myownprivatcidaho · 2 years
him looking back over his shoulder after saying goodbye to the whole room to personally look me in the eye and softly say "see ya" with an even softer smile
me, internally:
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Loki x gn!reader
Requested on ao3 by Cas:
"Could you possibly do a Loki X reader where the reader uses they them . Amd like Loki they can shapeshift and things but it’s all new to them amd he’s the only one around who understands. Even if they’re both stubborn. And idk like the others realizing they like each other”
This is like an AU where Loki lives with the Avengers in the Tower instead of being imprisoned on Asgard
Warnings: dysphoria, gender identity crises, lowkey unaccepting Avengers?? Mostly Tony being an asshole bc he can
Word Count: 1965
ao3 link to fic
Loki Masterlist
"Explain it to me again?"
You sighed for the up-teenth time that hour. Steve was trying to understand the concept of gender identities and pronouns, and, as a man from the 40s, it wasn't going so well.
"I prefer they/them pronouns because it makes me feel more comfortable with my identity." You were talking slower than you probably should have been, but it felt like trying to teach a child how physics works. "Because I don't identify as boy," you gestured your hands to one side, "or girl. So the neutral terms make me feel better."
He nodded slowly. Would he finally grasp it? You hoped to all the gods in every religion that he would.
"So... what do you identify as?"
You shrugged. "I haven't really gotten far enough to label it, but I know what I'm not."
He nodded slowly again.
You quirked an eyebrow at him. "Understand?"
"I think so?" It didn't sound confident. "So when I refer to you..."
"You'd say they or them instead of he or she. So, like, 'they went over there' or 'I saw them at the bar.'"
He nodded again. This one felt more confident. "It's gonna take some time-"
"As long as you're willing to try." You gave him a smile, which he returned.
Then Tony had to walk in and ruin it. "There she is!"
"Oh fuck off, Tony," you growled before you could stop yourself.
He put a hand over his heart, gasping in fake shock. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, little boy?"
You began lunging for him, but Steve was fast enough to grab your balled up fist. Damn. You really wanted to put that asshole in his place.
"Hey, hey! Y/N, go take a walk." The super soldier gave you a pointed look, getting in between you and Tony to block your death-glare. "I'll handle this. Go walk."
You sighed, fists still clenched by your side. But you nodded, and left the common room (with a stern glare in Tony's direction) to take a walk around the Tower. God, where to even go. The training room was your first thought, and it's where your feet started taking you.
As you walked, your mind traveled elsewhere. It wandered to your room, reminding you of the different forms you had changed into before bed last night. And then again this morning, searching for a body that felt comfortable. It was new, and weird, but you were beginning to get the hang of it.
Of course, with shapeshifting came the identity crisis, and dysphoria. Already you could feel its anxious tendrils gripping at your mind, critiquing the form you were in now. You groaned, body morphing as you stepped into the training room.
Now, you looked very unlike your usual self. Your eyes were the same, but your body was that of a boxer's. You sighed as you looked down at your failed attempt to fight off the dysphoria. Your brain was halfway focused on training, and now you looked the part.
The irony tasted bitter.
"Y/N? That you?"
You looked up to see Clint, lowering his bow from the target. He seemed confused on your new appearance, and the staring only made you more uncomfortable in your skin.
"Yeah," you confirmed. You sighed and your body morphed back into your normal self. No matter what, the thoughts in the back of your mind would linger. You would just have to live with it.
"Was Tony giving you a hard time again?" You didn't need to say anything for him to understand. He was the father of a young family - he knew when someone was upset. "That asshole, I swear I'll-"
"It's fine." You waved a hand, dismissing him. "Just leave it alone."
"You know he only does it to get a rise out of you," came Natasha's voice from seemingly out of nowhere, making you jump. "You should just ignore him."
You scoffed. "Yeah, you try ignoring him when he's insulting who you are. Then we'll talk."
The training room was not being very comforting right now. You backed away to the door. "I'll see you later."
"You didn't even train!" Clint shouted right before the door shut.
You didn't want to risk going back to the common room and seeing Tony's smug face as he misgendered you, and you didn't want to go back in the training room to hear why you shouldn't bother giving Tony the light of day. You were frustrated and angry, and you just wanted to feel normal.
You sighed, stepped into the elevator, and pressed the button for the roof.
The gravel was rough. It was pointy and sharp and dug into you as you sat on it. But it was a welcome distraction from everything else.
After the Battle of New York, no one really came up here. Well, no one except you and one Mischievous God.
Shortly after you sat down and got comfortable watching the sky, the elevator left and came back with said God inside. He seemed hesitant to join you, but he did eventually wander his way onto the gravel.
"Do you mind if I join you?" he asked. You shrugged and he took that as a sign to sit down. He winced at the feeling of the gravel, but didn't say anything. "I didn't expect an Avenger to be up here all alone."
You hummed, picking up a stone. You tossed it a few feet away.
"They don't really..." You sighed, trying to figure out how to phrase it. You couldn't even be in a room with your two most supportive friends for more than two minutes, but here you were about to bear your heart out to Loki, the guy you all teamed up to defeat. "I'm a shapeshifter, but I'm not used to it. I'm not good at it. I'll want to change into a petite woman and end up changing into some buff dude."
It was quiet for a bit. You turned to look at Loki when you saw a green glow coming from his direction. Instead of the man you were used to, there sat a woman. Long black hair that flowed like waves of ink, prominent lips and high cheekbones. She was, admittedly, beautiful.
"Like this?" she asked.
You nodded, stunned for words. She smirked at the silence.
"My mother taught me how to shapeshift when I was young. It started out with animals, like frogs and snakes, and eventually..." She gestured to herself. She shrugged. "It helps, sometimes."
You hummed, brow furrowing. "I thought you weren't allowed to do magic?"
"No body said anything about shapeshifting into different forms of myself," she countered smugly, "just no shifting into animals and the like."
"Nice loophole," you chuckled.
You turned from Loki, looking back to the clouds in the sky. She seemed content to simply stay there in her female form, watching the clouds with you. When you turned back, her eyes were closed and she was basking in the warmth of the sun.
"Do you think you could teach me?"
She quirked a brow. "Hm. I suppose I could."
"Oh, come on, you know you could use my shifting as a way to prank the others, too, right?"
She smirked. "The thought hadn't crossed my mind, dear."
"What do you usually picture when you try to shift?" Loki asked, back into his male form.
You shrugged, sitting on his bed as he paced around. "I just picture what I want to feel like in a form. Like, I want to feel more masculine so I shift into a man, or feminine so I shift to be a woman."
"And androgynous?"
"You're looking at it."
He chuckled. "Alright. This is the real you then, I presume?"
You hummed. "Not much to look at, I know."
"Not at all, darling," he dismissed. "I think this is the best version of you yet."
You tried not to flush at the compliment. Most people didn't want to see you, they wanted to see some famous actor or weird alien, or anything cool, but not you. This was the first time someone thought that just plain you was enough.
You cleared your throat, trying to take the attention away from you. "Well, what do you picture when you change?"
"I picture myself as that being or creature. For example, as a snake I imagine what my scales would look like, what my fangs would be. For my 'Lady Loki' form, well, I've been doing it for so long now, I can hardly remember how I first transformed into her. I believe I did something similar to you: I imagined myself as more feminine, imagined what I may look like that way. It's part of my identity now."
Your ears perked up at the word "identity". You'd never even thought to ask. How stupid of you.
"And what do you identify as?"
He stopped pacing, turning to you with confusion on his face. "I don't think there was ever a word for it on Asgard. It was simply how I was, and my mother and Thor accepted it that way," he admitted. "I believe I heard you Midgardians calling it 'genderfluid.' Really, I don't believe on putting a label on everything."
"Says the God of Mischief."
He chuckled. "Fair enough."
Loki was a surprisingly good teacher. He used what he knew from his own magic, although wildly different from how you used your powers, and applied it to your abilities. It was extremely helpful. Already you had better control over the forms you could change into. You had one masculine and one feminine form you could change into without much thought, and you were working on more with his help. He even offered to help you transform into animals, when the time came.
You two were practically attached at the hip. Wherever he was, you were there, wanting to know more. He admired your thirst for knowledge. You admired his patience with you, helping you even after countless failures.
You found yourselves back on the roof. This time, you brought a thick blanket to protect against the gravel, and even some snacks.
The sun was going down. The sky was painted with pinks, oranges and yellows, morphing into blues and purples. It was beautiful.
"I don't think I ever asked," Loki broke the silence. "What do you identify as?"
You shrugged. You'd never really been able to answer that question. Even now, after almost a month of training under Loki and self-reflection, you couldn't put a label on it. "I don't think I'm ready to label it as anything yet."
He hummed, thoughtful. "Or maybe it doesn't need a label."
You turned to look at him. The orange of the sun made his skin glow. His blue eyes shone like the ocean in the light.
"And what would you label this?"
He turned to look at you, eyebrow raised. "This?"
"That depends."
"What you think it should be."
"Way to turn it around."
He grinned. "It's my speciality."
You looked at the sky again. The sun was barely peeking over the skyline now. Only a sliver of orange peeked over the horizon, and it, too, was quickly fading.
"Whatever it is, I like it," you admitted, softly. Your eyes didn't leave the horizon. You were afraid of what you would see if you turned to look at the God beside you.
A cool hand was suddenly cupping your cheek, turning your face so you had no choice but to meet the gaze of the shapeshifter. His face was closer than you expected it to be. You hoped he couldn't hear how fast your heart was beating.
"I like it, too," he whispered.
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violetlou2020 · 3 years
DAY 7 of @flufftober2021
Meddling Friends
Tittle: Extra, Extra Third Wheels [ao3]
Author: Vividly_Violet
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Relationship: Tachibana Hinata/Hanagaki Takemichi, Hanagaki Takemichi & Toman | Tokyo Manji Gang Members
Rating: General
Word Count: 1657
Takemichi is out on a date with Hina. Toman, namely Mikey dragged the rest along to 'help' out Takemitchy without the latter knowing.
"That concludes tonight's meeting. Dismiss!" Draken shouted, the Toman members shouted their affirmation and dispersed leaving only the founding members and their vices remaining at the shrine.
Draken approached the sitting figure in the middle of the building and nudge him with his foot.
"Oi Mikey, meetings over wake up already." the Toman's leader stood up swaying before slumping against his second in command with an oof.
"Ken-chin! Carry me." the teen whined. Draken sighed before grudgingly hoisting up the smaller teen on his back.
"Wanna get something to eat and hang out?" Mitsuya asked, his mother was home today and had basically threw him out their door telling him to have fun and don't worry about the his younger sisters since she has it covered.
"Food!" Mikey nodded vigorously throwing his hands in the air in excitement.
"Oi calm down will you, you're gonna fall off!" Draken shouted, tightening his hold.
"Mmm Yuzuha's staying with a friend tonight, no one will cook for me so count me in." Hakkai said.
"You seriously need to learn to cook, the basics will do." Mitsuya said to his vice.
"Well if you're offering to teach taka-chan then why not." Hakkai replied with a grin.
"Oi I never offered."
"We can do it over on the weekends, bring Mana and Luna along too!" Mitsuya just shook his head fondly and gave up.
"Ahh I'm going as well. Baji-san your mom's out of town you'll be coming too?" Baji grumbled a yes before following Mitsuya down the shrine.
"How about you partner? You've been quiet the whole night." Chifuyu elbowed the other blond teen startling him.
"Who— wha— what did you say?"
"I said we're going out to eat, you joining? and quit spacing out." scolded the first division vice captain. Takemichi laughed nervously.
"Ah sorry about that, yeah sure I'll come along but I'll have to leave early."
"Ehh but who's gonna treat me to dorayaki after." Mikey complained, peeking over Draken's shoulder.
"Sorry Mikey-kun, I have a date with Hina tomorrow. I need to get ready for it."
"No fair!"
"They're dating, it's only natural they spend time together." Takashi said as they headed to their bikes.
"Buuuut— Takemitchy take me with you tomorrow too."
"What! Mikey-kun that's not possible. It's just gonna be me and Hina." the Toman leader pouted as Draken placed him on his motorcycle and a helmet on his Commanders head before mounting the bike himself.
"I know you were gonna be like this," Takemichi said loud enough for only Chifuyu to hear, "I'll tell on Emma. Both your sister amd Hina have been getting along well so she knows about tomorrows date, she said If you tag along she won't make you breakfast for a week." he threatened and Mikey crossed his arms across his chest before looking away.
The gang looked shock at how Takemichi managed to stomp the scariest person they knew. They mentally clap at him.
"Haha, nice one. We might make a decent delinquent out of you yet." Baji cackled.
The rest laughed along and mounted their bikes, Takemichi riding along Chifuyu and drove off.
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The next day the founding members and some of the vice captains found themselves gathered in the middle of a park, each sporting a confused expression as they watch their leader walk back and forth.
"Ok is no one gonna ask why we're here." Keisuke loudly whispered and Chifuyu elbowed the older teen. Takashi shrugged and offered a reassuring smile to his vice who was looking nervous watching Mikey pace. Draken sighed and hauled Mikey and sat him on the swing.
"So why'd you all call us here?" Ryuuguuji broached.
"Ehh?" all chorused.
"He's on a date right now." Mikey added, the gangs confusion just seemed to grow.
"Wait— don't tell me you wanna crash their date!" Chifuyu exclaimed. Mitsuya and Shiba exchange incredulous glances while Baji started wheezing on the side.
"Oi don't tell me you're jealous of Takemitchy." said the vice Commander.
"I'm not."
"... Tachibana then?" Draken willed himself to calm down, losing his temper would be a waste of energy.
"Mikey, we aren't going anywhere here with you not telling us anything. So, why'd you have us gather and what does it have to do with Takemitchy?" Mitsuya intervened before the half of the twin dragon exploded.
The short blonde gestured wildly, swinging back and fort on his seat. "We're gonna help him out!"
The group fell in to silence. They don't know where their leader got the idea to butt in on others business but at the back of their mind they know they were in for a tiring day.
Plus the were pretty sure Takemichi doesn't need help from someone who hasn't even gotten a girlfriend once in their life. They all thought collectively.
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After the group tracked down the glasses wearing member of Hanagaki's friend and convincing (scaring) him to sharing Takemichis location, the Toman members found themselves sitting in the movie theater a couple of seats behind the couple.
A romantic comedy film was playing on the big screen and Chifuyu and his fellow vice, Hakkai, was fully invested on the story while the rest of the Captains kept a close eye on their commander.
"What do you think Mikey's planning?" Baji asked as he spat some stale popcorn and glared at the people at his back who hissed at him to shut up. He hissed at them back.
Draken smack him in the head. "Shhh keep it quiet." chastised the blond. Any other day, Ruuguuji would have cared less. He wasn't one to meddle in other's affairs but Emma personally requested they keep her brother from ruining Hina's date after getting wind of what Mikey was planning to do from Matsuno.
"Mhhm guys Mikeys on the move." said Mitsuya.
"Crap." Draken got up from his seat and stalked after their leader who was inching nearer the couple. The movie goers made some noises at the couple of teens blocking their view. This seem to catch Takemichi's attention causing him to look behind. He yelped when he saw glaring eyes of the people seated behind which he thought was aimed at him. The young teen immediately stared ahead on the screen.
"Hmm what is it?" Hina asked.
"Ahhh nothing, it was nothing." Takemichi replied sinking further in tk his seat. Hina just hummed and rested her head on her boyfriends shoulder who relaxed at the contact.
Behind the couples seat Draken and Mikey were crouched, Drakens hand on Mikeys mouth to keep him quiet. The younger blonde bit into the older teens hand causing Draken to let go.
"Ken-chin what was that about?"
"What were you doing?" Draken whispered harshly as he pulled Mikey back to their seat.
"I was just gonna tell Takemitchy he should put his arm around Tachibana." said their leader who pulled a crumpled notebook from somewhere and showed Draken an image with the caption 'if you're going on a date to the movies, pretend to yawn and casually place your arm around your girl.' accompanied by a thumbs up.
The vice commander stared at the notebook before asking in a deadpan voice.
"What the hell is that?"
"It's Shinichirou's Guide to Getting Lucky." Mikey showed the front of the notebook which had what Mikey said written in the covers.
"Found this while Emma forced me to clean yesterday."
"Mikey, you and I both knew that your brother had the worst luck with the opposite sex and was the lamest person to offer advices when it comes to relationships."
"Oh... wait you're right."
卍 卍 卍 卍 卍
After the movie Takemichi and Hinata went window shopping naturally the group followed suit. They would occasionally be successful in distracting their leader with the colorful printed apparels from the shop across from where Takemichi and Hinata were. After a few more shops and booths, the couple went inside a quaint looking restaurant to presumably eat lunch.
