lagwrites · 3 months
these false vows: an introduction.
summary: silly kids doing silly things :p (actual summary to come)
main characters:
adelaida evangeline romero - the princess
adelaida has had enough with being a princess. an equestrian expert and avid painter, adelaida puts 100% into everything she does(if she sticks to it for more than a week). she loves to talk, but she’s not much of a truth teller, and has been caught in many a lie. can addie stay in the kingdom long enough to gain back her parents’ trust? or will she run away when things get serious?
cillian alexander romero - the prince
cillian is the heir to the throne of krystallia, but he'd much rather be a farmer or merchant. he's fluent in 4 languages, likes public appearances but hates meetings, is terrified of horses, and can't sing to save his life. while he tells his sister adelaida everything, there's one thing only one person knows... and it's not her. will cillian reveal his true self to his family? or stay silent forever?
yuhi ishizaki & orion halloway - the love interests
a knight and a stable boy, but also the secret lovers of some of the most important individuals in krystallia. will yuhi remain loyal to his charge, or return to his country when given the chance? will orion sympathize with cillian's plights, or will he never realize the burden of being a royal?
odella emilie young - the lady and the ???
odella is a stereotypical villan, keeping the prince from his true love. but is she really?
laggy rambles:
finally. omg im spiraling away from this project alr and im SCARED lmao, i have a history of not finishing these things and its freaking me out. but im determined to see this through! anyways, writings going okay. im about a third of the way through chapter two and am struggling BUT ITS OKAY!!!!! everyone is going to have writers block at some point and i just have to power through. rn, we are at 4k words! trying to keep to a 2.5k min for each chapter but im not going to force it if it doesnt feel right. my goal for this book is probably 90-100k words? about 40-50 chapters i think, but we'll see how it goes. im hoping to get this book agented and traditionally published, but as this is my first book and i don't have a ton of experience, i expect i'll probably go indie. in general, im so excited for the road that lies ahead!
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zincbot · 1 year
dnd was cancelled tonight so i played a solo game of You Died
HIGHLY recommend. it was incredibly fun. I've always wanted to play dark souls, but my slow reaction time and lack of hand-eye-coordination held me back. I now feel like I have that experience.
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blood-mocha-latte · 6 months
Top 5 fave clothes you own?
ewi i will not lie half of these are actually odellas lmao. however i am Counting it because of Joint Savings.
not including photos because i've been going through a bit of a relapse but have some Vague explanations. might show photos at a later date <3
5 - homemade apron
prange and purple and halloweeny! della hand sewed it and i love it sm it's Shite as an apron but cute asf
4 - apples and shit
apple dress! a dress!! with apples on it!! styled in the good ol' 50s vibes and very Swishy <3
3 - sooo professional
i wore this to a work conference Once and loved it. basically High Waisted pants and lacey vampire-esque shirt
2 - Christmas Present
"how do you expect to slay the huns with dust on your jump wings?" odella's christmas present, which is her favorite band of brothers quote because. it's Us. homemade shitty material lots of Attached Emotion
1 - jacket.
gray. xxxxL. everyone needs an Oversized Jacket to be Drowned in. i've had this jacket since i was in middle school it's almost everything to me
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evaiskindaweird · 2 years
What's some of the more Severe differencws between reboot and original that ye have in mind?
Well, I don't wanna change a lot, but..
More angst since y'know...middle school
More sad scenes
more steven boxlietner backstory
Oh yeah scoops will punch Odella (Odella is a bully/leader of the newsletter club that told scoops he was "boring" and "unlikable" to HIS FACE. You're gonna hate her in the reboot <3)
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lucyhannahart · 2 years
Major Project - Compilation of ALL Blog Entries PART 2
17/3/23 continued
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I used plenty of props with Lib as well as 2 outfits; 1) blue lingerie set, 2) silky blue dress. I chose to use a silky blue slip dress as in my questionnaire, I received a response from one participant which critiqued the most recent Blumarine runway show for only hiring slim white models. The dress Lib wore was extremely similar to one from the Blumarine show, thus proving that people of all sizes, genders, races etc. can wear styles seen on the runway.
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When it came to editing the images, I felt that enhancing them rather than altering them too heavily was the best way to go. Since some had flash and others didn't, I had to think carefully about the style of editing I used.
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Though I like both the first and second edit here, I feel that the way the skin tone is brought out in the second edit improves the image vastly.
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I then edited a few of these images together ready to upload to Instagram.
One idea I have wanted to execute for a while on the Instagram page is known as a 'seamless carousel' post. Unlike a normal carousel, a seamless one involves posting several images with no visible break in between. I looked up a YouTube tutorial and then created one using the photographs of Lib.
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I love the way this looks and the seamless editing comes across as very professional. My next task was to upload the photographs to the BDTM website and work on the layout.
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As per Odella's recommendation, I created a sticker design. This utilised one of the pictures from the Pamela Anderson inspired shoot.
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I decided to then create a similar design using a photo from the Shades of Cool shoot.
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At this point, I was growing increasingly concerned that I had 'missed' something. I talked to Odella and she confirmed that I had been working steadily and that there was no specific end goal that solidified the end of the project as BDTM is more of a continual project. I asked for advice as to what final improvements I could make and was told to make a plan for development of BDTM in the future.
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mozzawind · 2 years
The Grey Wardens of Ferelden, 9:40 Dragon.
(Click for Better Quality)
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A happy gathering of my favourite Wardens- including fan-made Wardens which you can read more about below the cut!
Senior Warden Roland Stoker - formerly the Warden commander of Starkhaven Stoker was conscripted amongst Ferelden's forces after all of Starkhaven's wardens were wiped out in a mass Darkspawn attack. - Experienced Warrior and former veteran, becoming a Warden at the age of 45
Warden-Commander Miri Surana -Hero of Ferelden - rarely in one place for more than a month at a time- Leaves Alistair in command frequently - in favour of Grey Wardens involving themselves in politics- such as peace talks.
Senior Warden Odella Cousland - Hero of Ferelden - Head of Training new recruits at Vigil's Keep; considered intimidating by younger recruits. - Frequently leaves Vigils keep to visit her fiance in Antiva
Warden Senna Sorlassan - One of the 3 last Wardens of Starkhaven - Doesn't miss Starkhaven and Thirsts for adventure around Ferelden - Knows nothing of her family, Considers the Wardens her place in the world.
Warden Stephen Calhorn - One of the last Starkhaven Wardens - Former Nobility; Misses his home in Starkhaven every day - Usually accompanies Odella and Miri to Balls/parties and Peace Talks due to his noble bloodline.
Be sure to stay tuned! I will most certainly be drawing these guys again when i find the time- feel free to ask anything about them!
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discos-e-pensamentos · 2 months
Bed Thoughts-Milla Sampaio
1-I Can Be Good (Intro)
3-Throwing Words
5-To Dream For
6-Bed Thoughts (Interlude)
7-Aeolus & Breeze
8-Water Mirror
10-Effusive Soul
11-Call It Home
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foreversecrets · 2 years
Proxy Queen
Chapter 3
Steve Rogers x OC (Alodie)
“Where is Alodie?” Odella asked upon entering her father’s study. The treaty had been signed and returned two days ago, Odella had spent all night packing for her journey to meet her new husband. Alodie should have returned to her by now, Odella had forced one of her mothers servants to carry her luggage to the carriage because of her servants prolonged absence. 
