shenenenigans · 13 days
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“Can’t you remember what she looks like?”
“It was a long time ago. I… I don’t know, it’s just… her face is so blurry.”
“Maybe it’ll come back to you one day. You can tell me anything, you know?”
“Yeah, thanks… I— appreciate the help, Numa.”
“Mm. Let’s go back to sleep, okay?”
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this is her real face btw…
@bluemoonscape @aakaneeee @rockwgooglyeyes @4listr @paradisedisconcert @pwippy @nottoonedin @apriciticreveries
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tiredbonbon · 2 years
Pairing: William Afton x gn! Reader
Summary: You lived in your small, shitty town all your life, with nothing very interesting happening to you, until at least, you catch the eye of one of your dad‘s friends.
Warnings!: age gap (reader is an adult), flirty William bc thats how it is, inappropriate relationships(?)
A.note: soo this is the firt time i write anything on this blog, if the writing in here isn’t the best please excuse me I am trying this kind of stuff for the first time and have to see if I feel comfy with it and what the response is, feel free to offer criticism in my dm‘s or leave requests in my inbox, reader is gender neutral btw.
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Picture creds: Noisx
You had been living in the small town you were born in for all your life, and that meant all your life, you never spent a year abroad, never went to schools outside and even vacations or visits out of town were never longer than a week. You basically knew this place like your right pocket, and everyone there knew you and you and your family as well.
It wasn’t that you particularly hated it, it was more that you were so goddamn bored of it, this place felt like a desert at times, and really, the only thing that even attracted people from outside was the diner down the streets, ‚Freddy Fazbears Pizza‘ a pizzeria ran by two of your fathers friends he met in college. The place was actually a huge hit all around the state, gradually extending its popularity all around the country, which was because of, you guessed, the children’s entertainment animatronics that had always been the face of the franchise.
Despite it easily being the hottest place in town for both children and adults, it wasn’t a place you particularly liked to spend your time at, first of, the animatronics always creeped you out a little bit, secondly, since Henry was particularly close to your dad, should you have run into him at the restaurant, you‘d always have to awkwardly try and chitchat, which was nearly unavoidable with him being at the place like every day anyway. The only time you ever really went down there was when your parents asked you to go and pick up some pizza to eat for lunch or dinner and despite him sometimes being a bit too friendly for your own taste, Henry was a nice man, often times telling you to keep the money your dad gave you and to take the food on the house, that was always a welcomed boost for your wallet.
Right now, you sat on the sidelines of your family’s garden in the shade trying to block out the soldering heat that was a summer in Utah, your family was hosting a barbecue at your house, inviting Henry with his wife and kid, as well as the Aftons from down the block, you never knew them as well as the Emilys, but you were always well aware of their existence.
In the garden, three kids ran around the active sprinklers, Charlotte, Elizabeth and Evan. Out of the bunch, Charlie was the one that you were most comfortable with, she was a nice and respectful kid and most of all knew her boundaries, while on the other hand Elizabeth was just too extroverted and energetic for your taste, and while he was a good kid at heart, Evan always felt like a bit of a time bomb. You never wanted to handle the awkwardness of accidentally making a small child cry that you always felt came with interacting with him.
Both Liz and Evan belonged to the Aftons, they did have another brother called Michael, but just like you, he was long an adult and instead of jumping around the cold sprinklers rather sat in the shade, far away from anyone else.
You looked up to the parents mostly standing out in the middle of the porch, your mum and dad were both next to the active grills, chatting with Henry and his wife, while off on the side a bit away from them, there he was, William.
Honestly, you never spend a lot of time around him, for one, when you were down at the pizzeria, he was apparently working in the back and when you were home, if Michael was telling the truth he was usually in the downstairs basement working on new ‚creations‘. All enough to tell you that he wasn’t very sociable which felt a bit ironic knowing he managed a restaurant chain targeted at kids.
The only times you saw him was when he occasionally chatted with your dad in front of the house, peeking out his office at the pizzeria or that one time he helped your mom fix her car, but really you didn’t remember the last time you saw him like this, in a populated area with his family, standing around in the open.
Visually, you didn’t find him particularly …unappealing, he was a tall, slender guy, with short and messy brown hair and most times in mediocrely formal attire, his eyes were quite cool and most times sunken in with a typical, wide, british grin, which was also mirrored in his accent.
Who were you really kidding here? You didn’t think of your dad‘s friend as unattractive, he was the typical, dilfy, older guy for you, and finding him so appealing was also one of the factors why you didn’t really come around to the pizzeria the last few years. You questioned your tastes a little bit, after all, a lot of the neighborhood kids and even some teens were straight up terrified of William for one reason or another and avoided his mere sight at all costs.
You sighed, trying to brush the thoughts out of your head, you wished you could have just watched this all from your room, but your parents insisted that you stayed outside with them now that you were ‚one of the adults‘.
„Y/n!“ you flinched suddenly realizing your dad was calling out to you, you shifted from the stones you were sitting on as quick as possible as you hurried over to know what he wanted.
„Gosh darling is your hearing okay?“ he shook his head as you tried recovering from your total daze earlier, he sighed, „ugh… would you be so kind and fetch some plates from inside, oh, and some ice pops for the kids?“ he asked.
„Oh uh, yeah sure.“ you replied swiftly, you didn’t mind getting away from the others outside for a little. You quickly walked inside and into the kitchen, leaning over the counter to pull around a recent newspaper, your eyes scanning around the articles for a bit as you slacked down into one of the kitchen island‘s stools and reading trough the texts, losing grasp of what you were even supposed to do.
„Still in here, eh?“ you perked up at the sudden voice in the room, mortified to see William of all standing at the opposite side of the kitchen island, crossing his arms.
Your scrambled up, nearly knocking over the stool you were on with you on it and barely preventing a fall, „Oh uh- Mr. Afton, do you need anything?“ His lips twitched up at your sudden nervousness and loss of composure, „Your fatha‘ told me to go in here to check on you, said‘ he didn’t want you sneaking off to your room.“
You hissed a little, knowing thats the exact type of thing your dad would say, not taking into account if it‘d embarrass you or not. You folded the newspaper back up and quickly pushed past him to go to the kitchen cabinets in which the plates were, almost feeling nervous as his arms barely crossed yours. „Don’t rush, I‘m not gonna blame ya‘ „
You turned back to him raising an eyebrow in confusion, „I‘m not an ‚extrovert‘ myself yknow‘ , Henry‘s usually the one handling the kids down at the diner.“ he leaned against the counter behind him as you pulled out a few plates from the cabinets and set them down, chuckling awkwardly.
You undoubtedly felt embarrassed being completely alone with him, not that it had even happened before anyway. You had no idea what to say, or talk about, but then, one small thing still came to your mind. „So uh, are you building any more of those …robots?“
He chuckled, „oh yeah, plenty, are you interested in that sorta stuff y/n?“ fuck, that was the first time you think you had even heard him say your name at all. „Heh- A little maybe, I was kinda curious I guess.“
„hmhm, well I‘m flattered, you can come down to the diner sometime, I‘d be happy to show you some the endos we use.“ he offered, it did seem sorta interesting… you always kinda wondered how those animatronics looked like without the faux fur covers, although, you weren’t sure if it wouldn’t be equally terrifying.
