ashipiko · 6 months
so how’s that new misumi card a3! nation
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up 🎈
Hi I hope you are well in this time of confusion! I wanted to say I really like your account, and I was hoping you could do a match up for me!
Umm… I am a pretty weird contradiction haha. I am an INFP-T so I like my alone time, I’m also a Libra. It usually takes me a while to open up unless you somehow catch me on a weird day or if I topic I really like comes up, in that case good luck shutting me up. Once you get to know me, I am really friendly and sarcastic. I have a hard time controlling my emotions and I can be pretty impulsive if I don’t watch myself. My favorite season is winter because everything is peaceful. 
I’m Chinese-American I was born in the US and my parents taught me Chinese. I really like reading and watching anime. I am sorta musically inclined, I play piano and sing in my school’s chamber group. I also play soccer I’m the goal keeper and that consists of me yelling at my teammates, but apparently they like it because I’m the captain. 
Thank you!
Hi there love! i hope you are doing well 💎! Thanx so much for your kind words dear <3 Thank you so much for the request and i hope you enjoy it, love ^_^
SO I match you with…………………… Kenshin
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You’ve been in Azuchi for a while now, and you were adapting really well. You made quick friends with Mitsuhide and Nobunaga. You hadn’t really reached the point yet with them where you completely opened up but you were definitely fond of them. Although you were still a little shy and reserved around them. You kept mostly to yourself and performed your duties as Chatelaine well. You were loved by all the staff and warlords, they loved the friendliness and warm vibes you brought into the castle.
One morning Hideyoshi came to your room for tea and to share some bad news with you. He had informed you that the dragon and tiger were rumored to still be alive. Honestly, you didn’t know what this meant, and only after Hideyoshi explained the backstory did a shiver go down your spine. The bad news was that if they truly were alive, then the Oda forces would have to go to war. Hideyoshi gave you a reassuring pat and said that the second part of the bad news was that you were to attend the next war council. 
You attended the council feeling a bit nervous. TBH everyone was a bit on edge with hearing the rumor. Nobunaga proclaimed that he himself wanted to scout and see if the rumors of their existence were true or not. Everyone was a little shocked. Even more so when Nobunaga decided on a whim to bring you along. Of course, you did not want to come along, but who were you to argue with the great Nobunaga. Hideyoshi had come to your room that evening to help you pack, and of course Mitsuhide had to come along as well to give you a “pep talk.” In the morning, you Nobunaga and Mitsuhide headed out to go and scout Echigo. The journey was long and filled with the two men teasing you. You coulnt help but smile at your friends and throw in a few of your own sarcastic remarks which surprised them. The three of you were disguised as street performers as a cover to enter into the city. You passed the city gates with ease and let out a breath of relief you didn’t know you were holding in. Nobunaga looked back at you and smirked.
Once you guys arrived at the market place in Echigo, Nobunaga stated that he and Mitsuhide was off to scout and that you were free to keep yourself busy. He then strode off; Mitsuhide gave you some money and a map to the inn that the three of you were to stay at that night, and he to was off. You were now standing alone in the middle of the street. You signed and began walking through the market. It was by no means as big and booming as Azuchi but it was nice and peaceful. 
As you were looking around, a soldier stopped you and asked you to perform for him. You were super confused. He definitly looked like a bit of a creepo, he then drew his sword and said that if you did not perform, he would have you locked up and thrown in the dungeon. Mitsuhide had warned you to be careful as people did not look kindly on performers in this time. You were freaking out, like what did this dude expect you to do. He raised his sword intending to cut you down for being suspicious when a black blur moved in front of you and gracefully blocked the soldier’s attack. The soldier’s eyes went wide when he saw who had blocked his sword. He got down on one knee and bowed his head, defending his actions by accusing you of being suspicious. Your savior simply narrowed his eyes and warned the man to leave if he valued his life. 
Your knees gave in, and you were now crouched down on the ground-hugging your knees. “You woman come with me.” You were so scared you couldn’t even move. Kenshin then crouched down before you and offered you his hand. You looked into his eyes and saw nothing but kindness. He gently took you small hand in his big hands and started leading you to a teahouse. You were still in a state of shock. Kenshin then ordered you some tea to calm you down. He didn’t know why he felt so attracted to you. Or why he was now sitting here with you trying to calm you down. As you calmed down, you managed to really look at the man who saved you. If winter were a person, then this man would be him. He was absolutely stunning. You sipped on your tea, trying to hide the blush that had formed on your cheeks from sneaking glances at the winter prince. The two of you didn't really talk, just stare at each other. Once you had finished your tea, and he walked you back to the inn you were staying at. He looked into your eyes once more gave you a small smile, bid you farewell and left. Not many words were exchanged, but he definitely caught your attention
The a few days later, you were back in the market walking around when you spotted the man who had saved you a few days prior. He was talking with another man who looked vaguely familiar to you, until things clicked. SASUKE! You ran up to the two of them and greeted your friendly neighborhood ninja friend. You then turned to Kenshin and thanked him for saving your life and calming you down. You were so freaked out that day that you realized that you hadn’t even thanked him yet. Sasuke looked at Kenshin and saw something he hadn’t seen since he started working for Kenshin. A soft, gently look with a small whisper of a smile gracing his lips. Sasuke was determined to play matchmaker, never had he seen his lord interested in any woman before. Much less call one by her name, he would usually just address them as woman. He decided the best way for the two of you to get to know each other was by inviting you to a banquet. Plus Sasuke would give anything to see the shock on everyone’s faces at seeing the famous God of war with a woman. You didn’t have any time to decline as he was now dragging you and Kenshin back to Kasugayama Castle.
