ghoul-haunted · 2 years
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ofstarsandvibranium · 11 months
Holy shit, Always on the Sidelines had to be one of my favorite fics. As a person with chronic pain I always feel like I’m pushed to the side and like I’ll never find someone who will love and care for me like that.
If you wrote more I would def be happy
(ok. im fangirling a lil bit because i absolutely LOVE your jamie tartt fics and i cant believe my fic has become one of your faves! anyway, here's a lil snippet after the events of Always On the Sidelines!)
Here On Out
Summary: You're out with Jamie and your friends, but then your leg decides to act up and you have a bit of a breakdown.
A/N: hurt comfort! also, i headcanon that Jamie is a 1D fan.
You're really fucking bummed out. You were having so much fun hanging out with Jamie and the boys, your friends, because, yes, his friends are now your friends and they all adore you and you them.
Anyway, you'd gone to a club with them that was having a One Direction night. Drinks were flowing and you were having so much fun dancing with Jamie, then singing at the top of your lungs with Keeley, taking shots with the guys. It was all so much fun...but then your knee started acting up.
You excuse yourself from the dancefloor and Jamie follows you with concern. But you brush him off, not wanting to ruin his fun.
"I'm just gonna rest for a bit. Go have fun." He hesitates and you practically push him back towards the dancefloor, "Go! I'll be fine!"
"Alright. But you tell me if it gets worse and we'll go, okay?"
"Okay," you shoo him away and as soon as he turned his back, you hobble your way to the bathrooms so you can cry.
As soon as you enter the women's room, you lean against the counter and let out a sob. You curse your knee for causing you so many issues. You can't play football, you can't be on your feet for long, you can't even last having fun with your fit as fuck footballer boyfriend! You felt so...broken.
Two women, a brunette and a red head, enter the bathroom laughing but then stop when they see you teary eyed. They immediately rush over to you, "Oh my God. Are you okay?" The red head asks.
"Do we need to kick someone in the dick?" the brunette asks.
You chuckle, "No. I'm fine...kinda."
"What's goin' on, babe?" the brunette asks, looking genuinely concerned for you.
You shake your head, "I had a knee injury a while back and it starts to hurt if I'm not my feet for too long or doing extensive movements."
"Do we need to get you someone?" the red head asks, wiping away some of your tears.
You shake your head again, "No. It'll go away eventually it's just," you let out a deep breath, "It just makes things complicated for me. Like, I came here with my hot boyfriend and we were having the best time and now my knee started hurting and I had to step away-"
"Why isn't your boyfriend with you?" the brunette asks.
"I told him not to worry about me. Didn't wanna ruin his fun."
The door opens again and Keeley lets out a sigh of relief, "Fucking finally! Jamie's looking all over for you! You're not answerin' your phone!" She suddenly takes note of your teary eyes, "Oh shit. I'm getting, Jamie."
"Wait, no-Keeley!" but your cries fall deaf on her ears as she rushes out in search of your boyfriend.
Red head looks back at you, "Wait, was that Keeley Jones?"
You nod, "Yeah."
Moments later, Jamie comes in, hand over his eyes, "Is everyone decent? No one with their undies down, right?"
You can't help but snort, "You're fine, Jams."
Jamie drops his hand and zeroes in on you, "What's going on?"
"Holy shit," brunette starts to freak out, "You're Jamie Tartt! You're-"
Keeley steps in, pushing red head and brunette out the door, "Right! Let's go dance, ladies!"
"But I still need to wee!" brunette exclaims.
"Hold it in!" Keeley replies aggressively.
It's now just you and Jamie left in the room. Jamie slowly approaches you, hands on your hips to steady you, "What's wrong?"
You let out a sob as you tuck your face into his neck, "I feel so broken!"
"Love, you're not broken."
"But I am! I can't keep up with you and I fucking hate it! I hate hurting all the time. I hate making you cut your time short when we're out with friends. I hate that you can't fully enjoy yourself when we're together. I-"
"Hey, hey. Look at me," he pulls back, gently holding your face in his hands, "You're. Not. Broken. Your injury doesn't define you. I mean, look at grandad! Sure, he had to retire 'cause of his leg, but he's still out there coaching us, giving us a hard time, still doing the things he likes to do. He doesn't let his injury stop him.
"And you shouldn't either. I don't care that if we have to leave parties or gatherings early because your leg hurts. All I care about is you and how you feel. I don't like you being in pain. That's why I always check in on you. I don't want ya sufferin'." He wipes the tears the slide down your cheeks.
"What if you get tired of me? Get tired of taking care of me?"
Jamie shakes his head, "Never. I experienced life without you and I was fucking miserable. Besides, like how cuddly you get when I take care of ya. Makes me feel loved and shit."
"Jamie Tartt, you're such a softie," you playfully say, nudging his shoulder.
"Only for you, love," he murmurs before kissing your forehead. You two stand there, just cherishing each other's presence for a bit.
Keeley then pops her head in and says, "You two coming out soon? 'Cause a line is forming and these girls really gotta go."
Jamie steps back and asks, "Can you walk?"
"I can limp," you reply.
He shakes his head, "Piggy back then," he turns his back to you, crouching down a bit.
You do your best to hop onto his back and he lifts you with ease. Keeley opens the door wider for you both, "Thanks, Keeley," Jamie says and his looks at the line of waiting women, "Sorry, ladies! Me girl wasn't feelin' well!"
Keeley follows the both of you to the booth where everyone was sitting and taking a break from dancing.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Dani asks.
"My leg again," you sheepishly reply and the boys nod their heads in understanding.
"Feel better," Isaac says.
Colin chimes in, "Do you need help to the car?"
"Nah, mate, I've got it!" Jamie replies and pulls out a few hundred notes, passing them to Isaac, "Hope that covers our drinks and some of you lot!" the guys raise their glasses in cheers to Jamie and wave good-bye to the both of you.
Keeley and Roy follow you two out just in case.
"Can this count as some of me trainin', grandad?" Jamie asks.
"No," Roy rasps out and you giggle.
"Prick," Jamie mumbles with a smile.
When you get to Jamie's car, he helps you in and then gives Roy and Keeley a d hug good-bye. Roy nods at you and Keeley blows a kiss your way. You wave at them until Jamie drives away.
When you get back to Jamie's, he carries you to the bedroom you share. You undress while he runs a warm bubble bath for you.
Once it's ready you get in and he quickly undresses, sitting behind you. You sigh in relief as you lean back against his chest and he starts to softly massage your knee.
"See? Cuddly," Jamie murmurs against your neck and presses a kiss.
"I love you," you whisper as you close your eyes and let the water warm your body up.
Jamie's smiling wide. This isn't the first time you've said it to him, but it still makes him all bubbly inside when you say it.
"I love you too. Always will. From here on out."
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barzfrommarz · 3 months
Why do I still love c!wilbur so much?
small essay type post to just gush about c!wilbur
One thing that always surprises me is why I stayed with c!wilbur
Before cc!wilbur even confirmed the allegations, I dropped him and lovejoy because it was becoming way too stressful and way more obvious it was him even though he had became a special interest and a huge part of my life
So why didnt I do the same with c!wilbur?
Better question, why couldn’t I?
Maybe it’s because back in March of 2022, my online friends had just stopped being friends with me a week prior. Specifically on March 17th 2022 (correct me if i’m wrong) the first stream that kick started the apology streams happened. I think that’s was what reignited my interest fully, since I had changed myself so much for my ex friends since they hated dsmp so much and it was basically my entire personality
It was also an outlet to interact with people, since these specific friends were my only friends at the time.
It was so nice to have a community of people who love the same thing I love. Making art, fanfiction, theories even songs. It was great and it was definitely one of the best times of my life (in the recent years)
The days leading up to the final were the greatest but also the most nerve wracking, esp since I wanted c!wilbur to have a good ending and basically not die
Waiting for the stream to start on Sept 3rd 2022 was so exciting, I remember sitting in offline chat just waiting for a fucking minecraft stream to start. Something I had never done
Now im not gna critique the ending in this post. I have my gripes with the apology tour in general but thats not what this post is about.
It was surprising to watch. Not what I had expected but it had its charm and I grew on it eventually. Going on twitter afterwards kinda sucked but it stopped eventually
The community was still going strong. Even if our favorite character is completely retired. The love and passion was still there, especially for me. It seemed like my love for c!wilbur just got more intense
After the dsmp ended and 2023 rolled around, thats when I noticed things kinda slowing down a bit. I know why of course. Loveshit was kicking off for William so its obvious why more people gradually moved on from the dsmp and fan content slowed down. Including me!
I wont go more into it but it was disappointing for me as someone who just couldn't move on from c!wilbur and the dsmp to see everyone on all the main platforms I used move on. Yeah tumblr was still active but I didn't use it as much back then
Then of course, the allegations came out
Im not proud of how I acted during the first night. You could say I was very very delusional and willing to make up excuses and drown out a victim all for some white guy I didn't know.
Thankfully, the next morning I came to my senses a bit and left, soon after joining everyone in just waiting for him to respond. Luckily I had some great mutuals on twitter and we were all there for eachother, even though I was the least affected since I was more mad at the fact I wasted years of my life on him than upset.
You all know how the story ends, he responded and everyone hated on him blah blah blah
but throughout all of that, I still stayed with c!wilbur. Not any other bursona. I cant engage with any of the other bursonas because they remind me too much of william, so why is c!wilbur different?
Well one obvious factor is my autism. C!Wilbur and the Dsmp is one of my biggest and longest lasting special interest so I dont think its going away for atleast 2-4 more years atp. Who knows maybe ill be 24 years old still yapping about a minecraft server that I liked when I was 11
I also think its because of the dsmp community on tumblr. Yeah the c!wilbur part has gotten understandably smarter but the people who have stayed are awesome and cool and so creative but most importantly strong
We have all been through it. From the allegations to the shit we get from outsiders for showing slight interest in c!wilbur and the dsmp in general.
I also see it as one massive fuck you to William. Taking his creation for ourselves then actively hating on him in the process. Shipping the ship he has gone on record to say its not canon is also pretty cool
So I guess I just want to say thank you. I could not have kept my interest alive if it wasn't for you guys continuing to create despite the creator being a degenerate. This stupid little character has single handedly kept my passion for creation and art going so strong. If you look through any of my recent sketchbooks most of the pages have him on it. I got into wrighting and reading fanfiction because of c!wilbur (and c!tntduo but we dont talk about the fanfictions ive read). My point is this character means alot to me so to all the remaining c!wilbur fans...
