#Hull Real Estate Massachusetts
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Hull, MA - This stunning converted church, known as "The Church Of Saint Mary Of The Bay," is making our jaws drop. View the rest of the photos here!
#Hull#Massachusetts#converted church#former church#conversion#church#stained glass windows#The Church Of Saint Mary Of The Bay#cathedral ceiling#real estate#estately
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Story #18. Teacher: “I refuse to be silenced.”
Recently, I was invited to a house party hosted by Western Massachusetts parents whose children were being intimidated and harassed because they had opted out of this year’s MCAS. The stories were chilling. These parents recounted stories of their sixth-graders being told that they couldn’t opt out, that if they didn’t take the MCAS they couldn’t go to college. One even reported a principal telling a student that if they didn’t take the test the police would go to their house and get them. Most concerning were reports of educators who were afraid to speak out and support their students because they feared retaliation. If teachers are afraid to speak their truths, then who is on the front line watching out for our children?
Time and time again, I am asked to attend house parties throughout the Commonwealth because the educators in that school system have told parents that they can’t speak up, that a teacher was told by an administrator to convince ‘Johnny’ to take the test or lose their job, and that if teachers spoke the truth about testing, there would be dire consequences.
Test scores are tied to teacher evaluations. Test scores are tied to the State’s Rank-and-Shame accountability system. Test scores are tied to real-estate values. Test-scores are the metric used for a state-sanctioned takeover of a school system. Alarmingly, and more and more frequently, teachers are being told to be quiet, to comply, or face retribution. Only last spring, former Massachusetts Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester proposed a regulation that would have allowed the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to revoke an educator’s license if the educator spoke out against the department’s policies and procedures. This proposed regulation met fierce opposition and has not been implemented; it’s a regulation that some jokingly refer to as the failed attempt to silence Debbie McCarthy.
I refuse to be silenced. As the niece of Maureen Dunn, one of the founders of the POW/MIA movement, I learned early that the truth will free us, and that fear, retaliation, and intimidation are the tools used to scare us into silence when we speak out collectively and in solidarity. This year I have had to dig deep and resurrect the resilience, determination, and grit that my aunt modeled in her advocacy for our soldiers who were prisoners of war or missing in action. As the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) perpetuates an accountability system that is corrupt, with dark money financing a privateer’s model of public education, I face threats to force me into becoming a soldier of compliance for this testing war. These attempts to stop me from sharing my testing truths only fuel my passion to speak out more forcefully for the schools our communities deserve.
Last September, I joined a former fifth-grade student who opted out of last year’s MCAS at the State House. We testified in support of a bill calling for a three-year moratorium on high-stakes testing. It had the support of over 100 legislators. Weeks later, my district was dropped to a level three because the three students who opted out of the fifth-grade test created a below 90% participation rate in one of the subgroup categories. When my district applied for a waiver, a spokesperson for the DESE told an administrator in my district, ‘Don’t you have that teacher in the district making noise about opting out?’
Approximately six weeks ago, I refused to sign a three-page contract with PearsonAccess. This agreement showed up on my computer screen when I was following a directive from my administrator to check my password for the upcoming on-line fifth grade administration of MCAS. This three-page agreement demands silence and compliance with the billion-dollar testing company Pearson. This agreement forbids educators from discussing anything associated with this test for profit. This agreement threatens lawsuits and litigation to silence educators. With this agreement signed, BESE has teachers where it wants them, silent. Less than two weeks later, while teaching, I and other teachers in my district, received a letter that was written with input from BESE. This letter for our personnel files stated that we had less than one hour’s time to comply with the directive to sign the agreement or we would face progressive discipline. As a local association, we are involved in a grievance process that asserts our collective bargaining rights have been violated.
As coincidence or direct retaliation would have it, last Friday, I was informed by my vice-principal that the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education was sending someone into Hull on Monday, May 14, to monitor our MCAS testing session. We have been testing for six weeks, grades three through ten, and the first time that DESE is sending someone to Hull is when we are testing 5th grade Science. This is a day when Deb McCarthy is one of only three teachers proctoring the test. The message by DESE has been delivered loud and clear, the threat of intimidation has been received, and the conviction that my students and their parents deserve a teacher who is unafraid to speak truth to power is my response. I am asking that you join my voice in solidarity and fight back against those who try to silence your educators who are on the front lines of this testing war. Please contact DESE and demand that they leave teachers like me alone.
Please contact Senator Patrick O’Connor (Patrick.O’[email protected]) and Representative Joan Meschino ([email protected]) and ask that they use their voice as elected officials to fight for educators who are being silenced. Please wear Red for Education on Monday as a sign of solidarity and please join us at the Massachusetts Teachers Association in Quincy on Sunday, June 3rd, at 10:30 a.m. as we continue to use our educators’ and parents’ voice in coalition against high-stakes testing and for the schools our communities deserve. – Deb McCarthy, Teacher, Hull
Update, May 13, 2018: In response to a reporter’s inquiry, a DESE spokesperson wrote to say that while Hull had been randomly chosen for a quality check and they had no concerns, they decided to cancel the observation so that no one feels targeted.
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L’origami, l’art del plegat de paper, té una rica teoria matemàtica. Les primeres investigacions es remunten almenys a la dècada de 1930, però el segle XXI ha vist un notable floriment de les matemàtiques del plegament. A més del seu ús per descriure origami i dissenyar nous models, també troba aplicacions del món real, des de la construcció de robots a escala nano fins al desplegament de grans matrius solars a l’espai. Escrit per un expert mundial en el tema, l’Origametria és la primera referència completa sobre les matemàtiques de l’origami. Reuneix resultats històrics, desenvolupaments moderns i orientacions futures en un conjunt cohesionat. Més de 180 figures il·lustren les construccions descrites, mentre que nombroses "diversions" proporcionen punts de partida als lectors per aprofundir en la seva comprensió. Aquest llibre és una referència essencial per als investigadors de les matemàtiques de l’origami i les seves aplicacions en física, enginyeria i disseny. Educadors, estudiants...
Es tracta d'una obra magnífica i completa. Ofereix una visió completa de les matemàtiques subjacents de l’origami de faceta plana (polièdrica), que reuneix diverses aportacions de molts investigadors (inclosa la pròpia obra seminal de l’autor), juntament amb notes històriques i context que ho relacionen tot. Aquesta serà la referència estàndard per a les matemàtiques de la papiroflèxia per als propers anys i, amb la gran quantitat de problemes oberts, també serà, sens dubte, la inspiració per a molts màsters i doctorats. tesis en el futur! ' Robert J. Lang, autor d’Origami Design Secrets and Twists, Tilings, and Tessellations 'Tom Hull sempre ha estat l'autor i l'historiador de les matemàtiques de l'origami. En aquest bell llibre, uneix una àmplia gamma de resultats clàssics i moderns, fonamentant-los en la seva rica història ". Erik Demaine, Institut Tecnològic de Massachusetts
Biografía del autor
Thomas C. Hull és professor associat de matemàtiques a la Universitat de Nova Anglaterra Occidental i expert mundial en matemàtiques de l’origami. Ha guanyat el premi AT Yang Memorial en cinemàtica teòrica per la seva investigació i el seu Five Intersecting Tetrahedra va ser nomenat entre els deu millors models d’origami de tots els temps per la British Origami Society.
Editorial: Cambridge University Press (8 d'octubre de 2020)
