ectoplasmer · 2 years
wedding rings go on the left hand and i just remembered ryou’s scar is on. his left hand. a
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jocelynscrazyideas · 3 months
I Know You | Matt Rempe x reader
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Inspired by the song I know you by Faye Webster
Warnings: heartache, salty fluff/angst, language, depression, mentions of death, (if you every need help I’m always here to listen and support you- always reach out and I’m here bubbas), the blurb is kinda long lwk. NOT PROOF READ
Summary: after wanting to follow your passion and go for a job you’ve been dreaming of, Matt turns down your dreams and shuts you out. You feel insufferable without him but feel unseen for your love and potential when you’re together.
a/n: I’ve been thinking abt Matt and I was listening to this song on the shower and I was like “damn, this is it.” So I hope you enjoy.
📚💬: Lando Norris? Or I could make a new blog and post there but yippee 🥳 OML and I know everyone likes my smut work more but im proud of this piece so don’t be mean. MATT REMPE WOULD NEVER DO THIS IRL (READ THSI WITH A GRAIN IF SLAT)
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I had recently been really verbal about my dream job, being a Social Worker. I grew up in a family issued home, and I had recently gotten out. I want to let people know that there is safety and secure housing out there. That’s why this job has always been important to me.
It’s off season, Matt is off ready to train for the summer. Matt, my boyfriend if 5 months had recently told me to reach farther than the stars. “The sky looks like the limit, but there are most definitely more than one universe out there. Reach for the impossible.” He told me. Matty supported my dreams until he found out the job I wanted to take was in Wyoming.
Now it seems stupid but, I’d go across the world to take the job- im determined to rescuing the unseen.
“You should stay! Find a social worker association in New York! Please.” Matt begged. For weeks he would buy me flowers and take me out to dinner.
“Matt you just don’t get it!” I yell from the other side of our shared bed.
“I know you better than I know myself y/n! Of course I get it.” He shouts in my face. He stumps towards me. I crawl over the large bed and run out the room. I slam the door. Running for my shoes.
“You can’t just run!” He screams from the top of the stairs. He watches me slide my shoes on, he runs down the stairs as he sees me darting for my water bottle and the keys to my car.
“You don’t get it Matt! I lived it! You didn’t!” I immediately shout, he takes a hold of my wrist. He scoffs and lets me go. Dropping my heart, my stomach, my air, and I leave.
I have a work cell and a personal phone. Matt has my work number but not the location so I purposely left my personal on the counter and left. “You left your phone! y/n!” He shouts as I get in the car.
“Keep it! That’s how you’ll remember me! How you treated me!” I mimic him. Mocking what I had thought was the love of my life- which clearly I was wrong.
He runs after me. I see him dash inside of the house letting the glass door shut into the frame. He rubs out of the house once more, this time sitting the door securely.
Surely he’s just going to the grocery. No. He’s driving after me.
I take a sharp left, right. I pass through a light, I turn into a neighborhood, behind a blue house was a path. I park in the Parking lot they had taht sits infront of a large pink and organge playground. I take my keys and let my water sit in the car.
I tie my shoes and sprint away. I make it to .14 miles and I check to see Matt isn’t behind me. No one is on the path. I set my phone down and I tighten my runners belt.
I stuff my keys and push my phone in. I put my AirPods in and stuff the case into the belt. I listen to sad songs to fuel my running crave. I stretch after that warmup.
I hear cars passing by. “I’m sorry, i am playing hide and seek with my girlfriend, she is hiding with my niece I was wondering if you have seen her.” I stand up from my stretches.
What the fuck.
I’m behind a wall of bushes that hide the running path. I slide my head over, I peek through. Shit.
It’s Matt.
“Her name in is y/n. If you see her just tell her to meet me at the green marble.”
Green marble. The place I took him when he had his first panic attack after an nhl game. I calmed him down at this lake and it was super clear- really beautiful. The green marble was the place we spend the most time at together, our first kiss happened here, our last date was here.
The real reason why we call it the green marble is because I was wearing a green dress and he had on socks that I made fun of, they were marble/ tie dye.
Matt turns as I jerk back. He made eye contact with me through the bush. “Y/n?” He mumbles. He apologizes to the stranger he was talking to and walked toward me. I ran. I ran to my car. Letting him think I was getting in. I watch him turn around and head to his car.
He thinks he’s going to follow me out of the park. Nope.
I take off. I start on a small jog towards the duck pond they have. I run around this pond about four times which lead to about 1.43 miles.
I get tired of letting Matt eat away my feelings. I run back to my car, I stretch before I get in and I drink my water. I’m covered in bug bites and sweat. It’s 92F out, I’m wearing pink gym shark shorts and a black bra from alo yoga. My hokas are worn down, and my Nike socks are covered in dirt.
I head back towards home, then I see Matt’s car isn’t there. He doesn’t park in the garage so I’m guessing he’s just out drinking his emotions away.
“Meet me at the green marble.”
I never him saying to the stranger.
I reverse my car out of the driveway and I head to the lake.
“You actually came.” He laughed. Matt got up, wiped his hands on his shorts.
“How many girls asked to take a picture.” I laugh.
My mom used to tell me, “sometimes you just have to be the bigger person, let the other person think they have won the argument, but really, letting them move on is the best win. Forgetting and forgiving is the best gift you can do for yourself, and especially in big moments and relationships you’ll have when you’re older.” I think about it taht all the time.
Does it work? Oh yeah. It sure does. Matt falls for it all the time.
Ms I doing it right now? Of fucking course I am.
Do you know how some people say that men push away their emotions? Yeah Matt is distant, and I want him to be more open. He just gets insecure.
~ after the beach ~
Matt tried to shower with me, and i was okay with the thought of us showering together again. Until, “bubs, the hamper is full again.” He spoke to me. He looked at me like I was the only one who was capable of doing siad laundry.
“Okay.” I stared at him. I didn’t shower. I put on pjs instead. While Matt showered I packed a go bag, you never know when you need it.
I stored the bag by the shoes downstairs. I ran back upstairs to lay in bed.
“Matthew. We need to talk.” I mumbled when Matt came into bed. He leveled his head to mine and pulled me closer to him. My back still facing his front I pull my hands towards my face. Covering my face from any chance that I could cry.
“What do you want ti talk about?” He asked and kissed my cheek. He lay back down on his back and sighed.
“I wnat you. I all of you, you here in New York with me.” He voiced.
I told him before he got drafted- when we were still friends, that I didn’t wnat him to leave. You know what he did? He left for New York anyway.
“I made a decision. You aren’t going to like.”
“Y/n. I love you, I will come to your senses.” He laughed. He thinks my words are jokes.
Before I tell him I am leaving, I get up. Sitting up straight, getting out of bed. I made this decision about for seconds after packing my go bag, “Matt, I love you. I also love myself, and- I… I wnat to go to Wyoming.” I stutter and I see him sit up. Without hesitation he looked at me like I was a piece of garbage.
“No. Y/n this is something we talk about together.” He shouted at me. Spot flies out of his mouth.
“It’s my job, they offered me a really nice deal, they house me for a year and that’ll get me enough money to buy a nice house. I’ll be able to pay everything off my name.” I present him the idea of me being successful.
“No.” He lays back down, thinking I’ll say okay, and sit with him in bed again.
That’s not what happened.
“If you leave right now, we’re done. Yiu hear me? If you leave the room, we are not a thing, we are breaking up if you go sleep on your car, or sleep in the guesthouse.” He adds before I stepped out of the room.
I left. I grabbed the door before leaving and I ran.
I shoved my bag into my backseat, I had extra clothes, I had snacks, my work cell, blankets, my personal belongings I was okay to sleep in my car for atleast three days.
It’s been a year without Matt.
It’s been a year without me.
When I was driving to a friends house to spend the night, I never made it.
A drunk driver had hit my car, I came flying out. Following that, another driver had ran a red light, running me over.
I had six broken ribs, a fractured wrist, I tore my meniscus and my acl from landing on the pavement.
When Matt came driving behind me looking for me, it was only after Sarah- my friend I was going to spend the night, with called him.
“Hey Matt, um, y/n didn’t make it to my house. She said you guys are getting in it and needed a place ti stay. It’s been an hour since she said she’s on her way, it only takes 15 minutes to get to my house.”
“Okay? Maybe traffic?” He answered.
“No Matt, you’re not listening, it’s 2:07 in the morning. There is no traffic, we’re in the suburbs, no one is up right now except drunk drivers, I have something in the oven because I thought she would wnat a dinner but she never made it.” Sarah sounded sacred she couldn’t leave.
“Okay fine. I’ll go looking for her.”
“Matt, it was always going be you looking for her. If I went out for her, she would have left you.”
I was on the cold black pavement waiting for someone to come get me. I couldn’t move. My lungs are crushing, my car is broken, the drivers taht and hit me all drove away. So much pain is going through my body it feels like nothing is happening.
I took a different way then I normally would have taken, just in case Matt came looking for me.
“Matt..” I kept whispering. I’m bleeding everywhere. My head is cracked open. My arm is twisted in ways it shouldn’t be.
I try rolling over, I could not get on my side, but before I feel back down, I felt my stomach. My actually guts. My actual organs were in my hands. I rolled back down in the cold now flooded with blood road.
I see a car roll up towards me. I know that car.
“Matt?” I cough out blood. I can’t see.
“Baby?!” He called 911.
He curled over me. Putting pressure onto my open wounds.
I know better than to pass out, but I give up. I felt my heart beat slow and I fell asleep.
Alseep forever.
At the hospital I was out in machines to stay alive. There was 5% taht I would wake up again, but I would not be able to function the way I could before the crash.
Matt stayed with me for days, he never left the hospital grounds he was always there, he showered at home but that was only during non visiting hours.
He would talk to me.
“I know baby.”
“It’s okay. I know you.”
“You can go. I’ll be here doing this for you.”
“I know you.”
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(@ask-gizmo-and-vigil) Gizmo: So, Hope. How strong exactly is your Blaze Kick? I assume you know that move, so you could essentially melt those steel bars and kick some ass for us!
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*Hope sighed. This idiot didn’t even know what EVs were. Clearly this pokémon has had no training or they’d know about them.*
Hope: Effort Values, or EVs for short, are the values gained when Pokémon engage in combat. They increase your attacks and defences and can be key to obtaining victory. And judging by your stats…
*Hope eyes, at the mention of this, changed from their usual blue to an orangey-brown colour, carefully studying Destino. They soon fade when she finished what she was doing.*
Hope: You’ve definitely been slacking on your training. Sure, you have some attack EVs. But you haven’t truly maximised them. And nothing in speed too? You really need to step up. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were to be easily knocked out by a simple attack. You look frail enough as is. I doubt you’d even be able to land a scratch on me.
*How dare this Pokémon make a criticism like that?! Destino was incredibly strong. They knew it. No Pokémon in the Underdark could best them. Except their parents. And the Bisharps. But that was it. The rare candies they were given raised them up to a solid level 30. Destino had to get to her in some other way.*
Destino: Hope Hope Hope. I see what’s happening here. You can’t fool me. You’re purposefully avoiding my claim that you can’t break the bars by going into this nonsense about “EVs”. I get it. You’re too weak. I understand. Not everyone can be as strong as me.
Hope: You mentioned your lack of knowledge on EVs and so I had to tell you what they were. What do you mean avoiding your claim?
Destino: I mean, it’s clear you’re too weak to break out. You would have done so already if you could.
Felix: Hey Des, maybe don’t taunt the Pokémon who almost kicked your ass? She’s told me she’s had a lot of training.
Destino: Really? Too bad that training clearly hasn’t made her strong or anything. No wonder she was so easy to capture.
*This Absol was frustrating. Hope could feel herself getting angry.*
Hope: You seriously think I couldn’t break through?
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Destino: Huh. You know I always thought those were a lot stronger than that. Guess we’ll need to get new ones. Good going. You do realise those take time to make? Wow Hope. Destroying property that doesn’t even belong to you. What kind of a princess does that? Clearly one that hasn’t been trained in royal etiquette. I expected better from you.
*The audible, frustrated growl that came from Hope brought a smug smile to Destino’s face. Felix floated forward. He didn’t want Destino to get their ass handed to them yet again.*
Felix: Alright. Destino pal, I get ya havin’ fun with this but ya do need ta stop. I’m finding it entertaining but there’s only so far ya can go before it gets violent.
Destino: But I was only just getting started! I was gonna throw a few more verbal insults here and there. See how far I could push her.
Hope: Would you like me to come out there and kick your ass?! I am super effective against you!
Destino: And I’m Destino, how’s it going? I could easy beat you when it comes to combat.
*Their smug grin broadened as Hope got more riled up. Felix, seeing this happen, floated in between the two of them, holding his hands out to stop them from doing anything further.*
Felix: Alright! Destino, stop now. Ya gone too far. Ya gotta work with this Pokémon on the surface. What’s the use in taunting her when she’s gonna be the only one helpin’ ya up there?
*Destino gave a nonchalant shrug.*
Destino: Pure entertainment really. It’s just so much fun to see her squirm.
Felix: No more, or I’ll have ta possess ya ass until ya behave. I spoke to ya about shit talkin’ tough opponents earlier. That applies here. She’s here to bring ya up there safely so ya can do what ya need ta do. This insultin’ is gonna do more harm than good.
*Felix didn’t do it much, but when he did possess Destino, they hated it so much. They hated that loss of control they had as they were powerless to overcome it. Sighing, the smug grin faded from their face.*
Destino: Urgh, fine. I’m only doing this because you asked, Felix. The next opportunity I get, however, I’m going straight for the personal insults.
*When Felix got between the both of them, Hope felt a little calmer. Someone dealing with this annoyance. She looked intriguingly at the pair as they spoke. Looks like Felix had some weapon that he could use against the Absol. And threatening its use seemingly worked. Hope had heard stories of ghost types possessing Pokémon and using their bodies for their own sick, twisted desires from stories that had been passed around. Looks like this was one of the things that were partially true. She wondered how much control the Gengar had over someone’s body when he possessed them and for how long.
So many questions she wanted to ask. It seemed Felix was going to be more reasonable to speak with. He definitely had a strong sense loyalty when it came to the Absol. However, if she could get him also on her side, she may be able to use that to get the Absol to do whatever she wanted.*
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TW for gaslighting, verbal and emotional abuse as well as self harm.
my nickname is isa
I’m looking for maybe advice and support?
so, I think my brother is abusive. I’m 20 and he’s 19. i recently started going to therapy due to the sexual abuse I faced as a child/teen and in a random bout of confidence I confided in him and told him what had happened to me. he offered a smoke, but overall didn’t react. and I guess I liked that he didn’t, it made me feel okay because lord knows i was not prepared to cry that night. later on maybe about a week after, I was watching tv and he comes beside me and is trying to get my attention. i play along and we’re teasing and he’s poking fun and he says “hey isa, hey, wanna see this message this gay guy sent me? he’s trying to get with me, he’s trying to molest me, he’s gonna rape me” and I just couldn’t move. i was horrified and when I told him not to say that, he waved it off as a joke and because I’m me, I let it go. another week passes and I’m in the kitchen just chopping nuts for some bread I was making and from behind me he asks what the time is. our oven clock is broken so I say “oh it’s 12 something” and it gets quiet and he says “isa, what do you do in this house? do you have a job, do you make money, do you do anything?”. And I thought he was being fake serious so I played along and said “I go to school” “school…that’s it?” “Yep” and when I turn around he’s just pissed and he has this look of just pure hate.
“When I ask for the goddamn time give it to me, don’t give me that bullshit” and I was just shocked, I kept asking if he was serious and he just kept cursing me out “You’re so stupid, you’re such a fucking bitch. Why are you always so difficult”. And I couldn’t take it, I got my keys and drove to some park and cried just asking myself why I was even here. It’s not the first time he’s yelled at me like that, on more than a few occasions he has punched a wall or gotten in my face to where I can only cry, he’s slapped me once too but to be fair I slapped him first. He was talking about how he wants to kill himself and I panicked and gave him a tap on the cheek, and I didn’t mean to it was honestly just some reaction and before I could apologize he slapped me back, hard. it was kind of funny actually he said “these hands are rated E for everyone, you hit me I’ll hit you back”. i don’t think that really counts though since I did it first but idk. and now he hasn’t said a word to me. he’s ignoring me, won’t speak to me, won’t do anything. and I just don’t know. usually after he yells at me like that he avoids me or gives me a “I’m sorry” text and then we go back to normal but, this time rattled me more than I thought it would. and I don’t know. is he abusive? am I exaggerating? i love him and want to forgive him but, I know it’s not that simple. he was admitted to the psych ward not too long ago and diagnosed with OCD and I get it you know he has some issues he has to work through and I’ve tried to be nicer or just less difficult but no matter what I do it always ends the same. He doesn’t curse out my other siblings, it’s always just me.
