jiao-ming · 2 days
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From: Honkai Star Rail
Theme: Fluff?
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(Photo from Pinterest)
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You never really saw a reason to live, all life was is a circle of meaningless. The things you knew about life was that it was better to be feared than be loved.
Ever since you could remember, your life was filled with misfortune. Each time you meet someone, they'll either kill you on site or kill you later on. If you think it'll be different, it wasn't...I wouldn't...
You had a wonderful gift of power, if it was even called a gift. It gives you more of a curse then blessings, everytime someone founds out about them you'll be in danger. So you eliminate the danger as soon as possible, even if you thought they'll be different...
But something stranged happened one day...
You were just chilling on a rooftop of a building in the middle of the night. Then you heard the rooftop door open, you were ready to kill the person but they spoke up to you.
"The rumors say that you'd be in the tallest darkest building in the city..."
You turn your head and face the masculine voice, you saw it was a man who wore expensive clothing. The clothes he wore had designs like of different gambling games, it caught your attention by his bold style.
"What do you want from me."
You said coldy to the male, you didn't want to be here any longer. If he tries to stop you, you'll kill him.
"It's not want, more like a need."
The male says smirking at you as his eyes shine with excitement. This made you confused by his choice of words. Your guard was up, what is he up to.
"Who are you...?"
You said confused with wariness, you already had your gun ready if he tried something.
"I'm Aventurine, part of the IPC—"
You immediately cut him off by shooting him by the side of his head. His eyes widen by the sudden violence.
"IPC huh...I don't associate with any of you people..."
Your eyes glare at him as you spoke harshly towards him, you never liked the IPC. The organization is just pure evil with no good side to you, maybe the way you think about them was because of all your encounters with them. They all acted hostile and violent to you, with the fact of them having a terrible image in the galaxy.
"Come on now, I heard some of my associates were troubled some to you. But I assure you I'm not like them, I communicate other than fighting."
Even after Aventurine said that you still had your guard up, you held your gun up to him if he tries anything. Even the slightest movement will cause Aventurine his life with you, but all he did was smile to this.
"Doesn't matter, you all are the same. If you want something you'll take it by force."
After you said does words Aventurine laughs at it, this made you confused. Why was he so careless of showing his reactions, what was his plan.
"What if I tell you I'll help you find a reason to live."
This caught your attention, why does he know this! How does he know this! Your eyes glare at him harshly, you didn't like what this situation was turning to.
"What do you want in return..."
You said knowing this wouldn't come for free, everything has to come in a price. No matter how big or small it is, you learn it the hard way...
"What I need in return is for you to be part of the IPC,—"
That didn't surprise you, it would make sense on why he would want you to work for the IPC. With your power it would be handy to have someone like you. But the next part of his sentence caught you off guard and left you speechless.
"—and also be my bodyguard."
You look at him like he was a mad man, it wasn't like he was the first person to ask the question of you working for them. But for him to ask you to be his bodyguard!? Now that was new...
"You heard me! Be my bodyguard and I'll help you find a reason to live."
Was he stupid of something...No he couldn't be! Why would he ask you! Knowing how you're a so called wicked beast who is filled with sin! A known demon among citizens! He could just have hired you to do the dirty work! But he asked you to be his bodyguard! So why!?
"Why, have you heard of me?"
"Of course I did, why wouldn't I ask you to be my bodyguard if I didn't heard the rumors."
So he does know...Then why did he want you still!? Did he have a death wish or something!? Is he a mad man!? Was he manic!? Questions keep flooding your head, but you soon snap out of it when Aventurine spoke out.
"So? What do you say?"
He says with a smirk as he held his hand out for you to shake to agree to the proposal. You stare down at his short height and then to his hand, will it be worth it? Almost everytime someone ask you to work for them you decline them, and if they threaten you, you'd kill them. But now...
"Fine, I accept..."
You said as you walk towards him and shook his hand, this was something that might go terribly wrong. But then again maybe terribly right...Aventurine smirks at your decision, he then pulls out a pin. It's design was similar to his ascetic and a piece of paper, he then hands it to you.
"You'll be under me now, hope you can start work tomorrow."
He says walking away from you while waving, you look at your hand and stare at the paper. It had an address and a number, must be his address and number. You let out a sigh, you wonder if this was a good idea. But what can you do now? What is done is done, now you just have to wait for the out come...
——— ☆ • ♧ • ♤ • ♧ • ☆ ———
Sorry if I got some spelling wrong...
English isn'y first language ╥﹏╥
If you want part 2 ask me!
I'll be happy to write it :3
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stunie · 8 days
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earthtooz · 7 months
cw: arranged marriage, fluff, neglect at the beginning, ratio falling hard, pining, ratio being jealous of aventurine, unedited bc i wrote this with my heart not my brain
my brain has been thinking about an arranged marriage fic with dr. ratio...
he isn't kind to you at first, less than happy to share a life with a mere acquaintance. he's heard about you before in passing, noting your achievements with a grain of salt because nothing about you particularly mattered to him, irrelevant against the mass of scrolls and books he needs to read.
you don't really disturb his normal routine too much. you move in to his estate with a fair share of your belongings, but none of them crowd his house too much. you have your own room, pristine guest room unearthed by your artistic touch.
aside from dinners, you don't get to see each other too much. he starts his mornings early, getting up at the crack of dawn to exercise and start his day with a hearty meal. you wake up later, partaking in a slow morning, and if you glanced out the window, you might be able to see your husband running laps around the expanse of his gardens.
you admire his dedication and routine, it's fascinating to live beside a genius. everyday, the chest table that sits in the living room changes, the black and white pieces never remaining where you last recalled. the size of his blackboard is impressive, and yet too small to fit all of the formulas his brain remembers, hands effortlessly dancing along the surface to scratch number after number.
a frequent order of his estate is chalk. a new pile is delivered every three days, and he goes through them without fail every time.
during dinner, he tries to spare some conversation with you. you don't tell him too much about your day, not wanting to bore him with your menial chores. he's only half-listening either way, so you'll feign understanding about his work when he explains what he's up to.
ratio is not an attentive husband, but he doesn't mistreat you, either. he allows you to spend his assets without too much care, doesn't police your everyday tasks, and also doesn't bat an eye at other men or women. his pursuit of intelligence is important, and your wellbeing would not come in between that.
your monotonous, distant routine changes one autumn dusk. you're perched in the front yard with an easel set up before you, the sky in front of you now a blend of pink-purple hues. he returns home earlier than you expected, carriage stopping at the front of his estate, and he witnesses you in your tranquil state.
the paint strokes on the canvas before you are skilled, and show years of dedication to the craft. you're so invested in the piece before you, that you don't even hear him approaching until he calls your name.
"the night turns colder with each minute. shouldn't you come inside before you fall ill?" the scholar greets, and you're snapped out of your creative reverie, looking over at him.
"oh, i had not realised. let me clean up here, first." you take your canvas off the easel, but to your surprise, your spouse kneels down to organise your oil paints back into their box.
"make haste, then," he urges.
during dinner, he can't help but be curious over your hobby, the stubborn splotches of paint clinging to your hands visible to him. that night, you engage in uninterrupted conversation, and discover that he's an artist himself- a sculptor. it calms him, and all the statues reside in a removed room, adjacent to his study.
despite your years of matrimony, you had never once dared enter his study, but the design is so fittingly him. it is organised (well, as organised a genius can be), with shelves and shelves filled with books, discarded scrolls lay around the room, but even then, his taste for greco-roman aesthetics are seen. roman dorics act like stands for little plants, and his many certificates are displayed, along with other achievements.
(his study is overwhelmingly filled with them. though you knew of the merit of the man you were arranged to be married to, you had never known just how expansive the list is. perhaps, that only made him more intimidating to you, standing beside a genius does not feel so light to say anymore.)
he shows you his sculptures, and though many of them are... self portraits... the likeness is disgustingly accurate. it was as if he had casted himself in plaster and displayed it proudly. you wonder how long he must have stared in the mirror to perfect their appearance.
but, there are also various other formidable statues. some of people you recognise. you compliment his skill and don't get to see the blush that spreads along his cheeks.
it seems that you've chipped a way into his heart, because between brushstrokes and chiselled marble, he falls in love with you.
ratio knows he didn't start off being the best husband, but he tries to now, and begins by being present. asks you to dine together where possible, listens when you're talking about your day, and the two of you can be seen venturing downtown together; an unbelievable sight for those who believed that ratio was romantically inept.
perhaps, an even more unbelievable sight, was the soft smile on his face that glanced at you very adoringly, and how you remained unaware of his affections.
and, maybe a jealous veritas ratio is just as unbelievable.
he is practically glaring daggers at the side of a certain blond's head. ratio has never been fond of the scheming businessman, aventurine, and is even less so of the fact that you seem so close to him, more than you are with your own husband. you're speaking with him like how one would with old friends, a peaceful visit to the markets turned sour by his presence.
when you finally, finally, finally, bid farewell to aventurine, who gave ratio a look that signified he was up to no good, your husband held your hand in his gloved one with an unforgiving grip. his mood is dampened for the remainder of the day, and is only made better when you enquire about his sudden glumness, visiting his office to see if he was alright.
you leave him with a kiss on the crown of his head, and a whisper of 'goodnight', before retreating to your chambers, and the only thought that circulates in his head for the rest of the night is you, and how he's going to sweep you off your feet.
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yyuangss · 4 months
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SUMMARY ! march 7th finds out you like someone. and as your best friend, it’s only right that she has to give her input on whether or not she approves of him.
