metalfeather · 1 month
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Why didn't any of you tell me my old barber has been sabotaging me for the past 26 years and I could have been looking like this the whole time
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moldisgoodforyou · 3 years
significant upgrade
i wrote the rest of this on the plane don't come for me if there is a MISTAKE !! (however do politely shoot me a message so i can correct my typo lmao)
wordcount: 3.4k
warnings: nada except brooklyn is a BITCH, ok so maybe cursing is a warning
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James: SOS
Sophie: what do you want
James: Come bar
To the bar
Sorry not sober
Sophie: I’m grading, buddy
James: No no no
After their short back and forth, and James’ little typing bubble popped up multiple times before going away, Sophie pushed aside her work and called him. She checked Find My Friends first, feeling better about the situation once she saw Rafe’s dot at the bar with the boys. “James? Something wrong?”
“Yes. Sophie, listen, look. You gotta get here.” James told her with a little slur to his words, but what was more telling was the sheer volume on the phone call as he yelled. He was always a loud person naturally, but she swore he got ten times louder when he had an ounce of alcohol.
“I already told Rafe I couldn’t, I have to catch up on grading stuff if I want to go out tomorrow. Is something really wrong?” She questioned, but considered going anyway. She’d already graded over half the work and it was proving easier to mindlessly go through than she thought, and she could knock it out tomorrow morning if she really needed to.
“It’s like, urgent, Soph. Look, come here, wear your sluttiest top - that’s not an insult, by the way, it’s a compliment or whatever - like, empowering or some shit - shut up, Colin -”
“James -”
“I’m serious, she is not backing down -”
That caught her attention and she stood, glancing over her appearance in the mirror. “Who?”
“Just c’mere. I’ll have a drink ready for you. Are you still on that Fireball peach schnapps kick? Like a fuckin’ psycho?”
She laughed. “You drink vodka redbulls, James, shut the fuck up. I’ll be there in...uh...ten.”
“Deal. Sluttiest top!” He added before hanging up.
She rolled her eyes, looked herself over in the mirror, and shrugged. She wore an old pair of Nike shorts and a t-shirt of Rafe’s with his name on the back, an old intramural shirt. If it wasn’t senior year, and if she wasn’t locked down already, she’d probably give more of a fuck, but she just wanted to take the opportunity to hang out with her friends while she could. After swiping on a quick coat of cherry lip balm and brushing her hair, she shoved her feet into sandals and made her way to the bar.
When she arrived, she went straight to their usual corner booth and slid in next to Colin, who greeted her with a grin and a drink, as promised. James threw his arm around her shoulders and messed with her hair immediately, making her squawk in protest. “Flint, kiddo, that is not nearly as slutty as I expected.”
“The Cameron on the back adds some possession though, don’t you think?” Colin pointed out, slapping James’ hand away from her.
Sophie scowled, combing her fingers through her hair. “What am I here for?”
“Oh! Right.” James stood on his toes and scanned the bar, locating Rafe in the far corner. Rafe wore a forced smile and was leaning against the wall with a couple of the other interns from Jeni’s over the summer - including Brooklyn, who was twirling her hair and stood right next to Rafe.
Sophie stood on her tiptoes, hand on James’ shoulder for balance as she followed his gaze. “I don’t see him, what am I looking at - oh, shit.”
“Yeah, see why I told you to go for the slutty top?” James reached for her shirt, tugging at the hem until she shoved his hand away.
“No, she would have just implied I was a prostitute or something.” She shook her head and turned back to the table, then took a long sip of her drink, draining nearly half of it in one go. “I don’t want to seem, like, overbearing - I mean, she’s with the whole group.”
Colin raised his eyebrows, skeptical. “She’s touched his arm multiple times and made him link arms when they did shots earlier. Had everyone else partner up too as an excuse.”
“Exactly.” James nodded, emphatic. “I already tried to rescue him, but Colin says m’ too drunk.” He hiccuped to punctuate his statement, then pushed a plastic shot glass toward her. “Here. Got you tequila.”
She wrinkled her nose, eyeing it with a frown. “I hate tequila.”
“See! I told you!” Colin exclaimed, snatching the shot glass away and knocking it back. “If you need backup, just wave or look over or something. I’ll deck her if I need to.”
She grinned, drinking the rest of what James got her. “Thank you, both of you. I appreciate it.”
“Hey. Whoever Rafe’s dating, we’re dating too.” James proclaimed, patting her head affectionately. “Just without the fun parts.”
“Lovely.” She replied, glancing over toward Rafe again. Brooklyn was now leaning just a little closer and Sophie could practically feel the tension radiating from his body, even from all the way across the room. She frowned when the other interns seemed to agree on something, dispersing, but Brooklyn stayed.
Sophie stood there and watched for a few more moments, seemingly frozen, until Colin nudged her shoulder. “Go.”
“I’m going, I’m going.” She dismissed, taking another breath before striding across the room. Of course, someone turned at the exact moment she rounded the bar, spilling their drink down her light pink shorts, soaking the entire left leg. She didn’t even let the guy apologize before she shrugged him off with a grimace and made her way toward Rafe.
He noticed her immediately out of the crowd, grinning and straightening up once he saw her. “Soph!”
She smiled at her eager boyfriend and how he always lit up upon seeing her, without fail. “Hi, baby.” She greeted, slipping her arm around his waist as he rested hers comfortably around her shoulders. She never - ever - used pet names in public, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Thought you weren’t coming out tonight?” He asked, glancing over her outfit and frowned when he realized half her shorts were wet. “What happened?”
“Grading went quicker than I expected.” She dismissed, her eyes flitting over his expression. He looked confused and she could tell from the way his eyes were glassy that he was drunk and nearly on the verge of falling asleep. “Can I try your drink?”
“Rafe, are you going to introduce me?” Brooklyn feigned a smile, fingers tightening around her own drink.
He furrowed his brow even more, looking between the two of them. “I thought you guys met. At the charity gala thing, remember? Sophie had that really pretty dress?”
“Yeah. We’ve met.” Sophie replied coolly, taking Rafe’s whiskey sour from him and took a sip. She hated them, with all her heart, but wouldn’t dare make a face in front of Brooklyn.
“Oh! Sorry, I just didn’t recognize you, you must have been wearing a ton of makeup or something at the gala.”
“She still looked like herself.” Rafe supplied, confused. He traced his thumb over Sophie’s cheekbone, staring at her in concentration before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Sophie swore she saw Brooklyn’s jaw tick as she watched the two of them, as she watched what she used to have.
“Okay, okay. Rafe, did you tell her about all the fun things we did this summer? Sophie, you were away or something, right?” Brooklyn asked, hyper-conscious of how Rafe leaned into Sophie more and how he pressed a sleepy kiss to her temple.
“Nope.” He replied, popping the p. “Nothin’ to share. The internship was kinda boring. She was in Barcelona.”