Tony looked up at his darling daughter with a wide smile on his face, “Good news cupcake, you won’t be going to Brooklyn.”
“I won’t?”
“King Steven thought himself clever but I count this a blessing. He has consummated his marriage with the proxy making her his lawful wife.”
Odella gave her father a soft smile and cleared her throat to contain her anger, “Does this mean we are still at war?”
“No,” Tony laughed. “The treaty I signed had a hidden clause my advisors failed to note or mention stating the truce would hold true as long as a naivety of the Iron Isles was wedded to the Brooklyn King. Alodie was born here therefore the truce stands and I get to keep you here and pure for much longer.”
“Should we not be offended by his trick?” there was a sharpness to her tone her father failed to notice.
“Steve was once a friend, he would have been a kind husband to you but he knows how I dote upon you. I believe he used this as a way to appease both our advisors, he wanted to end the war and ours wanted a foothold in Brooklyn. It is a win-win, he has allowed me the opportunity to find you a loving marriage instead of treating you as a bargaining chip.”
“He married a peasant!” Tony studied his daughter, her anger wasn’t as contained now, mostly displayed in the tone she used and her furrowed brow. 
“Did you truly wish to marry a man you did not know?” 
Realizing she lost composure for a moment, she batted her eyelashes at her father and used the tone of voice that always got her what she wanted from him. “I wanted to marry a good and kind King, you advertised him as such to me.”
“He is but he is not the only such man.”
“What shall we do now?”
“Now we enjoy our time together before suitors line up along our gates.” Tony came over and kissed his daughter's temple before returning to the tomb he had previously been reading from. 
To say Odella was enraged would be an understatement, livid was more like it. How dare that bitch steal from her? How dare she abandon her role at Odella’s boot? Her parents had plucked Alodie from squarler and this is how that generosity was repaid? This would not stand! Odella returned to her chambers a plot forming in her mind as she pulled a parchment. She sat at her desk to pen a letter to Prince Loki, he couldn’t have gotten far since finalizing the trade deal with the metal workers in a village just outside the capital. Her lover had proposed a scheme she had rejected previously but now it sounded like the greatest plan for revenge. Together they’d assassinate Thor and then, with the joint power of Asgard and the Iron Isles she’d get her vengeance upon Alodie.
Laughter filled the early morning air as everyone gathered at the table broke their fast. Alodie’s father had made assessments and though it was a little late, provided his blessing to Steven. But it wasn’t given for the reasons Steve believed. Norman had watched the way theKing looked at his daughter, he remembers that feeling of blossoming love, of how it needs to be handled with care or it’d blow out like wind putting out a candle. 
“Tony’s response was far better than we hoped to dream,” Buckey nodded to Steve. “But we can’t pretend we didn’t just slight him and all his people.”
“After our meal we shall prepare for the journey home,” Steve nodded to Buck before turning his gaze to the father and daughter at his table. “Travel will take about two days depending on the weather,” then his attention fully turned to Alodie. “You’ve much experience with horses?” To be honest he was concerned about the long journey for her, Buck had mentioned she seemed frightened when he’d helped her mount up the other day and the entire journey from the capital to their camp she hadn’t complained once but she shifted in discomfort regularly. 
“In truth our wedding day was my first astride,” she looked down in shame. “Odella preferred I run alongside her when she rode and we never journeyed far enough without a carriage to warrant my needing to learn.” 
Steve gently used the knuckle of his index finger to lift her chin so she was looking at him, “It's alright, you shall ride along with me but that will add time to our journey. My horse is quite the steed but frequent breaks will be needed.” Forgetting for a moment they weren’t alone, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. The look of utter adoration she offered in response did wonderful things to his heart and soul. 
A clearing of someone's throat caused the newly weds to blush and pull apart, Sam looked to Norman. “Do you know how to ride?”
“It has been some years but I do, my bones may be brittle but I shall endure nonetheless.” Norman smiled.
“Sam and myself shall take your flank for the journey,” Buckey nodded to Steve before turning to Alodie. “Samuel here, shall lead your Queensguard.”
“My Queensguard?” she sounded surprised but understanding fell upon her features. “Right, my life shall be different from here on out.”
“You need not worry,” Steve reassured. “Those at this table are some of my dearest friends, when we return you shall meet Lady Wanda, she shall be your head of staff and assist you in adjusting to the roll.”
“She’s friendly,” Sam smiled wide. 
“He boasts of his wife!” Buckey mocked.
“You taunt me while your own wife nearly stole your position in the Kingsguard.” the three men laughed then.
“Natasha only failed due to her pregnancy, once the baby is born she shall return and remove Buck from his position.”
“My wife is quite skilled but I believe it was I who won our last duel at the last tourney.” Buckey grumbled.
“She was impaired, already the effects of pregnancy taking effect.” 
“Lord Barnes' wife is a skilled warrior?” Alodie turned to Steve, whispering quietly to him alone. Steve nodded. “Such a duty is unheard of for females to take in my home land.”
“You will soon learn how vastly different my people's lives are compared to your previous residence. For instance, the head of our household staff is held by a male. Vision is also responsible for all the organizing, coordination, and decorating for celebration. I imagine he shall have the castle adorned with the finest for your welcoming.” 
“I confess, I find myself both eager and intimidated to see our home. I know not how to be Queen but I wish to sleep by your side each night in a proper bed.”
He smirked at her, “and we shall, I have sent word ahead that the Queens Chambers need not be prepared as you shall reside in my chambers. As for your duties, Wanda has been handling them for several years alongside my mother. Between the two of them I trust you will learn efficiently.”
He saw doubt on her face, she bit her bottom lip before looking to him for reassurances, “What if I do not perform well enough in my role?”
“You will.”
“But what if-”
“Alodie,” he said softly. “You will make a fine Queen, as I previously mentioned our Queens typically were from the peasant class, it is expected you shall need time. But should you struggle, you will have Wanda and my mother for as long as you need.”
“Do you think your mother will approve of me?”
“I should hope.” he smiled, giving her one last peck to her forehead before rejoining the conversation. A blissful moment between his men and the new family he’d obtained to end the war, in just a few hours they’d begin the journey home and he’d be permitted to devote all his time to building their marriage.
The journey back to the Kingdom took five days instead of the estimated two, Alodie’s inexperience on horseback resulted in Steve ordering many more breaks then the men were prepared for. The disgruntled men knew better than to remark upon the situation, they would do the same for their own ladies. At night, the King would help his lady down to the river to soak and ease the pain in her muscles. He did not initiate martial activities, not since their consummation, at first it had been out of an attempt to allow her to adjust to all the changes in her life, now it was due to the ache of her thighs. He reassured her with words each night as he held her in his arms, doting kisses upon her flesh and promising once they reached Brooklyn and she was able to walk without a slight wobble he’d seek her out for such things. 
