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winkuzz · 6 months ago
yesterday i was insane about that fictional man. today i am insane about that fictional man. tomorrow? take a wild guess brother
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lustlovehart · 21 days ago
Thoughts on either tweel eating a rival? Saw some fanart of og school boy Jade making a rival disappear the 'humanitarian' way and I guess they are basically sea predators so why not. It's not polite but neither is NRC so....
warnings: Human eating, courting, kissing, blood
Oh yeah, they 102% would eat a rival, not even would, they probably ALREADY HAVE. Not even just a romantic rival either, maybe a friend who walked too close to shore, a coworker who sailed alone on their seas, or a stranger who lingered too close and found themselves face to face with giant serpents and their unending appetite.
Their methods of feasting are definitely different, though.
Floyds meals are messy, they're messily consumed, or even WHOLLY consumed, with no trace of their existence. If there are any remains, they're haphazardly thrown the moment Floyd grows bored of them.
Right after, he'll look for you with a clear hint of mead and clothing threads stuck in his teeth. Questioning him will do no good, as he'll either tell you in his sing-songy voice to forget about that and come with him, or let his eyes fall and look at you with a clear emotion that say 'Don't ask'. You don't have the courage to tell him to wipe his lips when he kisses your cheek like an overjoyed boyfriend.
... and you don't think you can wipe the crimson off of your cheek, he might ask you if you hate him. Or, rather than incur his disappointment, he'll lean in with a soft smile, brushing hair, or maybe dirt from your face. It's so gentle you forget about the crime for a moment.
"Do you want me to kiss your lips instead shrimpy?" ... When you're done, your mouth will be stained with red too, and it's then you remember, why he's not hungry anymore.
Jade, however, eats his enemies like fine dining. Certain parts are left untouched as he uses a piece of a coral-like knife and cuts precise pieces of flesh. It's horrible, but he uses the entire human, not daring to waste a pristine ingredient.
When you see him on the beach, you assume he's simply setting up a table from memory. He'll turn to you with a smile on his face, his tail hitting the water once and having the ocean splash you. His face is clean, the typical facetious smile planted on his face.
He'll ask you to join him, gesturing to the spot on the sand in front of him, two plates set up on the ground, with a single covered platter. It's... mundane, normal as if he's simply a man who's asked you to dinner. Perhaps it's the single candle light that illuminates your surroundings at night, but a sense of encroaching dread surfaces.
"What... What's under the cover...?" A part of you hopes he'll pull the lid up and see seashells, but you remember who it is that sits on the other side.
"Hm? Well... It's only appropriate, after all, it's dinner time." His part-bone arm reaches out, slowly lifting the lid before you slam it down. "Oh? I thought you wanted to know? And I worked so hard on this for you, you'll make me sad...-"
You successfully stop his attempt at guilt-tripping you, your head resting on his cold shoulder from jumping over the plate and holding him. Your body blocks off the platter, the only thing you allow for his arms to wrap around, being you.
"I'm not hungry, Jade." Momentarily, he's shocked, but he's eager to hold you close to him. He'll turn his head, sharp teeth leaning into your earlobe as he whispers.
"If you're here, I don't think I'll be hungry. Well... not for now at least." you bring your head up to look him in the eyes before you feel lips graze the corner of your mouth, sharp teeth grazing you.
You taste iron, but you're not sure if it's from you, or his meal.
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Afterwards, after drying your clothes from water and sand, when you return talk of a coworker of yours reaches your ears. He had disappeared after hunting smaller monsters in the rivers connected to Octavinelle.
The same coworker he saw you talking to.
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starshideurfics · 7 months ago
Little Steve who gets lost on a shopping trip in Chicago once. He’s bored and wanders towards a window display while his mommy is at the perfume counter, everything is so neat and perfectly in place. By the time he turns around, he can’t see his mommy anywhere.
Steve takes a deep breath and starts walking, ready to go looking for her, only to realize just how big the department store is. He’s overwhelmed and ducks into the middle of a clothing rack, curling up into a little ball, his lip wobbling as he makes peace with the fact he will have to live at the department store. He knows there’s food there because they already had lunch, and they walked past a whole department full of candy. There are little beds in the home department that will be just the right size for him, even if Mommy always says he shouldn’t climb on them and not to embarrass her. There’s even a giant teddy bear in the toy department, so really, living here won’t be so bad!
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“Steve! Stevie! Oh my god! Steven!”
Steve perks up. That’s his mommy. He crawls out from under the rack, through a curtain of suit coats.
“Mommy!” He runs to her and she crouches down to pull him into her arms.
She cries as she holds him and apologizes, words more for herself than for Steve. “I’m sorry, Stevie. I thought you were right next to me. Oh god! What if something had happened to you?”
He gets a new toy truck, a nice one with working doors, and Mommy holds his hand the rest of the trip. They get ice cream. It’s the best day ever, and Steve was only scared for a minute.
A month later, Steve is bored at home. Daddy is in his office and Mommy is on the phone.
Every time he tries to talk to Mommy she says, “Not now, Steve. Mommy’s busy.” Daddy’s office door is locked.
So, Steve decides to run away. If he’s missing, Mommy will want to find him and hold him close. He puts on his shoes, carefully tying the bows on his laces, and leaves.
The sliding door into the backyard is quiet as he closes it behind himself, and he sets off with a determined gait.
Steve makes it far enough into the woods that he can’t see his house anymore. Then far enough that he comes out on a field that he doesn’t recognize. Another little boy is in the field, very focused as he stares at a patch of clover. “What are you doing?” Steve asks as he approaches.
“Catching moths!” The boy points to an open mason jar with leaves and twigs inside, then to the clover, a handful of white and yellow moths among the plants. He smiles at Steve, a gap where one of his baby teeth has already fallen out, then turns back to the clover, taking slow steps and crouching, trapping a moth between his cupped hands. “Can you grab the jar?”
Steve does, holding it carefully as the older boy places the moth inside, holding a hand over the jar’s mouth. “Thanks! My name’s Eddie, what’s yours?”
“Wanna help me catch some more?”
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Together, the boys catch a few more moths (Eddie catches all of them, Steve keeps scaring them by moving too fast). Eddie puts them in the jar, closing the lid, holes already punched in the metal, and they watch the little insects walk along the twigs and languidly flap their wings. Then Eddie unscrews the lid, giggling as the moths fly away.
“Why’d you do that? We worked so hard!”
“Moths can’t live in jars. Mama always says I can look but I can’t keep ‘em,” Eddie answers with a smile. Then Steve’s stomach growls loudly, and Eddie looks up to see how low the sun already is in the sky. “I’m hungry too. It’s almost dinner time, so we should head home.”
“I don’t know how to get home,” Steve says softly, suddenly realizing he got pretty turned around in the woods and home could be anywhere.
Eddie takes Steve’s hand. “That’s okay, you can come with me!” Eddie knows exactly what to do, leading Steve with all the confidence of a six-year-old, ready to start 1st grade next month. They quickly arrive at the trailer park, Eddie knocking at a door before walking straight inside, tugging Steve after him. “Uncle Wayne!”
“Hey there, Bug, who’s your friend?” Eddie’s uncle is tall, with kind eyes. Even if Eddie hadn’t brought him there, Steve’s pretty sure he would like Uncle Wayne.
“This is Steve.”
“Steve’s folks know where he is?”
“He doesn’t know how to get home.”
“Ah, shhh—” Wayne winces, cuts himself short, and Steve’s pretty sure he was gonna say a bad word. “Steve, do ya know your phone number?” Wayne asks, crouching down to be eye-level with the boys.
“No…” That’s a lie. But he needs to make sure Mommy and Daddy are worried about him. If he gets sent home too soon, they’ll just be mad.
“Your address?”
“How about your last name?”
Steve just shakes his head, tears welling in his eyes. He had so much fun with Eddie, and now everything is falling apart. He should have stayed home…
Wayne ruffles his hair. “It’ll be okay, kiddo. We’ll get you home.” Steve’s stomach growls again. “How about we have a snack? Everything looks better on a full stomach.”
Eddie is still holding Steve’s hand, and brings him over to the little table, letting go so they can climb onto chairs. Wayne gives them chocolate-covered mini donuts and orange soda, asking them about their afternoon, Eddie doing most of the talking.
Then the phone rings, and Wayne answers. “No, he’s here, Bets, Eddie’s with me. — What?” He turns to look at the boys, staring at Steve, before continuing, “Nope, you saved me some trouble. You know Eddie, he picked up a stray. — Pretty sure it is. Yep, I’ll drop Eddie off after.” He hangs up, smiling again. “Hey, Steve, I think I know how to get you home now, so don’t you worry.”
Wayne loads the boys into his truck. He drives the backroads, quickly arriving outside Steve’s house, his mommy throwing open the door when she notices their arrival. “Thank you,” Steve says quickly, scrambling out of the truck and running to his mother.
She holds him close and cries, yells her thanks. Steve waves goodbye to Eddie as he is carried inside. Mommy kisses his hair and tells him he isn’t allowed to go outside without telling her, that he scared her half to death.
Steve just hides his face against her shoulder, snuggling close.
When Daddy gets home he yells, scolds Steve for causing so much trouble, for scaring Mommy and making them call the police. He gets a spanking before be sent to his room for the night.
Steve never runs away again.
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imyourbratzdoll · 6 months ago
𝒔𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
part 7 of 🌧️welcome to hell🌧️
summary - time passes and you finally find your happiness, but does it last for long?
warning - smut, swearing, near death, angst, bad thoughts, doubt, dirty thoughts, slight violence, creampie.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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Time had passed since Steve had apologised, things were slowly getting better. You had found friends that you felt you could trust, you were currently standing with Nat and Wanda. You had stopped listening to the conversation a while ago when your eyes had found Steve’s, you didn’t mean to but everything seemed to disappear when you looked at him. 
You could see his expression was serious from where you were standing but as his head turned and his eyes connected with yours. You liked how it softened slightly, he looked at you differently from how he had looked at everyone else and you could feel yourself falling. 
“He looks at you differently.” Nat’s voice pierces your mind.
You hum, not daring to remove your eyes from his. “How does he look at me?” 
Wanda giggles, her eyes flickering between you two. “Like he never wants to look away.” You felt your heart flutter as those words leave her lips.
A similar conversation takes place with the men across from your group. 
“Damn, the way you look at her…” Sam whistles. “You got it bad.” 
Steve’s brows furrow, “How do I look?” 
Bucky smirks, patting his back. “Like you would kill for her.” And Steve would, he knew he would do anything for you. 
Steve felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest when you smiled at him. He had never seen someone with the prettiest smile, not until he met you. He could feel his lips lifting on their own, returning your sweet smile, feeling like he accomplished something when you shyly look away, bottom lip between your teeth holding back a grin. 
You deserved the world and Steve wanted to give it to you. 
“I’m going to do it.” He stated, causing Bucky and Sam to turn their heads his way. “I’m going to finally ask Y/n out.” He looks at them and grins. 
“That’s great, man! When are you gonna do it?” Sam pats his back, while Bucky looks at his best friend with a smile. 
“Now.” That’s all Steve says as he’s already heading towards you, not being able to wait any longer. When he stops in front of you, he swears that everyone can hear how loud his heart is beating. But he didn’t care, all of his attention was on you. “Hi.” Steve sounded like he had run a mile, but you just seemed to knock the breath out of him. 
You smile up at him, your eyes shining with affection. He looked so good in front of you. “Hi.” Why did you sound so out of breath?
Neither of you notice Nat and Wanda slowly moving next to Bucky and Sam who watch you guys with giant smiles. 
“Hi.” Your smile widens as Steve repeats himself and you raise a brow. How could someone be so cute and handsome at the same time? So rough but soft? Steve blinks, his cheeks turning pink as he realises he’s already said hi. “Go out with me?” His eyes widen when he blurts out. “I mean, would you like to go out with me?” 
“I would love to.” Your smile never left your lips and only he seemed to be able to do that. 
Steve nods with a smile before his mouth drops open. “Wait really?” You giggle, nodding. “Good, great! Yes.” He stumbles before clearing his throat. “Now?” 
It was your turn for your eyes to widen. “Now?” You nervously look down at your outfit. “I’ll need to change… I don’t think I should wear this for our first date.” 
Steve shakes his head. “You don’t have to, I mean… You can if you want, but I think you are beautiful in anything.” His eyes don’t leave yours and suddenly you no longer care about what clothes you are wearing.
You lick your lips and turn, beginning to walk off. “Let’s go, pretty boy.” You faintly hear your friends cheer as Steve follows like a lovesick puppy, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. You let out a startled gasp when he suddenly appears beside you, forgetting about his long legs and how he manages to move so fast with them. 
Your chest tightens when you feel his hand softly grasp yours, his fingers fitting so perfectly with yours. He squeezed your hand gently as though he knew how nervous you were. 
Steve had led you to his car, opening the door for you before walking around to the drivers side. You felt the need to ask him where he was taking you, it was right on the tip of your tongue but when you looked at him. You no longer cared, you just wanted to be anywhere he was.
You watched the scenery pass by as Steve drove before he turned into a parking lot. “I just have to grab a few things and then we will head to our date. Does that sound okay?” He looked at you and it felt nice that he wanted to make sure it was okay with you before he did it. You hadn’t experienced this before.
