#Hunting Instincts
forests-creatures · 6 months
Substitutes for hunting/foraging instincts!
• Go on a walk and try to get as close as you can to any animals you find
• Play tag with any friends if possible!
• Use plushes and objects as target practices and do you best to pounce on them!
• Go on a run in the park or woods and chase after and squirrels you see
• Pick blackberries outside! (Make sure to wash them before eating!)
• Go mushroom foraging! (Ideally with experts to guide you, so that you don’t pick anything non-edible)
• Just like with the mushroom foraging, go on foraging lesions for other things!
• Hide snacks (with wrappers or in packages) in spots around your place! Make sure to find them all though so nothing goes bad
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megaraptormenace · 7 months
There’s been some really interesting discussion on violence and hunting instincts going around, so fuck it, rambling time.
⚠️ TW: Violence, Prey Drive/Hunting Instincts, Intrusive Thoughts & ‘Thought Crimes’.
As a dinosaur, the hunt is not violence. As a dinosaur, I’m simply not capable of recognising prey items as anything more complex than food. Bringing down prey feels no different from cooking dinner, really.
But as a human, I’m painfully aware that things my prey drive wants me to go for are beings with their own experiences of the world. Especially when those things are humans.
I don’t blame the instincts, for the record. They’re holdovers from before modern society was even a twinkle in anyone’s eye, exacerbated by my nonhumanity. My instincts don’t focus on humans specifically, it’s just that my options are very limited in the places I’ve lived. Humans and livestock are the only animals with enough meat to be worth the energy to hunt.
That’s not to say I always enjoy having them, though. Especially when I was younger they were a source of great distress. I was stuck in an awful loop of [urge to hunt] -> [being frightened by that] -> [intrusive thoughts telling me only bad people have bad thoughts, so I 5 be a bad person] rinse, repeat.
I spent many years feeling like I was a hair’s breadth away from snapping and really hurting someone. Not true, of course, but try confronting irrational thoughts with facts and logic some time. It’s rarely very effective
I’ve come a long way since then. With appropriate treatment, my laundry list of mental health issues are significantly more manageable. Not to say I don’t have bad days, but on balance, I’m okay with who - and what - I am.
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mechanical-sunchild · 2 years
ALSO I love you predator species. I love you killer species and fictotypes. I love you naturally destructive species. I love you predators that still desire to hunt your prey. I love you predators that are friends with prey but still desire to hunt (just not your friends specifically). I love you beings who embrace your hunting instinct. I love you those who like blood and those who like meat. I love you predators who are vegetarian and vegan now. I love you those who happily express your hunting memories. I love you and you should not be ashamed of your species need for meat or feel guilty about it in any way but also it's fine if you don't/can't eat the way your species would any more.
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theros · 5 months
on prey drives, or the lack thereof
a lot of nonhumans have mentioned their predatory urges or prey drives on here. it's a common topic of discussion, especially when it comes to not being ashamed of these thoughts and urges. i often see posts reminding carnivores and predators that they're not bad for having prey drives and predatory urges, and that of course these are a normal part of being a predatory animal. there is nothing to be ashamed of if you have a high prey drive or want to pounce on a small herbivore for breakfast.
but the more i think on it, i don't really have a prey drive.
i'm multiple predators; bobcat, snow leopard, kestrel, fox, coyote, cougar-- and i can't think of a single time i've looked at a small animal and thought prey.
potential food, sure-- but there was no urge accompanying the thought. just an idle recognition that that creature could be food if i were in a situation where i had to hunt it. i think humans have the same line of thought, especially if they are or have been around other humans who hunt for their food. i've known a lot of hunters in my life, so i wonder if that recognition of a deer or a squirrel or a rabbit as potential food just comes from that. it certainly doesn't have any accompanying instinct.
bobcats primarily hunt rabbits. when i see a wild cottontail outside, i don't think "i'm hungry and should catch that prey!", i think "huh. didn't expect to see a bunny in the open when there's so many coyotes around here."
small rodents are also common staples in the diets of bobcats, foxes, coyotes and kestrels. when i see a mouse or a squirrel or a rat or a chipmunk, i don't want to hunt it. that takes way too much effort.
the most my hunting instincts ever really trigger is when it comes to spotting quick traces of movement. kestrels and cats will happily snatch lizards when they can. being obsessed with reptiles now, i've taken advantage of that sense whenever i'm looking for wild lizards and snakes-- or trying to see the skittish mourning geckos in my indoor vivarium. even then, i don't watch them with the intent of eating them. if i want to catch the reptile i'm after, it will be released after i'm done looking at it and talking about its species to whoever's nearby to listen.
the thing is, foxes and coyotes are fundamentally lazy when it comes to food, foxes especially so. they're opportunists. both will happily eat roadkill and other carrion, or steal parts of other predator's kills. foxes will go for just about anything they can eat, and the less effort it takes to get, the better. eggs, worms, berries, garbage, bits off my mate's plate-- easy meals that take little effort to get are highly preferred over anything i have to hunt down. it's one of the many reasons that feeding wild foxes is a bad thing. foxes are lazy. if you can get an easy (even if unhealthy) meal from this human's backyard, why bother expending the energy to roam a territory searching for food? hell, why bother having a territory? if there's such an easy food source here, there's no need to maintain territory large enough to ensure you can find enough food for yourself. not having a territory to patrol means you can spend more time eating from the human's backyard.