Thank you, truly
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lightlycareless · 1 year
chapter 32 finally here,,, im so late getting this ask in but this chap HAS been rolling around in my head,, getting chewed on ,,
we got SO much backstory in this one to work with and its SO cute too- like, not only does it work as such a good narrative contrast to the current relationship going on, what with eiichi and minako actually being able to have 1) respectful disagreements over taste 2) REAL playful banter that doesn't end up in some sort of argument or with horrifyingly thick tension 3) most importantly both people want to be there and see more of each other- its also just a very very sweet scene overall
AND it goes on to even show him properly standing up for her, supporting her career, sweet gift exchanges,,, n naoya is just cringing at the end of it. you FOOL. you should be taking NOTES rn
(also y/n met naoya first at the goodwill event,,, that has to have been mentioned before but i blanked on it till now. god. i hope we see that at some point i can only imagine)
y/n i think you SHOULD have just started crying in the store there after the story. just start sobbing. freak him out a little bit. he deserves it
naoya trying to ask genuine questions for once (at least i think he is!! just not,, really coming thru in the tone of voice but hes giving it a go) and just getting. almost entirely ignored. hes TRYING your honor- and what did he BUY?? what is in his pocket i know it cant be a whole record that would not FIT
this whole chapter and the last couple are SO funny bc y/n is (understandably) assuming he's being purposely malicious in ignoring/misunderstanding her and girlie,,, he's just that stupid actually. like he IS an asshole but also? very stupid. he is not getting the signals you are sending and when he does its like a funhouse mirror version his ass does NOT get it!!
"you like sweets?" "how do you know,,," "i figured after you ate a lot of cake at our wedding" "*oh my god,,, he's been watching me so closely,,, hes been stalking me*" GIRL,,, THIS IS THE MOST NORMAL BEHAVIOR HES DISPLAYED. the paranoia (again, understandably) is kicking our ASS rn okay this all makes sense actually rereading the next section like yes. it IS a nice fairly normal gesture of being attentive to what someone likes UNTIL its the last guy on earth you want being aware of you at all EXACTLY
the next few scenes REALLY make the contrast between their and y/n's parents relationship so dramatic bc like i was saying- the banter is just SO different because they do not actually trust each other here. that and its got a very different theme to it- the hiding it under the kimono comment would not have gone well with ANY woman i imagine. "meant it as nothing more than a joke, obviously" NOT OBVIOUSLY MY MAN
and of course,,, the final bit,,, handing the sweets over to naoaki instead,,,, i can not even IMAGINE how chp 33 is gonna start. hes just gonna straight up fall to his knees right there in anguish. pass out maybe. y/n and naoaki having a lighthearted little chat while naoya sobs and dies five feet away. i can't wait. incredible chapter once again
Aww, don't worry! If anything I should be apologizing for being a bit late to reply 😅 stuff happened, but I'm finally here hehe! And overall, I'm super happy this chapter was to your liking, since I love writing backstories... although I'm self conscious from time to time about it because it might be considered boring or irrelevant—and I get it, sometimes we just wanna know what's going on with the main plotline, but at the same time… I’ve been wanting to give certain characters more context. Especially Eiichi and Minako, who hold a special place in my heart. though I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again!! they’re PERFECT, OK?? They’re nothing but loving, caring, understanding and everything in between... and it's my favorite trope of all time!!! I eat that shit up every single time idc it never gets old for me!!!
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Ahem.... anyways lol.
The scene that heavily resonated with me of all that occurred in this chapter has to be how Eiichi and Minako were beyond excited to have children... because comparing it to Y/N and Naoya... it's very sad.
If Y/N were to get pregnant somehow, his reaction would certainly be negative. However, there’s a catch with this specific topic which I’ll develop a bit more in the future hehe. But yeah, she's definitely not living her parent's story, not even close.
And same. I’m really disappointed in Naoya’s reaction too, but what did we expect… it’s not like he’s going to suddenly understand the value of this information 😭😭😭😭 Our emotionless little trash bag could never... Ugh, I would be ashamed to even cringe if someone shared me something so intimate… he could’ve at least been a bit more discreet about it 😭 didn’t he get some kind of training in how to behave in these types of situations??? Like from the elders or something??? Since he’s the heir, you know… ??? Guess not.
As for the goodwill event, I’ve only sprinkled mentions here and there :> I think the first one was when Y/N told she saw Naoaki’s technique (same as Naoya’s) in said event, which was coincidentally Naoya’s first event lol. I only remember this cause I recently re-read the chapter where it happens 😂 I’m starting to forget some things… oof. Anyways, Worry not, this moment will be in the story 😊
Omg imagine if she started crying?? I think Naoya would somehow manage to make the situation even worse 😂. Kind of those awkward pats in the back, tell her “if I buy you something will you stop crying?” like she was a child or something lmao—and y/n would definitely be like “Are you serious????”
Overall, Naoya needs to try harder. Waaaay harder. But more than that… he needs to be accountable for the things he’s done—Y/N is not reacting positively to him because he’s just out there acting as if nothing happened! Or if he somehow acknowledged that it did, he still feels like he's blaming her for it, like it's her fault for overreacting to his abuse, and then blaming his brother over it!
Ughhhhhhhhhhhh Naoya needs to wake up, seriously!! I really don’t know what he needs to see or hear to finally understand he’s the problem 😭😭😭😭 And Ranta isn’t of much help either… but maybe he’s doing all that because he knows how he is hahah that he won’t react outside of essentially being compliant to him 😅 being Naoya’s “friend” must be a nightmare.
And with the whole Naoya being attentive to her is reminds me of this meme lol
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Just something I noticed while drafting, I tend to use the same phrases when writing their dialogue—it’s kind of sick, isn’t it? I’m tormenting Y/N all ways possible LMAO. (this is actually something I’m very self-conscious about… please forgive me 😭 Also damn I wish I had a FC for Naoaki... I mean I do but I want to reveal that on the character profile hehe)
But yeah, being reminded of that is like... you're already freezing, and someone decides to throw you another bucket of ice. You're like damn???? was that necessary?? She certainly didn't need to be told that he's keeping a closer watch. (Ah... if only the circumstances had been different, I would've been like... oh, how sweet of him) YIKES.
Now that we’re talking about the differences between their relationship towards Eiichi and Minako, it made me wonder how she would take that comment if it had been them instead.
I think Minako would be either like "what are you babbling about?" at first. HOWEVER, if she’s feeling kind of frisky and we know she be like that with him lol, I think she’d say something instead like “There’s something else I’d like under my kimono” and Eiichi would just, yeah. short circuit. 9 months later, Hinata came to be. HAHAHAHAHAH
It’s all in the context really, some couples are more comfortable with certain topics, others are not and the only way to establish that is through communication—unfortunately, even though Naoya and Y/N may be married, they’re not a couple by any means 😭😂. So yeah, that was waaaay out of pocket. I would’ve slapped him if I didn't have to fear for my life immediately afterwards 😭😅😂
As for the next chapter... if he passes out by seeing Naoaki and Y/N… good. It’s what he deserves 😊 Although something else is going to happen that I think will certainly rattle him—oh, whoops. Spoilers. 🤪🤪 (I’m really excited for you to read that chapter jkahgjkajgkaj)
Anyways, thank you so much for coming back for another update!! I know I always tell you this, but I don't think I can ever, ever write down how truly grateful I am to have your support... 🥺❤️ I'm always looking forward to your comments, hehe, they're very motivating, inspiring, sometimes fun to read... overall, I greatly enjoy them—they've certainly made writing this fic more fun ❤️❤️❤️
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week, take care, and hope to see you soon!!!
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selamat-linting · 2 years
continuing my last liveblog, this time focused on the characters.
-vriska is. amazing. she is THE CHARACTER EVER. i enjoy her a lot but when it comes to morality, she's... i dont know what to make of her. like, from all the fandom drama i heard secondhand, she was made to be this mass murderer. like yeah, she is responsible to a lot of fuckups in plot, she is ableist to tavros and used aradia's boyfriend sollux to kill her, and sabotaged jade's attempt to get into the game but i think at her core, she's just a 13 year old bully. if she was in a normal human environment, raised by an ordinary family, at worst, she'd be the kind of girls who spread mean rumors of the outcast kids at school. still bad but, garden variety shittiness that can be fixed with age and growth. its the condition she's in that drove her into such terribleness. alternia let kids kill and maim each other, eliminate people who defy the law and customs. its a tyrannical empire and of course the kids produced in that kind of environment are vicious to each other. its not wrong the other kids dont want nothing to do with her and seeing her gets her shit kicked by aradia was cathartic but. man, i still feel very sympathetic to her.
-also, if im not wrong, her romantic relationships now would be :
nicholas cage - one sided matesprit(?)
kanaya maryam - moirail / auspistice (?)
tavros - the most unhealthy kismesis i have ever seen
-also, poor tavros. im waiting for the scene where he gets to kick the shit out of vriska like aradia but alas. its nice that he and vriska seems to get on better terms later on. i have to admit, vriska taking the time to dress up and set the mood to kiss tavros is kind of endearing while also being yikes what the fucking fuck my guy. but anyway, tavros being disabled as only a fodder for stair jokes, and then getting his legs forcibly replaced when the wheelchair jokes gets old, and then making him the butt of the joke again, good god. i want tavros's narrative arc to be treated more seriously. andrew hussie you are an ableist piece of shit you know that right?
-and kanaya! its so interesting how space aspects players are all very aesthetic-minded. they always have the cool pretty stuff. also she had a crush on rose isnt she? the way she admired her gamefaqs playthrough guide reminds of that tumblr fairytale where cinderella reads aurora's diary and fell in love. haha! right after i have that suspicions, i check tumblr to see if theyre a popular ship and apparently theyre also canon? cool. its so nice to be proven right. theyre both unhinged weird girls but in a very subdued way. also, i think karkat have been underestimating how much she helped on cooling down the group's animosities. not just between tavros and vriska, but eridan and feferi too, to an extent.
-speaking of feferi, ugh, i feel so bad for her. i cant believe someone as positive as her could be corrupted by the horrorterrors. one moment, she's the only one preventing a trollnazi and a doomsday lusus from destroying the shit out of everything, and suddenly shes twisting squibbles into cthulhu. "dont you get it, im dead," baller fucking quote but im so sorry girl. she has always been someone who is resigned of the fate of everything, but she never stops trying to make the best of it, unlike aradia.
-Also, why is equius so horny all the time? my god he is so fucking rapey.
-terezi!!! terezi!!! she's my favorite troll. her friendship with dave is so adorable. i like how they start out as enemies mocking each other but end up as (shitty) art buddies. but man, she is just as extreme in her trolling effort like, she did kill john in a timeline. anyway, back to dave and terezi. they both think theyre so cool but theyre actually cringe. also, is the drawing of the guy above the his tyranny writing in her room, meant to be karkat? ugh, i wish im her.
-i dont have much to say over sollux but as a gemini, he has the coolest design. literally the coolest shade ever. twin signs represent!
