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forgettable-au · 6 months ago
You guys don't yet comprehend the mess I made to make the undertale timeline make sense in this AU LMAO😭😭😭but you'll find out soon enough.......
But like....what was I supposed to do? The timeline makes no sense to begin with.....
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haveyouseenthisskeleton · 19 days ago
How would your main skeleton's comfort their S/O and handle the situation after S/O finds out their child little sibling who went missing was one of the fallen children in the underground (if you want a specific one it can be perseverance) and was gone. And how would S/O feel towards their skele boyfriend after finding out? (Sorry for the angst i thought this would be an interesting one) 😅
Undertale Sans - He's sorry for you, obviously, but also kind of relieved it's the perseverance kid and not the justice kid, as, you know, he killed that one and that would have been terrible to explain it to you. He understands if you need some time to deal with the news, but please don't hold it against all of monsterkind. He understands being angry, but only the King did that. Not him.
Undertale Papyrus - Papyrus is a bit nervous about that. He's not sure how to react. He's sorry for you, but he's also scared you might hate him for something he didn't do. He knows trying to explain to you that monsters were desperate is not going to help, so he tries to be there for you if you need him. He's not sure what else he can do.
Underswap Sans - Blue acts like he didn't know, but he did. Toriel asked him to find the families of the fallen children, and he was already dating you at that time. When he stays strangely silent when you tell him, you understand he knew all along. Blue knows no excuses will make this treason smoother. He messed up big time, but you need to understand that Toriel is his friend too. He didn't want to push her under the bus. He's sorry. It's not enough, he's well aware, but he can't offer you more.
Underswap Papyrus - That's a nightmare for Honey. All of his anxious thought coming to life just because of one mistake Toriel did. He tries to explain, but he can see that doesn't reach you. You're angry against monsterkind, you're angry against him even though he didn't know, and you won't hear any of the things he has to say. Honey lets you go, quite desperate, and just waits anxiously for you to contact him again once you'll calmed down. He doesn't know what else to do.
Underfell Sans - Red immediately gets defensive as you scream at him to ask if he knew. Who the fuck do you take him for? He's not a murderer, never was. He's actually offended you would even think he has something to do in this story. Don't blame him for the shit Asgore did. He was against it the entire time. Red flees the house. He doesn't want to talk about that, especially if you're going to scream at him the whole time. He needs to be alone.
Underfell Papyrus - Edge falls very silent as you show him the photo. He knows that human. He really knows that human well as it's the first one he killed, to gain Asgore's grace and become captain of the royal guard. He doesn't even know how to explain it to you. There's no good way to say he did that. But he still does, because he can't lie to you. His soul breaks when he sees the treason on your face, as you run away from the house before he can even explain. That's karma. He doesn't deserve to be happy. He's no better than Asgore.
Horrortale Sans - He doesn't remember that child, but the face is familiar. There's no way he tells you they might have got.... You know. Eaten. So he blames Asgore and pretends it's one of the first fallen children, even though it makes no sense because it was so long ago, your brother was probably not born yet. If it's not working, he can still blame his bad memory and put it on Undyne. It's best you never know. You could never understand. Oak is extremely good at lying, so unfortunately, you'll never know.
Horrortale Papyrus - As soon as he sees the photo, he immediately looks away. Willow remembers each and every one of them. He's horrified right now. As you beg him to explain, he asks you to sit down, and then tries his best to explain to you what happened without giving too many details. You really don't need to know. Unfortunately, you quickly understand what he's telling you, and no amount of apologies will make it look better. Willow lets you go, understanding perfectly why you don't want to stay. He told you from the very beginning that he was not a good person, but was trying to be. Even if it was only to survive, it hurts to deal with the consequences after so long. Willow is heartbroken, but what else could he do? Lie? You would have found out sooner or later. It's better this way.
Swapfell Sans - He doesn't dare to meet your eyes. He doesn't say anything either as you pressure him to know who did it. He did. Of course he did. He killed four of the six children who fell. He's not proud of it, but he was just following orders. It had to be done to free their kind. He's sorry it happened to your brother. With a control voice, he tells you what happened. That Toriel ordered him to kill that human and that he found them and killed them as asked, because if he didn't, Toriel would have killed him instead. Does he have remorse? Of course. But it was either him or the human. He stays silent as you start to scream at him, out of anger and shock. He's too used to announcing these types of things to families to care. He did his job. He understands if you never want to see him again. That doesn't change anything. He did that to survive.
Swapfell Papyrus - He doesn't know what to say. He tells you that he's not responsible, and was actively struggling against this actually. However, he covers his brother and doesn't tell you Nox is the one who did it. He doesn't want to pay for his brother's mistake. He doesn't want you to be angry at him because of a mistake his brother did. He is not his brother. That's something Nox and Rus will never agree on, and Rus is just as tense as you are right now. He wishes his brother never entered the Royal Guard, even though this is what protected them both.