You turned back to the plates, you weren’t sure how many would be used, so you just got a good stack. You bent down to the cooler, cramming around for any ice pops to keep the children at bay for a while. „So, you got yourself a fit bloke round‘ here?“ you felt yourself a bit startled at the sudden questioning, trying to keep your eyes fixed on the cooler and not up to meet his.
„Eh- no Sir, I‘ve uh.. I‘ve never had a boyfriend before I don’t really like the guys around here.“ you replied, that was actually the truth, most the people your age around here were far from your type, your mom had asked you plenty of times what you thought about Michael, and while he definitely aged better than most around there, you couldn’t see anything like that with him.
„Well, what about the men?“ you nearly choked for a moment, awkwardly laughing as if what he said was just some generic joke, yet you had no real idea what he actually meant by it. You finally scrambled out the ice pops from the freezer, putting them on top of the stacks of plates, „Are ya sure you can carry all that by yourself?“ he asked, you paused, looking at the stack for a moment, but before you could reply he had already pushed himself beside you and picked up half the stack himself.
You smiled awkwardly, „Thank you Mr. Afton…“
You quickly picked up your stack, following him outside as you didn’t want to bother your parents anymore with your reluctance, “there you are y/n, what in the world you took so long?” Your father asked seeing you finally leave the building, you were already prepared for a long lecture and being damned to stand next to him by the grill but to your surprise, before you had to say anything, William answered for you, “Bloody hell Bill give them a rest would you? We were just inside having a chat.”
Your father looked over to William, then to you, before seemingly calming down, “Whatever you say Will…” before you could turn to thank him however, Elizabeth and Charlie were already scrambling to steal the ice pops you had from you. Precious kids.
Quickly after you were done handing out ice pops to the kids, you were urged by your mom to help deck out the table for everyone to eat, while doing so, unwillingly your gaze often wandere back to William, who had taken back the spot at the side of the porch, simply leaning against the wall, on occasion meeting your eyes only to have you scrambling back to deck our plates with napkins to which you swore you could hear him chuckle in the distance, his mere presence was seriously starting to kill you.
After everyone sat down to eat, of course he had to be sat right next to you, and sure maybe the bench you sat on was a little cramped since elizabeth wanted to sit right next to her father, but surely not so cramped that his shoulder had to be constantly pressing against yours right..?
“So y/n, are you still on the lookout for a job? Like I said I’d always offer you a place down at the diner.” Henry mentioned, “Ah no worries, I’m still trying to manage my work from home since its the easiest at the moment.” You replied, your form stiffening even more when William turned his head to you.
It probably didn’t look weird to the others, but for you he was starting to be so close you felt his breath on your neck, his eyes always threatening to meet yours should you just risk the tiniest glance over at him.
“Thats a shame, I’m sure you’d look fantastic in one of our work uniforms.” The comment made most adults at the table chuckle, even Henry, but for you, it split your mind, you felt your emotions make you dizzy
Before he could say anything else, as if your hand moved on its own, you ‘accidentally’ knocked over your glass of lemonade, spilling it all over your top and shorts.
“Oh- Y/n are you okay??” Charlotte peeked up from her side of the table, you quickly stood up, “Oh yeah- please excuse me I’ll go change in my room!” And before your parents or anyone else could say something you rushed back inside and upstairs, sliding down your door as soon as you slammed it shut.
You had absolutely no idea what had just happened to your mind, it was like the pinnacle of tension in your body, not even neccecarily awkwardness but something else. You slowly got back up and took a deep breath before taking off your now very sticky shirt and shorts, ‘ am I letting myself get so tense just because of that man? What is wrong with me??’
You crammed out a new pair of shorts and a tshirt, god previously you didn’t even talk to William and now after so little interaction you were letting him get to you so much? For gods sake he was your dads friend and probably old enough to be your father too, this… this wasn’t becoming more than a silly crush right?
You grabbed a pillow from your bed and hit it atop your own head, trying to quite literally bonk yourself, by now, the sun had gone down, and surely it was time for everyone to leave anyways, you could surely go downstairs now right? Sure your dad would be pissed for you not saying goodbye to your guests, but you’d just have to deal with that.
You slowly made your way back down, it was awfully quiet, ‘huh… maybe they left already?’ It would have been much to your gratitude.
‘Huh… seems like it’ the front porch was empty, only the grills coal slowly burning out, you breathed a sigh of relief slowly backing away to lean against your kitchen island in victory, but ran into something else halfway, immediately flinching back.
Great. Just your fucking luck.
“AH- Mr- Mr. Afton, Im so sorry I thought you and your family were already gone-“ you stuttered, trying to hold composure even though you had just blatantly walked right into his chest, but he once again, merely chuckled.
“Its all right luv, I just wanted to say goodbye to ya, its not even me and you see each other aight?” You felt your face heat up, now it wasn’t just tension, it was straight up making you blush, was he meaning to do this????
“Oh of course- have a good night Mr. Afton, I- I’ll say hello next time in down at the diner!”
“Just visit me in my office, I’d be happy to have you around.” He grinned, one last time, before turning away from you, “Liz, Evan, Michael! Get over here we are going home.
You stood in the kitchen for another few moments, dumbfounded, red and confused.
This was, definitely becoming more than a silly crush.
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darthpastry · 7 months
I just lost one of my allays and life feels shitty now..
...could you create the craziest and most nonsense fnaf theory so I can forget about my lost baby?
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l-look how p-pretty she was...
*ugly cries*
Ugh, I don’t play Minecraft but that sucks and she was gorgeous <3
Have three absurd theories!
Alright, you know how everyone thinks that Charlie is possessing the Puppet? WRONG! Unless she's possessing two things at once. Which might be possible? But also, maybe the Puppet is the Mimic and just thinks it's her but that's really a whole different argument that I've brought up before. Anyway.
Let's start with the ✨aesthetic✨ reason. Charlie's sprite is grey and black, we see black present on the classic Phone Guy phone. BUT! Even more importantly, we see blue as the main color. Blue happens to be right next to green on the color wheel. The transition from green to blue signifies how Charlie was forced to change. Green is a color of tranquility, nature, hope, and even lack of experience. Blue is mercy, trust, and mourning. Phone Guy shows the player mercy by helping keep them safe despite the fact that they look similar to William, the player has to trust Phone Guy, and of course there's reason for Charlie to mourn after her death.
There's also the fact that the animatronics only come to life once the Puppet helps. So how would the Puppet come to life on its on? It didn't, it had Charlie possess the phone in hopes she'd be able to spread the word of what happened, but her memories ended up all messed up and Puppet painted blue tears on themself in honor of Charlie. Funky death stuff also messed up her voice. Also, Puppet put Charlie in the phone because she was apparently the last to die and even Golden Freddy was taken as far as animatronics go.
