#Hybrid Prosthesis
heirofnepeta · 1 year
im making. a blind orc with 2 prosthetic limbs and a Rocket-Cannon-Bardiche hybrid weapon. for funsies :3
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fitdentallab · 11 months
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nyx-universe · 4 months
Story idea for hybrid!141 x hybrid or human reader were the reader is a mechanic and secretly builds Price (would very try to keep it from the boys too but utterly fails…… mostly Simon found out 🤣)a robotic or mechanical wing and it’s built perfectly that attaches onto his back like a prosthesis like harness that sits on his shoulder with leather straps
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themanlykittenkayden · 9 months
A fun hybrid AU project I’m working on at the moment:
- Canon:
Philza- Crow Avian
Bagheera- Duck Avian
Jaiden- Bluebird (Bluejay?) Avian
Bad- Fallen Angel Demon
Mouse- Demon
Tina- Demon
Slime- Slime-shifter
Foolish- Demigod of the Living (part totem, part shark- one of the oldest living creature)
Rubius: Bear?? (I’m sorry I know too little about him)
- My More Fleshed Out Headcannons:
Fit- Just a very, very irradiated dude, Lone Wanderer style
Wilbur- Elf, long living and free spirited, affinity for music and wandering
Pac- Deer (I will admit this has more to do with my love of Beastars than Pac himself, but it’s fitting)
Roier- Arachnid
Etoiles- Wood nymph, Cucumber. (Why Etoiles? Why a cucumber?)
Forever- Dog- Loyal, dedicated, hardworking, all of it to a fault that he is subject to being led astray
Nikki- Cat, Just vibes really, and I see her often depicted as one
Missa- Demigod of Death, wanders between the over and underworlds, guardian and guide to the weak and fragile
Tubbo- Shapeshifter, usually presents a raccoon though
Bagi and Cellbit- Incomplete Shapeshifter*, look mostly human, or like a cat hybrid without the ears or tail, just sharp nails and teeth and strange pupils
Quackity and El!Quackity- Shapeshifter*, presents as a duck avian and cuckoo avian respectively
- Less Concrete Ideas:
Note: I don’t really watch most of the creators from this point so I’m going mostly off secondhand account and vibes
Maximus- A wolf hybrid turned into an automaton via experimentation
Lenay- Water nymph, as suggested to me, based on a comment from Tubbo
Mike- Shapeshifter, just based on vibes
Aypierre- Elf with some wicked automaton prosthesis
Vegetta, Antoine and Mariana- Demigods of Unknown Origin
- Unsure, Ideas and suggestions welcome:
Felps, Kameto, Carre, Pol, German, Willy, Rivers, Luzu
* In this headcannon Cellbit, Bagi, Quackity and El!Quackity are all products of the Federation Hybrid Experiments. The Fed was trying to produce shapeshifters in an attempt to free people from normal physical limitation, and Cellbit and Bagi were produced first but came out incomplete. Later they perfected the concept and produced Quackity and El!Quackity
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octochick · 1 year
My personal favela five headcanons (and bonus redstone gang trio ones)
Cellbit - So this wet cat of a man has a Backstory. You know. Born a catboy, occultists took him and experienced on him, ascended, learned some rituals and escaped. Was kinda out of sanity at that time so he kinda became a serial killer, classical Cellbit things. He was indeed rescued by Felps after Alcatraz, and had to get some reeeeealy intense therapy... how Felps found a therapist that would effectively treat him is a mystery, but he did and slowly, Cellbit got better. Nowadays, he looks like a mostly normal man. Mostly thanks to his appearance distortion ritual hiding the biggest part of his scars, the tatoos from when he was a guinea pig to occultists and his cat ears. Oh and he also has faceblindness.
Felps - A Felps from the felpsverse that decided to go on a simple vacation to meets some old friends but was dragged to the island. This Felps is actually a quite important Felps, being the one to bring the Felpses that die outside of the felpsverse back home. Sometimes he likes to substitute for other Felpses (The Fuga Impossível universe doesn’t actually have a Felps, it was this guide Felps the “Felps” there). He used to hang quite a lot around some of the few non-Felps entities back on felpsverse, like Rubens. Physically, he has some small differences that distinguish him from the other Felpses, like how he always walks barefoot and how he can float some centimeters off the ground. He can’t really die, but can be hurt. He bleeds black, has lots of spirals over his whole body, and any chunk of flesh that is ripped out of him turns into goo. He has a small mental link to the greater Felps conscience that sends small bits of information about the other Felpses memories whenever he needs it.