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các hạt Hampden, Hampshire và Franklin, ngày 19 tháng 4 năm 2020 AgawamBarbara J. Giordano đến Crystal Melloni, 698 Mill St., $ 157,400.Brian P. Machos và Christine M. Machos đến Cristina M. Cintron và Jonathan Santiago, 36 Juniper Ridge Drive, $ 370.000.Gary E. Suffriti và Thomas D. Suffriti đến John Phillip Moccio và Keri Ann Moccio, 27 Cleveland St., $ 219.000.Gloria R. Albano đến Nicholas J. Biuso và Alison C. Biuso, 4 Haskell St., 240.000 USD.Jamison J. Quist, người được ủy thác và JMQ Realty Trust, người được ủy thác của Christopher Quigley, 16 Lealand Ave, $ 225.000.Jay Passerini đến Antonio P. Liquori Jr., 95 Dogwood Lane, Đơn vị 95, $ 194,900.Jean Cleveland, đại diện, và John Andrew Cleveland, bất động sản, cho Brian W. Elliott và Sarah J. Elliott, 116 Edward St., 100.000 đô la.John P. Paquette, đại diện, và Viola A. Smith, bất động sản, đến Moustaha Ibrahim Tahoun, 805 River Road, $ 142.500.Karen M. Brown và William J. Bates gửi Ashley K. Brodeur, 60 Liberty St., $ 227.900.Kenneth Peters và Pamela Peters cho David S. Weaver và Wendy J. Weaver, 97 James St., $ 235.000.Lottie May Chase đến FF Quality Realty LLC, 20 Annable St., $ 110.000.Marlene P. Harlin, Marlene Harlin và Paul Harlin cho Steven D. Hitchcock và Pamela J. Hitchcock, 123 Robin Ridge Drive, $ 390.000.Michael J. Depratti Jr., và Amy E. Depratti cho Jason S. Donaldson, người được ủy thác và Etabav Realty Trust, người được ủy thác của, 157 River Road, $ 126,251.Richard G. Schreiber cho Eric W. Lottermoser và Linda J. Lottermoser, 35 Thuộc địa Ave., $ 185.000.Scott E. Skolnick, quản trị viên, và Paulene L. Paquette, bất động sản, đến Moustaha Ibrahim Tahoun, 805 River Road, 7.500 đô la.AmherstMaeve Howett và M. Howett đến Frederik Baumgardt và Stella Dee, 15 Eames Ave., $ 570.000.Grey Street LLC, đến J. Curtis Shumway và Jacalyn S. Sexton, 236 North Pleasant St., $ 475.000.Barbara Gravin Wilbur và Alfred Wilbur đến Daniel Cook, 41 Pine Grove, $ 230.000.BelchertownJ.N. Duquette & Son Construction Inc., đến Rheal Duquette và Suzanne Duquette, Magnolia Lane, 405.000 USD.Nicholas E. Bernard đến Douglas Sourdiffe và Brittany Lamotte, 11 đường Blacksmith, $ 224,900.Maurice J. Lalumiere và Kimberly A. Lalumiere cho Daniel Veratti và Breanna Wardwell, 248 Stebbins St., $ 278.000.Nicholas J. Moynihan và Megan L. Moynihan đến Megan L. Moynihan, 51 Barton Ave., 100 đô la.BlandfordHiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang và Fannie Mae đến Donald Arel và Patricia Arel, 125 Chester Road, $ 162.000.Richard J. Dame đến Christopher C. Gibbs, 19 đường núi Cobble, $ 162.500.Stephanie A. Fontaine đến William B. Hull LLC, Đường 54 Gibbs, $ 900.000.CharlemontCatherine H. Newell Estate, Susan M. Annear, đại diện cá nhân, đến Paul D. Klemer, 245 Main St., 50.000 đô la.ChesterfieldErin M. McEnaney và Nicolas A. Frischer đến David W. Stratton, Leah R. Stratton và Sylvie Jensen, Đường chính 409, $ 418.000.Chicopee4 Perkins LLC, đến Công ty sản xuất Dwight Mill # 12 & 13 LLC, 165 Front St., Bài 12, $ 100.73 Chapin LLC, đến Anthony J. Wheeler và Lauren L. Wheeler, 73 Chapin St., $ 227.000.Brian P. Patrick, Carrie A Patrick và Carrie A. Manya đến Timothy L. Allen, 18 Cadieux Ave., $ 189.000.Byron M. Garcia đến Melissa S. Sanchez, 110 Southwick St., 175.000 USD.Gladysh Capital LLC, đến Nolava LLC, 7 Charbonneau Terrace, $ 1,355,000.Công ty sản xuất Dwight Mill # 12 & 13 LLC, tới 4 Perkins LLC, 165 Front St., $ 100.Joseph H. Lang, Trung Định và Tai Do đến Joseph H. Land, 14 Sullivan St., 25.000 USD.Naz Naji và Samina Naz mông cho James St. Hilaire và Nicole Marie St. Hilaire, 8 Caddyshack Drive, $ 315.000.Norman G. Barree đến Theodore L. Chagnon, 190 Stebbins St., $ 152,700.Russell G. Centerbar và Lynne E. Centerbar đến DW Com Prop LLC, 1492 Drive Drive, $ 390.000.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Ủy thác tham gia chính LSF9, ủy thác của Melissa Torres, 59 Wayfield Ave., $ 186,900.ColrainJo-Anne H. Sherburne và Phillips B. Sherburne đến Jessica L. Marden, Greenfield Road / Prolovich Road, 125.000 đô la.DeerfieldDonald J. Thorpe Estate, Darlene A. Thorpe, đại diện cá nhân, đến Amy Herfurth, 4 Porter St., 213.450 đô la.Donna Louise Blackney cho Robert D. Hallett và Debra A. LaBerge, 31 Thayer St., 270.000 đô la.Đông LongmeadowAmberly K. Matt đến Daniel Castro, 122 Triển vọng St., $ 252,900.Margaret A. Spinks đến Dominic Kirchner II, người được ủy thác và Kaydoke Realty Trust, người được ủy thác, 69 Lombard Ave., 74.000 đô la.Moltenbrey Builders LLC, đến Todd G. McCauley, 145 Porter Road, $ 390.000.Pandiarajan Gnanaprakasam và Anita Suriarajan cho Mario J. Tascon và Christina M. Gallagher, 202 Canterbury Circle, 392.500 đô la.TAScon Homes LLC, đến Jeffrey T. Hansen, 33 Lynwood Road, $ 163.000.Willam A. Townsend và Frances R. Townsend đến Cap Holdings LLC, 200 North Main St., Đơn vị 11, $ 130.000.William O. Kerr và Ebony Johnson đến John E. Chase, 6 Vòng hoa Ave., $ 225.000.Đông thànhMichael F. Huard đến Amy Kathryn Teffer và Mark Alexander Teffer, 57 Parsons St., $ 278.000.Eagle Home Users LLC, đến Rod Motamedi và Tonya Blundon, 14 Winter St., $ 285.000.Jessey Ina-Lee đến Donna M. Calacone, 25 Lazy D Drive, 385.000 đô la.Scott E. Wark và Carmen M. Wark cho Christopher Charles Barcomb và Kaitlin Estelle Barcomb, 42 Peloquin Drive, $ 224,900.XóaDonna L. Roy và Robert S. Roy đến Inge Breor và Richard T. Breor, 29 Forest St., $ 280.000.GranbyRobert T. Brisebois và Dawna Brisebois cho Martin Cepeda Jr., và Bethany Cepeda, 35 Lyn Drive, 240.000 đô la.Cánh đồng xanhAudredy McKemmie, bởi luật sư, hay còn gọi là Audrey McKemmie, bởi luật sư, David McKemmie, luật sư, cho Carl W. Johnson và Harriet Wilby, 5 Emily Lane, Đơn vị 5, $ 194.500.Denise Elwell và James Elwell đến Donna L. Roy, Sân thượng Princeton, Đơn vị 29, $ 100.000.Hayden T. Kanash và Emily R. Rowell đến Lorian A. Tonna Lamuniee, 11 Pickett Lane, 207.500 đô la.Meadows Café & Golf Centre Inc., đến Sheila Orecchio, 398 Deerfield St./Deerfield Street, 280.000 đô la.HatfieldJohn E. Ebbets đến Logan M. Ebbets, 140 Elm St., $ 265.000.Hà LanKeeley Hamblin, đại diện, và Jeanette Driscoll, bất động sản, cho Gregory T. Prentiss Sr., và Susan L. Prentiss, 55 Leno Road, 79.900 đô la.HolyokeAlbert E. Paone và Brenda A. Paone đến Blue Chip Building LLC, 101 Elm St., $ 1,080,000.Barry J. Lawlor, đại diện, và Brian J. Lawlor, bất động sản, cho Samuel Clement Gaskin và Elizabeth Ann Cashman, 44 Bay State Road, $ 185.000.Constance H. Reynold và Constance H. Lynch đến Raymond J. Lynch IV, 61 Harvard St., $ 100.Frances Irizarry đến Durand Đầu tư Bất động sản LLC, 97 Elm St., $ 80.000.Jenifer Gelineau và William I. Gussin cho Elizabeth Whynott, 256 Pine St., 112.900 đô la.Josue Andujar và Clarissa Fargas đến Durand Real Investments LLC, 95 Elm St., $ 67.500.Kendall J. Walsh đến Karen M. Nealon, Keith N. Walsh và Kendall J. Walsh, bất động sản, 71 Calumet Road, 100 đô la.Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., ủy thác, và Popular abs Inc. Series 2007-A, ủy thác của Zebunnis Haq và Nisar Ahmad Miakhail, 615 Hampden St., $ 65.000.HuntingtonKatie L. Boisseau, Philip W. Boisseau và Katie L. Boulanger cho Robert T. Brisebois và Dawna Brisebois, 25 đường Montgomery, 240.000 đô la.LongmeadowLiên minh các giáo đoàn chính thống đến Mohammad J. Bhuyan, 1197 Converse St., $ 235.000.James Grimaldi và Laurie J. Grimaldi cho Christopher Askins và Amber Nicole Berberich, 75 Maple Road, 307.000 đô la.Marcus Cary Imes và Priscilla Anne Kirt đến Marleigh Erin Felsenstein và Cody Richard St Eo, 379 Maple Road, $ 217.000.Ranadhir R. Beereddy và Nitisha Mekala cho Charles Goldblatt và Phyllis Goldblatt, 76 Deepwoods Drive, 405.000 đô la.LudlowDario M. Mercadante đến Mine Sema Kavlak và Dario M. Mercadante, 517 Làn đường lý tưởng, Đơn vị 205, $ 100.Fernando F. Nogueira, bất động sản, Fernando Nogueira, bất động sản, và Diane Moran, đại diện, cho Manuel Vital, Lower Brook Drive, 55.000 đô la.Gary M. Weiner, người được ủy thác, Jennifer A. Germain và Jennifer Germain đến Kenneth A. Butts, 38 Lyon St., 20.000 đô la.Trường hợp Howard William và Trường hợp Paul Edward cho Trường hợp Joanne Ruth, 62 Chapin Greene Drive, $ 82.000.NSP Cư dân LLC, đến Shawn N. Thompson và Kristina M. Thompson, 15 Victor St., $ 148,906.Shawn N. Thompson và Kristina M. Thompson đến NSP Cư dân LLC, 15 Victor St., $ 115.000.Nationstar HECM Acquisition Trust 2018-3, ủy thác và Hội Tiết kiệm Wilmington, ủy thác, đến Beth Ann Lemek, 183 Thuộc địa, $ 245.000.Trường trungElaine D. Gorham và Elaine D. McNealy cho Michael F. Huard, 45 Chester Road $ 232.500.Roger E. Pagerey, Catherine P. P. Gray, Roger E. Pagery và Catharine P. P. Gray đến John P. Waldheim và Rebecca A. Cachat, 139 Arthur Pease Road, 360.000 USD.MontagueMary E. Johnson và Shawn Johnson tới Crystalyn April Russell, 100 giây St., 250.000 đô la.Giáo dụcWright Builders Inc., đến Jamie Elkin và Virginia Elkin, 11 Ford Crossing, $ 693,472.Bệnh viện Hill Development LLC và Cơ quan tài chính phát triển Massachusetts cho Wright Builders Inc., 23 Ford Crossing, 80.000 đô la.Margaret Agatha Eakin, bất động sản, và Theresa Meckel, đại diện cá nhân, đến Pil-Won On, 705 Fairway Village, $ 212.000.Kinda Oberwager và Silas Peno cho Andrew J. Fleming, 34 Cahillane Terrace, 242.500 đô la.Patrick J. Joyce và Terry A. Joyce cho Julia Brown và Howard A. Eiland, 55 Winterberry Lane, $ 545.000.Patrick J. Melnik, người được ủy thác, Beaver Brook Nominee Trust và Patrick J. Melnik Sr., người được ủy thác, đến Nu-Way Homes Inc., 48 Chestnut Avenue Extension, 36.250 đô la.Nu-Way Homes Inc., đến Shawn Willey và Sandra Willey, 48 Hạt dẻ mở rộng, $ 490.000.Emerson Way LLC, đến Suzanne Allen và Arlene Duelfer, 193 Emerson Way, 132.500 đô la.Simon T. Pollock, Simon T. Pollock, đại diện cá nhân, và Barbara P. Tytell, bất động sản, đến Deirdre Sabina Knight, 99 Massasoit St., $ 490.000.Sturbridge Development LLC, đến Lana Gallagher, 19 Higgins Way, $ 599,750.Ethan Vandermark, Ashley Niles Vandmark và Ashley Niles đến Timothy Pitkin và Shaun S. McLean, 11 School St., 525.000 USD.Tadeusz J. Grygorcewicz, Sophie Grygorcewicz, Mary Laband và Zofia Grygorcewicz đến Ana Arregui và Maria Biezma Garrido, 17 Highland Ave., $ 299.900.Linda L. Adams và Linda A. Langlais đến Deryk X. Langlais, người được ủy thác và gia đình Langlais Không thể thu nhập chỉ có thể thu nhập, 72 Lake St., 225.000 đô la.trái camBrock P. Allen đến Newlife LLC, 31 Ball St., $ 110.000.Patricia Mendiola cho Chủ quyền Tập đoàn Von Buren Realty, Inc., 35 & 37 High St., 15.000 USD.PalmerEdward J. Smith đến Syed Hashmi, 15 Barlow St., 100.000 đô la.Karen King, đại diện, và Gordon H. Christiansen, bất động sản, đến Nicholas North, Mason St., $ 29.000.