#Hristo Botev
ahmetcumhur-blog · 1 year
Hristo Botev
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Ey tanrım, ey adalet tanrısı!
Sen değil, göklerde oturan!
İçimizdeki sen, ey tanrım,
içimdeki, yüreğimdeki, ruhumdaki!
Önünde papazların
ve rahiplerin eğildikleri,
Ortodoks sürülerinin mum yaktıkları,
sen değil.
Çamurdan yaratıp kadını erkeği,
sonra da yarattıklarının toprak üstünde
köle gibi yaşamalarına razı olan,
sen değil.
Acı çekmeyi öğreten kölelere,
boş umutlarla besleyen
onları ta mezara dek,
sen değil.
Ey yalancıların tanrısı, sen değil!
alçakların, zorbaların tanrısı,
insanlığın düşmanı, salakların putu,
sen değil.
Sen, ey aklın tanrısı, sen!
Tüm köleleri koruyan!
Çok yakın kurtuluş günü o kölelerin,
tekmil halk yakında kutlayacak o günü!
Uyandır tek tek her insanda, ey tanrım,
gerçek özgürlük sevgisini,
taksın canını dişine, dövüşsün,
halkı ezenlere karşı.
Güç ver benim de koluma, silâhıma,
başkaldırdığı gün köleler!
Güç ver ki, ben de kendi mezarımı
dövüşenler arasında bulayım!
Koma yaban ellerde sönsün
yalım yalım yanan bu yürek.
Sesim boşa gitmesin,
sesim kalmasın çöllerdeki gibi
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2 juin : la Bulgarie célèbre son poète et héros national, Hristo Botev
Aujourd’hui, à midi comme chaque 2 juin, les sirènes retentissent dans tout le pays pendant 3 minutes pour honorer le poète Hristo Botev, un héros national bulgare.  L’usage est de s’immobiliser pendant le temps de la sirène.
Le poète Hristo Botev était aussi un révolutionnaire patriote et le 2 juin, on célèbre en même temps tous ceux qui sont morts pour la liberté de la Bulgarie. Il s’est fait connaître en 1867, un 24 mai, lors de la fête dédiée à Cyrille et Méthode, en prononçant un discours contre les autorités ottomanes (qui dirigent le pays) et les riches bulgares qui collaboraient avec les Turcs. Cela l’obligera à fuir le pays et à s’installer en Roumanie. En 1876, il prend la tête d’une insurrection dont le seul fait d’armes est la prise d’un navire sur la Danube. Faute de renforts, lui et ses camarades se sont retrouvés seuls face à des milliers de soldats ottomans et à une escouade d'artillerie. L’opération tourne au massacre, Hristo Botev est tué d’une balle. 
On était le 20 mai 1876 (dans le calendrier julien qui avait cours à l’époque) soit le 1er juin en Occident. Mais, quand la Bulgarie a adopté le calendrier grégorien, en 1916, le décalage entre les deux calendriers était passé de 12 à 13 jours. Ainsi, c’est le 2 juin qu’on célèbre chaque année la mort du héros national bulgare. En Bulgarie, c’est officiellement le Jour de Botev et de tous ceux qui sont morts pour la liberté de la Bulgarie (Ден на Ботев и загиналите за свободата на България).
Très vite on a fait du poète, un héros national, oubliant ses idées anarchistes et socialistes. Plus tard, dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, la propagande communiste va le dépeindre comme le pionnier du socialisme bulgare et ainsi à perpétuer son culte. Aujourd'hui, il est commémoré comme l'un des deux plus grands révolutionnaires bulgares, aux côtés de Vasil Levski. La plupart des villes bulgares ont leur rue ou leur boulevard Hristo Botev, on en trouve aussi en Macédoine en Roumanie. Des écoles et lycée portent son nom, ainsi que des clubs de foot et des stades, une radio nationale… 
Sa poésie a été influencée par les démocrates révolutionnaires russes et les figures de la Commune de Paris dont il avait eu les échos dans son exil roumain. Il était proche d’un autre poète qui lui survivra et sera même premier ministre d’une Bulgarie indépendante, Stefan Nikolov Stambolov.