-karkat is... *grits teeth* self recognition through the other (derogatory). i hate that i shared his classpect. he ruined an objectively awesome title just by being himself. but i never really know what kind of guy he is, just his notoriousness as a grumpy anime boy slash tumblr sexyman. i hate him even more after knowing him btw, because he really is just like me! on the surface, he's just a 13 year old version of jean vicquemare from disco elysium. but seeing his memos, seeing his... everything. oh my god. i hate myself. his constant bitching is my inner voice everytime i have to deal with [redacted] and [redacted]. only that im now old enough to know i shouldnt unleash that to everyone indiscriminately. also, i too did the future writing thing. like, i would actually look at my old diary entries, and wrote a response as if speaking to my past self. but, is it weird that seeing him makes me a bit more confident in my own leadership skills? I dont know. anyway, he's funny. god even him just living his life and breathing is hilarious. i want to see you suffer little man (not in a whump way i want to see him get mad, eat shit, and react to ridiculous shit)
-JADE!!!! i miss her a lot. finally she's in the game. she's one of the nicest and the coolest of the beta kids. and i envy her house a lot. im sick of her being out of the loop. also, just from her science alone, she's pretty OP. she dont need powers to defeat the imps. she's very much my favorite out of the beta kids
-i cannot believe dave resorts to ruining the stock market. he would have liked nfts. cant believe that plotline exists and it was actually an elaborate troll plot. i cant wait to see him blossom to his cool future selves. caw caw motherfucker was impressive as hell despite being ridiculous. i have no idea how his sprite make that cool. also, his bro's dead? its kinda sad. like, i know the training and the smuppet shit wasnt exactly healthy and sane but, its still a tragedy that he never really get the chance to understand his parent or get closure. bro's dead. thats it.
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lustfillollipop · 11 months
This is my last time
Hear n said that a million times
Stole touching me and my heart
Emotions fucked from start
Get outta my life
Demonics n undertake my life
Go for it cuz I'm no good
I'll cloak too face covered w hood
Wild n smoked
Dark eyes meet bright
Feel forever revoked
Take me down w you
Cuz this level defeats me and you
What the fuck did I deserve
To get the deep end treading water hardly stayin above it
The man I once had
The one married to n ended bad
I hope he can forgive me
But hard for me to see the things clearly
But forever been a day
I cry instead of let laughter out anyway
I give my front n haven't got one
I need for much these days
N now my palms are sore
I don't wanna forgive and forget
Can we just act different n oretend we never met
Im rotting inside out
He's spelled every word in the spell perfectly out
Im tricked n hypnotized by all the words going through my ears n passed my eyes
Csnt seem to get Shit done
Stuck surfing n uncomfortable w people I thought used to be fun
Now dreary n dab n dull
I'm needing to move quick n now down from the addict
I'll slow my intake
I've met some huge big mistake
Im left dry n cold n sad
Shiverred under the blanket of memories of then
I want for u need
Help too much n out myself high uo to jump off the balcony
Flat I land 9 lives bullshit
Now im intro t if god faced w all the shit I forhot to repent n forgive
So my judgement times here
How'd thos stupid bitch slut whore do this time screw it bad or is she in the clear
Bitch is into clear alright but I think I need to see more n it'll be scary esoecially at night
I'm leah dumbass Cox who listens too much to people who don't talk
In my mind I met you
Now I'm ford Dr been searching to never let you
Go n slip away
But seems to be the ladder n im outta it all inckudibg you ..keft swiftly
I'm understood not at all
But im still trying to work throughmy mgk downfall
I cant n won't but ebd up
Doing exactly what i said it give up
Im emotional but have it less
With bkocked Shit out n I get all undressed
Bare naked n kinda a lady
Nothi g but bones skin n a beating heart maybe
That ticjs but not too much longer
I know times up me to pick or him on the side im not a kion mainly a cancer ctabby n swimming thirsty all the time
I wanted n got
Then I got unwanted Shit then skiooed up outta brain n forgot
Im easily forgotten
No impression left except the words I hit down...ventin
This is a call from the judge
Big guy hey u gimme some love
But then im kicking it out bubble surounded
Sad to say im me
Dry n not be yet founded
Divirced single n yet to g bigger
Shaved head growing little day by day unsealed mouth
No kissing sexual or any more coming out my mouth
Im sexually defiant
In the mood swing n rising up n down slowly
Between a rock but wanna be on
Now I feel some good stuff bouts to come on
He it or whatever tries to make me Help us someway anyway n it's doing its job now I know u can just me outta my funk come with me let's go not faking it mister for a the big trunk
I know that I'm smirking cuz im opposite of defiant u know I love u between n in me
Its not the first time for u
U seen this stupid type before n u hardly come thru
I'll find u n want u more but I know you're girl has demons w me n wants to even the score.
I don't wish that I didn't know
Imunfavored n not easy on the eyes like I maybe used to
Heavy u push in I feel your weight
Hips dig deep n within me u lay
I'm just trying to stay forever pull u in even more
Barley breathing n can see anyone around us anymore
My favorite thing n I gotta let u go
Cuz I put me in last n I like the front row
So when I are real ready singly tangible
U come back to me or just wait don't go
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pondering-peach · 2 years
#7169A9- [Hazey Blue]
A short story in which two guys smoke weed homoerotically
Suguro Ryuji had few secrets. He wore glasses. Romance is his favorite genre. He smoked weed. A lot. It started at the end of his 3rd year of junior high, as a way to cope with his migraines. It turned into a habit, and suddenly it was a daily part of his life. Not even Shima and Koneko knew he did it. His roommate did of course, they even smoked together sometimes, but everyone else? Absolutely not. He'd rather shoot himself in the leg.
His favorite time to indulge was early in the morning, just before his run, and late at night when the world is asleep and really he should be too, but he could always blame the bags under his eyes as staying up late to study.
The scent of it hung in the air, muted by the pungent insence he kept burning most hours of the day. For the first time in hours, Bon's eyes slipped shut and his shoulders relaxed. A deep breath filled his lungs with smoke, harsh and tasting of sandalwood, and was exhaled with a soft 'Om Mani Padme Hum' in a whispered voice.
Peace washed over him, and he felt the lines fall from his face, the tension from his jaw and back, the stress from his blood. The window was open and he could hear the nightlife outside. He also could hear-
Oh no. Oh no.
With a garbled yelp, Ruji surged forward off his bed, stamping out the roach he had been enjoying and fanning the smoke out the window. A familiar set of running footsteps approached his door, and he scrambled to hide the small box containing his damning evidence, praying that the incense would hide the smell of his not-exactly-permissable actions.
Rin knocked on Ryuji's door excitedly as he always did, and he took a deep breath to calm his nerves, smoothed his shirt with clammy hands, and opened it.
Rins nose immediately wrinkled in distaste. "Dude I thought we talked about always burning incense. It cant be good for you."
"What do you want, Rin?" His voice came out harsher than he had meant it to, and he could see it on Rin's face. Clearing his throat, he straightened up. "I meant what brings you here so late at night?"
A grin split the nephilims face, and he held up a manga in front of his face, sparkling eyes peeking over the top. It was the newest edition in a series he had shown Rin, one he had been waiting to be available in the little bookstore a couple blocks away from the dorm.
"I saw it earlier and had to buy it! I didn't have enough money to buy two of them though, so I figured we could read it together. I won't be able to sleep if we dont do it tonight!" Rin stared up at him, a million prayers for Bon to agree in his eyes, and Bon sighed.
He wasn't so inebriated he worried about Rin finding out, but he was really looking forward to meditating in this sensation. Still, they had been waiting almost 3 months for this edition, and he would love to have an excuse to have Rin close an- wait. A small blush coloured his cheeks and he scowled.
"Uh, I have to finish my demon pharmeceutics homework, actually." Rin frowned.
"I thought you usually do that before any of your other homework though?" Shit, he was right. Embarassed to have been caught in such a dumb lie, by Rin of all people, made Bon's cheeks flush red.
"J-just get in here, idiot." Rin smiled once again and squeezed past Bon into his room. A couple of sneezes sounded (incense always had that effect on him, and Bon was greatful for the gentle breeze pouring in through the open window) and Bon turned to find Rin settling into his bed like he owned it.
"Where's your roommate?" Bon kicked the door shut and made his way toward the bed as well.
"He's out for a week, visiting his grandmother. Won't be back for a coupla' days."
"Good for him, I hope he enjoys the break from class." Bon chuckled lightly. His roommate may be in the advanced class like he was himself, but he whined about doing homework almost as much as Rin and Shima.
Settling on the bed next to Rin, their sides pressed together and backs against the wall, they began a comfortable ritual they had indulged in before. Bon read over Rin's shoulders and Rin turned the pages (he was a slower reader than Bon, though not by a lot, so it was only fair for him to set the pace) and they sat in silence, enjoying each others warmth.
Bon wasnt sure when he had slumped closer and gotten distracted. Rin always enjoyed things to the fullest, and the manga had absorbed all his attention. A small furrow had wrinkled his brow, lip caught between sharpened teeth, and Ryuji had to fight the urge to trace his thumb across Rins forehead in order to smooth his brow.
He had a sharp profile, almost ethereal in a way. It made sense considering his heritage-- what with his biological father being a fallen angel and all. Strands of dark hair had fallen into his face, and Bon exhaled with amusement when Rins ear twitched with annoyance.
Rin stiffened, and Ryuji got increasingly nervous as he bagan slowly turning his head to look up him. "Dude," Rins voice was barely above a whisper, "you smell like weed."
Shit. "Shit! Don't tell Koneko!" Ryuji blurted it out. Rin winced at the sudden volume of his voice directly in his ear and it wasn't missed. "Sorry-" his voice was soft once again- "It's jus' if he finds out, he's gonna tell my ma' and then I'll never hear the end of it."
"If it's such a big deal why do you even do it?" Bon grimaced, sitting back against the wall.
"I started in middle school, when I started getting migrains. I don't like taking pills if I dont have to, and I heard somehwere that it helps. It did, and it still does. At first, I only smoked if I could feel a really bad migrain comin' on, and then it became a habit, and now I smoke daily." Rin was visibly shocked.
"Seriously? I never woulda' guessed." Bon shrugged.
"I only do it before my run and late at night. My roommate is the only person who knows."
"Where do you get it?" Another shrug in response.
"Some kid in class B. Unsavory sort, but he's had yet to slight me or rat me out. Said he's got a business to run, and he takes it pretty seriously." Rin hummed thoughtfully. Silence descended upon them, and Ryuji could feel the anxiety in his blood. Hesitantly, he once again requested for Rin to not tell anyone, especially Koneko.
Rin smiled mischeviously, and immediately Bon was annoyed. That dick head, he thought. He's gonna' take advantage of this.
"Sure, I'll keep your secret," the nephilim aquiesced. "But I want to try it too."
The taller boy stared at him like he had grown a second head, and he met his gaze unflinchingly. The silence was heavy, dragging for what felt like a million years.
"Seriously?" Rin beamed, nodding vigorously.
"It's somthin' I always thought looked cool, but with Yuki always harpin' on me to take care of myself, I haven't really bothered trying to find someone to do it with." His eyes sparkled and Bon couldn't say no.
"Okay. Fine. But this stays between us, understand?" Rin nodded again, hair flopping with the force of it. Nodding in satisfaction, Bon slid off the bed and knelt in front of his desk, opening the bottom drawer. He pulled out a small shoebox, not nearly big enough for shoes that would fit his own feet, but big enough to hide his stash.
Rin watched with fascination as Bon cracked the box and looked up at him. "I have to light and insence, I hope thats okay. The smell will linger if I don't and theres no way we won't get in trouble if it does." Rin bowed his head once. The brunet got to his feet and crossed the room, gently pulling out a new stick (this one was vanilla, something Rin could handle easily) and lighting it. He murmured some words over it and stuck it in the ash catcher.
When he settled on the bed again, it was with the box in hand and turned to face Rin. He twisted his body so he was also facing Bon, and then he watched.
