#How to use jQuery in HTML
hua-fei-hua · 1 year
INSANE that i am starting to get to a point where i can look at un-minified js n start to piece together how it works w/o author comments. it's like i've learned to read a baby book or something
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eggdesign · 1 year
how did you learn coding?
I am pretty much entirely self taught as far as front end goes!
I started messing around with HTML and CSS with tumblr themes back in 2016-ish.
For javascript I looked at https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ for a lot of documentation + examples. And also used codepen a lot to kinda reverse engineer existing snippets of code.
I also read a lot of https://css-tricks.com/
And for flexbox + css grid there's these:
After I got a good foundation of vanilla JS, I learned Vue for a little while and then moved on to React. The new react documentation is really good in my opinion so I definitely recommend reading that if you're interested in learning.
Most of my learning came from trial and error and working on projects that I was really excited about. I used to be so proud of findtags (the original version) which was in jquery...
The react version is miles ahead of it. And even then, the theme builder is also way ahead of findtags. I learned way more between those two projects than reading documentation alone!
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izicodes · 1 year
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Here’s a project idea: create a project that can be easily translated using other languages.
E.g. you know those beginner projects like “Build a calculator”? Yeah but do it in as many languages/frameworks as you can.
E.g. (again) I would build a calculator in:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
HTML, SCSS, jQuery
Python console app
C# console app
Lua console app
You get the idea, building a singular “project” in various languages. This would be for fun, best way I believe to see how you could mend your project’s logic in the other languages syntax and concepts.
Might do this in the future, I don’t know yet 👩🏽‍💻⚡️
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kittydesade · 5 months
I'm very sorry. Six months ago you commented on a Gordon Ramsey accessibility post that your job to help make websites accessible. How do I get that job? I would love that so much. I'm sure you've answered this before but I can't find it.
I, too, am sure I've answered this before, but I can't remember where and I'm not about to brave the Tumblr search feature to go looking, so you and @the0dd0ne get a twofer.
Hi, I'm not a bot, and I was wondering if I could ask you a weird career question? I saw your addition on that "Accessibility Nightmares" post where you mentioned it's your actual job to email websites about their lack of accessibility and what they need to do to make it accessible, and can I ask how you got into that? I got injured on the job and need to make a huge career change, and that type of work has always been really interesting to me, but I don't even know where to start to get into it! Also feel free to ignore this lol I know it's out of left field.
(This is actually the third question I've got on this, so no, not that out of left field.)
So the first thing to understand is that it's actually pretty hard to get into digital accessibility because there just aren't that many companies doing it. As far as I know from company meetings there aren't that many schools teaching it as a part of their core web development curriculum. It's just not that common to think about it as part of web development. Which is vastly irritating.
I started mucking around with the web when there was first a web to muck around on, but when the pandemic hit and my Mom suggested (in a hilarious twist of circumstances) that I go to one of those Learn to Code boot camps to get a certificate that said I actually knew my shit so I could get a job in web development. A number of these boot camps also have job placement programs and pipeline agreements with certain companies. and in a nutshell that's how I got into it. The company sent my boot camp a letter saying "we need N warm bodies" and they sent the company a list of names, I got interviewed, I got hired as a contractor, and after a couple years of good work for them I got invited to interview for a permanent position, which I got.
These days due to the state of the everything, there are probably 10-50 programmers for every open development position, depending on language and job type and company. It's a rough field out there and I got very, very lucky in my timing. But if you want to try it, the boot camp to job pipeline is probably your best bet. Ask the boot camp recruiters if they have connections to accessibility firms. If they don't, you can always try asking if they have connections to web development/site packaging firms and then check if the firms have an accessibility department. Tell the recruiter up front what you're looking to work in, and keep in mind that the recruiter's job is to convince you to give the boot camp your money. (Mine was $12k USD.)
For resources to study in the meantime, there's the A11y Project which has discussions, videos, articles, posts, etc about digital accessibility, a lot of good information. You can also look at the resources for the CPACC exam, I don't recommend taking it unless you have a few hundred USD to burn but you can definitely study up on the Body of Knowledge, which is a free PDF to download. And there is, in fact, an accessibility job board, although I don't have any experience with applying for any of these jobs cold.