“Oh, right. Long distance wasn’t too hard on you then?” Brooklyn probed with a sympathetic smile. She reached toward Rafe to touch his arm reassuringly, then seemed to remember at the last second that Sophie was right there, and jerked her hand back like she’d been burned.
“Nah. Why?” Rafe asked, cocking his head to the side, some of his hair flopping into his eyes.
Brooklyn grinned. “I just didn’t think you’d still be together, is all.”
“That’s funny, because I’m pretty sure you follow me on Instagram. So you’d know.” Sophie shot back with an equally fake grin, determined to come out on top in the petty exchange.
She wished Rafe was more sober so he could make an excuse for them to leave or shut the whole conversation down, but when he was drunk he didn’t pick up on any tone inflections. (She’d accidentally made him upset more times than she could count with a poorly worded sarcastic insult, and immediately felt guilty as his drunken gaze gave way to his signature pout.) To an outsider, their conversation seemed as civil as possible, like three friends catching up, until you got close enough to see the bared teeth and the tense jaws.
“No...I don’t think I’d waste a follow on you.” Brooklyn retorted, glancing down to the Cartier ring on her hand. “Sophie, usually when people wear designer, they have to have the clothes to match the rest of the outfit. Not whatever…” she looked her up and down, scrutinizing her clothing choice. “...Whatever is going on here.”
“Hey.” Rafe interjected, finally noticing the hostile undertones in the conversation. “Be nice, she’s hot in whatever she’s in.”
Sophie had to resist rolling her eyes at his completely unhelpful comment. “It’s okay, Brooklyn, I actually have style, so I don’t have to rely on wearing tacky designer clothes. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my boyfriend and I are going to go hang out with our friends.” She glanced over toward the boys for backup and tilted her head toward the door, and James and Colin started making their way over. Alright. So she’d handled that well, she thought, matched her energy without getting too emotional or heated -
Brooklyn wrinkled her nose at Sophie’s comment. “Careful. He gets emotional when he’s drunk.”
“He doesn’t, actually, he was probably just being manipulated by you.” Sophie shot back with a sharp tone, protectively curling her arm tighter around Rafe’s waist. He just watched the back and forth with a furrowed brow, not sober enough to keep up.
James and Colin arrived just as Brooklyn sneered at Sophie, shaking her head. “Whatever. He’ll end up drinking away his problems in private like his dad anyways.”
As Sophie’s nose flared and as she took a quick step toward Brooklyn, getting right up in her space, Colin immediately grabbed Rafe’s arm and pulled him away. “C’mon, Rafe, let’s wait for her outside.”
Rafe let himself be tugged along, but frowned as he glanced back at the girls. “She’s gonna be okay?”
“Yes. She’ll be fine.” Colin replied confidently, dragging Rafe and James out of the bar.
Sophie stood tall, eye-to-eye with Brooklyn. “Don’t say that shit about Rafe. You don’t know him like that -”
“I do, actually. I know a lot more about him than you probably realize. Has he taken you to the Bahamas yet?” Brooklyn didn’t back down at all, smirking when she saw Sophie’s expression falter for a split second. “Still no? He’s probably embarrassed.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Sophie snapped, unable to come up with a better response. “Give it up, you’re not with him anymore.”
“Yeah, but I know he’s not going to keep up this little facade once we graduate college. He needs someone that can keep up with his family, that’ll do more than just hang on his arm at all the charity events.” Brooklyn smiled, taking a step back. “I’ll be there for him when you can’t hold your ground.”
“You’re delusional.” Sophie shook her head, so furious she couldn’t snap back with a sharp comeback. When Brooklyn just shrugged and lifted her drink to her lips, Sophie tipped up the bottom of it, making it splash all over Brooklyn. “Have a good night.”
“Fucking -”
Brooklyn exclaimed, but Sophie just turned on her heel and flipped her off over her shoulder as she strode out. She was fuming, practically shaking, but didn’t dare break down in front of anyone in the bar.
Colin regarded her carefully, making sure she was okay. “You good? Need me to go back in and finish the job?”
Rafe, leaning on James, seemed to finally realize she’d come out. “Baby! You’re back!”
She bit the inside of her cheek, taking a deep breath. “No, I’m okay. Thanks Colin. Need help walking these two home?”
He grinned, gesturing at the way the two boys were slumped against the wall of the bar. “Might need a little help, yeah.”
She nodded and slipped her arm around Rafe’s waist, unsurprised when he leaned into her and pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. “Alright. C’mon, Cameron, your bed awaits.”
James sighed, striding along with them. “I want a girlfriend to bring me home.”
“Too bad, you’re stuck with me for now.” Colin quipped, grabbing James’ arm when he tripped on the uneven sidewalk.
“Was she being mean?” Rafe asked with concern, reaching for her hand. “I wasn’t listening.”
“Yeah. Your ex is a bitch.” She replied bluntly, taking his hand and squeezing it. “Am I gonna have to drag you home?”
“No ma’am. I’m good. All good.” He replied quickly, though unconvincingly as he slurred his words. “There’s a chance that I might be a tiny bit drunk.”
“A tiny bit?” Colin snorted, waving his hand in front of Rafe’s face. “You and James did multiple Jagerbombs. That always does you in.” He glanced over Sophie again, concerned. “Soph. You okay?”
“Huh?” She did her best to help Rafe along and guide his 6’3” frame so he wouldn’t trip over the sidewalk or walk the wrong direction, but was running through a script in her head of all the things she wished she had said - or done - to Brooklyn.
Colin frowned. “You’re doing that thing, Rafe says you bite the inside of your cheek when you’re mad. You want me to go back in? I’ll talk to her, I swear -”
“S’true. She does.” Rafe confirmed, then finally seemed to pick up on the anger radiating from her. “Did I do something?”
“No, baby, you didn’t do anything wrong.” She reassured him quickly, then gave Colin a small smile. “It’s okay. Thank you. I just - she just -”
“Yeah. I know.” Colin nodded. “Fuck her.”
“Exactly. Fuck her.” She repeated, a little louder and a little more confident.
James whipped his head back and started walking backward for about two steps until Colin forced him to keep his eyes ahead. “Who are we fucking?”
“We’re not - James, pay attention.” Sophie sighed, urging him along.
Rafe leaned over to press a kiss to the crown of her head, then whispered - in the loudest stage-whisper possible - “I think I’m a little too drunk for fucking.”
“Please shut up.”
“Yes ma’am.” He nodded dutifully, hooking his arm in with hers. They made it to the boys’ house a couple minutes later and Colin shoved James onto the couch, tugged off his shoes and grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge.
“Alright. He’ll be fine here, Sophie, do you need help with the stairs?” He asked, noticing the way Rafe slumped onto her.
“Um...no. I think we got it.” She took a deep breath, her mind still racing from what Brooklyn said at the bar. “Thanks, Colin.”