You nod but Steve shakes his head, cupping your cheek softly. “Words, Sweetheart.”
You don’t think you should be feeling what you’re feeling on a first date. Nope, definitely not. You couldn’t jump his bones on a first date, it’s not right. But it’s the only thing you could think about as you stared into his eyes. 
Steve chuckles, his thumb stroking your skin. “Unless you want to come with me?” 
You shake your head, you definitely wouldn’t be able to walk or think straight. You’d need a few seconds without him to be able to calm yourself. “N–no, I’m okay. That sounds okay to me.” Would it be so bad to ditch the date and have him fuck you into the backseat? 
Steve nods, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead before exiting the car with a promise he’ll be quick. The moment the door shuts, you lean back and let out a breath, watching him walk into the shop. Probably wasn’t the best idea as your eyes next left his back or arse.
“Fuck me, how am I going to last?” Your eyes squeeze shut as you try and divert your thoughts somewhere else. “He’s so sweet… I just want to pin him down and ride him.” You huff. “That’s definitely not helping. But he is sweet though…”
You probably looked insane to anyone outside of the car looking in. But you needed to have a small conversation with yourself or you’d end up going crazy. 
Steve rushed around the store, grabbing the things he needed to make this date worth it for you. He didn’t want to screw up his chance, you were what he wanted. He thought about you when he woke up and when he went to sleep, every little thing reminded him of you. Steve felt like the time was finally right. He headed towards the exit after paying but stopped as he came across a small flower stand that he swears wasn’t there when he came in but he doesn’t question it as he wasn’t exactly thinking much when he walked in, his hand skims over a few of them as he tries to find the perfect ones. 
“Not those ones.” His brows furrowed as he heard someone speak to him, causing him to look up. An old man smiles as he moves closer. “Those won’t do.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“The flowers. You’re getting them for someone special, yes?” Steve nods, an image of you appearing in his mind. “Then those are definitely not the ones. Here.” The old man begins to pick certain flowers from each bouquet and Steve opens his mouth to say that he probably isn’t allowed to do that but closes when he turns around. 
Steve’s mouth drops open, his arm reaching out and his hand softly grazes the flower. “They’re beautiful.” He pulls his hand back and reaches into his pocket to grab his wallet. “How much do I owe you?” 
The old man shakes his head, pushing the bouquet towards Steve gently. “It’s on the house, son. Now go, you don’t want to keep this special lady waiting any longer.” He smiles softly, a sparkle in his eyes as Steve grabs the flowers off of him. 
“Thank you, thank you so much. This means a lot.” Steve nods with appreciation before bidding the man a goodbye and walking away. Steve stops, feeling slightly bad. “Wait, I can’t take these for fr–” As he turns, he sees that the stall is gone. As though it was never there. His brows furrowed as he looked between the vacant space and the flowers. Surely it wasn’t all in his head, he had the bouquet in his hand. With a shake of his head, Steve walks out of the store and heads towards the car, questions filling his mind. 
You smile when you see Steve and all the thoughts that cloud his mind suddenly vanish as he looks at you. He smiles back, placing the basket neatly in the backseat before climbing into the front and handing you the bouquet. His hands shake slightly, hoping you’d like them. 
“Steve…” You stare at them with wide eyes, your hands slowly grabbing them and you lean in to smell them before you turn to him, your mouth opening and closing. “They’re beautiful… You didn’t have to…” You blink, feeling tears brim your eyes as you stare at him. “Thank you.” 
Steve reaches over, taking your hand softly. His thumb stroking your knuckles. “I would give you the whole world if I could.” He brings your hand up and places a soft kiss on it before he turns the car on, never letting go of your hand. “Now, are you ready to start our date officially?” You nod, no words able to escape you as you tighten your hold on his. 
You don’t think your mouth had closed since the beginning of this date with Steve, he had pulled moves that you weren’t expecting. Well, moves you didn’t think you deserved. 
You had finally arrived at your destination, which confused you a bit as he parked his car in a dirt parking lot in front of the woods. You looked at him and tilted your head. “If you brought me out here to kill me. I just want to let you know that you will probably get a one star review for first dates.”
Steve looks at you and chuckles, shaking his head. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t kill such a beautiful woman. I’d be incredibly stupid if I did.” He kisses your hand again before hopping out of the car and jogging around to your side before you even have a chance to turn around. Steve opens the door and helps you out before grabbing the basket in the back, his hand never leaving yours as he leads you through a short path. Your mouth drops open once again as you notice a beautiful field at the end of the path, it looks like something from a dream. “Do you like it?”
You squeeze his hand, not taking your eyes off of the field. “I love it.” You feel Steve let go before watching him walk out and find a spot, you watch him set the basket down and open it, pulling out a blanket. He lays the blanket flat on the ground before pulling food and drinks out of the basket. You walk over as he gestures for you, grabbing your hand softly as he helps you down. You stumble, falling into his chest gently. Your hands resting flat on the hardened muscle, his hands gripping your hips. 
Your eyes meet and you both notice how close you are to each other. You notice how well you seem to fit together. 
“Sorry…” Your cheeks heat up and you sink your teeth into your bottom lip as you continue to look into his eyes. 
“Don’t be.” Steve’s eyes dart between yours and your lips, his grip tightening slightly. “Are you hungry, Sweetheart?” 
You nod, teeth sinking harder into your lip because you aren’t thinking about food. Steve’s lips lift into a smirk, one hand moving to cup your cheek as his thumb pulls your lip from your mouth. 
“For food, Sweetheart. No matter how much I want to, I’m not going to sleep with you on the first date, nor the second or third. I want you to know I’m serious about being with you for you and not what’s between your legs.” He looked so serious and all you could think was–
Is it possible for hearts to have orgasms?
Steve sets you in a comfortable position on his lap, he liked the feeling of you close and when you didn’t protest, he took that as a good sign. He grabs the paper plates he bought and piles food onto them, listening to you ask for either more or a specific thing. You talked in a different light then how you guys talked when around your friends, it felt good, refreshing even. 
After you had finished eating, you and Steve lied onto your backs. You decided to play a small game that included the clouds and you couldn’t stop the laughs from escaping you. Steve couldn’t stop himself from staring at you. 
Your head falls to the side, the smile slowly falling off of your face as you notice Steve looking at you. “What?...” Was there something on your face? 
He hums, eyes fluttering as they dance across your face, taking in your features. “Just wondering how anyone could let you slip through their fingers. Must be blind or dumb… Or possibly both.” 
“You wouldn’t let me slip through yours?” Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip again and it was driving Steve crazy. 
He shakes his head. “I’d choose you and I’ll choose you, over, and over, and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I will keep choosing you.” You suck in a breath at his confession. Steve moves closer and takes your face into his hands. “Don’t you know? I have been yours. You always had my heart from the beginning. I fell for you ages ago. I have always belonged to you and only you.” He leans closer and your lips part. “I am yours, Sweetheart. Even if you aren’t mine.” 
It felt like everything had finally fallen together as he uttered those words. You could finally see what you had in front of you, you could finally feel what you had been pushing away. You wanted to jump, you wanted him.
“I’m yours.” The moment those words fall from your lips, Steve’s lips crash into yours, pulling you into a deep, passionate kiss, his hand moving to cup the back of your head while the other cups your cheek. You could have sworn there were sparks, fireworks… Everything that the books and movies said would happen. 
The void inside yours and Steve’s chest had finally been filled, causing an extreme amount of love and happiness to flow through you. 
You pull away, softly gasping for air. You didn’t want to stop, because his lips felt so fucking good against yours. But unfortunately you needed to breathe and it seemed as though Steve felt the same as your eyes connected with his dark gaze.
Steve’s thumb strokes your cheek, “God, your ex is such a fucking idiot.” You hum, blinking slowly as you continue to stare into his eyes, his words barely registering in your mind. “But if I ever run into him. I’m definitely going to thank him.” 
You blink, brows furrowing as you pull back. “Huh?”
Steve grins. “Don’t get me wrong, If I ever meet the guy. I’ll definitely kill him for hurting you. But if he didn’t hurt you like he did, you wouldn’t have left and we wouldn’t have bumped into each other again.” He moves closer, brushing his nose against yours before pulling back and smiling more. “So, before I kill him. I am going to thank him for leading you back to me.” 
You huff, glaring at him a bit before cracking a smile when Steve just grins back. Your eyes flicker down to your fingers that play with his beard, humming softly before looking back into his eyes. “You wouldn’t kill him… It’s not who you are.”
Steve leans forward, pressing a rough but tender kiss against your lips before he pulls back. “You don’t seem to understand the power you hold over me, Sweetheart. I would rip the world apart with my bare hands if anything ever happened to you.” Your heart jumped, but not in fear. “Hell, I’d do it if you simply asked me too. That’s how much power you hold over me, Sweetheart.” Your lips part as he takes your chin in his hand, gently caressing it as he looks at you. “I need you to understand before we go any further with this. That I am yours and only yours. There is no other person that I want, no one else crosses through my thoughts when I think of love. You are the only one I want to be with.”
“I understand.” 
Steve shakes his head. “No, no you don’t and that’s okay. I won’t go anywhere when you have doubts about me, or when you begin to worry that I may be cheating. I am going to stick through it all because I want you. Because I will prove to you that you are the only woman I will ever love, ever be intimate with. Even if it takes forever for you to fully trust and believe, I can do this all day.” His words were so gentle and filled with love that you felt like crying. 
You cupped his face into your hands, pulling him back in for a deep kiss. Your eyes closing as you savor this feeling, enjoying how complete you feel when his lips touch yours. 
After your first date, everything else seemed to finally fall into place. Steve kept his word on not sleeping with you on your second and third date, which was driving you insane because he treated you so well while looking so god damn hot doing it. It was like he knew that you were seconds away from jumping him because he’d tease you and smirk while doing it but he would never let it go any further. It was like he was doing everything in his power to make you understand he was in this for more than just sex. 
You stared at yourself in the mirror, taking deep breaths as you prepared for another date Steve had planned. The other dates you didn’t react like this but this one he was taking you to a carnival. You were scared that what you had with Steve would change after this. You knew it was silly, it was just a carnival but what if this was a sign? What if things went downhill because things reminded you of him?
You blink out of your daze when you feel arms wrapping around you, your back hitting a thick body. Your eyes meet Steve’s worried gaze, your mouth opens but Steve beats you to it. 
“If you’re thinking you aren’t beautiful again. I swear I will put you over my knee.” He watches as your thighs squeeze together at the thought. “Maybe not, you seem to be into that idea.” Steve spins you around, pushing you softly against the counter while gripping your chin between his fingers. “Do you want to tell me what you are feeling?” 
You begin to chew on your bottom lip, staring up at him as you think. Steve tuts gently, pulling your lip from your teeth as he glares down at them before his eyes dart up to your eyes, raising a brow. “Johnny took me to the carnival…” 
He sucks in a breath at the mention of your ex, wishing he could give that man a piece of his mind. Possibly dumping his body into the ocean also but that could wait. “We don’t have to go if it’s making you uncomfortable, Sweetheart. I am happy as long as you are happy.” 
Your brows furrow as you hate this feeling, your ex hurt you and now you are acting like a child because a man who actually loves you wants to take you somewhere special. “No, I’m being stupid. I want to go.” 
You let out a soft gasp when he pushes you into the counter more, squeezing your chin slightly. “Sweetheart. Don’t you dare call yourself fucking stupid again. You are not stupid for feeling like this, do you understand?” 
You pout slightly, squeezing your thighs together softly as Steve moves your head up and down. “Good girl. I knew you would.” He leans down, pecking your lips gently. “Where do you want to go, Sweetheart?” 
“The carnival.” You let out a small whimper, wishing he would just fuck you right here and right now. 
You arrive, hand gripping Steve’s. He thinks it’s due to anxiety and bad memories but you really just want to sink to your knees and worship him. 
Steve lets you pull him along, going from game to game. You play a game of each before he takes a turn, winning you every prize you have your eye on. You couldn’t be happier, the other memories now forgotten as they are replaced with the happiness Steve brings. 
“I’m going to get us some food. Will you be okay here?” Steve asks, cupping your cheek as he peers down at you. You nod, smiling up at him as he leans down and pecks your lips. “Call out if you need me, Sweetheart. I’d drop everything to make sure you’re safe.” 
You let out a sigh of happiness as he walks away, your eyes falling to his arse. You were slightly jealous at how glorious it was compared to yours. But then again, if you asked Steve, he would say yours was a work of art. 
“Y/n?” You are pulled out of your thoughts as a familiar voice calls out to you. Your eyes drift and lock onto your ex-husband’s, he walks over with a giant smile. “Damn, you’re looking good! How have you been? Who was that guy?” 
You blink, confused. “Uh, I’ve been fine. That’s Steve.” You began to look around, hoping to catch Steve’s eye but you couldn’t see him anywhere. How far had he gone for food? Did he really go for food or was he pulling a Johnny? Your heart squeezed at the thought of being played again, you were stupid to think that you could get your happy ending. 
Johnny reaches out and touches your arm, moving closer. “I’ve missed you, Baby Girl.” You feel like you are going to throw up as the nickname slips from his lips. “Why don’t you give me another chance, hmm? I promise I won’t do it again.” 
“What happened to Sarah?” 