The languages I use most in my job are HTML and jQuery, and I passively use (meaning I read and interpret but don't actually program in) JavaScript and CSS. This is mainly because we work with client sites and there's only so much of the client code we can touch; if there's a problem in the client code we can't touch we have to write it up and tell them to fix it. If you end up in house for some large brand you may end up working in more web development languages, but a lot of accessibility can be handled by basic HTML attributes called ARIA attributes (and roles) and there's the documentation on that. Another tool to have is your soft skills: communication, specificity of language, writing up good descriptions of what code does what so you can explain exactly what needs to be fixed where and why. You might also want to look at documentation on what makes good alt text, where it's needed, what kind of labels are standard, etc. I think you can find that in the A11y Project pages, but honestly I just learned it on the job working with senior developers.
It's a hard time to get into software development at all, let alone a niche field like web accessibility. But Europe is about to have a digital accessibility law come into effect in July of next year (that encompasses more than just the web, that's just my area of expertise) and the US is making slow but steady strides in requiring digital accessibility as well, so there are jobs out there and there might be companies hiring to capitalize on the need. There will definitely always be companies putting off conforming to regulations until the last possible minute, and then needing services and specialists. So study up, practice, and good luck!
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Please please share some coding/designing wisdom. Your game is so damn pretty 😭😭😭 Could you tell us what template you used and how hard it was to make it look like it is today? I imagine so much work must have gone into it
😭😭 I am no expert, but these are just my rationale/methods behind the visual choices I made!
For the template I used—I used Vahnya's Template! However, this post by @/manonamora-if has a whole section for templates that I wish I saw or checked out before making my IF! In another lifetime, I might've just used nyehilism's template to achieve the bottom sidebar instead of torturing myself learning how to do it... ;;
Below, I go into detail the timeline of designing Uroboros, as well as advice through the process I went!
Design Timeline
I started designing the UI late October 2022, and kept fixing, changing, editing it well into February and maybe a little bit of March 2023.
October 2022 - Early iterations of the design. Looked for stock images and began implementing it to add a background to the sidebar and the actual passages. Swatched some color palettes and began implementing them into the IF. Later decided to make the sidebar on the bottom instead of on the side. Also, added a title screen.
November - Testing different backgrounds for the IF's sidebar. Added a textbox to the passages, also worked on the black fade transitions.
December - Finished working on the sidebar background for both light and dark theme, began work on the background of the IF instead.
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January 2023 - Finished working on the dark and light theme backgrounds! Started work on drawing the skill icons for light and dark theme, and finished!
February - Changed the title screen to look better on mobile, created a circle logo, added a border to the textbox. Also, made further edits for light theme.
March - Just remade the "Uroboros" logo.
If you're wondering why it took approximately 5 months to get to the final version—don't worry! I wasn't working only on the design for 5 months. My partner helped make the edits for the design, while I worked on coding them in and writing.
I spent a lot of time trying to get a grasp on Javascript, SugarCube, and HTML all throughout this time as well, to know how to fluidly add these things. Meaning, while I was working on these visual elements, I was also figuring out how to do the "looking" mechanic, black and white transitions, figuring out how Tweego worked, radio buttons, and so on.
Do note I've been busy the entire time throughout, so perhaps you can do this much quicker than I can!
The "Secrets"
1. Please—look at IFs you love! What are some visual aspects of other IFs that you love and want to include in your story? I started by analyzing parts of other IFs that I love. I liked Wayfarer's textbox; I liked how the choices looked in When Twilight Strikes. I liked the textboxes in the beginning of Zorlok. Find the things that amaze you about other IFs, and implement it your own way!
This seems like super basic advice—but trust me, once you think, "How can I put this in my game?" you will not only be able to have it, but most likely, you'll also learn a LOT.
While seeing how I could make the radio buttons, for example, I started researching. I googled "How to live change text?" and then I found out about jQuery, how to use the replace macro, etc. etc. JUST from researching how to do exactly one (1) feature.
