#How to glitch first make sure to make a save while you are Link
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sleepylink · 5 months ago
So I was playing Echoes of Wisdom, very fun game.
But ya know what? I really wanna play as Link.............
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Honestly makes the game harder in a fun way, I gotta use the my Wisdom to figure out how to get around now-
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azzifuddfanpage · 2 months ago
I can fight
thank you so much for the anon who gave me this amazing prompt: you can read it here!
2.1k words (why was this supposed to be my short one)
Tw: none but I didn’t edit so good luck 😺😺
themes: fluff/ angst (not really, paige is just a jealous gf but what’s new)
Paige was in her dorm after practice, her hair still damp from her shower, and only a towel wrapped around herself.
She was about to dig through her closet for a hoodie and some basketball shorts when she heard her phone buzz on the table. 
Paige had been expecting a text from Azzi within the next ten minutes, telling her she was ready to get picked up from her rehab. 
Hearing her phone buzz, she wandered over hopefully, picking it up and watching as the screen lit up.
While she did see an Azzi notification, it was not the one she expected. 
“Azzi35 posted” her instagram notification read. 
Paige was immediately doubtful, maybe it was a glitch, Azzi never posts, especially not without telling paige first. It had to have been an add for sure- paige was just surprised she never heard anything. 
When she clicks on the link, Azzi’s dimpled smile fills her screen as she holds up what appears to be a tight body suit. 
Paige holds down on the video as the video jumps to each outfit. Starting with the body suit.
Paige feels the heat in her core burn as she sees the way her ass is accentuated by the way the tight material of the one piece clung to her curves, pulling her in at all the right places, highlighting her girlfriends perfect body. 
The definition of Azzi’s abs is slightly visible through the light material, and paige can’t help her self but zoom in on the fat of her ass as she watches as Azzi turns slightly to show off the rest of the look. 
Paige continues to watch the video, the feeling between her legs growing as Azzi switched into a two piece light blue set that made the tanned color of her skin pop. 
Paige watched the video the rest of the way through, resisting the urge to stop it, but she couldn’t hide the thoughts running through her mind as her beautiful girlfriend flaunted infront of the mirror.
Next Azzi appeared in the brown two piece- that showed off her belly button piercing, and had a zipper right between her breasts. 
“The zipper will not be of much use if she ever wears that around me.” Paige thought to herself as her eyes focused in on the way the pants sat loosely on her hips.
Even when paige thought the video couldn’t get much worse, paige watches as Azzi holds up a tight tank top and shorts. 
“Fuck” paige mutters under her breath, as her eyes wonder Azzi’s body, as she reappears on the screen in the tight black short set.
Paiges eyes wander up her tan legs, seeing the way the material bunches at her abs, and she can just see where the curve of her ass sits at the edge of her pants. 
She smirked as Azzi turned and checked herself out, (paige was doing the same- and had no right to be talking) but would definitely flame her for it later- but not before making her wear it in front of her so she could be the one checking her out. 
She watched needily as Azzi slipped on a tight robe, reminding Paige of the times Azzi would sneak into her room, body wrapped in nothing but a loose robe like that one, and let paige’s hands wander as she made them breakfast. 
As the video went on, and Azzi was now bundled in a zip up and sweats, paige felt a smile tug at her lips as she saw how warm and cuddly Azzi looked all wrapped up in the oversized sweats- paige lowkey wished that Azzi was wearing paige’s sweats but…
Lastly, paige saw the finally tight long sleeve, that drew paige’s attention straight to her breasts, and surely anyone else who was watching would see the same thing, paige would think to herself.
Paiges heart was still beating, Azzi’s beautiful body still flashing in her mind as she clicked on Azzi’s contact- not before saving the ad to her camera roll-, and called her. 
Azzi answers right away “I take it you just saw my ad.” 
“Babe I’m dying, why did you post that now when I can’t immediately put my hands on you.” 