Hi isa,
I'm sorry about what you've been through and are going through right now.
OCD and any mental health issues for that matter are no excuse for abusive behavior. What you described sounds abusive physically, emotionally, verbally, and perhaps even psychologically as well.
I don't think you're exaggerating. There is nothing you did or could do to deserve abuse. It sounds like he reacts disproportionately to the situation. You don't deserve to take this. I'm wondering if your parents or guardians are aware of his behavior. If anyone has any tips or suggestions please feel free to add on.
I hope I could help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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inprometheanfire · 2 years
MUN   COMFORT   ZONE repost , don’t reblog !
A valuable meme for any roleplayer !   come display your comfort levels so your roleplay partners are aware of what they can do , and of what they should avoid avoid !  a healthy relationship between roleplay partners is the key to a good time !   while this meme shows the basics , please remember to communicate with your roleplay partners basics , please remember to communicate with your roleplay partners !
tagged by:  no one lol ​ tagging: anyone and everyone !!
bold   =   yes italicize   =   maybe normal   =   ask me about it strike   =   no bold & italics = YES, but let’s talk
locations i am comfortable doing   :
google docs (this is a thing?)
participants i am comfortable with   :
one on one role plays
up to three people (in a single thread)
up to four people (not in a single thread , but in a shared verse)
five or more people! (not in a single thread , but in a shared verse)
as big as possible !
i usually write about   :
one or two sentences  
one or two paragraphs
two to five paragraphs
more than five paragraphs
a few pages worth
i am comfortable roleplaying with people who write   :
one or two sentences
one or two paragraphs
two to five paragraphs
more than five paragraphs  
a few pages worth
I like getting requests from   :
anyone and everyone at any time
when I ask for roleplays
from friends and acquaintances
from friends only
*   important  :   communication is the key to a real life relationship , it shouldn’t be abandoned for a fictional one either !   be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance
i am comfortable shipping my characters   :
if our characters know each other deeply
if our characters know each other deeply , and I know I can trust the roleplayer
at the first sign of flirting !
only if the roleplayer and I plan it
it depends on the character  
if you want to romantically ship with my characters   :
talk to me about it from the start
talk to me about it once our characters know each other
talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other
talk to me about it when they finally decide they want to go beyond hugging
when shipping my characters , i like the romance to happen :
swift as lightning !
fast , but not super fast
happens in about three months
slow and steady wins the race
slugs know what’s up !
depends on the character and how much I trust the writer
when my characters get intimate , i prefer :
to skip the act entirely
to write the build up , but skip the act
to write the act only if it is very special , but otherwise , skip it
to write the act all the way through
when it comes to artwork depicting our relationship please   :
do not post it at all without talking to me
post it if it is cuddles and hugs
post it if it is kisses
post it if it is nsfw
only post it if it depicts nsfw privately between us
do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts !
do not post it where I can see it , but draw what you like !
*   Important   :   always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit !
when it comes to violent situations , i am comfortable with   :
no violence at all !
i’m fine with verbal arguments !
some violence , like a paper cut , or an accidental elbow to the face
mild violence , such as punching , kicking , hair pulling
violence , such as stabbings
beyond violence , such as torture and more
if you are going to do something violent , please   :
don’t do it at all
talk to me about it first
surprise me !
dramatic artwork   :
do not post any dramatic scenes that happened between our characters.
talk to me about it before posting !
post what you like !
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therapardalis · 3 months
Role Play/Shipping Comfort Zone!
A valuable meme for any roleplayer! Come display your comfort levels so your roleplay partners are aware of what they can do, and of what they should avoid! A healthy relationship between role-play partners is the key to a good time! While this meme shows the basics, please remember to communicate with your roleplay partners!
Key: BOLD = Yes. Italicized = Okay/Ask me about it. Strike = No.
LOCATIONS I am comfortable doing:
email (unless you are one specific person)
discord (if we know each other already)
google docs
PARTICIPANTS I am comfortable with:
One-on-one roleplays. (More if it's quick chat style, but usually this)
Up to three people.
Up to four people.
Five or more people!
As big as possible!
POST LENGTH I usually write about:
One or two sentences. (For quick things between threads)
One or two paragraphs.
Two to five paragraphs.
More than five paragraphs.
A few pages worth.
POST LENGTH of my partners:
One or two sentences. (See above)
One or two paragraphs.
Two to five paragraphs.
More than five paragraphs. (OK, but takes me longer to answer)
A few pages worth. 
Write me a book.
ROLE-PLAY REQUESTS I like getting requests from:
Anyone and everyone at any time! 
When I ask for roleplays. (EG memes etc)
People who have read my rules and respect them.
From friends and acquaintances.
From friends only.
** IMPORTANT: Communication is the key to a real life relationship, it shouldn’t be abandoned for a fictional one either! Be sure to talk to your partners when considering romance.
I am comfortable shipping my characters:
No new ones at the present time.
If our characters know each other deeply. 
If our characters know each other deeply, and I know I can trust the role-player.
At the first sign of flirting!
Only if the role-player and I plan it.
It’s situational to each character.
If you want to ship with my characters:
Mention it at the start, but. (See above)
Talk to me about it from the start.
Let's talk if and when we've started writing.
Talk to me about it once our characters know each other.
Talk to me about it once they both have some feelings for each other.
Talk to me about it when they finally decide that want to go beyond hugging.
Talk to me anytime - there’s no requirement.
Swift as lightning!
When shipping my characters, I like the romance to happen:
Fast, but not super fast.
Happens in about three months.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Slugs know what’s up!
My ships know no speed. They happen if they happen.
To skip the act entirely.
When my characters get intimate, I prefer:
Honestly it depends on who it is and how comfortable I am with them.
To go along with my partner's boundaries and comfort level.
To write the build-up but skip the act.
To write the act only if it is very special, but otherwise, skip it.
To write the act all the way through.
Do not post it at all without talking to me.
When it comes to artwork depicting our ship please:
Show me privately
Post it if it is cuddles and hugs.
Post it if it is kisses.
Post it if it is N.SFW.
Only post it if it depicts N.SFW privately between us.
Do not post it at all if it depicts sexual acts!
Do not post it where I can see it, but draw what you like!
** Important: Always be sure to communicate with your partner individually if you think you are about to go outside their comfort zones even just the slightest bit!
When it comes to violent situations, I am comfortable with:
Violence between our muses and others, not between each other.
No violence at all! I’m fine with verbal arguments!
Some violence, like a paper cut, or an accidental elbow to the face.
Mild violence, such as punching, kicking, hair pulling.
Violence, such as stabbings.
Beyond violence, such as torture and more.
If you are going to do something violent, please:
Don’t do it at all.
Talk to me about it first.
Surprise me!
Do not post any dramatic scenes that happened between our characters.
Talk to me about it before posting!
Post what you like!
tagged by: Stole it
tagging: Steal it
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venusoppositesaturn · 2 years
untitled 12/16
I’m starting to feel like I’m getting close to the end. This seemingly endless quest to find ‘God’ 
Whatever ‘God’ could possibly be to me. 
I think ‘God’ was just feeling safe. I think that’s all I have ever sought out. Beyond the sick obsession with needing to be beautiful, rich, happy, or in love. I think under all of those layers I just so badly wanted to feel safe. Knowing that I could wake up in a home that wouldn’t be ripped away from me. That I could go through my day and if anything went wrong, my life wouldn’t change drastically. That I wouldn’t have to spend my nights in fear. Instead of counting all of the ways my life could go wrong, I could finally count fucking sheep. 
And I fucking tried. 
I feel like I have been standing outside a locked house for my entire life. From the window, I can see everything I have ever wanted. The walls are covered in so many items and memories I had to throw away because I never had the space for them or the funds. Furnished with pieces that I could only imagine owning in my dreams, knowing that I could never bother investing in such things because I would have to suffer the pain of losing them - the next time things fell apart. The house is sturdy. Unmoving. Always constant. Unaffected by the screaming chaos right outside the door. 
My fingers are raw and bloody, my bones ache, and my voice is gone. Every attempt to get inside the house ends in failure. No amount of therapy, yoga, hard work, or effort has ever brought me a key. With every attempt, a new spectator at the window - celebrating new wounds. “You always land on your feet,” they say. As if this inherent compulsion for survival is something to be celebrated, instead of seen as a life gone terribly wrong. Rotten at the core. They have already found a way inside the house. They have found their own room. Their ‘God.’ 
I wish I could say that having an acute sense of survival is something to celebrate. But it has not brought me any closer to ‘God.’ It has only dragged me closer to hell. I have made the mistake of trying to find ‘God’ in others - only to be ripped apart piece by piece until there is nothing left of me. I deliberately exploit myself with the hope that it will earn me a key inside the house. It never does. I am always told that I ask for too much. That the key, ‘God’, the house - it’s all too much. Finding comfort in verbal reassurance - too much. A loving gesture in the form of $5 flowers - too much. The simple intimacy of holding hands in public - too much. Hell is being taught that you are worth nothing but your body parts - knowing that soon even that will be worthless. 
I think something has shifted. Too many hands have passed over my body. Too many cycles have repeated the same lesson over and over: you will never earn entry to the house. You will never find ‘God.’ 
My life had been propelled forward by my fear of dying. I never stopped to consider that dying was the kindest thing I could have ever done for myself. 
I wonder if this is how my dad felt when he found out his cancer was terminal. Suddenly all the prayers, Sunday masses, and healthy lifestyle changes must have felt so fucking futile. So fucking pointless. Knowing you cannot control anything. The disease will spread and take you soon. 
What is the point of fighting when you know how it’s going to end? What’s the point of constant suffering and pain when you have tried everything you could to change things? 
For the people inside the house? The ones who have found their ‘God’? 
They will shuffle the state of the house for a bit. The paint might change, and the furniture might be replaced, but they will always be inside the house. Safe. 
The dull ache that comes with the passage of time from grief is so much kinder than the fucking oozing wound of living a life you don’t want to live. 
0 notes
finelinevogue · 3 years
What if a security guard wouldn’t let you back in the arena if you went out to get something. And they didn’t believe that you were harrys gf and just thought you were a crazy fan
oooh it’s been done before but here’s my version!! ;
You were running late.
It was already 7pm and you were only getting out of your car in the car park. Harry was due to be on stage in an hour and you hadn’t even seen him yet. The traffic around Dallas today has been awful. Chocker block. You’d been with Harry all day, up until 3 hours ago when he had to leave the hotel to come to the stadium for rehearsals. Normally you’d go with him, but you were so tired that you wanted a little nap before coming. The problem here was you overslept.
There were no Ubers available and a taxi would be far too expensive at this time, so you drive in Harrys car instead. You’d been following Harry on tour in his car, so when you get to different destinations you can go out on ball day trips if you want to without the obscenity of a huge tour bus or paying for Ubers everywhere. It was the main reason you were so tired though, travelling across country and into different time zones. It would be so much easier if this was the UK.
You grabbed your purse and your jacket, locking the car as you got out and started running for the backstage entrance. It was easy to make it there and you noticed security guards already standing there.
“Hi!” You smiled, slightly short of breathe. You were about to move past them when one of them shoved your shoulder back, making you stumble back unbalanced. “Wha—”
“ID and backstage pass to get through here.” One of them said, looking you up and down as if you were nothing.
If anything, you were quite shocked on how they just treated and continued to treat you. Normally, Harry would show a picture of you to these backstage security guards to make sure you’d be able to get in no problem, but it seemed like today Harry might’ve forgotten to show that photo. This was going to be a problem for you, because you’d forgotten to bring your backstage pass.
“I normally just go through? I’m Harry’s girlfriend.” You tried talking your way around the situation, not appreciating behind held up so close to show-time.
“Oh you’re Harry’s girlfriend? You must be the 7th one we’ve met tonight.” The security guy laughed and so did his friend, making your blood boil with how annoying they were being. Harry would be so pissed if he heard the way they were treating you.
“No but I actually am.”
“Then, ID and backstage passes.” One of then held out his hand whilst the other crossed his arms over his chest to make him look intimidating. Dickheads.
“I have ID just not the backstage passes.” You answered honestly, holding out your ID for them to check. They collected it and asked you questions on it, you answering them all perfectly.
“Well you definitely know you, but you have no proof you’re supposed to be where you claim to be.” They handed you back your ID and you huffed in stress.
“Well what can I show you? Photos of me and Harry together? Text messages?” You waved your arms around, getting really pissed off that this was actually happening. You’d probably miss Jenny’s whole set because of this and then 15 minutes before show-time Harry gets transported under the stage. So you only really would have half and hour with him, and that’s just not enough time. You wanted a safe and warm hug off him. You wanted a kiss. You just wanted him.
“Everyone knows they can be photoshopped.” One of the guys scoffs at your notion.
“Listen. You either show us your backstage pass or we’ll escort you off site.” The other one says a lot more firmer this time. It made you quite anxious for what you’d do if they did that - or maybe when they did that.
“Well I don’t have the backstage passes.” You sighed, rolling your eyes at the way this was going to end.
“Then let’s go.” One of them pointed to where you came from and to the car park, stepping forwards as he did so.
“I’m not leaving until you let me through those doors. My boyfriend is waiting for me.” You answered, taking a step back in stress of what they might do.
“Harry ain’t your boyfriend. Now let’s go!” They stepped forwards again and reached for you.
You swung your bag at one of them, hitting him in his side and he grunted because of the impact of your water bottle with his chest. The other one grabbed your arm and you couldn’t shake him, since you were not trained in any way for situations like this at all. His fingers dig into your skin and it made you scream out a cry, trying to kick him in any way to escape. The other one recovered ever ordered the guy holding you to escort you away whilst he stayed and guarded the door. The one holding you tugged your arms behind your body and held them tight there, it really fucking hurting. He didn’t care though and continued to walk you, asking you where your car was so he could get you out of here.
Once you reached your car he let you go and you wrapped your arms around you as he walked away again, not verbally saying anything but his eyes saying enough. Stay away. You shakily got your keys out of your bags and unlocked your door, climbing in and just sitting there. You could feel your hands really shaky and achy. Looking down with tear clouded eyes, you saw the red marks over your arms and slight bruising already. Your arms and shoulders hurt from being bent in an uncomfortable position.
You cared less about the pain though and how much of a disappointment of a girlfriend you were going to be to Harry. He was going to think either the worst for you or the worst of you. You reached in your bag on your lap for your phone, throwing your bag on the seat next to you afterwards. You wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your t-shirt and unlocked your phone to text messages, sending Harry a quick text.
To Harry: Are you free to call? x
No response. You sat there for a few minutes in silence, still shook up and teary. That had been a really awful situation to be in and you hated that you were nowhere near Harry to fix it. Your phone vibrated 3 minutes later, finding a text message from Harry. You sighed and felt safe when you saw his icon light up your notifications, knowing he was in contact with you.
From Harry: Of course, you okay? xx
You didn’t open your phone because you didn’t know how to respond. How do you tell him you’re not okay, only 20 minutes before he’s meant to be ready to go on stage? You didn’t want to worry him, but you also didn’t want him thinking you were a terrible girlfriend either.
Another vibration.
From Harry: Lovie? xx
Your eyes watered at that simple word, meaning so much more to you than five letters. It made you feel so much comfort, you only wished you could get that hug and a kiss now.
From Harry: Love, you’re worrying me now.
From Harry: Let me face-time you, hang on.
His icon lit up the screen; Incoming…
You shakily accepted, wiping your eyes quickly before. When he answered you could tell he was still in his dressing room, sat on the sofa that you wish you were also sat on with him. He looked so beautiful. His hair was perfectly styled and he was wearing a pearl coloured silk shirt and you knew he was wearing white silk pants to co-ordinate. You thought he looked ethereal. A glowing beacon of hope and beauty.
He didn’t say anything to you at first and you nothing to him. He just looked at you and instantly knew something bad was up. He kept eye contact with you and it was as if he was having a telepathic conversation with you, understanding that you needed him and just him.
“Hey, Mitch man?” Harry asked, turning his head to somewhere else in the room. “Could y’just give me a minute. Please.”
“Sure, sure.” Mitch answered and all you could hear was the sound of shuffling and the door shut. As soon as he was gone you started crying all over again. You cupped your hand over your eyes and your body shook as you just cried. Harrys heart broke that you were alone and he couldn’t hug you close to his chest.
“Y/N, baby. Look at me.” He asked urgently and you just shook your head, embarrassed that this was happening to you. “You’ll be alright lovie, I promise. Just look at me, beautiful.” You moved your hand away from your face and wiped your eyes and nose to try and make you look slightly better - not that it helped. “There’s my pretty girl.”