Johnny scoffs, his thumb stroking your arm. “She didn’t want to come. Don’t worry about her, so. What do you say we get out of here and I can make up for all of that time we missed?” 
You try to pull away while looking at him disgusted. “What the fuck, Johnny. You haven’t fucking changed at all. I loved you!” 
Johnny scoffs, “I know.” 
“And you broke my heart.” 
He nods. “I know that, too.” 
Your mouth opens as you go to say something but a dark shadow looms over the two of you. You turn your head and sigh as you realise it’s Steve, his eyes dark as he glares down at Johnny. Without realising, Johnny loosens his grip allowing Steve to pull you closer to him, tucking you into his side. 
“This is the guy you replaced me with?” He laughs, pointing. “This guy? He couldn’t even make you fucking scream if he tried.” He looks between you and Steve before settling back on you. “Come back to me, Baby Girl and I promise I’ll make you forget this guy.” Johnny reaches for you only for Steve to reach forward and grip his neck. 
You looked around with wide eyes, thankfully Steve chose a more secluded area because he wanted to spend some time with you without others intervening. 
“Touch her again and I’ll break your neck.” 
That was not supposed to turn you on. You were sick, yep. Definitely sick. 
Johnny tries to scoff the best he can while his neck is currently being squeezed. “Please, the slut wants me back. She’s so fucking pathetic I bet she spread her legs the moment you gave her the smallest bit of attention.” 
You watch with wide eyes and a wet cunt as Steve’s grip becomes tighter, he leans closer and whispers words low enough you can barely hear. 
“I’m going to kill you.” Steve’s voice becomes threatening, a slight growl escaping as he glares into Johnny’s eyes. “If you say another word about the woman I love, if you look at her, if you even think about her. I am going to fucking kill you.” 
“Dud–” Johnny tries to speak, his face turning red as he struggles to breathe.
“Actually, I think I will kill you now.” 
You realised Steve wasn’t kidding. He would follow through with everything he had told you on your first date, your eyes widened even more when you realised he had claimed you were the woman he loved. Loved. 
He, Steve Rogers, loved you?
Your chest tightens, “Steve…”
“Don’t you dare argue with me, Sweetheart. You’re mine.” The growl that slips from his lips is so feral, you felt like falling to your knees. “You don’t belong to this piece of shit anymore.” Steve turns his attention away from the man he’s currently choking to you. A darkness swirls deep inside of him, blinding him from being able to think rationally at this point. “You belong to me. Understand?” 
Without much thought, you launch forward, capturing his lips in a deep, love-filled kiss. Pouring everything you felt into him, your arms moved, cupping his face as you did your best to pull him closer to you. Steve’s grip loosens, dropping Johnny. The both of you ignore as he falls, holding his throat as he coughs, trying to breathe again. 
You sigh happily as Steve’s body turns fully towards you, his arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you flush against him as his other moves to cup the back of your head. Your lips moving so beautifully together, a squeal escapes you as Steve suddenly lifts you, your legs wrapping around him. You moan against his lips as his hand moves from your back to your arse, squeezing and slapping it. 
You pushed through the lust clouding your mind, finally realising you were still very much in public while your ex husband was still rubbing his throat on the ground. But the feel of Steve’s hands and lips against you was like heaven, you didn’t want this to stop ever. Maybe you should thank Johnny, it seemed his arseholeness was the final push for Steve to give into both of your desires. 
A moan slipped from your lips as Steve pulled you even closer to him, nibbling and sucking on your bottom lip as he devoured you. “Fuck. I don’t want our first time to be here, Sweetheart but you’re making this so fucking impossible.” Steve groans, squeezing your arse harder and bringing you into an even deeper kiss. 
“Take me home, Steve.” You breathe into the kiss, tugging slightly on his hair as you pull back to look at him with hooded eyes. “Please. Claim me as yours completely.” 
You watch his eyes darken even more if that was even possible. “You’re going to be the death of me, woman.” Without letting go of you, Steve bends down and stares at Johnny. “If you even think about trying anything. I will end you.” Your grip on him tightens at the threat, causing Steve to smirk. “You lost an incredible woman because of how pathetic you are. But I would like to thank you for leading her to me. If it weren’t for you being such a screw up, I wouldn’t have this wonderful woman in my arms and soon in my bed where you will be the last thing on her mind.” 
With one last look of disgust, Steve carries you throughout the carnival and to the car, hurriedly placing you inside before rushing in himself and driving you back to his place, you squirm the whole way as he leaves his hand on the inside of your thigh. 
You barely have time to breathe as Steve stops the car and instantly rushes to your side. Your arms wrapping around him as he picks you up, you had never seen Steve so… Impatient before, he was always the type to be calm and collected. Your eyes scan his face, noting the way his jaw clenches and his eyes darken. He was so beautiful, how did you become so lucky? You reach Steve’s door but you barely notice, your eyes are stuck on him. Admiring his thick beard and his hair that he had begun growing out. 
Steve looks down at you. “Are you okay? We don’t have to–” 
You press your lips against his gently. “Shh. I want you.” Your hand cups his cheek, smiling softly as he leans into your touch. “I am better than okay. No one has ever done what you did, Steve and I love you for it.” 
A squeal leaves you as Steve launches forward, capturing your lips with his. He manages to open the door before pressing you against the back of it, his hands moving all over your body, not wanting to miss anything. You moan into the kiss, it was like everything was finally falling into place. Your hands fly up, cupping his face and tugging on his hair. You pull him even closer, not wanting there to be any space between the two of you. 
Steve pulls back and you whimper, “God. I want you so bad.” Your breath gets caught in your throat at his confession. His hands grip your hips, looking you deep in your eyes. “You seriously don’t understand the effect you have on me. I can’t even be in the same room as you because I just want to touch you every chance I get.” Your mouth falls open, legs squeezing together.
He hums, eyes focused on your lips. “Yeah, Sweetheart?” 
“Fuck me.” 
A grin makes its way onto his face as your eyes connect. “As you wish.” 
Next thing you know, you’re on your back staring up at the ceiling as Steve pulls your thighs onto his shoulders. You don’t remember when your clothes had come off but you can barely think as Steve begins to feast on you, your hands curl into the sheets below. “Oh god!” He groans deep into you, tongue swirling and flicking before his lips wrap around your swollen clit, sucking it hard into his mouth as your back arches off of the bed. 
Steve pulls away as you’re about to cum, causing you to look at him with furrowed brows. “I want to feel you cum around me. Then I’m going to take you apart over and over again until you can barely remember your name. Understand, Sweetheart?” 
Your mouth falls open as you stare at him. Brain feeling so fuzzy that you can’t even respond to him now. Steve leans closer, pressing his body against yours. A moan fills the room as you feel his length resting against your cunt. “Don’t worry, Sweetheart. Save your voice, you’ll need it to scream my name out later.” Steve grips your hips, rubbing his thick member against your slick folds before he begins to push in. “Fuck. You feel so good.” 
Your hands fly up, gripping onto him as he thrusts deeper inside of you. “Steve!”
“You’re being so good for me, Sweetheart. My good girl.” He rests his forehead against yours as his hips move, thrusting in and out of you at a steady but rough pace. His hands move all over you, gripping every part of your body before he rests on your neck, cupping it. Your arms wrap around him, crying out as he fucks you.
You clench around him, feeling your end approaching. “Steve! So close!” You moan as his lips connect with yours, bringing you into a deep kiss. His thrusts pick up, slamming into a spot deep inside of you that causes you to see stars. Your back arches, pressing your body closer against his as you cum hard around him. “STEVE!” You scream out, blacking out for a slight moment.
Steve groans into the kiss, biting down gently on your bottom lip as his cock twitches, pumping you full of his cum. You hold onto him tightly as he continues to coat your walls, hips moving softly against you. He pulls back and looks at you with darkened eyes. “You’ve got me hooked, Sweetheart. There’s no way I’m letting go of you now.” You gasp as you feel him harden inside of you, fully aware that you’re in for a long night.
Steve flops down beside you, huffing slightly as he tries to catch his breath. You stare dazedly up at the ceiling. “Wow.” 
He smiles, pulling you close to him. You snuggle into him, your sore body relaxing as he begins to caress your shoulders and back. Steve leans forward to press a tender kiss on your forehead before resting his chin on top of your head. “I love you. I want you to know that this isn’t a one time thing for me. You are it for me, okay? You are the woman I want to spend every waking moment with.” You smile happily into his chest. 
So this is love? You could get used to this kind of love. 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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jyoongim · 1 year ago
I love your stories, they are fantastic and feed my daydreams to a intensely gratifying degree.
I am curious if you would entertain the idea of writing an Alastor and fem reader as battle partners and occasional lovers. She’s a fox demon that has been around for centuries and is very powerful. She is indispensable to him in battle but she helps him take care of his baser urges especially during his rut.
I beg you!
Thank youuuuuu
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note: i kept this rather suggestive hehe.
Alastor x Kitsune! Fem Reader
“So what’s with the fox? Didn’t take smiles to be much of a dog person” Angel said to Husker as the black fox trotted past him, walking towards said demon sitting on the sofa, rubbing against his legs before jumping up and curling up in his lap.
Husker shook his head, grumbling “Listen, that’s one thing you don’t want to know about. Trust me” he chugged at his bourbon.
Angel rolled his eyes at the cat demon, “Oh c’mon! Tell me! What do Mr. Fancytalk need with a pet? ” He whined. Husker ignored him, thinking sooner or later the spider will figure it out.
Charlie and Vaggie entered the lobby, overhearing the conversation. Angel turned his sight to Vaggie “Hey Vagina do you know the deal with the strawberry pimp’s pet?”
Vaggie sighed ”When Alastor manifested in this realm it was absolute chaos! some have speculated what unimaginable forces enabled him to rival our worlds most ancient and destructive evils. But one thing for sure, he holds an unpredictable source of danger, the kind we shouldn’t risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased!” Angel deadpanned “that’s doesn’t really answer my questions toots”
Vaggie pointed towards the red demon, at the black fox “rumor has it the fox is the reason he’s so powerful”
Angel sucked his teeth “Ill believe when I see it”
You napped on the bed of your shared room as Alastor sat out on the balcony enjoying the view of Pentagram City.
A loud BANG! Was heard and suddenly there was a massive hole knocked into the hotel.
A giant blimp was outside the hotel and a snake demon was declaring a fight against Alastor.
Alastor joined Charlie and the others at the entrance of the hotel, very much amused at the pathetic display.
”Who are you?” He asked
”I am the great Sir Pentigous! Your fiercest enemy!…We literally battled last week”
Alastor tilted his head, leaning on his cane “Well you would think I remembered you”
The snake demon hissed and went to charge up his weapons.
”Uuugghh Alastor? Aren’t you gonna do something about him? Aren’t you suppose to protect the hotel or something?” angel asked, hands on his hips. Alastor grinned ”Aah yes” he snapped his fingers.
Thick, inky black smoke billowed from the ground as a thunderous growl was heard.
”Holy fucking hell!”
A Giant beast emerged from the ground and immediately took the bump into its mouth and shook like a dog would a toy.
Several appendages swirled as the beast tore into the machine like it was paper.
The snake demon fell to the ground, trying to back away as the massive black beast snapped its sharp teeth at him,  making him cower.
”now now my dear you’ve done enough” Alastor said, causing everyone to look at him confused?
The black beast huffed before black smoke surrounded it.
Walking out of the smoke, holding the snake demon was a…
”THE FOX???!!” Angel exclaimed
You dragged the demon by his hood, baring your sharp teeth at him as he cowered behind Charlie.
You frowned at Alasto as you turned to him, ears flattening
You hands were at your hips as your tails swirled behind you “You woke me up for that?! Please at least let it be a challenge next time”
Alastor snickered as he pulled you into his side,  grin turning Cheshire as you nuzzled him anyway.
Everyone had a puzzled look on their face.
The cute black fox that often roamed the hotel was actually a demon?!
”told you would have found out sooner or later” Husker said.
”A-Alastor w-what?” Charlie stuttered, as Vaggie barged through pointing her spear at you and Alastor.
Your eyes narrowed as you stood in front of Alastor, growling at her, claws flexing in case she made a move. Your tails spiked.
”I wouldn’t do that if I were you” Alastor grinned, peaking through one of your tails
”This darling of mine is that ‘unpredictable source of choas’. Isn’t she a doll?”
“Soooo you two are like a thing? How the fuck? What he own your soul or something?” Angel asked sipping his martini.
You smirked.
You had been with Alastor for a while now. You met the red deer when he first came to hell. He was running a muck in your territory, taking away the souls that you enjoyed tormenting. You, the ‘Kitsune Demon’, would not be intimidated by some newbie. So you fought Alastor. 
Who won? No one knows but many often saw the Radio Demon entering and existing your domain without consequence afterwards.
You and the Radio Demon had a very simple relationship. Your ancient power gave him legitimacy in status as well as your presence on his arm.
You were his best weapon in a battle and a great companion.
You might have looked scary, but only the lanky demon had seen you in your most vulnerable state.
You looked so pretty taking his cock and covered in cum.
”No he doesn’t own my soul and a thing? If you mean I warm his bed and keep him in check for the most part? Then yes” you said bluntly, making the spider gawk.
”you fuck that? That makes a lot of sense now” angel mumbled.
Speaking of fucking, you sniffed at the air. Alastor’s rut was approaching. You had to take care of that.