Azzi rolls her eyes  “baby I don’t think it would have gone over well if I had filmed that in front of you. Remember the time I showed you the pink blazer and shorts I wore to the D’Amelio’s, and you almost didn’t let me leave the house?” Azzi reminded as paige smacked her lips together dramatically, 
“Chill, I’m your girlfriend of course I don’t want other people to see how beautiful my girl is.” Paige said pouting into the phone. 
Azzi felt a smile curl onto her lips at the thought of how protective Paige was. 
“You’re cute when you’re jealous.” Azzi said teasingly into the phone.
“Mmmm.” Paige breathed into the phone, Azzi’s words warming her chest. 
“You’re just cute period.” Paige started. “Looked so good in that ad baby. Didn’t even know what to do with myself. If I don’t see you soon might just start touching myself now.” Paige said, her voice a low growl, that made Azzi’s stomach drop to the floor. 
“I’ll be done in 15 minutes and you can come pick me up.” Azzi said her brain running in 50 different directions as she thought about all the things her and paige might have planned. 
Azzi thought she could hear the sound of the music of her ad playing again. 
“Paige are you seriously watching it again?” Azzi asked letting out a soft laugh. 
“Uhm ofc- you didn’t just think I was gonna watch my girl show off her precious body on the internet for my view to be less then everyone else’s… needed to see it on the big screen.” Paige continued, holding her iPad up to the camera that showed Azzi’s ad playing on repeat.
Azzi laughed. 
“I love you baby- be good and maybe I’ll put it back on and let you take it off of me when we get home.” Azzi continued, her eyes scanning paige’s face.
“We’ll see, you should see some of these comments, though. Gonna make it hard for me to just sit back and hear them all talkin bout my girl like this.” 
Azzi laughed as paige began to read some of them outloud. 
“Body so Tea British are coming.. man facts, that’s a bar though.” She continues “Marry me Azzi..” Paige rolls her eyes “she’s already married.” Azzi laughs.
 “Can Paige fight.” Paige scoffs throwing her head back as she plops onto her bed, “Brrooo I can’t do this I’m bout to say something.”
 “Paige calm down, they are just comments” 
“nah I’m bout to like that comment.” Paige said defiantly. 
“Paige Maddison! Don’t even think about it.” Azzi warned shaking her head. 
Paige let out a long sigh “when the season is over and one or both of us are not at UCONN anymore, I’m literally letting the world know how bad I can fight.” 
Azzi smiles “Paige I may be the peoples princess, but I was yours before I was anyone else’s.. you don’t have to fight for me baby. I’m yours.” 
Paige smiles “I love you princess.”
“I love you too,  feel better?” Azzi asked
Paige rolls her eyes “for now.” 
“But I’ll feel a whole lot better when they know you’re off limits.” She muttered. 
“Mommy fudd.” She sneered under her breath. 
“Alright that one literally sounds like something you would say under a fake account or something don’t even play with me right now.” Azzi laughed as paige pouted at the comment. 
“That was one time okay- and I couldn’t help myself.” Paige replied a blush covering her face and she smiled bashfully.  
“Alright baby I love you- the trainer is coming back in to do the shock therapy, but you can leave now and I’ll be ready when you get here. But until then you’re banned from reading any more of my comments until then.” Azzi said, wagging her finger through the screen. 
Paige rolled her eyes, “fine but only if you give me kisses for all the trauma I’ve endured reading those comments.”
Azzi returned the eye roll, “ugh don’t even start with me right now, I swear every other video on my for you page is an edit of you and girls thirsting over your fingers.” Azzi groaned. 
“Don’t even act like you don’t like them.” Paige said smirking. 
“The edits or your fingers?” Azzi asked teasingly. 
“I guess we will have to test it later, but my guess is probably a tie.” Paige said pretending to actually contemplate the pretty obvious answer. 
Azzi and paige continue going back and forth teasingly each other until Azzi’s trainer comes back in and has to hang up against the blondes defiant arguments. 
