#HyperForce ReIgnition
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Chiro let out a gasp as he opened his eyes anew.
All around them, the outskirts, that had turned to an overgrown, dangerous mess, was now a well maintained park. There was a path they stood upon now, that led to a massive tree behind them.
Chiro whirled around, looking up at it, letting out a low whistle.
Mila looked around, craning her head in every direction.
What was going on!?
"What the actual freaking heck…?!"
She took a few steps backwards, nearly bumping into Chiro.
He moved ahead of her, now that he was getting a proper look at it all.
"Wow. This looks just like in Mom's photo albums."
"Except with less pixels." Mila chuckled, weakly craning her neck, trying to see anything she actually recognized.
There was a low rumbling in the distance as a huge cloud of dust kicked up… heading right for the park.
There was the loud roar of engines as a large pack of motorcycles appeared out of nowhere.
Manning each one, was some sort of skeletal creature, its eye sockets blank.
Mila's eyes widened in horror as she took a step back, pulling Chiro behind her.
"Whoa! What is that!?" Chiro exclaimed.
"Trouble." Mila deadpanned.
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theblueskyphoenix · 9 months
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I think I've mentioned in the past I'm huge on making iconography for things. Well, here is another example of that once again.
What does it all mean?
Well, I would say something but then I'd be handing out spoilers for HyperForce: ReIginition. You'll find out all in due time, I promise.
Till then, just a set of images to tease. ;)
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Did a drawing of what Kira Kalveria, the secondary Jedi protagonist alongside James Lunagazer, looks like in the Hyperforce Reignition crossover fanfic universe, alongside the Monkey who will be a major supporting character in her development, the reckless red-maverick himself, Sparx.
I did consider having Otto, given that he and Kira share the same colour, and he was the first Monkey she took an instant liking to upon meeting, (barring the massive freak out they had when they understood each other without a translator.) But the more I thought about it, her personality more or less meshes more with Sparx.
I'd imagine Sparx would start to see some of his own traits in Kira, and so he'd begin to mellow back his reckless nature and become a sort of father-figure to the young Jedi Apprentice sort of like Chiro and Antauri's dynamic, (Not to say it won't be difficult, given Kira's impulsive and reckless attitude!)
I'll probably do one for James Lunagazer and the other members of Flarren Squadron who join the two Jedi in their adventures on Shuggazoom overtime as soon as I figure out the characters.
Kira's design is one that I actually tweaked from an old design, evoking her Green Jedi heritage and her energetic wise-cracker attitude, including gold shoulder armor which was inspired from the Mighty Morphin' Green Power Ranger, the Jedi Credit was rough due to it using the old Jedi Order symbol, but I got there.
But if anyone is knowledgeable about the old Legends lore, you may have noticed Kira is an apprentice, and Jedi Credits are usually given to those in the Corellian Jedi who ascend to the Rank of Knight, there's a reason for that which will be explored later...
I actually did consider making Kira an Togruta species to set her apart from her TC OC counterpart, but I felt it would have been too similar to Anakin and Ahsoka with how she and James are intially, though another Togruta character might appear later down the line, but to be blunt it won't be Ahsoka as she's straight up dead in this universe.
I don't hate her but she has been getting over-used in Star Wars, so yeah, and this universe is a mix of both Canon and Legends, at least from what knowledge I do have, but it won't come up much as I decided to leave that vague so that it could fit in either universe, and for if I decide to make a prequel series.
See you for the next one!
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maximalttigers · 1 year
Eki on Vroid
After seeing some character related stuff being created on Vroid, I decided to give it a go by using Eki.
Here's the child! I had to improve in some areas to get close to her original design as possible. It was difficult to apply the markings but I got there.
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I then experimented with poses and expressions as I thought about Eki's interactions with @hyperforcereignition's Mila. In my little thing, Eki meets a confused Mila who got separated from her Hyperforce and landed in the universe of 'Hunted Butterfly'.
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"H-Hello Miss Hanamura... I-I am Ekita but I-I prefer being called E-Eki..."- Eki doing a respectful bow as a greeting. Since Mila is an adult, Eki will automatically call her 'Miss Hanamura'.
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"You're... Chiro's older sister? But... He told me... That he was an only child! And he said his last name is Takashi!"- When Mila reveals her relations to Chiro, Eki is puzzled as it clashes with what she knows (And the personal lore of Hunted Butterfly). Due to Eki's upbringing, she's not fully aware of the idea of alternate realities so understandably she's confused.