It is also mentioned how Charlie cares for others and protects them, like Phone Guy protects the night guards. She also reassures the player because she knows Mike can't die. There's also the fact that even after the "death" of Phone Guy on night 4 he can still talk on night 5. This is because it was just Charlie watching someone else die.
FNaF 4 phone is another toy used by William Afton. Purple eyes and it watches Evan, the eyes follow him. The same way Fredbear is meant to transmit sound, the toy phone transmits visuals.
And this is one I’ve posted before, but it was before I met you. Why exactly are The Puppet and Baby (possibly also Ballora but that’s not today’s can of worms) more intelligent than everyone else? The Puppet quite literally says “the others are like animals, but I am very aware.” It’s always been an interesting line to me since I heard it. Because it doesn’t make sense.
What makes Puppet and Baby so much more intelligent? Why are they capable of logical reasoning most of the others probably wouldn’t know how to use a doorknob? Maybe there’s some explanation having to do with their emotional state or something, but may I propose that it’s because both were AI?
We know that Circus Baby was an AI, as well as the fact that she most likely had some form of sentience before being possessed by Elizabeth. If William was capable of creating sentient AI, we have no reason to believe Henry wasn’t either.
Not to mention Puppet never acted like a normal animatronic. Yes, they were programmed to protect Charlie, but actually leaving the building and lying down with her after she was murdered? That seems like it goes beyond the realm of programming into sentience.
If both robots already had some sentience, it would make sense why they act more ‘alive’ after possession.
There’s a decent chance I’ve been able to convince you that Puppet is an AI by now, even if I don’t have rock solid evidence. But that’s still pretty different from flat out being the Mimic.
You know how it’s likely at least a few scrap pieces of metal survived the Pizzeria Sim fire to make Glitchtrap? You know how the pizzeria still exists under the PizzaPlex? You know how there’s a ton of symbolism of not necessarily the Puppet, but of Nightmarionne? You know how Nightmarionne is a version of the Puppet that seems a lot more sinister? You know how the only STAFF bots that can kill you are Nightmarionne designed? You know how we never actually see any version of the Puppet beyond plushies? You know how some believe Edwin and is a Henry parallel? You know how Puppet and Mimic were both made to take care of a child and would inevitably be hated when they failed to protect them?
Look, all I’m saying is that maybe after Charlie moved on (or her soul got corrupted if you want to add some more flavor) the Puppet’s AI either went a bit kooky or got Glitchtrapped.
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scover-va · 11 months
I need to know more about Michael's mom... Is she a cool mom?
SHE IS A VERY COOL MOM janet afton you will always be famous. to me
Im taking this as a chance to finally ramble abt her anyways so Janet's core inspo when designing her was to avoid 2 key things. Don't make her like Immortal & Th Restless's Clara (due to clara representing michael, not mrs afton, so i wanted to avoid that), and don't base her too heavily off of Ballora. I still have ties to Ballora's character (a music-based theme, blue-centric colour palette, im sure there were more basic ideas but everything else is more hc than themes to keep up) due to my hc thingy of each Funtime having ties to William's wife + kids, but yknow.
But yeah. Funky lady who played bass guitar + did backup vocals in a band during her high school and college years. Literally her and William dating can be summed up by "Seriously, what do you see in that guy?!" "He makes me laugh." bc she was and is WAY out of his goddamn league. Not just bc of the whole serial killer thing he was just an even bigger loser in college. Normal people dont develop a crush on a woman after she nearly breaks your nose and makes you bleed, William /j
But yeah uhh. I also dont like the idea of her being absent or neglectful purely because I got way too attached to her (i was originally gonna do that just to make things easy for myself but. Pretty lady,,, I am a very simple lesbian what can i say) so like. She obviously wasnt the greatest, most fantastic mom to ever exist given she was kinda maybe sorta well aware William was making some weird fucking clowns, but like. Hey. She tried. Also side note my reasoning for her being absent during the whole. Yknow. '83 event (and just evan's bday in general) is bc Evan + Elizabeth are twins and Elizabeth demanded a girls-only trip for her bday, and Janet promised Evan she'd do something just as special for him when she got back. That never happened bc he died lmao loser /j
But yeah uhh. Shes got a lot of regrets. Wishes she coulda done a lot of things better. Kinda dies with those regrets. Ive seen people say that one of fnaf's charms is that no character is 100% good and i LOVE that, and wanted to keep it up with Janet. Good mom and overall a good person, however made some bad decisions along the way and whatnot.
Im still working out specifics (ive been slowly working on a lil private fic abt her and william meeting + their early relationship) but uhhh. Minor notes that dont get their own paragraphs is that William sampled her voice for Ballora so yay easy voice claim, she had an on and off relationship with her band's lead singer (her name's Bev), her birth name is actually Janice Schmidt but if you call her Janice she'll knock at least 2 of ur teeth out, she's a runaway teen and got adopted by this older couple bc her home life kinda sucked (idk specifics yet), and also girlie has an extensive criminal record of minor angsty teen type charges. Also teen Mike dying his hair and then 2020's Michael's hairstyle are both kinda references to Janet's hair because he wnated to look less like his father. Thats all ty. No read more bc you WILL look at my mrs afton post, boy /j
Actually no theres more that im remembering as i write the tags and edit a few details. Back to her and William because god im insane about them. So for starters it. Well i was gonna say Janet was def the first to flirt but i think William definitely developed a crush first and they only kept talking bc of said crush so its kinda up for debate. Anyways yeah at first it was a HUGE sorta like "Well he's funny especially when I fluster him so this can be just a fun lil thing" but because they chatted more they def kinda like. Clicked more. William was a huge fan of listening to her music (from. a distance. he looked kinda like a creep but at least janet only misinterpreted it once) but like *specifically* janet he didnt give a fucking shit abt the rest of the band. Uhh. They had their first run-in and janet kinda. Well. Punched him in the nose before he cleared up that he is NOT a pervert or anything weird like that (bc a guy that looks older than he is staring from a distance when there is a clear crowd he could join kinda gave janet the Wrong idea), then they later bumped into each other in the hall and chatted for a bit, then they kinda just kept "accidentally" running into one another. Uhhh. Some cigaerette-themed flirting and a house party later, yay dating :] can you tell where the current cut-off of the fic is /j Also idk how to put this down properly but they are both runaways and can kinda. Get that vibe from one another. Literally Michael is like some fucked up abomination of the both of them between the troubled past + weird situationship thing + runaway stuff + a lot of minor details that arent important rn. I just. Yeah Janet means the world to me go thru her tag on my blog for some art. Not all of my janet art is posted but the non-posted stuff is all concept work/doodles or just. Shit im too embarrassed to post lmao. Anyways NOW im done ty for reading
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lord-tekron · 1 year
Oops, I am once more in a “Behind the Scenes” mood, let’s see what there is to talk about... Well we talked about Dave Miller last timed, so let’s talk about the dark side of that coin.