2. What is missing in other IFs? Think about your own reading experience. I didn't like the clunkiness of some, how the sidebar is on the side when space on a mobile-screen is severely limited length-wise. So, I put the sidebar on the bottom.
I didn't like how other choices look in IFs, so I wanted a way to do mine that's nice and elegant(though it's still a little hard to read, admittedly).
Again, researching how to do the things you want opens many doors for you. I learned how to style <li> and change how bullets look, learned how to style links in Twine in general, etc. etc. again with just this ONE thing I wanted to change/add.
3. Don't do the work all by yourself. I struggled so hard because I hate asking for help. I was happy to Google other people's problems, but I never thought to open up my own thread or ask anybody in the community for help. Please, not only ask, but also—your work doesn't have to be completely original.
Use templates. Look at manon's amazing masterlist of things you can implement. I also have a few macro's that you can use, like multipronouns for MC, that does the work for you, for free.
Rip people's codes—respectfully. I'm not saying from other IFs, but online in other places. If they appear on help forums or are publicly available through places like CodePen, chances are that they're open-source or licensed in such a way that anyone can use it (e.g. MIT license).
Again, here is Manon's masterlist, which includes custom macros you can use in your game (Chapel, HiEv and Cycy are my high recommendations)! Additionally, here's my code for multipronouns here and my code for setting RO genders here.
4. MAKE IT READABLE!! Even if you want your game to look pretty... please, I'm begging you, make it easy to read. This is the most important thing ever.
I have a short attention span, and so does my partner. We reviewed the game to make sure we are NOT compromising the reading experience with our design. As much as we want fantastical backgrounds, we wanted to make sure it was at least not distracting. As much as we want gaudy styles, we want the actual passage to be suited for the long haul.
The most, most important part is to enhance the reading experience--not by adding things on, but by making it simple and intuitive. As someone in the computer science field, the user experience is CRITICAL. Put yourself in their shoes, think about them first and foremost.
Twine is amazingly customizable, and its powers can be wielded for good and evil. Plenty of amazing writers but inexperienced UI designers, especially from CoG, get into Twine. CoG almost completely takes away the design element, so Twine is a whole new ballpark.
Uroboros has a lot of pomp, but the actual textbox is uncharacteristically simple in comparison. The simplicity against an otherwise fantastical, but non-distracting background helps give it elegance. The sidebar, in contrast, is very eye-catching—but, it's also out of view most of the time, and isn't built for long reading.
To add on, make sure it's readable on mobile. I guarantee 80% of your readers are going to be reading your IF on their phone, and probably at 3 AM, so you will want the mobile to look as good as PC, or even better.
Closing Thoughts
Anyway, as basic as this advice is, this is really what guided my entire thought process behind my visual choices! -- Picking and choosing what you like from IFs, figuring out how to do them through research, and making sure your IF is built to be read for a while.
Thanks so much for asking, thinking that I have wisdom to impart!! 😭🫶💕
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skinsort · 11 months
Automatic Member Directory
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I wrote a script to create an automatic member directory by scraping data from the jcink memberlist. A tutorial for it is here. And you can see how I've done it at my site here if you'd like to see a live preview. If it's aesthetically not to your taste or not compatible with your skin, worry not, the script etc is agnostic about how your site is coded and I don't actually provide any html/css structure. It's up to coders to adapt it for their own skin as they are all too variable for me to account for. As I say in the caution tutorial, this is definitely a piece of code for people who skin, and probably even people who have a decent understanding of javascript/jquery under their belts. It's not for beginners or a plug and play resource. But it is highly flexible and useful and once it's set up no one ever has to touch it again so! Tradeoffs lol.
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xpc-web-dev · 2 years
100 days of code: Day 1 Javascript introduction (Yes, i am changing again. And everything is fine)
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How are you?
Here we are fine after making that decision.
As I said yesterday, I thought about going back to python and I really like the language (and I want my snake game). But learning the skills I'm going to talk about in a bit will be more profitable in the long run.
But I'm not going to start with HTML and CSS and I'm not going to continue with PHP.