It was frightening to him how quickly he adapted to her, how quickly she’d earned herself a spot in his heart. While their conversations were jovial and exploritority it was his actions that earned her his affections. Sore and exhausted he discovered she still made attempts to assist and care for all those traveling with them, trying to befriend and wait upon them. At first he assumed it was out of habit due to her previous rank but that was absolute when he saw genuine care in her eyes as she helped prepare meals or remove the armor of the men. She cared for his people and him, not because it was her duty but she found joy in the challenge of constant kindness. It was in those moments of kindness he couldn’t find guilt in himself for the deceit that brought her into his life. 
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syntiment · 5 years
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The Shards of Tomorrow are back with a vacation gone awry and serving some new looks. With new poster and portraits, they’ve got a lot ahead of them. A wedding, a tournament to the death, a court trial and who knows what else. 
I can’t wait to see what these idiots get up to now.
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iamthepulta · 8 years
tagged by @quasarlasar Name: Sarah Nickname: Pulta, Lovely Zodiac sign: Gemini Height: 5′7ish Ethnicity: Hispanic/White Favorite fruit: Pineapple! and also pears. And grapes. And the good kind of oranges in our backyard. And cherries. Literally all fruit. Favorite season: Fall/Winter. I’m from AZ so that’s a mandatory favorite. xD Favorite book: I would probably be shamed for my favorite book, so I’ll pass. Take To Kill a Mockingbird and WWZ. <333 They are amazing. Favorite flower: AZ wildflowers. They’re like little poppies springing up all over. They’re so, so lovely. Favorite color: Forest green or brown~ Favorite animals: wolves :3 Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Tea! Preferably chamomile or English Breakfast with an occasional mix of mint or green. I LOVE tea. Average sleep hours: 7 Cats or dogs: Dogs. 100%. I am not a cat person. Favorite fictional characters: Hmmm, there are SO many. Let’s go with the most recent: Tyrion Lannister (GoT), Odella Tyrell (GoT); everyone in the little prince. Rick (Rick and Morty). Number of blankets: I’m so done with this question. Why is it added in these asks. It must be a meme thing. /throws up hands.
Dream trip: Iceland. /cries a little. Also Germany, the Nordics, New Zealand, Australia, China, Vietnam, Russia, Alaska, and jfc everywhere, okay? Don’t ask me this question I’m sad now.  Blog created: like 8 months ago. Something like that. Number of followers:  134 I tag @musicforthehead, @jellybunny-x
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allaboutmusicpl · 8 years
Rok temu od początku stycznia prawie do samego końca każdy z redaktorów publikował swoje duże, subiektywne podsumowanie roku. Łącznie było to prawie 20 artykułów. W tym roku postanowiliśmy skondensować napływ informacji i podzieliliśmy redakcję w cztery grupy i całość opublikujemy jako cztery zbiorcze artykuły. Na sam początek idzie Zarząd AAM – Dwa Łukasze, jedna Marta, jedna Ola i Darek. A w przyszłym tygodniu zakończymy podsumowywanie roku wielkimi listami – najlepszych albumów i najlepszych utworów roku 2016, a także najważniejszych wydarzeń i rozczarowań.
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Beyoncé – Lemonade
Rihanna – ANTi
Zayn – Mind of Mine
Panic! At the Disco – Death of a Bachelor
Tom Odell – Wrong Crowd
Ralph Kamiński – Morze
Kings of Leon – Walls
Brodka – Clashes
OneRepublic – Oh My My
Shawn Mendes – Illuminate
Alicia Keys – Here
Krzysztof Zalewski — Złoto
Idina Menzel – Idina.
Britney Spears – Glory
Sia – This Is Acting
Céline Dion — Encore un soir
Måns Zelmerlöw — Chameleon
Sylwia Grzeszczak — Tamta Dziewczyna
Agnieszka Chylińska — Forever Child
Lady Gaga — Joanne
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Rok 2016 był piękny. Kilka moich najukochańszych artystów wydało swoje albumy, a wśród nich Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, Celine Dion czy… Britney Spears. Kilku artystów za sprawą wydanych albumów z listy lubianych przeskoczyli do listy kochanych. Pojawiło się kilku debiutantów.
Bezapelacyjnie najlepszym albumem dla mnie okazało się Lemonade Beyoncé. Jeden z głównych krążków 2016 roku, do których często wracam. W 2013 roku Bey w moim podsumowaniu roku przegrała z Justinem Timberlake’iem (selftitled vs. The 20/20 Experience), w tym roku pokonała wszystkich. Wydawnictwo pokochałem od razu i byłem wręcz pewien, że znajdzie się w tym miejscu, w tym zestawieniu.
Niespodziewanie, o czym wcześniej wspomniałem, jedna artystka przeskoczyła z lubianych do kochanych. Jest to Rihanna. Jej Anti tak bardzo mnie zaskoczyło, że momentami myślałem, czy nie dać jej na miejsce pierwsze zamiast Queen B, albo ogłosić dwóch miejsc pierwszych. Tak, to jest ta dobry album. No i zawiera piosenkę roku, ale o tym za chwilę.
Trzecią lokatę zarezerwowałem dla Zayna, który niespodziewanie bardzo mnie zaskoczył. Jego album bije na głowę wszystko, co do tej pory wydało One Direction. Nie spodziewałem się tak dobrego krążka, ale oto jest. Mam nadzieję, że nie będzie to jednorazowy wybryk i jego kariera nadal będzie się prężnie rozwijać.
Na dalszych miejscach wielu zaskoczeń nie ma, są artyści przeze mnie kochani i lubiani, ale są też ciekawe zaskoczenia. Przede wszystkim na czwartym miejscu krążek Panic! at the Disco. Gdyby nie fakt, że tytułowy utwór Death of a Bachelor został wydany w 2015, to w utworach roku umieściłbym go na czwartym miejscu! Zaskoczeniem może być też niesamowity album Ralpha Kamińskiego, który jest dla mnie najlepszym polskim albumem, przebił nawet Brodkę (w moim mniemaniu). W mojej dwudziestce znalazło się jeszcze miejsce m.in. dla Toma Odella, którego wydawnictwo bardzo mnie zaskoczyło czy Kings of Leon, którzy wydali album na swoim wysokim poziomie. Jest też Brodka czy Krzysztof Zalewski, a pod koniec Agnieszka Chylińska i Sylwia Grzeszczak.
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Rihanna – Love on the Brain
Beyoncé feat. Kendrick Lamar – Freedom
Zayn – Rear View
Alicia Keys – Illusion of Bliss
Tom Odell — Concrete
Beyoncé — Formation
John Legend – Love Me Now
Beyoncé – All Night
Rihanna – Needed Me
Ralph Kamiński – Jan
Zayn – Fool for You
Kings of Leon – Over
Agnieszka Chylińska – Królowa łez
Beyoncé feat. Jack White – Don’t Hurt Yourself
Shawn Mendes – Mercy
LP – Lost on You
Alicia Keys – Pawn It All
Brodka – Horses
Krzysztof Zalewski – Miłość Miłość
Britney Spears – Slumber Party
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Wybranie najlepszych utworów było dosyć trudne, ponieważ przez pół roku pierwsze trzy miejsca żonglowały między tymi pozycjami. Raz królowało Love on the Brain, raz Freedom, a dosyć często Rear View. Ostatecznie jednak stwierdziłem, że to Love on the Brain zasługuje na to uznanie, na drugi miejscu umieściłem Freedom, a TOP 3 zamknie Zayn.
