captainstarkky · 3 years
It is finally here: the end.
We have been through a lot with this drama, and just like that it has come to its stage. It seemed like yesterday, I was too hyped hearing the news about Seo In-guk coming back to mainstream drama and Park Bo-young being the lead female; and now we’re here. I’m feeling a bit sad but, you know, there’s nothing to be sad of, of course.
When a book closes, a new one opens - after all. And this book? The book has a happy ending after all.
That was a spoiler; but I think it’s something that we hoped for. Although it’s bittersweet to let this drama go, it’s all worth it to do so.
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One thing that I appreciate about this drama is that it goes back to where it all begun.
The first scene picked up from where it left off; from the bus scene where Myul Mang – now Kim Sa-ram offered an umbrella for Dongkyung because it was raining. It’s actually a recreation of a previous scene, it’s just that, it was Dongkyung who eventually lets the umbrella go instead of Sa-ram.
Aside from that, I think that scene was also one of the most memorable scenes in the episode, because it is where he told Dongkyung that instead of coming back as a supernatural being, he was finally living as a human. Why is it romantic? It was like Sa-ram telling Dongkyung that they are finally now in equal footing. Both normal humans in love with one another – no one higher than the other; they are just ... just humans.
One thing that separates this fantasy drama from other fantasy dramas is that it actually made the couple a possibility. As you can see, it’s normal for other fantasy dramas to just retain the characteristics of the leads until the end. Great dramas that follow this templates are:
Goblin, where Kim Shin still lived as a goblin until the end of the series;
Tale of the Nine Tailed, where Lee Yeon remained to be a gumiho until the end as well;
My Love From the Star, where Do Min-joon remained as an alien and eventually went back to his planet after the end of the series – only to teleport once in a while back for Cheon Song-yi.
They are great dramas, right?
But what’s the point?
The point that I’m looking into is that, in Doom at your Service you can actually see through the end. Even if the series ends, you can imagine the ending stretching it longer that it should be. And that ending is: Kim Sa-ram and Tak Dongkyung will both die; they will spend their whole lives living like humans, dying like humans – and nobody is left behind.
That is the beauty of life; because we realize that we will wither and die, we are able to create moments and experience things in a different way. We can live our lives to the fullest and without regrets. We realize that we aren’t immortal so we try to take good care of our body. That is something Kim Sa-ram realized when he became one. That “ah, I can die now so I need to take care of myself” feeling. And didn’t he quit drinking and smoking for that?
People might think that the point I’m making is extremely tragic. Some of you might ask “why are you redirecting the topic back to death when they both survived it?” and I won’t deny that. But remember, the whole drama is all about death and the need for you to accept it in the first place. We all die, we got to accept that. That’s why we need to live our lives to the fullest and that is also the only way to see meaning in our lives.
And going through the whole episode we can really see how Kim Sa-ram and Tak Dongkyung value that virtue. They learned to treasure even the simplest things and they learn to value important relationships. That’s the essence of life. And that only happens if you accept the fact that death can come knocking to your door anytime.
It’s a beautiful irony because Kim Sa-ram was death and he did come knocking at Tak Dongkyung’s door.
Another focal character in this drama – Sonyeonshin. She was greatly misunderstood. I’ve read and heard some people actually treating her as the antagonist of the series. And I honestly can’t blame them – because, let’s be honest we did too. We knew that she knew what was going to happen but instead of forcing it to not happen; she just lets it happen anyway. But that was also our mistake. We did not look at the large picture but instead, we just kept on looking at what was happening.
I think the writer is showing us that we, even how intelligent we are, are still humans. We can’t help but look at things in a narrow perspective – that’s why we whined when we saw what she did. It’s actually the same in real life, we encounter a problem, we whine and blame everyone; but if that problem blossomed into a beautiful outcome, we never really feel thankful to anyone but ourselves.
Our fates have all been decided the moment we are born – and that fate is to die. We are humans, it is inevitable. But it is always in our hands how do we make the most of the time we are given here on Earth. HE gave us choices and we get to choose what outcome we would want to happen, and that becomes a cycle up until the moment that we meet our end. HE knew all that but HE will always choose to stay and watch – because aside from it’s interesting to, HE wanted us to learn a good lesson from our own choices.
The same is through with what happened in the whole drama series. Sonyeonshin knew what was going to happen but she allowed everything to fall to its place – because as represented by the plant, it signifies growth. She pulled the strings, but ultimately, Kim Sa-ram and Tak Dongkyung made the choices. I mean, she never forced Myul Mang to specifically choose Tak Dongkyung. She never forced Myul Mang to fall in love with Tak Dongkyung either. And she never forced him to sacrifice his life for her. But he did it anyway.  And that ultimately lead us to where he is now: his destiny, his fate. To become human.
There are still a lot of things Kim Sa-ram has yet to experience as a human – but he, more or less, experienced the focal points to become one, some of it are follows:
According to Sullivan’s Interpersonal Theory,  the most basic interpersonal need is tenderness. Sullivan stated that tenderness is the number one psychological need to live, without it our overall well being as a person is ruined and we will adapt maladaptively.
So where am I going to at this point? It’s the fact that this need is actually given to him by Tak Dongkyung.
A family; of course you cannot be human without a companions. He should be fine with Tak Dongkyung. But it was also her who welcomed him to her own family – which was really heartwarming. Props to Dongkyung’s family, they accept whoever the kids in the family bring in. Joo-ik even became a family after Ji-na brought him in.
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Feelings. The thing with humans that makes us special is the fact that we have feelings. We know how to sympathize and we know how to appreciate what we are and what we have. Before when Kim Sa-ram was still Myul Mang, it’s kind of obvious that he lack in this department. But along the way, he finally learned how to sympathize and to love. As a human, it’s really good to see him finally using his facility of feelings. Because it’s just as he said ...
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And of course, we can’t forget this heartwarming scene.
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And by the way, about our home-girl Ji-na. I guess my ship finally sailed? Joo-in and Ji-na are now together. That’s not a question because I really thought that they would really be in the end.
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The way she closed her eyes. That’s what told me that they’re the endgame.
But what confuses me is the fact that Kim Sa-ram’s relationship with Cha Joo-ik seemed to be different. Since I never really saw them talking much in the whole series, I would be way more convinced that they would be awkward to one another rather than bicker on the dining table just because of the fact that Kim Sa-ram dated Dongkyung longer than Joo-ik dated Ji-na. Although we won’t know what will happen after, I would like to send my regards to Aunt Soo – she finally got two more sons to take care of.
