castiel-win-blog1 · 12 years
About Dean...
I put my plan into action, as soon as the house had cooled down. After imbibing copious amounts of alcohol and removing my shirt, it did not seem as if Dean could resist. He leaned towards me and whispered "I know what you are, and I want some of it," we hastily retired. In the morning, it seemed as if no one had gotten any sleep, although I am not sure why Sam wasn't sleeping. I believe that the plan worked.
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castiel-win-blog1 · 12 years
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ghostlyaquarium started following you
Oh hello, I didn't notice you.
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castiel-win-blog1 · 12 years
I am going to sleep now.
I don't know if this is relevant or not.
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castiel-win-blog1 · 12 years
((hehehe, my plan for world domination has begun... I SHALL CONFUSE THE TUMBLRS BY NOT MARKING MY OOC-NESS))
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msmasari replied to your post: msmasari replied to your post: HE HIT THE ASK…
omg what a cutie i’m laughing
i know i’m dying over here he’s so CUTE WHAT A GREAT CAS
so proud of my baby brother...
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castiel-win-blog1 · 12 years
Yup I don't know HTML so I'm pretty clueless
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msmasari replied to your post: msmasari replied to your post: HE HIT THE ASK…
omg what a cutie i’m laughing
i know i’m dying over here he’s so CUTE WHAT A GREAT CAS
so proud of my baby brother :’) his first roleplaying experience is him as cas asking his big sister how he should go about getting dean’s attention
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castiel-win-blog1 · 12 years
((I am not a baby.))
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msmasari replied to your post: msmasari replied to your post: HE HIT THE ASK…
omg what a cutie i’m laughing
i know i’m dying over here he’s so CUTE WHAT A GREAT CAS
so proud of my baby brother :’) his first roleplaying experience is him as cas asking his big sister how he should go about getting dean’s attention
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castiel-win-blog1 · 12 years
I don't have human memories.
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