he means for you and Jughead to leave alone but you find out quickly when they find a usb drive tucked into Jason’s jacket.
There’s no sound on the video, you’re thankful for that and you stare fearfully at Betty as she moves from the now closed laptop and pulls her phone out. You stumble up, towards your bike, trying to shove Jughead off you, but he keeps his hands on your shoulders. “No Y/N. Stay; it’s safer. You don’t know what they’d do if you show up. The daughter of the man that killed their son?” “It wasn’t dad! It wasn’t him! We have; I have to let Cheryl know! She’s not safe there! She’s not safe!” Jughead nods pulling you back towards the shed. “We’ll take care of it. Seriously, don’t worry.”
“You’re telling me that it’s okay to let my girlfriend stay in a house with her father, who murdered her brother, and I’m not supposed to worry?How would you feel if Betty’s dad murdered someone and she was staying with him?” You snap and smirk when he stays quiet. “Well you still can’t just run up and break her out.” You huff and sit back on the couch.
—————————————————————————————- Despite everything that’s happened it’s school as normal. You’re nervous about returning to Cheryl’s side, as the unwavering popularity had fastened itself around her it seemed to slide off of you. What had been glares for being a Southsider, and then glares for being the daughter of a murderer had now morphed back into a surprisingly normal glare, the envy of being popular, the envy of being with Cheryl.
You settle back into the routine of school, of being with the HBIC; you find small things have changed, one of which is Cheryl bringing you home. You’re slowly growing more terrified as you walk up the steps waiting for her mother or nana to appear and demand you leave and never return. The house is empty, void of anything that resembles the home Cheryl would describe to you. She brings you up to her room, sitting on her bed; you’re expecting to go through the photo albums again; to hear more stories of Jason and her as kids. Instead she grips your hands.
“Why are you still here.” Her voice is as limp as her grip on you; you rub your thumb over her skin and tug her hand into your lap as you pull her into a hug. “Because I love you Cheryl.” “I accused your father, I sent him to jail, you could have-“ she starts “Cheryl, that’s not going to happen anymore, that’s in the past. I have to let that go, yes I’m upset it happened, but I don’t blame you. If I did that, if I blamed and held onto everything that could have happened I’d be so angry and hurt all the time. I wouldn’t have anything to do with my dad, or Jughead, or any of his friends. I’d still be at Southside High, I wouldn’t know you.” You shut her down, pulling her back with you as you lay on her bed. “I love you.” You repeat kissing her face until she smiles against your lips.
“Seriously babe, you need to heal, you’ve been through a lot. No one will blame you for not being sad or upset all the time. I’m here for you.” “Why?” She ducks her head cuddling into you. “Because being with you makes me happy.” You watch her frown almost playfully. “You have to come up with your own ideas. Can’t go stealing mine.” “Well you’ve already stolen my heart.” You laugh and she rolls her eyes. “Can you at least think about getting some different cheesy one liners?” “You know you love them.” You nod enthusiastically. “I love them because I love you.” You nod. “Exactly so by default of loving me, you love them. It’s basic math.”
“And what do you know about math?” You grin and she groans. “Babe please don’t-“ “Well I know that me plus you equals forever.” You laugh when she shoves a pillow at you. “Cherylllll stopppp, wait is it true your pillows are stuffed with cash?” “No that’s a dumb rumor, they’re filled with goose down.” “So no cash at all?” She narrows her eyes. “No, why?” You try your best to stifle a laugh. “Cause-“ You don’t finish before the pillow is smacked into your face.
“I warned you Y/N” You nod smiling at her. “You know you should really let more people see this side of you.” “What side? You mean I should flirt and cuddle with everyone?” You shake your head laughing. “No, just be a little less HBIC all the time. Take a break, relax.” “Well that’s what I’m doing now.” “No with other people.” She rolls her eyes. “No, I refuse.” You sit up and she returns to curling around you, the pillows resuming their place behind your heads.
“I was really scared you were going to break up with me.” You look confused as Cheryl runs her fingers through your hair. “Why would I break up with you?” “Because I accused your-“ “Cheryl, we just-“ “No.” You freeze as she snaps at you. “I accused your father, almost got you sent back to the Southside to a foster family and never being able to see you again!” You nod letting her vent and sputter to you, complaining about herself and her faults. You sit watching and nodding along as her voice begins to crackle and it becomes slightly more sobbing than actually words. You pull her in as close as possible tucking her head against your shoulder as you hold her. “I’m sorry.” You speak into her hair as she shakes her head weakly.
“I’m sorry for not realizing how much this was hurting you. I’m not upset at you Cheryl; I’m upset at the circumstances that pushed us apart but not at you, never at you. I want to be with you, I’m making that choice. Just like I’ve made the choice to forgive you for hitting Jughead, for blaming my dad. You were just grieving, you were hurting and I wasn’t there for you. I’m sorry for that. That’s what I’m apologizing for, for not being there for you, my girlfriend, the love of my life. I’m so sorry.” She pulls back to look at you, you move to wipe the tears at the corner of her eyes, and she does the same for you. “I shouldn’t have pushed you away. That’s sort of how I was taught. You either love with everything, or give nothing.” You nod kissing her. “Well then good thing you didn’t push me away properly.” She laughs a little. ‘Can’t even do that right.”
“Hey, babe, stop. I’m here, you’re not a bad person, I still love you. I stayed. I want to stay. I want to be with you.” You rest your forehead on hers and she nods to you. You stay like that for a moment content to watch her, you notice her eyes flickering around you face, you smile and you can see her lips quirk up slightly. “What-“ She nudges your forehead and you close your mouth watching her watch you. “I was memorizing your face.” “Why?” “I want to draw you later.”
