pastelpousay · 1 month
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lyrakanefanatic · 7 months
Fic request-
Hawthorne family drama reveals Calla has a bf and then it's just a chain of revelations about EVERYTHING (Michael's slutty tattoo he got when he was drunk. hannah, calla and kylie sneaking off to a college party. Nia trying to fix Mara's oven and setting it on fire. Lucas gambling 10000 dollars in vegas. and the fact that essentially most of them have bfs/gfs)
Ik it's lengthy but would love to read it write at your leisure 🫶
It was Thanksgiving at Hawthorne house, and I was still thinking about the party from last night. Me, Hannah, and Kylie all decided to sneak out to go to a college party that my boyfriend’s brother was hosting, because we thought it’d be fun. Unfortunately, Michael caught us in the act. He promised he wouldn’t tell, but it’s Michael. Nothing lasts a secret in his mouth for long. And, if my dad were to find out I snuck out, let alone had a boyfriend, I would be dead. I was busy contemplating my life when a voice calls me back to the present.
“Calla? Hello?” My mom asks, a frown on her face. I snap my head up, my nerves shaking my body.
“What? Sorry, what is it?” I ask, praying that she didn’t find out about the party. Instead, her expression clears and she gestures to the bowl of mashed potatoes beside me.
“Do you mind passing those?” She asks me. I quickly grabs the bowl and hand it to her, my hands shaking the littlest bit. My mom seemed to sense my jitters, because she studied my face for a moment before taking the mashed potatoes from me. I released a breath of air before glancing at Michael for the millionth time that dinner, just to make sure he wasn’t going to say anything. He smirks at my nervousness, and looks away, a twinkle in his eyes.
“Hey, Gray,” He calls. My dad perks up and immediately my heart starts racing. Is he gonna snitch? Instead, Michael points to the stuffing by my dad’s plate. “Could you pass the stuffing?” He asks. Immediately, I let out a relieved sigh as I send Michael a glare, but he just grins back and adds more stuffing to his plate.
“There was such a big college party last night. This guy in my class hosted it, and almost everybody went.” Mara said, casually. She didn’t know about the fact that me, her sister, and Hannah went to that party, and immediately my heart started speeding up again. Then, her phone gets a notification and she goes on it.
“No phones at the dinner table.” Nash tells her.
“I know, I’m just checking some photos someone posted from that party last night, it was so-“ She cuts off suddenly. “Hey, that’s so weird, there’s a girl here that looks a lot like Hannah!” She says. My heart drops and Hannah, from across from where I was sitting, chokes on her water. I send Mara a look, but she’s already showing the photo to Avery, not thinking it actually was Hannah. Avery grabs the phone and looks closer, before gasping.
“That is Hannah! What were you doing alone at a college party?” She accuses. Before she can respond, my dad takes the phone from her and keeps swiping to look for more photos, before freezing.
“Well, she wasn’t alone. Calla, is this you kissing a guy in the photo, or are my eyes just tricking me?” He says, his voice calm yet absolutely dangerous. Everybody goes silent. I scramble for a response, when Kylie speaks.
“I was there too.” She says with a sigh. Good on her for not letting us get all the blame. Immediately, Nash and Libby start chastising her, but me, Hannah, and Kylie all glance at each other. We had a last resort if this were to happen, and that last resort was to throw Michael under the bus. We both nod at each other, before turning to the parents.
“Michael got a giant tattoo on his arm when he was drunk!” I shouted, pointing at him. Michael gasps and immediately gives me the coldest glare I had ever seen.
“Seriously, Calla? I’m not even the one who snitched!” He shouts, throwing his hands up in the air. Jameson and Avery both start yelling at Hannah and Michael, meanwhile me and my dad look at each other. My dad and mom weren’t the type to yell at me in public, but I fear for my life on the drive home. The stare he gave me, was in a word, murderous, and I doubted I was going to see my phone in the next week or two. I gulp, when Nia starts speaking.
“Wow, you guys have some crazy dirt on each other. I’m just glad this isn’t about the fire.” She said with a shrug, before glancing down at her food. I give her a confused look, when suddenly Mara gasps.
“Wait, were you the one who set my oven on fire? You told me it was broken!” She yelled accusingly. Nia immediately notices her mistake and makes a face.
“It was broken. After I touched it.”
“Seriously, Nia? You too? Are there no normal kids left in this household?” Max complains. Avery sighs and rubs her temples.
“Well, Xavier, Mara, and Lucas, you guys seem to be the only non trouble kids left.” She says with a sigh. They all nod, but give each other looks. Lucas sighs as well before speaking.
“Mom, don’t freak out, but I’m pretty sure almost everybody here has a girlfriend or boyfriend.” He says. The entire table groans and yells at Lucas, and I’m pretty sure the adults have had enough.
“Seriously, Lucas? Well, since you want to act like you’re the ‘innocent’ one, why don’t you tell mom what you did in Las Vegas last weekend?” Michael yells, pointing at him. Lucas gives him a warning glare, before speaking.
“I didn’t do anything in Las Vegas last weekend.” He said, his voice low and threatening. Michael, obviously, either does not take the hint or just doesnt care.
“Sure you don’t. Mom, Lucas gambled 10000 dollars just at one casino!” He shouts. Avery exploded.
“10000 dollars? Lucas, do you realize how much money that is? You are all in so much trouble, you don’t even know it!” She shouts back.
“Oh I know it.” Hannah mumbles, still scared for her life.
“What was that?” Avery snaps.
“Nothing mom.” I finally look at my own mom, who really just looked disappointed, and gave me a look that said, “Really, Calla?”. I look down at my lap and randomly, start laughing. It immediately goes silent as I slap my hand over my mouth, trying to contain my giggles. It wasn’t like I was happy about this situation, but it was either laughing or freaking out.
“Oh, we are all dead.” I say, laughing harder. Hannah giggles and soon she’s laughing too. Xavier, who had stayed silent this entire time, frowned.
“I’m not dead.” He says. I gave him a look that said, ‘shut it and enjoy the fact that nobody ratted you out’, and he took the advice by looking down and not speaking again. Jameson suddenly slaps his hands together and rubs them quickly.
“Well, that was an eventful dinner. Except we should all be getting home, because we have children to ground, phones to take away, and rules to be made ironclad.” He says. Groans circle through the table, and immediately my mom speaks.
“Don’t act like we’re the ones who told you to do stupid things. You’re all grounded, Xavier and Mara being the only exception. Calla, give me your phone, get your stuff, and get in the car.” She says, her voice somehow even. I sigh, before getting up, giving her my phone, and grabbing my purse and jacket. Hannah stands up with me.
“I’d love to walk to you all to the car.” She says. My parents try to refuse, but she immediately takes my arm and walks me outside. As soon as we’re outside, she starts speaking.
“Good luck soldier. I’m lucky I have other siblings for my parents to yell at; you’re the only one in your family.” She says, reassuringly rubbing my back. I sigh, just thinking about how long I’m gonna be grounded for.
“I bet 5 dollars that I’m getting grounded for two weeks.” I say. She snorts.
“Sure. At this point, I’ll just give it to you because I feel bad.” She says. I hear the front door open and my parents walk out, my dad’s face completely unreadable. They walk past me and into the car, and I follow them. Hannah does too, probably holding off the lecture for as long as she can. She waves to us as my dad pulls out of the garage, and he drives off. There’s silence for exactly 4 seconds before he looks in his rear view mirror at me, the look on his face dangerous and threatening. When he finally speaks, his voice is the exact same, except low.
“So, where were we?”
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oh-my-damn · 2 years
Probably you should write something about divorced ari x babysitter college student! reader. like ari is single and divorce single dad, who is busy with work and needs someone to take care of his daughter. Then BOOOM Babysitter reader comes in to get the job because she need cash!!!! she has hidden crush ari
Omg i love this concept
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Especially if she has a blatant crush on the older man and ari is somewhat oblivious to it bc he would never believe she'd be into him (he's old and damaged goods, after all)
But Ari works a lot and his ex wife has decided to start a new life with her new bf, meaning she doesnt show any interest in seeing her daughter. So you become a bonus mom to the little girl; you're there every day, spending time with her while Ari works. After a while you start to do more chores around the house too, because she needs naps and you have nothing better to do. So you'll prepare dinner, ensuring you keep it warm until he gets home. You clean up around the house and even start doing the laundry when you notice how it piles up.
And his daughter absolutely adores you. She becomes so attached that she throws a fit if you ever leave or isnt around, which makes Ari suggest they turn one of the spare room into one you can stay in when its needed. You happily accept, frankly his house is a lot nicer than that shitty apartment you share with someone you met on craigslist.