You left the confused spider as you disappeared in a smoky mist.
”Did you know those two get freaky?” angel turned to Husker, making the cat roll his eyes.
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thefrontmanscockwarmer · 2 months ago
I need more of In-Ho smut….(same dynamic between them as your latest one🫣) but maybe where y/n is upset because she’s having to go to the island with him to control the games and is bratty..:)
Player 001 x reader [SMUT]📸
Note: bratty! Reader
“Honey!” In Ho called through the house.
“Where my one black shirt?” He asked, digging through his drawers.
“Which one?” You ask, walking into the bedroom. “The compression one? Or the more loose-fitting one”
“Uhh, both?” He answered, you stared at him as he pulled a black shirt out. “Nevermind… are you ready? Packed?”
“No.” You say curtly, as you watched him shove his shirt in his suitcase. He peered up at you as he pushed it closed.
“I told you to get your stuff together, 2 weeks ago.” He sighs exasperated.
“And I told you I wasn’t going.” You say putting your hands on your hips. He grabs your waist, pulling you towards him and looking at you lovingly.
“I told you, you had no choice” he smiles. “It’s my job”
“Well I’m actively telling you, I want no part in those games nor witnessing the massacre of innocent lives that’ll occur”
“Oh but darling, you won’t be near it. Not even close to it.”
“Giant screen”
“I’ll have it moved.”
“Pink guards.”
“I’ll change their uniforms”
“The mask.”
“Can’t do that one”
“Then I’m not going.” You say cocking your head back, challenging him to argue.
“Pack your things. Now.” He lowers his voice. The sternness in it taking you by surprise, yet igniting a flame within you.
“No” you say. He looks at you, his eyes riddled with frustration.
“Stop being so bratty, (Y/n). Now, go pack you things” he released your waist, you shook your head.
“I hate you” you mutter. His eyes widen at your words. His mouth opened slightly as his tongue searched his teeth, thinking of how he was going to handle you.
In an instant, he grabbed you and roughly threw you on the bed. Yanking your shorts down as you whine in protest.
“You hate me” he said, as he pulled his cock from his pants, stroking himself a few times. “So, I’ll fuck you like you hate me, and go to work.” He says breathlessly. You stared up at him. Your mouth slightly watering. “Actually, you probably don’t even wanna look at me, since you hate me so much” he flipped you, grabbing your hips to arch you in line with his cock.
He roughly inserted a finger, swirling it inside of you, pressing your g-spot seeking more arousal than the already evident dripping down your thigh.
In Ho's hands grasped your hips, his fingers digging deep into your skin as he pulled you back against him. You felt his warm breath on the back of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. The air was thick with tension as he positioned himself behind you, his body heat radiating against your skin.
He didn't waste any time, pushing himself into you with a swift motion. The sudden invasion sent a wave of pleasure through your body, and you felt yourself arching back against him. His thrusts were rough and intense, each one sending a shockwave of sensation through you. You could feel him pounding against you, his movements becoming more frantic as he approached his climax.
The room around you melted away, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing and the sensation of In Ho's body crashing against yours. His hands were unyielding on your hips, holding you in place as he drove into you again and again. Your own cries were lost in the cacophony of sounds filling the air.
As In Ho's movements became more urgent, his grip on your hips tightened. You could feel his muscles tensing beneath his skin, coiling like a spring ready to snap. And then, suddenly, he groaned and pushed deep into you, holding himself there as he came.
You felt his hot cum filling you, a sensation that was both overwhelming and exhilarating. It was as if every nerve ending in your body had been set aflame, leaving you gasping for breath. As he pulled out of you, In Ho's hands remained on your hips, holding you in place.
For a moment, there was silence – just the sound of ragged breathing and the beat of two hearts pounding in unison. Then In Ho's voice cut through the stillness, low and husky with satisfaction.
"Now that you're pumped full of cum and obviously done hating me," he said roughly, "will you get your shit together so we can leave?"
The question was abrupt, but it was clear that In Ho wasn't going to wait around for an answer – he expected action. He stepped back from you, releasing his grip on your hips as if daring you to move forward now that he'd claimed what he wanted from your body.
You nodded, a smile plastered on your face as you rushed through the room to gather all the things you’d need before your 2 week trip to the island. You followed him outside to the car that was going to drive you to the ferry. Happily pattering behind him he turned and stopped you,
“And please, (y/n), for the love of all things pink, please drop the fucking attitude” he told you before planting a soft kiss on your forehead and grabbing your hand, “let’s go to work”
@christinamadsen @sebbymybaby21 @player279achlys @galaxygurlll @whamzou @watasinekoru @angelofthorr @whamzou
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xreaderanonaccount · 1 year ago
Fatui Harbinger x GN!Reader Headcannon
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Ships: Fatui Harbingers (minus Pucinella and Sandrone) x reader (poly)
Synopsis: What's it like being the Feared Fatui Harbingers darling?
Tags: Fluff, Crack, hugging, kissing, hand-holding
A/N: Just some random thoughts. I honestly think Sandrone would not have a S/O cause of her lore and how crazy she is. And Pucinella is just an old man.. hey not judging if that's your type. Just not mine
Divider credits: cafekitsune
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Dating all the Fatui Harbingers is a full time job, not only are you being showered with Mora and gifts from some of the richest people in Teyvat you deal with all their petty drama.
Like a mother to all your boyfriends and girlfriends.
They come barging into your room ranting about what the other harbingers have done. How they “ruined” their plans. 
This mainly comes from Dottore and Pantalone. Sometimes one will come into the room and start ranting while the other is close behind. 
Pierro, Columbina, Arlecchino, and Capitano are the tamer of the bunch. If you need peace and quiet from the drama you go to them. They’ll shower you with kisses and treats to make you feel better.
But don’t get me wrong the other half would absolutely shower you with love… in their own weird twisted fates. 
Like dottore wouldn’t experiment on you but will weirdly give you a still beating heart claiming his undying love for you. 
Tartaglia would train you to fight because he wants you to fend for yourself (and to also spar with him much to Capitano’s dismay) 
During the fatui meetings they would have a special room setup for you with a little place to relax. 
And as soon as the meeting ends it’s kind of like school lunch where kids would run so fast to the lunchroom to be first in line. Like that but in a more calm manner. 
Except for Childe
He would be that kid that would run straight to the lunchroom. He would burst through the room scaring you to death yelling “BABE!” 
He would engulf you in a bear hug
It would take Capitano to take him off of you by how tight of a hold he has on you.
Dates with the Harbingers is always fun, whatever you want to do they would absolutely provide.
Want to go to an Opera? Pantalone has VIP tickets to the latest popular show.
Want to eat at a fancy restruant? Arlecchino reserved a whole restruant in Fontaine.
Want to just relax and read? Columbina would cuddle with you as she reads you a book
Want a nice stroll in the stormy winter? Capitano will walking with you, and he'll make sure you'll have his thick fluffy jacket swamping you.
Kisses are always fun, the variety of kisses you would recieve varies from mood and who is giving you the kiss.
Capitano and Pierro is always so soft and gentle, he's a big man and he doesn't want to hurt you. His lips always ghosting your skin, milimeters away from your lips. His giant bear hands gently cupping your face as he plants a gentle kiss.
The exact opposite of Dottore, that man will straight up bite you with his shark teeth.
Your lips will be bloodly and bruise when he's done with you. He's rough when he's kisses you.
He would forcefully grab your face with one hand and shove his lips on you. He wouldn't give a romantic kiss, never. But it's always one of greed and tension.
He's got some pent up anger he needs to release. And that just so happens to be your mouth.
Arlecchino is soft...ish. She would be soft but part of her would spice it up with fun.
Loves teasing you she would pretend like she was going to kiss you and but then suddenly pull away. Saying something like "oh someone needs me." Always has a shit eating grin on her face when she makes up some bull excuse.
Columbina and Childe is always a gamble, it would either be soft and tender or chaotic and rough. Really depends on what they are feeling.
Unless it's infront of his family, Childe would be all lovey dovey infront of his family. But would absolutely tease you when they're not looking
Pantalone is a no PDA guy in public except for his arm sling around your waist. Other than that kisses are only for the most intimate moments. When it's just you two, and no one else to disrupte them.
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certifiedlovergirlsstuff · 9 months ago
past and future | s.r. x fem!reader
“do you plan to stay with the bau until retirement or do you see yourself teaching? i think you’d be a good teacher.” growing nails scratching along spencer’s bare chest. head resting on his shoulder as you stared at him, an ever present wonder gleaming in your irises.
spencer let the pad of his thumb glide along your temple, sometimes brushing over your eyebrow. “maybe when i’m older i can look into teaching positions. maybe something like gideon, teaching future profilers at the academy.” his voice was scratchy, a slight crack on the a’s.
you hummed, rubbing your cheek over his smooth planes, “gonna have to fight off so many people.” spencer pinched your waist in retaliation and it caused you to yelp quietly. you followed with a baby bite to his jaw. “rude,” kissing away your shallow teeth marks.
“i’ll have a giant photo of you and our family taped in the classroom. letting everyone know who’s waiting for me at home.” he kissed into your hair, a wondering palm following your curves.
that caused you to push onto your forearm so you look down at spencer, a surprised shock over your face. “our family?” a stupid grin split your face.
spencer didn’t see anything wrong with his words, “of course.” “you want to have a family with me?” needing a second confirmation.
“i want to have a family only with you.” letting his palms sweep upon your cheeks so he could pull you close and lock lips. you hummed into his mouth, getting yourself comfortable as you shifted so you could throw a leg over his waist and straddle him.
spencer’s lips moved to your jaw and down onto your neck. you curved your chest into his while your hands clung to his hair as you leaned your head to the side so he could have most surface area. a angelic sigh filled the room as spencer’s lips nipped at your skin, dragging further down more.
“i love you, spence,” whispering into the crown of his head. a wet kiss atop a breast before spencer’s eyes were back in sight, his cheeks the prettiest flushed color. “i loved you for the past three years. when you showed up to my graduation with my parents, how proud you were of me. i knew then.”
spencer wrapped his long limbs along your back to hold you close, his ear pressed over your heart. “i loved you when you joined me for that doctor who convention, even though you didn’t know much about the show.” you both chuckled as the memory flashed, “you said i was handsome in my outfit. and you let me talk your ear off all day, it was the best seventeen birthday.”
the two of you stayed locked in the embrace, deciding to end your earlier plans. you both shuffled into the bed and flipped around, spencer being the big spoon while he curled your close to his chest as the little spoon.
“i can’t wait to start our family,” you whispered into the air. spencer just pressed a kiss to your shoulder and the both of you fell asleep, dreams of children laughing and running around. you and spencer enjoying slow dances in your shared kitchen in the night, your children sleeping in a pile with the two of you.
your heart warmed for the day those would become true.
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moonstruckme · 4 months ago
mae, congratulations on 8k and happy holidays ahhh!!! if you have the time, i could totally see something fun with tasm! peter and the prompt office christmas party. like coworkers to friends to pining and confessions? basically it’s giving jim and pam teapot, BUT i would love to see where your brain takes it
Thank you for requesting! Happy holidays :)
cw: jokes are made about Peter's appearance, but they're very, very sarcastic
coworker!(tasm)Peter Parker x fem!reader ♡ 639 words
You never usually wear red. It’s not like it’s one of Peter’s favorite colors either—he only really wears it for one thing, even if that’s pretty much every day—but he feels suddenly robbed having never seen it on you before. As if you’re not eye-catching enough already, your holiday sweater makes you the brightest thing in the room. 
Peter goes to it like a moth to a flame. Though, in fairness, that’s your usual effect on him, sweater or no. 
“Oh, wow, you lucked out,” he says, raising his eyebrows at your white elephant gift. 
You look up from your desk, grinning when you see Peter. “I know, right?” You hold your prize up enthusiastically, like they’re the keys to your new car and not slippers designed to look like giant man feet with a bow slapped on top of them. “Can you believe I started with a bluetooth shower speaker and worked my way up to these? I mean, Christmas is over at this point. Everyone else can go home.” 
“Those will probably be the best gift you’ll ever get,” Peter agrees. He leans against your desk, careful not to disturb the pens lined up neatly by your laptop. “You really managed to land on a personalized one, too. Did you already know they made slippers that match your feet, or did you just find out today?” 
Your shoulders hitch with a laugh, pretty eyes sparkling. Peter feels a warm tug in his gut. Any day he can make you smile is a good one. 
“What did you get?” you ask him. 
“Oh, mine came from the boss man himself.” Peter reaches into his small gift bag, pulling out his prize. “Check this baby out.” 
Your smile stays in place, but you look genuinely perplexed. “A toothbrush?” 
“Not just any toothbrush.” He presses a button on the side, watching your face as a song begins to play from a small speaker. Baby, baby, baby, ohhhh…
Your mouth actually drops open before you cover it with a hand, giggles muffled into your palm. “Okay, wait, wait. I actually want that one now.” 
Peter hisses through his teeth, shrugging remorsefully. “Sorry, but I don’t think I can part with it. It’s too important to me. Anyway, you’ve got your slippers, and they suit you so well…” 
“Right, but” —You school your expression into solemnity. Peter has to work hard to suppress his own grin, thinking to himself that you look like a contestant on that Shark Tank show— “have you considered the potential of these slippers in your love life? I mean, I’ve already basically got it covered with my feet, but Peter…” You hold the slippers up, letting them dangle from a single finger. “These could be a real babe magnet.” 
