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Ooooh I LOVE the movie RED!!! ❤️ Karl Urban's fight with Bruce Willis is so freakin' iconic. 🤩 I'm already in, babes. Let's dive in.~
Ahh the "hear me out" thing is so relatable lmao. But Marlin?! Really?! 🤣🤣
Four times you’d fallen asleep on your computer and had the imprint of the keyboard on your cheek, three times you’d had a mental breakdown and decided to change your major promising yourself that you were sure you could make it doing freelance whatever the fuck sounded good at that moment, and you couldn’t count the number of times that you’d gone to the library to study only to get distracted by whatever else was better than studying for a physics test.
Oh God, you're giving me Vietnam War-level flashbacks to undergrad when I was stuck until 12 am at the library working on essays and shiz. 🫠
“And I raise you Kerchak from Tarzan!” “The daddy gorilla?” Liza asks, leaning into her fiance, Matt, where he lounges back against the faded maroon leather beside her.
GIRL PLSSS. 💀💀💀 Not "daddy gorilla." 🤣
The stranger sitting at the bar is everything she suggested and more. He’s the kind of handsome that didn’t exist outside of the stack of communal romance novels that sat on the bookshelf in your living room and served as the perfect reminder of how single you were.
Okay, lmfao. I'ma need you to stop calling me out like this. 😂😂
But I so love the description of Russell -- he's a man in a sea of man-boys our age, and there's a distinct difference. 😏
“Hi.” You smile shyly at the man when you meet his gaze. “Hi.” He rumbles with an easy smile while the green of his eyes flashes in the neon sign hanging behind the bar. His voice catches you off guard. You weren't expecting it to be so smooth, silk over your skin, but also like the rough drag of the ocean against sand as it pulls it out to sea. “Hi.” You say again as all other thoughts evaporate from you mind and you fight the urge to facepalm.
LMFAO. Reading this snippet in context is of course even better. I'm dying but also she would so be me in this situation. 😝
“Rain.” Despite the last few seconds of you feeling so awkward it made you want to sink into the floor like quicksand and the fact that your throat is still burning from when the beer went down the wrong pipe, your mouth quirks up in a smile. “The horse from Spirit?”
OMG YESSSSS. Lmfao Rain was beautiful! And I love that you referenced one of my favorite movies. 😆😆 Totally agree that Nala had bedroom eyes. And I raise you Robin Hood from the Disney movie! They did NOT have to draw him that sexy.
“Shut up.” You laugh and raise your hand to hit him on the shoulder, but he catches it with his. The contact of the rough palm of his hand in yours makes electricity zing through your body, bringing a wave of heat coursing behind it. “That’s not very nice. Keep trying to hit me like that and I might have to take you to court, Sweetheart.” He winks.
Miss ma'am!! Don't make me bring out the Out of Order gif again! I had to fan myself when he literally caught her hand. Dear Lord. 🫠
Also, the way I was so shocked and literally laughed out loud at the way she headbutted him. 🤣 Honestly that would probably be me trying to flirt. A+ casting 😂👌🏽
But again, that spice and the way he kissed her melted me like the Wicked Witch of the West. ❤️🔥
“Seriously babe.” Kay begins to back away. “Be safe. Because the last thing you want to pass right now is a pregnancy test.”
lmaooo sage advice! 😂
How could I have been so stupid? He’s going to kill me here and I’ll never know what that physics test did to my GPA. You frown slightly at that thought. It really is weird what goes through your head when you think you’re going to die. “Please, let me explain.” He says again, eyes wide and filled with an emotion that looks surprisingly like regret.
LOL I love her inner monologue. She's so adorkable, but I'm already getting the RED vibes omggg. 🙏🏽
His body lays over yours, curving protectively around you, and his arm is behind you head so when you hit the ground, your head doesn’t.
It's the little things I love loll. 🤌🏽
“Calm down Derek Jeter! I’m not going to murder you, please stop saying that.” “Why?” He frowns and shrugs his shoulders. “Because it’s hurting my feelings a little bit.”
Not me feeling sorry for him right now when she's well within her right to try and beat him with a pink baseball bat. 🤣🤣🤣
I was smiling so hard while reading the rest of this. I was actually so disappointed to get to the end! This was one helluva meet cute, hun. 💜
The thing about your one-shots is that they feel like the start of a series--of an amazing adventure that's about to start. I know you have probably a million WIPs at this point lol, but this does feel like a RED kind of movie and I would love to see more of these two if you ever feel so inspired. ✨

I Can Explain!
Pairing: Russell Shaw x f!reader, Reader POV
Prompt: "How Do You Know Where I Live?"
Requested by: @vixaaa
Summary: When you meet a gorgeous green-eyed stranger at a bar and agree to go home with him, everything goes off the rails and you're strapped in for the ride.
Tropes: Awkward Rom-Com? Forced Proximity? Protective Russell.
Word Count: 10.6 K (But You'll Laugh The Whole Time)
Warnings: An Unhinged Game of "Hear Me Out," References to Sex, Sexual innuendo, Little bit of self-deprecating thought (reader), Reader is kinda awkward and clumsy, Gunfire, Weapons, Talk of Murder, Shooting?, Brief Description of Torture, Brief Description of Murder, Terror, Fear, Cursing, Kissing, I think that's everything? I promise this one is a rom-com despite all the warnings. 😅
Note: This is told from Reader's perspective. Any references to the reader is made using you or your. There is no use of y/n. I tried my best to proofread, but nobody's perfect. If you don’t like, don’t read, but if you do like, you’re my favorite!
Internal monologue is in italics and is in first person.
Main Masterlist
Prompt Celebration Masterlist
A/N: Hey guys! This is another wonderful prompt request that I got for my prompt celebration from the enchanting @vixaaa! This one is based a little bit on the movies "Knight and Day" and "RED." If you've never seen either of those, go and watch them right now. They are some of my favorites!
P.S: Yes, this is the one I've been writing that has just been making me wheeze/cackle laugh the whole time I wrote it...

“Alright, hear me out… Gil, the angelfish from Finding Nemo. There is no way in hell he was made for kids.” Your friend Liza says wobbling slightly on the plush leather bench seat of the booth before taking a shot of vodka. Her peacock blue No. 2 hair shimmers like a beacon in the dimly lit bar.
“That’s low hanging fruit.” Kay snorts from your left while leaning heavily into your shoulder, the smell of her vanilla perfume wafting up with the movement. “That scar? The tragic backstory? And voiced by Wilem Defoe? Sign me up.”
You giggle into the shot glass clasped in your hand before you knock it back, face scrunching at the taste and pleasant burn.
The “Hear Me Out” drinking game your two best friends proposed to clear your head from the nuclear level bombing of an exam you just took in your Physics One class, had been successful so far. You couldn’t remember any of the questions from the test that made you scream obscenities into the strawberry shaped pillows on the couch in your living room earlier. Exactly where the two of them had found you when they got back to your shared apartment at the end of the day.
The live music in the crowded bar thrummed through your veins and the shots were giving you just the right amount of buzz to feel more carefree than you had in the past week. The week that you’d spent approximately one million hours studying for the test and trying to memorize all the formulas that looked exactly the same.
Four times you’d fallen asleep on your computer and had the imprint of the keyboard on your cheek, three times you’d had a mental breakdown and decided to change your major promising yourself that you were sure you could make it doing freelance whatever the fuck sounded good at that moment, and you couldn’t count the number of times that you’d gone to the library to study only to get distracted by whatever else was better than studying for a physics test.
Spoiler alert, there are a lot of things that are.
But you knew you were screwed the second you saw the first question and the rest of them had only been the final nails in the coffin that was the dream of getting an “A” in the class before the semester was over.
The glimmering sheen of hope at the end of the semester you once had, was ebbing to a dim lantern being swung by a lighthouse keeper in a hurricane, hence the large tray of vodka sitting prettily on the water ringed table in front of you.
You were sure to regret every single shot, but your next exam was two days away and you didn’t want to think about it yet, not when the shadow of the last was poking you in the back with a pencil like someone looking for your final piece of gum.
For a Tuesday night, Duke’s, the bar the three of you frequented so often that the rotating circle of bartenders knew you all by name, was crowded.
There was the familiar glow of the neon signs posted on every wall, a new band performing a set on the small stage in the corner, a collection of screaming girls in the front row of the crowd snapping photos and drooling over the base player, a group of frat guys shouting obscenities at a tv blasting a football game, and a few patrons trying to unwind from a long day while nursing multi colored drinks and sitting sporadically around the crowded bar while the bartender of the hour leaned against the counter and tried to hear orders people shouted over the din.
You would have been more than happy to spend the evening on the couch eating a greasy pizza and drinking margaritas back at the apartment, but Kay and Liza refused to let you rot on the couch.
The three of you had been inseparable since freshman year when you’d been assigned as roommates together. Liza was an art major hoping to illustrate book covers one day, Kay was a hardworking pre-med student, and you were… undecided. Physics 1 had been the idea of your advisor, who after a year of trying to get you to declare a major was close to throwing in the towel, you believed that he was using Physics 1 as a form of payback for driving him almost to the point of early retirement.
“Okay, okay I see you.” Kay giggles, before grabbing a fresh shot. Her long black hair is pulled back from her face with a claw clip, but a few pieces bob around her head with the movement of her head to the music. “And I raise you Kerchak from Tarzan!”
“The daddy gorilla?” Liza asks, leaning into her fiance, Matt, where he lounges back against the faded maroon leather beside her.
There was a half full glass of beer sitting in front of him, one he’d ordered when he found out what everyone else at your table was drinking. But he’d been a good sport so far despite all of his suggestions to the game being so obvious there was no reason for him to defend his choice and the rest of you mocking him endlessly for it.
“Sweetie, he could be my daddy any day of the week.” Kay winks and throws back her shot.
“You’re disgusting.” Liza rolls her eyes, refusing to take a shot to agree with Kay.
“Hey! What happened to ‘we listen and we don’t judge?’” You interrupt, putting your arm around Kay who holds up a middle finger in answer to Liza’s taunt.
“Where was that when I said Jessica Rabbit two turns ago?” Matt grouses from his side of the table, crossing his large arms over his chest. His blond hair had tumbled out of the bun at the back of his neck to cover the grass stain on the collar of his jersey. He’d come straight from practice when Liza called.
And then Kay and you had to suffer through the long make out session the two of them had when they reunited as if they’d been separated by war for fifty years and not two hours. They were recently engaged and you loved Matt, which is why you’d let them make out for exactly thirty seconds before Kay and you started making exaggerated gagging noises while they kissed.
Kay’s boyfriend hadn’t been able to get out of work, but Kay was going to walk to the coffee shop inside the library to pick him up when the tray of shots in the center of the table sat empty. Usually you’d worry about that sort of thing, your friend walking alone on campus at night, but because Kay had the highest tolerance out of all of you, Matt included, and a total badass who welcomed the challenge of anyone who tried to test her, you were willing to let it slide.
That and the three of you tracked each other’s location with your phones.
“Because Jessica Rabbit isn’t a hear me out! Everyone knows that she’s super sexy!” You argue. “She doesn’t fit the criteria of this game!”
“She’s right babe.” Liza says, squeezing his arm with a sympathetic smile. “But it’s okay. I love that you’re a basic bitch.”
“But she’s animated!” Matt exclaims, obviously confused.
“So? Flynn Ryder is animated and he’s every woman’s dream.” You shrug, picking up a glass to take your turn.
You begin to shuffle through the mental file folder you have on characters who possessed “the energy” that made them so attractive. Truthfully, Kay and Liza had already said most of the ones you were thinking.
“You want to talk about every woman’s dream?” Kay smirks, her eyes flick over to the bar. “Check out green eyes over there. Holy shit, I’d let him rock me like a hurricane all day and all night!”
“I’ll be sure to tell Sean, your boyfriend of three years-” You begin to say, but Kay pinches your cheeks between her fingers and turns your head so you can see who she’s talking about.
The stranger sitting at the bar is everything she suggested and more. He’s the kind of handsome that didn’t exist outside of the stack of communal romance novels that sat on the bookshelf in your living room and served as the perfect reminder of how single you were.
The man is taller and broader than any of the so-called boys you went to class with each day, his tight fitting dark t-shirt pulling up over muscular arms that rippled with taunt muscles and were decorated with smoky tattoos curling beneath the ink colored sleeves. His chocolate colored hair is long and pushed back over his head, but a few strands hang forward to frame a well defined jaw covered in a thick dusting of facial hair.
Your throat suddenly gets very tight.
The man’s gaze is focused on you, the green of his eyes brilliant, crinkled just around the edges with his smile. He winks and your entire face takes on the identity of a strawberry with your flush.
“Holy shit!” Kay nudges you. “You have to go over there.”
“What?” You squeak. “Are you insane? That guy is-”
“The kind of man who would make you forget all about that physics test?” Liza raises an eyebrow.
“The kind of man who would break the laws of physics with you all night long?” Kay adds. “Babe, come on, it's been months for you. Why don’t you go over there and say hi?”
“No way.” You shake your head vehemently, hyperventilating a little bit at the thought of going up to a complete stranger.
You were not the confident girl in the group that did that. Kay was. It was exactly how she had met her boyfriend Sean three years ago, by using a cheesy pick up line that made him snort so hard he had beer coming out of his nose. Liza wasn’t much better. She’d met Matt in this very bar when her heel broke and she stumbled into where he was sitting with his friends at the bar.
And the truth was it had been a few months since the last relationship (if you could call it that) fizzled out… and with both of your friends in relationships you often were the awkward fifth wheel. It wasn’t that you didn’t like your friends' boyfriends, Matt and Sean were great and they always did their best to make you feel comfortable whenever you were out with everyone, but you were kinda tired of being the spare tire.
“I don’t think we should be encouraging her to go off somewhere with a random man from a bar that she just met.” Matt says with a frown.
Matt often held the braincell in your friend group and was the one who was more focused on making sure that everyone was safe. He was the one who followed up with a text whenever someone left to go home, the one who made sure that everyone stayed together when you were out late, and was usually the designated driver.
“You’re such a hypocrite.” Liza boops Matt on the nose. “You were a random man that I’d never met before. And if I’m not mistaken we met in this very bar.”
“That’s different.” Matt sighs, but he leans towards Liza, the tension dissipating from his shoulders as he looks at her and his frown slips into a smile.
They were one of those couples that no one ever thought would work. Liza was the carefree art major with no plan in the world and Matt was the All American, blue-eyed, blond haired football player that everyone said was “going to do great things” when in reality all Matt wanted to be was Liza’s husband. He didn’t care about anything else, but making her happy. Hence the giant engagement ring on her finger, the same one that he’d let her design because he knew that was important to her.
They were everything you wanted in your own relationship. A beautiful merging of crazy (from you) with someone stable and structured, preferably someone with a strong jaw, brilliant green eyes and-
Great, he’s already invaded my subconscious.
You glance up again to see if the stranger is still looking. He is, but this time his smile is just a little wider, and you watch his eyes drag down the length of your body for a moment appreciatively before flicking back up to yours and catches you doing the same thing.
You weren’t wearing anything revealing, in fact, you hadn’t bothered dressing up to go out because you didn’t feel like it. You were still wearing the blank sweatpants and oversized sweatshirt combo that you’d worn to your exam.
When you caught him looking at you, it made you regret you hadn’t worn something more eye-catching.
“Come on, that guy is checking you out! Go over there.” Kay nudges you, jostling the forgotten tequila shot in your hand.
“He looks like trouble.” Matt says half-heartedly, but he’s too busy staring into Liza’s eyes to really care. Her hands are entwined at the back of his head pulling his forehead down to hers.
When it got to that point of the night, it usually meant that the two of them were about fifteen seconds from calling it an early night and going back to Matt’s apartment. Technically Kay would probably end up there as well because Sean was now Matt’s roommate and that meant you’d have the apartment to yourself…
“How can you tell? Are you looking at his reflection in Liza’s eyes?” Kay takes a shot from the collection of the remaining few in front of her.
“We all know that if Sean was here, you’d already be practicing your scuba breathing.” Liza gently brushes back the few strands of blond hair that hang forward into Matt’s face which only makes him sigh softly and look at her like she’s the last woman on earth.
You try not to be jealous.
Kay only rolls her eyes. “Alright, I’m taking initiative.”
“What does that mean?” You begin to ask, but Kay shoves you out of the booth and towards the handsome stranger who hasn’t taken his eyes off of you since your eyes met moments ago.
“Kay. What the hell?” You turn back to look at her, but she’s already holding up your forgotten shot.
“Take this and go over there.”
“The only butt you should be thinking about is his, in those deliciously tight jeans. You will thank me in the morning.” She refuses to budge. “And then come home and tell me everything the two of you did, because Sean’s about to go visit his family for a week and I will need something to fantasize about.”
You wrinkle your nose in disgust, but then look to Liza hoping for help. Unfortunately she’s too busy counting Matt’s eyelashes to defend you. You look back at Kay who is still holding up the shot, gaze unwavering.
I can’t believe I’m about to do this.
You think to yourself with a sigh, before taking the shot, hoping that it will give you some of the confidence you need to talk to the most attractive man you’d ever seen in your life.
I can do this, I can do this-
The internal monologue repeats itself over and over again with each step as you weave your way through the crowd to make it where the man is sitting, dropping your gaze to the people around you as if you’re more focused on them.
You weren’t, but staring at him while you were walking towards him seemed too predatory, and you could already feel how warm your cheeks were from your flush.
You grip the firm edge of the bar when you make it to him, using it to ground yourself there in the moment before you find the strength to meet his gaze.
There’s a faded green jacket hung over the high backed barstool behind him that you hadn’t noticed before.
Your eyes trace over his body, just a quick glance, but snags on his arms for just a second too long to be casual. They were even more glorious in person, tan and flecked with cinnamon colored freckles hidden beneath twisting tattoos that disappeared into his dark shirt sleeves.
“Hi.” You smile shyly at the man when you meet his gaze.
“Hi.” He rumbles with an easy smile while the green of his eyes flashes in the neon sign hanging behind the bar.
His voice catches you off guard. You weren't expecting it to be so smooth, silk over your skin, but also like the rough drag of the ocean against sand as it pulls it out to sea.
“Hi.” You say again as all other thoughts evaporate from you mind and you fight the urge to facepalm.
What the hell am I doing over here? I might as well do the walk of shame back to my own table.
Russell raises an eyebrow, his smile widening. “Hi.” He echoes.
You open your mouth-
“Before you say hi back sweetheart, why don’t you tell me what you’re drinking instead?” He winks making your cheeks warm with their flush.
Honestly, you were expecting him to be turned off by your somewhat awkward introduction, but if you bothered him, he doesn’t show it. He leans towards you curiously, eyes drinking you in.
You clear your throat while your mind scrambles to come up with something appropriate or sexy to say other than ‘wow you’re pretty.’ You settle on. “Whatever you’re drinking.”
Smooth real smooth.
You glance back in the direction of where your friends are sitting as the man’s gaze turns to the bartender so he can order you a drink. Kay makes an obscene gesture with her hand that makes Matt kick her under the table, and Liza gives you an encouraging thumbs up.
Kill me now.
You turn back to the man lounging against the bar, unaware that he’s watching you again.
“You seemed like you were having some fun over there. What were you talking about?” He nods his head in the direction of your friends, the motion causing more of his dark hair to fall into his eyes and you fight the urge to push it back from his face and find out if it was as soft as it looked.
“Oh um.” Your mouth goes dry. The last thing you wanted to say to the gorgeous man was that your friends and you were discussing what animated movie characters turned you on. So you blurt out. “The First Law of Thermodynamics.”
It had clawed its way from the dark recesses of your mind where the rest of the test answers had been hiding from you when you tried to summon them earlier.
“What?” The man laughs while you feel your face begin to blaze.
“The First Law of Thermodynamics?” You clear your throat. “The theory that energy cannot be created or destroyed."
Where was that when I needed it for the test?
“Huh.” He smirks and takes a long sip from the beer in his hand. “Didn’t think Tarzan had anything to do with that.”
Oh sweet baby potatoes he heard the daddy conversation. Why couldn’t he have heard the Jessica Rabbit conversation instead?
“Ah.” You laugh awkwardly, realizing exactly what he overheard.
The bartender puts down a bottle of beer in front of you and whirls away to another patron sitting on the opposite side of the bar. The band begins to play a new song, this one louder with more drums than the last one, causing the man to lean closer to you so you can hear him.
“So.” The smell of the man’s cologne wafts over you. He smells like pine, mint, whiskey, and there’s an odd smell you can’t place, something that smells almost a little bit like smoke.
You ascribe it to cigarettes, but you don’t realize how wrong you are.
There’s something about him, more than just how attractive he is or how good he smells that draws you in. Maybe you’d just been burned by far too many boys and were blinded by the man sitting in front of you, but he had a roughness and self-sufficient air that you found refreshing.
He was assertive, sexy, with smoldering green eyes that somehow seemed soft and hard at the same time and filled you with an unholy amount of desire.
“So?” You parrot, bringing the beer up to your lips, hoping that a sip will take the edge off.
“Don’t you want to hear mine?” His voice is low and sultry, breath warming the air between the two of your faces.
You sputter out a cough, choking on the sip you took in surprise, and his eyes widen in concern.The man brings his hand down against your back with a hearty smack to clear out your lungs.
“Are you okay?”
“Never better.” You choke out, voice a little wheezy. “Wrong pipe.”
This is quickly becoming the most embarrassing moment of my life.
“Are you sure?” The stranger’s eyes trace over you as if he fears you’ll start asphyxiating at any moment.
“Mhmm.” You clear your throat again. “What were you saying?”
“I asked if you wanted to hear mine.”
You suddenly forget how to breathe, the only thing grounding you to this moment is the hand you placed on the cherry wood of the bar. “Sure.”
Despite the last few seconds of you feeling so awkward it made you want to sink into the floor like quicksand and the fact that your throat is still burning from when the beer went down the wrong pipe, your mouth quirks up in a smile. “The horse from Spirit?”
“Mhmm.” He smiles a little wider. “My little sister used to watch that movie non-stop, and there was always something about that horse.”
“Huh.” You muse taking another sip of the beer, this time successfully not choking on it. “I didn’t peg you for a horse guy. You seem more like a Nala person.”
“Oh that lion did it for me too.” The man leans closer to you and you can feel your knees getting weak. “She definitely had bedroom eyes.”
“She did!” You laugh at him. “The animators knew what they were doing.”
It was getting easier to talk to him now and you could feel your nerves slowly going out to sea. There’s a comfortable silence that fills the air between the two of you.
“Why did you say the First Law of Thermodynamics earlier?” He asks before taking a sip from his beer. The condensation trickles down the side of the glass to pool against the wood of the bar.
“Because I didn’t want to admit what we were talking about.” You answer honestly. “And I guess it’s still a little fresh in my mind-”
“I had a physics test today. Completely bombed it. That’s why my friends brought me out tonight, they were trying to make me forget it.” You wave a hand dismissively, but it was the first time you’d thought about the test in the past hour and it still stung a little bit.
You were hoping that by this point of the night it wouldn’t have mattered anymore, but it did. Not to mention you didn’t exactly want to be talking about your most recent failure with a man who looked anything like he did.
But something about him made you feel comfortable talking to him about things that were not on the pre-approved list of subjects you created when you spoke to people you were attracted to. He didn’t seem to just be some hot stranger in a bar, he seemed like he actually cared, and that he was invested in what you were going to say.
It made him even more attractive. You weren't used to boys wanting to actually listen to anything you had to say.
“I’m sorry.” His face pulls down into a sympathetic frown.
“Me too.” You sigh.
“Maybe you didn’t do as bad as you think you did.”
“Oh I did. When I turned in the test, the professor made a face.” Your thumb rubs against the glass of the cold bottle clutched in your hand. “I studied all week for it and it kinda feels like I wasted all that time.”
The man studies you for a moment. “I think that if you learn something from it, then it’s not a waste. There are no accidents.“
“Are you purposely quoting Master Oogway to make me feel better or is that just a coincidence?”
“He’s a smart turtle.” He laughs pleased with himself that he made you smile. “But you remembered the First Law of Thermodynamics. And I thought it was a nice pick up line. Might use that sometime.”
“Shut up.” You laugh and raise your hand to hit him on the shoulder, but he catches it with his.
The contact of the rough palm of his hand in yours makes electricity zing through your body, bringing a wave of heat coursing behind it.
“That’s not very nice. Keep trying to hit me like that and I might have to take you to court, Sweetheart.” He winks.
“Oh please-”
“How else am I going to run into you again?”
“Well-” You swallow trying to find the next words, but they’re stuck in the back of your throat.
I am so out of practice.
“Well?” He raises an eyebrow in a silent challenge, the end of his perfect mouth teased upwards in a smile.
“This doesn’t have to be goodbye.”
“What did you have in mind?” The heat of his gaze sends goosebumps dancing over your skin and you swear you can feel your heartbeat in the base of your throat.
People do this all the time. I can say it. I can-
“Maybe-” You scoot closer to him, summoning some courage from the tequila. “Something like this.”
Your free hand curls into the front of his shirt to pull the stranger closer for a kiss.
Unfortunately, you pull him just a little too hard, with a little too much enthusiasm, and he falls off the stool with a startled cry in surprise and knocks his head into yours.
“Ow.” You groan rubbing at the red mark forming on your forehead. “I am so sorry.”
By now your cheeks are so warm that you could fry an egg on them and you were sure you looked like a giant raspberry. You had never been so clumsy or so embarrassed in your entire life.
“It’s okay, you just surprised me a bit.” The man says, but he’s peering at the mark on your forehead. “Are you okay?”
How many times is he going to ask me that tonight?
“Yeah the only thing that’s hurt is my pride.” You let out an awkward laugh. “I’m just gonna-“ You gesture with your thumb over your shoulder to signify that you’re going to leave.
The anecdotes that your friends were going to tell from tonight had already begun to manifest in your head:
“Hey, remember that time you tried to flirt with a gorgeous man at the bar and you headbutted him?”
“Hey, remember that handsome stranger? The one you told all about your failed physics test instead of sleeping with him?”
“Wait.” He gently puts his hand on your waist, sending your heart into a gallop. “Can we try that again?”
“Huh?” You blink in surprise.
So far all you’d done was head butt him and tell him your sob story about failing your physics test.
Worst seduction technique ever.
“Don’t move.” He smiles. “Don’t want to have to take you to the hospital for a CT if you bump my head again.”
It would have made you laugh if he wasn’t already kissing you.
It might just be the alcohol talking, or the fact that the last thing you kissed was the strawberry pillows on the couch in the living room last week when Liza, Kay, and you were watching your favorite paranormal tv show and you were imagining the male lead, but this kiss is nothing like any of the others you’d had in the past.
His mouth devours yours, beard scratching against your cheeks in a way that makes your entire body buzz. The man’s hands tighten your waist to draw you closer, closing the space between your bodies, and all you can feel is the wonderful drag of his fingertips against the end of your sweatshirt, the burn of his beard, the press of his chest onto yours, and the tangle of his tongue as you sink further into him.
A moan vibrates up through his chest and into your mouth that you echo with a soft sigh, your hands slipping over the taunt muscles before finding purchase against his back, your fingertips curling into the soft fabric of his t-shirt.
The rest of the bar is rendered to a dull throb of life at the back of your mind, the man in front of you absorbing the rest of your attention as he should. He is nothing like anyone you’d ever met and you wanted to know more. You wanted to see the end of the odd shaped scar just at the base of his throat, trail your fingers over the dark tattoos that decorated his skin while searching for more in places you couldn’t yet see, and sink into the deep green sea of his eyes.
“Better?” He breathes.
“Much, but if you’re not into that, I also know the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Just to give you something to remember me by.” You mumble against his lips, still slightly embarrassed. Your hands were still curled behind his strong shoulders, fingertips digging into the firm muscles.
“Beside the bruises?” He smirks before he kisses you again, the languid roll of his tongue against yours makes you forget your own name. “I’d very much like to hear it.” The rumble of his words vibrates through where your bodies are pressed against one another. “But first let me get the car and then I’ll let you tell me all about it.”
He brushes his lips to yours one more time, before he puts cash on the bar, and leaves you breathless as he saunters away towards the front door.
Holy fucking shit. How did that work?
“Girl Yes!” You hear Kay, before you feel her hands come down on your shoulders to shake you excitedly. “I was a little worried in the middle there for you with that head butt, but yes! That’s how you do it!” Her excited squeal brings you back down to earth from the cloud you were floating on with Russell.
“Where’d he go?” Liza asks. Matt was holding her from behind, his chin on her shoulder as he slowly rocked her to the music.
“To get the car.” Your cheeks flush at the insinuation.
“Fuck I am so jealous. The only thing I’m going to get to do tonight is Sean’s back.” Kay gives an exaggerated sigh. “It’s acting up and that means I’m going to have to give him a massage for an hour and not the good kind. It always knocks him out.”
“Aww babe.” Liza says.
“It’s okay.” Kay shrugs, but then sends her a saucy wink. “I can do some laundry. His washing machine has this spin cycle that makes me see stars.”
“I didn’t need to know that you’ve been molesting our washing machine.” Matt closes his eyes as if trying to scrub the image from his mind.
“It’s money well spent, Mattie.” Kay batts her eyes at him.
He huffs, but then turns his gaze on you, his blue eyes are filled with concern. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?”
“Yeah.” You shrug, nerves popping and sizzling inside so much that they might as well be giving off enough electricity to power New York City. “I don’t get a creepy vibe from him. I think he’s actually kind of nice.”
It was true. Your radar was usually on point with things like this, and there was something about Russell that didn’t scream axe murderer. He seemed surprisingly laid back and honest, and you found yourself curious to know more about him.
Matt doesn’t look convinced.
“It’s okay babe.” Liza says, swaying her and his body to the music. “We have the app on our phones and we all know the safe word.” She continues, referencing the word the three of you designated when everything was okay as well as the other word that meant everything was going terribly wrong.
You didn’t think that you would need it.
He sighs. “Fine, but if he tries anything weird-”
“What qualifies as weird for you?” Kay asks, raising an eyebrow. “I’ve always been curious about your kinks.”
Kay always took pride in getting under Matt’s skin. You never knew why that was, only that it seemed to be her mission to make him crack. He never did.
“Be safe.” He nods at you before he drags Liza towards the door.
“Seriously babe.” Kay begins to back away. “Be safe. Because the last thing you want to pass right now is a pregnancy test.”
“Why are we friends again?” You groan as you follow behind her, weaving through the mass of bodies writhing to the newest song.
The air outside the bar is cooler, but there’s just a hint of something on the wind. Spring was coming, but it was still far enough away to leave just a light chill in the air. The street in front of Duke’s was populated sporadically with cars of varying shapes and colors, but you couldn’t help but wonder what kind of car the mysterious stranger drove.
Why didn’t I ask him for his name?
“Because you’d be lost without me.” Kay laughs at you, but then pulls you into a hug. “Have fun and please try not to think about that stupid test. You’re so smart and I promise that one test is not going to define your entire future. If that were true my first organic chemistry test would have come with a refrigerator box to live in, because that test was literally the stuff of nightmares.”
She frowns at the memory. It was the first test that she had ever failed in her entire life, and although you were the one who usually obsessed over grades, it was the first time you’d ever seen Kay so disappointed. That was also because her professor had asked her to stop by for office hours and told her that there was no way she’d ever be able to get the grades she needed in his class.
But a weekend marathon of Sex and the City listening to her mentor Samantha Jones, had brought her back to life and she’d sauntered confidently into the classroom armed with a flat white latte and sat in the front row at every lecture the rest of the semester.
She’d gotten the highest grade in the class.
Basically, Kay was your hero, that was the real reason why you were her friend.
“I’ll try my best. Tell Sean hi for me.” You squeeze her just as tight, before she walks away down the darkened path back to campus where Sean would be waiting for her.
There was an odd glow over the sidewalks tonight, a yellowed light that crawled along the cracked brick building that housed Duke’s and halted just shy of the opening of the alley that ran between Duke’s and the bank next door. No other people were visible. Even the small crowd that usually leaned against the rustic brick wall outside of the bar smoking was nowhere to be seen.
It was odd.
You rub your hands down your arms with nervous anticipation. You’d slept with someone from a bar one time before, but one night stands were not your forte at all. The last time it’d happened, you’d gone back with a guy to his apartment only to find out an hour later when his girlfriend got home that he wasn’t single. She hadn’t seemed surprised that you were in bed with him, but you had been when she pulled out a switchblade the size of your hand and began to slash through the neatly arranged collection of plush squish-mallows on the floor while screaming obscenities at the guy.
In hindsight, maybe the squish-mallows were a clue that he was in a relationship.
But you didn’t have any bad feelings about the man you’d met. He was attractive, witty, nice, funny, and he genuinely seemed concerned about you when you almost choked to death on a sip of beer.
I will make him forget the entire awkward encounter.
You promised yourself, but you also began to be a little bit nervous. You didn’t know why it was taking him so long to find the car.
A bird caws overhead, sweeping low across the buildings, feathers an inky black in the night air, its shadow flickering across the moon.
Another two minutes pass and you start to get antsy.
Maybe he just left?
The thought brings a wave of disappointment over you. The stranger was the first person in a long time that you’d felt genuinely attracted to and now you couldn’t help but think that maybe he lied and when he said he was going to get the car, he really was trying to get away from you as fast as possible.
You take a few steps in the direction that Kay left thinking that you might as well cut your losses and see if you can catch up, but hesitate.
What if I leave and he comes back? What if-
An odd noise that sounds like a cat hacking up a hairball comes from the alley directly to your right, followed by the sound of something heavy hitting the pavement.
You turn. Most of the alley is obscured in shadows, several large dumpsters jut out from grimy brick walls stained with God knows what, but you don’t see anything out of the ordinary.
There are some lights fastened to the wall that runs the length of the bar, sending a dingy orange light over the bags of trash, empty flattened cardboard boxes, and plastic cups strewn over the wet ground.
The door of Duke’s swings open for a moment, bringing the sounds and smells of the bar through the doorway as a woman enters tugging a sullen looking man behind her.
You turn your attention back to the empty alleyway, and catch the low rumble of a voice that sounds oddly familiar. It echoes through the darkness bouncing off the stone, metal, and bags of trash to where you stand at the dimly lit mouth of the alley.
That’s weird.
Another sound follows the voice, a wet sounding thud that piques your interest. You take a tentative step forward into the darkness.
Wait. Isn’t this how every horror movie starts?
It was a valid question. But then you hear the voice again, it’s louder, vibrating against the brick and mortar, and it pulls your forward.
Anxiety hums through your body as you inch down the alley, sticking to the well lit side that runs the length of Duke’s.
“Who sent you?” The familiar voice asks.
There’s no answer, and the sound of the cat choking up a hairball comes back.
Someone needs to get Grizabella a glass of water.
You take another shaky step passing by the first dumpster before you reach the part of the alley that wraps around the back of the bar.
At first you’re not sure what you see. The part of the alley behind the bar is more of a cramped street with a tire marked dirt path, bathed in awkward light from the moon and from a lazy streetlight that’s only half lit. There’s another dumpster back here, this one a little larger than the others you’d seen along the side of the building, but that isn’t what’s interesting.
The image comes into focus.
The stranger from the bar is standing there, his back to you, but he isn’t alone. The stranger has a man pinned to the dumpster, a large knife stabbed into the space between the man’s collarbone and his right shoulder while his other hand is clasped tightly around the man’s neck.
“Who sent you?!” The stranger roars, the knife digging into the man’s shoulder.
Your entire body freezes in fear.
My radar was so wrong. How could it be this wrong? He was so caring and kind- That’s what they said about Ted Bundy.
Your gaze drops to what you thought was a garbage bag at the green-eyed stranger's feet, but realize that it’s not a bag, it’s a body.
Holy shit he’s a murderer! Maybe if I just back away slowly-
You take a slow step backwards hoping to edge back into the alley that runs the length of the bar and forget this night ever happened, but instead of your foot finding solid ground, it finds a forgotten potato chip bag.
The crinkled plastic crunches underfoot, breaking the still silence of the night. You inhale sharply and look up. Your gaze locks with the green-eyed man.
“I didn’t see anything.” You hold up your hands, backing away slowly. “Have a nice night.”
“Nope.” You turn and flee down the alley hoping that someone is coming out of the bar at the exact moment who can witness the broad stranger chasing after you. His boots thud against the concrete, splashing through water in hot pursuit, contrasting against the plods of your own feet sloshing through puddles and through trash to get back to the light.
Before you make it halfway through the darkness, he grabs your arm and turns you to look at him.
“Let me go!” You shriek, tugging at his grip, preparing to kick him between his legs, the only place that matters.
“Please wait. I can explain!”
“You don’t have to explain!” You keep pulling at his arm. “I didn’t see anything! I don’t know who you are. And you know what? I wasn’t even in the bar tonight! I was back in my apartment watching Crime Scene Kitchen!”
It was the first thing that popped into your head, but if it meant that you got to live, it would be your alibi.
He hesitates confused. “What’s Crime Scene Kitchen?”
“What? You just fucking murdered someone in an alley, you’re about to murder me, and that’s what you’re asking me?” You scream.
“I’m not going to murder you. And I was the one who was attacked!”
“Oh sure!” Fear clamps down hard on your throat squeezing the air coming in through your lungs. Tears begin to burn against your eyes as you try to release his grip. “Somebody help me!” You scream loudly trying to twist away from him and wishing that you’d brought your bottle of pepper spray or that you’d taken the self-defense class last summer with Kay or at least paid more attention to that scene in Miss Congeniality.
How could I have been so stupid? He’s going to kill me here and I’ll never know what that physics test did to my GPA.
You frown slightly at that thought. It really is weird what goes through your head when you think you’re going to die.
“Please, let me explain.” He says again, eyes wide and filled with an emotion that looks surprisingly like regret.
His dark hair has fallen forward over his cheeks that are flecked with blood, but the lights that line the wall of the dark alley perfectly frame his face. He looked like a model for a beer commercial or one that they’d roughed up a little for those weird perfume commercials you saw that never made any sense, but were always intriguing.
Why are all the hot ones crazy? Why couldn’t he have just been a bad kisser? Or maybe a little too loud? Why is his flaw that he freaking MURDERS people?
As you think that, there is a little voice inside your head that asks: Could I be okay with that?
“There’s nothing to explain! You’re a murderer! You just killed those people!” You aim a kick at his crotch, but the man only catches your ankle with his large hand. You could feel the warmth of his skin through your sweatpants, the sensation that brought warm tingles through your body when you were in the bar, only sends a wave of fear crashing over you.
“Yes I did, but for a good reason!”
“Really? What reason was that!?”
“They were trying to kill me!”
“I don’t believe you!”
Before he can finish his sentence, gunfire explodes over your head. Sparks fly as bullets crash into the dumpsters and rip through the night air around where you and the man are standing.
There’s a large black suburban parked in the street that runs behind Duke’s where you’re found the stranger with the body. Three men stand in front of it all in dark clothing and each one is holding a pistol pointed directly at where you’re standing.
“Holy shit!” You scream, but the stranger tackles you back behind the large rusting green dumpster that juts out and gives you cover from the blaze of bullets.
His body lays over yours, curving protectively around you, and his arm is behind you head so when you hit the ground, your head doesn’t. The impact of the cold, wet, concrete beneath your body jostles through your system, but you can’t focus on it too much, not when the man’s entire body is laying on top of yours and it feels as if he was made especially for you.
He lays in the cradle of your thighs, wonderfully broad and hard, the muscles of his body contrasting to the soft curves of your body underneath your clothes. It left very little to the imagination, well… not little.
It’s enough to make a girl forget that he’s a murderer… No, what am I saying!!
You shove him off of you and cower back behind the dumpster, the sound of gunfire filling your ears and making you realize exactly what you smelled on the man earlier that you thought was smoke.
“Baby-” He says reaching out to comfort you.
“Don’t touch me! I’m not your baby!” You swat his hands away from you pressing yourself back into the wet wall of the alley.
The smell of mold and trash was rising all around you in an unholy mist. The wet ground soaked into the soft fabric of your pants and left stains that you didn’t want to think about what they were.
“Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit-” It comes out like a sickening mantra as you rock back and forth, hands on your ears to make the sound of the gunfire stop.
I’m going to die here. In this dismal back alley. In front of this gorgeous murder. If I had know that I wouldn’t have spent so much of this week studying for a mother-fucking physics test!
“Sweetheart!” The man shouts to catch your attention, but you don’t look at him.
“What in the devil’s ass is happening?!” You shriek.
“Listen to me!” He shouts louder over the sound of gunfire and takes your cheeks in his rough palms to make him look at him. His green eyes are brilliant in the light, but filled with a determined fire that makes you suddenly feel very safe despite watching him kill someone and the active gunfire bouncing all around you.
You wanted to trust him, but you also didn’t want to be on the news or used as a cautionary tale for mothers to guilt their daughters with.
“I promise that nothing is going to happen to you.”
“How can you guarantee that?!”
“Because I don’t break my promises.” The determined grit in his eyes hardens as they sweep over your face. “I will explain what’s going on. But first I have to go talk to them.” He releases your face, but hesitates.
The man wasn’t bothering to duck and cover, in fact each time a bullet ricocheted off the side of the dumpster he didn’t even flinch, meanwhile the sour taste of bile was rising into your mouth and you were sure that you were going to throw up. Panic was setting in, and your heart rate was getting dangerously high as anxiety and fear flickered along your nerve endings.
Oh my sweet goodness he’s mentally unstable.
“Actually.” He sighs and flashes an awkward smile. “I don't want to lie to you. I’m going to go kill them. Don’t move.” He reaches into the waistband at the back of his worn jeans and pulls out a gun.
Has he had that this whole time? HOW did I not feel it?
“Wait what? Don’t go out there!” Your fingers fist in the front of his jacket, the fear of him leaving you more than the fear of him murdering you. At this point it was either be killed by the beautiful stranger or killed by the other guys, and being killed by the other guys meant that you’d have to meet someone new and look where that had gotten you tonight.
“They’re not exactly going to leave on their own.” He cracks a smile despite the situation. “But promise me you’re not going to move.” His smile turns into a concerned frown, eyebrows furrowing together as his eyes settle on you once more, steely and unyielding.
“I promise.” Your voice comes out shaky and not at all what you sound like. Truthfully you were surprised that you got anything to come out of your mouth that wasn't vomit.
He nods once.
When he leaves, you wait exactly three seconds, counting each of them out in your head before you take off in a dead run for the front door of Duke’s bar and into the safety of the street beyond without looking back while hoping that all of this has just been a bad dream.

