754 posts
20+ yrs old obessed with cartoons.My fav's rn are Monster High, Haikyuu, Naruto, FNAF, and Total Drama.Not that active but I want to post more fanart. 
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xmaxiepadx · 2 years ago
Tsukki with dimples!!! i love that  😭 ❤️
I hope that you're doing ok🙏🙏🙏💞
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Hello im doing well and im back from my trip how r u all im so sorry i couldn’t post anything for so long 😭😭😭😭😭 have the smiley tsukkis
Also dimples tsukki is my number 1 hc rn bcz since he was a smiley kid i just figured he’d develop dimples over time
Ofc he’d lose it later in life but theres just something about tsukki in particular having dimples that warm my heart ☹️
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xmaxiepadx · 2 years ago
Tutorial Part 1
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Japanese: 烏養繋心だゲームの進め方を説明するからよろしく頼む
English: I'm Ukai Keishin. I'll explain how to play the game (so please take care of me)(?)
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Japanese: まず、試合の方法を説明するプレイボタンを押してみてくれ
English: First, to explain how the game works, push the play button
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Japanese: ここは色んなゲームモードを選択できるんだまずはストーリーモードで試合をしてみるか
English: Here you can select various game modes. Let's try story mode first
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Japanese: 章を選択した後は、次へボタンをタッチし、スラージを選択してくれ
English: After selecting a chapter, touch the next button then select a stage
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Japanese: ストーリーモードは、ステージをクリアすることでストーリーを楽しみながら報酬を受け取ることができる最初のステージを押してみよう
English: In story mode you can receive rewards while enjoying the story by clearing stages. Let's push the first stage
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Japanese: ステージを選ぶと相手チームの情報が確認できるからな
English: If you select a stage you can check the information on the opposing team
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Japanese: 星マ一���がある報酬は星ミッションクリアで獲得できる1回のみの報酬だ残りの報酬は固定だったり一定の確率で獲得できるじゃチーム構成をしてみるか?次へで試合開始だ!
English: Rewards with a star can only be obtained once by clearing a star mission. The rest of the rewards are fixed or can be obtained with a certain probability. Shall we try making a team? Next start the game!
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Japanese: これはチーム構成画面だ左側は試合に参加するスタメンになってる一人空白になってるのがみえるか?右側のリストからプレイヤーをタッチして構成してみるぞ
English: This is the team composition screen. On the left side is the starting line up that will participate in the game. Can you see one person is missing? Touch a player from the list on the right to add them to the line up
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Japanese: その調子だ!試合を開始するぞ!
English: That's it!(?) Let the game begin!
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Japanese: 今回は試合を進める方法についての説明だまず、試合開始時にランダムでサーブ権が決まる
English: This time I will explain how to play the game. First, the right to serve will be determined randomly at the start of the game
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Japanese: おし、うちのチームのサーブから始まるんだなサーブスキルを押してみろ
English: oh(?) Its our teams serve. To begin press your serve skill
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Japanese: 相が攻撃してくる!守備はブロックとレシーブで行うまずはブロックしてみるんだ
English: The opponent is attacking! Defend by blocking or receiving . First try blocking
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Japanese: ブロックできなかったときはレシーブで相手の攻撃を受けよう!
English: When you cant block, receive the opponents attack
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Japanese: 相手がスパイクを打ってきたぞ!レシーブで守備してみるん
English: Here comes the opponents spike! Try to defend with a receive
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Japanese: 今回はうちが攻撃する番だレシーブしたボールをトスで繋げて攻撃を成功させるぞ!
English: This time it's our turn to attack. To make a successful attack, connect the received ball with a toss
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Japanese: よし!1点取った!基礎的なスキルの使用方法はわかったようだなこのまま勝つぞ!
English: All right! We got 1 point! Now that you understand how to use the basic skills, lets win!
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Japanese: スキルの内容はある程度把提したな次の試合に進む前にチーム編成の時のヒントを教えておこう
English: Now you should have some idea on the skills. Ill give you some hints on forming a team before going on to the next match
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Japanese: じゃあ次へを押して編成画面に移動するぞ
English: Press next to move to the formation screen
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Japanese: 構成画面でステージ詳細ボタンをタッチすると選択したステージの情報が見れる
English: If you touch the stage detail button on the screen you can see the information of the selected stage
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Japanese: 上で相手チームの情報が確認できるんだが、 カードの右上に グー, チョキ、パーがあるだろ?