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Tập đoàn chứng khoán tài sản có cấu trúc 2007-TCI, ủy thác của Alex Peterson, 3065 High St., $ 65,010.Bồ nôngElizabeth A. Blumgarten và Elizabeth A. Blumgarten Tin tưởng có thể hủy bỏ đối với Alison Annes và Todd Annes, 12 Harkness Road, $ 380.000.RussellCarla E. Gesek đến Travis Walker và Amy Walker, 170 South Quarter Road, $ 116.000.Scott S. Vanden-Bulcke đến Timothy Brewster, 678 đường General Knox, 242.000 đô la.ShelburneRichard L. Caldwell Ủy thác có thể hủy ngang, Richard Lloyd Caldwell động sản, hay còn gọi là Richard Richard Caldwell động sản, tạm biệt là Richard Richard Caldwell, Faith C. Caldwell, đại diện cá nhân và ủy thác, đến Hilltown Lodge LLC, 904 Mohawk Trail, $ 310.000.Nam HadleySDJ Realty LLC, đến Kevin Haczynski, 26 Lamb St., $ 155.000.Kevin Haczynski đến Michael Kuhn, 26 Lamb St., $ 182.500.Douglas N. Vanderpoel và Deborah A. Vanderpoel đến Douglas N. Vanderpoel, Phố Morgan, 100 đô la.Kathleen M. Cole và Paul D. Boudreau, luật sư thực tế, đến Lucy M. Conley và Christopher H. Conley, 1 Burnett Ave., $ 275,000.SouthamptonConstance C. Baron, Kathleen A. Archambeault, ủy thác, Bonnie M. Ledoux, ủy thác, Tuyên bố ủy thác của Armond J. Baron và Armond J. Baron Không thể tin tưởng đối với Joseph A. Baron và Janet E. Baron, 9 Pomeroy Meadow Road, 165.000 USD .Richard P. Gwinner, Edward H. Gwinner Jr., Ronald D. Gwinner, Karen Bowman, Paul Wagner, Lucille F. Metcalf, Lucille G. Metcalf, Susan L. Teffar, Phòng trưng bày Nancy, Robert L. Goyer, Barbara M. Laflam , đại diện cá nhân, và Robert E. Baker, bất động sản, đến Barbara M. Laflam, Cook Road và County Road, 148.313 đô la.NamwickLillian J. knowlton cho Robert Lee Evans Jr., và Heike Schmalstieg, 53 Rosewood Lane, Đơn vị E-4, 139.599 đô la.SpringfieldAlonzo Williams đến Delroy Gayle, 16 Pickett Place, 50.000 đô la.Angel L. Cartagena và Louis G. Lopilato-Cartagena đến Fallah Razzak, 1021 Carew St., 105.500 đô la.Burke St. LLC và Burke Street LLC, đến Round Two LLC, 28 Burke St., 105.000 đô la.Cig4 LLC, đến Roberto Rodriguez Pellot, 127 Massachusetts Ave., 155.000 đô la.Constance A. White to Hector Concepcion, 1333 Trang Boulevard, $ 137.500.Daniel Beauregard đến Payton Rawls, 62 Kensington Ave., $ 210.000.David E. Smith, người đại diện, và Kathleen M. Smith, bất động sản, đến Pamela J. O HãyNeil, 131 Hartford Terrace, 218.000 đô la.Công ty Đầu tư Đại lộ Đông, đến 162 Đông LLC, 162 Đông Ave., $ 425.000.Erica N. Alvarez đến Jevaughn McMillan, 16-18 Hampden St., 180.000 USD.Homestead Connections LLC, đến Miguel A. Mejia Polanco, 44 Melville St., $ 185,000.Janet E. Matusewicz đến Zakaria Saleh, 108 Silas St., 90.000 USD.Janet S. Crum, James E. Crum và Matthew L. Crum cho Gregory Charles Parrott, 27 Vail St., 135.000 đô la.Jeffrey L. Brown, Jeffery L. Brown và Christa Brown đến Christa Brown, 261 Greenaway Drive, 100 đô la.Josefina Forestier và Javier Vasquez đến Carlos M. Pena và Maria C. Pena, 218-220 Orange St., $ 171.500.Joseph S. Bruno đến Arelys Romero và Juan Romero III, 24 Warrenton St., 180.000 USD.Lachenauer LLC, đến Kevin D. Tran và Viet Trung T. Dang, 16 Nelson Ave., $ 140.300.Leon Woods đến Caleb M Mattsson-Boze và Colleen D. Mattsson-Boze, 21 Wellesley St., $ 189.900.Manuel C. Salgado và Maria H. Salgado đến Sun Flynn và Thomas Flynn, 51 Kosciusko St., $ 159.900.Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., ủy thác và HSI Asset Securization Corp Trust 2006-WMC1, ủy thác của Juan Santana, 84 Goodrich St., 84.900 đô la.Cho thuê Onota LLC, đến Elias Severino, 110 Gilman St., $ 185.000.Liên đoàn cho vay mua nhà liên bang Corp, đến Ahmed Al Jashaam, 33 Berkeley St., $ 85.000.Patriot Living LLC, đến Whitney L. Serrano, 12 Santa Barbara St., 164.800 đô la.Ravin S. Acharya và Dika Devi Karki đến Luis Figueroa-Ortega, 236 West Allen Ridge Road, $ 173.000.SA Capital Group LLC, đến Bretta Construction LLC, Seymour Avenue, 25.000 đô la.Stella L. Blakeborough đến Cig4 LLC, 782 Sumner Ave., $ 87.000.Tina M. Cordi đến Ibrahim Abdi và Rumbila Abdullahi, 15 Hazen St., 199.900 USD.Tony M. Taylor, đại diện, Charles Lester Taylor, bất động sản, và Charles L. Taylor, bất động sản, đến Alycar Investments LLC, 97-99 Norfolk St., $ 119.000.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và BCAT 2016-18TT, ủy thác của Emmanuel Tete-Donkor, 115 Rosewell St., $ 171.000.Virginai Ellis Golemba đến Harsh Ashokkumar Patel, 892-898 Main St., 350.000 USD.Ngân hàng Wells Fargo, ủy thác và Dòng tín dụng cho vay thế chấp Carrington 2006-NC3, ủy thác của Miles Alden Business Agency LLC, 240 Center St., 65.000 đô la.Ngân hàng Wells Fargo đến William Thomas Raleigh, 166 Garland St., $ 117,11.William R. Herman đến Jeffrey P. Bouyea, 89 Harrow Road, $ 215.000.Wolfpack Realty Corp, đến James McCarthy, 11 Penrose St., $ 159.900.Chủ nhậtPaul Stavropulos, Grace Stavropulos và Honeylyne Grace Teruel đến Chiu Sik Wu và Weiai Xu, 145 Plumtree Road, $ 590.000.Goodyear Family Revocable Trust, Joan E. Goodyear, ủy thác, đến Martha E. Lorantos và Thomas W. Partington, 22 North Silver Lane, 478.000 đô la.TollandỦy ban Tiêu đề Pháp lý ROF III Hoa Kỳ 2015-1, ủy thác và Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ, ủy thác, đến Castle 2020 LLC, 272 Meadow Drive, $ 35,400.đồRuby Realty LLC, đến Joseph O. Critelli và Amanda L. Pare, 95 Babcock Tavern Road, $ 299.000.Công ty TNHH PJC Realty MA Inc., đến Walgreen Eastern Co Inc., 139 West St., $ 1,300,000.Walgreen Eastern Co Inc., và Walgreen Co., cho Ware Equity Partners LLC, 139 West St., $ 680,000.Hẻm núiErica Cooke và Kevin M. Cooke đến Jacob Cooke, 60 đường Athol, $ 188.000.Tây SpringfieldBrian S. Brady và Christina M. Brady đến Nathan E. Staples, 51 Lantern Lane, 336.000 đô la.Donald J. Donahue cho Anthony J. Iennaco và Trisha Fisher, 99 Forris St., $ 254.900.Fallah Razzak và Shakira Lubega đến Joseph T. Martin và Sara L. Edwards, 340 Amostown Road, 220.000 USD.Geraldine Theresa Racicot đến Vòng Hai LLC, 193 Bosworth St., $ 145.000.Paul K. Blankenburg, đại diện, và Amy Blankenburg, bất động sản, đến Manchester Enterprises LLC, 156 Upper Beverly Hills, 80.000 đô la.Vincent T. Bovino và Robin M. Bovino cho Matthew J. Plasse và James Matthew Plasse, 106 Greystone Ave., 240.900 đô la.WestfieldBethany E. Hết sức với Julie Cuttell, 5 Maplewood Ave., $ 176.000.Carlos Bolivar Bermejo Tenesaca và Luz Mila Neira Tenesaca cho Andrea Strom và William Metzger, Vòng tr��n 52 Marla, 452.400 USD.Hiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang và Fannie Mae đến Thomas Kowalski, 1779 Granville Road, $ 203,023.David S. Weaver và Wendy J. Weaver cho William E. Leavy và Libby A. Leavy, 3 Locust St., $ 224.500.Evelyn Tirado đến Jennifer L. Bennett, 243 Southwick Road, 232.500 đô la.F H B Realty LLP, Heather Cassell và Edward Cassell IV cho Brian Robert Rucki, 1430 Russell Road Đơn vị 7, $ 117.500.Frances A. Slasienski đến Robert R. Morin, 55 Woodside sân thượng $ 262.500.Joanne Tirrell, đại diện, và David R. Strong, bất động sản, cho Cheryl Giusti và Brian Giusti, 38 Dickens Drive, 205.000 đô la.Laurence N. Brady, Mary Lee Brady và Mary L. Brady đến Kathleen R. Brady, 39 Old Feed Hills Road, 200.000 USD.Liên đoàn cho vay mua nhà liên bang Corp, đến Bohdan Balandyuk, 95 Đại lộ Beveridge, $ 140.000.Sinh La và Max La đến Richard E. Clark Jr., và Gina L. Clark, 16 Clinton Ave., 150.000 đô la.Wilbraham2301 Boston Road LLC, đến Leonard S. Remaly và Michelene C. Remaly, 20 Lodge Lane, $ 411,056.Daniel J. Kelley và Daniel J. Kelly đến Michelle T. Gallien, 931 Main St., $ 230.000.Mary A. Michaud, đại diện, Stanley John Trzeciak, bất động sản, và Stanley J. Trzeciak, bất động sản, đến Franklin D. Quigley Jr., và Mary Jo Troy Quigley, 12 High Pine Circle, $ 292.500.Mathew N. Chaplin và Daylin A. Chaplin đến Jack McIntyre và Jordan Walczak, 870 Stony Hill Road, $ 275,000.Susan T. McDiarmid cho Craig M. Healy và Tracey Ann Healy, 10 Winterberry Drive, 480.000 đô la.[ad_2] Nguồn
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Top 5 Estate Towns in South Shore for investing in Real Estate Properties
When it comes to purchasing real estate in the South Shore of Massachusetts, it is important for property buyers to keep a number of factors at the back of their mind. To begin with, they must first identify their real estate requirements and then search for a property accordingly. For instance, home buyers can search for different types of real estate properties such as condo, foreclosure properties, colonial homes, ranches etc. In addition to this, it is also important to consult a professional and reputed real estate property consultancy that can guide and support you in your home buying decision. However, apart from the above reasons, property buyers must also identify the best places to search for homes. Here, discover more about the top 5 towns in the South Shore where one can find the best real estate properties. Top 5 South Shore Towns for Buying Real Estate Many towns in South Shore have dropped their home prices to make real estate investment affordable. In fact, if you are searching for South Shore homes for sale then you can very well search for real estate properties in areas such as Marshfield, Hull and Weymouth. As far as Weymouth is concerned, the prices of homes in the region have dropped by about 3percent in the last five years. Many buyers were able to purchase homes in the range of $250,000- $300,000 for three- and four-bedroom real estate properties. On the other hand, Marshfield is another area where there was a massive drop in sales by about 17.9 percent in the month of January in 2020. This has allowed the real estate buyers to invest in rehab projects and negotiate deals in their favour. Apart from this, the prices of South Shore real estate properties in Hull have also dropped by more than 10.4% in the last five years. It is worth noting that the average price for homes in Hull in the month of May last year was $477,176, which clearly indicates a drop. This has provided property buyers with some opportunities to buy homes in their preferred locations at affordable prices. In addition to this, buyers who are specifically searching for pre-foreclosure homes, auction or even foreclosure real estate properties can go to Plymouth. It must be noted that on the 1st of May in 2019, many pre-foreclosure homes and even auction as well as foreclosure properties were available for sale. Quincy is yet another area for the South Shore Real Estate affordable property buying opportunities. Sales, in the region had depreciated by 25% over the last years. Besides, there are plenty of distressed real estate homes available in the town. According to a report, there were almost 189 Duxbury real estate homes listed as pre-foreclosed, bank-owned and auction properties. Based on your investment needs and objectives, there are quite a few towns in South Shore where you can buy real estate properties at reasonable prices. In case you need the best South Shore real estate properties, then you check with real estate professionals at southshoresir.com to understand the latest trends as well as investment opportunities in the region.