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For my own opinion, a drama like this is a gem. There are a lot of dramas out there that are also good but this one - Doom at your Service, really hit the spot. It’s quarantine now because of the pandemic and the fact that it talked about how important it is to appreciate the little things we have is like an instant reality check.
Watching this drama, understanding the deeper meanings of every scene and every character makes me want to check my own life - if it was still worth living. 
And by the end of the episode - the series - the drama prompted one question to all of us:
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All my life, I’ve heard the same questions a million of times.
And I’ve made a million of wishes in my lifetime, and will probably make a million more in the next few years to come. But one thing I know is that, the wishes that we make aren’t all for naught.
Some of the people might think that our wishes are just words of the mouth that will dissipate after being said. But this drama was one of those living proof that someone somewhere is listening.
As we grow older, our wishes change. Some of us might not be able to remember what our wishes are before - those innocent wishes we had while we were still children. 
But you know what, wish whatever you want to wish.
The question still lies though: “Do wishes really come true?”
To be honest, no one knows.
Even in the drama, Dongkyung’s wish of Myul Mang coming to the world never came true. Instead she got Myul Mang in the flesh.
Maybe we’re right to believe that our wishes are only wishful thinking. A thought that passed through our minds for a brief moment of time; but the truth is, wishes are what we really desire. And no one’s stopping you to ‘desire’ something with all your heart.
So keep wishing.
Because you will never know when will it come true.
Maybe today, maybe tomorrow.
Maybe Myul Mang will come knocking at your door if you keep your heart to it.
... again, you will never know.
I wrote something about episode 15, by the way. You can read it here.
PS. It’s a bittersweet moment for me to let this drama go but then again, all good things comes to an end. I just wish they’d give Seo In-guk a new drama right away.
However, I heard that Seo In-guk have a new movie coming this 2021. The title is  “Pipeline” and he, once again, is together with Lee Soo-hyuk. The actor who played the character of Cha Joo-ik. Let’s send our love and support for our Myul Mang for this movie
 Park Bo-young, she has a new movie this 2021 with Park Seo-jun, let’s give our supports to our cute Bong Bong
To the people behind the scenes for this drama, I would sincerely want to thank you for your dedication and hardwork. For the actors, I hope you will get more projects soon! And I hope TVN will make more of these in the future.
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qkmlh · 3 years
I can’t believe I am once again coming to head-over-heels adore the main lead character in love with Park Boyoung’s character
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tokkiheart · 2 years
My Favorite Fantasy/Sci-fi Rom-Com K-Dramas
One of my best friends was upset about the fact that I didn’t make a list for fantasy and sci-fi K-Dramas when I told her I made my previous list, so here I am making the list I promised I was going to be making anyway lol
This list will be easier for me because fantasy k-dramas are my bread and butter, especially fantasy rom-coms. 🍞 🧈
As always, this list will be made in no specific order as I tend to refrain from ranking things or rating them.
W: Two Worlds (aka W)
Obviously, this show was going to come in somewhere on this list. So, I might as well get it out of the way and make it the first thing on this list lol
This show is about a 2nd year cardiothoracic resident doctor named Oh Yeon Joo who happens to be the daughter of a famous comic book creator. Her father goes missing one day mysteriously and on that day, while looking for him, she ends up being pulled into the world of his comic book and saving the main character, Kang Cheol, who she finds bloody and dying. Afterwards, she finds herself being pulled back into the comic book randomly, her fate being intertwined with that of the main character.
I adore this drama and I honestly don’t know if I’ll ever be able to stop wanting to re-watch it. I will admit that it’s not perfect, but gosh do I love the plot and the actors. This show is really “whumpy” from what I’ve seen based on whump lists that I have come across, so if you’re into whump, I definitely recommend this! If you’re not, I still recommend this for the cute, soft moments between the leads as well as the comedy! ❤️
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Doom At Your Service
I personally love this drama, even though it’s definitely not perfect and I will never lie or pretend that it is perfect.
This drama is only the 12th drama that I have seen and it happens to be the one that introduced me to Seo In Guk. Honestly, he and Park Bo-young really carried the show (although I also loved Dawon from SF9 in this as Tak Dong Kyung's little brother).
This show is about Tak Dong Kyung, a webcomic editor who discovers that she has a terminal brain tumor on the same day that she also happens to discover that her boyfriend is actually an adulterer. One night, she ends up frustrated and wanting to put an end to her misery and drunkenly shouts up to the night sky that she wishes for doom to befall the world. This cry ends up summoning Myul Mang, doom incarnate. They enter into a contract in which he will grant her one wish and also prevent her from feeling the pain/negative symptoms of her brain tumor, in return she must wish for doom to befall the world - or else the person that she loves most will die.
Honestly, I adore this show, but I will not deny that the 2nd lead female’s love triangle is…boring. At least to me. It’s just so boring that it’s skip-able without impacting the show at all. I will continue to recommend this show though because the leads really brought their A game to this and it’s why I watch it.
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Extra-Ordinary You
Another entry on this list that won't come as a surprise to anyone as I love this show and it's been on a few of my lists already.
This show is about Eun Dan Oh, a high schooler with a heart condition, who discovers that she's a character in a high school romance manwha - an extra to be more precise. She is determined to change her fate though and after a chance meeting with a mysterious boy who is a no-name extra, she thinks that he is the one will be able to help her do just that.
This show is funny, charming and has adorable fluff. Though it may seem like a just your typical high school romance, it's is far from ordinary - it's extra-ordinary. badum-tiss
Bad joke aside, this drama is really good and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who has seen W and wanted something kinda similar (self-aware comic book characters wanting to change their fate) but significantly fluffier and less whumpy/has next to no whump.
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My Roommate Is A Gumiho
Probably not all that surprising that I'm adding this show to my list as well. I really love this drama. ♥
This show is about Lee Dam, a university student who is majoring in history and a 999 year old male gumiho named Shin Woo Yeo who has held many jobs over the course of time but is currently working as an author of history books. Lee Dam accidentally ends up being in possession of his fox bead/marble and due to this they enter into a forced living situation which involves a contract.
This show has a little whump/hurt-comfort in it, but there’s also plenty of humor as well as romantic fluff.
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Guardian: The Lonely and Great God (aka Goblin)
I’m starting off with what I think has become a classic? Will I swear by that? No. I’ve only been in this game a year so far lol
This drama tends to be highly recommended by many and with good reason in my opinion! This show has such a great plot, the relationships between all the characters is wonderful and overall it's a very well-done show!