Bon knew what he was doing, that was for sure. With gentle fingers he laid out an almost transluscent piece of paper, maybe the size of a sticky note. An even smaller piece of white cardstock was taken from the box, and Bon rolled it into a neat spiral.
Glancing up at Rin once, he helf up a small glass jar. "Do you wanna look at it?"
"Yes!" The jar was cool in his palm, made of glass and wrapped in a blank black label. He untwisted the cap, and the scent washed over him. It wasn't quite the same as when he smelled it on Ryuji's breath. It was clean and herby, and to be honest it kind of smelled like Shiemi. Floral, earthy, pungent.
"Pick one," Bon whispered. Almost reverently, Rin picked a small bud out, pinching it between his forefinger and thumb claws (It had been years since True Cross had learned of his heritage- There was no point in hiding his demonic features anymore). He deposited it gently in Bons outstretched palm.
He watched raptly as it was gently picked apart and sprinkled in a straight line across the transluscent paper. With skilled fingers, Bon rolled the weed and cardstock into the paper, and Rins lips traced his lower lip in sync with Bons against the edge of the paper (he pretended not to notice). Finally, it was ready.
Bon held out the joint for Rin to observe. Gently, as if picking up a delicate insect, Rin pinched it and held it up.
"Put the end with the filter in your mouth," Bon directed, "then light it and suck like it's a straw."
"Light it with what?"
"Fire, dork."
Rin hummed and followed the given directions. The small blue flame he lit on his thumb caught, turning orange as the paper burned naturally. He pulled, hard, and immediately his senses were assaulted. He pulled away from the joint hacking violently. Bon flinched and reached out in a panic.
"Sorry, sorry! I shoulda' warned you to hit it gently. Though I didn't expect you to haul ass and hit it like a seasoned vet like that." Rin looked up at him through watery eyes and gave him a weak smile.
"Go big or go home," he croaked. Bon laughed, then wiggled his fingers in a 'give here' motion.
"Lemme' show you how a pro does it." The smoke curled around him enticingly, ensaring Rins attention like a moth to flame (or a flame to paper). His eyes never strayed as Bon raised the joint to his lips and pulled. The cherry reflected in his pupils, as if artificially illuminating the demon blood in his veins. Rin watched as smoke escaped Bons lips and curled upward into his nose.
His eyes were alight with awe, and the way he stared up at Bon through those dark lashes made him want to lean forward and kiss him. Suddenly, he had an idea.
"Do you trust me?" Without missing a beat, Rin responded-
"Of course I do." Bon nodded. He hit the joint again and sowly leaned closer, closer than Rin was used to, closer than he had ever dared to be.
"Breath in." He could hear the air rattle into Rin's lungs, and closer still- so close Bon could feel the way Rin's lower lip trembled- he exhaled slowly. The smoke was sucked in, hardly any of it escaping in whisps around them, and then it was exhaled again.
Their vision clouded. Neither one of them dared move a muscle. The tension was palpable, heavy and overindulgent and begging to be broken. Rin moved first.
His lips were soft. He tasted like sugar cookies and weed and sadness. Bon felt as if he could drown in him, happy to sink into those deep blue eyes and never come back up for air.
Rin felt as if he was flying. The high had hit im almost instantaneously, and the heat he felt boiling beneath his skin only made his head spin faster, his heart pound harder. His lips were warm. His hands were warm. His breath was warm. Ryuuji was warm.
The smoke from his lungs had gone down much smoother, and Ryuji was so close and Rin couldn't get the heavy look in the brunets eyes as he leaned closer and closer out of his brain. With a small gasp, he pulled away. They only seperated by a couple inches, but to Rin it felt like a chasm had opened between them. He wanted to be closer, trapped in Bons arms and lips and blazing warmth.
Rin realized what he had done. Bon stared at him, mouth slightly ajar and cheeks flusjed bright pink. The freckles that decorated his face (how had he never noticed that before?) were constellations across the bridge of his nose; Rin wanted to know every single one of them individually.)
"I really like you." Rins words were sudden. too loud for the little space between them. The brunet smiled a soft smile, tender in a way he had never seen, and so goddamn warm. It turned his bones to jelly, and in that moment, Rin hoped Ryuji would never look at him any other way. "I have since we were first years."
Ryuji's smile doubled in size, and the warmth radiating off of it was all-encompassing. "Do you have any idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that?" His heart was soaring. It was like sunshine exploded inside his chest, triggered by Rins toothy grin and sparkling eyes. By God did Ryuji love those sparkling eyes.
In a moment of exhileration, Bon grabbed Rin by his upper arms and dragged his close. Their lips found one another again, gentle and loving and full of every moment they had yet to have. Rins hands gently wrapped around his forearms, shaking faintly.
Joyous laughter bubbled up in Rins chest and he pulled back, unable to hold them down. "What was that called, with the smoke?"
"Yeah, sure. I wanna' do that again. But-" Rin bit his lip, and Bon tilted his head.
"But what?" Rins cheeks coloured, and he turned away to mumble something. "I don't understand gibberish Rin." The nephilims eyebrows scrunched, and in a small voice he repeated-
"I wanna' do what you did." Bon's eyes popped open, and a soft exhale left his lips in a form of an 'oh'.
"Y-yeah. Sure." The joint had gone out at that point, but with a flick of his fingers and a gentle inhale, Rin was leaning forward and lacing his fingers into Bons hair. He pulled him close, chests pressed together and legs tangled. His head tilted, and Bons vision filled with smoke. It was sweeter than ever, slipping past his lips like the water that flows from eden, cool and staining the edges of his vision a hazy blue.
He exhaled as Rin tucked his face into the crook of his neck, giggling nervously. Comfortable silence descended upon them. Rins weight was soothing, their breathing syncing up as their highs descended upon them.
Bons eyes grew heavy, and he let them slide shut. Words ingrained deep in his memory surfaced, and he began to chant softly.
"Sarveshaam Svaastir Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Svaastir Bhavatu, Saveshaam Poornam Bhavatu, Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu, Om Shanti, Shanti Shanteeh." His voice was deep, vibrating against Rins ear peacefully.
"Whuzzat' mean?" He garbled into Ruujis skin.
"May health abound forever;
May peace abound forever;
May complete abundance abound forever;
May auspiciousness abound forever;
Om Peace, Peace, Peace. It's a mantra I learned for those who wish for a peaceful life." Even translated for Rin to understand, it was soothing to listen to. Bons voice was steady and grounding. He loved the sound of it.
His eyes were so heavy, and his head was stuffed with cotton and his soul was floating above him in little circles. It was magnificent, he never wanted to come down. Bons arms were solid, wrapped around him in a loving embrace.
Rin wondered if he would ever be this happy if he had never awoken his powers. Distantly, he imagined his dad smiling down on him, his glasses flashing the way they always did when he was feeling mischevious.
"Does this make us boyfriends?" Bons breath hitched a little, then a soft chuckle vibrated through his chest. The feeling of it rippled across Rins skin, making his scalp prickle and toes wiggle. He wanted him to do it again.
"I hope so." Bons words made butterflies erupt in his stomach, and he couldn't fight the beaming smile he let out.
"Let's finish that manga."
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jade-parcels · 3 years
I love your portrayal of dottore, can we get more general hcs abt being his s/o by any chance?
Warning: Dottore is not a kind lover so if he squicks you, I recommend not reading!
Dottore has a large collection of records. He has a record player in his lab and one in his office. He plays a lot of opera music, folk songs from Fontaine and Scheznayan orchestra pieces as well. He’s a performer, he does enjoy singing so you’ll often hear him singing from outside of his lab, his deranged laughter cutting into pieces as he works. If you’re interested in music, he’d be elated! You two could sing a duet together just for fun or for any balls at the Zapolyarny Palace! Though he is a bit judgmental at times, huffing and pointing out that you’re off key or not breathing at the right times
It can be kinda sweet, singing together, gazing into each other’s eyes as you harmonize. He’ll even hold your hand and kiss it when the song is over. It’s a short lived moment but Alain really does have a bit of warmth left in that cold heart of his. Or…he’s good at pretending he does
Since he works around a lot of fumes, loud sounds and annoying people, he occasionally gets absolutely skull splitting migraines. It’s rare because he does practice caution around fumes! But when he gets like this he can be…docile. He lays there in bed in the dark, groaning in pain and frustration. He’s nicer to you too “Ugh…this is just what I needed. Thank you, dearest. You could have been a bit faster though” he’s such an ass
Though if he can’t afford to spend the day in bed, wallowing in pain, he’ll be irate all day long which only worsens his headache. He snaps at the other harbingers (more than usual), he’ll lose his shit over little mistakes in the lab and if he sees you slacking around, he won’t hesitate to march over to you and slap your cup of tea or book right out of your hands “Get off your lazy ass this instant! Go make yourself useful and clean up around here, this place is disgusting. And pick this up!”
There have been plenty of times where he’s threatened to run experiments on you. He’ll shove you onto his table and threaten to inject you with something or strap you down, taunting you with medical equipment and vials of acids. He’ll put on a big show, convincing you that you’re in danger only to ‘mercifully’ let you go at the last second “Enough. Get out of my sight, you’re so utterly boring. I cant bear to look at you anymore” and with that, you’re promptly kicked out of his lab. Your heart is racing, your clothes are torn, you’re sweating and shaking. He’s unfazed, couldn’t care less. And he expects you to be all cleaned up by dinner time
He makes a lot of threats. His favorites are “I’ll cut off those pretty little fingers one by one!” “Do you want to end up like my last lab rat? No? Then behave, you wretch” and “One of these days…I’m going to just snap that neck of yours if you don’t SHUT UP” :/ Thats not very nice
^^Other harbingers will occasionally step in, Childe will more than others, when they hear him yelling at you. This will only make him angrier but at least now he’s directing his anger at his coworkers and not you
Dottore travels to his various labs often and he’ll bring you along just to have someone ‘likable’ to chat with. Since he’s made hundreds of ruin guards and ruin hunters, he isn’t afraid of them. In fact, if you two were to ever come across one in the wild, he’d roll his eyes and go deconstruct the thing with his bare hands. He’s built and deconstructed these guys so many times, he’s memorized every part of them. He climbs on top of them and rips open their top hatches, removing their cores and…done! He’ll hop off of the machine before it topples over, handing the chaos core to you as a little souvenir. As a fun treat, Alain may even re-wire it so it self destructs. He’s quick with it, hurrying to drag you away from it to watch the explosion from afar, grinning at the display of fire and the sound of screeching metal
Dottore does get jealous when you spend time with the other harbingers. He also finds it annoying that you like them in general! They treat him like an outcast, call him a maniac, bother him in his workspace and now they befriend you? They push him away but allow you to come play chess or take archery lessons with them? Childe cooks with you? Signora takes you for walks in the garden? It absolutely irks Dottore to no end! He’s always been treated this way anyways. He won’t sulk but he will ignore you when you get back from your ‘play dates’ as he calls them. Then he’ll make you sleep on the couch :/
When you’re feeling sick, he’ll actually be helpful. Alain is a doctor…a messed up one but a doctor nonetheless. He won’t be by your side all day, his bedside manner is awful, but he does come check on you periodically. He’ll even make you medicine from scratch, guaranteeing that you’ll feel better and…well, he isn’t lying. He may be crazy but you can’t deny that he knows what he’s doing! You’ll feel ten times better once that medicine kicks in :) maybe he isn’t so bad! Yes he is
He wants to hear about your family, your childhood, school, friends, all of it. He’ll listen while he works, occasionally making judgmental remarks or asking questions. However, he’ll never share anything in return. He’ll ever only talk about his time at the Sumeru Academy or his time here as a Harbinger. You don’t know anything about his family, home town, old friends, nothing. The only reason you know he’s from Fontaine is from when he offhandedly mentioned it once (and because he has a French accent too…not a prominent one but it’s there)
Ending on a nicer note, he will make dinner for the two of you for special occasions. He’s one hell of a baker, probably cause baking is a science in itself. You two can have a night where you don’t talk about lab reports or harbinger business and just be a normal couple…He’ll even clean up afterward. He won’t come to bed though, now he’s gonna pull an all nighter to catch up on the work he missed out on while cooking/baking for you
^^He realizes that he has to put effort into this relationship in order to keep you interested. Bits of praise and attention will only go so far. Grander gestures will keep you happy and waiting for your next outing or dinner together. Then he won’t have to look at you sulking around lmao. He’s heartless but he does get tired of seeing you moping about all the time….jeez
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hoshiyoshis · 2 years
hellooooo my love — how about pentagon & golcha for the ask game 🌼✨💖
hello my love!!
i ramble too much
for pentagon i'm unfamiliar aside from knowing & loving literally one song (daisy and im 99% sure thats bc of u!!)