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In Game:
Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish-born scientist, inventor, engineer, and innovator who was credited with inventing the first practical telephone. He was on friendly terms with Henry Green, who nicknamed him, "Aleck".
In 1868, Green introduced the twin Assassins Jacob and Evie Frye to Bell, who brought to him a broken grappling hook pistol acquired from Rexford Kaylock. Bell modified the mechanism so it could be attached to the Assassin Gauntlet as a rope launcher. In return, Evie volunteered to assist Bell in mending broken fuses atop the Elizabeth Tower for the telegraph line being set up against the Starrick Telegraph Company. While traveling to the Palace of Westminster, she also suggested to Bell that the phonetic telegraph he desired to invent could be renamed as the telephone. After the new fuses were installed, Bell created a formula for smoke bombs to be used by the Assassins. Returning to his workshop, Bell showed Jacob the first messages of his invention and was able to procure a second rope launcher for him.
Much later, Bell installed a dart mechanism in Jacob and Evie's gauntlets, allowing them to fire darts containing a hallucinogenic serum, which would turn into gas form upon contact with heat. The twins further assisted him by recovering cable lines taken by the Blighters in the College Wharf and informed him of a poison shipment from Starrick.
Starrick then offered Bell a huge amount of money to coax him to his side. Bell inadvertently refused; aware of what the Blighters were capable of, he created voltaic bombs, should he use it to stun assailants if the need arose. He offered prototypes and protective insulators to the Frye twins, hoping that they would test it for him to get the right formula. The opportunity came as the infuriated Blighters arrived. As Bell delayed the enemy gang with his talk, the twins tested the voltaic bombs on them.
Together with the twins, they headed to the telegraph station to prevent Starrick from spreading false information to the city and show them the truth regarding the Templars' operations. Bell destroyed three telegraph machines to cripple Starrick's plans.
In Real Life:
Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3rd, 1847 to Professor Alexander Melville Bell, a phonetician Eliza Grace (née Symonds). He had two brothers: Melville James Bell and Edward Charles Bell, both of whom would die of tuberculosis.
As a child, Bell displayed a natural curiosity about his world, resulting in gathering botanical specimens as well as experimenting even at an early age. He also showed a sensitive nature and a talent for art, poetry, and music that was encouraged by his mother. His best friend was Ben Herdman, a neighbor whose family operated a flour mill, the scene of many forays. Young Bell asked what needed to be done at the mill. He was told wheat had to be dehusked through a laborious process and at the age of 12, Bell built a homemade device that combined rotating paddles with sets of nail brushes, creating a simple dehusking machine that was put into operation and used steadily for a number of years. In return, Ben's father John Herdman gave both boys the run of a small workshop in which to "invent".
As a young child, Bell, like his brothers, received his early schooling at home from his father. At an early age, he was enrolled at the Royal High School, Edinburgh, Scotland, which he left at the age of 15, having completed only the first four forms. His school record was undistinguished, marked by absenteeism and lackluster grades. His main interest remained in the sciences, especially biology. He attended the University of Edinburgh around age eighteen or nineteen; joining his older brother Melville who had enrolled there the previous year. In 1868, not long before he departed for Canada with his family, Bell completed his matriculation exams and was accepted for admission to University College London.
(Image Source)
It was around this time that he started to experiment with sound, particularly with speech. He helped his father in Visible Speech demonstrations and lectures, which brought Bell to Susanna E. Hull's private school for the deaf in South Kensington, London. His first two pupils were deaf-mute girls who made remarkable progress under his tutelage.
After the death of one of his brothers, the Bell family moved to Canada, where he set up a workshop and continued his experiments with sound and electricity. He also modified a melodeon (a type of pump organ) so that it could transmit its music electrically over a distance.
Bell's father was invited by Sarah Fuller, principal of the Boston School for Deaf Mutes (which continues today as the public Horace Mann School for the Deaf), in Boston, Massachusetts, United States, to introduce the Visible Speech System by providing training for Fuller's instructors, but he declined the post in favor of his son. Travelling to Boston in April 1871, Bell proved successful in training the school's instructors. He was subsequently asked to repeat the program at the American Asylum for Deaf-mutes in Hartford, Connecticut, and the Clarke School for the Deaf in Northampton, Massachusetts.
Several influential people of the time, including Bell, viewed deafness as something that should be eradicated, and also believed that with resources and effort, they could teach the deaf to speak and avoid the use of sign language, thus enabling their integration within the wider society from which many were often being excluded. Owing to his efforts to suppress the teaching of sign language, Bell is often viewed negatively by those embracing Deaf culture.
Bell became professor of Vocal Physiology and Elocution at the Boston University School of Oratory. During this period, he alternated between Boston and Brantford, spending summers in his Canadian home. At Boston University, Bell was "swept up" by the excitement engendered by the many scientists and inventors residing in the city. He continued his research in sound and endeavored to find a way to transmit musical notes and articulate speech, but although absorbed by his experiments, he found it difficult to devote enough time to experimentation. Deciding to give up his lucrative private Boston practice, Bell retained only two students, six-year-old "Georgie" Sanders, deaf from birth, and 15-year-old Mabel Hubbard.
By 1874, Bell's initial work on the harmonic telegraph had entered a formative stage, with progress made both at his new Boston "laboratory" (a rented facility) and at his family home in Canada a big success. While working that summer in Brantford, Bell experimented with a "phonautograph", a pen-like machine that could draw shapes of sound waves on smoked glass by tracing their vibrations. Bell thought it might be possible to generate undulating electrical currents that corresponded to sound waves.
In 1875, Bell developed an acoustic telegraph and drew up a patent application for it. Since he had agreed to share U.S. profits with his investors Gardiner Hubbard and Thomas Sanders, Bell requested that an associate in Ontario, George Brown, attempt to patent it in Britain, instructing his lawyers to apply for a patent in the U.S. only after they received word from Britain (Britain would issue patents only for discoveries not previously patented elsewhere).
Meanwhile, Elisha Gray was also experimenting with acoustic telegraphy and thought of a way to transmit speech using a water transmitter. On February 14, 1876, Gray filed a caveat with the U.S. Patent Office for a telephone design that used a water transmitter. That same morning, Bell's lawyer filed Bell's application with the patent office. There is considerable debate about who arrived first and Gray later challenged the primacy of Bell's patent. Bell was in Boston on February 14th and did not arrive in Washington until February 26th.
Bell's patent 174,465, was issued to Bell on March 7, 1876, by the U.S. Patent Office. Bell returned to Boston the same day and the next day resumed work, drawing in his notebook a diagram similar to that in Gray's patent caveat.
On March 10th, 1876, three days after his patent was issued, Bell succeeded in getting his telephone to work, using a liquid transmitter similar to Gray's design. Vibration of the diaphragm caused a needle to vibrate in the water, varying the electrical resistance in the circuit.
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Although Bell was, and still is, accused of stealing the telephone from Gray, Bell used Gray's water transmitter design only after Bell's patent had been granted, and only as a proof of concept scientific experiment, to prove to his own satisfaction that intelligible "articulate speech" (Bell's words) could be electrically transmitted. After March 1876, Bell focused on improving the electromagnetic telephone and never used Gray's liquid transmitter in public demonstrations or commercial use.
After the invention of the telephone, Bell also invented the photophone (which he believed to be his greatest achievement), an early version of a metal detector, and made contributions to hydrofoils and aeronautics.
Bell died of complications arising from diabetes on August 2nd, 1922, at his private estate in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, at age 75. He was buried atop Beinn Bhreagh mountain, on his estate where he had resided increasingly for the last 35 years of his life, overlooking Bras d'Or Lake. He was survived by his wife Mabel (his former student), his two daughters, Elsie May and Marian, and nine of his grandchildren.
Drunk History, if you can believe it ;)
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The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me: The Brand New Album That Changed Emo Forever
Dusting 'Em Off is a rotating, free-form feature that revisits a classic album, film, or moment in pop-culture history. This week, Nina Corcoran tacklesBrand New's game-changing third studio album with the help of Manchester Orchestra, Kevin Devine, and mewithoutYou.
When Brand New released their third studio album, no one expected it to change as many things as it did. And, to be fair, it was hard to recognize its impact in real time. On November 21, 2006, the Long Island four-piece - singer and guitarist Jesse Lacey, lead guitarist Vincent Accardi, bassist Garrett Tierney, and drummer Brian Lane - released The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me, an album so full of ferocity and life that every indication of what it offered - the melodramatic title, the unsettling artwork, the suggestive song names - barely scratched the surface of what laid within. It's their longest album, clocking in just shy of an hour, and yet it feels like the fastest, the most complete, the most swift in moving the listener from one horrid place to another and back again. The album guts the band and the listener simultaneously, and in the process, Brand New trashed predispositions about what it meant to gut yourself in that fashion, to rip your heart off your sleeve, cut an incision down the middle, and encourage passersby to starefor as long as they pleased.
Looking back, Brand New ended the need to feel ashamed for connecting to emo. The early 2000s saw pop punk shift into a whinier era, but the band optednot to follow, marking a change in what it meant to support a genre that was so very easy to taunt. Blink-182 profited from juvenile humor. Fueled by Ramen idolized the rise of adolescent lyricism. My Chemical Romance found an audience for over-the-top theatrics. The first half of that decade became a place where emo music lost the edge of Sunny Day Real Estate and American Football's ability to grapple with rectitude. It became a genre of revenge lyrics, of comically dramatic ultimatums, of predictable hooks worth replaying because of the comforts familiarity offers. Frankly, Brand New only fit into the definitions of pop punk and emo because of their debut LP, Your Favorite Weapon, and shortly after abandoned the genre's usual definition. But they held tight to the emotional honesty of their lyrics come 2003's Deja Entendu and brought an even sharper knife to their tongues when crafting the words for their third LP, carrying their fanbase on an evolution of sound that encouraged countless other bands to reach beyond their genres, too.