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"You got hurt by Antauri's attack?! It was an accident, right?! Are you ok?!"- Eki learning about the events in Chapter 11 of Hyperforce: ReIgnited. Eki is naturally worried as she knows Antauri to be very calculated and is worried about Mila herself as she knows Antauri is very strong so no doubt injured Mila.
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"Chiro! Skyper! Over here!"- Eki calling over her Chiro and Skyper while her and Mila are walking around the city. Mila would be confused by Skyper since at first glance people mistake Skyper for Antauri and she would be confused as to why 'Antauri' is acting like a child and being carried by Chiro.
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"You work too hard Miss Mila.... I'm sure Chiro appreciates what you do for him..."- The two girls somehow start talking about responsibilities which Eki gives her own form of reassurance that Mila's Chiro appreciates what she does. This is also when Eki would start to call Mila by her name although by calling her 'Miss Mila' first.
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"Chrome, put the sword away."- Maybe Mila encounters Chrome who's a bit on edge for personal reasons, going so far as to aim the 'Dark Reaper' at Mila. Eki isn't usually one for confrontation but at this point, Eki is a lot more confident than what she used to so she'll defend Mila from the mercenary monkey.
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"You guys work too hard, why not take a break?"- Sweet side of Eki showing and making her Hyperforce team weak, Mila will no doubt take note of this.
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Random music playing in the Super Robot and Eki is enjoying it, Mila may enjoy it if its her taste (Not sure what kind of music she likes). Skyper would join Eki's little fun as well since he likes the same thing as Eki.
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"Bang or flash, the claws are out!"- This is when things take an interesting turn when Eki reveals she is bionic with Ghost Claws as her weapons while also revealing that Antauri has been teaching her. No doubt Mila's protective comes out and Eki overwhelmed as she's never seen a female human get so protective, after all the poor girl doesn't know her own mother....
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"That's a good one!"- Originally, her Sparx told a joke and Eki laughed then Mila jokingly called him 'Goose' which made Eki laugh more as Mila would have told her about the nickname. Her Sparx would be so confused.
That's all for now as they were the only prompts I could think of. If I get more prompts, I'll do more!
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dreamstormdragon · 2 years
HyperForce: ReiIgnition - Mila Hanamura outfit concepts
A redo of the vroid model spreadsheet of sorts I made, referencing the various outfits Mila has during the course of my upcoming fict HyperForce: Re-Ignition.
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Mila’s honestly been a joy to write about and develop, since I started properly jotting down my fict. She’s gone through a lot of stuff since the start of the story and it’s shaping her character quite nicely. I’m so excited to share her and her adventures with Chiro and the team soon.
So... without further adieu...
Work Uniform - What she put together, as her proper work attire. A nice floral green, keeping it subtle. Business casual but comfy. She wears this until it’s time to close the store or she’s got the day off, which then she’ll switch to...
Casuals - Mila, once she’s off the clock, is all about her comfy goth fashion. FIshnet gloves, star earrings, black nails and of course, combat boots and a nice shirt. 
Punk Rock/Formal - When she was 15 until she was 20, Mila had a band called Cosmic Void, which was a symphonic metal band. She kept the outfit, all these years since it still fits and she... doesn’t really have any other formal wear, besides her yukata usually or her work clothes. She doesn’t perform anymore, but when she wants to dress up this is usually her go to.
Queen of the Dark Ages - The Evil Ages arc, leads to Mila herself becoming a villainess and making everyone around her, COMPLETELY MISERABLE and it becomes a race against the clock to overthrow Queen Mila for the sake of everyone’s sanity.
PJ’s - She keeps it comfy when she’s trying to wind down. She doesn’t really give a crap about her hair when she’s tired, she either wants to go to bed, or if it’s early in the morning, no one talk to her before she gets her coffee.
????? - That last one is... very special. A redux of her punk rock outfit, that has a special meaning to her, that’ll get brought up in story.
And so far that��s her. Looking forward to sharing her properly.
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seadramonster · 5 years
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Robot monkey show’s birthday was today and it was high time I made an OC for it because this show was my entire childhood next to Dragon Booster.