the only time i ever feel that my predatory instincts really get triggered is whenever migrating goose calls push me into an arctic fox shift-- and then it's still the eggs i focus on more than the goslings. they don't struggle as much.
honestly, prey drive is the least of my concerns when it comes to alterhuman-related instincts, but the satyr's instincts should be left to their own essay.
if i wasn't a fox as well as a bobcat, would i have a prey drive? would the sight of a fawn away from its mother strike me with the desire to leap? would i want to crunch down the chipmunk in the garden or would i still watch it with the idle fascination of an already-satiated cat? would seeing the hawks circling the nearby field fill my kestrel's heart with envy because i can't fly high, scanning the ground for prey?
i don't know. but as it is, the combination of things i am has created a creature with no prey drive whatsoever, and i suppose that's okay. lack of hunting instinct doesn't make me any less what i am. hell, it may even reinforce it.
lazy fox, indeed.
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allperfectpets · 1 year
Tabby Cat Personality Guide: Your Ultimate Resource
If you are considering adopting a cat, a tabby cat may be an excellent choice. Tabby cats are known for their beautiful markings and unique personalities, making them the perfect addition to any family. In this article, we will provide you with an ultimate guide to tabby cat personalities, including what makes them stand out from other cat breeds, what to expect when you bring one home, and how to care for your new feline friend.
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I have just 1 dp x dc idea that have been bouncing around like a DVD logo screensaver and everytime it hits a corner, it reminds me that it's there.
The idea: what if the Lazarus Pits contains RAW UNFILTERED ectoplasm like not corrupted but just ... raw. (Maybe that's why Jason has very strong emotions) Oh and it attracts all ecto-beings including ((1) Danny Fenton/Phantom) like bees to nectar.
The more developed idea: Danny on a school trip to got ham. Sees Red Hood, then goes feral and stalkerish, basically just absorbing and filtering the very concentrated and raw ectoplasm whenever he gets close to Jason/Red Hood(Danny be like: yum-need-want moremoremore gimme)
Sam and Tucker knows what's going on, they can feel it , the instinct to go-go-go-go-find-find-find the source of energy (practically radiating everywhere!) but not as strong as poor Danny. They're now just chasing after (1) feral gremlin boi after some yum-yum energy (or maybe just maybe they encourage it cause why not the CHAOS)
The batfam is just there like NEW CHILD!!! Now Jason suffers from one stalkerish child ( until Danny calms down but they don't know that it's not permanent )
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sweetbunpura · 1 month
Return Home AU: Vil with a Sibling who has natural beauty, doesn't use beauty products - just making signature smoothies for body health from their garden in Ramshackle, and who loves doing work. Vil is NOT happy about his sibling's lifestyle.
Yuu (Gardening while humming a song): These strawberries are gonna be perfect... (Looks around) Why do I feel like someone glaring at me from a distance? (Sees Vil standing outside of Ramshackle's Gate) Oh... (Goes back to gardening)
Yuu: Ah, brother is angry... *gives Vil a smoothie they made* May I offer you a smoothie in this trying time?
Vil, glaring but takes it: Thank you, but you can do better.
Yuu: Uh-huh, by the way...
Vil: Yes?
Yuu, hugs Vil and runs off.
Vil, now covered in dirt: YUU! COME-hold this. *gives smoothie to Rook and runs after Yuu* COME BACK HERE!
Epel: Yuu is dead.
Rook: Non, it's just sibling love.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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I saw @qourmet's young madam lan art, and knew what I had to do.
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beatcroc · 1 year
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pest control TWO!!!!! heres the first one
adn heres the obligatory bonus bc i can't help myself :')
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gameraboy2 · 4 days
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The Hunting Instinct (1961)
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ash-and-starlight · 11 months
new love language is sending links to pirated media
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tenspontaneite · 5 months
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Sigs make interesting bodies for themselves sometimes 🙏
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bolithesenate · 9 months
hunting tubers to gift to your future master: a success story
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Purshee never liked tubers so naturally she vanquished her greatest foe to show Master Da-Boda how great of a hunter she is
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sparky-is-spiders · 5 months
Also to expand on my last post. Jondaisy where their relationship (whatever it may be) started in the Buried. Where the thing that binds them is this horrible thing that nobody else they know has suffered through and their mutual eldritch monstrosity. Where even they aren’t sure if they’re only doing this with each other because they can’t with anyone else. Where love and fear and perhaps a dash of hate bleed and meld together. This is the person who tried to kill you. This is the only person you can talk to. The only person who will touch you for reasons other than hurting you. This is the person you tried to kill. The only other person you really had resents your weakness. Maybe if you can touch this person without hurting them, be near them without going for the throat, you can prove that you can resist the call of the Hunt. Do you see my vision??
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I made a side blog for the fic im writing, since I feel like I should Mayhaps share sneak peaks or somethin
I haven’t written a fanfic since middle school so I’m quite proud of what I’ve written so far.
Read it here
Any and all critic is welcome! Tips as-well are verrrrrryy helpful.
Got any sources for improving writing? Send them my way! Want to send me concepts? Go ahead! Want to draw your version of reader in the fic? PLEASE DO! I’m an artist so I love seeing more art! Got a random question about the fic? Ask and I might give you an answer! (can’t spoil much tho)
Please don’t feel intimidated, I’m just a silly lil guy, I’m no scary god-like fanfic writer
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