Coming back to the apartment feels surreal, crossing through the living room like a Salvador Dali painting, and finally closing your bedroom door and locking it is like a mirage.
You weren’t sure how you made it back here, only that you did, and that was all that mattered.
Kay and Liza weren’t home, predictably, but you would have tried to call both of them if you hadn’t dropped your phone in the cluster fuck that was everything that happened an hour ago. Because on top of everything now you didn’t have any way to contact your friends and let them know that you’re alive and okay.
Your body was still buzzing with the anxiety of everything that happened, mind going a mile a minute the longer you allowed it to bathe in the memories of being shot at and watching the stranger kill those men.
The stranger that somehow was able to trick your radar.
I just need to breathe, relax, and-
You turn around towards your bed expecting to go to sleep and forget all of it, but the thought stutters to a halt as you realize you’re not alone. The green-eyed stranger is standing there in the center of your bedroom. He is holding a bundle of your clothes in one hand and your empty school backpack in the other.
“What the fuck?!” You scream and reach for the Strawberry Shortcake bat your dad bought you when you moved out, hefting it high on your shoulder preparing to swing. “What the hell are you doing here?”
He raises an eyebrow at your awkward stance. “Why are you holding a bright pink baseball bat?”
“All the better beat the shit out of rapists who break into my apartment in the middle of the night!”
“What happened to murderer?” The end of his lips lift up in a smile too perfect to be real. He almost seems to be enjoying this, like he thinks you’re being cute and not accusing him of something terrible.
“That too!”
He laughs at you, but then his smile slips into a frown.“Why did you break your promise?” You don't understand why he looks like a kicked puppy at the thought that you broke your promise.
Of course I didn’t keep it! I was running for my life to get out of the way of the millions of bullets pointed at my head!
“You promised that you would stay there and you didn’t. You could have been killed.” Worry flashes in his gaze, and your eyes drop to the flecks of blood on the outside of his jacket that remind you of everything this man had done tonight.
“Oh, well excuse me for breaking a promise I made to a murderer!”
“I’m not a murderer.”
“If the boot fits!” You snap back. “You showing up in my bedroom certainly seems plenty murdery. That and you going through my underwear drawer for a little souvenir.” Your eyes narrow in suspicion.
“A souvenir?” The man laughs at you again, his shoulders shaking. He’s still wearing the same clothes he was in the alley, and again you’re momentarily stunned by how attractive he is.
“Why else would you be going through my drawers? And how do you know where I live!?”
“That’s not important right now.” The man shoves the bundle of your clothes into your backpack before moving back to the chest of drawers in the corner of your bedroom for another handful.
“What the fuck do you mean that’s not important right now? And what the hell are you doing?”
“I’m packing you a bag.”
“What? Why? So it’ll look like I ran away?!”
Oh holy fuck he’s still going to kill me!
You swing the bat as hard as you can, but the man raises the backpack to block your attack.
“Calm down Derek Jeter! I’m not going to murder you, please stop saying that.”
He frowns and shrugs his shoulders. “Because it’s hurting my feelings a little bit.”
“Hurting your-” You shake your head in disbelief. “Look, I have no idea who the fuck you are or why you broke into my apartment but-”
“Hi. I’m Russell.” The man now identified as ‘Russell’ holds out his hand to try and shake yours.
That’s obviously a fake name.
You stare at him blankly. “Are you insane?”
“No, I just told you, I’m Russell. And we have to go.” He retracts his hand and begins to shove clothes into your backpack again.
“I’m not going anywhere with you, crazy! I have class in the morning and an exam in two days!” You heft the baseball bat higher on your shoulder as a silent threat.
Judging by the way he blocked your attack so easily a few moments ago, you didn’t have high hopes. But you did think that if you screamed loud enough your elderly neighbor, aptly named Willy due to the many, many times he’d flashed Kay, Liza, and you “accidentally,” would come over at least to see if you had any extra magazines to take back to his hoarder apartment that was stacked floor to ceiling with yellowed newspapers long out of print.
Russell sighs, and looks from the bat to you, shoulders relaxing a millimeter, but there’s still something determined in his gaze. “I understand that you’re scared, but those guys, they saw you with me.”
“So if I leave you here with no protection, they’re going to come here and take you.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Yes I do!” He replies, the edge of his voice is tinged with anger and frustration.
“Look!” Russell holds up a battered phone. Displayed on the cracked screen is a message thread of texts to an unknown number. Russell clicks on one of the pictures that was sent an hour ago, about the time the two of you met.
As it grows larger on the screen you recognize the two people in it. It’s a picture of Russell and you kissing at the bar. Your eyes are closed, hands curved over his shoulders possessively, while you smile into his mouth.
The memory of the kiss sends a warm tingle down your spine as you remember how good the kiss was. It was definitely in the top ten, hell, it was number one.
Don’t be seduced by his charm and good looks! You saw him kill someone tonight! Not to mention he probably killed those other guys that were shooting at you.
Russell swipes his finger over the screen again, this time the picture is of him and you talking, your face on full display. You’re laughing at something Russell said with your right hand resting on the cool bottle of beer you never finished. Honestly, if anyone was seeing those photos for the first time it would look like Russell and you were together.
“You took pictures of me!?” You shout. “You’re a fucking freak!”
“Sweetheart, listen to me-”
“I’m not your Sweetheart. You’re just some random murder that I met at a bar!”
The things that I’ve said tonight for the first time could be an SNL skit. Why me?
“For the last time, I am not a murder! And I didn’t take those photos. The men who were after me did.”
“So? Why would they care about some random girl?”
“Because they don’t know you’re some random girl I met! They think that you’re important to me and until I figure out who they sent these pictures to, you’re not safe.”
“Can’t you text them and say that you just met me tonight? That it’s a pure coincidence?! That I’m not important to you.” You point at the cracked phone, waving your free hand frantically at it.
Russell laughs at your question. “Are you kidding? Do you think they’re going to believe me?”
“I don’t know! And how would they know where I live?”
“The same way I knew how.”
That is a good point. How did he know where I lived?
You hesitate, gaze flicking over where Russell stands with your backpack in his hand, but another idea begins to wiggle from the depths of your mind. “Wait. Is this some kind of kinky thing you do? Some fetish? Pretending to be a spy or that people are after you just to get yourself all hot and bothered?”
“What?” Now it’s Russell’s turn to look at you like you’re crazy.
You take that as confirmation. “It is! Holy fuck, that is so messed up.”
Wow forget murderer, he’s an actual psychopath. Why the hell did I drop my phone?
Kay and Liza weren’t going to be back tonight. Especially not if they think that you took “Russell,” if that really is his name, back to the apartment. You had no other way of contacting them, except with your laptop that was sitting closed on your bed behind where Russell was standing.
“Wait a minute. I’m not a spy.”
“Exactly, that’s the point! You’re pretending to make me-”
“No, I’m not. I promise all of this is real!” Russell sighs frustrated. “I know that you don’t want to believe me, but it isn’t safe here. And I can protect you!”
“That’s exactly what you would say to kidnap me!”
“Sweetheart. I am not going to kidnap you, I’m trying to keep you safe. I mean, if I have to kidnap you I will-”
Your eyes widen and you heft the bat high on your shoulder prepared to swing.
“Sorry, that was a bad joke.” He holds up his hands in surrender, flashing an apologetic smile. “What would it take to make you believe me?”
It was the question that you had been contemplating since he’d protected you in the alley. You knew nothing about him, didn’t know what he did for a living, and you’d only just learned his name. But despite everything that happened there was a little part of yourself that wanted to believe him. You wanted to believe everything he was telling you, well, not the part about you being in danger and the idea that people now wanted to kill you, but the part about being able to trust him.
You think about the way he made you feel at the bar, when he listened to you complain about your physics test and made you laugh. You’d trusted him then, enough to go home with him or at least, try to go home with him.
“I don’t know.” The bat slips a little bit from your shoulder with your honesty. “Do you have any character references?”
Russell cracks a smile. “Isn’t it a little early for you to ask me about my old girlfriends? Don’t think any of them would be willing to say anything good about me either.”
This time you can feel a little smile begin to tug at the end of your lips, one that Russell notices.
“I know that you’re scared.” He takes a tentative step forward. “But I promise that I will explain everything to you, answer all your questions, but all I know is that you’re not safe here. And I can’t in good conscience leave, if I know you’re in danger.”
The look in his eyes had the determined fire you’d seen many times tonight, but there was something honest about it. They saw through you, and even though you had spent most of the night terrified and believed him to be a murderer, you didn’t think that someone like that would be so determined for you to go with him.
It felt like two parts of your head were at war. You wanted to trust Russell, you didn’t think he was lying to you, but you had seen him kill those men. And there was an unfortunate part of you that worried he made all of this up to kidnap you.
But I think if he meant to do that… he would have jumped me the minute I walked into my bedroom, he wouldn’t have said “hi.”
“I know this whole thing sounds crazy. But the last thing I want is for you to die because of something stupid I did. Please.”
You bite the inside of your cheek thinking about Kay and Liza. “If I leave, what about my roommates? They live here too.”
He rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not going to sugar coat it Sweetheart, there’s always a chance that they’ll be hurt, but with you gone, there’s also a chance that these guys will focus more on finding me.”
“So basically you can’t guarantee their safety?”
“No.” He drops his gaze for a moment, but then he looks at you again. “But I can guarantee yours and I don’t want to take the chance with your life. And my brother is smart, maybe he can figure out a way to keep them safe too.”
You stand there for a moment contemplating what he’s saying, the memories of everything that happened tonight rising up in an unrelenting wave, not just cowering behind the dumpster, but the kiss the two of you shared, and the way he made you laugh.
I want to trust him. I don’t think he’s lying, I don’t think he’s going to hurt me. You think to yourself, and then the inevitable thought comes. I feel safe with him.
“Do you promise that your name is Russell and that you’re telling me the truth?” You ask one more time to make sure.
So you take a chance and hope to God that you’re not wrong.
“Okay.” You nod, lowering the bat entirely. “I’ll go with you.”
He sighs in relief. “Good.” Russell holds out the backpack towards you. “You should probably pack this. If I had my way, there won’t be much in here besides underwear.”
“You’re such a guy.” You roll your eyes and take the backpack from him, but you can't help the smile that curls on the end of your mouth.
Russell returns it, pleased with himself that he'd gotten you to smile again. “That's better than you accusing me of being a murderer.”
“Jury’s still out on that one.”
“But you have to admit… this did make you forget your physics test right?”
He's not wrong... but you don’t think that this is better.

A/N: I had so much fun with this one. I hope y'all laughed as much as I did 😂
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how i manifested (+revised) my dream body ౨ৎ

This is my first post on my new account, though I am NOT new to the law and NOT new to loablr either. This post is specifically about how I manifested my dream body instantly with no technique besides knowing :)

PART ONE - the old story
In the old story, I was so fixated on my body and my weight all of the time, I was tracking my calories and weighing myself and my food obsessively and constantly gaining and losing weight. Back then, my beliefs were that 1) Excess food causes weight gain, 2) If I don't track my food and weigh myself, I will become too fat/skinny, and 3) There is something wrong with my body, and I need to diet/exercise to fix it.
Noticing these beliefs were key to changing the way I viewed food and my body, and therefore changing how I knew food to effect me and how I knew my body to be.
When I was overweight, I knew my body was too big, I knew I was eating too much, I knew excess calories made me gain weight. When I was underweight, I knew I had no appetite, I knew I was too bony, I knew that exercise makes you gain muscle which is why I had none, etc. I had to identify the limiting beliefs that made me know my body was a certain way.

PART TWO - writing the new story
Once I identified the beliefs that were holding me back and kept me from my goals ("I know I eat too much, even if I affirm I'm skinny, I'm still going to gain weight."), I could then change them. I wrote down a list of these beliefs, like I did above, and came up with reversals. For example;
"I overeat, so I will gain weight" -> "Calories aren't even real, so I can eat whatever I want and stay the same weight."
"I eat junk food, so I'll never be skinny" -> "I love how fast my metabolism is, I can eat junk all day and still stay so skinny." or "Junk food is just like other foods. Raspberries can't make me fat so neither can hamburgers."
"I don't exercise enough to be toned" -> "It's crazy how I'm naturally so toned and fit without trying."
The key for me was changing key beliefs that kept me dieting and exercising to lose weight, to sever the tie between calories consumed and weight, and hours exercising and muscles. These are limiting beliefs. We literally create our reality. Not ice cream, not soda and chips, none of that can overcome YOU as a divine creator. It sounds silly when you spell it out like that, doesn't it?