I'll do the reverse, starting with JAVASCRIPT > JQUERY > MYSQL >
Leaving the ones I least like last, because in my logic I postpone/procast more and it will take me longer to finish the whole study. And after finishing the first ones, learning the last ones will probably be automatic.
ABOUT THE STUDY RESOURCES: I'll be using the MDN documentation to learn because I think it's very well done and will be easier to navigate in the future and my darling Odin Project.
I hope that you, who are reading this, are never afraid to make decisions / have the discernment to choose the best path and deal with the consequences of it.
And mostly, don't feel ashamed and don't care what others will say or think, it's your life.
Have good studies, have a good day or night, drink water and take care of your mental health. Stay safe
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commandersya · 2 months
WAIT YOU KNOW JAVASCRIPT? (im curious lol why? are you a compsci major?)
oh yeah! i did like two diff compsci degrees because there was an overlap in the classes that saved me doing like... an extra year and a half than if i were to do both degrees normally one after the other, so i actually learned a whole bunch of languages from both like:
Web dev stuff (HTML/CSS, Javascript (with focus on Jquery), PHP (which everyone seems to hate but is my beloved))
some AI-adjaecent/logic-solving languages i've long since forgotten (Haskell, OWL, Prolog)
I also programmed a whole-ass game in C# despite not actually knowing it for an extra master's level class i took for fun, after you know a few similar languages a lot of the basics are actually the same!
and i will say that DESPITE all the bad rep JS gets, i actually find it's very useful for browser extensions for shit that really annoys you or could be more streamlined. for example:
i recently edited a pre-existing extension to add the fic info to my ao3 bookmarks so if they get deleted i still know which fic it was (and then can try to find it on my archive of downloaded fics or on the wayback machine)! i have well over 2k bookmarks so as you can imagine. i didn't really feel like doing it by hand for all the ones i already had.
i used to have a bookmarklet for nanowrimo that automatically deducted my initial pre-nano wordcount when i went to update it to save me the work of having to do it on the calculator
there's already instructions out there for how to make an ao3 bookmarklet to save your filters and apply it to whatever page you're on (saving you the work of having to add your excluded tags, preferred language, etc) but with javascript you can make a similar one for other situations like these!
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anuinfotechkhanna25 · 3 months
Best Web Designing Institute in Khanna
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The most in-demand skill globally is web design. In Anu InfoTech institute you'll master the fundamentals of design, including typography, color theory, and branding, all of which are crucial to the design of websites. You'll also learn how to create stunning websites. Additionally, you'll master HTML and CSS, which are the standard programming languages used to create all contemporary websites. These are helpful abilities to develop because almost every company in the world uses them to communicate with clients. By the time you complete this track, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and abilities needed to create your own websites, work for one of the millions of website-owning businesses, or even launch your own business.
Websites and pages are created through web designing to reflect a brand, provide information, and guarantee a user-friendly experience. Whether you're updating an existing website or running a blog, the look and feel of the site are essential elements. You can either learn web design to build your own website or work as a web designer building websites for other people. In this article, we define web design and discuss its common components and applications.
Web Designing Course Syllabus:-
Basics of Web Designing
Responsive Designing
For more information visit - https://www.anuinfotech.com
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xiabablog · 2 years
Next programming project!
Basically, I can’t decide so youse help me instead. Thank you!! 😋💗
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The projects’ overview
POGOBot - A cute chatbot using HTML/CSS/JS/jQuery, maybe React.js(?), JS libraries and some free APIs.
Reason for this project: I want to work more on using APIs, jQuery and CSS media queries.
A bunch of C# console apps - Create a repo with a bunch of C# console applications, maybe 10.
Reason for this project: Basically a refresher on my C#, even working on my C# OOP topics' knowledge.
Create a CSS framework from scratch - self-explanatory really.
Reason for this project: Saw a bunch of kids online create one and was curious about how to make one so I want to make a project of doing so.
Create a chrome browser extension - self-explanatory again. Want to make a pop-up menu type of browser extension.
Reason for this project: Was curious one night and watched a youtube video on how to make one - looks simple but still has the 'challenge' element to it so want to create one.