For some clarity sake, I am assuming you have already read the post where I went on a tangent talking about Dave Miller. If not then take a quick glare at it as while I may repeat some stuff I don’t know what I will repeat, so make sure to check there. https://lord-tekron.tumblr.com/post/711905032118943744/got-your-attention-good-now-its-time-for-some
Now let’s talk about the funny rabbit man.
When Dave was finalized, there was this debate on when/if Springtrap would appear and how. After all it sorta showed that Dave finally wrangled control so how would I even get him to appear? Well that is when the Mob Boss Freddy arc began. In Chapter 10 there is a small little detail that shows Elizabeth and Dave walking past the building Freddy and his Goons were ransacking, and if you notice REAL close, you can see remnant falling from the sky.
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Now, where does this land? Well it lands right on the Springtrap arm. This led to the bit with Michael and the now reawoken arm doing some hijinks for the rest of that chapter. 
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(This is fanart from Ooftroop btw, and it is a joke that works on multiple levels because it’s a recreation that was show to them out of context AND they stopped reading TSP at chapter 9, the chapter BEFORE this scene happens in. Only reason I am sharing this is because when else am I gonna show this in any natural context?)
But yeah, soon Armtrap hooks himself up to the one mafia robot and takes control of it, and then a new problem occurs. What is his personality like? I mean he is evil, obviously, but what kind of evil is he? If William Afton is the mad genius, and Dave Miller is the guilty aspect, what should Springtrap be?
And thankfully the Silver Eyes trilogy gave me an idea, in The Fourth Closest there is a bit where Springtrap (or well, a Springtrap illusion thing, fuck fnaf lore sometimes man) where he is singing and dancing as he mocks Jessica.
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That, is beautiful. Springtrap is a killer, but he is also fucking EXTRA with it. He ain’t just gonna kill you, he is going to put on a show for no one but himself for the hell of it. And as such the pieces sorta fell together, as he is the only character that gets musical numbers in the damn comic (even in Nightmare Countdown where there are other “singers” he gets the most dynamic one as the judge/worm), much to peoples confusion.
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I scare people very easily. But another thing I wanted Springtrap to be is, for lack of a better word, wrong. Like even for all the Mushroom Mutants, Soul Dozer, and Shadow Kings, something about him is different. And the most obvious example is for him to be the only one that has the sense of awareness of the 4th wall, like others may look at the “camera” in disbelief, but he takes it a step beyond and has jabs at it. Not to mention him being unique with having colored text unlike everyone else usually does.
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Another thing is that, while he may be the big bad of the trio (Him, Freddy, and Baby), he had to be used correctly. He may be fun to write, but too much of a good thing can make a person sick of it. So after the first music number, he mostly takes a working in the shadows role as the story focuses on Freddy and Baby, with him only coming up here and there for a goof or gag to remind the audience that he is still there.
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And then, with Baby was defeated, it was time for him to take control, and one thing I feel bad about is that I think I was a bit too vague about how he did somethings. Frankly I don’t think that there are even any good way to describe it even right now, but to put it bluntly. Springtrap had Freddy send a message to Baby, who was asked to put an emergency thing of remnant on the side incase she fails. This side remnant would then be used to temporarily give Springtrap enough juice to wiggle as a bit of Freddy’s endo wires.
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And he would inch his way to someplace they wouldn’t suspect, and temporarily hijacked Lefty’s head.
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And then, as we saw in Grand Return, he was able to get himself a new body.
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Now, I won’t lie... Another poor writing aspect on my end, relied on ALOT of coincidences for that to work. But I will say, it did lead to the best character ever, Paradox Springtrap.
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This fucker is FUN, he is evil, he is wacky, and he is overly dramatic. Everything during the Springtrap arc was a joy. There is a reason I end up constantly redrawing him, he is just a fun character to have do stuff for. Fuck I wrote a throwaway line saying he “installed the laser vision feature” cause it  was funny, and then said “wait, LETS ACTUALLY HAVE HIM SHOOT LASERS OUT OF HIS EYES CAUSE THIS IS DUMB AND HILARIOUS AND AMAZING”
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And as a little treat, Remnant Springtrap has an entire thing I did that saves me the work of writing everything and gives you some more stuff to look at.
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I don’t know if there is a proper term to call this type of remnant, my brain just defaults to calling it “Dark Remnant” but that is kinda dumb, meanwhile far as I can tell only kind of Remnant besides regular Remnant is “Shadow Remnant” but that is from Fnaf AR and no one cares about Fnaf AR. :V
Another thing I liked was how he was defeated, not only by having Dave throw Springtrap for a loop and do something he thought he wasn’t going to do, but also how he suffers something worse than death, I mean he’s died like what? 2-3 times already, give or take? And since one of the main gimmicks of The Springlock Paradox was the dimensional device, it only made sense that it would be the thing that sealed his fate by trapping him in a place that doesn’t exist.
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And we’ll never have to worry about him ever again!
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None whatsoever
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Gone like yesterday
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But hey, plenty of elbow room in the void!
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I am certain he’ll be completely rational and sane in a place with no beginning and no end, where even time is but a suggestion, right?
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Yeah... I think I am right.
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exodusin · 3 years
Hello! Could you please do a Michael x reader angst to fluff? Maybe where the reader is insecure about themselves and Michael comforts them or smth? P.S keep up the amazing work!! :)
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Thank you for the compliment :D also sorry if this took long :(
art creds @/imsanlee on tiktok
#summary; you don't see the way Michael sees you. It's a masterpiece but his dad’s rude comments, made you think differently.
#note; none of the aftons are dead, no scooping, no bite of 83, no spring lock, this will take place in the early 90s.
#contains; William being a dick, self-esteem issues, negative talk, past parent issues.
#word count; 1648
#fnaf masterlist
Michael proposed to you two weeks ago- you couldn't be any happier and eagerly said: "Yes, I want to marry you!". You were aware of Michael's father being inimical about your guys' relationship. But did that ever stop you from being with Mike?
Nope, but your emotions are saying otherwise.
The Aftons weren't aware of your marriage, so Michael most likely gave them some sort of news that they'll invite them for a dinner night at your guys' house for the news he was going to tell them.
Elizabeth was really happy knowing his older brother was going to devote himself to you, The red-haired girl loved you like family, "She's going to wear a really beautiful dress, I have to be the flower girl!"
Evan was a really shy kid but did have a soft reaction, "I'm happy for you both but Michael can be mean sometimes, just saying." which he earned a flick on the forehead by your fiance.
Mrs. Afton was super excited about knowing this surprise, heck she was supportive ever since Michael confessed you were his girlfriend, "I remember you two being young idiots in love and now adults truly embracing it. I'm so proud of you both!"
Although, William...
He is a brutally honest man and could care less what people think, not only did he make rude comments about you but when Michael was a teen and started dating you, William would say to Michael that he deserves someone better, saw you as a bad influence to his oldest son and youngest children, and...he wasn't surprised Michael chose you as a spouse because he was his least favorite son.
But the comments towards you did hurt you. The feeling of years ago when you lived with your toxic parents was now rising from the following comments—
"Just like any other tramp out there."