Mike - So Mike started out as a simple slime hybrid, orphan, met Pac at school and the two ran away when they finished 9th grade and did some shit, including going to prison. But well, they get out and try a new life for themselves of scientists, with pretty good results if they do say. Anyways, things got kinda freaky when the two figured out genetic modification. So Pac, at the time a simple human, decided to be reasonable despite Mike’s and his own voice and just did a simple fusion. Now, Mike, very confident that his hybrid status would make him sturdier to more extreme transformations, decided to go a little crazy. First was creeper, complete success. A touch of spider, only for the wall climbing? Yup, splendid. Now... blaze? Blaze fucked things up beyond repair. The blaze dna didn’t interact well with his slime dna, fused into magma cube dna and overwrote a lot of his own genome. He almost died and his body became almost unrecognizable. If analyzed, he is around 1% spider, 5% human, 16% slime, 23% creeper and 55% magma cube nowadays. His body is basically a slime mold, vaguely human in shape, red fading into pink, lightly explosive with large eye spots. Despite this body having its uses, Mike was always used to a human body so he and Pac worked hard to make him a robot body. His body went through lots of versions, and it still is being updated. The most recent version has a digital TV face, fingers that have deployable tools (A staple since the second version), and a complex camouflage system. If you pay attention to the joints, you can see glimpses of his true body.
Pac - So Pac used to be a human, but now he is a third planaria. His leg suffered more than Jesus. Despite the rumors, Cellbit DIDN’T eat his leg. But he did bite it. At first it wasn’t all that bad, excluding the obvious, but he still could walk ok, things just got bad when they returned to land and it got infected so bad the leg had to be amputated, bellow the knee. So one of the first things Tazercraft built when they got their lab was a prosthesis for him. And thing were well and swell, buuuut a lab accident happened and Pac’s leg had to be amputated further, over the knee. New prosthesis, everything ok again. Genetic modification time! Mike’s adventures are already written, but Pac decided think a little bit more about it. He decided to go for planaria, because of their regeneration capabilities. He went, got that planaria dna and almost died. But he survived. His leg, for some miraculous reason, got regenerated, but not perfectly, so nowadays he needs a cane a lot of the time. He does wonder what would happen if he is cut in half, but its better to not think about it too much.
 Now the bonus Viniccius13 and DaviGamerHD because they were for a very long time the only minecraft channels I watched
Viniccus13 - He is something of a demigod, almost omnipresent and omniscient, but only on his home world. He is basically a ginormous redstone circuit, the size of a minecraft world, that reached sentience. He can feel and see through all the redstone that is from his home world, and he can “contaminate” the redstone of other worlds to also do that. His body is completely made out of redstone. Think of him a little like a mushroom. He, the man, is the fruiting body, and the redstone underground is the hypha. But he can’t survive outside of his world for very long, he will simply crumble and loose consciousness. To be able to go to other worlds he uses a stabilizer in the form of sunglasses.
Davi - Davi is a hybrid of deer and dryad, a little of a strange mix. His antlers form a ring over his head like a halo, but they have lots of cracks and fractures, and are also very uneven with different growth patterns, caused by his frequents deaths in Viniccius world. Some of Richarlyson body language reminds Forever of Davi, so he calls Richas Davi as a small joke.
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Third part of the new ninja turtles. This is the group made up of the turtle Raphael, who is the master of these turtles. And even though he was the most rebellious in the past, he is the second wisest. Not to mention that he made these turtles strong
Rock; It is a mixed hybrid, being half turtle, salamander and comfortable dragon. Making him the strongest and most dangerous of his group. Much stronger than Vincent. Unlike everyone, he is the only one who carries powerful poisons in his own blood. He is also one of the toughest and most rebellious like his grandfather was in his younger years. But he does not mean that he is the leader.
Toba; He is a desert tortoise, and he is the nerd of the group. And as you can see, she has scars and a robotic prosthesis because in the past she was a victim of slavers. It was thanks to Master Donatello and Raphael that they managed to get him out of that situation and become a ninja turtle. Where I further developed his mechanical talent.
Gneis; He is a leatherback turtle, and he is one of the calmest of the group. His weapon is a long, sharp trident. He is one of the most skilled and strategic of all, but when he is in the water he becomes almost invincible. Since in the water it is very fast.
Quarzo; It's a box turtle. His weapon is knuckles, since he specializes more in hand-to-hand combat. Not to mention that it is the most disastrous when it comes to fighting enemies. Something like nimona 2.0.