You smiled. He smiled.
“I-i’m so-rry H.” You whispered, sniffling in between words because of how shaky you felt.
“Hey, no. None of that. It’ll be okay.” He reassured you, keeping eye contact with you to try and decipher what was wrong. “Where are you, lovie? You’re in the car, yeah?” Harry asked, recognising your surroundings but you could get anywhere. You could have been in an accident for all he knew, but he was remaining calm so he didn’t send you into a panic.
“Yeah. In the stadium car park.” You saw Harrys eyes momentarily light up at that, before he remembered that you weren’t okay.
“Okay. Tell me why you’re upset, love. Help me understand.” He sounded urgent, just wanting to know so he could help you out. He wanted you to be okay. He wanted you with him.
“The security guards wouldn’t let me in, backstage I mean. I didn’t have my backstage pass. But..” You choked on a sob and Harry told you to just breathe. You were okay. “One of them g-grabbed me and escorted m-me of sight.”
“Baby, are you hurt? Is that why you’re upset?” Harry asked, standing up now in panic. His face looked angry, but you could tell he was trying his best to be a comfort for you. “Y/N?”
“Y-yes. Yes Harry, yes.” You voice wobbled out and you let out an exasperated sob. “I’m s-sor—”
“No don’t you dare. Don’t apologise for this. Not ever. You understand me?” He made very clear he wasn’t messing around.
“Yes.” You nodded.
“Alright. Now, you gotta be strong for me okay?” He asked, before asking, still checking that you were okay. He knew you would be though, because you were his bravest girl ever - stronger than you knew.
“You’re going to make your way back to the backstage entrance, alright? I am going to be there, before you get there. Those security guards won’t be there I promise. You’ll be okay. Can you do that for me?” He asked, moving around the room and then out of the door. He was walking down the corridors, ignoring the people shouting his name. He was only focused on you.
“Yes. Okay.” You nodded, wiping under your nose again.
“I love you.” He kissed the camera of his phone, looking like he was kissing you instead.
You returned the gesture, kissing him virtually back. “I love you.”
He told you that it’d be alright and then ended the call, explaining how you didn’t need to hear him get angry when he found these security guards. They would be fired even if they weren’t on his tour crew, he’d make sure of it. You made your way back to the backstage entrance again, slowing down before you rounded the corner. Taking a deep breathe you walked around and were met with exactly what Harry promised; him.
You smiled and broke out into a run to get to him, your bag weighing on your shoulder. Once you reached him your bag was thrown on the floor in front of him and you jumped into his arms. He lifted you up to sit you around his waist, keeping his arms tight around your waist and squeezing the biggest hug out of you. Your arms tightened around your boyfriends neck and you buried your face into his neck, and god he smelt like everything homely and sweet. He felt just like home.
“See, you’re alright now lovie.” He assured you, kissing your cheek that wasn’t quite buried into his neck.
“Th-ank you.” You muttered, kissing his neck in appreciation which made him hum in delight. He tasted so hot and lush. He was insatiable. You then felt him start kissing your arms, where the harsh red and purple marks were.
“Sorry y’had to go through this.” He kept kissing your arms, until you moved your head up and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“If I can’t say sorry, then neither can you.” You shook your head, kissing his nose softly. You watched his eyes flutter close and felt so special that only you could do that to him.
“You’re so amazing Y/N. Truly.”
“You’re pretty special too, my love.”
He didn’t need to hear anything else from you, those words were enough, so he pressed his lips to yours softly, filling you with the love you’d been waiting to feel all day. You smiled into the kiss and he just felt so amazing. He was so soft and gentle with you - as smooth as the silk that dressed his body. He was so pretty to watch melt away under your spell and delicious tasting. Strawberries, was that?
He was everywhere. He was everything. He always would be.
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evilkookie · 3 years
Toxicity || (kth)
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⇥ pairing: taehyung x reader
⇥ genre: ex-boyfriend!taehyung, tattooed!taehyung, toxic!taehyung, smut, angst, tiny fluff 
⇥ summary: when your toxic ex comes back into your life, how can you resist him? 
⇥ word count: 6.2k+
⇥ warnings: cheating, vulgar language, so much dirty talk, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys), fingering, creampie, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, slight size kink, slight choking, both the reader and Tae being toxic together
Anyways, I have not been motivated to write in a while, but this thought crashed into my skull so hard it had to be written. ^^ I hope you guys enjoy. 
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"Why do you always have to be such an asshole?" chest heaving in exasperation, you rhetorically asked the taunting question.
"Why must you always make a big deal out of the smallest shit?" Taehyung shot back with the same amount of venom lacing his tongue.
How dare he minimalize your feelings? Treat you as if you have no right to be upset when you of all people was more correct than he ever was.
Like adding water to an oil fire, your flesh burned intensely, irritation evident on your face as your eyes lit up like a flame.
"I can't believe you right now. You must be fucking joking if you think I'm going to stand here and let you make me feel like shit," you brusquely said, hands moving with vigor as you spoke.
You got no verbal response. Just the sound of Taehyung's tongue clicking against his teeth loudly to show that he did not respect you enough to grace you with words.
The room was silent for a moment. Tension so thick in the atmosphere that you could cut it with a knife.
Slowly, his defiance was starting to bite and prick at your patience.
"So what, you not going to respond anymore?" you asked as you folded your arms in expectancy. You could feel the urge to tap your foot creep up within you.
He simply sat, legs folded, head turned to not face you as his aura was dripping with pettiness.
"Taehyung," your voice was low, as a warning.
He responded by folding his arms. The black ink that adorned his left arm became more visible. His arms were tense. Indignation forcing him to squeeze his arms closer to his body. It almost was like he was flexing for you. In any other situation, watching the artistically drawn art that embellishes the left side of his thick neck, starting from his nape down to stop right above his hip line, would place you in a trance no doubt. Not to mention the words sitting bewitchingly under his right eye, The Shadow like me -- staring at it would make you feel an odd sense of solace.
You had to catch yourself for a moment there, finding that your eyes started to wonder for too long. He noticed for a split second, for he could see you from the corner of his eye. And you could've sworn you saw his lips fighting the impulse to turn upwards.
"This fucking guy..." you thought.
"That's it," you spoke up, hands flying up but not in defeat, "I'm leaving. Have fun staring at that wall cause I," you took a pause between speaking to locate your car keys, "am sick and tired of your shit,"
This got his attention. His head snapped towards you, eyes narrowing on the source of the violent jiggling. Were you really about to leave him? That easily?
You don't know how Taehyung managed to move so quickly, but now he stood between you and your way out, towering over your form while his big hand slammed against the apartment's door. His eyes pierced through your skin coldly, the strength you had to keep you standing slowly starting to slip under the heavyweight of his gaze on you.
Voice low, words slow, Taehyung finally spoke up, "If you choose to walk out that door now, when you come back, I am not going to be here,"
You wanted to call his bluff, but deep down you knew he was not joking. But alas, you were already too far deep in your petty train and you weren't going to back down now.
"Good," you spat, turning the handle to reveal the shining sun, "I never want to see you again anyways,"
With that, you left. And you did not turn back to catch the stricken look of your distraught boyfriend.
Looking back now, six years later, maybe you should have. Maybe you should have taken one last, long look at him. Because when you had returned to your shared apartment on that day many years ago, Taehyung was true to his word.
He was nowhere in sight and neither was his stuff. His side of the room laid vacant with empty drawers and a hollowed-out closet. It almost looked like you never even shared the place with anyone. You never saw him again after that.
But that was six years ago.
Now, you had a completely new life. A new house. A new scenery. A new personality.
A new boyfriend. A better boyfriend. A boyfriend that recently proposed.
It was a big step in your life. And you were happy. You had everything you ever wanted. Plus somebody who actually loved you...not somebody like--
No. You weren't going to think about him. He was your past. You don't need to waste your time thinking about a should-be-forgotten mistake or what could have been. 
What could have been if you didn't walk out that day?
"I'm back, baby!" chimed your charming boyfriend -- fiancé you mean.
"Hey baby," you said as you greeted him with open arms and a kiss on the cheek.
"Missed me?" he playfully asked, wrapping his short arms around your shoulders.
Unbeknownst to you, you cringed. You don't know why. Usually, his loving behavior acted as a soothing remedy to cure the built-up stress of a long day, yet now, you stood in his presence and cringed.
"You okay? You don't look so good,"
"I'm fine, just sore from...going to the gym," you lied straight through your teeth, trying to deter him from questioning you further for answers that not even you knew right now.
"I'll run you a nice, warm bath if you want," he offered sweetly, swaying your and his body side-to-side leisurely and tenderly as he awaited an answer.
"Will you be joining me in it?" you asked suggestively, flashing a flirty smile to get him on the same page as you.
"I gotcha babe," he replied, placing a chaste yet wet kiss on your forehead before he walked away.
You didn't want to show it while he was watching, but the very action almost made you sink to the floor -- and not in a good way.
Thump Thump Thump
Why was your heart beating so fast?
Why was there cold sweat forming on your back right now?
You weren't actually getting cold feet about being nude with your boyfriend fiancé, right?
You've been intimate with this man more times than you could count on your hands...and feet. So why were you feeling disgusted by him now? Why all of a sudden your body has classified him as an ick?
Maybe it was because you've never really forgiven him for cheating on you.
Yes, he said it was a mistake. Yes, he apologized. Yes, he promised to never do it again.
But why couldn't you get over it? He's treated you better than any man in your life has.
Except Taehyung
Your mind unwillingly slipped in. But you pushed him out. The guy was no better. You mean, he also cheated on you too. But at least this one hasn't left you.
"You coming? It's ready," he called out for you.
You got startled, too far up in your thoughts.
"Coming!" you yelled out as you walked towards what would be the most painstaking awkward night of your new life.
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"And I was like I'm cumming I'm cumming --"
"AH! Jungkook please, when I asked you how your date went, I didn't mean explain every detail!"
"But it's a part of the story!"
You rolled your eyes.
"You lack shame, don't you?" you asked rhetorically, voice drab.
"Anyways, as I saying," Jungkook ignored you, deciding to continue telling his extremely vivid and personal story.
You placed your cell phone on your kitchen counter, leaving it on speaker as you put away your groceries. Your friend's voice eventually becoming background noise for you as you moved on autopilot.
Ding Ding Dong
The doorbell chimed its angelic tune throughout your house. It snapped you out of it as you told Jungkook you would be right back, to discover who could possibly be visiting you now.
Your eye twitched and you forced your lips to quirk up in a half-smile.
"H-Heyyy," you croaked out a greeting as you looked at your soon-to-be husband standing at your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers clasp between his hands. "You left your key or something?"
"No, but I thought it would be a nice surprise," he trailed off, voice becoming soft as he held out the flowers for you, "You know, I'm still sorry about what happened,"
You flinched, the memories immediately bombarding your vision and putting you in a chokehold. "The past is in the past, it's okay," you lied, flashing a feigned toothy grin and waving your hand back and forth as an attempt to distract from the truth spilling from your eyes. "These flowers are beautiful," you commented.
"That's my girl," the tall man said as he placed the blue orcas in your grasp. "Now, pass me my wallet out my coat, I got some errands to run,"
You mindlessly reached out to your right side, searching through the different seasonal coats to pull out the small, black leather wallet. After handing the item over, you bid adieus and turned on your heels. You were almost back into your kitchen but you heard it again.
Ding Ding Dong
Did he really just forget something already? And did he really lie about having his keys?
Well, you stopped in your tracks and changed your destination to your front door.
"Did you forget something--"
"Why, hello there,"
Your heart stopped. Breath hitched at the back of your throat, refusing to move. Your words were now lost in the wind as you felt the harsh breeze on your face. hands quivering, unmoving from the doorknob.
"Long time no see," he said with a charming smirk as his eyes rake up and down your form, drinking in your looks as if you were a fine glass of wine.  
Mouth slightly agape, you didn't want to move or even speak. You couldn't believe your eyes. Here he stood in your doorway, unaged.
Kim Taehyung
His curly mousy was still as tremendously thick as ever, but a bit longer since the last time you saw it. The russet, loose locks hid the upper lids of his eyes gracefully with the back well cared for -- from what you could see. His hair was always beautifully coiffed.
Not to mention his face. How he always looked as if he was intricately crafted by the Gods themselves.
Your eyes found themselves trailing down to his exposed neck. The ink seemed to never have dulled. And never did his love for wearing black. He had the whole kit for a typically "bad boy". Tattoos, piercings, a fondness for black and leather.
Despite his outward look radiating "fuck off", you've always known the soft, artist, art-loving Taehyung that he doesn't show very often. You knew how much he loved dressing in brown and green and wore pants that made him look like Shrek. But that kind of style was costly, for not many people appreciated creativity and uniqueness where you lived. Thus, he pushed that side of him away.
"Aren't you going to invite me in, sweetcheeks?" his deep voice broke your concentrated hold on him and you remembered where you were.
"What are you doing here?" you blinked back, your shock is gone and replaced with confusion. "More importantly, how are you here?"
"Well that's not really a warm welcome now is it?" Taehyung feigned hurt by placing a hand over his chest and pouted, "I thought you'd be more excited to see me,"
"No. Get out." your words came out harsher than you intended.
Just as you were about to fully slam the door in his face, a loud thud sounded as Taehyung aggressively stopped the door's motion and pushed it open instead.
"Aw, sweetcheeks, don't be like that," Taehyung said as he took one foot forward to begin walking inside your home. Uninvited. While you're alone.
"You need to leave!" you raised your voice, tip-toeing to look past Taehyung's wide, burly shoulders. "You shouldn't even be here,"
Taehyung fully stepped inside and pushed your forehead with his forefinger, forcing you to take backward steps. "Relax," he cooed, closing your door and locking it, "I already saw your boyfriend get picked up before I came to the door,"
Your eyebrow raised in confusion. Picked up? He never mentioned he would do his errands with any friends. Taehyung noticed your eyebrow quirk and mindlessly mimicked it.
"You did know about that, didn't you?" the very question causing corners of Taehyung's lips to twist up into a smirk. A very mocking smirk that is.
"Yes, of course, I knew," you lied. "It's really none of your business," your attempt to dissimulate your true confusion was so evident to the tall man before you. "Plus, he isn't my boyfriend, he's my fiancé," you placed emphasis on the word fiancé as you flashed the big diamond sitting prettily on the fourth finger of your left hand. You said it while smirking back as if you had just beat him at something. 
Taehyung's smirk dropped at that. And so did possibly his stomach.
"Fiancé..." the word rang throughout his mind as he thought of it in disbelief.
Did you really move on that easily? He refused to believe it...refused to let it happen.
He took your hand in his, bringing it closer to his face, "Quite plain in my opinion," Taehyung pursed his lips together and furrowed his brows, "When did your taste deteriorate, sweetcheeks?"
"No one asked for your opinion," frustrated, your words came out as a screech, "And stop calling me sweetcheeks!"
"Why? I don't remember you having a problem with me calling you that as I fucked you nice and--"
"Why are you here again?" you cut him off sharply, ignoring the sly look he was giving you.
"What? I can't drop by to visit a dear old ex?"
"How did you get my location?"
"Jungkook of course,"
You tsked, forgetting you both shared him as a close friend. Turning your head to look behind you, you wondered if he even stayed on the call.
"Stay here," you commanded him like a dog as you left to retrieve your phone.
Taehyung didn't respond. He just watched you simply walk away from him. Not wanting to cut the conversation short, he followed behind you.
Jungkook was no longer on the call. Figures. You did keep him waiting-- an audibly loud sigh ripped past your lips when you saw Taehyung ignored your instructions.
"What did I tell you?"
"Are you going to call someone, sweetcheeks?"
Ignoring what you said, Taehyung leaned against your countertop, arms and legs crossed. You rolled your eyes at him. Always was so pestiferous.
"Tae," you cleared your throat to catch yourself, "Taehyung, why are you here? After all these years, why now?" your voice was soft and a bit desperate, but for what exactly.
Taehyung's lips pressed together thinly. His deep pool of honey irises was locked in with yours.
"I missed you,"
You didn't know why, but your stomach started to churn as if something was fluttering around in there. Heat welcomed itself in your body, greeting your cheeks and forehead first. And you didn't know it, but a small smile was resting peacefully on your face.
Taehyung noticed your silence and the way you seemed to appreciate his honesty. It made his core feel warm.
"You left me, remember?" you asked, your tone changed, pettiness lacing your voice. Your smile was replaced with a blank expression.
"I warned you, remember?" Taehyung replied, mimicking you.
You huffed. Oh, how you hated that.
"You can leave now,"
"But I just got here," he whined.
"Too bad,"
"Ah, always so mean to me, sweetcheeks. Don't you want to talk?"
