#I love the image in the opening showing presumably his younger kinder self as well as how he is here and Limbo
sealer-of-wenkamui · 10 months
Brief story summary of the new Douman oneshot that I am currently obsessing over. It's about human Douman, and seems to be after he starts heading down the dark path and behaving more like Limbo.
It starts with him hearing about a house on the edge of town where a bird calls and everyone there is so happy and blessed, and they say the bird sings for them and their happiness. Douman goes and visits this house and they welcome him in and say they want to share their happiness and they treat him to food and sake.
He brings up the bird, and they're all like yes its wishing for our happiness! But he says he hears it saying how long are you going to keep ignoring things (How long=itsumade, which is the name of the youkai that shows up later)
He then talks to a girl who was married into the family, and who claims they're oni. She tells him how girls married in would then be killed, then the family would tell their parents how they died without giving any children, and were useless, and basically used that to exploit the family and get gifts and stuff from them.
They then start hearing the bird's cry "Itsumade itsumade" and Douman tells them to listen closely... They hear something coming from the back, though the old lady tries to deny it but everyone is clearly freaked out by it. And then the dead come back and brutally murder the whole family and they come together to form the vengeful spirit Itsumade, which appears in the Taiheiki, a famous Japanese epic.
Douman is quite excited about it and asks if it plans to eat him too. And how when he returns to the capital one day he's going to curse Seimei to death and so he's going to take its rage and resentment. Then its the fight scene, and finally as he leaves the young girl from the beginning asks about if he went there and he said yes and how he had a wonderful meal there and then laughs.
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