Ari super fucking rich, his house is like a damn mansion, and eventually you end up basically living there. It feels natural for him too, he starts buying you things when he notices how you need them (including a new laptop and phone when he realizes yours werent working, and he knows youll eventually want to study so the laptop is needed) as well as giving you a big raise for all you do.
He actually becomes content. He enjoys coming home to you and his daughter, it makes him feel happy and safe. His buddies tease him about how he needs to get out there and start dating, but part of him just doesnt want to. He isn't sure why.
Everything changes when he runs into you as you're about to leave the house on a saturday night, wearing a short dress and high heels. You look absolutely breathtaking, hair and makeup done beautifully.
Ari stops in his tracks, his heart skipping a beat as he looks at you, "You look beautiful, sweetheart. Where are you off to?"
Your cheeks warm at the compliment, your fingers almost trembling when you nervously adjust the dress. "Oh, uh, I have a date tonight.."
You didnt really want to go but your bestfriend had forced you to because she said you needed to get over your obsession with your employer. You cant keep pining after a man twice your age, she had said. Part of you knew it wasnt healthy since Ari didn't seem to return your feelings, but you couldn't help it. To you, he was the perfect man.
"A date?" Ari feels like he's been dropped into the freezing ocean, his entire body tensing. He didn't know you were dating, although he realizes you have every right to. But he doesn't like the thought. "I didn't realize you had a boyfriend."
"I don't," you hesitate, wide doe eyes meeting the cerulean blue of his, "I-Uh, I don't really want to go, my friend is making me.."
Ari's stance relaxes a little at your words, his tone turning more hopeful, "No? If you don't want to go, you shouldn't have to, honey."
Your teeth dig into your bottom lip at the petname, your cheeks feels like they're burning up as your eyes meet his.
He offers you a soft smile, and it makes butterflies tumble around your tummy, your words a breathy whisper when you say, "I like someone else but I'm not sure they like me back.."
Ari swallows thickly, taking a small step closer, "So you're going to forget about this other person?"
You nod timidly, your heart pounding in your chest when he steps even closer, the clean familiar scent of him enveloping you. His hair falls in cascades around his face, the light blue shirt he's wearing have the top three buttons open, revealing some of the dark curly hair adorning his chest.
"Don't you think that's a good idea?" You whisper nervously, inhaling deeply when the smell of him makes your mind swim.
Ari watches you for a moment, his eyes bouncing between yours, and then it's like what happens next is a blur.
His hand grips your waist, pulling you towards him and making you stumble into his chest, one arm wrapping around your waist as he cups your cheek with one large paw of a hand.
His head tilts down to look at you, guiding your face upwards to meet his before he whispers, "text your friend and let her know that you're not going anywhere tonight."
And then he pulls you to him, his beard scratching your skin when his lips glide over yours in a possessive kiss.
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twosidedcherrytrees · 4 months
There's a bit of stuff about canon characters if you're interested but be warned this is mainly about my OC(s)
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Info about her under the cut!
Aera is an ex servant of Aphrodite that defected during the Trojan War. She was a part of an elite group of Cupids (Basically Aphrodite's Angels? Im workshopping it) before joining Palutena's army, eventually making her way up to an army general. She defected because she fell in love with the Goddess of Light. She stole her bow when she left, and it's actually the Angel's Bow you use in Kid Icarus: Uprising!
Cupids are kinda like angels, but with hollow bones and dove wings, which are weaker. They were also, for the most part, free to do as they please as long as it fell in line with Aphrodite's mission statement of "causing love and problems". Aera argued that her leaving the army to elope with another goddess participating in the Trojan War did both and that she should've gotten a severance package for it.
That's not all- she's also Pit's mom! Kinda. She's not quite.. sure how he got there. She just kinda found him in a fruit basket full of Quince and Figs one day when he was a baby (hence the name Pit!) with a note attached saying it was hers. She didn't really question it since she just thought that's how angels were born. In all actuality it was Aphrodite in an attempt to get her taken off of Palutena's guard. It did not work.
The reason I believe Pit can't fly (at least in my lore) because his wings are dove wings, but his bones aren't hollow and therefore the wings cant support his weight! When a god grants him his flying abilities, they're really just temporarily granting him angel wings instead of his dove wings, and you could hypothetically do the same spell with any human.
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Oh yeah in this lore I've created Palutena is Pit's other mom. She is not aware of this. Aphrodite never told her this. Love wins in strange ways. At least Palutena gets to keep Aera's statue-d corpse from Medusa's first invasion to Skyworld all those years ago? Silver linings people.
Facts about Aera that are more about how she affected the world around her than her:
She's the reason Palutena dresses the way she does now and not like she did back in the first game! Once Pit saved Palutena and they made their way back to the temple, Palutena... borrowed some of Aera's clothes. Over the years, it just became her fashion sense! Not like Aera needs them anymore.
She shared a house with her friend named Ivory! During the invasion of Skyworld, Ivory had managed to escape on a cloud, since they were actually one of Hermes's servants who had been negotiating sky travel with Palutena in the messenger god's stead. They had tried to take Pit with them when they fled, as of Aera's request, but they failed. I don't have any NEW art of Ivory, and some of their old art gave them wings, but I do have some old photos of them, which I'll show along-side the other photos! All that matters is that they're still alive!
Pit doesn't actually remember her! I imagine he was a bit young when the invasion happened (4/5) and that he was in the underworld for at least a year until Palutena called for his assistance. I'm allowed to mess with the timeline a little. As a treat. But anyways yeah he doesn't know she was his mom or that she had dove wings, which means he doesn't know HE has dove wings since they look pretty similar and he doesn't really have any other angels to compare them to.
All the art shown down here has outdated designs but the jokes are still the same.
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Okay bye see you when I eventually have normal Kid Icarus art that isn't of my OCs okay bye 👍
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hellonpluto · 2 months
Spider-Man 2 (2004) during-the-movie notes!!! Goofy shit under the cut :]
Spider-Man 2 notes
-once again whipping out the banger intro sequence, this time with more colors being used and better transitions
-peter!!! Ur fuckin late peter!!! Gahd.
-pizza ....
-broom closet scene is so silly
-boyfail pt 2
-pizza time(you can kill me)
-pizza time again bc oughhhhh pizza time
-pizza ROLL time in a minute actually(gonna make pizza rolls)
-"ill give you 150." "300." "Thats outrageous! Done."
-desk lady is now nicer! Yay!
-osborn would be proud. He would
-OCTAVIUS???? who's octavius
-"..ben? Oh, peter..." aunt MAYYYYYYYY
-is 20 dollars alot? What year is this set in. Am i stupid
-when peter knocked on the restroom door my dog perked his head up like "huh? What?"
-peter is getting shat on in this one. Like what the fuck
-"eeehhh rosie i love this boy!"
-this movie is making my inner 'getting shit done' want to beat peter up. Reduce time as spiderman, or try and encourage others to be better. Sit down, set a timer for 2 hours to get college work done. Then work. Bud.
-run past the evil landlord guy
-get those carnations for yo NOT GIRL
-"how'd you do that?" "Uh.. work out, plenty of rest. Yknow, eat ur green vegetables?" "Thats what my mom is always sayin'! I just never actually believed her!"
-pider man.....
-🤨 towards street lady
-i honestly think the older suit looks cool
-spiderman. In elevator
-its giving elevator scene from neon genesis
-holy shit its so awkward
-doculous oculous. In the house
-mans could just admit he wanted to wear a fucked up corset but ok
-bro is just showing off his evil lair crap n nobody bats an eye
-"the power of the sun... in the palm of my hand." Girl ok slay
-system unstable? More lik... system of a down
-"he humiliated me by touching me." He saved yo life harry
-horror movie ass scene in the surgery room
-lowkey fire tho
-they act like pet snakes
-"dr. Strange. Thats good! Its already in use."
-dr octopus....
-bro i love how they did the arms. They're so cool
-cool ass doc ock shot
-what the fuck
-shoutout to aunt may for stopping the guy from stealing
-eating the cinematography up rn
-aunt may slaying in this movie, actually
-let peter rest!!!! Let that man sleeep!!!!!
-newspaper man is best character ngl
-peter caught fumbling part a billion
-harry. Wtf. Thats ur lover
-beeber barker loses powers
-bro is just peter parker
-this is so fuckjng sad what
-he did his homework!!!! Yay!!!
-"peter. Im getting married." Ive heard that before
-spiderman no more...
-doc ock
-sorry its 12 am
-pov u save little girl from fire but someone else dies
-mystery girl is so cute
-chocolate cake break
-do a flip!!!!!
-"my back!!! Ough ... my back....."
-why is she recreating the upside-down kiss with her fiance 😭😭😭
-mj knows. I think
-peter pick a fuckin struggle
-peter looks like he has more lip gloss on than mj
-doc ock is def trans
-Doc ock? More like. Do cock
-"did he just grab his BOOBS??" (rewinds a bit) "oh no its just his shoulders... ok"
-"He's... just a kid"
-"we wont tell nobody."