The album prioritizes hearing music first and words second (a comical choice given the number of people who ink its lyrics into their skin) to emphasize its larger themes. It's not really tied to Satan (2013's vinyl reissue with 666 copies in redexcluded) or spiritual respite, but rather self-doubt, the grievances of loss, and how to reckon with personal struggles when they claw from within - things that must be felt before they can be described. Pop punk is built on being able to yell lyrics back in a band's face. Emo is made for jotting lyrics down and sighing. With The Devil and God, Brand New surpassed these genres and, with that, the ways to listen to them by viciously cranking the volume and getting experimental, bringing theremin and strings into the mix. It raised the bar not just for listeners, but for the band themselves. It is an important record and piece of work to us, Lacey wrote on Facebookthis summer, and one that 10years later we still use as a measuring post with which we compare the music we make now.
Singer-songwriter Kevin Devine became close friends with Lacey in 2000. In the years between Deja Entendu and Devil and God, they traded stories, supporting one another during troubledtimes and listening through tricky career steps. There was a time we went to Sapone's house, and two of the Goddamn Band members - Mike Skinner who played keyboards that nightand Margaret White who played violin - and I played bass and we tracked a super early sketch of 'You Won't Know', which must be floating around on a hard drive, Devine says over the phone. For me, it wasn't like, 'Are they making Dark Side of the Moon but for emo?' These were just my friends making cool songs, but it definitely felt like an awareness of a movement forward. The prior record wasn't frivolous in any way, but these songs were more serious, more formidable, they demanded to be reckoned. Brand New advanced as arrangers.
Whereas Deja Entendu took four months between the recording sessions and the release of the album, The Devil and God took over a year and a half from when they first entered the recording studios in March of 2005. Brand New took their time figuring out how to capture these communal feelings. It started in Oxford, Mississippi, where the four met up with Dennis Herring (Modest Mouse, Ben Folds), but they quickly backed out of recording with him because of prices and timing, despite Herring understanding what they wanted to capture on record. Instead, they turned to Mike Sapone, the producer behind Your Favorite Weapon, who brought them to a farm in Massachusetts; Cove City in Nassau County, New York; and his own home studio to record what would become the final version of The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me.
Sapone encouraged the four to push these feelings and, in turn, the instrumentation that feeds them. The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me follows through on the sonic extremesit suggests. Desolate, dense guitars intro one song before flipping entirely, a type of musical bipolarness. It begins with Sowing Season, an accessible track with foreboding desperation about losing friends that smashes its quiet verses with blaringchoruses. Brand New suddenly embrace dynamics attheir zenith. A gorgeous drum fill will cut just in time for each instrument to come slamming down. What was forcibly quiescent has awoken, especially on You Won't Know, a song that allows the band to unleash something too evil to sketch and calls for the listener's own rage to take reign. Brand New is on a path of edification by ripping themselves to pieces, balancing soft and loud with impossible dramatics, foregoing summation entirely.
Photo by Heather Kaplan
Devine's first experience with the album was during a drive from Phoenix to Austin, alone. I bought the record on iTunes that morning and The Essential Leonard Cohen. That was all I listened to, he laughs. I had never heard 'Jesus' - I don't know if that was on purpose, like Jesse being like, 'Wait until he hears this one' - and I listened to that song probably 14 times in a row. I remember that vividly, thinking that was the best song they had ever written. Songwriting-wise, it is slow, nuanced, the hook is great, there's that faint nod to Modest Mouse with the harmonic bend in the chorus. I was really, really, really impressed. It's a songwriting song - emotionally, educationally, intellectually, structurally, in every way. Then there was 'You Won't Know', which was gnarly. But 'Degausser' was the one that was wild. I knew this guy well, we shared all the buttons in our lives, but I felt like I was eavesdropping on something when I listened to that song. I still do.
For others, their first listen wasn't an intimate moment, but one of shared overwhelmingness. The first time I heard it, we were in Jesse's rental car, driving to go buy a guitar, Manchester Orchestra frontman Andy Hull tells me over the phone. It was August of 2006. Manchester Orchestra and Brand New mastered their albums within two weeks of one another. The moment Lacey received Devil and God in the mail, he encouraged Hull to listen with him. He listened to it with the volume completely turned up, it couldn't go up any louder, and I just remember thinking, 'This is super loud. I wish he would turn it down so I can figure out what was going on.' But once I adjusted, and was like alright, this is how we're going to listen to this record, I just remember going, 'Man, what a step. What a huge step.'
That shuddering volume wasn't a trick of the studio. It's man-made, and it's still just as present in today's live shows as it was back then. I remember we came in when they were doing a soundcheck at a show in Berlin, mewithoutYou guitarist Mike Weiss says over the phone. It was a pretty small club, but you could just tell that this music was going to be way too huge to be contained. And lo and behold, that turned out to be quite true.
That severity was in part the exasperation of numerous failed songwriting sessions. It began when Brand New wrote new songs in early 2004, but delayed recording them in order to return to daily life after years of touring. When they regrouped in late 2005, they found themselves distanced from the songs, many of which carried a different tone or structure than the material they hoped to now create. Brand New got to work on a new set of songs yet again, but come January of 2006, nine of those untitled demos leaked online. Upset at the thought of unfinished songs landing in the hands of fans, the band reworked four demos - two for the album proper (Untitled 8 became Sowing Season and Untitled 6 became Luca) and two for later B-sides (Untitled 7 became Fork and Knife and Untitled 3 became Brothers) - and scrapped the rest, writing a new set of material for the third time, this final set thatwould play out in Sapone's studios.
That ferocity paid off. Devil and God wretches like it's going to hurl, slushing a mix of unprecedented rage and self-disgust that is, unfortunately, relatable. During one of their 2007 tours, Brand New closed with instrumental track Welcome to Bangkok and asked the other bands to join them onstage to double its volume. It was a rally cry for the distraught, and Hull, specifically, was asked to kick off the song on acoustic guitar. For a 19-year-old kid, to be starting the encore? It was trippy, says Hull. It was very idiot savant: soundcheck, day of, 'Hey, can you learn this part?' So all of a sudden I'm playing one song and then it was, 'Oh, there's actually this guitar part that we need somebody else, too.' At that point, I realized these guys are aiming for something that's really grand. And they're achieving it; it's inspiring.
That's when it became clear: This wasn't a band whining about suburban woes. Their Deja Entendu days of youthful, emotional intellectualism had passed. This was the sound of emo taking on a new form while simultaneously shedding the genre altogether. It's interpersonal bravery that comes with confronting oneself, the therapeutic confessionals of depression, and the quiet rage that accompanies fear, loss, and the unknown. The rhythm section alone howls with rigidity and recklessness. He'll come in on a song and, to this day, I still can't pinpoint exactly when his part's coming, Weiss says of drummer Brian Lane. Usually, as a musician, you can listen to music and get in touch with when parts will come in based on where you are in the song and what measure, but ultimately this guy is putting down parts that no other drummer I can think of would do.
Photo by David Brendan Hall
Degausser and Sowing Season, two of Devil and God's scariest - truly, scary - tracks, were written spontaneously by the whole band. As iconic as Lacey's blood-curling screams are, it's Tierney and Lane's parts that drive the songs' seasickness. Just look at Millstone, a song with guitar groans that don't quite mimic sirens until the hollow march of the drums and bass thunder during the outro. They broke down traditional song structure and replaced it with something manic. Brand New settled the discussion: They weren't an emo band. They were a rock band purging every emotion that ever harmed them.
It just exemplifies what Nirvana did for mainstream music in the early '90s with Nevermind, says Weiss. I feel like that record kind of acted as sort of pioneering watermark for musical genres that existed in our country in the world really. It broke the barrier of 'our music just meant for this subculture.' It's much bigger than the 'emo' music scene. They've obviously come along and they've destroyed that entire limitation, that boundary, and that is the importance of that record. In this time of the early 2000s, with so much watered down musical content, they were trying to push things.
Brand New managed to shift musically while making their major label debut. Interscope Records released the album and with it no doubt prodded the band, but they held firm. They make their own space and they step into it seemingly without fear, says Devine. That isn't the same as fearlessly; everyone has trepidation and worry, and no band is faultless in that way, no matter how punk rock you think they are, but they had a willingness to pursue their vision.
With previous records, Brand New released singles after an album had dropped. With Devil and God, they allowed the label to release advance streams of Sowing Season (October 20, 2006) and Degausser (November 14, 2006). They performed on late night TV twice (Late Night with Conan O'Brien and The Late Show with David Letterman). Changes in publicity were made, but the label knew what they were doing. Devil and God charted on the Billboard 200.
Charting may seem casual now given the critical support it's garnered, but at the time, its creepiness seemed to have no place anywhere in mainstream circles. They are just dudes in flannel playing songs, but there's a drama in it. That's not a pejorative, it's a positive, says Devine. Jesse isn't afraid to tease with that, which is why the stakes, the recording component, and the reality behind it are dark. It's also dark from that feeling you get during 'Degausser' where you're pummeled and this unhinged yelling comes in. That's the soundtrack to a horror movie. You get the sense that the narrator is horrified by his experience, too.
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me was and still is a title of lengthy expectations, setting the tone for extreme thrashing, but it's the cover art that did the talking. The image is iconic, even among people uninterested in this genre of music, for its eerie contrast between a small girl and two masked figures lurking at the doorway of a house - which makes it even better that the photograph wasn't commissioned for the record. The piece, titled Untitled #44, comes from photographer Nicholas Prior's Age of Man collection. After seeing it on display in New York City, the band expressed interest in using it, but Prior declined access.
A few days later, [my dealer] Yossi [Milo] called me back, Prior explains over the phone. He told me that he'd tried to entice them with images by other artists, but that the band felt very strongly about using my photo. I found out who the band was, and they sent me an advance copy of the album, which is what sealed the deal. At some point, I was also told that no text would run over the image, which I thought really indicated their commitment to the image.
Commitment was an understatement. Brand New was entranced by Prior's work and had no intent of fracturing what he captured. Initially drawn to the surface-level creepiness, each member found himself fixated on different aspects of the photograph. I feel the place of power resides with the two people in the mask, but the girl seemed oddly calm in that situation, Lacey told BBC when asked why they chose it. The way she holds her arm and sleeve seems strange, like she does not know what's round the corner.
At the time he shot the image, Prior was interested in Freud and his writings on the uncanny, the cognitive dissonance someone feels when something is both comforting and discomforting. Certain elements of the photo - the chipping paint or the red berries, for example - contribute to the idea of the uncanny, but they weren't preconceived, says Prior. The slippers are, in a way, a lot more menacing than the dark overcoats or the rubber masks, because they are incongruous, they're misleading, which speaks more to the idea of the album title, too.
