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misterpseudonym · 7 months ago
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you said forever / tell me why can’t you stay?
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potato-lord-but-not · 8 months ago
another thing (sorry to bug you) do you think charlie ever gets. mad at arthur leaving oscar behind after everything that happened. i feel like he’s got some deeply repressed frustration and anger lurking back there about how arthur took off and left oscar with a changed life and no anchor. very ‘you left and i had to pick up the pieces’. but like obviously this isn’t an insurmountable issue it’s just. a point of tension hovering around waiting to be addressed.
ooohohoh I think about this too much. the holy ghost au happens over the course of roughly a year, from when Arthur left for England and then when he returns. Oscar and Noel spend a l o t of time trying to make sense of what happened to them, why they crossed paths with Arthur, how that changed them. Noel sees helping Oscar as less of a chore and more of an opportunity, to not let another person be destroyed by the hands of these other worldly powers, and to prove that rehabilitation is possible.
Oscar is almost entirely convinced Arthur isn’t coming back. His arc throughout this au is learning to become his own person, separate from god, separate from Arthur. learning that maybe Arthur wasn’t his purpose but instead a gateway to a much greater purpose, helping to stop the evil that festers in this world.
So far I haven’t pondered on Noel’s arc as much, but I he’ll be learning to confront his past head on, instead of burying it in himself, he faces it. metaphorically and literally, by opening up to Oscar about the torture he’s been thru, and by hunting down creatures of the dark world.
Noel does expect him to return sometime, so whenever they finally d o reunite it’s a bit less shocking for him than it is for Oscar. He definitely has his own feelings about how he treated both of them, but he lets Oscar handle his own issues with Arthur. He kinda understands why Arthur and John made the choices they did, it doesn’t make it right, but it does make it harder to be truly angry.
WOAH you got me yapping sorry I should actually go to bed
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chatlote · 1 year ago
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It's the 50 day anniversary since I finished Royals and got obsessed with Akechis character. Thought I would share some of my sketches 👉👈
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akq96618 · 4 months ago
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young master, go and settle this!
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kristensdexscore · 1 year ago
i think maybe perhaps part of the reason im so attached to romantic fabriz . is that im very much arospec and in a dedicated romantic relationship and i like using riz to portray the fact that there isnt just One Way to be aroace
(idk bro im a sucker for seeing arospecs thrive in relationships)
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ladyvictoriaa11 · 6 months ago
In the traditional version of the myth in which Athena is a parthenogenetic daughter of Zeus (no Metis) I have always believed that Athena must be very similar to Hera, as she is the fruit of Zeus' thoughts, almost like his design of an ideal daughter and therefore similar in appearance to Hera.
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zombified-hoglin · 6 months ago
Somewhat angsty void walker au
So Xisuma is born a void walker, not something you'd want to be born as, there's a lot of people out there that want void walker's abilities to walk in-between the worlds/servers/dimensions/what not
But Xisuma is a lost void walker, everything shifts and moves around in the void and he doesn't know where home is anymore
He's met a couple other void walkers and learned how to stay alive and stay away from people but other void walkers tended to put themselves first regardless of what it did to others
So Xisuma somehow ends up on the server, the other members are nice even if he's not too sure how to interact with them just yet, being friendly but keeping them away
It's probably the longest he's ever stayed in one place, with the same people, he freaks out a little when he's realized he's grown attached to them and doesn't want to leave
He freaks out more when he realizes that he's fallen for Etho, enjoying spending time with the fox hybrid and wanting something closer than friendship with him
They're laying on the kitchen floor of his base one night, not really talking about anything in particular when Xisuma feels brave enough to tell Etho a little about himself, it ends up that he shares a little more than he originally intended about what it's like to be a void walker
What it's like to not even trust your own shadow
But Etho sympathizes, he listens to what Xisuma rambles about and Xisuma tells him just how much that means to him
Etho has a soft, fond, look in his eyes when Xisuma tells him that
Xisuma doesn't need to look anymore, he's found his home
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glowinggreeneyes-e · 1 year ago
if it’s not already out there I need a modern Robin/Julian AU where Robin is Julian’s dealer for, well, anything.