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde
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the-save-place-art · 10 months
We are coming to have one amazing evening again! See you soon! S.P.R.F.❤️🤘
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ilcontephotography · 8 months
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Three Eras monument, an addition wanted by the Bulgarian Communist Party to the memorial of the poet and national Bulgarian hero Hristo Botev (1986).
Kalofer, Bulgaria.
© Roberto Conte (2022)
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iamthetruenhaz · 5 months
Hello! Can you please tell me what was that book with the writer living in the outskirts of 19th century Bucharest? Thank you!
Hi! It's a poem, На прощаване ("On farewell") by Hristo Botev, written in 1868. Here is a translation (I think I had included it in one of the reblogs).
Bulgarian text: https://www.slovo.bg/showwork.php3?AuID=1&WorkID=9&Level=1
English translation (again, not a very good one): https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/on-parting-3/
It seems that I was wrong, he was not in Bucharest at the time, but in Braila, a Romanian city on the Danube, where he would join (as stated in the poem) a rebel band to cross the Danube and carry out an offensive in Ottoman-occupied Bulgaria. That plan was foiled and he did indeed move to Bucharest later in the same year where he was constantly broke (as he was in Braila) and couldn't find work (he applied for work as a teacher which he had previously done at other places but didn't know Romanian well so he got rejected). According to some sources in the winter of the same year he shared an abandoned windmill on the outskirts of Bucharest with another Bulgarian revolutionary, Vasil Levski.
Here's his wiki entry: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hristo_Botev
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 6.2
Acacia Day (French Republic)
American Indian Citizenship Day
Autograph Day
Children’s Day (North Korea)
Civil Aviation Day (Azerbaijan)
Coastal Cleanup Day (Russia)
Contango Day
Coronation Day (UK)
Decoration Day (Canada)
Donati’s Comet Day
Elfreth's Alley Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Emancipation Day (Tonga)
Father’s Day (Lithuania)
Festa della Repubblica (Italy)
Festival of Light and Dark Spots
Festival of Utter Confusion
Happy Neil Diamond Day
Hristo Botev Day (Bulgaria)
I Love My Dentist Day
Important People Day
International Sex Workers Day (a.k.a. International Whore's Day)
International Volkswagen Bus Day
Isabel Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Lesbian Pride Day
Local Industry Workers Day (Ukraine)
Lou Gehrig Day
Mother Earth's Day
National Bubba Day
National First Ladies Day
National Greyhound Day
National Janice Day
National Leave the Office Early Day [6.2 or Closest Weekday]
Pimpernel Flower Day
retail, Consumer Services and Public Utility Company Employees Day (Tajikistan)
Sir Randol Fawkes Day (Bahamas)
602 Day
Social Forestry Day (Bhutan)
Telangana Day (India)
Textile Industry Workers’ Day (Turkmenistan)
3-Ring Circus Day
Water Resource Management Employees Day (Ukraine)
World Day to Fight Myasthenia Gravis
World Eating Disorder Action Day
World Mind Map Day
World Peatlands Day
Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Fish & Chips Day (Australia)
National Rocky Road Ice Cream Day
National Rotisserie Chicken Day
Vanilla Coke Day
Velveeta Day
Independence & Related Days
Aenderia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Republic Day (Italy)
Telangana State Formation Day (India)
1st Sunday in June
Armed Forces Day (Canada) [1st Sunday]
Children's Awareness Memorial Day [1st Sunday]
Day of the Rice God (Japan) [1st Sunday]
Father’s Day (Haiti, Switzerland) [1st Sunday]
Fisherman’s Day (Iceland) [1st Sunday]
German World Heritage Day [1st Sunday]
International Mother's Peace Day [1st Sunday]
National Animal Rights Day [1st Sunday]
National Cancer Survivors Day [1st Sunday]
National Child’s Day [1st Sunday]
National Frozen Yogurt Day [1st Sunday]
National Godparent’s Day [1st Sunday]
Philippine Independence Day Parade (New York City) [1st Sunday]
Sjómannadagurinn (Seamen’s Day; Iceland) [1st Sunday]
World Breakfast Day (Turkey) [1st Sunday]
World Meditation Day [1st Sunday of Every Month]
World Naturist Day [1st Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 2 (1st Full Week)
America The Beautiful Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Bedbug Awareness Week (thru 6.8)
Black Single Parents Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Community Health Improvement Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
End Mountain Top Removal Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Healthcare Executives Appreciation Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Boating Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Business Etiquette Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Commuter Challenge (thru 6.8) [During Canadian Environment Week]