So here’s this girl! This design was actually made for the reignited trilogy, but I already had an already very similar OC for that(alba). I didn’t want to scrap this design though, so SRMTHFG OC instead! It’s a rather old design so I’ll probably end up changing her up a bit(mainly the wings, possibly the cloak?) Her name is Pythia.
She’s. Really something. A cryptic little oracle type character but not at all what you think she’d be like from the stories you’ve heard about her. She’s very adventurous and kind of reckless, doesn’t like sitting in her cave all day. She goes out to explore even if it means certain death. Can and will fight anything.
She mostly just sits back and watches the chaos unfold from afar. Doesn’t really get involved unless someone talks her into it. Sort of anti-hero? She is very strict with her morals but she lives for chaos. If she ever fights the hyperforce she’s careful to never do any serious harm and she adamantly refuses to ever hurt Chiro(”I’m not hurting a kid are you freaking kidding me”).
She’s actually fairly quiet most of the time. Can and will talk your ear off if she likes you but usually the only time she speaks to anyone else it’s to absolutely destroy them.
The staff gives her some very weak magic powers(she is the bane of Gibson’s existence) but mostly she just uses it to whack people who are being idiots. Her visions tend to be very incomplete, often missing visuals or sound in many spots if not the whole thing. They also tend to be very brief. During this time she doesn’t blink so she just gets this creepy blank stare. She’s not vulnerable in this state, though. She can and still will react to things, although in a much more...efficient manner. Almost like something else is controlling her during this time...
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"HEY, SKULL WITCH!" Sparx called out.
"You know what we do to people who mess with family?!" Nova sneered.
Chiro took a running leap, using his weapon to vault himself upward.
Antauri flicked his wrist as the boy soared higher.
"We teach them a lesson."
Valina and Mila looked up.
Mila grinned.
"NO!" Valina shrieked.
Chiro sneered as he soared right towards them, thrusting his arm back.
Valina shrieked as the spear collided with her as her head flung back with a mechanical creak.
Her hold on Mila loosened temporarily as lightning surrounded them both.
Arc 1 comes to a close with this chapter as the next arc begins... and oh man, I'm excited for what comes next. This was another chapter I enjoyed writing, both the action, the emotions, everything.
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theblueskyphoenix · 9 months
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You and I are the same in the way that We have our own styles that we won't change Yours is filled with evil, and mine is not There is no way I can lose!
Open Your Heart - Crush 40
Starting 2024 off with a bang! Could not get this image out of my head while listening to NateWantstoBattle's cover of Open Your Heart. So, here we are. Very pleased with how it came out.
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theblueskyphoenix · 4 months
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Style fun!! Decided to draw my sister's SRMTHG OC, Mila, in a more canon style. XD Honestly I had a ton of fun. Always a good exercise to do something different. Either way, Mila looks hecking cute.
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theblueskyphoenix · 6 months
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Concept art for The Alchemist.
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hyperforcereignition · 3 months
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"In you, I know we'll find.."
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"The hero of our time."
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hyperforcereignition · 4 months
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"BINT!" Trash talk is their love language
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hyperforcereignition · 3 months
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For the first time our lives!
We know that we are ready for this!
We'll show that king a fight he won't forget!
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theblueskyphoenix · 1 year
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Another thing for HyperForce: ReIgnition.
This is something that has been at the back of my mind since I started seeing text in the show. (Particularly in episode 45.) Nothing was really consistent so I decided to create something consistent for the project.
I've always loved making alphabets so this was a lot of fun for me.
I took as much inspiration as could from the glyphs that were shown in episode 45 then just kind of went from there. Very pleased with the results.
I do intend to make a font out of this I'm just still learning how to do it properly. (Been experimenting all day.) So expect that in the future.
Anyways, hope you enjoy this little bit of world building for the Shuggazoom of HyperForce: ReIgnition.
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theblueskyphoenix · 1 year
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Oh this bint.
Yep! About time I finally re-designed Valeena. Honestly had a fun time with this gal. I liked a lot about her original design so it was relative breeze to give her a slight glow up. Few adjustments here and there. Mainly adding markings to her dress and then just making minor adjustments to everything else. Very pleased with the results. 
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theblueskyphoenix · 11 months
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Full render of Mashiaro from HyperForce: ReIgnition
Muuuuuch happier with this design of him this go round. Added some detailing and modified a few things. Came out looking much sleeker and much cooler in my opinion.
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