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chemdisaster · 8 months
for all that i love birds and wings and avian hybrids, i seriously cannot for the life of me comprehend the logistics of flying with those things. like where does your body go. does it plank in a straight line? imagine how many muscles you'd need for that. if you didn't have them and it just sort of hung down, that would cause immense strain on your back. and just thinking of all the qualities birds have that allow them to fly - we could make all sorts of out-of-the-norm hybrids with that, but it also means that the biological sense of it all makes my brain crash when i think too hard on it.
anyway because of this it's my personal headcanon that bird hybrids' wings don't actually work, so they still need elytra as a sort of prosthesis. also elytra themselves have uhhh magical properties that hold up your body in the air and make it really light so your muscles really don't have to work any more than they would if you were walking. and also constantly lugging wings around causes chronic back pain because the bone and muscle structure in the place where wings meet back is not optimal enough to allow a painless existence. similar to how we humans are still suffering from upright walking.
so yeah. bird hybrids make no sense - but hey, this means we can get creative as fuck with them.
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Hybrid Class Review: Brawler part 3
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(art by Sydney Oswald on Artstation)
Like all hybrid classes, brawlers didn’t get a super big list of archetypes, but there are plenty of fun options.
Some archetypes revolve around having an unusual weapon choice, such as the Shield Champion being all Captain America with a shield, while the Hinyashi specializes in turning farming implements and other improvised weapons and turning them into deadly weapons.
Others specialize in altering the body to perfect their combat style, such as the Constructed Pugilists, who turn armored prosthesis into cybernetic weaponry, or the Mutagenic Mauler, that enhance their might with alchemical mixtures. Meanwhile, Feral Shifters draw upon latent shifter or druidic power to gain beastial aspects in combat, while the Venomfist has altered themselves to conduct poison through their strikes.
The vast majority of brawler archetypes, however, focus on a particular fighting style. For example, the Strong-Side Boxer is based on the dambe fighting style of Nigeria. Meanwhile, Battle Dancers blend flowing movements with their martial arts, while Living Avalanches specialize in running over foes with unstoppable crushing force. Snakebite Strikers are all about flexibility and striking with deadly blows, while Steel Breakers use precision and unrelenting force to shatter the weaponry of their foes. Others like the Winding Path Renegades sought discipline but decided it wasn’t for them, taking their skills with them.
A few others don’t really fit into other categories. Such as Turfers specializing in turning the terrain to their advantage in a mundane way while Verdant Grapplers do the same but in a more supernatural way. Meanwhile others like Bouncer and Exemplar are more defined by the roles in society they perform, the former keeping order in places of business while the latter inspire troops with their physical might. Others are defined by their favored foe, such as Ulfen Beast-Wrestlers, and the less honorable Stranglers.
It's a relatively small batch, but being both a hybrid class and one all about flexibility on top of that, it’s not surprising the list is so short. However, it’s more than sufficient to give players a nice selection when looking at this class.
That does it for today, but this week isn’t over yet! Tune in tomorrow for more!
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Star Wars Ultimate Sheet 2.0
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Okay so I have rework slightly on my previous character sheet for Star Wars. Same as the previously, it have made as an help to develop your original star wars character, but also canon etc... I use it to put down all my ideas for a character, as well than picking up some ideas to develop an OC whith competence than I wasn't thinking of before (like picking up details for an unusual weapon, or crafting skill etc)... Of course the sheet isn't fully complete, there is a lot of hobbies, skills, personnality trait that I haven't put there, but please, please, feel free to add anything you wish, or MP me if you have more idea to add or anything to correct! Also of course you can use it as you wish, and don't complete all informations!
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Name - gender – race – age – sexuality – homeworld
 GLOBAL Nickname – place of residence – main languages spoken - their ship/speeder/mount owning name/class – marital status – pet? – education level
BACKGROUND + ERA in which era your character is evolving – summary & main backstory info (ex: your family caste, previous work etc.)
BODY DETAIL shape – height - hair – eyes - skin - freckles – scars – birthmark – cybernetic – tattoo – prominent feature - natural hair color – accent - etc.
DISABILITIES / or chronic heal condition etc.?
RELATIONSHIP family - lover/partner - allies – enemies – friends - famous connection - mentor - student
ALIGNEMENT chaotic/neutral/lawful - good/neutral/evil - faction - religion
ACTIVITY career/ job – etc.