National Fishing Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Flag Football Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Garden Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Headache Awareness Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Pet Appreciation Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Teacher Thank You Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Festivals Beginning June 2, 2024
Asheville Springfest (Asheville, South Carolina)
Baby Jumping Festival [a.k.a. El Colacho] (Castrillo de Murcia, Spain)
Calgary Lilac Festival [a.k.a. 4th Street Lilac Festival] (Calgary, Canada)
Cape May Restaurant Week (Cape May, New Jersey) [thru 6.9]
Casa Pacifica Angels Wine, Food & Brew Festival (Camarillo, California)
Culinary Coast Restaurant Week (Various locations, Delaware) [thru 6.7]
Heritage Fire (Savannah, Georgia)
Paso Pinot & Paella Festival (Templeton, California)
Tustin Street Fair and Chili Cook-Off (Tustin, California)
Feast Days
Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Alexander (Christian; Martyr)
Binkham Tamino McDoyal III (Muppetism)
Blandina (Christian; Martyr)
Buddha Day (Indonesia; Buddhism)
Elmo (Christian; Saint)
Émile Munier (Artology)
Erasmus (Christian; Saint)
Eugene I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Felix of Nicosia (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Light and Dark Spots (Shamanism)
Finneces (Celtic Book of Days)
Frank Runacres (Artology)
St. Gregory the Great (Positivist; Saint)
Isaac van Ostade (Artology)
Juno Regina’s Day: Queenship Rite (Pagan)
Laugh Like a Bad Guy Day (Pastafarian)
Marcellinus and Peter (Christian; Martyrs)
Marquis de Sade Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Melissae (Ancient Crete; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mindfulness Day (Zen Buddhism)
Nicholas the Pilgrim (Christian; Saint)
Paul-Albert Besnard (Artology)
Pothinus, Bishop of Lyon, and Attalus, Blandina, and other martyrs of Lyon (Christian; Saint)
Shapatu of Ishtar (Everyday Wicca)
Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ (Roman Catholic)
Stephen of Sweden (Christian; Martyr)
Thomas Hardy (Writerism)
Vesak Day (Buddha Day; Singapore)
Yell “Fudge” at North American Cobras Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
The Betty Boop Mystery (Animated Film; 1989)
Churchill (Film; 2017)
Cooked, by Michael Pollan (Food Book; 2013)
Corvette Summer (Film; 1978)
Darkness on the Edge of Town, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1978)
Dead Poets Society (Film; 1989)
Deliverance, by James Dickey (Novel; 1970)
De-Lovely (Film; 2004)
Excellent Women, by Barbara Pym (Novel; 1952)
Hells Heels (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home, by Tim O'Brien (Memoir; 1972)
Isabeau (Lady Godiva), by Pietro Mascagni (Opera; 1911)
The Light Fantastic, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1986) [Discworld #2]
Obscured by Clouds, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1972)
Oil!, by Upton Sinclair (Novel; 1926)
The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster (Novel; 1961)
The Prize Guest (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Room and Bird (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Animated Film; 2023)
Storms of Life, by Randy Travis (Album; 1986)
The Unexpected Pest (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
The Wire (TV Series; 2002)
Whitney, by Whitney Houston (Album; 1987)
Wonder Woman (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Armin, Erasmus, Marcel, Petrus (Austria)
Erazmo, Eugen, Marcelin, Petar (Croatia)
Jarmil, Jarmila (Czech Republic)
Marcellinus (Denmark)
Veevi, Viiva, Viive, Viivi, Viivia, Viivika, Vivian (Estonia)
Venla (Finland)
Blandine (France)
Armin, Blandine, Erasmus (Germany)
Marinos, Nikiforos (Greece)
Anita, Kármen (Hungary)
Emilia, Erasmo, Marcellino (Italy)
Emma, Emmija (Latvia)
Auksė, Ąžuolas, Erazmas, Eugenijus (Lithuania)
Runa, Runar, Rune (Norway)
Efrem, Erazm, Eugeniusz, Marcelin, Maria, Marianna, Mikołaj, Nicefor, Piotr, Racisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Oxana, Xénia (Slovakia)
Eugenio, Marcelino, Pedro (Spain)
Roger, Rutger (Sweden)
Elma, Elmer, Elmo, Elmore, Erasmo (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 154 of 2024; 212 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 26 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 25 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 4 Blue; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 20 May 2024
Moon:18%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Gregory the Great]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 76 of 92)
Week: 1st Full Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 13 of 31)
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dailyhistoryposts · 2 years
World Literature Series: Pod Igoto
TITLE: Pod Igoto (Under the Yoke: A Romance of Bulgarian Liberty)
AUTHOR: Ivan Vavoz
DATE: 1888
TYPE: novel
BACKGROUND: Called the Patriarch of Bulgarian Literature, Ivan Vazov was born in Bulgaria when it was still part of the Ottoman Empire. As a boy and young man, he struggled to find his place, until he moved to Brăila, Romania and lived with exiled Bulgarian revolutions like Hristo Botev.