"There is nothing to talk about," cold, briskly harsh words spilled out the second Taehyung said anything to you.
"Fine. I'll just have a look around until you're ready to talk," Taehyung bluntly stated as he already turned to gander around your house.
A slow panic sat in your stomach as Taehyung walked in and out of rooms.
What if your fiancé returned and saw Taehyung? He was strictly passionate about either of you not speaking to an ex. So to have one was in your house you shared? Not a good idea.
"Okay, you've seen enough. Time for you to go home now,"
"Is this your bedroom?" Taehyung asked, completely ignoring you.
Sighing, you pointed in the opposite direction while saying "Out". He didn't listen though, making himself comfortable at the edge of the queen-sized bed. Taehyung pat the spot next to him, a smile sitting on his lips as he looked at you enduringly. He had quite an adorable face when he's being like this.
"Let's talk," he posed the proposition.
You decided to just indulge him for now if it meant he would leave quicker. So, you sat at the edge and left enough space between you two to fit two extra people.
"Okay, about what?"
"Do you like my outfit sweetcheeks?" he asked playfully.
"No. Anything else?" you inquired with boredom written on your forehead. This is not what you expected.
"Like the new haircut? I decided to grow it out,"
"No." another lie you spoke.
"Do you miss us? The way we used to be?"
You looked over to Taehyung to see him leaning back with both arms firmly placed on the bed to prevent him from fully laying down. His head was hung low, eyes were covered by his long curls as his head faced forward.
Holding your tongue, you did not want to answer that. Because answering that question would mean you would have to face the truth. You did miss him. You missed seeing his face every night before you went to sleep and the first thing you saw as you opened your eyes to start the day.
You reminisce the times you so lovingly shared. From his random dinner date surprises under the moonlight and museums, to the way
 he pulled your hair as he absolutely destroyed your cunt. The love you shared was hot, messy, but oh so perfect. At least, you both thought it was perfect.
You didn't even notice it but Taehyung scooted closer to you, his head still not turned to you but raised to look up.
"Taehyung, I'm getting married,"
Even though you were the one who said those words, the very sentence made your belly churn.
Slowly, Taehyung turned to look at you and you got a clear view of his feelings. Those brown orbs were darkened by his own grief and regret.
"You didn't answer me," his voice was low and edging on rasping.
"Taehyung," you stopped short what you were saying, the feeling of Taehyung's palm on your exposed thigh catching you off guard. The cold metal wrapped around his fingers sent shivers down your spine.
"You don't have to lie to me," he uttered, already predicting the future. His other hand reached up to cup your cheek. "You've always been such a bad liar,"
A soft sigh escaped your lips accidentally. You missed his touch, his hold on you was extremely telling. You could tell where this was going by the way his fingers rubbed the inside of your thigh and the way his eyes were glued onto your face, patiently waiting for an opportunity.
"We shouldn't," you replied, voice faint enough to almost be a whisper.
"But we are," Taehyung began moving his hand further up. His movement was unrushed and reached to stop an inch away from your clothed core.
"No, we can't," you tried to sound assertive, but with him so close to you, feeling you, your body was starting to react.
"But we can," he murmured, bringing your face closer to his until your breaths became shared. "Just tell me how much you want it," Taehyung studied your parted lips with intense eagerness. He wasn't going to make a move without your consent.
"Please," you begged, the anticipation clouding your judgment.
"Please what?" his thumb moved in steady, circular movements on your cheek and inched towards caressing your plump bottom lip.
"Please touch me,"
Without hesitating, Taehyung crashed his lips onto yours. The action causing you to moan in the kiss. He massaged your front harshly, but the shorts you wore gave little to no friction.  
Moving with impatience, Taehyung removed his hands from you briskly only to grasp you by your waist and pull you on top of him, all while not breaking the kiss.
Instinctively, your arms snaked around his neck and you meshed your bodies closer together. But you felt as though there was still too much space between you too.
"Tae," you whined in between the kiss.
Taehyung was getting lost in your touch. He couldn't remember the last time he got to hold you like this, feel you on him, so needy. He was just as needy, feeling blood rush to his cock, making it grow in size with every swipe of his tongue against yours and every time he pulled your bottom lip between his teeth to suck and bite on it. Missing you for so long now, he couldn't help how greedy and sloppy he was being.
"What is it, baby?" he asked, disconnecting your lips shortly. Taehyung watched your eyebrows come together in sexual frustration. He anticipated your response with bated breath.
"I need you," you practically sobbed and placed one of his hands in your pants, "here,"
"Here?" his fingers located your clit with ease, applying sweet pressure.
"Y-Yes," desperate for more, you bucked your hips into his hand.
"You like this, baby?" you didn't even need to respond, Taehyung could feel your sleek arousal already seeping through your underwear.
"Tae please," your hands latched onto his hair as you pinned him with your eyes. He was looking back at you with lust-dimmed eyes and it made your skin heat up with familiar intensity.
He smirked up at you. Your pathetic pleas pumping fervor into his veins. Taehyung removed his hand out of your pants, eliciting a needy whine from you which quickly turned into a short gasp when your back came in full contact with your mattress.
Your pants were ripped off of your body. Large hands skimmed the ample flesh of your outer thighs. Squeezing and fondling you with his rough palms, the rings on his hands adding a pleasant chill. You squirmed under his touch, feeling yourself get wetter with every passing second.
Taehyung slowly peeled your panties off, his gaze fixated between your legs.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath upon seeing your folds absolutely dripping in desperation. "I barely touched you sweetcheeks and you're already this wet?"
You turned away in embarrassment. Your body obviously hasn't had foreplay in a while.
Taehyung licked his lips, eyes devouring you whole as he got down on his knees. He was keeping both hands on your thighs because he already knew how strong your legs could get.
All it took was one long lick up your pussy and your back was arching off of the bed. Hands tangling themselves in his fluffy mane as you brought his head closer, needing more.
But Taehyung was teasing you. Purposefully only doing slow stripes, the tip of his tongue merely grazing your clit. His pants were feeling tight on his body as his dick was fully hard now but painfully confined by fabric.
He flicked his tongue back and forth on the engorged bud, refusing to give you what you wanted so easily. What he wanted to give you was the finest orgasm you've ever had in the last six years. But first, he had to warm you up.
Flatting his tongue on your outer lips, Taehyung was taking his time tasting you.
"You taste so fucking delectable," he groaned between your wet folds, his pace beginning to pick up every time he swallowed your sweet sap.
Soon he was eating you out like a hungry, deprived man. Like you were the only glass of water on a scorching hot desert.
Your grip on his hair tightened, feeling that feeling you had once thought you lost. It's been so long since somebody ate you out properly.
"Shit I'm close," you keened, bucking your hips in sync with his skillful tongue. His hands securing a tight hold on your legs each time they felt like they were closing. But he removed one hand, jewelry coming off with it, and pushed two digits into you, curling them as he pumped it back and forth.
"Come for me baby,"
And you did exactly that. The delicious waves of pleasure rippled through you and your legs couldn't stop shaking. Your mind was a white haze, unable to muster a single coherent thought for a moment.
"I haven't seen you come that hard since," his eyes traveled up in thought as he licked your cum off of his face and fingers, "well, last time we fucked,"
You couldn't respond, not trusting your voice. But your face was heated onto the point where it looked like you could blush.
"I want to see you do it again," Taehyung palmed himself through the tight pants as he stood up to gaze down at your fucked out form.
You sat up on your weak elbows, bleary-eyed. "Again?" you repeated after him, your high barely dying down.
He nodded and removed his shirt. His exquisitely sun-tanned skin was exposed for your eyes to soak up. Lean body so beautiful to look at. Then you noticed some bold, black writing and an arrow embellished below his navel but right above where his cock would be.
'Well, that's new,' you thought.
"You like?" Taehyung smirked as he caught your eyes lingering a bit too long on his body, specifically where his tattoo was.
You huffed, turning your head away. Yes, you did like but you weren't going to tell him that.
"Well, don't act shy now," he started unbuttoning his pants, "Not when your pretty pussy is all I can see, mmm," he hummed.
Embarrassed, you shut your legs closed only for Taehyung to tsk and pull you further down the edge of your bed, separating your legs wide enough to stand in between them.
"Taehyung you know we can't..."
He laughed at that, "Can't? You weren't saying that when you were riding my face a second ago," Taehyung pushed his pants down far enough for his fat cock to spring free. "Besides, don't you want to feel me inside you?" his tone changed when he asked this in his deep voice.
You practically moaned at that question, your eyes drifting down to see his proud girth. How he ever managed to fit his whole self inside you was questionable.
Taehyung placed his swollen tip at your entrance, mixing his pre-cum with your juices. "Hmm?" purring as he moved his dick up and down.
"Yes, I do," you croaked out, temptation pushing you to do anything he wanted.
"Do what?" he couldn't help but tease.
"Want to feel you inside me, please,"
Your begging was like music to his ears and he fulfilled your wish.
Taehyung sunk his cock down in your drenched cunt, feeling you wrap around him so tautly.
"God, so fucking tight and wet for me," Taehyung practically growled as he was fully sheathed by your pink walls.
Your lips had parted, releasing throaty mewls as your walls stretched in both arduous pain and scrumptious pleasure. You were so fucking full.
"Fuck, don't move yet," you whined, needing your pussy to adjust before he starts wrecking your shit.
"But you feel so good," he said huskily, his palms clasping either side of your waist. He retracted his hips, pulling his dick out until only the tip nestled inside. "Such a good pussy," he muttered as his half-lidded eyes locked on the clear layer coating him. Taehyung couldn't control himself any longer, feeling as though you could take it.
He plunged his hips forward, dick entering you so fast and roughly.
You cried out, hands gripping the bedsheet for support as Taehyung kept bucking his hips into you. Tears prickled at the corner of your eyes, adding to the lewd expression painted on your face. He was fucking you so deep and fast, you didn't know how much longer you had.
"He doesn't hit your spots the way I do, does he?" piped up a now cocky Taehyung, "He never made you cum like I do, huh?"
If he kept talking like that, you were gonna cum way too soon.
You shook your head side to side, your mouth too busy holding back your sensual sounds.
If you were being honest, your fiancé has never made you orgasm. Not once has he ever made you feel such potent ecstasy the same way Taehyung used to make you feel all the time. Even though what you were doing was oh so wrong, you were feeling oh so right.
"I'm gonna cum," you crooned and Taehyung couldn't believe his ears.
"Such a slut coming so quickly," he was panting, "You wanna cream on my dick that badly?"
The aggressively taunting words sent you into a fiery frenzy. Skin burning intensely as a familiar knot formed in your core. A few more strokes of his cock were all it took to make your senses go haywire, to make your pussy squeeze his length in rapture.
You were climaxing. And it wasn't your fiancé's name you were screaming. It was Taehyung's.
Taehyung slowed down for a few seconds, watching the way your whole body twitched each time he grazed your sore inner walls.
Swiftly, yet carefully, Taehyung pulled out to flip you around. He hoisted your ass up, creating his perfect arch.
Your face was pushed into the mattress as you felt Taehyung align himself with you. As he was about to push himself in, your phone rang.
Taehyung picked up the ringing cell that laid adjacent to you. He read the caller ID and rolled his eyes.
"It's for you," he stated the obvious as he handed the phone to you.
Licking your lips and clearing your throat, you saw that it was your fiancé calling. Biting your bottom lip anxiously, you answered the call.
"Hey, I was calling because--"
Before you could've heard your fiancé's explanation, Taehyung slammed his dick in you unexpectedly, drawing a rough cry out of you.
You quickly clasped a hand over your mouth in shock at what came out of you.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah! I just stubbed my t-toe," you stammered, feeling Taehyung's big dick thrust in you fervently.
"You should be careful when you walk," slight annoyance hidden in your fiancé's tone.
"Mhm," you were desperately trying not to moan. Unlike Taehyung who didn't give a fuck. He was bruising your hips sweetly and groaning carnally each time his tip kissed your cervix.
You could barely hear your fiancé over the call, too focused on your cunt throbbing from this raw fucking.
Taehyung noticed you trying to be quiet as you talked to your fiancé. He barely knew the guy but he hated him profoundly.
Now, mischievousness spiked up in Taehyung. He took the hand you used to silence your pretty moans and pinned your arm behind your back.
"Let him hear what you really sound like when you're all fucked out on a real man's cock," Taehyung grunted, pinning you in place as he picked up his pace, fucking you deeper than before. He even smacked your ass to watch it jiggle.
You were forced to let it all out, profanities pouring out like a waterfall.
"What the fuck is going on?" your fiancé yelled but you didn't care to hide it anymore. You moaned Taehyung's name right in your fiancé's ear.
Snatching the phone out of your hand, Taehyung spoke with joyful delight, "She can't talk right now, she's busy getting some good dick," with that said, Taehyung hung up the phone and tossed it aside.
With one hand still holding your arm, his other snaked around to rub harsh circles on your aching clit.
"Fuck him, you're my girl," his pistoling hips adding emphasis, "Who's making you feel this good?"
"You are Tae," you were whimpering and squirming under him.
"You like this, don't you? You know you missed me just as much as I missed you,"
"Fuck, yes Tae, I missed you so much!" dozy with ardor, you spoke without thinking.
Taehyung cursed. His cock twitched inside you as his hips fell out of rhythm, pleasure washing over him. His hot, white fluid spurted inside you. The feeling of his warm seed and fingers still pressing figure eight's on your clit, combined to send you straight over the edge, headfirst into a next orgasm.
Your body collapsed, cum draining out of you obscenely.
"That's my girl," he praised, chest heaving with satisfaction. You were like his little art piece with the way you looked.
He gave you some time to catch your breath before he flipped you around and pulled you up the bed so your feet wouldn't dangle. You felt so lazy so you let him move you like a ragdoll. Taehyung took his place to lay next to you, facing you as one hand prompted up his head. He reached to grasp your face and turn it towards him.
You had heavy eyes, flushed cheeks, and a trickle of drool down your parted lips -- all creating such a filthy appearance.
"You look so beautiful right now," his thumb softly caressed your cheek, "Like you always have,"
You gazed up at him and saw his pupils were blown wide. It wasn't lust this time in the pools of his eyes.
You turned your head away. Regret starting to consume you. How could you throw your life away for a man that left you?"
"Hey hey, look at me," he turned you to look back at him. "What's wrong?" genuine concern is evident in his voice.
"Why after all these years, you're back here to ruin my life again?" the question almost summoned tears to your eyes.
Taehyung was silent for a moment before speaking. "When you left me that day, I lost control of myself. I wanted to break everything in my sight. So after I moved all of my stuff out, I went and started destroying everything in my path. All of my paintings and even new ones I tried to create. Then I started thinking about what you told me when you first got mad," he shook his head at the thought.
"How could you think I would ever cheat on you?" his voice was soft as he looked at you, absolutely broken inside. "I've never loved another the way I loved you. The way I still love you," he solemnly confessed, shocking you on the spot as he searched your eyes to discover if the feeling was mutual.
Was it?
Was the feeling mutual?
"Do you still love me?" he finally asked, only for you to turn away again. He made you look at him, keeping your face firmly in place because he was not taking silence as a response. "Answer me,"
Truth be told, you didn't need to think twice about your answer. The answer has been so clear to you every day when you were apart.
"Yes," your voice was shaking, "Yes I do still love you Taehyung,"
He smiled at you and you couldn't help but mirror it. Taehyung climbed on top of you, his arms on either side of your head to support his own weight.
Without saying a word, he rubbed his dick head on your sensitive clit first, earning a slight body jerk from you. He went lower and carefully slid his dick in you once more. Somehow it was as hard as ever. You both exhaled simultaneously as you both felt his cum start to leak out.
Taehyung took his opportunity to connect his lips to yours. So soft and gentle with the way he kissed you. No aggressive licking or harsh biting. He was letting you lead and with passion, you kissed back. Dainty hands traveled to his nape, smoothing the area over with your palms.
Taehyung moaned, adoring and cherishing the way you touched him. Like a longing need, Taehyung's hand snaked up from fondling your chest first to resting his long, smooth fingers gingerly around the front of your neck. He applied delicate pressure, pressing down on the blood vessels located on opposite sides of your neck to give you that gratifying haze, making your pussy get wet.
Without begging anymore, he pushed his full length in you once again, filling you up to the brim. Your whole body was twinging with avidity. Being so sensitive after coming so much. But your need to feel him inside you once more overpowered any thought telling you 'it's too much' 'you need a break'. Those thoughts were pushed to the back of your head once Taehyung started rocking into you.
"Yeah, just like that," you moaned as you let him guide you into the most euphoric night of your life.