This drama is about a man named Kim Shin who was a decorated military general who was betrayed by his king, he is forced to witness his family be killed and is then murdered himself. Except he doesn't really die, he is transformed into an immortal goblin. He wanders through the years in search of prophesized "goblin's bride" who is the only one with the ability to remove his sword from his chest and set his soul free. 19 years ago, he happens to save a pregnant woman from a life-threatening accident and as a result her child is able to see and talk to ghosts, but because she was never supposed to be born, she has to hide from a grim reaper - who just so happens to now be the Goblin's roommate.
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While You Were Sleeping
Another Lee Jong Suk drama making it’s way onto my list.
This drama is about Nam Hong Joo, a field reporter who, ever since she was a child, has had premonition dreams that always come true. These are typically always bad events and she is often powerless to prevent them from happening. One day, prosecutor named Jung Jae Chan moves in across the street from Nam Hong Joo and has also acquired the same ability as her. After saving her from a car accident that would have ruined her life and killed a police officer, the police officer also starts having premonition dreams. The three of them discover that their lives are, for some reason, intertwined through the dreams that they have of each other. Together, the three of them work together to discover why they have these abilities as well as protect those that they love.
This drama is honestly really amazing and absolutely hilarious. The only reason that I don't re-watch this as much as I do other shows is because it makes me laugh too loud.
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Angel’s Last Mission: Love
This drama is a new favorite, having only just recently finished watching it a few weeks ago.
This drama is about an angel named Kim Dan who is given one last mission before being able to go to paradise - he must help an blind cold-hearted and cynical ex-ballerina find and fall in love.
I found this drama to be cute and funny and I really enjoyed it! It honestly surprised me by having some of my favorite tropes in it (but I can't reveal which as they would be spoilers if you haven't seen the show).
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This K-Drama is the third K-Drama that I had watched, right on the heels of Hotel Del Luna.
This drama is about Cha Min, an unattractive but rich chaebol heir to a cosmetics company, who dies accidentally and is revived by aliens using an object known as Abyss, which is then given to him. Strangely, he is not revived in his own body and instead takes on the form of his soul, which is tall and attractive. Go Se Yeon is a beautiful prosecution lawyer and a friend of Cha Min's (as well as a long-time crush). She ends up dying too, having been murdered in her apartment, Cha Min uses Abyss to bring her back. She is revived in a "plainer" looking body to match her soul. Together, they work to try to figure out who murdered her.
This is the drama that introduced me to both Park Bo Young and Ahn Hyo Seop, this is also the first K-Drama that I ever re-watched multiple times. I really loved the lead character's romance and I also really loved the OST for the show as well.
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I Am Not A Robot
This is a cute drama that’s more on the sci-fi side of things.
This drama is about a man who is a chaebol with an allergy to humans, which makes it hard for him to interact with others and basically without many friends. He happens to acquire a company which has a subsidiary(?) or a project in which work is being made to create the perfect robot AI companion. He goes to their facility and meets the robot, as a result, he wants to test it out at home and since the scientists need money to keep the project going, they agree. Unfortunately, the Aji3 runs into some problems and the lead scientist must ask his ex-girlfriend who he modeled the robot after to fill in and pretend to be the robot.
I found this drama to be quite funny, cute, and charming. I’d definitely recommend it if you like something with a more sci-fi spin.
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Hotel Del Luna
I almost didn't include this drama on this list because it made me cry so much. I'm not going to lie, I was an emotional wreck for the rest of the day after I finished watching the show. However, this drama is the 2nd drama that I ever watched and while it could be slow, it was so amazing compared to the first K-Drama that I had watched that I was just...enthralled by it. So for purely sentimental reasons, this is a favorite of mine lol
This show is about Jang Man Wol, the owner/CEO of a special hotel that caters almost exclusively to ghosts, with the aim of helping them resolve their unresolved problems/goals/etc. so that they can move on to the next stage of the afterlife. Man Wol herself is neither ghost nor human and is cursed for a sin that she has no memory of, she is tied to the hotel and unable to escape it. She believes her only hope is to find someone with a worse sin than hers who can replace her, but hasn’t found anyone over the centuries and has since given up hope. When she hires Goo Chan Sung as her latest hotel manager, things start to change at the hotel and with her.
I found this drama to be really interesting and while it could be slow in places, I really do love this drama. I really came to care about all of the main cast of characters, which is one of the reasons why I cried so much at the end of the show. I definitely recommend this show if you love dramas with ghosts, but definitely have plenty of tissues on hand for the end!
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starfire-s · 3 years
here's a list of the best, mediocre and worst kdramas i watched in 2021
back by popular demand (shoutout to the one person who asked me to do this) it's my 2021 best, mediocre and worst kdrama list! just letting you all know i did not watch many kdramas this year so this list is going to look a little sad and empty (in other words many dramas will be missing because i did not watch them) lmao but i had fun making this list so that's what actually matters! anyways as always all opinions are my own so just sit back and enjoy... or don't up to you really!