“Night, you two.” He paused on the stairs, glancing back at James and then at Sophie for a moment before heading upstairs.
Sophie nodded, more to herself than anything else. “Alright. Rafe, baby, work with me on the stairs and then we can go to bed?”
“I got it, I got it. M’not that drunk.” He protested, but tripped up the first step anyways, knocking his knee against the stairs as he fell hard with a thud. “Ow!”
Without even asking, Colin was jogging back down the stairs all the way from his room in the attic, hauling Rafe up before Sophie could blink. He dragged Rafe up and into his room, ignoring his protests, and pushed him onto the bed. “Soph, you can go get ready for bed, or whatever. I’ll babysit.”
“I think I got it, Colin -” She started halfheartedly, only to be cut off by Colin just pointing at the door. She nodded gratefully and hurried into the bathroom, quickly wiping off her makeup and brushing her teeth. When she returned, she paused just outside the door to hear Colin talking to Rafe.
“Give her a break, okay? She just had to deal with your insane ex -”
“She didn’t have to -”
“She did, because you’re a fucking pushover sometimes.” Colin interjected, exasperated. “Your breath reeks, get your ass up and go brush your teeth.”
“You’re mean.” Rafe grumbled back, but got up and ambled out to the bathroom, giving Sophie a dopey grin as he passed. Colin followed him out but stopped in the doorway, acknowledging her with a nod.
Sophie looked like she was about to cry, overwhelmed by how nice he was being and the fact that someone even noticed that she was struggling a little with dealing with Brooklyn. Without a warning, she stepped forward and gave him a quick hug. “Thank you.”
He stiffened in her arms, then awkwardly patted her back after he was released from the hug. “It’s no big deal. Anything for a friend. Especially a friend that’ll stand up to that bitch.” He cracked a grin, nudging his shoulder against hers.
She laughed, rubbing her eyes quickly. “I didn’t realize you felt that strongly about her.”
“Yes. She’s awful.” Colin nodded. “You are a significant upgrade.”
“What are we upgrading?” Rafe asked as he returned from the bathroom just wearing his boxers slung low on his hips, with damp hair - even though they hadn’t heard the shower running - and his breath smelling of mint.
“Nothing, bud. Good night, you two.” Colin gave them a nod of dismissal and strode back upstairs, leaving the two once he was confident Rafe could stand on his own again.
Rafe reached out, noticing her slightly teary eyes, and affectionately stroked his hand over the top of her head. “You good, angel?”
“Just tired.” She yawned to make a show of it. “Where’d your clothes go?”
“Oh. Uh…” He glanced back to the bathroom. “I was gonna shower, but that was too much work, so I just got my hair wet.”
“...Right. Okay, bud, you need sleep.” Sophie ushered him into his room and onto the bed, then changed quickly into a spare pair of pajamas she’d left behind. When she returned to the bed and slipped under the covers next to him, he rolled over to face her, concern written all over his face.
“You’re upset.”
“Not at you.”
“But you’re still upset. Talk to me?” He stroked his thumb over her cheekbone tenderly, unsure what was going on - and honestly, the room would spin a little if he shut his eyes - but he was still conscious enough to pick up on Sophie’s feelings.
She nodded, rolling onto her back so she didn’t have to make eye contact. “It’s just - it makes me so fucking mad that you dated her. Not because of anything you did, but I just know you deserve so much better. And then she just still thinks she has any influence on you, she’s so damn condescending - ugh.” She rolled back over, frowning. “If we ever broke up I don’t think I’d ever be able to see you again.”
“You wouldn’t see me anymore?” He frowned, trying to keep up.
“No. It would hurt too much. That’s how I know she damn well didn’t love you like she should have.” She insisted, eyes bright again as she ranted. “She fucked up by letting you go, you’re a fucking catch, Rafe. I’m sorry she didn’t realize your worth.”
He blushed and pulled her close, nudging his nose against hers before kissing her. “You wanna repeat that again tomorrow when I’m sober? So I make sure I remember?” He had a joking tone, but seemed a little unsure too.
“Absolutely. I’ll tell you that every damn day if I need to.” She kissed him back, heatedly, as if to emphasize her point. “I love you. You’re mine and I love you.”
“M’ yours.” He confirmed with a sleepy nod, not nearly reciprocating the kiss as hard as hers. “My favorite girl.”
She pulled away, peppering kisses over his nose and cheeks before resting her head on his chest. “Good night, baby. Don’t you dare throw up in bed.”
He laughed as he wrapped his arms around her, closing his eyes. “I won’t. Sweet dreams, Soph.”
taglist: @drewstarkey @lemur46 @jjmaybanksbaby @edgeofgr8 @quxxnxfhxll @obxtess @hoodpankow @vtgirl802 @outerbankies @messagesinthesky @nicolecarsley @svechnikolan @ilovejjmaybank @obxtess @abbyj1822 @oopsiedoopsie23 @g4bster @jjmaybankzz @freddymaybank @dontjinx-it @illbesafeforyou @moniamaybank @tovvaa @jailcalledlife @sunshineitsfine44 @randomficsandshit @outerbankspreferences @outerbanksbro @karsinner @kkmaybank @whoeveniskendall @lemur46
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An Omega in Alpha’s Clothing
Explicit | 1,910 words | bottom!derek + alpha!Stiles | archive of our own
Summary: The summer internships for alphas at Stilinski Multinational begin, but an Omega named Derek tries to sneak himself into the program, despite not being an alpha. The head boss in change takes notice.
“Welcome to your first day here in the fiery pit of Stilinski Multinational, interns.” Stiles announced, standing arrogantly before a room that was filled to the brim with fifteen bright-faced new summer interns.
Stilinski Multinational specialized in the development of products for the grand werewolf community of the country. The company tasked itself with designing and manufacturing a litany of werewolf products —everything from heat-suppressant medication for blossoming omegas to alcohol that could get even the most powerful alpha drunk off their own ass.
“Consider yourselves extremely lucky. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of internship applicants, you were the lucky fifteen that made the cut.” Stiles chuckled. “There were betas and omegas clamoring for these spots, but they weren’t alphas like the bunch of you.”
Stiles continued through the orientation speech, proudly boasting about the success of his company and how grateful the new alpha interns ought to be for a shot to work at one of the most influential and powerful companies to ever mark the face of the Earth. He drank in the crowd’s applause that followed each of his comments.
Once the speech reached its finish, Stiles led the interns into one last applause. He watched the interns briskly gather up their belongings and file themselves out of the conference room so that they could settle into the cubicles for the rest of the summer. None of them looked particularly enthralled, but none of them looked as though they were ready to run for the exit.