Fellswap Gold Sans - You want to know who did it? It's Toriel and Asgore. They're on the throne right now, like nothing happened. Doesn't it make you angry? Wine feels a little bad manipulating you like this, but that's a golden opportunity to drag the monarchs in the dust. It's time they start to fear about their immunity. Wine doesn't have the shadow of a remorse for your brother though. It was necessary, he won't say the contrary. It's sad it happened to your brother, but he's not going to pay for them. The worse is that it's working. Wine convinces you to talk to the news.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee only learned about the humans when he reached the Surface. He's sorry for you, and equally angry. Because Wine did so much research on you, it's impossible he didn't knew. And yet, he said nothing. Coffee supports you, and the second you leave, he goes to have a talk with his brother. It ends as an argument, with Coffee disgusted he would even pretend he has nothing to do in this when he's the one who brought the child to the King and Queen. Coffee quits the house and refuses to talk to his brother for two months.
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8thekat · 7 months ago
If it's not much (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
- how did grillby and dizzy meet sans?
-and was sans home schooled? .cuz I see some artists make the idea of gaster home schooling sans
-and how did papyrus meet undying?
-does alphys know sans?
-does sans (or papyrus) have any information about his mother? Like pictures, or past belongings, maybe gaster told them?
It's okay if you can't answer them all take you time (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠) and I made the text big for you to read
Grillby used to own his restaurant/bar before being drafted and that's likely where all 3 first met :3 Sans, being Magic Division Commander, also helped with recruit training so he also got to know Grillby and Diz more during that time.
Sans and Papyrus were home schooled by Gaster
Papyrus has known Undyne for a super long time, she's almost like a cousin. Undyne is kind of the adoptive daughter of Gerson, who is the former Royal Guard captain, so there's a close connection between them all (since Gerson and Gaster were close friends). Undyne had been getting Papy ready for the Royal Guard since he could pretty much hold a sword since he had shown interest in wanting to join since he was young.
Alphys was Gaster's apprentice, so Alphys and Sans know each other and have met each other in the past. But since Gaster's disappearance and everyone forgetting about him, they've grown apart and don't talk much anymore. Sans made attempts to see her and try to talk to her, but since no one remember Gaster and thought Sans was crazy when he mentioned him, it was just kind of awkward so he stopped trying :(
Sans and Papy know about their mother, just the small details, but not much else. Gaster wasn't much for keeping mementos and photos, so all they have are the things that were told to them about her. (Though since all info was given to them by Gaster, Papy has forgotten all of it now, other than anything Sans has re-told him)
Thanks for reading the series!! I'm always happy to answer questions :D! ❤️🤍
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worstutfanonthingpoll · 2 years ago
Hey babygirls, poll is on hiatus because I just got back from italy and i am so so so so so so so so so so very very tired.
Instead, have a list of all my Undertale Aus!
Doki Doki Monster Club
If you don't know this one by now you have not been here long. Here's the link to the account:
So you know the early fanon version of undertale? Evil Chara, OP Sans, UWU Papyrus? Yeah, that's kind of what it is.
Basically, Sans (a genius scientist, ofc) and Frisk (a nineteen year old girl and his gf) decide to banish The Evil Chara (TEC) to another universe. They succeed, but TEC resets the timeline as they do it.
TEC ends up in the canon UT universe, where she (gender up to interpretation) is reduced to an angry narrator. Like that one "what do you want" "souls of the unliving" "a bagel" "nooo" meme. She is still convinced she's making you kill everyone, and even if you only kill a single Froggit she will remain convinced it's bc she's controlling you. At the end of the pacifst run, you get this dialogue:
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(Art by worst ut canon)
Meanwhile, Canon Chara was sent to the fanon universe. It is literally Hell. Their mother is hypersexualised, their brother is a tsundere, the child they follow around and narrate about how has boobs, and worst of all said child is convinced they're making her kill everyone!
Once Frisk gets to Snowdin (after killing everyone in the ruins) she warps off to Sans' house with the man himself, leaving Chara to explore the underground on their own. Strangely enough, the world seems to be... glitching out? Monsters will talk about how their heads feel foggy or how they don't even know why they hate Sans so much and then glitch into a loop of "I hate Sans I hate Sans I hate Sans"
Is it something to do with those garbage noises that seem to constantly be playing with the music? Hopefully Chara can find out... before it's too late.
Literally just a common or garden roleswap, nothing special. Swaps are as follows:
Toriel ~ Gaster (a white fire elemental here)
Asgore ~ Grillby
Sans ~ Napstablook
Papyrus ~ Alphys ~ Mad Mew Mew (three way swap)
Undyne ~ Mettaton
Frisk ~ Human from the first image in the prologue
Chara ~ That one alt design
Monster Kid ~ Heats Flamesman
Asriel ~ Fuku Fire
Burgerpants ~ So Sorry
All the Blooks are cat people and cousins.
Papyton real, is the date storyline.
Alphys was Timid Dummy, and then Rar Rar Scratchy Clawy, a violent anime dinosaur sk8er.
Metta is captain of the royal guard and has a ponytail. Maddy wants to join but he fears she will kill everyone accidentally due to her incredible violence.
Undyne has several violent tv shows and movies. You shoot her legs off first and she's like "who needs legs... with arms like these?!" and starts suplexing shit.
Napsta makes sick beats and has anxiety, but is great at pretending they don't. They are incredibly popular. They still live in constant fear.
Sans records stupid jokes and never lets people hear em. He and the other ghosts aren't related.
Speaking of that last point, Alphys and Undyne are exes. Undyne abandoned her and Sans for the Hollywood dream. They probably get back together post pacifist.
