#Hurricane Season
great-and-small · 10 months
Hands down my fave thing about hurricane season is when zoos put their birds in the bathroom to protect them from the wind and we get images like this
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Photo from St Augustine Alligator Farm
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geeky-politics-46 · 10 months
We are still 36 hours out & he is already losing his voice.
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This is definitely not the worst storm I've seen & for most Floridians, this isn't our first rodeo by any means, but wow, people are freaking out over this one. Yes, the rapid intensification is bad, but it has been really since Irma. It's not like we didn't know that the waters in the Gulf are like 90 Fahrenheit. This is an effect of climate change.
Prepare accordingly & follow the old adage: you hide from the wind, run from the water. If you are in a flood zone, evacuate now. The rest of you not in storm surge or flooding areas, just calm down & ride it out. If you are on the eastern side of the track (myself included), don't be shocked if there are some tornadoes or tornado warnings.
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Be like me & just watch Twister during the hurricane! Also, make sure your extra battery packs are charged. Look for recipes now for Hurricanes just in case you lose wifi.
Also, for the non-Floridians, there will be people out doing stupid stuff. It's Florida. You shouldn't be surprised by this.
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therobogoose · 4 days
Friendly reminder that if you haven't already, now is the time to prepare for hurricane season!
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intersexfairy · 10 months
As someone (from the USA) who survived a severe hurricane, if there is one piece of advice I could give, PLEASE listen to any evacuation orders. This goes for voluntary and mandatory, but ESPECIALLY mandatory. If you can't get outside the evacuation zone, even just getting closer to the boundary is better than nothing.
If you are in a mandatory evacuation zone and you stay, no one (no emergency services) will be coming to save you. You will have to hunker down for however long the storm lasts.
The time to prepare for evacuation is as soon as you know you're under evacuation order, at LEAST. Do NOT delay. You don't want to be like my family who only left once the flood began (thanks, dad). Not only did we have to hurry to pack, we weren't able to prepare. At that, here are some good things to do in a hurricane:
Have a radio - an emergency crank radio is good, since it uses mechanical energy. We also had walkie talkies.
Have a good first aid kit, especially if you cant get out.
Unplug anything that you absolutely do not need while home, unplug everything before you leave. We didn't do this and my house almost caught fire (fridge outlet) - only the flood put it out.
Have a working fire alarm, charge flashlights and devices. Make sure you also have candles and lighters, too.
Be VERY careful if you must wade or drive in flood water. There will be debris, there will be down power lines. It is deeper than it looks.
Stock up on water and nonperishable food. Eat your perishable foods now. Use coolers for any excess. MREs are good to have, you can order them online.
Put belongings you can't take with you as high up in your house as you can - prioritize things that cannot be easily/emotionally replaced. Leave space for you to go high up too, if you're staying.
Use sand bags (or DIY alternatives) as flood barriers. Tie or tarp down everything you can, and don't keep it in a wide open area.
Close windows, and stay away from them. You really don't want to be there when something comes flying.
This is all I can think of for now, others feel free to add more or correct me. Remember, your life is more important than objects. Losing your life is worse than losing everything but your life. Stay safe, and stay alive.
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allwitnobrevity · 10 months
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Just a little comic I drew while I was stuck inside with approximately the 907th severe weather alert of the year
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uchidachi · 1 month
First off. I am not a superstitious person. I believe the best prediction of a severe storm in your area comes from a meteorologist, and you should definitely listen to them over any other kind of prediction.
So this is not superstition. This is just a recurring theme in my family, where the biggest, most damaging hurricanes tend to have our names. And I know it sounds crazy to even mention this, and I know there must be confounding factors that make this happen with our names so often but it really is often! I did the math and over a quarter of the so-bad-they’re-retired Atlantic storm names belong to someone in my family. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened 28 times. Right?
So if I was superstitious, I would look at the list of names to be used for storms this year, and I would tell people in hurricane areas to get ready, and get ready early, right now, before the storms start.
But I really am not superstitious, and I only mention this coincidence because the scientists say this year will be especially bad
And my grandfather’s name was Alberto.
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thewordfortheday · 1 year
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He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. —Mark 4:39
Jesus told His disciples, "Let's cross to the other side of the lake" (Mark 4:35) Do you think Jesus knew there would be a storm? Then, why didn't He wait till the storm ceased? How could He sleep through all the commotion? Because...HIS WORD IS HIS BOND. Didn't He say "Let's cross to the other side?" Jesus could sleep because He knew the end of the story.
Sometimes it is when you walk in obedience, you encounter a storm. Most believers become disillusioned and begin to doubt the promises of God. It is during these times you have to hold on to His word and His promises.
He doesn't stop the storm from coming but He will be with you, He will never leave your side and surely He will calm the storm.
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rusticbuck · 10 months
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Cross posted on my Instagram but! Anyway :)
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Ya’ll ever played Floridian Russian Roulette?
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marino436 · 1 year
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the devil is showing 👹
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ex1st · 2 years
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chaosnojutsu · 6 days
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I’ve heard this tip a time or two living near the Gulf of Mexico for most of my life. Figured I’d share it as we get further into hurricane season for whoever may need it.
ID: Screenshot of a captioned Facebook post including an image of a styrofoam cup full of frozen water with a quarter laying on top.
The caption in the screenshot reads as follows:
Why you should always put a coin on a frozen cup of water before storms.
It's called the one cup tip. You put a cup of water in your freezer. Freeze it solid and then put a quarter on top of it and leave it in your freezer.
That way when you come back after you've been evacuated you can tell if your food went completely bad and just refroze or if it stayed Frozen while you were gone. If the quarter has fallen to the bottom of the cup that means all the food defrosted and you should throw it out. But if the quarter is either on the top or in the middle of the cup then your food may still be ok. It would also be a great idea to leave this in your freezer all the time and if you lose power for any reason you will have this tip to fall back on. If you don't feel good about your food, just throw it out. The main thing is for all to be safe.
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geeky-politics-46 · 10 months
Expect lots of hurricane jokes the next couple days from me as FL begins to batten down the hatches for Idalia.
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As a born Floridian, at this point, my biggest concerns are procuring my storm snacks & an appropriate amount of rum so I can make hurricanes during the hurricane.
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For those concerned please see below. No panicking yet, but Jim Cantore is on his way to FL.
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onlypicturepoetry · 1 year
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after the storm there's always a break in the clouds
photography + © Christof Keßemeier
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stone-cold-groove · 1 month
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Historical weather events. Hurricane Danny - 1985.
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radiojamming · 10 months
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the five tropical systems sitting in the atlantic like:
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