“You draw?” You shift on the bed as she nods turning almost shyly from your sight to pull a sketchbook from beside her bed. She holds it out and nods to you, you open it slowly thumbing through the pages. Most are of the Vixen practice, there’s a few of the Bulldog’s practice as well. Reggie and Jason stretching; Archie playing his guitar. Betty and Jughead asleep in the student lounge. Veronica and Josie practicing some song. You look up glancing back as you flip the page, half sketches of you, part of your smile, or your hand brushing your ear. “These are amazing.” She shrugs and pulls the sketchbook back to place it in the drawer she got it from.
“You could ask me you know, to draw me.” You smile and her face lights up, you tilt your head as a grin stretches her face. “Are you asking for me to draw-“ “Cheryl no I want to say it!” She clamps a hand over your mouth. “Draw you like one of those French girls.” She winks and you glare before licking her hand, she wipes it down your face laughing as you cringe.
“It’s your spit, don’t look so disgusted.” “Yes, and it’s supposed to stay in my mouth.” “You say as you lick my hand.” She arches an eyebrow  at you and you shrug. “You stole my line.” “I wasn’t aware we’re on the Titanic now.” You half pounce on her pulling her into as tight of a hug as you can manage. “I’ll never let go Jackkkk” You both end up laughing holding each other as you fall asleep.
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Thoughts on everyone in the realms?
"Short Answer; I made a chart. Not a well drawn chart, mind you, but a chart. Sometimes you don't wanna put effort into drawing 50 something faces"
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"Long answer, uh....well lemme go down the list"
Claudette: My Starflower~!! She's so sweet and kind and amazing in trials and every time I see her I swoon a little- I love her so much~ Dwight: He's cute- And he's a good leader, despite his nervous personality, he knows how to bring a group together. Final guy potential. Ash: ....Don't...Tell him I said this? But uh....Evil Dead was one of my biggest comfort series, the thing that got me through losing both my parents....the thing that helped me transition, pick my name, and fueled my FX hobby. And I'm still attached, even realizing he's a real person and all- But...it's weird to just, be upfront with something like that, so I'm just...burying it as best as I can. David: He's a little rough around the edges but he’s good to have in a trial, plus when you can get past the walls, he’s nice to talk to. Kate: Her music by the campfire is calming and she’s such a sweetheart. If we were in a better situation I’d love to learn Guitar from her, but, it’s hard when you’re a moment away from a trial at any given time. Amalthea (@askthewidowstars OC): She judged my entire vibe but jokes on her I’m the one who snagged a cutie for life- Meg: If I had a dollar for every time she left me for dead I would have enough money to paint the entire campfire in solid gold. The only time we’ve ever properly talked was about SAW traps and 90% of it was her admitting she could beat every single trap because she was ‘built different’  Jeff: He’s a sweetheart and really nice to be around. Sometimes when we’re by the campfire in our downtimes I’ll let him draw on my arm. it kinda makes me want a tattoo, honestly. If we ever get out of here, I might get one. Steve: Bros!! We kinda make up team ‘Altruistic Himbo’, Plus the ‘Babysitter/Brother’ Vibes mesh really well. I kinda wanna re-style his hair though, mostly because it looks fluffy, and nice to play with.  Quentin: Bros!! We’re gonna make matching T-Shirts about committing Arson on Freddy in particular. He’s fun to hang around in our downtime, and I hope there’s a chance he can get some actual rest, even in here. He deserves it. Adam: If Dwight wasn’t the leader I feel like he’d take over the Reigns. I feel like he’s the calm type that doesn’t handle energetic types well though. Which, y’know, makes things hard.  Nea: Anytime I see her she’s either sneaking around the map and watching everyone get killed, or doing something stupid to get herself killed. I’d get grey hair if We were actually friends.  Feng: Gamer bros- I got to find out we actually played a lotta the same stuff before we were taken by the Entity. We get a chance to nerd out in between trials- Laurie: Best Final Girl hands down. I kinda hope she can teach me Decisive Strike one day- I feel like its also just a little awkward since again, still a fan of Myers Nancy: She doesn’t agree that Demo’s a good boy, which makes sense, but we but heads over it. Also I’m pretty sure she wants me dead for touching the bones around the map one too many times. They’re just too tempting.... Jake: He’s pretty quiet, but he’s helpful in trials. I heard he’s been to a convention a few times, but I don’t think he’s actually into it as much as I thought...Which kinda sucks. I’d love more cosplay buddies y’know? Yui: Kinda makes me want a motorbike. We don’t talk but she seems really cool. A little too cool to me around if that makes sense.  Yun-Jin: She benefits off of throwing everyone else under the bus. And 90% of the time she will throw everyone under the bus. Even if she needs actual help to escape the trial.  Cheryl: Cheryylll!!  She’s really cool and honestly would add her to the ‘Can kill god if she was not nerfed’ Squad. Especially since y’know, she has- I bet if we got enough of the kids together we could just beat the Entity’s ass. I know she could.  Tapp: Always been a fan of Tapp before I was taken, although I feel like he’d wanna arrest me if we weren’t in the Entity’s Realm. I might be a little too excited for my own good about Kramer’s work. I don’t think he’d believe the fact its a movie either.  Ace: He’s kinda like the Uncle of the group around the campfire, but, coming into trials, He’s still for saving his own skin- You can also only stand dad jokes for so long. Especially in an eternity like this.  