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STRENGHT stamina - athletic
DEXTERITY acrobatics - stealth/sneaky - sleight of hand/thievery - insight - piloting
INTEL investigation – perception - history: native/faction/other culture – quick learner – language – tactical (strategy making) – adaptation – cartology
WISDOM nature knowledge: animal handling/taming, fauna/floral specialist, herbalism, surviving, gardening, farming – biology mastering: emergency medicine, medicine, chirurgical, cyber-prosthesis technician, alchemy, biochemical etc. – teaching – force knowledge: jedi order, sith order, ancient red sith science and magic, planet mystics (Gungan on Naboo, Voss, Nightsister, etc.), minor cult etc. – astrology – geology – protocol - demolition
CHARISMA deception – intimidation - persuasion – debating – diplomacy – leadership – acting
TECH slicing - engineering -tech maintenance – droid/machine technician -
CRAFTING forge: armor/weapons - sewing/embroidery/colorist textile(dye)/leatherworking/ etc. – handcrafting: wood, pottery, plasteel, etc. - cooking/bakery/mixology -
ART writing: lyrics, poetry, books etc. – drawing: tagging/painting/ etc. – dancing (style?) – singing – playing instrument –
INVENTORY does they have a special object of which they are proud? – what contain the bag/ belt pouch they often carry around?
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FIGHT weapon: type, left/right/ambidextrous and medium/heavy/light - explosive - medical fields - night battle - Melee/mid-distance/distance/far distance - riding fight - artillery, etc.
WEAPON one/dual/two hands in one - shaft - cultural weapon - vibroblade/vibrosword/vibroaxe/ vibrostaff - flamethrower - grenade - missile/rocket - combat gloves - sniper rifle - hold-out pistol - blaster rifle - blaster pistol - gatling - energy canon - experimental weapon - laser bow/crossbow - shield, etc.
ARMOR light/medium/heavy/none - stealth and/or technologic suit - secret weapon inside suit (like Theron Shan bracelet/Mandalorian etc.) + outfit style: casual/formal/fancy/plain/comfortable/sportive/smuggler/sithy/jedi etc.
LIGHTSABER barrier - throw - Telekinetic lightsaber combat technique - sith alchemy(DS)/ force weapon ritual(LS) - jedi stance discipline (Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien/Djem So, Niman, Juyo/Vaapad) - new jedi order stance (Strong, Medium, Fast) - wielding style (dual, solo, pike, double-bladed, Lightwhip) - other fighting Forms and Style (Unorthodox and Hybrid Fighting Methods, Trispzest, Tràkata, Sokan, Dun Möch, Lus-ma, Su ma)
Light side: force listening (communicate with someone while not speaking their native tongue) – animal friendship - plant surge – Severe Force/Force light (jedi only user is directly attacking a Dark Side user's connection to the Force and negating their ability to communicate with it)-
‘Gray’: healing (revitalize other ppl, hibernation trance themselves, dark transfer, rez) - psychometry/retrocognition² (feeling memories of people who have touched an object) – telekinesis (force barrier, lightening: shock, lightening channeling; force push², force blast², &force burst, &force grip, &force wave, &force repulse, force destruction, force crush, deflection, whirlwind, &storm,  slow, shadowstrike, stealth², &pyrokinesis, &force travel(DS)  -  &levitation/flight – force sense (tracking, traumatic events, physical danger to a loved one, interconnectivity to the universe) – &force illusion (conjure projections, apparitions, or even Force projections of themselves, hiding their signature from the force)- precognition – body enhancement (running, charging, jump; berserk, agility, strength, unbreakable will, ) - &metamorphosis (shape into that of another person, creature, or entity, mask: reshape an individual's appearance, altering the subject at the molecular level ) –
Dark Side: &force walk (interacting with ghosts, bind them to the user ) - &life manipulation (dark side only, force drain: life sucking from another person; Midi-chlorian Manipulation; dimmish: damage to an opponent's health and vitality) –  control² (mechu-deru: mechanical structures could be bound to the will of the user and imbued with the force, creating technobeast // mind trick/control, emotions, mind probe, crushing darkness/horror/insanity, malacia: troubling opponent equilibrium, stun, stasis²,) -  &Battle Meditation (mass mind control) - &Corruption (force plague) - Dathomir magic (traditional Allyan Magic//Shadow magic: force healing, bubble shield, whirlwind, teleportation, enhance physical, Nightsisters talismans crafting, mommies rez, conjure solid items, communicate with the other realm, rituals, spirit-conjuring techniques linked with Nature, heartshadow: foresee the various possible futures, scrying: peeping, Mesmerism : mind domination) – old sith sorcery (diseases such as rakghoul, rituals) – old sith alchemy (permanently alter an item or living being, nefarious toxins, crafting artefacts, creative dark side creature, enhance the strength of weapons and armor, Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut : waking dead servitor) -
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INTEREST sleeping; romance; friends; one-night stand; imagination; creating; flora; fauna; photography/video; reading; food; conversation; fashion; entertainment; fighting; debating; ruling; credits; pranks; droid; spaceship; etc.
