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llewelynpritch · 2 years ago
 https://labradorleadstheworld.blogspot.com   Amplification
a) Evaluate increasing evidence that large hydroelectric dams contribute to atmospheric methane emissions, which are even more potent greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide.
b) Evaluate the evidence that large hydroelectric dams cause methyl mercury poisoning of land, water, food and people.
c) Explain why it is crucial for life on earth and how realistic it is that ecological destruction, atmospheric methane and other greenhouse gas emissions caused by the unsustainable business development of hydro electric dams is rapidly phased out worldwide by 2030 to keep our whole planet within 1.5 Centigrade degrees average increase of global warming. #AI #OpenSource GPT Chat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 2 May 2023
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theoffgridcabin · 7 months ago
💦🔋🔌 This 100% off grid homemade hydrodam powers 3 houses 2 barns and 1 woodshop!
You already know we’re HUGE fans of DIY alternative energy projects. This hydrodam at Baduwa’t wilderness ranch is just another amazing example of DIY ingenuity on a bigger scale.
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keynewssuriname · 1 year ago
NPS: verhoging energie tarieven zorgwekkend
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Volgens de voorzitter van de NPS, Gregory Rusland, vindt de partij de huidige verhoging van de stroom tarieven zorgwekkend. De regering wenst de subsidies aan de energiesector af te bouwen en treft maatregelen die grote delen van de samenleving direct zullen treffen. Belangrijk zorgpunt is de slechte uitvoering van de sociale programma's, waarmee de regering aangeeft delen van de samenleving tegemoet te zullen komen. Volgens onze informatie moeten nog zaken worden uitgezocht, maar de regering heeft haast om de prijsverhogingen door te voeren. De sociale steun bereikt niet alle burgers die in aanmerking komen. De NPS pleit ervoor dat de subjectsubsidie rechtstreeks aan de burgers die met de verhoging getroffen worden, te geven via hun elektriciteitsnota. Een ander zorgpunt is de kostprijsberekening. De regering zal daarbij met overgangsmaatregelen dienen te komen om de zuivere kostprijs in rekening te brengen. Hiermee wordt de herziening van tarieven bedoeld die SPCS, de EBS in rekening brengt. De Ogane gassubsidie wordt hier niet meegerekend en zullen de ministeries en parastatale bedrijven hun achterstallige rekeningen wel moeten betalen. Dit zal in deze fase rust behouden voor de samenleving. De argumenten dat Suriname een van de laagste kostprijzen in de regio heeft, komt vanwege de opoffering die de samenleving heeft gedaan om een hydrodam te bezitten. De stroom die uit de dam geleverd wordt, heeft een veel lagere opwekkingsprijs dan stroom opgewekt uit olie. Momenteel wordt ca. 90 MW getrokken uit het meer. Verder vinden we het argument over het niet marktconform betalen door de samenleving niet correct, omdat onze samenleving gebukt gaat onder de druk van vele jaren mismanagement van de economie, waardoor de lonen ook de laagsten zijn in de regio en daar ernstig rekening mee moet worden gehouden. Gevaar is dat grote delen van onze samenleving verder in overlevingsgevaar gebracht worden, terwijl de ondersteuning die gegeven dient te worden aan de productiesector, niet genoeg incentieven bevat om de sector de broodnodige boost te geven. Volgens voorzitter Rusland vindt de NPS dat de afbouw van subsidies niet op deze wijze en schaal dient plaats te vinden en dat gekeken dient te worden naar de onderdelen die de kostprijs naar beneden moeten brengen. Gregory Rusland Voorzitter NPS Read the full article
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ryunneldred · 1 year ago
HydroDAM | Days Gone Pt. 16
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shes-fast-like-me · 5 years ago
the only correct comparisons of areas between the two maps:
overlook = relay
skyhook = slum lakes
epicentre = thunderdome
geyser = water treatment
sorting factory = artillery
refinery = hydrodam & repulsor
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gay-yosuke · 6 years ago
is playing a fun and enjoyable game worth being misgendered and being heckled by tryhard players? the answer is of course no
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need-a-name-pls · 2 years ago
i miss read hydrogen as hydrodams and made this picture
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make what you want wich it
please more happy kris frisk bonding
Kris and Frisk bonding is gonna happen soon enough in the comic, don't you worry.