In 1874, Vazov joined the struggle for the Liberation of Bulgaria, including the April Uprising, sometimes called the Bulgarian atrocities--the brutal suppression of revolutionaries by the Ottomans led to an international outcry. This eventually led to the re-establishment of the Bulgarian state. It was brought about by Russia’s victory in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 and the resulting Treaty of San Stefano. 
Vazov worked as the Education and People Enlightenment Minister in Post-Liberation Bulgaria and dedicated much of his time to writing. In addition to Pod Igoto, Vazov wrote other novels, several plays, an epic poem, and the first science fiction stories and fantasy poems in Bulgarian.
SYNOPSIS: The people of the town of Byala Cherkva are calm and not causing a fuss--because they are preparing for an uprising in secret. The story follows Ivan Kralich, a recently escaped prisoner returning to Byala Cherkva and getting involved in the proceedings, as he assumes the name Boycho Ognyanov.
Through Ognyanov’s eyes, we learn about the town, the oppression the people are facing, and the personal motivations of his friends and enemies. The story deals with the real-life event of the April Uprising of 1876, and the bloody aftermath of its failure.
THEMES: Power, revolution, nationhood
Compare this book to the Les Misérables (1862) by French author Victor Hugo. Also an historical novel from the second half of the 19th century, it likewise deals with an escaped prisoner and a failed rebellion, including political ideals, personal motivations, and the conception of a country’s history and statehood. Pod Igoto stays considerably more on topic than Les Misérables.
Main post for the World Literature series
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
The majority of the Bulgarian community in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast is under Russian occupation. The Bulgarians in the area are in 30 Bulgarian villages in Berdiansk, Melitopol, Prymorsk and Pryazovske regions, the chairman of the Zaporizhzhia regional Bulgarian society Vasil Mitkov told BTA.
"The situation in Zaporizhzhia is complicated, there are constant rocket attacks, destruction, casualties. In the last two weeks, the situation has been relatively calm. It is already felt that the Ukrainian army is preparing for an offensive. We see our planes near the city. This gives us hope and faith for the liberation of the occupied territories and victory," he also shared.
Many representatives of the Bulgarian community from Berdiansk, Melitopol and Prymorsk managed to move in time to the city of Zaporizhzhia, as well as to other parts of Ukraine.
"I would say that many of our compatriots found shelter in Bulgaria, these are our representantives and members of Bulgarian societies, Bulgarian language teachers, etc. However, the main part of the community is under occupation. From time to time we hear from our compatriots from Pryazovske, Prymorsk, Melitopol. The connection is complicated and not always possible. What they tell us is that it is not easy for them under occupation. They are afraid to talk more because the phones are tapped. But also from what they tell us it is clear that they are facing great difficulties", said Vasil Mitkov and added that several Bulgarians in the occupied territories were arrested. "We are fighting for their release, they are included in the list for exchange. We hope to help them," stressed Mitkov.
The Bulgarian community in Zaporizhzhia Oblast numbers 27,764 people, according to official statistics from the last census in Ukraine in 2001. The main part of Bulgarians lives in nearly 30 villages between the cities of Berdiansk and Melitopol, as well as in the towns of Prymorsk and Pryazovske. The so-called Tavriyan Bulgarians settled on the territory of modern Zaporizhzhia in 1861-62. They are the descendants of the Bessarabian Bulgarians from the southern part of modern Ukraine and Moldova.