CHARM lively – confident – persuasive – charming – chatty – diplomatic – cheeky – cocky - popular – funny - friendly
NEGATIVE - cruel -  mean - etc.
MOOD active - calm – dynamic - cheerful – lazy -  // childish – mature // aggressive //  adventurous – creative – enthusiastic – intuitive – optimistic
PERSONAL sociable – loud – quiet – reserved - unconfident – self-deprecating – humble – proud - arrogant // authentic – honest – manipulative – ambiguous – helpful – unreliable // shy – extrovert //  neat -  // realistic -
RELATION possessive –insecure - understanding – arrogant // Loyal – respectful - insolent – polite  // affectionate – gentle  // selfish – easy-going – generous - // magnanimous -
R dominating – bossy – ambitious – power-anger -  submissive // careful - conscientious - focused – adaptable – determined – deliberate - impulsive – patient - stubborn - truthful – unpredictable -  hard-working - meticulous// frank – bold – tactless // argumentative – circumspect – //
L lucky – unlucky - clumsy //  fearless – prudent – cowardly  - brave - // spoiled - // silly – crazy - wise //
OUTBURST delusion – berserk - excited - obsessed - despair – angry - belligerent -  stress crisis
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- and // is to separate two ideas
italic is the main idea of something who is developping after the word
& in force abilities means that it's a very very strong technique
² in force abilities means it's a rare and moderate hard technique
DS: Dark Side force technique
LS: Light Side force technique
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All the dividershave been made by the fantastic @firefly-graphics
An old character sheet that I have made some times ago, in a roleplay chart character style for Star Wars
Swtor era: The Alliance personal headcanon & worldbuilding
An awesome name generator for SW, based or races!
SW character generator (Race, faction, homeworld, Ship, weapon)
SW Galaxy Map + ressource for this map
The Ultimate Star Wars reference link, very useful (I don't even know why I have lost my time searching for all my link reference when this guide is just so complete fjsdjdjdjsdk)
More SW resource link because we never had enough
My alt blog SW resource tag in case you search even more references
Medic writing resource: 1 2 3 4
Togruta: * and **
Sith pureblood culture: red sith face, red sith biology, red sith global links of worldbuilding of @fluffynexu
Sith tattoo *
A big SW worldbuilding links by @badsithnocookie (jedi & sith culture, language etc)
GAR: batalion organization;
Jedi resources by GFFA and more jedi
... I will probably add more later or made a special post...
⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ༺ ˖࣪ ˖࣪ ∗
Thanks you'all for reading this post, again if anyone wants to add or correct something please feel free to said anything. You can freely use this "sheet" as you please! :)
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Hey I kinda want to know about your au
ooooh my AU i see 👀
alright, here's some more infos about my AU!
General ones:
like i said previously, the Vicious 6 are the main characters for this AU. It focuses on why each one of them became a villain, and how they met. And some of my backstories are uhhh fucked up. Yeah.
another big change is that when they use the zodiac stone, they won't turn into complete animals, but some kind of human-animal hybrid. I made some drawings for them, let me know if you wanna see them!
also, they get an happy ending :)
And here's some headcanons about each member (this is long omg)
Wild Knuckles:
- he is the oldest member, and if he had a chance of turning into an animal, it would have been a dog most likely
- his backstory mostly focuses on how he lost trust on heroes in general and chose villainy. After years of working alone, he decided to make a team
-he chose all of the members because each one reminded him of himself (some more than others)
-he was betrayed simply because he didn't want to use the powers of the zodiac stone in the first place
-often hosts parties or random meetings in his house. It got absolutely crushed multiple times
Belle bottom:
-she is the youngest member (yeah)
-honestly she chose the villainy simply to demonstrate the world that she was fully capable of doing that
-absolutely steals everytime the team goes on 'undercover missions' even if Wild hates that
-she was chosen by Wild because on how determinated she was. She would have taken the role in the team no matter what
-she is actually a really good friend of most of the group. But she if she had to choose someone, she would say Jean (don't tell him)
-second oldest member
-she became a villain after doing some terrible stuff in the convent she lived lmao
-reads almost every day, even stuff she doesn't like. She prefers reading gothic stuff or horror ones
-she was chosen by Wild because he was actually surprised by how incredibly smart she was (damn Wild)
-she has the most terrifying transformation in the group :D
-her car is one of the group favourite places to go with during missions. Sven often likes to play with the organ. And plays horribly.