and they eventually hang out together, because Julian can actually be himself around Robin, there’s no expectations and he’s fun and puts up with him! And Robin doesn’t really trust anyone but the untrustworthy MP, who has put his reputation in his hands. His life in his hands.
so try new strains and imports at Julian’s second or third or fourth house, get high off whatever, and eventually make small mistakes - falling asleep in the same bed, roughing up hair just to feel the other man, fumbling open buttons to get out of clothes because the air con isn’t working but neither is my body, craving intimacy when it’s only one more half-hearted drunken shoulder massage away, trying to remember if they actually did touch each other last night or hallucinate it or dream it because everything is melting together now
until the dam breaks
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jamietwat · 6 months ago
…okay but what if I said Rebecca/Sassy and Rebecca getting to become a stepmom to Nora who she already deeply cares about
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hanhwrites · 1 year ago
I feel the need to write an essay on Achilles and Patroclus
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vinegar-rights · 10 months ago
YAYYY im so happy. i just think that seymour would be able to use orin as an outlet for his anger and frustration and orin is like hehe yayyyyy ^_^. idk I think the fact that orin called him "stud", touched him a lot, insisted in the movie that seymour should visit him for free, AND even pulled out his special gas mask... it feeeels like he likes him a little more than most patients. seeing seymour in a more dominant position by killing orin, turned the tables between the two men. which is what i really liked ^_^ idkkkk
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grimm-the-tiger · 4 months ago
I'm feeling the overwhelming urge to make an animatic for "Take Me to War" about my Fallen London Shadowy alt.
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transmasccofee · 2 years ago
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sorry for torisai brainrot but i like that toritsuka immediately just maneuvered saiki to his lap without thinking
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linguinibilly · 2 years ago
quackity and charlie slimecicle also have such an interesting relationship on qsmp, it makes me feral
like before juanaflippa died the first time, they barely spoke, barely interacted really but after that? quackity was charlie's lawyer, he fought to bring his daughter back for him, to give her a second chance at life despite having no real need to (ik he wanted payment for it but still, there was no relationship there to make it an obligation) like after he found out about the 5 other lawyers, he could've just stopped trying and left or switched onto el mariana's side but he didn't.
and then, after flippa's back, charlie's supervising tilin, quackity's son, and he accidentally kills her. there is something tragic in the fact that the person you helped save their own daughter is the one that ends up taking your child from you, even as an accident. it's such an awful setting, such an awful scene of charlie feeling genuine remorse over tilin, clearly in denial over everything and so confused because 'why can't he revive her?' so much that he leaves his own daughter -- the one he fought hard to get back -- out of regret and guilt of killing tilin, his daughter's best friend and quackity's son.
then when quackity finds out about tilin and what charlie did, he can't even get revenge or any sort of peace or argument because charlie's in exile, has already given himself a punishment that quackity didn't get to have a say in or anything like that. he didn't get to witness the justice that charlie did, didn't get to have a court case justify his pain and the unfairness of tilin's death when he wasn't even there. instead, he has to live with the knowledge that the man he helped, killed his son -- someone charlie was only with because juanaflippa wanted to be so if he hadn't had helped get her back, would his son still be alive? -- and then left in his own exile so quackity can't even find solace in revenge or law or anything.
it's no wonder that at the funeral he wants to fight charlie in the graveyard, it's no wonder he's so fucking pissed and desperate at everything that he's willing to risk his life, his stay on the server to fight charlie because, after all, what does he have left to stick around for? his son is dead, tilin is dead, he doesn't have a partner like charlie, doesn't have anyone to turn to or find an equally gaping heart because he was a single dad, he was all tilin had as a parent and now he can't even be that so what can he be? what's worth staying for after he's got revenge?