Heats Flamesman is a child. He likes Metta because everyone knows his name. He aspires to be like that some day.
Monster Kid wants you to believe in them. If you don't they will be traumatised. If you do, they will be so shocked you did, they will be traumatised anyway.
Doki Doki Monster Club
Co created with my good friends @sans-au-war-ii and @bestfictionaldivorce.
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The girls (™) are:
It's pretty damn obviously who's who. The only thing of relevance I can think of to mention is that Grillbyuri is obsessed with water (not knives) and instead of stabbing himself he pours water on himself. Instead of watching his corpse decay for three days, you watch him slowly evaporate over three days.
And everyone wears a skirt.
Art by sans au war!
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Epic Au where Frisk gets blasted by Toriel's fire magic and their soul's like "not today satan" and turns upside-down and Frisk becomes a fire monster.
Sansby real, and they adopt Frisk. They call them Dad and Also Dad. Fuku is their cousin now, and Heats Flamesman is their weird tiny uncle.
Anyway, worst ut canon wrote this oneshot for it read it right now pls
First off, Blankstablook is an oc of mine of sorts. They're the ghost possessing the ruins dummy and they live there to avoid the sheer chaos that comes from living in the same vicinity of its cousins.
Anyway, resets don't exist and the player is the opposite of an alpha gamer and gets wiped out by the first Froggit they encounter after Toriel skedaddles. Blanksta feels bad for them (and for Toriel, she'll only blame herself) and so decides to possess them.
It ties the soul around their neck with Frisk's bandages, and proceeds. They do an awful job at pretending to be an alive child. It floats two feet off the ground the whole time, while the soul flails around trying to kill.
They also just generally act like an eldrich abomination and freak the shit out of everyone. Except their cousins. Who are just like "man, classic Blanksta"
Oh yeah and being a ghost they can't take damage which makes fights both very interesting and incredibly hilarious.
Heres Blanksta!Frisk:
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(Art by me for once lol)
Yeah that's it really. Feel free to ask about any of the Aus in my askbox! Also I will take drawing prompts for them, as long as they're sfw :)
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alto-tenure · 1 year ago
this is just my rambling attempts at piecing together a timeline to reconcile base UT and UTY's timelines. it's not super solidified, and is entirely unedited. I just wanted all the information written down somewhere for my own reference. maybe my thoughts will help out someone else, too?
what we know:
the order of the humans: Chara -> Light Blue/Patience -> Orange/Bravery -> Dark Blue/Integrity -> Purple/Perseverance -> Green/Kindness -> Clover -> Frisk (based on the order they're presented in the Flowey fight, as well as the order the items are found in)
Chara fell sometime in the 2010s
By the time Frisk falls, it has been a long time since the last human most monsters remember, since most of them would no longer recognize a human. (as per Toriel's introductory dialogue)
Kindness and Purple are never mentioned in Undertale Yellow, only Integrity
Integrity in UTY canonically killed several monsters and generally went on a rampage through Snowdin. Dalv was a witness to this incident. Kanako was injured, and Integrity was killed by Axis, where afterwards the evidence was hidden by Chujin.
This incident is still fresh to many monsters during Clover's time in the Underground.
Flowey has already been created, Alphys has become the Royal Scientist, and Undyne is Captain of the Guard by the time of UTY. (Martlet as guard worked with Alphys when she began, Undyne is mentioned but not seen, and I don't think I need to cite a source for Flowey, lmao.)
Sometime between Integrity and Clover, the Underground transitioned from the Steamworks to the Core.
Okay, now let's start putting things together.
Headcanon: the three humans before Clover (so Integrity, Kindness, and Purple) are the ones Clover is searching for, primarily. Chara is not on the missing persons lists, and the other two are further back. Those three + Clover were in pretty quick succession of each other.
The Core was designed before Alphys became Royal Scientist, but probably took a while to build and transition the entire power system of the UG to.
Chujin creates Axis while the Steamworks is still active.
Martlet joins the Royal Guard after Alphys is hired, and finds the True Lab, including the DT serum, which Alphys has created at this point.
Flowey escapes at some point between this and Clover's arrival in the UG.
Chujin's death happens after Martlet joins the Royal Guard. He gets fired from the Steamworks before this, with his incompetence cited, though it's also likely that they were letting staff go due to the transition from Steamworks to Core.
Integrity is likely the human that most monsters remember the most, considering the infamy of the Snowdin Incident. So it's most likely that there was a long time-span between Integrity and Frisk specifically, but Integrity, Kindness, Purple, and Clover all fell within the same year, I'd say.
...I still don't know how much time passed between then and Frisk, though. Which was supposed to be the point of diving into the timeline. Argh.
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kingdiamond1 · 2 years ago
Mv! Knighttale part 4
Well.....are you sure?
I don't know... it's a bad idea to talk to Undyne, and we can't hide the person, soooo we have to talk to the King but...I think we should not tell Asgore from the start just.....try to take it slow
How y'all doing? Tori you look good today and Asgore nice....beard?
Thanks, I am good. Why are you two here
Hello, Sans and why do you look so sweaty Papyrus?