"Ever thought you were picked out of pity?"
"Are you're parents even attending to your important day?" That comment stung you.
You're parents. You haven't seen nor talked to them ever since you graduated high school. Always making you feel like the donkey carrying all the problems.
Blaming you for everything, nagging about your bad grades, the friends you've made, your personality, and your image.
But Michael was the only person to ever make your day the brightest, always making sure you were okay, reminding or making sure you were eating well and getting perfect sleep.
Yeah, he was the biggest bully in school but when it came to you, he's an absolute charm.
Always putting you first.
So why did you care so much about what William thinks? It's because he was right. That's what you thought, you were asked out as a joke many times when you were young, you'd be compared to other people from your parents and they wouldn't bother showing up to something you're deeply excited about.
But now you're starting to have second thoughts.
Why would Michael pick you out of all people?
You got out a cold shower, moisturized your body with lotion, and washed your face. You put on your underwear and an oversized (favorite color) shirt than a fluffy robe.
'One last check on the mirror...'
It became a habit nowadays, checking the mirror constantly before Michael came back home from work.
"Am I too annoying?"
"Do I talk too much?"
"Am I boring?"
"Does my face look creepy?"
"Am I really like any other?"
"Is my body not ideal?"
The questions running around your head you were paused when you heard that British voice yelled out your name.
"Have you fallen asleep yet? Don't sleep if you haven't eaten."
You made sure your robe was correctly adjusted and put on the usual happy mask to not worry Michael about your personal problems.
"Uhhh...no I'm still awake!" you shouted so he can hear you from downstairs. You heard footsteps get louder and louder meaning he was going to come into the room.
His blue eyes searched for you and there you were sitting on the bed, perhaps waiting for him. Once his eyes landed on you, he felt his eyes melt with adoration.
"Damn it I miss you..." he whispered then smashed his lips to yours, you kissed him back immediately hoping he wouldn't notice your slightly gloomy behavior.
"Did you just take a shower?"
You scoffed, "My hair is wetter than the ocean, what do you think? I just soaked it in a sewage pipe?" you say in a sarcastic playful manner.
He chuckled and pecked your check, "Heh, yea you took a nice shower, you smell nice, as always of course."
He parted away from you and rubbed your soaked hair, "Let me help you dry it and brush it, love." you felt butterflies in your stomach flutter at the nickname.
"Okay just don't brush it too hard..."
Your (hair texture) hair was now soft and dry thanks to your fiance.
"Thank you, Mikey."
The brunette smiled, "It's no problem."
You felt strong arms wrap around you and made you turn to face his beautiful pale face, his blue eyes gazing at yours with adoration, and that styled mullet brown hair that was messy.
Michael began rubbing your sides lovingly, then stuffing his face onto your fluffy robe which had your scent and warmth that hypnotizes him.
You felt your cheeks warmth at the feeling, for a return of affection you ran your fingers through his messy mullet which made him groan.
Michael's reaction to this was a muffled groan and glided his face down, his hands reached to grab your robe and move it out of the way to get better access to your thighs.
Just as he was about to treat them, a soft hand was placed on his shoulder which halted him. "Is there something wrong, Y/N?"
You faced the other direction to avoid his gaze which made him knit his brows together in confusion, "I-...I don't really feel like-"
"I understand." Those two words ease you but you still felt...gloomy.
"But don't think I didn't notice your behavior these days. Is something bothering you? Is it something I did?" he asked with concern.
You tried to hold back the tears but gulped and said a simple "no."
He tilted his head still looking at you waiting for a better answer, "Did someone say do something to you?"
"Sort of..." you mumbled with hesitation.
"Who? I'll beat the bastard or bitch."
You breathed in and asked, "Michael, can I ask you something?"
He already paid full attention to you "Yes, anything." and waited patiently for your question, your breath became a bit shaky, "Are...Are you sure you want to marry me?"
His pupils shrunk a bit and his brows furrowed, do you no longer want him? He tried to remain calm and respond to your question with composure, "What kind of question is that? I want to marry you. You're the one for me. Why? Do you...not love me?" the last part sounded like hesitation but you responded quickly-
"It's not that. I love you so much fucking much but...what do you see in me?" you asked, his face now becoming soft and sympathetic.
"Love, what made you think that. You're my everything, fuck if you told me to kill thousands of people I'll do it in a heartbeat." the comment seemed laughable but you still felt gloomy, "It's just that...your father doesn't seem to like me much and he's a brutally honest man...am I like any other...is my parents not even going to attend to my wedding day?"
Michael's Adam's apple bobbed in anger, not at you, but his beloved partner being depressed over the bastard of his father. Messing him was one thing, but messing with you is enough to impel him to break his father's teeth.
Instead of Michael responding verbally, he held you as if there is no tomorrow. He kissed your hair and all over your face, plummeting sweet things "No, don't think that way..." "I will never regret proposing to you or meeting you. Your beautiful, your mine. Y/N please. Don't think you're less because of a stupid 'opinion' my bastard of a father says..."
You tried to contain in the hiccups escaping your lips from the soft crying, "He's right though. My parents won't even attend my wedding they always thought less of me and spoke to me as if I was a piece of horse shit."
Michael sighed and yanked you closer to him and began smooching all over your face, "Please...don't say that...don't do it for me...do it for yourself..." he whispers sweetly.
"You don't understand how I see you. No one can see you the way I do," he says as he gently pulls down the sleeve of your shirt to get better access to your shoulder. "Your parents will make the biggest of their lives by not attending to it, your amazing." he then began kissing your shoulder.
You squeaked at the suddenness,
"You're beautiful."
"I love you."
"I'll do anything for you."
He then began nuzzling your neck, "You're mine. Your parents are the real shitfaces here, not you. Meeting you was the greatest thing that happened to me ever in my life. Our bond is unbreakable, no one can break it."
You began to sob and held him closer to you,
"...T-Thank y-you, Michael."
"No, it's the truth. You're the best thing I never knew I needed..."
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berryberrydairy · 2 years
Another Skit cuz why not?
Ghost Micheal meet Android Micheal (ghost mike can also meet his family)
Android Au
This will be emotional, I can feel it.
Michael woke up from his standby mode. He looked around his room and he saw a 13 years old boy sitting at the end of his bed, staring at him.
The boy looked at like him when he was 13.
The boy smiled at him, "So, father created you huh?"
Michael nodded slowly, "Are you..."?"
"Yeah, I'm Michael Afton. It's nice to meet you... My other self." He snickered. "I find this amusing. I'm talking to my other self!" The boy chuckled.
"I... I'm sorry for replacing you-"
"Don't be. At least father is happy. At least it distracts him from my passing. I knew when I was ill and bedridden, my father didn't take care of himself. He only took care of me and at night when he assumed I was sleeping, I could hear him cry and pray for my health. I'm sure he was broken when I passed away but at least he looks better now with you around." The boy said.
He stood up from the bed and went to Michael. "So... This is how I should look like if I reached 24. Good looking." The boy smirked. "I hope you're happy to see me." Michael smiled.
