#I HATE that cliff
deadliestgalaxy · 1 year
I honestly don't believe I'll ever recover from Gamora’s story in Infinity War. Anything I see or read concerning it fucking hurts my soul till today.
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ohposhers · 9 months
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going off the fact that JD wrote almost every Brozone song, i have this headcanon that on particularly lonely nights when JD can't sleep he stays up writing songs for his brothers that he will absolutely never show them ever </3 He's had the guitar since he was 11 and he refuses to get a new one cause it's one of the only things he still has from his parents LOLOL
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bonniesband · 2 months
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Wish you well? Well, what else is there to wish for, Stardust?
(Not greyscale exactly, but a muted version under the cut)
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koinotea · 1 year
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the cliff throwers yesyes <33
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emmetton · 2 months
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Malachi 2:5
"My covenant with him was one of life and peace, and I gave them to him. It was a covenant of fear, and he feared me. He stood in awe of my name."
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furiouskettle · 1 year
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mfdragon · 3 months
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I’m coping I’m coping I’m coping
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usertoxicyaoi · 4 months
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"I don't hate you."
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degenderates · 1 year
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"you don't want me to have anything in my life that isn't you" kinda shit going on here with a paternal twist im losing my goddamn MIND
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rusty-eevee · 4 months
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Day 3: Morning
I have so many feelings about the themes of night and day in the Explorer's games.
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dazesanddoodles · 1 year
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just a couple of gal pals
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themintman · 4 months
Maybe Vos and Jack weren't Sammy's only friends.
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littlelightfish · 5 months
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They make my heart happy.
They're the best canon couple.
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menlove · 2 months
What do you think actually happened between John and Paul that caused John to become so bitter and vindictive towards Paul? If I remember correctly, the prevailing theory of John being rejected by Paul was actually conceived to retroactively 'explain ' John's behavior because otherwise it seems inexplicable why he would turn on so completely on the person who had been arguably his closest friend, if not lover. However, it's evident from Paul's lyrics and interview to Hunter Davies that he is entirely confused and hurt by John's behavior. Like he even complains everyone always looks to him for blame but nobody sees how much he was hurt by John. I'm not trying to take any sides here of course, both John and Paul had their faults and issues which complicated their relationship but genuinely curious to hear what your theory is.
honestly? bpd. like I barely even think of it as a theory, although ofc it is, bc sooooo many people agree that john could have Easily been diagnosed w bpd
like there's a thing called splitting w bpd where you just. like on a Dime you can't stand someone. and this can be very brief (I've split on people and it lasted like an hour) or permanent but it's very common. like you go every quickly from idealization to demonization of a person. or complete apathy (which is my personal kryptonite rip)
not only that but there's quite a few paul quotes where he talks about the fact that john started "slagging him off" as a way to distance himself from paul/the beatles and sort of "prove" to yoko that he was entirely devoted to her. which also makes sense to me as a bpd cunt bc I've unfortunately done that too 😭 and it's not necessarily an act either, it's just like.......... your brain can't make room for the way you feel for a New Person and an Old Person so you start analyzing everything that Old Person did and finding every flaw and magnifying it and blowing it up until you start feeling bitter or angry and suddenly in your mind someone that was once your world is like. some kind of villain out of a storybook.
and this is very very difficult to deal with and he wasn't really........ getting any help or outside people telling him that his view of paul/the beatles was being distorted. yoko was also pretty paranoid & from several sources encouraged his bitterness/paranoia (which isn't a dunk on her- I'm just a firm believer that she was a Complicated Person and villifying OR deifying is just weird and racist). not to Mention the scream therapy stuff, where I'm Pretty sure he himself has even said he was encouraged to pick apart his life and relationships and find Issues.
so you've got someone whose brain is already a goddamn game of mouse trap telling him that if he's not w paul/the beatles anymore he Has to hate him, surrounded by people encouraging that line of thought, and hounded by media asking him about it and pitting him against paul
and with that in mind, I do think it was also a bit exaggerated by the media. it was definitely encouraged, that's for sure. but even if john didn't Hate Paul, that's how it would be portrayed bc it made a more dramatic and interesting story. they'd ask him (and paul) leading questions to get the most material.
I honestly don't find it inexplicable that he'd turn on him without a "reason" so maybe my own mouse trap of a brain is part of why I disagree so much w that dominant narrative of rejection to explain it 😭 bc for me and many other bpd cunts I know it's just. it could Literally be nothing. often it's just a SENSE of rejection that will cause a split. and I'm willing to bet that their growing distance, paul pushing the band harder to work after brian died, paul not really accepting yoko and johnandyoko, the possible dying out of a sexual aspect of their relationship, paul proposing to jane & later getting with/marrying linda, paul Accepting john's ask for a divorce, paul going out and making an album on his own....... well. it's a perfect storm for my fellow bpd bitch to go "well fuck him I never loved him that guy fucking sucks and whatever he does doesn't hurt me anyway bc I don't care At All he's just the absolute worst and I can't stand him"
which of course had to be whiplash for paul. from his pov it was genuinely out of nowhere. but I will say all his comments about it and john needing to put him/the beatles aside for yoko and just..... all his quotes around john's mental health seem to be very VERY aware of all this. he knew john better than anyone & his main confusion seems to be around whether or not john ever actually loved or even liked him. which is an understandable emotional reaction. I think, though, he does show a deep understanding of john when he talks about all of this which makes me soooo :(
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canisalbus · 8 months
Wow okay so I had a dream about your dogs - but instead of anything poetic, it involved a gray dog whom Machete apparently hated so much that he would 'jump off a cliff with him', a human AU where all of them looked absolutely ridiculous (Vasco had weird pigtails and Machete had a buzz cut for some reason), and you saying Vasco would be the kind of grandpa to use huge magnifying glasses just to read something.
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maskedbutsilly · 3 months
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warm up doodles i made (ofc theyre all tntduo. duhh)
swehsjdhi i wanna make a fully rendered art but i hate my art now idk why :( have these sketches as compensation
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