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kochivamarketing · 7 months
Want to build awesome websites and apps?
Do you dream of becoming a web developer?
Do you want to create stunning and interactive websites and applications that users love?
If yes, then you need to learn the essential languages for front-end development. Now you may think about How to Become A Front end Developer. Firstly, understand what is Front end Development is, it is the art and science of building the user interface of a website or application. It involves coding everything that users see and interact with on the web, such as layout, design, animation, and functionality.
To become a successful front-end developer, you need to master three core languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the building blocks of any web page or application. HTML defines the structure and content of a web page, CSS controls the appearance and style of a web page, and JavaScript adds interactivity and dynamic behavior to a web page.
But that’s not all. You also need to learn some popular frameworks and libraries that enhance your front-end development skills and make your work easier and faster. Some of the most widely used ones are React, Angular, Vue, jQuery, and Bootstrap.
If you are interested in learning these languages and frameworks, you can enroll in some of the best online courses on Kochiva. It offers courses from top experts. You can learn at your own pace, practice with hands-on projects, and earn certificates that you can share with employers. So what are you waiting for?
Start your journey as a front-end developer today and join the millions of learners who are transforming their careers and lives. Visit Kochiva and enroll in a course today.
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lunarsilkscreen · 9 months
JavaScript Frameworks
Step 1) Polyfill
Most JS frameworks started from a need to create polyfills. A Polyfill is a js script that add features to JavaScript that you expect to be standard across all web browsers. Before the modern era; browsers lacked standardization for many different features between HTML/JS/and CSS (and still do a bit if you're on the bleeding edge of the W3 standards)
Polyfill was how you ensured certain functions were available AND worked the same between browsers.
JQuery is an early Polyfill tool with a lot of extra features added that makes JS quicker and easier to type, and is still in use in most every website to date. This is the core standard of frameworks these days, but many are unhappy with it due to performance reasons AND because plain JS has incorporated many features that were once unique to JQuery.
JQuery still edges out, because of the very small amount of typing used to write a JQuery app vs plain JS; which saves on time and bandwidth for small-scale applications.
Many other frameworks even use JQuery as a base library.
Step 2) Encapsulated DOM
Storing data on an element Node starts becoming an issue when you're dealing with multiple elements simultaneously, and need to store data as close as possible to the DOMNode you just grabbed from your HTML, and probably don't want to have to search for it again.
Encapsulation allows you to store your data in an object right next to your element so they're not so far apart.
HTML added the "data-attributes" feature, but that's more of "loading off the hard drive instead of the Memory" situation, where it's convenient, but slow if you need to do it multiple times.
Encapsulation also allows for promise style coding, and functional coding. I forgot the exact terminology used,but it's where your scripting is designed around calling many different functions back-to-back instead of manipulating variables and doing loops manually.
Step 3) Optimization
Many frameworks do a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to caching frequently used DOM calls, among other data tools, DOM traversal, and provides standardization for commonly used programming patterns so that you don't have to learn a new one Everytime you join a new project. (you will still have to learn a new one if you join a new project.)
These optimizations are to reduce reflowing/redrawing the page, and to reduce the plain JS calls that are performance reductive. A lot of these optimatizations done, however, I would suspect should just be built into the core JS engine.
(Yes I know it's vanilla JS, I don't know why plain is synonymous with Vanilla, but it feels weird to use vanilla instead of plain.)
Step 4) Custom Element and component development
This was a tool to put XML tags or custom HTML tags on Page that used specific rules to create controls that weren't inherent to the HTML standard. It also helped linked multiple input and other data components together so that the data is centrally located and easy to send from page to page or page to server.
Step 5) Back-end development
This actually started with frameworks like PHP, ASP, JSP, and eventually resulted in Node.JS. these were ways to dynamically generate a webpage on the server in order to host it to the user. (I have not seen a truly dynamic webpage to this day, however, and I suspect a lot of the optimization work is actually being lost simply by programmers being over reliant on frameworks doing the work for them. I have made this mistake. That's how I know.)