-"HE'S MINE!!" Man what
-"run!" Proceeds to stand there
-doc ock is so cool man
-ew i forgot mj exists
-"i will not die a monster." BANGER AFTER BANGER AFTER BANGER
-doc ock niooooo.... NOOOOOO
-harry wtf
-mj runs away from wedding! Everyone is disappointed!
-"cant you respect me enough to make my own decision?" Girl respect his. He doesnt want u to get hurt, dingus
-ew. Ew
-blue eyes white dragon(pt 2)
-banger ending song version of the amazing spiderman song
-good movie!!! 8-9/10. Rlly good!!
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violetwitch12087 · 1 year
You and cooper hang out his mom crashes yall go to the hospital and cooper gets yelled at for drinking beer but its a misunderstanding and turns out you and cooper have gone through a lot
You're Lonely
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Me and cooper decided to hang out today at my house and hes been at my house literally never so he was a little stoked a bit but it all turned okay
Me and him are on my bed with his arm wrapped around me drinking a couple beers talking a bit and making out occasionally i love his soft lips pressed up on mine making me smile it just fills my stomach with butterflies
After me and cooper talk a bit i lean in about to kiss his soft plump lips i love so much when his phone rings and i pause before sighing "sucks" cooper says before answering the call "shello" he says making me smile a bit but it quickly drops after i realize something is wrong
He hangs up the call after thanking his friend and turns to me "i gotta go" he says and i look confused "are you okay? What happened" i say grabbing his hand gently "my uh mom just got in a crash shes in the hospital" he says and my eyes go a bit wide "come on ill get my brother to drive us" i say quickly standing up throwing on a sweater since the outfit im wearing is kinda a surprise for cooper yk? Not too revealing but it sure did catch his breath
I run upstairs to my brothers room "hey me and cooper need you to drive us to the hospital something happened with his mom" i say and his eyes dart at me before he nods okay acting weird
We go downstairs and i grab cooper and we start walking outside before my brother pauses causing me and cooper to stop in our tracks "Look I'm really messed up right now I wasn't expecting a big emergency and it's kinda freaking me out" he says and i roll my eyes "okay he cant drive i wanna go to the hospital not TO the hospital" cooper says "fine ill drive give me the keys" i say grabbing the keys "you sure?" Cooper asks and i nod "yeah i have been taking care of him since i was like 12" i say "damn y/n whats the big deal" my brother says "im tired, so tired" i say getting into the car and cooper literally crawls on top of the car to get to the other side so i had to hold back my laugh a bit
Its late and im driving down the road when someone honks at me making me more nervous "you did say you know how to drive right?" Cooper asks "shh im concentrating okay?" i say "sorry" cooper says making me feel a little bad and i sigh "its okay" i say softly and he sighs leaning back into the seat "your moms gonna be okay" i say "ive had like a sixth sense thing ever since the happy pills" i say looking over at him a bit him smiling "im not lying" i laugh "no i believe you" he says smiling
"You know im actually glad we didnt get Mongolian tonight" cooper says referring to when i pulled out the weed and initially ditched it "yeah, yeah me too" i say nodding my head focusing on the road i turn my head to look at cooper whos already looking at me with his pretty brown eyes making my stomach turn before he looks away back at the road causing me to look back at the road
Me and cooper arrive at the hospital and i have a bad feeling about me leaving so i go with cooper inside and i stay outside of his moms room and just kind wander around as cooper goes and talks with his mom after a moment i think i was just tripping when i hear cooper and his dad arguing
"How many?" Coopers dad jackson asks cooper holding coopers arm tightly "what" cooper asks "how many did you have" jackson says "what what arw you talking about"cooper says "cooper i can smell the beer" jackson says making cooper realize "like 2 but they werent that good so-" cooper says but gets cut off "where?" Jackson asks and cooper sighs "y/ns house but her parents are okay with it and-" cooper says "her parents are okay with it?!" Jackson says his voice a little high
"Did you have any intention to show up to ur moms party today or were you gonna stay at y/ns at drink beer all day?" Jackson says "just chill out a little bit" cooper says in a feeling i can describe but ive felt before "chill out?! Do you have any idea what ur mothers been through today?" Jackson says and cooper sighs "whats going through your head coop" jackson asks cooper "do you have any idea what i didnt do?" Cooper asks looking up at his dad "thats it thats what you got?" Jackson says and cooper nods "yeah" he says softly and kinda snarky "you're gonna tell me everything you didnt do? Good you didnt smoke any crack or beat up any homeless people coop bravo im proud of you" jackson says clapping his hands loudly
"I knew you'd understand" cooper says in disbelief before hes about to start walking away down the hallway where i am "and there you go walking away when things get tough" jackson says pointing at cooper and cooper turns around "and there you are not coming after me" cooper says before he turns around and walks down the hallway and turns the corner to see me and i look at him sympathetically before i grab his hand softly and we walk out of the hospital and to the car
We get in and i start driving again back to my house i grab coopers hand softly again making sure i dont crash the car i know hes hurt he just does a hell of a job not showing it sometimes but if he was ever hurt and i saw him i would know cause thats how much i love him
Me and cooper walk into the kitchen and i grab some empty beer cans throwing them into the sink before leaning against the counter looking at cooper whos faced away from me "hey, you okay?" I ask softly and genuine "i just walked away from my mom whos in the hospital after losing her baby i dont know if okay is the right word to describe me" cooper says turning around to look at me when we hear banging and yelling upstairs i sigh "whats he doing?" Cooper asks referring to my brother looking really cute in the moment "hes totally messed up gonna make himself go to bed" i say "sure he had social opportunities on a friday night" cooper says
"Just coveted to think time" cooper says "please hes a mentally stunted bag of crap i can drag behind me" i say scoffing a bit before we hear a loud bang and silence "nighty night dumbass" i breathe out harshly after a moment cooper speaks "you're lonely" cooper states and i scoff softly "is that why im a slut?" I ask "i didnt said that" cooper says before he pauses "i should go" he says and i nod hopping off the counter "yeah you should ill take you" i say "i wanna go with you" i add softly looking away from cooper "because you're lonely?" Cooper asks
I nod softly kinda "what if i am" i ask and he thinks for a moment before walking over to me and he wraps his arms around me making me do the same my hand rubbing his back slightly "woah" i say "woah" cooper copies "this doesnt suck" i say "nah" he says softly and i sink more into the hug putting my face in the crook of his neck giving his neck a quick kiss softly his warm body making me feel like i actually matter for once
After a while we finally pull away and i smile softly at him before i grab his hand and we walk over to the couch i sit down making him sit down next to me and i cuddle up to him a bit after a while we hear a knock on my front door i open it and see coopers dad "is my son cooper here?" He asks and i nod before cooper comes into frame
"I am so sorry" jackson says as he pulls cooper into a hug "i need you at home with me okay coop?" Jackson says "yeah, yeah man" cooper says pulling away from the hug and turning to me "are uh, are you gonna be okay?" Cooper asks and i nod softly but i know i wont be "yeah" i say lying but cooper stays looking at me almost pleading or unsure what to do "would you like to come home with us?" Jackson asks "yeah" i say softly nodding at jackson "I'd like that" i say
"Nice" cooper says to his dad "really?" Jackson says "yeah" cooper says softly before his dad walks out the door as coopers about to walk out to follow his dad i grab him gently "hey, you have no idea how lucky you are cooper" i say looking up at him "dont forget that" i say and he looks up from me and we walk outside to the car and coopers dad drives us to his house
We get to coopers house and make sundaes just having fun for the reat of the night i love cooper so much more than i will know...