The truth is, The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me wasn't just an album that altered Brand New's trajectory. It altered the path of emo and alt-rock bands at large. It blurred genre lines and bolded something beyond the band. By abandoning the clichs of their previous full-lengths, Brand New found their own voice the way their idols did (see: Modest Mouse, Neutral Milk Hotel,Built to Spill), but in aspectacular fashion.
The bridge to 'Not the Sun' is maybe my favorite minute of music in their catalog, says Devine. Great bridges are not easy. Elliott Smith and Nada Surfhave always been talented at that. That's what I was impressed with, and I remember showing that record to my snobbier indie rock friends and telling them, 'You guys weren't right about this band.' I felt this need to explain the record to my friends not because I had to, but because I wanted to. It was impressive music that needed to be heard.
Despite this, Brand New refused to get big-headed. There was an east coast kind of camaraderie that we shared, says Weiss, laughing, looking back on their supporting tour with Thrice. We just had a lot of fun going back and forth with those dudes about the Mets and the Phillies - just to let you know, at that time, it really was the peak of the rivalry between those two teams - about how the Mets had choked, that last year they were toppled over by the Phillies. It was very inspiring to see a group of guys that were out there just doing such a great job with what they were doing musically but still balanced the stupid joys of life. It really was encouraging in a lot of ways.
Photo by Ben Kaye
Remembering the band's place in the world speaks to the album even more. Itsthemes didn't consume them; they overwhelmed them, and then they left, the way listeners themselves get wrapped tightly in past memories, struggle to free themselves from its rope, and then manage to cut free and return to the trivialities of life. A song like Luca begins delicately with long stretches of echo beneath it. Lacey takes his time getting to the peak, each of his words a demented bedtime story, before letting out a terrifying scream that, to this day, still catches listeners off guard. Brand New gave a voice to living nightmares and their power over the person, but they know to follow it with Untitled, an atmospheric number with jostled microphone sounds and distanced, unintelligible banter. The juxtaposition provides a break, but more so, it provides a trance, a loop of lonely guitar strums that raises a question: Is it better to lash out unexpectedly in a fit of anger, harming those around you, or to be swallowed whole by the indolence of dejection, harming yourself twice as much?
Jesse is a very clever songwriter, says Hull, speaking about his pairing of musical implications and lyrical markers. Like anybody who takes their time and really cares about their craft, I think he takes his time to make sure what he's saying is what he wants to say and is interesting enough to be heard.
At times, that means nodding to other texts, like a lyric lifted from Roky Erickson's Bloody Hammer for Degausser or a play on Rudyard Kipling's poem If for the second verse of Sowing Season. Other times, it means funneling nightmares into a seven-minute elegy. After reading about the death of local Katie Flynn, a seven-year-old girl killed by a drunk driver hours after serving as a flower girl in her aunt's wedding, Lacey couldn't shake the news story from his head. He wrote Limosine to tackle the accident from every perspective he could think of, and in the process, wrote some of his most haunting lyrics to date. (I'll never have to buy adjacent plots of earth/ We'll never have to rot together underneath dirt/ I'll never have to lose my baby in the crowd.)
Lyrically speaking, Jesse captures your heart a little bit more than most bands, because he's a relatable personality on stage, and he's definitely somewhat trustworthy, says Weiss. There's just a tenderness to Jesse's songs that makes you feel like he is sort of right there with you and questioning the same things that you're questioning and in awe of the things that you're in awe of - and he does it with such grace. The quality of his voice, too. It's so tender and then it can get so so intense and raw and real that it makes for a very charismatic but relatable frontman.
Lacey's words open themselves on Devil and God in a way previous records hadn't. Each band member faced illness and death in their family life, funerals becoming a numbing event by repetition alone, but Devil and God surfaces surface-level grief. As he continues to tackle the pain of relationships (Love's just God on a good day), the afterlife (Well Jesus Christ, I'm not scared to die, I'm a little bit scared of what comes after), religion (You're beating with a book everyone that book tells you to love), and abuse (Don't feed me scraps from your bed and I won't be the stray coming back just to be fed), his phrasing becomes cryptic, technically easy to break down but somehow possessing a deeper unrest.
When asked during interviews why the band turned towards darkness on this record, Lacey pointed towards the pitfalls of life: deaths in the family, adulthood responsibilities, the latent sadness of life itself. I hear people talk about writing songs being therapeutic, and I never really felt that until this record, hetold German publication Allschoolsin 2005. I understand finally what they meant. There were a lot of questions asked that I could deal with by writing these songs. No matter what the song is, that sense of heavy questioning, and peril from questioning, breathes underneath it.
Photo by Ben Kaye
At first, his lyrics could be cocky, a bit like Morrissey in that way, but then the songs on Devil and God got pretty, pretty personal and pretty spiritual, says Weiss. Every single person can admit that sometimes when you're laying in bed, you realize that you're completely, utterly alone in this world, you know that you came in that way and you're gonna leave that way. What else is there that actually is worth thinking about and searching for?
Lacey's not the only one penning rain clouds, either. Accardi wrote Handcuffs in addition to the music of Not the Sun and Welcome to Bangkok, but it's that album closer that brings a faux sense of a relief to the album. A viola and cello hum over porch-side guitars, creating the groundwork for pensive rumination, while Acardi's words tell a tale of inner unrest: I'd drown all these crying babies/ If I knew that their mothers wouldn't cry/ I'd hold them down and I'd squeeze real soft/ And let a piece of myself die/ It's hard to be the better man when you forget you're trying. It's the cost of being a hero paralleled to the urge of lashing out - a summation of every song before it and the greater sense that none of these questions have actually been answered, likely because the horrors that instigate them never sleep.
Devil and God's lyrics areinfamous for more than how they're sung. The CD comes with a collection of photos and phrases. Stamped at the end of the insert is Please send $1 to [address] for a complete copy of the lyrics. As the years passed and fans reached out, no one got their money's worth. It wasn't until April of last year, a whopping nine years later, that those who mailed a dollar to Brand New finally received lyric booklets in the mail (Excluding people, like myself, whose address of residency had since changed). In classic Brand New fashion, they were intricate and crafty, a reward well worth the wait, and they set aside additional copies on their merch table that year.
Brand New do procrastination better than any other band, says Hull, laughing. They're the best at it. They're the kings, undisputed. They shy away from press. They decline photo shoots. They see no rush in issuing physical copies - it wasn't until 2010 that they released Devil and God as a double vinyl LP, lyric sheet included - or a new line of t-shirts, made all the cheekier by naming their self-made record label Procrastinate! Music Traitors. But truth be told, what should be Brand New's downfall winds up waxing their allure. The authenticity laced in their work compensates for whatever wait fans endure.
Perhaps that's the greatest mark left by The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me: a fandom that refuses to quit. Even Prior still gets a steady stream of questions about the meaning of the photograph, though he never discloses identities of the people or the location out of respect for privacy. Once someone sent me a picture of a tattoo right after he'd gotten it, the skin still a little red and swollen, he says. What made me laugh was his note, which was rather succinct: 'I hope you appreciate this.'
Brand New opened the floodgates for emo and alt-rock acts that followed in their footsteps, but it's the expansion of songwriting structures, the emotional intensity paired with truly impressive guitar work, that fans can and do revert to a decade later. Growing up, one of the saddest truths to accept is an album's ability to fade. Life experiences and, more often the case, an increased breadth of music force listeners to listen differently. Songs lose their initial charm. Edgy cuts appear cheap. But in the rare case, there's a band from your adolescence that wrote songs not for a time frame, but for a growth frame.
In the case of Devil and God, these songs are about coming to terms with the power you can wield, even when you chose not to, and how viciously it tears you up inside. It's a dizzying rush, like chasing your own tail in an effort to both bite it and heal it, and for better or worse, the albumvoices that madness. It's a growth frame that cannot be outgrown, and no matter how well we disguiseit in the workplace, that's something that never quite ends.