run on - they dropped this show early on in the year and i don't think any kdrama came close to how good this one actually was! run on set the bar too high too early and it was all kinda downhill from there in terms of good kdramas! the main leads and second leads in this show were such good characters and so unique! like honestly shoutout to ki seon gyeom (my beloved) for being the best male lead to ever grace my tv screen in my kdrama journey! just a fun and chaotic kdrama (with no love triangles!!!) like i am so glad this aired at the same time as true beauty because the serotonin true beauty took away from me run on would give back and for that i am grateful! 10/10
doom at your service - before i watched this kdrama i never understood the hype about seo in guk and then i watched this kdrama and i was a changed person forever! his acting as myul mang (kim saram) in this kdrama was sooo good i cannot praise him enough! also the chemistry between seo in guk and park bo young still makes me insane! i think we can all agree the "love me to the point you want to destroy the world for me" line ended us all on sight we were not ready but it's all about the romance, the line delivery, the chemistry, the chaoticness of that scene! also i still find it funny that the writers gave the love triangle to the second leads in this show and just let them do their own thing on the side which was fine i guess because the leads were just saying and doing romance and being chaotic 24/7 while the second leads were caught in the love triangle (which i ignored tbh even though the love triangle had some of my fave actors in it) lmao anyways myul mang x dong kyung 4ever and ever!! 9/10 (i know you all won't agree but this is my kdrama list and i had fun watching this so... lol)
navillera - song kang's range like wow can't believe he gave me this kdrama and nevertheless in the same year! i loved this little show about a grandpa and young ballet dancer just finding each other and growing together in their own way! the way chae rok gained a family through the grandpa and the grandpa was able to fulfil his lifelong dream of doing ballet it was so sweet! no show on this list made me cry like this one like truly every week i would be in tears! on another note song kang in ballet clothes wow what a look lmao 8/10
squid game - the urge to say "i watched kdramas before squid game" is always so strong also "i knew wi ha joon before squid game and when he played a baseball uncle in 18 again" lmao i think this show was very interesting i think it highlighted many of the things which are prevalent in today's world e.g. capitalism and rich people being vile and all... you know the fun stuff! overall a good show i am just very happy to see kdramas getting the hype but then i also want to be all THIS IS MY NICHE INTEREST!!!!! lol 7.5/10
so i married an anti fan - this show was actually a 2017 show which was released in 2021 but i had so much fun watching it!! it had the essence of why i started watching kdramas in the first place like i always love me a good stupid rom com and this show was exactly that! the villain or second lead(?) idk what to call him was so annoying i hated him the second female lead was also very annoying and i did not care about them at all! i also found it funny that the male lead was playing the character of a very famous kpop idol and we only really saw him singing one song over and over again which still makes me laugh like yes king give us nothing 😭 overall a 7/10 and yes i gave squid game a 7.5 and this show a 7... cry about it lol
the king's affection - confession time i dropped this kdrama after episode 11! there was no particular reason why i dropped the show it's just i missed one episode while it was airing and then just never got the urge to catch up?? however, let me say this show was good i enjoyed seeing rowoon being a himbo! also loved that his character accepted his feelings towards "the king" and wasn't weird about it the way most kdramas do it like he truly was a bicon in this drama!!! park eun bin also played the role of "the prince/king" so well and i really loved seeing her on my screen on a weekly basis! and we all love a good height difference between the leads so 6/10
my roommate is a gumiho - this show started off very good and it was so funny especially with the whole "you have my marble!" and then half way through it kinda lost it's way... lol idk what happened maybe it was the red thread of fate storyline that pissed me off because then the second lead kept getting dragged into the mess with the leads against his own will which i did not enjoy watching at all?? also it annoyed me when woo yeo became a professor at the university lee dam was at... because why add the student-professor romance aspect when it wasn't needed?? so by this point i guess i was only watching for hye sun and jae jin because they were also very very cute! overall a cute show but could have been better if they executed the second half of the storyline better 5/10
sunbae don't put on that lipstick - so firstly everyone was baited with a noona romance and the show wasn't any of that! secondly what was the plot does anyone actually know because up until this day i do not understand what this show was about? maybe it was about the sunbae not putting on the lipstick... maybe it was about something else so i feel like this is something WE will never know (did y'all see what i did there lmao) rowoon looked very good every single episode like his office clothes made him look even taller ahsjsj but other than that i cannot say one good thing about this kdrama because i actually don't know what i watched during those 16 episodes i did watch a solid 3.5/10 because rowoon looked hot so congrats to rowoon!
true beauty - lets all take a moment and give a shoutout to hwang in yeop (thank you for your service and for giving me sls this year as well king 🤡) okay now that we're all done appreciating hwang in yeop lets get to the reviewing part! i mean i didn't go into this show thinking it was going to be groundbreaking or anything like that but it was actually so stupid?? suho (eunwoo deserved better) stans close your eyes... but he was such a one dimensional male lead like he was rude to ju kyung for no reason and literally bullied her when he found out her "secret" and then after they started dating he left to america which understandable his father was sick but then he broke up with ju kyung via a phone call then showed up 3 years later acting like nothing had happened and then went ahead and stalked ju kyung??? and the writers actually want me to believe that seo jun just hung around ju kyung for 3 years and didn't confess and only confessed when suho came back... stupid!!! if i could use one word to describe this show it would be stupid because that's what it was!!! (this show also said no ❤️ to female friendships) however there were some parts i liked about this show and that was when suho and seo jun became friends again after clearing their misunderstandings (after that dramatic car accident scene which still makes me laugh) but other than that i have nothing good to say so i will stop 3/10 because one point each for hwang in yeop, moon ga young and cha eunwoo!!
nevertheless - so before i watched the kdrama i read the webtoon (which i paid $10 to read rip to that money i will never get back you are truly missed) but somehow the kdrama was worse than the webtoon which is so funny to me like how do you make something terrible even more terrible??? i just think everything about this show was not good... as i said before i know han so hee and song kang can act but throughout this show it's like they forgot everything about acting? also yes we all knew park "do you want to see my butterflies" jae eon was a red flag and we all could clearly see it but nabi really said "red is my favourite colour hehe" and chose jae eon over potato boy (i was only really watching for him in the end) like she is so dumb? can't believe i sat down and watched this show until the end however, i did not watch the last episode because i saw spoilers before that so i just went on netflix gave the show a thumbs down and removed it from my currently watching list! 0/10 for wasting my precious time which i did not have time to waste during my busy year (i mean its kinda on me for wanting to see f*ckboy song kang but ashdjd i am a simple woman really i will learn from my mistakes for next time)
vincenzo, beyond evil, the devil judge, happiness, law school, my name, sell your haunted house, and the witch's diner (maybe one day i will watch these shows too!)
anyways thank you for reading! i got clowned a lot this year because every show i decided to watch mostly led to disappointing me! so here's to hoping i watch more kdramas next year and get clowned a lot less! but it's alright we're always in this together… i'm looking forward to 2022 and all the kdramas we will be watching again next year! take care! 🥰
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asnandara · 3 years
I know some people aren't fans of the amnesia plot in DAYS (to be honest, depending on how it is done in certain shows I am not a fan of it either) but I have to say that in this case, I am liking it so far.
One of the reasons, and probably the main one, is that the amnesia plot in DAYS makes narrative sense not only story wise but character wise. It's not like one of those dramas where suddenly and for no apparent reason, one of the main characters gets into an accident, and they lose their memories (but only the ones from the period of time associated with their relationship with the other lead, obviously). In DAYS, if we want to, we can also assume that the amnesia plot is a lack of knowing what to do with the story (and who knows if we'd be right or wrong, I personally don't think so) but the introduction of the plot makes sense, in my opinion, because:
1) As others have said way better than I possibly could, it's an exploration (by the goddess and the leads) of the different ways in which the characters could maybe achieve a happy ending. We have already walked through different variables of this theme (I will love you and I won't lose anything is step one, I will love someone evil so they die, I will leave everyone behind and be alone etc.) and this is another option that could or could not work. It's also an exploration for the writer, represented by Park Young when he lists how he would end up the story in order to avoid a sad ending.