The gang exchanged looks with each other before carefully entering the same restaurant taking caution not to be seen by the pair. After they seated themselves, the six teens hid behind the menu.
"I really don't understand why we're still doing this." Hakkai said to Chifuyu.
"I know but at least we got to watch that movie. I didn't expect it to be that good."
"Oh your right!" the pair continued to talk in their own world. Meanwhile Mikey, Draken and Mitsuya looked over the menu deciding on what to order after a tiring day of walking around the city.
Baji, who had been patient and quiet, or patient enough in his own standard was getting tired and bored of walking around and following the sickeningly lovey-dovey couple. He just had enough of it was about to leave his seat and demand the boyfriend girlfriend duo to at least go and do something interesting when a pair of bright eyes and matching bright smile greeted him with a "hi."
The dark long haired teen fell back on his seat in surprise, causing the rest to swerve their heads towards him and the other figure.
"Tachibana-san." Mitsuya was the first to greet her. She waved at all of them. Draken cranked his head behind her and noticed Takemichi wasn't on his seat. Noticing this Hina piped in.
"Takemichi-kun is in the bathroom. Do you want to join table? You guys were hardly inconspicuous following us you know."
卍 卍 卍 卍 卍
When Takemichi returned back from the bathroom it was to the sight of his and Hina's table joined by another one to make it longer and a laughing Hina to whatever Chifuyu was telling her.
"What are you all doing here!" the poor blonde screeched in surprise.
"Lunch of course." Mikey said as he took a bite of his chicken.
"Yup lunch." the rest of the guys echoed. Hina giggled and Takemichi just hang his head in defeat before taking his seat besides his girlfriend.
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killerqueenishere · 4 years
The ball | Draco Malfoy x Slytherin! Reader
Warning: Maybe some swear words and fluff and this is kinf of long
Description: You are in Slytherin and friends with golden trio and Draco and here is coming a Yule Ball, will Draco ask you to go with him? (AU where Voldemort is defeated in the first war and Slytherin and Gryffindor are on good tearms and Malfoy and golden trio are friends)
A/N: sorry for any spelling mistakes English is not my first language
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You were sitting with Hermione on transfiguration when professor McGonagall announce that there will be a ball, through class room was mixed emotions, some of the students groaned at the idea of going to the ball and dancing all night, while some was very excited for the upcoming event.
When class was dismissed you walked with Hermione towards great hall "We need to get dresses" she said "Well there is Hogsmade trip tomorrow, we can go and buy dresses" you smiled at the girl next to you.
"Hey why didn't you waited on us" said Ron a bit angry behind you two "Well you know way to great hall yourself" you said walking inside the big room, waving to Hermione you walked to Slytherin table with Draco.
Hermione and you left boys at the very beginning of Hogsmade, you two headed towards Gladrags Wizardwear to look for night gowns.
"Wow" you mumbled under your breath "How are we going to decide what to wear whit so many beautiful dresses" you looked around "Well we need to try, besides we will know the right dress when we see it" she said walking further in the shop "Like this one, it is mesmerising" she said while touching the soft material of the pink dress "it is beautiful, you should try it" you said looking up at her.
While you waited for her you wandered around thw shop looking at dresses that was there, they were all beautiful but you just didn't thought that they were for you.
"Y/n" you turned around, when your eyes layed on the nervous girl in front of you, you immediately smiled "You look beautiful" gou said making her a bit more relaxed "Really?" She asked "Really, it looks beautiful on you, you should buy it" she nodded her head looking at herself in the mirror "You are right, I will buy it"
You were back to looking at the dresses, sighing slowly when you didn't found anything "Have you found something" Hermione said walking towards you "Nope" you said popping the p "let me help you"
She was looking for dress, you kind of lose hope that you will find good dress "What about this one?" She said holding baby blue silk dress "It is beautiful, but" she nodded "Okey" she said turning to look through dresses again, but before she could show you next dress you started walking away from her, towards the grey dress that catched your eye.
You walked towards it like enchanted, touching the soft fabric of the dress and following the flowers that were on her, you were in awe "Hermione" you said that so low that you were sure that she didn't heard it "Wow, it is beautiful" she said from beside you "Yeah it is" you said smiling "That then means that you find the right one"
Walking towards tree broomstick with big smiles on your faces and bags in hands, Harry, Ron and Draco were already in pub waiting on you two, they had butterbear in front of them while talking about Quidditch
"Hey guys" you said sitting next to Draco, tree boys gave you two a bright smile "Have you heard who is coming to the ball?" You asked expectedly "No" Deaco said looking at you with furrowed eyebrows "The Weird Sisters!" You cheerfully said "I cannot wait to see them live, especially the drummer" Ron groaned "Ginny is obsessed with them" Harry looked confused "Who are they?"
"They are the best rock band ever! They are amazing" low sigh left your lips "I hope that they will play my favourite song 'Magic works' such a beautiful slow song"
You were currently walking towards the secret sport near Grear lake, you discovered that place in your second year with Draco, you two would often come there to just talk or sit in silence, you two fould comfort in each other, that is one of milion reasons that you feel for him.
Just as you got out from castle Hermione run up to you "You won't believe who asked me to go with him" she said "So Ron finally got some balls" you said laughing "Well actually no" hearing that you stopped laughing to look at her "Actually Krum asked me to go with him and I said yes" she said "Since Ron will not ask me than I will go with Krum" you nodded "What about you? Did Draco asked you" you shook your head "Nope" Hermione groaned "Boys" she shook her head "Yeah well if someone ask me than I will say yes"
One week until Yule Ball
"Hey Y/n" you turned to your left to see who that is and you saw Cedric, an older Hufflepuff who was in the tournament "Hello" you politely smiled at taller boy "Can I ask you something" he said while one if his hands filed to his wavy hair "Sure" he cleared his voice "Do you want to maybe go with me to the ball" he askrd "Sure" even if you didn't want to go with him but since the guy who you want did asked you you accepted "Cool" he smiled before he started walking away.
The Yule Ball
You did Hermione's hair and make up before doing yours, in the middle of you applying your lipstick Hermione walked out od bathroom "Hermione you look beautiful, Krum will love it" she smiled "Thank you so much" you hugged her "you are welcome" you said "Go and change or we will be late" you nodded while going to bathroom
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(Your look)
You walked down the stairs with Hermione by your side, in front of great hall was Harry and his date, Krum was looking lovely in Hermione but your eyes landed on platinum haired boy talking with one Slytherin girl, she was beautiful, she had black silk dress amd hair hair feel down her shoulders in waves, you turned your gaze to Cedric, you weren't able to look at Draco and her it pained you.
Cedric took your hand in his while smiling at you "You look beautiful" blushing a little you thanked him.
You were in awe, the great hall was beautiful and soft piano piece was played in the background, turning to face Cedric, taking his hand in one hand while you placed other on his shoulder, you began the first dance.
You felt guilty for thinking about Draco while talking or dancing with Cedric but you couldn't help yourself, you catched yourself looking occasionally at platinum boy
"Why didn't you go with him?" Turning your head to look at Cedric you asked "with who?" He smiled "With Deaco, you've been looking at him almost all night" you looked down "I'm sorry" he placed his finger underneath your chin so he coulf make you look up at him "Don't be sorry, we cannot help who whe like, I was planning on asking Cho but she already had a date" he tried to smile but he failed "Well Draco never asked me to go with him" you admitted "I'm sorry" he said "For what? It is not your fault"
"What is wrong with Cho?" You asked turning away from Cedric "it looks like they are talking her to hospital wing" you looked at Cedric only to see sad and worried expression "You should go to her" you said "What about you?" You smiled at him "I will be fine, now go and be with her" Cedric hugged you while mumbling thanks.
You were leaning on a wall watching everyone having fun, this was supposed to be fun night, you were supposed to go with Draco, you were supposed to dance now but instead you were left alone, you didn't blame Cedric for leaving to go to Cho, you would do the same thing if you were on his place.
"What are you doing here alone" turning away to look who that is you said "I could ask you the same thing Draco" he moved to lean on the wall next to you "Well my date left early" you nodded "Well Cedric is in hospital wing with Cho" you answer to his previous question "Ah yes I saw her going to the hospital wing, I think that she is allergic to something that was in punch" he laughed softly "Hey that is not funny at all!" You said while playfully hitting his arm "Sorry, you are tight"
"Poor Cho" You said while looking around "Yeah" Deaco agreed, than you heard all too familiar tune of your favourite song from The Weird Sisters and smiled a bit.
"May I have this dance with you" Draco asked as he extended his hand to you, you looked at his soft hand and than at his icy blue eyes "Yes you may" you said while talking his hand in yours.
You two danced softly and in the middle of a song you placed your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, you wanted to stay like this forever, you wanted to always be this close to him
"You know, I actually wanted to ask you to go with me" you pushed your head away from his chest to look at him "Why didn't you" you asked "Well I honestly wanted to think of a special way to ask you and than one day I saw Cedric asking you and you said yes to him and well and my heart broke a bit so I asked the first person that came my way" he said looking away "Wait, I thought that you didn't want to go with me amd I said that next person who asks me that I will go with him, I didn't had Idea that you wanted to go with me, I was so disappointed and sad because I am not going with you" Draco now looked at you "God this whole thing was a bit messed up" he laughed softly and you could listen to that sound your whole life "I really like you and when I saw you tonight I wished so much that you are going with me" you two stopped dancing and his hands were now on your neck "I really, really like you too" you smiled at him "Good, now I can finally do this" and his lips met yours in a soft kiss, he tasted like green apples and mint, his lips were softer than cotton, you pulled away after few moments smiling at each other.
This night ended better than you expected it to.
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maxrev · 4 years
Kissing Prompt: On the sidewalk/Celebration John/Kaidan
Whew...these boys took this and RAN with it lol. Got kind of serious but I think it turned out okay. Thanks for the ask!
From these prompts here 
New Year’s Eve 2187
For the first time since the Reapers had been defeated, the city had been cleared of much of the debris, though still a long way to go towards being rebuilt. But on the heals of such an accomplishment, London was in full celebratory mode. Maybe Shepard and Kaidan were too. 
John was getting out of the hospital, finally able to go home. It wasn’t without cost; he’d lost his leg and had a long road of recovery ahead. 
Kaidan stepped out of the skycab and walked inside the hospital to fill out the paperwork and bring him home. He’d brought a bag of clothes for John to change into, though they probably wouldn’t fit well. He’s lost so much weight and muscle tone. 
He’d been here every day through John’s recovery and as much as possible when he began his physical therapy, wanting to know what to do once they were back at the apartment. Frustration was a constant for both of them during this time. The once fun-loving, flirty Shepard was gone, being replaced by a man who was serious and taciturn. Kaidan missed the former and was determined to get him back, though he loved John no matter what. They were together, which meant everything to Kaidan. They almost didn’t get the chance. 
“Hello, Major Alenko.” 
He nodded at the nurse, “How’re you doing, Judy?”
“Today is a good day, sir. Ready for New Year’s. It’s about time for a celebration, if you ask me.” 
Unable to argue with the sentiment, he told her, “Enjoy yourself and be careful, okay?” 
A bright smile was his response, “I will, sir. You do the same. Will you be going to watch the fireworks? It will be soon, I think, nearing dark now.” 
“No, I don’t think so.” 
His words were met with a look of understanding. John was not likely to want to be in a crowd and Kaidan was uncomfortable in them in any case. Suited them both to stay in. Signing the papers she’d placed on the counter, he turned and walked down the hallway towards the wing where John was. His heartbeat sped up in anticipation; he thought this day would never come. 
As he neared John’s room, he heard a commotion; then John’s voice. An angry voice. “I can damn well get to the door on my own!” 
“Sir, we can’t allow you to walk to the door. It’s our poli--” 
“Fuck your policy.” A loud clattering sound accompanied his words, as if he’d thrown his cane across the room. 
Kaidan quickened his pace. Maybe he could calm John and rescue the nurse, who was probably at the end of her rope. Or in fear of her life. 
He stepped into the room, reading the situation in a glance. John leaning against the side of the bed in his hospital gown, the back open from the neck down, feet flat on the floor. The cane was lying against the wall across from him. Even from here, Kaidan could see the strain on his body, shaking slightly. 
The young nurse stood behind the chair, tendrils of hair having escaped from her bun and were now clinging to her face which was bright red. It didn’t appear to be from embarrassment, either. Her hands clenched the handles, white-knuckled, but she stood her ground, a look of dogged determination on her face. She was braver than many before her. Kaidan had lost count of the nurses John had run off.
He let the door shut behind him with a whoosh, quiet but enough to grab the attention of them both. Two pairs of eyes turned to focus on the intrusion. He saw relief in the nurse’s emerald green eyes, stubborn sullenness in blue eyes currently the color of a storm tossed sea. He’d hoped today would be a celebration of their own with John finally coming home. Biting back a sigh of frustration, he nodded at the nurse to leave. She huffed but left them alone. 
Setting the bag on the bed behind John, he settled next to him. “Hey, there.” 
“Don’t even start. You’re going to be as bad - or even worse - than she was.” 
He refused to take the bait. “Am I?” 
John opened his mouth, then closed it again, body relaxing in defeat. “Sorry, Kaidan. I just...I want to leave on my own steam, you know?” 
Oh, he did but some rules were in place for a reason. “How about a compromise?” 
John turned to him, brows furrowed over clearing blue eyes, “What kind of compromise?” 
He grabbed the bag, took out John’s clothes and shoved them in his hands. “Get dressed.” 
Stubborn as he could be, John knew when Kaidan had made up his mind there was no pushing. He shuffled to the wheelchair, unable to stand, and sat down in it to slide his legs into the pants, then pulled off his gown and pulled the tee over his head. Once he was dressed, he remained still, winded. 
Looking up at Kaidan, expecting to see a smirk, he was surprised to find him not even paying attention. He was packing things into the bag, minus the hospital gown. “Thought you’d want to keep the gown. You know, easy access.” 
A strangled sound followed his statement. Kaidan finally turned, tips of his ears pink, brown eyes shiny. “Well, I could always throw it in there if you’ll miss it so much.” 
“Hell, no.” The response as emphatic. Kaidan smiled and went back to packing. “You planned this, didn’t you?” 
“To take you home? John, I’ve been planning this since the day the Normandy limped back to earth and I knew you were alive.” 
Waving his hand dismissively, John soon realized Kaidan couldn’t even see him. “No. I mean me dressing myself and getting winded, so I’d realize I needed the wheelchair.”  
Pausing in the act of packing, Kaidan turned to him. John saw his eyebrow game was strong, thick dark brows furrowed down, “No. I was going to ask you to ride in it to the front doors, then I’d just let you go out on your own steam.” 
Looking around the bed and the tables nearby, Kaidan checked to make sure he’d gathered everything. He walked over and picked up John’s cane and handed it to him with a rueful smile. The doctors and nurses had sent him home yesterday with all the supplies they thought he could possibly need amd instructions to call if they ran into a situation where they needed help. 
Zipping the bag shut, he turned. John remained in the chair, gazing at him. "What?" 
The solemn blue eyes looked away and Shepard spoke softly, an apology tumbling from his lips, "Im sorry for being such an ass. You deserve better, Kaidan."
Kaidan walked over, squatting down so they were eye level. He cupped John’s cheek, gently turning his head back to face him. "Listen to me," he paused, taking a breath to calm his emotions as his words sounded harsh even to his own ears. "There is no where else I’d rather be than right here, with you. Okay?" 
John nodded but Kaidan wasn’t convinced he believed it. He'd have to prove it then. He leaned forward but the moment was lost as the head nurse came in, a look of extreme agitation mixed with bullheaded determination on her face. She was followed by the younger one who'd been arguing with John. Kaidan stood up. He just wanted to get John hime and not have any more delays. 
"We're ready to go." His hand remained on the handle of the wheelchair, possessive. "I'll wheel him out and both of you," he looked from one to the other, "can follow us to make sure we're following proper procedure." He didn't mention his plan. 
John started to protest, "But Kaidan, you-"
"Have everything under control," he winked at John out of sight of the nurses. Shepard settled back into the chair. 
"Well, okay then." The head nurse turned to the younger one, "Michele, just follow and assist if needed," and she walk out if the room. 
Kaidan began to push the wheelchair out the door and had to bite back a groan of frustration when John motioned for him to stop. What reason could there possibly be not to just keep going? 
“It’s Michele, right?” The nurse nodded, a bit apprehensive, for which Kaidan couldn’t blame her. “I just wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. There was no reason for me to be such an asshole when you were just doing your job. I’m sorry.” 
Michele blushed to the roots of her bright red hair but nodded at the end of the speech. She seemed tongue tied and when no words followed his apology, John did what he’d always been so damn good at; he gave her a winning smile, a wink from those impossibly blue eyes and thanked her for taking care of him. 