Already in independent Ukraine, after 1991, the Tavriyan Bulgarians organized Bulgarian societies, centers, and Sunday schools. Nine Bulgarian organizations were established. In 1996, the Prymorsk Regional Ukrainian-Bulgarian Polytechnic Lyceum was opened. Bust-monuments of Vasil Levski in the city of Berdiansk, of Hristo Botev in the village of Botievo, Pryazovske district and of Hadji Dimitar in the city of Melitopol were built.
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ligapetani · 17 days
Prediksi Bulgaria Vs Irlandia Utara 08 September 2024 di UEFA Nations League
Prediksi Bulgaria Vs Irlandia Utara 08 September 2024 di UEFA Nations League
Ligapetani.com – Prediksi Bulgaria Vs Irlandia Utara dalam laga ke-2 Grup 3 UEFA Nations League C 2024/25 yang akan berlangsung di Stadion Hristo Botev, Minggu (08/09/2024) pukul 23.00 WIB. Bulgaria di laga pembuka di tahan imbang oleh Belarusia dengan skor 0-0. Hasil tersebut membuat Bulgaria kini menempati posisi dua klasemen sementara Grup 3 dengan torehan 1 poin. Sementara itu, Irlandia Utara…
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kiri-instinct · 1 month
btw just want to make it clear that the only candidate i'd ever vote for in the US elections is Bulgarian Revolutionary & Anarchist Hero Hristo Botev
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 6.2
Acacia Day (French Republic)
American Indian Citizenship Day
Autograph Day
Children’s Day (North Korea)
Civil Aviation Day (Azerbaijan)
Coastal Cleanup Day (Russia)
Contango Day
Coronation Day (UK)
Decoration Day (Canada)
Donati’s Comet Day
Elfreth's Alley Day (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Emancipation Day (Tonga)
Father’s Day (Lithuania)
Festa della Repubblica (Italy)
Festival of Light and Dark Spots
Festival of Utter Confusion
Happy Neil Diamond Day
Hristo Botev Day (Bulgaria)
I Love My Dentist Day
Important People Day
International Sex Workers Day (a.k.a. International Whore's Day)
International Volkswagen Bus Day
Isabel Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Lesbian Pride Day
Local Industry Workers Day (Ukraine)
Lou Gehrig Day
Mother Earth's Day
National Bubba Day
National First Ladies Day
National Greyhound Day
National Janice Day
National Leave the Office Early Day [6.2 or Closest Weekday]
Pimpernel Flower Day
retail, Consumer Services and Public Utility Company Employees Day (Tajikistan)
Sir Randol Fawkes Day (Bahamas)
602 Day
Social Forestry Day (Bhutan)
Telangana Day (India)
Textile Industry Workers’ Day (Turkmenistan)
3-Ring Circus Day
Water Resource Management Employees Day (Ukraine)
World Day to Fight Myasthenia Gravis
World Eating Disorder Action Day
World Mind Map Day
World Peatlands Day
Yell "Fudge" at the Cobras in North America Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Fish & Chips Day (Australia)
National Rocky Road Ice Cream Day
National Rotisserie Chicken Day
Vanilla Coke Day
Velveeta Day
Independence & Related Days
Aenderia (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Republic Day (Italy)
Telangana State Formation Day (India)
1st Sunday in June
Armed Forces Day (Canada) [1st Sunday]
Children's Awareness Memorial Day [1st Sunday]
Day of the Rice God (Japan) [1st Sunday]
Father’s Day (Haiti, Switzerland) [1st Sunday]
Fisherman’s Day (Iceland) [1st Sunday]
German World Heritage Day [1st Sunday]
International Mother's Peace Day [1st Sunday]
National Animal Rights Day [1st Sunday]
National Cancer Survivors Day [1st Sunday]
National Child’s Day [1st Sunday]
National Frozen Yogurt Day [1st Sunday]
National Godparent’s Day [1st Sunday]
Philippine Independence Day Parade (New York City) [1st Sunday]
Sjómannadagurinn (Seamen’s Day; Iceland) [1st Sunday]
World Breakfast Day (Turkey) [1st Sunday]
World Meditation Day [1st Sunday of Every Month]
World Naturist Day [1st Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 2 (1st Full Week)
America The Beautiful Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Bedbug Awareness Week (thru 6.8)
Black Single Parents Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Community Health Improvement Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
End Mountain Top Removal Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Healthcare Executives Appreciation Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Boating Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Business Etiquette Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Commuter Challenge (thru 6.8) [During Canadian Environment Week]
National Fishing Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Flag Football Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Garden Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