2) It's a choice by the characters. And it's a choice that the audience can understand. Who, in Dong Kyung's place, wouldn't forget the person they love the most in order to save them? And not only them, but also every other person they cherish. While as an audience we might disagree with her choice (or not) it makes perfect sense. And it is EXACTLY what Dong Kyung would do nonetheless, because it has been more than shown that she puts everyone before herself so obviously, sacrificing a part of her happiness for those she loves is in line with her thinking and her character. Also, when they are in the Ferris wheel, Dong Kyung tells Myul Mang that she would like to be forgotten so that her loved ones won't suffer. It's no surprise, then, that she would choose that option when presented to her.
3) We are in a universe where fantasy coexists with reality, and therefore such things as erasing memories and giving them back are possible thanks to the supernatural nature of the characters and their surroundings.
I have to say that what I like in particular about the amnesia plot in DAYS is that the loss of memory is mutual, which brings me to two of my favourite things regarding this trope (of mutual loss of memory or a shared memory reset):
1) Falling in love again - Dramas centered around romance assure us that our main couple will end up together (99% of the time) and because of that, it's not so much the destination (as in the couple ending up together) what is important but the road that takes us there. I like that having both characters start again also gives us the opportunity to explore the early stages of the characters falling in love again. I personally really like this because I love when characters are getting to know each other and start developing a relationship (in DAYS case, first animosity, amusement, curiosity, care and then love). Also, the fact that both characters don't remember each other, makes their dynamic fall back on the dynamics on the early episodes and I love it.
2) Parallels with different emotional baggage + Glimpses of recollection - Probably my favourite because it's dramatic and angsty. I really like parallels within fiction, things that are presented and then resonate. Having echoes of past scenes is *chef's kiss* and I like it even more in this case because while the scenes are pretty much the same, the emotional baggage of the audience is so different. Because as a viewer, I have not forgotten what the characters' have been through, and I know that they love each other, so all these little things that might mean nothing (apparently) to the characters hold a deeper meaning to me and the emotional dimension of the scene changes. But not only the audience, the characters, unknowingly, also carry that emotional baggage, and it is that baggage what tells them deep inside that something is strange or missing.
In DAYS case, in episode 12, as many people who are way smarter than me have pointed out, Myul Mang's actions are influenced by decisions and emotions that HE DOESN'T EVEN REMEMBER:
- Standing up before midnight to go somewhere, only to realise there was no reason for him to do so.
- Not killing (or hurting) that guy who killed his son because Dong Kyung was looking, which brings us back to when he said that he doesn't want to look bad in front of her.
- The elevator lights flickering because Dong Kyung was in pain, showing that he too is emotionally distressed.
- Looking at Dong Kyung a few extra seconds when she walks away at the hospital.
- The doubt on his face when she asks him why does he think she is the one who can help him destroy the world on the beach when he just knows she is the one but doesn't know why.
- Touching her hair as to comfort her.
He doesn't even remember, yet his behavior is conditioned by those memories.
Even without their memories of each other, there's something there buried still and that's what makes these parallels so perfect, because they are not a perfect copy of one another, there is something slightly off in each one of them because the characters are not the same that they were at the beginning, even if they mostly are, they have undeniably changed in ways that can't be erased. I LOVE THAT.
This parallels also help cement the idea that there is destiny involved here, which is the message the godess is telling us regarding Dong Kyung and Myul Mang. That no matter what, they are bound to find each other. To be honest, I have a complicated relationship with destiny plots in k-dramas, but that's a thing for another post.
To sum up, because this is way longer than I intended, I really like how the amnesia plot is used in DAYS and how much it appeals to my personal taste. I think that they will regain their memories very soon, if we take into account there are only four episodes left, and I can't wait to see how that happens.
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hd-learns-korean · 3 years
I am going to seriously miss Tak Dong-Kyung fighting in tiny with practically everyone. Most of all Myul Mang.
She's so little yet so savage.
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Note: Gif not created by me. All credit should go to the original creator. I just searched for it on tumblr!
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DAYS Spoilers ep 14
I've been thinking a lot about the distinction in this last episode between disappearing and fading away (@ranjish-hi-sahih's post about this is what got me thinking), and I think that this is yet another clue that we will maybe get some kind of happy ending.
In the past, when both Myul Mang and Dong Kyung disappeared, all evidence of them was erased from the world. They were literally taken to a different worlds by the deity, and neither was able to find any trace of the other (besides in their memories). In ep 7 when Dong Kyung asks to see Myul Mang's house so she can find it again if he disappears, he tells her that she wouldn't be able to find it. But in ep 14, Myul Mang doesn't disappear the way he always has. Before, he used to appear and disappear wherever he wanted to be, and we've seen how as he becomes more human he walks and runs places instead of doing whatever magical teleportation stuff he was doing before. His fading at the end of ep 14 is a much more human way to go, and once he leaves there is still evidence of him left behind. He is no longer the silent watcher of doom in the world, he has participated in the world. In the ep 15 promo, we see Dong Kyung returning to his house, and she says that "everyone says they miss you." That means that Dong Kyung isn't the only one who remembers him, his effects on the world were felt by more than just her.
Long story short, all this makes me think that he is going to come back somehow, maybe with some kind of reincarnation thing going. I really hope that they both remember each other though, and that they get to live a human life together happily. In this scenario, I am interested to see how Dong Kyung's family react to him (will he be someone new to them? Will they remember him? Remember that he was gone? Will they all see him differently? Or will they just think Dong Kyung fell in love with some new guy really fast?).
This is very rambling, but let me know your thoughts! We are in the home stretch, and I need people to talk to about this to make it through the next 6 days!!!
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ranjish-hi-sahih · 3 years
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I posted 1,192 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 3.9 posts.
I added 825 tags in 2021
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#doom at your service - 100 posts
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Longest Tag: 96 characters
#sorry to be sappy on main but they're going to start a family someday after they finally confess
My Top Posts in 2021
the rain, the flashbacks, the confessions, the kiss. good God, the kiss. and then that preview-
i just wanna say to the writers:
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179 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 18:43:07 GMT
myul mang as kim saram, as human feels so different, looks so different. he’s softer somehow. the steely, cold look is gone from his eyes. they’re warm and almost inviting and dare i say it, innocent. 
he’s been born anew and sig being able to portray all that is what i call great acting, folks-
222 notes • Posted 2021-06-28 16:40:18 GMT
The Queen Sacrifice
in chess there is an actual literal move called the queen sacrifice where you give up the queen in return for tactical/positional advantage or other compensation.
we saw two very different queens get sacrificed today and wow! i am amazed at the fact that they basically weren’t kidding when they had vincenzo say that we’d be playing a game of chess from now. 
moreover, there are two types of queen sacrifices. real and sham and where do i even begin with this?
a sham sacrifice leads to immediate benefits. choi’s sacrifice, i believe is a sham. han-seok is not getting any long-term rewards for giving up his queen.
cha-young getting shot though is a real sacrifice, in my opinion. benefit in this case is not immediate but positional in nature where the rewards are more beneficial and continue over a period of time. what those are, we’ll have to wait and see...
this could very well be me rambling but here’s a quick chess dump on you from someone who needs to vent aggressively about the episode. 