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Các giao dịch bất động sản ở Massachusetts cho các hạt Hampden, Hampshire và Franklin, ngày 19 tháng 4 năm 2020 AgawamBarbara J. Giordano đến Crystal Melloni, 698 Mill St., $ 157,400.Brian P. Machos và Christine M. Machos đến Cristina M. Cintron và Jonathan Santiago, 36 Juniper Ridge Drive, $ 370.000.Gary E. Suffriti và Thomas D. Suffriti đến John Phillip Moccio và Keri Ann Moccio, 27 Cleveland St., $ 219.000.Gloria R. Albano đến Nicholas J. Biuso và Alison C. Biuso, 4 Haskell St., 240.000 USD.Jamison J. Quist, người được ủy thác và JMQ Realty Trust, người được ủy thác của Christopher Quigley, 16 Lealand Ave, $ 225.000.Jay Passerini đến Antonio P. Liquori Jr., 95 Dogwood Lane, Đơn vị 95, $ 194,900.Jean Cleveland, đại diện, và John Andrew Cleveland, bất động sản, cho Brian W. Elliott và Sarah J. Elliott, 116 Edward St., 100.000 đô la.John P. Paquette, đại diện, và Viola A. Smith, bất động sản, đến Moustaha Ibrahim Tahoun, 805 River Road, $ 142.500.Karen M. Brown và William J. Bates gửi Ashley K. Brodeur, 60 Liberty St., $ 227.900.Kenneth Peters và Pamela Peters cho David S. Weaver và Wendy J. Weaver, 97 James St., $ 235.000.Lottie May Chase đến FF Quality Realty LLC, 20 Annable St., $ 110.000.Marlene P. Harlin, Marlene Harlin và Paul Harlin cho Steven D. Hitchcock và Pamela J. Hitchcock, 123 Robin Ridge Drive, $ 390.000.Michael J. Depratti Jr., và Amy E. Depratti cho Jason S. Donaldson, người được ủy thác và Etabav Realty Trust, người được ủy thác của, 157 River Road, $ 126,251.Richard G. Schreiber cho Eric W. Lottermoser và Linda J. Lottermoser, 35 Thuộc địa Ave., $ 185.000.Scott E. Skolnick, quản trị viên, và Paulene L. Paquette, bất động sản, đến Moustaha Ibrahim Tahoun, 805 River Road, 7.500 đô la.AmherstMaeve Howett và M. Howett đến Frederik Baumgardt và Stella Dee, 15 Eames Ave., $ 570.000.Grey Street LLC, đến J. Curtis Shumway và Jacalyn S. Sexton, 236 North Pleasant St., $ 475.000.Barbara Gravin Wilbur và Alfred Wilbur đến Daniel Cook, 41 Pine Grove, $ 230.000.BelchertownJ.N. Duquette & Son Construction Inc., đến Rheal Duquette và Suzanne Duquette, Magnolia Lane, 405.000 USD.Nicholas E. Bernard đến Douglas Sourdiffe và Brittany Lamotte, 11 đường Blacksmith, $ 224,900.Maurice J. Lalumiere và Kimberly A. Lalumiere cho Daniel Veratti và Breanna Wardwell, 248 Stebbins St., $ 278.000.Nicholas J. Moynihan và Megan L. Moynihan đến Megan L. Moynihan, 51 Barton Ave., 100 đô la.BlandfordHiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang và Fannie Mae đến Donald Arel và Patricia Arel, 125 Chester Road, $ 162.000.Richard J. Dame đến Christopher C. Gibbs, 19 đường núi Cobble, $ 162.500.Stephanie A. Fontaine đến William B. Hull LLC, Đường 54 Gibbs, $ 900.000.CharlemontCatherine H. Newell Estate, Susan M. Annear, đại diện cá nhân, đến Paul D. Klemer, 245 Main St., 50.000 đô la.ChesterfieldErin M. McEnaney và Nicolas A. Frischer đến David W. Stratton, Leah R. Stratton và Sylvie Jensen, Đường chính 409, $ 418.000.Chicopee4 Perkins LLC, đến Công ty sản xuất Dwight Mill # 12 & 13 LLC, 165 Front St., Bài 12, $ 100.73 Chapin LLC, đến Anthony J. Wheeler và Lauren L. Wheeler, 73 Chapin St., $ 227.000.Brian P. Patrick, Carrie A Patrick và Carrie A. Manya đến Timothy L. Allen, 18 Cadieux Ave., $ 189.000.Byron M. Garcia đến Melissa S. Sanchez, 110 Southwick St., 175.000 USD.Gladysh Capital LLC, đến Nolava LLC, 7 Charbonneau Terrace, $ 1,355,000.Công ty sản xuất Dwight Mill # 12 & 13 LLC, tới 4 Perkins LLC, 165 Front St., $ 100.Joseph H. Lang, Trung Định và Tai Do đến Joseph H. Land, 14 Sullivan St., 25.000 USD.Naz Naji và Samina Naz mông cho James St. Hilaire và Nicole Marie St. Hilaire, 8 Caddyshack Drive, $ 315.000.Norman G. Barree đến Theodore L. Chagnon, 190 Stebbins St., $ 152,700.Russell G. Centerbar và Lynne E. Centerbar đến DW Com Prop LLC, 1492 Drive Drive, $ 390.000.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Ủy thác tham gia chính LSF9, ủy thác của Melissa Torres, 59 Wayfield Ave., $ 186,900.ColrainJo-Anne H. Sherburne và Phillips B. Sherburne đến Jessica L. Marden, Greenfield Road / Prolovich Road, 125.000 đô la.DeerfieldDonald J. Thorpe Estate, Darlene A. Thorpe, đại diện cá nhân, đến Amy Herfurth, 4 Porter St., 213.450 đô la.Donna Louise Blackney cho Robert D. Hallett và Debra A. LaBerge, 31 Thayer St., 270.000 đô la.Đông LongmeadowAmberly K. Matt đến Daniel Castro, 122 Triển vọng St., $ 252,900.Margaret A. Spinks đến Dominic Kirchner II, người được ủy thác và Kaydoke Realty Trust, người được ủy thác, 69 Lombard Ave., 74.000 đô la.Moltenbrey Builders LLC, đến Todd G. McCauley, 145 Porter Road, $ 390.000.Pandiarajan Gnanaprakasam và Anita Suriarajan cho Mario J. Tascon và Christina M. Gallagher, 202 Canterbury Circle, 392.500 đô la.TAScon Homes LLC, đến Jeffrey T. Hansen, 33 Lynwood Road, $ 163.000.Willam A. Townsend và Frances R. Townsend đến Cap Holdings LLC, 200 North Main St., Đơn vị 11, $ 130.000.William O. Kerr và Ebony Johnson đến John E. Chase, 6 Vòng hoa Ave., $ 225.000.Đông thànhMichael F. Huard đến Amy Kathryn Teffer và Mark Alexander Teffer, 57 Parsons St., $ 278.000.Eagle Home Users LLC, đến Rod Motamedi và Tonya Blundon, 14 Winter St., $ 285.000.Jessey Ina-Lee đến Donna M. Calacone, 25 Lazy D Drive, 385.000 đô la.Scott E. Wark và Carmen M. Wark cho Christopher Charles Barcomb và Kaitlin Estelle Barcomb, 42 Peloquin Drive, $ 224,900.XóaDonna L. Roy và Robert S. Roy đến Inge Breor và Richard T. Breor, 29 Forest St., $ 280.000.GranbyRobert T. Brisebois và Dawna Brisebois cho Martin Cepeda Jr., và Bethany Cepeda, 35 Lyn Drive, 240.000 đô la.Cánh đồng xanhAudredy McKemmie, bởi luật sư, hay còn gọi là Audrey McKemmie, bởi luật sư, David McKemmie, luật sư, cho Carl W. Johnson và Harriet Wilby, 5 Emily Lane, Đơn vị 5, $ 194.500.Denise Elwell và James Elwell đến Donna L. Roy, Sân thượng Princeton, Đơn vị 29, $ 100.000.Hayden T. Kanash và Emily R. Rowell đến Lorian A. Tonna Lamuniee, 11 Pickett Lane, 207.500 đô la.Meadows Café & Golf Centre Inc., đến Sheila Orecchio, 398 Deerfield St./Deerfield Street, 280.000 đô la.HatfieldJohn E. Ebbets đến Logan M. Ebbets, 140 Elm St., $ 265.000.Hà LanKeeley Hamblin, đại diện, và Jeanette Driscoll, bất động sản, đến Gregory T. Prentiss Sr., và Susan L. Prentiss, 55 Leno Road, 79.900 đô la.HolyokeAlbert E. Paone và Brenda A. Paone đến Blue Chip Building LLC, 101 Elm St., $ 1,080,000.Barry J. Lawlor, đại diện, và Brian J. Lawlor, bất động sản, cho Samuel Clement Gaskin và Elizabeth Ann Cashman, 44 Bay State Road, $ 185.000.Constance H. Reynold và Constance H. Lynch đến Raymond J. Lynch IV, 61 Harvard St., $ 100.Frances Irizarry đến Durand Đầu tư Bất động sản LLC, 97 Elm St., $ 80.000.Jenifer Gelineau và William I. Gussin cho Elizabeth Whynott, 256 Pine St., 112.900 đô la.Josue Andujar và Clarissa Fargas đến Durand Real Investments LLC, 95 Elm St., $ 67.500.Kendall J. Walsh đến Karen M. Nealon, Keith N. Walsh và Kendall J. Walsh, bất động sản, 71 Calumet Road, 100 đô la.Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., ủy thác và Nhóm nổi tiếng abs Inc. Series 2007-A, ủy thác của Zebunnis Haq và Nisar Ahmad Miakhail, 615 Hampden St., 65.000 đô la.HuntingtonKatie L. Boisseau, Philip W. Boisseau và Katie L. Boulanger cho Robert T. Brisebois và Dawna Brisebois, 25 đường Montgomery, 240.000 đô la.LongmeadowLiên minh các giáo đoàn chính thống đến Mohammad J. Bhuyan, 1197 Converse St., $ 235.000.James Grimaldi và Laurie J. Grimaldi cho Christopher Askins và Amber Nicole Berberich, 75 Maple Road, 307.000 đô la.Marcus Cary Imes và Priscilla Anne Kirt đến Marleigh Erin Felsenstein và Cody Richard St Eo, 379 Maple Road, $ 217.000.Ranadhir R. Beereddy và Nitisha Mekala cho Charles Goldblatt và Phyllis Goldblatt, 76 Deepwoods Drive, 405.000 đô la.LudlowDario M. Mercadante đến Mine Sema Kavlak và Dario M. Mercadante, 517 Làn đường lý tưởng, Đơn vị 205, $ 100.Fernando F. Nogueira, bất động sản, Fernando Nogueira, bất động sản, và Diane Moran, đại diện, cho Manuel Vital, Lower Brook Drive, 55.000 đô la.Gary M. Weiner, người được ủy thác, Jennifer A. Germain và Jennifer Germain đến Kenneth A. Butts, 38 Lyon St., 20.000 đô la.Trường hợp Howard William và Trường hợp Paul Edward cho Trường hợp Joanne Ruth, 62 Chapin Greene Drive, $ 82.000.NSP Cư dân LLC, đến Shawn N. Thompson và Kristina M. Thompson, 15 Victor St., $ 148,906.Shawn N. Thompson và Kristina M. Thompson đến NSP Cư dân LLC, 15 Victor St., $ 115.000.Nationstar HECM Acquisition Trust 2018-3, ủy thác và Hội Tiết kiệm Wilmington, ủy thác, đến Beth Ann Lemek, 183 Thuộc địa, $ 245.000.Trường trungElaine D. Gorham và Elaine D. McNealy cho Michael F. Huard, 45 Chester Road $ 232.500.Roger E. Pagerey, Catherine P. P. Gray, Roger E. Pagery và Catharine P. P. Gray đến John P. Waldheim và Rebecca A. Cachat, 139 Arthur Pease Road, 360.000 USD.MontagueMary E. Johnson và Shawn Johnson tới Crystalyn April Russell, 100 giây St., 250.000 đô la.Giáo dụcWright Builders Inc., đến Jamie Elkin và Virginia Elkin, 11 Ford Crossing, $ 693,472.Bệnh viện Hill Development LLC và Cơ quan tài chính phát triển Massachusetts cho Wright Builders Inc., 23 Ford Crossing, 80.000 đô la.Margaret Agatha Eakin, bất động sản, và Theresa Meckel, đại diện cá nhân, đến Pil-Won On, 705 Fairway Village, $ 