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llewelynpritch · 1 year ago
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/evidence-corrupt-colonial-crown-government-policies-uk-pritchard-ma-qpoxe/https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTqAdVr7Gm-9ePMEZYqT25PnOWm8TcNW6KBVeE5ULmP2RWPeUwZmznR169WiPyUqubemmocl1qQKXD3/pub Evidence of corrupt colonial crown government policies and actions by UK CA including exploitation of Indigenous lands resources, perpetuation of violence and human rights abuses, obstruction of climate action, denial of Indigenous rights have directly contributed to on-going criminal ecocide and genocide. Llewelyn Pritchard 20 March 2024
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saaras · 5 years ago
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: SAARAS Photo by : @itsimagination [email protected] 👆☝Follow us.☝👆 #SAARAS #saarasfoto #saaras #travellovers #travell #travelblogger #travelphotography #markhu #visitnepal #kulekhani #hydrodam #explorenepal #dam #manmadelake #summer #swimming #Photography #fotografia #Nepal #indrasarovar #nepaleseinphotography #travelnepal #nepalphoto #nepaliinphotography #wonderlandnepal #nepalwonderland #nepal8thwonder (at Markhu) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCnkyzyD8b7/?igshid=1gby4ev8r9yzr
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rattlerinthewheel · 3 years ago
Location estimations for Survival Instinct
Nothing groundbreaking, but I needed to get some locations figured out for my fics so here’s another reference if anyone wants for their own. I used pop. density and water maps to figure where was more or less populated around ’09 and where the Archer Creek dam would be, so it’s got some truth. Not from the area, so if anyone wants to chime in and say something’s way off lemme know.
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Repeating the key and notes here in case the quality goes weird.
Key for locations (counties):
1: Cabot Ridge (Fannin/Union)
2: Sedalia (Union)
3: Garwater (Gilmer)
4: Pemberton (Rabun)
5: Fontana (Union/Lumpkin)
6: Cleburne (Murray)
7: Oakview (Habersham)
8: Taggart (Stephens)
9: Lemon Hill (Stephens/Franklin)
10: Barksdale (Franklin)
11: Lafferty (Jackson)
12: Archer Creek (Barrow)
13: Polksville (Gwinnett)
14: Danvers (Athens-Clarke)
15: Sherwood (Decalb/Clayton)
16: Atlanta (Fulton)
- - -
Locations more spread out to fit geography of area (ex. Cleburne in a higher pop. area since it's a larger hospital), general shape of route intact
Pemberton/Pemberton County not real, replaced with Rabun
Water system that powers Archer Creek hydrodam assumed to be Apalachee River
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oceankisscd · 4 years ago
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alexa play you should see me in a crown by billie eilish
[ LINDSEY MORGAN, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER. ]    introducing nesta montalvo, VICTOR of the 65th hunger games, representing district 5. my sources say that they are twenty seven years old, & that they’re pretty handy with knowledge of electricity & power. wonder if that did them any good in the arena ? anyways, caesar says you can’t miss them, because they remind everyone of the ever present hum of white noise, sun kissed skin littered with scars, harsh words leaving silver tongues, shattered mirrors, & bloody shards of glass.
CHARA INSPO   :   mikasa ackerman  (  aot  ),   johanna mason  (  the hunger games  ),   kirishima touka  (  tokyo ghoul  ),   amren  (  acotar  ),   raven reyes  (  the 100  )
PINTEREST  :   click here !
she   wears    𝖘���𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖙𝖍   &    𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖘   equally   well   /   the   girl   has   always   been   𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 - 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬  ,  𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 - 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥 .
name   :   nesta montalvo
age  :   twenty seven
gender & pronouns   :   cisfemale & she / her
district   :   five
occupation   :   victor of the 65th hunger games.
moral alignment   :   true neutral.
any wanted connections i have are at the end of this !!
greetings , and welcome to the first intro i’ve written in .... a year ? maybe ?? this should be fun !
you were born on the night of the worst storm district five had seen in who knows how long , and during the loudest roll of thunder , you made your appearance. the sounds of your shrieks defended the howling winds , as if you were challenging zeus himself at mere infancy. your parents knew then that you were a force to be reckoned with  --  a storm given skin. they gave you the name nesta ;  a name meaning sacred , and pure. if only they’d seen your fate ahead of time.
you grew up in and out of the powerplants , had hiding spots in the hydrodam , learned the way power was the main source of ... well , everything. you were always good in school , but it wasn’t anything you were interested in. your desires lay towards maintenance work , wanting more than anything to get your hands on those wires. even as a child , the way that the simple connection could cause such a big reaction was one that so deeply mesmerized you. the way electricity and power worked was incredible , and you wanted any and everything to do with it. 
you lived in a bubble of possibility , until you lost your sister to the games. you were fourteen years old , and sylvie was everything to you. your rock , your best friend , your person. and she was reaped , and she was killed three days into the games by the female career from district 2. it completely destroyed you  --  you lost interest in everything , everyone. life became a routine , moving day by day. you had your wires to tinker with , and your parents to have measly conversation with , but nothing was ever the same.
you were eighteen years old when you were reaped. eighteen years old , no longer in school , three weeks away from starting your new job at the plant , and suddenly you had no future. 
you went through the motions , the parade , the interviews , having to deal with the uppity stylists , and suddenly you were in the arena , fighting for your life. it wasn’t until after you’d survived the bloodbath with nothing but a coil of wire and a small backpack that you decided you weren’t going to let your parents lose another daughter. so you fought  -- you fought and you fought and you fought until you’d managed to get your hold on a sword. with your wires , and your new weapon , you were able to figure out a way to win.