Beyoncé znajduje się jeszcze na miejscu 6. (Formation), 8. (All Night), 14. (Don t Hurt Yourself)., Rihanna na 9. (Needed Me). a Zayn na 11. (Fool for You). To był zdecydowanie rok Beyoncé.
W mojej dwudziestce znalazło się jeszcze miejsce między innymi dla niesamowitego Illusion of Bliss Alicii Keys, Concrete Toma Odella czy Love Me Now Johna Legenda. To naprawdę doskonałe kawałki!
W tym roku moje zestawienie utworów jest bardziej zróżnicowane niż rok temu, gdzie 6 kawałków w TOP 10 zajmowała Adele. Ale to dlatego, że w tym roku wiele artystów wydało bardzo dobre utwory, które biły się o kolejne lokaty. I tak powstała moja 20… na ten moment. Pewnie za miesiąc albo pół roku ułożyłbym ją zupełnie inaczej (z zastrzeżeniem, że do TOP 4… może TOP 5 jestem w 100% pewny).
Najmniej pewny jestem pozycji 6-10, gdzie prawie wszystkie najchętniej umieściłbym na miejscu 6., są prawie tak samo równo dobre (tak, ten polski Jan Ralpha również!).
Po więcej zapraszam na mojego bloga – Łukasz Mantiuk Blog best of 2016
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[su_row] [su_column size=”1/2″][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″][/su_column] [/su_row]
[su_column size=”1/2″]
Ralph Kaminski – Morze
Brodka – Clashes
Paweł Domagała – Opowiem ci o mnie
Ania Dąbrowska – Dla naiwnych marzycieli
Maria Peszek – Karabin
Taco Hemingway – Marmur
Ten Typ Mes – Ała.
Organek – Czarna Madonna
Fisz Emade Tworzywo – Drony
Nash – Trik
[su_column size=”1/2″]
Paweł Domagała – Gdybyś była
Ralph Kaminski – Jan
Adam Stachowiak – Mamo
Daria Zawiałow – Kundel Bury
Brodka – Horses
Alicja Majewska – Wszystko może się stać
Joanna Kondrat – Karma
Ten Ty p Mes – Jak Nikt
Organek – Mississippi w ogniu
Pola Rise – Behind
[su_column size=”1/2″]
Rok 2016 upłynął mi głownie pod znakiem polskich albumów. Zapewne moi redakcyjni koledzy skupią się głównie na wydawnictwach zagranicznych, dlatego przygotowałam TOP 10 polskich albumów i utworów. Miejsce 1. należy bezapelacyjnie do Ralpha Kamińskiego i albumu Morze. To po prostu świetny debiut. Tuż za nim Brodka w swojej odmienionej wersji. Podium dopełnia Paweł Domagała z albumem Opowiem ci o mnie. Kolejny debiutant, który pokazuje, że minimalizm w muzyce czasem się opłaca.
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Tym samym mam dla was moje top 10 utworów. Otwiera je Gdybyś była Pawła Domagały, spokojny i bardzo intymny numer. Następnie Jan Ralpha Kamińskiego, generalnie uwielbiam wszystkie utwory, ale ten najbardziej utkwił i w pamięci. Podium dopełnia Mamo Adama Stachowiaka, którego poznaliśmy w The Voice of Poland. Wzruszająca kompozycja. Powyżej cała dziesiątka utworów, które w 2016 roku uważam za warte uwagi.
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David Bowie – Blackstar
Solange – A Seat at the Table
PJ Harvey – The Hope Six Demolition Project
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Skeleton Tree
James Blake – The Colour In Anything
Chance the Rapper – Coloring Book
Frank Ocean – blonde
Esperanza Spalding – Emily’s D+Evolution
The Last Shadow Puppets – Everything You’ve Come To Expect
ANOHNI – Hopelessness
Kendrick Lamar- untitled unmastered.
The Lumineers – Cleopatra
Norah Jones – Day Breaks
Jack Garratt – Phase
Radiohead – A Moon Shaped Pool
Brodka – Clashes
Blood Orange – Freetown Sound
Bon Iver – 22, A Million
Angel Olsen – My Woman
Frank Ocean – endLESS
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Rok 2016 był niezwykle bogaty, jeśli chodzi o wydawane krążki. Część z nich zachwyciła, część lepiej pozostawić bez komentarza. Wśród tej pierwszej grupy mógłbym wymienić około 30 albumów, które pozostaną w moich słuchawkach na lata, takie do których będę wracał, mimo że będą pojawiać się kolejne. 20 z nich prezentuję powyżej. Niekwestionowany i zarazem pożegnalny numer jeden ubiegłego roku to dla mnie David Bowie i jego arcydzieło Blackstar. Wokalista pożegnał się ze swoimi słuchaczami w wielkim stylu, prezentując album perfekcyjny pod każdym względem. To również jeden z jego najlepszych krążków, pokazujący spektrum emocji, dźwięków, bólu, dynamiki.
Drugim najlepszym albumem tego roku jest dla mnie krążek mniej znanej, ale bardziej utalentowanej siostry Knowles. Solange pokazała tym albumem, że daleko w tyle zostawiła Beyoncé i Lemonade, prezentując kilkanaście utworów oszczędnych i bogatych zarazem w swoim odbiorze. To album prawie perfekcyjny, pokazujący nowe spojrzenie na czarną muzykę, nieprzesadzony, w punkt, szczery. Na podium załapała się u mnie także amerykańska wokalistka PJ Harvey, której bogactwo dźwięków nie zna granic, a mocne podłoże społeczno-polityczne tekstów, jest tu na miejscu. Nie ma piosenki na tym albumie, do której średnio raz na tydzień bym nie wracał.
Reszta albumów to przede wszystkim kontynuacja krążków bardziej alternatywnych, niż popularnych. Znajdziemy tu i czarne oblicze rapu od Chance the Rapper, modern jazzową Esperanzę Spalding czy folkową ANOHNI.