Peter lets out a long exhale, pretending to consider it. “That’s true. I could use a little help on the dating front…” 
“You could,” you say sympathetically. 
“I mean, my looks on their own are hardly doing the job.” 
“It’s not your fault we weren’t all born naturally attractive.” 
“I am pretty plain…” 
“Homely, even. But that’s alright.” You hold the slippers out again. “That’s where these come in.” 
“Okay.” Peter feigns reluctance, handing over the toothbrush. “You’ve got a deal.” 
“Yes!” Every hair on his leg stands at attention when you put your hand on his knee, squeezing. You’re smiling beatifically. “Thank you, Peter. This means the world.” 
“Yeah, well, you’re doing me a favor too.” He sets his hand on top of yours, squeezing also. “Pleasure doing business with you.” 
Your eyes drop to your hand as if realizing where it is for the first time, and Peter pretends not to notice when your eyes flicker up to his, the teasing in them giving way momentarily to bashfulness. He got the best gift today, for sure. 
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revelboo · 4 months ago
I gotta know. Is there a whirl model? You whirl fic made me go digging my local library for the comics. And whirl is very much my fave.
Like. The giblins in my head coming up with stupid impulses, and Whirl instead of ignoring his outright listens to them.
I wanna be whirl.
Also honk honk love your writing
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Thanks! Whirl figures? There’s a couple versions floating around, but they’re a bit cursed
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IDW Whirl x Reader
• “I think we got off on the wrong ped,” he says, watching the human dangling from where he’s got you by the back of your coverings spin when you try to kick him in the face. Again. There’s something admirable about that unfettered level of anger. And the swearing. Like a little him, raging at the world. “It’s like looking in a squishy mirror.”
• Fear and anger tangling inside you, you’re wearing yourself out trying to hit him. But unfortunately your new friend learned his lesson and is holding you up and away from that giant optic. Falling into a sullen silence, you wonder if you can pull a shoe off and nail him in the face before he can dodge. It’s tempting. The shortest of the mechs at what seems to be an alien bar is watching you and your captor with an expression like he wants to intervene. Or maybe it’s more like a bystander gawking at a train wreck.
• “You can call me Whirl and I’ll call you Punchy.” And those eyes narrow, mouth opening and he waves his claws in from of your face to shush you. “Uh uh. How do you feel about small, cramped spaces. Specifically vents, Punchy?” Because his new bestie is just the right size to sneak into Brainstorm’s lab and, more importantly, let him in with all those untested and morally questionable weapons the lunatic has been making. It’s enough to send a shiver through him and warm his spark. He just needs to get around the bit where you get down from the vent to the floor without dying. Maybe some rope?
• Is he serious? Or just completely deranged, because the looks on the faces of the other bar patrons suggest deranged, but they’re still not moving to help you. “If you shove me in a vent, I’ll find a way to crawl under your plating and tear out your soft bits with my teeth,” you threaten not even sure if he has any soft bits, before giving in and lobbing a shoe at his face.
• “Careful, bestie. I might enjoy that,” he says, shifting his grip around your middle and slowly spinning in a circle. Watching your eyes squint shut, jaw clenching. You really are too cute, snarling at him to hide the fear. Just a little him, refusing to give up. Because to surrender is death.
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mediumgayitalian · 1 year ago
Will knows who it is at the first light brush on his shoulders.
He tips his head back back, bumping his boyfriend’s hip, leaning into the hand on his trapezius, his scapula, the base of his neck.
“Hi,” he says, grinning.
“Hi,” Nico says, leaning down to press his smile onto Will’s forehead. His hair tickles his cheeks, and he smells like woodsmoke and citrus, and Will slides his hand across his jaw and tugs him closer.
“Errand done?”
“Lord Hades pleased?”
“As much as he ever is.” Nico shifts, kissing the corner of his mouth, the curve of his chin, the shape of his jaw. “My ears are ringing from five days of quiet. Even the echoing sound of lost souls cannot compete with your constant blabbing; I hardly knew what to do with myself.”
“Oh, shut up. You love my chatterin’.” He smacks the side of Nico’s head, but it’s hard to play mad when he’s smiling, shameless, wide enough that his teeth nick Will’s cheekbones, that his snickers are muffled into his skin.
“If I wanted to be stuck with someone who yaps nonstop I would’ve stayed down with Cerebus. In fact he might shed less, and he doesn’t drool when he sleeps.”
“…I do not shed.”
Nico plants both hands next to Will’s head, heaving himself up, and scans his camp shirt. Within three seconds, he locates a strand of hair, pinches it off, and flicks it at Will’s face.
“Oh, for the love of — get over here,” Will demands. Laughing, Nico goes where Will tugs him, curling up next to him on the bench. “You’re such a shit. Normal people are much kinder to the significant annoyances they leave behind for five days, you know.”
“Are they.”
Nico lifts his arm in offering and Will accepts with relish, tucking himself under it and making certain to drag his curls down Nico’s face in the process.
“Yep. In fact I was expecting hand-written letters by day two, honestly, telling me how much you missed me and how the distance was physically painful, et cetera, et cetera. Maybe a sonnet or two. Italian, preferably, Elizabethan are not my favourite.”
“You’re very picky.”
Will sniffs haughtily. “Well, I’m a catch. You have lots of competition, you know. I was fighting them off while you were away but now that you come back and insult me upon reunion, I shall reevaluate my options.”
He feels more than hears the quiet laughter Nico presses in his hair, thumb brushing his collar, dipping onto bare skin.
“Is that so.”
“Indeed. My suitors have even offered a dowry quite handsome. I’m worth twenty-seven goats, didn’t you know.”
“Oh, well then. I might as well return what I brought for you, since I’m not sure I can outshine two dozen goats.”
The cool thing about being a son of Apollo is that Will has range. His dad is the god of arts, generally, up to and especially the dramatic ones. Will knows how to school his face into the perfect mask, how to smile on command and cry as desired, how to deliver a line and bow with a flourish. Playing a part comes as naturally as breathing, as naturally as healing.
“A present?” he asks, checking his nails as if the mere thought bores him. “That’s interesting, I guess.”
Nico doesn’t even bother to indulge him.
“Here, you massive dweeb,” he snorts. He hands over a small paper box, hand-folded and thin. “I can practically feel you vibrating.”
There is only one thing in this world, quite possibly, that Will likes more than proving Nico wrong, and that is letting his boyfriend spoil him. In all honesty it’s a real challenge sometimes, because Nico is really very good at being everything Will has ever wanted even if he has wrong opinions on most movies. Truly Will’s life is a joke at which the gods must howl with laughter.
Eagerly taking the box, he holds it up to his face, carefully inspecting every corner. The paper is regular printer paper, slightly waterlogged (from the Big House printer, then, ‘cause Will was carrying a giant bag of saline in from storage when he was eleven years old and tripped on the shipment of office supplies that someone had left, for some reason, in the middle of the fucking hallway, and the bag had exploded on impact all over four boxes of printer paper holding one thousand pages each) and carefully bent into shape. He recognises Nico’s handiwork from the dozens of origami paper sculptures he’s been gifted over the past few months.
“Open it.”
“What is it?”
Nico rolls his eyes. “What did I just say.”
“No, I mean — it’s not my birthday or anything.”
“So you’ve wrapped me up a present! I want to know why before I open it.”
“Just because,” Nico mumbles, pressing a kiss to his temples. “Not everything needs a reason, nosey.”
“If nothing had reason then we would still be premordial soup,” Will mutters, but pops open the lid anyway.
He gasps.
“Oh my gods, Nico, you —”
Nico’s smiling smugly, but Will barely notices. Inside the box is a black chain darker than shadow, so dark it doesn’t even glint in the heavy sun, and dozens of little charms, from polished obsidian to a ball of slowly flickering flame.
“You like?”
“It’s gorgeous!”
He makes a triumphant nose, pumping his fist, and says, “Fuck those suitors, I fucking win,” and the funniest part is that he’s damn serious. There’s a glint in his eye identical to when he wins a sword fight, to when Connor loses a bet to him, to when twenty-odd bets are stacked against him and he’s got a full house. Something dangerous and wild and superior and Will is not an enabler, okay, he is not, but he is only so strong and there is only so much he can do when pretty boys wrap their arms around him and smirk at him and bring him bracelets they made in the Underworld. He’d like to meet someone who wouldn’t fold, actually.
“There were no suitors, you loser,” he says, but he’s flushed, pleased smile stretched wide across his face, and Nico’s grinning that too-wide grin and tilting Will’s face closer with the edge of his thumb, like he barely had to try. And there’s always a little bit of shadow leeching off him when he comes back from a quest, an aura surrounding him like he’s squaring off to the sun, and of course the wild churning in Will’s stomach has nothing to do with that but what’s he to do, really? What is a warm-blooded person with eyes that can see to do when faced with such a look?
“Of course there aren’t. They know I would reap their actual souls.”
“Possessive, much.”
“You’re literally going red.”
“Shut up.”
And he does, but only because Will makes him.
Although judging by the hand he shoves in his hair, he doesn’t seem to mind.
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georgiapeach30513 · 25 days ago
With Your Touch, Part 9
Summary: Lloyd has a decision
Pairings: Lloyd Hansen X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, D/s dynamics, restraints, unprotected sex, creampie, teasing, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.2K
Series Masterlist
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“Lyla Bee,” you smile at the sweetest little baby you’ve ever seen. Her head turns to look at you. Her mostly gummy smile with two bottom teeth cheeses up at you. Lyla’s cheeks squish up so high that her eyes are squished as she giggles.
You give her smooshing kisses onto her cheeks over and over again, “Tell daddy good morning.”
“Lalalalalalala,” she repeats over and over again before cracking herself up in laughter. Looking back up before turning back towards you.
“No, tell daddy good morning.”
“Mamamamamamamamama,” more repetitive syllables, but not what you want her to say.
“You gotta tell daddy good morning.”
“Da!” She squeaks, smiling at you before looking back up. “Da! Da! Da! Da!”
“That’s my girl! You said it!” You can’t stop kissing over her squishy little cheeks, ready to cry at her being able to screech Da! Turning back towards the front you smile at your phone, “Good morning, daddy. Me and this sweet Lyla Bee had a late morning, huh?” Lyla jabbers along with you, telling her side of the story. Smart angel baby.
“But today we’re going to plan her first birthday, and I’m not taking no for an answer. I don’t care if it’s just us two and the baby girl, we’re having her a beautiful birthday. You could always invite Ari,” you know when he gets a chance to watch this video he’s going to be cocking up an eyebrow. He both loved and hated when you brought up his partner in crime.
“Tell daddy bye. We’ve got to make some breakfast for this bumble bee. Ooh! Note, maybe we should do a bumble bee theme for her birthday. Ooh, since daddy thinks you’re the queen bee, maybe that should be your theme,” Lloyd chuckles as he watches the video. You had said bye, and now are off on a tangent talking about her birthday that she wasn’t allowed to have because he didn’t want her to get older.
It had nothing to do with not allowing people to celebrate his daughter, and everything to do with keeping her this little and cute. And you look positively delectable being a mom. The things he wants to do with you once Lyla goes to bed is animalistic. He has claimed you in every way that he can think of. And your obedient self trusts him to not hurt you. Both physically and mentally. That thought fills him with so much pride and need for you.
He’s unaware if you know exactly how much power you hold over him, nor does he care. He doesn’t think you have it in you to be a manipulator. You hold the power, but you also guard it. Are protective in your way for Lyla and him. He’s never had someone be protective of him, and it makes him feel — things. Things he can’t fully comprehend.
“Are you watching that again?” Lloyd locks his phone, and glares up at Ari. His giant friend just smirks as he looks at him. “Oh, you’re acting like seeing that fine piece of ass with your daughter doesn’t turn you on?”
“She is a fine piece of ass, but she’s more. That’s not why I’m…”
“Yeah, you’re in love with her. You don’t have to tell me. It’s quite obvious, and I won’t say anything to anyone else. Your secret of being in love is safe with me,” Ari is aware that it’s not a prideful thing, it’s a protection thing for you and Lyla. The less people knew, the less you became a target, “What’s this I hear about sharing her with me.”
“I didn’t say that,” Lloyd glares at him. “It was a heat of the moment pillow talk.”
“Talking about my dick to your girl seems a bit weird, no? How is my dick making it into your pillow talk?”
“We are talking about our daughter’s first birthday. Not what I say to make her squirm,” Ari starts to open his mouth, and Lloyd makes a buzzing sound, holding up one finger. “Eh! If you can’t contribute to the plans of Lyla’s party, I want you to keep your flopping jaw closed.”
Ari chuckles, shaking his head. The teasing is definitely over. Lloyd can be funny when he gets flustered and pissy, but when it comes to you and Lyla, he’s insufferable. “So what are you going to do with Roman?”
“I want him to see just how in love, respected, and safe his daughter is,” Ari’s interest piques as he lifts his brows, and leans closer. “He thinks I am only using his daughter for sex, and while the sex is impeccable, there is more to us than that. And one day that beautiful woman is going to walk around with me, and I’m holding Lyla, and the other hand is on her swollen stomach. Roman will see the two of us in love, and realize that his daughter is worth more than he ever could have imagined, and that’s when I will destroy him. I will make him regret the day that he ever thought he or any man could make her feel inferior.”