212.000.Kinda Oberwager và Silas Peno cho Andrew J. Fleming, 34 Cahillane Terrace, 242.500 đô la.Patrick J. Joyce và Terry A. Joyce cho Julia Brown và Howard A. Eiland, 55 Winterberry Lane, $ 545.000.Patrick J. Melnik, người được ủy thác, Beaver Brook Nominee Trust và Patrick J. Melnik Sr., người được ủy thác, đến Nu-Way Homes Inc., 48 Chestnut Avenue, 36.250 đô la.Nu-Way Homes Inc., đến Shawn Willey và Sandra Willey, 48 Hạt dẻ mở rộng, $ 490.000.Emerson Way LLC, đến Suzanne Allen và Arlene Duelfer, 193 Emerson Way, 132.500 đô la.Simon T. Pollock, Simon T. Pollock, đại diện cá nhân, và Barbara P. Tytell, bất động sản, đến Deirdre Sabina Knight, 99 Massasoit St., $ 490.000.Sturbridge Development LLC, đến Lana Gallagher, 19 Higgins Way, $ 599,750.Ethan Vandermark, Ashley Niles Vandmark và Ashley Niles đến Timothy Pitkin và Shaun S. McLean, 11 School St., 525.000 USD.Tadeusz J. Grygorcewicz, Sophie Grygorcewicz, Mary Laband và Zofia Grygorcewicz đến Ana Arregui và Maria Biezma Garrido, 17 Highland Ave., $ 299.900.Linda L. Adams và Linda A. Langlais đến Deryk X. Langlais, người được ủy thác và gia đình Langlais Ủy thác chỉ thu nhập không thể thu hồi, 72 Lake St., 225.000 đô la.trái camBrock P. Allen đến Newlife LLC, 31 Ball St., $ 110.000.Patricia Mendiola cho Chủ quyền Tập đoàn Von Buren Realty, Inc., 35 & 37 High St., 15.000 USD.PalmerEdward J. Smith đến Syed Hashmi, 15 Barlow St., 100.000 đô la.Karen King, đại diện, và Gordon H. Christiansen, bất động sản, đến Nicholas North, Mason St., $ 29.000.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và Tập đoàn chứng khoán tài sản có cấu trúc 2007-TCI, ủy thác của Alex Peterson, 3065 High St., $ 65,010.Bồ nôngElizabeth A. Blumgarten và Elizabeth A. Blumgarten Tin tưởng có thể hủy bỏ đối với Alison Annes và Todd Annes, 12 Harkness Road, $ 380.000.RussellCarla E. Gesek đến Travis Walker và Amy Walker, 170 South Quarter Road, $ 116.000.Scott S. Vanden-Bulcke đến Timothy Brewster, 678 đường General Knox, 242.000 đô la.ShelburneRichard L. Caldwell Ủy thác có thể hủy ngang, Richard Lloyd Caldwell động sản, hay còn gọi là Richard Richard Caldwell động sản, tạm biệt là Richard Richard Caldwell, Faith C. Caldwell, đại diện cá nhân và ủy thác, đến Hilltown Lodge LLC, 904 Mohawk Trail, $ 310.000.Nam HadleySDJ Realty LLC, đến Kevin Haczynski, 26 Lamb St., $ 155.000.Kevin Haczynski đến Michael Kuhn, 26 Lamb St., $ 182.500.Douglas N. Vanderpoel và Deborah A. Vanderpoel đến Douglas N. Vanderpoel, Phố Morgan, 100 đô la.Kathleen M. Cole và Paul D. Boudreau, luật sư thực tế, đến Lucy M. Conley và Christopher H. Conley, 1 Burnett Ave., $ 275,000.SouthamptonConstance C. Baron, Kathleen A. Archambeault, ủy thác, Bonnie M. Ledoux, ủy thác, Tuyên bố ủy thác của Armond J. Baron và Armond J. Baron Không thể tin tưởng đối với Joseph A. Baron và Janet E. Baron, 9 Pomeroy .Richard P. Gwinner, Edward H. Gwinner Jr., Ronald D. Gwinner, Karen Bowman, Paul Wagner, Lucille F. Metcalf, Lucille G. Metcalf, Susan L. Teffar, Phòng trưng bày Nancy, Robert L. Goyer, Barbara M. Laflam , đại diện cá nhân, và Robert E. Baker, bất động sản, đến Barbara M. Laflam, Cook Road và County Road, 148.313 đô la.NamwickLillian J. knowlton cho Robert Lee Evans Jr., và Heike Schmalstieg, 53 Rosewood Lane, Đơn vị E-4, 139.599 đô la.SpringfieldAlonzo Williams đến Delroy Gayle, 16 Pickett Place, 50.000 đô la.Angel L. Cartagena và Louis G. Lopilato-Cartagena đến Fallah Razzak, 1021 Carew St., 105.500 đô la.Burke St. LLC và Burke Street LLC, đến Round Two LLC, 28 Burke St., 105.000 đô la.Cig4 LLC, đến Roberto Rodriguez Pellot, 127 Massachusetts Ave., 155.000 đô la.Constance A. White to Hector Concepcion, 1333 Trang Boulevard, $ 137.500.Daniel Beauregard đến Payton Rawls, 62 Kensington Ave., $ 210.000.NigeriaCông ty Đầu tư Đại lộ Đông, đến 162 Đông LLC, 162 Đông Ave., $ 425.000.Erica N. Alvarez đến Jevaughn McMillan, 16-18 Hampden St., 180.000 USD.Homestead Connections LLC, đến Miguel A. Mejia Polanco, 44 Melville St., $ 185,000.Janet E. Matusewicz đến Zakaria Saleh, 108 Silas St., 90.000 USD.Janet S. Crum, James E. Crum và Matthew L. Crum cho Gregory Charles Parrott, 27 Vail St., 135.000 đô la.Jeffrey L. Brown, Jeffery L. Brown và Christa Brown đến Christa Brown, 261 Greenaway Drive, 100 đô la.Josefina Forestier và Javier Vasquez đến Carlos M. Pena và Maria C. Pena, 218-220 Orange St., $ 171.500.Joseph S. Bruno đến Arelys Romero và Juan Romero III, 24 Warrenton St., 180.000 USD.Lachenauer LLC, đến Kevin D. Tran và Viet Trung T. Dang, 16 Nelson Ave., $ 140.300.Leon Woods đến Caleb M Mattsson-Boze và Colleen D. Mattsson-Boze, 21 Wellesley St., $ 189.900.Manuel C. Salgado và Maria H. Salgado đến Sun Flynn và Thomas Flynn, 51 Kosciusko St., $ 159.900.Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., ủy thác và HSI Asset Securization Corp Trust 2006-WMC1, ủy thác của Juan Santana, 84 Goodrich St., 84.900 đô la.Cho thuê Onota LLC, đến Elias Severino, 110 Gilman St., $ 185.000.Liên đoàn cho vay mua nhà liên bang Corp, đến Ahmed Al Jashaam, 33 Berkeley St., $ 85.000.Patriot Living LLC, đến Whitney L. Serrano, 12 Santa Barbara St., 164.800 đô la.Ravin S. Acharya và Dika Devi Karki đến Luis Figueroa-Ortega, 236 West Allen Ridge Road, $ 173.000.SA Capital Group LLC, đến Bretta Construction LLC, Seymour Avenue, 25.000 đô la.Stella L. Blakeborough đến Cig4 LLC, 782 Sumner Ave., $ 87.000.Tina M. Cordi đến Ibrahim Abdi và Rumbila Abdullahi, 15 Hazen St., 199.900 USD.Tony M. Taylor, đại diện, Charles Lester Taylor, bất động sản, và Charles L. Taylor, bất động sản, đến Alycar Investments LLC, 97-99 Norfolk St., $ 119.000.Ngân hàng U S, ủy thác và BCAT 2016-18TT, ủy thác của Emmanuel Tete-Donkor, 115 Rosewell St., $ 171.000.Virginai Ellis Golemba đến Harsh Ashokkumar Patel, 892-898 Main St., 350.000 USD.Ngân hàng Wells Fargo, ủy thác và Dòng tín dụng cho vay thế chấp Carrington 2006-NC3, ủy thác của Miles Alden Business Agency LLC, 240 Center St., 65.000 đô la.Ngân hàng Wells Fargo đến William Thomas Raleigh, 166 Garland St., $ 117,11.William R. Herman đến Jeffrey P. Bouyea, 89 Harrow Road, $ 215.000.Wolfpack Realty Corp, đến James McCarthy, 11 Penrose St., $ 159.900.Chủ nhậtPaul Stavropulos, Grace Stavropulos và Honeylyne Grace Teruel đến Chiu Sik Wu và Weiai Xu, 145 Plumtree Road, $ 590.000.Goodyear Family Revocable Trust, Joan E. Goodyear, ủy thác, đến Martha E. Lorantos và Thomas W. Partington, 22 North Silver Lane, 478.000 đô la.TollandỦy ban Tiêu đề Pháp lý ROF III Hoa Kỳ 2015-1, ủy thác và Ngân hàng Hoa Kỳ, ủy thác, đến Castle 2020 LLC, 272 Meadow Drive, $ 35,400.đồRuby Realty LLC, đến Joseph O. Critelli và Amanda L. Pare, 95 Babcock Tavern Road, $ 299.000.Công ty TNHH PJC Realty MA Inc., đến Walgreen Eastern Co Inc., 139 West St., $ 1,300,000.Walgreen Eastern Co Inc., và Walgreen Co., cho Ware Equity Partners LLC, 139 West St., $ 680,000.Hẻm núiErica Cooke và Kevin M. Cooke đến Jacob Cooke, 60 đường Athol, $ 188.000.Tây SpringfieldBrian S. Brady và Christina M. Brady đến Nathan E. Staples, 51 Lantern Lane, 336.000 đô la.Donald J. Donahue cho Anthony J. Iennaco và Trisha Fisher, 99 Forris St., $ 254.900.Fallah Razzak và Shakira Lubega đến Joseph T. Martin và Sara L. Edwards, 340 Amostown Road, 220.000 USD.Geraldine Theresa Racicot đến Vòng Hai LLC, 193 Bosworth St., $ 145.000.Paul K. Blankenburg, đại diện, và Amy Blankenburg, bất động sản, đến Manchester Enterprises LLC, 156 Upper Beverly Hills, 80.000 đô la.Vincent T. Bovino và Robin M. Bovino cho Matthew J. Plasse và James Matthew Plasse, 106 Greystone Ave., 240.900 đô la.WestfieldBethany E. Hết sức với Julie Cuttell, 5 Maplewood Ave., $ 176.000.Carlos Bolivar Bermejo Tenesaca và Luz Mila Neira Tenesaca cho Andrea Strom và William Metzger, Vòng tròn 52 Marla, 452.400 USD.Hiệp hội thế chấp quốc gia liên bang và Fannie Mae đến Thomas Kowalski, 1779 Granville Road, $ 203,023.David S. Weaver và Wendy J. Weaver cho William E. Leavy và Libby A. Leavy, 3 Locust St., $ 224.500.Evelyn Tirado đến Jennifer L. Bennett, 243 Southwick Road, 232.500 đô la.F H B Realty LLP, Heather Cassell và Edward Cassell IV cho Brian Robert Rucki, 1430 Russell Road Đơn vị 7, $ 117.500.Frances A. Slasienski đến Robert R. Morin, 55 Woodside sân thượng $ 262.500.Joanne Tirrell, đại diện, và David R. Strong, bất động sản, cho Cheryl Giusti và Brian Giusti, 38 Dickens Drive, 205.000 đô la.Laurence N. Brady, Mary Lee Brady và Mary L. Brady đến Kathleen R. Brady, 39 Old Feed Hills Road, 200.000 USD.Liên đoàn cho vay mua nhà liên bang Corp, đến Bohdan Balandyuk, 95 Đại lộ Beveridge, $ 140.000.Sinh La và Max La đến Richard E. Clark Jr., và Gina L. Clark, 16 Clinton Ave., 150.000 đô la.Wilbraham2301 Boston Road LLC, đến Leonard S. Remaly và Michelene C. Remaly, 20 Lodge Lane, $ 411,056.Daniel J. Kelley và Daniel J. Kelly đến Michelle T. Gallien, 931 Main St., $ 230.000.Mary A. Michaud, đại diện, Stanley John Trzeciak, bất động sản, và Stanley J. Trzeciak, bất động sản, đến Franklin D. Quigley Jr., và Mary Jo Troy Quigley, 12 High Pine Circle, $ 292.500.Mathew N. Chaplin và Daylin A. Chaplin đến Jack McIntyre và Jordan Walczak, 870 Stony Hill Road, $ 275,000.Susan T. McDiarmid cho Craig M. Healy và Tracey Ann Healy, 10 Winterberry Drive, 480.000 đô la.[ad_2] Nguồn
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