However, as the hoard of fresh alphas walked out of the room, Stiles found himself particularly captivated by one of the interns. There was a man —bearded, with bright green eyes, styled black hair, and a muscular physique that seemed to bulge enticingly through the formal business attire that he was wearing. There was something different about him; something that had captivated Stiles’ attention during the orientation.
Stiles retired to his office and eagerly started to look through the stack of intern applications that had been accepted for the summer internship. He flipped through each of them, casually glancing at the tiny portrait photograph of each applicant that was paper-clipped to the top corner of their application. And eventually, Stiles got to the application for the man who had caught his attention.
Derek Hale. Thirty-three years old. Born in Beacon Hills, California. Alpha….
Everything appeared to checkout. However, Stiles wasn’t quite so sure. There was something about Derek that was different—something that clearly hadn’t been noticed by the company’s panel of application attendants, who had been in-charge of conducting interviews and vetting processes. So, Stiles had his assistant fetch Derek from wherever his summer cubicle was located.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” Derek asked, timidly stepping half of his body into the expanse of Stiles’ luxurious office.
“Absolutely.” Stiles called out, motioning with his hand for Derek to spill fully into the office. “Please, shut the door behind you and take a seat.”
Stiles watched closely as Derek followed the directions that had been laid out. He watched how Derek closed the door quietly and then took a seat in one of the two chairs that were placed in front of Stiles’ large office desk for guests. Stiles also took notice at the way that Derek shifted around in the chair and didn’t cross his legs, the way Derek’s eyes glistened bright with water, and how Derek seemed unwilling to speak without being spoken to first.
“First, let me just welcome you to Stilinski Multinational.” Stiles opened, standing up from his chair. He straightened his tie and then walked around to the front of his desk — directly in front of where Derek was seated. “You caught my attention in crowd during orientation…do you have any idea as to why that might be the case, Mr. Hale?”
“No.” Derek responded quickly, seemingly evasive on the subject.
Stiles grabbed Derek’s internship application file from atop the desk, waving it innocently in the air. He cleared his throat. “It says here that you graduated from Beacon Hills University…you’re thirty-three years old…born and raised here in our beautiful city of Beacon Hills…but then we get down to your werewolf status.”
“Exactly.” Stiles replied, setting Derek’s application back down. “Except, you’re not an alpha, are you?”
“I am!” Derek defended boldly.
Stiles crossed his arms. “See, I’m an alpha. The people who work in my company are alphas. The interns that were selected from the hundreds and hundreds of applications that we received are all alphas. I know an alpha when I see one…and you, Derek…are not an alpha.”
“You…can’t tell the difference.”
“Alphas are different. We walk different, talk different, express ourselves different. But more notably, we smell different. We smell like power and precision and certainty.” Stiles explained. “But do you want to know what you smell like? Like desperation, uncertainty, submissiveness, and that gorgeous brand of omega slick that I can smell soaking deep into the fabric of the chair you’re sitting on.”
Derek shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wringing his hands nervously. “I didn’t want to lie…I just wanted to see what it was like to work here—under an alpha.”
“Now, I hope you don’t expect me to just let you stick around—muddying up the air with your pungently sweet omega scent. Alphas are chosen for internships here at my company because alphas are imbued with natural leadership instincts.” Stiles leaned forward. “What does an omega have to offer?”
“I can work just as hard.” Derek explained, rubbing his sweaty palms against the meat of his own thighs—staring up into the searing red of Stiles’ alpha eyes.
“Don’t set yourself up for failure, Mr. Hale.” Stiles scoffed. “An alpha’s talents are unmatched by wolves of lower statues. But that’s not to say that omegas have no uses whatsoever. What are your qualifications? What can you provide to this company?”
The two remained relatively still for a moment, letting the contrasting hues of their werewolf eyes stay connected. And then Derek lurched forward, grappling his fingers onto the sturdy brushed-silver buckle of Stiles’ belt. He unfastened it as quickly as he could, eventually going as far as to tug Stiles’ pants down far enough so that the rigid hardness of his alpha cock was unmistakably visible.
“I can please you.” Derek said, stroking a tight grip around Stiles’ bare cock. “Alphas don’t lay with other alphas, but omegas are not bound to any such rule.”
“Remind me again as to the reason why omegas aren’t restricted from pleasuring alphas.” Stiles suggested, slipping his fingers into the strands of Derek’s soft hair. And as Derek eagerly took the alpha’s length into his mouth, Stiles groaned out. “Ah, now I remember…”
The blowjob was squeeze from the fruit of a sinful heaven. Derek’s lips were soft and his tongue was wicked. Derek took the cock right down to the hilt without an issue. After all, omegas weren’t known for having active gag-reflexes…and Derek was no exception. In fact, he messily slobbered down on Stiles’ massive cock, working his mouth down around every inch, whilst using his hands to stroke and squeeze at the alpha’s shaft.
Regardless of how good it felt, a blowjob wasn’t what Stiles really had in mind when he called Derek into his office. A mouth was nice, sure. Derek’s mouth, in particular, was more than nice. However, Derek was an omega. By nature, he was a living, breathing receptacle for an alpha dick—and had one of the nicest asses to show for it.
“You have a wicked tongue, Hale.” Stiles complemented, tugging Derek off of his cock by the strands of his hair. “But I’m interested in what you have going on below the belt.”
Stiles quickly hoisted Derek up into his arms with a loud grunt, spinning the two of them around, and then laying Derek down atop the corner-edge of his desk. He shucked down Derek’s trousers and boxers, instinctively sucking in the heavy scent of arousal. Stiles felt his skin flush hot and his cock twitch expectantly.
Derek groaned out —spreading his hairy thighs and kicking his legs up into the air. His tanned skin was covered in a sheen of sweat and his eyes refused to dull away from the piercing icy flare of an omega’s blue. As Stiles readied himself, Derek reached down with his hand to prod around at his own hole — shoving two of his fingers into where he was dripping wet.
Stiles grasped one of his hands around his hard cock, prodding it teasingly against Derek’s slick hole. He thrust forward quickly, feeding his dominance into the tight heat of Derek’s inner walls. Stiles could feel Derek’s body completely submit under his touch. It was in his nature.
The desk underneath Derek’s body rattled loudly whilst Stiles pounded into him. Stiles found the level of Derek’s slutty willingness to be extremely enticing. He watched Derek’s broad chest heave with rapid breaths. Stiles took great pleasure in all of the whimpers and moans that he was able to squeeze out of Derek’s body.
Derek kept his body limp under Stiles’ thrusts —entirely addicted to the feeling of Stiles’ large cock carving itself deep into his body. Each and every time that Stiles rammed his large alpha cock into his prostate, Derek felt a bolt of static fizzle its way throughout his body. He watched as his own hardened cock wobbled around in the air and oozed copious amounts of sticky pre-cum, which leaked down his thick shaft.
