sealer-of-wenkamui · 1 month
I'm one sentence before the pov switch in shokujin, so I'm probably about halfway through my translation? And just so in love with this fic as usual, the relationship between Limbo and Danzou is practically never explored by fans despite Limbo's popularity and how emphasized it is in game, so its so nice to have a fic that puts so much care into exploring their characters, without trying to soften any of Limbo's cruelty like most of his fans seem to do. Someone that took time to think about what Danzou felt during Shimousa, her own will starting to develop while still being his obedient doll... and in the last scene, her Servant self still haunted by him... its a really special fic
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dmitriyuriev · 8 months
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dmitriyuriev · 7 months
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The roots of obsession (Limbo/Danzou)
Inspired by some of Kashin Koji's lines about Seimei and his involvement with the creation of a mech that was constructed in a similar manner to their karakuri.
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dmitriyuriev · 8 months
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Drawing some Limbo/Danzou in the middle of a big piece I'm working on of them because I need MORE
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 10 months
Brief story summary of the new Douman oneshot that I am currently obsessing over. It's about human Douman, and seems to be after he starts heading down the dark path and behaving more like Limbo.
It starts with him hearing about a house on the edge of town where a bird calls and everyone there is so happy and blessed, and they say the bird sings for them and their happiness. Douman goes and visits this house and they welcome him in and say they want to share their happiness and they treat him to food and sake.
He brings up the bird, and they're all like yes its wishing for our happiness! But he says he hears it saying how long are you going to keep ignoring things (How long=itsumade, which is the name of the youkai that shows up later)
He then talks to a girl who was married into the family, and who claims they're oni. She tells him how girls married in would then be killed, then the family would tell their parents how they died without giving any children, and were useless, and basically used that to exploit the family and get gifts and stuff from them.
They then start hearing the bird's cry "Itsumade itsumade" and Douman tells them to listen closely... They hear something coming from the back, though the old lady tries to deny it but everyone is clearly freaked out by it. And then the dead come back and brutally murder the whole family and they come together to form the vengeful spirit Itsumade, which appears in the Taiheiki, a famous Japanese epic.
Douman is quite excited about it and asks if it plans to eat him too. And how when he returns to the capital one day he's going to curse Seimei to death and so he's going to take its rage and resentment. Then its the fight scene, and finally as he leaves the young girl from the beginning asks about if he went there and he said yes and how he had a wonderful meal there and then laughs.
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 7 months
A couple of things about Limbo and Danzou, because I am constantly thinking about those two:
First of all, a possible hint at why Limbo is so fixated on her. Kashin Koji of course is her creator, and their dialogue mentions that they have a deep respect for Seimei, and not only that, their Valentine's scene brings up that Seimei was involved in the precursors to Kashin's own karakuri, and are made from the same craft. Given Douman's obsession with Seimei and need to surpass him is the whole reason he became so twisted in the first place, I doubt its a mere coincidence that the creator of the doll he's fixated on would bring up Seimei. Combined with how he found her in a helpless state where he could easily toy with her as much as he pleased, its no wonder he was quickly drawn to her and went to great lengths to hurt her so much.
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The second thing I found interesting is Danzou's line for things she hates. There's no prerequisite for this line, so she's bringing it up before her interlude and heian-kyo (and apparently people were initially confused what she was referring to by the dark sun, though of course now its obvious she's talking about Limbo, that said, it IS mentioned at the very end of Shimousa, so the connection was always there- specifically the lines "He has taken in the dark god as his own personal sun, and transformed the wicked god into his own magical energy." and "Fear the curtain of night. Tremble before the dark sun.")
Anyway, I think this was an excellent way of conveying how deeply intertwined the two of them are, her story is in part about her breaking from from Limbo who continues to haunt her. This is Servant Danzou, who is based on PHH Danzou, not Shimousa's, so there's no way she would remember him, and yet he's hurt her so deeply that she has this innate fear of his symbol, the dark sun. (I wonder if the virus he implanted in her also plays a role in that...?)