"Of course. I have to be honest, I never imagined myself passed 15. My condition was that bad to the point of me not able to believe that I will not reach adulthood... Haha... I'm pathetic."
"You're not. Life is cruel and it took you away from your family at such a young age."
Michael and the boy stayed in silence.
"Anyway... Can I... see my family?" The boy asked with a pleading look on his face. Michael sighed softly and smiled, "Do you really need to ask for my permission? They're your family."
"Our family." The boy said. "... Are all of those real?" The boy pointed at Michael. "Illusion disk." Michael said.
"So, you're aware."
"Just found out not too long ago."
The boy nodded. Michael watched as the boy went to his door. "I'm gonna go see my siblings." The boy said.
Michael stood up from his bed. He watched as the boy went through the door. He didn't have to open it for him. Michael followed the ghost of Michael Afton or he should refer him to Mike.
Mike went through Elizabeth's door so Michael slowly opened the door, hoping that he didn't wake the teen up. Michael watched as Mike inspected his youngest sister, who was sounded asleep with a Circus baby plush toy in her arms.
"She's way older than me!" Mike chuckled. "And yet she still sleeps with a toy." Mike smiled softly as he caressed his sister's cheek.
"Mikey..." Mike and Michael jumped as they heard the girl murmured Michael's nickname. Is she away? Is she aware of Michael or ghost Michael is near her?
She's probably dreaming.
Mike stared at her and he smiled again. "I miss you, Lizzie." He said as he kissed her on the forehead before he turned around and went passed Michael. Michael closed the door quietly and followed the ghost.
Michael opened Evan's door and he was surprised to see Evan was still awake, sitting at his desk.
"Evan, it's late. What are you doing?" Michael asked. The spiky haired brunette turned to Michael, "Assignments." Michael could see that the boy needed sleep but assignments were killing him right now.
Mike, who was standing next to Michael chuckled.
Evan squinted at Michael, "Am I hearing something?"
"Like?" Michael raised an eyebrow. Can't Evan see that his brother is standing- well, floating... next to Michael.
"I don't know. Sounded like a kid chuckling." Evan said, scratching his eyes. Michael looked at Mike and Mike looked at him.
As if they're communicating telepathically. Michael was wondering if it's okay for him to tell Evan that Mike was with him and Mike totally agreed with it.
"Actually, we have a... invisible guest." Michael said.
Evan tilted his head, "What-"
"Your brother is here with us."
Evan went quiet. He then looked at Michael with a nervous expression, "Of course. B-Because you're standing here with me. I know you're denying your identity after you've found out the truth but you're still my brother." Evan said as he smiled nervously. What on earth is Michael talking about?
"You know well that is not what I meant." Michael said. "Your brother is standing next to me right now."
Evan gasped. Mike got close to Evan, he stood next to him and smiled. "It's not fair that Evan, a crybaby, is now a grownup who goes to college." Mike chuckled.
"Your brother said it's not fair that a crybaby like you get to grown up and go to college." Michael chuckled, "Of course. That's a joke."
Evan just stayed quiet as he stared at Michael.
He looked around and finally spoken, "Can he hear me?"
Michael nodded. "He's standing on your left." Michael said.
Evan turned to his left. He couldn't see Mike but Mike could see him. Evan is facing Mike but he doesn't know that.
"Mikey?... I... Mikey, is that really you?"
Michael nodded, "It's really him."
"... Mikey, ever since you passed away, I've changed. I stopped crying. I told myself to toughen myself. I did. I joined a self defence class at school." Evan said.
Mike looked surprised, "Go on."
"He told you to go on." Michael said. "Well... Ya know... During your funeral, I didn't cry. I told myself not to because I know you don't like it when I cry and plus... I took over your roles. I had to be the responsible one on that day. I couldn't let myself break down. Who'd take care of father and Lizzie if I break down? Father was awfully broken during your funeral so I had to stay strong for him and Elizabeth." Evan said. "Are you proud of me? I'm no longer a crybaby and I'm here taking good care of father and Lizzie. Just like what you did to us. Am I doing a good job as you? I hope so."
"I'm proud of you but you don't have to be me. Be yourself. Life is all about you, not about me." Mike said. Michael repeated what Mike said to Evan and Evan nodded, "Right... You're right. Yeah. In a way, I'm trying to follow your footsteps like ya know, how you clean and cook for our family... I can't live up to your dream to become a robot inventor. I can't stand them! ... Except for Michael of course."
Michael chuckled at Evan.
"Mikey... I honestly miss you... I really wish you're here with us." Evan said as he began to tear up. "I... I'm sorry I'm crying right now but... I miss you!" Evan said with a sob in between. Mike patted his head but Evan didn't know that. He couldn't feel Mike's hand.
"Go on. Cry. Don't bottle up your emotions. You're welcome to cry." Mike said.
Michael smiled at him and repeated what Mike said. "Also, he's patting your head." Michael added.
Evan smiled at his left, as if he's smiling at Mike.
"Mikey, thank you... Best for you right now is to go visit father next." Evan said as he wiped his tears away.
"He's right. I'm going to see father before I leave." Mike said. Michael's eyes followed the ghost leaving the room. He turned towards Evan who was still wiping his tears away.
Evan chuckled, "Oh god, I can't stop crying. I'm such a crybaby..." He said between sobs. Michael's eyes softened, "You're not. It's okay to have emotions, Evan. Now, I'm going to go see father. You better sleep soon." Michael said before he closed the door.
Michael went downstairs. He saw Mike standing in front of his father's office. Both of them knew he's in there. They could see the light lit up in the room.
Michael knocked it and waited for William to answer.
"Enter." William said.
Michael opened the door slowly and there he was, William with screws on his mouth, working on an android. Perhaps an older body for Michael.
William turned to him as he put his wrenches and screws down. "What brought you here?" William asked.
"You... have a visitor but I don't know if you can see him." Michael said as he looked at Mike who finally stood next to him after hiding behind Michael.
William's eyes opened wide. That's an indicator to Michael that he can see the boy.
"No... Is it... true...?" William questioned as he approached the boy. Mike teared up and floated towards William, "Father!"
It's impossible for them to hug but that didn't stop them from wrapping their arms around each other, even though William's arms went through Mike, he still pretended that he's hugging the child.
His first born. His beloved child.
"God... What took you so long to visit your old man?" William asked. Michael could him snifflinf and sobbing. The man is in tears.
"I'm sorry, father. I've just figured it out." Mike said. "Father, I miss you. I miss everyone."
"I miss you too. Everyone misses you." William pulled away and smiled at his son with tears dripping to his cheeks. "I thought I would never get to see you again."
Mike gave his father a concerned look, "You know... I hope you didn't lock yourself down here always because you look like you need sleep." Mike said.
Michael sighed, "I tried pulling him to bed but he refused to."
Mike pouted at William. The older man grinned at him nervously.
Michael watched as the son and father interact. Laughing and talking to each other. Michael decided to leave them alone so he stood outside of the room and leaned on the wall.