The squelch of Derek’s wetness seemed to amp up Stiles’ performance. It encouraged him. It pushed him into a rougher and quicker pace, which devastated Derek’s body and mind. But it didn’t matter, because the only thing Stiles genuinely cared about was unloading the fullness of his balls into the depths of the hot omega hole under him.
“Now, you can do better than that, omega.” Stiles huffed, grabbing onto the meat of Derek’s spread thighs.
Derek clenched down onto Stiles’ cock, giving his alpha boss a much tighter sleeve to continue fucking into. Whilst Stiles let out a delighted groan, Derek wildly stroked at his own cock —eagerly chasing an orgasm. Sure, as an omega, he was supposed to put the pleasure of the alpha before his own, but the feeling of Stiles’ cock getting slammed into his prostate was too much.
At once, Derek’s eyes fluttered shut and his steady breathing faltered. He gripped his fist tighter around his erect cock and stroked himself to completion, feeling hot splatters of cum patter down onto the sweat-drenched heat of his bare torso. All the while, Stiles took the abrupt orgasm as initiative to thrust faster.
Stiles roared, flashing his eyes bright red. He stared down to where his cock pounded in and out of Derek’s wet hole, taking great pleasure in the feeling of his girth squeeze into warm tightness. It didn’t take Stiles long before he felt himself orgasm—spilling his alpha cum lewdly into the body of his newest intern. Even as he orgasmed, Stiles’ rhythm refused to falter. It remained controlled and brutal.
“Precious omega—” Stiles breathed, ending his thrusts. He dragged his thumb though the sticky mess of Derek’s release that had settled into the ridges of the omega’s abs. “I have a feeling you’ll gain a great of deal of experience from this internship.”
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hotsexydorks · 5 years
How about some Sheriff and Scott, he has been training Scott over the years to make him the perfect bride, how to suck his cock, how to have a posture for breeding, how to cook after a long day and how to be a good girl, now that Scott is finally an adult he puta n ring to it, so everyone will know what a perfect bride he is.
Hear the Bells : Scott/Sheriff
Scott reached down and his fingers going to his ass and pulling his cheeks apart. The tips of his fingers soft and yet pulling and spreading his hole firmly. Leaning over the desk his ass was on display and showing off the work that he had been doing for his husband to be. The office was empty apart from the two of them. It had been a quiet day in the station so all the deputies had gone home and the front desk wouldn’t leave their places without calling to first. John, the Sheriff of Beacon Hills sat leaning back in his chair enjoying his view.
He was the Sheriff and he should have stopped this but he couldn’t not now, not when they were so close. While his hand stroked his length gently his mind thought back to how this first began, all the work that they had to do and all the nights and days they spent together.
This whole thing started off innocently enough. Stiles and Scott were best friends from the moment they met and much to the initial concern of both their parents, they were inseparable. Where one went the other followed, what one talked about the other soon learned everything there was to do with it. But one day when John was minding the two the spark began, he was entertaining Scott while his own Stiles was going up for a shower. That left the two of them alone.
“So Scotty what do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be Sheriff’s wife!” The joyous innocence made his words seem all the more heavy even though his tone was light and weightless.
A laughter broke the silence, half trying to push the idea into a box of ridiculousness and trying to dissuade him from the idea. “You can’t be my wife Scotty.”
Even though he was being told no Scott didn’t get mad or sad, his first thoughts were to figure it out and understand. “Why not?”
“Cause you’re not a girl.” John had to nip this now or else face the wrath how fast Scott could talk to anyone about anything. “How about we talk about it another time, keep it between us?” Asking, hoping that he could at least try and contain it.
But he didn’t know how wrong he was. Containing it was the worst thing he tried to do. Instead of being able to just stop Scott from taking his idea and running with it he just ended up with his ideas growing and insisting more and more. As Scott grew his desire with it, and soon then the training happened.
At first it was just a game, John teasing Scott by giving him chores and jobs to do around the house. Putting away toys, then books, then laundry, then helping out with meals, then learning how to cook. Slowly but surely Scott had learned all the things that John had needed from a partner, his missing part in life.
The revelation was late for John to notice, but when he came home to a sleeping Stiles and a cooking Scott in the kitchen he stood at the arch of the kitchen gobsmacked. Everything up until this point wasn’t just a game anymore. His time with Scott had become something more and he wasn’t ready to give it up yet.
That night the two of them sat at the table eating the food, halfway through the meal John invited Scott to eat the rest of his meal while sitting on his lap. His hand holding the other’s body using his arm around his stomach.  His mind racing with new ideas and thoughts about the body in his lap.
John had sworn Scott to secrecy, some that he was all too happy to give the older male. Taking his chance they had their first kiss. Signifying that they were now on this path together, that Scott would listen and learn and Sheriff would guide him, and guide him he did.
Now at first it was slow, John was the Sheriff after all and the Sheriff had to uphold some semblance of duty and care for wellbeing. But soon after that things escalated.
Little kisses, smooches when people weren’t looking. Then hands on bodies and finding the places that the other liked. Scott would sometimes sneak into John’s room during sleepovers and join him in the bed. Cuddling and holding each other at night.
John taught him everything, they explored everything together and then came the questions about why John’s cock would get hard. If it had been anyone else John wouldn’t have waited as long but because it was Scott he took his time. At first showing him his cock, stroking it for him, letting him taste his precum and then feeding him his cum from his fingers. Then teaching him how to please his cock, how to move his hands and teaching how to use his mouth on it. How to lick the head, and suck on it while using his hands on the shaft making sure to know how to adapt his hands and mouth to please him even more.
From the young age that John was teaching him Scott took it all in. Doing as he was told, and happily taking the other’s cock in his mouth and sucking him off when he asked. Their relationship was a secret to the world, to all others it just looked like John was a doting father figure but that’s what made it all the more tantalizing for him. Scott on the other hand just adored everything that they were doing.
After Scott had grown a bit John started to introduce the next step, clothes. Soon now for their ‘play dates’ he would be trying on dresses and skirts, putting on panties and showing off for his ‘husband’.
John felt like the luckiest man in the world as he watched Scott grow into everything that they were doing, his body even growing in ways that just seem to scream at him to take him. But there was one line that he wouldn’t cross, not yet.
Even through all these years John wouldn’t fuck Scott. The both of them agreed to it early on and John had planned on it being kept. Instead Scott’s ass was trained and shaped using dildos and plugs. Which only became the hotter after Scott was bitten. Soon his body was even more than it was before and they learned swiftly that whatever they did to him would heal. His body would open up and bounce back with ease. Even his ability to suck the Sheriff’s cock was enhanced, now he wasn’t concerned about hurting himself taking the older man’s cock, slamming his cock down his throat became his favourite way to wake the man up. Hearing those heavy and hot moans that he learned how to draw out from him with just his mouth. John knew then that this was what they both wanted and as he grabbed Scott’s hair and fucked his mouth for the entire morning calling him his slutty wife.