Which is also why I'm disappointed Heian-kyo kinda half-assed the end of her and Limbo's entwined arc, it has a perfect lead up between Shimousa, her interlude, and the beginning of the chapter, but falls off and forgets about her for most of the middle/end. Honestly, it should have been a Danzou-centric chapter precisely because she's the one with the deepest connection (other than Seimei obviously)/most harmed by him and while she thankfully DOES get to be the one to finish him off, she didn't really do much during most of the chapter and it feels like they barely talked.
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dmitriyuriev · 8 months
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I always thought it was a shame Limbo never used his machine destroying bugs on Danzou, I really thought that's where they were going with that, so I did it myself and I'm not restricted by what's allowed in fgo.
*nsfw, noncon, bugs. Please mind the warnings. Link leads to the full image.
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dmitriyuriev · 11 months
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A scene from one of my favorite fanfics (link here it's only available in Japanese)
This is during the scene where Limbo is in the process of repairing Danzou, and barely restraining his violent urges towards her. The fic is an excellent exploration of their relationship, and how unsettling and cruel their fixation on Danzou is.
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 months
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NP5 DOUMAN HELL YEAH!!!!!!! It was weirdly easy too? I got to NP3 last summer, so I just needed two more copies, and 90sq later I had both!! Yay for the powers of blatant favoritism!
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dmitriyuriev · 10 months
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Didn't feel like working on my current big piece tonight, drew more Limbo/Danzou
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 5 months
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Obligatory Danzou’s interlude post because it’s one of my favorite parts of fgo, they really made an interlude just for me, with a large focus on Limbo’s obsession with her (this is an abridged version of the full 70+ message discord thread I made lol)
The fic I always talk about actually has a section that takes place directly before this interlude, showing one of her daydreams which I really like…
Anyway, da Vinci’s comments about Danzou are interesting in that even a genius like her doesn’t exactly know how she works, so I’d imagine Limbo is the second most knowledgable after Kashin Koji themself and maybe the first Fumma too
This interlude also emphasizes that this Danzou knows nothing of Shimousa cause she’s PHH Danzou, so once again the fact that she has a fear of the dark sun stands out to me as Limbo hurting her to such a degree that this Servant version of her fears it despite not remembering him. And I wonder if the virus itself played a role too.
It’s not Limbo proper or even a shikigami but the virus still acts just like him, and it just makes me wish for a scene in Heian-kyo where he tortures Danzou, we could still save her cause as he says, he’s the type to give someone a long agonizing death not kill right away… and especially with his fixation. Also his threat to guda here resembles the materials book line a lot as he’s threatening to keep them beteeen life and death (though I imagine the overt rape threat was too much for the game’s rating)
I really want to see moonflower animated, or at least an illustration cause I love how it sounds… and she talks about it being a cruel technique she dislikes… love how both times she uses it it’s on Limbo
This part with Holmes having known the intention was to restore Danzou’s memory apparently gets taken out of context because even the preceding line here is him saying that it does not tell us why he did it. I find it insulting to her character to try and claim Limbo legitimately wanted to help when right after this he explains his motives and they’re the height of cruelty. With Shimousa backing him up that he means his words, not that he’s one to lie about such things. For the hundredth time, he let her get attached to her companions, forced her body to attempt to kill them, blew her up, and all while mocking her for thinking she had free will and telling her how he screwed with her mind. Also he didn’t even restore her full memory, just let her choose the most precious one to serve his own purpose of learning what it is she cares about most so he can take it from her.
Usually motherly characters don’t interest me much but there’s something about Danzou and Kotarou that’s so good…. A doll that thinks she’s just a machine to pass on the Fuuma arts and hates herself to the point she hides away from the sun, and the boy who treated her as a human and decided she was his mom now, and she was the one person he opened up to… also he too has his whole oni blood thing and in a my room line he’ll talk about how he’s a wretch… so them finding each other is so sweet… it’s good!!!