Your submission should always be a choice, and not a demand of fear of retaliation. Roman was a bastard that treated you as a commodity. The Verb was a prick for thinking he could lay his hands on you. It didn’t bother him in the slightest that you hadn’t thought of a viable way to dispose of him. Maybe it’d do The Verb some good to see you growing with Lloyd’s seed. Give you something that he never would have been man enough to do.
Maybe seeing you happy could do him some good. Lloyd takes a deep breath as he leans back, “I’ve got the perfect idea.”
“Are you going to show The Verb a sex tape of you and your gorgeous Dolly?”
“Why are you calling her gorgeous?” Lloyd’s eyes narrow as he leans in closer to his friend. “She is.”
“I noticed,” Ari’s grin turns devilish as he leans back in his chair. “Just ravishing.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Oh, no. I saw you, heard you. Those teasing words. Are you looking for a third so early in your relationship?” Ari’s chuckle rumbles out of his chest as Lloyd rolls his eyes, and turns in his chair. “I mean, if you need help showing her how to get stuffed.”
“I don’t.”
“Then don’t offer what you won’t deliver,” the two men sit in silence for too long as Lloyd stares at nothing at all, and Ari just smiles at his friend. His irritation quickly turns into visions of Ari just watching your wrecked face. You are too much of a good girl to ever let him touch you, weren’t you? But making him watch you, Lloyd might be able to get on board with that.
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” Ari asks, interrupting Lloyd’s thoughts.
Ari nonchalantly shrugs. It is long past having this conversation with Lloyd. He couldn’t keep you and his daughter, and live this life. Lloyd has more money than he could ever want. Investing smart. Everyone knows the high life he enjoys having, he needs that security. “In five years, where are you in life?”
His eyes go blank. Visions of you, Lyla, another toddler girl, and a swollen belly dance in his mind. He’s with you every day. Away from the city, away from the killing and uncertainty. Just his family.
“Yeah,” Ari interrupts Lloyd’s train of thought, and he gets a pouting glare. “Just as I suspected. You realize the risk you give both of them by continuing this life.”
“This is what I know. And I didn’t ask for them — this.”
“Neither did they. But isn’t that how the best love stories start? Unexpected and raw, but also real?” Lloyd sighs, nodding his head. Yeah. It truly was the best love story. Completely unexpected, and the two of you knocked him off his feet, and made him feel things he never thought he would.
”Have you ever asked her what she wants? Surely she doesn’t just want to be an au pair,” Lloyd grunts. It’s the tenth time Ari has pissed him off in one conversation. “I’m sorry, a mom. What if she wants a bookstore, a flower shop, a…”
“She can have it,” Lloyd says with no hesitation.
“A coffee shop that the mister and missus run together. Lyla, busy helping when really she's just playing. A cute little baby bouncing around in a swing because you two can’t stand the thought of being away from each other. Or what was it you wanted to do when you were a boy? A professor,” Lloyd scoffs, rolling his eyes at the stupid ideas of a too young boy. Life happened, and he just rose up the ranks of the life of crime.
“I’m sure your pretty little wife would love to see you bend her over a desk. Punishing that pretty ass before you fuck her stupid.”
“Get out of my fucking fantasy,” both men release an airy laugh. Lloyd looks at the desk in front of him. He couldn’t continue on with this life. “I could do it, you know?”
“I know you could. Just as much as I can join your freakish little fucking games with your girlfriend. And I do mean fucking,” Ari gives Lloyd a wink, who returns the gesture by throwing a pen at him.
“Shut up.”
“You brought it up.”
“I was teasing her. Seeing her get all embarrassed and heated is,” Lloyd glares at Ari. “Oh, shut up! I like to see her squirm.”
“You have a sick need to humiliate, but she likes it,” Ari shrugs. Who is he to judge yours and Lloyd’s kink.
“Yeah, you don’t get to come home to her fucking a copy of my dick while I eat dinner,” his eyes grow distant again. Imagining his favorite show to watch while he eats. Seeing you get off, while simultaneously begging for his real cock, and to just fuck you is the best form of entertainment.
“You should invite me over one night,” Lloyd’s foot goes in between Ari’s legs. Connecting to the seat of his chair, he pushes the chair back causing an uproar of laughter from Ari. “You really are a bastard.”
“You offered!”
“I wasn’t serious.”
“It’s just new. You’ll change your mind,” Ari chuckles as Lloyd walks away from the conversation. Annoyed. Intrigued. Irritated. Turned on? No. Definitely not. Maybe not. Maybe a little.
Lloyd opens the door to his home, and quickly turns the alarm back on. It is too quiet. He worked late. Really it was having time to think about what Ari had questioned him about. Being your cute self, you left a dinner plate in the fridge. He isn’t hungry. Just hungry for you.
With a bit more gusto in his step he heads towards your bedroom. He’ll check on Lyla after he wakes you up with an orgasm. It’s been such a long day, and he could use something sweet on his tongue. The peaceful sound of your sleep sounds plays softly under the door.
Now, he could burst through the door, and wake you up with fear. He could crawl up the bed, and plant himself between your thighs, or he can make a trail of kisses up your body before he melts into you. Forgetting the work he does while basking in your warmth. It didn’t matter to him what he did because it was going to be with you.
Opening up the door, he slinks closer to the bed. Starting to peel off his clothes, until the most perfect and beautiful sight he’s ever seen comes into view. Lyla tucked so close to your body while your arm drapes over her. Cuddling the baby into your body. It’s cruel he didn’t get to fall asleep with the two of you.
Seeing just how quickly you took her into your life, and made her yours eases his darkened soul. You didn’t birth her, but you are the most integral part to her raising. He has missed so much time with her, and you. And each day he chooses to live in this life is another day that he misses his family. One day could potentially miss everything. The risk of the job is becoming too real for him.
He could miss her first sentences, her first steps without assistance, her personality coming through. He might miss out on her first day of school, the first person to break her heart, the first date. He shudders thinking of that aspect. Lloyd could risk the possibility of making more adorable babies with you. Forgoing the chance to have a family with you. The ability to give her siblings. It’s a risk he isn’t fully willing to take anymore.
He had too much here. Right in this bed is his life. Not the money, the thrills, the heavy rotation of women. This is the most comfortable and fulfilled he’s ever been. It isn’t worth it anymore. Ari is right.
“You could put on your pajama pants and get in the bed with us.”
“You could meet me in the shower.”
“Lloyd, the baby is sleeping,” playfully he sighs. He’ll take a quick shower, and get back to you. It isn’t worth it to stay away from you. Or her. How did he get here? To a time where he got excited about going home, or wanting to get to work late because he is too busy spending extra time with his girls.
His mind is set. He doesn’t need the job. Investments have been made. He can live an honest life. Maybe. The two of you could have a store. Or do absolutely nothing for a while. Just enjoy each other.
Stepping back into the bedroom, he slides into the spot behind you. His arm moves over your hip, and he lays a hand on Lyla. Her lips pucker out a bit before wiggling close to you, and you give her a kiss to her forehead. “You smell good,” you hum.
“Stop wiggling your ass on me.”
“But you’re warm, and smell good.”
“If you want to keep snuggling our daughter, you better quit. Because I will make you take her to her room, so I can fuck you long and hard,” gasping, you peek behind you to look at him. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not a threat.”
“Fine,” you exhale, starting to close your eyes again. It just feels so much more comfortable when Lloyd is in the bed with you. There’s a rightness to it.
“Is there anything you wanted to do before you got here with us?”
“An art gallery,” whispering, you give Lyla another kiss. It’s a simple answer, and if Lloyd did any light digging into your college degree, he’d know you wanted a life in the art world.
“I will buy you an art gallery,” you snort out a laugh, and his hand moves from Lyla to your breast, and he pinches your nipple. You bite your tongue to not make too much noise. “I’m serious. What if I let all this go? It’s just you and I. A very chic art gallery. Lyla growing up around this rich and creative life.”
“You’re serious?” Did he really say what you think he said? Give it all up.
“Yeah. I don’t think I can continue to be away from you. I’d like to think we’ll have another baby bee or two. I can’t do that if I’m dead. I don’t want to continue to bring all this ugly fear and possibilities into our home. I have enemies, and lots of them. I put you and our children in danger. I can’t have both that life and you. And it’s you and her that I have to choose.”
Lloyd’s face buries into your neck. Nipping along your sensitive skin. Feeling at ease with his decision. He’d get everything situated. He’d give you your dreams, since you have given him his. Being out of this life, and everyday with you, just makes complete sense.
“You sure you don’t want to put Lyla Bee in her bed?”
“No, hers seeping. And hers is really cozy and comfy and warm on her mommy.”
“I love hearing you talking like this,” he shifts slightly, placing his mouth at the shell of your ear. Exhaling just enough to awaken your core, “But I will wake you up with my dick inside you.”
“The baby,” your voice trembles as you try to remain still. You just never know with Lloyd. It’s what makes him so exciting.
“I’ll get her all cleaned up, fed, and in her own bed. I know why you have her in here with you. My needy sweet girl. You are so touch starved, and I love giving you attention. Especially touching you,” how are you supposed to fall asleep now? How can your body get turned on that quickly, and now how are you going just left to drift off. “Get some sleep. You’ll need it.”
“You can’t say things like that, daddy.”
Frustrating. He can whisper those things in your ear, setting you on edge. Making sure you wake up horny and ready to take him. Fine. You’ll just wait for when he gets Lyla fed and asleep in her own bed. Like he could be stealthy enough that you don’t wake up with them.
You failed.
You failed miserably. You slept through Lloyd waking up, and tending to Lyla, getting her in bed, all while you slept. “Lloyd! Untie me!” His grin turns sinister as he shakes his head no. “Daddy,” you make your voice weak, hoping it entices him to do just that. Not being able to hold him is just cruel.
“Don’t daddy me. You earned this. Do you remember your safe word,” narrowing your eyes, you nod once. “Then say it,” you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. “There’s my stubborn girl.”
His boxers are so tented. Straining from his hard length, and if he’s just going to stand there, making you drool over his cock that is pressing so hard against its confines then he is cruel. Your lower lip puckers out as you look down your body. At least you’re still dressed. “Daddy.”
“How much does she need me,” the infuriating thing about this man is his need to talk about you instead of to you. His knee presses into the mattress and yanks your thighs apart before crawling in between your legs. Noticing the glint from his knife too late as he cuts away your satin shorts, and moves up to your shirt. He could have just unbuttoned that. But why would he do the easy or normal thing? No, he just likes to cut them off.
“Shh, I’ll buy you some more,” he whispers, running the blade down the middle of your body. The icy coolness from the metal leaves chill bumps in its wake.
He peels the shreds off you, and drops them onto the floor, before his darkened eyes peer up at you, “No panties?” Your response is a glare. Wishing he’d just get a move on it. “Hmm,” he settles between your legs and gazes up at your weeping cunt. “What has got her so wet? My, my, my. She is soaked. I wonder if it’s me or just being tied up. Or,” he glances up at you with a murderous smile.
Sticking his tongue out, he licks a strip up through your center, moaning in satisfied hunger. “I knew it,” he does it again, but keeps his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he pulls up. A string of your arousal connects the two of you as he keeps those blackened eyes on you. “You’re ovulating.”
You shake your head no with a smile. He’s crazy. Insane. You are on birth control. “Are you so filled with lust you don’t even remember what we decided?” Oh. That. “We decided you would stop taking your pills. Now, here’s where we are now. The chances are higher for you to get pregnant. Before we get started, and you’re filled with desire and not brains, do you want me to come in your cunt, on you, or your mouth. It’s a big decision, I know.”
It is a big decision. Because his warmth inside of you feels so good. He snaps his fingers, “Don’t go into that space. You’ll get fucked regardless. But where am I putting my cum?”
“I don’t — I don’t want to decide.”
“Then I’m wearing a condom.”
“Because you aren’t in the right mind frame to make this decision. You’re acting on just your body‘s feelings,” he’s right. But there are other options of birth control. It doesn’t have to just be pulling out.
“Come in me, and then a morning after pill,” Lloyd nods towards the dresser. Of course he’d have one ready. “You’re not questioning me?”
“Why would I?” Yes, you get the contradiction. You stopped birth control, and now are using an alternative. But you just can’t think past wanting to feel him. “When you’re not tied up, and spread eagle, maybe you’ll think differently. But you just want me to fuck you and fill you with my seed, huh?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“I do really like looking at this pussy though. She looks gorgeous, all wet, and ready to take me. Lyla is dozing off with her lullabies playing and you are just ripe for the taking.”
“So take me,” your threat or warning, whichever, is enough for him to position himself. Lloyd runs his aching, throbbing cock through your folds, while you stare at him sheepishly. “I can’t touch you.”
“I just enjoy seeing you squirm,” he responds before crashing into your warmth with no warning. Leaving your head to lean back as the utmost pleasure of having his length fill you up with a sharp pain. Taking him is a hard task. “Don’t you ever get used to me, Dolly,” he grunts before pulling out, and spearing hard back into you.