NYEH HEH HEH... IT'S....UMM....HEH...* sweats a lot * NYEH....WE HAVE FOUND A HUMAN
.... Hmm 🧐, well how is it?
Has it been properly dressed, has it been fed, has it.... what is it's name?
Alright...I think we will worry about that later, but Human why are you hiding behind this person
.... 😨
....Ok, * steps away from Papyrus * H-Hello
Why does it look so brown
Chara, that's rude!!
....All of you look.... amazing
What should we do? And how long has it been here?
About...some hours
We should try and take it back-
Technically, there is no war against Humans and Monsters and there is no law saying it can't stay here
You are right, it can stay here. But what is your name?
What a nice name
STOP!!!! How dare you Human be here * Throws a spear at Frisk by half of a inch *
.... 😨
How dare you Human be here, in the Kingdom I protect!!!
That's enough Undyne... it's the truth...calm down
.... I can't believe this leaves madly *
.... 😊
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sdr2lovemail · 3 years ago
Heyyaa! I absolutely ADORED the Grillby fic that you wrote for me 🥺♥♡💕♡💕♡💕♡💕♡💗♡💗♡💗💗💗💕♡♥♥♡ i would be more than happy to request from you again 💗♥💗♥💗♥♥💗💗♥♥💗♥💗♥💗♡💗♡💗
How about Undyne x fem!reader, and about the plot, it would be when the reader asks Undyne to help her become stronger, cause she admired her for so long and wants to be stronger and taugher so she could protect her in case the danger (or even human) tries to attack her?
I love her so much she deserves so much love and its sad that there is not much fics about her </3 thank you!! 💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕💗💕
I WROTE SOMETHING! Huzzah! Had to write something nice for my digital sister! Happy to hear you enjoyed my Grillby fic!
Undyne is my favorite Undertale character! I think it's my duty as a lesbian. So I am happy to write any and everything about her!
I hope you enjoy this Hana!
Time to get SWOLE with Undyne! (There's no actual getting swole in this fic just the before)
Another Human fell down.
Another Soul has been retrieved.
The King only needed one more to break the barrier. Just one more and you would all finally be free.
That Human thought they could turn you all to dust, didn’t they? They just don't know when to quit.
If it weren’t for Undyne’s quick work, who knows what they would’ve done. She was so strong and brave. The Underground is lucky to have her.
Speaking of the captain, the two of you sit near a small pond in Waterfall. Cool, soft lighting glows all around you, gently illuminating your girlfriend’s scales. The sounds of rushing water was calming, though is mostly drowned out by Undyne’s loud retelling of her fight.
“You should've seen me out there, babe! That Human stood no chance against me! Who even brings a notebook to a spear fight?” The arm not draped around you wildly gestures. “I knew those humans were messed up, but using children as weapons…pathetic.”
You gaze into one of the many bodies of water around you. Undyne was so strong, she had such an amazing spirit. The way she wants to protect everyone in the Underground! The way she fights with such a passion! You wanted to be strong just like her!
“-and then I…! Hey punk! Are you even listening?” Using her free hand, she grips the top of your head and gives it a gentle shake. Though, Undyne’s gentleness is still pretty rough. It takes you a minute to recover, the world spinning.
Once you’ve come to, you lean more into her chest. From your position you can’t see the hue of red, almost purple, on Undyne’s face. “You’re just so cool, Undyne. I was wondering if you could train me? Not like the royal guards, just some basic stuff. Then I’ll be able to help protect you and everyone in the Underground. I wanna be strong just like you.”
Undyne zips up from the ground, nearly knocking you into the pond you reside by. She has the widest grin on her face. Her fins twitching with excitement. “You mean it?! Ohoho! I’m going to plan the most extreme workout for you babe! Those Humans won’t stand a chance against us!”
“Wait, hold on. Don’t go too crazy! Maybe we could just jog or something?” You try to reason.
She wasn’t listening, too lost in joy. “If my super hot girlfriend wants to train, I’m gonna put my all into this regimen!” In a flash, Undyne starts sprinting through Waterfall. She turns back and waves at you. “I’ll see you in the morning babe! We’re starting first thing tomorrow!”
What did you just get into?
You’re awoken by the sound of shattering glass, followed by your bedroom door being swung open. It’s your fishy girlfriend! Already full of energy for the day. In her hand was a shopping bag. She was true to her word about starting first thing the next day. It was so early that if you lived on the Surface, the Sun wouldn’t even be up yet.
“Hey babe!” Undyne picks you up with one hand and throws you over her shoulder. “Sorry about your window…again. I’ll get you a new one!” She walks down to your bathroom, kicking the door open which nearly rips it off the hinges. After turning on the light she sets you down onto the counter.
“Didn’t I give you a key to my house, Dyne? So you wouldn’t have to come in through the window.” Undyne had a thing for coming in through anything but the door.
“Yes, you did babe! But I lost it. Never put a key in your armor pocket!!!”
“Why didn’t you just knock. I would’ve let you in.”
“...............Anyways!” Undyne begins to rummage through the shopping bag she brought. “I know you like that sappy couple junk. So, I bought us these!”
From the bag, Undyne pulls out two sets of workout clothes. One is a bright red much like her hair, the other was in your favorite color.