編成の時に有利な属性のプレイヤーを編成すると、 試合に勝つ確率が上がるから覚えておくといいぞ
English: Above you can see check the information on the opposing team. On the left of the card there is a rock, scissors, paper right? remember to organize your formation with players with advantageous attributes, that will increase you chances of winning the match
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Japanese: 下では選択したステージの星ミッションクリアの条件が確認できる条件を達成できるチーム編成にしないと量は獲得できないからな
English: Below you can check the requirements to clear the star missions for the selected stage.
if you can't form a team that can meet the requirements then you cant receive full stars for the stage
Japanese: 5点で勝利 チュートリアルステージは1回しかプレイできません チュートリアルステージは1回しかプレイできません
English: Win by 5 points The tutorial stage cant be played more than once The tutorial stage cant be played more than once
Japanese: 確認 English: confirmation
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Japanese: 次に確認するのはプレイヤーのコンディションだ コンディションはプレイヤーの隣の矢印で確認できる 矢印の方向によ��て攻撃・守備の成功率が変わってくるぞ もち��ん、 上を向くほどコンディションがいいって事になる
English: The next thing to check is the player's condition. You can check the player's condition with the arrow next to the player. the success rate of an attack or defense changes deepening on the direction of the arrow
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Japanese: 編成の仕方が分からない時はこのおすすめ編成を使うといい ミッション/戦力/コンディションを考慮した おすすめのチームを自動で編成ができるんだ
English: If you don't know how to organize your team you can you the recommended team. It automatically forms a team that considers the mission/strength/condition.
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Japanese: それじゃ、まずは試合をやってみようか
English: Let's play the game
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Japanese: 今度はスキルの相性について教えよう スキルには基本的に有利なスキルと不利なスキルがある
English: Now let me tell you about skill compatibility.
Skills have advantageous skills and disadvantageous skills
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Japanese: 相手がアンダーハンドサーブでボールを高く上げたろ? アンダーハンドサーブにはアンダーレシーブで 対応するのが有利だ アンダーレシーブでレシーブを成功させよう!
English: Did your opponent raise the ball high with an underhand serve? Then you'd have an advantage by using an underhand receive
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Japanese: 今度は相手が速攻で素早く攻撃しそうだ 速攻のように速いボールは予測して 止めに行った方がいいからゲスプロックが有利だ ゲスブロックを使って攻撃を止めるぞ!
English: This time it seems the opponent use a quick attack It's better to anticipate a fast ball like a quick attack when you go to stop it, so guess block is advantageous. Use Guess Block to stop the attack
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Japanese: イイ感じだ 教えたことを生かして自由にプレイしてみよう
English: That's good Use what you learned and play freely(edited)
When you win a match you'll get a win screen with your id name and your opponents press 次へ(next) to contiune
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Then you'll get to the to the reward screen that will show all the items you've received from playing. Press 次へ(next) to contiune
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Then you'll get a screen that will show the MVP of the match as well as the whole team, how much XP they've gained and in bottom right corner, the half filled orange bar, shows how much XP you have gotten (that goes towards your level). Press 次へ(next) to contiune
Haikyuu Touch The Dream Game Transations
Hi!!! I’ve recently got Haikyuu Touch the Dream (currently only available in Japan and Korea rn) and I've been translating the game to practice my Japanese skills and wanted to share my translations for anyone else playing the game.
My translations are done from using a mazii translate/dictionary,google image translate, Jisho, and my own Japanese knowledge so translation will not be 100% accurate
I’m missing some screenshots of the beginning, but usually the popups when you first get/open the game is just about downloading an update.
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On the start screen there are 2 yellow buttons in the bottom right corner. Data Transfer (引継ぎ(ひきつぎ)) and notification (お知らせ(おしらせ). Notification leads to the news bulletin board (I'll get into that later) There can also be a 3rd blue button in the top left that allows you to re-watch the intro story cutscene.