I’ll listen to their top song on Spotify & tell you my thoughts
daisy is right underneath shine.... cursed bc i actually realLY WAIT
oh hey this was the group dawn was a part of. id say i hope he's doing well but i'm actually pretty sure he is lmao
anyway shine slaps and i like the like. chorus ig??? its all good but i recognized the like... one line at the beginning immediately.
I’ll look up photos & tell you who stands out to me
uhhh im looking at group pics like last time which is probably not smart but: guy in the very middle in this picture, the two on the end here, and the guy who looks soft as hell w the blonde hair in this picture... hes kinda got teddy bear vibes in this pic tbh
I’ll tell you if I’d look into them more
i was abt to be like "time to add them to the list" but theyre already there adfkhsdf ill def have to listen more sometime!! shine + daisy are both v good and i feel like i'd enjoy more of their music if i actually sat down and listened fully :0
and for golcha... who r they? haha ive never seen bae seungmin in my life (drops pictures of him + my other beloveds) oh fuck oh shit--
favorite member / bias line
idk who my favorite is rn but its usually between bae seungmin + joochan + donghyun!! do not ask me why i dreamed of jangjun last night. i do not know.
seungmin is v funny and also i love his visuals and vocals and his dancing, joochan honestly seems to be a (cute) mess sometimes (the pasta...) + his vocals as well, and donghyun is a gamer boy and im weak for gamer boys as u may know. also he dance! :) altho i feel like i could def say tht like... all of golcha is funny lmao they are chaotic sometimes and i live for it <3 being bad at mafia is a small price to pay.
which member I’d fight (& why)
.... probably jangjun for dabbing in damdadi. some crimes cannot be forgiven sdfkhsdf he'd probably beat my ass bc i'm p sure the guy works out a lot but i'd still try.
other than that, i dont think there's anyone i'd fight??? i'd feel bad and also they could all def kick my ass unless we're going shorties vs the rest of golcha lmao even tho seungmin is almost definitely taller than me but we could kick his groups ass
favorite song(s)
that feeling + ddara + wannabe are all somewhere in my top golcha songs tbh? ra pam pam + without you also!! :0 but they have a lot of good songs, esp older ones, that im just leaving out lol (with me is on my repeat playlist for a reason...)
favorite thing about the group
god. so like. i feel like its a lil obvious to go 'oh i love their music' but literally i love how strong all of their songs seem to be. damdadi slaps so fuckin hard, especially to debut with? i feel like their choreography is always really on point and even if their line distribution isnt equal, it genuinely feels like they all do get to shine? i think typically its their dancers who get less lines (which makes sense to me) compared to vocalists + rappers, but it never really feels super unfair?
idk they also cover other groups pretty well imo but that might just be me being biased toward them lol i just think abt the time they covered fear by svt sometimes like??? also their aju nice cover... the original def has a distinct sound that u cant replicate but i do appreciate the golcha cover esp bc i think that was way closer to their debut??? proud of them <3
something i’d like to see from them
give my man his solo song. dont be shy. also give jibeom his solo song for ursa. it's what we deserve.
besides that... i dunno. i feel like ra pam pam + ddara both were more in the vein of like. a sexier concept? and i do love them for tht lmao but i wouldn't mind seeing something softer with the full group? more in the realm of "singing in the rain" but it def doesnt have to go tht far imo!! just a warmer like... autumn date-esque concept if that makes sense.
thank u my beloved i am love them and, more importantly, U!!! <3 i hope u are having a good day ily!!
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pub-lius · 2 years
my thoughts watching the john adams series as i eat an uncomfortable amount of granola: dont tread on me 🥶🥶🥶
“you are here now 🥰 and you are safe 🥹” “uh… *leaves*”
1777 is my favorite year of the revolution tho, it was so slay ngl (totally not saying this just for von steuban)
i think john and abigail adams is good example of 18th century gender roles, where the man’s job was politics in government and the woman’s was politics in the community like social standing and all that. however it must be acknowledged that there was tension between them over these roles bc of how often john was away, which was kind of abnormal, likely bc john played so many diplomatic roles, much more than other men
“if i were a man, id be in the field of battle” idk why this made me sob. abigail knows so much about the war and what the soldiers go through, but she can only act vicariously through her husband, when this implies she really wants to do more ☹️☹️☹️☹️
john adams: VOMITING - john quincy: tu es 🥳 il est 🫣 elle est 🤨 je suis 🥶
omg the naval fight scene FUCKED ME UP the first time i watched it. i was like “omg his leg- OMG HIS L E G-“ and my dad was like “yeah thats what happened when you get SHOT DIRECTLY IN THE LEG WITH A CANNON”
ik this guy is having his leg chopped off and all but im just like “omg a good representation of 18th century medicine 🥰”
so uh… anyone want a granola bar?
OMG PARIS PARIS PARIS DHWJWHWJ they did it so well every time i see a scene in paris i piss my pants /pos (tmi but its that good)
bro who even liked ben franklin??? everyone who worked closely with him seemed to hate him or just tolerate him. like he’s funny, but damn bro. then again, the people i have in mind aren’t known for getting along with others, so maybe its that
i hate rich people but 1770s french aristocratic fashion… 🥵 (IM KIDDING IM SORRY DJSBWJWBWN)
“how is your french?” “uh… oh pas très bon…” “ah, that is easily remedied. you must either attend the theater or take a mistress” “DOCTOR FRANKLIN-“ me asf
im so shit at french, i cant even make fun of john
the whole quote john says about “i must study politics and war so my sons can study philosophy and shit so their sons can study music and whatever” is actually pretty dope. good one johnny
“he’s worked it all out” LMFAO I LOVE THAT GUY
OMG ITS LITTLE BABY LOUIS MY LITTLE MEOW MEOW omg you cant tell me he’s not ace, he’s literally wearing purple
he’s fr me tho like. “hello dr franklin!!! you have sex!!!! weird!!!! hello other guy!!!! …😐😑😐 you don’t speak french??? 🤨 not a word??? 😕… HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA bye *flutters away*”
is that vergennes? if its vergennes i’ll shit myself rn to fully understand what its like to be an absolute BABY
oh it was vergennes. i guess im going to have to shit myself. (i fucking hate vergennes so much he’s so annoying)
string quartet 🥺
D’ESTAING????? OMG LITTLE SCRUNGLY JEJEHWWBJ such a flirt too like bro keep it in your pants
who is this other guy?? who is he. he looks like my uncle. wait is that. who is the doctor. he’s a doctor. the bloodletting guy, he’s related to the schuylers. the surgeon general who is he. HELP ME WHO IS HE????
john quincy is smarter than his dad at like 12, i’ll give him that, but what is that haircut 🤨🤨🤨
“i have been left kicking and writhing in the myre” you’re what 🤨
he’s right about franklin tho, he’s a shit legislator
child abuse 1: verbal abuse @ nabby who never did anything wrong.
fr tho john is being highkey negligent of his family at home like. bro you don’t have to write to your wife about politics???? just tell her you’re okay tf, she’s worried. this pisses me off as someone with a dad who couldn’t see me all the time for his work and still went out of his way to be there. so yeah, fuck you, john. fuck. you
oh god the netherlands negotiations 😒 its so painful to watch
also the dutch architecture slaps just as much as the french
“*CHOKING AND DYING*” “are you will” “*STILL CHOKING* im fine” 🤨
“..do you mean… have i failed here as well?” yeah, actually.
child abuse 2: sending j.q to russia when he doesn’t want to and also with that bitchass haircut
was that a duty and inclination reference 😨
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nagdabbit · 3 years
"my entire fitness goal is hook's shoulder-waist ratio, but with taz's extremely dense neck."
"the funniest thing about wrestling is that this fucking company is trying to make something called a stadium stampede sound both cool, AND serious."
gf: "if you cry listening to a crowd sing judas again, im divorcing you." me: "so that means youre gonna marry me." gf: "i've been bamboozled."
about brian cage: "this man is a huge dork. like, literally, i could fit me in him."
"i dunno what it is, but i would die to protect mr. hangman. he hunk, but he also baby."
thoughtfully, "i bet i could just catch you out of the air like that. i mean, i can squat you, i could probably even curl you like that, too."
because she is deeply in wrestling twitter now: "HOOK! babe, look, its hook! hook hive, rise up!"
"what i love about this feud is that all these men are fuckin' idiots. no brain cells, just shoes and fwiendship."
"what do you mean their tag team isn't just the wild boys, wtf? missed opportunity."
"those kicks are ugly, but i would steal them, too, honestly." *thirty seconds of silence layer* "for you, babe. i'd steal them for you, i mean."
"jon, no, the germs, jon, jesus christ, please dont drink that jon you dumbass."
"i love eddie, but i'm pretty sure we should never hang out. too much extremely new york energy, we would get arrested in like ten minutes. possibly less."
"diorsday device is the funniest shit ive ever fucking heard, how goddamn sad is that."
"max caster is gonna get murdered, but i love him."
"i wish bowens and his extremely attractive boyfriend the best in life."
"colt cabana and tay conti are tied for best smile in wrestling, but tay wins because i dont want colt to kick me in the face."
"penta is the only joker i formally recognize."
"today i found out that some people don't like stu and uno, and to them i say get entirely fucked."
after rush came out and i lost my entire shit: "i don't fully understand yet, but i support you." *one minute later* "oooooooooooohh. okay, yeah."
gf: "i enjoy that cody is pushing ogogo by being a dumb bitch with this america schtick." me: "you gonna say that when cody wins?" gf: "...fuck."
"ogogo got that guy ritchie movie ass music you love to see it."