“The red one’s yours! You know!!! So we’ll be wearing the other's favorite color!!! You like stuff like this right!!! We’ll be the strongest girlfriends out there!!!”
You smile and hop off the counter. Your arms go around Undyne’s strong waist. She’s quick to set the clothes down to hug you back. The force of her hug pops your back. “I love them, Undyne! We will be the strongest, and best dressed, girlfriends in the Underground!”
Her fins twitch as she leans down to give you a strong kiss. “YEAH WE WILL!!!” Letting you go, she grabs her workout clothes and walks into the hallway. “I’ll be waiting for you outside, babe! We’ll begin with stretches and go from there!” She shuts the door, the clunky thud of her boots getting fainter.
You begin to change, not wanting to keep her waiting.
You were going to get stronger. You were going to be able to protect everyone. Just like Undyne!
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undead-tale · 4 years ago
Little Known Fact
There was an original version of Undead Tale I wrote back in 2017 or even late 2016 (the dates are fuzzy at best).
It was completely different in tone, writing, character designs, plot... it was basically a different story but with a similar starting point.
I felt like drawing the Sans design from that version, now called "Classic", compared to the final design, or the "True" design, as I consider the current version of Undead Tale the true, final version.
Here is the drawing, and below that will be a list of all the changes and descriptions of the differences behind a read more as to keep the post nice to see if someone just wants to look at the art (the stuff below the read more goes very in depth, be warned, it's long).
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Let's start from the beginning with what changed:
Both stories start with an outbreak stemming from the lab, however,
Classic does not have the backstory of a corrupted reset corrupting the amalgamates and determinations properties. The origins in Classic were never explored.
In the True version, the origins were explored, and the reason why the world is the way it is is also explored through Before the Reset.
In Classic, Undyne fights a massive amalgamate thing in the Lab in the very beginning of the story instead of slowly easing into the events of the outbreak, which True did.
Chara was never present in Classic, and also there was no controlling force of the corrupted.
Corrupted is a term only in True, Classic doesn't have a term to refer to the infected monsters.
Both stories have Frisk fall after the initial outbreak, but Frisk in Classic falls way earlier than Frisk in True (as far as I can see, the timeline of Classic, unfortunately, is not very clear)
Classic explores the surface and humanity above during the events of the Underground. In True, the surface is only seen when Frisk falls and after monster kind escapes. Humanity in True wiped itself out with a war where the details aren't known, and won't be explored, as it's not important. In Classic, there is an outbreak similar to the Underground on the surface which causes an apocalypse.
Both stories have Sans lose an eye, though, as seen in the image, the eye is swapped. Beyond that, there are differences in the two Sans.
Classic Sans is a silently hopeful character, different from normal Sans compared to True, who is basically normal Sans but with some darker tendencies and visions of past timelines (called moments in the story).
Classic Sans lost most if not all magic ability when he was struck by Undyne, resorting to using physical weapons such as pipes or any blunt weapon.
True Sans retains most magic ability, such as teleportation, time stopping, and bones, he just can't use them as often. He does lose Gaster Blasters however, as they would take too much magical energy for him to muster normally.
Classic's outfit has a fluffy hood and a zipped up, torn hoodie, compared to True, who is normal Sans with bandages wrapped around the left side of his skull.
Classic only lost his eye, True had the whole left side of his skull horribly mangled and fractured, which is why the bandage size of both is different.
Classic only has the bandage, True also has the device strapped to his ribs that connects with his soul to amplify the healing process.
True Sans has what are called "moments", where he'll freeze up as he sees a vision of a past timeline, either consisting of the Judgement Hall or of Snowdin which get worse until reaching a turning point in the story near the halfway point. Classic has no such things.
Moving on from Sans, let's go into the other characters in general
Papyrus in Classic retains some confidence, however, he is much more broken and emotionally torn, acting out of character at points (pretty much everyone in Classic is out of character).
True Papyrus is very much like normal Papyrus, only taking things a bit more seriously and being more cautious and concerned for his friends, due to his circumstances.
Classic Papyrus has a kill count of normal monsters, True, however, does not.
Classic Papyrus and Snowdin in general are enemies of the Royal Guard, due to a plot point where Snowdin and the Royal Guard enter a conflict.
True Papyrus and Snowdin are very much allies and apart of the Royal Guard, Papyrus being ranked Lieutenant, commanding all Snowdin units.
Undyne in Classic acts very out of character with the little time she appeared in, she isn't as confident, she's a lot more cold, and attacks Sans with intent to kill.
True Undyne is like normal Undyne, and her attack against Sans was completely accidental, as she meant to attack another character named Fang for kidnapping Sans and Papyrus.
Papyrus and Undyne fight with the intent of killing one another in Classic. In True, Papyrus fights to slow Undyne down and let Sans and Frisk escapes, Undyne fights to get past him and capture/kill Frisk, attempting to pass him with every opportunity, not wanting to hurt him. In True, neither were fighting to kill.
Classic Undyne exiles herself out of shame after her battle with Papyrus in Snowdin. True Undyne remains the Captain of the Royal Guard throughout the entire story.
Classic Asgore is seen too little to really judge his character, same for Alphys. True is normal Asgore but affected by circumstances, again, same for Alphys.