This episode was pretty sad tbh but anyways im bored kinda high and idk i need money and im bored sooo yeahhh anyways i love you *mwah mwah mwah* bye my love
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 2 months
also another season where they don’t k word the black woman without giving her any ounce of happiness ever just so 2 yt characters can find each other be happy and raise her black babies maybe I am the biggest Benedict s4 stan actually yes I love a Mr #Bridgerton thats not Colin! and the yt girl being one that hates woman/marriage and kids yeah like back it up y’all can give Cress another yt character whos a evil bully happiness but cant marina on🔝of taking her kids + labeling her bad mother so Eloise #Bridgerton who hates kids can be best mom ever be fr
the #Bridgerton writers room is a joke thing place I know they ain’t seriously not only about to make yet another black character be the horrible bad mom but also having her k word herself so 2 yt characters and one of them is Eloise who hates kids marriage and woman in general+
be the best mother of her black babies so people can say she saved them black kids from their horrible bad mother and they never had a real mother until yt Angel Eloise showed them love an what a mother is I will actually k word myself in front of you and change the trajectory of
y’all life if y’all do not say sike right now @shondarhimes @bridgerton I know y’all hate black characters (John what y’all made Daph do Simon) and black woman especially (case in point QC lady Danbury story Marina/Simon mom) because this is 4th black character y’all k1lling off
nah this can’t be real all that for Eloise #bridgerton and Cressida Cowper is insane of all the woman y’all could do all this for y’all picked the worst ones of them all nah Bridgerton Jess and Shonda are just jokes who hate black woman and black people the only real explanations
can’t believe I’m actively wishing for the downfall of my fav character show it’s really become that serious look what y’all made me become when all y’all could was give Marina a divorce and let her have the house and kids and called it a day but no what would #Bridgerton be
without black woman and black characters dy*ng so white people can be happy right @bridgerton @shondarhimes cuz that’s the only explanation for this whole Marina arc and arc for Cressida a pure evil cruel person get not only get happiness but a whole happy ending but Marina can’t
who’s never done anything? but Cressida who’s for years bullied and being mean cruel can? what’s the difference I wonder between them why can one get happy ending according to Jess N Marina can’t is it visible difference or?what is it 🙏🏾 let us know why one gets it the other dont
like just give Marina a divorce(show isnr historic accurate or book accurate anyways)have LW pen tell the queen who’s her BFF now to annual that wedding if y’all cant breathe without those 2people getting together just free my girl Marina from dea*th her and her kids from y’all
it is not that hard give the house to her since she’s lady crane +Pen gives her 20K as apology for what she did to her + #Bridgerton have 🏡 for Eloise and marina left over can move into eveyone wins y’all get y’all yt people together happy and marina is alive happy with her kids
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isekai-crow · 8 months
Doctor Elise Ep. 5
| Ep 1 | Ep 2 | Ep 3-4 |
Nuuuuuu I'm finally caught up with Doctor Elise.... My potato chips....
This was a very fun (Mary Sue (positive)) Girl Boss episode, with Elise taking proud ownership of what she did despite being disbelieved, and keeping things professional between her and her patient.
This Prince y'all. He don't know shit about romance. He's never had the inclination to even bother with romance before, and watching his little baby-deer-leg-like attempts is very very cute. It's very fun to be watching this and the BL/yaoi Cherry Magic at the same time because man they are two sides of the same coin in playing with tropes and dealing with power imbalance in romance.
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THIS show could be a yaoi if it WASN'T A COWARD.
I am enjoying this show SO MUCH because I (am old) enjoyed watching Dr. House, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, and the autopsy/sciencey bits in CSI:LV and NCIS (with Abby!)
Capybara is enjoying this because he is a connoisseur of well researched fanfiction, with Sick Fic being one of his main staples. He has learned to recognize certain illnesses because some of his favorite authors do a shit ton of research on what to do to their whumpees darlings, and those well researched stories don't go with boring reasons for why certain symptoms are appearing, but more realistic diagnostics.
He was very excited at guessing what was wrong with each patient in these episode and it was fun to watch him get excited about it.
Spoilers Under the Cut
Elise defending and explaining her report about the Splenectomy was funny because... her hand writing was such an issue, but despite all the little hearts and the poor writing that is OBVIOUSLY not Dr. Graham, they still have trouble believing it's hers until she can walk them through the report.
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MORE HAND WAVING WITH THE "I turned this surgery over and over in my head" (more like she already did a successful one with the Dead Mom Hair lady) Its just barely believable, but it marks her as a literal genius, and actually makes for a good story if she WAS an actual medical genius.
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HMM I WONDER WHY THE TEST IS GOING TO BE HARDER THIS YEAR??? Fuck all the other students, we wanna make this lady fail so she can be queen! But she has 3 doctor reccs to be able to take the medical exam!
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And another doctor immediately tries to steal her with NO consideration for the Head of the Hospital and Head of Surgery being RIGHT THERE IN THE ROOM WITH THEM. No subtly this man, which makes sense if he CANT EVEN RECOGNIZE ONE OF HIS REGULAR PATIENTS!!!! FAILURE.
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This No-Thoughts-Head-Empty Just Having A Good Time face is so funny to me.
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Then we get some more reminiscent of the backstory, and I'm okay with this being a little Mary Sue -ish type tragic backstory cause she kinda deserved it, admits she deserved it, and is trying to make amends (because she wasn't THAT evil of a villainess, just an ignorant and spoiled rich kid).
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But the Prince finally admitted something was wrong with himself and goes to the clinic to get himself checked out by Elise/Rose while he is in his Ron disguise. He finds her pulling ivy off the buildings, and MAN the initial angle on this made it look like she was two stories up (so I started chanting fall, fall, fall so that you can get caught).
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but no, she's on a fucking step stool lmao.
We DO get a classic "Staring at each other from across the way as the wind blows and their eyes meet and they have Thoughts."
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She then proceeds to diagnose him and Capybara started chanting "Hyper thyroidism? Hyperthyroidism." as each symptom and question is answered
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and dammit he was RIGHT!!!
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And he keeps coming back for more lmao. And is SO UPSET when the two months are up. But is probably like HELL YES I GET TO MARRY THIS LADY. maybe. the thought probably hasn't occured to him actually now that I think about it...
Until he goes to her BROTHER for advice on what to get her, and despite being the grumpy big bro IS SO ACCURATE IN HIS ADVICE. But the Prince thinks he knows best (with ZERO experience, like, what did you even ask him for then?) and gets her a shiny thing instead and fails.
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It's all worth it though cause Babygirlboy prince smiles in the end!
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I want more potato chips. Please let next week come soon so I can have more potato chips anime. Please.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
Hello, how are you? Hope you’re doing well and that your weekend is/was great. I am here to let you all know that qaf has officially ruined our entire family. While I have been keeping my cousins, my aunt and occasionally my uncle and parents updated on how my brother is watching the show and it’s been keeping us entertained (some of us more than the others). It has finally come to the point where my mom sent me a looooong text message, asking me to take him out since he can leave the house now so that he can (and i quote) ‘get away from the tv gays ruining his life because he needs to be around real people since the world doesn’t revolve around this show’ Basically she asked me to force him to touch some grass. So I did. I asked my neighbor to come with us and we went out to a bar that was having like a throwback night or something (we went bc the songs were old and good) and we hung out and he actually behaved like a functional adult. He even left his Team Brian shirt at home and was talking about random shit and not once did he mention qaf. He was only upset on the car ride there like a little kid but he quickly recovered. And then of course it had to happen, because why wouldn’t it? We were sitting at our table (and i wanna say they have a dj but it was more just a dude with a computer and a playlist and he was killing it) and we were talking and laughing and then as my brother is talking, he just kinda starts almost like glitching, like half talking but he’s clearly distracted and he’s looking off into the distance and my neighbor asks him if he’s okay and he lifts his finger up to shush us and then he goes ‘it’s the song..listen..’ and we’re listening to it and neither of us recognize it so i ask him what song is it? And he goes ‘its the song from prom’ and my neighbor is trying to mess with him so she looks at him and goes ‘Wow cant believe you remember your prom’ and this dude looks at her all annoyed and goes ‘no, not my prom, it’s the song from Justin’s prom’ HE SAID THAT AS IF ITS HIS KID HES TALKING ABOUT. Like Justin is a person that is present in all of our lives and she’s an idiot for not knowing this simple fact. And now I’m confused because i don’t recognize the song! So I’m like ‘no, youre wrong, that song is save the last dance’. And this fucker goes ‘nooooo, this us the song that played when Brian walks in. Before they dance.’ Guys, it was Faded by SoulDecision. I checked when we got home, the song played for just enough seconds for shazam to pick it up. Probably less than 20 seconds. I mean he did watch the episode few days ago and he has the song on his playlist BUT the bar was LOUD AS FUCK with people. We weren’t sitting anywhere near the speaker so it even took me a second to hear the beat/melody of the song and this moron heard it from a distance and recognized it because Brian fucking Kinney walked into a scene while the song was playing. I feel like i am being beaten at my own game.
I am surprised that afterwards he didn’t do anything dumb or embarrassing ngl. But that alone made me realize that he is a lost cause forever now. I’m kinda proud ngl. But yeah, this weekend he was literally forced to touch grass, so to speak and even then qaf found a way into his life.
Your mom said he needs to touch grass. Oh my god. (The world doesn’t revolve around this show? News to me!)
And then they played the random song from prom at the bar. The universe is sending your brother a message! I’m dyinggggg. I remember one of the first fics I ever read in qaf, which was written before shazam, where the author could not figure out what that damn song was. And your brother is recognizing it in a busy bar.
He may not know it yet, but he’s a tumblrina!
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crowning-art · 2 years
Ohhhh today we get into some lore bits!