Leon: He’s cool!!! I got so excited first realizing He and Jill were here, and I wanna get a chance to talk to him about everything that went down, but Haven’t got the chance. He’s nice inside of Trials though, usually doesn’t leave anyone behind. Not a fan of getting blinded though.  Jill: She knows how to lead the trials well, and I look up to her a lot. She’s always been such a badass!!  Bill: If Bill gets his hands on a weapon the entire Realm would be fucked. Badass as hell and Kinda scary. Another one on the list of ‘Entity needed to Nerf’ Felix: You’d think a Childless Father and a Fatherless son would be able to bond a bit more, but, I think we each kinda get the same vibe of homesickness from one another. He’s kind though, and it’s neat to see his work whenever we’re by the campfire.  Elodie: She’s better at helping out than most of the others, but she’s still in a survival of the fittest mindset. I loved hearing about her studies from before she was taken though. I feel like if we had more time we could dig deeper into this whole world and what its about. But we don’t get that- Zarina: We just don’t really click as much, honestly. I’d love to get to know her better but I think she’s more into digging into the killers and what she can find out about this place. Which y’know, could be better done with a team. Sage (@askthewidowstars OC): HUSBAND!!! My husband. I love him to the Moon and back. He’s amazing and I miss him even when we’re five feet apart-  ...I need a hug now-  Amanda: Best girl hands down!! We vibed a lot in between Trials talking about her traps and old designs, she was impressed by my knowledge, and we hang out in Gideon sometimes!   Ghostface: He’s pretty cute- Also fun to be around, even if he’s kind of a dick when he’s actually at work, it’s better when you’re outside of a Trial. It’s also neat to see he’s not just two idiots in a halloween costume and his own person, as much as I love the Scream Series, too-  Leatherface: Bubba!!! Honestly I’d handle being chainsawed. Fuckin Love Bubba-  Huntress: I wanna learn how to throw hatchets but I know I never will. She’s kinda scary, but also I feel like if she could adopt some of the others in the Realms, she totally would.  Oni: The only times I’ve ever really seen him is just before my skull gets bashed in. All I really have associated to him is the splitting headache.  Twins: I’m gonna punt Victor into the sun. I haven’t been good around kids beforehand and this tiny gremlin motherfucker just makes it worse.  Pinhead: I was so excited to see him!! He’s one of the few that talks more often than not in a trial, and he’s always had this air of elegance about him which makes it so much cooler! I’d be tempted to grab the box to solve it, but, at the same time Dwight’s already been hunted. I just...want to see how it works, really. Maybe if I ask nicely? Nah, probably not.  Pyramid Head: He’s so fucking COOL!!! He’s always just been really fucking cool and I still get stars in my eyes. I wanna re-create his weapon one day.  Joey: Joey’s one of the chill killers to be around, probably my favorite amongst the legion. Also Cosplay gang?? Hello? Susie: She’s cute!! I like her vibes whenever there’s not violence involved. I wonder if she’d ever get into costume making, she has the artistic eye for it. I also wonder if she’d ever dye other people’s hair...I’d kinda want green tips one day- Frank: Still wanna throw a palette at him. He’s one of the more serious of the Legion, and usually the one you’d find with a Mori. Not as Serious as Julie but only because he has the cocky god complex to go with it.  Julie:  She’s definitely the most serious out of the Legion. There’s no real rest whenever we’re in a trial against her. Scary as hell and less of a bastard than the other three.  Hillbilly: I know he deserved a lot better than this, especially after hearing more about him. I...Haven’t gotten to see much than the end of his chainsaw though.  Blight: This dude’s singlehandedly bringing back my fear of needles and I thought I lost that with HRT- Also like, dude spits up orange fuckin everywhere.  Michael: My Mans!! I always get a little excited knowing we’re up against him. It’s habit- It’s kinda weird to see him easily affected by like, palettes or flashlights though.  Spirit: She seems like she could be nice when there’s some downtime. I’m also one of the few that can understand her well enough, which probably makes things easier. I found out she’s basically my age when I survived a trial by myself. I’d hope to hang out more sometime. Nemesis: God he’s so fucking tall. Kinda surprised it was Nemesis out of everyone that could’ve been brought, and also, kinda terrified? Still am kinda terrified. I’m surprised he hasn’t just torn up an entire map yet. His zombie minions are also annoying. Wraith: All this motherfucker does is roll up to pull me off Gens and Exist as a problem. I don’t see much of him outside of a Trial. Trapper: Motherfucker Incarnate. If the Entity lets us throw hands I’m fighting him first.  Freddy: ....Gross. I liked the Nightmare on Elm Street series a lot, but...Freddy as a person? Ew. Especially this iteration.  Demogorgon: Demopuppy!! He’s a good boy and he deserves to get treats. Even if the Treats are flesh....I wonder if he likes candy though. Trickster: Pretty!! He also Gives me DIO vibes because of the Jacket and the Knife throwing...Imagine if a killer could stop time...that’d be terrifying. Deathslinger: I wanna sit down and look at his gun more but I also feel like if I ask I’d just get shot on sight. Intimidating as hell but also cool. Mary: ....Still on the very complicated ‘Ex Girlfriend that murdered me’ State. It’s hard to avoid her though. Especially since she wants to get back together since we’re stuck here. Nurse: She does not help my fear of Hospitals, honestly. While she’s easy to go up against, it’s still eugh. Plague: I really, really hate her power. The Sickness and the Vomit is just- Eughhhhh- It just hits every bad sensory issue at once.  Clown: ...I get killers are Killers and aren’t supposed to be good people but also like....Disgusting. Please Remove from the Realm. He’s just- ...Ew.  Doctor: NOPE. NO. NEVER. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.