National Headache Awareness Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Pet Appreciation Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Teacher Thank You Week (thru 6.8) [1st Full Week]
Festivals Beginning June 2, 2024
Asheville Springfest (Asheville, South Carolina)
Baby Jumping Festival [a.k.a. El Colacho] (Castrillo de Murcia, Spain)
Calgary Lilac Festival [a.k.a. 4th Street Lilac Festival] (Calgary, Canada)
Cape May Restaurant Week (Cape May, New Jersey) [thru 6.9]
Casa Pacifica Angels Wine, Food & Brew Festival (Camarillo, California)
Culinary Coast Restaurant Week (Various locations, Delaware) [thru 6.7]
Heritage Fire (Savannah, Georgia)
Paso Pinot & Paella Festival (Templeton, California)
Tustin Street Fair and Chili Cook-Off (Tustin, California)
Feast Days
Ahudemmeh (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Alexander (Christian; Martyr)
Binkham Tamino McDoyal III (Muppetism)
Blandina (Christian; Martyr)
Buddha Day (Indonesia; Buddhism)
Elmo (Christian; Saint)
Émile Munier (Artology)
Erasmus (Christian; Saint)
Eugene I, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Felix of Nicosia (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Light and Dark Spots (Shamanism)
Finneces (Celtic Book of Days)
Frank Runacres (Artology)
St. Gregory the Great (Positivist; Saint)
Isaac van Ostade (Artology)
Juno Regina’s Day: Queenship Rite (Pagan)
Laugh Like a Bad Guy Day (Pastafarian)
Marcellinus and Peter (Christian; Martyrs)
Marquis de Sade Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
The Melissae (Ancient Crete; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mindfulness Day (Zen Buddhism)
Nicholas the Pilgrim (Christian; Saint)
Paul-Albert Besnard (Artology)
Pothinus, Bishop of Lyon, and Attalus, Blandina, and other martyrs of Lyon (Christian; Saint)
Shapatu of Ishtar (Everyday Wicca)
Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ (Roman Catholic)
Stephen of Sweden (Christian; Martyr)
Thomas Hardy (Writerism)
Vesak Day (Buddha Day; Singapore)
Yell “Fudge” at North American Cobras Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
The Betty Boop Mystery (Animated Film; 1989)
Churchill (Film; 2017)
Cooked, by Michael Pollan (Food Book; 2013)
Corvette Summer (Film; 1978)
Darkness on the Edge of Town, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1978)
Dead Poets Society (Film; 1989)
Deliverance, by James Dickey (Novel; 1970)
De-Lovely (Film; 2004)
Excellent Women, by Barbara Pym (Novel; 1952)
Hells Heels (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home, by Tim O'Brien (Memoir; 1972)
Isabeau (Lady Godiva), by Pietro Mascagni (Opera; 1911)
The Light Fantastic, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1986) [Discworld #2]
Obscured by Clouds, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1972)
Oil!, by Upton Sinclair (Novel; 1926)
The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster (Novel; 1961)
The Prize Guest (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1939)
Room and Bird (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Animated Film; 2023)
Storms of Life, by Randy Travis (Album; 1986)
The Unexpected Pest (WB MM Cartoon; 1956)
The Wire (TV Series; 2002)
Whitney, by Whitney Houston (Album; 1987)
Wonder Woman (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Armin, Erasmus, Marcel, Petrus (Austria)
Erazmo, Eugen, Marcelin, Petar (Croatia)
Jarmil, Jarmila (Czech Republic)
Marcellinus (Denmark)
Veevi, Viiva, Viive, Viivi, Viivia, Viivika, Vivian (Estonia)
Venla (Finland)
Blandine (France)
Armin, Blandine, Erasmus (Germany)
Marinos, Nikiforos (Greece)
Anita, Kármen (Hungary)
Emilia, Erasmo, Marcellino (Italy)
Emma, Emmija (Latvia)
Auksė, Ąžuolas, Erazmas, Eugenijus (Lithuania)
Runa, Runar, Rune (Norway)
Efrem, Erazm, Eugeniusz, Marcelin, Maria, Marianna, Mikołaj, Nicefor, Piotr, Racisław (Poland)
Ioan (România)
Oxana, Xénia (Slovakia)
Eugenio, Marcelino, Pedro (Spain)
Roger, Rutger (Sweden)
Elma, Elmer, Elmo, Elmore, Erasmo (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 154 of 2024; 212 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 26 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 25 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 4 Blue; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 20 May 2024
Moon:18%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 13 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Gregory the Great]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 76 of 92)
Week: 1st Full Week of June
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 13 of 31)
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jennyarya2007 · 4 months
Hristo Botev by Jennyarya2007
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rpgse7enx4 · 4 months
r/place (pixel-art subreddit experiment), pixel art practitioners; an explanation - By RPG.