Jean Clawed:
-has one of the goriest backstories I ever written for (it involves why he has that prosthesis, so you can imagine)
-is younger than what he actually looks like (poor Jean lol)
-smokes sometimes, it helps him with his anxiety
-Belle told you that he is her bestfriend? hehehe Don't believe her
-is one of the most violent of the 6.
-was chosen by Wild because he thought to "not judge a book by its cover". He was totally right.
-is the most violent of the 6 (hehe)
-became a villain because he was always seen as one. So he made the job easier.
-was chosen because of his strenght (wow how original)
-smokes like a chimney.
-Sven is his ride-or-die. Best friends. They get in so much trouble together.
-Remember when i said that Wild house was crushed more than once? Well, it's him. It was Stronghold.
-tends to be a little over competitive. Just a little.
-the definition of "looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you"
-became a villain simply for the thrill of it. He is always excited about it
-was chosen by Wild because he saw himself in Sven (totally not his favourite)
-has an attraction to flames (arson? arson)
-never smoked in his life. Lights Stronghold cigars everytime-
-insist on going on missions more often than others. More often than what Wild's sanity can take control of.
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uraharashouten · 2 years
The following alternate universes apply to Urahara Kisuke only.
Cyberpunk — Urahara Kisuke is a specialist ripperdoc living in Night City. Those who require services over and above the standard upgrades and maintenance can call upon his unassuming little shop — if they can find it. More often it is the case that he has an uncanny way of finding his clients, and just when they need him, too. Naturally dextrous and equipped with a cybereye capable of microscopic vision and AI-enhanced anatomical analytics, he’s well-suited to perform boutique surgery.
Armored Core 6  — tbd
On this blog, we have a powerful need to keep track of when in time things are happening, because circumstances change and people grow... especially kids.
That said, these are the ERA tags:
Forward — 2024-present: Kisuke now wears his hair in a ponytail. Tessai will take a more active role in local politics. Jinta, 32, decides he will not be taking over the family business and moves out of the Shōten to an apartment furnished by employer Akina.  Main affiliates: @midnightactual, @apocalypta-secundus, @hirak0s
Onward — 2016-2023: The most modern verse there is. Kisuke and Tessai are empty-nesters. Ururu, 27+, is now living and working in Yoruichi’s industrial park/apartment building and visiting the Shōten. Jinta, 24+, is still living at the Shōten and a bit at loose ends, unsure of career direction. Main affiliates: @midnightactual, @hirak0s
Hellish— 2015. The Shoten is handling events surrounding No Breathes From Hell with Churchill’s philosophy:  When you’re going through Hell, keep going. 
Progress — 2011-2014. Default time period on this blog. Just prior to No Breaths from Hell, Kisuke has been introducing modern communications technologies to Soul Society. As Ururu and Jinta grow into young adults, she will take on a greater role in the Shōten's business and structural development, and he, having developed a late-blooming interest in electronic music, will attend Nihon Kogakuin technical college and join a band, in addition to continuing to work part time at the Shōten.  Main affiliates: @midnightactual, @burdenedreverance, @deivorous, @soulxfragments,  @viciousvizard
Reinvention — May 2004-2010. As he continues to work through the impact of the recent wars on himself and his relationships, Kisuke replaces the eye permanently lost in battle with an artificial implant and begins to focus his research direction on whether, and how, hybrid humans impact the Soul Balance. Ururu graduates high school in 2007 and goes on to study Civil Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Jinta graduates high school in 2010.  Main affiliates: @midnightactual, @sphaeraa, @deivorous, @the-lightning-underdog, @viciousvizard, @hirako5hinji
CFYOW — January-April 2004. The events of Can't Fear Your Own World lead into another as-yet-to-be-defined adventure for the Shōten crew.
Recovery —July 2003-December 2003. In the wake of the so-called 'Great Soul King Protection War,' Kisuke and Tessai continue to opt out of Soul Society. Kisuke moves his hot spring from the training chamber under Sokyoku Hill to the Shōten underground training area. During this time, Kisuke wears some sort of eye patch or prosthesis.
TYBW — June 2003. The events of the Thousand Year Blood War. Kisuke supports the war effort in Soul Society while Tessai, Ururu and Jinta do so on the home front.