Best part is the final part though, and it demonstrates a lot of why I’m so obsessed with LimDan. The fact that he goes to so much effort to hunt down another version of the doll he found in Shimousa, give her a virus to restore a single memory so he knows how best to devastate her, then tell her to her face his plans to do so… that’s the sort of fixation I love!! And that he doesn’t seem to hate her necessarily, but he certainly doesn’t love her either, it’s just an obsessive desire to hurt cause he enjoys it, which ultimately stems from his hatred and envy of Seimei, who he can’t surpass, so he goes off mocking and hurting everyone else. And someone like her who reminds him of Seimei is especially pleasurable to hurt so he develops this sort of fixation on her and goes way out of his way to hurt her as much as possible! What the fuck I love it so much. Also I love how he switches entirely to calling her creepy pet names post-Shimousa.
This is a fantastic setup for Heian-kyo too, which makes it all the more frustrating that it completely fumbled everything it was given… the beginning of Heian-kyo has Sion stating that the only two Servants that will have no trouble rayshifting are Danzou and Kotarou. He’s following through on the threats he made here in her interlude… only for them to give some flimsy excuse for Kotarou not to make it and not even have Danzou talk to him much at all… Heian-kyo beginning is also fantastic and promises so much only for it to drop it all as you get to the middle and end… her killing Limbo is exactly how it should be but where was all their conversation leading up to it? It should have been a Danzou-centric chapter and I’ll stand by this, she’s the one most hurt by him.
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 6 months
Danzo - 12, 23, 50 for the character ask? 😊
My beautiful doll ❤️
For favorite character asks
12. If you could write effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what story (s) would you write for this character?
I wish I did have any practice with writing cause I’d want to write about her time in Shimousa directly after being repaired by Limbo, and explore her inner thoughts as he intentionally gives her orders intended to hurt her as much as he can, and messes around inside her head. Her telling herself she’s just a doll meant to be used by him but actually being bothered by his actions.
I’d also like to rewrite the middle/end of the Heian-kyo chapter to be focused on her like it should have been, and I’d definitely include a noncon scene with Limbo’s bugs cause I can’t believe they didn’t take advantage of those. It would be so easy to make it a proper conclusion to her arc and her breaking free of his control and fully coming to accept her humanity (cause she still tends to dismiss her own feelings as inconsequential cause she’s a puppet)
And the other I’ve discussed before is a scenario after she’s summoned to Chaldea where she breaks down and Limbo is the only one with the specialized knowledge required to repair her so she’s left with no choice but to let him mess with her body again
23. Has this character permanently altered or impacted your psyche in a way you won’t forget?
I’ve known her less than a year and already I think the big impact she’s had on me is she got me to fully realize just how much I love dolls? Danzou was the final push I needed to get a bjd and I’m even having my first one look like her ❤️
50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
For fics- rhysgore's "dutch wife" (its the sole english LimDan fic and REALLY GOOD, its Danzou pov and 2nd person which I don't see much, but i find it adds to the creepiness. I love their descriptions of how her doll body works as well as her thoughts)
綻ぶ蝕甚 by 遠野ラーテル I don't know who else can actually read this one, but i can't not list it cause I constantly think about it. Great Danzou character study focused on her relationship with Limbo, the first half being in Shimousa where she's obedient but finds herself dwelling on things like the girl he mutilated for parts to use in her. And the second half is her Servant self summoned to Chaldea being haunted in daydreams by him without fully being able to remember, in contrast to the first half she's much more openly distressed. Sfw but dripping in eroticism, and they capture this very distinct unsettling atmosphere between them, and don't hold back when it comes to his cruelty and Weirdness about her.
It has a lot of great imagery too, this is a piece i did of her based on it
Okay i gotta share other great art of her like THIS that i commissioned from a friend who draws excellent gore and I adore her expression so much ❤️❤️❤️
This comic on pixiv (summary cause its in JP- after being summoned to Chaldea, Douman confesses to having all his memories from before, and Danzou confronts him, demanding to know what he's plotting, saying she does not trust him. He claims he's not and mocks her for not warning her son (who he directly threatened in her interlude) and the master of chaldea if she believes he's such a threat.)
And this piece which i think is one of the first i saw of her and I think about it a lot.. Her and Limbo's relationship summed up in one image...