Mettaton in Classic is missing, while Mettaton in True is similar to his normal self, albeit more cruel and harsh when Frisk meets him, becoming a minor antagonist before having a change of heart at the end of their fight in the CORE.
Mettaton's disappearance in Classic would've tied into a plot point, which I'll explore later on.
Classic Toriel allows monsters from Snowdin into the Ruins during the outbreak, accidentally bringing it to the Ruins. No such event happens in True.
Classic Toriel is the most in character of the cast, remaining mostly consistent with normal Toriel. True Toriel is normal Toriel until she leaves the Ruins, where circumstances and events change her.
Classic Flowey is infected very early on, True Flowey remains uninfected and even becomes the controller of the corrupted near the end. In True, he is very much normal Flowey.
Classic Frisk is more like fanon Frisk (meaning she's just a soft little pacifist who wouldn't harm a fly. Glad I didn't continue with this in True, because holy hell that would've been boring).
True Frisk is much more of her own character, she doesn't want to hurt anyone, but she won't hesitate to fight when she knows she's in danger, plus her backstory and her motivations, along with having to deal with the trauma's shes faced later on.
True Frisk also older, being 10 when she first falls and being around 13 at the end. Classic Frisk is around 8 when she falls, if I remember right.
Classic didn't go far enough into the plot for Classic Frisk to even leave the Ruins or have to face inner demons and trauma. True Frisk is very, very different.
Classic Chara doesn't even exist. True Chara is corrupted determination in it's purest form, and is a prominent antagonist, controlling the corrupted at one point.
There are characters exclusive to both version. In True, Fang, Ferno, and the entire gang Fang leads are exclusive to True.
In Classic, the exclusive characters are Artico, Stitch, Rycher (pronounced ri ker for some reason), Carly (Artico's daughter) and Ethan (Artico's son). These characters were a part of a spinoff story called "A New Monarch", which was establishing a new kingdom/rival for the Royal Guard. They would've been antagonists later on, similar to the Saviors from The Walking Dead, if memory serves me right.
Rycher and Stitch would've had been in a relationship later on.
Another exclusive character to Classic is Flynn, who is the third monster Frisk meets after Flowey and Toriel (he was an OC I made on Undertale Amino years ago, my account on which has since been deleted)
There is one more Classic exclusive character named Charlie. I go more in depth on him later.
There are more Classic exclusive characters, but they're not notable enough to go into here.
Finally moving on from characters, we go onto the plot/setting
The basic plot of Classic goes like this (I won't do the same for True, as that is very, very long, and I'd like people to read it on AO3):
The outbreak begins, Asgore is escorted from the Capital as it falls. Sans and Papyrus fight back an attack from Snowdin, and set up defenses.
A plot point arises where the weather in Snowdin becomes harsh, to the point where monsters die outside the village or flee to the Ruins. One of the monsters is bit before hand, and brings the infection into the Ruins, infecting Flowey and beginning to spread there.
Members of the Snowdin Safe Zone steal from the Royal Guard, which causes the Guard to retaliate against Snowdin and assault the town, Sans and Papyrus fighting them back, killing many. This is the fight where Sans is almost killed by Undyne, who is then almost killed by Papyrus before he rushes to get Sans to the village.
Sans loses his eye, and Undyne exiles herself.
Frisk falls later on, almost get's killed by Flowey, but is saved and taken home by Toriel. This introduces the fact that Toriel's home is now full of monster survivors and that the rest of the Ruins has fallen.
Frisk takes time to heal, and meets Flynn.
In the Capital, within areas known as "Dark Zones" (pretty much ripping off Dying Light), new infected begin appearing simply known as "Them". This leads to the death of two monsters in a short story titled "Them". In True, these would be turned into the acolytes that appear at the end.
Sans and Papyrus receive a broadcast from MTT Resort begging for help, and decide to investigate. They then go to sleep on their way, and are split up, Sans being taken to the Capital while Papyrus is captured and brought to MTT Resort (don't ask, I don't remember why or how).
Sans wakes up in the Capital on a high up roof and encounters a character named Charlie, who brings him to his group in the city hall. He teaches Sans how to survive in the capital later on.
Papyrus wakes up in MTT Resort, hung in the lobby by a rope around his neck with infected all around. He is saved by a stranger on a walkie talkie who begins to tell him what happened. He then tells Papyrus about a mysterious monster who will kill him upon sight, and then tells Papyrus to flee. Papyrus does so and returns to Snowdin.
Stitch and Rycher are brought to the cavern where the new kingdom is by Artico, meeting all the other characters listed in the "A New Monarch" section.
On the surface, an outbreak occurs (somehow, I don't remember), and soldiers move in to the city near Mount Ebott, called Sanctuary City, to save a doctor. The doctor kills himself (ripping off State of Decay: Lifeline).
Scrapped plot lines include:
Disclaimer: The details are very fuzzy at best with this, unknown/forgotten at worst
Mettaton Madness: An event where a group of monsters from Waterfall would have to contend with an army of defective Mettaton drones in the CORE. I don't remember much else about this. Maybe Mettaton would be involved? I don't know.
A plotline on the surface where a city is burning down and being pelted by meteorites or missiles (I don't remember) and a group of survivors have to escape.
Papyrus would die at some point, due to being bit. Sans would put him down. This would happen after Frisk left the Ruins.