Of course, whatever happens, he can't replace Mike and he never planned to. His existence is only to assist William. That is all.
Back in Michael's room,
"I'm only allowed to visit you guys this once." Mike said.
Michael turned around to face the boy, "But... Your family is going to miss you."
"It's okay. If I can gain more strength, I'll come back but for now..." Mike looked at the brunette with soft eyes, "Live for both of us. I know you keep thinking that you're my replacement. You're not. You're you and I can tell everyone loves you as who you are and not as me. I know father thought the same too." Mike said.
"He clearly built me so he can replace the hole in his heart..."
"Yes but also he cares about you as much as he cares about me. He loves us both equally and individually." Mike said as he tried to reach for Michael's hands.
"Live for both of us and please take care of everyone for me."
Michael could see the boy is fading away so he smiled, "I will. I will do my best. For you. For us."
And that's the end of it because I have no clue what to write and this took me days to finish it xD
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blind3dbylight · 5 years
FNAF thoughts and timeline pontification
Been on a major FNAF kick lately and god damn it I want to solve this goddamn series. Spoilers abound. I’ll probably edit this post a lot if I think of something or get corrected on anything.
Bite of ‘83 victim/Crying child: I am of the mind that the BV and Michael Afton are one and the same, and that Michael is an android. Using the books as an example, the protagonist Charlie Emily (short for Charlotte) is discovered to be an android created by her father Henry. The real Charlotte Emily died as a very young child to William Afton, causing the relationship between Henry and Afton to fall apart--and Henry to build the Charlie androids before committing suicide. In the games’ canon, this could be the same--William had lost a child, and tells him “I will put you back together”. Literally.
We know this has to be William talking through Plushbear due to the Private Room in Sister Location having a Plushbear with a walkie-talkie by it, and by punching in 1-9-8-3 on the keypad, camera views of the house from FNAF4 appear on the desk monitors (also confirming FNAF4′s minigames took place in 1983).
Finally, there’s the issue of Nightmare Fredbear--if the CC is Michael, then it makes sense that he would draw NF in the Survival Logbook, which is all but confirmed to have been owned by him in-universe (why else would he draw casual bongos and the exotic butters in it, if it wasn’t him?), following a strong theory that Michael Afton is indeed the series’ overarching protagonist operating under pseudonyms (excepting Jeremy Fitzgerald, who WAS a totally different dude).
Elizabeth/Charlie/BV kill order: What makes the most sense to me is that either Elizabeth or Charlie were first to die. Elizabeth has to have died before CC because Plushbear tells the CC “NO! Don’t you remember what you saw?”, implying CC saw Elizabeth get captured by Circus Baby. This also makes sense for Nightmare Fredbear (as well as his black counterpart, the Nightmare) having a toothy abdomen--the CC knows about Baby’s snatching arm that extends from her abdomen. In this case, the CC isn’t a William victim--that was done by the CC’s unnamed brother (I’ll call him Foxybro because of his Foxy mask).
Charlie died sometime after that. We know she went on to inhabit the Puppet from both “Take cake to the children” in FNAF2 ,the Security Puppet minigame in FFPS, and the true ending of that latter game where Cassette Man/Henry outright addresses his daughter while images from those minigames are shown on screen. We know she is dead-set on protecting children because of what she learned while she was the Puppet and how she “gave life” to the original/withered robots by placing their souls into them.
Alternatively, Charlie was the second to die after Elizabeth, as William was beginning his research into Remnant and how it basically acts like soul glue--Charlie was just an unfortunate victim as he went about trying to get research subjects.
FNAF4 regular gameplay: I believe that the regular nights in FNAF4 are taking place in 1993 while Michael is operating under the name “Mike Schmidt”. He’s having recurring nightmares about the mascots, and again I refer to Nightmare Fredbear’s toothy abdomen. He remembers what happened to his sister.
During the night, a low pitched voice can be heard: this is a pitched-down and reversed form of the night 1 phone call from the first game. It’s important to note that Scott didn’t put these Easter eggs into that game for no reason. Why would a young child know about that phone call? Why would he know Bonnie and Chica’s habits of coming in through the left and right respectively if he’d never been in a Freddy’s security office? And then there’s the changing objects to the side of the bed--implying a hospital visit. Michael knows the robots are trying to get to him while he takes the night shift at the FNAF1 location, and the regular gameplay in FNAF4 is the nightmares he’s having when not there. And again, the Survival Logbook is strongly implied to have been owned by Michael Afton, and he drew Nightmare Fredbear in it. He wouldn’t have known what NF looked like if he wasn’t the CC.
Michael being an android: Baby alludes to this in Sister Location, telling him “You won’t die” shortly before he is scooped--and the scooper makes a more metallic impact sound when he is. (This could simply be because Scott generally doesn’t do outright gore in FNAF, Springtrap notwithstanding, but still...)
Of course, the scooper also injects Remnant, as stated in the blueprint of it seen during the Insanity ending of FFPS. Also how he was able to survive Ennard controlling his body, and when he rises after Ennard bails out, he has pinprick eyes just like the robots do. And while he’s on the ground, he is recalling Baby telling him he wouldn’t die just before he rises back up.
Eh...it all points to Michael Afton being an android like Charlie is in the books. There’s no way a normal human could have survived all that.
Michael and William looking similar: Why are the possessed robots so dead set on getting to Michael? They think he looks like his father. Michael himself confirms this in his monologue after completing the Golden Freddy preset on V. Hard: “They didn’t...recognize me at first, but then...they thought I was you.”
Phone Guy also alludes to the robots not being able to recognize adults in the night 4 call of the second game: “Someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems...we’re not sure. But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive towards the staff. Uh, they interact with the kids just fine, but whenever they encounter an adult, they just...stare.”
The robots believe Michael is William because they can’t tell the difference between them and no longer trust any adult, and that is a big part of why they are so determined to end him. (In the Toys’ case, they aren’t possessed--they’re just malfunctioning or possibly being manipulated by the Puppet.)
William Afton’s deeds: The robots (missing children) are aware that William used a Spring Bonnie suit (one of the springlock suits) to lure kids into the safe room and kill them out of sight. This is confirmed by FFPS on the third and final round of Fruity Maze, where a man in a Spring Bonnie suit tells the little girl playing the game “He’s not dead...He is over here. Follow me.”
It’s also alluded to in FNAF2 during the night 6 phone call: “Someone used one of the suits. We had a spare in the back--a yellow one--someone used it...now none of ‘em are acting right.”  Although this is meant to be the player’s cue that Golden Freddy is active, we know about the Spring Bonnie suit from FNAF3.
The Missing Children Incident: This has to be the reason the safe rooms were sealed off. Fazbear Entertainment knew the kids had been taken in there, but would rather have saved PR face than own up to anything. So they just sealed off the rooms hoping it wouldn’t happen again. They’re not known for their integrity...
This is alluded to during the Night 5 phone call from FNAF3: “The safe room is reserved for equipment and/or other property not being currently used and is in fact a safety location for employees only. This is not a break room, and should not be considered a place for employees to hide and/or congregate - and under no circumstance should a customer ever be taken into this room and out of the main show area.”
