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epikonionman · 2 months ago
I fucking lied
Mr Johnson’s head remix is leagues better. Ringmaster sucks even more ass. Boooooo
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bisexualmadney · 2 months ago
everything reminds me of 911 (chris kissing street and then moving in with her partners)
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technicolorclifford · 3 months ago
I'm gonna say this one more time, since apparently the post i made yesterday didn't break through the tags. this situation has brought absolutely, without question, some of the most delusional takes i've ever seen on this website. olivia did not stage the break in. kyle did not stage the break in. it was not used as an elaborate scheme to force joe into talking about his connection to her, whatever that is. everyone thinking this, and anything like it, should be ashamed of themselves. we do not know the nature of their relationship. point blank, period. all you should be caring about is whether he's safe, and whether she's safe. don't act like its all of a sudden her fault that his house got broken into because it exposed her being there, because that's dangerous and again, incredibly delusional.
as i said in my original post, joe is a grown man fully capable of making his own decisions, stop acting like everyone in his life is out to get him and shatter your comfortable, perfect idea of him. that's dangerous, that's parasocial, and once again, that's delusional. that's how people stop sharing things period. he does not know you, stop acting like you know him. situations like this might make him so uncomfortable to the point where it prevents him from sharing anything, and he's just started coming around to making more than one social media post a month. so when, inevitably, he stops doing that, i want everyone in this tag to come back here when they talk about how much they miss him online, because this situation will be a big catalyst for that. it's your persistent obsession to simultaneously invade his life and feel like you're owed information, then act like you're above the gossip and he needs to be protected when it doesn't play out the way you think it should. everyone actively hypothesizing and speculating should be ashamed of themselves. and, quite frankly, need to get offline and go touch grass, because you care far too deeply about someone who is ultimately a stranger, and doesn't fit into the fanfic idea you have of him.
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onemorecupofcoffee · 4 months ago
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maukuja · 4 months ago
Being in the hospital or whatever waiting for your name to be called is possibly the most stressful thing ever
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bangaveragewhitewine · 6 months ago
struggling so much with writing lately I want to rip my hair out!!!
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corruptedwraith · 10 months ago
In fact if any blog that posts sexual stuff lets you hang around there, BE CONCERNED bc they DO NOT have the best interests in mind. thats a huge red flag. please keep yourself safe.
For adults: You're an adult but wanna interact w NSFW blogs?? Fucking INDICATE YOUR AGE ON UR MAIN + UR ADULT BLOG.
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parallelunivrses · 10 months ago
okay a bit of a story-time/rant here but i've spent the last few weeks prepping some raised garden beds for summer gardening. yard work is messy, so i normally wear one of the million free shirts that i got from my college and department in undergrad. i graduated with an aerospace engineering degree, so these shirts all say something along the lines of '"[university name] college of engineering" or "[university name] department of aerospace engineering and mechanics." and i was adding soil to my raised beds today when a neighbor walking with his wife walked by and stopped to ask what i was doing, what i am planning to plant, etc. etc. my garden beds are in the front yard so this has happened a lot. but then he asked me, "so are you actually an engineer or are you just wearing the shirt?"
and i just. what???? the only reason i can think that someone would ask that is because they don't think women and female-presenting folks can be engineers. i explained that i graduated a few years ago (my shirt literally said "class of 20XX") with an aerospace degree. and he was just like, "oh okay. i am a biomedical engineer." and then they walked off.
and i'm just. so tired of sexism in engineering!! this is part of the reason that i struggled in grad school (my program was less than 5% women. in several of my classes there were more people named "josh" than there were women) and it's a big reason why i don't like engineering workplaces. i WANT to stick around in this space and try to make it better for future generations of engineers, but it feels like i am constantly having to justify my space in engineering. i'm currently working in education, and i never feel like i have to justify my space there. when i worked at a science museum i never felt like i needed to justify my worth. interactions like this are a part of why i am having a career change.
in a lot of ways, it doesn't feel like things have changed in the thirty years from when my mom got her electrical engineering degree and now. people may not be outright telling me that i can't do engineering in the way they told my mom, but if your first instinct when you see a female-presenting person wearing a college of engineering shirt is "hm i don't think that person actually was an engineering student," it reinforces the idea that woman cannot go into engineering.
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thepartyishere · 10 months ago
i cannot stand!!! that stupid! time sword!!!!
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meadowjika · 1 year ago
im so scared of growing up
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orrsoared · 1 year ago
Me: When I go out I can’t drink because I’ll pee a dozen times.
Me when I’m out: Sorry, I have to use the bathroom for the 500th time because I had a glass of sangria 😵‍💫
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bakukuma · 1 year ago
wow people really just out here sharing opinions I didn't ask for directly to me
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aidenwaites · 1 year ago
Why do some posts on the dash not directly show who they were reblogged from anymore
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murderandcoffee · 1 year ago
I think I'm gonna start stabbing things if I keep getting called "ma'am" and "girl" so often
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saturns-ringg · 1 year ago
guys how does me wearing a non-uniform shirt affect my learning
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midsummersmorn · 1 year ago
Why is my brain doing the sad and making me not wanna talk to anyone
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