"you were right about cody and i fuckin' hate it."
"aw yeah, its big boi season."
about miro: "i'm very gay, but the thing is, men with extremely jacked traps just do something to me."
"lance changed changed the color of his extensions and i appreciate that." *thirty seconds later* "are those... three crosses? tattooed on his back? jesus doesnt like murder, i don't think he likes murderhawks, either."
"britt baker is the only dentist i want in my mouth. no, wait, don't type that one!"
"oh, fuck, shidas getting teary i'm gonna fuckin cry, oh fuck, i get it now, i'm so sorry i made fun of you, i love her."
"oh fuck, shida knee me directly in the face."
"britt scares me. like the blood drip details on her gear are really cool, but i would legit believe its real blood from her."
"are you really crying about britt and the nice announcer man hugging?"
"hey, quick question, just real quick while ive got you here... why is the emo twink... like this?"
"darby's dad looks like my dad, and i'll never be okay with that."
"i like that darby just yeets himself around like that. he came in like a wrecking ball. a tiny, tiny wrecking ball."
"sting just tossing his son around the ring like that is very good, but, sir, that's bad parenting."
"the thing about sky and page is that these are the suburb guys i beat up at the beach on summer vacation. they have big "i robbed these guys at the pier" energy."
"damn, darby just feels his emotion with his entire face, doesnt he."
"okay explain the gambling thing and WHY it's a thing."
"orange rolling into the ring is so fucking good, that man is national treasure."
after me showing her the video of younger orange cassidy shitfaced and holding a fish for no reason: "i am shocked and appalled that you're only showing me this now."
after explaining the history of the jansport: "the range of this dumbass."
"i get that kenny is good and all, but his hair really fucks me up. it's upsettingly bad and i hope he knows that."
"pac is just. so much muscle. flippy beef man. a meateor." she did specify how to spell it for the joke because it was important.
"that man is a weeb, isnt he."
"something about a man breaking a hold by putting his hands in his pockets really gets me hype."
"fuck just murder omega and be done i hate this, put it on the beef man or the juicey boy already."
"babe, ill be right back i gotta murder this callis bitch."
after kenny won: "i fucking hate wrestling, this is bullshit."
"holy fuck, babe, i forgot mark henry was a wrestle boy! i know him from the olympics!"
"hey, is mark henry bigger than large paul?"
"mjf is a dumb bitch and i love him."
"hey, quick question, who thought repelling down the stadium would look cool, they're so far away."
"there's wardlow, my sweet boy. this is cool now."
she laughed for a solid two minutes at tony schiavone saying, "here comes the little guy."
"i fuckin hate hager. kill him wardlow, kill that crispy maga ass bitch."
"okay what's with the chairs." *after a brief explanation of the chairshot heard round the world* "and, like, he can't just pick a new gimmick? it's been two years, bro. move on, shes not coming back."
"okay, i admit that this is great and i love it, kill that old man on the dancefloor."
upon learning this is technically the main event: "you mean it's over after this? theyre ending the show on THIS? not the triple threat match, this?"
"i just noticed mjf's bedazzled jeans, i'm not angry anymore, this is perfect."
"no, more wardlow. gimme the beef."
"christ, sammy guevara is kinda incredible and i'm fuckin angry about it. why cant inner circle be just sammy and santana and ortiz, fuck the other two."
"no, shut up! i refuse to sing along to this! whats wrong with you?! this is a bad song!"
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wozwaid · 4 years
would you do hcs for the soul eater boys realizing their crush on you and telling you?? tysm! :]
if you dont know, I'm the biggest simp for soul evans so just putting that out there
also all my soul eater fics are crack + fluff fics because these children are fucking crazy
TW: swearing. a lot of swearing. i swear a lot. I'm really sorry its a bad habit I'm working on it ANYWAYS-
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- say it with me, everyone.
- not. fucking. cool.
- cool guys don't settle down... right?
- but you obviously would wanna date a cool guy like him... right?
- like should he tell you?
- so he goes to Black Star. 
- you read that correctly ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary pals. Soul Eater Evans asked Black Star for relationship advice.
- he's desperate don’t judge him (plz do tho Maka and Tsubaki haven't stopped laughing)
- so he shows up in a leather jumpsuit (roll with it) and proclaims his love for you at the top of DWMA academy
- nobody could hear him. they all just saw what appeared to be a screaming monkey
- look he's cool and all but he’s also a total idiot.
- he assumes you not responding means it’s a no and he gets DEPRESSED
- but then Maka was like “dipshit they couldn’t hear you”
- he shows up at your door with flowers and a card. he knocks on your door, but when he hears you approaching he drops everything and SPRINTS AWAY.
- so you have these flowers and a card with your name on it on your front porch. inside is a letter saying “hey y/n, you’re really cool an if you wanna hang out some time, meet me at the basketball court tomorrow at 11am.”
awe he did it... kinda.
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Black Star
I'm gonna claw his eyes out I swear to god HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT-
*ahem* anyways.
- Black Star... hmm... how do I say this. he has his head up his ass.
- wouldn’t know what romantic feelings were even if they smacked him in the head, but they couldn’t smack him in the head, because his head is stuck up his ass.
- Tsubaki is like “why do you keep challenging y/n? they clearly don’t wanna spar with you right now.”
- and BS is just like “no they do.” and that's the end of the conversation.
- Tsubaki realizes that he has a crush on you, but he’s just too dumb to notice, so she literally tells you for him.
- she’s like “yo, y/n. Black Star is kinda in love with you but he’s too stupid to realize it.”
- and you’re like “sweet ok ill go ask him out.”
- SOOO  you go to Black Star after class and ask him to dinner.
- bad move. you can kiss your savings goodbye, but you might get to kiss Black Star???
- and you’re like “wait you don’t know where I live-” “YES I DOOOOO SEE YOU AT 8″
- not creepy at all Black Star. not creepy at all.
- he’s freaking the fuck out
- so he shows up at your apartment looking like he just survived Hurricane Maria and then went swimming with sharks but didn’t bring any equipment. remember how he dressed for the episode where they celebrate the founding of DWMA? he looks like that, but somehow worse.
- you take him inside, throw him in your room with a towel and tell him to shower since there’s gel EVERYWHERE
- you guys just end up staying inside, playing videogames!
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Death the MAN
- sooooo DTK. my favorite character
- i’m not totally sure how he’d handle it
- I dont think he would handle it tbh
- he’s a genius, but he's FUCKING STUPID
- he decides to shove his feelings into the back of his mind because, as he said, “that’s a problem for future Death the Kid, not me.” Same honey, same.
- but then he sees you getting hit on and PULLS OUT HIS PISTOLS AND FUCKING MURDERS-
- nah he just grabs you and walks away
- ur like “uh hello what’s up?”
- he realizes that he messed up your shirt while dragging you outside.
- a-symmetrical. bad. not good. Death the Kid.exe has stopped working
- and ur like “OH SHIT IS HE DEAD”
- so you take him to the nurse because why not.
- and so there you are, sitting in the nurses office, watching your crush practically bleed out. fun!
- and he says your name in his sleep and you automatically crash
- when he wakes up, he sees that you’re asleep in a chair next to him, so being the LOVELY HUMAN BEING (shinigami? both? who’s DTK’s mom? help?) that he is, he picks you up and lays you down next to him, falling asleep holding onto you
- liz and patty are taking pictures. he’ll never hear the end of it from those two.
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damn what those hands do?
- so we figured out a valuable piece of information
- dr. stein has a heart and it works
-  wanna know how? 
- you were kicking his ass and he got really flustered bc you were sweating and he had DIRTY THOUGHTS-
- so boom. human emotions. stein has those. problem solved. ladies and gentlemen (and non-binary pals), we got him.
- stein doesn’t understand what to do with his feelings for you
- does he... does he remove his heart? will that make it better?
- no oh my god someone please stop him he's actually gonna do it-
- he ends up just telling you face to face with the most expressionless expression you’ve ever seen
- and you’re like “hey um r u ok?”
- marry him. m a r r y  h i m. when stein falls for someone, he falls HARD.
- you’re in it for the long run with him. hope you’re ready to never sleep cuz he’ll perform experiments on you!
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Spirit (Death Scythe)
- he does have very pretty eyes tho
- i deadass have no clue what to say. my -3 IQ can’t handle this. good luck homie, this one’s a doosey.
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Meeting and Dating Ace Merrill
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(Not my gif)(Requested by a few anonymous askers)
- You’d been out with a few of your friends, visiting a drive in movie theater when you just so happened to catch Ace’s eye. He had to do a double take when he saw you for the first time, since when did Castle Rock have stray models wandering around?
- Well, what’s a guy supposed to do? Not come talk to you? Uh, uh, not an option. 
- So, while you were standing at the concession stand, the greaser sidled up to you, leaning against the counter and introducing himself with a charming smile. He made conversation as you waited for your food, sprinkling in little flirty comments and twirling a strand of your hair between his fingers. 
- Not too long after, the cashier returned with your order; interrupting the two of you. You gathered your purchase, a bit disappointed that you had to say goodbye so soon. 
- Just as you were trying to think of something to say, he asked if he could take you out sometime. The two of you made plans to see each other before your friends urgently called you over. You hurriedly said goodbye to the blonde, giving him a quick apology before heading over to your seat. 
“See you around, y/n/n.” 
- Once you joined back with your group, they began to warn you about how much trouble your “new friend” was. To be honest, it sort of turned you off of him and rightfully so. A womanizing criminal was not exactly the kind of guy you were looking for. 
- With your friends words in mind, you made sure to avoid the blonde, not meeting him for your date and not answering his calls. Unfortunately for you, you’d relinquished just enough information about yourself for him to be able to track you down and by that I mean, he visited your work. 
- Finally, you were forced to confront him and admit that, yes, you’d been avoiding him. He seemed more than a little pissed but he tried to be on his best behavior, especially when asking if that mean’t you “couldn’t be friends”. 
- You felt bad for jerking him around so you hesitantly agreed to, at least, be on good terms with him. Lets just say you didn’t stay just friends for very long. 
- After only a week of hanging out with him, you find yourself fooling around in the backseat of his car. Don’t be too hard on yourself, Ace is a professional. 
- You tugged your sweater back on, running your fingers through your mussed up hair as the boy lit a cigarette. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you settled back against the seat, blowing out a cloud of smoke before he spoke. 
“You’re mine now, alright?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, a small smile finding it’s way onto your lips. “yeah, alright.” 
- And so, the two of you began your “secret” relationship. 
- Ace really isn’t too bad, just rough around the edges. You learn to live with his faults and just try to stop him from doing anything too against the law or dangerous. 
- He has a cold and tough exterior but his insides are... well mostly the same but with beer, some gooey parts and lots of love for you. 
- Can I just say that something tells me Ace is a momma’s boy. Like his family is pretty dysfunctional but his ma means a whole lot to him and she’s the sweetest little woman you’ll ever meet. He’s very excited to introduce you. 
- He usually calls you doll, darlin’, angel and babe. You cant decide which ones your favorite, he makes them all sound so good. 
- He’s always messing with something, whether that be a car part, knife or something of yours. 