Interbellum — December 2001-May 2003. For eighteen months, a small family business returns to the business of being a small family. But there's a storm brewing on the horizon, and it's not just Ururu and Jinta's teenage years...
Go-Time — May-November 2001. This period encompasses all events between Kisuke's opening gambit to give Rukia a special gigai through training Kurosaki Ichigo to be his champion to the final move to seal Aizen. Yoruichi has returned to lend her aid, and the Shōten crew is like, sooo here to help you.
Family — 1989-2000. Ururu and Jinta complete the Shouten family, making their entrance in 1989 and 1992 respectively. These are relatively quiet years of child-rearing and preparation for Kisuke and Tessai.
Godfather — 1980-1988. The events and aftermath of Everything But the Rain. Kisuke's intervention to save the Quincy Kurosaki Masaki, Aizen's unintended target, from Hollow corruption results ultimately in the births of three new Shiba family heirs.
Exile — 1900-1980. Having been framed by Aizen Sōsuke, then rescued by Yoruichi from their sham trial and sentencing, Kisuke and Tessai flee to the Living World with the Visored, where they set up housekeeping for themselves running a shop in a quaint little machiya in quiet Karakura. However, the domestic milieu is overshadowed by Urahara Kisuke's persistent grappling with Hollowfication and the Hōgyoku, and a constant vigilance while Aizen remains at large.
TBTP — 1890-1900. The decade during which Urahara Kisuke was captain of Twelfth Division and founded the SRDI, and Tessai held the position of  Kidō Corps Commander as Grand Kidō Chief.
Formation — ?-1890. Current placeholder for all events prior in the timeline. Watch this space for further development.
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homeless-clefairy · 2 years
I just had a random writing idea (under the cut)
In a cyberpunk setting, our main character tries to live by themself even with their controlling family keeping tabs on them. The MC has never had meaningful connections, due to his controlling family and the fact that they were sickly in their childhood due to pollution, so they had to go through many surgeries and synthetic (expensive) prosthesis, and so they feel indebted to their family and tolerate the leash on them. Until one day, after choosing take a long walk, they seem to find what looks like a baby in the trash, and against their better judgement, they choose to keep them without telling anybody.
That same night, just a few hours before, the secret labs of the main robotics and prosthesis were raided, as the company was busted doing a terrible experiment: a hybrid of human and machine that would develop just as humans, but stopping the development just before the human body would degenerate.
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fitdentallab · 11 months
Fit Dental Lab Flexible Partials Improve Smile
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Are missing teeth hindering smiles? Don’t worry, there are new solutions to improve your smile and confidence. Fit Dental Lab Flexible Partials improve oral health with comfort, beauty, and function.
What's partial flexibility?
Flexible partials (dentures) replace missing teeth and are removable. Flexible partial dentures are popular with people who prefer a more comfortable and inconspicuous alternative to metal or acrylic partials.
Flexible partials have several advantages.
Flexible partials are comfy. Flexible and lightweight, these dentures suit your mouth well. Flexible partials rarely irritate or hurt.
Beauty: Flexible partials blend in with your natural teeth, making them almost undetectable when you smile or speak. These tooth-colored, translucent dentures will blend nicely with your genuine teeth for a beautiful grin.
Durability: Flexible partials are daily-useable. Implant-supported partial dentures are durable and affordable since they break less easily.
Flexible partials are easy to maintain. Regular dental hygiene makes maintaining natural teeth easier.
Flexible Partial Process concept
Flexible partials from Fit Dental Lab are easy to receive in short steps:
Your dentist will evaluate your dental health and discuss your options. Dentists take mouth impressions for flexible partials.
The Dental Lab's trained technicians will make unique flexible partials from your impressions. Comfort and naturalness are goals.
Fitting: Your dentist will carefully adjust your Flexible Partials for comfort and natural appearance.
Cleaning and Maintenance: Your dentist will explain flexible partial care. You can keep your items beautiful and durable by following these steps.
Why choose Fit Dental Lab flexible partials?
Fit Dental Lab provides excellent dental care to improve your smile and oral health. We provide flexible partials:
Dental appliance craftsmanship: Our experts are skilled. We use high-quality and safe materials to succeed.
Our lab respects patient needs. We adapt our services to meet your needs.
Our lab values comfort and smiles. We make flexible partials for comfort and naturalness.
Durable dental products are our goal. We make daily-use adaptable partials.