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veinsandknuckles · 4 years
Break the cutie, pt 1
Ruben Patterson/f!Reader (Shootfighter: Fight to the Death) Explicit Content warnings: bdsm, hair pulling (with the assumption that the reader has long enough hair to make that possible), rough, unsafe sex... everything’s consensual but the powerless position the reader ends up in (and enjoys) might be upsetting to some. lmk if I missed anything. It’s not very kinky yet, I’m planning to take my time with the descent.  Thank you @kingkarate for beta reading, concrit-ing and encouraging this! I owe you one <3 On the surface, Ruben seems like the gentlest, kindest red-blooded man you could hope to date but you have a hunch there’s a playful, rough, slightly selfish side of him that you’re determined to draw out. Ruben is perfectly willing to let you open that door, but whether he’ll be able to shut it again is another story. (Basically, the gimmick is this: what if his road to ruin began with sex instead of violence?)
“Here we are.” You stepped lightly onto the veranda and turned to watch Ruben.
His eyes glittered under the porch light and he smiled up at you. “I really hope you had a good time tonight. I know I did.”
“Of course. You really know how to treat a lady.”
“Well, I do my best...”
This was the moment for him to kiss you goodnight or ask to come in. You’d had two dates already, you’d given him every encouragement but he hesitated. It wasn’t strange - his and Cheryl’s engagement had only ended a few months ago and she’d been his childhood sweetheart. Maybe most men in his position would’ve been on the rebound by now, but the more you got to know Ruben, the more you started to believe he really was as good as he seemed.
He stepped in close, shook his hair out of his eyes and pressed a soft kiss against your lips.  Tonight, he didn’t pull away immediately, not even when you let your lips part and teased his tongue with yours. He let his hands rest on your hips and sighed into your mouth, then broke away with a shy little laugh , just as it was getting good.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t get carried away.”
“No, I... I kinda wish you would.”
“Right.” It didn’t look as if he believed you.
“I don’t want to scandalize you, Ruben, but I mean it. If you want to come in for a cup of coffee or something, all you have to do is ask.”
“On the second date?”
“It can be a literal cup of coffee, you know. Nothing has to happen.”
“Uh... yeah, alright.” He deliberated for a moment and then smiled. “As long as you’re sure.”
You laughed and fished out your keys. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
“Why? Not every man is a dog.”
As you led him into the house, turned on the lights and shrugged out of your coat, you couldn’t stop yourself from silently wishing he was wrong, at least in this instance. Could he really not see how gorgeous he was? Or did he believe all that bullshit about women not having a real sex drive? “I’m not so sure. You may very well be the only exception.”
“Oh shit, sorry to hear that.” The look on his face was completely sincere. “You must’ve dated some real jerks.”
“Hmm. Maybe. But making a move wouldn’t mean you’re one of them.” You took his hand and led him into the sitting room, then ducked into the kitchen and brought back a bottle of wine and two glasses. “It’s not as if I’d mind it.”
Ruben accepted the drink gratefully, took a sip and sat down on the sofa, watching the light as it reflected off the glass. “I just, I... It’s not that I don’t want to. But after everything with Cheryl...” He trailed off with a vague gesture and looked so uncomfortable, you felt like kicking yourself.
“The last thing I want is to make you feel like there’s any pressure to-”
“No.” He looked up at you again, then took another deep drink. “No, I’m ready to move on. But, uh... we met when we were both really young.”
“I know.”
“And... I haven’t really been with anyone else.”
You smiled. This was easier territory. Somewhere deep and dark inside you, something stirred... he was so sweet, he seemed so innocent despite his experience and from what you’d pieced together, it sounded like the two of them had been the clean, wholesome romantic American ideal come to life.
There was a whole world out there and you could be the one to show him. If he wanted you to, of course.
God, you hoped he wanted you to. “That’s the opposite of a problem, Ruben. It’s sweet.”
“Yeah?” He set his drink down and slowly moved in close, gently, as if he worried he might startle you if he didn’t take every care.
You met him in another kiss. This time, he slipped his tongue in without waiting and pulled you to him to feel you close, with his hand running up your side and his pretty hair tickling your forehead. It was clear he had habits in how he moved and rather than taking the lead, you let yourself be soft and yield to him.
Even though he made you moan and you shifted in your seat to give him access, he didn’t press further. You put your hands to his chest and slipped them up to hold on to his shoulders and soon you heard him gasp. When he pulled away you saw lust written all over his face and heard his breath coming faster, and still he seemed nowhere closer to going beyond kisses.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered.
God, the idea of making out on the couch all evening like a pair of teenagers was absolute torture. Getting hot and heavy was one thing, but with the way he made you feel already if it didn’t build to any sort of release it might be less painful to just end it here.
“So are you.” You pulled the hem of his t-shirt between your fingers. “I bet you’re gorgeous all over...”
Ruben swallowed, hard, then tugged his shirt up over his head and let it fall to the floor.
You gasped. Forget your idle daydreams - he really did have the chest, shoulders and stomach of some sort of god. If he was shy, it wasn’t because he had any doubts about his appearance; his smile convinced you of that.
Well, you couldn’t let yourself fall behind. With slightly shaky hands, you reached around your back and unzipped your dress, too eager to feel self conscious.
“You don’t have to,” Ruben insisted but the look in his eyes betrayed how much he hoped you would.
This mutual, misplaced concern could get in the way all night, no matter how much you both wanted this. “How about we agree that if either of us wants to slow things down or stop, we just say so? That way we can skip past all this second guessing.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I can do that.” His voice was so affected it sent a shiver down your spine.
“Then...” you held up your dress with the front pressed to your chest and considered your options. “You grab the wine and let’s take this to the bedroom.”