NOTES ! i was in the mood to write something but this was last minute and this was all i could come up with 🤺 may do a part two featuring other star rail men but we will see. part two of girl talk (gepard, dr. ratio, aventurine, and boothill)
TAGS ! reader is not the trailblazer. contains dan heng, caelus, sampo koski, jing yuan, and argenti. feelings are mutual on both ends.
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march 7th’s thoughts on . . . DAN HENG !
immediately tells you that she already had her suspicions. and now that you confirmed it, it makes her all that more excited. you having a crush on dan heng is just what she expected. she’ll go on and on about how you two would make a great couple because he opens up more to you. now she gets a little sneaky and begins to make up excuses whenever missions come around so that the two of you can go together. it’s her own way of being a mastermind. the more time you two spend together, the closer she is to seeing you and dan heng start dating. yes, march has dubbed herself as your personal wingwoman. so is the duty of being your best friend.
march 7th’s thoughts on . . . CAELUS !
of course she finds it cute that you have a crush on caelus. and it all makes sense to her now. she constantly hears you and caelus making the same kind of jokes, watches you two play games together on your phones, and on rare occasions, she’ll find you rummaging through trash cans with caelus. though she doesn’t know why you’d go to such lengths and go through the trash cans with him. admitting your feelings for the newest trailblazer will only make march relentlessly tease you about it in the best way possible. so whenever caelus invites you to join him in whatever shenanigan he has planned for the day, she’ll send a quick wink your way.
march 7th’s thoughts on . . . SAMPO KOSKI !
she’s mentally judging you. definitely finds this as a “to each their own” type of situation. out of everyone you guys have met, the one you have feelings for is sampo. march isn’t too fond of him despite how much he has helped them during their time in belobog. she does have a few doubts here and there, but if he’s currently the one who you’re interested in, she’ll go along with it. march has to observe the way he acts before making any big decisions like setting you two up. she can tell the feeling’s mutual by the overly flirtatious comments sent your way or gifts you receive by sampo when visiting belobog again. she’ll sometimes peek over your shoulder and see some messages coming in from him, asking when you’ll come back to see him. she could grow used to him so let her work her magic and you’ll be with him in no time.
march 7th’s thoughts on . . . JING YUAN !
the general of the luofu is a tough decision. although she believes he’s a great choice considering his high rank and popularity, it’s also a bit of a downfall. she saw some heavy chemistry between you both back when the express was currently at the luofu. she didn’t have enough time to make some comments but she knew you’d end up having some sort of feelings towards him. she’s only worried about the cons that could come. like the fact jing yuan can become a busy man within seconds. would he make enough time for you? no, he needs to because someone like you deserves it. march refuses to let her best friend settle for anything less than what she’s worth. march can trust that you’ll be in good hands with jing yuan.
march 7th’s thoughts on . . . ARGENTI !
it’s a very interesting choice in her opinion. though she understands why you’d end up gaining feelings towards him. it had to be that compliment he gave you the very first time the express met him. “a beauty that was sent by the goddess idrila herself for him to praise”. very poetical that it had the entire crew speechless for a few seconds. march hasn’t stopped bringing it up since that happened because you had never gotten that flustered before. she can only imagine all the other compliments argenti has sent your way when they’re not around. whenever you’re smiling at your phone a little too hard, thinking no one is watching, she’ll head over your way asking if your boyfriend’s the one making you all smiley. march doesn’t even need to be your wingwoman for this one. she knows the knight will handle it all on his own.
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starcurtain · 6 months
2.1 Penacony Spoilers!
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I know the scene after Ratio's "betrayal" can be read a lot of ways but I am shocked I haven't seen more people interpret it as Ratio being so worried about Aventurine that he couldn't stay away even though he was supposed to.
We know:
1) Ratio absolutely knew Aventurine's plan from start to finish, both his gamble to create "death" in the dream and with the three cornerstones. (Wish people would stop underselling Ratio in their analyses; "Three chips are enough" is a direct enough clue that, genius as he is, Ratio would never miss.)
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2) In his own words, Ratio was acting according to Aventurine's instructions while in Dewlight Pavilion and with Sunday and felt that he did a good job not giving them away.
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I think most people are on the same page up to there, but then I've seen a lot of people interpreting this scene after Aventurine leaves Sunday's mansion as Aventurine being genuinely angry at Ratio (possibly after having gaslit himself into thinking Ratio was actually betraying him).
But this doesn't make much sense to me because:
1) Ratio actually has nothing to gain by selling Aventurine out to Sunday. They're on the same side in this mission. Information about a Stelleron on Penacony wouldn't be news anyone with a brain like Ratio's and why would he need someone else's research on Stellerons when he already has ties to the Genius Society through Screwllum and Herta, as well as the Astral Express where the Trailblazer is actively housing a Stelleron?
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2) One of Aventurine's most notable lines of dialogue is how it's perfectly fine and expected for "friends" to use each other and backstab. This is his default understanding of partners--why would he suddenly be mad about something he expected from the start?
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3) If the betrayal wasn't already planned and was just a possibility based on Aventurine's understanding of Ratio, why would he ever have revealed there were "three chips" (aka three cornerstones) in play? If even the betrayal over Topaz's stone wasn't planned, just assumed, why would Aventurine reveal the existence of the third stone? He would gain nothing from doing so.
Instead, I think it makes a lot more sense to interpret Aventurine's frustration with Ratio in this later scene as annoyance over Ratio taking an "unnecessary" risk:
1) As far as Sunday knows, Ratio had just very seriously betrayed Aventurine, completely selling him out and essentially sending him to his execution.
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2) In the scene afterward, Aventurine is out in public in the middle of Penacony where The Family's eyes are always watching, yet Ratio walks right up to him to check on him. Why would someone who just sold you out come up to you immediately afterward to check on your health?!
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3) It's only natural that Aventurine would pump the brakes and go "Wow, didn't think you'd show yourself after you just betrayed me, remember?" Because that's the act they are supposed to be keeping up! They're still being monitored; it's not safe to break character!
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But Ratio is a genius, right, so why would he break character here? From the standpoint of the ploy itself, revealing to the Family that he and Aventurine were still on the same side would only jeopardize the plan, not help it.
The logical explanation, then, is that Ratio went to Aventurine here because he felt like he had to.
He had to check in and make sure the situation was still under Aventurine's control.
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(In fact, the entire exchange through the middle of this scene is Aventurine and Ratio confirming the rest of their plot in a veiled manner: Ratio brings up the plan and mentions what's concealed in the gift money bag, Aventurine confirms the cornerstone is good to go; Ratio asks what his next step will be; Aventurine says he's going to do the insane thing of handing out cash while looking pathetic [aka fishing for Sparkle]. Ratio essentially asks if he's crazy enough to take the final gamble with his own life, which Aventurine confirms, and then Ratio sets them up for the finale by gifting him the doctor's note.)
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Ratio was willing to risk ruining their entire plan--something Aventurine does seem to be frustrated about at first--just to ensure Aventurine still felt all right about the situation.
He needed to deliver his note demanding Aventurine stay alive.
He needed to tell Aventurine to come to him if the situation got too painful to bear.
In short, Ratio was worried enough that he could not stay away even though, for the sake of their plot, it would have made significantly more sense for him not to appear. The gain of breaking character was worth more to him than the risk of being caught.
You honestly don't even have to take this in a shipping context. The real point here is that Ratio is an incredibly good person who wasn't okay with Aventurine's self-sacrificial plan and who felt morally compelled to check on a person in pain. He's a healer through and through, and ignoring Aventurine in this condition--ignoring someone who was taking so much risk on themselves--simply wasn't possible for him, no matter the danger it posed to the plan.
But for those who do ship Ratio and Aventurine... I hope more people will come to see this scene as another example of Ratio's genuine concern for his mission partner! He did not have to appear here at all; it would have made much more sense for him to leave Aventurine to his own devices to uphold the illusion of their "betrayal." He showed up in this scene--very likely against Aventurine's expectations--because he was concerned for Aventurine's situation and wanted to ensure Aventurine knew he could fall back on Ratio's support at any time if the plan went awry.
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tl;dr: I wish people would stop interpreting this scene as the aftermath of a betrayal. Aventurine wasn't ticked off with Ratio in this scene because he felt like he'd genuinely been backstabbed; he was ticked off because Ratio was literally breaking their pre-established "betrayer" character just to be fussy over Aventurine's safety and well-being. (Okay, and to double check on the plan, but let's be real, the first part was definitely more important. 👌)
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 6 months
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"𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫"
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synopsis: Your boyfriend, Aventurine, gets drunk and ruins an important event for your other boyfriend, Veritas, and he pays the price while you receive an award.
tags: threesome, cuckholding(?), overstimulation, rough, vulgar, degradation, praise, bondage, toys
wrd cnt: 1.1k
a/n: screaming wish it was me :(
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The business party you attended on behave of your partners had been long and tiring, but finally, you were all back home in your comfortable penthouse. As the doors closed behind you, the tension in the air was palpable, and the ride in the car was the worst. Aventurine had….misbehaved, at the party, causing quite a scene and embarrassing both you and Dr. Ratio in front of their colleagues.

“You were supposed to behave tonight, Aventurine,” Dr. Ratio's voice was cold and filled with disappointment as he approached the coat rack.
“But...but I couldn't help it. The champagne was just so good and everyone was having such a good time,” he tried to explain, but Veritas expression didn't soften.

“You know the rules. Misbehaving has consequences, this was an especially important night for my project” he said, their tone leaving no room for argument. Aventurine's eyes widened as they realized what was coming.