PART THREE - how i did it
Okay, now we understand that the secret is to change the rules of our own reality to allow us to know a higher truth (my higher truth? I am a skinny legend). So how do we put this into practice?
All you have to do is know. You set these rules, so you know they are true, reality is bound to them. You must know you are successful, know that reality is in the 4d, and feel truly satisfied in that realm. You can do this using whatever method you need to, but personally, I just knew deep within me that I was my ideal weight, and that nothing could change that, that is simply the reality, that is simply the way things are. I thought about old pictures I took of myself, and remembered how skinny I looked in them, I thought about the last time I saw my friends and how much littler they said I'd gotten, I thought about the last time I stood on the scale and how it read the exact weight I knew myself to be. And I just knew, deep within me, that was simply how things were.
And the last step, for me, was to feel truly joyful at this realization. To feel satisfied it came into fruition. Without seeking confirmation, because I already KNEW.
And what do you know? Pictures of myself in my phone from weeks ago, they were my ideal body. The girl I saw in the mirror when I stood up from my meditation? She had my ideal body. My clothes? XS and S, all of them. I had revised my ideal body all the way back to the day I bought them. And confirmed this by checking pictures I took in the dressing room.
I'm telling you right now it is possible if you know in your heart you've always had your desire. It's always been fulfilled within you. You make the rules because you are a divine creator. Nothing outside of you can change what you know to be true.
That's all for now ౨ৎ
#edward art#law of assumption#law of attraction#neville goddard#manifesting#revision#loassumption#loablr#loa blog#living in the end#affirm and persist#loa
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School Gymnastics: A Tragicomedy
So one day when we were in third grade, our P.E. teacher divided us into girls and boys. (I don’t remember what the boys had to do. Wrestling? Tackle football? I don’t know, probably not at age nine, but that’s not the point. Gladiatorial combat? I still don’t really understand kids’ sports.)
What matters for this story is that all the girls had to do gymnastics. Now—and I suspect this won’t surprise you if you know literally anything about me—I was always terrible at any form of school athletics. I am intensely, almost impressively uncoordinated. This doesn’t affect my life much at 36, but it was often a miserable way to be a kid. The only playground game I liked was playing pretend, because when you are playing pretend, you don’t have a bunch of people ostensibly on your side screaming in your ear, “Pretend faster! Pretend over there! Pretend with greater accuracy!”
Anyway, gymnastics and my clumsy, doughy little body. I couldn’t do a cartwheel. I couldn’t do a backwards somersault. I couldn't do any of it. We had an entire unit on this business and I literally did not learn how to even safely attempt a single move besides the log roll (lie flat and roll sideways on your belly). In retrospect, this seems like maybe it was in part a teaching problem, not a me problem, but that’s actually not the point either.
The point is, at the end of the unit, we were told to divide ourselves into little teams and choreograph a group gymnastics routine. My group, faced with my long list of limitations (more limitation than girl, really) decide my role will be to just forwards-somersault around the rest of the group as they do their moves. (This is itself kind of embarrassing but trust me, it is but the appetizer.) My friend Ashley has the Lion King soundtrack and we all agree that it is a great choice. The movie has only come out a couple of years earlier, and it of course features some funny, peppy options. 'Hakuna Matata'? 'I Just Can't Wait to Be King'? It's all coming together.
Carried on a wave of youthful enthusiasm, none of us even think to double-check which track Ashley has picked. Foreshadowing!
So the day of the performance comes. Another group goes right before us. They had picked “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls, which was a huge hit at the time. I mean, it still is because it’s a classic, but then it was big and new. They step onto the mat and immediately begin to do choreographed dance moves, which they have worked into their routine. We had not thought of this. Oops. Dance moves, of course! So they incorporate the necessary gymnastics, it goes over really well, the energy is high, and now it’s my group’s turn.
I take my place at the edge of the mat, the mat we are required to stay on for the length of the piece. Ashley cues up the track she’d chosen.
A song starts up. Instantly, I recognize it from the movie. It is the very slow instrumental music that plays when Simba realizes his dad is dead.
‘Well, this is not optimal,’ I think. I've been on this planet for nine years; I can see that much. But it’s too late to change the track, and so I tell myself, ‘It’s okay. I’m a performer. I can sell this.’ I put on an extremely solemn face and begin to execute a series of the world’s saddest somersaults.
Friends, when I say “sad” I mean it, in every possible sense of the word. Picture a nine year old with the gravest possible affect, determinedly doing somersaults to the slowest, most serious music she can imagine, in a careful ring around her friends who have actually learned any gymnastics whatsoever. Okay, now as the music starts to pick up and get more hopeful, imagine she gets real dizzy and in front of everyone, she rolls all the way directly off the mat, careening dangerously towards the assembled students.
Somehow, I roll myself back onto the mat, we survive what feels like hours of humiliation, we stagger away, and I blessedly avoid adding “puking my guts out in front of all of my peers” to my very short list of gymnastics tricks.
Later, I asked Ashley what in the world possessed her to choose that song.
“It didn’t have any words,” she said.
(There was absolutely no rule against using songs that had lyrics.)
Anyway, that’s why being an adult is better than being a kid.
I may have to do laundry and make my own dinner and wrestle with more complex existential angst, but you know what I haven’t been asked to do in like 26 years? Somersault for three minutes straight to the musical shorthand for “this cartoon lion cub has no choice but to process the weight of unimaginable grief for his dead dad.” And you know what? If I live another 50 years, I can be pretty confident nobody will ask me to do it then, either.
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co-parenting a dog with pro!katsuki means having horrendously wrapped christmas presents.
"hey, kats?" you're about to open the door to the living room when he quickly calls out a warning.
"don't come in here right now!" your hand hovers over the door handle, eyebrows pinching in confusion.
"is something wrong?"
"wrapping presents," he replies with the tiniest air of frustration. you think you hear a hissed move, damn it! but figure it's just the sound of the heater roaring to life.
"i thought we agreed we would wrap each other's presents when the other wasn't home," you point out and you get a grunt of assent. you take it as permission. "i'm gonna open the door now--"
"don't! 'm not done yet!" there's whispering and shuffling on the other side of the door but you genuinely can't make out what the urgency is all about.
"bakugo katsuki, i have literally seen you shit-faced wasted," you command. "i don't care about your wrapping paper job, so i'm gonna open the door now." before he can implore you to wait, you appear in the doorway and pause.
now what the hell is going on here?
on his knees in the living room with two hands shoved under your gigantic shepherd mix's butt, katsuki freezes and both the dog and your boyfriend's eyes go wide. it takes you a second to process what's happening here, before realizing where your dog decided to rest her body. you burst out laughing unexpectedly, a loud, echoing laugh that bounces off the kitchen cabinets.
"are you trying to lift my damn dog?" katsuki gapes in protest.
"she sat on the wrapping paper and i can't get her off!" he narrows his eyes in thought for a moment. "also, she's our damn dog. i have to deal with her as much as you do."
"i'm not so much dealing with her as i am living with her," you say, making kissy noises to beckon the dog off the paper. it wrinkles and tears holes under her paws and she smacks katsuki with her fluffy tail as she approaches you for much-needed affection. "look at you, puppy. is katsuki being a meanie?"
"she started it," he huffs, sitting back against the couch. "tried to tell her to stay on her bed, but she would just come over and be a bother."
"i was on a work call for an hour, and you can't get the dog to stay in one place?" he shrugs a broad shoulder and you crawl over to sit beside him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
"did you try moving her bed over here?"
"yeah, and she just wanted to sit on the paper anyway, so there was no point." your dog completes the trio and lies down next to you, putting her head in your lap. you can feel his irritation radiating under his black long sleeve, the way his cheeks were slightly red with indignance.
"why're you frustrated, baby?"
"the paper looks like shit now, but every time i yell at her to move, she flinches away and looks sad," he mumbles in deep thought. "i don't wanna scare her, but i also wanna just wrap the damn presents."
"maybe she wants to help," you offer.
"she ain't got thumbs, sweetheart," he deadpans.
"how about you keep her occupied and i'll do the paper job myself? that way we're all engaged in some way." your boyfriend considers this for a minute before a small smirk appears on his face, glancing at the dog resting on your legs.
"i think i have a better idea."
when it comes time for the class 1a's annual christmas celebration, they watch bakugo lay out a crumpled piece of wrapping paper in the middle of the floor. before they can ask what he's doing, he motions to the dog and she happily lays down, ready to be included in whatever holiday festivities were occurring.
#bakugo x you#bakugo x reader#bakugo x y/n#katsuki x you#katsuki x reader#katsuki x y/n#bakugo katuski x you#bakugo katsuki x reader#bakugo katsuki x y/n#katsuki bakugo x you#katsuki bakugo x reader#katsuki bakugo x y/n#mha x reader#mha x bnha#mha x you#bnha x reader#bnha x you#bnha x y/n#mha fluff#bakugo fluff
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CAN’T WE JUST PRETEND? hayato suo x f!reader ノ nsfw ノ kinktober day 25 — camgirl + streaming ノ 3520 words
you always do what the highest tipper says, but looks like that’s backfired tonight. “bring someone to fuck you raw on your next stream” they said, but oh. you don’t have a boyfriend, do you? so the next best option would be to swallow your pride and ask one of your friends to play the part.
CONTAINS ノ explicit smut, camgirl!reader, creampie, dry humping, little plot - smut heavy, multiple orgasms, pet names, streaming + audience, traces of possessiveness (suo), virginity loss (reader), this is a minimally edited old draft but i hope you like it regardless! ^ ^
“You want me to join one of your streams?” Suo tilts his head to the side, gently placing his cup back onto your desk. He swivels around in your chair to face you, and you suddenly feel like a guest in your own room.
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” your head hangs low. “So.. you would be the closest person to that, I think.”
“Am I?” His lips tug into a small smile, and it dawns on you that you’ve just outed your inexperience to him. Your face burns a little more, this time spreading to the tips of your ears, but you fight it off with a quick shake of your head. “Well, you don’t necessarily need to have a boyfriend, right? The comment you showed me said it could be anyone.”
You think he might just be poking fun at you the way he always does. Egging you on to make you admit something embarrassing again.
It was already over for you years ago when he learned that you get flustered easily- and he’s never given you a break since. Always leaning in a bit too close for comfort and saying things he knows will come off the wrong way. Flirtatious, even. “I-I know,” you stammer. “But I want it to be someone I’m close to.”
“Why’s that? You’re such a pretty girl. You wouldn’t have trouble finding someone, right?”
He probably just wants to hear you say that you picked him because you like him, you tell yourself, but it’s not like you have any other options.
You fiddle with the hem of your skirt. “Well, I’ve never done it before. So I don’t wanna… lose it.. to a stranger. Literally anyone else would be fine, I think.”
Suo’s eyes widen at your confession. “Oh. You’ve never done it before?”
“No.” You tear your gaze to the side. “I stream stuff, but I’ve never done it with an actual person. Only… by myself. With toys… it shouldn't matter!” You wave your hands back and forth. “I’m good at pretending. They won’t be able to tell it’s my first time, so don’t worry, okay?”
He agrees with a cheerful nod. As if he would ever even dream of passing up a chance like this.
Suo feels awfully at peace with himself when he follows you to your room. It’s exactly the way it looks in your streams, and reality starts to dawn on him. You trust him enough to be your first, and to be your first visitor on your streams? How sweet of you.
Suo’s always been around you, just a breath’s away, but never this close. No one approaches you when you're with him because everyone has already started to assume that the two of you have been dating since long ago, and he was content with that. Being close to you was good enough. For now.
A part of him wonders if this thinking will change after today.
He helps you move some of your things out of frame. You’ve fallen awfully quiet, and he chalks it up to your nervousness kicking in. You’ve always had a habit of getting quiet whenever you were trying to focus and needed to push down your nerves.
“I think we’re ready.”
“Ah.” Suo smiles when he takes a seat beside you.“You’re sure you’re ready?”
You visibly tense when his thigh brushes against your own. Cute.
“M..mhm. It’s gonna start recording in….” you lean over your bed to fiddle with your camera, and his eyes linger over the curve of your back, “ten seconds.”
His hand comes to pat your head, and you shoot him a glare. He chuckles. Seven.
“Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. You look cute all nervous.”
“I am not nervous,” you huff, and his smile doesn’t falter. “And don’t tease me when it starts!”
“We’re supposed to not know each other,” you add, “so you’re supposed to act like you’re just one of my followers.”
Four. Oh, if only you knew. Who do you think sent you this request in the first place?
Three. Two.
He settles a little more comfortably on your bed, and you smile brightly.
“Ah! Hello everyone.” Suo turns to you, and heat rushes to your cheeks almost immediately after. He’s taking the initiative? “The video is working fine, I assume? I’ll be her…” his fingers hook underneath your chin, and you stiffen. “..First guest tonight.”
“Yea…m..mhm!” A sharp inhale through your nose helps you regain your focus. Bubbly and cute- that was how you wanted to be perceived while on stream. “I brought him on to join us today!” You wrap your arms around him, moving behind him to rest your chin on his shoulder. “This was what you all wanted to see, right?”
The comments start flooding in almost immediately. Some seem to like Suo, and some don’t. Others are wishing it was them instead- but that’s to be expected. Suo reads them all with a kind smile, and a part of you is glad that it’s him who was here with you tonight. He seems to be a natural. “Let’s give everybody what they want and make good use of their time. Doesn’t that sound good?”
The hesitant nod you give him is a little out of character for you, but you’re sure no one would be able to notice your sudden shyness. You make a mental note to try and do a better job at hiding your nerves going forward, though it’s a bit challenging when Suo smiles at you like he knows what you’re thinking. His gaze is strong.
It makes you feel shy. Like he’s uncovered some secret of yours that you didn’t even know you had.
Just ignore it. Ignore the hands that guide your hips when you slowly climb onto his lap, making sure your audience gets a good view of your ass when you do. Suo angles himself a bit, runs his hands up and down your sides and it’s pathetic how hard you shiver from such a light touch. “H-hey,” your voice drops to a low whisper, “quit making me all blushy..”
“Am I?” The way he innocently cocks his head to the side is infuriating. “I haven’t done anything, princess. You’re welcome to use me how you wish so you can please your audience.”
“I-I know.”
You hover above him for a moment, and just how pretty your best friend is finally starts to sink in. His hair looks soft. His lips look soft too. Another curious tilt of his head snaps you out of your daze, and you close the distance the next second– lips meeting his own in a sensual kiss. He’s angled you in such a way that your cam doesn’t quite catch the kiss itself. It’s focused on the back of your body, so he takes advantage of that- moves his lips against yours softly and slowly.
He wants to take his time with you. Make the most of this. Your viewers can wait. He would give them what they want later.
All they care about is seeing you get fucked dumb, right? He will.
He’ll take his time ruining you thoroughly– just has to admire every bit of you first. It’s your first time after all.
“You’re so cute,” he smiles between kisses, his exhale trailing into a soft laughter when you visibly tense at the compliment. “Oh? Getting nervous on your own stream? That’s not like you.”
You can only muster a shaky noise of protest. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to bring him on camera after all.
His eyes shift behind you, glancing at the comments, and he suddenly perks up at one in specific. “Oh dear, you already have a request, dove. They want to see you spread in front of them.”
Of all the reactions he had expected from you, the last thing he would have expected is for you to pout at him pulling away. “T-the kiss…” your voice trails off into a huff, and the amused laugh that leaves his lips surprises him too. Oh, how cute. “All you had to do was ask, my dear. Come back here.”
You practically melt into his touch. He kisses you a little more intensely this time. Kisses you with the intention of claiming you as his. You’re moaning into it, and the jitters in your stomach fills you with so much want.
You need him so bad- why does kissing him feel so good?
You’ve never looked at him in this way. Were you always hiding this somewhere in your heart? It feels so natural, feels so good that you’re certain no toy could possibly replicate how good Suo is making you feel with just a kiss. You shut your eyes a little harder when you feel him run his fingers and down your sides again, heartbeat pounding against your chest and you swear it’s making you feel dizzy.
He’s exploring your body. That’s what he’s doing, right? Why does it feel like he already knows your body so well?
His fingers brush over all your sensitive spots. It sends shivers shooting down your spine, and he seems to already know this by the way he smiles against your lips.
You’re on your back before you even realize it. Oh- that’s right. He’s good with his hands from what you’ve heard. He has that unique fighting style… though you’ve never seen it yourself.
Suo’s hands rest on either side of your head, and he looks down at you with that all too knowing smile that heats your face up all over again.
Your lips tremble from the searing warmth that spreads to your ears. Has.. has he always been like this? You give him a shaky nod- force yourself to stay focused. His gaze feels as if it’s been intensifying with each passing second and it’s flustering you. Suo’s eyes are locked on your body when you shyly spread your thighs apart, leaving your cunt fully exposed for him and your audience to see. “Mmm. Good. And how do you all feel about this?”
He turns to the camera. He’s talking to them- wants their confirmation that you did good. You look at them too, not realizing the shy expression you’re giving them until someone points it out.
User156: she looks soaked
User32: Hurry and touch her
User98: Try and make her wetter
User112: She looks cute today. Like she’s nervous?
“Hmmm..” his eyes scan over the comments. “I can do that. Watch her carefully, okay?”
He moves back on top of you, lowering himself onto his elbows to hover just above you. “Your viewers want to see you get all needy for me,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, and you tense. “So let’s get you nice and soaked for them, okay?”
He lets his lower body rest on yours, and that’s when you feel it press against you. “Ahh.. you feel it?” He whispers into your ear, and your mouth falls open in a shaky moan. “See what you do to me? It’s driving me a little crazy.”
He smiles at the way your lips press into a shaky line. You really didn’t know? Did you not expect him to get hard from kissing you?
He presses into you a little harder, smiling when you gasp. He feels big, doesn’t he? The comments start flooding in as soon as he starts moving his hips against yours, the friction only making you dizzier and needier for him to finally fill you up.
“That feels…. ah… feels….” your arms come to wrap around his back, pulling him a little closer to you. The way his breath fans against your neck only makes you melt into him more. His breath makes you shiver– and oh, he smells so good. His hair is soft when your fingers rake through it. You feel him smile into your neck this time, and it sends a wave of pleasure straight to your cunt.
You want him so bad that it’s pathetic.
He knows how to perfectly grind against you to hit your clit with each roll of his hips. It’s just enough pressure to have your mouth falling open in a moan, but not enough to where you’re jerking. Your reactions are fully under his control- your viewers feel the same too.
User990: Her eyes are rolling back from that
USer4456: Gotta see her take him inside soon.
User12: fuck her dumb already
“Feeling good? I can see that you are… you’re so cute.” He wonders if it would be too mean to mention that you’re pulling him closer to you by wrapping your legs around his waist, but ultimately decides against it. “Want more kisses?”
That was fast.
He gives you one peck before he’s tilting your head to the side, planting sloppy kisses along your jaw and behind your ear. You’re latched onto him like a koala now, gasping into his chest each time he brushes against your clit. The friction is numbing, and it feels so good that you can’t tell if you’re cumming.
It all feels equally good– pleasure blurring together and it’s almost scary how desperate you’re feeling.
“You’re making quite the mess..” Suo laughs, and your cheeks burn with embarrassment. “You didn’t feel it running down your thighs? It’s everywhere.” Your eyes widen, because you really didn’t feel it. “Too busy thinking about my cock? I’ll put it inside you if the viewers ask me too.”
The viewers. That’s right.
“Please…” the change in your volume makes it clear that you’re speaking to your audience, “please let him fuck me. I need it so bad… I…”
He only smiles at you.
User46: Do it already
User39: She’s gonna cry at this rate
User125: He’s pretty mean, isnt he?
User80: He’s having fun with it, clearly. I like her like this though
You hate how visibly happy you get after reading the first comment. He’ll finally give it to you now that they’ve asked, won’t he? “Hey..” you gesture towards Suo when he grinds against your clit once more, “they said…”
“I know.”
A strong hand comes to keep your hips planted on the mattress when you instinctively push back against him. “There’s no rush,” he smiles, “I just needed to make sure you were ready.”
A light chuckle leaves his lips when he catches your brows furrowing. He’d have to teach you patience another time maybe. If you’ll let him, that is.
“I’m ready,” you latch onto him again, arms wrapped around his neck.
“Are you sure?”
Teasing. That jerk.
“I am. I’m—”
You’re silenced by the gentle way his hand comes to cradle the back of your head against his chest before he finally pushes in. It feels good- how does it feel better than your toys? You’ve never felt like this– it’s numbing. It feels so good that you’re not sure you can handle more. “W-whoa… ah— S-suo-”
“Relax.” His voice makes your walls flutter, and you seem to finally understand just how badly your body has been craving Suo. “Relax and let me inside, okay? I know your body.” Your body heats up, and yourself turn to mush. “I know your limits. Trust me and ease up, okay?”
You try to listen. He pushes the rest of his length inside in one swift movement, and your head falls back in a silent scream– legs trembling and even Suo’s mouth falls open in a subtle gasp. Fuck- you realize you’re cumming, and you’re cumming hard.
User99: Did she just cum?
User106: she came from him bottoming out.. No way
User54: If it was me, she would have cum just from the tip.
The grip you have around Suo’s back is painful to say the least. You’re still fluttering around his length, chest rising up and down in loud gasps. “Now… are you still feeling okay?” His body covers your own entirely when he lays you on your back, resting on both elbows that cage your head on either side. It makes you feel safe, even with an orgasm that was so intense you almost feel scared. You briefly wonder how he’ll make you feel when he finally moves.
“M-mhm… I’m o-okay,” your face feels hot, and the stutter in your own voice betrays you.
“Looks like you’re feeling really good.” He catches on immediately. “Then, I’ll start moving….”
Already? Wait. You’re still sensitive—
User2663: oh wow
User919: this is more like it
User152: Finally at the good part
“Ahh… you’re squeezing really hard, aren’t you? Ease up for me.”
He feels so good that you can barely hear him. Even if you try to ease up— you’re not sure if you can. Not with how good he’s stretching you out. But you try anyway, try and be good for him so he’ll give you kisses all over your face again, and he seems to be content with your efforts. “There you go. Just like that. Relax and trust me.”
You’ve never felt this way towards your best friend. It feels good. Everything about him feels good. Each roll of his hips fills you perfectly— hits against a spot inside you that sends pleasure coursing through your body.
He’s everywhere. Kissing your neck, whispering in your ear— his hands run up and down your sides and you’re so hot you think you might actually be melting. Your second high approaches you faster than ever before, and he smiles against your skin.
“You’re getting close, aren’t you? I can tell. Don’t hide it from me. Let it out. Show me how good you feel.”
You’re getting close. So close. So close that you could already feel it– feel the way your mind blanks and your body tenses. Suo’s all over you- and you can feel each drag of his cock, each kiss he plants on your neck, you can feel the way his lips move when he laughs against your neck–
Your eyes shoot open when it finally hits you like a wave, vision dotting white. You let out a piercing shriek when hot flashes wash over you all at once, walls spasming around his cock and he only seems to fuck you better when he picks up on it. “Oh? Cumming again? What a good girl you are,” his voice carries a hint of breathlessness in it from how tightly you’re squeezing him. “It’s an intense one, isn’t it? Your eyes never roll back like this.”
Even when you feel like you’re about to pass out with pleasure, it clicks in your head. “E-eh? What do you mean..? A-ah…. feels good.. feels..” your head falls back against the pillow, body rocking up and down each time he pushes against you.
“Hm? Nothing you need to worry about, dove,” you feel him follow you, lean down and his teeth brush over your neck. You stifle a moan. “So, my pretty girl…”
“Inside..” he raises his voice to address the viewers, “or somewhere else?”
You choke out a moan when he abruptly grabs your tits, giving them one squeeze. Then two. Then a third one, a little gentler than the first two. “Maybe here?”
“Or…” he takes a fistful of your ass in his hands next, chuckling when you gasp. “Here?”
It sounds like he’s addressing the viewers, but he’s not looking at their responses- eyes on you only. “S-Suo…” your voice is barely audible at this point, body too fucked out and tired to try moving, so you just lay there and take everything he has to offer. “Inside.. please..”
“Oh. Inside? What a good girl,” he’s whispering so low that you’re certain they can’t hear him.
“You knew I was talking to you. Very well,” he sets a rougher pace against you, and you can only cling onto him for dear life. “Then I’ll dump it all inside you.”
“You’ll take all of it, won’t you? You’re such a good girl for me.”
“Mhm– yes, yes, I will! Please give it to me…”
It’s cute how needy you are even in your current state. It only takes a couple more thrusts before his face contorts, only for a second before he regains his composure, and he pushes deep inside, cock shooting ropes of cum against your cervix as you let out a whine.
He pumps you full of cum, fills you to the brim and a part of him is content that he’s claimed you for all of your viewers to watch with jealousy. He’s the only one who’s done this with you.
And he’s intent on keeping it that way.
User278: show us the creampie!!
User9293: we want to see
He gives them a warm smile before abruptly shutting off the stream. Enough of that. He was starting to get tired of their comments anyway. As if he’d be willing to show them such an intimate sight.
“So,” he turns back to you again, expression softening ever so slightly when his eyes land on you again. “Are you going to show me your real expressions now?”
lace dividers from @adornedwithlight
#wind breaker (satoru nii)#wind breaker#wind breaker smut#wind breaker x reader#hayato suo x reader#hayato suo#suo smut#suo x reader#wind breaker x you#suo hayato#suo x you#hayato suo smut#wbk#wbk x reader#wbk smut#wbk suo#windbreaker x reader#windbreaker smut#windbreaker#windbreaker suo#eviewriting
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i love love love your writing<3
rq: rafe had came up to tanneyhill's balcony for some peace at his own party. though he didn’t expect reader to be there, looking utterly lost. he knows reader is new. seen you before, too, hanging out with sarah’s crowd; under a pogue’s arm whenever they see him around, telling you rafe isn't anything worth talking, or interacting with.
first off, i am so sorry it took me so long to get this done (as with a lot of my requests) but thank you so much for enjoying my writing!! 🩷 i hope i do this prompt justice (literally shaking in my boots as i post this 😭)
ANGRY GOD | Rafe Cameron
Pairing — S2!Rafe Cameron x (F)Reader
Content — fluff, angst, Rafe spiraling (S2 Canons), Enemies Tension, Rafe growing possessive of Reader.
Word Count — 3.2K.
Dedication — to @mintforadollar who listened to me rant about this plot a month ago, only for it to now be completed <3. Prompt credited to this on c.ai!
Rafe wants to be alone.
His mind is caught in a tailspin, muscles singing with ache from his latest altercation. It didn't help that the fucker managed to get some good swings in, ripples of pain spread from his jawline to his left eye. When he enters the second floor of Tannyhill, all he wants is to catch a breath of fresh air away from the party. His party.
He didn't expect to see you.
"Out." Rafe commands gruffly. You flinch at his abrupt command. "Second floor is off-limits."
He adds nothing else as he marches over to the edge of the balcony, digging his scraped palms into the smooth ridges of the handrails. He didn't want anyone here to witness the brunt of his frustration and disappointment, or how his mind swims with disoriented and incoherent thoughts. He wants to be alone.
But you won't let him.
Cautiously, you take a step forward—not in the direction of the exit, as he hoped—but towards Rafe instead. Lifting his head at the sound of your faint footsteps, agitation flushing through his expression at your proximity. "Didn't I tell you to get out?"
"You got into a fight." You mumble your observation, examining his hardened profile to discover the bruise that decorates his jawline, swelling with discoloration, the darkening under his left eye, and the split of open skin right above his brow.
He scoffs. "No shit."
"And you're bleeding."
He is? He didn't know that. All consumed by the adrenaline rushing through his system—that has yet to wind down—Rafe lifts his hand to run his fingers over the most prominent aches around his face. When he presses against something wet, he withdraws, finding a fresh coat of blood over his fingertips.
Rafe grimaces at the sight—not the blood, he's used to that—but the fact that his opponent succeeded in cutting him too.
Now, he definitely doesn't want you here. Before Rafe has the chance to kick you out the third time, you offer assistance. "I can help," you say meekly, messing with the hems of your top.
He didn't catch it over the loud thumping of his heartbeat in his ears. "What?"
"I can help," you repeat, louder this time, wincing at the projection of your own voice. You don't like the strain in your tone, the desperation seeping through. You'd do anything to avoid returning to the party. "I know how to patch up wounds. I'm training to be an EMT."
"I didn't ask for a life story." He snaps, a mechanical response to any aid. The idea of someone taking care of him is unheard of; unfamiliar and uncomfortable. He doesn't know how to react other than complete and utter rejection. "Besides, I can take care of myself."
Rafe assumes his harsh words would drive you away. The bite behind each syllable has been enough to scare off everyone else but you remain firm in your position. If anything, your expression softens, eyes washing over his rigid posture with a sympathetic look. He hates it.
"I know," you start slowly, eyes cascading down his face, carefully monitoring his reaction. "But... wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to?"
His expression breaks.
Your kindness strikes directly to his chest and his heart clutches at the way you address him. With humanity. Even when he's been nothing but a complete asshole to you, demanding your departure, you respond with a sense of warmth. Rafe clenches down his jaw.
When he doesn't answer quickly enough, a sign of his contemplation, you add. "Please."
Reluctantly, Rafe gives in. "Fine."
Rafe moves from the balcony deck to reenter Tannyhill, not bothering to check if you're following behind. He heads straight to the ensuite connected to his bedroom, checking under the sink for his first aid kit, before throwing the box over the counter.
That's when he catches a glimpse of himself through the mirror, the ugly bruising that lines his face, the dried blood that stains his temple. His jaw tightens at the sight.
You enter shortly after, seeing him with his back to the mirror, his spine pressed against the rim of the porcelain sink. Your eyes do a quick sweep of your surroundings, before landing on Rafe and his rigid form, arms crossed over his chest, and a cold look on his face. He just wants to get this over with.
You glance outside, to his room, with its openness, before meeting his gaze. "Can we go to your bed?"
His answer is immediate. "No."
You frown but ask nothing more. Rafe's trying to make this difficult for you, refusing to cooperate because it's easier than submitting to your grace. Easier than admitting he'd like the help. You work around that.
Grabbing the antiseptics from the kit, you proceed to clean his wounds, softly massaging his flesh in the process. For a moment, it feels too good and Rafe fights the urge to lean into your hand before a sharp pain rips through him from the open cut and he hisses.
You immediately pull back, mumbling a quick apology.
His eyes squeeze shut, it takes a moment for the throb to cool down, and once it does, Rafe reconnects his gaze with yours to find the remorseful look behind your stare, the softening of your features met with utmost concern. You don't make another move to try again.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine." He bites out, wanting to rid you of that look. He's not weak. Stop looking at him as if he is. Despite the reassurance, you have yet to continue. "You're not going to be a good doctor if you shy away every time your patient gets hurt."
"I feel bad." You admit, chewing on your bottom lip.
"Why? You didn't do this."
He's the one who got into the fight. The one who swung first. While he may have won in the end, having knocked out the guy in the middle of the yard, it doesn't neglect the damage done to him in the process. But, at the end of the day, it's his fault.
You don't see it that way. "Because you're hurting."
You're too soft. That's what Rafe determines. Every little moment, little sprouts of empathy, every inch of sensitivity, is going to hurt you in the end. It won't save anything.
"I don't need your pity," Rafe snaps, giving you the first taste of reality under his razor-sharp tongue. He could be considerate, and understanding, but he isn't. That's how he learned.
"It's not—" You sigh. You don't want to argue and relent against his jabs. Without further commentary, you continue forward with your duties: aiding in his treatment and biting through the humane urge to sympathize with his pain.
Rafe takes the silence to observe you while you work. He knows you grew quiet because of his rough manners, and he won't lie to himself and say he enjoys it. He doesn't. But it adds to the list of everything else he has done wrong in his life; his long string of failures that his father can't wait to remind him of.
In the quietness, Rafe recognizes something about you. It takes a moment, after all the aches and throbs, but the recognition dawns on him that you're new. You hang out with his sister, Sarah, and the rest of the filthy group of no-good Pogues on the other side of the island. There have even been occasions when he saw you under JJ's arm, slinging around red solo cups and a grim soak of southside.
"Where's your friends?" Rafe asks, surprising you with the roughness behind his voice.
You lift your gaze to his. "Hmm?"
"The Pogues. Don't you hang out with them?"
You swallow hard, feeling like a child being caught with their hand in the cookie jar. You hoped your newcomer status would be enough to shield yourself from Rafe's wraith, especially his hatred towards your selected group. "Why?"
Rafe immediately picks up on the shift in your demeanor, the rigidness in your shoulders that tells him exactly what he needs to know. "You've heard about me, haven't you?"
You hesitate to answer. Rafe presses on. "What'd they say?"
Your friends have told you many warnings about the notorious Rafe Cameron. It all comes down to one conclusion: he's dangerous. He's irrational, self-centered, and narcissistic. He isn't worth talking to because all he cares about is himself.
However, you like to find out for yourself.
Rafe leans forward, lowering himself to meet your height and his face is right in front of yours. An arrogant smirk rises to his lips, a challenge for you to answer. "Come on, princess, don't tell you came up here without doing a bit of research beforehand."
You recognize this as a facade, a way for him to hide his true feelings because it's easier to disturb others. To mess with people and not reflect on your own. You place a hand against the solid of his chest and gently push him back, forcing him to reinstate the safe distance established before. You continue back to your line of work.
Your little push surprises Rafe. It also intrigues him too.
"They said you weren't worth talking to," you say softly, avoiding eye contact as he follows your every move. "That you're dangerous."
He scoffs at the reveal, but it pinches his heart that his own sister would agree. He values her opinion more than he'd like to admit. Drawing out a noncommital shrug, pretending not to care, he declares. "They're right."
You hum. "Maybe."
He looks directly at you with a raised brow. "Maybe?"
Your eyes finally connect with his, "I'm still figuring that out." You pull back, setting the supplies back into his aid box. "Done."
You're about to take a step back when Rafe grabs your wrist, holding you in place. Your breath shortens, and you peer down at the place of your contact before raising your gaze to his.
"What do you mean by that?" He demands, his expression hardens but his eyes are pleading. That juxtaposition, between who he is and what he wants, is the exact thing you're trying to uncover.
You aren't afraid of him. Not like the others.
"I don't know," you answer truthfully, sweeping over his face, reading the conflict his features can't seem to contain. Rafe, you're slowly unraveling, is someone who puts his heart on his sleeves. He just hasn't had anyone who cares enough to look for it. "I just don't know if I truly believe that."
"Why not? The rest of the island does."
It's almost a spiral. An edge closer to it. You think it's because Rafe finally has someone who looks past his mask, his deception that the rest of the island gladly takes. They're afraid of him; he engineered that reputation by hand. But you've met your fair share of burnt souls to know they're all worth saving.
You answer him.
"Your eyes." You explain gently. "They say it's the windows to someone's soul."
"And, Rafe Cameron, you're someone who isn't as heartless as you'd like the rest of the world to believe."
His grip loosens from your words and you take the opportunity to slip out of his grasp and settle your arms by your side. Rafe watches as you offer him a soft smile, one that reaches your eyes, and you're about to return to the balcony deck for some peace when he follows you into his bedroom.
"That's not fair." He denounces, halting your exit.
You turn around to face him. "What is?"
"You can't come in here and make those assumptions. You don't know shit about my life."
Rafe doesn't like to be read so clearly; to know that whatever he's trying to front isn't deluding you. For some reason, he needs to convince you that every rumor and gossip is true. That he is bad. The idea of it is embedded so deeply into the crevices of his self-worth, that he's having a hard time believing anything else.
Rafe expects your reaction to meet his fury, but the slope of your brows furrow together calmly. A delicate practice over years of training. "I never said I did."
"You're acting like you do."
You frown. "Now you're making assumptions about me," you refute, pointing out his hypocrisy, and a tinge of sharpness slips through. "You asked and I answered. You can't be mad because you don't like them."
"Then why?" He snaps, irritation spewing with his venom. "Who the fuck are you to make that judgment?"
"I thought you didn't want to hear my life story."
He huffs. Rafe finds himself at a crossroads. While you're standing there, with your collected composure, he feels like he's unraveling by the seams. There's something about you. The way you read through him like glass. He doesn't know if he likes it or not. If he needs it or not.
"Bitch," he mutters under his breath at your lack of compliance, and your breath hitches at the term, a flash of anger goes through you like a surge. He recognized that look; it was something he was all too familiar with.
You turn around, about to sprint for the exit once again when Rafe calls out. "Wait."
You don't want to turn around this time. Rafe had managed to make you break through your own facade, your own composure that you spent years trying to cultivate. Something about being in the same room as the eldest Cameron makes you regress into your formative years.
"Turn around."
Your jaw is slighted, but you try to hold it together. You loosen your features before you turn on your heel. You still don't think Rafe is the person he's trying to present to the world, and you doubt that he truly carries that much cruelty in one body, but that doesn't mean you have to be in the same room as him.
But something made you stay.
Rafe crosses the large space, standing just in front of you. His breath is hot against yours, his eyes sharp. You tilt your head, meeting his stare, but to contrast his intensity, your gaze is soft yet firm, your eyes unwavering. Just because you are kinder than he is doesn't mean you are weak.
"You know what it's like, don't you?" He murmurs gruffly, his voice straining at the exposure. This questioning also carries the weight of admission underneath; to bridge a kinship. "Or are you a liar?"
You're not. But no one's ever asked the questions Rafe is asking either. Not your friends back home or the new ones with the Pogues. They treasure your friendship but they don't understand your depth.
"No, what?"
"I'm not a liar," you bite out. Rafe's mouth curls into a satisfactory smile, and he gets a glimpse of your real character. The true you underneath all that dignity. It's like his own dirty secret. "I know."
You saw through Rafe because you understood him. You shared the same sentiments. You groomed the same callousness. Every act he performs, you went through first. You can't point at his reflection without looking at the mirror yourself.
But you're a bit different. You learn to control it. You discovered that all that anger was something else. Hurt, pain, injustice. You take it all and put it in a box, caged behind thick chains and hard locks. Never to be touched again. Rafe takes it out to the open, free to play. You may come from the same origin but you take two different routes.
However, Rafe sees you much clearer now. To know you can understand him, see through his perspective, and filter out his incoherent thoughts. That's something he'd never experienced before in his life.
"The voices, anger, and impulses?" His voice shrinks, eyes searching yours. You hesitate before nodding once. "You get that too?"
It comes out when you're most hurt. "I do."
He feels like can breathe for once, to not feel completely isolated from the rest of the world. Rafe always feels off, like something is wrong with him. Nothing can be explained; nothing is allowed to be explored. Even when he sought therapy, his father denied his request. He thought he‘d be forever alone in all this.
He steps forward, closing in the distance until there's only an inch of space separating you. But even that feels too big. Oxygen stuck in your throat, Rafe connects his gaze with yours to whisper. "You're like me, aren't you?"
You swallow hard. You didn't realize understanding someone could be a reflection of your own damning soul. You don't know if it's a good thing. "Yes."
His pupils are dilated and nearly pitch-black. His breathing shortens, and his gaze pools with desire. You feel it too. Your heart accelerates beneath your ribcage, your stomach knotting with want. When Rafe leans forward, about to capture your lips on his, you ready yourself to let it all in.
But you're a bit different.
You turn your head away at the last second, his contact coming to your cheek.
"I'm..." You exhale, squeezing your eyes shut. "I'm with JJ."
The world stills on its axis, and you feel the gravity of it beneath your feet. You slowly peel your eyes open, only to find Rafe having pulled back, his hand, midway through the air to hold your chin, closes into a tight fist.
You let out a shaky breath, your eyes swimming with regret.
The look on his face is heartbreaking because you know him in parallel, you know what he's feeling. You take a step back, for your sanity or his, it’s unclear. All you know is the distance was safe. Until it wasn't.
"I should go." You whisper.
Rafe says nothing as you pad your way across his room, slipping out of the door. He remains motionless in the same spot, his jaw set, his fists clenched by his side. The adrenaline pulses return through his veins.
It takes a minute to gather himself. Hearing nothing but the throbbing bass beneath him, pulsing through the floor. His heart is wretched, his stomach full of nausea.
Rafe returns to the balcony to pull away from his room, the place where you had been, and he steps closer to the ledge. Everything in his mind is too quiet; sterile and white-screeching. He doesn't know how to fathom this change.
His blue eyes search across the lawn and he easily picks you out of the crowd. He knows you well now. Those brief, fleeting moments attached to his soul are permanent memories.
You rejoined the party with Sarah and the rest of the Pogues, while JJ saunters over and throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close and whispering something in your ear. You smile and laugh, but it doesn't quite reach your eyes.
When you look up, you find Rafe already watching. His eyes are set on yours, unmoving, and the intimacy of his gaze strikes something deep. You had to turn away to preserve yourself.
Rafe slowly comes to his understanding on his own. He never had someone who understood him, much less in such a short time. You unravel him behind gentle stares and quiet observations. You knew him because you knew yourself, and he doesn't want to lose that. He doesn't want to lose you. He can’t.
So, he decided.
You weren't his.
But he's taking you anyways.
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Our family
Jinx x Fem!Reader ft. Isha (plus a little bonus with Sevika)
A continuation from the fic „My Everything“ https://www.tumblr.com/insomniadreamzz/772011828255621120/hey-how-are-you-i-wanted-to-request-gp-jinx-x
Part 2 https://www.tumblr.com/insomniadreamzz/773579527173668864/hey-im-absolutely-obsessed-with-your-series-about
Part 3 https://www.tumblr.com/insomniadreamzz/775006861557661697/our-family-part-3