then after the fight, after the funeral, after both grieving fathers got to say one last goodbye to the kids they weren't there for, they meet again. both have undergone their own coping strategies, moved onto their new path of life with resigned emotions. quackity says he's not upset at charlie anymore, not enough to fight him or want revenge anyway, and charlie isn't bargaining against gods and the server to get his daughter back. they're both there, in quackity's house, with fresh wounds and less children but now they have each other
it's something el mariana can't understand, something that sets him apart from quackity or charlie because el mariana feels a different kind of guilt, has a different emotion -- he was directly responsible for his daughter's death, was the one that directly killed her -- while quackity and charlie were both absent, both trusting their children onto other people to take care of for them and it cost them everything.
quackity may look into charlie's eyes and see his son's last moments but he will also see a grieving father in the same boat, with the same pain, and isn't that more than he's had so far?
charlie will look at quackity and see a man that he has hurt, that has helped him. he's caused the same pain onto quackity, a pain he doesn't forgive himself for, but the same one they both have.
it's why their relationship is so good, why it's so meaningful and impactful because they both understand each other. they both know how the other feels, what the other wants more than anything, and they both can sit there or stand there and understand.
their two grieving fathers with little else to their name, no children, no real committed partner, but at least now they have each other
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starrynightarchive · 1 year ago
hmm how about platonic dazai & yosano + "there's something you aren't telling me" or nikonathan + "i thought i told you to leave" ?💗
"there's something you aren't telling me."
dazai rolls his eyes, "did you already figure out that i'm batman?"
yosano flicks his forehead and sits beside him, "shut up you-" she wrinkles her nose when the wind made her hair fall into her mouth and dazai laughs, shoulders loosening and eyes crinkling. yosano huffs out a breath and continues, "just spit it out, dazai. what is it?"
"it's my birthday today. i don't like my birthday."
yosano turns to him. blinks. and nods, "okay. you owe me a lot of money-"
"where did that come from?"
"-you are an insufferable little bitch-"
"you're on a roll today."
"and you get on my nerves way too much but i'm glad you exist." she bumps her shoulder against his, "I don't care for birthdays and it's fine if you don't either. but i'm giving you a chance to eat ramen and drink whiskey with my money. take it or leave it."
dazai smiles. he doesn't care for birthdays but if you ask him, he'd say this one wasn't too bad.
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egophiliac · 21 days ago
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don't think I'm not still obsessing over 7-12
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 12 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 12 spoilers#sorry it's even scribblier than usual :') hopefully my chickenscratch is legible#anyway come here and join me in the corner where we go to be embarrassing about anime characters#just. between riddle and trey's dreams i've been thinking a lot about how#trey knew this kid for like two months when he was nine and then never really got over him or how their friendship ended#which. honestly. understandable given the circumstances#and then when they finally met again riddle acted like they'd never met before and neither he nor trey ever intended trey to be his vice#but every time riddle talks about his childhood post-incident it's basically#'oh yeah i constantly thought about trey and che'nya and fantasized about still being friends with them! this is fine and normal'#(there's a bit in one of his birthday cards where he talks about crossword puzzles and shit man that one got me)#idk. i can't put this into words very well#just...the implications that riddle was actively resisting trey's friendship#(presumably because it ended SUPER badly last time and he's learned that if he shows he wants something it gets taken away from him)#and trey had to work REALLY hard to just to get to the point they were at by the time canon starts#that was progress somehow#y'all can call him boring all you want but trey's defining feature really is that he keeps being like#'everything's fine :) this isn't a big deal :) i don't care that much'#(trey on the inside: THIS IS THE BIGGEST DEAL THAT I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT AND I WILL NEVER LET IT GO)#anyway i continue to be absolutely murdered by the timing of riddlepunzel directly after this#riddle's line about not wanting to keep standing in front of a door that's never going to open...#hey. hey silly gacha game about anime disney boys.#you are not actually allowed to do this to me#oh shit oh damn i'm out of tags and i haven't even talked about cater yet. NO BUT I HAVE LOTS OF FEELINGS THERE TOO --#(i am crushed under a falling safe looney tunes style)
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