Meanwhile, you stood to the side, watching the exchange with a mix of arousal and concern. You knew what was about to happen, and you couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through your veins. But at the same time, you couldn't help but worry for Aventurine.
“Hey- what are you doing….” Your blonde lover spouted, “Y/n…help meee, he’s being so- hiccup so mean”.
“Y/n, unlike you, knows to behave when she needs to. If only you were more like her.” Your other boyfriend says, as he sits Aventurine down on the a chair, his languid body wobbling from his intoxication.
Aventurine's voice trembled in fear and anticipation. “Okay- I’m sorry, but what is this for”
Without another word, Dr. Ratio marched over to a nearby shelf and picked up a small remote. He had tied up the drunk man well, hands behind his back and legs spread apart, an attachment on his crotch.
He pressed a button, and a loud buzzing noise filled the room. You recognized it as the sound of a vibrator.
“Since you couldn't behave in public, you'll have to behave here,” Dr. Ratio replied coldly as they approached Aventurine with the remote in hand. “You can enjoy the sensation while you watch me take care of someone else who can follow the rules.”

Your breath caught in your throat as Dr. Ratio turned to you and pulled you into a passionate kiss. His lips were demanding and possessive as his hands roamed your body, reminding you that you belonged to him right now, him alone. You moaned into the kiss, eagerly responding to his warm touch.

You felt Aventurine's eyes on you, and you opened your eyes to see him staring at you with a mix of arousal, jealousy, and frustration. He were visibly straining against their restraints as the vibrator worked its magic on his cock.

“Are you ready for a reward?” Dr. Ratio asked you, breaking the kiss and turning to Aventurine. He ran a hand down your body and reached between your legs, finding you already wet with desire. 

'Yes, Veritas- ,' you moaned, feeling Aventurine's eyes on you as Dr. Ratio's fingers danced over your clit.
“Very good,” Dr. Ratio said, his voice full of satisfaction as he pushed you down onto the couch infront of your tortured other.
Slowly, he’d remove your shirt, squeezing your tits before taking your bra off. Mouth clasped onto your nipple, he’d give Aventurine some glances, smiling against your skin every now and then as he watched his legs start shaking.
Once your panties were off, Veritas picked you up, and held you against his chest, opening your legs and letting Aventurine get a look at your glistening cunt, getting rubbed and fingered by Veritas.
You held onto him tight, moaning breathlessly as he prepared your hole, whispering dirty things in your ear from behind.
“Feels good baby? You’re so wet already, look at our little mut over there…He’s already came twice it seems.”
He chuckled, kissing the nape of your neck as he feels his cock almost rip the seems of his pants under you.
“Fuck- Can you just….Im so- so sorry please Veritas…”
With Aventurines pleas, your lover only laughed.
He flipped you over on your back to the cushion, spreading your legs as he takes his cock out; slapping your wet pussy with the tip.
“Mmm- fuck…you’re such a good girl, you really deserve this. Unlike some people.”
You gasped when you felt the tip go inside, and after every inch after that.
Veritas was gentle in preparing you, but not gentle when fucking you, especially with all his anger for your other boyfriend. He gripped your waist hard, and thrusted into you so deep, you practically screamed his name.
He snapped at Aventurine, who’s now fully in tears from overstimulating, cumming his brains out and watching you get fucked like you’re doing the same.
“Look at you…Pathetic. You could have taken her other hole but you just had to be an idiot.”
Aventurine watched with a mix of arousal and torturous anguish as Ratio fucked you, making you writhe with pleasure.

The room was filled with the sounds of your moans and the buzzing of the vibrator. Aventurine's eyes were locked on you, his own cock straining against the vibrator as he was forced to watch.
You look at Aventurine, taking small glances of his cock covered in his own cum.
“Don’t look at him, he can’t save you, or himself.” Veritas said, grabbing your face and making you look at him. 

You cried out in pleasure as he pounded into you. You were lost in the bliss of his touch, and Aventurines eyes locked onto your body made everything so much more pleasurable; watching his leaky cock. 

Dr. Ratio's pace quickened, and soon you were both teetering on the edge of ecstasy. With one final, powerful thrust, he sent you both over the edge, your bodies shaking with pleasure. He filled you up to the brim, so much cum oozing out of your hole.
Veritas picked you up quickly, and held your back against his chest, opening your legs and carrying them infront of Aventurine; still strapped to the chair but now recovering as Ratio finally retired the vibrator.
He tries to catch his breathe, looking up to see your spread apart cunt in his face, carried by Veritas.
“Clean her up. It’s all you’re getting tonight.”
With hunger, your starved boyfriend took your cunt into his mouth, hands still behind him as he pushed his face into you, tongue cleaning up Veritas’ mess.
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6gumi · 5 months
which dress looks good on me?
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synopsis ﹒your husband aventurine helps you pick out dresses ! ( gone wrong ! )
pairings﹒aventurine x f!reader
cw﹒nsfw MDNI. unedited. 、 established relationship 、mirror sex 、semi-public sex 、reader physically smaller 、mild titplay 、 squirting 、aventurine referred to as “kakavasha” once or so 、a bit of choking 、nicknames used ( baby, sweetheart, more ! ) 、more tba !
note﹒hi hii ! ! decided to change things up w my formatting . . . since the last one wasn’t that good so i hope this new format it looks fine :3 this is a lil short but it’s oki ! ! | reblogs are highly appreciated ! if you want to talk to me, send a rq or thirst . . . feel free to send me an ask ! — millie ♡
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it was another day of spending time with your husband, of course . . . he spoiled you a shit ton today, even though you scolded him not to ! but of course, he wouldn’t listen. hmph, typical. you were both in one of the big changing rooms in your favourite place to shop at, examining the dress that hugged your body, the coldness of the room making you shiver. “hmm . . .” you hummed, raising a brow as you took a step closer to the mirror, “ . . aven, i’m not sure about this dress.” you murmured, glancing at your beloved husband staring at you in pure awe, ugh . . he was like a puppy. it was cute.
aventurine whistled, his rough fingertips tracing the outline of your ass, smirking when he felt you jump. “i like it, i guess you don’t then,” he chuckled with a shrug, taking a step closer. “maybe try another one on and see how it looks, maybe something a bit looser, if you prefer. but to me, i like this one.”
“babe, you said that with the five other dresses i tried on earlier.”
“ . . . so?”
“sooo which means that . . . you need to be more with me, you can’t just say “yes it looks good” every single time, y’know . . . i need your honest opinion.” you spoke, crossing your arms.
“well, you did look good in all those dresses you tried on earlier, even this one you still look as beautiful as ever.” aventurine’s pretty eyes roamed over your body with admiration. "your body is perfect just the way it is." aventurine reached out, gently cupping one of your round breasts through the thin material of your dress. "and if anything, you're just getting even more beautiful with each passing day." he leaned in close, nuzzling your neck as he whispered into your ear, " . . mm . . but if you want to look extra hot, maybe we should find something that shows off your cute breasts over here. maybe . . one that allows them to spill right out—“
“what? i was only telling the truth, sweetheart. can’t handle it?”
the dress surely was stunning, accentuating every part of you. but there was something missing . . . like something else needed to be added. hm . . you weren’t sure what. could it be the color? maybe it wasn’t your color? you just weren’t sure. a hand ran through your hair again, slowly trailing down towards the fat of your ass . . . feeling a small yet sharp slap that stung your skin. “you really can���t decide? just get all of them, love. you know i can afford them. unless . . you want me to tell you how i feel about this dress in specific . . both on and off. would that be to your liking?” that smug lil’ smirk on his face . . . you knew exactly what he meant by that. it was risky, but hey . . . you didn’t mind that. you nodded, raising a brow with a smile.
aventurine’s eyes darted over your figure, lingering on the swell of your breasts beneath the dress you wore, he could feel his cock stirring in his pants, straining against the fabric of his boxers. aventurine silently cursed his weakness, his thoughts betraying him at the most inopportune time. “mmh . . . let’s start here.” your husband’s fingers tickled your chin, facing you to the mirror infront of you, as if he wanted you to watch every single thing he does. gripping your hips, he pressed your body firmly against the cold mirror . . his fingers moved deftly, reaching down to flip your dress upwards, sliding his eager digits within your heat . . stroking your wet slit.
“aven . . .” a breathy whimper slipped between your lips as aventurine pressed his thumb against your clit, his other fingers dipping into your folds. He could feel her body respond to his touch, your hips bucking slightly as you tried stifling moans.
“mm . . this dress presents you so well, angel. i like the fabric used . . i also like how these present these tits of yours. ‘s fucking pretty. you can’t expect me to not look at them, can you, baby?” he teased, his fingers brushing over your nipples gently. “if you ever wore this at an important gathering . . fuck. i’d get hard so quick,” his voice . . . goodness his voice. he was so close to you, his body pressed firmly against yours, rubbing his cock against your backside. “speaking of that . . look how hard you made me, baby. just ‘cuz i saw you in this pretty dress.”
the gambler trapped you close against the mirror, cock twitching at the sight of your breasts pressing against the cold surface. his eyes darkened, desire burning in his depths as he looked at the reflection of his wife. your breathing hitched, eyes half-closed, and lips parted in need. "fuck, baby . . . you're driving me insane," aventurine growled, his voice desperate and thick with lust. he adjusted the dress, pulling it down just enough to reveal more of your breasts . . . mouth watering at the sight, his cock throbbing painfully in response. “i’m gonna fuck this pretty pussy . . kay? i’m gonna fuck this pretty pussy.” aventurine’s skilled hands wrapped themselves around your throat, applying pressure with a squeeze. “. . . ‘gonna fuck you hard against this mirror until we get kicked out, kay?”