“Let’s go, Kaidan. I’m ready.” 
Wasting no time to follow this order, Kaidan pushed him out the door Michele was currently holding open and down the corridor, bag and cane in his lap. The young nurse followed closely behind but where she’d been stubborn and determined to make John adhere to protocol, now she just walked amiably beside them, though kept her eyes trained on what was going on around them instead. Kaidan paused, brought up his omni-tool, winked at John when he turned to him with a questioning look, and resumed his pace. Over the loud speaker came a voice, “Michele, please come to the nurse’s station.” 
The young nurse glanced up in surprise, then over at the two of them, then back down the hall. Indecision written on her face, she was clearly unsure of what to do. 
“Go ahead, I can keep Commander Shepard under control to the front of the building. I promise he won’t get away.” 
Not so easily swayed, she questioned him, “Are you sure? I’m supposed to keep make sure you get to the skycab. I have my orders.” She straightened up with the importance of her job. 
Oozing reassurance, he told her, “You do and you’re right to question us but we also know sometimes new orders override the previous ones.” 
John spoke up, “He’s right. It looks like you’re receiving new orders and we wouldn’t want you to be derelict in your duties by assisting us when you have more important things to do.” 
She gazed at each of them in turn, then nodded. “You’re right. Just...be careful and send for me - or an orderly - if you need assistance.” Before they could respond, she turned and all but ran to the nurse’s station. Kaidan felt a twinge of guilt for deceiving the poor girl but John was his first priority and he’d made him a promise. 
Before they arrived at the door, Kaidan stopped and put the locks on the wheels so the chair wouldn’t move. He went around front, looked over John’s head down the hall, then glanced at him and nodded. John rose, a bit unsteady at first, but got his bearings quickly. Placing the cane on the floor, he moved forward, one slow step at a time until he was sure of himself. 
Without a backward glance, he strode out the door as the Commander Shepard and got inside the skycab waiting for them with Kaidan behind him to help only in case he stumbled. 
The ride was quiet, introspective. Kaidan watched as he took in the state of London on the way to the apartment. Much of it was making a comeback with restaurants, bars, markets and stores; more of them popping up every day. Yet, he didn’t comment, just observed. 
The skycab pulled up to their apartment, a single story and nondescript building. Other apartments had been built around it, much the same as theirs. It was rather drab but Kaidan thought the act of just bringing John home gave it more color, more character. Shepard struggled to get out by himself and finally accepted Kaidan’s help reluctantly when he couldn’t manage on his own. The skycab took off and they remained on the sidewalk, looking at their first place as a couple. 
He wrapped an arm around John’s waist, moving in close instead of pulling him over. “So, what do you think?” 
“This is it, huh? Our place?”
A rush of emotion swept over Kaidan at those words - our place. Kaidan had never dared hope after the run for the beam this day would come to be. Yet, it had and here they were. “Yeah...our place.” 
They heard explosions and both of them tensed, then offering nervous chuckles when they realized it was just fireworks going off in the distance. The bursts of light arced into the sky, a cascading kaleidoscope of colors and patterns against a black backdrop. Even the stars in the sky were muted.  
“Happy New Year’s, John.” 
“Happy New Year’s, Kaidan.” Shepard turned, gazing intently at Kaidan. “To everything new in our lives, starting this day.” 
“Yeah...to everything new.” 
Kaidan leaned in, capturing John’s mouth with his for their first kiss in their first real home. Together. 
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mhilkshake · 5 years
— changbin x reader
— bad boy! changbin x good girl! reader
○ author's note: requested by @straykids-yohhhh, here you go angel! i'm sorry i took long, i had some matters to attend to and this might not spark up your expectations of my writing. thank you for requesting!
people were confused with your relationship to the notorious seo changbin.
you had a reputation of being a good girl, always having perfect marks and kind to everyone. you never would have thought that people would even notice you, but people in your school always liked sticking their noses in other people's businesses or search for some juicy content to manifest on.
seo changbin to say, was a whole different story.
he always went to detention for being caught skipping classes, or starting fights and he gets those times in a room by himself to sleep. he was a rule breaker, but he wasn't an asshole as people would have thought of him. they made up titles for him as that 'bad boy' with his eyebrow cut, his unbuttoned uniform and his expensive necklaces he always wore. but to you, he was never once a bad guy.
to you, he was the softest. he never slept well without his stuffed toy, gyu. he always gave you his meat whenever you ate up all of yours when you hung out together at lunch break. those little things made you look at him in a different light when you heard those nasty rumors of him.
he wasn't as bad as they thought. he only went to detention after that fight because those guys threatened him to hurt you, of course you were oblivious. he skipped classes when you were sick to visit you at your house.
all because he liked you.
but he never told you, he didn't want to break the bond you already had.
he was yet in detention again and you creeped inside the room when the teacher went out, meeting your eyes and nodding at you as a sign that he had acknowledged your presence and allowed changbin to be free since it was dismissal already. you just came back from one free period you spent on studying, since there would be a test tomorrow and of course, you copied some notes from the lectures of earlier classes and transferred it to a clean paper to give to changbin.
you saw from the door that changbin had his head down, facing the door you had entered from, sleeping. his light snores were the only sounds in the room along with the breeze of the wind due to the opened windows.
walking closer to his sleeping figure, you could already make out the blood seeping from the corner of his lip and a bruise on his cheekbone, he got into another fight again. you crouched down to his level and stared at him in wonder, your eyes taking in his features up close without the usual poker face he harbored.
on the weeks you spent together, you could feel yourself falling for changbin. he was just so soft and tender towards you that you have a soft spot for him in your heart. he was always cold to other people but that didn't mean he was cold to you. and although it was greedy of you, you wanted his undivided attention all to yourself.
you smiled at the thought and continued staring at him until you noticed the time. you snapped out of your momentary scanning and lifted your arms to poke his cheek, "hey, seo changbin," you softly call out.
you poked him again and he stirred out awake, "it's past five already, i have your notes with me and," you gulped as he opened his eyes, you were still glued to your position and his eyes met yours.
you were melting at this point as he stared back at you, "and we need to get those injuries fixed." you continue and he just grins at you.
"i thought i told you to stop taking down notes for me?" he mumbled and you scoffed, "excuse me mr. seo, but who told you that i'm doing it for your well-being? i'm doing this for the money you have there," you joked and he smiled, moving lightly so he could sit up and ruffle your hair.
you blushed at the contact and all words were stuck in your throat, "i see, we should go then ms. nanny if you want to get your paycheck for today's hardwork," he stood up and held a hand at you.
you took his hand lightly and he pulled you way too hard that had you stumbling forward towards him who backed away one step at the impact when your body was painfully close to his, his hand automatically on your waist while yours glued itself to his shoulders for leverage.
his eyes were widened when you stared at him but he held your waist tightly, not wanting to let go.
in that moment, you didn't want to move away from his grip as you stared at each other. he stared at you lips for a minute too long until he was leaning in. you were stationary to your spot, your heart beating so fast that you feered that he could hear it. you were waiting for his lips to meet with yours until a loud vibration from a cellphone rang through the silent room.
changbin was just centimeters away from your lips when his phone rang and he sighed, frustrated that his phone had to ruin his chance. but also embarrassed that his intention through his action was so obvious.
you two broke away slowly, not wanting to break apart but needing to seeing as changbin had to take the call. while changbin was talking to the phone, you turned you back to him as he glanced at you from time to time to fan yourself with your hands, in hopes of lessening the burn on your cheeks from his actions.
your heart was beating loudly from your chest, so you put your hand on it to soothe the erratic beating, "so, uh, we gotta go," you spun around to his voice while changbin stood there, hand scratching the back of his neck awkwardly and you could see the faintest shade of pink in his cheeks as he looked down.
you almost stutter, "oh, alright then,"
"i brought my motorbike this morning since chan told me his dad fixed it yesterday, so.." he trailed off, practically asking you if you were comfortable in riding the said motorbike with him.
you nodded and changbin immediately turned his back and walked out the room, you following him.
the corridors were silent, the only noise resting on the silence were the sounds of your shoes as you walked, trailing behind changbin who had a full blush on his face.
when you arrived outside, there weren't any signs of students anymore and the sky was getting darker, a shade of dark blue covering the entirety of the layer below the heavens. "i'll just get it from the back, stay here."
changbin dashes to the back of the building until he's out of sight and all you could do was bite your lip out of nervousness. all the things happening with him was quite intimate, in relation to all your past interactions which only involved the light brushes of your hands whenever you guys walked back together to your house. you cross your arms from the cold as you grip the strap of your backpack tightly.
then, a black motorbike appears in front of you with changbin as the driver, wearing a similar matte black helmet. he sits up from his bending position and takes the other helmet resting on the handle of his motorbike. as he held the helmet to you, he looked at your direction and opened the screen of his helmet.
one word: hot.
it actually pertained to both the adjective and the noun. changbin looked hot doing that and your face was hot from thinking about it. you shook your head and grabbed the helmet from him, pitting it up your head and dowm to your face.
you put one leg over the motorbike amd climbed on it, your hands were flailing around and changbin took notice of that. confused on where to put it, you tried putting it behind you but because of the structure of his motorbike, you looked like you were about to do push ups so changbin looked to the side and took your arms in his hands, ushering your body forward until it met his and your arms were around his waist. you blushed furiously and changbin did too, covering it up with a clear of his throat, "hold tight."
then he leaned forward and the motorbike went away from the school and to the bustling city of seoul. you had your arms wound tightly on changbin's waist and he smiled at that, finding confidence over it as you leaned your head on his back, smiling.
changbin took a sharp turn and the motorbike had slowed down, indicating that you guys were nearing your destination which was a pharmacy?
oh right, his wounds.
the motorbike stopped and you took your arms off changbin and he missed your warmth as he stripped himself of his helmet, you doing the same. you got off the mtorbike and ran your hands through your hair, tidying it as you scanned the streets.
next to you, changbin ushered you to stay outside at the benches while he went inside the pharmacy to buy some medicine for his face. when he came out, he grinned at you and brought up a black plastic next to his face, "you don't mind, do you?"
smiling at him which made him weak, you replied, "not at all,"
he sat next to you, leaving space between you to put the plastic and took out its contents; band aids, cotton buds and betadine. you immediately went to work, changbin staring at you the whole time as you opened the betadine and dipped the cotton bud on it.
you started on the cut on his eyebrow and he hissed, you blew on it as you continued dabbing the cotton bud on his wound whilst he stared at you, you praying that he wouldn't hear how your heart beat against its ribcage.
"how'd you get into a fight again? was lucas bothering you again?" you asked at him softly and he swooned at your voice, "no, this guy.." he trailed off, wondering whether or not he should tell you.
as you continued of treating his cut, he resumed, "this guy told me that he'd lay more than a finger on you if i didn't back away from you," you stopped and glanced at him and resumed your work, sighing.
"you know i wouldn't mind getting hurt if it's to continue to be with you, right? why would you fight that guy?" you retorted, "i'm not some damsel in distress,"
"but," changbin stopped.
"but what?" you asked him and continued south, trying hard not to pounce on him when you cleaned the spot on the corner of his lip. changbin could see you glancing at his lip every now and then.
he took the initiative and leaned in, your hands stopped and your lips met with his. you widened your eyes as he pulled away, facing you with a pout again, "it was younghoon, and i know how much you like him and i got jealous, he didn't say he'd lay something else than his finger on you, he told me he liked you and i didn't like it," changbin rambled on and on while you blushed.
he stared at you, "i want you all to myself, y/n, i don't want to share you with somebody else even if it meant getting into a fistfight, i like you so much that i don't kno-" you cut him off and leaned in to kiss him again.
he was shocked but eventually melted into the liplock and put his hands on your cheeks while you wound your arms on his neck, your head moving to the left. gaining newfound confidence, you bit changbin's bottom lip lightly and nibbled on it. he pinched your cheek and you smiled, pulling away from his lips and resting your forehead on his,
"i like you too."
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
What if Kai gets jealous that Chrono is spending more time with his angel making preparations for Kai’s and his angel anniversary when they first meet so Kai ends up having a tantrum and ruins the surprise
Here comes the jealousy train, choo choo!
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Again. There you are walking with Chrono with that big smile again.
It was getting on his nerves.
For about some time he noticed that aparently you took a certain liking and preference to stay with block head instead of him for some reason. He checked, he didn't do nothing to upset neither anger you on the slightest, but yet you seemed to spend more time with kurono than anyone else during these days.
Was he angry?... enraged was the word he would put on.
Did you share a fucking ring with Chronostasis? He doesn't think so. So why on hell you're staying that much time with him he wonders.
What was the most irritating things of all, it was that just in the week of you guys anniversary you were doing this. Convenient, yes?
He stopped writing the moment he caught the voices of Chrono and yourself on the hallway and he couldn't help but to get interested.
"Thanks a lot for the help Kurono."
"No problem (y/n). Is that all we have to do?"
He cringed at hearing Chrono's voice. He remembered that when you were still new on the Hassaikai and when he ordered Kurono to take care of you while you got out when he couldn't, the man remained stoic and even cold sometimes while he referred you with pronouns of respect and your last name.
But as the time went by. You both had gotten close enough for block head to even dare to joke around with you and call you by your first name. His angel's first name.
And you complied sometimes, which could trigger him even more.
"I guess it is. Kai always ruin it so we have to be very careful or else he might found out." He arched a eyebrow at that as the man besides you chuckled a bit.
"I am still surprised how he didn't find out. But I can notice that he is getting suspicious-" he got up slowly, feeling his blood already boiling in anger as he carefully and silently followed you guys voices.
"He is already?" You sighed and he furrowed even more his eyebrows "I guess sometimes is just impossible to do those without him knowing. He has eyes on everywhere."
"You bet. Hey, need help with that?"
"I would love to." You giggled, a sound that normally would let him feeling light as a feather but this time was different.
Those giggles weren't for him. Were for another man, that aparently had a secret along with HIS wife that he didn't even knew about it until now.
He. Despised. Secrets.
And you knew that. Secrets for him weren't never good without a damn good reason. So why you were having one, that he couldn't know of, with Chrono of all people?
"Looks perfect Hari!" His eye twitched as he accidentaly overhauled his glove "Thank you so much!" He heard you squeal "I could just hug you right now!"
"Easy. Is not all that."
Bastard. Fucking bastard. Chronostasis was a brave man to do that.
He opened the door and called out for Kurono, ignoring your surprised yelp and went towards Hari with a murderous look.
"I hope you have a really good explanation for this madness." He growled while Hari arches a eyebrow.
"Huh... what madness boss?" He widen his eyes and dodged Chisaki's hand quickly, sighing in relief of not being touched.
"Well. Considering you have something to hide for me you at least have to have a GOOD explanation. Especially if you're hiding something from me and MY wife is involved."
"Ah." Chrono deadpanned before taking some steps back, just to make sure. "That. I knew it you weren't going to not know about it for long." He looked at you from Kai's shoulder "You own me 20 bucks."
"She doesn't own you anything son of a-" he lift his hand but stopped with a growl at feeling you grabbing his wrist.
"Kai please stop this!" You pleaded and only received a dark glare in response "Is not Kurono's fault!"
"I see that. You, more than anyone else, knows how I despise secrets. And you still has one with one of my most valuable workers?" He asked in a growl.
"Kai... you know what day it is tommorow, right?"
"Dont change the fucking subject (Y/n)-"
"I am not!" You huffed before showing at the neatly table amd organized room "I just asked Kurono's help to make a surprise for you since you always ruin it!" You exclaimed while his eyes went a bit back to normal as his tense muscles relaxed a hit under your hold.
"I swear on my life that I even just helped making one or two dishes. The rest it was all her." Hari commented and only received a glare back of Chisaki, making him lift his hands up in surrender.
"... dismissed." Chrono nodded before bowing and leaving the room with a sigh, or of relief or of annoyance you couldn't know.
You let go of his hand to see him staring at the ground, and you decided not to comment that he looked like a child that just threw a tantrum. Only missing the crossed arms and pout.
Although you were almost sure that behind that mask he had one.
"So..?" You tilted your head while crossing your arms with a smirk "Anything to say?"
"Asides of how I am irritated with you and him. Nothing." You hummed in sarcasm before stepping in front of him, while he refused to look at your eyes.
"Not even an 'I am sorry for taking in the wrong way'?" He grunted in response as you sighed, letting your arms down to your waist to hold them.
"Is my yakusa big and bad boss jealous? Of his own childhood friend no less?" You asked on a mocking tone while he scoffed, finally looking at you.
"Bold of you to assume that I would be jealous of that block head dearest. Who do you take me for?"