As annoying as Pei Ming is, this was so funny that I actually liked him for 0.2 seconds lmao
Pei Ming was probably also startled by her, and was in shock for a long time before he spoke.
“You are…”
Xuan Ji sneered coldly.
Yet unexpectedly, after a pause, Pei Ming asked, “Who are you?”
Wait this line.....
Pei Ming’s voice came. “His Highness’ spiritual device is pretty useful. I’ll have to forge one for myself too, sometime.”
“If you knew how it was forged, you wouldn’t say so…” Xie Lian thought.
I remember reading a spoiler by accident but wasn't Rouye his mom or smt?? Lmao did he kill his mom or smt? I don't think he would do that tho...
“Yeah, I could feel that female ghost’s love has morphed into hatred, she’s going nuts!”
“I don’t think so. I’m sure she couldn’t do it. Want to eat some melon seeds?”
“Give me another handful, thanks.”
“How can everyone be in the mood to munch on melon seeds?” Xie Lian frowned.
“Your Highness, didn’t you munch a bunch too?” the people said.
Only then did Xie Lian realize that while he was so focused on the show earlier, he unconsciously received a handful of melon seeds they had passed over, and he’d eaten them all. He slapped his forehead.
Lol I was so confused like wait Yushi Huang is a female??? I thought it was a male this whole time? But then I realized it was because she was addressed as Lord Rain Master instead of Lady Rain Master! She seems cool so far
I mean I did say Lang Ying was bad news a year ago! I mean he hasn't even shown up yet BUT STILL
“What did he look like?” Xie Lian pressed.
“It wasn’t clear,” the Rain Master said. “Because his head was wrapped in bandages.”
Head wrapped in bandages?!
Xie Lian was dumbfounded. “Was it Lang Ying?!”
Anyways, reunion when?
They are living in a rom-com and completing every trope for reals lmaoo current trope: sleepover!
Xie Lian walked off for a bit and had wanted to just find a tree to lean against and lie down for a bit, but Hua Cheng dug out a bunch of ropes and cloth from who knows where, and set up two swinging hammock beds between two trees. The two of them climbed in, and there was ample space, very comfortable to lie in.
Ok, just like the others, Yushi Huang's story was so tragic! Not as bad as the others (but also theirs did take a turn for the worst later on and there might be a later on with her story too...) ALSO GENERAL PEI??? WHAT??? HOW IS HE EVERYWHERE THO??? I wonder if Yushi Huang ever liked him....
The people at the bottom saw someone stuck on top of the roof, unable to come down, and all thought it funny. Even the princesses and princes of Yushi were snickering with their mouths covered. It was only a general of Xuli who, after chuckling, leapt up and brought her down.
This general was of course Pei Ming.
HOLY OH MY GOD I HAVE TO APPLAUD THE GENIUS OF RONG GUANG'S PLAN That was literally so chillingly well thought out and beautiful that I kinda just HAVE to appreciate it, yknow? Like genuinely stunningly beautiful and genius
The Xuli troops brought over hundreds of felons on the death row from Yushi, dressed them up as normal civilians, and dragged them before the palace gates. Then, he told King Yushi: if he should come out himself and kowtow three times to show penance for oppressing his people, and kill himself in atonement, then he would let those civilians go and not lay a single finger on any of the remaining members of the royal house. If he should refuse, Pei Ming would chop off those civilians’ heads. He gave the royals three days’ time, and every passing day in those three, a new group would be killed. After three days passed, they would invade the palace to kill the royals, then kill the rest of the civilians.
If King Yushi refused to come out, then he was selfish and didn’t love his people. The awkward thing was, King Yushi had always publicized that he loved his people like his children; if his words and actions didn’t match, it would for sure produce resentment in the people, thinking they’d been deceived. “Didn’t you say you loved your people like your children? Why would you turn around and have the civilians be sacrificed for the sake of royalty?” This would then destroy their loyalty to the Yushi royalty.
Thus, in less than an hour, in the crudest and most rushed succession ceremony in the history of the Kingdom of Yushi, the monarch who was the least likely to become queen was born.
The new Queen of Yushi slit her own throat, and blood poured like a fountain; no doubt, beyond saving.
Like Xuan Ji had no right to disregard her as Queen after everything she did
Rom cooooooommmmmm this time the trope is: cute motorcycle/bike ride (well ox in this case lmao) while holding your beloved's waist lmao
The black ox sped rapidly, and Xie Lian’s body was leaning back slightly from the force, almost like he was sitting in Hua Cheng’s embrace. He smiled as he listened.
“There sure isn’t anything San Lang doesn’t know; it’s like no tales or classics can trip you up.”
Hua Cheng smiled too. “Is there anything else gege wants to know? I’ll tell you everything, if it’s within my knowledge.
Obsessed with the imagery here! Just putting it here so I can find it again in the future lol
The reason why this mountain looked like it was dyed in the colour of blood was because the forests on this mountain were all red. They weren’t maples, but they were crimson like maples; the colour of blood. Xie Lian could also smell the stench of blood. It seemed the nutrients of the plants here consisted of plenty of resentment and human blood.
OK THERE IS TWO POSSIBILITIES: so it's Jun Wu as White No Face OR Lang Ying since they both have strong connections to the human face disease incident
“Since this person destroyed the other two murals, then why didn’t they destroy this one too?”
Hua Cheng asked. “Why did they leave just this one? And it just had to be the one of the Human Face Disease?
“The third possibility is, it wasn’t that this person didn’t want to destroy all the murals, but they didn’t make it in time. Just as they were destroying the other two, we came in. So now, they’re hiding in the grand hall this very moment.”
Ahhhhh I wonder who it can be~ I'm gonna be sitting with anticipation the whole day tomm!!! And I imagine tomm's read will go a lot like this lol
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mestruazioni · 1 year
my dad told me to write a book about this past week but I don't have the strength so I'm gonna make a tumblr post about it.
starting wednesday: my great aunt dies. she was 88, so it's fine, just terribly depressing she died in a nursing home because her husband refused to have her at home in her last days. her husband, who has always been a control freak and the most stingy person I will ever meet, is Going Through It.
he's letting me and my mom and aunts do what we need to do for the showing, but he's controlling it all and yelling. the stingy part comes out when he asks the funeral director if the fridge connected to the coffin with his wife's body inside must stay connected to the electricity and must stay on. laughter ensues. honestly, thank god he asked in advance, otherwise he definitely would have pulled it out of the outlet. I can just imagine walking into his house the next day with the smell of rotting corpse. next day, he gets a 40° fever that simply won't go down.
aunts and everyone else starts going "please please don't make us have a double funeral". he is yelling blasphemy as they take his temperature multiple times a day. it's also worth saying he recently got his bladder removed and so now he pees in a bag. since he's a cheapskate, he doesn't empty it in the toilet, otherwise he'll have to flush and water is expensive I guess. so every couple of hours he wants to go in the garden and fuckin. piss in there. he falls down as he goes, hurts his ribs. fever goes up again. doc says ribs are okay. sure. fine. okay. fever goes down and up throughout the next four days. we're all worried sick, but luckily it doesn't get worse than that.
anyway. funeral happens on friday. it's sad, of course it's sad. when I get home, I start feeling sick. I realize I probably dressed too lightly for the weather. I wanted to serve cunt to a funeral and I paid the price. the toilet becomes my best friend. my cousin calls me, "I'm throwing up". oh shit, we realize, it's not cuz I was dressed too lightly! we both got a virus! I spend the entirety of friday night shitting and being unable to sleep. I get a light fever. saturday goes the same way.
"fuck," I say, as I remember I was supposed to go to my week-long spa holiday on sunday. I can't go. I can't get into thermal baths with diarrhea. I can't drive the 2 hours required to get there, I can barely get out of bed.
so I call the hotel. "I had a loss in my family" I say, instead of "I'm shitted me body and soul". "could I postpone my visit to next sunday?" I ask. they say "sorry for your loss! of course! it's no problem! we'll see you next sunday! so sorry for your loss again!" they say it so many times I start to think they themselves murdered my aunt. anyway, cool, see you next sunday.
the night between sunday and monday, I go to sleep at 6AM. I spend the entirety of the night tossing and turning, my legs killing me from the pain. never felt anything like it. got out of bed, barely made it down the stairs, got some painkillers, managed to sleep. in the meantime, my mother is worried sick for me.
I spend the week dealing with leg pain and eating nothing, I just don't feel hunger, I lose 2kgs. I go to work and spend entire days doing nothing, since I have next to nothing to do. I was supposed to be in a spa, after all. at some point, the cat throws up next to my head while I was sleeping.