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seiyasabi · 4 years
A Farmer Boy’s Crush
(This is a Yandere Ushijima x Female Reader story! I’m sorry in advance, because I think this man is scary ;(( Also, there will be no part two of this, and I’m sorry if it sucks lol.
TW: !Noncon!, Stalker Ushi!, Size kink!, Cumflation!, Spanking!, Dacryphilia?, Choking!, Breeding Kink!, Cockwarming, Threatening behaviour!, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution!)
“I’m sorry, Ushijima-san, but I’m not interested in you. I’m focusing on my career, so I don’t have time for a relationship.”
It started when you were in highschool. 
The volleyball player confessed to you on Valentines Day, equipped with handmade chocolates and roses from his Mother’s garden. At the time, you had no interest in boys. You were way too focused on your future career, viewing a significant other as a distraction. Ushijima, to his credit, didn’t lose his temper when you turned him down. He nodded, silently stalking off to the gym, his posture perfectly straight. 
You’d brushed the entire event off, feeling guilty for turning him down so nonchalantly, but also standing your ground. The large man has a harem of girls, and you were sure he’d find a girlfriend that would treat him right. 
But, what you didn’t know, was that all he wanted was you. He could never go for another girl, because you’re one of a kind. 
He loves how you pick weeds out of the pavement, loves how you help old people bring their groceries to their car, loves how you’re YOU. 
So, in his spare time (aka, when he’s not playing volleyball), he watches you. He’d followed you home one day, and he spotted you through your curtainless window. 
That’s how it started; watching. 
But watching wasn’t enough.
Soon, he’d break into your home, snagging a worn t-shirt or panties, a chapstick on your desk, a polaroid you recently took, etc.. Once in his possession, he’d stalk off home at a leisure pace. Ushijima would then place the item in the shrine in his closet, relishing the new item in his collection. 
This went on for years, up until today. Today, he’d had enough. He’d heard from your friends on campus that you’d scored a date with a boy named ‘Kane,’ causing the large man to drive like a mad man in the direction of your home. 
Seeing you from your room’s curtainless window, his nose flares in anger. You’re in a cute cherry patterned dress, (applying makeup/doing your skincare routine) in your vanity table’s mirror. 
Stomping up your concrete front stairs, he grabs the hidden key in your potted plant outside, and slips inside. Wakatoshi makes his way up your house’s steps, creeping towards your closed door. He can hear music playing, most likely from your phone, and can see your shadow moving from underneath your door. 
Grasping your metal door handle, he steps inside your air freshener infused room. His presence startles you, and he can’t help but feel pleasure at the look of shock on your face. 
“Ushijima-san? What the hell are you doing-?” His large hand grips your throat, dragging you to your lilac coloured sheets. The olive haired man forces you onto your mattress, large body stradling your smaller form. Your weak attempt at freeing yourself is heartwarming, your spluttering and hits seem kitten-like. 
“Why would you go to someone else?” You try to respond, but are unable to, his ministrations not allowing you to breathe. Noticing this, he releases his vice-like grip, merely hovering his calloused hand over your throat. 
“What-” Your voice cracks, causing you to clear your throat, as tears drip down your pretty face, “What are you talking about? Why are you in my house?” 
He ignores your questions, steely gaze glaring down at you, “Kane cannot provide for you. I have a stable income, he does not. I have my own home, he does not. He has no redeemable qualities. I cannot understand why you would wish to date him, when I am already in the picture.”
You start to sob pathetically, not understanding why your scary ex-classmate is assaulting you verbally and physically, “Ushijima, I don’t understand what you’re talking about! I haven’t spoken to you for years-”
His grip around your throat tightens once more, as he speaks through gritted teeth, “We may not have spoken, but I’ve kept a close eye on you. What happened to you ‘focusing on your career?’ You were such a good, hardworking girl until this point, but now you’re suddenly whoring yourself out to an unimpressive boy. Let me show you who you belong to, (Your Name), because it seems that you’ve forgotten.”
 Smacking at his muscular arms, you try to struggle out of his grip. Wakatoshi’s thick fingers tug at the zipper on the side of your dress, slipping it open with ease. He slides the thin straps off of your shoulders, forcing the straps up over your hands, and sliding the entire garment off of you. You’re left in your unmatching strapless bra and panties. He hums in delight at the sight; this must mean that you weren’t going to open your legs for that boy. 
“You look beautiful,” He releases his grip just enough for you to breathe with ease, before ragdolling you over his muscular thigh. Your cute ass is on display to the olive haired man, his warm palm ghosting over the fat, “It’s a shame that I must put you in your place.”
Without warning, he slams his hand down, all whilst his free one covers your mouth. A scream rips from your throat, only to be muffled by your ex-classmate. Raising his previously used hand, he spanks you once more, the skin on your ass feeling like it’s on fire. 
“I’m going to spank you twenty-five times, don’t try to struggle. If you do, I’ll increase it to fifty,” All you can do is sob in response, causing the large man to continue his assault. The ex-volleyball player doesn’t hold back in the slightest, bruising your ass down to the muscle. By the time he’s finished, your entire body is shaking, face slick with snot and tears. Ushijima can’t help but grow hard at your pain fueled expression. You’re just too cute, “Good. Now, let me reward you for your behaviour.”
You shake your head no, muffled pleas of ‘stop’ just barely heard. Your ex-classmate refuses to acknowledge your words, instead pulling your bruising ass against his hard cock. He unbuttons his trousers, pulling out his long, thick cock. It slaps against your bare stomach, as Ushijima shucks your panties and bra off of your body, exposing you fully to him. Removing his hand from your mouth, you’re finally able to speak as he gropes the fat of your tits, “Please stop! Don’t do this! I’m sorry that I refused you in highschool! Why don’t we go on a date right now? I-if we do that, then we can wait-” 
“Shh, there’s no need to panic. We can go to dinner after this; I’ve waited too long for this,” Long fingers reach down to play with your clit, rubbing and squeezing the bundle of nerves with two fingers. His ring finger dips into your opening, forcing your dry walls open. 
“Ushijima, please-”
“Call me Wakatoshi. We’re dating, afterall,” forcing his finger in and out whilst rubbing your clit, making your walls slick without your consent. 
“Wakatoshi-” He removes his finger from inside of you, before quickly replacing it with the tip of his red, precum slicked cock. Without warning, he slips inside, spearing you open painfully. A loud yelp leaves your lips, as more tears drip down your face, “Take it out! Take it out! It hurts so bad!” 
He relishes the way your slightly moistened walls knead him, practically sucking him in. He rubs your clit with quick, small circles, trying to help you accommodate his size. This, in turn, allows his wrist to lay against your tummy, feeling the way your tummy distends with his cock. 
“You’re so tight. I always knew you were perfect for me,” He starts to bounce you on his prick, making it feel like your pussy was being ripped from your body. A small scream leaves your lips at the feeling, only for you to be silenced by a heated kiss. Waka’s body curls into your own, forcing you further onto his cock, and making it even harder for you to get off of him. 
He bucks up into you like a mad man, fucking you on his length at top speed. The pain you previously felt slowly turns into pleasure, as the pressure on your clit increases. A few small moans escape your mouth into his, as he swallows them whole. 
Wakatoshi lightly smacks your clit, making your eyes roll to the back of your head in pleasure. He releases you from the kiss, choosing instead to suck hickies onto your lolling neck. He grunts at the feeling of you tightening with an oncoming orgasm, as he rubs your clit as hard and fast as he can. 
“Cum for me, cum right now. Let your womb swallow my seed, (Your Name), it’s clear that you need my baby to set you straight,” More tears drip down your face as you try to stop yourself from cumming. 
“No! I don’t want a baby!” Waka doesn’t respond, only slapping your clit one last time. A strangled scream erupts from your throat, as you squirt all over him and your light coloured sheets. The force almost knocks him out of you, but he presses you down completely on his cock, allowing him to cum directly against your unprotected cervix. 
Your body shakes with your sobs as you wrap yourself with your arms, and you try to get off of him. Wakatoshi wraps you in a constricting hug, keeping you completely enveloped by his large frame. 
“You’re such a good girl for me, (Your Name). Now, let’s get you home, you clearly can’t be independent. Just rely on me, and I’ll keep you well fed and happy.”
You shake your head no, trying to escape his arms, but it’s no use. He’s so much bigger and stronger than you, making it virtually impossible for you to escape. 
Grabbing your blanket, he wraps you with it, before standing to his feet. His cock is still inside of you, as he walks out of your house, and towards his parked Kei truck. He opens the door, and slips inside, you still cockwarming him. He sets a hand on your distended, cumfilled belly, and sighs in content. 
“Everything will be alright. Let’s get back to the farm, and I’ll make you a nutritious meal. After all, you need to be strong for our growing baby.” 
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cloverrover · 3 years
Hii could you write something for Shang chi where he has a crush on the reader and is too shy to tell her and katy just accidently blurts it out? (mutual pining to fluff) Thank you so much!!
yo bro I am so sorry this took so long I wanted to have inspiration and grad school kinda said "fuck you"
AN: I went through like 6 different ideas before I got to this one so plssssss enjoy and ya know, reblog AND like. But also send me requests for other characters/actors too! Believe me I'm a simp for Simu but I also like writing for others too!!
Warnings: cursing, should I even warn that now?
WC: 640, I know it's short, but I hope it did your request justice
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The three of you decided that a drive up the coast was in order. After all, you’d watch the two people you love most almost not make it back to San Francisco. And you happened to be the only one with a car. They didn’t have their own cars, and working as valets they didn’t particularly like driving anymore, but one look at your 68’ Mustang and Katy took the keys before you had a change to blink.
Soon enough, you’re driving up the Pacific Coast Highway, with the knowledge that Wong will send you, and your car, back to San Francisco when you’re done. But you’re in the passenger seat, Shangqi driving, he took the keys from Katy at the IN-N-Out you stopped at, and you’ve your feet on the dash, singing to the radio.
You’re staring at Shangqi, with Go playing on the stereo. You were allowed to be in charge of the aux cord, and were taking full advantage of it. Since you were banned in your college days from the cord after a few too many weird songs. Weird had only meant Latin music versus that of regular ole’ white boi music. And being in Kentucky for a while, meant ole’ white boi music. And despite your southern routes, you wanted something to dance to.
Maluma playing on the stereo, your feet up on the dash, and horribly sung words saw y’all making your way into Oregon. Better later than never. Lost in your head, you hadn’t realized how intensely you’d been staring at the man, until Katy interrupted from the backseat.
“God it’s a good thing you like each other. Otherwise the staring would drive me crazier than it does already.”
Not entirely realizing what she’s said, you’re staring at Shangqi, who’s got a more than panicked look on his face, before you sit up, feet no longer on the dash, and stare at the girl in the backseat.
“I’m sorry but what?”
“Hm?” Even Katy doesn’t seem to entirely realize what she’s said. Until it’s too late. And she looks panicked and uncertain but it’s still too late. You look at Shangqi, questioning him without verbalizing it, and he’s answering without words.
He’s tensing up, hands wrapping tightly around the steering wheel and his knuckles turning white. Katy is staring at you like she’s genuinely fucked up, and not opened Pandora’s Box. You know that you’re in love with the man beside you, and not simply infatuated with him. And now you know that the feelings you have been feeling for years, are returned.
So there you are, staring at the man you love, knowing now he feels the same, and not knowing entirely what to do.
“Well this isn’t exactly the time nor how I expected to tell you. But she’s not wrong.”
Shangqi doesn’t even look at you. Not really. He gives you a brief glance, but turns his gaze back towards the road. And you can’t be mad, because he genuinely DOES have to pay attention to the roads.
But then you’re smiling. At first, to yourself because now you know that the feelings you have felt are returned. At second glance, it’s because you’re BOTH smiling.
Katy may have outed the truth, but it remains truth still no matter who says otherwise.
“Well I don’t know about Katy,” insert a rather pregnant pause, “but I’m happy to be on this trip.” You say as you tilt your body towards him. Ever so slightly, but towards him still. Shangqi knows you’ve tilted your body towards him. You trust him. And he knows he’s found the one.
He knows for a fact, the same way he knows his name is Shangqi. Despite how often he refused to admit it, he knows.
The same way you now that you love him.
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kenmei · 4 years
♡ gn!reader x boyfriend!sakusa kiyoomi
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cw: angst to fluff, hurt/comfort, slice of life, a pinch? of toxic behaviour, kinda suggestive somewhere in the middle, timeskip!au, established relationship!au
synopsis: in the times where home doesn’t feel like how it should, somewhere along the blurred lines of forgiven and guilty, “i’m home” gains back its familiarity
wc: 1900+
notes from mei!
happy bday to omi omi!!
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it’s routine.
“i’m home.”
words that are familiar leave his lips; an expected response lingers in the air—it’s routine. the problem is, he’s only met with silence and an unusually cold apartment complex.
there are leftovers on the island; down the hallway leading to yours and his shared room, the lights are off. kiyoomi sighs, shrugging off his coat and not bothering to keep the sound of his dangling keys to a minimum.
and for the fifth time that week, he eats dinner alone.
the next morning proceeds as usual. quiet good mornings, a kiss to the cheek that feels robotic. he makes the food and you make the coffee; working in tandem as the news fills the silence between you both.
“i’m going out today.” you say, spoon clanking against the mugs as you’re pouring in the creamer. “hairi’s birthday.” you add.
he doesn’t turn to face you. “okay.”
you both eat in silence, not bothering to make small talk because the last time you tried, it ended up in a fight that brings you to your situation right now.
the night after, you both “made up,” but after a day and a half passed, he snapped at you more harshly than usual, giving you the silent treatment and coming home extra late just to get on your nerves.
tired of being a verbal punching bag, you reverted back into the person you promised you wouldn’t be again, because you wanted to be better—because you trusted in him enough that he wouldn’t make you feel that kind of pain again.
but now you’re here.
the words scratch at your throat as you open the front door. it’s dark, but you hear the shower running.
you’re not sure why you suddenly feel so anxious, but then again, you dreaded the entire uber ride “home.”
because as much as you love kiyoomi, he’s dragged you to hell and back for the past week and a half. as much as you’re willing to put up with his bullshit because you know he’s just like that, you’re not sure if this relationship is even worth it anymore.
it’s because you know his bad sides, good sides, everything-in-between-sides, you can’t find it in you to say something other than a half-assed sorry because you don’t want to drag things out.
you don’t want to lose him because he’s still your kiyoomi. 
he’s the boy who shared his umbrella with you in high school, the boy who threw his jacket on your head because you never listened to him when he said it’s cold out, wear a jacket.
the man who makes you play with his hair; the one who likes to be babied from time to time. don’t leave, he used to say, arms trapping you to his chest as you both wasted an hour in each other’s embrace.
in every season, all your favourite memories involve him.
and you’re being honest when you say you don’t want anything else—anyone else, but him. he’s a part of you now, and after him, you never thought of life without him.
but as you sit on the couch, head hung low, you think, perhaps, life would be better.
you fell in love rather young, at seventeen where love was like sunshine and rainbows. seventeen, where you didn’t know any other romantic kind of love besides him.
but now you’re twenty-three, where love feels more or less of a shitty scripted tv show. twenty-three, where you know there are many different kinds of love besides romantic.
“what are you doing?”
like you’ve been programmed, you stand. “sorry. i was waiting for you to finish.”
you brisk by him, blindly picking some clothes to use for pyjamas.
and he lets you, waiting for you to finish.
as you’re settling into bed, his lips find yours in a teeth-clashing, empty manner. naturally, you return, unaware of the void in your eyes as you humour him.
hands find their way underneath your shirt and you tense up.
he pulls away. “what’s wrong with you?”
“what do you mean?” you reply, pushing him off you. “...i’m kissing you back? why are you complaining?”
“you’re so bland lately.” he scowls, “you never say anything besides sorry! it’s like i’m dating a fucking statue!”
with the remnants of liquid courage swishing in your bloodstream, you snap, “what the fuck am i supposed to say besides sorry?!” you say, keeping a level-tone as you look at him in disbelief, anger bubbling in your veins. “you’re always mad at me and i’ve done nothing! you keep taking your bad days out on me!”
“that’s because you never do anything right!”
your mouth falls open in bewilderment. getting out of bed, you grab your phone. “fuck you.” you spit, “go find someone else. i’m not dealing with you anymore.”
a shout of your name, the sound of something falling to the floor.
the click of the front door doesn’t let you hear anything else.
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kiyoomi<3: please come home
kiyoomi<3: where are you?
kiyoomi<3: talk to me baby please
“no.” you scoff, powering off your phone. you throw it to the other end of your hotel bed, grabbing your laptop.
two days.