- Constant pda. He has his hands on you whenever you let him and will try to sneak some contact whenever you wont. The only reason you wouldn’t let him was if you’re around someone you don’t want knowing you’re together.
- The looks that he gives you in public, oh dear. 
- He makes it damn clear to everyone that you belong to him so yes, you could say that he’s pretty jealous. 
- If anyone even tries to flirt with you they need to watch their backs while walking home. He’s not afraid to pull a knife on a guy in a bar, what do you think he’d do to someone when they’re all alone?
- You probably get an ‘Ace’ tattooed on you at some point. He’d usually just do something like that himself but he wants it to look nice so he’ll take you to an actual shop; unless of course, you want him to do it.
- He most likely tattooed your name on himself, making you do the first letter yourself. He thinks it’s cute when you keep apologizing for “hurting him”.
- Raunchy compliments. If you’re lucky he’ll just say you “look good” or that he “likes it” when you’ve done something new to yourself. 
- Husky morning/late night whispers. 
- Sometimes he’ll arrive home late at night, stumble around for a while and then just collapse onto you, falling asleep as you watch tv. He’s usually a little tipsy so you just run your fingers through your hair and let him nap. 
- Most of the time he’ll wake up all groggy a few minutes later, throw you over his shoulder and carry you off to your actual bed which is just a cozy tad bit too small.
- He drags Eyeball to the store with him whenever he needs to get you a gift.
“How bout roses? Girls like that kinda shit right?”
- Eyeball probably has a crush on you, he can’t help it; there aren’t a lot of girls in town who are as nice as you, not to mention as pretty. 
- All the cobras think you’re adorable and the best girlfriend any one of them could ever manage to get. They grew especially fond of you after you brought them beer when they ran out.
- Trying to stop him from messing with kids. He tones it down, mostly whenever you’re around, but never really quits. 
- Fake wrestling. It’s fun to roll around on the floor with you a little, especially when he wins which is often. 
- So much sarcasm, if you don’t know how to hold your own then you better learn quick. 
- Helping him or keeping him company while he cleans his car. He sprays you a few times with the hose because he’s an asshole. 
- He’s made you sit on the hood of his car for a picture at least once. 
 “I’ll give you two bucks if you let me take one of you topless.”
- He likes standing behind you while you cook and resting his head on your shoulder.
- Cutting his hair for him. There’s something oddly satisfying about sitting in a tiny bathroom with him, balancing on the sink ledge and trying your best to not mess up. 
- He doesn’t give a fuck, he’ll buy you pads. Who's going to give him shit for it? His friends? He’ll beat their asses into next week. 
- Going to drag races. 
- Watching him play pool. 
- Rough kisses. 
- Hickeys, bruises, and bite marks. 
- Sitting on his lap. 
- Getting pinned to things because he likes seeing you all flustered. 
- Let’s be honest, there’s a lot of sex. The mans horny like 80% of the time. Anything you do turns him on. Thankfully, being good at sex is one of his redeeming qualities. 
- He’s the kind of guy to slap and grab your ass in public with no shame.
- Whenever you walk in front of him he tends to pull you back against him so that you’re pressed against his chest. It’s both because he can't keep his hands off of you and because it shows that you’re his to everyone around you.
- Whenever you’re in the car together, he drives with one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh. 
- Him doing really dangerous shit and making you worry. He thinks it’s kinda cute when you do, not many people genuinely care about his well being. 
- He thinks it’s fun to annoy you so expect him to act like a little shit every now and again, putting things you need on the top shelf and stealing your clothes or towel from the bathroom while you’re showering. 
- He’ll usually annoy you until you talk to him whenever you try to give him the silent treatment. 
- Your parents found out about the two of you when they caught you making out in his car, a few months into your relationship. It certainly made convincing them that he’s actually an alright guy  pretty hard. 
- Depending on their personalities, they either made you stop seeing him for a little while as a punishment then tried their best to accept it or they just kicked you out of the house. This was the 60’s after all, most parents were pretty strict and judgmental. 
- If they decide to kick you out then you’re moving in with him, plain and simple. You're his girl, he’ll take care of you.
- Fights are rough, like really rough. There’s yelling, insults, things being thrown. It’s just overall not a fun time. Either you or him storm out at some point; if it’s him then you usually aren’t there when he gets back. You go to stay with your friend for a while. 
- He calls you constantly and tries to find you whenever you’re out in public. He’s still pissed off but he misses you and feels kind of horrible when he comes home and doesn’t find you there. He’ll usually spot you when you’re walking home and will drive up beside you to try and win you back. 
“Get in the car y/n.”
“Get lost Ace!” You shout, spouting off some rant about how you’re through and aren’t coming back. 
“That’s bullshit and you know it! We’ll be doing this till the end of time darlin’.”
“This is the last damn time Ace.”
“Come on babe, gimme another chance. Why’d you get that tattoo if you couldn’t handle me.” He joked. 
“... If I get in that damn car you promise this won’t happen again?”
“Hell, I can’t promise anything but I’ll sure as hell try.”
- When you guys are in bed he’ll apologize for real, wrapping his arms around you while you lay your head on his chest.
“You do know I’m sorry, right?”
- He’s kind of just your average dirtbag who sometimes takes you for granted, then makes it up to you in some way that makes it really hard for you to leave. You know you should probably ditch him but you just can’t, you love him for better or for worse. 
- You probably have a civil ceremony or a really small wedding. He’s not one for stuff that’s big and fancy so something private is ideal for him. 
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dancingazaleas · 4 years
bertholdt hoover | mc donald’s
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HELPLPPPP i love he 🥺 i love he so much
sorry if this was trash :-(( i was rlly sleepy when i wrote this. pls enjoy
warnings/notes: cursing, modern au, highschool au, bertholdt, reiner, marcel, and reader are seniors, porco is a junior, reader is marcel’s twin, bert is ambidextrous (my headcanon), hard pining, bert’s a music prodigy, female reader
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when you meet him, it was at your house on a friday night.
porco and marcel had decided to have their obnoxious and messy friend group over at the house while your parents were away for the weekend doing god knows what.
you were just annoyed that your mom said their friends could come over.
it wasn’t that they were inheritaly bad people, it was just that they were overly loud and, somehow, always forgot to pick up their shit before they left. you’d always get your ass chewed out by your mom for it too.
you also hated going downstairs whenever they were there. if marcel or porco caught even a glimpse of you, they would pester you to play a round of super smash bros and wii sports with them and the group. whenever the two of them started to pester, usually reiner would join in until you would cave. reiner was annoying when it game to game nights.
so, you sat upstairs in your room trying to go to sleep and drown out their laughter and yelling, but you couldn’t. they were too fucking loud.
you texted both porco and marcel angrily, telling them ‘shut your fucking mouths i cant fucking sleep’. you concluded that they were too distracted to notice your texts when they continued to yell and laugh. you scoffed and decided that you’d just try to scroll through social media and rant to ymir over text.
30 minutes had passed and the group downstairs showed no signs of quieting down and you were starting to get hungry. so with a sigh, you made your way downstairs towards your kitchen with the intention of finding pizza flavored goldfish in mind.
you were glad you weren’t noticed when you passed by the living room, that meant no pizza flavored goldfish. you opened the door to the pantry only to find cereal, protein powder and bars, porco and marcel’s chips, and the food your mom and dad ate.
this meant they had used your food for this get together. you groaned loudly and slammed the door to the pantry shut. the echo of it immediately silenced the large group in the living room, which held your next homicide victims.
you stomped into the room, irritation written all over your face as you looked at your brothers, who were hugging each other in fear.
“first, you ignore my texts asking you to shut your big fucking mouths. then, you decided death when you chose to serve your friends my food.” the two teenage boys nodded wearily.
with a battle scream, you jumped over the coffee table and on top of them on the leather couch, fists swinging. they shrieked in fear, scrambling under your weight to get away as everyone else in the room laughed at the scene.
you sat on porco’s back, the main offender, and held his head up by digging your thumbs into the bones of his eyebrows.
“porco, if you want me off of your’s and marcel’s ass in the next week; you better drive me to fucking mc donald’s, get me food, and pay for it!!! deal?!” you shouted at him, kicking away the hand that was reaching around to shove you away.
he slammed him palm onto the couch two times, “okay, okay!!! deal!! now get your ass off of me!!!”
you let go of his face and got off of him, but not without giving him a hard slap to the side of the head.
reiner hooted and clapped his large hands together, “another wrestling victory for (name)!!!”
everyone laughed a little, and you did a little bow before plopping down next to pieck, a college student you met in junior year while she was a senior who you were actually quite close with.
“how do you always manage to get your ass kicked by (name) everytime we come here,” zeke, another friend you’d met in junior year while he was in his senior year, snickered at the misery of porco.
“ha ha,” porco gave a monotone laugh, “leave me alone old man.”
“porco, where’s my mc donalds,” you sang and watched marcel roll his eyes a little.
“(name), it’s 11 o’clock at night. i’m not going to get you fucking mc donalds,” porco snapped but cowered away when you made the slight movement of getting up onto your feet.
“bertholdt’ll drive ‘em!” reiner piped up and everyone turned to said bert.
you felt yourself getting flustered when you took a look at bertholdt. he was tall and lean guy cowering in the corner of your couch with dark red cheeks as he stared back at you. his hair was a dark brown and he had the prettiest light jade colored eyes with a hooked nose right between them.
“oh...,” you were stunned, which was a uncommon occurrence, and felt like it was just you and him, “yeah... i’m down. i don’t think we’ve met before.”
bertholdt gave a shy nod and stood up for the couch, and you noticed just how tall he was. before you could make a step towards him however, porco jumped to his feet and got between you.
“nope! changed my mind! get in the tr—,” you shoved him back onto the couch next to marcel, who had a small and gentle smile.
“bert’s gonna get some,” pieck teased with a giggle as she poked at your sides from her seat.
you laughed bashfully and slapped her hands away, telling bertholdt that you were ready to leave when he was. pieck seized her attacks when you followed after bertholdt when he made his way to your front door.
“don’t forget to use protection,” annie shouted nonchalantly, the whole room bursting into laughter.
after that, both you and bertholdt hurried to get out of the house and into his car.
which led you to now, sitting in the parking lot of the sketchy and dingy mc donald’s eating and talking.
“wait, so when reiner...,” you chew while laughing, “told you marcel had a twin, you thought it was a prank?”
bertholdt chuckles shyly and nods, “yeah. i just.. i never saw you around cause no one pointed you out when we were at school. reiner would do stuff like that ever since we were kids.”
you shake your head with a smile, “so, why’d you decide to transfer to titan high just a couple weeks ago?”
bertholdt thinks for a second, “better music program. reiner mentioned something about it to me once, so then i did my own research. titan has multiple opportunities for their students to get a chance at getting scholarships to prestigious universities for fine arts by competing. also, all my friends are here.”
your heart swells as the way bertholdt eyes shine as he speaks of the music program, so much that you forget to answer for a second.
“oh! so, what instrument do you play?”
“uhm... i play the cello, violin, viola, double bass,” he pauses, “i’m learning the harp, piano, lyre, and the guitar.”
you gape at him, “so you’re a prodigy?!”
he blushes and gives a small shrug, “i’ve never really considered myself as such... but i guess by definition i am.”