You whine as he bottoms out. Jerking on your restraints as you try to ground yourself with his body. “It’s a bit of an effort,” he starts to pull out again, and slams into your wet heat. Your toes curl at such a harsh intrusion, and you want more. “But I still think your pretty little cunt was made to take me.”
His hips piston into you quickly. Over and over he pounds into your body, and you can’t do anything, but take it. Take his heavy cock. Take every inch of him. Every jolt of his body pushing into you, you take. “Such a good sweet girl. You’re not even arguing with me. You like my cock too much, huh?”
“Uh huh,” with that admission he fucks into you so hard you feel him in the depths of your soul. His body becomes one with you. The most vulgar way that you can think of to accept that the two of you are one. You are a team, never to be split. Together forever. This is the man that you will live for and die with. The man that will burn the world down if it means saving you and his family.
He’s it.
He’s everything.
And yes, you do take him so well.
Even the slight tinge of discomfort feels amazing as your cunt stretches to accommodate him. You will get to experience him, this life, a new life, all of it forever. Have more adorable babies. Have a life you’re happy in. A life you’ve dreamed about. Away from the violence and secrets. A life that you’ll be okay with raising a family. A life different than the one you were raised in.
This is it.
All you’ve ever wanted.
Right here in this home.
Right here in your body.
“Stay with me, Dolly. Don’t you go all dumb before I come inside you.”
“Daddy, I love you.”
“Love you, too, baby,” he’s so deep into your body, you feel his head swell as he empties his load into you. “Mmm,” you sigh as his warmth fills up your swollen pussy.
He leans forward to kiss on your forehead, while his hands undo your cuffs. Your arm drop free, and you pull him close to you. His lips still press warmly against your cheek as he starts to pull away. “Don’t go.”
“I was getting the pill.”
“It can wait,” he shuffles to lay beside you, but pulls you on top of him instead. “It can wait until next time.”
“That’s not how it works.”
“Then don’t worry about it.”
“What — changed your mind?”
“Just this once. Once a month,” his brow cocks up, and he smiles. “Once a month you get to have unprotected sex. The rest of the month, you pull out,” he says your real name, but you cover his mouth. “Unless you don’t want to. Then you can wear a condom,” Lloyd shakes his head. “Would you be okay with it if I happened to get pregnant?”
“Dolly, I’m okay with whatever you want to do. My life is yours, and pretty sure it has been since the first moment I saw you. I’m all yours. However you want this to go. Just don’t tell me to go away.”
“I’d never.”
And you wouldn’t. Not ever.
He is yours, and you are his.
And with your touch, you changed his entire world. His entire being.
The End, friend. Or is it...?
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @rnurse-kole @peaches1958 @seitmai
@smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989
@pandaxnienke @theinheriteddutchess @rainydayandmondays @buckybarnesisdaddy @patzammit
@xoxo-ls @rebeccapineapple @slutforchrisjamalevans @marvel-wifey-86 @jesevans
@ughdontbeboring @infantasywonderland @vampy-doll @i-like-to-read-13 @missacidburn928
@charmed-asylum @superflannel @hisredheadedgoddess28 @lostinspace33 @abbyyourlocalmilf
@saranghae012 @rogersbarber @tas-renee @kmm-fluv
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princessbrunette · 1 year ago
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thinking about being that one young mother that had a baby when she turned 20, and now walks around with the cutest toddler on her hip that looks just like her.
when it all went down you were isolated, abandoned by most of your friends and family. people talked about you, because that’s just how things were in the obx— word spreads and people judge. but never jj maybank, jj knew what it was like to be judged for his situation.
he’d always thought you were cute, and always defended you to those who had cruel words to say about your life, even thought he hadn’t really talked to you much since high school.
after the storm, he offers to do your groceries for you and deliver them. it was the least he could do, as everyone had taken a hit and you were already struggling. he was chatty, and to a girl who felt alone that was the best thing he could be. he’d swing by, carry all the bags up to the sixth floor of your apartment building when the elevator wasn’t working because no one around was paying generator money. your baby girl was always happy to see him, a giant toothless grin spreading on her face when he’d walk in, clumsily dropping whatever toy she was teething on and waving her fat fist in the air as greeting.
you’d smile from the sidelines as he’d gasp, elated each and every time — bending at the knees right infront of her. “there she is, the cutest toddler in the whole world. what we playing with today, huh? is that hello kitty? you know you’re just like your momma.”
he was charming, and you’d soften at the way he was with her. which is how you ended up looping him in to help you with just about anything else when he offered. complaining about car trouble? he’s telling you that he’ll take a look and fix things up for you. if he walks in and sees you struggling with some ikea furniture on the floor, best believe he’s staying an extra hour or so to set it up for you. he even uses his mastery in acting and manipulation for you on the landlord when the slight mould problem on the bathroom wall still hasn’t been fixed. it was nothing to him, he wanted to help. more so, wanted to be around you.
his favourite way to help you came later on in your ‘friendship’, on nights where your baby was allowed to stay with her dad. you’d always hated those nights, too used to her being around, too worried about her. it took you everything to not pick up your phone and text your babydaddy for the fifth time that evening just to check everything was okay. to stay occupied, you text jj — invite him over on a whim.
he turns up with a toolbox, thinking there’s something he needs to fix but instead finds you pacing your kitchen with a glass of red wine. jj being jj, knows just what to do upon hearing your predicament. you needs to relax, take your mind off things for a bit — which is how he ends up with his arms wrapped around your legs, with you naked and slightly tipsy sat on his face. after letting you grind your slippery cunt on his mouth he’s rolling you onto your back to finish the job, knowing you just need someone to take control to get you out your head.
“just gotta relax for me, mama. ‘think some you time is very much needed huh? want you to turn that brain off for once, okay. just… trust someone. let papa do the thinkin’, yeah?” he soothes you as he holds your thighs open, hole drooling and clenching around nothing.
“always look a—after me, jj.” you’re a little emotional, one mewl from crying but he understands. you must’ve had no idea how badly you needed this.
“i know. always will, uh— if you’ll let me.” he pulls his lips from you for a second to look up at you sincerely, backwards hat still shoved on his head.
“yeah.” you whisper and he grins, adjusting the cap in question before heading back down.
“well alright then. let’s get this pretty thing cummin’, how ‘bout that?”
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rcmclachlan · 3 months ago
okay, so if you’re not writing the aquarium scene in the 118/217 scheming fix-it (god i love this) can you at least share what mishap and or shenanigan gets them banned from the aquarium?? (since you mentioned it in the tags i assume you picked one!)
The aquarium is Christopher's idea, because getting Buck and Tommy back together is the one thing he and Eddie can talk about without it devolving into shouting or week-long silences that make Eddie want to put his fist through his living room wall.
So if plotting to interfere in the open bear trap that is his idiot friends' breakup gets him an hour of uninterrupted screen time with Chris three times a week? He'll meddle in a way that would make even his abuela say, "cariño, that's a little much." He'll change his legal middle name to el metiche.
"Buck used to take me to see the otters when I was younger; they're his favorite. But the exhibit has been closed for a year because they've been redoing it," Chris says, then texts him a link to the aquarium website. "The big reopening is next week. If someone asked Buck to take Jee-Yun, he wouldn't be suspicious."
"Chris, you're a genius," Eddie says, a little awed. His entire body aches to reach through the laptop screen and across state lines to pull his kid into a hug, but all he can do is sit on his hands and hope his face shows all the love he feels.
A small, but genuine grin unfurls on Chris's face. "That's not news, dad."
Eddie decides to take the aquarium idea to what Chimney keeps calling the weekly 118-217 Shadow Summit to see if the rest of the group thinks it holds water—no pun intended—and is extremely offended when Dana gives him a slow blink and says, "That's actually not bad. Who came up with it?"
"Is it that hard to believe it was my idea?"
Dana presses the rim of her wine glass to the sly, crimson curve of her mouth. With her victory rolls, winged eyeliner, and tattoos, she looks like the winner of a car show pinup contest. She also looks like an evil queen out of an old school Disney movie. At least five people in their general vicinity look like they'd thank her if she force-fed them a poisoned apple or turned into a giant dragon.
Eddie reaches into the bowl of popcorn by his elbow and throws a handful of it at her. She just takes a sip of her wine and serenely lets the kernels bounce off her.
"Knock it off before I put you both in a time out." Lucy drains the dregs of her beer and says to Chimney, "Having Buckley take your kid is the perfect excuse—she's, what, two? Three?"
"Five," Chim says with the heartache of a man whose baby is almost old enough to rent a car. "As long as we don't tell my wife that Jee's playing the part of the cutest MacGuffin ever in this little plot, we should be good. But how do we get Tommy there?"
"Short of planting a bomb in the penguin tank, I can't think of a reason Mr. Nature Boy himself would ever voluntarily go." Hen roots around in the popcorn bowl for the kernels with the most butter. "Actually, he might be thrilled if we did that. I don't think he likes birds very much."
Dana lifts a brow. "I smell a story."
"Does it smell like KFC?" Chim pops a pretzel in his mouth and chews loudly, grinning. "Once we've adjourned the cabal for the evening, remind me to tell you about Maurice."
Eddie doesn't know Nico very well—he can't get a read on the guy to save his life—but the smug smirk he's sporting looks entirely out of place. Nico takes the last mozzarella stick off the platter they'd ordered to share and puts it between his teeth like a cigar. He looks like the world's lamest oil baron.
Eddie looks at Dana in askance. Wordlessly, she plucks a piece of popcorn out of her hair and throws it at him. It nails him right between the eyes.
"Let me handle Kinard," Nico says. "I'll get him there, no problem."
To his credit, Nico does get Tommy to the aquarium the day of the sea otter exhibit grand reopening. And thanks to Chimney planting Chris's idea in Buck's head at the start of their next shift, Buck does take Jee-Yun.
Unfortunately, their paths never cross, because while the penguin habitat doesn't explode, the sea jelly gallery does, completely flooding the first floor. When the aquarium is forced to evacuate everyone, Buck and Jee-Yun end up at the Chili's down the street, while Tommy ends up riding in an ambulance with an old woman who gets stung by a box jellyfish.
"I don't understand how this happened!" Lucy shouts, keeping her fingers on the ankle pulse of a man in the middle of an allergic reaction to a lilliputian jelly sting as Hen and Chim pump him full of epinephrine and then start administering compressions.
Eddie would help, but he's carrying three kids—two in his arms, one on his back—through shin-deep water to safety while attempting to dodge all the bluebottles floating on the surface. Dana glides past him to get the next group of kids waiting to be rescued, not a hair out of place. She looks like a fucking mermaid. He's gonna trip her the next time they pass each other.
Annoyed, Lucy casts around and then asks, "Has anyone seen Nico?"
Just in time for the man himself to sedately walk through the pandemonium, two bewildered penguins tucked under his arms like purses. He smiles brightly. "Hey, did Kinard pass through here, by any chance? Phase two of my plan is ready to go."
Eddie stares at him. "What was phase one?"
He never does find out what exactly phase one entailed, but it's enough to get them permanently banned from the aquarium for life.
"If you ask me, the punishment so does not fit the crime," Nico says, digging an elbow into Eddie's side as he jostles for room in the back of Athena's squad car.
Eddie says nothing. He's too busy mentally composing the short-answer portion of his application for the El Paso Fire Department, although, in the end, it doesn't matter. He completely forgets everything he plans on writing when Athena slides in, glances in the rearview mirror, and shouts, "Those better not be penguins in my back seat, Edmundo Diaz!"
He and Chris spend two hours talking about it during their next call, so Eddie calls it a win.
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mintmatcha · 18 days ago
Okay but now I really really really wanna know what happens with Bokuto!
Also, hi Mint :)
tw: blood, biting, vampire stuff
The hallway between your apartment and his is only a couple of feet long. You knock five times, in your own special rhythm so Kuroo knows it's you. It's only bee-
The door is swung open before you can even finish a thought. Behind it is not the man you've been 'seeing', but one of his roommates, a taller, thicker man with salt and pepper hair. He's still young, not a single crease on his face to define his age, but his body is full and mature, capped shoulder muscles and rounded biceps fully visible under his shirt.
"Oh!" he blinks, surprised. "Hey! You!"
"Me!" you agree. "I think I left my sweater here. Have you seen it?"
You absolutely left your sweater here, completely on purpose. As you were thinking earlier: it's only been a couple of weeks since you had started seeing your neighbor - a raven haired Kuroo - but things had been progressing nicely. You were constantly coming up with little excuses to see each other in the evenings, even if Kuroo was slightly...
It's not that he's distant. No, he's surprisingly earnest and sweet. There's just moments that he starts to fade away, pull from your connection...
"Oh, um." Bokuto looks around. His hair is still wet, as if he's just showered. He almost looks guilty-- maybe he doesn't want to be alone with his roommate's thing. "Kuroo's not here right now. but...
There's a giant hesitation. It's so unlike him; Bokuto is so headstrong, so confident. You don't know if you've ever see him pause before, but he's gesturing inside before you can dissect the moment. "Yeah, we can look! Come in."
"Kenma gone too?" you say as you step inside. It's actually fairly nice for an all guy's apartment. Simple decorations, a tiny couch. All of the blinds are drawn tight.
"Yeah, they're out."
"Must be nice to have the place to yourself."
Bokuto tilts his head to the side with wide, yellow eyes and you suddenly feel very, very seen, like a rat caught in the attention of an owl.