(you wish it wasn’t like this).
glancing at the time, you think now would be a good time to go back to the apartment. he’s at practice and you need to start getting your shit out of his place.
your phone beeps a few more times and you wonder why he’s texting so much when he’s at practice. but then again, desperateness isn’t something to take lightly.
and you want to laugh at him, because now, when you’ve left, he’s texting you nonstop, leaving you a shit ton of voicemails you don’t even bother listening to.
your chest hurts, you’re sure everyone and their mother’s can tell you’re literally lifeless as you drag yourself to your car.
the drive is quiet and full of an empty head. you might’ve accidently ran one or two red lights, but you can’t find it in you to care.
jiggling your keys, you swing the door open, expecting to be met with emptiness.
but he’s there, on the couch with his head hung low, phone in his hands.
it looks like he’s pleading to the phone. you take note of his disheveled appearance and apartment. his head shoots up when he hears keys jingle, eyes widening before his eyes gloss over when he takes in your somewhat put together appearance.
you move to close the door, to leave him in there, but his voice stops you from shutting the door all the way.
it’s desperate and broken, you mentally smack yourself in the head for opening the door again. he relaxes a bit when he sees you again, mouth opening before it shuts abruptly.
he doesn’t know what to say.
and before he can get his head to work right, you turn left and go down the hallway, shoes on and all.
he follows, silently, watching in pain as you grab your duffle bag and start stuffing clothes in it.
he follows, chest pinching and palms sweating as you move around the room, shoving whatever you can into your bag.
you don’t even know why he’s here. he never misses practice.
your back is facing him as the words, quiet and heavy, leave his lips. you choose to ignore him, rummaging through your bedside drawer in case there’s anything you might need.
a call of your name.
“stop.” you mutter, scratching your eyebrow in irritation. “we’re not doing this again.”
your lip trembles, you take a deep breath to try and stop the tears from falling.
it hurts to see him like this. your chest aches when you see the bags under his eyes and the tear stains on his cheeks. “we’re not doing this again.” you repeat, an attempt to solidify yourself, but instead, you’re sobbing quietly into your bedside drawer, a polaroid of you and him staring back at you.
“i can’t do this.” you cry, recalling his hurtful words.
frantically wiping your tears, you reach into the desk to flip the picture backward.
“i’m sorry, y/n.” he says, voice wavering.
it’s only been two days, but he feels like he’s been through a century. he thought he’d be fine, that you’d come back.
but after having his texts being left on delivered and his calls going straight to voicemail, the buildup of everything and the reality of everything punched him in the gut.
a home that was once full of love. a home that was once so easy to come home to.
it’s scary how fast everything went tumbling down.
and kiyoomi’s more than aware of how selfish he is. coming home to everything being in it’s exact place isn’t all that odd, he just loathes coming home to everything being in it’s exact place, but you’re not there.
your candle you love so much stares at him. pictures hung of you and him mock him.
everything in this apartment, it was there. everything but you.
and it drove him crazy.
you, the only one he’s ever felt so strongly for. you, the one who makes home feel like home.
but as he stares at your back, tears of his own getting caught in his lashes, he hates that he makes this “home” of yours and his, feel unfamiliar.
and kiyoomi isn’t good, he knows he isn’t. he’s selfish and he likes things done his way because he likes things done right.
but he doesn’t know how to make this right. he loves you so much, but all he can do now is watch as you suffer.
he knows his problem, he knows his shortcomings, his faults—kiyoomi’s had too much time to be fucked up by it all. but the only thing he doesn’t know how to do right, is to fix the problems before his eyes.
a second passes and he finds his body moving before he can think.
he pulls you into his chest, uncaring of your fists pounding against his chest. he holds you tighter because this could be the last time.
and kiyoomi wishes he could do it all over—to go back in time and be the person he promised himself he’d be for you, his supposed forever.
“i’m sorry.” he whispers into your hair. “i know you’re tired, but please let me apologize to you, i don’t want you to walk out that door thinking the things i’ve said to you are true. they aren’t, i swear.”
his arms tighten around you when you stop fighting against his embrace. “all those things i’ve said and done that hurt you, i didn’t mean.”
“i know that, kiyoomi.” you cry, “but i can’t do this anymore.”
“don’t say that.” he pleads, “please, y/n, let me try again.”
and you’re crying because it’s so raw and real. his voice is so gentle and his embrace feels so soothing.
this is all you want. to be in his arms and be held together by him.
he gets his response when your arms circle around his middle, when you bury your face into him and grant his wishes of letting him fix the mess he made of you and him.
“thank you.” he whispers, a choked sob breaking free and he pulls your impossibly closer.
it’s half-past two and everything is where it’s meant to be.
(i'm home).
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988 notes · View notes
Need You.
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Author’s Note: Hello! After answering tons and tons of asks, and explaining how Tumblr had deleted the second part “Please Stay” to my one shot named “Only If” for god knows what reasons. I had to do this for you guys. I stopped writing years ago, and but kept my masterlist open for you to come and read my writings whenever you wish to. Trust me, this was so effing difficult for me to do! but I’m kind of proud that I removed the time and managed it. but let me inform you it’s not the same, because I do not remember what happened in the original one clearly. I hope this is a better and hopefully more well-written (amongst my other writings *cringe*) version of the old one.
It’s not proof read. I haven't edited it, so I’m sorry in advance for the typos. 
So, guys, gals and non-binary pals, I present to you (apology for it being light years late) the part two to your favourite little creation of mine “Only If”, with a new identity... please welcome “Need You”!
Do let me know how it makes you feel in the ask box or comment section. I love reading them. Happy Reading!
Word Count: 5K
Warnings: tons of angst with tons of fluff, sensitive harry???? (or do you guys call it sub!harry nowadays??) anyways it’s a cute!harry :P !
It’s been four hours, and you still weren’t back. Though it wasn’t new for you to go for a drive after an argument with him, you often came back within an hour or two. The blizzard outside was making Harry quite anxious. Even though the fight was extreme, he wanted you back safe and sound. He now realised how harsh he was on you. You didn’t intentionally leak the song. It was a mistake and it could happen to anyone, himself included. He felt guilty over the way he yelled at you; it wasn’t like him to react like that.
Suddenly, Harry felt the need to do something special for you. Though he planned on apologising to you verbally, he wanted his actions to prove it too. He made his way to the kitchen to cook you your favourite meal. He got a hold of his phone and switched on the playlist which include all the songs both of you enjoyed. the sound of the vessels clucking against each other minimised over the song playing on through the speakers.
A smile lit up on his face as he reminisced back to the moment when you were dancing to this song while making the two of you breakfast.
Harry rubbed his eyes as he walked down the stairs, his dimpled smile already making its appearance when he heard your voice blasting through the kitchen entrance. He didn’t know why you bothered turning the song on so loud, you were anyways going to be louder. He stopped at the kitchen entrance, a silent laugh escaped him as he leaned against the door frame and took in the scene going on in front of him.
“You say you want a good time! Well here I am, baby, here I am, baby” you belted out loud, cheeks turning red with the happiness radiating out of you. You’d decided that the whisk was your microphone of choice with batter stuck to it and everything. You’re moving those luscious hips which drive him crazy right to the rhythm of the song.
“Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me talk to me, tell me what's on your mind!” you missed a note but you don’t care. This scene right in front of him, he wished he could capture and watch it forever. Bruno Mars did bring a wild side out of you, and he couldn’t bring himself to be jealous of the multi-talented singer. He would give anything to see you like this. Knowing you’re the shy type who doesn’t enjoy too much of attention, getting to watch you like this was definitely a sight.
He walked right up to you and wrapped his arms around you slowly. You jumped in a scare, as you were lost in your own world. “Harry! You scared me.” You complained, trying to ignore the blush on you cheeks after you realised he must’ve been watching you from a far.
He nuzzled into your neck and sighed, while pressing a kiss there, “Hmm… I’m sorry, m’love. But you just looked so beautiful I didn’t want to stop you.” He murmured while pressing more kisses to your neck, then trailing them up to your jawline. “Y’ look utterly ravishing right now. Forget pancakes, instead I’ll have you for breakfast.” He smiled and went on to kiss your cheeks. His comments made you smile. He saw his chance and lightly bite the side of your cheek. You squealed and tried to push him away.
“H, stop!” you laughed. He tightened his arms around you and swayed to the beat of the song then went on to sing next lyric “Tell me baby, tell me, tell me baby what you tryna do!” he slightly lifted up your t-shirt and moved one of his hands under it, and muttered, “huh? What are you trying to do to me, baby?” and pressed yet another kiss to your cheek.
“Gosh, your hands are extremely cold!” you gasped. He then turned you around to face him. You instinctively wrapped your arms around him. The two of you smiled quietly towards each other, then he leaned down to kiss you properly. You shifted one of your hands into his the nape of his neck and the other went on to cup his cheek. He moved one of his around your shoulder and the other around your waist. Both of you sighed and bathed in each other’s presence.
“G’morning, froggy” you teased as pulled away first and smiled up at him. He frowned and tutted, then smacked your ass lightly. You always teased him for his morning face, said it looked like a cute frog. He rubbed the area he spanked and quickly pecked you once again before pulling away to look at you.
Brushing away the hair stuck to your face, “Morning, precious. How’re you feeling?” he asked, hugging you towards his chest. Let’s just say the rest of the day went on just like this. Him being needy for your attention, and you loving on him without any hold backs.
Right as he was getting ready to plate the dish, the doorbell rang. He smiled, happy to finally have you home. He quickly washed his hands and walked up to the door as he rubbed his hand dry with the towel which was once on his shoulder. He buzzed you in thinking you’ll unlock the main door with the security code. But after two minutes of waiting and not seeing you walk through the door, he turned on the camera above his buzzer to see what was wrong.
He frowned when he saw two police officers standing outside his door. His heart suddenly started racing at rapid speed. He rushed towards the door and unlocked them. Coming face to face with the two sombre looking men, he tentatively asked, “G’ evening, officers. How may I help you?”
The two men exchanged looks and the tall one replied, “Sir, there has been an accident and we found an ID on the victim. Is this Ms. Y/N Y/L/N residence? we’re here to inform you about the unfortunate event.”
“I-I don’t understand? What happened?” he stuttered, his legs almost felt as if they were about to give up.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have much information for you. May we ask what’s your relation to the victim?” the other officer asked, and gave him an apologetic smile.
“Fiancé.” He cleared his throat, trying to calm himself down. He could feel his panic attack rising. “I’m her fian-” he shook his head, “Just tell me where she is please…” he pleaded and quickly put on his shoes. He took his car keys and raced up to his rover.
“She’s over at St. Thomas, Mr. Styles.” The officers had clearly recognised the distressed man. “Here’s her ID. We hope everything is well.”
Harry couldn’t bring himself to thank them as he started his car and backed out of the parking spot. He raced up to the hospital, and once he reached, he ran up to the reception.
“Y-Y/N Y/L/N? S-She just c-came in? I’m her f-fiancé?” He gasped out your name. The lady was busy tending to others to notice him. “Hey! Hey! Please ma’am just tell me where she is!” he was on the verge of weeping in front of her.
The old lady looked at him with a bit of annoyance, “Take a breath, young man. I’m trying my best here!” She walked up to him. “Now tell me, what was her name again?”
“Y/N Y/L/N!” He rushed. He couldn’t stand straight. Once he got what he wanted, he ran towards the elevator, up to the fifth floor. The corridor was busy and he couldn’t care less about pushing people aside. He just wanted to get to you as soon as he could. He found your door and barged in, not caring about the doctors around your bed.
“Y/N!” He rushed to your side, dropping beside your bed.
“Sir you can’t be her-” the male nurse tried to pull him back.
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry, precious!” He cried, trying to get the man off of him and get back to you. “I’m here now, okay? I’m not going anywhere- GET OFF ME. SHE NEEDS ME!” he yelled pushing the guy away.
“Hey man you’re no good to her at the moment yeah? Let the doctors do their job!” the nurse tried to make him understand while pulling him back yet again. Tears streamed down his face as he tried to reach to you. He sobbed over your state, blood was streaming down your forehead, and all he wanted to do was protect you and wrap his arms around you.
“No I need to be here! Please let me!” he cried. All of sudden a beep brought his cries to a halt. He looked around frantically wanting to know what had happened. “W-What’s wrong?!” he hiccupped.
The doctor and the nurses around him started rushing around the room. He then heard those words which made his heart stop, “She has flat-lined! Someone pass me the defibrillator!” the  doctor raised his voice.
Harry couldn’t believe this was happening. The nurse had enough of the unwilling man and pushed him out the door, “Sir we cannot help her if you’re being difficult. Please calm down and go to the waiting room. We will inform you about her doing as soon as we can.” and then shut the door to his face. Harry could no longer see you. The group of doctors, covered your body.
He slid down the wall next to your door and sobbed into his hands. Only if he would’ve stopped you from leaving. Only if he would’ve told you that he forgives you and that he loved you more than anything. Only if he would’ve let the argument die and kiss you instead. Only if…
Later, the upset man walked himself to the toilet. He caught his reflection in the mirror. He didn’t care about his red swollen eyes, his sweaty forehead and matted hair. The image of you lying on that bed yet again brought tears to his eyes. The thought of you not making it made him retch and he rushed into one of the restrooms. He dry-heaved and cried. Once he was able to breathe, he took out his phone.
Sniffling as he dialled the only number he could think of, The voice on the other side made him breakdown. “Mum I-” he couldn’t complete his sentence, as he tried to wipe his eyes.
“Harry? Darling what’s wrong?!” she asked shocked at her son’s rapid breathing.
“Y/N s-she is- Mum I can’t lose her. I’m such an idiot. I shouldn’t have let her leave. What if she doesn’t make it?” He wept while running his sticky fingers through his hair.
“Love, what-” she tried to ask him, but he cut her off.
“What if she…What if she dies, mum?” he cried and coughed.
His mother had figured out by now that you were not okay, and might be admitted in the hospital. She tried to calm her son through the phone. Unfortunately, she wasn’t near him and by the time she would reach it might not be enough. So she did the only thing she could once Harry hung up the phone, she rang up his friends.
Harry sat himself down on one of the wating room chairs. No one was telling him anything, he had no idea how you were doing or if you were okay. He was out of tears, and soon enough the exhaustion took over him. He didn’t even realise when he had fallen asleep until he felt a hand brush the back of his head. He opened his eyes and saw his two friends crouching in front of him.
“Hey buddy…” Louis smiled softly. Harry jolted back up, and got up to run towards your room. But before he could stand up straight Mitch stopped him. “H, they just came in here to inform us about her condition.”
“How’s she? Is she okay? Is she awake? She needs me, I need to be beside her.” He rushed. His two close friends, tried to calm him down.
“They said she’s stable now, mate. But we aren’t allowed to meet her yet, okay?” Louis stated.
Harry took deep breaths and looking at their extremely destressed friend, Louis pulled him into a hug. Getting the comfort he desperately needed, Harry started sobbing again. He was tired of crying but he couldn’t bring himself to stop.
“Everything is going to be okay, Harry. She’s our little tigress, she’s going to pull through, yeah?” Mitch ran a hand drown his friend’s shoulder. Harry nodded lightly and tried to slow down his heart.
48 Hours Later
It’s been two days, yesterday Harry was allowed to visit you since they moved you out of the ICU. Thankfully, your internal recovery was rapid, and you could wake up anytime. He was getting a bit impatient. He wanted to see you open those shiny eyes and look at him the way you always did, with so much love that made him giddy and flustered. These past two days he’s been talking to you, continuously apologising for his behaviour, and how he’s going to make up for everything that went wrong. You just had to come back to him.
“and then Louis got frustrated because Mitch was not answering him. But that’s Mitch for you, right?” he slightly smiled and ran the hand which wasn’t holding you hand, through your hair. “You’re going to hate your hair, once you wake up. You always like them a certain way, don’t you? But don’t you worry, I’ll help you wash your hair as soon as you wake up and come back home.” He stated and kissed your hand. He was silent for a while, just continued to run his hand through your hair.
“You’re going to come back to me, right precious?” he asked quietly, “Why aren’t you waking up, huh? Your froggy needs you to open your eyes....” he continued, as he forced a laugh out of his throat which had a huge lump in it. His eyes turned misty as he continued, “I hate it here. Seeing you like this is a nightmare. I miss you so much. I miss you calling me annoying little names. I miss you smacking me when I’m being a narcissistic little prick. I miss your voice. I miss everything about you, and even though it’s just been two day, I feel like it’s been forever. Wake up, baby. Please…” he pleaded.
As the day turned into night, Harry decided to stay back. He asked for an extra blanket and a pillow for his makeshift bed on the couch. He didn’t know why he bothered because he spent the entire night sitting beside you, holding your hand as he fell asleep leaning against it.