"A jealous man." You giggled at his glare before yelping a bit at flip he gave to your forehead.
"I was not. Is merely security measures. Chrono is still apart of the yakusa."
"...Kai." you brought your hands up while staring at him in disbelief "I am married with the capo of the yakusa. The headmaster of the Hassaikai is my father in law. YOU sended Chrono and Mimic to look after me whenever you can't when I am out. Security measures my ass!"
"Language." He growled, unable to come back with another good answer for his behaviour.
He wasn't jealous.
"Love.." you sighed, a bit of sadness on your voice "I just wanted to make one surprise without you finding out once... I know you claim to not like those because of what you went through, but I wanted to at least give you one good memory of surprises..."
His frow dissapeared as he listened to you talking, the reason of why you had made those.
"And about me and Kurono? Kai he is your childhood friend. I would like to spend time and know people that knew my husband more time than I did sadly, because in this way I can have a bit of your own past. I know how you say you don't, but I am sure that Kurono is special to you somehow, even if you don't admit it."
"He is only a person that I tolerate." He growled while rolling his eyes, knowing of your growing smirk.
"Sure. Only tolerate." You fisted the material of his dress black shirt and he only stared down at you. "But the only man I would need on my own life is the one in front of me. No one else." You rested your head on his neck and smiled at the sigh of your lover as he rested his own head on you.
He carresed awkwardly your back with his gloved hand as he took one look at the supposed surprise you wanted to make for him.
"... if it is for your liking I can pretend I didn't saw a thing." Your giggles made him smirk a bit.
"That's not fair and no fun then."
"... apologies for this dearest. But I would rather for you to not do such things as surprises. I am not found of those." You hummed, still not convinced but complied to.his words for now anyway.
"Right... want to have dinner since you completly abandoned work?"
"Guess is my only option."
You two looked at each other for a bit before he lowered his mask a bit to give you a sweet kiss on the lips, leaving you smilling like a complete dork.
"... you're going to have to apologize to Kurono-" you winced at the sound of the chair scratching the floor as your husband pushed and glared at you again
"Only over by my cold and lifeless body." He growled while you sighed in defeat.
Is kai. Why are you even surprised?
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mimikametamorphosis · 4 years
My friend, he thought. He knew she was more than that. She was a hero worthy of legends and sonnets; the Goddess incarnate herself. She was his professor, his Teach. She was the stars the in the sky looking at him and guiding him every step of the way. She was the dawn that he had been waiting for all his life, the light that would lead him to where he wanted to be. She was Byleth.
He thought that time would ease what he felt but it did not. In fact, it was the same as before -- or so he'd like to tell himself. This wasn't the first time he's felt this: a buzzing in his brain that refused to go away; a twitch at the corner of his mouth; and an involuntary curving of his hand into a fist. Their paths had crossed frequently as of late and he could not help but feel a twinge of annoyance well up in his chest. He hoped it never showed on his face because he wanted to keep as many useful people as his allies considering their circumstances. Most importantly, any sign of weakness was an unwelcome dent in his armor.
He found it odd, he admitted to himself. They had gotten along amicably over the last five years, working together towards their shared goal but once they had achieved it, something in their dynamic had changed. He had pondered on what had changed between them but seeing her pale green eyes look at him everyday made him realize that it was in front of him the whole time. Loath to admit that it was something so trivial, Claude shook his head.
It was morning yet he felt as though he'd already gone through the day with all the mental gymnastics he's done. He pushed off his blanket and dressed himself. There was a war council that day and he was scheduled to train with the professot after. He chuckled at the thought of training with their professor after five years. He thought it was silly the first time Byleth had suggested it. They had not seen each other for five years and she insisted that they continue with their training as though only a day had passed since they last saw her.
Training with Teach, he mused as he laced his undershirt. Glad that some things don't have to change.
He took out a long-sleeved doublet from his closet. It was made of gold silk, with maroon trimmings and lapels. It was his one of the simpler ones his late grandfather owned and it was easier to discard this once he began training. He wore it over his undershirt and buttoned it. He slipped on his trousers and went on his way.
“Everyone here?”
Claude heard Byleth from outside the war room. He could've entered as soon as he arrived but he wanted to have a bit of fun to shake off all the annoyance felt this morning. He stood with his back against the door and listened.
He knew that Byleth inspected each one of them and that she noticed that her tactician had not yet arrived.
"Where are Claude and Yuri?"
The corners of his lips twitched.
“I'm sure they're on their way, Professor," Hilda yawned. “Maybe they just couldn't shake off the sleepies right away.”
“Surely Claude understands that he should not keep the rest of us waiting,” Lorenz huffed. “It is absolutely unbecoming of a noble, much less the head of the Alliance!"
And there was his source of fun.
“It's too early for that, Lorenz,” Leonie chided. “Lighten up will you? Besides, we all came here early. The war council isn't meant to start until after five minutes.”
“If he can keep dilly-dallying, then maybe he can also relieve himself of his headship and give it to someone who can— ”
Maybe it was time to make his entrance.
"Easy, Lorenz," Claude said as he entered the room, his hands up in mock surrender. "Relax, I'm here. No need to get your breeches in a knot because you missed me so much."
“To mock instead of apologizing for his indescretion; how unbecoming,” Lorenz spat as he glared at Claude.
Claude simply replied with a lopsided smile and patted Byleth's shoulder as he sat down on her right.
"Well, my frie—"
"Looks like I'm the last to arrive, friend."
And so it starts: the buzzing in his head had begun.
Yuri entered the room and sat on Byleth's left, placing himself directly in front of Claude.
“Alright, everyone, let's begin.”
Byleth turned to Yuri.
"Do you have any information for us, Yuri? I heard that your channels have come by some useful information."
"Naturally," Yuri said as he bowed his head.
"I also have useful information regarding our next battle," Claude began. He felt Hilda bristle at his side. It made him adjust his tone to a more amicable one.
"It seems Lord Gwendal of House Rowe will be riding to meet us at Ailell. He'll be coming with an army to stop us from meeting with House Daphnel. We're still checking our ranks to see who leaked the information. We have a number of former Kingdom soldiers that have joined our ranks once the heads of Houses Gautier, Galatea, and Fraldarius joined our army. No offense to the three of you."
He nodded in the direction of Sylvain, Ingrid, and Felix.
"None taken," Sylvain replied nonchalantly. "This is war, afterall. Nothing, not even loyalty, is certain."
"Thanks for that. Moving on, so far, we've narrowed it down to three possible candidates and two are from the Kingdom. We'll be probing them once we—"
"There is no need," Yuri said coolly. "My men have sniffed out the rat."
"You have?"
Byleth looked at him and he smiled at her.
Claude felt a small prick at his temple.
"Excellent work, Yuri," Claude managed to say through a stiff smile. He rested his elbows on the table and laced his hands in front of him. "You could have said so sooner."
"You were talking and you had valuable information I could work on," Yuri said simply.
"Good, I'll leave the matter of the rat to both of you since you're both our spymasters anyway," Byleth said with finality. "We must move on to our formations. Please open the map at the center of the table."
Byletyh took a small, open chest of wooden figures amd started placing them on the map. Claude watched as each labelled piece found itself atop the rocky fields of Ailell. He would question some of her decisions once she had laid them all out which was how she had always preferred it.
"Hey," Yuri said, "I think you might want to put your battalion a little far off than there, friend."
"Yuri," Byleth said, looking at him pointedly, "please let me finish."
This earned a smug smile from Claude which he hid behind his laced fingers. He could feel someone looking at him and true enough, he saw Hilda looking at him with a bewildered expression. He leaned in to whisper into her ear.
"I know strategy's not your strongesr suit," Claude began, "what's on your mind?"
"This looks simple enough, Claude," Hilda retorted. "I'm just wondering what's up with you and him." She shifted her eyes to Yuri's direction. He was now helping Byleth lay out the rest of the figures as she instructed him.
"Nothing's up," Claude said simply.
"Sure, and I want to go on the frontlines," Hilda said as she rolled her eyes. "You're acting funny."
"Well, I don't see you laughing," he countered with a lopsided smile.
Hilda huffed and leaned back into her seat, clearly turned off by his dismissal of the topic. He decided to scan the figures and their respective positions on the map. While he knew his professor was good at tactics, he found some questionable decisions sprawled across the field. He will point it out later once they had started but something else else caught his eye.
He saw Byleth reach out for the small chest at the same time Yuri did. Their hands touched, Yuri's hand over Byleth's. Claude found that their hands stayed that way a little too long for his liking. Yuri kept his hand over Byleth's until she moved hers away.
“Oh. I'm sorry, Yuri,” Byleth said with a hint of surprise in her voice.
"There you go being cute again," Yuri said with a cheeky grin as he returned the chest to its original place.
"Shall we start?" Yuri sat down and rested his cheek on one of his hands, looking slyly at Byleth.
Claude couldn't help but be disinterested for most of the council but he didn't forget to question her formations. Still, his mind couldn't help but wander throughout the rest of the war council after that distraction.
He listened intently to each of them — even Yuri — as they gave their suggestions but his mind was split between formulating his schemes for the upcoming battle and understanding the annoyance brewing slowly in his chest.
"Claude," Byleth began. He was shook out of his thoughts and, in that split second, he managed to recall the general gist of what they were talking about. "Do you agree with what we've planned? You are our master tactician afterall. Do you need more time to think this through?"
He looked at the clock behind Yuri's head. It was a little past one o'clock. He didn't have enough energy to do a sweeping review of their batteplan as of the moment and decided to distract himself.
"I think," he began, "its time for some lunch. I'll get back to you on that, my friend. For now, I'm starving."
"You're distracted," Byleth said as she disarmed Claude for the third time in their training session. His sword flew to the floor with a loud clang.
"Again," she said, going into position. She pointed her rapier at him while her other hand was tucked behind her. "Pick up your sword, Claude."
Claude ran his hand threw his hair, shaking out small beads of sweat. He had already shed his doublet and tossed it near the weapons rack. He picked up his sword, piqued at himself for not performing well.
He swung his blade side to side, trying to shake off his ill feelings. He bended his knees and pointed his broadsword towards Byleth, looking her straight in the eye. Yes, those pale green eyes. They were a darker color before but it was what it was now.
Byleth charged at him swiftly, her nimble steps barely making any sound as she rushed towards him. He parried her strike with his sword while she let her blade slide along the length of his, creating sparks in its wake.
Strong as always, he thought to himself, a small smirk forming in his lips.
Her eyes stayed focused on his. He could see fire, determination. She never liked losing no matter what cool, blank facade she wore. It was there in her eyes, like glowing embers being stoked in a fire. He wished to reflect the same towards her. He hated losing which was why he always had contingencies. So long as they never have his head, he has not lost. He doesn't want to lose, he admits, not here, or in any other area that mattered to him and that included her.
He placed his forearm against the flat of his blade and pushed hard against her. She backed away a few paces but she charged at him again, ready to swing her sword. He ducked and aimed to slash her abdomen. She jumped to the side and turned on her heels, slashing a part of his arm in the process.
Claude winced in pain as his torn sleeve began to soak in some of his blood. The cut was shallow and it stung when his sweat dripped on it. He holds up his hand to signal a short reprieve as he tears the rest of his sleeve. Byleth however continued to charge towards him. She swung her blade at his abdomen and he narrowly evaded it.
“Teach,” he gasped, “go easy now. This isn't the battlefield yet.”
“It isn't,” Byleth said matter-of-factly. “If it were you'd be dead. You're not a child, Claude. Brave through your wound and fight.”
He smiled to himself and charged at her. She stepped to the side but he sent a sweeping kick into her direction. She barely dodged it and quickly leapt away from Claude to steady herself.
“Better,” she said, a small smile gracing her face. “Fight with your body. Your sword is just an extension.”
Fight like a mercenary, you mean, Claude thought fondly.
It was one of the first things she taught them when she became their professor. It was a memorable day when she went through six Knights of Seiros, all of them fighting nobly, relying only on their weapons. All of them beaten down with dents in their armor. She served to prove a point that fighting with what you have was not any less noble than relying on your weapon. After all, chivalry and decorum were forgotten philosophies on the battlefield.
He was caught off guard for a moment and had the wind knocked out of him with a strong hit to his chest. He didn't notice Byleth while he was reminiscing. His breathless state was just a reminder of how he always was when she'd come crashing through his defenses.
Breathless, he thought, you always leave me like that.
“Focus, Claude!”
He wondered if it was mean of him to relish when she would display irritation towards him. It was a rare delight to see her frustrated. He had done so many things when he was younger to rile her up and ruffle her feathers but she never reacted the way she did now. After five years, she seemed different, as though life was breathed into her that she started to show different sides of her, even if it was only with him.
He stood up from his crouched position and charged towards her, matching her nimble movements as she dodged out his way.
He turned to his side and parried away her blade. Her grip was strong, he knew, and it would take much more force for her to let go. He could feel a surge in his body and he knew his crest had activated. Not one to waste an oppurtunity, he slashed away in her direction with increasing force. She barely had time to dodge him and was nicked in the arm. His wound felt hot and he could see that it started to close. He charged at her once again and repeatedly slashed at her until he backed her into one of the pillars in the training grounds; his sword's edge lightly pressed against her throat.
“You'd be dead if this wasn't training, my friend,” he said in between ragged breaths. He gave her a cheeky smile and she gave him a bigger smile in turn.
There you go being cute again, he thought, smiling to himself. Realizing this, he shook his head and frowned.
“Are you alright?”
Byleth asked, the slightest hint of worry showing on her brows. He pressed his forehead against hers for an instant and pulled back.
“I'm sorry,” he said, his breathing slowly stabilizing. “I just have a lot of things on my mind.”
“We can talk about the plan later if you like,” Byleth offered. “Just the two of us this time since we'll be leading them”
He wondered if she had gotten better at reading people but he knew better. She was talking simply and practically.
“I'll get back to you on that, Teach,” he said as he fished his doublet off the floor.
Byleth returned their used weapons to their racks and walked towards Claude. She was combing the tangles out of her hair and trying to clean some grime of her face with the palm of her hand.
Claude chuckeld. She was adorable, indeed.
“Is something the matter?”
“No, my friend, here,” Claude took out his handkerchief and gave it to her. "Keep it. I have a lot of those anyway."
"Hey, my friend," Claude said as he patted Byleth's shoulder.
“Oh, Claude,” Byleth was surprised, her green eyes widening a bit at the sight of him. "I thought you were Yuri."
He laughed it off. Frustration was brewing inside of him but he pushed it deep within himself and hoped it wouldn't surface again.
“I'm offended, Teach,” Claude said with what he hoped was mock annoyance. “I think I look more dashing than he does.”
Byleth let out a small chuckle. Whether she agreed at the thought of it or laughed at him was moot. He loved any display of emotion she offered.
“So, is this seat taken?”
“No,” Byleth gestured for him to sit down. "Go on and sit."
“Are you expecting, Yuri?”
Claude said before spooning a bit of food in his mouth to stop him from saying something he didn't want.
“No,” she said. “It's just that he often calls me ‘friend’.”
“I call you ‘my friend’,” Claude pointed out. “Do they sound so similar to you?”
“No,” Byleth looked at him, at his eyes. He was right to think that she had gotten better at reading people, him in particular. She was searching for something. “I suppose not.”
“See, Teach? I am one of a kind afterall. The one and only, Claude von Reigan. I don't think anyone can top that."
Byleth let out a small laugh. It tickled his ears. He wanted more of it
“On second thought,” Byleth began, “it is similar. You and Yuri are similar in your own ways but different.”
His heart sank. Was he really no different to her? All those times they had steeled away, just the two of them, planning their next move in an upcoming battle and sleeping against each other when they were tired out. All those times she would drape a blanket over his shoulders when she thought he had fallen asleep in the war room. Or when she would bring him a breakfast tray the next day and chat with him when he woke up. Were they all so commonplace to her?
They might be Claude taught, his shoulders slumping in defeat. A sad smile spread across his face. She was kind, afterall. She would always check up on everyone after each battle; even being a shoulder to cry on. She understood very little of emotion but she tried her best to be there for everyone. He figured maybe he had read into their interactions far too deeply. Whether it was wishful thinking or a frivolous distraction, he didn't know. It may be best to stop it now before he suffers further.
“Different good, right?” He offered her.
“Yes,” she said with a small smile.
“Well, Teach” he said as he stood up from his seat, “I'd better head off and sleep. You really gave me a beating today.”
“False humility,” she muttered before taking a sip of water. “You beat me fair and square, Claude. I think I might go to you for training sessions instead.”
“Yeah? I'll look forward to them.”
He excused himself and disposed of his tray in the kitchens. He pushed past the big wooden doors of the Dining Hall and savored the evening air. He saw the moon glimmering over the lake.