Snowdin would fall at some point.
Undyne would have her own story about finding herself or something, I don't know, but I know I wanted to do something with her at one point.
The New Monarch and the Royal Guard would get into some conflict, maybe.
More characters would die I think, and maybe Soriel would be canon? I genuinely don't know and I don't remember. Like I said, everything about this section is fuzzy, as I didn't take notes and I don't remember half of this story anymore.
That's pretty much it.
These two stories are very, very different. If you want to know just how the True version goes, please check out the link to it on AO3. It's long, and it's actually finished compared to Classic, which is not publicly available now, but I might change that in the future. Classic won't be expanded on, and I won't write anything for it ever again. I'm not sure if I'll abandon it entirely, as I could still draw the characters from it, but in all likely hood it'll be forgotten.
True is a much better and more well written story anyway. Classic was just edgy and ripped off so many other zombie stories, and even other Undertale AU's, since it was slightly inspired by Axetale (I saw one video of it, really glad I didn't take many elements from that dumpster fire of an AU) and other fanon edgy content.
Overall, I'm proud of what I've done with the True story and I'm ecstatic to have gotten it finished and released, having people actually read it is so much fun.
I just felt like going into how Undead Tale really started, and the origins it had as an edgy Undertale story I wrote in 2016 - 2017 that really doesn't hold up at all anymore.
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lefthanded-sans · 8 years ago
You said: "I think that Sans telling Frisk he believes they can do the right thing [...] convince Frisk to pursue a Pacifist Route[...] I feel Sans [is being pragmatic]." While true: it is pragmatic, it also discounts the one major influence in Sans' life: Papyrus, whom he thinks the world of. I think Sans is probably trying to mirror the mindset of the person who affected him the most. "ST... STILL! I BELIEVE IN YOU! YOU CAN DO A LITTLE BIT BETTER, EVEN IF YOU DON'T THINK SO. I... I PROMISE"
Continuing from this conversation.
Sans definitely loves Papyrus, and Papyrus certainly affects his life. There is also some parallel between what Papyrus says about believing in the human and what Sans says about believing in the human. You’ve already provided the Papyrus quote from the Genocide Route. Earlier in the conversation, you’ve also brought up a mirror parallel quote from Sans:
so long as you do what’s in your heart… i believe you can do the right thing.
I wouldn’t mind adding to this other times where Sans says he is rooting for Frisk. Rooting for the human is fairly akin to supporting the human and believing they will do the right thing.
So, at the MTT Resort, Sans says:
take care of yourself, kid. ’cause someone really cares about you.
And when Frisk rescues him as a Lost Soul, he says:
nah, i’m rootin for ya, kid.
These moments could show a parallel in mentality between Sans and Papyrus. I see what you mean, and I think it’s a wonderful and sentimental connection for the Skelebros. I always did love the beauty of their brotherhood. As for me, I personally still don’t feel as though Sans imitating Papyrus’ mindset is his main motivation handling the human.
Looking further at the context of the first Sans quote, it doesn’t appear as though Sans’ commentary is about believing in the human akin to how Papyrus believes in the human. I’m going to pull out the quote again, but this time, add some of the text that comes before and after it:
well, if i were you, i would have thrown in the towel by now. but you didn’t get this far by giving up, did you? that’s right. you have something called “determination.” so as long as you hold on… so as long as you do what’s in your heart… i believe you can do the right thing. alright. we’re all counting on you, kid. good luck.
The context of this quote brings up both Determination and everyone in the underground counting on the human child. We’re not sure how much other monsters in the underground understand Determination, but it does appear to be a recent discovery. Alphys is the one who gives Determination its name during her experiments in the True Lab. We know Alphys told Undyne about Determination, but Undyne’s comments about determination during her Encounter with Frisk suggest this monster doesn’t have a deep, scientific understanding of what Determination can do. The Captain of the Royal Guard doesn’t know all of Determination’s nuances. All she really sees is that Frisk is hard to kill and has diligent spirit. But since Determination is a recent scientific discovery, and I doubt that Alphys would have published her findings about Determination, I think it’s safe to assume that not every monster in the underground understands what it can do.
Sans talking about reports of an anomalous timespace continuum, however, hit the center of why Determination is so powerful. Determination is what allows the human to SAVE and return to previous points in time. Determination is what gives Frisk the ability to time travel. Sans mentioning here that the human has “something called ‘determination’” shows that he has the deeper understanding of what this power can do. And because the human has this power, Sans understands that “we’re all counting on you” - that the fate of every monster in the underground relies on Frisk. Sans is suggesting the human follow their heart and do the right thing based upon a larger existential concern.
That’s far more of a broad existential concern than how we see Papyrus interacting with Frisk. At least from what we can tell, Papyrus believes in Frisk based upon grounds of his natural goodwill and desire to be friends with the human. His speech in the Genocide Route about helping the human become a better person seems to be based upon his concern about the human themselves, rather than something broad about the entire underground:
And then again:
Papyrus believes in the human and wants to help the human for more narrow, personal reasons. Papyrus has problems fighting the human in his Pacifist/Neutral Encounter because the lonely skeleton desiring popularity doesn’t want a friend to slip by him. Papyrus wants to be in the Royal Guard to receive attention, friendship, and fulfillment, rather than necessarily doing this huge service to the entire underground. It’s a little bit of a different motivation for Papyrus saying he believes in the human than when Sans, as a “judge”, says he believes the human can follow their heart and do the right thing.