John was pulled back to reality when Scott let out a while. “Johnnnn.” His voice was strained as much as his hole was. The younger male was showing off the result of his training of his hole. With Scott’s healing factor they had stopped worrying about stretching him too far. Now their goal was how far could they stretch him.
The first toys that Scott used were all smaller than John’s own cock, he wanted the first time when he sunk into that pussy he had been training for years to be perfect. It should be tight and hot and wet for him, ready to take him whenever the Sheriff wanted. But those days were gone, now he was using dildos that only experienced users should have been using. Scott’s hole was stretched and gaped so much that John could stroke his cock and aim it into the hole and leave his hot loads in the teens ass with ease.
Now his hole was all tight again and he was showing off for the older man, using a collection of toys to stretch his hole for his husband.
The silence was deafening for Scott, thinking that he wasn’t doing enough for him he took a larger dildo that his hole was only just about ready for and started to use it to fuck his ass. Wet squelching sounds filling the office.
“Sorry baby was I ignoring you?” He asked him taking the dildo from Scott’s hand, taking it and moving it himself. Using slow twisting motions he worked Scott’s hole open. “I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay John.” Scott had long since forgone calling him by anything else, he didn’t need to call him by other names apart from his own name. He moaned loudly feeling the dildo sink all the way in, John always had a way with his body. Scott could spend almost an hour building up to something and then John could try for a few seconds and his entire body would open and take anything.
“Mmh such a good little wife.” He pulled the other’s thong aside and played with Scott’s hard cock making precum leak out. “You ready for tomorrow baby?”
Tomorrow was the day. Scott’s birthday. The day that they’d be wed and made officially married, but also the day that he could finally feel the feeling of his husbands cock in his cunt. “I am John, I can’t wait for it!” He smiled as he relaxed against the desk, moving his body to make sure that his ass was in the air. Back arched and pussy on show.
“Neither can I baby.” John slammed the dildo deep into Scott’s hole, leaving it there while he walked around his desk. He didn’t need to say a word before Scott’s mouth was on the cock in front of him. “Good girl, Daddy needs start getting on to breeding that slutty hungry pussy of yours.” With a grunt John drew his hips back and lazily fucked Scott’s mouth. No one would miss them at this time of night so he was going to take his time and build up a heavier load in his balls than he ever had just for the special day.
“We’re so glad you’re all here. We want you to enjoy this and to see our love for each other.” It was the day of the party, at the Stilinski residence did they all gather.  Friends, family and neighbours. The sun was shining and the summer air surrounded them, the smell of booze, and BBQ wafting through the crowd. But none of that had their attention. No. Something else was more shocking than that.
On the steps to the house stood a naked Scott, his cock rock hard and beside him a fully clothed Sheriff. “This isn’t just Scott’s birthday but also our wedding day and it’s time for the rings and for me to give my lovely bride her gift. A gift she’s been waiting for, for years.”
Yelping out loud Scott moaned, his cock swinging a long strand of precum that shot from his cock. Everyone was shocked but Scott could tell that a few were more than shocked they were turned on. But that didn’t matter, what mattered most right now was his job in needing to please his husband.
“So. With this ring - “ John fished at Scott’s cock and balls fitting the now young adult with a cock ring. “I thee wed.” The pressure on his cock made his cock gorge more and grow angry for release.
“Now it’s time for the gift. Scott if you will please.”  On his order Scott moved and lay on one of the picnic tables. John stroking his cock through his pants the entire time. Once he had laid down he revealed his plugged ass to the crowd, his pussy stretched by a red toy. With little noise Scott pulled his ass cheeks apart and pushed the dildo out from his hole, proudly showing them all the result of his husband’s training on his cunt. The dildo was slow and euphoric, his cock pulsing with life and precum flowing down his pole.
To the crowd it seemed as if the dildo went on forever, some had turned their heads awkward about the situation, others looked on in interest and to Scott it seemed even longer. His pussy pushed the dildo out and his legs spreading so every movement was able to be seen by the people he knew. The dildo dropped down with a heavy thud. His hole winking and trying to close around anything looking back up at his new husband. “My pussy is ready John.”
Stepping up to the table John moved Scott so that they could all see what was about to happen. “You ready baby?” He asked him one last time his hands fishing his cock out from his pants, pulling up the zipper and letting it hit against the hole he had so desperately wanted for years.
With that simple word John sunk his cock into the tightening hole, finally shaping it to his cock. He used his strong hands to pull Scott’s legs and hips back so he could drive into his wife’s cunt.
The feeling of just even having Sheriff’s cock in his pussy was enough for Scott, his own starting to leak more and more until it grew thicker and his cum started to pour out as well.  “Yesss!!”
John noticed people leaving the party but he didn’t notice the group of people that stayed watching him fucking his wife. His balls churning and ready to breed his hole. “Time to knock you up baby.” John whispered into him slamming his cock into him one last time, kissing him sweetly, consummating their marriage.
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greasergirls · 6 years
simmering summer heat • johnny cade
WARNING: smut, public sex, cursing
WORD COUNT: too many at 1:26 AM
PAIRING: Johnny/reader
You peeled yourself off of the vinyl diner seats, thighs warm from the shining sun rays pouring in through the nearby window. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy watching Steve and Soda making out with slutty girls they hardly knew; that wasn't it all.
It was almost the opposite. It was crude, but you were hot, pun intended, and found yourself pleasant self-consciousness almost overbearing. Johnny was smoking outside but you felt his dark eyes on you as made long-legged strides to the ladies room.
The bathroom was empty. The silence lasted only three minutes before the scent of cigarettes and a dash of nutmeg wafted inside.
Johnny had you pressed against the sink countertop before you could so much as greet him. He kissed you, aggressively pushing his tongue into your mouth.
Your eyes widened as you gasped, kissing your boyfriend back without another thought. He continued his achingly wet, thick assault causing butterflies to manifest within your stomach.
You moaned, shifting your legs open around his waist for comfort. Johnny gripped your dewy legs, pulling away with a bite of his lip. "What is it, baby?" He asked of your sounds.
Gripping his long, dark hair, you pressed your chest against him with need. "Johnny," you gave him an angelic, puppy dog look. "You."
He kicked the trash can by the door with little effort. "It's hot in here," he said, snaking his hands under your tight dress to remove your panties. "We've gotta make this quick."
"That translates to rough," you summarized. Any risky sex with Johnny was rough and hard. However, considering the unbearable heat, you didn't mind. You wanted him to fuck you, not hold you in his arms until you were reduced to a glimmering pool of perspiration.
Johnny smiled, running his finger down your wet folds. "I saw you watching them, back at the table. You liked that?"
"Nice weather makes me horny," you shrugged, grimacing in pleasure as he inserted a finger inside of you.
"That's obvious," he retorted, eyes taking in your risqué mod dress. "Figured I would fuck you before someone had the chance to walk in on you moaning in a stall."
