henk-heijmans · 8 months
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"Hybris" series, 2013 - by Monica Piloni (1978), Brazilian
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nubsoftherat · 1 month
You know "Epic: The Musical"? And "Thunder Bringer" song ?
Take the line "pride is a damsel in distress" but interpret 'pride' as Hubris/Hybris . Like the god. Or common Greek falling , trope.
Okay, now take a character you like who has done something fucked up and wrong . Put them in the position of Odysseus , aka the subject of the song.
Perfect! Just like that! What... Pose? Do you use for Hubris? What pose should I use for Gambit? In a very particular AU .
I'm drawing some art. And need more ideas. There's no easy find full body image of hybris goddess. Any ideas Tumblr inas have for me. All good. Please share. Also if you take this concept with your own character ideas. Please show me. Thanks
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quinxlt · 28 days
here, take my stupid epic and myth designs..
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(ignore that they’re all headshots, i’m just jotting down designs 😭😭)
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1 - epic poseidon design
2 - myth perseus design
3 - epic hermes design ideas
4+5 - myth hybris & ate designs
6 - epic and epic au eurylochus design ideas
7+8 - myth dionysus & persephone designs
9+10 - myth artemis design
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sculpturegallery · 2 years
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Apple Hybris series Maca serie Hybris 2013 - vynil acrylic- Monica Piloni
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kairunatic · 1 year
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klimt7 · 7 months
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Hybris è una parola antica. Un termine con una storia e un significato valido in ogni epoca e anche oggi.
I filosofi greci indicavano con questo vocabolo, il delirio di onnipotenza, la vera ubriacatura egocentrica con la totale perdita del senso della realtà, del potente di turno.
Vediamo il Dizionario:
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Perchè questi episodi di egocentrismo non sono tipici solo del nostro tempo, ma anzi erano frequenti pure nell'antichità.
In una terra come la Grecia composta di tante diverse città-stato [ Atene, Sparta, Tebe e tante altre...] non era insolito che un uomo potente cercasse di assumere un potere assoluto sui suoi concittadini. Ed allora si proclamava dittatore e padrone assoluto della città, con il potere di vita e di morte sui suoi concittadini. E in questo slancio finiva per perdere ogni senso della misura e del limite.
Era cioè vittima di "Hybris".
Anche nel nostro panorama politico attuale è già capitata questa situazione con la parabola di Matteo Renzi prima e quella di Matteo Salvini subito dopo.
Ricordate il Referendum costituzionale di Renzi e la sua sonora bocciatura da parte degli Italiani? O il delirio di Salvini dal Papeete di Milano Marittima dove rivendicava per sè i pieni poteri?
Bene ora pare tocchi a Giorgia sbroccare completamente fino ad attaccare quell'uomo al di sopra delle parti che è il Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella.
Giorgia lo vuole coinvolgere nello scontro politico più basso e ignobile.
E' la cronaca di queste ore. Vuole infangarlo e togliergli ogni tipo di legittimità
Vuole portarsi avanti col lavoro, insomma, visto che il suo progetto di riforma Costituzionale il coseddetto "Premierato Forte"- sogna un Presidente della Repubblica non più garante degli equilibri fra i diversi poteri dello Stato italiano, ma esautorato da ogni funzione e ridotto a semplice "notaio" e passacarte.
Ma non finirà così.
GIORGIA se ne pentirà molto presto di questo suo giocare d'azzardo con un paese e un popolo intero e con la sua Carta Costituzionale.
Il resto lo lascio spiegare a Massimo Giannini.
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medi-melancholy · 19 days
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this is extremely messy and certainly overdue BUT sin fam relationship chart!!
some notes (but not everything) under the cut
hybris is kinda similar to acedia in that she doesn't have particularly strong or notable feelings towards most of her family, at least not in ways that can be properly summarized. but she's oddly ok with avi's Everything, and she dislikes envy specifically because she thinks he's way stupider than he should be, and she dislikes lux because she thinks she's "filthy." (in truth, she doesn't like lux because she thinks that lux, by nature, is an incredible sort of being, and she's frustrated that her personality is what it is, and that lux "wastes" her abilities on pointless, "dirty" things)
avi thinks she and lux are lowkey besties, but lux is just kinda meh about avi--which, to be fair, is better than p much everyone else, who can't stand avi. notably, avi isn't fazed by acedia's lifestyle or what's happened to them--she says they had it coming, but it's fun that they kill so many humans
envy's a coward and he'd admit it after some whining, but he'd risk everything for gula and ira--maybe even others of his siblings
ira can't truly hate any of his family, but he is displeased with avi for actively harming others of their kind; they should at least leave each other alone, if they're not going to leave humankind alone
lux used to want to be close with acedia--in private, she's kinda in mourning about what they used to be. she's also meh about gula because, while she thinks she's cute/charming, she doesn't understand why she won't give in to her natural urges, like eating humans. if gula ever came to her to ask for help with that kind of thing, she'd be happy to mentor her baby sis
gula isn't even really a weakling but boy does most of her family make her super nervous!!!! she even used to be scared of ira, until getting closer with envy made her closer with ira too
having strong feelings about anybody takes a lot of energy, and acedia doesn't care enough to do so. pretty much everyone don't even feel like "family" to them. but they'll always, always be ready to call out hybris for being a terrible mother.
got questions about anyone specific?? feel free to inquire further c:
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cynosurus · 29 days
I'm slowly re-reading The Well of Loneliness (now in the public domain, eg at gutenberg) and there are so many fucked up things in it that I didn't notice when I read it first a long time ago. This is just an example.