The backend then becomes disjointed from front-end development because of the multitude of different languages, hence Node.JS. which creates a way to do server-side scripting in the same JavaScript that front-end developers were more familiar with.
React.JS and Angular 2.0 are more of back end frameworks used to generate dynamic web-page without relying on the User environment to perform secure transactions.
Step 6) use "Framework" as a catch-all while meaning none of these;
Polyfill isn't really needed as much anymore unless your target demographic is an impoverished nation using hack-ware and windows 95 PCs. (And even then, they could possible install Linux which can use modern lightweight browsers...)
Encapsulation is still needed, as well as libraries that perform commonly used calculations and tasks, I would argue that libraries aren't going anywhere. I would also argue that some frameworks are just bloat ware.
One Framework I was researching ( I won't name names here) was simply a remapping of commands from a Canvas Context to an encapsulated element, and nothing more. There was literally more comments than code. And by more comments, I mean several pages of documentation per 3 lines of code.
Custom Components go hand in hand with encapsulation, but I suspect that there's a bit more than is necessary with these pieces of frameworks, especially on the front end. Tho... If it saves a lot of repetition, who am I to complain?
Back-end development is where things get hairy, everything communicates through HTTP and on the front end the AJAX interface. On the back end? There's two ways data is given, either through a non-html returning web call, *or* through functions that do a lot of heavy lifting for you already.
Which obfuscates how the data is used.
But I haven't really found a bad use of either method. But again; I suspect many things about performance impacts that I can't prove. Specifically because the tools in use are already widely accepted and used.
But since I'm a lightweight reductionist when it comes to coding. (Except when I'm not because use-cases exist) I can't help but think most every framework work, both front-end and Back-end suffers from a lot of bloat.
And that bloat makes it hard to select which framework would be the match for the project you're working on. And because of that; you could find yourself at the tail end of a development cycle realizing; You're going to have to maintain this as is, in the exact wrong solution that does not fit the scope of the project in anyway.
Well. That's what junior developers are for anyway...
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eggdesign · 2 years
Making a featured tags section
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I've gotten a few questions about this, so I'm going to explain how I'm putting together the featured tags section on my (still in progress/yet to be released) dashboard inspired theme.
This uses JS with v1 of the API, the HasPages block in the theme HTML, and some CSS.
Instead of relying on text options for tags, this theme is grabbing pages based on if it is a tag url or not.
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While I technically have 4 links here, /About is not a link to a tag, so it gets removed.
This uses the API similar to how @fukuo did featured posts, but with vanilla JS instead of jQuery. How it works:
Select only the links in the featured tags container that include /tagged/ (using a CSS attribute selector for [href*="/tagged"])
Grab the tag name from the url
Add that tag name to the API url
Use the returned data to add the text, total posts, and any images from the most recent result of that tag
Style/formatting with CSS
I have the JS and CSS here with some comments on what everything is doing so far. I will update this as I make more progress on the theme, so let me know if you run into anything that I need to update!
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izicodes · 1 year
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Hiya! My name is Izzy-Loa, and a Jr Web Developer and today, I thought it would be a great idea to just share my own personal coding journey! I have answered a lot of asks in the past about how I recommend other people to start their coding studies, what websites to learn from and roadmaps etc. But one question I kept having to repeat myself answering is the "Okay how did you get started?" - it is completely my fault not writing this down properly~! (I did actually)
Anyhoo, I'll just speed through my journey, sharing what I learnt at what times and what I'm currently doing now! ✨
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☆ Starting from Scratch
I started coding back in 2017 during the summer break when I was just 15 years old. At that time, I didn't even know what coding was! It was my dad who suggested that I learn HTML. I hesitated at first, thinking HTML was some "complex high-level programming language". Little did I know, it was just a markup language...
I started with HTML and then moved on to CSS during that summer. However, once school started in September, I set coding aside and forgot about it. The following year, 2018, I decided to give it another shot and relearned HTML and CSS. But again dropped it because of school work and upcoming exams!
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☆ The Turning Point
Fast forward to 2020, a year that marked a turning point!. I started creating websites using HTML and CSS. I briefly played with JavaScript but decided to focus on mastering HTML and CSS.