"My God, Johnny," you rolled your eyes. He responded by thrusting two additional fingers inside of you. It was an uncomfortably tight fit, you whimpered.
Johnny kept a good pace, introducing you to his fingers, until your hips were bucking to a rhythm and covered in a light layer of sweat. Then, he couldn't take the severe aching throb of his thick cock anymore.
"Yes," you whined shallowly, hair falling in your face. Your eyes fell on a discarded, damp paper towel on the floor. Someone could walk in any minute. The only thing stopping them with a lightweight trash can.
Johnny unzipped his bulging jeans, pulling out his dick dripping with pre-cum. You rolled his condom onto his length, licking your lips with need.
He was erect, more ready than you expected. His member was rosy with rushing blood, a size that made you wetter than you thought possible.
"We've been in here too long," he stated, holding your hipbone. The other hand held his dick as he prepared to enter your pink pussy. "This has gotta be fast, alright, sweetheart?"
You whimpered in response as his tip slipped inside of you. Johnny didn't wait until you had adjusted to his size to move his member sheathed fully inside of you.
He slammed into you relentlessly from there on, making your small frame bounce against the speckled bathroom mirror. He pushed stray napkins to the floor, rearranging your body on the linoleum countertop.
Johnny's hands pulled at your dress viciously, pushing the fabric sticking to you further up, past your core. His hands left bruises as they groped, lifting you and gripping your ass to penetrate you a better angle.
He couldn't contain his moans as his hairline grew damp with beads of sweat. You stuck to him with every touch.
Johnny had never fucked you like this before. Inhuman speed, never once missing your drenched pussy upon entry. His hips snapped back and forth, stomach muscles tightening.
He leaned down to sloppily kiss you as his groans were becoming loud and constant. "Holy fuck," he whispered in a low octave, burying himself in the crook of your neck as he gave you a more furious set of thrusts.
"Johnny!" You cried. "Oh, oh! Umm, Johnny!"
He stuffed his fingers into your mouth, devoting the last of his energy into your dirty, sweaty orgasms.
Your release spilled all over him, dripping. Your body was bruised and sticky, you could feel yourself throbbing. You let distorted moans hurtle past his fingers, mascara beginning to run due to a sickly combination of summer heat and hedonistic tears.
He jerked against your tight walls. Johnny's eyes almost rolled into his head as he came, slowly rolling his hips as he rode out his wave.
His cock slipped out of you, his head gliding between your wet folds. He disposed of his rubber as you dabbed your entire body with the piles of hand-drying napkins, satisfied. You slipped your sunglasses back onto the bridge of your nose, hopping off the counter.
Johnny pressed you against the tile wall, cornering you with his black eyes for a kiss.
He grabbed your hand. "Come on baby, they've A/C out there. Besides, I need a Coke."
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tw-fandom-imagines · 7 years
Raeken and Dunbar
Can we just take a minute and think about how my first smut got 100+ notes, and I just now reached 200+ followers and I’ve had the blog for less than a month??? YOU ARE ALL SO GREAT NOW ENJOY SOME MORE SMUT THIS IS ALSO HELLA LONG WHOOPS
Request- Hey! I literally just read your smut imagine/one shot of Theo Raeken (I think you had also mentioned it's your first smut imagine) and I love it! I don't know if you're taking requests but if you are (I know this is probably too fast for you) could I request a Threesome with Theo Raeken, the reader and Liam Dunbar? I really think that you'd do an awesome job! ♥ :-) I really love your imagines by the way! And I'll totally understand if you can't do it, I won't blame you. Again, love your imagines
I was never the kind of girl to think that I was hot shit, literally never. I always thought I had nice features but nothing that would make boys fall at my feet, I was right up until Theo and Liam started acting like I walked on water. Ever since we all came back from summer vacation it was if I was the hottest girl in the world to them. Sure, I got a little tan over the summer, my hair got longer, like most girl’s hair do in the summer but that’s really all that’s different. I didn’t know why they were acting like this and I know that I should pick one of them or let them both down easy, but truth be told I didn’t know how I felt about them, let alone which one I liked more than the other. I was sitting on the bleachers outside as the guys were all practicing for lacrosse and writing my essay for English. I looked up for a second, chuckling as Coach yelled at Greenburg, like always. Coach blew the whistle meaning practice was over and before I knew it, a shadow was blocking my light. I looked up to a sweaty and smiling Liam in front of me and I sighed.
“Hey, Liam.” I said, as he sat down next to me and looked at what I was writing. The thing is, I like Liam, how couldn’t I? He is nice, part of the pack, he gets sweetly nervous around me, and he isn’t horrible to look at either. I just didn’t know if I liked him more than I liked Theo.
“You look really pretty today.” He said causing me to smile and a small blush spread across my face, as he smiled as well. Liam’s compliments were always sweet and he was always offering to help me to class or offering to help me study when we both know he is the one who needs help studying. Liam is boyfriend material for sure but, how would he be in the sack?
“Hey, Dunbar! Get away from my girl!” Theo yelled while walking towards us, causing Liam to sigh and roll his eyes, knowing that his moment alone with me was long past over. The thing is, I like Theo. I just didn’t know if I liked him more than I like Liam. Theo was the opposite of Liam. Theo was hot and he knew it, he was always flirting with me, calling me hot and saying that I was “his girl”.  I mean, every girl loves a bad boy. As far as I could tell, he wasn’t boyfriend material but I knew that he would be good in the sack. You see my problem here? When Theo got to us, he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my temple.
“How are you doing today, babe?” He asked causing me to chuckle before I hugged him back slightly, causing Liam to tense up at the sight of us.
“Good, especially now that you are both here.” I said, trying to put some niceness between them.
“She isn’t your girl, Theo.” Liam said, causing me to sigh as they both stared at each other, eyes glowing. They were crazy, their eyes glowing like that in the middle of the day just because they were being stupid and hormonal teenage boys. I was about to tell them to knock it off before I got any idea, a way to pick one of them and have my questions answered.
“Hey. Both of you, come to my house tonight and I’ll tell you “whose girl” I am. No more fighting.” I said putting hair quotes with my fingers around “whose girl”. Causing them both to look at me in disbelief, but both agreeing just the same.
“Great! My house, nine o’clock!” I yelled, grabbing my stuff and jogging off of the field and towards my car. I knew Theo would be up for my plan, I just had to convince Liam. I was hoping just the fact that Theo would be up for it would make Liam want to do it too, so Theo wouldn’t win by default. I rushed home to start getting ready and so I could clean up my room. After tonight I should know something more about who I had more feelings for but god, was it going to be tiring. I cleaned my room first, knowing that I would get hot and a little sweaty while doing so. I then hopped in the shower, shaved what needed to be shaved and changed into something sexy but not slutty. I called my parents to make sure that they were going to be out all night like their note said, not wanting them to come home in the middle of what I had planned. They said they were coming back into town tomorrow afternoon so everything was set, the doorbell ringing made me jump slightly before I looked at the clock. It was nine o’clock on the dot, so much for being late. I opened to door, finding both guys standing there, both looking rather nervous to find out what I had to say.