324 notes • Posted 2021-05-01 18:03:24 GMT
so you're telling me that both kisses were partial ad-libs!?!
we really gotta thank the actors, man. they gave us the romance that we can't move on from.
346 notes • Posted 2021-05-23 10:42:44 GMT
y'all realize how beautifully they've used food as a love language in homcha-
it isn't grand, it isn't loud, it isn't forceful.
what it is is gam-ri halmeoni quietly leaving food at du-shik's doorstep. what it is is hye-jin calling her stepmom's braised potatoes delicious and her stepmom holding onto that moment for years to come. what it is is du-shik eating hye-jin's shitty cooking with a genuine smile on his face. what it is is gam-ri halmeoni feeding JUNE in a way only grandmothers can. what it is is i-jun giving a dalgonna heart to bora. what it is hye-jin sitting down with her parents and du-shik at a raw fish restaurant and finally feeling like a family.
i am sure that there are many that i have missed but sue me, i'm still not over the fact that it's over-
434 notes • Posted 2021-10-17 16:53:55 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Oh the look in her eyes when she realized WHO held her hand: shocked, disbelief, hard thinking is this real? Am I dreaming again? Hallucinating? What is this? Why? How?
It's understandable since she lost counts on how many times she missed him, wishes she could see him in flesh, hug him, kiss him, touch him, held his hand, imagining him everywhere, dreaming about him. Girl need time to believe what she saw.
And the look in his eyes when he saw her: love, longing, i miss you, happy, warm, tender, soft, human. Like he told his mum (Sonyeoshin), he just felt happy because he's going to meet her again. He smiled because he finally see her again, holding her hand, talking to her, be with her again.
Now he just need to assure her that he, indeed, is back, and human. Saram. No longer Myul Mang. That she's not dreaming or hallucinating. He can be with her, and he won't disappear again.
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deonideatta · 3 years
Ok, thoughts on doom at your service. Firstly myul mang is adorable and I love him. Secondly park bo young absolute queen, I watched for her and she is DELIVERING skdjd tak dong kyung best girl. Both her and seo in guk are portraying their characters beautifully, I really like how their relationship is progressing.
Thirdly, I like na ji na, I like cha joo ik and lee hyun kyu, but I absolutely DETEST whatever love triangle setup they've got going on. Na ji na deserves better! When the options are a) mr I kissed you out of nowhere bc pity and b) mr I ghosted you for years bc im a coward, the best option is c) none of the above!! Leave na ji na alone, let her move on and live her best life, and give me more of myul mang and dong kyung being cute rather than all this buildup to the world's worst misunderstanding and fallout waiting to happen. And the cha joo ik - lee hyun kyu - tak sun kyung trio is hella wholesome, I want to see more of them instead!
Fourthly, am I the only one who sometimes gets kinda confused?? Idk, this is an issue I had mostly with ep 8, maybe it's a one time thing, but sometimes the way the narrative goes from scene to scene doesn't feel as well connected as it could be to me. At one point I almost wondered if I had missed a scene.
But yea overall it's good so far!! I will not make the mistake of being overly confident in a super happy ending again, so I'm just hoping they can wrap the story up in a way that makes sense, even if it's sad. Would still love a happy ending though!! And it's fantasy, I know they can make it happen lol
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captainstarkky · 3 years
Hi I absolutely love all your analyses of DAYS... I've saved them all. Just to keep re reading them♥️
I had a question.... In the first episode the truck of doom was about to kill DK and MM stopped time and saved her in exchange for her agreeing to the contract. Did he intentionally send the truck to make her agree or if she hadn't made the doom wish was she fated to die in an accident. MM says the deity was on his side too. I don't understand that. When DK asks for fair terms he brings back the truck and she agrees. I don't know if this makes any sense. I hope you can shed some light on it...
Thanks 💕
Thanks for reading my write-ups. It makes me happy that some people are interested in them.
Well, if there's anything, I would be very happy to try to answer it for y'all.
But then again a little disclaimer; everything that you will read below are all my opinions and rambles about my own understanding of the drama. You are entitled to your own opinion if you have other thoughts of the drama DAYS of course. Now, if you’re open, then let’s go and proceed!
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But first, allow me to summarize what actually happened during that scene.
To those people who haven't started watching the whole drama yet, it's actually like this.
Dongkyung was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain cancer.
On the same day, she was confronted by her boyfriend's (the one who doesn't know how to spell MANNER) wife who was also pregnant at that time.
Then his boss also scolded her - nah, her boss was only being a jerk who doesn't believe in gender equality.
Then we get to discover that it was her parents’ anniversary.
Because of the heat of the moment, she wished Myul Mang - world's doom.
So going back to our break down...
Because it was Myul Mang's birthday anyway, he was given a chance to grant someone's wish for a day.
Because of the nature of the wish, of course Myul Mang would choose to grant the wish that would be easier for him to grant. (Uhm. Incidentally, someone did wish for that)
So he barged in Dongkyung’s apartment.
He tried to convince her to make a wish for the doom of the world because she’s way much more privileged to do so in exchange of an easy death - basically a death without pain.
Of course, as bad-ass as she can be, she considered him a psycho and just plainly rejected him just like that.
And then we’re now on the truck scene.
The truck!
This scene is so nostalgic.
Anyway, before anything else, I would like to clear dsdsthat we should not take calls or text while driving. Either you are driving a normal car or a truck or a motorcycle, do not play around with anything and focus your eyes on the road.
But to answer the question imposed to me - since it specifically says from the first episode - this scene isn’t brought by Myul Mang; this happened naturally as the sun sets in the west and rises from the east. Dongkyung was just in a wrong place and a wrong time.
Her cancer just acted out randomly as it should be. In the middle of the road. While Myul Mang was on the other side.
Does Myul Mang know it will happen?
Yes he does.
But did he send out the truck there?
No he did not. 
As evidenced with Myul Mang actually saying that 'the deity is on my side'
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Besides, it’s the road so it is normal to see trucks in there in every minute of everyday.
But did Myul Mang used it to his favor?
Of course he did. I mean, he wouldn’t waste the deity’s favor. He used it as a bargain - in short, a coercion. In the brink of death, of course he knew she would accept it either way - because he also knew how she really feels by then. That in reality she did not want to die.