You could listen before you could see. The only thing you could hear was the air conditioner and someone lightly snoring against your right hand. You tried to move your fingers as you opened your eyes. The bright light made you squint, you blinked rapidly as your vision cleared. You turned to your right and saw Harry’s peaceful face sleeping against your hand. You felt the need to clear your throat, and your eyes searched the room for a glass of water. But the sound made Harry wake up from his sleep. He lifted his face and wiped the little drool from his face and the little amount on your hand.
“whoops, you’d kill me now if you were awak-” he turned to look at your face, and he had to double take. He gasped, almost falling off this chair. “Y/N…Oh my- you’re awake!” he nearly yelled. He pressed the button to call the nurse and then cupped your face going on to press kisses to your face, “Baby I was so scared. I thought I had lost you!” He laughed his airy laugh and looked at you with utter happiness.
For some reason, you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. The words he said to you were the only thing swimming through your mind. For you time had stood still, like the fight had happened mere hours ago. You moved your face away from his hands. Harry frowned noticing this change in your mood.
“Hey what’s wrong? The doctor is on her way, yeah. Do y’need anything?” he asked frantically following your eyes round the room. He saw you eye the plastic cup beside your bed, “Y’ want water? Hold on I’ll get it for you.” He ran to the other side and brought the cup up to your face. You didn’t realise how thirsty you were until the first sip hit your throat, you started gulping it down quickly.
“Take it easy, precious. They took out the tube just yesterday.” He explained softly.
Once your thirst was quenched he kept the cup aside then went on to pull his sleeve over his knuckles and wiped the wet corners of your mouth. You moved your face aside yet again, he couldn’t understand what was wrong. But before he could ask you, the doctor came in to check on you. She did her tests and asked a few questions. She left as soon as she was done, and told you even though the injury looked worse than it actually is, you had take it easy for a couple of days.
Neither of you spoke for a few minutes, “How’re you feeling, love?” he asked quietly. You nodded, “I’m okay.” He came up to you and raised his hand to caress your cheek. But before he could touch you, your head turned to the opposite side. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he asked you.
“Will you please look at me? What’s happened, precious?” as he caressed your hair.
“Why should I look at you, Harry? So you can tell me how careless I am, or how I’m not trustworthy?” you rasped quietly. For a minute he was unable understand what you were trying to say. Then flashbacks from your fight the other night came back rushing to him. The things he said to you, and how guilty he felt later. His words had left a huge impact than he thought they did.
He took your face in his hand with very much to little force, he had to tell you this, “Y/N y’have absolutely no idea for how sorry I am for that night-” but you didn’t let him complete.
“That’s only because I got into this accident.” You snapped. He shook his head rapidly, he saw you getting worked up over this. You’ve always been a little firecracker, and you never failed to tell him when he was being a dick or to defend yourself quite amazingly, he always loved that quality. Apropos, he couldn’t let you hurt yourself in this condition.
“First of all, please calm down-” he started, “don’t tell me to calm down, harry!” you raged. He hated himself for smiling when you’re clearly very upset. But for the past few days he had to witness you lie there lifeless which had taken a toll on his mental state. He loved the fact that you were awake, so you yelling at him was more of a reward than a punishment. You looked at him sharply and saw him not taking you seriously, this brought tears to your eyes.
You sniffled and looked away from him to rest your head against the pillows on the raised up side of your bed roughly. Harry’s small smile melted away as quickly as it appeared. He rubbed the side you almost banged to the pillow, “I’m so sorry, precious. I swear I did not mean anything I said.” He pleaded and took a seat down on the chair beside you.
Right then the nurse which pushed him out of the room the other day and now was much like a friend to him entered the room with a tray which had a bowl of soup and jello in it. Harry smiled at him gratefully and took the tray from him as the guy set up the table on your bed.
“How’re you feeling, Ms. Y/L/N?” he asked once he was ready to leave. You gave him a small smile and said you were feeling better. The moment he left Harry looked back at you with a longing look on his face, when you refused to look at him he sighed and set the tray down on the small table and took a seat in front you on the bed. He looked at you as he removed the metal spoon from its cover, and then went on to remove the cover set on top of the soup. He blew light air on the spoonful of soup, then brought it up to your mouth. You refused to touch it. He sighed and looked at you pleadingly, “Y’ know someone told me we shouldn’t remove our anger on food.” He stated, turning your words against you.
You glared at him in anger for minute as he looked at you with a loving smile. “Please?” He moved it closer to your mouth, “You’ve got to eat it, I’m not budging unless you do, Y/N.”
Even though you wanted to stay stubborn, you were kind of hungry. So you let him feed you the soup. When he got to the jello, you refused profoundly. “But it’s the chocolate flavoured one! Remember the time we used to share one when I was here for my fractured foot? C’mon we’ll share this one too, if y’want?” he tried convincing you with his soft eyes.
“I don’t want to share it with you. Actually, I don’t want anything to do with you at the moment to be completely honest.” you snapped. You were aware of the fact that you were being very unreasonable and bitchy but it was his words that has caused extreme hurt to you. Your words hurt Harry, and it was evident on his face. He wrapped up the jello and cleared everything. The day passed, and in the evening your last visitor entered the room.
“There she is!” Louis came up to you and hugged you lightly, making sure not to hurt you. “Hello, darling. How’re you?” he kissed your forehead. Harry left you alone with him as he went to get the two of them some coffee.
“What’s happened to him? Why the long face still? I mean I get that Harry loves to pretend that he’s this macho man and all. S’ a bit ridiculous to be honest. Like who’s he kidding, he’s a puppy.” Louis laughed. You smiled at this.
“I’m still a bit upset with him over our fight. So I haven’t been talking to him.” You explained. Louis frowned at this and then sighed, “Oh love don’t do that... This has been very tough for him. Should’ve seen his state these past few days. The man has been a mess ever since the officers came to your house that night.”
“I’m trying, Lou. But I just can’t forget all the things he said. I was so hurt, I still am!” you rubbed your forehead, as it was beginning to give you an ache.
“He’s very sorry, Y/N. Trust me when I say that I’ve never seen him like I saw him that day. He just wanted you to wake up. He was just blaming himself, how he shouldn’t have let you leave the house.” He took a hold of your hand, “he loves you so much, darling. He’s absolutely mad over you.” He rubbed your hand, “A’bit obsessed if you ask me. If I were you I’d have him get that checked with a therapist.” He joked, you laughed loudly. He smiled with you, and passed you the water you signalled for.
“Forgive him, Y/N. He can’t even bring himself to go home. The only time he went there was to get some clothes, and to put the dinner he made for you in the rubbish bin.” He sassed. “and I know I’m speaking for Mitch too here when I say this, but both him and I could use a break from all the non-stop stress weeping calls we’ve been getting from him.” You gasped at him with a mock offence for Harry, and lightly smacked his shoulder. You were always thankful for Louis in moments like these. He was a great friend to you and Harry.
Harry came back with two coffees and passed one to his blue-eyed friend. He took a seat on the sofa which was against the wall, and the three of you, though it was mostly you and Louis, had a light conversation while the men finished up their coffee. Louis bid his farewell with another kiss on your forehead and a well wish, you thanked him and waved goodbye. Harry walked him out the door, and came back in a second later.
“Y’ need anything?” He asked as he took a seat on the chair beside you. You shook your head as you observed him fidgeting with the cuticles of his nails. He did that when he was anxious.
Neither of you spoke for a while. But the minute you heard a sniffle, you snapped your head towards him. You tried to get a look at his face, the tip of his nose was a bit red and he was now fidgeting with his feet too. He wasn’t crying but he sure was on the verge of it.
You suddenly felt an overwhelming amount of love for the man in front of you. You leaned against your bed and sighed, smiling a little. It’s pathetic how in love you were with each other. You couldn’t even stay mad at him.
“Harry?” You whispered softly. He hummed without looking up. So you continued, “I need you to do something” you faked a stern voice to play with him a bit more.
“Yeah sure, what’s it?” he muttered as he got up and rubbed his hands down his thighs, then finally looked at you. You looked at him without an expression and said, “I need you to come here and give me a good cuddle, a kiss too if I like the cuddle.” And then smiled at him lovingly. He looked at you for a second. You almost thought he was  going to yell at you, but the opposite happened. He started tearing up and heavy tear drops ran down his cheeks.
You gasped and quickly leaned forward to take a hold of his hand which was near you. “Oh Harry..” You whispered as you pulled him near you. He the minute you sat him in front of you, he started crying heavily. You were so shocked yet you’ve never been more mesmerised by him. You quickly tried wiping his tears away and comforted him, “Honey, don’t cry. I’m not upset anymore!”
“I-I’m honestly s-sorry! I promise I didn’t mean what I said that day, Y/N!” he tried to speak while wiping his tears.
“I know, babe. I know!” you tried to say it properly but it came out in a laughing manner and tried to draw the crying man close to you, but seeing you laugh made him more upset and he pushed you away lightly, so you forcefully pulled him into a cuddle.
He told himself he’s letting himself be pulled because he didn’t want to hurt you, but it was actually because he wanted you close, so he went in head first. You lay down against the pillows and cuddle him against your chest. He went on sniffling into your neck and wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Harry why are you crying!” you tried controlling your laughter. He whined and pulled his face away, “Y’were so fucking mean since the moment you woke up. I didn’t expect it.” He said and hiccupped, thanks to the sobbing breakdown he just had. You pulled on your lips so you wouldn’t smile.
“Well now you know, honey. It hurts, doesn’t it? You were so mean to me too!” You teased. He nuzzled back into your neck, pressing kisses there which always made you giggle.
“I’m really sorry, precious. Honestly, I really am.” He said into your neck, yet producing another hiccup. You couldn’t control yourself anymore so you smiled and pressed a quite a few smooches to his temple, and inhaled his comforting scent.
“It’s okay, baby. I forgive you. I’m sorry for my foolish mistake too, I really didn’t mean to ruin your hard work like that.” You apologised. He pulled away and brought the hand that was around your waist to your cheek and said, “I forgave you a long time ago, but you honestly don’t have to apologise at all. It could happen to anyone, m’love. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did. Y’know I made dinner and everything as an apology. But then the officers…” his tone dropped and he couldn’t continue. So, you sadly smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.
He sighed and reciprocated the kiss with so much love and passion that you couldn’t help but wrap the arm which around his shoulder a bit more tighter and ran the other through the back of his head gently. The two of you pulled away and looked into each other’s eyes, he moved the hair that escaped from your braid and tucked it behind your ear, “I was so scared. I thought I had lost you.” He whispered softly, and swallowed the small lump, “I missed you a lot, baby” he said and you couldn’t help but peck his cute pout.
“I missed you too, froggy” you replied. The pet name made him reward you with a dimpled smile. He nuzzled into your neck and whispered, “I love you.”
“and I love you.” You kissed his forehead.
“Just for your information, I’m not letting you out of my sight for a really long time.” He stated sternly.
You laughed but stopped when you saw he wasn’t joking, “You know I have to work, right?”
“Y’can easily take a break for a month or two.” He said, as he yawned and cuddle closer to you. “A MONTH OR TWO?! Have you gone mad?” you gasped, lightly pulling on his hair.
“No I haven’t. Try to get rid of me, baby. I dare you.” He laughed a scheming laugh. You knew he wasn’t joking. He tended to become quite paranoid and obsessive over you when situations like these occur. But you wouldn’t have him any other way.
“We’ll see, mister.” You said, and caressed the back of his head.
“oh we will, missus.”
The End.
Author’s Note: I really put in a lot of efforts on this one, so you guys kind of owe me *wink* y'all gotta humour my praise kink now!!! ;P
Love you guys! 
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Hello,, may i request headcanons of the brothers who got a love letter from mc but it turned out to be a prank from some lesser demons,,thank you :))
This was meant to be posted on yesterday for April fools but ended up getting caught up with things irl and didn't get to finish it in time - aaaaaaaand I fell asleep before midnight and now it's 3 am, fell asleep mid way through writing, well done me 😭😂
Rip the lesser demons for always having the balls to cause mischief but always end up getting hurt, when will they learn - what happens at the end is up to you
The lesser demon snickered towards his friend, shushing their friend as they slipped the pink letter into the higher demons locker. Another demon was with them, more timid than the other two.
"what if we get in trouble?! They'll find out it wasn't actually the human and we'll end up dog food-!"
"we planned this whole thing, it'll be fun - we just gotta stay at a distance!"
It was long before footsteps grew closer, the timid demon squeaking in fear. The other lesser demons took it as a sign to start running, grabbing each other and bolted away from the scene of the crime.
The owner of the locker arrived, just noticing the lesser demons run off in the distance. He opened his locker and almost stumbled back when a letter fluttered out. The demon grew curious he noticed there was a heart seal on the back. He opened it to read it to himself.
To my dearest friend,
I think it's about time I come clean about my feelings, I've been holding these in for a very long time and I refuse to keep them a secret anymore!
I'm in love with you! I can't explain it but you've won my heart, everytime you smile at me I just can't help but feel my heart skip. Is it wrong to feel this way? I'm only a human and you are a demon...we're so different and I don't know how long we'll be able to have this time we have together. All I know is that I want to be with you for as long as I can!
Will you accept my feelings? I'm not sure if I can face just yet so meet me at the end of day! I'll be waiting for you at the back of the school - I really hope you come. Even if it's decline my feelings....I just want to be able to face you and how you make me feel.
Love, (Y/N)
Oh his ego is SO stroked
He could just imagine the human blushing as they wrote and nervously putting it in his locker
He did see you later that day and decided to tease you a little but while you were flustered, you also seemed confused
That was his first suspicion
When the time finally came he was patient but you weren't early
His second suspicious
You both knew each other very well, he liked things being in a timely Matter and you tried your best to not be late
He stiffened when he heard a snicker from a few trees away, he looked over there to see three demons all hiding
"I know you're hiding, it's best you come out now."
One by one they all showed themselves, growing nervous
"Come here, don't be shy, I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason for this, after all you seemed to be desperate to have me out here."
"you- you knew it wasn't the human?!"
his pride wouldn't let him tell the truth, he refused to show his disappointment
"of course, you clearly don't understand the human as much as you think you do - now, who's the leader? I think we should have a nice talk."
He's internally screaming, his face was bright red
Watch this boy struggle against his locker as he tries to hide his excitement
Though, when his high died down he did find it strange you were being shy
You could have your shy moments but to confess through a letter was odd
He wasn't the brightest guy around but he can sense when he's getting scammed - even if he ignores that instinct when it comes to money
He's always around you so it wasn't strange for him to see you after class and he was surprised how... relaxed you were
Something was up but in the end, he went to the back of the school
When he texted you, asking you where you were and you said going home - that was the final straw
"Oi! Are you out there?! I know you tricked me!"
The lesser demons started to panic, not thinking mammon would catch on
But when mammon started marching around looking for them they decided it was best to reveal themselves
"There ya are, now let's get to talking - what made you three wanna do something like this? You think it's funny to pretend to be the human?"
The leader snickered, agreeing that it was funny to pretend but their friends understood right now - their doom was coming
Mammon cracked his knuckles, stalking closest to them
"I like a good joke, let me show you my favourite one."
Love Letter in his locker??? Heart seal!!!??HE WAS THE LOVE INTEREST??!!
He's torn between dying inside and excitement, he's absolutely losing it
He had to fan himself with the letter due to how hot his face was getting
He wasn't sure how he was going to face you! Let alone you having to face him
But- there was no way you were interested in him! You wouldn't do this
He didn't believe it, it HAD to be a prank
When levi saw you for the rest of the day it only strengthen his suspicions
He did go to the back of the school and when he saw you were no where to he seen
He was absolutely embarassed and ashamed by even hoping it was real
"YOU CAN COME OUT NOW! just- just stop hiding, it isn't funny."
the demons came out, disappointed with the lack of dramatics
"so you three did it, you really think it's funny to do something like this?! To mess with someone's feelings and pretend to be the human is just - IT'S PATHETIC-!"
The demons started to feel uncomfortable, the higher demon had tears in his eyes and obviously worked up
Even the one who wanted to see this kind of reaction was uncomfortable
His demon form started to shift outwards and raised his hand, the ground beneath them rumbling
"it seems you just think I'm some sort of pushover! But I'm not!"
Hm, how interesting
It isn't too odd that you're using a letter to confess, you know he appreciate writing
But you were more verbal or atleast text - this was new
But to say he wasn't absolutely ecstatic was an understatement, he was beyond the moon
When he saw you later he tried to not bring up the letter as his brothers were around
Though, he was thrown off when you got confused when he teased about seeing you after school
He decided he'll investigate things, going up to demons who have lockers near his and ask if he saw the human put anything in it
After awhile of searching he finally found out it was three demons who did it - he didn't want to spoil their fun and so he still went
He leaned against the nearest tree, waiting for the demons to arrive
"Ah you're here, I'm so glad you finally came."
the demons were surprised when he moved towards them, they left their hiding spot with nervous smiles
"You write well, you got their energy almost perfectly into the letter - I'm impressed."