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Sigur Rós – Óveður
David Bowie – Blackstar
Laura Mvula – Overcome
PJ Harvey – The Ministry of Defence
Frank Ocean – Pink + White
Solange feat. Sampha – Don’t Touch My Hair
Childish Gambino – 33
Kanye West – Champions
NAO – Girlfriend
Alicia Keys- The Gospel
Esperanza Spalding – Good Lava
ANOHNI – Drone Bomb Me
Justice – Safe and Sound
Bat for Lashes – Sunday Love
Beyoncé feat. Jack White – Don’t Hurt Yourself
Angel Olsen – Shut Up Kiss Me
David Bowie – I Can’t Give Everything Away
Christine & The Queens – Tilted
serpentwithfeet – blisters
Brodka – Santa Muerte
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Przy tylu świetnych albumach, ciężko jest wybrać 20 najlepszych utworów. Część z nich znalazła się na moich ulubionych krążkach tego roku, część jednak pochodzi z innych wartych uwagi. Wyjątek stanowi kompozycja islandzkiej grupy Sigur Rós, która wydała pojedynczy singiel zapowiadający nową płytę. To wyjątkowa kompozycja, moim zdaniem najlepsza jaka ukazała się w tym roku. Jeśli zespół pociągnie jego wysoki poziom przez cały album, to możemy spodziewać się niesamowitego materiału. Numer dwa w tym roku to dla mnie tytułowy utwór ostatniego albumu Davida Bowie – Blackstar. To kompozycja wielowymiarowa, z mnóstwem przeskoków, zmian tempa, frazowania – to tak jakby nagrano trzy osobne utwory i w najlepszym tego słowie znaczeniu połączono je w jeden. Podium zamyka charyzmatyczna Brytyjka Laura Mvula z piosenką Overcome, w której pokazała się z nowej, jakże piękne strony. Brawo dla niej.
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20. Broods – Conscious 19. The Lumineers – Cleopatra 18. Taco Hemingway – Marmur 17. Emeli Sande – Long Live the Angels 16. Brodka – Clashes 15. DNCE – DNCE 14. Kygo – Cloud Nine 13. Drake – Views 12. Sia – This Is Acting 11. The Last Shadow Puppets – Everything You’ve Come to Expect 11. Krzysztof Zalewski – Złoto 9. Rihanna – Anti 8. The 1975 – I Like It When You Sleep, for You Are So Beautiful yet So Unaware of It 7. Kings of Leon – Walls 6. Jack Garratt – Phase 5. One Republic – Oh My My 4. Panic! At the Disco – Death of a Bachelor 3. Organek – Czarna Madonna 2. Tom Odell – Wrong Crowd 1. Bastille – Wild World
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Rok 2016 obfitował w wiele muzycznych premier. Było wiele wyczekiwanych powrotów, zaskakujących albumów oraz ciekawych debiutów. Wybór tylko 20 najlepszych płyt kończącego się roku było wręcz katorgą. W moim odczuciu każde słuchane przeze mnie wydawnictwo zasłużyło na chociażby odrobinę miejsca w tym zestawieniu. Ale nie! Zasady są jednak nieubłagane i wyżej możecie zapoznać się z moim ostatecznym wyborem.
Tak się ciekawie złożyło, że moje TOP3 to drugie płyty w dorobku poszczególnych artystów. Podium otwiera Organek z rewelacyjnym albumem Czarna Madonna, który nie tylko utwierdził mnie w przekonaniu, że polska muzyka ma się lepiej niż dobrze, ale także potwierdził, że Tomasz Organek i spółka czego się nie dotkną to zamienią od razu w złoto.
Drugie miejsce należy do Toma Odella i jego krążka Wrong Crowd. Brytyjczyk powrócił na muzyczną scenę po jakimś czasie i od razu zaskoczył swoją przemianą. Szybsze tempo, odważniejsze teksty oraz ciekawe eksperymenty w warstwie dźwiękowej sprawiły, że druga płyta Toma ukazała nam jego inną twarz. Brawa za odwagę.
Pierwsze miejsce zaś bezapelacyjnie należy do zespołu Bastille. To co przedstawili nam na Wild World jest wprost nie do opisania. Na tym albumie nie ma dosłownie ani jednej złej piosenki! To niesamowite móc obserwować jak zespół się rozwija i serwuje nam tak dobre wydawnictwo. Bastille rozkwitło pod każdym względem. Ich nowy materiał jest dojrzalszy, a sami muzycy są pewniejsi tego w jaką muzyczną stronę chcą podążać. Jestem pod ogromnym wrażeniem progresu jaki zrobili i dlatego też będąc nadal pod wpływem ich płyty Wild World, umieszczam ich na samym szczycie najlepszych albumów 2016 roku.
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20. Justin Timberlake – Can’t Stop The Feeling 19. Bovska – Kaktus 18. Tom Odell – Wrong Crowd 17. DNCE – Body Moves 16. Kygo feat. Kodaline – Raging 15. One Republic feat. Peter Gabriel – A.I 14. Lady Gaga – Perfect Illusion 13. Broods – Free 12. Kings of Leon – Waste A Moment 11. Sia – The Greatest 10. Krzysztof Zalewski – Miłość Miłość 9. Panic! at the Disco – Victorious 8. Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna – This Is What You Came For 7. Drake – One Dance 6. Organek – Mississippi w ogniu 5. Royal Blood – Where Are You Now 4. Adam Lambert ft. Laleh – Welcome to the Show 3. Taco Hemingway – Deszcz na betonie 2. Twenty One Pilots – Heathens 1. Bastille – Send Them Off!
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Jeżeli chodzi o najlepsze piosenki 2016 roku to wybór był jeszcze cięższy niż przy albumach. Trudno wybrać te 20 najlepszych. Dlatego też nie lubię takich podsumowań… Jednak przy ostatecznym wyborze kierowałam się statystyką, która pokazała jakie kawałki słuchałam najchętniej w mijającym roku. Bez wątpienia dało mi to jasny pogląd na to jak powinno wyglądać moje zestawienie.
I tak oto według mnie trzecią najlepszą piosenką 2016 roku zostaje Deszcz na betonie Taco Hemingwaya. Genialna produkcja, szczery do bólu tekst i chwytliwy refren sprawiły, że trudno przejść obojętnie obok tej piosenki. Taco niejednokrotnie pokazał na co go stać – tym razem jednak podniósł sobie poprzeczkę bardzo wysoko serwując fanom kawałek, który na długo pozostaje w pamięci.
Drugie miejsce zajęła piosenka Heathens nagrana na potrzeby soundtracku Suicide Squad przez amerykańską grupę Twenty One Pilots. Do filmu można mieć zastrzeżenia, jednak tej kompozycji trudno czegokolwiek odmówić. Mroczna, psychodeliczna, oryginalna nuta z genialną wręcz melodią. A ten „delikatny” wokal jaki prezentuje nam Tyler Joseph! Cudo! Bez wątpienia to właśnie chwytliwy refren sprawił, że świat oszalał na punkcie Heathens.
Jednakże niekwestionowanym zwycięzcą zostaje Send Them Off brytyjskiej grupy Bastille. Od razu w ucho rzuca się ciekawy, mocny, emocjonalny refren. Cała kompozycja jest taneczna, co tylko dodaje jej uroku. Niebanalny tekst również zasługuje na docenienie. Refren jak w przypadku całego mojego TOP3 jest tak chwytliwy, że trudno go wyrzucić z pamięci. Mogę śmiało stwierdzić, że piosenka ta idealnie prezentuje nowe oblicze Bastille. Send Them Off! Zostanie ze mną jeszcze na długi, długi czas…
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Ariana Grande – Dangerous Woman
James Arthur – Back from the Edge
Little Mix – Glory Days
Emeli Sande – Long Live the Angels
Lindsey Stirling – Brave Enough
Zayn – Mind of Mine
Rihanna – Anti
Delta Goodrem – Wing of the Wild
Shawn Mendes – Illuminate
Tove Lo – Lady Wood
Alicia Keys – Here
Meghan Trainor – Thank You
Jojo – Mad Love
Bastille – Wild World
OneRepublic – Oh My My
Beyonce – Lemonade
Tom Odell – Wrong Crowd
Britney Spears – Glory
Gwen Stefani – This Is What The Truth Feels Like
Foxes – All I Need
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Wybranie trzech najlepszych albumów z tylu dobrych krążków wydanych w minionym roku było niezwykle trudne. Po dłuższych przemyśleniach zdecydowałem, że moje top3 zamykać będzie Glory Days. Bez wątpienia najlepszy album w karierze Little Mix, który pokazał ich wszystkie mocne strony, zaskoczył nawet najwierniejszych fanów i zwyczajnie im się udał.