Our protagonist Stephen visits her horse Raftery at their country estate and has a conversation with him:
[S]he threw her strong arm around his neck, and they talked together for quite a long while—not in Irish or English but in a quiet language having very few words but many small sounds and many small movements, that meant much more than words. ‘Since you went I’ve discovered a wonderful thing,’ he told her, ‘I’ve discovered that for me you are God. It’s like that some times with us humbler people, we may only know God through His human image.’ … She gave him a carrot, which he took with contentment from the hand of his God, and proceeded to munch. And she watched him munch it, contented in her turn, hoping that the carrot was succulent and sweet; hoping that his innocent cup of pleasure might be full to the brim and overflowing. Like God indeed, she tended his needs, mixing the evening meal in his manger, holding the water bucket to his lips while he sucked in the cool, clear, health-giving water.
Then in a later chapter Raftery is old is about to be put down by his God:
Stephen said: ‘I’m going to send you away, a long way away, and I’ve never left you except for a little while since you came when I was a child and you were quite young—but I’m going to send you a long way away because of your pain. Raftery, this is death; and beyond, they say, there’s no more suffering.’ She paused, then spoke in a voice so low that the groom could not hear her: ‘Forgive me, Raftery.’ And Raftery stood there looking at Stephen, and his eyes were as soft as an Irish morning, yet as brave as the eyes that looked into his. Then it seemed to Stephen that he had spoken, that Raftery had said: ‘Since to me you are God, what have I to forgive you, Stephen?’
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deathlessathanasia · 11 months
"Modern understanding of nemesis has been much influenced by its traditional association with hybris: nemesis is the punishment inevitably meted out by the gods to mortals guilty of forgetting the limitations of their mortality, arousing the jealousy of the gods, boasting over-confidently or enjoying an excess of good fortune. Fisher's thorough re-evaluation of hybris has shown, however, that surprisingly few passages actually make this association explicitly, and hybris, rather than being primarily a religious term denoting an attitude particularly offensive to the gods, most often refers to 'specific acts or general behaviour directed against others'. Hybris can be defined essentially as the 'serious assault on the honour of another, which is likely to cause shame, and lead to anger and attempts at revenge'.
Clearly this has implications for our understanding of nemesis, which may require some adjustment - an examination of the goddess may shed some light on the concept she personifies. Some provisional definition is necessary, however, and two basic strands of meaning may be noted in the noun's derivation from nemo, to 'distribute, apportion'. The idea of 'first distribution', the lot with which you are born, associates Nemesis with fate, in the same way that two other 'fate' words, moira and heimarmene, are also derived from a verb of 'receiving one's share' (meiromai). The alternative idea of 'distribution of what is due' makes the link with justice, an association strengthened by the usage of the linguistically related nomos for 'law'. This latter aspect seems to be the most commonly emphasized, so perhaps the most generally applicable translation of nemesis is 'righteous anger' or 'indignation' aroused by injustice."
- Worshipping Virtues: Personification and the Divine in Ancient Greece by Emma Stafford
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soupedepates · 4 months
The Lord doesn't care if I am a fag, but my hybris is sure the feat He might do something about.
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charonean · 1 year
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Greek Campaign is going great
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nievz · 6 months
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quinxlt · 1 month
first tumblr post gulp.. obvi i had to make it my girl hybris 😼😼 (she’s the greek personification/goddess of hubris, insolence, deadly pride & arrogance) ((the stripes represent the ppl that 😵 to hubris))
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alternate and close-ups below bc i love her eye specifically 💕
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very much used a ref for this i am not this good at anatomy guys..
i like how she’s labelled as the cause of death for so many ppl in greek myths but NO ONE knows abt her 😭🙏🙏
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cdtroswell · 9 months
L'héritage des connaissances dans les mythologies
La philosophie est mère de la folie Partie 02 Qu’est-ce que l’hybris? L’hubris, ou hybris, est cette façon de s’arroger le droit de se penser plus important que les dieux, terme que l’on pouvait entendre comme les forces naturelles déclinées sous des personnifications d’abord primordiales, puis de plus en plus spécialisées par destitution de certaines responsabilités, ou par…
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rastronomicals · 7 months
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3:39 PM EST February 19, 2024:
Änglagård - "Vandringar I Vilsenhet" From the album Hybris (1992)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Scandinavian Neo-Prog
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kairunatic · 11 months
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