In January 2021, I made a significant decision. I dropped out of school due to personal reasons and decided to fully commit to programming, plus getting my first remote job (non-Tech). From there, I gradually delved into JavaScript a lot more and even dabbled in Python along the way. My learning process was on and off, but I was making progress! Around this time I learnt Git and GitHub!
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☆ The Apprenticeship
Around September/October time, I applied for an apprenticeship. My skill set included HTML, CSS, Python, and basic JavaScript. I got accepted and continued to learn Python, delving into C# and Java as well. It was a challenging but rewarding experience! Happily dropped Java towards the end!
At work, I also learned SQL, working with Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL. I even explored .NET Framework and ASP.NET. It was a lot to take in, but I embraced the learning process! The older developers at the workplace were super helpful and very experienced - felt as though they were happy to give me all their knowledge as best they could~!
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☆ Expanding My Knowledge
During my apprenticeship, around October 2022, I decided to further expand my skills. I enrolled in a front-end bootcamp, where I revisited HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also learned jQuery, Node.js, npm, and even ventured into React. Though, due to not practising it enough, I forgotten React and Node.js~!
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☆ My Ongoing Journey
Currently, I'm continuing to explore Python and experimenting with Lua. I'm also revisiting JavaScript, jQuery, and recently, I've started working with SCSS (Sass) to streamline my CSS development - I highly recommend people in Web Development to learn SCSS!! I love it so much!
Looking ahead, my learning wishlist includes TypeScript, React, Vue.js, Angular, and C++. However, I'm not rushing into learning everything at once. I'm taking my time to absorb each language and framework thoroughly.
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In summary, it has been a continuous evolution, from HTML and CSS to SQL, .NET Framework, and various other languages and tools. I've faced challenges and taken LOTS of breaks, but each step has brought me closer to becoming a proficient developer. I want to be better! But slowly and in good time!
Hope this was somewhat helpful to other people and yeah, have a nice day/night!
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⤷ ○ ♡ my shop ○ my twt ○ my youtube ○ pinned post ○ blog's navigation ♡ ○
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aletaiechhryret · 1 year
The Best Programming Languages For Beginners
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When choosing the right programming language, it’s essential to consider your goals and career. You want to make sure that you choose a programming language that is both in demand and easy to learn. Python is an ideal choice for beginners because it reads like English and has a simplified syntax. It’s also versatile and can be used for anything from web development to software development.
Python is a popular general-purpose programming language that’s easy to learn for beginners and widely used in web development, machine learning, art, automation, and more. It also has a vast community of resources that are available to new programmers.
Java is another widely used programming language, especially for mobile app development. It’s used at companies of all sizes (including HubSpot!) and is one of the easiest to learn if you want to develop for a variety of platforms.Better is to click here or visit our official website to know about Programming question answer.
C is an older programming language but still a good choice for beginners because it’s more “machine-level” and gives you the lowest-level control over computer hardware. It’s also the most common base for other languages, like C# and Ruby.
Despite being not as beginner-friendly as Python, Java is a good programming language to start with. It's a general-purpose programming language with a versatile library and free online tutorials.
It's also a cross-platform language, which makes it suitable for mobile and desktop applications. It's the language of choice for Android development and used in a number of enterprise-level software applications.
C is one of the oldest languages and forms the basis for modern languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript. However, it has a low level of abstraction and requires that code is compiled (translated into machine-readable code) before it can be run. This can make it difficult for beginners to understand. Moreover, its syntax can be confusing. But, it's an excellent foundation for more advanced language learning.
Many people are interested in learning programming, but choosing the best language can be intimidating. Luckily, there are plenty of resources to help you get started. You can learn the basics of multiple languages with a coding boot camp, such as the Georgia Tech Coding Boot Camp, which offers a variety of courses including HTML, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Other popular languages include C, which is a general-purpose, compiled language that’s widely used in back-end software applications like web servers. Python is a versatile programming language that’s easy to learn for beginners and can be used in any application. Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented language that’s commonly implemented using the Rails framework. Its concise syntax and convention-over-configuration approach makes it easier to build and deploy apps.