Yes, there are similarities in that both of the skeletons believe that inside the human is the potential to do good. And I do believe that Sans legitimately cares about the human, just like Papyrus does. But I also believe that it’s Frisk’s presence that helps Sans build up a sense of hope. The human, by going determinedly through the underground, gives Sans more reason to hope, and thus he finds himself rooting for them. I would say that Sans saying he believes in Frisk to do the right thing is because of the influence the human has had on the skeleton. In the True Pacifist Ending, the human touches every monster’s life when they meet in the underground and gives them something special. Frisk gives Alphys confidence, Frisk gives Papyrus friendship, and Frisk gives Sans motivation and hope and belief in the future. Sans rooting for the human is a result of Frisk’s positive impact on his life.
I also don’t feel as though, throughout the rest of the game, we don’t see Sans’ mental mindset or personal actions influenced by Papyrus’ own traits. Sans definitely loves Papyrus and thinks his brother is awesome, but we don’t see Sans actively trying to mimic his brother anywhere else. I suppose that is not surprising given that I usually don’t see older siblings trying to model themselves after their younger siblings, but even if we didn’t know that, there is not much evidence of Sans modeling himself after Papyrus. In fact, Papyrus is constantly berating Sans for not upholding his values… Papyrus harangues Sans for being lazy, turning their house into a mess, spending too much time at that door in the woods, not recalibrating his puzzles, sleeping on the job, and on and on and on. The two brothers live very different lives. Sans doesn’t appear to be trying to conform to Papyrus’ ideals. Sans isn’t doing anything obvious to be like Papyrus. He thinks his brother is awesome, but it doesn’t seem like Papyrus’ influence is changing Sans there.
The most we can say, beyond generically rooting for the human (as all the main cast does) is that both brothers like puns. But even in that area, Sans uses his puns to grate against Papyrus rather than be like Papyrus. And if Sans uses puns because he’s influenced by someone, I would put my bets on Toriel being that influence. Their entire friendship was started by telling bad, punny knock-knock jokes to one another!
Last, it’s to note that Sans meets the human before Papyrus meets the human. While Sans might predict Papyrus would be friendly toward the human, given as Papyrus is a friendly skeleton… Sans is the person who meets Frisk first. And even at his first meeting with Frisk, Sans makes it clear he’s uninterested in harming the human. Papyrus, however, is introduced as a human-hunting fanatic, someone who might not be dangerous, but who is still willing to engage in an Encounter with the underground’s latest arrival. Sans knows that Papyrus is going to want the human to go through puzzles and maybe fight and capture the human.... and that’s a little different than what ends up happening in the relationship between Papyrus and Frisk. Sans doesn’t seem to predict Papyrus will befriend the human rather than capture them to gain popularity. Papyrus believing in Frisk being a good person happens only later, notably after Sans makes it clear he’s not going to harm the human in the underground. 
Sans couldn’t have predicted Papyrus would act toward the human as a friend, meaning that Sans is the first of the two brothers to demonstrate a non-violent interaction with Frisk. Sans might have always known that Papyrus wouldn’t be dangerous even if he did fight the human, but it still means Sans might not have been modeling his brother. Presumably, a pacifistic model would not be prevalent in a world before the human... given as there would not have been much danger in the underground before this point. This means I don’t think Sans was following in his brother’s moral footsteps.
I’m never going to disagree that Papyrus is critical and extraordinarily important to Sans, that Sans loves his brother very much, and that Papyrus has hugely influenced Sans’ life. The relationship between the brothers is one of the purest things in an already pure and beautiful game. You and I just have different interpretations of why Sans isn’t going to touch a hair on the human’s head when they come to the underground! For me, it seems as though Sans isn’t being influenced by Papyrus here for how he treats the human.
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knight-poochart · 7 years ago
Arrow sans:( How long has it been since my home was ruined? I can hardly remember it.)
Arrow sans:( but...)
LR undyne: Hi, my name is Undyne! Nice to meet you! Are you new here?
Arrow sans:( ...she reminded me of her...)
Arrow sans:( After talking for a long time, I traveled in their AU with her. She was no longer the captain of Royal Guard, but she was still admired by the inhabitants here.)
(LR undyne: Hi, MK!
MK: Hi Undyne! Is he your boyfriend?
LR undyne: No!)
Arrow sans:( She have all her friends instead of the ambition and the violence that most Undyne have.)
(Aslier: Keep. Away. From. My. Sensei!
LR undyne: Aslier...
Arrow sans: Wut.)
Arrow sans:( One day, I could not but say this to her...) You are a monster with happiness.
Arrow sans:( But she looked down after I said that...)
LR undyne: So...you think I'm happy?
LR undyne: Arrow, I know your pain of losing the hometown. Now I have those things you don't have, I'm lucky.
LR undyne: But by comparison, you still remember the one you cherish. I'm a monster with luck, but I may not a monster with happiness...
(Arrow Sans by @paint4234
LR Undyne and the comics by me!)
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初次相遇過程(腦很大### The first time they met each other :)
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