Also a give-away. This is the reason why on the next episodes, he’s constantly asking her what she feels because he can’t hear her anymore. It is because of 2 reasons. (1) out of concern and (2) to know if she changed her perspective about death.
Well, in all actuality, he didn’t just do it to save her. He made himself known. He was basically trying to show off. YES, he was actually trying to show off.
Though it was rational on his part. I mean, the girl didn’t even believe his capabilities at first even if he literally appeared in her dreams and in her office. That actually left him with no other choice.
But if you question referred to is on Episode 2; then the narrative will change in a different level.
On the next episode however, Myul Mang deliberately brought back the same scene - not to show off but to assert dominance of the relationship.
But before that, during that time, they already were in the contract.
Dongkyung was traumatized because of the previous scene rendering her unable to cross the street and Myul Mang arrived to hold her hand. And then they came to a stand-off where Dongkyung asked Myul Mang what could happen if she dies without wishing the world’s doom.
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This was the scene in Episode 2 when he brought the exact scene back to Dongkyung's consciousness. It was to instill fear to the poor little Dongkyung because he was a actually a bit pissed off.
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Aside from being called a fraud - which is really annoying -, Dongkyung was giving the vibe like she don't want to follow by the contract rules (I explained the circumstances below). So he went and asserted his dominance instead.
He basically threatened her.
It’s quite normal. Even though I don’t support it and he changed towards the end anyway but it is his way to make her do his bidding and he wanted to get the contract over with as soon as possible - he’s not the type of deity who would want to laze around humans after all. If it wasn’t because of Sonyeonshin and his damn birthday, anyway, he won’t do any of that things.
And regarding the fair terms Dongkyung asked for...
In this scene, I would say that she should’ve known better. Contracts with deities and gods almost/always end up in total failure - that’s been recorded, stamped and sealed through history, and even if it’s fictional, as an editor she should’ve known.
Plus, Myul Mang already introduced himself properly to her. He’s the cause of death and destruction. And she made a contract with that kind of deity, knowing full well what he was capable off. I think it’s only normal that if she doesn’t follow whatever the rules and terms of the contract, Myul Mang would do anything to equalize whatever he did to Dongkyung.
She can’t just smooch off Myul Mang and his powers only to die without doing his bidding right? I think the threat was just in equal terms.
Okay, okay. Before any misunderstanding could happen between us; allow me to clear up this part as to why Dongkyung was angry at Myul Mang.
When Dongkyung and Myul Mang agree on the contract, the terms was not clearly laid out. It was partially because Myul Mang was in a hurry (he was going to the prison coz the guy he was punishing was going to take his own life. And if he does, then he cannot punish him anymore) - and so the contract has been established without proper terms.
In a sense, Dongkyung was right. But if you look at it in another point of view, she can be wrong as well.
It’s actually a lesson, not only for Dongkyung but to everyone.
Do not agree to contracts without reading the whole terms and conditions written in the contract.
Specify your terms first before signing a contract.
Might as well, not make any contracts with shady people.
But if it’s as good looking as Myul Mang, please do. Just don’t call him blasphemous names - like fraud or swindler.
So I hope I was able to answer your question(s). 
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captainstarkky · 3 years
Doom at Your Service - An Appreciation Post
Before starting this lengthy post about how I love this drama, I would just like to commend the writer - Im Meari. She has done a wonderful job with this series. I am sad that Episode 10, which was supposed to be the most meaningful episode - had the lowest ratings in Korean media.  But still the whole drama as a while was a masterpiece. What can I say? It is philosophical and poetic at the same time. It entails too many meanings and it has born too many questions.
For me, the whole series is the journey to acceptance.
And Myeol Mang represents that.
When we are faced with an imminent death or destruction, our first reaction is to get angry, frustrated. That’s a normal emotional response to a bad news for humans. If you are in the right head, you will obviously cry or either space out, unable to talk for a few minutes. That is how we get frustrated, that is how we get angry.
And remember what Myul Mang said?
“No one could love me. Everyone either resent me or wants me. Or some fear me.”
It roughly translates to layterm as: ‘...everyone resents me’ (no one wants to die) “...wants me” (some wants to die)... “or some fear me.” (everyone is afraid to die)
That’s quite familiar, right? Hmmm? Now proceed.
Now there is actually a theory that talks about grief. It is a psychological construct that has been proposed to explain why people react the way they react when posed with an information they can’t accept. It is a theory of Elizabeth Ross. She called it the 5 Stages of Grief.
According to her, whenever people experience a life changing event - either death, divorce, end of relationship - a person experiences grief and to get out of that, one needs to pass through stages. It is personal and does not entail timelines and schedule - which is harder for someone who has a terminal illness.
Now, some of you might ask: Why and how did you correlate both?
Simple. Because Myeol Mang is destruction. And Tak Dongkyung is dying - she has three months to live, to be specific, she has 50 days to live as of the 10th episode. Therefore, we can say that Tak Dongkyung is currently in this five stages that I’m talking about. 
The story is all about Tak Dongkyung accepting his faith: which is her inevitable death.
By the way, a bit of a trivia, Doom at Your Service wasn’t the only drama who discussed this theory. If you are familiar with Last Romance, the story centers with the theory as well. 
There are five stages of grief as per the theory.
Denial is the stage where a person still cannot accept the fact that he/she is dying. She may be redirecting her attention elsewhere or she’s just ignoring the fact that she is.
Actually before episode 10, Tak DongKyung is still in the spectrum of denial. She doesn’t accept the fact that she’s dying. Not talking about it is the indication. She prepares to die - writes a bucketlist, clear out whatever is holding her in the world, assures her brother, etc. - but in reality, she doesn’t want to die. She is still in the process of denying the fact that she is dying.
She is basically pushing the idea of Myung Mang to the back of her mind.
That’s why, Myul Mang wants her to speak it out. He wants her to accept it with all her heart; because that’s the only way she could fully love him.
That is also the reason why the Deity told her to LOVE HIM ‘because I created them for you, humans.’
You’re not supposed to hate death and destruction. Because in the end of everything, we are doomed to end anyway. So we got to accept it. We got to love it.
Denial is probably the hardest stage to get over to because you know that there is still a lot you can do before you finally accept it out. That’s probably the reason why she stayed there for the longest time.
Anger is when you finally considers the idea of dying - but rejects it out. No one wants to die. And if we are faced with the fact, it is only natural to get angry. But to whom?
Tak Dongkyung hated Myul Mang. And she actually makes her point on this fact during the early episodes. 