You were feeling a bit awkward sitting beside Kenshin and sipping on some sake. Sasuke introduced you to all his friends in the castle. They like the oda forces were filled with a variety of different character. After he introduced you to everyone, you quietly retreated to where Kenshin was sitting. You didn’t know what it was about him, but you enjoyed the peaceful vibe he gave off. Noting felt forced with him, and the silences were always comfortable. The two of you sat in silence until a little bunny made its way up to Kenshin and hopped onto his lap, and then another and then another. Soon he was surrounded by sweet little bunnies. You couldn’t help but smile, and when Kenshin looked at you, his breath caught. He gave you a soft smile in return and asked if you would like to pet one. You were awestruck by his smile. Who knew the bunnies would spark you to open up so quickly to Kenshin. You were now having a full-blown convo with the bunny warlord. You had discovered the two of you had so many things in common, and you spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing away with the feared god of war. The looks of shock and disbelief that surrounded to two of you didn't go unnoticed but you honestly couldn't care less cause you were having the time of your life.
Kenshin especially enjoyed your sarcastic side, especially when it was aimed towards Shingen, you would throw a sarcastic remark his way whenever he would try and use his pickup lines on you. Kenshin definitely had developed a soft spot for you, even though he had only known you a few days. That night it was also the first time the people of Kasugayama Castle had seen Kenshin genuinely smile or even talk to a woman and they were all silently rooting for their lord. 
You were having such a good time chatting and laughing that you may have had a bit too much to drink and was now in no state to walk back home. Before Kenshin could even offer you a room for the night, you slumped down, with your head was comfortably resting on his shoulder. Kenshin couldn’t help but smile and pull you into his arm. The rest of the evening you spent cradled in his arms with you head resting on his chest. 
You woke up that morning in an unknown room. Before you could even freak out, you saw an army of bunnies surrounding you. You couldn’t help but smile at the cute bunnies who were now waking up along side you and cuddling closer to you. A maid came to get you and bring you to Kenshin’s room, where the two of you had breakfast together. You really enjoyed his company, and even though the two of you had not known each other long, you couldn’t help but fall in love with him. You were ruled by your emotions, and you impulsively proclaimed your love over breakfast. 
Kenshin gave you a soft smile. He was so happy that you felt the same way as he did. Before the two of you could even celebrate your new love, Sasuke burst through the door, announcing the arrival of unexpected visitors. As the two of you walked into the audience hall, you saw a very unhappy looking Mitsuhide and a very smug-looking Nobunaga. “So, I see my fireball has fallen for the very dragon we came to hunt down.” 
Kenshin didn’t care that you were an oda princess, or that the two of you were technically enemies, he simply wrapped his arms around you and death stared Nobunaga. This may have been an impulsive decision on your part, but nothing felt more right in your whole life. The four of you spent the whole day chatting and trying to come to an agreement when finally, a decision was made. Nobunaga didn’t want to give up his fireball that easily, but he wanted what was best for you. He after all had a soft spot for his lucky charm. They decided that as long as you were happy in Kasugayama, you were allowed to stay, but if you chose to come back to Azuchi, you would be welcomed with open arms. They also said that if Kenshin ever hurt you they would hunt him down and kill him for making their precious princess sad.
 Nobunaga and Mitsuhide were invited to attend a peace banquet that evening to celebrate your new life with Kenshin and to say goodbye. Even though the two sides were enemies, both vowed to do whatever it takes to ensure your happiness and not to involve you in any future wars. That morning you saw your friends off with a smile. Once they were out of sight you turned to Kenshin and gave him a small kiss, beaming up at him. He took your hand in his and the two of you walked back to the castle.
You love Kenshin so much, and you found that the two of you balanced each other out perfectly. You were a strong brave woman, a true Goddess of war. The people of Kasugayama loved you, and all saw you as a truly wonderful woman worthy to rule beside their beloved god of war. Kenshin loved you so much and has declared that he would devote his life to you. 
Kenshin love every part of you, he loved listening to your beautiful singing voice, he loved listening to your songs as you played the piano for him. His absolute favorite thing in the whole world was resting his head on your lap as you would caress his face and sing sweetly to him
Other potential matches………………Nobunaga
I hope you enjoyed it, love! 
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