Perl is a high-level dynamic general-purpose scripting language. It is popular among system administrators for its text-processing capabilities, specifically its own in-built version of regular expressions. It is also used for web development and GUI programming.
Beginners can start learning the basics of the programming language by following the free online courses offered on Udemy. These courses begin with basic theory and then move on to specific aspects of the language. They include topics such as lists, arrays, and subroutines. They also cover how to handle errors in coding. Perl has a large community of developers, with over 230 local groups, mailing lists and support/discussion websites. It is also open source and supports more than 25,000 extension modules on CPAN. This flexibility makes it an ideal programming language for beginners.
Computer programming allows us to create the software and applications that make our lives easier, more entertaining, and more efficient. But deciding which language to learn can be a difficult choice for beginners, particularly when there are so many options available.
Programming languages may seem different on the surface, but they all have similar structures and features. This means that whichever language you choose to learn, you’ll be learning important coding concepts that will be applicable to any other languages you might decide to explore later on.
Before deciding which programming language to learn, it’s important to consider your goals and current skill level. Once you’ve identified your goals, it’s easy to narrow down your options and find the best programming language for beginners.
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m2272000 · 1 year
Full-Stack Web Development In 7 days Ebook
Title: Full-Stack Web Development in 7 Days: Your Comprehensive Guide to Building Dynamic Websites
Introduction: Are you eager to embark on a journey to become a full-stack web developer? Look no further! In this comprehensive ebook, "Full-Stack Web Development in 7 Days," we will guide you through the fundamental concepts and practical skills necessary to build dynamic websites from front to back. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer looking to expand your skill set, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to kickstart your journey as a full-stack web developer in just one week.
Day 1: Introduction to Web Development:
Understand the foundations of web development, including the client-server architecture and HTTP protocol.
Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—the building blocks of any web application.
Dive into the basics of responsive web design and create your first static webpage.
Day 2: Front-End Development:
Explore the world of front-end development frameworks like Bootstrap and learn how to build responsive and visually appealing user interfaces.
Master JavaScript libraries such as jQuery to add interactivity and dynamic elements to your web pages.
Gain hands-on experience with front-end frameworks like React or Angular to create robust single-page applications.
Day 3: Back-End Development:
Discover the essentials of back-end development using popular programming languages like Python, JavaScript (Node.js), or Ruby.
Learn about server-side frameworks such as Express, Django, or Ruby on Rails to build powerful back-end applications.
Connect your front-end and back-end components, enabling them to communicate and exchange data seamlessly.
Day 4: Databases and Data Management:
Dive into the world of databases and understand the difference between relational and NoSQL databases.
Learn how to work with popular databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB.
Implement database integration into your web applications, enabling data storage, retrieval, and manipulation.
Day 5: API Development and Integration:
Explore the fundamentals of RESTful APIs and their role in modern web development.
Build your own APIs using frameworks like Express or Flask to expose data and functionality to external applications.
Integrate third-party APIs, such as social media APIs or payment gateways, to enhance the functionality of your web applications.
Day 6: Security and Performance Optimization:
Understand common security vulnerabilities in web applications and learn how to protect against them.
Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure user data and control access.
Optimize your web applications for performance, including techniques like caching, code minification, and server-side rendering.
Day 7: Deployment and Continuous Integration:
Learn how to deploy your web applications to a hosting platform or a cloud infrastructure like AWS, Azure, or Heroku.
Set up continuous integration and deployment workflows using tools like Git, GitHub, and Docker.
Finalize your full-stack web development journey by exploring best practices for maintenance, troubleshooting, and scalability.
Conclusion: "Full-Stack Web Development in 7 Days" provides a structured and comprehensive roadmap to help you become a proficient full-stack web developer within a week. By following this ebook, you will gain a solid foundation in front-end and back-end development, databases, APIs, security, performance optimization, and deployment. Get ready to unleash your creativity and embark on an exciting career in web development. Start your journey today and unlock the endless possibilities of building dynamic and interactive websites.
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