and win is exactly what you did.
now , you’re perpetually stuck going through the motions of the capitol , and you hate it. you hate it more than you’ve ever hated anything , and yet you can’t seem to find a way out of this godforsaken loop and you’re just so ready for it to be over , over , over , over. 
it was purposeful , the words you’d prattled during your second time mentoring. announcing that you despised the capitol loud enough that people of importance could hear. it wasn’t two days later that you’d received word from home that your parents both perished in an accident in the power plant. accidents happen all the time , they’d said. we’re very sorry , they’d said. but you knew -- you knew it wasn’t an accident , but it was still enough to numb your system and zip your lips tightly. but that anger ,  that fire , still burned inside.
you want the capitol gone , you want to watch it burn to the ground. for eight years , you’ve had to send people you knew to the slaughter. for eight years , you’ve been stuck in this game that never seems to have an end. for eight long years , you have been nothing but a pawn and you are so , so tired and so , so angry.
and now come the wanted connections ,,,
give her some victor friends. people who understand just how exhausting it is to have to constantly go through the motions , to feel like they are nothing more than just pawns in this never ending game. 
i am a sucker ,,, an absolute SUCKER ,,, for will they / won’t they’s. do with that what you will.
a half sibling mayhaps ???  someone for her 2 actually still care about and keep her mouth shut so the capitol doesn’t go banana balls on her
i know i mentioned will they / won’t they’s already but truly ,,, this girl is terrified to let herself love anyone because she is worried that anyone she loves will die the way her parents did. give me this please i love the angst of it all.
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mathieu-hulliger · 4 years ago
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Grande Dixence Dam 💧 . This lake and it‘s massiv Dam „La Grande Dixence“ are producing 20% of Switzerlands Hydrodam-Electricity. The approximately 8km long lake collects the water of an astonishing 35 Glaciers from a total surface of 420 km2. The water is directed from the other valleys via a water-tunnel system with a length of more then 100km. All of which was built back in the 1950‘s and 60‘s. The Dam is 285m tall, so basically has the height of the Eiffel tower - beeing a gravity dam the base of the reinforced concrete wall meassures 205m in thickness that gradually gets slimmer going up. At the very top, the dam still counts 15 meters in width - that’s big enough to fit a traditional swiss motorway. 🤯 Since the 1970‘s not many dams were built with more and more resistance towards such projects coming from the population. We should embrace more of these hydroelectricity projects in future instead of opposing them. You can‘t find cleaner energy then that. 🙏🏻 (hier: Grande Dixence) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHd0mSvMHDI/?igshid=1koo3vfss3m8t
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present-future · 4 years ago
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Hydrodam by donald yatomi
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chrisyphotoessays · 8 years ago
Mechrey Floating Village
The next part of the excursion went along a rough track to lake Tonlé Sap. I went with Eric from http://photocambodia.net In June, the distance to the floating village was even longer as the water levels are so low. It seems clear that the dams on the Mekong river have reduced the level of water in the lake. Not only that, but the lake used to full up and spread out in the wet season, then flow back into the Mekong in the dry season. The fish relied on the flow of water to sustain their breeding habitat. Now there are fewer fish in the lake because this ebb and flow is much reduced. Of course, the rising population of people means that there is an increased need for protein and this puts further pressure on the fish populations in the lake. We rode in a little boat down the canal and eventually came to some floating houses, a school, shops and even a diesel generator station for recharging car batteries. People use the batteries for lighting and watching TV at night. Every morning they bring the batteries back to the station to be recharged. The fishing village was very busy, little boats zooming around, some operated by young children, others paddled by women.
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shes-fast-like-me · 6 years ago
call out post for locations i've seen every main always want to land
bangalores ALWAYS want to go artillery. WHY do you want to go artillery. like theyll go there even if its the last stop on the map. why do u do this
mirages always fuckin go to relay it's incredible. why are u in relay u dumb fuck
bloodhounds always wanna land airbase???? Why???? It's full of open space ure completely useless there????
wraiths go to skull town, caustics go to bunker (sometimes market)
pathfinders are always either thunderdome or market. if not they side with the wraith
all wattsons i've been with so far have landed us water treatment. every single one.
lifelines, octanes and gibraltar's i havent noticed much preference for. lifelines and octanes seemed to like cascades back in the day, lifelines also seem to like the hydrodam/repulsor area. no idea for gibbys tho
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expfcultragreen · 4 years ago
Madagascar was nuked into a crater and that big hole in the ocean floor there has caused the Earth to tilt slightly on its axis so now we have back to same Global climatic conditions we had in the 90s and we should be very careful with them and stop using fossil fuels post haste via retrofitting for electric/kinetic and shifting grid input over to renewables like hydrodams and turbine farms
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