You still remember when Isha found out she gonna be a big sister, the way her eyes were literally glowing with happiness. Isha was mute but she expressed her happiness clearly, already doing little doodles of her and her sister together with you and Jinx. The way she put her little head on your baby bump to feel her sister kick, it was just too cute.
Jinx already set up some stuff for the little one, making sure youre gonna have everything you needed when the baby will arrive and soon it happened.
You can still remember how Jinx held your hand and never left your side. Singed, the only doctor here in Zaun also made an appearance to make sure everything went well. He wasn’t used to be part of something like that very often but he was glad he could help you out in that situation. Jinx kisses on your forehead and the way she encouraged you during that hard time, it was still stuck in your head how gentle and loving she can be and then it happened. When you first heard your little one cry, both of you shed tears of happiness, feeling relieved that everything went good. It was a little girl.
When you both got back home after that, Jinx immediately ushered you to bed, figuring you must be tired as you had your newborn in your arms, Jinx never leaving your side.
„Look how cute she is…our little one…“ She cooed, holding you close as she admired your daughter, making you smile so happily. „Of course she is, she is ours.“ You mentioned, looking into your girlfriend’s eyes. „What should we name her?“ You asked and Jinx already got an idea, something that she was thinking about for a longer time now since she knew you are pregnant.
„Powder.“ Jinx said, making your eyes widen in confusion, knowing it was Jinx‘s actual name. „Powder?“ You asked, Jinx nodding in response. „Yes. I want to have a good connection to that name now. Every time I hear it I have to think about myself when I was younger and…certain things happened but I want to forget that. I want to be happy hearing the name Powder and not feel triggered anymore by that name. She will be a better Powder, not like me. I am Jinx now, Powder died in me but we can make her be a better Powder than I was.“ You heard her voice crack a little, seeing little tears running down her cheeks. This really meant a lot to Jinx, you knew it. „Then she will be Powder.“ You agreed with her, using your free hand to caress her back gently, getting back her attention towards you. „Thank you my love.“ She said before placing a little kiss on your lips.
The moment got interrupted by little footsteps, it was Isha who curiously walked up to you, Jinx shifting to make space for Isha between you both. „Isha! Come here, say hello to your little sister.“ Jinx said, letting the girl slip beside you as she looked at the little one with wide happy eyes, her small hand gently touching Powder as if welcoming her.
„Now you are a big sister. You can show her everything when she gets a little bigger, cool right?“ You said, Isha nodding at your words, feeling really happy to be a big sister now plus she was excited to have someone to play with in the future as well.
You talked a little more this evening until all of you just fell asleep. Powder on your chest and Isha sleeping between you and Jinx, all cuddled up in one bed. It was a very peaceful moment. Jinx slept for the first time very happily and calm, the voices in her head not bothering her at all. She was truly happy for the first time and she won’t let anyone destroy this happy life she had.
The next morning Sevika was on her way to Jinx’s hideout, it’s been a while since she showed up, probably hanging around in the Last Drop or doing her usual work. Sevika knew Jinx from when Silco took her with him so she felt like she had to look for her every now and then, making sure Jinx was alright.
„Jinx where the fuck are-…“ She started but stopped immediately in her tracks as she saw Jinx holding a baby while you and Isha were still sleeping cuddled up together. „Where did that baby come from?“ She asked with a raised eyebrow, not trusting this situation for now.
„That’s my daughter which came right out of my girlfriend if you want to know.“ Jinx replied with her usual sassy behavior. Sevika didn’t want to know any more details, shaking it off as she stepped closer to Jinx, having a closer look at the baby. „That’s…really yours?“ She asked again, being a little bit shocked, Jinx nodding in response. „Yep! Does auntie Sevika want to say hello to little Powder? Or are you gonna chicken out?“ Obviously Jinx had to tease Sevika but the older woman didn’t let her make her annoyed as she just nodded. Jinx helped Sevika to hold Powder with her arm, the baby looking even smaller in her strong arm. „There you go.“
Sevika stared at the baby with a unusual soft gaze. „Aw…did you just say auntie Sevika?“ She asked to be sure. „Of course! You’re the only one left who’s like a family to me after Silco died.“ Jinx became soft as she said that, thinking it was about time to speak the truth to Sevika, making the other womans eyes water a little. „Silco would be so happy and proud of you Jinx.“ Sevika mentioned, making Jinx almost cry but she held back her tears. Instead a little tear rolled down Sevika‘s cheek. „Are you crying?“ Jinx tilted her head as she gazed at Sevika who just shook her head. „No I am not.“ She said, making Jinx chuckle in response. „Damn you are a bad liar.“
And with that both started chuckling.
#x reader#fanfiction#female reader#x fem!reader#short imagine#lgbtq#arcane#arcane fanfic#jinx#jinx x fem!reader#jinx x y/n#jinx and isha#jinx arcane#jinx x reader#arcane imagine#isha arcane#x female y/n#x female reader#fluff
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The Slam
Summary: Ari has had a enough of your TikTok foolishness...
Warnings: Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Bickering, Brat!Reader, Prank Foolishness, References to P in V sex, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Sweet Renegade Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
Now that you’ve gotten your first TikTok prank under your belt, you found you needed more. It was as if a beast – for lack of better phrasing – had been awoken inside of you. And it demanded that you served the world chaos.
At your man’s expense.
While you’d gone a little bigger the first time around, today you’d decided to dial it back just a touch. Lately you’d been watching videos of women slamming their boyfriend’s and husband’s car door after what seemed to be the most innocent of conversations.
In retaliation, some of them yelled confused obscenities, or honked horns, others simply appeared content to stew in whatever resentment had already been brewing beneath the surface.
Regardless, almost all of them were funny. And not only that, but you got the distinct feeling that Ari wouldn’t appreciate it. His truck was precious to him.
Almost as precious as you.
This morning you choose to test your luck when Ari is kind enough to drop you by your place so that you can switch out purses and grab your makeup bag before heading out for lunch. You can tell that he doesn’t fully understand the reason you need either of those things.
In fact, when you told him what you needed, he’d been swift to grunt something to the effect of how you already looked “perfectly good to him as it was”. And although it had made the butterflies in your belly do their special little flutter that was reserved for when you received compliments just from him, you pushed him to make the stop anyway.
In part because you needed those things, but also because you wanted to fuck with him a bit.
“I promise I’ll be super quick.” You tell him, hastily undoing your seatbelt as he pulls up in your driveway.
“Still don’t get why you needed to come here.” Your bounty hunter was hungry, and therefore also a little grumpy. “You’re already the prettiest little thing I’ve ever set my eyes on without all the extra froufrou shit.”
“You would really have me walk into a restaurant with you with a bare face?”
“Baby, real talk, I’d be proud to have you on my arm if you were wearing nothing but a paper bag.” Comes his quiet, but sincere rebuttal.
It’s enough to make you melt.
“You’re sweet.”
“Uh huh.” He huffs, throwing his truck in park. “And women are weird. Besides, all that makeup looks better on my pillow anyway.”
“Pretty sure you’re not supposed to call us weird. Could’ve sworn you were supposed to be intrigued by the feminine mystique.” You tell him, poking him in the ribs for good measure.
“Weird.” Ari huffs again, clearly not moved by your response.
“Mystique – you jerk.” Feeling slightly miffed, you decide to steal a sip of his water.
“Can you please just go get the bag and war paint before I waste away from hunger?” You bat his hand away when he leans forward to open your door and usher you out his vehicle. “My stomach is literally trying to eat itself and you wanna fuckin’ argue.”
“I am capable of opening it myself, thank you very much.” You hiss without any real heat before grabbing the handle.
“Then I would very much appreciate it if you did that so we can get this show on the road.”
“Okay, okay.” You finally relent. “I’m sorry. Gimme a kiss and I’ll go–”
Ari’s mouth is on yours so fast it’s almost comical. He cups your face with calloused hands, stroking his thumbs across your temples as he does. But unfortunately, just as you’re about to sink into the kiss, he pulls away.
“Now get.” He growls, before opening the door and effectively shooing you out.
“Fine.” Climbing out of his truck, you decide that this is your moment. “Be right back.” Closing your eyes, you give it up to the Lord before slamming Ari’s door hard.
Actually a little harder than you intended. Ah, well.
Grimacing, you begin to half walk, half run for your front door. After all, there was such a thing as being too brave for this world. And you’d actually felt his vehicle rattle with the force with which you’d put behind it. There was no way this man would not respond. There was no way–
“Aye!” Your shoulders automatically hunch of their own volition when you hear him throw open his own door in protest. You haven’t even made it to the front porch. ”The hell was that about?”
“What?” You try to play dumb.
“Bird. Stop.”
It’s the calm authority in his voice that has you freezing in your tracks. It’s the same reason your panties are soaked too. Teeth sinking into your bottom lip, you turn around and face Ari.
“I’m gonna need you to walk your pretty little ass back over here, baby.” He quirks a tawny brow when your legs don’t immediately start moving. “Now.”
“Beast, I need to go inside and–”
“Ass. Here. Now. Please.” Ari tacks on the last word when he sees you frown. However, the frown stays in place as you march back over to where he’s standing, or now leaning, against the side of his truck.
“Thank you.” He grunts before cupping your cheek, drawing you forward. “Now, is there a reason you’re out here slammin’ my shit and spikin’ my blood pressure? Does this have somethin’ to do with that whole feminine mystique business again?”
As he talks, you find it hard to resist the urge to run your fingers through his newly shorn beard. You’d hung out in the bathroom with him this morning while he trimmed it, wearing nothing but a pair of panties and one of his shirts.
“No.” You breathe, your nostrils flaring when that same hand moves, gently lacing itself around your throat.
“You pissed at me for somethin’?” His electric blue eyes search yours for answers.
“You tryin’ to pick a fight?”
“Also no.” You tell him as your hand comes up to wrap around his thick wrist. “It was a joke I saw on TikTok and–.”
“Christ, I’m gonna stop you.” Ari blinks twice before forcing himself to take a deep breath. “Since you and I don’t have a problem, I’m gonna let you go inside and fetch your things. You have five minutes, or I’m comin’ in after you.”
“To do what?” You can’t help the pout that forms on your lips. Sometimes this man really had no sense of humor. “Because I‘m gonna need more time than that to put on my face.”
The look this man gives you lets you know that you are absolutely trying his patience – every last piece of it.
“You got five minutes.” Ari repeats, his thumb stroking over your pulse point. “Or I’m gonna come in there and personally take my time making sure all that makeup ends up in its proper place where it belongs.”
“But that’s not fair!”
“Neither is subjecting me to shit you see on that damned hickory dickory dock crap you watch all the time, and yet here we are.” He leans down to brush his lips against your forehead. “Now go.”
Ari finally releases you before pulling out his phone, and it takes him only a second for him to show it to you, letting you see that he’s started a timer. And it is quickly counting down.
“You got five minutes, sweetheart.” He winks at you then, before breaking into full blown laughter when you turn to make a break for your front door. “Otherwise I’m comin’ in after you, and it’s gonna be what it’s gonna be.”
Forget the purse. You decide you’re better off snagging the makeup and beating it back to the truck before the timer strikes zero.
“Bastard.” You grumble under your breath – which only makes him laugh harder.
“You just lost yourself thirty seconds for that one. Better run, Bird.”
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What OP Men Post About you on Reddit PT2
OP 男性があなたについて Reddit に投稿するもの。
𝑴𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑭𝒊𝒄
sum. Your boyfriend posted about you on reddit. 𝑹𝑬𝑫𝑫𝑰𝑻 PT1 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tw. Fluff & Crack! Slight nsfw on shanks part😭 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a/n. Im using my free time to upload my works, i hope its okay to have late uploads😭😭 // Do not translate or transfer any of my works, this is my only account (exp. AO3) will not be cross posted anywhere else. // Masterlist♥
r/AITA Swrdsmn.Zoro ⬆︎ 11.7k ⬇︎ 309
Am I the asshole for refusing to take my girlfriends map route?
My girlfriend loves to take me on a different of adventures throughout the world, her main favorites were taking simple walks that would eventually end up at the other side of the city. She drags me along with her always even if i had told her multiple times that it's too early to go for a walk. My girl, sets her alarm at 3am and wakes me up to go outside and walk with her.
About a week ago, she broke the news to ME, that she booked us a hiking trip. Me being myself, i usually laze around the house and get some sleep, so hiking isn't definitely my thing. But either way she bought us 2 hiking tickets up a snowy mountain.
When we had 4 days prior before setting out for hiking, she immediately drew a map from the place we were going. I admit that she is definitely good at drawing maps, but i studied them and absolutely got confused. I gave up on doing so.
We arrived to our destination and she immediately grabbed her map out of the bag, she tried pulling me to the right side of the mountain but there was a map hanging by the wall of the cabin shop saying that the left side is where the mountain hiking is located. I talked to her about it and she told me that the map they made is probably fake.
We got into a small argument and i parted ways with her towards the left side and i fot lost, I was reported as missing and a group of search party was launched to get me back, Now I'm back with my girlfriend's hold and she's mad at me for not taking her word. We talked to the cabin shop for the map route and found out that there was no such thing as a cabin back on the mountain.
Chef_Sanji: yta, obvi your gf deserves someone better. ➣Swrdsmn.Zoro replied: I wasn't asking you ➣Chef_Sanji replied: Obviously you were, you posted this so you're asking everyone. (COMMENT WARNING)
r/meat Straw_Luffy ⬆︎ 12.7k ⬇︎ 103

My girlfriend cooked me this today :D !
I'm absolutely thinking that she's better than @chef_sanji! Her cooking is so yummy i could eat all of this in just one bite🤤 THANK YOU SO MUCH @Your.Name !!
Chef_Sanjii: IT LOOKS SO GOOD, GIVE ME SOME TOO YN-CHAN❤️❤️ ➣Straw_Luffy replied: No way it's mine! ➣Chef_Sanjii replied: I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU ➣Your.Name replied to Chef_Sanjii: I will when we meet again! :D (Liked by Chef_Sanjii)
r/wifey ItsmeShanks ⬆︎ 47k ⬇︎ 1.7k
—Attach photo of you
All night, all day, with clothes, naked, doggy style, missionary, full nelson, in public, in private, in bed, on the sofa, with toys, vanilla, piv, anal, boob job, hand job, fingering, masturbation, in the ship, on the floor, top to bottom, on sea, on land, on my face, on your tits, helicopter style, pegging, on camera, in front of everyone, in an alleyway, in the shower, standing up, sitting, laying down, bent over, no stopping, finishing inside, finishing outside.
Your.Name: WHAT THE FUCK SHANKS (Liked by ItsmeShanks)
r/girlfriends Com.Acee ⬆︎ 113k ⬇︎ 12.3k
My girlfriend is so beautiful, she absolutely deserves the world.
Literally shes the best, I don't know what i even did to desrve her presence besides me, but im sos so thankful for it. Everyday i wake up next to her it feels like im blessed eith yet another peaceful and loving day knowing that everything is complete with her by my side.
She smells so good that it stays on my sense of smell, the way her fragrance litter her room and immediately smells like her once i enter is so peaceful and sweet. I absolutely love her perfume, i bought one of them to keep on my room and i spray tiny bits of it on me whenever she's not with me now.
I seldom carry her little gifts in my small bag whenever im away from her to remind me of her presence, her perfume never leave my hands. My shelves are filled to the brim with her godly scented perfumes, her perfume is wuite expensive yet it doesn't matter. Her little girts are kept in a glass covered shelf to ensure protection and will never be broken.
I love gifting her her favorite items and seeing the cutest smiles on her face, i really really wish to spend my eternity with her forever. @Your.Name i love you so much😭😭
Your.Name: THIS IS SO CUTE AHHH ➣Com.Acee replied: ILYYYY❤️❤️ (Liked by Your.Name)
r/Girlfriends MetalPipeLover_Sabo ⬆︎ 46.1k ⬇︎ 429
I need advice on where to take my girl on a date! D:
Any recommendations for places that's suitable for a date? I'm planning to propose to my dear girlfriend, we've been together for a solid 6 years and a half. We've talked about getting married and i think today is the day i propose to her. I can't think of any place thats perfect enough to do so.
Anything that would have a good view or maybe a little cute cat cafe beside it would be fine, I'm thinking of a little elegant theme..or maybe a little cute one? I really cant decide, i contacted my brothera but they couldn't take a single thing serious. Please actually take me seriously😭
My girl isn't that picky, but i myself think that what ever crosses my mind is simply not enough and that she deserves much better than what im thinking of, but of course i still need to atleast make the proposal romantic right?? 😭😭 Please give me recommendations, im absolutely desperate...
Com.Acee: The grand canyon idk🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ ➣MetalPipeLover_Sabo replied: ACE GET OFF MY COMMENT SECTION😞😞😞 Straw_Luffy: Take her where there's meat! :D ➣MetalPipeLover_Sabo replied: No that's not good enough. Unknown: A flower field maybe lol? (Liked by MetalPipeLover_Sabo)