2 miejsce należy do zwycięzcy jednej z edycji X Factora, Jamesa Arthura. Nigdy bym nie przypuszczał, że wokalista powróci w takim stylu. Te 3 lata przemyśleń i spokojnego tworzenia zaowocowały albumem, który zaskakuje i powala pod każdym względem.
Złoty medal trafia jednak w ręce Ariany Grande. Jako jej wielki fan od dawna wiedziałem na co ją stać. Przyznam jednak szczerze, że nawet ja nie spodziewałem się po niej takiej płyty. Wokalistka dorosła, pokazała swoją ostrzejszą i bardziej kobiecą stronę, przestała zwracać uwagę na komentarze innych i zerwała wszelkie ograniczające ją więzy. Dangerous Woman to płyta zbliżona do ideału. Grande wokalnie wzbiła się na wyżyny swoich możliwości i udowodniła mi, że ma jeszcze kilka asów w rękawie. Nie wiem co Ariana będzie musiała zrobić, aby przebić ten oto krążek.
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Delta Goodrem – Heavy
James Arthur – Train Wreck
Little Mix – Power
Rihanna – Love On the Brain
Ariana Grande – Into You
Ariana Grande – Touch It
Ariana Grande – Dangerous Woman
Alicia Keys – Illusion of Bliss
Shawn Mendes – Mercy
Zayn feat. Kehlani – Wrong
Bridgit Mendler – Do You Miss Me At All
Zayn – Rear View
Emeli Sande – Somebody
Emeli Sande – Hurts
Meghan Trainor – Kindly Calm Me Down
Beyonce – Daddy Lessons
Lindsey Striling – Gavi’s Song
LP – Lost On You
Alicia Keys – Holy War
Tom Odell – Sparrow
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Brązowy medal w kategorii najlepszy utwór wydany w 2016 roku trafia do zespołu Little Mix. Dziewczyny w utworze Power dały czadu jak nigdy dotąd. Do dziś kiedy słucham tego utworu wciąż reaguję w ten sam sposób: szczęka mi opada, nogi rwą się do tańca a w głowie pojawia jedna myśl, skąd one mają w sobie tyle energii?!
Srebrny medal otrzymał w tym roku James Arthur z utworem Train Wreck. Bez wątpienia najlepszy utwór w jego całej karierze. Piękny tekst, perfekcyjny i dopracowany wokal oraz doskonały przekaz emocji związanych z utworem. Świetna robota James!
Złoto trafia w ręce wokalistki, która poznałem dopiero w tym roku. Delta Goodrem szybko skradła moje serce. Gdy słuchając albumu Wing of The Wild dotarłem do ballady Heavy wprost zaniemówiłem. Ten kawałek jest tak bardzo przepełniony emocjami, że nawet najtwardsze serce mięknie przy jego słuchaniu. Dodatkowo Delta prezentuje w nim całą gamę swoich wokalnych zdolności i sprawia, że nie ważne ile razy słucham tego utworu, to za każdym razem przeżywam go w ten sam sposób.
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Best of 2016. Najlepsze albumy i utwory redakcji All About Music Cz. 1 (Łukasz Mantiuk, Marta Mrowiec, Łukasz Jaćkiewicz, Aleksandra Żeleźnik, Dariusz Kozera) Rok temu od początku stycznia prawie do samego końca każdy z redaktorów publikował swoje duże, subiektywne podsumowanie roku.
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blood-mocha-latte · 6 months
22 (say three things about a person you love)
odella my light my life. i would choose a beautiful wonderful mutual(s), but that's a separate ask altogether, as i have Much to say on Every Single One of my mutuals <3
1 - we've had the hardest fucking two years of all time, and she has been a motherfucking trooper
2 - when janovec died in band of brothers she straight up laid on the floor it was simply Too Much
3 - she thought that hoosier and jon bernthal in the pacific were the same person and like. babe. HOW
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evaiskindaweird · 2 years
Wordgirl reboot news!
Episode names/info for the reboot (Season 1)
Episode 1: First day blues/The reminder  (Middle school!; The reminder of a broken friendship
Episode 2: Chuck’s good sandwich/Ice to meet you! (Chuck makes a banging sandwich/A new villain named Icy!)
Episode 3: The observer/Raise the steaks! (The observer comes to town; The butcher tries to outdo the Observer)
Episode 4: An unstoppable duo/Gone with the wind (Stella and Dr. Two brains hatch a plan as the Botsford’s try and find out who broke Sally’s vase; Windy McCloud comes to town!
Episode 5: Thinking Big/Love, am I right? (Mr. Big and the observer work together; two Botsford’s, two blondes)
Episode 6: Family reunion/Question and redundant! (A family reunion...with an interruption; Ms. Question and Lady Redundant woman work together!)
Episode 7: Machine of memories/Where did all the color go? (Wordgirl accidentally gets transported into the memories of an old friend;Miss power takes all the color of the city!)
Episode 8: The pumpkin monster/Ham sandwich! (The wordgirl squad runs into the pumpkin monster!; Chuck and the Butcher team up!)
Episode 9: Family matters/ Groovy Granny! (Stella finds out about her past; Granny may starts a new scam)
Episode 10: Roping ties/The challenge! (Amazing rope guy teams up with Liam;Odella and Scoops start a newspaper writing challenge!)
Episode 11: Sienna Loveheart/ Victoria is...the best? (Dr. Two brains *more importantly Steven’s* ex comes to town; Victoria starts questioning her morals after losing the nicest person trophy)
Episode 12: The reveal Pt.1 and 2 (The observer’s identity reveal)
Episode 13: Can we still be friends? (The season finale)
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lucyhannahart · 2 years
Major Project Update 30/1/23 - 9/2/23
I had a varying level of success with my video interviews in Brighton. Many people approached me with enthusiasm, or responded kindly when I approached them to participate. Many onlookers stared at me, which I expected. In one instance, I had someone make a derogatory comment, stating that they 'wanted to talk about sex with me' in a manner that made me feel uneasy. Though this was uncomfortable, it definitely played into the idea that men see openness about sexuality as a means of taking advantage of people and thus proved a lot of the points I am aiming to make in this project.
Having conducted the video interviews, my next step was to edit my clips down into short form video content to upload as TikToks or Reels. I've had some difficulty with this as the most recent Premiere Pro update has moved a lot of tools around therefore reducing my ease of use.