WAIT how could i forget, literally anything by the artist 花たれ
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 7 months
I think so much about the time in Shimousa from when Limbo finds Danzou’s broken body to the events of the game, like there’s this whole period of time where she’s always by his side serving the every whim of someone that is deeply fixated on her and wants nothing more than to hurt her. And no matter how uncomfortable he makes her or how much he hurts her, she won’t even complain because she thinks herself a tool that’s his to use as he pleases.
Repairing her body, putting curses in her in the process… the curse of annihilation… whatever he did to her body so he could control it against her will… was the self-destruct mechanism his as well? And he states he messed with her head but did it slowly because it was amusing to him, so he would be inside her head at multiple points….
And then she’s both a beautiful doll as well as a ninja so. I’m fully convinced he would fuck her, and even if she can’t feel pain, make her as uncomfortable as possible in the process… and have her serve his every desire… and he can also use her to kill and spy on others, perhaps even asking her to kill innocents just to watch her squirm. But she’d still do it cause she’s just a doll and he’s her master… ohh it’s all so much fun to think about
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 8 months
I know she's relatively unpopular, but I feel like if people actually gave Danzou's character some thought for two seconds, I wouldn't see such irritating takes on Limbo, the idea that he was trying to help her is the one that bothers me the most. If you stop and really think what he put her through, it's apparent he's not trying to be helpful on any level, and its as he says, he's trying to devastate her and specifically her cause he has a fixation. Any "affection" for her is the hollow affection one might have for a favorite object, and I think that's what's interesting, a obsession of someone that does not love.
He repaired her body in Shimousa, so he could then mess with her and ultimately make her try to kill the people she cares about, then kills her. And I think this shows he means it when he told her to her face he was restoring her memories so her suffering would be much deeper later on when he planned to kill Kotarou in front of her.
And even if she did have mixed feeling about him restoring her precious memories I wouldn't buy it that he was trying to help because of his actions in Shimousa, but that's the thing. SHE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE ANY MIXED FEELINGS ON IT. Limbo is the one person she'll get hostile towards, she calls him "irredeemably evil", she uses moonflower, which she hates using, on him (twice), and she glares at him in Chaldea.
(Also Koyan "torments humans for fun" skaya was able to become a beast but not them because of lack of love, so I highly doubt he has any innate desire to help people, rather he just wants to prove he's the best, and specifically, better than Seimei.)
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 8 months
Okay so I’ve been thinking about a situation in which Danzou is badly damaged in such a way that the only one with the expertise necessary to repair her is Limbo (obviously this assumes Kashin Koji hasn’t been summoned yet). So the only way she can be fixed is by allowing him to mess with her body again, which obviously is the last thing she’d ever want to do.
And he makes sure to make her as uncomfortable as possible and make her suffer for his own amusement, even if he is being monitored by others while repairing her (and maybe he would try and get away with a curse or something, but definitely at least openly mocking her and being creepy in the way he touches her body while opening her up, and maybe talking about all the things he did to her in Shimousa etc. Her and Kotarou very badly want to slit his throat the whole time but without him she’ll remain broken)
And yeah there are people like da Vinci around but I do think Limbo has specialized knowledge that even Chaldea doesn’t necessarily have (he could bypass their anti rayshift interference with ease for one) and he also shows a particular interest in mechanical dolls and is weirdly skilled with machinery (has a line if you have a lot of mechanical servants, could make shikigami bugs capable of quickly killing a machine god, could repair Danzou in the first place despite her falling into disrepair without kashin or first fuuma around, could track down and implant a virus for restoring (servant) Danzou’s memory after only meeting her in Shimousa, could replicate the curse of annihilation in machinery, etc.)
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sealer-of-wenkamui · 2 months
When I say LimDan is one of my favorite pairings I’m using the word in the loosest sense possible lol, they sure do have some sort of relationship! “Love” is not involved on either side
Limbo -> Danzou = favorite toy that’s especially fun to hurt, goes out of his way to hurt her specifically (and yes it’s kinda a Seimei thing because of course)
Danzou-> Limbo= Trying her best to be her master’s unfeeling doll (failing) and then after Shimousa? Burning hatred
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