I call the hotel again, just to make sure everything is okay and the new booking actually went through. they say yes, everything is fine, we'll see you on sunday. yes my friends. yes you will. I can't wait for you.
it's finally friday! can't believe I'm finally going away on sunday, I can already feel the warmth of the thermal baths, the smell of the salt, the sauna... but no.
my car breaks. it's not moving. the motor light comes out and says HELP ME HELP ME I CANT BREATHE. I get it to a mechanic. we gotta change a part of the motor. do not even ask me what it is because I don't know. I never learned and never will. I just know where water and gas go, the rest is science I'm not mentally equipped to understand. long story short, the car can't be used.
I gotta rent a car.
I find one. my dad says he's gonna pay for it. love you my man. alright, let me put in your credit card info and we're good to go.
saturday I shit my soul again. "It's okay", I say, "this time you really were dressed too lightly" I say. I'm not gonna be sick at the spa, I'm not gonna reschedule again.
in the meantime, my mom gets paranoia. "too many things went wrong" she says, "you shouldn't leave. you didn't get a virus, it's probably a bacteria in the water. and you're going to thermal baths. it's going to be bad. don't go. please" I say MOTHER I AM BEGGING YOU DO NOT GIVE ME MORE ANXIETY
it's sunday now. let's go get this rented car and let's go to the hotel. my dad takes me to the rental place. I get checked in, everything goes okay. can't wait to try a new car! it's going to be so fun.
"we need the credit card of the main driver" the lady says. gurl. I don't have a credit card, I have a debit card. my dad says "use mine", the lady says "no it has to be registered to the main driver. it's in our terms and conditions" aw fuck! I'm an idiot! funny thing is, not only did I not read the terms and conditions, I didn't even know my card was a debit card. I thought it was credit. good day! good brain. adult.
"I can give you a manual car, that way we won't need a card" girl I can't even keep queen's we will rock you beat, you think I'm capable of driving manual? no! I'm an idiot! I got the notif of when neil gaiman reblogged one of my posts tattooed on my body forever! I'm an impulsive idiot!!!!! I can't drive manual!!!!!!!
so we call the call center to cancel the booking. it takes 15 minutes. my anxiety attack is worsening. we manage to cancel it and get our money back, but now we need to find a new place to rent a car. thank god my dad didn't just drop me off and drive away. I'm holding his hand as he tells me it's all gonna be okay.
we find a new place to rent a car. they have a cool car and it's automatic. they accept debit cards. thank god. "you gotta pay for insurance, if nothing happens to the car we'll give it back to you when you get back" alright cool.
payment doesn't go through. ahah it's okay it happens sometimes let's try again.
payment doesn't go through. let's try actually inserting the card shall we
payment doesn't go through.
at this point I'm in full anxiety attack. what did I do. why doesn't the universe want me to go on this vacation. I have the money, I know I do, why isn't it going through? I am a failure.
"listen I'm going to make an exception and let your dad pay even if the card isn't in your name"
oh. oh lady. you gave me a "oh. oh." fanfic moment. absolute unit of a queen. total rebel. friend shaped. saint among mortals.
I finally get the fucking keys to the fucking car. I hug my dad, put on my playlist, fall in love with the car, call my dad to say "if you ever want to change cars consider this one". I work for Volkswagen now.
I get to the hotel. so beautiful. there's an old doggo at the entrance, she's gorgeous and fluffy and fun and lets me pet her belly. I find out it's actually the hotel's doggo. blessed place!!!!!
go to the receptionist, tell them my name and everything. they can't find me.
they can't. fucking. find me.
I don't even have the will to get anxious anymore. I'm just. done. it makes sense, I think. murphy's law hit me with a car, put it in reverse, ran me over another time and a few more times after that.
I am as tired as the senior doggo at the entrance is. I see the pool from the reception. I ache. there are four people at the reception now trying to find my fucking name in their servers.
"don't worry" they say, "we have availability, we just can't understand what happened"
I don't know whether to cry or cry at this point. they talk between themselves for a bit, they give me a coffee, I make small talk and laugh at the situation with them.
"to make up for the mistake we upgraded your original room for a better one at the same price" oh my sweet darlings
they give me my keys. I get to the room.
I fall on the bed.
war is over.
I close my eyes.
I'm still extremely paranoid. something bad is going to happen again, I can sense it. can't quite place it, I just feel it lurking around. I'm supposed to start relaxing, why do I feel like something is getting ready to attack me?
"Ah porcodio" I say, "succession ends tonight."
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the only time my mother ever, ever, ever, EVER apologize to me, was when i dropped everything in my life (for the nth time) because i was afraidnshe was goijg to kill herself. (my life was never her responsibility but her life is mine. somehow me attempting when i was younger introduced her to the concept of suicide. completely untrue and stupid as all fuck, but in my brain its the only truth. its my fault she was sad and i owed her everything and i will never repay her. thats what she taught me.) i drop everything, go down there, realize the guy im dating im only dating out of compulsion and forcing myself to try to be sexual , which ends up with me 50% of the time dissociating or the other 50% crying in the shower. i drop everything to go down there and pay for my apartment and her house and take care of eberything. i get my brother and her a job. my bbrother gets mad at me for asking him to try to be a bit more quiet politely, says horrible things to me, i tell him he should habe a bit more respect to me cause i mean i did land him tjst job. withoug me being there everything would be fucked and everyone would be homeless. he called me some slurs and just insulted my appearance like he always has. and my mom told me i was doing what my dad did and putting something above my brothers head. i dont think i was. what i was foing was telling him why he should respect me, when the first argument we ever got into he told me i should respect him simply because hes "my elder". dont know what the fuck he was smoking. he leaves my life for 6 years after molesting me theoughout my childhood and then comes back and tells me i should bow down to him. but the moment i point out like, why he should GENUINELU respect me for actions i have done that i veliehe earned some respect, AND MIND YOU by respect i mean not to be called slurs and insulted vehemently when i ask him politely to be a bit quiet cause its late. but somehow i was villainized and i was made out to be some horrible person compared to an actual abuser because of this. i will never forget that when it comes down to it, my mom values her son more than she values my entire childhood. anyways i told him to fuck off and never talk to me again. my mom and my gramma consistently try to get me to "reconnect" by way of showing me his kid he had with my ex best friend. i genuinely dont think anybody cares about me and im not exaggerating. like this is my life and i have no actual support system and the people i did have ive pushed away because im scared im hurting them because im a thing that can only hurt people. and the only time my mom apologized to me was when we gkt plastered together (because even though i am my father, i am still her therapist first). and she said she was sorry for everything. but i couldnt believe it and still cant because she never brought it up again. she slammed the door in my face again. i keep trying to set boundaries like keep it civil for my little sister, but she thinks shes still my mom. i dont have any parents. ive only ever had myself
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miamoo27 · 9 months
Alochol ruins people
Lets me tell you something. Theres a really hurt, traumatized, kind person under every alocholic. Trauma is the only gateway to drugs. Its true. Something led you to something dangerous for relief from something dangerous in your life. Something that shows itself as a threat to you. Like when your around that person or situation your body is sore.
When I thinka bout breaking up my parents fights as a kid it makes me sad. I would never want to see a kid that sad like I was or have to do that. Working with kids sometimes makes me realize how much parents shape their kids. I cant believe my brother and I would have to break up fist fights at 14 years old. My brother is tough, I am strong. He keeps blinders on I dont let the wind break me. My mother is wild but courgeous. My father is avoidant but selfless.My dad was there when there was a medical emergency. But mental forget about it. My dad ignored every cry for help I ever gave and he did that to all his kids. I would tell him the pain I feel and he would say his father did the same but he is ok so I will be.
One day my mom and I were fighting a lot. Probably about her dirnking or something dumb but she called my dad when he was not living here to pick me up. He did he came for me. He took me to the temlpe a mile down the main road. He parked his jeep and we sat in the car while he told me about my papau (his father). How he hated him for a while, that he was abusive, ignorant, angry and mean. He told me how he got through it though. I knew what he meant and It meant a lot for someone who never opened up. It triggered my dad my mom was an angry drunk. She was so sad that she was angry to a point of everything made her mad. My father mostly and me, Sam not so much only if he didnt talk to her. She loved him, my mom let him get away with everything in high school. Which led to him loving the bottle maybe more or as much as my mom.
I was stoned most of the time my brother was drunk. I hated his parties. His friends were the "popular" older kids. I didnt like them that much. They always made me nervous. Never spoke to me and looked at me as "Sams little sister." I knew they thought I was a whore for rumors about Andrys and I. I didnt care. I did care because I actually sadly want other people to like me.
Usually during my brother house parties where I could not freely just smoke with my friends in my room and paint I would go to Maxs or Yasmines. Max being my ex boyfriend I sometimes fucked around with. I would have to dispear from the house I would not stand it.
