#How to use Redux
programming-fields · 8 months
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Clarence Thomas: appointed by George H.W. Bush (Republican)
Samuel Alito and John Roberts: appointed by George W. Bush (Republican)
Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett: appointed by Donald Trump (Republican)
Conservative total: 6
Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan: appointed by Barack Obama (Democrat)
Ketanji Brown Jackson: appointed by Joe Biden (Democrat) replacing Stephen Breyer, appointed by Bill Clinton (Democrat), who also appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg;
Liberal total: 3
Most common split on all these bad decisions: 6-3
Gee, it's almost like SCOTUS actually is incredibly important, Hillary Clinton and the entire mainstream Democratic electorate knew that in 2016, Democratic presidents consistently appoint the justices who are on the side of the rulings that you agree with, it was maybe a bad idea to let a man charged with 71 felony counts including criminal espionage appoint one-third of the current court, and yet BUH BUH BERNIE AND HER EMAILS.
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emberglowfox · 5 months
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my beautiful son version 2.0
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danthropologie · 1 year
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NMB_Gs95yoo <- WHAT DOES HE KNOW ⁉️ 🗣️
"will we see you driving next year?" "i want to. i want to so....that's the plan"
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inniave · 3 months
something i've found that non drug users tend to not understand is that sometimes using drugs is harm reduction.
sometimes the cost of not using is so much higher. this is one of many reasons why autonomy is so important- if u take my drugs away, are u just plunging me into crisis? what options am i left with? are they safer? will it lead to more suffering? does it help me in any immediate material way? or are u just making my life harder, more painful, riskier, less stable, and deadlier?
sometimes drug use is the safest, healthiest, least harmful option available
and we as a society should be doing everything we can to reduce harm & stigma around drug use. provide tested drugs, clean needles, safe use centers, naloxone, the list goes on and on.
please treat the drug users in ur life with respect. don't take away our autonomy. don't assume u know what's best. do what u can to make the world safer for those of us who use <3
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carefulfears · 1 year
the x-files entitling an episode about scully finding out that her illness has progressed to the point where her death is imminent, and mulder being told that he is the reason for it, and nearly killing himself, after…..the garden in the new testament where jesus wept before his crucifixion
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regret-nothing · 2 years
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Gets shot in the head and dies
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yuridovewing · 1 year
Something that's interesting for One Eye characterization is how Star Flower is his only surviving family member. Apparently, his mate and kits died when Star Flower was too little to remember them, and he raised Star Flower on his own. And this is just headcanon territory of course, but I kinda like the idea that they died from the illness in "The Blazing Star". Which tracks because the plague had happened once before. Maybe the entire family was sick, including One Eye, and they were barely scraping by, and by the time One Eye was able to scrape together a cure, everyone had died except for him and Star Flower, and so he used it on the both of them and named his daughter after the plant that saved them. And this experience makes him paranoid of getting sick or weak again, so he hoards food and herbs for himself and grows incredibly territorial and fearful (Clear Sky parallel oooo?).
Also villain who loves their child and would do anything for them trope my beloved.
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marmarks · 10 months
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finally found my tablet pen again, just in time to have downfall brainrot again<3 it is deeply important to me that my bf liked the game too bc i relate deeply to ivy davis
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ruckis--rookie · 10 months
perhaps I will do some writing tonight instead of sleeping.... Tucker is helping me by being a literal lap cat as we speak
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castielmacleod · 2 years
The thing with me and Thee Prequel. Is that it frankly doesn’t deserve to exist in my opinion and so the only and I mean the ONLY capacity in which I even slightly personally care about it is in what I can steal from it for my personal canon. Which…. is really is only a step or two down from where I already am with spn itself. Like when it comes to my little self-indulgent rewrite project, spn canon is just a big long buffet table from which I’ve tried a bit of everything, despised most of it, and now I’m going back and picking out a few specific things I actually DID like for my takeaway box. So within that analogy, spn/win is like I turn around from the main buffet table and there’s another smaller buffet table where all the gluten-free options are. And I’m not allergic to gluten myself, I don’t NEED to eat gluten-free, I could easily ignore this entire table, but as I happen to pass by, well… if I notice something there that looks good, then there’s really no reason not to grab it and add it to my takeaway box, is there. That’s kind of my philosophy on that.
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Redux I hate you
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fumbles-mcstupid · 6 months
It’s not that I’m not a fan of Babylon 5, it’s more that I’m MORE of a fan of what the show could have been if it had not diverged from the way the story was being set up through Season 1. I’m a fan of what the path not taken was trying to be.
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danthropologie · 1 year
Clearly there’s like an announcement of epic proportions in it and they can’t edit it out. So they have to wait to release it.
Like maybe Simon announced he’s returning and we all know that the only reason THAT would happen is if Daniel gets the RB seat.
Is either that or Daniel announced he got the seat, or Christian came bounding in like the koolaid man and dropped some secrets, or Max visited and sucked Daniel’s d*ck while he was gesticulating about Monaco and then everyone had to sign NDAs.
Like it doesn’t make sense why we can’t consume this video after they edged us so hard with promises.
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once again, words cannot express how much i love when we're all on the same page with our silly little delusions 🙏 every word from both of you is real and true and actually happened (source: i was the monaco trophy on the coffee table)
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aashwarr · 6 months
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how to use wicked whims: installation tutorial, realistic gameplay settings & more by ashley plays
this video goes over the following:
how to install wicked whims & animations
adjusting the settings for realistic & age-appropriate gameplay
how to use custom animations & poses
my favorite wicked whims gameplay features
mods mentioned:
wicked whims (18+)
ui cheats extension
mc command center
streamer mode/censorship mode add-on
smaller mosaic
body hair v5+ redux
height slider
missing plumbob
teleport any sim
favorite animators:
kiki chain
favorite pose creators (masterpost):
afrosimtric sims
mel bennett
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radiotrophicfungi · 5 months
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remember how I wanted to work on redoing some of my older blinkies? here are a bunch of 'em! including a couple of new ones as well. more will come in the future, of course! :-)
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