He sat on the edge of the fishing platform outside of the Dining Hall, dangling his legs over the barely stirring waters of the lake. Most of the fish were probably resting, he thought, and so should he. Still, his mind was abuzz with the events today.
He knew Byleth had joined Yuri in the sauna after their training session so he decided it was best to leave them be instead of worming his way into their plans. Yuri wasn't someone he wanted to openly antogonize since he had no reason to. He had not done anything to deserve that, he thought. He stretched his hands above his head and leaned back on the platform. He felt at peace looking at the sky.
It was night now, the stars shined against a deep, dark canvas overhead. He loved to look at the stars. It reminded him of how small his troubles were. There was a bigger world out there, bigger than the ones he'd always known. Anticipation and excitement were building in him. Each battle was a step closer to that world. Soon, they'll wake up to a new dawn just as they did when she returned to them, to him.
Friend, he thought ruefully. Friend, alright. Your friend who's being cute. Who's strong enough to beat six knights in single combat.
He sat up and rested his forearms on his thighs. He let out a sad chuckle.
Your friend who always leaves you breathless.
True. She always did. It took her disappearance for him to understand that. There was not a day when he would stop looking for her, teaming up with Yuri to find out where she had gone. Five years of non-stop searches only to have her appear at the Goddess Tower on the day of the would-be Millenium Festival. Auspicious, some would call it — Divine Intervention, even. The Goddess herself has returned and promised a new dawn for all in the land.
He understood that she mattered to him more than as a means for him to achieve his goals; she had not been that to him for so long. He doesn't rememebr when but it came so gradually it was hard to trace. It mattered not to him. What mattered was that he wanted to see that new dawn with her by his side.
My friend, he thought. He knew she was more than that. She was a hero worthy of legends and sonnets; the Goddess incarnate herself. She was his professor, his Teach. She was the stars the in the sky looking at him and guiding him every step of the way. She was the dawn that he had been waiting for all his life, the light that would lead him to where he wanted to be. She was Byleth.
His heart began to beat faster. He knew what it meant. If only he had pondered the lingering thoughts and feelings he had buried in the recesses of his heart maybe things would be clearer for him. Who had that luxury in war? One had to survive and that was a privilege and not a right. To think of his feelings right now was a luxury stolen from others that's why he never bothered understanding his own heart. It never sat well for him to consider his own feelings when those around him barely had the chance to do so or had lost theirs when he trampled on their corpses on the battlefield. How many of those men and women had their own feelings that were now lost to memory?
Maybe, he can indulge in this selfishness for once so that he can focus on what needed to be done; get it out of the way before it becomes something he cannot handle in the future. He always stamped down any trivial feelings he had, they were nothing but flights of fancy. And maybe, what he felt for her was too.
She was Byleth: his Teach, his stars, and his dawn. Most of all, she was the most important to him in the world right now.
“My love,” he said quietly. Yes, his love. My friend was always my love.
He looked at the lake somberly with his realization. He would do anything for her smile, her laugh. Anything to see her happy. This new dawn was more for her than it is for him. For her to live a new life away from all the tragedies that befell her. A new life where maybe she can love an outsider if she knew how or even one where she'd let him. He had enough love for the both of them.
He wondered if Yuri meant the same when he calls her friend. Were his feelings as strong as his? Did he view Byleth the same way he did?
He remembered he asked her out on a date when they were still students. Claude listened in on their conversation. He realized that his irritation started then. How brazen was he to ask her out? He was a student and she was a professor. He knew however that Byleth understood what it was, though not fully, at the time. He understood too despite himself.
Trivial, he thought. Nevertheless, a distraction.
He tucked his hands beneath his head and lied down on the platform again.
It's time to say goodbye to this for now. We need to concentrate on the war.
Claude wondered if his feelings would die down like he'd hoped despite his proximity to her. She was always by his side that it seemed natural; their dynamics had shifted greatly after five years.
“Well, goodbye for now,” he said softly, his eyes looking at the stars above. “Maybe when the war is over, we could sort it all out."
“Sort what out?”
He bolted upright and turned behind him to see Byleth walking towards him. She sat next to him, her legs dangling over the lake. She looked at him questioningly.
“I know better than to ask what's on your mind,” Byleth started. “I know there are many things.”
“True,” Claude agreed with a soft chuckle.
“You're too distracted lately, Claude,” Byleth said as she leaned closer to him. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“It's not really something you can help me with, Teach,” Claude said, wistfully looking at the lake. “Not now, at least. Maybe after the war if you're still interested.”
“I don't understand you in many ways, Claude,” Byleth began as she looked to the lake as well. “You always seem to be hiding something. It's not something I understand.”
It's true. She cannot understand. She was an open-book after all. She had no secrets that she willingly kept unlike him. He had many.
Silence fell between them. The sound of cicadas filled their ears.
What was he to say?
Speechless, he thought. Breathless and speechless in so many ways.
“I don't care about your secrets, Claude,” she said, finally. “If there are things you refuse to tell me, then I cannot do anything about them. What matters is you and that you're okay.”
He looked at her. She was staring at the moon now. Her face glowed beneath the moonlight and her eyes reflected the sparkling stars. Unpretentious and unassuming, that's what she was. He never saw her as pretty but she was indeed beautiful in all her innocence and purity. Despite all the blood in her hands over years of battle, she was clean. There was nothing tainted within her. She was as transparent as the waters beneath them yet just as deep. She knew not the intricacies of his life and maybe that's better that way.
“Thanks, Teach,” Claude said after a pause. That was all he could think of saying.
“We'll sort out your problems if you want,” she offered. “Or if I can't help you the least I could do is stay by your side.”
He sat closer to her but they avoided looking at each other.
“Is that a promise, Teach?”
It was different to want that of her and to hear her say it. It felt exhilarating, in fact. It may mean different things to them but he took delight in hearing it. A small consolation for an otheewise trying day.
Byleth turned to him and smiled with squinted eyes. He had never seen her smile like that before. His heart beat faster. He wanted to grab her and pull her into his arms and never let her go. He wanted her to be his but only time will tell if that were possible.
“Yes. Always.”
“Thank you, Teach,” he said as he brought her hand to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “You don't know how much that means to me.”
He felt her hand bristle under his lips but she didn't slip away from his grip. She held on tighter. He looked at her through his fringe as he looked up slightly. She was looking at him with a warm smile and what appeared to be a dust of blush on her cheeks.
He smiled. His heart felt warm and full at the sight of her. He barely understood this feeling but he liked it. He felt that wherever his ambitions might take him, he'll always long to feel this again with her. An outsider like him couldn't understand what this was but maybe one day, he will. One day, he'll have a name for it too but for now, her name will suffice. Wherever in the world Claude was, he'll always search for this feeling with Byleth.
“Teach, I think it's a bit late now,” Claude said as he turned back to see the that Dining Hall lights were now extinguished. “Maybe we should head back to our rooms.”
“Maybe we can stay a while,” Byleth said looking at the moon with soft smile. Her smile seemed almost private and that he was intruding into whatever she was feeling but he felt privileged that she let her guard down around him.
“Alright, my friend,” he began, noticing that she hadn't let go of his hand since he kissed it. “Anything for you.”
Byleth held on to his hand the entire time they looked at the moon. He'll never forget the way it felt to hold her hand in his. He wanted this feeling to last a lifetime and he'll spend the rest of life making sure it happens.
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stardancerluv · 5 years
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A Dark and Stormy Night
Part 1 of 2
A prequel to Creative Fervor
Summary: You went out with your friends to celebrate the birthday of one of them. What you didn’t expect was fallling hard for one of the most infamous criminals in all of Gotham who is also the owner of a chic new club in Gotham.
Arthor’s Note: This has been revised & rewriten in spots!
You and your friends huddled under the overhang outside of The Luxy Star. Rain was coming down in sheets. “Why, don’t we head to The Black Mask?” You suggest.
Roman smiled, “All I wanted was to have you as an ally.” He crossed his arms in front of the man hanging before him. “We didn’t need to get to this point.
The man screamed against the tape. Roman went over and grabbed the man by his hair. A smirked curled his lips. He ripped off the tape.
“Do you have something to say?”
The man pleaded. “Please, I have rethought your proposal. I have a wife...”
“Fuck that. She’ll do better without you making stupid decisions.” He chuckled, letting him go, he swung; pleads poured from the man’s mouth.
Roman, twirled his finger. “Have fun Victor, see you back at the club.”
Your friends were shrugging, and hesitant. “Isn’t that owned by a psycho?” One asked.
“It’s the new hot place. It’s like we are going there for him.” You shrugged. “Nothing has been confirmed, probably just slander. Look how my name appears in the papers.” You add.
After more discussion you all finally ran over to The Black Mask club. You spotted a table in a corner, “Let’s sit over there.” You all settled in and used several of the cloth napkins to dry and freshen up.
You looked around, this place is a class act. You were taken with it. This place was so classy. You enjoyed its atmosphere more then any of the other clubs you had gone to that night.
No one came over to the table. If you all didn’t get a drinks soon, you knew they’d want to leave. You were not interested in leaving. The rain aside, you were enjoying the atmosphere and the singer was amazing.
“I’ll go and see about getting us some drinks.” You told them and quicked shuffled out of your side of the booth.
Before heading to the bar, you hit the ladies room. Your makeup was still on point, you smiled at your reflection. Your make you had not run in the rain. You were still startled by the purple hair. You shook your head, never again would you let anyone convince you to do something like that again. You missed the natural color of your hair. Winking at your reflection, you smoothed your dress.
You hesitated and glanced towards your friends, they were all still there, chatting away. They all had more to drink than you. Honestly, at this point they were alittle annoying. The bar was packed shoulder to shoulder, no wonder you still had no drinks. Then again this was most chic club in all of Gotham.
Roman, smiled it was another busy Saturday night. As it should be, he mused sipping his martini. He relished the control he had over others. Seats immediately opened up, people moved out of his way as he walked around.
He twirled a finger and another martini was brought to him. “Thank you.” As he sipped at his new martini, he was relieved to have that meeting at the docks done with. It may have been entertaining but that feeling faded away as he enjoyed watching how good things were at club. In the end, he mused he much preferred allies over enemies but that was the nature of the beast if you wanted to be powerful in Gotham.
Smiling, to yourself you spotted an opening at the club. Right as you were walking up to the spot, a large man backed up. It forced you to back right into the another guy. You immediately turned to apologize. “I am terribly sorry.”
Looking up from apologizing to the made you bumped up to, you came face to face with a man with the most piercing blue eyes. It took everything in you to not gasp at the sight of his chisled features with a mouth that made you want to kiss him.
“It’s alright, he was rude to not look behind him.” The man said, his voice had a timber that went right through you.
“He didn’t see me.” You shrugged, “Not many notice me since I’m so short.” Keeping eye contact with him was almost too much for you. You closed your eyes for the briefest of moments, opening then you glanced back to the bar.
This man had quite the effect on you. You felt shaken to your core. Sure you had a few drinks before getting here but not enough to let your feelings to run away from you.
You gestured to get one of the bartender’s attention. “Excuse me.” You called out.
“I don’t know how he could miss you.” He added, you flushed at his words and looking back at him you saw him smile. The sight of it made you tremble, you were not used a man having this kind of effect on you. You felt as he put a gloved hand on your bare shoulder, making your heart beat faster. “Are you ok?” You nodded. “You seem distracted.”
“I’m ok!” You said almost to loudly, flushing harder. You are driving me crazy, you mused but you turned and smiled at him. “My friends and I are sitting at that table over there and no one has come to see if we wanted anything.” Exasperation from your nervousness came pouring out of you.
“I’m sorry about that. Someone, should have come over and taken your orders.” He shook his head. “Are you having a girls night?”
You nodded. “We could all finally get together and celebrate our friend Jessica’s birthday.”
“All busy girls huh?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I am trying to start my own business from the ground floor.” You pressed your lips together. Despite him making you nervous by being the most attractive man you had ever met; he was incredibly easy to talk with. “I am not getting any help from my parents or family.” You saw him look around. You had probably bored him, you sighed. You had probably scared him off.
He turned to look back at you and nodded. “Fuck family.” Your eyes widen. “Oh, well” He looked relunctant over the sudden outburst before continuing much calmer then moments before. “But I am with you on that, I am doing the same.”
“You are? What are you doing?” You looked down. “Oh! I am sorry I shouldn’t be so nosy. But yes, it can be so hard.”
He gestured to the club. “It can be hard to run a club.”
Your heart skipp a beat when you realized that in front of you was the famous Roman Sionis. Your eyes widdened. “I..I...you have an amazing club. The place is busy, that’s probably why no one came over.” You added quickly.
He shrugged, a hint of annoyance wrinkled his mouth. “Yeah well that is no excuse. You should already have your drinks amd having a good time. With how busy I assume you are, you should be already dancing and haviny a good time.” He pressed his lips together and shook his head. “Hey!” He called out, both bartenders appeared before the two of you.
You could not really wrap your head around this. You were now convinced now that the papers were wrong about him. He really was a nice guy, they just couldn’t handle it that there was another rich guy in Gotham. That perhaps in his case was more private then Bruce.
“This girl here,” He gestured to you. “Um, how rude of me I don’t know your name.”
“Y/N, Y/N Y/LN.”
“You are going to take care of whatever, Y/N wants along with her friends. Apparently, you two have been ignoring them.”
“Oh um, we don’t want much. It’s not a huge deal.”
“None sense.” He looked at the bartender and back at you, he smiled. “And its on the house.”
“What! Mr. Sionis,” You grabbed his arm, you immediately were taken by how soft the fabric of his suit jacket was, your fingers lingered before you realized what you had done.
His lips curled into a smirk as he glanced at your hand and back at you. “Y/N call me Roman.”
“Ok.” You smiled.
They soon took your order, even suggesting anything else you all could possibly want. “We will take it to your table. You don’t have to wait for them here.”
“Thank you.” You turned to Roman, “Mr. Sionis...oooo I am sorry.” You looked down and finally let go of his arm. You looked at him through your lashes at him. “I mean Roman thank you.”
He chuckled and made a dismissive gesture, before you could continue. “It’s alright. Go, enjoy your night with your friends. Maybe we can talk again before you leave.” He smiled.
“Ok, Roman.” You’d be lying if you didn’t mind saying his name. “I’d like that.” You met his eyes one more time, before heading back to your friends. As you did, you felt like you were floating.
He watched as you walked away. The way your green dress moved as you did. His stomach knotted.
He wasn’t too crazy about the purple hair but damn everything else about you was amazing. Normally, he hated it when people touched him but he liked how your delicate hand felt on his arm. Smirking, he wondered how both your hands would feel him.
He wanted to touch more of you. Perhaps, when you’d talk later he would let his hand slip to your thigh. He had images of smearing your heavy lipstick. The idea of that made his heart pick up speed. He could smear it before kissing you. Your face upturned awaiting a kiss, your warm breath on his face. It wasn’t long before he could imagine being in bed with you.
Wow the hell were you. He glanced around the club. Where the fuck was Zsasz when he needed him. He wanted to find out who you were and what exactly was the business you were starting up. He finished his martini, honestly why should he care what you did? But oddly, grimacing at the thought he did.
You looked back at him then. He smiled and held up his glass.
He watched as you sat down, looking over your friends you were a flower among weeds. You were so dynamic compared to them.
What had just happened? Had you really just been chatting and getting attracted to Roman Sionis. You looked back, he held up a martini and you gave a wave.
Your friends were all a whisper, they apparently had known who he was before you did. They also thought it was funny how you appeared to be all moony over him.
Soon, all the drinks were delivered. They toasted before heading out to the dance floor. You began enjoying one of the best amaretto sours you had ever had.
Feeling, feisty you joined your friends to go and dance. You looked around as you did but you couldn’t spot him. Your heart sank when you didn’t see him.
Going back to your table you were all pleasantly surprised that there was a fresh round of drinks.
Jessica nudged you. “Your boyfriend has done good.” She teased.
You rolled, your eyes. “Oh yeah..my boyfriend...someone as hot as that.” You shook your head. “Never.”
“Oooh, so he’s really hot, huh?” Teased another friend.
“Well, did you see him?” You defended your taste.
“I’ll check right now.”
“Huh.” That’s when you saw, him approaching the table. The sight of him once again, stole your breath. He hand something in his gloved hands.
Jessica, had caught your attention as she fluffed herself. She always did that when she was about to go after someone remotely attractive. She also usually got what she wanted when it came to that. So you knew, any chance with Roman was now over.
Damn, you really were the rose among a mass of ragged thorns. As he neared he saw as one attempted to make herself more appealing. He noticed getting closer that she wore a tacky sash announcing that it was her birthday. Nothing much else was all that appealing about her, she looked too fake. He could tell that her makeup was cheap and done poorly.