©Cokou 2024, all works belong to me.
#cokou#one piece#op#one piece x reader#zoro x reader#roronoa zoro#zoro#zoro one piece#one piece luffy#monkey d. luffy#luffy#monkey d luffy#straw hat luffy#luffy x reader#shanks#shanks one piece#shanks x reader#shanks op#ace x y/n#ace x reader#portgas d ace#ace#revolutionary sabo#one piece sabo#flame emperor sabo#sabo one piece#asl brothers#asl trio#crack#sabo x reader
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When your parents don't like them

Pairing: Ot8!skz × Gn!Reader (individually)
Genre: reverse hurt/comfort? Angst? A little bit of fluff perhaps; reaction
Description: their reaction to not having the approval of your parents in their first meeting (established relationship)
Warnings: not proofread; a lot of overthinking and self doubt in most of the scenarios; the length of each story is not favouritsm!! It's just that some scenarios required more details than others
A/n: I should have posted this one a long time ago... Oh well. And I am literally the mix of Han and Lee Know, this would 100% happen to me if I were in their shoes
Bang Chan
Parents always love him, so why didn't yours?
He believes he took it for granted
But he was so sure your family would love him
Rethinks everything he said and did
And thinks about what he could've done
He'll be up all night because of it, you better believe me
"Maybe it's the outfit I was wearing?"
"Chan, for God's sake, go to sleep."
"Seriously though, do you think my clothes weren't appropriate?"
"There was nothing wrong with how you looked baby."
"... So maybe I didn't introduce myself properly?"
Lee Know
He knew he had to talk
But it turns out he was too scared
And your parents just aggravated his problem
He'd give only short answers and would only speak when spoken with
Because of that your parents didn't see him as a really charismatic guy
But I swear he was trying his best
"I swear it wasn't as bad as it seemed."
"It was horrible. I doubt any of your parents even know what my voice sounds like."
"You were nervous. I'm sure they'll understand. If you'd like I can talk to them about it."
"Please, don't. The last thing I want is for your parents to think that besides being awkward I'm a coward as well."
"They don't think either of those things. You'll see, you guys just need to know each other a little bit more. They'll love you."
Even with his worried expression, he gave you a small smile "I hope so".
You warned him he was getting too close
He was holding your hand, caressing your thigh, hugging you too tight, kissing you a lot...
All the time
And yes, you both were dating for a while now
But your parents didn't really appreciate the attitude
And truly, he thought that by doing that he was showing how much he treasured and loved you
Sadly your parents didn't understand his actions like he planned
"But what was I supposed to do? Stay away from you?"
"Ideally, yes"
Changbin pouted, not even realising it "but I'm your boyfriend"
"They are not used to this fact just yet. Don't worry though, they still have a lot of time to like you. Just wait and see"
Similar to Chan, Hyunjin didn't expect to be rejected by your parents
of course, he wasn't expecting to make the fall in love immediately, but he knew he had some charms
and he actually put a lot of effort into impressing them so when it doesn't work he's like
genuinely sad
And he's scared your relationship might change now that he doesn't have your family approval right away.
"So... About the dinner"
"They are always like this, don't worry"
"How come?"
"I knew they were gonna play hard to get. But don't you stress over it, sooner or later they will realise there is no need to act like it"
"So I can still convince them into not hating me?"
"Why would they hate you? You were really boyfriend material if you ask me"
He laughed, a little bit more relieved "They were kinda... aggressive back there, y'know?"
"Ugh, sorry about that. I swear things will get better"
"You're not mad?"
"Of course not. Why would I be?"
"I thought you'd get sad or something like that since the meeting didn't go that well"
"I'm a bit sad, yeah. But it's not your fault. You did your best. Besides, it won't last that long. It's kinda hard to hate on the Hwang Hyunjin for too long"
He laughed again, openly this time as he replied "I hope you are right"
The problem wasn't exactly what he did
The problem was that he didn't do anything
Literally anything
He'd excuse himself to go to the bathroom to avoid any questions
He barely moved besides that
After a while your dad even forgot he was there
And Han wished he could disappear
"I'm so, so sorry"
"Ji, it's okay"
"I was gonna answer your mother, I swear. But she was looking at me with daggers in her eyes"
"You were just fine"
"Fine? Y/n, your dad sighed in relief after I left the room. They must see me as a loser"
"I'm sure they don't. Besides, you still have a lot of time left to win them over. I know they'll love you"
Your parents loved him actually
They just don't think he is fit to be your boyfriend
They think that his angel face and sweet personality wouldn't give you enough security throughout your life
And Felix wants to prove himself to your parents so badly now
He will use his deep voice privilege to try to prove his point
He will go to the gym with Changbin until he's "intimidating" enough
And he won't fail on reminding them how he has over 60 medals on taekwondo
"How do I look?"
"Great, as always"
"But do I look intimidating? Scary?"
"But not too scary. I need to look threatening to others but reliable to you"
"You look like someone my parents will like"
"They already like me, but not enough to like our relationship"
"They will though. Soon enough they will appreciate everything that comes along with you, trust me."
Felix smiled and nodded, feeling a certain comfort into your words as you headed to the door
"Just for the record, you do look threatening but reliable"
"Oh thank you. I was going crazy over this"
If your parents don't like Seungmin then the problem is on them
just kidding
Seriously though, I can't imagine why they wouldn't like him
And neither can Seungmin himself
So he truly thinks that everything was a misunderstanding and that it's only a matter of time until your whole family falls in love with him
He will face it like a challenge
"What about we invite your parents to our apartment this weekend?"
"We just saw them less than an hour ago"
"I think we should see them again"
"Did you like them that much?"
"They seem cool. But they also seem to hate me. I need to change their minds"
"What? They didn't hate you at all"
"Your father's glare would disagree. But that doesn't matter that much because by the end of this week they will love me"
"You seem certain"
"Of course I am. I can't have them hating me for the rest of our lives, can I?"
"They don't hate you. They are just... hard to please"
"I'll change this" he faced you with a confident smile "I give you my word"
Kinda clueless
Totally clueless actually
He can't understand what he did wrong but apparently he did something awful considering your parents disliked him that much
Will try to find ways to apologise
Will gift them and try to keep a conversation even when you're not around
"Does your mother like flowers? She does, right? Every mother does"
"What are you doing?"
"You said that she invited us to lunch this Friday. I don't want to go see her with empty hands again. Maybe that's what made her hate me so much the first time"
"She doesn't care about those things, Innie"
"No? Then why doesn't she like me?"
"She's just hard to satisfy, you know. But I bet she'll like you in no time. She just needs to get to know you better"
"You keep saying that but I don't know, I feel like that won't happen any time soon. I really want her to approve me"
He had that hopeless expression again, that one that really wanted to change the situation but didn't know how to. You really hated seeing him disappointed on himself.
"Lilies" you said
"Those are my mother's favourites. Lilies"
"Oh my God, thank you" he got up and kissed the top of your head lightly, before going to the door of your shared apartment "I'll be right back"
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Gotta regret em' all!
(read bellow for more insight/comments about these!!)
Ouuggghh my GOD the universe did not want me to create these. I started Folly darkrai, then got sick with a nasty cold that I am still recovering from. THEN I get the most painful ear infection ever. The last image was made while I was in physical agony. I cried real tears.
Regardlessss... I really love Pokemon and Regretevator. My brain has been hardwired since the ripe ol' age of 4 to be obsessed with Pokemon. Every fandom I touch I think about trainer AUs or what Pokemon characters would be. So... this was inevitable. Everything I touch becomes Pokemon.
For those only following me for Regretevator, Roblox fandoms yanked me out of my Pokemon branding for everything. Which was good, i think. I used to represent myself with my fave mon, Maractus. Now I am my Roblox avatar. Ripe ol' age of 20 and all I do is roblock. amen.
I wanted to also write an extensive explanation for why EVERY character here is the Pokemon they are. Mostly because I know there will be people disagreeing with me (which is fine), but the goblin in my brain says "nooo people need to understand you 100% all the time". Sooo, here is a horrendously long essay about why I am objectively correct and you should trust me with all Pokemon related content ever (slash silly?). Does a lil' jigggggg.
(Basic Pokemon knowledge may be required to understand these things btw)
Folly Darkrai
- Obvious reason Folly would be a darkrai is that darkrai represents nightmares. It can cause those its near to have terrible dreams, and its signature move is Dark Void which puts enemies to sleep. Pair this with its ability, Bad Dreams, any opponent on the field that is asleep will take continuous damage.
- Darkrai is also illusive, and feared. It holds a similar energy to Folly. That energy being big bad scary oooo ahh scary.
- Literally the exact same color scheme as Folly. Similar shape language as well (big claws, jagged black bits, big evil eyeball, and a collar)
- Darkrai are interpreted as evil by characters within Pokemon media, but it is canon that they cannot control the nightmare giving aura they have. They can give others nightmares unintentionally, and aren't blood thirsting or villainous by nature. I feel this is a good nod towards Folly being in a similar boat. She can't help the situation she is in, and wasn't born evil.
Design Notes:
- I LOOOVE DARKRAI AND I LOOOVE FOLLY. she needed to be a pokemon I adore.
- The sweater was awkward to add onto her... because darkrai's body is already supposed to be like. a scary cloth. and they are so bulky. but I think I did okay?
- The hat looks awkward but I didn't include it that would have been messed up.
- nothing cool to say about dreamer she is just cutesy and rounder shapes.
Great One Xerneas
- Xerneas is a legendary Pokemon which represents life. It creates forests with its powers, and it can go into a "dormant" form where it is literally a white tree. Xerneas, and its counterpart, Yveltal, are not represented as inherently "good" or "evil". The whole deal with them is that life and death are a delicate balance that should be respected. I feel this was fitting because Great One is also a god, gave life to Folly, and became corrupt from jealously. Yeah I think that would disturb the natural balance of shit if the god of life got messed up.
- It is literally a big tree deer idk man.
Design Notes:
- I am sooo proud of this design... I think I cooked! Not much to say besides my friend said it looked like a old pokemon creepypasta and that is true.
- Xerneas is so fun to draw but antlers. suck. ewie.
- The drawing on the far right is inspired by that one screenshot.
- Hard to see but on the far right drawing I included the stomach wound. Didn't do it on the other fullbodies though because I forgot oops.
MR Minior
- Minior is a meteor pokemon which has two forms. In its ability "Shields Down", where it has a rocky, outer shell that protects it until it's HP gets too low. Once it is weakened, it will change into its "Core Form". Which is basically a cute little guy. But MR Minior is trapped in its "Meteor Form". Meteors relate to MR because of the Happy Home Party floor where MR summons meteors yay.
- Minior are very pathetic pokemon, they fall from the stratosphere only to die on earth. I feel this is similar to MR in the way like. MR is dead and pathetic in its currently state. Compared to what it previously was anyways.
- Minior literally descends from the heavens. Something something word play MR dead god blagh blah.
Design Notes:
- Minior already had eye holes on its design, but I used the cracks throughout its body to make the forehead hole and mouth. I think it was done decently well!
- If MR did go into "Core Form" I imagine it would just be whatever Regretevator devs intend MR's living form to be.
- Minior is so cute and round. I think MR is kinda cute in a round plushie squishmallow kind of way.
Pest Lokix
- Okay this one is purely based off of aesthetic but HEAR ME OUT.
- Lokix is a locust/grasshopper pokemon inspired by Kamen Rider, a japanese superhero franchise. Multiple characters in Kamen Rider have grasshopper/bug motifs. Pest is Japanese and also a bug. Ive connected the dots so good.
- Lokix is the first ever bug/dark type, and Pest would definitely being this typo combo.
- Idk guys just trust me okay
Design Notes:
- LOOOOK I KNOWWW. Pest is a beetle. Heracross is right there. BUT Heracross doesn't give PEST. Heracross is a round little blue guy and Pest is a weird little freak. Heracross doesn't hold the same intimidating aura as Lokix. And the other beetle pokemon, Rellor and Rabsca, are even further off the mark.
- I thought I was so clever having the antennae form mandible shapes.
- I love Lokix so much. Pest gets to be one of my faves as a treat.
Poob Pikachu
- Pikachu is the mascot for Pokemon, and Poob is the mascot for Regretevator! In a way, Poob is in a lot of promotional regretevator material.
- Very similar color pallet and vibes. The vibes being "little guy".
- Something could be said for pikachu being an electric type. In the pokemon franchise, electric types are typically associated with being "wild" and "fun". Poob is electric! Personality wise. And Poob would totally hook themselves up to shit they shouldn't.
- Social butterfly, Poob gets their energy from parties. Just like how Pikachu is shown to be able to absorb electricity and shit.
- Just cute. Thats it. Cute marketable guy.
Design Notes:
- I really like what I did with the ears on this. I like them being droopy... because of the hat.
- Poob's goofy little face looks natural on a Pikachus face, I think. Awesome sauce.
- I made the tail tip a half star shape because A: Poob genderless B: Party hat has stars. For those who dont know, pikachu have different tail tip shapes based on gender. Poobs gender is party!
Pilby Caterpie
- Guys do I need to explain this one.
- Caterpie is a caterpillar. A green one! Pilby is also a green caterpillar.
- Pilby and caterpie have eyes meant to cry. That one clip from the anime where caterpie has watery wet eyes is Pilby.
- Caterpie is a small little thing and Pilby is also a small little thang.
Design Notes:
- I made the little horn in the front the color of their hair because I didn't want to add even more clutter to the face.
- Headcanon that happy Pilby sways/wags their tail when happy. So caterpie pilby gets to wiggle their tail in happiness too.
- hungry hungry caterpillar.
Mach Tinkaton
- Tinktaton is a pokemon that wields a massive hammer, and beats others to death with it. Its hammer weighs over 200 lbs in canon, and Mach would totally be able to lift that weight. If not more.
- Tinkaton is also an exclusively female pokemon. Mach is a woman. Shrugs.
- Not much to say!!!! Big woman big hammer.
Design Notes:
- I think I made her look UGLY. I don't know what I like about my design. I guess the pose on the fullbody is sick af.
Infected Cubchoo
- I quite literally only did this for the aesthetic of the snot droplet. Thats it.
Design Notes:
- For some reason the regretevator wiki doesn't have a close up of the left side of Infecteds hat, only the right side. This made it difficult for me to draw the blue bunny.
- I contemplated adding hair at all. I decided to do so because Infected is one of the rare few haired characters. You can keep your hair. For now.
- I was contemplating Grafaiai as well, but I decided going the snot droplet route was better. But Grafaiai still works really well for Infected IMO.
Bive Absol
- Absols can uhmm.. ughh. Predict future events such as Natural disasters with their powers. So I think she would do this but her future predicting shit sucks. And she is paranoid from Absol related intuition.
- That's basically the only reason I thought of, but Bive is a simple character in concept so thats okay.
Design Notes:
- Freak woman Bive I love you.
That's all ty for reading I'm so tired goodnight
#my art#regretevator#roblox#pokemon#folly#regretevator folly#darkrai#the great one#xerneas#mr regretevator#regretevator mr#minior#pest#regretevator pest#lokix#party noob#poob#pikachu#pilby#carolina mach#mach regretevator#regretevator infected#regretevator bive#caterpie#absol#tinktaton#cubchoo#regretevator fanart
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i don't want to give out too much info, but i have a friend who doesn't come to school very often. she's absent for majority of the week or comes late so i barely get to see her. today, she didn't come and she hadn't come the day before. most of the time, i try to text her to see if she'll respond, but today i thought to myself "why am i upset she isn't at school? besides it doesn't matter to me. I would like for her to be here but it's not a big deal if she isn't." so after 2nd period, we meet up at the stairs so we can walk to class. when she's not here, i wait for her just in case she came late or smth. this time, i simply walked upstairs. smth was telling me that my friend would be here somehow, but i ignored it.
imagine my surprise when i sat down, looked to my right, and saw her sitting down in the flesh. just there. i was shocked.
now, ik this might not seem like a manifestation (spoiler alert: I count it as one) unless u knew how i would affirm for her to come to school only to not get results. i consider her one of my best friends and school isn't the same without her. it was frustrating that the results would only come days later, yet the moment i said i didn't care, it came to me. why?
imo, the key was that I didn't put it on a pedestal. I told myself "I would LIKE for her to come, but it's not a BIG DEAL if she doesn't." i used this not only bcuz it happened at the time im writing this, but bcuz it's a perfect example of how taking ur manifestations off a pedestal helps.
imagine being a king/queen. u have literally everything u desire with the snap of ur fingers. u control everyone and everything around u. but then, u want something that u don't have in the 3d. u have it the 4d, but YOU don't see it bcuz ur eyes are only honed in on the physical world. all of a sudden, u put this object of desire,that u ALREADY have, ABOVE u. it's what u need or else u'll practically fall and break into thousands of pieces. doesn't make any sense, right? well that's literally how it is when u put ur manifestation on such a high pedestal.
YOU are the prize. YOU should be the one placed on the pedestal and stay on it. ik it's hard, especially when there's no evidence of the 3d showing u that -- but it's true. that's why when u care so much abt a manifestation, u are quite literally taking urself off and putting something way less important on there. it's hard to accept that, bcuz society has literally told us that some people are better than others. those who feed into money, fame, "above average" beauty, concepts that only exist in the 3d. but the truth is being tied down to thoughts like that will only make things harder for u.
I'm not saying u shouldn't try to manifest concepts that we know from the 3d -- almost everyone is. I would be a hypocrite to say that when im literally trying to manifest clothes rn lol. im saying that u should stop thinking of those concepts as "impossible" or "out of ur league", bcuz unless u say so, YOU are the standard. stuff like that will only drag u down into the illusion of the 3d.
to sum it up, stop putting the 3d on a pedestal and put urself on there!! when ur able to detach and no longer depend on ur manifestation coming through, it helps it pass through ur 4d level of consciousness and materialize into the 3d. someone with everything doesn't cry abt something they ASSUME they don't have. now, u might be asking: "what do i do if i can't get my mind off it?" i know all too well that this task is easier said than done, so i wanted to help!! :3 these r just some general hobbies u can do instead of obsessing over manifestations!!
🎀 drawing or some form of art
🎀 self care day
🎀 baking
🎀 studying
🎀clean ur room
🎀 text/face time ur friends
🎀 window shopping (my fav lol)
🎀 read a book
🎀 indulge in one of ur own personal hobbies
these r just some of the things that i do when i find myself stressed with a manifestation!! as always, this is all imo, and im just trying my best to help!! happy manifesting ╰(✿´⌣`✿)╯♡
#pink#2000s#aesthetic#cute#luvsit#manifesting#manifestation#girly#girly blog#loa blog#loass post#loassblr#loa tips#loassblog#loa success#loassumption#loa tumblr#loa#loablr#loass success#law of assumption#master manifestation#manifestation tips#law of manifestation#manifest#master manifestor#my gifs#animated gif#my blog
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you're sam's girlfriend and when you find out he cheated on you, you have to get him back ۶ৎ
pairings ! dean winchester x fem! reader
warnings ! english isn't my first language, soulless sam, S6E9, aka fairy episode lol, sam cheats on you so you fuck his brother ><, but there are feelings involved, i promise. fluff! angst! sex! what more could you ask for?, creampie (wrap it before you tap it guys), 69?, cheating but at the same time no??, oral (female and male receiving) and that's it i think! :3
author's note ! dean is literally the loml (╥﹏╥) idk how this got so long like i literally am a sam girlie idk what happened!!! remember!! my asks are open and everything you need to know ab myself is in the pinned post in my blog, ily<33
words count ! 10k omfg, i need therapy.
sam's version (there's no connection between these two fics)

The cabin was silent when you woke up. Outside, the wind battered the windows fiercely, making the wood creak with every gust, but inside, everything was still. Too still.
You reached out almost instinctively, searching for the familiar warmth beside you, but all you found were cold sheets. And like almost every night lately, Sam wasn’t there.
You sat up slowly, blinking to adjust to the night’s darkness, and then you saw him.
Standing by the window, back to you, his silhouette rigid, his head barely tilted toward the darkness outside. The same posture you had seen every night for weeks. As if something out there made more sense than everything in here. As if he was trapped in this place with you, and not out there chasing the freedom he seemed to seek with every flicker of his gaze through the glass.
“Can’t sleep?” you murmured, voice still thick with sleep.
Sam took his time to respond. He didn’t turn to look at you—if you didn’t know him better, you’d think he hadn’t even heard you. He just stood there, unmoving, like a statue.
“I’m not tired,” he whispered after a few seconds.
The same answer as always. The same empty, lifeless phrase, with not even the slightest attempt at reassurance.
Before, Sam used to wrap you in his arms, press a kiss to your hair, and fall asleep with his breath in sync with yours against your skin. Before, his mere presence was enough to make you feel safe. Now, you barely even shared the same space.
You moved carefully, ignoring the chill of the cold floor against your feet as you approached him. Every step felt like a test, like you were trespassing into forbidden territory. Finally, you lifted a hand and placed it on his back, waiting… for something. Any sign of recognition, a glimpse of the man you once knew.
All you got was the immediate tension of his muscles under your touch.
He didn’t pull away. But he didn’t react either.
You pressed your lips together and tried to pretend that didn’t hurt more than it should.
“Sam…” you whispered, feeling the words catch in your throat. “Tell me what’s going on.”
Another silence followed. A heavy, unbearable silence that stretched for too long. Finally, Sam turned his face slightly toward you.
And his expression knocked the breath out of you.
There was no trace of the person you remembered. His eyes, once full of life and every emotion you never needed to put into words, were now an empty void. Black in the dim light, expressionless, as if he were looking at you without really seeing you. If he hadn’t proven himself to you weeks ago, you’d be convinced you were dealing with a demon, not your boyfriend.
“Nothing.” His voice was calm. Too calm. So devoid of emotion that it chilled your blood. “Things just… changed down there.”
A shiver ran down your spine. It wasn’t the first time you’d talked about Hell, but never like this. Never with this cold indifference.
You swallowed hard.
“But you’re still you, right?” you asked, hating how weak your own voice sounded. Like you were afraid of the answer.
Sam tilted his head in an almost mechanical motion. As if the question confused him. As if it was ridiculous to even suggest otherwise.
Then, he smiled.
But it was an empty smile, devoid of warmth, almost soulless.
“Of course.”
Your chest tightened. You wanted to believe him, you really did. But everything in his demeanor told you otherwise.
Still, you forced yourself to smile too, even though it hurt. Slowly, you lifted a hand, trying to touch his cheek. Just a simple touch. A simple connection. Something that could bring you back to him.
But before your fingers could even reach him, Sam turned his face away. Not abruptly, not in anger. Just with that same cruel indifference, as if the idea of your touch was completely foreign to him. As if you were nothing more than a shadow in his world now.
Since he had come back, he hadn’t touched you. He hadn’t held you. He had barely even spoken when you tried to reach him.
You lowered your hand, feeling your throat burn. You didn’t say anything else. There was no point.
You just turned around and went back to bed, wrapping your arms around yourself to fill the icy emptiness in your stomach.
But no matter how much you curled under the blankets, the cold never left.
If you were being honest with yourself, pretending to be surprised when Dean called to say something was wrong with Sam was harder than expected. You had already noticed. You had felt it in every empty stare, in every touch that never came, in every silence that stretched too long.
But you couldn’t say it. You couldn’t admit that, deep down, you already knew.
“He… doesn’t have a soul.” Dean’s voice was tense, tired, carrying that unmistakable weight of someone who has seen too much and still keeps going. “We don’t know who took it. We don’t know anything.”
You bit your lip, processing the information as you overanalyzed everything you knew about the supernatural world your boyfriend and his brother were trapped in. A world where souls could be taken like objects. A world where the impossible happened far too often.
“Maybe…” you started, but Dean cut you off before you could finish.
He said your name. Not like he usually did. Not with the teasing tone he used when you argued over stupid things. Not with that slow, arrogant drawl that sometimes drove you crazy. No. This time, it was different.
Lower. Deeper. More… personal.
“No, stop doing that.” His voice was firm, frustrated. “You always defend him. And lately, more than ever.”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms.
“I wasn’t going to defend him, I was trying to think of solutions.”
Dean scoffed, and you could almost picture him running a hand down his face, exhausted.
“There’s no solution for this.” His tone softened just a little, but when he spoke again, he said your name once more. And that was worse.
There was something in the way he said it that made you tense up. Like every letter weighed too much on his tongue. Like he was fighting himself just by saying it.
You didn’t like it. Or rather… you liked it too much.
Quickly, you tried to change the subject.
“How are Ben and Lisa?” you asked, forcing yourself to sound casual.
Dean was silent for a second. Just a second. But it was enough for you to feel a knot in your stomach.
“Don’t do that,” he finally said.
“Do what?”
You didn’t need to see him to know he was clenching his jaw.
“You know exactly what.”
You swallowed down a nervous laugh. But of course, Dean caught it.
“Are you laughing?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I can hear you laughing.” His voice took on that tone he always used when he wanted to sound annoyed but really wasn’t. “I’d recognize that sound anywhere. It’s the same as Smurfette’s.”
You smiled, even though you knew you shouldn’t.
“Sorry for emitting emotions, Terminator. Won’t happen again,” you said with a smirk, trying to lighten the mood.
On the other end of the line, you heard Dean inhale sharply, like his lungs had forgotten how to function for a second.
There was a pause. Not the comfortable kind. Not the ones that felt natural. This one was heavy, loaded with something you didn’t want to name.
“Speaking of Terminator,” he finally said, and you rolled your eyes at his nickname for his brother.
He’s not just his brother. He’s your boyfriend, you reminded yourself harshly.
“He… confessed some things.”
Your stomach tightened.
“Confessed?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
Dean took a second to respond. Not long enough to be suspicious, but long enough for you to notice.
“I roughed him up a little,” he admitted, and even without seeing him, you knew he was uncomfortable. “Sorry about that.”
A part of you wanted to be angry. But that part was small, almost insignificant. Instead, you sighed and shrugged, as if that could somehow translate through the phone.
“I’ll assume he deserved it.”
There was silence, and then Dean let out a short laugh.
“He really did.”
But the lightness didn’t last long. A second later, he sighed, and you recognized the sound of someone bracing themselves for something difficult.
Then, he said it.
“Sam confessed to cheating on you.”
The world seemed to stop.
The air in your lungs grew thick, impossible to inhale without pain. Your eyes welled up instantly, but you didn’t let the tears fall. You blinked rapidly, pressing your lips together tightly, as if that could hold back everything that was about to break inside you.
You didn’t scream. You didn’t ask why. You didn’t deny it.
You just said the first thing that came to mind.
“Are you okay?”
Dean said your name in a tone you couldn’t quite decipher. Damn it, he seemed obsessed with your stupid name. He always said it differently than anyone else. With a different weight. As if it meant more than it should.
“I’m fine, Dean.” You bit out each word, swallowing the anger, the pain, everything you couldn’t afford to let out in that moment. “Do you need me to come?”
Dean hesitated, and for a moment, you thought he’d tell you no. That it would be best if you stayed where you were, far from all of this. But instead, his voice dropped to a whisper.
“We’re fine.”
It was soft. Too soft. Like he was trying to wrap you in something he couldn’t allow himself to give you.
You scoffed, “I’m coming anyway.”
Dean didn’t try to stop you. He didn’t argue. Somehow, that made you feel worse.