Ruben followed close behind you, shut the door and didn’t wait before helping you out of your dress. He watched you strip down the rest of the way in mute wonder and if he’d ever made you worry if his mind was on his ex, that ended now. Still, even though he felt achingly hard when he pulled you in for another kiss, even though he couldn’t tear his eyes from you, he undressed slowly and laid you down on the bed with such care.
Not every man liked it hard and fast, you knew that, but this was different... it was as if he’d made love a thousand times but had never even thought about fucking.
He didn’t try to hide that he was eager. When you reached for him, he moved into your touch and when you stroked and kissed him, he sighed out loud. There was nothing stoic about him, he just kept himself firmly in control and that was the very last thing you wanted. When he lay beside you and started kissing his way down your stomach, your patience finally wore out.
“Please, Ruben... I want you.”
He smiled. “I want you, too.”
It was one thing if your interests differed, but another thing entirely if he didn’t, or wouldn’t, understand what you meant. “I want you inside me, already. I want you to fuck me.”
His smile faded a little. “Am I going too slow? I just want to please you...”
You’d both promised to say if anything went too far. “You want to please me?”
“Of course.” The look on his face was so open, so sweet and pure.
It was wrong, but it only made you want to ruin him quicker.
“Then don’t hold back, just hold me down and fuck me.”
It was hard to tell in the dim light, but it looked as if he was starting to blush. His voice was a little rough as he forced himself to respond. “I-I really like you, I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
God, this was wrong. Which was a ridiculous thing to think - he was twenty eight years old, he was in no way a virgin and it wasn’t as if you were trying to force him into doing something he didn’t want. He’d promised to tell you if he wanted to stop. But it felt wrong because you wanted to break him and you didn’t want it to feel right. “Not even if I like it?”
Ruben gasped as if he’d been hit in the gut. His eyes darted across your features, searching for a clue to whether or not you’d meant it. Now he was tense, his confidence seemed to have vanished, but there was no way for him to hide it - the thought turned him on. After an agonizing pause, he whispered, “how?”
Wordlessly, you reached for him and he crawled up until his face hovered above yours. The hunger in his eyes was blended with conflict and shame and you felt your cunt tighten and something foul twisting in your gut. He let you guide his hand to your hair, he held on to it and when you nudged his grip, he took the hint and pulled. He pulled hard and watched as you twisted to follow the movement, then pulled harder.
You moaned and let your eyes roll back. If you thought you’d been wet before...
Ruben eased off. “...You really do like it.”
It wasn’t a question, even though he sounded like he couldn’t believe it - he could see how your legs fell apart wider and how your spine arched.
“Yeah, I do,” you whispered and looked up at him, making sure he knew that if there was any doubt, it was his alone. “I-I’ve fantasised about you, like this... getting you so hard you can’t help yourself, you shoving me into some dark corner and just ripping my clothes off and taking me.”
He made a noise like something between a sob and a moan. His lips parted and his shoulders tensed - you could almost see how he strained against his self-control . Before it’d been a matter of course, now it was a struggle. “This is so wrong,” he managed, his voice cracking as he spoke.
“Maybe.” You tried to keep your smile playful and worried that it just looked mean. “But it doesn’t seem like you mind that part.”
Ruben had told you himself one of the first times you’d talked that he trusted too easily. Maybe that’s what he fell back on now - whatever his justifications, he resumed his grip and, before you had the chance to steel yourself, yanked your head by your hair in the other direction and kept pulling so far you had to follow with your whole torso.
You kept your attention fixed on him while he forced you to cry out. It looked as if something in him snapped when he heard it.
His breathing quickened and his lips twisted into almost a smile. There was danger now, sooner than you could have hoped. You thought you’d wanted him before but now it felt as if you couldn’t go another second without feeling him inside you. He kept his gaze on you - you couldn’t tell whether it was to make sure you were alright or to drink in the look of pain and pleasure blended on your face - then reached down with his free hand to force your knees even further apart.
Ruben swallowed and for a second it seemed like he was about to ask again if you were certain. You held your breath waiting for it but he proved you’d been right about him - he didn’t even touch you to make sure you were ready, just rubbed the head of his cock against your soaking cunt until he’d lined himself up, then forced himself inside you, all the way, with one rough push.
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, but it wasn’t enough for him. His grip on your hair tightened and his other hand pulled up your knee, too rough and strong for you to deny him access, and pinned you there with half his weight on his arm.
“How does it feel?” he whispered. A voice that soft had no right to sound so menacing.
“God, Ruben... it feels perfect.”
He pulled out slowly, then snapped his hips and buried himself back in so hard it hurt. You made sure to let him hear it and Ruben smiled, shocked and exhilarated.
“Oh yeah? What feels perfect?”
“When... when you fuck me like this.” You might not need to talk him into this any further, but the fire was lit and you wanted to stoke it. “When you’re rough with me...”
“Isn’t it painful?” And he twisted his grip in your hair again until it felt like he might pull it out by the roots.
“Ow, please! Yes, yes it’s painful...”
“God...” His pace was settled now, hard and fast, especially when he gave you those last couple of inches and sent the headboard bouncing off the wall. “You look even more beautiful when you’re hurting.”
“Just... don’t stop, Ruben, please don’t stop...”
He let go of your hair, ran his hand up along your side, caught one of your nipples between his fingers and with his eyes locked on yours, tweaked it roughly until you sobbed.
“Why would I? You’re giving me everything I want.”
When he shut his eyes and lost himself in the moment, you watched him carefully for any lingering doubts and found none. With your leg up and your knee almost pressed against your chest, he could bottom out fully with each thrust and really, you should have warmed up a little more before taking him so deeply. You were sure he knew that.
Just to test him, you tried to push your thigh against his arm to ease his pressure. As soon as he noticed, his eyes met yours again and he tested you right back by shoving it back down even further than before. You gasped out and he smiled.