He noticed, you looking at him as he got closer. He enjoyed that. “Y/N ,” he said once he arrived there, he placed the bottle of champagne on the table as the waiter placed the glasses down. “And friends, on behalf of myself and The Black Mask Club, we want you all to have an amazing time celebrating here.” He held up the bottle of champagne once again. “He looked over at you and smiled. Enjoy this at your leisure and be sure to let us know when you want us to pop it for you.”
The fake one leaned over, showing ample cleavage. “Open it now, pop that bottle. I want to celebrate a little harder.”
He did not roll his eyes but he wanted too!
There were some giggles and cheers and many thank yous. He only cared about yours. “Thank you, Roman. That was very nice of you.”
“Your welcome, Y/N.” With the flair he had for most everything he did, he opened the bottle. “The Black Mask, would love for you to be our guest again in the future.”
“I’d like that.” You smiled at him.
“Fantastic.” He looked you over again, then your friends. “If you need anything holler.” Then he turned to leave. He could hear whispers but he could not understand any of them.
“Oh someone is on a first name basis with him.” One teased you with a raised eyebrow.
“I only just learned it at the bar when we chatted.” You defended yourself.
Jessica continued, to fluff herself. “Do you think I caught his eye?”
“Now your moony over him?” One of them asked, giggling.
“Well, Y/N is right he is hot.”
All of them erupted into giggles, except you. You finished your drink. Looking for a distraction. You spotted him, your heart lifted but then it came crashing down.
You watched as a blonde, with a gold shimmery dress with black diamonds sauntered over to him. She easily, wrapped her slender arms around his throat. A wide grin spread across his face. You looked away then. Who the hell were you kidding, you thought annoyed. “Hey, are we going to go and dance again girls?” You asked wanting to distract yourself.
He went back and sat in his chair. He had to wondered what you all whispered about. He watched as they all giggled and you just sipped your drink. He debated whether he should go over, pull you to your feet and bring you out to the dance floor. That’s when he heard that obnoxious, squeaky voice. He didn’t even have to turn to it to know who it was. But he had to play nice. He didn’t want tension with that crazy clown or his off the edge girlfriend. He smiled broadly in her direction as she came over to him.
She was closer then he liked and shifted as she easily wrapped her arms around him. Swallowing, he smiled. “Why Harleen Quinzell what do we owe this pleasure?” Her perfume made his stomach lurch.
A pout formed on her ruby lips. “Joker and I are fighting.” He gently eased her arms away from around his throat. “I came here to have a good time.”
He continued to smile. “Well this is the place to have it.” He twirled a finger and one of those disgusting pink drinks she loved was brought over. “Here you go,” he handed it to her. “And if your paramour shows up, do tell him I would like a word.” He got up and smoothed his suit jacket.
“Of course, Romy.” She took a hearty sip, smiling.
Looking around, he decided to bring you to the dance floor. But he didn’t see you.
Zsass, finally appeared at your side. “It’s all done boss.” He resisted the urge to tell him on to just slide on up like that.
“Good.” He spat out, still hoping to spot you. He didn’t see you anywhere.
“Are you looking for someone, Romy?” Harley chirped.
“For a silly little girl,” he cooed softly. “You noticed. I am.”
She slid off her bar stool with a happy little sound. “Want me to check the ladies room?”
“Sure.” He said flatly. He noticed your friends were still there, maybe that’s where you wandered off too. “She has dark purple hair and a striking green dress.” He held up a hand. “Harley, don’t approach! Just come back and tell me like a good girl.”
“Ok!” She chirped and happily bounced over.
Sometime later, she caught his eye as she left the ladies. She simply shook her head no.
“There someone you want me to grab, sir?” Zsass’s eyes lit up with excitement.
“Yes! No..no.” He shook his head. That was the last thing he wanted to happen. You would probably never speak to him again.
@grandimagines @spn-obession @vintagemichelle91 @zodiyack @emyliabernstein @top-rumbelle-fan​ @rosionis​ @johallzy​ @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @pooshnulooshnu @speedypartyducksuitcase @blondekel77 @saphic-susperia @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight
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winterflash-2019 · 5 years
Pairings: Barry x Homeless Reader
Warnings: swearing and small smut
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Day....? You lost count. It’s been a while since you were kicked out of your moms house. Ever since she got married to that asshole she’s been letting him control her. He hated you. Why? You didn’t know. You never did anything to him but this is your life now and you definitely weren’t use to it.
You had to steal for food. Sleep in tight and smelly alleyways with the rats. You barely slept in those conditions. You were sure you lost weight due to the little food you had. You were lucky if you even had a piece of bread for dinner. You were only 19 you’d think people would see a kid and have some sympathy and give some food or something but no. In central city all that mattered was their fancy jobs and cars. Most people tucked their purses amd briefcases into their coats and moved away when walking past you. There was this guy though that past you everyday on his way to work. He’d leave $5 or something a small plate with the breakfast he cooked that morning. The gesture was greatly appreciated and you made sure he knew that.
Currently it was one of those moments. He walked over to you and smiled.
“Good Morning, did you have something to eat last night?” You looked up and smiled. Something was different about him today. You took in his features and blushed. He was really cute and then you figured it out. He had a haircut. You blink and remember he asked you a question. Shaking your head you bite your lip nervously and he gives you a small smile before digging in his pocket and giving you $5. Get yourself something okay? You should eat.” He hads you his coffee and waves before leaving. You wished people were more like him.
You got up on wobbly legs and made your way to jitter and got yourself two bagels. Sure it was small but it did the job. You get up and go back to your small corner just to see the man was back. Didn’t he have work or something?
“Hey uh I got you something” he says and digs in a bag. He pulls out a star labs sweatshirt and sweatpants and a $10.
“Here I thought you’d want something else to change into to be comfortable.”
“I-I can’t accept this. You already gave me money earlier for food” your shakey voice states and he chuckles.
“So? I want to do this. I need to make sure you’re okay.” He hands you the items and you smile at him.
“Thank you...”
“Just call me Barry” he smiles and rubs your arm and you flinch slightly. Living alone on the streets you came across thugs on a daily. Just yesterday a group of guys chased you and roughed you up a little before the cops came and they ran. Your arm didn’t make it out the fight unharmed.
“Are you okay?” Barry asks and you shake your head no. His eyes widen as he moves his hand away to see blood seeping through your shirt where your arm was.
“Come with me I’ll fix it for you” Sure you weren’t supposed to follow or talk to strangers but Barry wasn’t a stranger to you anymore. You knew his intentions were nothing but good. So you followed him back to his place. He unlocked the door and you take a step in. It was small but homey. The tv was on low and showed nothing but a boring commercial about medicine. The lights were off and a vanilla scented candle was lit in the kitchen.
“I know its not a lot but welcome to my place anyway” he smiles and you smile back at him. He sits you down on the couch and leaves for a few seconds before coming back with a first aid kit.
“What happened?”
You sigh and pull at the string coming from your pants. You shouldn’t worry him but he won’t stop asking until you tell him so you do and he was livid.
“Why didn’t you tell me this morning I couldn’ve told the ccpd. I work there.”
“Barry you shouldn’t worry about me. I’m just a helpless girl that has nothing going for her” He frowns at your words before kissing your shoulder lightly where his handy work of stitches lie. You blush and your stomach flutters with butterflies.
“Don’t say that about yourself. I don’t want you going through that again. You’re staying with me okay?”
“What? Barry I can’t intrude”
“You’re not. I told you you were welcome here. I can talk to the captain at ccpd about giving you a position there. This is your home now”
“You don’t even know my name”
“And you didn’t know mine at first. I know you’re a good person”
“My name is y/n. Thank you so much for this Barry” your eyes welled with tears of joy and you hugged him. He smiles and hugged back while rubbing your back.
“Come on I’ll show you around.”
You stepped out the shower with a huge smile on your face. You grab the star labs sweatshirt Barry got for you and looked in the mirror. It stopped at your knees. He apologized for the lack of sizes they had available at the moment and promised he’ll get you your size when they have more but you dismissed it. You loved how this one went to your knees. He talked to you about when he’ll take you shopping for your necessities since you only had one pair of underwear and those were in the wash. So here you were walking around with a huge shirt on but no underwear.
“How was the shower?” Barry asks as he sets the table with two plates. He didn’t look up at you just yet but when he did he froze. You were so beautiful. He was use to living with a girl but this time you weren’t related to him in any way, shape, or form. He’d fallen for you and it took him a while to realize it but this very moment confirmed it.
“It was great. I feel much better”
“Great” he gives you a warm smile and turns back to the pot on the stove.
“I made pasta. Is that okay?”
“Well duh, I haven’t had a home cooked meal in forever I’m sure I’ll love it” he chuckles and the butterflies are back in your stomach. Its crazy how you barely knew Barry and he managed to have that affect on you.
It was silent as you two ate. It wasn’t an awkward silence it was more of a comfortable silence. Watching Barry eat made you squeeze your legs together. He ate like he hasn’t ate in decades its funny because you were the one that’s supposed to be eating that way. You let your eyes travel to his mouth. You bit your lip as you saw how he took a forkful of pasta into his mouth ans slurped the rest. The sound was obscene and it turned you on.
He caught you looking and grinned.
“You okay y/n?”
“Y-Yeah. I’m okay”
“Do you need something?” He knew exactly what you were thinking he just wanted to tease you a little.
“N-No. I’m fine Barry” you try so hard to focus back on your food but all you could think about was Barry feasting on his food wishing he was feasting on you instead.
“You’re squeezing your legs together like you want something y/n.” He stands up and takes both of your plates before returning and sitting you on the table. Is he serious?
You had to stop fighting the urge sooner or later and you prefer sooner. You reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your lips against his roughly. He moaned into the kiss instantly when he feels your soft lips against his. His fingers digs into your hips and pulls you closer as his mouth trails its way down your neck to your stomach. You’ve never had someone go down on you before but hey there’s a first time for everything and you want Barry to be all your first.
He lifts the swear shirt and licks his lips when he sees your lack of underwear. He looks up at you for your consent and you give it.
“If you want me to stop just tell me okay?” You nod and push your hips up in his face. You didn’t want to talk right now. You needed him. He chuckles and dips his head closer to your sex and instantly swirled his tongue around, wanting to explore you and taste everything. You gasped and pulled at his hair. The pleasure was super intense. He went even faster and sucked at your most sensitive area making your toes curl and moans fill the room. Each lick brought out a moan that got louder and louder until your legs were shaking hard from his torture.
“Oh my god Barry. I-I think I’m-“ your words were cut from your throat when you felt his tongue vibrate against your little nub and go super fast. You didn’t care that his speed was inhumanly fast all you cared about was your climax. You scream and pull at his hair harder. Cumming on his tongue hard. He licks his lips and smirk up at your panting form.
“Did I mention I’m the flash?” He chuckles while cleaning you up. Never in a million years you’d think you’d be homeless and alone and never in a million years you’d think the handsome stranger that came to your rescue would be the flash. Life is unpredictable. You knew that now.
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gibmb · 5 years
heir to the horde ch 5 Heirs Come Home
Hordak had been pacing in the lab, his thoughts racing through all the possibilities. At first he had been working on some of the projects he and Entrapta had started, but after several hours had passed, his mind had been too preoccupied to focus on the projects. So he wandered through the castle distractedly. He had no worries of the staff seeing him, most of them already knew he was alive after some unwelcome intrusions into their lab and bedroom. He frowned, remembering some of those moments, as one of said servants walked by him with a smile. 
“Good afternoon, my lord,” she greeted in passing, but paused when noticing he seemed lost in thought. “Is everything alright, Sir? The lady didn't build another robot double did she?” 
Hordak stopped as his train of thought was interrupted. He looked to the servant looking her up and down before sighing. “No, she has not made another robot double.” Hordak knew this servant, she was the first to discover he lived. Her reaction to it had been quite enjoyable, seeing the terror she showed. But since the years passing she had grown accustomed to him, just as she and the other servants grew accustomed to knocking. Hordak thought for a moment on whether to ask her, before deciding it best to at least check. “Have you heard any news on Entrapta?” Hordak watched as the servant thought for a moment before shaking her head. 
“I’m sorry my lord, but no. From what I do know something exciting occured at the meeting, which is why she was delayed,” the servant said before Hordak dismissed her. He returned to the lab. It wasn't much information, but for some reason exciting and Entrapta calmed him a little. At worst the portal sent a princess to the other side of the world, or even another dimension. The idea of that made him smile sinisterly. “With any luck it was Adora or Angela,”  he muttered to himself. As he thought to himself, the proximity alert went off in the lab to warn him and Entrapta that they had guests. Hordak checked the monitor amd saw Entrapta, which allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief, before he noticed Catra and Scorpia with her. He scowled at the sight of Catra. Her actions had left him with a special disdain for this feline. But now was not the time to skin a cat. Hordak looked for the helmet to the armor he wore most of the time, so if they had visitors he could pretend to be just another one of Entraptas machines. Once he found it, he quickly dawned it as he heard talking outside the lab, and went to stand motionless in the corner of the room as the door opened with Entrapta stepping through. Entrapta looked both excited and exhausted for some reason. 
Then he heard Catra yelp and say, “He bit me again!” Catra entered the lab holding a baby. The sight of the baby caused him to stagger in shock at the sight of his son, causing Catra to look in his direction, surprised. “You sure it’s safe to have the twins in your lab with that thing around? It doesn’t look like you’ve gotten all the kinks out of it,” Catra said, still trying to free her hand from the baby with little success. 
Entrapta snorted, chuckling a bit. “Ohh there's nothing to fear from him he just needs his joints oiled. And stop struggling with Sindri, you know it only makes him bite harder. That’s how Glimmer fainted, remember?” Entrapta smiled towards Hordak, as Scorpia walked in holding the other baby. At the sight of a second one, Hordak truly felt like he was about to keel over. “Besides, with them in my lab I can build them a crib that can notify me when they're hungry. And probably some other inventions, like maybe a nanny for when I’m out...” Entrapta trailed off, noticing the stare she got from Catra.
“You are not leaving the twins with a robot Entrapta. If you need someone to watch them, some of us volunteered to help with them.” Catra looked down at Sindri, who was still feeding on her hand while looking at her with innocent eyes. “Well, either way someone will come to check up on you and see if you need anything,” Catra said as she watched Sindri stop feeding. She moved her hand away, shaking it a little to wake it up “For someone so small you’ve got one hell of a grip.” Catra smiled a little before walking over to Entrapta to hand her Sindri. “See ya later, ok?” Entrapta nodded taking the baby as Scorpia approached next, handing her Ahirman.
“Don't worry little guy, we’ll see ya later,” Scorpia said with a smile as she left with Catra. Entrapta watched the monitor for it to be truly safe, before giving a smile and nod in Hordak’s direction.
“It’s clear,” Entrapta said as hordak removed his helmet and quickly moved over to her to see the twins. “Their names are Ahirman,” she said, nodding to the one she held in her left arm, ”and Sindri,” she nodded to the one on her right.” As she said the names, Entrapta saw Hordaks confused look.
“You named them after two of the four kings?” Hordak asked, a bit intrigued. He had told her that the legend of the four kings when she asked if the Horde had any legends, but to think she’d name their sons after the forsaken and exiled, the two most hated of the four. Hordak smiled at Entrapta. “Well that just means that they are going to have very large goals set for them then.” He watched Entrapta smile widely before she handed him Ahriman. Hordak paused, looking down at Ahriman, who looked back at him before reaching out for Hordak. Hordak took his son, holding him in one arm. Noticing their features matched, Hordak gave his son a soft smirk, before noticing Entrapta looked like she was holding back her question. “Go on ask away. I know the wait has probably be driving you madder than it has me.”  
Entrapta let out an excited squeal, before pulling out a recording device. “Ok first, Ahriman and Sindri have both bitten and drank blood from a few princesses. So far myself, Catra, Perfuma, Glimmer and Angela, after which they seemed to not bite others. What is the reason behind that?” Entrapta asked, looking to see Hordak smiling. “I know they’re feeding but they refuse to feed from pouches like you did. They do still drink milk, luckily without biting but is there a reason why they only bite certain people?” Hordak nodded, looking to Ahriman, who yawned while he held him.
“While I may be a clone of Horde Prime, there is still plenty of available data about our species. When we’re infants we feed from the mother as well as those who the mother has entrusted her children to. Mainly the first four besides the mother that held them. Their scent is how they know if they can feed from them.” As hordak explained, he also thought about the princesses and cat Entrapta listed off.