“ . . okay . . “
“good girl.” his hand squeezed around your neck once more as his cock slid smoothly into your wet heat. his breath hitched as he felt your warmth enveloping him, your wet heat surrounding his dick. your moans and his groans bounced off the walls of the fitting room, not caring if anyone was waiting outside to try on their own clothes . . that’s their problem! “oh baby . . . i will never stop fucking this cunt of yours.” aventurine groaned deeply, losing all control within his nerves as they were all conveyed by pure lust for you. the sounds of the mall faded away, replaced by the slap of your bodies connecting, the soft gasps and whimpers escaping both of you and him.
"this fuckin’ dress . . . fuck i’m gonna ruin it. ruin you, baby.” the gambler breathed raggedly, rough hands gripping your thighs tightly as he pounded into you with no avail or intention of stopping, his eyes locked on the reflection, watching himself taking his pretty wife in the sexiest dress he’d ever seen. “watch me while i fuck you, my little wife. do you see my cock sliding in and out of you? ‘s good . . isn’t it?”
"god, yes!" you cried out, clenching your fists against the mirror, your husband’s eyes locked on the image of your plump tits bouncing with each thrust with your face flushed with passion. “more, aven . . more more more !” goodness . . . you were almost certain that people from the outside heard you both fuckin’ and getting it down in there. in full honesty . . . aventurine didn't care who heard, he didn't care about the consequences. all he cared about was satisfying his desperate hunger for you, feeling your body clench around him. oh . . the way your heat enveloped his member like a blanket drove him crazy. it took every ounce of control left in his body to not cum instantly . . wanting to savour the moment more.
“a—aven i’m gonna cum . . .”
“yeah? cum, angel. cum on my cock . . maybe cum on the mirror too . . give the workers a hard time cleaning our intimacy.” he chuckled, landing a swift smack to your ass. fuck, the sensation was too much for you. your orgasm crashed into you like a tidal wave, overwhelming you completely. with a gasp, you squirted all over the mirror, milking your husbands cock as you did so . . . your vision swam with pleasure, mind hazy with orgasmic bliss. “well then . .” aventurine spoke again, grunting when he emptied himself into you. “did that prove anything? prove how much i liked this dress . . ?”
“sh—shit . . mm . . yes, yes it did . .”
“good. then let’s get this one then, baby. can’t wait to completely ruin you again in this dress when we get home.”
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© 6GUMI. please do not modify 、translate 、share my works on other platforms 、or consider them as yours.
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harmeu · 2 months
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Synopsis: You and Sunday were dating but then you overhear him talking to those who work with him about how you’re just a pawn for his games.
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Soft footsteps echoed as you walked through the halls of where your beloved boyfriend Sunday lived. Though a feeling of unknown dread crawled onto you as if warning you of something soon happening.
Click. Click. Click.
Your eyes lit up as you heard your boyfriend speaking to those who worked under him and you couldn't help but eavesdrop. The curiosity of how he acted when he wasn’t around you dwelling in your mind.
“It’s simple. I’m using them. They are just one step closer for me to get closer to my goals.” Sunday said with a calm smile, hands gently tracing his desk looking down at the men who were talking to him.
You were confused.
What were they talking about?
“Sir..are you sure? Aren’t they attached?”
“My so-called significant other is definitely attached. Though that benefits me. Much. More. Easier. To manipulate.”
You paled.
He was using you.
Tears bubbled up in your eyes and you held your hand to your mouth to stifle any noises of sadness that were threatening to come out.
Hitching and turning on your shoe you make a dash for it unaware that Sunday caught a glimpse through the slit of the door open with his eyes. His wings twitched in surprise and soon lowered as a disgusting feeling of shame hit him.
It was an oddity for Sunday.
“Oh dear.” He murmured out making his way out to find you.
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Synopsis: Aventurine and you dated but when he bets you in a game everything goes downhill.
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You catch your boyfriend, the renowned gambler betting as usual. You told him his hobby wasn't good. But as if that would stop him. Eventually you gave up and just let him do what he wanted despite worry filling you each time he pushed a chip forward with his iconic trademark smirk. 
“Babe..” You murmur out unease written all over your face.
“Oh! Hey darling~ this man just won’t seem to give up..even after I basically drained his savings. He’s penniless and now putting bets on things he doesn't even own!” Aventurine chuckled, holding his head amused.
“Maybe you should stop? It's getting intense, no.?” You worriedly whisper out.
“Oh no no no sweetheart. Once you go in. You can’t come out.”
“Huh?” You fluster.
“In gambling! What were you thinking of?” His smirk grew and became more toothly as you spluttered but it soon died down as Aventurine noticed that the man he was gambling with was slowly earning his chips back.
“You pull up a tough fight.” Aventurine spoke and you just knew he was going to pull an impulsive move. 
“Seems my chips have vanished. What a shame. Yet I do not intend to lose. I bet..my darling sweetheart right here.” 
You flinched at his words staring at him with a ‘did you really just say that’’ look making Aventurine smack back into reality.
“Oh..doll wait I didn’t mea-”
He got cut off by you walking off.
Ping! New message!
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Synopsis: Dating Dr. Ratio was nice. Though he puts more time with other matters, neglecting you.
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You hadn’t seen your boyfriend Veritas in a while because of him either studying, working, teaching others, or doing something other than hanging out with you. You're aware of his passion to join the Genius Society but he can work on that while hanging out with you too right?
You felt left out.
So you decided to make your way to his office excited to see him but also a bit nervous due to the thought of him brushing you away to work on something else.
You knocked.
“Come in.” You hear his British pompous voice making you crack a small smile not hearing it in a while.
“Veritas..” You open the door smiling but it broke as you saw him writing down something in his notebook not bothering to spare a glance at you.
“What is it? I’m quite busy.” He whispered out, still looking engrossed in his work.
“Do..you want to hang out? It’s been a while and I’ve been worried about you overworking yourself. And I miss seeing you.” You blush at your own words staring at him.
Veritas sighed, dropping his pen and rubbing his temples.
“Dear how many times must I have to tell you that I am busy?” Annoyance is apparent in his tone making your eyes droop in defeat.
“Oh. Sorry. I just wanted to ask..since it's been such a long time.” Another sigh left Veritas as he ran a hand through his hair and finally made eye contact with you.
“I’m doing work at the moment so please leave me to it.” He picked up his pen again taking a glance at you but his eyes widened as he saw your vulnerable expression of defeat. You nodded softly and shut the door leaving.
Veritas stared at the door, his heart clenching in what he just did. Guilt poured onto it.
“My lord.” He murmured holding his now aching head.
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mylovelo-ak · 4 months
aventurine ☆ first i love you
pairing: aventurine x gn! reader
summary: you always daydreamed about aventurine loving you. and it was just a matter of time before it came true.
tw: reader feels unlovable
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you often daydreamed about different altenate worlds in your head. a lot of them involved aventurine, of course. you found comfort in indulging in fantasies, and you boyfriend being a key character only helped.
you wondered what it would be like if you worked in the ipc with him. would you be dubbed his work spouse? you’d be able to share more meals together. would his colleagues ask about your relationship? realistically he would never let you work in the ipc though, he always expressed wanting to keep you safe and away from such a political world.
sometimes your daydreams weren’t always the best. sometimes they only brewed more thoughts and doubts in your mind.
on mellow afternoons you’d wonder if aventurine treated you like how he treated his friends. maybe he treated you differently, and maybe it wasn’t a good thing. would he have a heartier laugh with others? a brighter smile?
you were always quick to dismiss these thoughts before a complete breakdown. you’d tell yourself to expect the worst, and to simply accept it. after all, you were only his girlfriend of six months, you probably barely come up in his mind at all.
“hi, darling.” aventurine sneaked up behind you and wrapped you in his warm embrace. he kissed down your neck to your shoulder, before coming back up to kiss your temple.
“hi, aven.” you couldn’t help the smile nor the blush that crept on your face at his affection. you wiggled in his arms to turn and face him. you propped your hands on his firm chest, relishing in the sight of the blonde in front of you.
it was hard for you to believe that he’d ever choose you. blonde, smooth and cute aventurine, with plain old you.
“you’re home early, finished work?” you asked as your fingers filled with the collar of his shirt. he hummed in response. his grip around your waist grew tighter in his effort to pull you closer.
“stop calling me that.” he muttered.
“huh?”you looked at him, head tilted in confusion. except his eyes were rather focused on your lips instead.
“stop calling me aventurine, you’re mean much more to me than that.”
“oh, sorry, i forgot, kakavasha.” you replied shyly. what did he mean by you meant more than that? did he mean you were important enough to him for you to call his name like his loved ones did before? did he love you?
“it’s alright, my love.” he whispered before closing the distance between you for a sweet kiss. it wasn’t long before he pulled away, but it was only to kiss you all over your face ‘til you bursted out in giggles and playful ‘stop’s as you tried to get away.
“i knew i was right to leave work early. coming home to this is just perfect with you, darling.” his words were filled with so much adoration, you almost felt like he loved you.
“i made you your favorite for dinner tonight.” you reached to tuch a strand of hair away from his eyes before he grabbed your hand in his and brought up to his lips, to press a delicate kiss onto your palm.
“god i love you.”
you froze.
he loved you?
kakavasha, oblivious to your shock, kept pressing kisses around you.
for the first time in your life, you felt that you didn’t have to hold onto meaningless dreams where you lived a better life. not when you had kakavasha right in front of you, laying a trail of kisses over what you considered imperfections of your body. here he was, kissing everything, professing his love, and holding you, like you were the only thing he loved in the universe.