Recently, whilst researching for this project, I came across a video in which ex-MEP Alex Phillips cited the new Sam Smith video for an increase in reports of sexual misconduct, also referring to David Carrick's presence in the Met police and the sexual crimes he committed during that period. This shocked me, as I believe there to be no correlation between somebody expressing their sexuality creatively through costuming, dance and other visual elements, and crimes that greatly impact and disturb others. This led me into creating another post for the BDTM Instagram which tackled the perception of lingerie, sexuality and how bigotry can misinform people.
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On this day I had my usual seminar with Odella and was able to update her on my progress. She recommended looking into the relevance of BDTM in the fashion industry.
I believe the relevance that 'burn down the mansion' has within industry is championing the creation of fashion content that considers its' impact on those who view it. The movement we are pushing aims to change the way that fashion media is produced, valuing creativity and representation at its' core. This could affect the way in which many existing fashion brands and publications operate. From a business perspective, BDTM could be beneficial as it could help to encourage sales. If people feel represented rather than excluded, they are far more likely to buy from a brand, or at least have a positive view of it.
Another recommendation from Odella was to be more daring in the content I create. As part of this challenge, I want to utilise an older model in a BDTM campaign. Not only will this prove that diversity as at the heart of BDTM but it will also go directly against the standards set by the media - increasingly youthful people dressing in a provocative way. In order to get this process underway, I began brainstorming concepts and created a moodboard.
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I specifically wanted to use an older woman in this photoshoot, because as women get older, the media tends to "forget" about them. Far more young models, actresses or people in non-media related fields are offered opportunities that their older counterparts are not given. This same phenomenon does not extend to men in the same way. I also believe that women of this age are discouraged from embracing their sexuality, so I want to encourage this to change in a raunchy, fun way.
My reasoning behind using Pamela Anderson as inspiration is because I see her as someone who had her identity stolen from her. Anderson was a victim of a sex tape leak in 1995, which caused her career to collapse and her reputation to be ruined. Though neither Anderson nor then-husband Tommy Lee consented for the tape to be distributed, they were forced the sign the rights to it away after a laborious legal battle. I felt as if utilising Pamela's likeness in a way that is powerful would be extremely effective.
Finding models for this is proving to be hard; at this point I have used Facebook groups, contacted my parents' friends and have had very little luck.
During this time period, I have been focusing on editing down the TikTok video. It's been a very lengthy process and I have been very slow to edit it, as I don't tend to create short-form content and am not used to having to edit down 2-3 minute long clips of people talking. Additionally, I wanted to make the video eye-catching in order to grab the attention of TikTok users, as this demographic are used to short, snappy videos. At this point, I am very close to finishing the video, and will probably just need another day to record a voiceover for the intro.
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As I'm quite prone to anxiety, at this point I felt my stress mounting. The self-directed nature of this project caused me to panic as I've felt as if I'm not doing enough. Additionally the lack of following on BDTM's Instagram made me nervous about reaching the goal I had set for myself. I realised that uploading the TikTok/Reel I was making would most likely assist in growing my follower base, so I prioritised finishing it off.
I managed to finish the TikTok then showed it to Odella, Louis and Kitty, who all gave me really positive feedback. This boosted my confidence a lot as I was very nervous throughout the editing process and was convincing myself that the video wasn't goof enough. I was praised for my editing ability and my diverse array of interviewees. I was encouraged, for the next pieces of content I created, to try interviewing people in a different area.
I waited for a good moment to upload it, as TikTok's algorithm prioritises videos posted at certain times. I chose popular hashtags by looking at other creators' street interviews. I also uploaded it as a reel on Instagram.
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I then ran into huge difficulty as my video got removed on TikTok for violating community guidelines. This meant I had to go back, censor certain words, then attempt to reupload.
Fortunately, the Instagram reel is fine, however I couldn’t upload the full 3.5 minute video as Instagram limits reels to 90 seconds.
My next endeavour for this project is to adjust the video for TikTok, then to create posters and stickers to put around London to gain a larger following for BDTM.
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littlerobinwriter · 6 years
1 and 4?
thank you for the ask my love!’01. which world is your favorite? least favorite? why?Oh, I don’t know really. Both stories kind of coexist in the same broad world, though ‘Bound by Blood/Of Forests and Flowers’ is set in a sort of hidden but in the world? Which may not make a lot of sense but oh well.So ‘Of Forests and Flowers’ is set in Nara and Saharm, which are both on the so-called Lost Cintinent, because it was hidden purposefully during the height of imperialism in this world, to protect itself from ‘the virus’ of it. ‘The Princess and the Pirate’ however, is set between three countries: Calor, Sassea, and Delos, but mostly Calor. I think this is my favourite, purely because Calor is based a lot on Celtic mythology and Scottish folklore, with both Irish and Scottish based prononciations and cultures etc. As Scotland is my home, this makes it so much more fun to explore, and I think the sense of familiarity is also great, even while I learn more about my country’s history and reflect that in my writing.04. is there a royal family? if so, talk about them a little bit! In ‘Of Forests and Flowers’ there used to be a royal family in Nara, however they were gotten rid of in the Iron Guard’s takeover. There is a monarchy in Saharm, however. The reigning monarch is Queen Saffron, whose husband is Prince Artar. They have a single daughter, Princess Laili, who is set to claim the throne on her upcoming 25th birthday (according to Saharman tradition), when there will be mass celebrations throughout the country.Calor, Delos, and Sassea have far more complex and well developed monarchies.The Calen monarchy is, as of the beginning of ‘The Princess and the Pirate’, all but lost in the aftermath of the Sassean invasion. The only ones left are Princess Ceana, the rightful heir to the throne, and her younger brother Conroy. While Ceana was raised in the Delan monarchy, Conroy was raised in Sorcelle with their cousins, and their Ciarlotta is rumoured to still be alive, though no one has seen her for over a decade.The Sassean monarchy is probably my favourite monarchy, for the sole reason that it is so goddamn messy.Sassea was basically founded by three rulers of three separate kingdoms, back in the day: Queen Bysen of Cardin, King Bronson of Elmsley, and Queen Alwyn of Landir. They decided that they would rule together as a council of sorts, in one unified country, as long as their lines were to continue. However, Bronson’s line died out some 100 or so years prior to our story taking place, leaving only two sets of rulers, which then diverged into one as a means to unite the people during the kingdom’s ventures in imperialism and colonialism. As such, there is now King Arthur and Queen Odella, and their children, Prince Cardyl, Prince Ariv, and Princess Lain.Finally, Delos. This kingdom isn’t quite so developed as of yet, but the basics are that the current king is King Orion and the Queen is Queen Rhea. (If you hadn’t noticed, Delos is kind of loosely inspired by Greek mythology.) They have a total of theee children: Prince Helios, Princess Io, and Prince Castor. However, Princess Daphne also resides with them, as the king’s bastard daughter by one of his mistresses, Amalia Arête. While Daphne is the eldest child, she is fourth in the line of succession, and there are many who argue that she should not be in line to the throne whatsoever, due to her illegitimacy. However, it is never an issue to the king, as it is unlikely the crown will ever fall to Daphne. ;)Anyway, uh, I guess that’s it? Thanks for the ask, hon! Xx