“So if that’s the case that means that Ahriman was held by myself, Angela, Glimmer, Catra after Glimmer fainted then Perfuma, and for Sindri roughly the same order. I even held on to Sindri  and waited for her to wake up just to see if he would bite her like Ahriman did.” Hordak gave her a raised brow. “He most certainly did bite her, causing her to faint a second time,” Entrapta said with a smile. “It was sooo fascinating to witness her reaction,” she said gleefully. 
At this moment, Ahriman started to make a fuss and fidget in Hordak’s arms, causing Hordak to wonder if he did something wrong. “Why is he acting this way? Am I holding him improperly?” 
Entrapta smiled and traded babies with him. “No. He just gets like that when he’s hungry.” She proceeded to feed Ahriman while Hordak cuddled Sindri. 
“Did you enjoy feeding on the feline? I would hope you don’t grow too attached to that one my son,” says Hordak, taking a moment to remember Catra’s past actions. “She is not to be trusted.” Hordak looks over to Entrapta, who had just finished feeding Ahriman, “I see he’s had his fill. How about you let me look after these two? You should go and rest, you look rather fatigued.” Entrapta handed over Ahriman and sighed.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. It has been a rather long couple of days. Make sure to log anything worthwhile onto my recorder while I rest. I don’t want to miss any test worthy opportunities that may come up,” Entrapta said as she yawned and walked to the door that lead to their room. She got to the doorway and paused. “Do you think it’s possible that they will have magic like me?” Entrapta asked, turning back to Hordak. He looked like he was considering the possibility of it, before answering.
“I don’t know. I suppose only time will tell if these two will have an affinity for magic.” Entrapta smiled at the answer, seeming satisfied with the idea of figuring it out in time, before she walked through the doorway, heading into their room and leaving Hordak alone with his two sons. Hordak looked to his sons, seeing them look back at him. “I see great things in the future from the two of you. After all, you’re both my sons.”
as always this couldn't be achieved without my co writer novanator or my editor @lauraisfae
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song-of-storms162 · 6 years
Mipha’s pie
Cooking is one of Wild’s solaces but it seemed Fate had a way of messing with even that.
Wild had gotten his hands on a really good recipe.
He had been in Gerudo town, vai clothes and all, hanging around the communal kitchen that was shared by all the Gerudo. He was looking at the shelves of spices, wondering what he ought to make for the group currently camping outside the town walls.
Riju had told him that he was welcome to help himself to use the spices or the kitchen to his liking. Since he wouldn’t accept other gifts, the young chief told him it was the least she could do for him.
He had done them a favor after all.
Wild took up more bottles in his hands, inspecting them, sniffing the spices, checkling the cutlery and the available dishes. He heard a whine from the wolf seated next to the ktchen and a growl coming from the stomach of the hero standing near the creature.
Looking at Hyrule’s appearance made Wild recollect on the day and momentarily stop.
Before coming to Gerudo town, Wild had taken them all to Kara Kara Bazaar and had them meet with Vilia.
Wild hadn’t told them much, except for the fact that she could get them in. They climbed up the ladders that led to the top of a sandstone building, Wild was first to reach and told the others to stay where they were as he approached Vilia.
The two talked in hushed tones, Vilia looking occasionally looking over Wild’s shoulder to glance at his companions. When they were done, the two separated and stood in front of the remaining Links.
Wild told them to all to file into one line, confused looks were exchanged among them but they obeyed. Vilia walked around them, eyes scanning the heroes who held the triforce of courage.
Eventually she stood in front of Time and nodded at Wild. Wild came up to them and dragged Time away from the line, Vilia did the same to Twilight, Warriors and Legend.
And then it was just Sky, Hyrule, Wind and Four.
Sky left first, then Vilia started circling the remaining three like a hawk. She stopped in front of Hyrule.
“This one,” she said before turning to Wild, Wind and Legend taking it as a cue to join the ones she had dismissed.
Wild told the rest to remain downstairs while Vilia, Wild and Hyrule stayed up.
And when they finally met with the others, Wild wished he could take a photo of their faces.
Because there was Wild and Hyrule in women’s clothes.
Both their stomachs were bare, their shoulders were exposed to the desert air but their chests and faces were covered by silks and cloth. While Wild’s outfit was mostly blue and purple, Hyrule’s was black amd white. But both wore the slippers and bracelets the group saw Vilia wear and realised with a start, that Vilia was the one who pretty much gave Wild access to Gerudo Town.
Hyrule thought about haggling with the merchants here but the prices were already reasonable enough so he supposed the only reason he was here was to help Wild carry more food from the kitchens to the camp outside.
Twilight was tasked with keeping watch of the two and Hyrule didn’t have to know that the wolf behind him was chuckling every time they had eye contact. He was sure everyone had to keep from laughing their entire journey here. He was glad that Wild could warp them, he didn’t want to face any monsters without his armor.
Wild signed to Hyrule, an easy one he had seen before.
Wait here
Hyrule nods and Twilight barks in agreement before the Wild hero disappears into a nearby building. Hyrule wonders if Wild doesn’t feel disturbed by everything that’s happened so far. Hyrule crouches down so only Twilight can hear him.
“I wonder how did Wild feel when he first wore these?”
Twilight doesn’t make a sound but he gives Hyrule a look that shows he’s listening.
“I’m really glad we have him, he’s the reason we’re all eating healthy after all. I wish i could do more for him.”
Twilight stares at him before looking up at an approaching figure, Hyrule too looks up and feels relieved it’s only Wild.
Wild has two picnic baskets in one hand and a book in the other.
He places the basket down ans tucks the book under an arm before signing.
I start now
Hyrule nods and watches as Wild begins cutting up fruits, fish and meats. As Wild falls into the rhythm of cooking, a Gerudo lady comes out of the building that Wild was in. She carries another picnic basket and nods with a smile at Hyrule, who nods back.
When Wild finishes cooking, Hyrule’s eyes glimmer at the feast they would be having tonight. When he turns to Wild, the latter nods to the picnic baskets. Hyrule places the pumpkin pie and fruit pie carefully inside while is tasked of stuffing anofher basket with meat pies and fish pies. When Hyrule finishes he places silverware and plates at the remaining basket.
But he stops when he sees the meat pies still on the counter.
He turns to Wild, about to point them out but see Twilight staring at Wild worriedly.
Then Hyrule realizes.
Wild is in the middle of a memory.
The cook still holds the fish pie in his hands, his eyes glazed and unblinking, the way they are everytime a memory happens.
Because Wild doesn’t want to miss a moment of it.
Twilight notices and Hyrule and looks at him before looking at the pie in their friend’s hands. Hyrule nods, carefully taking the pie and tucking it away into the picnic basket.
They wait, seconds pass, and when they do, Wild looks down at his hands.
Then minutes pass, the language of silence covering them like a blanket. Hyrule’s glad it’s night time now, less people to see them like this. Twilight gently nudges Wild and after a few more tries, their friend finally comes out of it.
Wild looks at Twilight first then at Hyrule, his expression even more unreadable under the veil but he slowly signs to them.
Let’s go
They all notice his silence.
Their focus only breaking when they ate but it seemed there was a cloud ready to pour over them when they were full. Twilight had already told Time and Hyrule sat closer to Wild than usual.
And finally finally when nearly all of them are asleep, does Twlight go to Wild with Hyrule at his heels.
“You didn’t eat like you used to, saved some of mine for you.”
The older hero starts the conversation. Wild’s eyes are still slightly glazed but something changes when he sees the dish Twilight saved for him.
Fish pie, that was what started this all.
Wild was about to refuse but the growling from his stomach wasn’t going to let him. Ears going up in embarrassment, Wild hastily takes the pie but frowns at it.
“You can start with dessert first.”
Hyrule holds out the piece of fruit pie he saved for Wild.
“Or meat, if you’d like.”
The three nearly jump when Time appears out of nowhere with a grin and a slice of meat pie in his hands. Wild looks at the three of them uncertainly before sighing.
“I guess i owe you an explanation.”
Wild started with the meat pie. He hadn’t realised how hungry he was until the first bite came to him. Soon he was scarfing down the fish pie he fretted over, there were tears in his eyes as he tried not to think too hard about its taste.
He saved the fruit pie for last. Desserts were comfort food after all.
Time, Twilight and Hyrule watched him eat, none of them speaking and waiting for Wild to start.
What did he see in his memory this time?
When the fruit pie is in his hands, Wild switches to a smaller fork to make it last longer.
“It was Mipha this time.”
Wild pauses then allow them time to digest that before continuing, the only sound in the air being light snores and the crackle of the campfire.
“Zora eat raw fish but she wanted to try making me something, she said she wanted to see what the fuss Hylians made out of home cooking was. She wanted to make something we could eat together and looked for a recipe.”
Wild takes a bite out of the pie.
“She made a fish pie.”
The others stay silent, coaxing him to continue.
“If,” Wild pauses. “If i have a memory of food with Mipha then...”
Wild places the fork down and his hands are clasped together.
“What if, i have more memories related to cooking and the people i ate with or made the food for?”
Wild’s hands tremble and Twilight gently places a hand on his shoulder.
“You’ve cooked for us before,” says Time. “I’ve lost count of how many dishes you’ve had to come up with. And this is the first time a memory like this has surfaced.”
Wild looks at Time and it’s Hyrule who continues the older hero’s words.
“Your memories don’t change who you are. They show you someone you can be or someone you used to be, or even a part of yourself you don’t know about.”
Hyrule smiles and takes Wild’s hands, relieved at the minimal flinching at touching.
“You have told us about your adventures and some of your memories too. From what i’ve heard, you haven’t changed in bad ways and you’ve improved your good ones.”
Wild’s expression is one of surprise before the wild hero smiles. “You’re right.”
Hyrule lets go and picks up the forgotten dessert before handing it to Wild. Wild takes it, taking bites out of it and he slowly feels the anxiety slipping away.
“Finish your pie ans get some rest cub, you deserve it.”
When Time, Twilight and Hyrule see him nod, they feel relieved and content.
For they had succeeded against a formidable inner demon.
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Unwanted Welcome
Jameson and the unnamed girl had walked for a while. She didn't talk, so Jameson had taken charge with a monologue. He talked about the various birds, trees, and other things they saw. He griped about the cold and the terrain. It honestly wasnt bad though. The ground was stone filled with a light frost covering the sparse grasses. The large trees loomed on either side of them as they walked, goving them a shade that held the chill to them. The sounds of woodpeckers and what he assumed were squirrels filled the trees. All in all a lovely atmosphere. Just not when you planned for hot weather and had on loafers instead of hiking shoes.
The complaints ceased when they came out on a hill overlooking a quaint little town. Its little lights twinkled just enough to make it seem a pearl in this sea of wood and stone. He looked to her and found her staring at him in confusion. He sighed and held out his hand.
"Look, if we are to be cordial, and I assure you that we will be together to the point that cordiality would be best, then we better know each others names." He smiled at her as she stared at the outstretched hand.
"I don't have one yet." She said in a confident voice with a slight rasp in it. Her eyes held his in their gaze that couldnt know the world. The innocence to her very being struck him again.
He let his hand come down as he sighed.
"Ok, well I'm Jameson, and I guess I'll call you miss Doe for the time being." He reached out to her hand as she watched and he put a bracelet on her hand. "This is a tracker so I dont lose you. Just to be safe, would you mind staying by me?"
She tilted her head and seemed to be thoroughly studying his face before she smiled and nodded. "Yes Jameson, I think I can do that."
He looked at her for a moment or two more before nodding contentedly and moving towards the town. Somehow they made it down without scraping themselves or falling too badly. The town itself was rather small with a main street that held most of the non residential buildings. At the first door they saw a collection of stained glass that let out enough light to see it was named "The Pomegranate's Pips". Jameson shrugged and pushed open the door. It smoothly opened, not creaking in the least, though the entire building looked ancient.
As the two stepped in and took in the interior of the place they noticed it was a shop of knick knacks. Neatly organized shelves and tiered drawers revealed everything. A light smell of smoke filled the air as they moved about. The floor was a lush green carpet that gave way to the wooden shelving and blue walls. It wad nice and well tended, without a speck of dust in the entire place. Once they moved into the main room they saw what looked to be a bar at the back. Until they saw that it was connected to another door to the outside. The central wall between the shop and bar had been removed. Behind the bar was leaning a man of athletic frame, dark curly hair, amd olive skin. He was dressed in blue pinstripe short and black vest with a smile that showed dimples and ivory teeth.
"Good evening there. Can I serve such a nice couple a drink? I'm afraid my wife is away for a moment. She will be back later if you want a porcelain cat or something." The man pulled two glasses and set them down on the counter.
Jameson hesitated but Doe walked in and sat at the bar, looking up to the other man intensely. Jameson followed, feeling eerie about the setting and checking his reflection in the wall mirror behind the bartender.
He dismissed the feeling to focus on more important matters. "Do you have a phone I could use? We got a bit lost in the woods and need to call someone." It was a suitable excuse for the situation they were in.
The bartenders happy expression dropped as he nodded and pointed to a small wooden closet. "Nice little phone booth my friend, no charge. Can I get you two something to eat?" As Jameson opened his mouth he heard Doe beat him to it.
"Yes I am very hungry amd would love some food." She smiled up to him cheerily. Jameson simply looked to her and sighed slightly before nodding. "Please make two, id like some of whatever you have as well."
The smile made a triumphant return as he turned and opened a small mini fridge. "No problem then strangers , though I'm afraid I dont make homemade food" he pulled out two plastic covered tv dinners " and fruit and veg is a bit expensive around here." He set about microwaving both as Jameson took one last look at the two before ducking into the booth. A simple white phone sat on a shelf with a phonebook. The two items were the sole decorations in the small area. Jameson knew the number to call by heart though, and without much difficulty called the one person he knew to ask for help.
Carolyn's voice came on the other end of the line slightly breathless as she answered "hello? May I help you?"
"Carolyn, it's Jameson. I found the anomaly. Well, we did but Agent has gone missing. And one other thing? That anomaly is a girl."
"All these things I know Jameson. Agent was transferred to the Caribbean and promptly called to state as much. Listen, events have conspired so that you cannot come back here. Further, I'm afraid that the good Agent is not satisfied with how his last rendezvous went. He may try something stupid."
Jameson reeled at the thought of his superior going rogue. It wasn't a fun thought.
"Yes ma'am. So what do you want me to do?"
"Well, as I dont know where you are and would like to keep it that way, then what I want you to do is either stay low or get to where you CAN stay low. Quickly Jameson. Others are now after the anomaly. Keep it, or rather her, safe."
"Yes ma'am. I'll call in a week for a further renewal of these orders, if that would be prudent."
"Go ahead, and Jameson? I think you may need to upgrade your phone."
"I understand. Goodbye." He hung up and took his phone out before breaking it in half. He took a deep breath and stepped out to prepare for whatever was coming. The fear would come, but for now he was focused.
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paige-is-just-fine · 6 years
Sanders sides Teacher Au. Chapter one
No ship
Human au where all 4 of the sides work in an school. Thomas is the principle. Roman teaches Chorus and P.E. Logan is the math and science teacher. Patton is the school counselor. Virgil is the art and history teacher. I may or May not have a few ocs in here as the student. Look out for the name 'Jace' and 'Camilla'
Virgil was awoken by a loud alarm that rang feom his phone. He sat up and cursed everything that lived. It had been one of those nights (the kind where you sleep but wake up feelong like you've been awake all night) and he couldn't bring himself to get up and actually go to work that night. He needed to, he honestly loved his job. He hit the alarm on his phone and stood up. He grabbed his phone heading to the bathroom. He placed the phone on the counter and hit play on his music. The playlist began to play starting with 'im not okay' by MCR
He dropped his pajamas pants and turned the water on to the shower. He waited a few.moments before stepping in and washing himself free of his night sweat. He then r8nsed out his sudsy hair pushed it back with his fingers. He turned the water off and grabbed the towel. He wrapped it around his waist and head over to the bathroom sink. He turned the water on and began to wash his face, brush his teeth, shave his face and then finally pulled his hair fully back into a small bun. His hair wasn't too long but it was long enough to get in his face occasioanlly.
He hummed in satisfaction before heading to his room to get dessed. It was of course a monday so Virgil had to wear actual teacher clothes. He pulls on a pair of black slacks and a purple button up shirt. His hair had dried and now help the dark brown look he so enjoyed. He gave another quick run through of everything appearance wise and he officially looked like a young teacher. He nods gently and grabbed his bag of things and his binder of grades. He made sure he hadn't forgotten anything exactly 3 times before looking at the time. 6:40. He quickly head out of his apartment, grabbing an apple on his way and wating it on his way to his car. He got in and began the 20 minute drive to the high school.