One night I came home from Maxs and I look down stairs and my old best friend Chandler was downstairs with my brother. In my head I thought what I little fucking whore. But I smiled and Wanted to give the middle finger to her little posey of friends. Ugh I hated everyone at my school, they made me feel awkard. I didnt like lululemon leggings, they all wore them though and I would force myself to fit in for some reason. All. the guys liked them. I thought I was pretty but not perfect. I didnt have clear skin, nice teeth and amazingly straight soft silky hair. I knew I wouldnt be them. They didnt fuck though. Opps. They didnt have my spunk, ew. I cant believe I am writing this as a 23 year old but I know I was thinking this at 16.
I was jealous of them. I hate to admit it but I hated how they were admired. I focused on smoking, my art and my friends but also the new guys I can fuck. I looked for validation in the wrong places and the wrong people. I had no role model. My aunt maybe was but my mom could careless if I was ok she was the one that made me feel so much pain. I hated how attatched I was to her. I always wanted her to be happy when her focus was on other things. So I did the same.
This led to mother calling me a WHORE THAT LETS ANYONE INTO HER TWAT. holy shit I can not believe she actually said that to me. Looking back her drunkness is funny to me now. LIke I was raised bya n alocholic and I am ok. Wow, people are resilent. She was still able to feed my brother and I and opperate on like a handle of vodka a day. That bitch wild but we love her because honestly she did the best she could. She was so traumatized by her fucked up child hood tand then her marriage falling apart she got driven to the bottle. She always used to say
"first the man takes the bottle then the bottle takes the man"
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loyalestmunch · 11 months
actually the loneliest ive ever felt. i dont have a best friend. the two friends that i do have both have boyfriends n are preoccupied with them. im always in my room. im always in my four walls. i dont have a life outside of here. and i hate it so much.
i dont have someone i can spontaneously visit whenever i want anymore. i dont have a safe person that will always make time for me. if im sad, i dont have someone to go to. and it fuckiing sucks.
what sucks even more is when i sleep until 5 pm and check my phone to zero notifications. ts makes me go right the fuck back to sleep
i made an editing acc on tt. its cool its got like 70 smth followers so far. i really fucking hope i can make friends on there. but like. everyone in the editing community is like. 15 or 16. it just sux i used to edit at those ages too but now here i am at 18 (almost 19!) crawling back to the editing community to maybe find even a small glimpse of the happiness it gave me when i was younger. but nothing beat the feeling of dreaming of an edit in ur head all day.... waiting till school got out... running (literally) home to whip ts up on video star before i forgot it and then uploaded it and shared it amongst my little editing friends. and then i'd stay up late until 2 am or so watching and saving other edits i thought were cool. even in quarantine, i found joy in editing. november 2020 was actually the worst year of my life but also the best i miss it so much i miss the plethora of friends i used to have fuck. i miss playing identity v otp all night long with ray, i miss playing genshin in vc and doing stupid shit and farming for artifacts for hours on end with jazzy and tason and ray and gabby. my poor ipad wld overheat and my fingerprints would burn from dragging them across the hot screen but i didnt care . it was fun.
edit im not done i have more things i want to reminisce about .
ive been rewatching rick and morty and keeping up with the new seasons in the same sense that i watched it in middle school and now im crawling back to see if it brings me the same joy. and it does !. for the most part. but since justin got fired rip there's new voice actors. and it's fine honestly i dont care that much im still gna watch it but i hate how everythings changing. 13 year old me cldnt begin to fathom rick and morty losing (one of its) most renowned creator(s). like fuck. he voiced RICK AND MORTY. BOTH. like holy fuck. but its fine i guess the writings still kinda the same and the show is funny and makes me happy. i wish i had someone i cld take with me everywhere like my own little morty . i need friends.
i also miss the essence of boxed fettuchine(???) alfredo while watching r/m or camp camp at gammys house. ts was fire
i miss the roblox theme park tycoon and the chocolate cake we made that day and ate. it was so good.
i miss the lego game my cousin and i wld play. we didnt even do anything my mind just couldnt believe an open map game i haad so much fun just walking around and looking and doing absolutely nothing. and eating reheated pizzahut. and mcdonalds cookies. and funfetti boxed cake.
i miss when i had my phone taken when mom and i stayed at gammys when parents almst got divorced and i used her old iphone 5 she forgot she gave me and i had my little fandom acc on insta with my little mooties and friends and the warmth of gammys house in november fuck i miss it all i miss growing up so much i hate being an adult. i cant fucking have fun sober i dont have friends im alone nearly every single day i dont have friends in college i dont ta\lk to anyone i fucking just show up and leave without removing my earbuds.
and i know its my fsult. i know im the reason why i dont have friends. im the only reason why im like this. i only do it to myself.
im so alone and i just keep fucking regressing to find happiness because there's none here in present day thats for sure !
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Miraculous: Ladybug & Chat Noir, The Movie
i am finally watching the miraculous movie !! ive heard a lot from tumblr and my friends so its about time i actually watch it LOL (also watching this w my mom bc she was watching the quiet place, said she wasnt ready for it then was like ‘lets watch that movie version of miraculous’ LMAO)
spoilers under the cut
first of all how could they do that to the butterfly miraculous
second of all the animation is super good
no but really how could do that to the butterfly miraculous
and they made fu say that like ???
also wow what the hell the way her voice is deeper when she’s singing im
where is she going ?? to school ?? they moved her house further from the school ??
i cant with her voice its a good voice like props to the french va shes good at singing but after hesring her talk all high-pitched it doesnt feel like shes singing LMFAOAOOA
they made the red dye on nathalie’s hair bigger, cool
help me my mom asked why Marinette is so insecure n i was like ‘um shes like that in the show too’
explaining the lore to my mom and yelling about how much they changed is really improving my enjoyment of this movie i think
idk if that makes sense but its just fun to do
‘Some people have to try not to fail that hard’ wow no need to be so harsh alya 💀
wow they changed a LOT in this movie
also did they change the voices of the characters ?? or do i just not remember the voices of the characters that well LMAO
i cannot BELIEVE that they changed the way Adrien and Marinette met ?? no umbrella scene ?? crazy
ohh its Emilie’s bday
incorrect transformation phrase for the butterfly miraculous!!!!
?? did Plagg get a black cat to put his ring in Adrien’s room
!! yo they changed the first akuma
is Marinette in Fu’s place or smth ??
wait was Plagg the black cat because that ladybug that Marinette was with feels like its just Tikki
might not be though
yo its Tikki !!!
i might just be way too harsh on this movie after all the criticisms ive heard tho 💀 but like !! how can u get the lore like this wrong ?!?!?!
another song !!
actually this is kinda a bigger
hey is this the beat (?) melody (?) of the extended miraculous ladybug theme song
my mom is complaining that Marinette sounds older when she’s singing im laughing
‘I’m about to kick your butt if you don’t start to listen’ HELP ME TIKKI? bro they msde her way more assertive ???
bro did she just transform without having to use a transformation phrase
like Tikki just. forced the transformation
‘First a song, now a yoyo?’ so theyre aware that theres songs
i cant get over just how much they changed like ??
why are they calling Ladybug a watermelon pls 😭😭
no way did Alya just say ‘she-ro’ damn off-brand she-ra im cackling
Cat Noir stfu rn
i cannot believe they did this to my boy !!
ayo what did Ladybug just call Cat Noir ‘kitty’
like i mean yeah she does that in the show but it feels out of place at this moment
nah bro no way how does Fu know his name is Hawkmoth
also ?? this doesnt feel like Ladybug and Cat Noir banter like ?? it feels like they do actually not like each other bro 💀💀
i mean i also have only watched up til like the end of season 1 and rhat was like in 2020 so maybe my standards are high bc of mlb fics LMAOAOAOA
how could they do Plagg like that
no way they did not make Adrien like that
did gabriel pass out after they defeated the akuma LMFAO?
omg he’s singinf thats wild
wait what did Nooroo just like pop out of the miraculous even tho gabriel is transformed i
what the hell his villain song lowkey kinda good
wait did he really go to a prison and akumatize a bunch of prisoners in there ?? i thought that was just like artistic visualization
i canr with Marinette’s dad hiding behind the balloons so obviously
oh wild gabriel called Adrien to leave the fair cuz he was gonna send his villains there
i heard that they made gabriel care more about his son but wow that is a LOT in comparison to the show
oh wait he just shot the duck stand HELP i thought he was aiming for the kid and the dad 💀💀
tbh i think the magician girl looks kinda cool, i like her design
oh shit Nino lost his glasses
bruh Chloe stfu ur the one who wanted to go on the ferris wheel
oh hey another song
the transformation animation is cool
oh yeah i really love the design of the yoyo its very cool
its not a real baby is it
oh i was right !!