Data Transfer (引継ぎ(ひきつぎ))
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I believe if you don't have an account this is where you can first log in (I made an account a long while ago before I fully started playing so I cant remember x.x) Sign in with Google/Apple
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Japanese: 連携しているアカウントがありませんデータは消失します続けますか? English: There is no linked account. Your data will be lost. Do you want to contiune. Code
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Japanese: 引継ぎコードを入力してください
English: Please enter the transfer code
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xmaxiepadx · 2 years ago
Haikyuu Touch The Dream Game Transations
Hi!!! I’ve recently got Haikyuu Touch the Dream (currently only available in Japan and Korea rn) and I've been translating the game to practice my Japanese skills and wanted to share my translations for anyone else playing the game.
My translations are done from using a mazii translate/dictionary,google image translate, Jisho, and my own Japanese knowledge so translation will not be 100% accurate
I’m missing some screenshots of the beginning, but usually the popups when you first get/open the game is just about downloading an update.
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On the start screen there are 2 yellow buttons in the bottom right corner. Data Transfer (引継ぎ(ひきつぎ)) and notification (お知らせ(おしらせ). Notification leads to the news bulletin board (I'll get into that later) There can also be a 3rd blue button in the top left that allows you to re-watch the intro story cutscene.
Data Transfer (引継ぎ(ひきつぎ))
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I believe if you don't have an account this is where you can first log in (I made an account a long while ago before I fully started playing so I cant remember x.x) Sign in with Google/Apple
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Japanese: 連携しているアカウントがありませんデータは消失します続けますか? English: There is no linked account. Your data will be lost. Do you want to contiune. Code
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Japanese: 引継ぎコードを入力してください
English: Please enter the transfer code
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xmaxiepadx · 3 years ago
Man I feel that 😅
I will definitely post anything else I create! 😃
There’s no pressure to post anything but if you decide to, I’ll be excited for fall to come to see it! Drawing eyes are difficult 😭especially when drawing the second eyes 😭. If you’d like I’d be happy to try and help out if you need another pair of eyes to help (pun intended) No pressure though if you don’t!
Thank you so much for taking my suggestion! I feel so honored 🥺🙏, I can’t wait to read more of your stuff
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I’ve been obsessed with @just-a-hungry-author ‘s Taking in a toddler series. So I had to draw some fanart for it!  
(I hope its ok im making fanart for it, it not lmk and ill remove it :) )
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xmaxiepadx · 3 years ago
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the fanart I’ve created. I absolutely love you your series. Your writing is always so detailed and you’re amazing at developing relationships between characters. The bond between Kenma and Kuroo is so precious 😭 And Kenma’s anxiety is so well written! In Tooku ni ittemo watashi wa anata no soba ni imasu” I get a lot of flashbacks to when I was in the first grade because Kenma’s and my situations were so similar.
There are so many scenes I’ve been dying to draw fanart for, so expect more in the future if that’s alright! :D Highkey would love to see the arts you’ve made to…👀 only if you’re comfortable in posting it though.
That’s so sweet and is a very big privilege to recommend a story/scene. I’d totally love to see something about Kenma going to practice with Kuroo and learning to play volleyball.
Keep up the good work! ❤️
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I’ve been obsessed with @just-a-hungry-author ‘s Taking in a toddler series. So I had to draw some fanart for it!  
(I hope its ok im making fanart for it, it not lmk and ill remove it :) )
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xmaxiepadx · 3 years ago
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I’ve been obsessed with @just-a-hungry-author ‘s Taking in a toddler series. So I had to draw some fanart for it!  
(I hope its ok im making fanart for it, it not lmk and ill remove it :) )
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
He do be lookin fresh doe
I’m new here, hello! But anyways here’s Williams fit for da day
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
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Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria but as a corporate account on Twitter
Bonus: Foxy hijacks the account after dayshift leaves their phone there
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
Are there any active Coco discords out there????
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
a whole mood XD
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Has this been done before? I feel like this has been done before.
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
chicharrón, dying: this is so sad héctor play juanita
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
reblog if you, too, are just a sausage that got dragged through a barber shop
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
They probably won’t release anything at all :/ but if they do it will probably either be Frankie or Draculaura
we should be speculating on who's going to be the comic-con special edition 10th anniversary release right now
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
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xmaxiepadx · 5 years ago
total drama season 13 chris forgets to come to the island and leaves the campers stranded, so they must resort to cannibalism in order to survive
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