Logan's alarm went off and he made a soft grumble before pushing himself up onto his hands. He rubs his eyes and then reaches over and flips the switch on his old fashion bell alarm. He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed his glasses placing them on his face. He blinks the sleep from his eyes and swung his legs over the edge of his bed so his feet are placed on the floor. He then stands with a heavy sigh and made his way to the bathroom tugging off his clothes as he did leaving him in his boxers. He had showered that night and didn't need another. He ran a damp brush through his raven black hair and then gelled it back in a slick back way. He nods and shaved his face. He then applied deodorant under his arms and brushed his teeth. He then head out of the bathroom making sure to flip the lights off.
He opened his closet and pulled on a dark blue shirt and a pair of black slacks. He pulled his belt on and tightened it. He tucked his shirt in and then flipped up his collar. He placed the dark blue and silver striped tie around it and flicked the collar down. He stood in front of the bathroom mirror yet again. He flioped on the lights and began to tie his tie with ease. He straughtens it and sprays some cologne on before heading back out into his room and then out to the study. He grabbed his satchel like bag and pulled it over his shoulder. He then adjusted it and grabbed his other things stuffing them in the bag. He checked the time 6:35. He had time to get a cup of coffee and eat a quick breakfast. He usually liked to get to work by 7 and the drive was only 5 minutes.
He got to the kitchen and started up his coffee machine. He dumped the beans in and opened the fridge while the coffee heated up and began to pour into his large black thermos. He put a quick egg and bacon sandwhich together. He ate while the coffee in his thermos cooled just a small bit. He tossed the paper plate away and grabbed the creamer and added half a cup of it and then excatly 2 teaspoons of sugar to his coffee before stirring. He glanced at the clock again. 6:45. Perfect.
He grabbed his stuff and head out of his house and to his drive way. He got into his car and began his short drive to the high school.
A cheery ring tone rang through the room and a dream fogged man fluttered awake. He blinked a few times and then sat up. He hit dismiss on his alarm clock before sitting up and grabbing his glasses. He stood and stretched his back and then the rest of his limbs. He giggles and quickly made his way to the room next door to carefully awaken his child. A teenage boy lay on his bed his laptop open and playing through some calming music. Patton smiles and grabbed the laptop and carefully closed it. He then shook the shoulder of the teenage boy. The boy made little attempt to wake up causing Patton to speak "Jaaaace wake up kiddo. I'm about to start breakfast."
Jace let out a small mumble and the a groan as he pushed himself up onto his elbows. He glances up at Patton amd rubs his eyes "Yeah... Okay I'll be down in a sec"
Patton nodded and kissed the top of his sons head. Jace had a light brown hair similar to how his mothers was before she left him and Patton forever. Patton smiles and brushes his thumbs over Jaces cheeks and chuckled. He smiled at the resemblance Jace had to her. He then shook himself from his thoughts amd head to his room. He pulled on his clothes for the day which consisted of a light blue polo shirt and a tie. He liked more abnormal ties. He got one with paw prints all over it. He tied it and finally happy with the way it looked. He then brushed his messy blonde hair and then his teeth. He hummed and applied deodarant. He chuckle and almost walked out of his room without pulling on his tan slacks, socks and then shoes.
He quickly made his way down stairs now fully clothed (much to Jaces relief). He found Jace sitting at the table typing on his phone. He wore a pair of skinny jeans, a black hoodie with white words saying 'stressed and depressed but I'm trying my best'. Patton smiled and head to the kitchen he began to make breakfast which was eggs, bacon and toast. He placed a plate in front of Jace who began to eat instantly. Patton then sat down to eat. He glanced at his phone for the time and saw it was about 6:55. They didn't have to get there time 7:15. Both eventually finished eating and got themselfs in the car to head to school.
A loud chorus of disney began to blare. Roman swore he could have stayed in that bed if it wasn't for the song being a rather invigorating one 'friend like me' and he couldn't help but sing along ehich woke him up a bit. He sat up and stretched with a glorious yawn. He stood and was stark naked. He yawns and made his way out into his hallway. He opened his bathroom door and turned the bath on letting it fill with steaming water. He poured some oil in and watched it bubble up. He then sank unto the water. It was currently 5:30 am. Early, yeah but to him it was worth the extra 30 minutes of no sleep to relax in an invigorating bath.
He washed himself and soon got out grabbing a towel and wrapling it around his waist. 5:45. He smiles and stood in front of the sink looking into the mirror. He spent a good 20 minutes making his hair look perfect and another 3 brushing his teeth. He then went to his walk in closet and opened it. He walked in and looked for a perfect outfit. He smiles and pulles out a white button up shirt. He pulled it on and then pulled on some balck slacks. He pulled in white leather shoes and a bright red tie. He smirks and nods in satisfaction. He head back tot he bathroom and made himself smell like a god. He sprayed cologne and deodorant. He nods and heads out leaving the bathroom. He grabbed his graded papers and put them neatly in his white and red bag. He then grabbed a water bottle and head to his car.
He drove toward the school but stopped at a cafe and ordered a big muffin, an gourmet oatmeal and hot tea, eating on the way. He got to the school about 10 minutes early like always.
(XD Roman is my least favorite character. I triiied)
The alarm rang loudly. Thomas let out a groan and rolle dover slamming his palm down on the alarm clocks snooze button. The alarm went off again 6:15, 15 minutes later. Thomas opens one eye and then hits snooze again. The alarm went off at 6:30 and Thomas glanced over about to press it again when he realized the time. He shot up from his bed. He stumbled around and finally got free of his sheets that he dragged half way to the bathroom. He fell into the bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth and hair. He then stumbles out of his pajamas pants and to his closet. He pulled on his polo shirt and orange tie. He adjusted it and nods to himself. He then pulled on his shoes in a hurry.
He ran down the stairs and looked st the clock 6:45. Shit. He quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a cold coffee from the fridge. He closed the door and grabbed a granola bar before booking it to his car onky to run back in 5 minutes later realizing he forgot his bag and keys. He ran back out and made his way to the school
(I know this one is short but its Thomas. We know he would sleep in until he realized how late it was.)
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Sixth Sense
The group consisting of five: Camila, Lauren, Dinah, Normani & Ally decided to book at the creepiest place while they were travelling. Well, not that it was their choice. They mainly just couldn’t agree on which hotel, room or cabin to rent until when they went to a decision all of their choices were either already fully booked or only had slots for three people left.
It made Camila feel uneasy the most. Basically since out of all the five of them, she was the one who would hide under the blanket whenever they would watch a horror movie during their movie nights and would spend the following days sleeping with the lights on or avoiding places that ghosts appeared on in some of the scenes.
“Don’t worry, Walz. You can just cuddle up to Lauser here whenever you’d get scared. She a brave one.” Dinah, one hand on the steering wheel, the other pointing to Lauren who was sat behind her, suggested, with a disapproving Mani on the passenger seat, who swatted her arm away upon hearing her.
Camila, of course, didn’t reply while Lauren subtly looked at the rearview mirror to see how her girlfriend would react.
“Let’s not think about that right now. And I’m sure we can always pray and everything will be alright.” Ally, who was kind enough to be the mediator to the two quarelling girlfriends decided to seat between them to somehow reduce the tension, advised, always the one with the most faith out of all of them.
“True that.” Dinah seconded, nodding. Mani, on the other hand, smiled her trademark smile that looked like a smirk because she was not sure if the Polynesian was really sincere she agreed with Ally or was just playing with their friend.
A little later, the song on the radio changed to one of their group’s favorite songs and Ally excitedly ordered Dinah to turn up the volume to which the blonde easily obliged.
Well, I had me a boy, turned him into a man I showed him all the things that he didn’t understand Whoa, and then I let him go
Ally led their sing along, perfectly synchronizing the tone of her voice with the song.
Mani and Dinah joined her by the second stanza, and Camila, no matter how she tried to be consistent with her resolution yesterday that she’d not join in on anything that would seem like she wanted to forget her squabble with Lauren and just forgive her, also sang along starting with the pre chorus. By the time the chorus came, all five of them, including Lauren, were already singing their hearts out.
Ex’s and the oh, oh, oh’s they haunt me Like gho-o-osts they want me to make ‘em all They won’t let go Ex’s and oh’s
“I told y'all we should have just went with the basement room of that other hotel.” Dinah, one hand holding her bag stood still infront of the building when they arrived, looking not as brave as she was on the way there. Camila, who was standing beside her was biting the tip of her thumb, already nervous.
“Hey, guys, that song in the car. That gho-o-osts they want me. What if that was some kind of sign?” The smallest of them blurted out her thoughts.
“Ally!!!” Camila, Dinah, and Mani immediately cried in unison.
“Come on. Either we go in there or sleep in the car. We still have a long drive tomorrow so I doubt you want to be cramped inside that small box of a vehicle.” Lauren, true to what Dinah described her earlier, walked ahead of them and entered the building first. The rest of the girls looked at each other first before following their raven-haired friend.
On their floor, Mani and Dinah quickly occupied the room for two that they reserved, which left Ally, Camila, and Lauren no choice but to take the other one. The three discovered, to Camila’s dismay, that there were only two beds available, one king-sized and one solo. Thankfully, Ally made the initiative to walk to the king-sized, placing her bag at the foot of it and Camila followed. Lauren, since it was obvious, occupied her bed on the other side.
When they had all their stuff settled, they came down to the hotel’s restaurant to get dinner. As if there was an unspoken rule to not let the girlfriends sit beside each other, Ally sat beside Camila while Mani and Dinah followed Lauren on the other side of the table.
The girls each checked the menu and to Camila’s pleasure, despite the hotel’s scary reputation, they still had the good sense to put pizza on their carte.
Other hotel guests were also present in the restaurant and so far everything felt at peace to the girls. Before the beautiful waitress came walking to get their orders, that is.
“Good evening, beautiful ladies. May I have your order?” The attractive blonde with blue eyes asked pleasantly with a disarming smile. Camila was taken with her approach that after Ally, Dinah, and Mani had ran down their choices, she gave hers with an equally pleasant smile. But when it was Lauren’s turn and suddenly the waitress’ smile became brighter, Camila’s expression turned into a frown.
“How about you, hottie?” The blonde faced toward Lauren. Camila wasn’t sure if Lauren was really oblivious or was just trying to be dense but she didn’t like it that instead of simply giving her orders, Lauren asked more questions regarding their dishes, which seemed to Camila like she was prolonging the conversation.
“Is that all? I can list all the extra quirks you like for your food and tell the kitchen folks to do them for you.” The waitress persisted. Good thing Lauren declined with a simple, “No, that’s all. Thanks anyway.”
When the waitress left, Camila decided to let her thoughts slide and just focus on the conversation that was going on between Ally, Dinah, and Normani.
“We should reach Georgia by tomorrow and there we can stop at some good spots. Take some pictures, eat, anything.” Camila heard Dinah tell the other two.
“I’m excited. I’ve never been on a roadtrip this long and I feel giddy just thinking about the things we can do.” Ally added cheerfully.
They went on for the next few minutes, Camila and Lauren alternately joining un, discussing some possible locations they could visit while Mani typed them down on her phone for reference.
When the beautiful blonde came back with their food, though, Camila went back to her sore demeanor earlier.
“And here’s for the one with the most beautiful eyes here tonight.” The waitress complimented Lauren as she was serving the green-eyed girl’s food, having finished with the four other girls’ first. This time, Camila saw Lauren got the hint as she saw her cheeks turned red.
“Are you usually that generous with compliments for your guests?” Camila couldn’t help it and asked the blonde, tone laced with undisguised venom. “If you are, why not turn that generosity into food so maybe we’d have real use for it. Great idea, huh?”
Camila saw Lauren frown in her peripheral but decided to ignore it and just continued glaring at the blonde until the poor one averted her eyes and excused herself meekly.
“What was that for?” For the first time that day, Lauren spoke directly to Camila and also for the first time, Camila acknowledged her.
“She was obviously flirting with you and I had the compassion to save you from an unnecessary situation.” Camila said, looking to Lauren’s eyes.
“You didn’t have to be so rude.”
“Well, she wouldn’t let up and it’s not like you were doing anything to stop her either.”
Lauren huffed out an incredulous breath at what she heard her girlfriend say. “I was being polite.”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s what you always say.”
Suddenly a realization hit Lauren. “Is that why you were not talking to me? You’re jealous again?”
“No! I was not talking to you because you managed to come late at our monthsary date even if I reminded you days ago.”
All patience Lauren had been holding the past few days left her and she replied angrily. “God, Camila. I was busy reviewing for finals and shit and I didn’t forget. I was too tired so I fell asleep and woke up late. I did not do it on purpose.”
Instead of replying, Camila just stood up from the table while mumbling, “I’m not hungry anymore.”
The four girls watched as Camila walked out through the entrance, a mixture of concern, sadness, and regret within them.
They did not see, though, when Camila went back a few minutes later and sat at a table away from them, a look of uncertainty and dread on her face, until they were finished eating amd were heading back to their rooms.
The next few hours went relatively peaceful, with no more further spats between the brunette and the raven-haired girl. Actually, as they were already in their respective rooms, Camila became silent. The two didn’t pay much attention to it and attributed it to her foul mood.
By 11PM, as what Camila’s wristwatch told her, she was still wide awake. She could hear Ally’s even breathing beside her so she knew she was already asleep. Lauren was laid facing away from her, making no movement so Camila concluded she was most likely asleep as well. Camila kind of envied them in that moment because she was not even close to feeling sleepy, the guilt over her outburst in the restaurant nagging at her and the take-out food Lauren brought for her was staring at her on top of the bedside table. That and the fact that all rumors she heard about this hotel, of ghost sightings and eery history was keeping her imagination running amock. Not once had she sworn she saw a shadow move at the corner of the room but when she turned to look there was nothing there.
She managed to ignore that but then a few minutes later, she heard a door creaking, the sound sounding much like those in the horror movies, with scrapy, lingering sound like the door hadn’t been used in a very long time. She could easily disregard that as someone who just came inside their room but when that continued happening every minute, no sound of footsteps following them, she became paranoid.
What was that? Could that be Mani and Dinah fooling around with each other, feeling insomniac like her as well? She dismissed the thoughts rightaway for she read their messages at their group chat wishing them all a good night’s sleep and telling them they were already going to bed.
Not long after, but most definitely felt like hours to the brunette, she heard footsteps walking back and forth infront of their room, and the faucet going in their bathroom going off on its own, Camila admitted she was scared.
She fidgeted in her spot, tossing amd turning, not sure how she’d be able to relax given the circumstances let alone sleep while her roommates are still fast asleep. Thirty minutes more passed when she decided her peace of mind was more important than her pride, she stood up and walked to the other side of the room.
She felt the bed dip as she sat on it, her girlfriend’s body dipping as well with the weight so she moved carefully as she laid down beside her before wrapping her right arm around Lauren and hiding her face behind her back.
“Camz?” Lauren’s raspy voice broke the silence.
“I’m scared, Lo. The faucet, door creaking and footsteps. There are ghosts here.”
Lauren turned around to face her, one hand caressing Camila’s cheek. She seemed to be taking in the sounds of their surroundings before she stood up and went inside their bathroom.
The fear that left Camila shortly when she was beside Lauren immediately came back but Lauren was quick to return so she didn’t have to dwell on it for long.
“That faucet’s ours, I think it’s broken. But, Camz, I didn’t hear the door and the footsteps.”
“But you were asleep,” Camila replied, looking to her girlfriend’s eyes that had the power to take away her fear with just one look.
“I was not. I - I couldn’t sleep either.” Lauren admitted.
Upon hearing that, Camila’s guilt from earlier came back. “I’m sorry. I was being irrational and I got really jealous.”
“Shhh. It’s okay. I shouldn’t have blown up on you like that.” Lauren silenced Camila’s apology with one finger over her mouth. “It’s okay, babe. I’m sorry, too.”
Camila gave Lauren a sweet kiss on her lips before snuggling up to her chest, feeling a lot lighter and less scared. Soon enough, she noticed she hadn’t heard the eery sounds again and she fell in a deep slumber.
Needless to say, they had a new seating position the following day. It was Mani’s turn behind the wheel and Dinah sat in the passenger seat. Lauren was still behind the driver but this time, Camila was cuddled beside her, while Ally was beside the brunette.
Dinah, being her usual dorky self was muttering absurd jokes that made them either cringe or laugh, which Camila reacted by nuzzling her face on Lauren’s shoulder. It was during one of those times while Dinah was looking at the raven-haired girl that Lauren mouthed a silent, “Thank you.” To which the Polynesian replied with a soundless “You’re welcome, Lauser.”
A/N: I hope you all got that. 😊
I had this idea because my friends and I are going to this place in two weeks and we still haven’t booked a room to stay at so I jokingly suggested this haunted place. All purely a joke because I’m like Camila in this fic in all things ghost related and would NEVER willingly go anywhere with real ones.
As always, thanks for reading. Love you all!!
wattpad: litaddict02
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