Its not just one, or even two, practitioners...its multiple 100s of thousands.
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(r/place, a collection of weirdly fascinating pixel art drawings)
r/place was an experiment, initially released to the public on April Fool's day (April 1st) 2017, but repeated on April Fool's day 2022 and June 20th 2023.
The experiment involved an online canvas, built upon a subreddit called "r/place", as a collaborative project and social experiment.
Registered users to Reddit could place one singular pixel, of any colour from a growing list of colours from palettes, to the canvas to contribute or start on their own artwork. The online canvas made was 1000x1000 in resolution, requiring a lot of detail and attention to maintain larger artwork. The main fad that made r/place really interesting is the fact that it never stayed uniform, and artwork was subject to frequent change; this mainly happened when different internet subcultures, groups, fanbases, subreddits and nationalities "rivaled" each other to expand on whatever art they were working on (also changing the way the canvas looked if a bigger piece of artwork on the canvas was changed insurmountably).
Notes to make:
The canvas always changes, so there isn't always a certain result.
The project started with a colour palette of only 16 colours, this was also subject to change with many other colours being added on as the project advanced. At the end of the project, the colour palette was reduced majorly to only greyscale colours.
Detail was sometimes a major part of certain artworks; representations of famous oil paintings such as the Mona Lisa and Starry Night were bound to be more detailed than something like a flag. However, some communities/subreddits from their native countries contributed by adding national heros/icons, famous inventions, things of cultural significance, landmarks and quotes; some with vast detail, shading and outlining (a couple of examples being the Christ the Redeemer statue drawn next to the Brazilian flag, the portraits of Vasil Levski and Hristo Botev in front of the Bulgarian flag and a representation of the London Eye in front of the UK flag; all done in pixel art style).
There were multiple different focuses into pixel art, dependent on what was actually being drawn out. Something like a representation of a famous character would've been broader because the fanbase would've had more time to collaborate on the artwork. One amazing thing about this project was the fact that you could see the expressions of different cultures intertwined; for example, when Balkan countries had their flags drawn next to each other based on their real-life geographic location, with significant symbolism being inscribed on these flags and connected with hearts (showing support for each Balkan country). There was also a focus on internet culture, memes, famous artistry, video game communities, branding, pop-culture references etc.
Objects include:
Iconography, religious symbols, brands, characters/caricatures, famous landmarks/buildings to name a few.
Famous artistic portrayals were seen on r/place, all of which were user-created; some of the few that were well known were the Blue Corner (for the fact it was always blue), The Black Void (a space in the canvas just filled with black coloured pixels), the green lattice and a multi-coloured "rainbow road".
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alrederedmixedmedia · 9 months
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Alredered Remembers Khristo Botev, short-lived Bulgarian poet and revolutionary, on his birthday.
"Know that it is impossible for a man to love his Motherland if he doesn’t love his wife and children." ~ Hristo Botev.
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mitakka369 · 10 months
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elancholia · 10 months
The Ottoman response was immediate and severe. They mobilized detachments of regular troops and also irregular bashi-bazouks. These forces attacked the first insurgent towns as early as 25 April. The Turkish forces massacred civilian populations, the principal places being Panagurishte, Perushtitza, Bratzigovo, and Batak (see Batak massacre). By the middle of May, the insurrection was completely suppressed; one of the last sparks of resistance was poet Hristo Botev's attempt to come to the rebels' rescue with a detachment of Bulgarian political émigrés resident in Romania, ending with the unit's rout and Botev's death. [link]
Immensely 19th-century tragedy.
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