Your grip on the steering wheel was so tight you could feel your nails digging into the rubber. The trembling in your hands was subtle, but enough to make your knuckles turn white under the pressure.
You kept trying to convince yourself that you were fine, that this wasn’t the end of the world, that you and Sam were going to get through this like the totally functional couple you were.
You took a breath. Then another.
Everything could be fixed. Everything.
It didn’t matter what Dean said—what the hell did he even know about this anyway?
But doubt crept into your chest like a slow poison.
He knew. Dean always knew more than he let on, and when he had called, his voice had that tone that made you want to throw the phone out the window. That tone of I know you’re lying to yourself, but I’m gonna let you figure it out on your own.
Your breathing started to turn erratic, your grip on the wheel tightening even more.
You knew Sam didn’t have a soul. You knew it. Something inside you had known all along.
But goddamn it, you couldn’t stop it from hurting.
Things were changing, and you hated it. You knew what you were signing up for when you started dating him, but… how the hell were you supposed to fight something you couldn’t even see?
The pain was diffuse, hard to pinpoint, but it was there, under your skin, in the way his eyes didn’t shine anymore, in the way his hands no longer reached for you.
You blinked, and by the time your vision focused, you had already driven past Bobby’s place.
You slammed on the brakes so hard that the force sent your forehead crashing against the wheel. Any harder, and you would’ve left a mark.
You huffed, running a hand over your face before reversing and parking properly.
By the time you stepped out of the car, Dean was already waiting at the entrance, arms crossed, leaning against the frame like he had been standing there forever.
His expression was tense, but his eyes scanned your face quickly, analyzing every flicker of emotion you weren’t sure you could hide.
“Oh, fuck, what happened now?” It was the first thing that came out of your mouth, because if there was one thing you could still do, it was pretend you weren’t about to break.
Dean let out a sharp exhale, tilting his head like he was debating whether to tease you or let it slide.
“Well, hello to you too, princess.”
You rolled your eyes with fake impatience, like hearing him call you that didn’t make you feel things you really shouldn’t be feeling.
“Your boyfriend’s inside.”
That sentence—so simple, so casual—hit you like a punch to the gut.
Your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend, who didn’t have a soul. Your boyfriend, who didn’t touch you, who didn’t look at you the way he used to, who had cheated on you and didn’t even seem to understand why that was wrong.
Your boyfriend, who felt more like a stranger with every passing day.
You swallowed hard, forcing your expression to stay neutral.
You took a step toward the entrance, but Dean moved before you could pass him—not exactly blocking your way, but not stepping aside either.
His eyes flickered downward.
It was only then that you realized your hands were still shaking.
The shift in his expression was almost imperceptible, but you caught it. The tension in his jaw, the way his gaze hardened for a second before he masked it with his usual attitude.
“Tell me you’re at least gonna kick his ass when you see him.”
It wasn’t a question.
You looked at him, and for a second, it was hard to remember that he was with Lisa and you were with Sam.
Dean wasn’t soft when he spoke—he never had been. But somehow, when he looked at you like that, when he said things like that in that irritated yet protective tone, the stupid tension in the air became impossible to ignore.
You shook your head, as if that could clear your thoughts. “Just tell me how bad the mess is this time.”
Dean tilted his head, his eyes still locked on you.
For a moment, you thought he was going to say something else. Something you weren’t sure you wanted to hear.
But then he just huffed and shrugged.
“Nothing we can’t fix.”
You knew he had changed his mind at the last second just to make you feel better.
You appreciated the effort.
Seeing Sam sitting at the kitchen table, casually drinking a beer like nothing had happened, sent a wave of fury so intense through you that, for a moment, you had to clench your fists just to keep yourself in check.
You wanted to yell at him.
You wanted to shake him.
You wanted to make him understand what this meant to you, what he was making you feel.
But it was useless.
Because he didn’t care.
Not because he wanted to hurt you, not because he was doing this out of malice, but because… he simply couldn’t care.
And that indifference, that complete lack of emotion, was worse than any lie he could have told, worse than any excuse he could have given.
You took a deep breath, forcing yourself to stay calm, to not let the desperation seep into your voice.
Just like that, he caught the hint instantly. With one last glance between you and his brother, he turned on his heels and walked out, shutting the door behind him.
The sound of the latch clicking into place felt like a sentence being passed.
Sam sighed, resting his elbows on the table, wearing that same vacant expression that was driving you insane.
His eyes skimmed over you, as if assessing how much you knew, how much you had to say to him.
He whispered your name, his voice hesitant.
“I’m guessing Dean told you.”
You let out a humorless laugh. Of course he did. Of course he fucking did.
“Yeah, he told me all about your little ‘I’m unstoppable and have no feelings’ monologue.”
Your tone was pure venom. A sharp-edged mockery, laced with more anger than you wanted to admit.
Sam blinked slowly, unfazed.
“You two are really close, huh?”
You knew it wasn’t meant as an accusation.
But it still felt like one.
Your chest tightened instantly.
You coughed, trying to shake off the embarrassment. “I… I’m disappointed.”
He nodded, as if mulling over your words, then, with the same lack of emotion as always, murmured:
“Yeah. I’d be disappointed too, honestly.”
That simply was the final blow.
No anger, no guilt, not even the bare minimum of an attempt to reassure you.
You wanted to wipe that blank expression off his face with a punch.
You let out a bitter laugh, because if you didn’t, you were going to break right there.
Both hands landed on the table as you leaned forward slightly, forcing yourself to keep it together.
“I understand your… situation. I really do,” you whispered, though the lump in your throat made it hard to speak.
And the moment the words left your mouth, you felt like an idiot for calling it that.
A situation.
Not having a soul wasn’t a situation.
It wasn’t a temporary crisis, something that could be solved with an honest conversation.
It was a void. A bottomless pit.
“That’s why I thought of coming to an agreement.”
Sam raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised.
“You did?”
You nodded.
“An open relationship.”
The very idea of it made your stomach turn.
You didn’t want this. You didn’t want to say these words.
But you didn’t have another choice.
For the first time in this entire conversation, Sam actually looked confused.
He didn’t ask the question as if he was in shock. He didn’t say it because he was hurt, or because this was affecting him.
He just… didn’t get it.
Like the idea seemed unnecessary to him.
Like he had already accepted what he was doing anyway.
You inhaled deeply, forcing yourself to smile.
“I don’t want you to keep cheating on me,” you said firmly. “And I know you’re going to do whatever the hell you want anyway, so I’m giving you full permission to fuck around.”
Your smile didn’t reach your eyes.
Sam tilted his head slightly, watching you. Analyzing.
“And you… are you in this open relationship too?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Oh, tell me, Sam, who the hell am I supposed to be sleeping with?”
He lifted his hands in surrender. “Just asking.”
He stood up with that same unbothered calm, as if this conversation hadn’t affected him in the slightest.
Your whole body tensed when he walked past you to grab another beer from the fridge.
The fact that he didn’t notice…
The fact that he didn’t even realize…
It made you want to break something.
The clink of glass against wood as he set the bottle down pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Dean and I have a case coming up. Some missing people in Indiana.”
You knew the only reason he was telling you was because Dean would mention it if he didn’t.
The anger inside you burned hotter.
“I’m going with you.”
Sam turned his head, his expression showing just how much he hated that idea.
“If you come, you’re just gonna slow everything dow—”
You cut him off instantly.
“Sam, you are in no position to tell me shit.”
His lips pressed into a thin line.
That seemed to shut him up.
You stepped outside, desperate for air.
Not that the air in Bobby’s scrapyard was particularly fresh. It always carried the scent of rusted metal, motor oil, and damp earth—a suffocating mix that clung to your throat. But even that was better than staying inside.
Better than being in the same room as him.
Your boots crunched against the gravel as you walked away, each step feeling heavier than the last. Your throat burned, your chest tightened, and there was this unbearable pressure, this sensation that you were about to shatter into a thousand pieces.
You leaned against the wall of the garage, bending forward slightly, hands gripping your knees as you tried to breathe.
Don’t cry. Don’t scream.
Don’t give them the satisfaction of seeing you break.
“Get a grip,” you whispered under your breath. “You have to get a fucking grip.”
The door behind you slammed shut.
You flinched at the sound, your body tensing instinctively.
You didn’t need to turn around to know it was him.
His presence was unmistakable—the way he moved, the weight he carried like the world rested on his shoulders, and yet he still walked with that unshakable confidence, like he’d fight the whole damn universe and somehow win.
He followed you outside, stopping a few steps away, watching.
Then, without warning, his hand settled on your shoulder.
You jolted as if you’d been electrocuted.
“Jesus Christ!” you yelped, clutching your chest. “Are you insane?”
Dean raised both hands in defense, giving you that classic ‘what the hell is your problem?’ look.
“Relax. I was just checking if you were alive.”
You let out a sharp, humorless laugh.
“Oh, I’m perfect, Dean. Just freaking fantastic.”
Your tone dripped with venom, but Dean didn’t take the bait. He just stood there, watching you with that damn patience of his, the kind that somehow managed to be both frustrating and grounding at the same time.
His eyes flicked over you, scanning, assessing—seeing more than you wanted him to.
Then he exhaled, shaking his head slightly.
“I broke up with Lisa.” His voice was calm, almost casual. “Haven’t seen her in months.”
Your breath hitched.
The word came out louder than you intended, and as soon as it did, you slapped a hand over your mouth, cursing yourself for reacting so strongly.
“I—Sorry, I just—”
“It’s fine.”
And there it was.
Subtle, nearly hidden beneath the shadow of his usual exasperation.
A smirk.
Dean Winchester was enjoying your reaction.
You narrowed your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.
“What happened?”
Your voice softened without you realizing it—less biting, more curious. And that was when it clicked.
The bastard had done it on purpose.
He was distracting you. With his problems.
And the worst part? It was working.
Dean didn’t answer right away. He just held your gaze, his expression shifting, growing heavier.
“…It just didn’t feel right.”
You swallowed hard, the weight of his words sinking into your chest.
Because you understood exactly what he meant.
Because you knew what that felt like.
Because you were standing here, feeling the same way about his brother.
Your teeth sank into the inside of your cheek as you nodded slowly.
Dean smiled at that—just a small, fleeting thing. And then, for the briefest moment, his eyes flickered down to your lips.
Your stomach clenched.
The moment was so quick, so subtle, you could’ve imagined it.
But the air between you thickened, charged with something neither of you had the right to feel.
Then, as if snapping out of it, Dean cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck—a rare, almost awkward gesture coming from him.
He coughed, looking away immediately, like he’d just realized what he’d done.
“Yeah, well… whatever,” he muttered, standing up and dusting off his jeans. “Tell your boyfriend to get his ass in gear. We’re leaving.”
The word hit harder than it should have.
It almost felt like a cruel joke.
But you didn’t let it show.
“No need,” you said evenly, standing up as well, though something inside you twisted violently. “I’m coming with you.”
Dean stopped dead in his tracks.
Slowly, he turned his head to look at you, one eyebrow arching.
“You’ve been real eager to tag along lately.”
You shrugged, your expression unreadable.
“What, afraid I’ll slit your throat in your sleep?”
He let out a dry chuckle, the ghost of a smirk playing at his lips. But his eyes—his eyes—they never left yours.
And for the first time in this entire conversation, you realized…
He was crossing a line, too.
“If you wanted to kill me, sweetheart,” he murmured, voice dropping just slightly, “you’d have tried already.”

The drive was uncomfortable.
Like, parents-on-the-verge-of-divorce-while-their-kid-sits-in-the-backseat-clueless level of uncomfortable.
Except in this case, Dean was the kid, he had full control of the car, and he was very aware of absolutely everything that was going on.
Sam had spoken exactly two words the entire trip. And as if the tension wasn’t thick enough, the second you arrived at the motel, he left you in the room without a second glance and grabbed his brother by the arm, dragging him along to do interviews.
He didn’t even give you the chance to fix Dean’s crooked tie.
Twenty minutes later, you had two missed calls from Dean.
You sighed, already knowing that if you didn’t call him back, the idiot would just keep ringing until he drove you insane.
As soon as he picked up, he didn’t even let you breathe before snapping.
“You didn’t answer.”
His tone was irritated, impatient.
You rolled your eyes on instinct.
“I was doing this thing called showering. You should try it sometime. Even cats do it.”
You heard him exhale sharply, like he was debating whether it was worth it to argue with you.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I can’t stand Sam anymore.”
That made you raise an eyebrow. Fast topic change.
“He’s really wearing you down, huh?” you murmured, a trace of amusement in your voice.
“He doesn’t care. Not even enough to pretend he does,” Dean practically growled.
The frustration in his voice was so thick you could almost see him gripping the wheel too hard, his jaw clenched, his knuckles turning white.
You bit your lip to keep from laughing.
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” he snapped.
“I wasn’t going to.” Your voice softened just a little. “I was gonna offer you a massage when you get back.”
One second. Two.
Your heart pounded so hard you felt it in your ears.
Dean’s voice dropped lower, quieter.
“That… uh. That actually sounds nice.”
Nice? That was all he had to say? Because suddenly, you were regretting offering at all.
You cleared your throat, ignoring the heat creeping up your neck.
“I figured it would,” you said, keeping your tone light, pretending like it wasn’t a big deal. “So… should I wait for you?”
“I’m checking out the crop circles. Sam’s with the missing guy’s father.”
“Alrighty,” you said, standing up. “I’ll get dressed and head out to find a grocery store or something.”
“…Get dressed?”
Dean’s voice dropped lower, rougher.
“…Are you naked?”
You blinked.
And then you smirked.
“I told you I had just showered.”
“You never said—!”
You rolled your eyes, amused.
“Sorry, Dean, bad signal, you’re breaking up, bye-bye.”
And you hung up before he could say anything else.
As soon as you put the phone down, you exhaled sharply, realizing how fast your heart was beating.
This wasn’t right.
None of this was right.
And yet…
For some reason, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face.
It had been hours since you first walked into the grocery store.
But somehow, you were still standing in the candle aisle, completely hypnotized.
You absentmindedly picked up a pack of red candles, turning them over in your hands. Would that be too much? Would it make the massage feel… whore-ish?
You chewed the inside of your cheek, debating.
Then, with a sigh, you tossed them into the cart anyway.
After all, you had plenty of time to set things up. Dean hadn’t called yet, which meant he was still out there, handling whatever the hell had happened with the case.
And if he hadn’t called, it also meant that he hadn’t even thought about you.
That shouldn’t sting.
But it did.
Shaking the thought away, you finally pushed your cart toward the registers, scanning the near-empty store. The air was thick with the scent of stale coffee and industrial floor cleaner, the kind of artificial sterility that only existed in convenience stores.
The cashier barely looked up as she started ringing up your items, her hands moving automatically over the scanner.
You glanced at her wrist, catching sight of her watch.
And then you frowned.
“Hey… what time is it?”
She glanced at you, then down at her watch. “Four in the morning, miss.”
You froze.
That wasn’t possible.
You had only been here for a few hours.
Dean would’ve called by now.
Hell, if you disappeared for too long without telling him, he usually lost his mind.
“…Are you sure?” You let out a nervous chuckle, suddenly uneasy. “Isn’t the store supposed to be closed by now?”
“It’s a 24-hour store.” She smiled politely.
You blinked.
Your stomach twisted.
He forgot, didn’t he?
Of course, he did.
You felt stupid for even entertaining the idea that he wouldn’t.
There were more important things to do—things that had nothing to do with you.
Sam had already made it clear, hadn’t he? You were a burden.
So, really, what kind of idiot offers to give a massage to a man whose brother lost his soul?
No wonder Dean hadn’t called. You had probably embarrassed him so much that he just decided to ignore you completely.
You clenched your jaw, forcing yourself to keep your expression neutral.
But before the weight of that thought could settle—
“Miss, your phone is ringing.”
The cashier’s voice pulled you out of your spiral, and you barely had time to register that she was scanning a pie—one you’d grabbed for Dean—before you glanced down at your phone.
You picked up instantly.
“Need you back at the motel. Now.”
His voice was low. Steady.
And yet…
Something about the way he said it sent a shiver down your spine.
Your grip on the phone tightened.
“Where are you?”
“In the field.”
Your brows furrowed. “Still?”
“It hasn’t been that long. Just—” He exhaled sharply. “Meet me at the motel.”
You frowned.
“What do you mean it hasn’t been that long? Dean, it’s literally—”
“Can’t hear you,” he cut in quickly, voice suddenly light, teasing. “You’re breaking up… See you at the motel.”
And just like that, he hung up.
You stared at your phone in disbelief.
Then, before you could stop yourself—
You bit your lip, suppressing a smile.