oh wow ok that was cool actually like the way they did that immediately without even thinking abt it? n it like boosted (??) their powers ?? that was cool tbh
they really changed a lot in this movie
im kinda bothered by a lot of these fhanges but i
‘Stronger together!’ and then the mime guy goes fucking flying ok thats cool
bro civilians why r u just standing there 💀💀
it popped nice
i am SO MAD about the inconsistency the movie has about the butterfly miraculous
like first calling it the moth and then literally when Ladybug purifies the akumas she says ‘bye-bye little butterflies’ like ?? hello ??
my family is telling me to chill out bc im getting too mad about this
‘I’m just the sidekick’ see rhats more Char Noir
‘We’re partners’ REAL !!
oh hey the theme song !!! very cool a montage of them defeating akumas
wait did all the akumas go to prison what ??
oh it has some lyrics from the extended version of the theme song
oh theyre really soeedrunning the Adrienette
bro why does he keep calling her a watermelon
where’s the ‘m’lady’ ?? or buginette ?? or bugaboo??
ok but aside from that the ladynoir in this movie is kinda cute tbh
theyre playfighting ?? cute
wait im cackling Marinette ?!?! roasting Chloe ?!?! lets fucking go
why are the earrings ringing
bro. this fucking troll wtf.
oho?? he’s confessing ?? wild
yo another song
sorry i literally cant get used to how deep Marinette’s singing voice is
ok the ladynoir in this is very cute bro,, love ladynoir
theyre dancing on the clouds nice
that moment when she’s rejecting him for himself
yo bro gabriel ?? he’s a fucking mess
if Adrien didnt go home last night then where did he go ???
that moment when he’s rejecting her for herself
stfu chloe its not you he likes we have literally never seen u n Adrien interact this whole time
oh yo wtf is he causing the apocalypse damn
‘The less interested they are, the more they run after you’ ADRIEN SHUT THE FUCK UP THE APOCALYPSE IS HAPPENING
nah bro not thise dude taking a picture 💀💀
Plagg being responsible
Cat Noir shut the fuck up the apocalypse is happening
im gonna punch Cat Noir in the face
also woah first cataclysm of the movie but hE WAS RLLY GONNA CATACLYSM THE GUY BRO
He missed n hit the eiffel tower but it was the lack of hesitation in trying to cataclysm him that shocked me man
bro’s gonna die crazy
BROS GONNA DROWN WTF oh wait Ladybug saved him
wait did hawkmoth turn the water into fucking lava ???
he just took her esrrings w the fucking force ?? HE ABSORBED IT INTO THE BUTTERFLY MIRSCULOUS???
lets go Cat Noir punch hawkmoth in the face
ayo he reversed it ? also wtf he rrally did turn the water into lava
why didnt he jusr akumatize himself in the first plafe
yo he detransformed
oh my god he really is a better dad than show!gabriel
paused the movie for several minutes looking for that one post where they compared that pic of a younger Adrien to a pic of Tim from Boss Baby bc they look exactly the same and i had to show my brother the posr bc it was too funny NOT to share
also gabriel agreste with long hair ?? crazy
awww actually this is really cute they hugged
bro where did Fu come from
oh yo its the miraculous cure/miraculous ladybug thing
wait but she didnt make a lucky charm?? but Cat Noir got to have a cataclysm ??
oh hey its the ball
wait why isnt she wearing a mask literally everyone else is ?!?!
oh wait i just noticed her dress is based on a ladybug thats cool
oh ?? its not over yet ??
yo Natalie is visiting Emilie’s secret grave but why is the movie ending on that ?? is there gonna be a sequel or smth ?? what does it mean ?!?!?!
well thats the end
sure was a wild ride, full of a LOT of changes from the og show which is really wild yknow
overall tho it was an ok movie, it was entertaining, probably only ever gonna watch it just this once LMAO
welp thats it for the miraculous movie, byebyeeee
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sabertoothwalrus · 3 years
i had ANOTHER dream abt miraculous ladybug and this ones a LONG one. it didnt have your artstyle but time paris DID have lovely architecture such as: the bigass hollow tree stumps in breath of the wild, u know the ones big enough to fit a shrine and a half. anyway, the final battle is Happening, people get to wonder if hawkmoth is gonna bite the dust in real time bc its being televised. this is all taking place smth like 3 yrs in the future from season 4 of the show. so theyre like uhhhh Older Teens and certifiably Tired Of All This Shit. so! at the bottom of one of those tree stumps, cat noir’s identity is going to be revealed! oh no!! hes in a #crisis of the soul mostly bc getting revealed would be Bad but also he doesnt feel like hes helping ladybug anymore. he doesnt feel trusted. a classic tale of the villain manipulating a traumatized teen. and ladybug (looking out over a roof and yelling at the top of her lungs) is like “ABSOLUTELY NOT YOU LEAVE MY PARTNER ALONE.” and bribes hawkmoth away by dangling her own secret identity in front of him like a worm on a hook. it works a little too well. her identity gets revealed! cat noir is safe but in the shuffle hes lost his miraculous and marinette picks it up. shes got both and puts them on. tikki and plagg are like “MARINETTE ITS SO DANGEROUS TO WEAR BOTH AT THE SAME TIME” and shes like “im going to punch hawkmoth in the face” and off she goes.
cat noir is nowhere to be found bc now hes adrian! and she doesnt know that! but he knows shes marinette! drama! so now ladybug is re transformed (without activating the black cat miraculous) and is whaling on hawkmoth. she crashes thru my house which is definitely not in paris and tells me and my sibs we have to get out NOW so we book it and its at this point the dream reveals to me that mylene’s mom is chinese and i sit there like Now Hold On A Minute and my mom says “i told u so!” and i tell her “you dont even watch the show???” mylene was wearing a green cheongsam. i don’t tend to ask questions. also by this point i made a mental note to tell u abt this bc it only gets more batshit.
ladybug told us (and everyone that was running away which was a lot of ppl) that if they find cat noir they shld tell him that ladybug loves him. then she has this Stellar idea. she finds nadja chamack and her camera (bc theres only two newspeople in all of paris and one of them runs reality tv) and is like “hi i need to get a message out to cat noir.” when the camera is situated on her (mind u ms chamack is VERY aware that this is her daughters babysitter and is currently holding hawkmoth in a chokehold) she says “im sorry cat noir. you believed in me and trusted me since day one and i couldnt extend you the same courtesy. i was wrong. there is no one else who can wield the black cat miraculous, no one else i would trust with the power of destruction. meet me at our normal rendezvous point so i can give back what is yours.” its all very heartfelt but undercut by the fact that hawkmoth’s bitch ass is shouting explicatives next to her. the fight resumes. she gets slammed into a wall á la every anime fight ever and manages to hide before getting to the roof where she’s waiting for cat noir. shes in a right amount of pain and tikki is running her mouth abt danger and injuries etc. marinette Will Not Move until cat noir shows up. and he does! adrian arrives! when marinette sees him she starts laughing and crying. adrian is rightfully confused. is this a good thing? is this a bad thing? did she hit her head? (yes to all 3.) marinette says “i have been in love with you since 10th grade.” (were they in 10th grade? i do not know.) adrian says “and ive been busy being in love with ladybug.” and then she apologizes again, gives him the ring back, they hug, kick ass and meet up in her room.
if it feels like we’re going rlly fast now its bc we are. the dream was pretty much a montage at this point. hawkmoth is arrested, the world knows who ladybug is, adrian is an orphan, nathalie is still sick, and marinettes parents r thinking that their kid has nearly died MULTIPLE TIMES and they never knew. also luka is under that bridge going “oh fuck.” marinette is in her room trying to explain what will happen next to alya and nino. alya says “i had to tell nino”and marinette says “i am beyond the point of anger. but whatever.” cat noir falls thru her sunroof and they hug (again, there was so much hugging in this dream to make up for the complete lack of hugging in the actual show) and alya + nino are like “uhhh awkward.” the last convo i don’t have quotes for bc at this point my alarm was ringing but it was something abt how marinette cant be ladybug or hold the miracle box and she wld want alya to be the holder but NINO knows and nino Cant Know. but cat noir doesnt want marinette to lose her memories! but People Know. the conclusion was they have to talk to chloe abt how to navigate paparazzi. this is my chloe-and-marinette-could-be-friends agenda. ok i think thats EVERYTHING. if u read all that godspeed, drink water. OH. FINAL THOUGHT. ADRIAN HAD LONG BEAUTIFUL HAIR WHICH IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ALL OF THIS. he had model-brand stubble and sharper teeth than he should.
sometimes I’m peeved that tumblr increased the character limit for asks to be higher than 500 characters, and other times I get
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1k word asks about miraculous ladybug dreams, and I think that’s beautiful
I do unironically love the part about Chloe helping Marinette navigate paparazzi, rip to her canon character development
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