ninjautizm · 9 months
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avephelis · 1 month
sometimes i think about niklaus's deals with albatrio and im forever baffled by his whorish tendencies like oooh gillion twirling his hair you're sooo submissive to destiny oh jay you're so smart let me wear my slutty pirate outfit and lean back pussy out. whatever the fuck was going on when he showed up in just robes swirling a glass of wine and then showed chip his drapes and gave him a tramp stamp. girl leave them alone. get a job. i don't like him.
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Raphael is the funniest antagonist in the game to me, he's a powerful devil trying to steal your soul and speaks to you in rhymes that he probably practices in the mirror, he has his own incubus that says he's a bottom only and bad in bed, and then you can call him out. You can go and rob him blind and then kick his ass in his own house.
You can ask some guy he had you kill if he wants to help you kick his ass, and if you convince him he'll go 'yeah sure I bet you'll win' while Raphael is standing right there.
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vulpinesaint · 25 days
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Venom + Kissing Death by MOTHICA
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qprstobin · 1 year
I'm gonna be frank, Eddie just does not give me the impression that he was bullied all that much in high school to me. Especially as he got older, like he was the school drug dealer, he was not getting beat up by the same jocks who were going to be buying from him later that week. It just doesn't make sense to me!
I'm not saying he was never bullied at all (personally I think he was probably bullied by the people in his grade in like middle school, but leant more into the satanic image by the time he got to high school (which is when the satanic panic wouldve been starting) and people became more afraid to mess with him or it stopped when BS started dealing) or that people can't headcanon and project onto pm. It's fandom, do what you want lol. I've just gotten to the point where fics lose me whenever they claim Tommy/Steve/Jason was going around beating the shit out of him or shoving him in the halls every week or the like. Eddie just does not give the impression that he is scared of the jocks normally. He looks down on them and thinks he's better than them! He taunts them openly in front of everyone and pontificates on table tops.
I think if you take it in that context too, it makes the town turning on him more sinister? Like obviously, satanic panic was only growing at that point, and it was within the last year or two they started pointing at metal and D&D as recruiting centers for satanic cults. (Eddie also like an asshole is walking around with a satanic symbol on his jacket - peak edgy teen in the middle of a moral outcry.) But while people might've been afraid of him, and most definitely talked about him behind his back, that's worlds away from mob violence. The change was startling, even if Eddie might be able to see it on the horizon.
Idk to me that's more of what the hunt the freak line was about. The knowledge that they could turn on you and would if you gave them a reason (or if you want to go with the Eddie is closeted interpretation - if he got outed). I think he probably has been called the freak for a while but honestly I think he's proud of it at this point.
Obviously all of this is up to interpretation, I guess I've just gotten to the point where a lot of the popular fanon interpretation doesn't feel like Eddie to me anymore
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ryanwinsatlife · 13 days
GUYS (+everyone else too ig)
So we all know brain dead/dead tired right? Tim x Danny?
Consider the following:
Tim as Gun Batman x Dan
Think about it!
Tim and Danny are extremely good friends (read, oblivious and head over heels). They start telling the other about their trauma. They start joke arguing about whose evil future self would win in a fight.
Danny realizes, hey, we can actually figure this out, and gives clockwork some puppy dog eyes to let them drop Dan and whoop ‘em GunTim style (Drake, for simplicity’s sake) somewhere they can’t hurt anyone. Mars, maybe.
It. Ah- Backfires. Spectacularly.
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torqxx · 4 months
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their silly vibes have captivated me
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necrotic-nephilim · 2 months
I am always thinking TimJay thoughts related to the fact that they have matching scars from getting their throats slit, and not only that, but Jason slit Tim's throat first in an attempt to threaten Bruce, where Tim was nothing more than a pawn for Jason to use to emotionally manipulate Bruce.
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batman (1940) #618
And then, just a little while later when Jason is trying to confront Bruce and do his whole dramatic moment with Joker in UTRH, and Bruce slits Jason's throat to stop Jason from killing the Joker.
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batman (1940) #650
It makes me so Unwell. They have literal matching scars. When do you think Jason realizes it? When do you think, while running his fingers over the scar he has to always remind himself that Bruce was willing to jeopardize Jason's own life just to save the Joker, Jason realized it was the same scar *he* gave Tim? And does it click for him too, that he and Tim are a lot alike? Being used as pawns in Bruce's game? And for the first time he maybe understands Tim Drake, just another kid trying to get Bruce's attention and approval? And Jason did to Tim exactly what Bruce did to Jason? And that's part of what spurns on Jason's obsession with Tim, trying to "save" Tim from Bruce's ideology?
When they finally get together does it make Jason even more possessive? He put that mark on Tim and now he has his own to match. It's the closest to being understood and loved he's ever felt when Tim runs his fingers over Jason's scar at the same time Jason touches Tim's. Mirrors of each other, in a fun, fucked up little way.
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legendarceus · 7 months
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more of that silly au where every1 haunts clover after they kill them in the no mercy route
1st panel:
starlo: ceroba’s got this, no doubt.
dalv: i wouldn’t be so sure…
2nd panel:
starlo: see? she just got em!
dalv: wait for it…
3rd panel:
starlo: wh
4th panel:
starlo: HUH.
dalv: told you.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
ive come to realise that i dont actually hate kubokai, i just hate the way people write them
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abnomi · 14 days
If OC x canon has 0 fans i am being dissolved into a vat of acid they are going to get me for this theyre gonna get me they're already here oh god please somebody
The lore I have crafted for them in the span of like a week is absolutely ridiculous. Feel free to ask me questions about them *Giggles*!! TURBO AND SID TURBO AND SID TURBO AND SID FROTHS AT THE MOUTH
EDIT: This is slightly outdated now btw; ive changed my mind about some of their traits and how they interact. it was just like an exercise to help me get a better idea of who they both are :-] doesn't help that a lot of these are very context dependent LOL (like PDA for example)
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edit: original tem plate 🥸
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thatnununguy · 1 month
uum if ur requests r still open i think i remember u saying u like gamzee x equius..can we have more of that pleas :3 (no pressure ^_^)
Hey!! This ask has been a godsend cus I now have an excuse to otp post, so thank you!!!
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If I could I would just post about them 24/7 but I don't want to torture my followers lol
With that said please send more asks about them!
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majimasleftasscheek · 3 months
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news for those who preordered this bad boy last year, looks like production is done 👌
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smokbeast · 11 months
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monty is clownphobic
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readyforthegarden · 3 months
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monkiinart · 13 days
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blondes have more fun
mild fungi/parasite related body horror in readmore i guess
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The perfect match, you and me I adapt, contagious You open up, say welcome Bjork - Virus lyrics because this is the ultimate bios song
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