They didn't expect that....not one bit
"you're not....mad???"
Satan chuckled, flexing his clenched fists
His smile grew more strained and dangerous as he leaned over them
"oh no, no I'm not mad - im LIVID."
He was surprised to get a love letter, he gets piles worth everyday
He didn't expect it to be from YOU though
You were so open with him and you two were already overly affectionate to each other he was sure you were already low-key dating
So to get confirmation his feelings were returned - he was overjoyed!
As soon as he saw you he's hugging you, telling you how he loved your letter and that he'll still meet you after school if you need to
You were utterly confused and unsure what he was talking about
When you told him you didn't give him that letter he felt his heart break
You didn't love him?? That wasn't your letter??
To think someone would play a prank on him like that! It was rude!
When it was time, he went to the back of the school and pretended as if he didn't sense the other demons
That was until he grew impatient
"are you shy, dear? It's okay - I know it wasn't the human~"
The lesser demons came out, confused
One of them blushed just being near him
"I'm sorry for my friend! They wanted to play the prank but- but I love you asmo!"
He gave them a pity smile
"aww~ of course you love me! But you really hurt my feelings making me believe the human did, I almost cried!"
The demons immediately all felt bad
The idea of their gorgeous asmo crying made them guilty
"I know exactly what will make me feel better, making sure you three can never write again~! Can't have you keep tricking me, can I?"
A Love letter from you?! He's a happy boy
But now that he actually thinks about it - it's odd you're not being upfront
You two usually sit alone together when you wanna get something off your chest, holding hands and you don't even have to face each other
Why the sudden change? Perhaps you just wanted to be like one of Levi's anime characters
Regardless, he was happy and wanted you to be happy
Hes was going to make you happy!
Beel was quick to find you and act like he didn't find your letter, you said you'll face him after school and he respected that
Whilst you couldn't exactly avoid each other before then, he did try to give you space
As soon as school ended he Went to the back, waiting for you to arrive
Each second went by and he grew more hungry
He smelt something close by and found three demons hiding, it was odd but he didn't want to be hungry whilst you confessed - he wanted to give you his full focus
"ah-! How did you know we were here?!"
"I smelt the sandwich in your bag, I want it."
It didn't take much convincing to hand it over
He's a scary demon afterall
"it's best you leave, my friend is coming."
One of the demons started laughing, questioning if he actually believed it was you who gave him the letter
Beel got confused before it all clicked together, he frowned, glaring at the demons
He wasn't happy
"I'm still hungry, three demons will do just fine."
Happy cow man, demon tail go SWISH
On the inside hes like an excited dog, outside he's just standing there
Meanwhile he wants to be like his twin, respectful that you want to do later
He isn't that patient and wants to make it official with you NOW
so as soon as he sees you, he's draping himself on you and telling you how impatient he is
You're confused on why and he shows you the love letter
You tell him that it isn't from you and that's not even your hand writing - it's a good mimic but not yours
He is SHOCKED then he's mad
He still goes to the back of the school but it's to fight whoever pranked him
He wasn't going to wait around
"Get out now or I'll search this entire space for you - it won't be pretty if I find out."
It didn't take the demons twice to show themselves
Belphegor was feared amongst others due to his brutality when push comes to shove
Just because he's always sleeping doesn't mean he isn't scary
"Good~ so which one of you wrote the letter? If you wanted to confess you should of just done it."
The demons looked at each other, unsure on what to do
But after a few moments the youngest brother got impatient, moving towards them with a clenched hand
The leader of the lesser demons finally admitted to doing the prank
"see? It wasn't so hard, let's have a long chat about this~"
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mantistog · 3 years
Hannibal with reader with acne? 🥺
This is honestly very sweet ;_; As someone with major insecurities for not living up to societies beauty standards this made me cri a little- I wish I had someone to cheer me up like this sometimes too
Hannibal x Reader: Criteria
You can’t help but trace the imperfections across your face with your hand, as you stare blankly into your own reflection in the mirror. There is an empty and unwhole feeling in your chest as you look at yourself, and you catch yourself not feeling worthy. You shake the feeling, grabbing a cream from the bathroom sink and continue your routine by squeezing a small amount onto your hand and rubbing it into your skin carefully. When you finish, you wash your hands and dry them, and once again get caught up looking at your face disrespectfully. The way you feel about yourself, you just can’t help it even if you know you are wrong. When you look at other people with the same amount of pimples and imperfections you hardly notice it, still finding them to be stunning people. But you can’t hold the same standard to yourself. You reach up a hand to touch your face again when a hand grabs your wrist gently, stopping you.
Instead, his hands reach up to cup your other cheek to make you look at him. You can tell by the look in his eyes that he is searching your face, soaking up your emotions. There is no way you can hide how you really feel about yourself from Hannibal. He knows what you are thinking even without you having to tell him. “You’re beautiful, my darling.” He reassures you, but even he knows that despite how much you care for his opinion it will never truly convince you. You turn to look at yourself in the mirror again, and he lets you. “I don’t always feel that way,” you tell him honestly. letting him in on your true thoughts. It’s not often you let others know how insecure you are, but you can’t help but feel a bit raw today.
Hannibal sinks his head into your shoulder, kissing the space between your neck and your shoulder lovingly. “I am not perfect either, my love.” He tells you, before taking your hands and leading you into his embrace, holding you tightly. You’re almost close to just crying into his shoulder, but you manage to just let your eyes close as you lean into him. “I’ve done things that I regret, I have made mistakes,” he says, as he pulls you away from himself, making you look at his face as he holds you gently on your waists. “Being perfect does not mean being flawless, being perfect means living up to whatever task you are engaging in.”
You pull away, picking up your clothes to put them on as he leans against the doorway watching you. The way he looks at you makes you anxious, but you can almost tell it is his usual infatuated stare so you don’t feel much different except you just gave up your insecurities to the man. But he probably already knew them, maybe even better than you yourself did. “And what task am I engaging in?” You ask him, as you slip on your shirt. Touching your hair to make sure it is in the right place one more time, you turn to look at him as you are ready to leave. He smiles. “That depends on how you look at it. One might say your simplest task is being human. And to those criteria you are definitely fitting.” You grab your purse as you both make your way through the giant house, going out to his car. You grab the front seat, and he throws you a look before giving you the keys. You want to distract yourself with the road, but you both know that.
He seats himself in the passenger seat next to you. “What task do you think I am engaging in, then?” You ask him as you turn on the car, reserving out of the driveway. He puts a hand lovingly on your thigh. “Being my lover is the first one that comes to mind.” He says after letting out a sigh, like he was thinking about it. He wasn’t, you know he never has to think long about what he says. “And what are the criteria for that?” You ask him, eyeing him before looking back to the road. He smiles like he knows where to go from there, like you fell into his verbal trap. “Perfection." He then says.
And for some reason it makes you feel a bit better.
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years
bts reaction -> you do something that upsets/angers them
woah! finally, a new reaction post?? 
(all gifs used are not mine!) 
Well, well, well, what could you have possibly said to create an argument with Namjoon. He, for one, doesn’t like arguments. He would instead talk to you and settle all the problems without raising his voice.
But if the argument does get too far, he’s making sure that he gets his point across, even if his words might sting.
Namjoon sits on the edge of the bed, looking up at you who was standing in front of him with your arms crossed.
“I did nothing wrong, Y/n,” he states with a deep yet calm tone, “You didn’t tell me that I had to run errands. How would I when I’m in the studio with the boys?”
He raises his brow when you stomp your feet on the wooden floor. Eyeing you up and down, his blood slowly rises when he feels like you’re acting insensitive.
“But you knew that we had no groceries left!”
Namjoon suppresses his anger like he always does, “Stop being selfish, Y/n. Tell me, who’s paying your bills?” he points his chin out.
“Hey, I pay half of our bills!”
“There you go. That just means you also shouldn’t be depending on me so much when I’m busy doing work, okay?”
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(aln: this gif is so fucking hot istg i’m on my knees) 
You feel the other side of the bed dip, signaling that someone had come into bed with you. Peeking your eyes open just slightly, you feel your body relaxing as you finally saw Seokjin after a long, hard day.
“Hey, darling,” you whisper, scooting closer to him to hug his body. Seokjin murmurs something under his breath, but you didn’t quite grasped what it was. 
Seokjin moves around, furrowing his eyebrows as a groan escapes his mouth. “Please…”
Ignoring the word, you instantly scatter his face with kisses, kissing his forehead and down to his plump lips.
“Not now, Y/n.”
“Why?” you pout, “lemme kiss you. I haven’t seen you all day.” You continue your mischief on him, placing open-mouthed kisses all over.
With eyes still closed, he pushes you away with both hands.
Shocked, you look at him in awe of what he just did.
“That’s so rude,” you scoff.
“I just want to sleep, Y/n. I’m tired and I don’t want to talk.”
Silence fills the room as you sullenly observe him pull the covers over his body. He rubs his face with his hands as he lets go of an exasperated sigh. “Get over it. I had a bad day, okay? I just want silence and a night of good sleep, that’s all I want right now.”
You know how Seokjin gets mad. His words are his weapon. You think that it’s much better leaving him alone than further pushing his buttons. Tomorrow will be another day.
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Yoongi doesn’t get angry that often. It’s quite impressive how he can calm himself down and avoid the anger. But it’s also alarming – because whenever he does get angry, he can become outright terrifying and a guilt-tripping madman.
“Is it because I don’t talk to you enough?” Yoongi alarms through the phone, the rage in his voice evident even though you can’t see his face. “Huh? Is it because I don’t give you enough attention?”
“It’s not like that! You have to understand that he’s just a friend!” You grip the phone tighter in your damp hand. 
“I bet that guy treated you better, hm? I bet that’s the reason.” Yoongi’s voice was filled with bitter sarcasm as he speaks. The tone of his voice makes you clench your fist in annoyance. It was clear that he was manipulating you with his words, but there’s nothing you can do to stop him.
“You know what? Whatever, Y/n. You do whatever the fuck you want. I don’t care. But get ready for when I get home, you’re gonna get some serious fucking punishment.”
There was a long, thick silence after his sentence. You can feel your heartbeat thump loudly in your chest, upset in both yourself and in Yoongi.
“It isn’t my intention to upset you,” you sigh, “you’re the one that I care about. Always.”
“Then show it to me.”
You gasped. Are your actions not enough for him to believe you? 
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Hoseok can be immensely intimidating when angry. Those eyes that can show the sweetest candy smile, with a single wrong move, they can turn into the most devilish gaze someone has ever seen.
Even his members find him scary whenever he’s mad.
As you watch the band practice their choreography for their performance next week, you couldn’t keep your eyes on Hoseok. The way his body just moves smoothly without any imperfections at all, it was clear that he was made for dancing and performing on stage.
Park Jimin calls off for a break and the members rush to their respective corners to catch their breath. Hoseok walks to the other side of the practice room where he sits down. Until suddenly, Jimin comes to your direction with a sly smirk on his face.
“Did you like the choreo?” he says, voice sort of raspy and out of breath. You giggle, “Yes. It was fire.”
“Mhm…” he places his hands on the table in front of you and leans forward, making your eyes widen. What is he doing…?
His eyes were almost slitted, licking his lips. You can’t help but notice small droplets of sweat trickling down from his temples and to his jawline, and how the light reflex the dampness of his neck. “Were you watching me?”
“H-Huh?” You stutter, mouth agape. “Yeah. You’re so good, Jimin, as always,” you respond while tucking your hair behind your ear. 
Jimin’s grin widens, satisfied with your answer. Before he can give a verbal reply, Hoseok was right behind him and he swiftly pushes Jimin aside. He gives him a ‘look’ paired with a shake of his head. He whispers something to Jimin as he walks away.  
Hoseok lifts his chin whilst he looks down at you with those menacing dark brown eyes. “Are you enjoying your time here?”
“Well,” you gulp, “Yes.”
He looks away for a second, brushing his hair back. You can hear that he took a deep sigh. Placing his forearms on the table, he stares directly into your eyes. His irises burn deep into you as he takes a heavy breath, “You know how possessive I am of you, Y/n. Only—” he lifts his right hand and caresses your cheek, swiping his thumb across your bottom lip, “only look at me.”
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Jimin was clicking away on his laptop as he sits on the barstool, eyes glued on the screen for he didn’t even notice that you’ve walked up behind him. Slowly, you wrap your arms around his waist. His body jumps in utter shock.
“Babe,” he groans, “don’t do that again. Don’t surprise me like that.”
His tone was plain and sharp, bringing an attitude that signifies that he is annoyed.
Perhaps he needs more love and attention?
Inhaling his scent, you rest your cheek against his back. The sounds of the keys clicking were slowly becoming irritating, so you snatch his hands away to hold them in your grasp.
“Wha—Y/n!” he yells, but you unrightfully ignore him.
“C’mon, baby. Just rest for a while and come cuddle with me instead—”
“Cuddle?” he turns the stool around so he faces you. He scoffs, “You really want us to cuddle right now? When I’m in the middle of work?” he raises his voice at you, making you feel small. Trying your best not to be hurt by his razor-sharp timbre, you stand your ground. “Stop fucking annoying me and let me do my job, okay?”
“I’m just trying to—”
“—Just trying to help, yeah.” He rolls his eyes. “Please just, just leave me alone for a couple of minutes.”
But he will feel so fucking bad afterward, though. Jimin lets his emotions get the best of him and he used you to let it all out. You understand him, nonetheless. He is the type to bottle up his feelings. But deep down, you wish he would tell you everything that’s been bothering him, without having to keep them for himself. 
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Taehyung rarely gets mad at you. But whenever he does, he’s quick to apologize and forget about the situation because he doesn’t want to cause a much bigger problem.
So, stealing his food from the fridge wouldn’t annoy him, right?
He was supposed to come home early for tonight, but he informed you that he’ll be a little bit late because of traffic.
Although your hunger couldn’t wait any longer.
Taking the box of food out of the fridge, you did not hesitate to gobble them all up to feed your rumbling stomach. You know for a fact that he’s going to empathize with you anyway.
As he comes home, though, you weren’t still finished and he stops his tracks when he sees that you were eating his meal.
“Y/n!” he gasps, “This one is yours!” he says, raising the takeout box he bought on the way home. “You said you wanted Chinese, didn’t you?”
You slowly stand up from the dining table, walking your way out of the area with his food still in your hands with a little cheeky grin.
Taehyung pouts as he whines out your name, “I hate it when you do this! I was craving for that!” He stomps his foot, “This is so upsetting, you know.”
You feel your heart clench at that, “I’m sorry…”
“Come here, you!” Taehyung all of a sudden, runs to catch you, signaling your fight or flight response. You shriek and dashed all around the dining room, trying to avoid Taehyung as much as possible. He had his arms sprawled across like an eagle, cackling.
Once you let him catch you, he hugs your body tightly in his grasp. “Hmm? You’re so naughty, babe. You know I can’t get mad at you for too long.” He grabs the food box away from you and sets it aside. He whispers, “But don’t do this again.”
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“I mean, look at her, Jungkook. Doesn’t her face irritate you?” you inquire at him, showing an Instagram picture of that one girl you despise. She had her whole butt on screen, tongue out, showing off her long acrylic nails.
Sitting on the couch beside you, Jungkook purses his lips and looks at the screen. “Hmm.” He says plainly.
“Goddamn, whenever I see her in real life my saliva turns sour, y’know? Ugh¸ I hate her so much.” You can feel your nerves rile up, throwing your feet on the coffee table in front of you.
Jungkook speaks, “What has she done to you?” he says in a monotone voice.
“Uh,” you turn to look at him, raising an eyebrow, “Why?”
He shrugs his shoulders, “Just wondering.”
“Okay, fine,” You roll your eyes, “She has done nothing, all right? But—”
He laughs unexpectedly, making you crease your forehead both in frustration and perplexity.
Jungkook himself was never the type to create arguments or say what he feels out loud. He would most likely internalize his thoughts and opinions and waits for the perfect timing to affront.
But if there’s a moment where he a situation feels unfair, he’s not afraid to stand up for what he believes.
“You know that’s wrong, darling,” he sighs, scooting over to you. He swings his right arm around your shoulder and tugs your figure closer. “There’s no reason to hate someone without having a definitive reason. C’mon, just ignore her if she bothers you so much.”
You frown, “But…”
“But what? Baby, if you do this one more time, I’ll be very upset. More upset in you than I am right now.”
Immediately, you jerk your head to look at him. With puppy dog eyes, you apologize, “Sorry.”
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