“Come in.” I said stepping aside to let both guys in, Liam giving me a small side hug as he walked in and Theo kissing my forehead. There really was no end to this for them huh? I shut the door, locking it behind them and following them into the living room. I pointed at the stairs leading up to my room and they both nodded, not thinking anything of it, and jogged up the stairs. I smiled to myself at how completely obvious they both were in this moment.
“So you guys want to hear the plan?” I asked as we all walked into my room, Liam looking around the room to see what I had hanging up on the walls and how I kept my room while Theo just sat down on the bed. They both nodded, while staring at me as if my answer would kill one of them.
“I like you both, a lot. I just don’t know which one, I like more. So, I figured that I would invite both of you over and we could all do something that could help me, in my decision.” I said pacing back and forth. I looked at both boys, Theo smirking and shooting a wink my way while Liam looked so utterly confused. I didn’t just want to say it outright, I was hoping that they would understand without me, having to say it.
“Sounds like fun, I’m up for it.” Theo said making me smile and look at Liam, hopefully. Liam looked at me and then back at Theo, and then back at me. I let out a small laugh at the fact that Liam wasn’t understanding what I was trying to say.
“I don’t get it.” Liam said making Theo chuckle as I took a step towards Liam, my hands now resting on his chest, looking up at him, causing him to gulp. He had to have known what I was talking about, I just think he was to nervous to say it.
“What’s the one thing that you can think of that could help me pick between two guys? It involves burning calories and some fun.” I whispered in his ear as his hands rested on my lower back. As I pulled back from his ear, Liam cupped my face and kissed me softly. I smiled into the kiss, knowing that for sure he knew what I was talking about. The kisses became more heated and deeper within a few minutes and I could already feel Liam’s hard on against my thigh, that was quick. A minute or so later, I felt another pair of hands go to my waist.
“Okay, the point of all of being here, is to share.” Theo said pulling me away from Liam, sitting on the bed and pulling me on top of him, making me giggle at how fast and strong he was. The whole reason I was doing this was to see if I could get a fire to come out of Liam, and a little softer and more intimate side out of Theo. It was going to be hard to pick either way, but I had to do it sooner or later. Before Theo and I could do anything, Liam interrupted us.
“I have an idea. (Y/N), pants off.” He said causing me raise an eyebrow at him but none the less, I got up from Theo’s lap and took my pants off, showing them both my dark blue, lacy boy shorts. They both smirked at the sight and then Theo cleared his throat, wanting to continue with whatever Liam’s idea was.
“Now Theo lay down, (Y/N) straddle his face but face my way.” Theo and I both looked at Liam, surprised at the fact that his plan was actually pretty hot. I did what I was told, pushing Theo down on the bed, climbing on top of him but turning around as my core hovered over his nose, so I was facing Liam. I winked at Liam, as he walked towards me and Theo pushed my panties aside. I was beyond wet at this point and I was beginning to think that this is the best idea, I’ve ever had. As I felt Theo beginning to lick me up and down, Liam walked over to me, pulled my top off and connecting our lips. As Liam and I made out, Theo was going to town on me, making me moan into Liam’s mouth. I ran my hands up Liam’s shirt, slipping it over his head, breaking our kiss just for second before heading right back to it. Theo’s hands gripped my thighs, pulling me down into his mouth, hard making me throw my head back and breaking my kiss with Liam, once again. Liam’s hands went to my shoulder’s slipping my bra straps down to pool around the tops of my breasts. This was hotter than I could have ever imagined and we were just getting started. As Theo worked his magic on my lower half, Liam was certainly paying attention to my upper half.
“So perky, so beautiful.” Liam whispered as he kissed the tops of my breasts as he pushed my bra down to my mid stomach. Liam cupped my breasts in his hands, kissing every inch of them, as I unhooked my bra from behind me. My hands went to Liam’s hair as he paid special attention to my nipples, now being pleasured from both boys. I began to grind my hips down, feeling a familiar knot starting to form in my stomach.
“Oh, Theo.” I moaned out causing Liam’s to bite down on my left nipple which made me shriek and giggle by his reaction. Not a few seconds later, I could feel myself coming undone because of the boy underneath me, Liam holding me up as I shook with pleasure. Once I came down from my high, I climbed off of Theo, as he wiped his mouth and took his shirt off.
“Now, I have an idea.” He said causing both Liam and I now to nod, wanting to go through with Theo’s end of the plan. Theo gave amazing head and Liam sure knew how to take care of me but we weren’t done just yet.
“Liam, take your pants off, (Y/N) on your hands and knees on the bed, Liam is going to take you from behind and (Y/N) you are going to pleasure me like I just pleasured you.” He said causing Liam, to begin to take his pants off right away as I smiled and nodded, I was beyond ready for this. Once both boys had their pants off, I looked at both of their dicks, they were both packing a good amount so there wasn’t a clear winner just yet. Both guys got into their positons before looking down at me, making sure this was all okay. I nodded, Liam, entering me from behind, making me let out a loud moan, while Theo took all of my hair in his hands as I wrapped one of my hands around his shaft and put his head in my mouth. As Liam thrusted into me, his force sent me to bob on Theo’s dick. All I had to do was suck, I played with Theo’s balls a little, him letting out a breathy moan as I heard Liam panting from behind me. In my opinion, oral is much more intimate and personal than fucking me from behind so in his own way, Theo was showing me that he did have a more intimate side and the fact that he wasn’t forcing me or choking me showed me that he was being respectful of my pace, while Liam was really letting the wild side of himself out.
“(Y/N), so tight.” Liam said as he got faster and faster, pleasuring me more and more with each thrust. I knew Theo was close judging by how load his moans were getting and I was close because that knot was creeping back up again. Theo and Liam locked eyes for a second and both nodded before both of them cumming at the same time, me following them seconds after. I swallowed all of what Theo gave me, not minding at all. Liam pulled out of me, leaving everything inside, thank god for birth control. Both guys laid down in my bed as I wobbled over to the bathroom to pee, what you are suppose to do after every time that you have sex. As I sat there, I till didn’t know who I was going to pick but I knew now, that I had deep feelings for both boys. When I walked back into my bedroom, Liam was on the right side of my bed while Theo was on the left, leaving a space in the middle for me. I got in between them, my top sheet covering all of us. We were all exhausted, and we knew we could all talk in the morning. I turned on my side to face Liam and Theo wrapped an arm around my wait from behind, spooning me. In that moment, I was happy that I suggested this and happy that both of them were up for it.
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