She blames him for everything - for a moment.
She might’ve been thinking: why me? And honestly I don’t blame her. Out of all the 7 billion people, you are chosen to have a hundred days to live. If I was her, I would get angry too.
But a little food for the mind: Tak Dongkyung isn’t really angry at Myul Mang. She just want to blame someone for her misfortunes, for her cancer. I mean, she is still young and has a full life to live, she still has to take care of her brother and marry him off a good woman, then all of a sudden, she got cancer. All those plans ruined just because of a few words. And a cocky guy shows up outside her apartment announcing that he’s doom - etce tera, etce tera. Again, If I was her, I would be angry at Myul Mang myself.
Because anger helps us cope.
Although she’s pass that stage now, she certainly have his fair points when it comes to getting angry at our Doom.
Bargaining is a temporary truce. We want our life back so we tend to do everything to get it back. Even if we have to bargain with a demon or something. Some people goes back to their faith, some people risk all their possessions to their doctors. Bottomline, we want to have a chance. A fighting chance.
The second Tak Dongkyung entered the contract with Myul Mang, she already started bargaining.
She started thinking what could be her wish. Even if she never materialized them, she thought of them. So since we are talking about wishes, here are her possible wishes:
People would forget about her when she die.
Wanting to live
Happy Ending
For Myul Mang not to get hurt when she’s gone.
End of the world.
But isn’t the wish supposed to be directed to self?
No not necessarily. If you’re in the early stages of bargaining, it might be the case. But as you move to the later stages, your perspective changes and your wishes will center more on your loved ones. You will want them not to get sad when you pass; or good health for them; good fortune. And that will eventually lead you to the fourth stage - which is depression. Because you know that your wishes for them could never come true.
This is the interesting part.
What is depression? It is the feeling of immense hopelessness especially in her case that she is dying. The fact that your short life will not leave a mark and the fact that you won’t be able t see your loved ones again - that sadness - but to the greater length. To the point of you not being able to function properly in the society.
Where did the depression start? It did not even show in the whole series.
Oh no, it did.
This is the reason why this drama is for those people who can understand social cues - therefore, intelligent people. If you haven’t seen it then it’s a good time to rerun the drama on your laptops.
Tak Dongkyung has always been depressed. She wouldn’t wish the end of the world if she is not.
From the death of her parents, from the constant thoughts of being a burden to her aunt, from her missed interviews, from his brother stopping college, from her sexist boss, from her cheating ex, from her cancer. Everything is just depressing. 
But why can’t we see it?
Depression is a psychological issue. She might present herself as a happy person but there’s no guarantee that she feels the same inside.
That makes sense.
And do you know what’s the peak of her depression? The moment she knew about her sickness. 
The same day she met our handsome Myul Mang.
Acceptance is not necessarily a happy or uplifting stage, for it only means that you are finally in the stage where you have finally made terms with your fate. It is the stage where you’re staring to realize that ‘ah, it’s really here.’
And that, my friends, is the goal of the drama.
Tak Dongkyung who’s always scared, sad, and hated her life must accept it. She must be able to accept her fate and herself. She needs to accept Myul Mang. Her death.
And to be honest, she is making a whole lot of improvement compared to when she was on the previous episodes. She was truthfully falling for Myul Mang and it means that she’s slowly accepting her death.
We can hear her say:
“I’m not scared anymore...”
On the teaser after Episode 10. It can only mean one thing, she is a step closer to acceptance.
Tak Dongkyung’s journey to self-acceptance still is not ending. She still have a few more days.
Technically, she’ll die. But I hope she will not and she will end up with Myul Mang in the end.
With that I would like to make a point: This drama is for philosophical people.
If you cannot understand what is happening, then it’s obvious that you will not be watching it. If you want skinship and lots of cute scenes, then you can watch this - Seo In-guk and Park Bo-young serves us just enough - but you still won’t get it.
You’ll think that it’s going nowhere and eventually drop the drama because all you want is fluff and love story.
I hope it’s not like that.
Just like everyone who shares their thought and theories, breakdowns in here, let us try to read between the lines on what it really wants to tell us.
You will enjoy it, I promise.
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It's been 98 days since he sacrificed himself so she could live longer and happily. Enjoying everything that life gave her. The big things, little things, ugly things, beautiful things, everything.
It's been 98 days since she sobbed on the top stairs, under the rain, after he disappeared in front of her with unfinished sentence. Now she lives her life remembering him in every single thing. In the new season coming, in the wind blows, in seeing a bed of flowers. Because this world is filled with things that disappeared, filled with him.
It's been 98 days since he stayed in the garden. His mother's garden. Missing her. Longing for her. But he did not know that during his time there, he was just finishing his last stage to become human.
It's been 98 days since she lived her life. Seeing her family, friends, doing her job. Being angry, sad, disappointed, happy. Buying herself flower and pretending it was from him. This time, she appreciate every single day. She celebrates her life. She celebrates the good day she spent. She misses him so much, she cried on his bed. And then pick herself up and move on her days.
It's been 98 days since he disappeared in front of her, taking with him her illness. Granting her the gift of life from his own. This time, he blooms beautifully as Cosmos, as his mother showed him. He's ready. "Go back," she said. "She's waiting for you. Go." And so he goes to meet her.
It's been 98 days since she spent her days while talking to him in her head. She wrote their story down as web novel to immortalized, to look back from time to time. To remember him. To thank him for everything. To honor his legacy given to her. Unknowing that he will be back.
It's been 98 days since he hold her hands. Seeing her so close, so warm. So small yet so strong and brave. Her bunny eyes when she realized it was him who held her hand.
It's been 98 days since she hoped and wished and prayed for him to held her hand again. Just once would be fine. Even if it was just for a short while would be fine. She just wanted him to hold her again. And then he did, and she could not believe her eyes. "Am I dreaming again? Is this even real?" She thought, for she dreamt about him so much, she scared to believe that this was real.
"What are you?" She asked.
"Your hand holder." Answered him.
It's been 98 days since they held each others hand, being wrapped in each others hug, under the rain. She still could not believed he returned, and he still could not believed that his demise as Myul Mang was not the real end. They still could not believe that now they have all the time as normal, ordinary humans. Full of love.
After 98 days, this time, they can spent their days together, doing mundane things, meeting people, eating, drinking, laughing, bickering, holding hands, hugging, sleeping together, call each other, without fear of the other suddenly disappear. They still got a long way, their story isn't finished yet. It's just started. They will spend it feeling grateful, thankful, for everything. For the beginning and ending. For everything they have accepted, and everything they will have to decide. And it will be peaceful, ordinary, and human.
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