titleknown · 1 month
In news of "Things that happened to me that sound like Creepypasta bullshit," I was told I had received a package that in fact did not come to my door by the UPS tracking site, and when I clicked on the photo they supposedly took to prove they'd delivered it, all I got was this specific ominous red gradient:
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Like, fuck me, they sent it to the pain dimension I guess!
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notscarsafe · 8 months
"Who knows, maybe I'm pregnant!"
-Skizzleman on going to the urgent care for a rash on a Truly Cursed Livestream February 13th, 2023
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bludraws094 · 2 months
the most adult thing in the book of bill is toxic yaoi
. and cocaine
and alcohol
but mostly the yaoi
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sarue · 4 months
William Shatner did NOT have to get up on that stage in the year of our lord 2024 and gush about Ricardo Montalbán's tits BUT HE DID. HE DID GO UP THERE AND GUSH ABOUT RICARDO MONTALBÁN'S TITS. AND THEN HE STARTED YAPPING ABOUT REPTILES
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joeyclaire · 2 months
made the mistake of explaining brat to my elderly relatives and now they’re calling everything brat.
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avephelis · 6 months
When i was younger i used to take adderall but i hated hated HATED having to swallow the pill so my parents would open up the pill capsule and stir the contents into a protein shake that i would then drink. anyway do you think that emizel does that now except instead of yogurt drink its blood
i did think about that but i'm not sure if vampire mechanics let you contaminate blood post-extraction so unsure if it'd work. i shall ask my friend to consult the page on juicers in the handbook. also it is less gay.
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adverbian · 1 year
I had a nightmare that George F. Will, right-wing asshole columnist extraordinaire, wrote a column about how he just learned that fanfiction exists and how much he hates it. Apparently it’s a symbol of the decline of Western civilization (which everything is with him). He specifically went after @copperplatebeech ‘s latest. I woke up ready to fight him myself.
So y’all, go read Bonding Rituals so you can stick it to the George F. Will who apparently lives in my nightmares.
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why are these gay fifteen year olds judging me for saying i’ve never been in a relationship?
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eighthdoctor · 6 months
today i remembered that chess skill is genetically heritable on gor
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blurryfce300 · 1 year
pov you’re a cast member øn tom sawyer island on september 18th, 2023:
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flintstill · 5 months
Anyone else remember that CSI episode where they determined the professional poker player died of lead poisoning because he ate 1lb of m&m’s at every poker game, and they still used leaded gasoline where the cocoa originated from, and those trace amount cumulated to lethal toxicity?
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notscarsafe · 7 months
"Fraternities are more like 'Pants Off' is okay!"
-Ethoslab arguing they need a Fratenity rather than a cult this Hermitcraft season on Zombiecleo/Scar Livestream February 26th, 2024
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lilisouless · 2 years
That guy stans are so pro-war that they´ll argue pimping out a child is okay because "thats what a war general does, he is a grey character!"
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titleknown · 9 months
...You ever think about how funny it is that one of the easiest places to find artbooks is on E-Hentai of all places? Like, SFW ones, rare ones, a lot of them that haven't even been translated into English.
Like, I get why, it's so under-the-radar that antipiracy nonsense won't look there, but still...
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joepelling · 16 days
the other night i dreamed i slid into joe’s dms to wish him a happy birthday and he actually responded and we talked about zodiacs
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year
Many works on TV Tropes have a Fanworks page, which indexes fanworks of that work which have either a TV Tropes page or a troper who wants to recommend it without writing a TV Tropes page.
Bocchi the Rock! has a fanworks page, with exactly one fic on it. It's a crossover with Worm. I am not making this up.
Everybody remembers the day the world changed forever, the day parahumans first came to be, and it all started with a... small pink glowing teenage girl floating above the ocean... Upon first contact with the mysterious entity she appeared to be perfectly still, but upon closer inspection was constantly vibrating so fast the human eye could barely keep track of her.
—Bocchi the Scion! (ぼっち・ざ・さいおん), Guitarhero 1.1
Adaptation Personality Change: On a mass scale. All capes who triggered naturally possess Bocchi's extreme social anxiety. This is best exemplified with Taylor Hebert, who attempted to join the Wards, but could barely sign the paperwork before ultimately running away.
—BtS (ぼざさ) TV Tropes page
I've only read one chapter so far, but the prose is good, the characterizations seem good enough, and the premise and tone are absurd enough that the apparent lack of direction isn't necessarily a problem. The worst thing so far is either needing to google random Japanese words (I now know what "riajuu" means) or the nagging concern that this is what you'd be like if you had godlike superpowers.
And just for the sake of finding a cold, damp, and dark area quickly, [Bocchi] quickly blew a hole in the side of a cold and tall mountain and hid there for a bit. Although it was a little loud as the freezing winds continued to rage on, she quickly put a stop to it by canceling all noise around the mountain, making sure it was only around the mountain that noise was canceled. She wouldn't make the same mistake of canceling all the sound in the world twice!
...just me? Oh, okay. Just the googling thing then.
Anyways. If it sounds interesting, I recommend giving it a shot.
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