“kakavasha..” you called quietly. he hummed, the vibrations from his body melting into yours. he stopped his quest for kisses to meet your eyes in an adoring gaze.
“i love you too.”
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lunecosm · 24 days
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— sunday x gn reader
In which no one believes you and Sunday are actually dating.
crossposted on AO3 ft. gallagher, aventurine, firefly, robin, sunday fluff, established relationship, everyone thinks reader is just being parasocial about sunday lmao, not a lot of sunday screentime for an x sunday fic oops
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You took a sip of your drink, leaning on the bar. “So…” Gallagher started, getting you to look in his direction. “Anything happen with you and your ‘boyfriend’ lately?” The sarcasm in Gallagher’s voice didn’t evade you, but you chose to ignore it and answer in earnest.
“Yes, actually. We had a lovely dessert date the other day. Sunday got a strawberry sundae—heh—and I got a banana split. It was really good, actually. We were thinking of visiting again,” you smiled, thinking about your recent date. You chuckled a bit, remembering how Sunday flustered when you wiped a bit of ice cream off of his cheek.
“Uhuh.” Gallagher looked at you with clear disbelief with an undercurrent of… was that pity?
You deadpanned. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Gallagher sucked in a breath and set his drink down. He leaned in like he was about to deliver some devastating news to you. “Listen, bud—”
“Don’t call me that.”
“—I hate to break it to you, but just because you happened to be in the same restaurant as Sunday does not mean you were on a date.”
You stared at him. “You can’t be serious.”
Gallagher’s face contorted. “What’s that supposed to—No way you actually think that constitutes a date.”
“Wha—no! What do you take me for? I’m saying I’m telling the truth about us being on an actual, normal date. Not that…stalker stuff you’re insinuating.”
Seemingly giving up, Gallagher leaned back. “Whatever you say.”
You grumbled, “I’ll prove it to you, I swear!”
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“His hair is so fluffy, Aven. I want to fluff his hair so badly.” You held your hands in front of you, mimicking patting the soft, blue hair of your boyfriend. “Ugh, and his wings! They look so soft.”
Aventurine nodded along. “They do, don’t they?”
You put your head in your hands. “I miss my wife, Aven. I miss him a lot.”
Aventurine laughed and pat your shoulder. “If you miss him that much, maybe you should start taking fancams or something.” You snickered. “Maybe I should.”
“Here’s a start for your fancam adventures,” Aventurine leaned in with a sly smirk. “Did you see that interview he appeared on recently?”
“Yes I did!” You clasped your hands together, stars in your eyes. “Whoever was in charge of lighting really knew what they were doing! He was practically glowing,” you gushed.
Aventurine grinned. “Right?”
You dramatically leaned into his side, pulling a hand to your forehead. “He’s just so pretty, Aven! I can’t take it.”
Aventurine chuckled. “He is rather handsome.” Deciding to match you in your theatrics, he put a hand to his heart with a little flourish. “I envy whoever manages to score him. Why, I might just keel over from heartbreak at the loss!”
“Well, I guess you should get ready, then.” You crossed your arms, shooting a smug look at your companion.
He sputtered and looked at you incredulously. “I—pardon?”
“I’ll have you know that Sunday and I have been dating for—” Aventurine cut you off, putting his hands on your shoulders.
He muttered something along the lines of, “not this again,” before saying your name somewhat solemnly, his brow slightly creased in concern. “Do you really think Sunday’s your boyfriend??”
You gave him an indignant look. “I don’t think, Aven, I know.”
Aventurine wiped away an imaginary tear. “Damn, I didn’t know you were parasocial like that.”
“I will punch you.”
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You skipped down the streets of the Golden Hour, Firefly trailing after you.
“I’m so excited for tonight!” You beamed.
Firefly looked at you inquisitively. “Oh? What’s happening tonight?”
You did a giddy little hop and spun around to face her, “I get to spend time with my lovely boyfriend!”
Firefly’s eyes slightly widened in surprise as she gasped. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend! Who is it?”
At this point you both had stopped walking, pausing in some random street. You tilted your head and asked, “Eh? I didn’t tell you?” You put your hands on your hips with a proud smile. “Well, I’m dating Sunday!”
Firefly’s expression immediately changed to one you were becoming annoyingly familiar with. She opened and closed her mouth like she was trying to figure out how to break something to you.
Your tone turned flat. “What is it? What’s with the face?”
“I…” Firefly tried a few more starts before landing on, “Listen, I know you walked next to him that one time but I don’t think that means you’re dating…” She trailed off, chuckling nervously.
You slumped, Firefly letting out a little “ah” at the motion.
“Oh come on, I’ve walked—and talked!—with him on multiple occasions. Wait, that’s not the point. Do you not believe me either?” You frowned, beginning to resemble a kicked puppy.
Firefly waved her hands around slightly panicked, “Well, it’s not like I don’t believe you!” She paused and mumbled, “Actually I guess it is…” Shaking her head, she turned back to you. “It’s just… I know you and Robin are friendly and all—”
“—but I don’t think that automatically extends to Sunday, y’know? Especially to the degree of a romantic relationship.”
You stared at Firefly incredulously. Bringing your hands up to your face, you sighed. “Why does no one believe I’m being genuine when I say Sunday and I are dating?”
“Maybe because it just sounds so unbelievable?”
You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “But why though??”
Firefly simply gave you a comforting pat on the shoulder.
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You were practically draped over Sunday, lamenting over the fact that no one believed you when you said Sunday was your boyfriend, even after all this time. Sunday pat your head in consolation as Robin tittered. “Well, on the bright side, they’ll have to believe you after tonight!”
You sunk into Sunday’s shoulder. “I guess…”
Sunday pressed a kiss to your head. “Look alive, dear. Like Robin said, they won’t be able to refute it next you see them.” He paused. “Well, I suppose that depends on if they’re watching or not.”
You perked up at that. “Actually, I told them to watch this interview, so they should see it. I expect at least 10 texts the second I show up on screen.” You held your phone up and waved it. “And if they don’t watch it live, I’m gonna send them a recording. That way they have to acknowledge our relationship!”
Sunday chuckled. “That’s so like you.”
At that moment, someone in the film crew alerted you all to get ready. Sunday gave you a squeeze, leading you over to the filming area, Robin walking at your other side. The three of you smiled (yours a little less practiced) at the interviewer as you approached. After exchanging pleasantries, the film crew started the countdown to go live.
“Three!” Robin gave you a soft smile and a nod, which you returned.
“Two!” Sunday adjusted his hold to your waist, pulling you a bit closer.
“One!” You turned your gaze to the camera.
“And we’re live!”
The interviewer immediately greeted the camera. “Good evening, Penacony! Thanks for tuning in for today’s exclusive interview! Today I have with me everyone’s favorite pop star, Robin!”
Robin gave a charming smile and waved at the camera. “Hello everyone! I’m so glad to be here!”
“Charismatic as always! Along with her, we have the esteemed head of the Oak Family, Sunday!”
Sunday nodded and gave a placid smile. “Hello. It’s a pleasure to be here.”
“The pleasure is all mine! And last but not least, we have a special guest! Care to introduce yourself?”
You greeted the camera and stated your name. “Nice to meet you!”
“How charming! For those of you wondering, if you haven’t guessed their identity already… Why don’t you introduce them, Sunday?”
“With pleasure.” Sunday pulled you in and kissed your cheek. “They’re my significant other.”
As expected, your phone started buzzing incessantly, making you grin. You glanced at the screen, seeing glimpses of texts along the lines of ‘YOU’RE ACTUALLY DATING???’ and ‘NO WAY YOU WERE TELLING THE TRUTH’ before they were quickly replaced with more texts and even a few calls (mostly from Aventurine). You smirked, silencing your phone and returning your attention to the interview.
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morphodae · 2 months
◆ Neon Lights ◆
Aventurine x Gamer!GN!Reader
Summary: Something you learned about him once you began dating six months ago is that Aventurine likes to spoil you. A lot. It's endearing how much he supports your full-time hobby and livelihood, but sometimes he… tends to go a bit overboard…
CW: none, really... Aventurine is a lil bit of a sugar daddy but that's okay :) lmao
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A deep sigh leaves your lips. Flashing lights dance across the screen, signaling another PvP match lost to the best competitors in the galaxy. You yank off your headset and fail to hear the announcer on the other end advance the next team to the finals. It was a good thing you weren’t streaming so your viewers didn’t have to see the childish pout on your lips. 
You run a hand over your forehead in frustration and reach over to an unopened bottle of SoulGlad on the desk. You pop open the orange drink with a furious fizz, chugging down a small bit before slouching back in your chair. Your other hand hovers over the keyboard, typing a half-hearted message of gratitude to the other teams before clicking on the ‘off’ button and logging off. You hated being so competitive, but making it to the finals would have secured your paycheck for at least three months.
*1 New Message from Aventurine*
‘Your pouting face is so cute, sweetheart~’
*Aventurine has sent 100,000 credits*
‘Go out and get yourself anything you want. My treat~’
Paranoid, you look up and around. The door to your room has been shut for hours and as far as you knew, there wasn't any hidden surveillance from your trusted boyfriend or anything like that. You jump out of your chair and look in the corners of the room, behind pillows and furniture – even eyeing that owl plushie he got you from a Penacony festival a few weeks ago.
Your phone dings again before your paranoia can eat you alive any further.
*1 New Message from Aventurine*
‘Before you tear apart your room looking for hidden cameras, I bet my life that I haven’t done anything as scandalous as that.’