“th-then why the hell are you going to titan high?!”
“i still wanted to be a normal kid. my dad put me in public schools with decent music programs so i could still play. my favorites are the piano and the cello.”
“hold out your hand for a second,” you request, to which he obliges.
you take it into your own hand, eyes scanning over the palm of his massive hand. his fingers are worn and he has a writer’s bump on his middle finger despite it being his left hand. he has a bandaid on his pinky finger and the tips of his fingers are a flushed red as well as his knuckles. his nails are perfectly even and trimmed and you notice a scar on his thenar stretching to his radial longtitude crease. you run the tip of your finger over the scar, ignoring how bertholdt flinches at the contact.
bertholdt’s blushing and he feels like he’s going to pass out on the spot. the only other girls he’s been this close to were pieck, annie and his friend ymir, who all have girlfriends.
but then bertholdt feels the soft skin of your lips gently kissing at the scar on his hand with your eyes closed. his heart races and it feels like it’s beating out of his chest.
bert’s pretty sure he can see black dots in his vision.
you look him in the eyes now, “i know we haven’t known each other for that long, but you’re really beautiful, bert.”
bertholdt flushed cheeks turn pale as he faints.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Sweet Tooth
Corpse Husband x Asian Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Tooth-rotting (😉) Fluff, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Corpse isn’t one to have a big preference or craving for sweet, sugary treats. In fact, he’d even go as far as to say he’s not at all a fan of candy. Well, much to his yet to be known delight, his partner Y/N takes that as a personal challenge.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your lovely request! So sorry it’s taken me so long to write and post it but here it finally is and I hope you come across it and read it despite the long time that’s passed. If you do, I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤ 
“Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel!“ Y/N gives the camera a wave and blows it a quick kiss with their lips stretched in a delighted grin. They clap their hands together, turning to look at their guest who’s sitting in a chair on their right, his face covered with a sticker in the final cut of the video that their viewers have the opportunity of watching. “Ok, before we address the elephant in the room, I’m gonna ask the elephant himself not to move his head too much cause this is already gonna take a long time to edit, the last thing I need is to animate that sticker over your face to follow your movement.“
“Got it, babe.“ A deep voice replies obediently, earning an approving hum in response. However, just as Y/N’s about to turn to face the camera again, the mysterious - ok, not THAT mysterious - guest leans down and plants a kiss on their cheek.
“Brat!“ They squeal as they turn to glare at the person with narrowed eyes. He doesn’t appear bothered at all, chuckling as he wraps his arms around them in an attempt to soften them up. Sadly, his tries fall through as they proceed to ignore his affection instead of reciprocating it for the sake of being petty, “Everyone, this is my boyfriend Corpse.“
“Hello, I am hand.“ Corpse says, slowly waving his hand at the camera, “I shall be your entertainment tonight.“
“Oh this is no entertainment, I have a point to prove here.“ Y/N argues, breaking free from his arms before they bend down to pick up one of the two boxes that are resting by their feet. “You see, Corpse and I got in a bit of a scrap last night...“ they trail off, distracted by the contents of the box that’s now resting on their lap.
“I didn’t think me admitting to not liking sweet stuff would provoke such a dramatic reaction from Y/N but here we are.“ He interferes, lifting a finger in the air as though that will help him be heard better or would protect him in case his partner decided to go off at him.
Y/N just ignores his input yet again, continuing to address the camera, aka their audience, “So as you guys may or may not know, my mom’s Korean and my dad’s Japanese. Since they live in their respective countries for work purposes, that means I’m always one phone call - and a little bit of a wait - away from Korean and Japanese snacks at all times. I’m a person who constantly has a snack by their side so you can bet I make that phone call often. However, about a week ago, I made that call specifically for candy, the brands I was obsessed with as a kid. I don’t know what came over me but I think it was my fortuneteller sense kicking in because this mister over here decided to CASUALLY bring up the fact that he doesn’t like candy.” They turn to glare at him before continuing, “Anyways, so luckily, the package arrived only recently so I haven’t had the time to tear open all the candy and eat it all by myself as I was planning to. That being said, today I’ll be in introducing Corpse to the world of Japanese and Korean candy - a tighter circle of it, to be specific: the candy I grew up with.” They finally turn to Corpse again, the look on their face significantly different and a lot more pleasant compared to the one they gave him a bit ago. “So, how are you feeling, babe? Are you excited?”
Although the man’s face is blocked to the viewers, Y/N can still see him and they are pretty damn close to bursting out in a fit of laughter.  “I don’t know how to feel, actually. I know you have peculiar taste so it’s either gonna be a fun experience or I’m gonna very displeased with what you’ll have me try.“
Y/N rolls their eyes, “Trust me, you won’t be.” They put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, only half humoring his nervousness, “You’ll only be trying six on camera, but my parents sent a ton more which you’ll be able to try later, ok? It was really hard for me to pick only six favorites by I don’t need this video crossing the twenty minute mark.”
With a heavy-hearted sigh, Corpse finally brings himself to rip the band-aid off and get this adventure started. “Ok cool, but don’t surprise me with anything, please. Show me what you had in mind to have me try so I can, you know, prepare myself.”
Y/N, who was busy taking out packets of candy just a moment ago suddenly stops in their movements to give him a look of disbelief, “You know none of these are poisonous, right? Like, I’m not trying to kill you or anything. There’s no cyanide, no rat poison...”
His laughter cuts them off, wrapping his arm around them and pulling them closer again, “I’m messing with you, babe. What you got for me?” He says, placing a quick kiss to their temple while sneaking a peek at the packaging of the candies they’re holding right now.
Wiggling a little looser in his grip, they first show him the three items before turning them to the camera, “These are from my mom, she sent them from Korea and they are triggering a massive wave of nostalgia right now, not gonna lie.” They giggle, adjusting the brightness a little so the products can be seen properly, “Ok so first we have the long biscuit sticks that come in many flavors but I asked for my favorite - green tea flavored, that is. Then we have Pumpkin Monaca which are probably one of my most favorite sweet treats of all time. I think you’re gonna really like them. And lastly from Korea we have these butter waffles which I used to eat for breakfast when I was running late for school - which happened often.”
Corpse snorts, “That doesn’t surprise me.”
His remark is overlooked as Y/N continues, now taking out three packets from the other package, “Now we’re moving on to my dad’s box. He didn’t disappoint either: we have soda-flavored jelly beans; Black Thunder chocolate bars which you’re only gonna steal one of because the rest are MINE; and last but definitely not least we have some classic milk candies.” Setting those down as well, they turn to Corpse yet again, this time giving his a mischievous smile that’s promising him trouble, “So, Mr. Corpse Husband, after this introduction, are you prepared to have your entire opinion o sweet food changed? And more importantly, are you prepared to develop an addiction to these treats?”
Corpse nods confidently, “Oh, I’m very prepared, thank you. Let’s just get on with it.”
Needless to say: boy, was he not as prepared as he thought he was.
It goes without saying Y/N proved their point and took the win today.
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brelione · 4 years
Thief (TBB Headcanons)
okay okay hear me out ... a “compilation” of moments when the reader wears the boyz clothes 🥺
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Rafe had a habit of leaving his shirts all over your house.He had his own section in your closet for all the things he left.One of those things was a gray button up.He had worn it to some sort of meeting with Wared, ripping the material off as soon as he entered your house, claiming that he was ‘over it’.You figured that meant that you could keep it, wearing it over a black tanktop with some sweatpants.Those sweatpants were also his but if you folded them just right he would never know.You heard him beep from outside, pulling on your backpack before walking out of the house and shutting your door behind you, getting into his truck.You two were going to the craft store to buy some string and beads to make some bracelets, Kelce and Topper too busy doing whatever it was that they did in their free time.Probably rock hunting.Rafe grinned at you, reaching for your hand as always before backing out of the driveway, not noticing your outfit until he pulled into the dunkin donuts drive thru. “Where did you-what?”He asked, trying to figure out when you had got that shirt. “What?”You asked innocently, grinning. “Thats not-you cant just-why?”He asked, staring at you.You raised your eyebrows, shrugging. “I don't know what the hell you’re talking about.”You replied, taking the iced coffee from his hand.
You yawned, standing up.You found one of Kelce’s pastel shirts on the floor, unclipping your bra and sliding it on over your body.It waws one of the many shirts he had ordered online that ended up being far too big for him which meant it would be more fun for you to wear.Your hair was a mess, a few pieces sticking out but you couldn't care less, walking down the stairs slowly.You werent sure if the boys had stayed the night or not, last seeing them at two in the morning the previous night.Kelce and Topper were the only ones who stayed over which meant that Rafe had to go to some sort of business meeting with his dad or he needed to let Wheezie know that he was still alive.The two boys were currently on the floor, their hair just as messy as yours as they scrolled through their phones as they struggled to stay awake. “The sleeping beauty has awoken.”Topper grinned, looking up at you. “Shut up.”You replied, going into the kitchen to make a coffee.Kelce got up, his face having the imprint of your couch as he stumbled into the kitchen to grab himself a mug, glancing at you.His eyes widened, turning entirely to face you. “(Y/N).”He spoke, no longer tired.You hummed, leaning against the counter as you waited for your coffee to brew. “That is my shirt.”He poked at the fabric.You shook your head. “No its not, I got it from Walmart the last time we went.”You told him, trying not to laugh.He frowned, trying to figure out if it were true or not. “No, its not.I ordered it from Amazon two weeks ago.”He argued. “No.”You answered, taking your coffee and scurrying away with it.
Sleeping over Topper’s house was always really fun.You’d get greek salads and boba tea and sit in his mother’s bedroom to eat.She was never home and her room was huge.The bed was large enough for three people and the tv was the size of your kitchen table.You guys always fell asleep on the bed by 9:30 without Rafe and Kelce there to keep you guys awake with their comments about movies and playful bickering.You woke up on the floor, being kicked off the mattress by Topper.He was currently in a starfish position on his stomach, snoring into a pillow.You grinned, wishing you had your polaroid camera.You headed into his room, opening his bottom drawer to where he kept his ‘trash’ shirts that he’d wear whenever he was painting or rock hunting because he didn't care if they got dirty or not.You found your favorite one, a dark purple one with a rip towards the bottom.You pulled it on over the tank top you were currently wearing, going down into his kitchen to make yourself a smoothie bowl, hearing his footsteps not too long after. “Hey, have you talked to-is that my rock hunting shirt?”He asked, stepping closer to you as he looked for the rip. “Is that my bra?”You asked, pointing past him.He turned around, glancing around his kitchen.You quickly ran upstairs, laughing as you locked yourself in his room. “YOU LITTLE SHIT!”He shouted, running up the stairs after you.
You walked into your kitchen, doing a double take.Topper was wearing your oversized sweater, chuckling at something Kelce had said while he sipped his coffee.Rafe had one of your bandanas holding his hair back, a light green t shirt on his torso that only reached his belly button, leaning against the counter as he scrolled through his phone.Kelce was wearing your Frozen pants and a white tube top, waiting for the microwave to beep.When had they even been in your room? “Oh, hey.”Kelce smiled at you.
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