You felt your wetness trickling down to your ass and whined in embarrassment, “oh, god...!”
“You asked for it.”
It’d never crossed your mind that things might actually go this far the very first time you slept together and so you hadn’t worried, at least any more than you usually would, about the fact that he was so much stronger than you and there was no one in the house tonight besides the two of you. In the short time you’d known him, he’d never said or done a thing to make you doubt him but even if you’d waited longer, there was never really any way to truly know what any person was capable of. Right up to the moment they showed you.
You felt a shiver rush through you and it had nothing to do with the feeling of his body against yours. You’d hoped Ruben had it in him to cut loose and live a little but you couldn’t tell anymore if he was rough with you and loved the way you loved it, or if you loving it was nothing more than a bonus. Seeing him now, the way he looked at and past you, the way he ignored how you moved under him, you realised you had no idea what he was capable of, and worse, neither had he.
The smart thing to do would be to ask him to stop, just to make sure he’d listen, but the bigger part of you didn’t want to. He’d never looked more perfect to you and knowing you’d broken his resolve like this was exhilarating. Figuring out what that said about you could wait.
“Oh god... I need you to keep fucking me like this.” You reached for him and ran your hands across his shoulders, wanting him closer. He didn’t seem to even register your touch but the desperation in your voice made him shiver.
“I guess... I guess you’d better beg me, then.”
“Please, Ruben...”
He actually laughed and somehow found the willpower to slow down. “Try again.”
“Please, I need your cock in me, I want you so badly...”
Ruben just smiled, deceptively sweetly. He’d taken to this quicker than you’d dared hope and the cold glint in his pretty eyes made you feel almost shy.
You took a deep breath and tried again.
“Just take me, fuck me... I promise I’ll do anything.”
“Mmh...” He pushed back inside you, so achingly slow it was almost worse than if he’d stopped altogether. “Anything? You need it that bad?”
“Of course.” You swallowed. God, he’d better hold you to it. “You’re perfect, I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you.” All you wanted was to know everything he pictured when you said that, every wrong and selfish fantasy he’d ever tried to ignore, everything he’d refused to admit he wanted, even to himself. “Please take me, I’ll be good... I’ll let you fuck me raw, fuck my throat, any time you like... I’ll swallow it all...”
Ruben groaned out loud and rested his forehead against your shoulder. “...You’re filthy.”
And still he barely moved. It wasn’t enough - it wasn’t fair that he still held back after all that. Without thinking it through, you ground down on him just to get the slightest bit of friction, anything.
Ruben lifted himself up onto one elbow and his eyes narrowed. “Don’t do that.”
His look chilled you.
“I’m sorry...”
“Are you gonna behave?”
That was a tough decision. The thought of him restraining you, or punishing you, was enough to make your cunt tighten around him and your heart skip a beat, but it would mean an even longer wait before he fucked you properly. Besides, it was a little soon to play it like that. It was hard to read him now; he might very well lose his nerve.
You kept your voice sweet and soft when you replied, “I’ll be a good girl, I promise.”
“Oh, fuck,” he gasped.
“I want to be a good girl for you, please let me. Let me take it for you...”
“Yeah, you’re gonna take it.” Ruben pulled away from you, lifted you and flipped you over, then pulled you towards him by your waist until he had your ass in the air and your face buried among the pillows. You barely found your bearing before he pushed inside you again. One of his hands held on to your hip, almost hard enough to bruise, as if you’d ever try to move away from his rough, ruthless thrusts.
The other gripped your hair again and yanked your head back so far you had to arch your spine as much as it would let you and even then it was difficult for you to breathe. Every time his hips slapped against your ass, the head of his dick pushed painfully against your cervix and the discomfort and pleasure blended together, both getting so intense it made you feel almost sick. You needed relief and Ruben didn’t object or slow his pace when you reached up between your legs to tease your clit with your fingers. Perhaps he didn’t even notice.
“You like that?” he growled, as if your yelps and moans and pleading wasn’t proof enough.
“It’s-it’s so good... it feels so good...”
“And you’re gonna take it like this for me again?”
“Oh, any time you ask, ah-any way you want it...”
“You’re... you’re gonna regret saying that.” His rhythm was getting erratic. You wanted to pull him even further down into the dirt and keep him there as he came...
“I could never, Ruben... all I want is for you to use me.”
Your words made him whimper. He pushed all the way inside you, his fingers dug deep into your flesh and you felt his hot come fill your cunt.
He shuddered, gave one last push and held still until his orgasm was fully spent. Then with a soft sigh, he finally withdrew, let go of you and sank back exhausted onto the bed.
As soon as you could find a bit of strength you rolled over and turned towards him.
The pleasure was slowly fading from his expression and shock crept in to take its place. With every deep breath, he seemed to regain more of his senses and you couldn’t have seen his guilt more clearly if you’d been able to read his mind. You reached for him, but he pulled away with a hand pressed to his mouth.
“What did I...”
“Ruben, it’s alright.” You moved closer again but as you did, you brought your side into view and his eyes widened and started to glitter at the sight of the bruises he’d left on your hip.
“Oh, god. I’m-I’m so sorry...”
“I told you I wanted this, we both wanted this -”
As soon as you said it, you wished you hadn’t.
“You’re right, I knew what I was doing. I just didn’t care.” He drew away now as if he couldn’t move fast enough and scrambled to pull his pants back on. “I... there’s gotta be something wrong with me. I have to go, I shouldn’t be here.”
It was pointless to try to talk him into staying and you reluctantly gave him room and stopped protesting. You hadn’t expected such a strong reaction but now it was here and you couldn’t help him through it. He turned from you, but not before you’d seen a tear spill out and tumble down his cheek.