‘Aww don’t make that face. I can’t even see you and I already have you down like a well-read book. I predicted that you’d be freaking out right about now, and I won that bet, right? Haha, well, please just take the credits I sent.’
You begin furiously typing back at him to wonder how the hell he’s so keen on knowing you so well and predicting your every move, but another message pops up before you have the chance to.
‘I was tuned into the gaming competition and saw that you lost in the semifinals. Doll, I sent you those credits to cheer you up while I’m away on business. Also, it should cover the cost of rent, yeah? When I get back I’ll do anything you want <3’
An exasperated sigh leaves your lips after reading all that. You pout again as fingers deftly type up a reply to him.
‘Aventurine, I swear to Xipe… the amount of credits you sent has to be a mistake, right? I can’t possibly accept that!’
*Aventurine has sent 100,000 credits*
‘Hm, not enough? Haha, don’t worry, doll. Here’s some more for you.’
Your mouth hangs open in utter shock before you close it again. A building fury is bubbling in your chest at his sheer audacity. He thinks he can get away with it just because he has dirty IPC money and is pretty, huh? Oh, you’ll kick him right in the –
‘You’re too cute to be angry with me. While your feelings are valid and I understand that you have your pride and want to support yourself, but I truthfully have too many credits than I know what to do with. Let me spoil my baby ;)’
‘Just promise me you won’t neglect yourself again for the games, okay? I know how much they mean to you and how fun they are, but what good would it be if I came back to you getting sick over it? Take care of yourself, sweetheart, or I might just have to get back from this business trip early and sweep you away~’
Your shoulders sag in defeat. You should’ve expected this by now; considering how hellbent he’d been on spoiling you fiscally when he started to pursue you. In spite of your pride, you did appreciate his gifts and actions to show you how much he cared. Even when he went overboard and even when it made you a little sad, you knew Aventurine valued your happiness above his own.
You begin typing a small response, a mitigated ultimatum that should give him something to look forward to when he gets back. ‘Fine. But when you get back, we’re going to have an all-out gaming competition. Just the two of us. Winner gets to decide what we do together for the week you’re off.’
On the other end of the phone in a boring, monochrome office, Aventurine leans back in his chair, expensive leather shoes propped up on his jeweled desk. He smirks, the idea of your little deal striking a chord in him.
It seems like you weren’t the only one with a competitive streak.
‘Oh? Then I’ll be looking forward to winning this little game of yours, sweetheart~’
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luocha-lovr · 5 months
⌗ baby boys。
❛ OR :: what a mommy kink does to your boys.
❛ CONTAINS :: afab! reader; no fem pronouns used but feminine pet names and genitalia are used. cock-warming. handjobs. edging. gentle femdom. MINORS DNI but if you're a minor and choose to read anyway, that's on you.
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“Wait, please, I— mmh!”
He’s not sure how he even got here. One minute he’s playing a game of poker in Aideen Park with a bunch of what’s-their-names and the other, he’s losing everything he’s bet and more.
Maybe he’s drunk one too many bottles of SoulGlad during that bet. His sight’s way too blurry now, but somehow you’re the only clarity in his vision, the sight of you on your knees and stroking his cock sobering him up a little. This was the condition you’d placed when you placed your bet back at the poker table, and maybe— just maybe— he’s glad that you were the one claiming victory against his first loss.
“So,” you start in a lazy drawl, and Aventurine gulps at the tone of your voice. Your hand stops at the base of his cock, preventing his release with a smile just as lazy. “You’re an Avgin, correct?”
Aventurine pauses.
“What’s an Av—”
“A yes or no is all I need, pretty boy,” you interrupt, not quite realizing Aventurine was raring to cum the moment you called him that. Or maybe you did. He doesn’t know.
A sigh and a beat passes before he nods, “Yes, ma’am.”
“I knew it,” you chuckle, “such pretty cock and tantalizing eyes could only belong to an Avgin.”
The smile that lifts the corners of your mouth makes his breath hitch. He probably should be wary of how you know he’s an Avgin, but the only thing on his mind right now is that you praised him for his answer regardless of his background. He could feel the hairs on his arms stand at attention. No way is it legal to be as pretty as you are.
And then you start pumping his cock again and, fuck, does he absolutely love the drag of your soft palm against the skin of his cock, unable to keep himself from spurting out little drops of pre. It gets on your lips, and Aventurine struggles to even babble out an apology before you’re licking it off and smacking your lips like you were sampling his taste.
“It’s okay, dearest,” you tell him in that tender voice that gets him so weak in the knees, thankful that he’s seated; otherwise he’d just fall flat on his ass. “You taste as divine as you look.”
That was it.
What started off as small spurts of pre became a steady flow of cum as his vision blurs and his ears ring, just the sound of your voice bringing him further into ecstasy. This— this— is the kind of dream he doesn’t wanna wake up from; the sight of you kissing on his cum-stained cock, languid movements of your hand continuing to milk him dry.
“Mommy, please, I can— Nng-hah..!” he struggles to even form a coherent thought, somehow so overstimulated despite you not even putting in that much effort. Realization hits him far too late, that he’d called you mommy, and he’s panic-stricken for a moment as he tries to find his words.
Your hand comes to a stop and you pull your mouth away from his cock. Your grip maintains, and for a moment, he’s soothed by the gentle caress of your fingers against his balls. His breath shakes, and he’s almost hypnotized by the way the golden light of this hotel room makes his cum look like gloss on your lips.
“It’s okay, dearest,” you tell him again, and it feels as though there was more intent to your words this time. Aventurine blinks. You like being called mommy?
It’s a silent question, and you give him a silent answer. If you held him by the cock any tighter than that, he was never waking up from this dream.
Slowly, you’d begin to pump his cock once more, waking it from its brief respite. He could only throw his head back, veins along his length pulsating gently, like a steady heartbeat. He doesn’t even know your name, but by the looks of things, you weren’t even gonna give him that much.
Something about you is so cruel yet so kind, so warm yet so cold, so close yet so far— but if there’s anything a man like him likes, it’s a high-stakes challenge.
He’ll admit he lost the bet, but scoring someone like you is already victory unlike any other.
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“Lock the door on your way out.”
“Yes, General.”
The door shuts and its lock clicks in place as a Cloud Knight leaves the office, finished with their reports for the day. A shaky sigh of relief escapes Jing Yuan, as though he’d been holding his breath, waiting for the Cloud Knight to leave the entire time.
How could he not when you were sitting so comfortably in his lap, smiling at whoever comes in as if you weren’t squeezing down on his cock? He could feel your thighs quiver with excitement with each person that came in, hoping not to get caught in such a risque position. He’s been edged more times today than a year or two ago, and as sexy you are right now, he’d really love nothing more than to have his sweet release already.
“Baby, please. I need you to take the ring off,” he gasps out weakly, his grip on the armrests of his seat nearly enough to break them off. He can’t even see your face— you refuse to show him— and he’s getting far too desperate to even care about his silly pride as he begs for you.
He can’t see the twitch of your lips as they curve into a cheeky smile, but he knows; knows you better than anyone, knows you better than he knows himself. It’s a curse that imprints the image of you in his brain, cheeks all rosy and lashes fluttering with each squeeze of your walls. It’s even worse when you chuckle at him and shake your hips in the figure eight, almost mocking him.
“Five more minutes,” you tell him, and he’s reminded of the silly rule he established for both you and himself.
No fucking before 8pm.
Before 8pm, he is the General of the Cloud Knights, to guard the Luofu from all danger. Before 8pm, he is the Divine Foresight, to guide disciples and train their minds. All of those titles and responsibilities vanish the moment 8pm strikes, for after 8pm, he is nothing but a husband, a lover, and a toy— all for you.
Five minutes feel like an eternity, and that says a lot given his immortality. He’d always been a patient man, so understanding and kind, but he could never hold himself back when you’re involved. Oh how his hands twitched, itching to grab a hold of your hips and just…
He shifts his hips— forward, then to the left, then to the right, then forward again— trying as much as he can to bury himself inside of you while being as discreet about it as possible. If he tried a little bit more, he could—
His thought process is interrupted by the tightness around his cock slowly dissipating, all warmth leaving as you stood from his lap and pulled your underwear back up. Just one glance at him and you could see the utter defeat in his eyes, afraid he’d never be able to be satisfied by cumming from his own hands rather than with your pretty pussy at night.
If you really wanted to, you could make him cry like this.
“Wait! Mommy, I’m sorry,” he stammers, taking your wrist in his hand. The look in your eyes as you turned to face him tells him enough; you knew he was trying to fuck you before 8pm struck. The poor man was so guilty he hadn’t even realized it was 8:02pm already.
Technically, he hadn’t broken any rules.
The delighted laugh you let out is music to his ears and he perks up like some big dog. “Baby, I was going to suck your cock,” you tell him, going down on your knees like you were proving your intentions. Jing Yuan feels dumb for a moment. How could he have doubted you?
He isn’t even able to wallow in his self-pity. What replaces the warmth of your pussy is the warmth of your mouth, your tongue flat along the underside of his cock. “Thank you,” he all but whispers. Somehow he still has half the mind to remember that he was in his office; anyone could come knocking.
Slender fingers and careful touches keep the hairs on his arms standing. Each time he thinks you’d release him from the confines of his cock ring, you pull your fingers away and take him deeper in your mouth. It’s a different kind of torture that he’s not sure if he hates or loves, though a part of him does like it just because it’s you.
Each drag of your lips along the shaft of his cock drives him mad with need— need to cum, need to fuck his hips into your mouth. But he knows he can’t, not when you’re so nice to take care of him at work.