And in the same phone call, it’s confirmed that the Spring Bonnie suit was used: “Management has also been made aware that the spring Bonnie animatronic has been noticeably moved.” The springlock suits had been decommissioned by that point.
In the Nightmare/Night 6 phone call, you are informed that the safe rooms were sealed off due to “budget restrictions”. Yeah, by now we should know that Fazbear Entertainment is not particularly honest, as evidenced by: “Management also requests that this room not be mentioned to family, friends or insurance representatives.“ Again, they knew damn well what happened in the safe room, and chose this rather than properly address the issue. While Phone Guy himself may not have been fully aware of all this, upper management sure as hell was.
This is all very likely why the Toys no longer trusted adults--especially not the Puppet/Charlie, who knows damn well what’s really going on. Phone Guy knows the Puppet is watching: “To be honest, I never liked that puppet thing. It was always...thinking, and it can go anywhere...”
Michael trying to set the children free: It’s heavily implied we are once again playing as Michael in FFPS. If you die to Scrap Baby, she might say “You’re not who I expected to see...”  and when Scraptrap is in the vents, he may remark “You may not recognize me at first, but I assure you...it’s still me.”  Upon killing the player, he can also remark “Bittersweet...but fitting.”
Henry (Cassette Man) also makes remarks about this during the true ending: “Although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that’s not what you want. I have a feeling you are right where you want to be.”  Michael is sticking around, not only so he and the children can finally be released from a decades-long un-life, but to make sure daddy William goes down with them. When Henry and Michael die, they die ready for it.
And if it’s to be believed that Michael is the overarching protagonist, he is following behind his father, attempting to undo his crimes and set the children free--the pink slip received after completing FNAF1 and 2′s custom nights mention “Tampering with the animatronics” as a reason he gets fired.
Finally, if he’s the guard in FNAF3, the implication could be that Michael is the one who tried to burn down Fazbear’s Fright, in an attempt to end his father for good. (It didn’t work.) He did not do this right off the bat because he was busy trying to set the kids free (the minigames) It wasn’t until FFPS where the kids, Michael, and Henry finally were able to rest in peace--except William (Scraptrap), who is outright told he’s going to Hell and not to keep the devil waiting.
Takeaways: Michael Afton is the CC and is remade as an android. Elizabeth died first. We still have Mrs. Afton and Foxybro unaccounted for. William Afton killed the kids to get subjects for Remnant research. Michael is the overarching series protagonist up until FFPS. I still can’t figure out Midnight Motorist. Jeffery Epstein did not kill himself. All your base are belong to us.
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ilovelotsofthings · 3 years
My Fnaf timeline is…
Pre Fnaf 4, Fnaf 4, Fanf 5, Fnaf 2, Fnaf 1, Fnaf 3, Fnaf 6, Onwards. (From 1970s onwards)
(William killed 10+ kids… god)
Wilbur and Tommy are bio brothers here.
Wilbur was born 4, almost 5 years older than Tommy.
Tubbo and Ranboo are here too. They are 2 years older than Tommy and 1 year older than Tommy.
They are all dead and possess the animatronics.
In 1984…
Wilbur (10 years old) and Tommy (4/5 years old) were invited to Tubbo's 7th birthday party.
Tubbo also invited Ranboo (6 years old) and Ranboo's Niki (6 years old).
This party happened in December as that is when Tubbo's birthday is.
Anyways. The party got chaotic so no one noticed when a Gold Rabbit walked up to the birthday boy and his friends + their siblings.
He (William Afton) lured them. Tommy was the youngest and most trustful of them and he followed. They all followed him. William killed them.
Still a sad note but.. C.C Afton was still killed by Fredbear and Elizabeth by Baby.
Happier note I guess is Michael lives and the original 5 kids live.
Moving on to who possesses which animatronic is…
Freddy: Wilbur
Foxy: Tommy
Chica: Niki
Bonnie: Tubbo
G.Freddy: C.C & Ranboo (C.C is the vengeful one here. To William tho not Michael)
Puppet: Charlie (Still ☹)
Here the possessed animatronics aren't at all like animals.
They have only really harmed (not kill) nightguards. But NDAs mean they can't say shit.
Wilbur does his best to help Tommy and the others as he is the oldest. Doesn't matter that he is only 2-5 years older, he is the eldest.
Foxy was Tommy's favorite… Now he isn't so sure.
I mean Tommy was happy for 1-3 days but then homesickness started happening and he doesn't understand why he can't.
Same with Tubbo and Ranboo. The difference is they know something bad happened but not what. Niki and Wilbur know they died as Niki died second to last.
Wilbur tells them after 2 weeks. Everyone (minus Wilbur) started asking him why? I mean Niki knew they died but she doesn't know why.
Wilbur doesn't understand either as he is just a young kid himself who had to see his baby brother and his friends die.
Tommy understands he is dead now and just spends days crying.
(4 year olds partially understand death. I lost my grandpa at that age and understood he was never coming back and I just didn't stop crying. Idk how one would react to yourself being dead but I am basing Tommy's (and others slightly) reactions on how I reacted when my grandpa died. Also based on how I reacted when my cousin, pets, and grandma all died) That is crying and avoiding the subject.)
Tommy gets the full force of how I react. As i said he spends days crying and then he just stops and just ignores that he is dead. He is aware but he doesn't acknowledge that. Also Tommy feels guilt as he trusted him and lead his friends and brother to their deaths. He has breakdowns whenever there is a birthday (his, friends, or Wilburs) or other holidays… It also happens sometimes randomly.
Tubbo's reaction is different… sort of? I mean it looks the same on the outside. Which is crying then moving on. How it is different is he accepted it, he doesn't like it at all and he will still get upset but he just knows it can't change. I think his reaction kinda hurts differently idk why.
Ranboo's reaction is pretending nothing is too wrong. Which is hard when you share a body with another child who wants revenge for him (I mean it was his dad who killed Ranboo and Co). So Ranboo is a mess of pretending nothing's wrong while consoling the others. :( When he accepts it C.C will hug him and help him feel better. Also sadly Ranboo only gets to see everyone else when the night guard is injured.
Niki saw them die so she wants revenge. She also only spent half a year mourning herself and others. She gets along well with C.C who wants revenge (Wilbur too but he focuses on staying and helping Tommy). She is however still a 6 year old so some days (death day and birthdays and holidays) she will just break down. Tommy does too, the others not so much.
Wilbur… he saw everyone die and he didn't die quickly so he had time to accept he was dying. However when he awoke as a ghost and possessed an animatronic he just cried and screamed and declared revenge… he stopped when he heard the others. So his grieving has been sort of on hold for like ever because he needed to act like Tommy's older brother and to just be the eldest and help. He does have breakdowns like Niki and Tommy (The others not so much) but his are more random. 
Tl;DR of their coping. They're not :/
Charlie does try to help. She really does as she is only a year older than Wilbur. Also she isn't a therapist and you can't really help much. She tries and they do become friends.
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