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bookquotes17 · 7 years
Brown Girl Dreaming
p>1. Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. —Langston Hughes</p>
<p>2. I am born Negro here and Colored there</p>
<p>3. Hand me that pen, wrote Jacqueline where it asked for a name. Jacqueline, just in case<br>
someone thought to drop the ie. Jacqueline, just in case I grew up and wanted something a little bit longer and further away from Jack.</p>
<p>4. Look closely. There I am in the furrow of Jack’s brow, in the slyness of Alicia’s smile, in the bend of Grace’s hand . . .<br>
There I am . . . Beginning</p>
<p>5. My time of birth wasn’t listed on the certificate, then got lost again amid other people’s bad memory.</p>
<p>6. When my mother comes home from the hospital with me, my older brother takes one look <br>
inside the pink blanket, says, Take her back. We already have one of those. Already three years old and still doesn’t understand how something so tiny and new can’t be returned<br>
<p>7. the girls in flowy skirts that swirl out, when they spin twisting the night away</p>
<p>8. Everyone else has gone away. And now coming back home isn’t really coming back home at all.<br>
<p>9. We call him Daddy. This is what our mother calls him. This is all we know now.</p>
<p>10. There are white men working at the printing press beside Daddy, their fingers blackened with ink so that at the end of the day, palms up<br>
it’s hard to tell who is white and who is not,</p>
<p>11. ’m not ashamed, she says, cleaning is what I know. I’m not ashamed, if it feeds my children<br>
(My god. Wow. That is so selfless)</p>
<p>12. Don’t any of you ever do daywork, she warns us. I’m doing it now so you don’t have to.</p>
<p>13. When she isn’t in it, Hope, Dell and I squeeze in side by side by side<br>
(Hehe. I like the use of it 3 times) </p>
<p>14. At night, every living thing competes for a chance to be heard. The crickets<br>
and frogs call out. Sometimes, there’s the soft who-whoo of an owl lost amid the pines. Even the dogs won’t rest until they’ve howled at the moon. But the crickets always win, long after the frogs stop croaking and the owl has found its way home. Long after the dogs have lain down losing the battle against sleep, the crickets keep going<br>
as though they know their song is our lullaby.</p>
<p>15. Hope searches for himself inside their pages. Leaves them dog-eared by Monday morning. The South his mortal enemy. The South, his Kryptonite</p>
<p>16. As my sister reads, the pictures begin forming as though someone has turned on a television, lowered the sound, pulled it up close</p>
<p>17. In downtown Greenville, they painted over the WHITE ONLY signs, except on the bathroom doors <br>
they didn’t use a lot of paint so you can still see the words, right there like a ghost standing in front still keeping you out</p>
<p>18. What soil is rich enough for planting and the patches of land that need a year of rest. I do not know yet how sometimes the earth makes a promise it can never keep. Tobacco fields lay fallow, crops picked clean. My grandfather coughs again and the earth waits for what and who it will get in return</p>
<p>19. Your God is not my God, he says<br>
(That’s what I say too)</p>
<p>20. But my grandfather says he doesn’t need our prayers. I work hard, he says. I treat people like I want to be treated. God sees this. God knows. At the end of the day he lights a cigarette, unlaces his dusty brogans. Stretches his legs. God sees my good, he says. Do all the preaching and praying you want but no need to do it for me<br>
<p>21. Your hearts are bigger than that! But our hearts aren’t bigger than that. Our hearts are tiny and mad. If our hearts were hands, they’d hit. If our hearts were feet, they’d surely kick somebody!</p>
<p>22. Daddy gave us the swings, my sister tells her. Not God. My grandmother’s words come slowly meaning this lesson is an important one. With the money he earned by working at a job God gave him a body strong enough to work with</p>
<p>23. My mother has a gap between her two front teeth. So does Daddy Gunnar. Each child in this family has the same space<br>
connecting us. Our baby brother, Roman, was born pale as dust. His soft brown curls and eyelashes stop people on the street. Whose angel child is this? they want to know. When I say, My brother, the people wear doubt thick as a cape until we smile and the cape falls</p>
<p>24. When the kids in my class ask why I am not allowed to pledge to the flag I tell them It’s against my religion but don’t say,<br>
I am in the world but not of the world</p>
<p>25. 15. Is that something you made up? Or something real? In my own head, it’s real as anything. In my head all kinds of people are doing all kinds of things. I want to tell him this, that the world we’re living in right here in Bushwick isn’t the only place</p>
<p>26. But my mother accuses me of lying. If you lie, she says, one day you’ll steal. I won’t steal. It’s hard to understand how one leads to the other, how stories could ever make us criminals</p>
<p>27. the way my brain works—so different from everybody around me. How each new story I’m told becomes a thing that happens, in some other way to me . . . ! Keep making up stories, my uncle says. You’re lying, my mother says. Maybe the truth is somewhere in between all that I’m told and memory.</p>
<p>28. It’s easier to make up stories than it is to write them down. When I speak, the words come pouring out of me. The story<br>
wakes up and walks all over the room. Sits in a chair, crosses one leg over the other, says, Let me introduce myself. Then just starts going on and on. But as I bend over my composition notebook, only my name comes quickly. Each letter, neatly printed between the pale blue lines. Then white space and air and me wondering, How do I spell introduce? Trying again and again until there is nothing but pink bits of eraser and a hole now where a story should be</p>
<p>29. Each teacher smiles when they call my name. Woodson, they say. You must be Odella’s sister. Then they nod slowly, over and over again, call me Odella. Say, I’m sorry! You look so much like her and she is SO brilliant! then wait for my brilliance to light up the classroom. Wait for my arm to fly into the air with every answer. Wait for my pencil to move quickly through the too-easy math problems on the mimeographed sheet. Wait for me to stand before class, easily reading words even high school students stumble over. And they keep waiting. And waiting<br>
and waiting and waiting until one day, they walk into the classroom, almost call me Odel—then stop remember that I am the other Woodson and begin searching for brilliance at another desk<br>
<p>30. Infinity and back again, I say the way I’ve said it a million times. And then, Daddy says to me, Go on and add a little bit more to that</p>
<p>31. When I write the first words Wings of a butterfly whisper . . . no one believes a whole book could ever come from something as simple as butterflies that don’t even, my brother says, live that long. But on paper, things can live forever. On paper, a butterfly never dies</p>
<p>32. This is how we bury our dead—a silent parade through the streets, showing the world our sadness, others who knew my grandfather joining in on the walk, children waving, grown-ups dabbing at their eyes.</p>
<p>33. I didn’t just appear one day. I didn’t just wake up and know how to write my name. I keep writing, knowing now that I was a long time coming</p>
<p>34. The world—my world!—like words. Once there was only the letter J and my sister’s hand wrapped around mine, guiding me, promising me infinity. This big blue marble<br>
of world and words and people and places inside my head and somewhere out there, too. All of it, mine now if I just listen and write it down</p>
<p>35. The people who came before me worked so hard to make this world a better place for me. I know my work is to make the world a better place for those coming after.</p>
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