The walk back to the motel was quick, the cold air biting at your skin as you hurried down the street. You spotted Dean just as he was about to cross, his broad frame illuminated under the flickering streetlights.
A familiar warmth spread through your chest at the sight of him.
You barely registered the exhaustion on his face before you picked up your pace, a small smile tugging at your lips.
“Hey,” you called, shifting the grocery bags in your hands. “What was so urgent that I had to rush back?”
Dean turned, his own grin surfacing when he saw you.
“Oh, you’re not gonna believe it—” He cut himself off mid-sentence, reaching out automatically. “Here, let me get those.”
Your breath hitched.
It was a small thing. Simple.
But the way he said it—so natural, like it was second nature for him to take care of you—sent a quiet ache through your chest.
You handed him a few of the heavier bags, shaking off whatever that feeling was.
“Thanks,” you murmured. “Okay, so… the field?”
Dean let out a short laugh. “Yeah, the field. So, I was out there, minding my own damn business, when suddenly—”
He pushed open the motel room door, stepping aside to let you in first.
The second he did, his smile faltered.
And yours vanished completely.
Your hands slackened, the grocery bags slipping from your grip as your brain registered what—who—you were looking at.
Sam’s voice was sharp, filled with something dangerously close to surprise.
Your stomach dropped.
“What the hell?”
You slapped a hand over your eyes instinctively.
Because, standing right there, half-undressed on your boyfriend’s bed, was some random hippie chick.
“Oh! That’s Dean?” The girl’s voice was way too chipper for the situation. “Sam, they brought your brother back!”
You let out a slow exhale, keeping your eyes covered, because if you didn’t, there was a very real chance you would absolutely murder someone.
Preferably the soulless bastard in the room.
Dean, meanwhile, looked seconds away from strangling Sam himself.
“Okay. It’s all right, Sam,” the girl continued, completely unfazed. “I so totally understand that you need time as a family. But it’s just—what were they like?”
Dean let out a sharp huff, eyes flickering toward yours.
“They were grabby, incandescent douchebags,” he said flatly. “Goodnight.”
You almost smiled at that.
“Too soon?” The girl hesitated before shrugging, completely unbothered. “Okay.”
Then, finally, her attention shifted to you.
“Hey! We haven’t met yet.” She reached for her shirt, slipping it back over her head. “Who are you?”
Dean turned his head slightly at that. You felt his gaze on you, heavy, expectant.
You forced a smile. The kind that didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Sam’s girlfriend.”
“Oh,” she said slowly, blinking. “I… didn’t know—”
“It’s an open relationship!” you blurted out before she could finish whatever sentence would’ve absolutely ruined your night.
Dean coughed.
The girl perked up instantly. “Oh! Cool! Since when?”
You swallowed.
“…This morning.”
Dean let out a strangled noise beside you.
The girl laughed, shaking her head. “Wow. You guys really adjust fast.”
And with that, she grabbed the rest of her things and strolled right past you, completely unaware of the tension crackling in the room.
The second the door clicked shut behind her, you dropped your hand from your face and turned on your heel, fully prepared to rip Sam a new one—
But before you could even look at him, Dean was already moving.
One second, he was by the door. The next, he was grabbing your wrist, his fingers curling just enough to make you stop.
You froze.
Your breath caught in your throat.
Dean didn’t say anything right away.
He just stood there, eyes flickering between yours, his grip firm but careful, like he wasn’t sure if he should let go or pull you closer.
The tension was thick.
Too thick.
Because for a second—a stupid, fleeting second—you forgot all about Sam.
Forgot about the girl.
Forgot everything.
And all you could think about was the way Dean’s hand felt against your skin.
“Hey.” His voice was low, steady. The kind of tone that made your stomach clench. “You good?”
You forced yourself to breathe.
Then, with a practiced ease you weren’t even sure was real anymore, you pulled your wrist free.
Flashed him a smile.
“Never better.”
And then you walked away.
Because if you didn’t—
You weren’t sure what would happen.
You heard Dean yelling, but the words barely registered. His voice was raw, edged with frustration. You didn’t even try to process half of what he was saying. Whatever it was, it didn't matter. Not really.
Eventually, his voice lowered, the edges of his words smoothing out. That meant he and Sam were actually talking now—probably about whatever the hell he was trying to tell you before you walked in on that hippie disaster.
You sat on the curb, pulling your lighter from the pocket of your jacket. It was simple, worn at the edges, your initials etched into the metal. A birthday gift from Dean back when you were just Sam’s girlfriend. Back when he only knew you as the girl who lasted longer than the others.
You flipped it open, flicking it alight. Then off. Then on again.
A small flame danced at your fingertips, hypnotizing in its simplicity. A quiet distraction.
The motel door creaked open behind you. You didn’t turn.
“Come on,” he said, voice softer now, exhaustion slipping into his tone. “I’ll get you another room. Away from that idiot.”
You smiled, barely, eyes still fixed on the flame.
“It’s almost morning,” you murmured. “Doesn’t really matter anymore.”
Dean sighed, then sat beside you, close enough that his thigh brushed against yours. He held out his hand, palm up. Without thinking, you handed him the lighter.
He turned it over in his palm, rubbing a thumb over the engraved initials, studying it the same way you had.
“I miss when things were easier,” he admitted, voice quiet, almost like he wasn’t sure if he should say it out loud.
“You and everyone,” you muttered.
Dean exhaled sharply through his nose. “I’m sorry. For all this.”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You used to have a normal life. Friends, a job, y'know.” His voice was rough, like he hated acknowledging it.
You shrugged, letting your shoulders drop as the exhaustion hit you all at once. “Doesn’t even sound like me anymore.”
Dean said your name.
For the first time since he’d sat down, you looked at him.
His eyes were glassy, his jaw tight.
Your stomach twisted.
Dean Winchester did not cry.
And yet—
He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he broke eye contact.
“I really am sorry,” he murmured. “Told Sam you were a bad idea.”
If you didn’t know him so well, you might have been insulted. But instead, you just leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“You should’ve tried harder,” you whispered.
Dean huffed a soft, almost humorless laugh. “Yeah.”
The two of you sat there, the silence heavy but not unbearable. The kind of silence that held years of things left unsaid.
Then, slowly, you moved your hand toward his.
Your fingers brushed his knuckles.
Dean didn’t pull away.
So you intertwined them, heart hammering in your chest like a teenager with a school crush. You took his hand properly, feeling the rough calluses against your skin.
“At least we have each other,” you said quietly.
Dean let out a breath, shifting slightly like he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. His grip in your hand tightening.
“At this point,” he admitted, “I think you’re the only thing keeping me sane.”
A soft, breathy laugh escaped you.
Dean released your hand, only to push himself up. “I’ll go get you a room.”
“I don’t want to be alone tonight,” you admitted, voice quieter than before. “Will you stay?”
Dean’s expression softened. He didn’t say anything.
Not right away.
He just looked at you for a long moment, then nodded.
A few minutes later, he returned with a new key. He held out his other hand, silently offering to help you up.
You took it.
Once on your feet, you dusted off your jeans, hyper-aware of the way Dean watched you.
Every movement. Every shift.
His eyes traced your hands, the way your fingers brushed against your thighs, the way you adjusted your shirt.
When you finally looked up, he didn’t look away. Didn’t even try to hide it.
Your breath caught in your throat.
You could feel it. The weight of everything between you.
You swallowed, nerves buzzing under your skin.
Dean inhaled sharply, as if trying to convince himself not to do something.
Then, before you could second-guess anything—
“If I’m wrong about this,” he said, voice low, deep, “you can slap me.”
You frowned. “Wrong about wha—”
Dean kissed you.
It wasn’t hesitant.
It wasn’t soft.
It was years of tension. Of almosts. Of stolen glances and lingering touches and things neither of you ever dared to say.
His hands found your waist, pulling you flush against him, like he’d been holding back for too long and finally—finally—let himself have you.
Dean’s hands were firm, rough fingers cradling your jaw, tilting your head just right as he devoured you.
You gasped against his mouth, barely managing to process the sheer intensity of it before he was pulling you closer. He kissed you deeper, tilting his head, his lips parting against yours as he swallowed the quiet gasp you let out.
Your fingers tangled in his jacket, fisting the fabric desperately as heat coiled in your stomach.
He needed this.
You could feel it.
The way he kissed you like he was making up for lost time, like he’d been starving for this and didn’t know how to slow down.
You were dizzy. Burning.
You met him with equal force, matching every movement, every press of his lips, every quiet sound he made against you.
Dean groaned, and the sound alone sent a shiver down your spine.
Then—his hands.
One sliding to your waist, gripping you like he was scared you’d disappear. The other curling into your hair, tilting your head back just enough to deepen the kiss.
The heat of his body, the scent of leather and gunpowder and Dean surrounding you—
It was overwhelming.
And you didn’t care.
Didn’t think.
Didn’t breathe.
Just him.
Just this.
After years of pretending.
After everything.
When you finally pulled apart, both of you were breathing hard, foreheads touching.
Dean swallowed thickly, green eyes flickering between yours.
Your chest rose and fell rapidly, lips tingling from the kiss.
Neither of you spoke.
Neither of you needed to.
Because whatever this was—
There was no coming back from it.
Your breathing was erratic, your chest rising and falling as you tried to process everything. Your eyes slowly dropped to the keys in his hand.
“Room?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Dean nodded, his gaze locked on yours—dark, intense, filled with something that sent a shiver down your spine.
You didn’t give him a chance to say anything else.
The kiss was desperate, raw, almost clumsy in its urgency. Dean pressed you against the door, his body firm against yours, his fingers threading through your hair as his lips claimed yours like he was trying to memorize every inch of you.
Your fingers fumbled with the lock, somehow managing to turn the key. With one hand gripping the doorknob and the other still tangled in Dean’s hair, you pushed the door open without breaking the kiss.
“Where did you learn to do that?” he asked between ragged breaths, his lips brushing against your skin.
“Uh… college?” you said, breathless and unsure.
Dean chuckled against your neck, the sound vibrating through you.
“You’re gonna have to teach me that.”
“Relax, tiger, we’ve got time.”
The words had barely left your lips before you felt the sharp graze of his teeth—a soft bite, enough to send a jolt of heat straight to your core.
The door shut behind you with a dull thud, and before you could process anything else, Dean was pushing you toward the bed.
He hovered over you, his weight barely there, the heat of his body making your skin burn. His hands traced the curve of your waist, his lips pressing open-mouthed kisses down your throat, trailing lower with each breath.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” he murmured, his voice thick with something almost reverent.
You tried to focus enough to respond.
“Let me guess… the first Thanksgiving we spent together?” you teased, remembering the turkey you had made just for the three of you.
Dean shook his head, his lips ghosting over your collarbone.
“Nope… my second birthday with you.”
You frowned slightly, tilting your head.
“What? What was so special about that birthday?”
Dean smirked against your skin before lifting his head, eyes locking onto yours.
“I remember watching you spend the whole afternoon making a pie just for me.”
You rolled your eyes. “It was just food, Dean. I don’t see the connection.”
Dean chuckled. “It wasn’t about the food. It was the fact that, after all that, you stayed up just to sing me happy birthday at exactly midnight. Because you said it made it more special.”
Your face flushed.
“Well… it does make it more special.”
Dean raised an eyebrow. “You woke me up.”
“Are we gonna argue, or are you gonna kiss me?”
You didn’t wait for a response.
You pulled him down, crashing your lips into his with a hunger that rivaled his own. His hands moved quickly to the buttons of your shirt, fumbling slightly in his impatience before finally undoing them.
When his eyes raked over the newly exposed skin, his jaw tensed, pupils blown wide.
“Jesus Christ, you look fucking perfect.”
Your breath hitched at the way he said it, raw and unfiltered.
Dean didn’t give you time to react. His mouth was back on yours, slower this time, more deliberate. Like he was savoring every second. His hands moved along your sides, fingers skimming your bare skin, leaving trails of fire in their wake.
His lips traveled lower, down your throat, over your collarbone, and lower still, each kiss softer than the last, teasing, torturous.
You were dizzy, overwhelmed, every nerve in your body attuned to his touch.
His hand reached for the button of your jeans, unbuttoning it quickly.
His fingers opened you with ease. You saw him lick his lips in a movement so fast that if you had blinked you wouldn't have noticed.
He slowly, carefully inserted a finger into you. All his movements were filled with affection and love that made you melt under his touch.
Your head tilted back against the pillow, a sharp gasp escaping before you could stop it.
Dean groaned, his movements fastening slightly.
“Yeah,” he murmured against your skin, voice thick with want. “That’s what I wanted to hear.”
“Dean,” you moaned, your voice barely more than a breath, needy and desperate. “Please—I want it now.”
Dean smirked, the kind of cocky, infuriating smirk that made your stomach tighten. He pressed a soft kiss to the tip of your nose, teasing.
“A little desperate, are we?” he murmured, his breath hot against your skin.
“I’d like to call it eager,” you shot back, rolling your eyes, though the smile tugging at your lips betrayed you.
Dean chuckled, his fingers grazing over your hip, slow and deliberate, like he had all the time in the world. “Smart ass.”
“You love my a—”
The words died in your throat the second you felt Dean slide another finger inside you. Your breath hitched, your back arching slightly, heat pooling in your core.
Dean’s eyes darkened, his gaze fixed on your face as he watched you unravel beneath him.
“You feel so damn good, baby,” he murmured, his voice husky, thick with something possessive. “You’re sucking my fingers in like it’s my cock.”
A sharp gasp escaped you, your fingers tightening around the sheets.
“It could be your—”
Dean shot you a look, a warning, the kind that made your stomach flip. Automatically, you clamped your mouth shut.
His lips curled into a smirk. “That’s what I thought.”
Without warning, he pulled his fingers out, leaving you breathless and aching. Before you could even protest, he was on you again, his mouth claiming yours in a kiss that was all tongue and teeth, desperate and unrestrained.
“God, you’re beautiful,” he murmured against your lips, his hands mapping out every inch of you like he was memorizing the way you felt.
His hands moved, grabbing the hem of his shirt and discarding it across the motel floor. Your hands roamed over his back, nails digging in slightly as you pulled him closer, needing more, needing everything.
"Dean," you whispered, and that was all it took.
His breath caught, his pupils blown wide with something dark and hungry. His hands moved to his belt, fingers working the buckle open with urgency.
But before he could go any further, your hands covered his, stopping him.
His eyes snapped up to yours, concern flickering across his face. "What?" His voice was rough, husky. "You okay?"
You swallowed, your heartbeat a frantic drum against your ribs. You weren't hesitating—you knew exactly what you wanted. Your gaze softened, lips curling into a small, teasing smile.
"Can I suck your dick?" you asked, bluntly.
Dean blinked.
"You what?"
"Can I... suck your dick?" This time, your voice was quieter, almost uncertain, but the intent in your eyes was clear.
Dean’s mouth parted slightly, like his brain had short-circuited.
“Oh, fuck,” he muttered, dragging a hand down his face before covering his mouth for a second, as if trying to get a grip. “Of course you can, pretty girl. Only if you let me do the same.”
Your eyebrows lifted slightly, amusement flickering in your expression.
"Like... at the same time?"
Dean smirked. "I suppose you're familiar with the number sixty-nine."
You burst out laughing, your forehead falling against his shoulder as your whole body shook with amusement. Dean laughed with you, the moment light yet still buzzing with heat.
When you finally lifted your head, he was looking at you with that damn smirk, like he knew exactly what he was doing to you.
“Come here,” he murmured, cupping your jaw, his thumb brushing over your lips.
Then he kissed you, and this time there was no hesitation, no teasing.
It was deep, consuming, the kind of kiss that stole the breath from your lungs and left you dizzy. His hands explored, memorizing the curves of your body, tracing fire along your skin. He pulled you onto his lap, pressing you down against the hardness of him, making you gasp into his mouth.
"You feel that, sweetheart?" he whispered against your lips. "That's what you do to me."
You whimpered, grinding down slightly, and Dean let out a strangled groan, his fingers gripping your hips like he was barely holding on.
"Fuck, you're gonna kill me," he muttered, before flipping you onto your back, his lips trailing down your neck, your collarbone, lower—
And then he was gone, shifting down the bed, his mouth pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses to your stomach.
His hands moved to your thighs, parting them with ease.
"You still sure about this?" he asked, his voice rough, edged with restraint.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging him closer.
"Dean," you breathed. "Shut up and get to work."
Dean chuckled darkly, his grip tightening.
"Yes, ma’am."
And then he did exactly that.
Dean shifted his body, leaving his crotch above your face.
“Thank you” he said, you laughed again.
Your fingers trembled slightly as you slowly lowered the fabric of his boxers, freeing him completely. His cock was long, thick, and already aching for you. The sight alone sent a fresh wave of arousal pooling in your belly.
Before you could react, you felt the first hesitant stroke of Dean’s tongue against your cunt—tentative at first, almost testing the waters. The sensation sent a sharp jolt of pleasure through your spine, making you groan softly.
"Just like that," you murmured, voice dripping with approval before you finally wrapped your lips around his cock.
A deep, guttural moan escaped Dean's throat, a sound that vibrated straight into your core. His whole body tensed beneath you, his fingers digging into your thighs as if he was trying to ground himself.
Your spit coated his length, dripping down as you hollowed your cheeks, taking him deeper. His cock throbbed against your tongue, and a part of you—some sinful, smug part—loved knowing you had this effect on him.
Dean’s response was immediate. His hands gripped your thighs tighter as his tongue pushed deeper, licking into you with new urgency. It was messy, desperate, like he couldn’t get enough. He buried his face between your legs, his nose pressing against your clit, groaning as if he was drunk on you.
Everywhere, he was surrounded by you. He could taste you on his tongue, smell you, feel the way your legs trembled under his touch. It was intoxicating, overwhelming—like being worshipped just for existing.
The more you moved, the more he lost himself in you. His tongue flicked over your clit in tandem with the bob of your head over his cock, and he let out a muffled curse against your cunt, his hips jerking up slightly.
"Shit—" he groaned, voice wrecked. "You're gonna kill me, sweetheart."
You hummed around him, sending vibrations through his cock, and Dean choked out a curse, his grip tightening even more.
Your rhythm quickened, lips gliding over him with purpose, and Dean matched your pace, his mouth working you open with relentless hunger. His hands spread your thighs wider, keeping you right where he wanted you, as if he couldn’t bear the thought of you pulling away.
The room was filled with the sounds of pleasure—his groans, your whimpers, the wet, filthy noises of tongues and lips working in tandem. The tension that had been brewing between you for years was finally unraveling, raw and unfiltered.
Dean’s breath turned ragged, his movements becoming erratic. You could tell he was close—his thighs tensing beneath your hands, his moans turning desperate.
"Fuck, baby, if you keep going like that—" His warning was cut off by a deep, shuddering groan as you took him deeper, letting him hit the back of your throat.
His body trembled beneath you, and you knew he was about to fall apart. It was okay, because so were you.
"I'm about to—" Dean's voice came out strained, ragged with pleasure.
You nodded, your lips still wrapped around him, determined to take everything he had to give. A deep, guttural groan tore from his chest as thick, hot ropes of cum hit the back of your throat. At the exact same moment, his mouth latched onto you even harder, and the sheer sensation sent you over the edge. Your body trembled as your release coated his tongue, making him groan into you.
The pleasure was dizzying, all-consuming. Your moans mixed with his, lost in the heavy, humid air of the motel room. Every nerve in your body was buzzing, oversensitive, barely able to handle the aftermath of everything you'd just felt.
Dean pulled away first, his breath uneven, his hands still gripping your thighs like he needed something solid to hold onto. Slowly, he shifted, moving up to hover over you, his emerald eyes dark and heavy-lidded. His lips were swollen, wet, glistening with the taste of you.
He reached for your face, his thumb swiping at the saliva on your lower lip with a tenderness that felt almost out of place after everything you'd just done.
"You okay?" His voice was low, husky, but there was something softer beneath it—something vulnerable.
You nodded, unable to speak, still lost in the haze of pleasure. Instead, you pulled him down, capturing his lips in a slow, lingering kiss. He tasted like whiskey, like heat, like you, and for a moment, the world outside the four walls of that room ceased to exist.
Dean groaned into the kiss, deepening it, his tongue sliding against yours with unrestrained hunger. His hands roamed your body, rediscovering every curve, every dip of your skin like he was memorizing you. There was nothing hesitant anymore—no more second-guessing, no more resisting.
This was years of tension, of longing, of stolen glances and unspoken words, all unraveling in the way he pressed you down against the mattress, in the way your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist.
"You drive me fuckin' insane," he murmured against your lips, his forehead pressed to yours. "You know that, right?"
You smirked, brushing your nails down his back, reveling in the way his muscles tensed under your touch. "I had a suspicion."
Dean chuckled, but the sound was cut off when you rolled your hips up against him, making him suck in a sharp breath.
"Jesus, sweetheart—"
"Dean," you whispered, threading your fingers through his hair. "Don't stop."
And he didn’t.
He captured your mouth again, hungrier this time, as if he was afraid this would all slip away if he let go. His hands slid between your bodies, fingers teasing at the last pieces of clothing that still separated you. Finally taking what was always meant to be his.
Dean's cockhead dips between your folds, teasing your entrance with agonizing slowness. A desperate, keening moan escapes your lips, your body arching instinctively toward him. You're dripping, your slick coating him, making it easier for him to push in—just the tip at first, stretching you open inch by inch.
"Fuck, sweetheart…" Dean's voice is hoarse, strained with restraint, like he's holding himself back from completely losing control.
Even with just half of him inside you, your breath is already coming in sharp, uneven gasps. Your walls flutter around him, sucking him in, silently begging for more. And Dean, never one to deny you, pulls back just enough before slamming forward with a deep, firm thrust.
A sharp cry rips from your throat, your fingers clawing at his shoulders. He groans at the way you take him, the way you clench around him like you're made for him.
"Goddamn, baby," he mutters, his forehead pressing against yours as he buries himself deeper, stretching you until the burn melts into pleasure. "You feel so fuckin’ good."
His thrusts are precise, each one landing with an intensity that has you seeing stars. Every movement sends waves of pleasure crashing through your body, each stroke hitting that perfect spot inside you that makes your toes curl.
You're already shaking, the pleasure mounting too fast, too strong. Your hips roll against his, chasing more, needing more.
"Dean," you whimper, your voice wrecked, hands grasping at the sheets beneath you.
He tightens his grip on your hips, shifting the angle just enough to push even deeper, dragging another cry from you.
"That’s it," he breathes, his voice thick with lust. "Take it, sweetheart. Let me hear you."
You can barely speak, reduced to moans and gasps, your body wound tight like a string about to snap. Your legs tense, your muscles locking up as the coil in your stomach tightens, tighter, until—
"Dean!" you sob, your back arching as pleasure consumes you, your release hitting so hard it steals the air from your lungs.
Dean groans at the feeling of you pulsing around him, and that’s all it takes for him to follow. His thrusts turn erratic, desperate, before he buries himself to the hilt, spilling into you with a deep, shuddering moan.
He collapses onto his forearms, his body still trembling with the aftershocks. His breath fans against your skin as he presses his forehead against yours, grounding himself in you.
"That's it," he murmurs, kissing your temple. "You did so good. God, you should see yourself right now… you're so goddamn beautiful."
You can’t help but smile, the exhaustion settling into your limbs as the warmth of his words wraps around you like a blanket.
"Thank you, Dean," you whisper, curling into him. You know better than to overthink this—to question what it means. Because the man lying beside you? He doesn’t do confessions, doesn’t do mornings-after. And if this is all you get, you’ll take it.
Dean presses a lingering kiss to your forehead, so tender it makes your chest tighten. Your eyes sting, emotion creeping in where you least expect it.
He looks like he wants to say something, his mouth parting, his brows drawing together in that way he does when he's struggling with something real, something serious. But before he can get the words out—
"What the hell—" He suddenly stiffens, eyes snapping toward the corner of the room.
You blink, barely able to keep yourself from slipping into sleep. "What?"
Dean's jaw drops slightly, his expression shifting from post-orgasmic bliss to sheer disbelief.
"Is that a goddamn fairy?"

"You look oddly happy," Sam commented as he walked past.
"Okay, asshole move," you shot back, rolling your eyes. "Am I not allowed to be happy that we found a way to get your soul back?"
"Oh, I get it—you just want your boyfriend back," he said, smirking.
The word boyfriend made your stomach twist uncomfortably. If Sam actually got his soul back and everything went back to how it was before… things were going to be awkward. Really awkward. Considering you had just fucked his brother.
Sam walked into the motel room, searching for something you didn’t really care about. Your mind had been thoroughly occupied with someone else since the hippie incident.
Speaking of Rome…
Dean walked in, duffel bag slung over his shoulder, carrying himself with that same cocky ease that could knock down even the strongest walls. His presence alone felt like a gravitational pull, one you had no business indulging in—but damn, was it tempting.
He gave you a small nod in greeting, his gaze lingering just a second too long.
"How'd you sleep in jail?" you asked, biting back a grin.
Dean smirked. "Had better nights."
The words hit deeper than they should have, sending heat creeping up your neck. The memory of two nights ago burned behind your eyes—his hands on your hips, his breath against your skin, the way you whispered his name like a prayer. You forced yourself to swallow it down.
Sam walked back out, his own duffel bag in hand, completely oblivious to the tension crackling between you and Dean.
You slid into the backseat of the Impala, letting out a small yawn.
"Still don’t get why you woke up so early," Dean muttered as he climbed into the driver’s seat.
"To gloat," you teased, stretching your arms behind your head.
"Uh-huh. And you’re just gonna pass out again in a couple of hours."
You opened your mouth to argue—but damn it, he was right.
Dean caught your expression in the rearview mirror and smirked, like he knew exactly what you were thinking. His fingers tapped lazily against the steering wheel before he spoke, his voice casual—too casual.
"Guess I’ll have to find another way to keep you awake, huh?"
The words were innocent enough. Sam didn’t react, didn’t even seem to register them. But the way Dean said it, the way his eyes flicked up to meet yours in the mirror—
Yeah. You weren’t done with him.
And worse? He knew it.
#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester#dean winchester x you#dean winchester x female!reader#dean winchester fluff#dean winchester smut#supernatural x reader#supernatural x you#dean winchester x y/n#dean winchester angst
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Dearly Departed pt 2
PT 1
Alastor x Toddler Daughter Reader (PLATONIC)
Summary: After Alastor was able to hold you again after being decades a part, you go along with sinners to the meeting with the seraphrims. However, the meeting does not go as planned and Alastor is forced to leave you behind in heaven. As Alastor is filled with rage he thinks back to the time when he first lost you.
More info: So sorry for the long wait. This has been in the making for a long time. My writer's block has been hitting really bad. There will be a part 3!
Warnings: death, cutting of limbs.
•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°.
As Charlie watches Alastor hold his daughter, there was a tap on her shoulder.
“Is…is that his kid?” Vaggie asked still in a bit of shock. Charlie was about to answer when Sera the Seraphim Angel quickly rushed Alastor taking away his daughter.
“PAPA!” You cry out, stretching your arms out to Alastor.
Sera held you protectively, while Alastor was visibly seething, “What are you doing?” The static in his voice rising as he watches you continue to cry.
“You all came here for a meeting, not to toy with the lives of our angels.”
Alastor took a step towards the seraphim, “I would watch what you say...” The antlers on his head begin to grow.
“But Y/n is his daughter Sera! He should be allowed to care for her here even if it’s just for a little while!” Emily the smaller seraphim said, taking Y/n out of Sera’s arms, turning towards Alastor to hand Y/n to him.
Sera sneers at him but it’s quickly wiped away as Emily turns back to her.
“Very well…we’ll take you to your resting area, our hotel…”
•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°.
Alastor has yet to let you go, holding you tighter as you all walk to Heavens Hotel. You babble about the new friends you made, the school you attend, the food you eat, anything and everything that comes to your mind.
“And-and then we went to the library for story time! They gots a radio here too! But the songs on there are always so loud!! And theres-Oh Papa look-look!!” You point up to the sky as there were birds of different colors flying by, “Its pretty isn’t it, Papa!?”
“Yes, darling it is…” Alastor nuzzles his head to yours while you giggle.
“This is where you will be staying for the time being.” Sera says to the trio while reaching her hands out to grab Y/n.
“Nu-uh!” You look away from her and nuzzle yourself further into Alastor.
“Its time to go back now Y/n.” Sera tells you sweetly.
“No! I wanna stay with papa!”
“She’ll simply stay with me for the time being! I am her father after all Ha-ha! Besides this is heaven I should be allowed a moment of peace here if I do say so myself!” Alastor says with a grin.
“That should be okay, right Sera?” Emily asks the seraphim excitedly. “We can show them around for the time being! Do you wanna show your papa around Y/n!?”
“Yes! Yes!”
“Then its settled! I’ll wait for you all downstairs!!” Emily squeals.
The little seraphim leaves with an excited wave while Sera stands there for a moment watching Alastor with a frown, then she leaves the room.
Theres a moment of silence that’s broken by Charlie, “Sooo this is your daughter Alastor!?” She faces you with a bright smile, you shyly look away.
“Yes, this here is my little darling, Y/n! Say hello to Charlie my dear!”
You look at the princess, “Hello!”
“SHES SO CUTE!! AAA!” Charlie practically yells out as she squishes your cheeks.
“Never expected you to actually have any kids...” Vaggie tells him.
“There are plenty of things that many do not know of me! I liked to keep it that way.” Alastor grins while handing you off to Charlie. “So! It seems like the tall one doesn’t quite like us….” He says as he walks towards the large windows.
Charlie lifts you up and down in the air, with you giggling as she does so.
“Well, we literally came up from hell…. and you… you definitely aren’t the best person to be talking.”
Alastor laughs, “Oh, how funny you are!”
“So, Y/n! How’s heaven?!” Charlie asks, setting you on her hip.
“Its great! And fun!” You say waving your arms, “They got a lot of things here! Even Museums and, and so much stuff!!” You giggle.
Alastor walks back over to Charlie so that he may be able to hold you again, and you immediately wrap your arms around him.
“Let’s go see the zoo Papa!! Can we go!?! Can we?!” You ask him while jumping slightly in his hold.
“A ZOO!?” Charlie yells out.
“Uh huh!!” You nod your head excitedly. “They gots lots of animals! You can even hold them!”
“Is that what you want to do darling?” Alastor says as he fixes your hair.
“Yes please!!”
“OMG Yes! Let’s go!” Charlie is extremely excited, “Vaggie do you wanna come with us?!”
Vaggie rubs the back of her head, “No I, uh, need a break, but hold a koala for me.”
“Can you imagine it an actual koala AHHH!”
“Are you excited papa!? Are you!?”
“Yes, yes darling lets head out now…” He kisses your forehead as Charlie runs happily past the both of you.
•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°.
The zoo was extremely large.
There were different animals, all kinds! Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The whole sha bang!
You pulled your Papa by his hand, tugging him along as you point to the different animals, telling him random facts you learned about them from school.
“Look, look Papa!” You turn towards him for a quick second then immediately turn back towards the giraffe, bouncing yourself on your feet.
“Yes, yes, quite tall, isn’t he?” Alastor has never felt more joy in his afterlife. His back is starting to hurt as he is bending down to be more at your level as you point to the many animals. He picks you up and puts you on his shoulders and you hold on to his head (antlers).
Charlie walks behind you both, talking to Emily, excitement in her tone. She takes a glance at Alastor seeing his usual terrifying grin soften.
“Theres even an aquarium and-” Emily stops talking seeing as Charlie is watching you and Alastor laughing.
“When Y/n first got here all she did was cry… it was understandable most of the newcomers are scared especially children, but she mostly cried out for her papa.” Emily turns to look at you, “She calmed down once we found out she had a grandmother here…. still, it’s nice to see her happy.” Emily turns to Charlie, “If… if your hotel works… I may have an idea of my own...” She says smiling.
“What’s your idea?” Charlie asked, a bit intrigued.
“I think it would be good if the souls down below were able to see their loved ones from heaven. You know, if they can see the people they loved before they may want a chance to be redeemed!”
“That sounds….. AMAZING!” Charlie nods in agreement. “Just by seeing Alastor bond with his daughter….it could work.”
•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°.
The meeting did not go as planned.
Alastor still held you tightly as Charlie fell to her knees as she found out the one person she trusted most was an exorcist that killed her people.
Sera had decided that there was no proof that a sinner cannot be redeemed, a portal was then opened with a forceful wind that was pushing the trio backwards.
Alastor held you closer to his chest with you desperately trying to hold on to his coat.
“What the fuck do you think your doing?! Huh?!!” Adam cackled in front of Alastor. Adam ripped you from your fathers’ arms with you wailing and screaming.
“NO! NO!! PLEASE!!” You cry out throwing your arms out as Alastor tries to claw his way towards you, leaving indents on the floor.
“I don’t fucking think so!” Lute kicks Alastor in the face making him fall backwards even more towards the portal.
The pressure of the wind makes Alastor’s head fall down, he grits his teeth together as his smile grows, “Y̶͉̖̕͠o̵̩͙̊͠u̴͈̒'̴̧̦̕ṙ̴̖̬̀ę̸̇̑ ̶̧̼͛̎g̸̼͇̎ó̸̖̥̔ǐ̴̪͙̑ń̸͖g̶̱̔̾ ̵͖̀͝t̷̲͗ö̶̺̟́ ̵̰̉r̵̡̀ḙ̴̈́g̵̫͌r̵̳̗̾̅ę̴̂̿t̴͔́ ̸͈͋͗t̶̜̀h̴̞̃a̴͑̀ͅt̴̲̋̐.̴͙̍.̶̖̥̿͝.̷̤͓̈́”
Adam holds you in the air as you continue to cry out, “SHUT UP ALREADY!”
“This fucker is your old man?! I suggest you say your fucking goodbyes now!” Adam throws you to Lute who catches you with ease, he kneels near Alastor, “You never going to see her again.” Adams laughs as Alastor summons his tentacles, but Adam just grins wildly, grabs Alastor by his collar and hurls him through the portal.
Alastor yells out your name, taking one last glance at your tearful sobbing face as you struggle to get out of Lute’s arms.
The portal closes.
His dead heart aches once more as he falls to his knees, he covers his head with his arms as his forehead touches the hotel’s floor. Alastor’s breathe becomes uneven, he then teleports himself to his tower.
He is filled with nothing but rage….just like last time.
•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°.
After burying his little girl, Alastor became nothing more than an empty shell. Nothing brought joy to him anymore. No more radio shows. No more after-school meals. No more bedtime stories. No longer are you here smiling as he cooks. No longer are you dancing on his shoes as music plays in the background as he twirls you around.
Alastor sits by your bedside rubbing his eyes as he takes off his glasses. He takes a look around your room, his gaze drops to a small glass deer that he bought you four months ago. Alastor grabs it and holds it tightly, he raises his hand to throw the figurine to the ground but stops himself and collapses to the floor.
The figurine lays on the ground, Alastor grabs his hair, pulling on it roughly.
“What do I do……?”
“What do I do?!!”
Then it hits him.
All this anger, all this sadness.
He needs to put this to use.
•°. *࿐•°. *
A hearty laugh is heard from the back of Mimizy’s bar (The Hideaway).
“Oh! Holy fuck! Ha-Ha-ha!!!” The man slams his drink down, smacking his chest to calm himself.
Johnny continues to toy with his glass, moving it side to side, his eyes seemingly have no life in them.
“The hell’s wrong with you?” Daniel asks nudging Johnny with a push.
“I….I still feel sick…” Johnny starts to pull lightly on his hair, “She…she was just a kid..”
“Are you seriously still thinking about that?” Daniel chugs the rest of his beer down and takes out a cigar, lighting it.
“I can’t help it!” Johnny’s mind consumes with flashes of the little girl’s face, her screams of terror, the snap…... “I see her every time I try to close my eyes…”
“You should be happy! I ain’t never seen the boss so happy before!” Daniel laughs, “You deserve that money! This is why we’re out celebrating!”
“I don’t…. feel happy… I can’t feel happy…”
“Stop your bitching already!” Daniel blows out the smoke, “You got paid didn’t you!?”
Johnny shakes his head as he hears Daniel’s continued laughter.
What they both fail notice is the man near the bar, sipping his whiskey with a tight grip.
“Well, who gives a shit about that kid!? I’mma get another one of these!” Daniel says shoving the empty glass near Johnny’s face, he gets up and walks towards the bar standing near the man with the whiskey in his hand.
“Another one will ya pal!” Daniel slams his glass on the table.
The bartender looks at Daniel with disgust in his eyes, “Sorry pal, no can do, your over ya limit here… and you haven’t paid your tab in two weeks.”
Daniel groans and looks around, “You see the guy over there, that lonely fuck,” Daniel points to Johnny who has his head down on the table, “He’s buying for me so put it on his tab and give me another!”
The bartender sighs and pours the beer into the glass, Daniel walks away back to his seat slightly stumbling.
The bartender turns towards the voice, he squints a little, “Alastor?” he whispers, “What are you doing here, I thought I sent you home hours ago!?”
“Keep sending that loon more beers, say its from an old pal…”
The bartender stares at Alastor for a moment, then sighs.
“You should go home, Al…”
Alastor shakes his head and takes a sip from his drink.
After several more drinks are sent over to Daniel, he finally decides it’s time to head home.
“Come on Johnny…” Daniel burps, “Lets go,”
Johnny has his head down on the table, he seems to be sleeping.
“Haaa fuck it, I’m heading out,” Daniel pats Johnny on his shoulder, “See ya tomorrow…” He stumbles out of his seat and heads to the door.
Alastor lets a couple minutes pass before he stands up, he takes a look over to the sleeping man on the table.
It would be easy to get rid of the sleeping one first, but….. he deserves the pain more…. It has been decided… the drunk will go first.
•°. *࿐•°. *
Alastor follows the drunk on foot, not too close but not too far.
The drunk man stumbles as he walks, he grabs on to a nearby wall, “Ah… shit.” The man spots an alley and walks into it. He stands near a dumpster and begins to throw up.
“Fuck….” He wipes his mouth with his sleeve, he tilts his upwards for a moment to look at the night sky.
That moment is cut short.
A wire is wrapped around the drunk’s neck.
He tries to rip the wire off of him.
Tries to claw his attacker but soon everything turns black.
•°. *࿐•°. *
Daniel slowly cracks his eyes open, he lets out a groan. He feels himself sweating and tries to pick up his arms to wipe the sweat off, but he finds that it is constrained.
“What the fuck is this!” He begins to raise his head but is forcefully pushed back down.
“Ah, ah, ah….stay still…” Alastor says rather calmly as he holds Daniel down by his hair.
“Who the fuck-”
“Stay still pal!” Alastor grabs his knife and slams it near Daniel’s face.
“W-w-what do you want?! You want m-money? I can get you t-that!” Daniel stutters.
Alastor circles around the man on the table, “Money? You think this is about money?” Alastor’s grin twitches.
Daniel starts to tremble but gathers the courage to look at his kidnapper in the eyes, “Oh fuck.”
“Oh fuck, indeed….”
“W-what are you planning t-to do with m-me!” his body starts to shake uncontrollably.
“Why do you look so scared?” Alastor tilts his head.
“J-j-just let m-me go! PLEASE!” Daniel cries out.
Alastor clicks his tongue, “No… I don’t think I will….” He chuckles. Alastor slides the knife over Daniel’s face.
“Now, Danny boy! Care to tell me what my daughters last moments were…” His grin grows tighter.
Daniel huffs.
“Don’t go quiet on me now!” Alastor smacks the strapped man repeatedly. “SPEAK UP!”
Daniel starts to laugh, “Your brat….heh..heheh…hehe..HAHAHA!”
“You think this is a laughing matter?” Alastor walks around the table to Daniel’s right hand, “Tell me….” He places the knife on top of Daniel’s fingers, “do you feel this?” Alastor begins to slice off the man’s fingers off one by one.
Daniel cries.
“OKAY! PLEASE” Daniel sobs, “SHE CRIED!!”
Alastor moves on to the other hand and begins slicing.
Alastor puts his knife down and goes over to grab his hand saw, placing it on top on the man’s arm.
“Tell me more…” Alastor saws through the man’s arm, rather slowly.
“STOP!” Daniel’s begins to howl with fear.
Alastor grabs the knife that he put down, raises it and stabs the man’s right arm.
Alastor moves on to the other arm and saws that one right off.
“You hit her to shut her up, you killed her for…..what?” Alastor stands behind Daniel’s head.
Daniel is still crying, his head starts to shake, “LET ME GO!”
“That’s not the answer I was looking for…” Using his knife, he points it to the man’s left eye. “I suggest you speak now.”
Alastor jabs the knife into Daniels eye.
Daniel screams.
“Money…. FOR MONEY?! YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER FOR MONEY!?” Alastor starts to laugh.
“THE B-BOSS WANTED Y-YOU TO PAY!” Daniel starts to uncontrollably sob, “SO WE KILLED THAT BITCH!!”
Alastor rips the knife out and stabs the other eye, he continues to stab over the man’s face.
Over and over and over again.
Alastor doesn’t know when the man let out his last breath, he could honestly care less.
•°. *࿐•°. *
Johnny is awoken by the bartender.
“Pal….hey pal! It’s closing time! Go home!”
Johnny rubs his eyes, “Huh? What?” He looks towards the clock behind the bar, “Where’s….where’s Danny?”
“Your friend left thirty minutes ago, hurry on out I have a family waiting for me!” The bartender helps Johnny up, “Don’t forget to pay your tab!”
“Oh…oh yeah….” Johnny reads the receipt and takes the money out of his wallet, handing it to the bartender. “Uh…goodnight, till next time pal…”
“Have a goodnight.” The bartender closes the door.
Johnny walks out the bar still feeling drowsy but his body is filled with emptiness.
Danny told him he shouldn’t care about the girl.
But now the money in his pocket felt heavy.
He wipes his eyes with his hands but immediately retracts them and stares holes into his palms. His hands are shaking.
Johnny puts his hands in pockets and feels the cash.
It burns him.
He crouches down on the sidewalk and covers his ears with his hands.
“I..I don’t want this…. I can’t live like this….” Johnny feels a lump in his throat.
The least he can do his give the money to him…. to the father….yeah….that can be a start…. it wouldn’t make up for what he did but, for now….. this is the least he can do.
Johnny gets up, wipes his tears and begins walking to the home of Mr. Hartfelt.
•°. *࿐•°. *
The porch light is on.
Johnny notes that the blinds are close, but the light insides are on. He feels nervous as he raises his hand to knock on the door.
Should he knock or should he just leave the money on the doorstep? Mr. Hartfelt wouldn’t want to see him…. he probably doesn’t even know what he did. He takes the money out of his pocket, crouches down and places the money on the door mat. Johnny walks down the steps but before he can make it to the last step the door opens.
“Who might you be?”
Johnny stills his back facing the voice behind him.
“Are you alright pal?” The voice sounds sincere.
Johnny slowly faces him, Mr. Hartfelt… father of the girl that he killed.
“I…” he coughs, “I… I just wanted….to give you…” Johnny runs a hand through his hair.
“Something the matter?”
Johnny shakes his head, “Uh… I…”
“Why don’t you come inside?” Mr. Hartfelt smiles warmly.
“Come inside…” Mr. Hartfelt opens the door wider, “Its late and you can never be too careful especially since that butcher is around now…”
“Are you sure Mr. Hartfelt?”
Mr. Hartfelt laughs, “Please! Call me Alastor!”
Johnny nods and walks through the door.
“Now I was just about to eat dinner, care to join me?” Alastor leads Johhny to the dinning table.
“S-sure…” Johhny says as he looks around the room, he freezes once he spots a framed photo of a little girl.
Alastor notes this.
“Come now my friend take a seat!” Alastor pulls out the chair for Johnny.
Johnny takes a seat but holds a hand to his stomach.
Alastor stands by the stove stirring a pot, “So! Tell me about your day my friend!”
In front of Johhny is a glass deer, no….it’s a fawn. Its eyes are staring into him. He reaches over the table to grab it.
“It…it was alright.”
“Just alright?”
“Y-yeah… I haven’t really felt g-good for the past couple of days…”
“Oh?” Alastor places a bowl of jambalaya in front of Johnny, “how so?”
Johnny places the glass figurine next to him and picks up the spoon next to him. Wait… when did Mr. Hartfelt set the table?
“Are you going to eat too, Mr. Hartfelt?”
“Of course I am! I recently got my hands on this new meat…. I’ve been itching to try this out… and I thought I told you to call me Alastor! Aren’t we pals?!” Alastor grins as he sets his own bowl down and takes a seat in front of Johnny.
Alastor begins to eat his meal, Johnny takes this as a sign to begin as well.
“Wow… T-this is really good Mr.- oh I mean Alastor!” Johnny says as he takes spoonful after spoonful into his mouth.
“You think so?!” Alastor places his spoon down, claps his hands together, placing his chin on them. He reaches over the table and grabs the fawn, looking at it tenderly.
“Yes sir!” Johnny happily eats his meal. He looks down for a moment, there seems to be something a bit heavy at the bottom of his bowl. With his spoon he scoops it out…its…. a finger.
Johnny drops the spoon.
“Something the matter pal?” Alastor tilts his head.
Johnny takes a quick glance up at Alastor then looks down at the bowl. “I-I thought I s-saw something…” He stirs his spoon around the bowl.
“Oh?” Alastor stands up and walks slowly to the countertop.
“Y-yeah….” Johnny picks up the spoon and watches as the liquid falls down to the bowl.
“I don’t believe there’s anything wrong… it’s my own recipe.”
Johhny takes another spoonful and puts it in his mouth. “What kind of meat is this, Alastor?”
“Did you like it?” Alastor reaches for a knife.
“Yes, I don’t believe I’ve ever had this type of meat before. Is it venison?”
“Not quite.” He stands behind Johnny as the fool continues to eat his meal.
He picks up the bowl, placing the edge near his mouth and allows the liquid to flow into his mouth. Johnny places the bowl back down on the table.
“Thank you for the meal, sir.” He rubs his eyes, it suddenly hits him that he just ate a meal with the father of the dead girl…. the dead girl he killed. Johhny grabs his stomach as he groans.
“How’s Danny?”
“Huh?” Johnny turns around to see Alastor behind him
“How was Danny?”
“Danny?” Does Alastor know Daniel? How?
“He’s your pal, right?” Alastor grabs on to the chair. “How. Was. He? I tried to make sure there wasn’t any nerves for you, I prefer them myself, adds a bit of flavor.”
Alastor bends himself slightly lower, “Go look….” He points to the pot on the stove. Alastor pulls the chair out for Johnny.
Johnny legs tremble as he puts one foot in front of the other as he makes his way to the stove. It like there’s quicksand beneath him.
Finally he stands in front of the pot, he looks back to see Alastor standing behind him once more.
Alastor nods his head towards the pot, Johnny listens.
He grabs the lid of the pot. His hand starts to shake but he rips the lid off oh so quickly. Yet just as quickly as he took it off, he drops it to the ground.
“Huh!? What!? What is this!!”
An eye is staring back at him, along with other pieces of …. meat… no…no…no, this can’t be.
“That’s n-not real!”
“Oh but it is! Come now, take a closer look!” He pushes Johnny closer to the pot. Alastor uses the ladle and stirs the pot. Once he does that, more pieces of “meat” come up.
“Oh, looky here!” A finger is brought to the surface. “I forgot to cut this one! Oh well!” Alastor grabs it and bites a part of it. “Would you like some leftovers?” He grins in Johnny’s face.
Johnny pushes himself away from Alastor, “What the fuck is this!?”
“Now, now! Guests aren’t supposed to be rude especially since I oh so gratefully let you in and cooked just for you!”
Johnny’s chest starts to heave up and down, “You…. what did you do?!!” He yells out.
“What did I do?” Alastor grin turns more sinister, “What did you do?”
Johnny meets Alastor’s eyes, “I….I…”
“You didn’t just walk up to my door for nothing did you? You didn’t drown yourself in sorrows at the Hideaway for nothing did you?”
A lump forms in Johnny’s throat. “I-I….”
“Go on… tell me what you did.” Alastor walks towards Johnny. “Tell me what you did to my little girl….”
Johnny finally meets Alastor’s eyes as the man towers over him.
“Speak.” His grip around the knife tightens.
“I killed her.” Johnny’s back hits the countertops.
“Tell me more.”
“W-we saw you drop the g-girl off at the school. I thought we were gonna go after y-you but Danny said no. We followed the kids into the woods and waited in the dark.”
Johhny takes a moment to breathe.
“We saw the girl come towards us, I d-don’t think she saw us. She-” His breath hitches, “She was reaching for a flower, I-I-I don’t remember what color it was, all I remember was Danny telling me to go.”
Alastor stays still.
“She started to scream and Danny smacked her, but she still kept screaming. He wanted to shut her up. S-s-so I grabbed her and threw her to the ground by her throat. S-she tried to scratch me but I still kept pushing down harder. And…and…and I pushed so hard. It was so hard. She was looking at me…. I was so scared…. I just kept pushing and pushing and pushing.”
Alastor’s grip goes white.
“Then it finally snapped.”
Alastor punches Johnny and he falls to the floor.
Alastor straddles him and begins to throw punch after punch after punch.
Alastor gets up puts the knife in his pocket and grabs Johnny and drags him through the house down to his basement.
“I-I’m sorry…. so sorry…sorry….sorry…sorry…sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” Alastor throws Johnny on the table.
“Sorry so sorry.” He shakes his head.
Alastor takes the knife out, “Do you understand what you did?”
“Tell me her name…”
“Say it!”
Alastor starts to laugh maniacally, “Are you fucking serious!”
“My daughter…. You didn’t even know her name!” Alastor stabs Johnny’s stomach.
Johnny screams.
Alastor leaves the knife there and moves close to Johnny’s ear.
“Y/n….her name was Y/n.” He moves back and rips the knife out of his stomach making Johnny yell.
“Y/N!!” Johnny yells.
Alastor moves closer to his face, putting his hands on Johnny’s neck applying pressure.
“Is this what she felt?”
Alastor pushes his hands into Johnny’s neck, tightening his hold.
Then the snap.
•°. *࿐•°. *
No, not this time.
They won’t take you from him, not when he just held you for the first time in decades. Not when you smiled so joyfully when you saw him. Not when you held on to him so tightly.
He won’t give up.
He’ll get you back.
Whatever the cost.
This is not the end.
•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°. *࿐•°.
I am so sorry for not updating a lot! My spring semester starts on Tuesday and I am a bit nervous. Writers block sucks!! The ending is a bit rushed I apologize for that but I will make up for it in part 3.
Wordcount: 4592
destinyisastar 2025
#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel#alastor x reader#alastor hazbin hotel#x reader#alastor the radio demon#hazbin hotel angst#alastor x daughter reader#alastor daughter reader
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circuit breaker 🔬🌌 (part one)
tutor!jayce talis x reader, modern college au