“Of course you should go if you need to be alone. But Ruben...”
He forced himself to meet your gaze.
“I don’t regret it.”
He nodded. “It’s fine, I just need to think.” When he reached the door, he hesitated for a moment. “I’ll call you, alright?”
“I hope you do .”
With one more nod, he shut the door and padded down the stairs. Before you’d even caught your breath, he was gone.
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soyforramen · 4 years
I can have an AU of my underground witch  and vampire AU, as a treat.  (Or, @sullypants told me to.)
Betty hissed and turned her head away. It didn’t feel like what she’d heard; it was supposed to be a soothing wave of calm and giddiness. Instead, this felt like two very large, very angry mosquitoes were jockeying for the best position to her veins.
“Fidgeting just makes the pain worse,” Jughead mumbled.  His lips ghosted across her skin, sending a flight of gooseflesh up her arm that made the urge to squirm worse.
Instead of thinking about the vampire currently attached to her, Betty bit the inside of her lip and resolutely stared at the peeling paint and rusted tools around her.  It was better than noticing just how very unsexy her first time was.  
Veronica had swooned when she described the first time she’d allowed herself to be bitten by a red haired vamp.  And Betty didn’t really want to remember all the gory details Reggie had relayed to her about his tryst with a vampire moonlighting as a boxer.
This hurt.
At least it took away from the boredom of trailing Honey and Weatherbee.  For the last three weeks they’d found nothing out of the ordinary.  The routine of diners, bars, and bowling alleys was nothing out of the norm for two consummate bachelors who may or may not be selling organs on the black magic market.
Of course, if they weren’t trailing the pair of allegedly upstanding citizens around town, Jughead would never have been foolish enough to have forgotten to eat for three days.  
A small part of her wondered whether he’d really forgotten, or if perhaps he was drawing another line in the sand between them.  The strange dance they’d been playing at for almost a year was still at a standstill.  Despite Betty’s hints and practically outright flirtation, Jughead maintained his aloof, Victorian sensibilities.  
(Damn him for propriety, and damn her for going for the Byronic, colicky types.)
It itched too.  Whatever it was about him, this was ten times worse than a mosquito bite.  She wondered if it would be impolite to ask whether he was done, but then again there were those overtones of the spector-like relationship between them.  
(Perhaps she should ask Cheryl what was in those drinks at the Vixen club.  That came far too close to love potions, though, and Betty was certainly not desperate enough to turn to those.  Those she’d leave to her sister.)
A wet, warm thing drew across her arm, and Betty realized with a start that Jughead had just licked her.  He apologized quickly and wiped his coast sleeve across her arm.
“It helps the skin mend better,” he mumbled looking as apologetic as a dog that had just been stepped on.  
She hesitated.  What did one say after being used like a blood filled Capri Sun?
“Well, you didn’t miss much,” Betty murmured.  She shifted in her seat and drew her arm towards her face.  In the dim neon light she could see that the skin was indeed healing; only two light pink points were visible on her arm. 
 “Honey-Bee still hasn’t gotten past the entree.  At least you finished quicker than I expected.”
Jughead flushed and turned away from her.  Betty realized too late just what she’d said and couldn’t help the undelicate snort that echoed in the space around them.  As weary as she was growing of this canyon of space between them, moments like these, where the Victorian propriety proved to be as anachronistic as a rotary phone, were amusing enough for Betty to keep him around.
“Thank you,” he said when his pallor returned to it’s normal bleached bone color.  “I’m sorry if it hurt.  I was as gentle as I could be.”
Betty shrugged and leaned her arms against the windowsill.  “I’d say it was just uncomfortable.  Though I did miss the fireworks.”
He quirked an eyebrow.   
“Veronica said the first time she’d been bitten it was the best high of her life.”
“Well she can’t be right all the time,” he said darkly.  
Betty hummed and they went back to their stake out.  
“Do you think they’ll get pumpkin pie this time, or split cherry again?”
“Cherry.  Definitely,” Betty said.  “They had pumpkin last time.”
Thus went one more night in the life of a private investigating duo.
Toni’s body shook with laughter hard enough that she almost fell out of her seat.  Cheryl steadied her, a board grin on her face. 
“You mean our resident Burton-esque Lothario didn’t charm you first?”  Cheryl asked.  
Betty shook her head, wary of her tone.  Cheryl leaned back in her seat and chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” Betty asked.
Toni gasped in a breath of air and brushed tears from under her eyes.  “I knew he liked you, but I didn’t realize he was in this deep.”
Betty’s brow wrinkled and she leaned forward, carefully avoiding the large coffee in front of her.  “Liked me?  Lately he can’t stand to be in the same room with me.”
“Please,” Toni snorted, “if he didn’t want to be near you he’d have bitten and charmed you long ago.  It’s like the greatest -” she paused and glanced at Cheryl.
“Trust.  Or rather, intimacy.  Both things he’s the absolute worst about,” Cheryl said.
Toni nodded.  “When you bite someone, you normally send them into a trance state to keep them from realizing what’s actually happening.  It’s an evolutionary advantage to make sure prey don’t try and fight you off.  Like a drug to keep prey busy while nature takes its course, only the drug keeps them coming back for another.   But when two people share blood and both are aware that it’s happening -”
“Who knew our grungy Mr. Cullen could be so vulnerable?  Especially around a witch?”  Cheryl asked in a sing-song voice.  
Her thrill of the revelation was radiating off her in waves and Betty watched as two strangers shifted closer to each other and struck up a conversation while their eyes made promises of later.  Even Toni, mostly immune to Cheryl’s pheromones, shifted closer to her and laced their hands together as she raised her hand in answer.