"I'm just happy you're here."
Fear washes over you, a cold chill that runs down the back of your neck. You don't know why you feel it, but it releases from deep, deep inside you, welling up at Bokuto steps forward.
He's not a stranger to you. Everything you know about him is kind and sweet and true-
The moment Bo's body collides with yours is the moment you realize something is seriously wrong. It's like a brick wall has slammed into you, catching your chest and nearly flattening your ribs. The air puffs out from your lungs in surprise, only for a cold, awaiting mouth to slot itself against your lips the second they part. It feels like he's breathing in your exhale, capturing the absolute essence of the moment-
Instinct. It was instinct that warned you. Something in his eye, something in the stress of his shoulders.
The power imbalance between you two is too great. Your muscles flex hard, but there's an inescapable strength, an immovable force that holds you back, presses you against the wall.
His eyes are still so yellow, pupils blown out ad his face inches closer to yours. You slam your head backwards, so hard your vision spins-
"Bo-" you plead. "Bo, what are you doing?"
His lips meet your cheek, touch so gentle you almost don't believe it. It's a stark contrast from his unyielding body-
Then, pain, as his teeth clamp down. The sensation sears through you, burning every nerve in your body as his teeth somehow clang into yours through the cheek itself. When you jerk, you feel the flesh rip, gliding open as if cut by a scapel. Your legs flail off the ground, body suspended against the wall by sheer force as he tugs and rips and drinks.
That's what's eerie. That's what terrifies you. Despite how you panic, Bo stays calm, his throat bouncing with tiny little gulps. He's drinking from you. He's draining you.
Then, the fear starts to fizzle. You feel it in your heartbeat first; the pounding suddenly slows, thumping hard, yet temperate. It comes with a warmth, something dripping down your spine like molasses, thick and dreamt and sweet. It settles in your muscles, unwinding them carefully. You can feel your fists unballing, your legs settling in.
Bo's grip relaxes too. You both melt to the floor, Bo's clamp on your face unhinging.
"I'm so sorry," he says. Somehow, red is smeared across his face and through his hair. His eyes are wide, almost drunk with want, as he dips back into you, much lower this time.
"It's okay-" It doesn't hurt anymore. Not in the slightest. In fact, you might like the sensation, might miss how his fangs fit in your skin-
"I'm so sorry-" Bo whines again. "I'm so hungry, I can't-"
You somehow manage to lift your arm and bring it to the back of his head. Why were you ever afraid? Your brain is foggy with it all. This is Bo, your Bo, sweet Bo.
You guide him back into you, until his lips meet the swell of your breast.
This time, when his teeth slide into you, your back arches into it, pulling yourself closer. When he drinks, the swallow is deep, with a full mouth of you.
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mx-your-name · 1 year ago
His Goddess
Possessive!Adam x Goddess!Reader
Warning: Yandere theme, Possessive Adam, nothing really about murder besides Adam’s dead and Sinners
Prompt: You are both of the goddess of Creation and Destruction
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-It started off as you making a meeting of you and the rest of the gods and goddess about certain things that need to be taken care of and made a full balanced out scale so nothing could get destroyed or messed up.
-You were running a bit late since you had others to deal with.
-Your advisor who was the one to help out with your schedule had you do some stuff almost making you fully late to the meeting that you had set up.
“No! I told you! We need to act now! Heaven and Hell are going to destroy each other!” A female yelled. She was wearing a flowy white outfit, short white sleeves that stayed on her shoulder and across her chest making a big V shape. A cut on each side of the dress on each side of her legs so they could stick out. Some gold draped over her waist with a white blindfold over her eyes representing her covering her eyes so wouldn’t be able to cheat on the winning side. There was a scale on the table beside her where she could determine on what side to decide to choose from. A lion next to where she sits at the table. This was Themis the goddess of Justice and Law.
“I say they continue, it’s the only way to figure out the war! They need to sort this out themselves, we cannot interfere with anything or that’ll mess up everything that he built up! And they are to know nothing about our existence!” A male shouted back across the circular table from her. He was wearing mostly full armor and a helmet, he had a spear that slid into the chair arm rest that he sat on so he wouldn’t have to keep holding it. A red cape that fell behind him against his back. His shield that he always carried around next to him. There was mostly red and dark red on his clothes which represented the blood and violence. This was Ares the god of War and Courage
“Well we need to decide something or they'll be with each other and there won’t be anyone else any longer!” Themis responded back, her lion growling at the god of War. “I say that it goes on! They can decide their own damn fate with you determining what to happen with your stupid scale!” Ares remarked back, a tick appearing on his head as Themis gritted her teeth in anger. “Oh I can’t watch this! Why can't we all get along and love each other..” a male muttered to himself, he was wearing a white sash that goes over his body covering everything up. Giant white wings on his back that were against his back. This was Eros the god of Love and Desire, or as others call him Cupid.
Placing his fingers up his face pressing one against his mouth, as he glanced between the two who were fighting about the situation at hand. He sat beside the goddess of justice on the right side of her. A sigh comes from across Eros as he looks over to see a female that had a bird on her arm as she fed it. She was wearing a green draped dress that went down to her ankles, some green vines snaking around her head and on top of her head forming a flower crown that grew from the vines and bushes. This was Demeter the goddess of Nature and Fertility.
“What do you think about this matter, Demeter?” Eros asked, smiling a gentle closed smile. “I honestly don’t care about it unless it involves me, Eros. After all there’s really nothing we can do without interfering with what's happening between them both.” Demeter said, being fully honest about everything she stated. Eros felt his cheeks turn red, a bit admirable of the woman in front of him.
“Who cares what you think! I’m the god of War! And I say let it happen, how else did I solve my situation?” Ares slammed his hands on the table as he stood up glaring at Themis who also got up from her seat. “That doesn't mean anything! We need to stop it! And who cares about the war you’ve been through? You wanted to be in that war! And you know it!” Themis commented, anger written on her face.
Ares was going to resort back but was cut off by a loud voice enough in through the room. “That’s enough for both of you!” All attention went to you who was at the head of the table, Ares on your right and Themis on your left with Demeter next to Ares and Eros next to Themis. Both of them muttered sorry with a bow, immediately sitting back down after that.
You wore a long white and gold cloak that would almost reach the ground with a white looking dress that reached to the ground practically dragging against it. It wasn’t bigger than your height, instead it was made that way to shrink or grow depending on the height you wanted to go along with the same thing with the other gods and goddesses. Your black boots covered by the clothing, taking a seat as you started talking. You were the goddess of Creation and Destruction.
Everyone nodding their heads as they look at you, “Now let’s discuss what the situation is at hand. The heaven exterminators that have been killing sinners.” Glancing over at everyone then continuing on. “Does anyone have any ideas on what we should do about this at hand?” Questioning as you look towards Ares first letting him speak.
“I believe that we should just let them figure out their war against each other. If we intervene at all it could mess up everything and everyone would also find out about our existence which is supposed to stay a secret.” Ares explained knowing what might happen if you all stopped everything or tried to reveal yourselves. Nodding your head at the end of his words, “I see.. Themis? What do you have to say about this?”
“I think, sorry. I know that this is an incredibly stupid idea! If we don’t do anything then we are gonna have to keep reincarnating every single person that dies at the hand of the angels or they get completely wiped from this world of their existence! We’ve already had over 500 sinners dead since the last five extermination.” Themis went on, she was one to be level headed but at this point her patience was running thinner and thinner.
Letting out a hum as you quickly snapped your fingers making tea appear in front of everyone in the room. “Drink some tea and calm down Themis. You too Ares. Yelling isn’t gonna get anything done correctly.” You told them, Themis letting out a breath and drinking some of your tea as Ares just grumbles but doesn’t say anything else. “[Name], if I may speak up. I think we should be focused on those IMP’s right now. They’ve been destroying everything on Earth and killing people after people without a care in the world.”
Demeter spoke calmly, looking over at you as she pet her bird that sat on her finger. “Ah yes that was another problem I was going to discuss. Thank you for reminding me Demeter. Now about the IMP’s I think we should-” getting cut off by your words when a loud thud was heard at the other end of the room in front of the giant door. Everyone's head snaps towards the door, as the person who distrusted the meeting. You knew everyone would never intrude during the meetings especially even go near the room.
The person stood up grumbling looking around the room to see it was quite large, vines climbing up the walls to represent Nature, heart shaped lighting to represent Cupid, knight armor to represent War, scale alongside the walls to represent Justice, and nice interior design made from Creation. Getting a better look at the male face who looked at the five of you. Demeter eyes widened in surprise, Ares sprinting out his drink on accident eyes wide, Themis jaw was on the floor at who the male was, and Eros was freaking out.
You on the other hand were also surprised but shocked on how this could’ve happened. “Is… is that..?” Eros started, pointing his finger at the male who was shocked at your guy's height being even taller than him. “Who the fuck are you guys?” You recognized that look, clearing your throat as you softly smiled. “Welcome, Adam. Though I must ask what are you doing here? You aren’t supposed to be up..here.”
You spoke smoothly, staring down at him with your eyes peering at him. “Oh I don’t know. I got fucking stabbed and killed! Where the hell am I?” He said sarcastically, everyone was whispering to themselves on what to do since no one besides them and their workers are supposed to be up high on these levels. Not even Sera was allowed up here. “Well if you must know you’re in the Tower of Heaven, Adam. Or as other people know it is the highest power that’s above where Gods stay and observe both heaven and hell.”
You explained guestering to the gods and goddess that sit at the table in front of him. Getting up from your seat as you go over to where Adam was three times divided by your height. Sitting down on your knees, scooping him up into your hands lifting him up to your eye level. Adam took a step back from how tall you and the others loomed over him.
“I sincerely apologize. I wasn’t expecting how this is how our first encounter would go. Especially when meeting you, Adam.” You apologized, smiling gently at him. “Uh-huh.. so this place is what? A fucking place for you tall ass gods? There’s no fu- sorry, way that there’s more than one god.” Crossing his arms, a pink blush lightly across his face that was very light for anyone to see. But Eros could feel the slightest of love coming from where Adam is standing, silently squealing internally.
“Yes, he is indeed the original and the most powerful but we’re the gods who represent other things. Eros is the god of love, Demeter the goddess of nature, Ares the god of War, and Themis the goddess of Justice.” You said adjusting Adam into one hand so he wouldn’t fall, pointing at every single god in the room who greeted him in a simple head nod, a wave, or just a simple hello. “And what are you the goddess of? Being hot and sexy?” A smirk was on his face as he looked up at you, placing a hand over your mouth as you let out a laugh.
“No no. I’m the goddess of creation and destruction. I’m mostly second in command of all the gods and demigods.” You told him, placing him back down on the ground. Once he was on it you stood up to your full height which was about 40 feet tall. With a snap of your fingers the whole room shifted into a normal sized room so everything wasn’t so big for the first man. Your once 40 foot tall figure is now around ten tall along with the other good and goddess in the room.
“They're much better, so you won’t have to keep looking up at us,” you joked laughing a bit.
-After that encounter and when the meeting was over you had taken a stroll around the place with Adam explaining why he was here and not back in heaven. Your reasoning being that once someone ACTUALLY die you were either completely deleted or reincarnated by the hands of you guys
-But since it was THE Adam he was able to stay here and observe people and do whatever he wanted. Though he wouldn’t be able to go back to heaven since that would mess up everything
-Time continued to pass and during that you and Adam would get closer and closer each passing day
-He felt like he was falling more in love everytime he saw you or when you talked.
-You were single to so it was a plus for him
-He’d be the more possessive type of lover, as day passed he felt the need to stay by your side no matter what
-Whether it was a gods meeting, you in your office, checking up on heaven, hell, and Earth, or just strolling around the garden enough the view of everything
-Wherever you went he went. And where he went you went. Since this is gonna have to be a two way thing, after all your lovers friends
-Eros felt the love come off from Adam whenever he was near which was every second
-Not only did Eros the god of love feel the love but he felt the love was more possessive and a bit obsessive but more on the possessive side
-He didn’t care about it since it was still love
-Not much between the Dickmaster and Cupid; the first man doesn’t really like how he talks about love especially with you but when it’s someone else it’s cool with him just stay away from you and then the two of them will be cool
-Demeter didn’t really feel the need to get to know Adam since she knew everything about him but respected him enough as another demigod like god of sea, god of animals, etc, etc
-Ares oh geez don’t let those two stay in a room too long all they're gonna talk about is the war that they were in. Ares being the non stop against humans and other gods while Adam was against the sinners in hell
-Ares respected Adam, and Adam respected Ares back
-Themis and Adam is a completely different level of dislike
-Not like Themis HATES Adam or anything just doesn’t.. trust him
-How could she when her scale is always lower on one side than the other? And it wasn’t the good side
-Sometimes it’s balanced
-Now back to the two of you! You could care less on what Adam thinks of you if it was a lover, friend, family, or whatnot
-You were a goddess of creation and destruction you could do anything you want
-You also made Adam his own room in an instant once he had came to the Tower of Heaven
-It wasn’t ever used. Adam always slept in your room after the his first week stay and getting to know you better
-Adam has apologized multiple times for cursing in front of you or the other gods when getting a glare or look that told him to not say any of those words. He started using it less and less but still uses it time to time when with you, you didn’t say anything about it much unless he was cussing WAY to much
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