content: reader is forced to take gen ed classes in order to graduate college. this unfortunately includes physics for which you desperately need a tutor for...jayce talis happens to need community service and is available to help. (references to adhd/neurodivergence in this chapter, that’s all)
notes: hiii. as i am on my indefinite break from golden boy, i wanted to start something else bc the yearn for jayce content can only be filled as long as i work to preserve him myself... so here’s my first official series!! double note, while this is modern, i still want to keep hints and references to the show/characters so they’re believable! so if you see viktor talking in a way that seems unnatural with dialogue, its just my smarty pants bf being his smart self with vast vocabulary. 🤍
word count: 1.5k
series masterlist here
。·:*:·゚★,。·:*:·゚☆ 。·:*:·゚★,。·:*:·゚☆
The absolute worst part of college is being forced to take the general education classes simply to graduate. You were an arts major, there was no reason for you to be cramming your brain with math equations so many years after high school—and yet here you were. Unfortunately, you waited until later in your university career to take on the required course load, and now you were stuck in one of the only classes with availability that worked with your schedule—physics. The thought of the class alone made your head hurt. The only upside was having it with a friend, albeit much more skilled at the subject, Viktor was always welcome company.
“I hate these weekly quizzes, I genuinely cannot afford to fail another one.”
Viktor chuckled, “The subject matter isn’t that difficult…”
“We can’t all be geniuses, Viktor.”
“Yes, some of us are more skilled than others, I’d say.” He moved to gather his books, the class having ended.
You mirrored his action, packing your bag as you spoke to him. “Natural skill or not, this shit is actually dumb…makes me feel dumb.”
“You are not dumb,” he reassured you, “It can be a lot to comprehend.”
You shuffled through the aisle, following behind Viktor as he moved toward the exit. “It’s these gen ed classes…why do I need to understand physics for liberal arts. Granted, I know the school is more tech based…but I changed my major! I should be free of the shackles of math by now.” You wiped a hand over your face, clearly exasperated.
You matched Viktor’s steps, picking up a bit to open the door for him. The slight breeze of the outside air brushed over you—cooling the heat that you didn’t realize was there. A breath left you, exhaling the bubbling rage in you.
Viktor reached a hand toward your shoulder, grasping it with a firm encouragement. “You will conquer physics. Natural skill…or not.” He smiled again, a teasing tone on his voice.
“Viktor!” You swatted his hand away, “I hate you! Could you at least offer a solution? These quizzes are literally every week. What’s the point of checking my comprehension if I know I’m gonna fail-“
“Listen, you will not fail. In fact,” he paused, “I have a solution for this little conflict.”
“The solution being?”
He stopped walking, an obvious look on his face, “Get a tutor.”
A scoff, “Yeah right. I’m not in middle school. I don’t need a tutor, Viktor.” You started walking again, “Besides, why can’t you just help me—you’re all the tutor I need!”
“I have quite a bit on my plate this term already. I have two labs, recitations, and work-“
“Which is just code for find time to see Sky, got it.”
He didn’t reply to that, not directly. But the way he blushed and looked away was indication enough. Viktor explained before that he and Sky have known each other practically their whole lives. They always saw each other around; the fact that they ended up at the same school was purely by fate, or chance, Viktor would say. That was, despite the relatively high probability with there being so few state schools.
He changed the subject, leading you across the street. “I know someone who would be willing to help. He mentioned needing community service.”
“Fine, I guess…”
“Good, because we’re here.”
You looked up, the student resource center labeled clearly in front of you. The prospect of walking in was already daunting. You loved independence and it often came at the expense of feeling incompetent when you had to ask for help. You confided in Viktor about that before. He figured the best way was to just show up, not giving you the opportunity to get yourself worked up and find an excuse to not go.
He opened the door, tilting his head towards the inside. “You got this.”
You shook your head, the idea making you nauseous. He returned the motion, this time shaking his head. You can do this.
It took a second, but you finally walked in, Viktor slightly on your trail. “He should be here, he told me he would be.” He continued as you nodded silently, “Oh, there he is.”
His back was to you, speaking to a woman he seemed to be friendly with. His shoulders were wide, making her barely visible to you from this angle—but she was undoubtedly stunning. You couldn’t help but acknowledge the way they so enthusiastically spoke. You didn’t want to interrupt, that would be embarrassing, torturous, even. Instead, you turned to the desk, eyeing the receptionist. She seemed to be close to your age…which somehow made you even more nervous—gosh.
“Hi…” You cleared your throat, “Hi, I wanted to ask about tutoring? Like for physics?”
Viktor nodded behind you, proud of the seemingly small gesture. He knew this was actually an immense step for you.
The receptionist greeted you back, “We do have physics tutoring available! There are a few student volunteers, but we usually assign according to those with a more free schedule…” She looked to her left, pointing to the QR code that faced toward you. “You can register here, it’s fairly quick and someone…” she locked onto the man across from her, still mid conversation. “Someone should be able to help you get started today actually…Jayce!”
You turned to see the man pause his conversation, a brow raising at his name being called. Recognition flashed in your direction as well, “Oh hey, Viktor.”
“Hello, Jayce.”
The man walked up to the counter, a more annoyed tone and body language accompanied him, then. It wasn’t genuine, but rather one out of familiarity, like he and the receptionist had known each other a while. It was quite jovial, actually. “What do you want, Cait?”
She rolled her eyes at that, “Someone needs a tutor,” she smiled at you before looking to him with a grimace, “You’re a tutor, correct?”
He shrugged, “I need community service.”
“Great, so you two are a match, then.”
Your phone suddenly became rather interesting—the simple intake form immediately became numerous pages long and excessively tedious. You felt his eyes on you, though, and saw a hand out towards you in your peripheral. “Nice to meet you…Jayce.”
You looked up finally, reaching to shake his outstretched hand. The only thing that came to you was your name—first and last, simple.
He half smiled, echoing your reply, “Jayce Talis. I like the formality.” He chuckled, dropping your hand.
You looked back silently at Viktor, a sort of terror on your face. He spoke then, “I should be going. Shouldn’t these two have their introductory meeting now?” He observed your twisted facial expression, looking towards the desk for a reply.
She nodded, “Great idea! It’s a short one, just getting to know one another and scheduling for later. You can use that room right there,” she looked at the computer in front of her for confirmation, “It should be empty for a few more minutes!” She motioned her hands for you two to hurry along. The man, Jayce…Jayce Talis…walked over and spoke to the woman he’d been talking to before. You couldn’t hear them, but observed the way he rubbed her arm before reaching for a hug. You tried not to stare, but you weren’t entirely familiar with the resource center and he was supposed to be leading you, you thought.
You trailed behind Jayce, turning back to see Viktor. He stood with a hand on his cane, the other with a thumbs up to you. You nodded, rubbing your hands awkwardly at your sides. You watched as Jayce opened the door, stepping back to let you in first. That was nice. You held a tight smile, a pleasantry you’d grown accustomed to displaying in uncomfortable situations such as this one.
Both of you sat down, a brief silence filling the room. Jayce spoke first, “So what brings you to tutoring?”
You swallowed, “I am not great at physics…I’m pretty bad at it actually…and Viktor said you could help.”
He nodded, “You two are friends?”
“Yeah, we met a while back. How do you know each other?”
“Lab partners, same major, rest is history.”
“Right…” A huff from you and the shuffle of Jayce reaching in his pocket were the only sounds in the room.
“So,” he scrolled on his phone, “You noted you have a hard time focusing. Is it just this class?”
“Not just physics, no. I have a hard time paying attention in general. Bad memory, disorganized brain, the works. Makes retaining the information really hard as you can imagine.”
“I get that, but we can work on that…find things that help you remember a bit better…make it more interesting.”
You could only blink as a response. This was the first time you could recall, besides with close friends, that someone didn’t make you feel extremely weird for not being able to stay focused. You often skipped from one topic to the next, forgetting your starting point. Conversations would float away from you, or you’d get too emotionally invested. People would call you loud, random, even. You appreciated that Jayce replied simply, concisely, offering a solution. Sure, it was his job…kind of…but it felt pretty good.
“Thank you.”
He went over a few more questions with you—referring to the intake form you’d filled out on your phone. In no time, you had set a meeting time for the following day.
Both of you stood, collecting your bags.
“See you tomorrow?”
part two
#jaggedamethyst#circuit breaker#angst#jayce talis#arcane jayce#jayce talis x reader#jayce talis x you#arcane#arcane x reader#jayce x reader#jayce league of legends#jayce talis arcane#jayce arcane#jayce x you
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bf!txt x afab!reader
in which the txt members take care of you while you are on your period
wc 250-350 per member, 1.4k in total
warnings menstruation duh, cramps, established relationship, pet names, I try to not state which products are used most of the time but in Taehyun's reader uses pads
↪ izzy speaks... yes, I am on my period writing this and I hate it so I need myself someone like them

he always tries to make your pain go away by staying close. You feel like just lying in bed because you're tired or in pain? cuddles. Your cramps are bad? He is your personal heater.
He will ALWAYS make sure you have everything you need
you need another blanket? It's already beside you. Craving your favorite snacks? He bought everything earlier that day.
When you first started dating he was PANICKING
Obviously, he knew menstruation was a thing but he never really needed to care until he got together with you
After the first time you got your period while staying over at his he started asking questions
How bad does it hurt? How often do you get it? What does ovulation have to do with anything?
And then he sat in silence the whole afternoon, just listening to your explanation and taking mental notes
“It's alright, Soobie. I am feeling a lot better now,” you assured him, watching him from the comfort of his bed. “Are you sure though? I can make you a cup of tea? Or maybe we can watch a film together?” He suggested, making you chuckle as you reached your hand to him. Your boyfriend smiled too, holding your hand as he stepped closer. “All I need is for you to lay beside me, yeah?” Soobin nodded, climbing onto the bed. His arms wrapped around your waist, his palm resting on your lower stomach. “I love you,” he whispered against the crouch of your neck, placing soft kisses in the same spot. Your lips curved into a smile again, your hand resting on his. “I love you too, Soob.”

he definitely knows your cycle by heart
he even has the same app you use to keep track of your period on his phone so he is prepared
His bathroom is STACKED with all the products you could possibly want to use
even though he knows your preferences, he likes to have other opinions ready in case you ever change your mind and want to use something new
He also has a few pads/tampons in his bag in case you would need any when you two are out
does literally anything you ask him for
He WILL run to the store to get you your favorite ice cream if you run out of the one you had at home
He likes to stay home with you when your period starts. No matter if you two spend the day lying in bed, watching a movie while eating ice cream, or if you want to clean the whole house, whatever it is, he will stay by your side
“I am going to run to the store real quick, I’ll be right back,” Yeonjun smiled as you finished your lunch. “Oh, really?” You looked up at him immediately, and he could swear he saw sparks in your eyes. “Can you get me-” “Some chocolate and fruits? I am on it,” he interrupted you, nodding. “If you need any pills while I am gone they are in the bathroom, yeah?” He reminded you as if you hadn’t been in his bathroom, looking for the same pills many times before. “I know,” you smiled back at him, standing up from the dining table. “Thank you,” you whispered, walking over to him and placing a kiss on his cheek. “For everything.” His smile grew even wider, stealing a kiss from you when you stepped back again, his hand on your hips. “No need, darling.”

He definitely says something like "Well, you know, I could take it away from you for nine months" when your period starts just to tease you
but when he sees you glare at him, lying in your bed in pain, he shuts up immediately
“Okay, I am just going to shut up now and run you a bath, yeah?”
Continuously asks you if you are okay or need anything, to the point it gets annoying
But he simply means the best and just wants to make sure you are doing fine because no matter how much he teases you, he loves you
He always tries to make you laugh and make you think about different things
He always makes sure you have enough water to drink,
Extra: you definitely made him try the period pain simulator just so he could see what you go through every month and after that, he had never even tried to tease you about your period
You sat on a chair in your boyfriend’s bathroom, in your pajamas now, your eyes closed as you finally relaxed. “Are you feeling any better?” Beomgyu asked, drying your hair. “A lot,” you hummed with a nod. “Thank you, Beom.”
He shook his head, turning the hair dryer in his hands off. “I didn’t do anything,” he disagreed. Sure, he had run you a bath and helped you wash your hair, but every boyfriend did that, right? “I am just glad the shower helped. Do you still want me to give you some painkillers?” You opened your eyes again with a nod, “Yes, please.” He smiled, nodding back. “I'll be right back then.”

Man studied for this day
I feel like similarly to Yeonjun, he is always prepared and knows everything he needs in advance
feels no shame in buying you products and doesn't mind doing so every month
surprises you with your favorite food and flowers to bring up your mood
he normally cooks meals for you, but during your period he is extra careful not to miss a single meal, no matter how busy he is
If you are free, he always asks you to visit him at work so you don't have to be home alone
completely understands if you don't want to join him in the gym or do any sports in general during your period
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you panicked, covering your head in embarrassment. How could you just forget you were supposed to get your period today? The gym was the worst possible place it could show up too. Your panties covered with blood, with no sign of any sanitary products in your local gym’s bathroom wasn't the ideal situation. “Love, are you okay?” You heard your boyfriend’s voice behind the door, your eyes widening. “No,” you admitted. “I got it. Oh god, how could I be so stupid and not notice?”
“Come on, you are not stupid. I should have some pads in my bag, I’ll be right back, yeah?” You sighed in relief. You had an amazing boyfriend, you reminded yourself once again.
It didn’t take much longer for him to come back, knocking on your door before he opened them slightly, passing you the pad with his fresh pair of boxers he had for after the gym through the gap. “Thank you,” you mumbled, embarrassed. No matter how many times you had gotten your period, it always somehow felt embarrassing. “No need to thank me. I’ll be waiting outside, we can go home and have your favorite meal, what do you think?”
Before you could answer him, you heard a female scream, kicking your boyfriend out of the bathroom. Right, this was the women’s toilet, you remembered, a chuckle escaping your lips.

Since he has two sisters I hope no one is surprised he KNOWS what to do
He notices every shift in your behavior
every turn you make in your bed, every frown you make from the pain, every change in your eyes. He sees it all and always knows exactly what you need, often before even you do. Before you can register your sudden cravings, he is already bringing you the exact snack you had in mind
he always lets you wear his clothes, but especially when you are on your period
He knows you feel comfortable and calm in his things so once you are on your period he gives you every piece of garment he owns to make you feel exactly that: comfortable and calm
“I wish I could go through it instead, I hate seeing you in pain,” type of guy
Just like Soobin, he always keeps you close, being your personal heater
cuddles, cuddles, and cuddles
“Come here,” Kai encouraged you, moving his gaming chair back so you could sit on his lap more easily. You smiled, walking over to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist as you rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes.
He caressed your back while he waited for his game to load, placing kisses on your neck. “Did the painkillers work?” You hummed a quiet “Not yet,” taking a peek at him. “Should I tell Soobin I have to go?” Kai wondered, not bothering to hide the sadness in his voice. You knew he felt sorry for you, but there was not much he could do about your cramps. “It’s fine,” you shook your head. “Keep playing, I am comfortable like this.” Your boyfriend gave your neck one last peck before moving his chair forward again, doing his best to focus on the game on his screen. Still, he couldn’t help it and constantly glanced at you, making sure you were doing okay.

⋆✶ izzy's tags @beomiracles @seoulzie @adel222 @inkigayocamman @flowzel @love-be0m @virgo-and-libra @hwanghyunjinismybae ✶⋆ want to get notified? join taglist here!
#tubatu#tomorrow x together#txt#txt x reader#txt fluff#txt imagines#choi soobin#soobin#choi yeonjun#yeonjun#choi beomgyu#beomgyu#kang taehyun#taehyun#hueningkai#huening kai#x reader#soobin x reader#soobin fluff#choi soobin x reader#choi soobin fluff#choi yeonjun x reader#choi yeonjun fluff#yeonjun fluff#yeonjun x reader#beomgyu x reader#beomgyu fluff#choi beomgyu x reader#choi beomgyu fluff#kang taehyun x reader
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