“But why doesn’t he do something about it?” Betty asked.  Frustration wouldn’t even begin to cover this one, though desperate exasperation might.
“Because he’s old-fashioned,” Toni said.  “Things were much different back then.  One didn’t go about things that would dishonor a woman’s virtue.  Not if you were trying to keep her social standing intact.”
Betty huffed and crossed her arms.  “That’s just stupid,” she muttered.  
Toni snorted.  “Look, if you want to wait for him, we’ll all be dead from the heat death of the universe.  He’s not going to make a move until he knows for certain you love him, and even then it will be more chaste than a co-ed math-letes convention.”
“It’s the new millennium, baby cousin,” Cheryl said with a pointed look.
“Which means I’m -”
“- going to have to take charge,” Cheryl and Toni said in eerie unison.  
Another night spent on stake-out.  Only this time, Betty couldn’t keep from sending glances Jughead’s way as she tried to figure out the best way to approach this.  
Eventually, his own curiosity got the better of him.  “Is there something on my face?”
No, but there should be.  
“Did you feed already?”
His eyes narrowed, the cogs in his brain working overtime to decipher a simple question.  
“Yes.  Why do you ask?”
With more convinction than she felt, Betty leaned over and kissed him as hard as she could manage from her perch on the plastic vegetable crate.  Jughead kissed her, a ravenous hunger she hadn’t felt in almost a year.  
“Betty …”
He spoke her word like a glorious sin, and it was all she could do to keep from crawling into his lap. 
“I don’t want -”
Betty pulled back, icy chills washing over her.  She chewed her lip as she searched his face, but found nothing more than restrained longing.
“I know it’s a different century, but I don’t want you to think I’m overstepping any boundaries.”
Leap over them, you idiot, was what she wanted to say, but instead she leaned back and took a breath. 
“Look, Juggie.  I appreciate that, I really do.  But is that the only reason?”
He nodded.  A lock of his hair fell into his eyes, and Betty brushed it back behind his ear.  She left her hand on his check and he moved his head to kiss her palm.  
“Do you love me?”  
Jughead’s lips curved into a soft smile.  “Most ardently.”  
This time, the kiss was slow and sweet, a final revelation in the light of neon lights.
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Reggie with his tiny boyfriend
Tumblr media
Request: Yes or No
I'm like... 5'3 lmao
Reggie is 6'1
When he first met your tiny 5'5 ass, he.. He almost cried
It was after school when he was heading home from practice
He bumped into something small and at first thought it was a child until he remembered he was still on campus
He looked down and saw you
You were covered in paint and held a sweetness in your eyes as you apologized and went on your way
He had to have you
He found out your name through Betty, your best friend
"Who's the shortie who paints?"
"You mean (Y/N)?"
"Uh, short, (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes-"
Betty was suspicious and on guard at first
Her mother hen mode was activated
God forbid someone dared to harm you
Reggie noticed the look in her eyes and felt genuine fear
He quickly cleared things up
"I think I like him."
She was much nicer afterwards and told him that you stayed in the art room after school
So, after practice, he took a nice shower and headed to the art room
There you were, in all your tiny glory
You were focused on the canvas, the tip of your tongue sticking out and your brows furrowed.
Reggie stood and stared for like a good three minutes until you finally noticed him
"Can I help you?" Oh dear god you sounded adorable
"Um, yeah, I.." Reggie approached you, fiddling with the sleeve of his jacket.
You watched him, a small smile on your face
"I was... I was wondering if you wanted to go out? With me... On like, a date?" Your brows lifted. Fuck, he was gonna have a heart attack
"Uh, yeah! Okay, sure." You smiled, nodding
"Great!" You two set up a date
You showed up at Pop's in a cute (F/C) hoodie and jeans
Reggie was already swooning
You just radiated innocence
Reggie revealed that he needed help with math and science
You offered to tutor him
He was close to tears, you were just so sweet
After the date, Reggie walked you home
"I had a lot of fun." You chirped, smiling.
"Next time, we can go to the movies or something." Reggie shrugged. You nodded, reaching up and grabbing his collar. You pulled him down, pecking his cheek before heading inside
Betty and Archie got to witness Reggie's victory dance since they lived across from you
The following week, the weather suddenly got chilly
Reggie noticed that you were shivering during lunch
"Here, have my jacket." Reggie shrugged off his jacket, offering it to you
You thanked him, sliding it on
Oh my god, the sleeves were too long for your arms
Reggie stared at you in awe for a full four minutes as you casually ate an apple
"What?" You asked, cheeks rosy from the cold. Reggie cleared his throat, shaking his head.
You pulled the jacket tighter around you, liking the smell and warmth it provided
You were never giving it back
"I'm gonna marry him."
"Reg, you've been dating for a week, relax."
Reg got into an argument with his father when the news of you two spread around
He packed his things and left because he wasn't gonna tolerate someone insulting his angelic boyfriend
You let him stay and offered cuddles
You were usually the little spoon but Reggie needed comforting so you became the big spoon
Reggie cried
Like full blown sobbing
You were just so precious
While watching Frozen, your eyes lit up
"I need to show you something!"
Reggie paused the movie and watched you bolt upstairs
You came back downstairs and handed him a paper
It was a drawing
Of him
Reggie cried again
You giggled as you wiped away his tears and kissed his nose
Reggie pulled you onto his lap and held you for the rest of the movie until you two fell asleep
Betty came to check on you after neither of you had answered your phones
She obviously had a key
Betty found the two of you and snapped a pic, posting it
Everyone loved it
You became the cutest couple at school and Cheryl made sure you two were the Prom Kings
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