“Mommy, please,” he pleads, golden eyes peering down at you as you make a mess of lipstick stains and spit bubbles. He’s trying way too hard to hold back his moans, though with not much success.
You only shake your head at him, chiding his impatience. In all truth, he’s just far too cute begging for you like this. “Just a bit longer,” you reply with a mouthful of cock and pre, eyes glazed over as his dick pulsates in your mouth.
Shivers run down his spine and goosebumps litter his skin. His breaths come out in quick bursts and he can’t help but slump against his chair when you smile at him. He’s pretty sure his moans could be heard in the next office over, but really, could he care? He’s convinced he already came, but the lack of cum in your mouth was rather upsetting until he realizes he still has the ring on.
The smile on your face tells him you still aren’t done just yet and, frankly, he’s in it for the long ride anyway.
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 ISH's notes ::
📌 what better way to celebrate aventurine's official release than writing him a handjob fic am i right?
📌 experimenting on blog styles rn. it's been a hot while. tell me how this one looks!
📌 STILL working on a taglist so just hmu if you wanna be tagged. also i may not be taking requests but i certainly am taking asks. im dying for some moots to gush with.
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ish | 2024. no plagiarizing, reworking, or reposting this work on other sites.
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dumbification · 4 months
luxurious ft. aventurine
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summary: aventurine's love for you was expensive, and having your lips meet his was pure euphoria.
cw: aventurine x fem!reader, nothing much just a hot make out sesh, listen to luxurious by gwen stefani while reading
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you wonder how you got here.
someone pathetic like you, sipping champagne in one of the finest hotels of penacony.
you could really never imagine living a luxurious life, you've been working night and day from the pits of hell. now you're rolling in cashmere with aventurine---he's been there.
as you take another sip from your glass, you shyly shift in his lap. he softly laughs for a minute, wishing he could see your expression right now.
your face blushed with a tinge of crimson, a bead of sweat gathering at your temple. you've never been in a private room with him, you only met at busy parties.
he presses a kiss on your nape, lingering to fan his hot breath on you. you felt butterflies flutter in your stomach. you decide to stand to lean against your mini bar for a while, to give yourself a little break. intimacy stresses you out.
"is something wrong?" he swirls his drink in his hand, and takes a sip from his champagne along with you. "not really. i'm just.."
you know he's worried, but that fake smile plastered on him always said otherwise. "just what?" he stands up as well.
in the blink of an eye, he's right in front of you, so close.. "just nervous." he gives you a look that spawns even more butterflies in your stomach.
the two of you put away your drinks when you catch him taking a glimpse at your lips. you know what he wants. you want it too. so badly.
"is my lip gloss smudged, or what?"
"don't play dumb."
he takes a step closer to hold your chin, he gently raises it to have you look at him in his eyes. they're beautiful. you thought. you feel like you could swim in them, it's like they could hypnotize you into doing whatever he wants. you would, no matter what it was.
you were so lucky to have a beauty like him.
he licks his lips as he sees your own tremble in excitement. the two of you are desperate to feel each other.
before you could finish your next thought, his lips collide with yours, and it's absolute perfection. they're so delicate. he thought of your lips, and your lips only. you can feel the butterflies fluttering somewhere far deeper.
you find your hands in his hair, gently tugging at it to encourage him to keep on going. his hands are all over you. one hand resting on your waist, and the other stroking your back, having you gasp and arch.
"tell me how it feels.." his voice was silky and melodious. you would fold when he spoke softly. your voice was his harmony, your sounds perfectly blending with his own.
aventurine wouldn't give you a break, you might as well just share breath. he ushered you to be more vocal by languidly grinding against you.
and you were vocal. extremely vocal. he knew just what to do, and knew how to make you crumble in his arms.
you were practically melting. you were drenched in arousal, longing for something more euphoric. the passion in him multiplied rapidly when he felt how soaked you were.
he pulls away to look at the mess you are. your legs barely keep your balance as you struggle to put two words together. your face burns a deep, beet red.
"someone's excited." aventurine smirks as he plants a kiss against your cheek. he effortlessly slips your red dress off and tosses it aside.
you avert your eyes in embarrassment. "a-aven, I.." now he really gets to see how excited you are. he himself burns a deep, beet red.
he's just as excited as you are. butterflies flutter around his insides, urging him to release his throbbing member from it's confinements.
but your eyes gave him a silent plea to slow down, so he listened.
something was so luxurious about your love. when your lips meet, it all turns to gold. you were his hidden treasure.
he was so lucky to have a beauty like you.
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lavandulawrites · 5 months
Fleeting Promises
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Yandere Aventurine x reader
This man is truly something else<3
Warnings: imprisonment, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome
Word count: 734
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Aventurine was sitting on the lush and expensive velvet couch in the extravagant living room. He was flipping through a fashion magazine filled with the latest trends that were all over the cosmos.
On his lap laid your head as he had ushered you to use his lap a pillow. He ran his hand through your soft hair as he held his magazine in the other. He hummed as he traced your right cheekbone.
“You are truly beautiful. Do you know that?” his voice a purr as admired you with a dreamy expression.
You closed your eyes. “You tell me that every day, you know.”
You could feel him chuckle at your comment.
His fingers returned to your hair as he twinned a lock around his finger. Though it appeared innocent, you knew very well what that gesture meant. You are mine was what he meant as he gently tugged on the strand.
“Oh did you hear about the rumour about the actress that played in that huge movie? Dreamers Ball? They all say she slept with some rich old man who owns a planet, only to scam big sums from him, without him seemingly knowing. Well I met her today o. a little mission I had if you can say that. And what a bitch! The rumours really are true, I am sure!” he trailed off as he saw your confusion.
“Oh… I forgot. You aren’t allowed outside. How utterly foolish of me” he chuckled.
You looked up at him and was met with eyes filled with obsession and madness. His mouth pulled back into a teasing grin.
This was all one of his sick games. He just wanted to rub it in that you couldn’t leave the house without him. He was in charge of you every waking moment and you knew that very well. He claimed he did it from his goodness of his heart and for some reason you believed him. He was as mad as they came, but his love was really. Almost too real. It felt like a cage and for some reason you felt home in that cage.
Before all this, you were a seemingly normal couple. As normal as it could be with a man who was absolutely obsessed and tapping your phone, but the love was real. And it still is. You did still love him, but you longed for freedom.
“Mmm…” you hummed. You sat up and moved away from him o the couch, so you were pressed against the opposite armrest. Even with your gaze toward your feet, which were firmly buried in the soft rug, you could feel his intensive gaze. He was looking through you. He was peering into your very being. Looking through your microscopic cells. His gaze hungry.
“What is it my love? Something bothering your pretty little head?” his honeyed voice sneaking itself intro every crook and cranny of you body. “Talk to me darling.”
You could feel the couch slightly dip as he moved to sit besides you. His arm snaking itself around your shoulder. He rested his head on top of yours and sighed. “You know you can trust me right? I would do anything for you. I have done everything and I will continue to do so. Over and over again” he pressed a kissed to your head and continued to talk with his mouth against your hair “But I need you to talk to me. Communicate. I want to know your innermost thoughts. I want to know all your troubles, feelings and dreams. I want it all. And I know you do too.”
As his smooth voice continued on, talking about his day, his love for you, shitty colleagues and whatnot, your eyes became heavy. It didn’t take long before you drifted off into a deep sleep. Safe and sound. Just like the golden haired man with the most stunning eyes promised.
You dreamt about flowers, endless meadows, the blue blue sea. You dreamt about magenta eyes that were a vibrant blue around the iris. You dreamt about soft kisses and whispered promises.
You were happy. You were safe.
Just as he promised.
He held you in his arms as he kissed your cheeks one by one. “You are safe here with me. You don’t need anyone but me. I will bring you happiness and no one can take you away from me. Ever.”
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neuvistar · 7 months
aventurine x fem!reader. cw. some hsr leak spoilers? + a lil rushed | not proofread, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancies, use of nicknames (feminine terms too, wife.. etc), minors dni. ( this is another aventurine thirst.. slight spoilers(?) r in the beginning!!)
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aventurine was the last of his kind, he acknowledged that often. his people, oh his people.. many of the innocent lives of his people were lost, like a baby losing its mother. he knew there was no use in trying to look if there were still survivors, it’s truly no use. he was the last of his kind. and he spent countless days, hours, weeks, months and maybe years thinking he’d die alone, with nobody by his side.. chained to the life of a loner, who is forced to live knowing he couldn’t save anyone of his kind.. chained to a life where people all around him hated his guts.
that was until he met you, his pretty little wife.
aventurine’s always wanted kids, to say the least. not only to restore his kind, but to raise children with you, take them out to parks.. realize the true importance and meaning of a love of a father.
aventurine’s heart belonged to you completely, he couldn’t remember the last time he’s been happy like this.. he loved you with all his heart and it showed. aventurine would kiss you, hug you and rub your belly.. whispering sweet nothings in your ear. “one day.. your tummy will be ready and full of my younglings, my darling wife. are you excited for that day?” you chuckled, rolling your eyes as you gave him a playful smack on the arm. “you’re getting too excited, ‘turine. i’m not even pregnant yet.”
“yet.” aventurine’s hands eagerly made their way down, tracing the shape of your body. "beautiful," he murmured, his voice low and filled with admiration. "you’re so beautiful, i can't help but touch you. my future younglings are so lucky to have such a pretty mother.” his fingers lingered on your breasts, savoring the feeling of their soft weight in his palms. aventurine's eyes flicked up to meet yours, a smoldering intensity in their depths. "i want a daughter with your eyes.. and your beauty, a son with your intelligence.. please. i need it all.” honestly, he’s probably so whiny n desperate all the time, always talking about getting you pregnant.. wanting to see you carry his offsprings, he wanted to restore his happiness and your own.