In conclusion
Fit Dental Lab focus on flexible partials for many years,we are highly trained,experienced,and achieved a lot of succefull case and approuse from our partner.making a comfy,durable and beautiful flexible partial for you is our pursuit.
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vulcanprosthetic · 11 days
Understanding the Average Cost of an Artificial Arm in India
The cost of an artificial arm in India can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the type of prosthetic device, its complexity, the materials used, customization requirements, and the level of technology incorporated. For individuals in need of prosthetic limbs, understanding the average cost and factors influencing pricing is crucial for making informed decisions about their healthcare needs.
Factors Affecting the Cost of an Artificial Arm
Type of Prosthetic: The type of prosthetic arm needed, whether it is a body-powered prosthesis, myoelectric prosthesis, or a hybrid device, plays a significant role in determining the overall cost. Myoelectric arms, which are more advanced and offer greater functionality, tend to be more expensive than traditional body-powered prosthetics.
Customization: The level of customization required for the artificial arm, including the socket fit, design, and functional components, can impact the cost. Custom-made prosthetic limbs tailored to an individual's specific needs and preferences may incur higher costs compared to off-the-shelf options.
Materials and Technology: The quality of materials used in the prosthetic arm and the level of technology incorporated, such as advanced sensors, microprocessors, and motors, can influence the cost. More sophisticated prosthetic devices with cutting-edge technology tend to be more expensive.
Clinic or Provider Charges: The fees charged by prosthetic clinics or providers for consultations, fittings, adjustments, and follow-up care also contribute to the overall cost of acquiring an artificial arm.
Insurance Coverage: The extent of insurance coverage or government assistance available to individuals seeking prosthetic limbs can significantly affect out-of-pocket expenses. Some health insurance plans may cover a portion or the full cost of a prosthetic device, reducing the financial burden on the individual.
Average Cost Range of an Artificial Arm in India
In India, the average cost of an artificial arm can range from INR 50,000 to INR 5,00,000 or more, depending on the factors mentioned above. Basic body-powered prosthetic arms may be available at the lower end of the cost spectrum, while advanced myoelectric prosthetic devices with sophisticated technology and customization options can be more expensive.
Accessing Affordable Prosthetic Care
For individuals seeking affordable prosthetic solutions in India, there are several avenues to explore:
Government Schemes: Government-run healthcare programs and schemes may provide financial assistance or subsidies for prosthetic devices, making them more accessible to those in need.
Nonprofit Organizations: Nonprofit organizations and charitable foundations dedicated to supporting individuals with limb differences often offer financial aid or prosthetic donations to eligible recipients.
Insurance Coverage: Enrolling in health insurance plans that cover prosthetic care can help offset the cost of acquiring an artificial arm.
Prosthetic Camps and Clinics: Prosthetic camps organized by charitable organizations or government agencies occasionally provide free or low-cost prosthetic fittings and devices to underserved communities.
The  artificial arm cost  in India can vary widely based on individual needs and preferences. Understanding the factors influencing pricing and exploring available resources for financial assistance can help individuals make informed decisions about acquiring a prosthetic limb that meets their functional requirements and budget constraints.
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shelar123 · 1 month
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rosheendubh · 4 months
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…yes, technically it’s ‘Blood of Zeus/S2’, but he’s a wonderful template for AU/Empire of the Hand Thrawn. A bit more seasoned, with silver streaked black hair, long in the years he’s been campaigning in the UnknownRegions, and establishing full authority over the remaining fragments of the Ascendency shattered by the Grysk/Geroons/Far Unknowns…no pointy ears or horns of curse, and clad as SupremeCommander, in a military uniform fusion of black Ascendency ExploratoryDefenseFleet/Command chains with an Imperial rank plaquard…one burning scarlet eye, a cybernetic prosthesis after Luke Skywalker slashed the socket in a dual aboard the Juggernaut of the Coroniad/Grysk fleet housing the thousands of hybrid clones about to be unleashed with the Shadow upon the Galaxy. A threat forcing Anakin’s son, and the adversary who’d once known the his father as another General and Jedi, to reach across decades of distrust and rivalries, uniting in a common cause. Rebel Alliance and EmpireoftheHand/Phalanx/Remnant—where Keltia retains its own fragile allegiances across the Wormhole, balancing diplomacy and martial threat to fend off the Terran Federacy’s Core Parliament interests, and the crew of the Serenity following the intuitions and genius of Rhyanon, RiverTam, Leia, and Mara race against time to uncover, and stop the heart of a threat that could doom all material existence before it’s too late…
meh, mental meanderings—damn you, Seraphim!!
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