“mm, i know you don't want me to stop, don’t you?" aventurine’s voice was husky with desire. his hands slipped lower, tracing their way down to your lower abdomen, teasingly brushing against your wet panties. "i’ve been imagining this all night long.. watching you care for our baby girl or baby boy,” he reached beneath your panties, toying with your folds with the tip of his fingers while the others pinch and pull at your nipples. “.. you know i can't stand it anymore, baby. not when you know how much i want to claim you right here, right now. i want children, pretty girl. can.. we?”
“please.” you murmured. a grin emerged from his pretty face, eyes widened as he felt the warmth radiating from between your legs, his nostrils flaring as he inhaled deeply, his mouth watering at the familiar scent. He couldn't help but lick his lips as he continued to rub his hand against your sensitive folds, his thumb brushing against your clit. leaning closer, aventurine pressed his lips against yours in a passionate kiss, his tongue slowly making its way past your parted lips, exploring your mouth hungrily. there was one thing and one thing only in his mind, he was gonna breed you full tonight. your husband’s hand moved up to cup your breast, squeezing it gently before tweaking your nipple between his thumb and index finger, causing you to moan even louder. your body arched into his touch, begging for more..
“so beautiful.. so perfect. such a pretty little thing for me,” aventurine grunted as he continued to thrust in and out of your wet cunt, his cock stretching your walls further than you have ever experienced before. the blonde wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up slightly to better angle his thrusts. "i’ll treat you so good, dollface, our little babies are gonna have such a great father, believe me honey.” he panted, his breath hot against your neck. “fuck, ‘turine.. feels too good..” your nails dug deep into his shoulders, leaving shallow marks as you could almost see the stars, biting your lip to suppress the soft whines that threatened to leave your lips. “i know honey, i know it feels good,” aventurine knew he could feel his release building up inside of him, it’s like he buried himself within you to the absolute hilt, his cockhead rubbing against your sweetest spots. “god, i can’t wait for your pregnancy to bloom, dollface.. just like a fuckin’ flower.” his member throbbed and pulsed violently, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through both of you.
“can you feel it, doll? my love for you? can you feel it?” you nodded eagerly, your face pressed close against his neck with your eyes sealed shut. “i’m gonna get you pregnant, kay? ‘gonna fill you up like its no tomorrow.. make my dreams come true. ‘can't wait to see my little ones inside you, honey.. i’ll take care of you.”
well.. it’s best to say that maybe he’s finally not gonna be the last of his kind any time soon.
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@ NEUVISTAR. do not plagiarize, claim my work as your own, translate or share my posts on any platform outside of tumblr.
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sweetiecakesss · 5 months
Hiiii! Can I request a student council president Dr Ratio x school troublemaker, tomboyish fem reader, where Dr Ratio fucks reader into a submissive girl?
It's fine if you don't wanna do this kinda request tho! Have a nice day!
Igotchu Igotchu! In all honesty idk if I did your request right but all I know is...this is giving Hate Fucking-- So yes! <3 Hope you like it, Anon!
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Fear Me, Not | Veritas Ratio (18+)
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Synopsis: You accidentally humiliated The student council president.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Tags: Veritas Ratio, Ratio being mean, Vouyeurism, Getting Caught, Slapping, Ratio calling you mena names, Hate Fucking, AFAB Reader!
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇Note: am so proud of this one, got me choking and shi--hihihihihihi
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You have waited over the weekend to get your revenge on the principal who called you a good for nothing bottom feeder.
Every monday morning your school held this boring ceremony at the gym wherein the Student Body Council President does a small speech and then the Principal, waking up very early, you decided to go to school to set up your trap…
So far so good, as soon as you reached school…IT was going smoothly, until…
Audible gasp let out from the students as the saw Veritas Ratio, dripping wet. Angered fueled him as he grabbed the mic and looked at everyone, his eye twitching in rage.
"Who.The.Fuck.Did.This…" He let out, well there was only answer and everyone in school knew that. Comically enough, everyone stepped aside as all of them pointed to you, including the principal and other teachers.
Ratio looked at you before got off of stage and dragged you by your arm and left the school gymnasium…
You're fucked…
Muffled moans filled the room as Ratio rammed his cock in you, his hand covering your mouth while his other hand is tightly gripped onto the cheeks of your ass. Fear was filling your body as your eyes remained on the unlock door of the student council room, tears streamed down from your eyes as he bullied his cock in you, hitting all the right places with each strong thrust.
"Think you're so clever humiliating me like that…" Ratio let out in a whisper through gritted teeth as he leaned down, his chest on your back, his lips on the crook of your neck as he left his marks on your body. Letting go of your mouth, his hand moved down to your neck, gripping on it.
"Fuck yo-- ngh-- let me go…" You hissed at him in between moans, despite your harsh words; Ratio was unfazed as he continued to ram himself inside you.
"You say that but you're clenching around my dick like a fucking whore." He growled, his hips snapping against you, causing your eyes to roll at the back of your head and letting out a surprised yelp that was supressed as Ratio covered your mouth again.
If only you hadn't humiliated Ratio during his morning speech at the school gym this wouldn't happened, you wouldn't have to feel his cock in you, filling you up in all the right spaces, treating you like a woman that deserves to be fucked right. Just as you and Ratio were too engrossed at feeling eachother's bodies, the both of you stopped in your tracks as you both heard a knock on the door.
The both of you looked at eachother briefly before he then pulled out of you, quickly grabbing you by your hair and pulling you, making you kneel down under his desk. Using his feet, he pushed the disregarded clothes down the table with you before taking a seat.
"Come in" He let out sternly. Your eyes widened as you looked up at him who then met your gaze. His eyes sharp and narrowing at you, his hands still on your head before he grabbed your hair again and pushed you down on his erect cock, your mouth being full of him.
"Uhh Ratio?" Looking back up, Ratio met Aventurine's gaze who was looking at him with raised brows.
"What do you want? If you're here to piss me off am not in the mood." Ratio Retorted as he slightly moved his hips, his hands guiding you to bob your head up and down his shaft.
"Woah! What's got you so pissed? Is it that Girl again?" Aventurine let out as he took a seat in front of Ratio's desk.
"That's none of your business." Ratio quickly retorted to which Aventurine just laughed heartedly.
"Just came here to chat but it looks like you're on your monthly period, Don't want to get under your nerves or I might get punished…Right, Y/N?…" Aventurine let out. As soon as he called out your name, your eyes widened as you used your hands to push yourself off of Ratio's cock, saliva dripping down your mouth as you coughed.
Ratio briefly looked down then back up at Aventurine with raised brows. Aventurine chuckled before he stood up and headed to the door.
"I can see her feet peeking out from under the table." Aventurine let out before he walked out of the room, turning the lock on before closing the door.
After Aventurine Left, Ratio leaned back on his chair and looked down at you.
"We got caught because of you!" You let out in a whispering yell, Ratio looked at you and slapped you on your face.
"Don't talk to me like that, Have you forgotten what you did to me earlier?" Ratio let out as he stood up from his seat, before bedning down and grabbing you by your arm, dragging you and making you stand up on your feet and bending you against his table once more.
"It's not my fault you stepped on the trigger, that was supposed to be for--" You paused in your tracks as your eyes widened, a quiet yet audible gasp escaping your lips as you felt him push his cock in you again. Stretching you as he made sure his shape was remembered.
"What's wrong? Can't talk?" He let out, feigning empathy as he moved his hips slowly. Ratio let out small groans, his hot breath against your skin as he lowered his head and kissed the skin on your shoulder.
"…Pussy too--fuck- full for you to talk?" He added as his movements began to pick up its pace, your head lowered as you let out soft moans, biting your lip as you try to supress the erotic sounds that escapes you.
Ratio just chuckled as he just focused on fucking himself in you, each drag of his cock you can feel its prominent veins. Your walls clenching down onto his cock and no matter how much you deny it, you know deep down you don't want him to stop.
Letting yourself go into the pleasure, you slowly leaned your body down, your mounds smooched down on the wooden desk as you stood on your tippy toes, hips moving in circles against him.
"Sho chlose…please..please" You begged him, your words slurring in the process. Ratio could only chuckle at your antics as he stood up straight, his hands grabbing onto the soft skin of your hips as he then quickened his pace.
Hips thrusting into you, groans escaping Ratio's lips as he muttered your name. Your eyes rolling at the back of your head as you cried in pleasure, moaning and calling out his name.
"Cumming!…Cumming!" You let out in between groans, with a few more thrusts, Ratio pushed his cock deep in you before coats of white painted your walls, your legs shaking as your nails scratched onto his wooden desk; Squirting as it covered you down to your legs, liquid dripping down onto the floor.
Ratio then pulled out of you as he took a seat down, admiring his work before grabbing onto your ass with both hands and spreading your folds open, letting his cum drip down.
"You look appealing this way than when you run your mouth…" Ratio let out, moving his face close to you and kissing the cheeks of your ass.
"Shut the fuck up…My body hurts…" You complained, Ratio chuckled before he then grabbed you by your hips and let you sat on his lap, kissing your forehead.
"Rest for a bit before you leave and go to detention." Ratio let out softly, taken aback…your eyes widened and you looked at him to which he raised his brows.
"What? You think just because you let me fuck your pussy good, you're getting out of trouble? Think Again."
You hate him, so fucking much…
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