10 minutes later, Paige is in a car waiting for Azzi to come out of the training facility. 
A few more minutes go by and paige feels herself getting a bit impatient. 
To pass the time, she decides to look at the add again, and it still has the same effect on her and as soon as they get alone time she is showing Azzi just how much she liked it. 
She goes back to the comments and sees so many talking about if she can fight. 
Paige feels a brief moment of cockiness. 
A mixture of annoyance and confidence she sets up her phone, “man fuck it.” She says under her breath, recording herself doing the rizz hands, a couple boxing jabs at the phone before doing like a shimmy down her body, trying to turn it into some kind of dance. 
She leans back in the seat as she scrolls through the audio options, landing on a Rocky Balboa sound, and posts to her story without giving it a second thought. 
“Yeah I can fucking fight.” She mutters to herself. 
Within minutes the fans were already having a field day over the TikTok, screen recording it, making connections between that and their previous accusations, Azzi was gonna be so done with her. 
 it takes her only a few minutes for her to see a screenshot of the comment on Azzi’s video asking if paige could fight, pasted over the video of her hilariously uncooordinated stiff punches. Paige felt a wave of satisfaction grow over her knowing that she had indirectly claimed her girl. 
Her eyes scanned over the video, settling on the caption at the bottom that read, “omfg she is letting us know she can fucking fight. Damn Paige, claim your girl then.” Paige smirked and saved the tik tok edit and then put her phone down. 
A couple long minutes later, she saw Azzi’s figure- wearing one of her own hoodies- waddle out to the car, a compression sleeve covering her left leg. 
Paige greeted Azzi with a warm kiss, wrapping her fingers around her back, pulling in the warm body of her girlfriend. 
Paiges hands linger on Azzi’s back as she pulls away guilty.
“so I did a thing..” paige starts, a blush covering her face realizing her rash actions as she looks down at the seat. 
“that sounds ominous, what did you do..” Azzi asks cautiously, trying to interpret the red blush that is quickly spreading over paige’s cheeks. 
 “uhh yeah so I saw more comments about me needing to fight so yeah I uhm- fought.” 
Azzi gasps, bringing a hand to her forehead , “what does that mean paige.” 
Paige pulled out her phone and went to her story, she held it up so Azzi could see. 
Azzi watched as her girlfriend through uncoordinated punches and paired it with a stiff body roll. 
Azzi looked up from the phone, raising her eyebrow at paige. 
“What? I only added the body roll so people would be less suspecting- it could mean anything.” Paige shrugged. 
Azzi smiled, shaking her head in disbelief, “you are crazy.” She said as she gently shoved paige’s phone away, pulling her in so she could place a fat kiss on her cheek.
Paige giggled as Azzi’s lips tickled her skin. 
“you’re not mad?” Paige asked, raising an eyebrow as she placed her hand on Azzi’s neck. 
Azzi shrugged “private but not a secret.” 
Paige’s smile spread across her whole face before she pulled Azzi into a kiss, wrapping her up in a tight hug. 
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librarygarten · 3 months ago
I don't think I'm the only one who thinks Wars was an asshole? Like, is the reader supposed to have -known- they were actually controlling somone? The world they were from, the Links aren't real, right? And here he is instantly blaming them for playing something they'd only know as a game, cruelly making them cry and being just all around awful. I hope someone calls him out on it.
Sorry, nonnie :( Wars was indeed an asshole, but his game would probably one of the worst to live through. He had to watch his men die in a war that turned out to be some sort of sick entertainment for an interdimensional being. Add to that his whole... situation with Cia, and he's not thrilled with the idea that reader might have just. Over-written his free will while playing the game. Don't worry, Twilight will beat up Wars on your behalf <3
#2 Chain x Speedrunner! Deity! Isekai! Reader - Who's in Control?
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Part 2 includes Sky, Twilight, and Legend Part 1 ✿ Part 2 (you are here) ✿ Part 3
When you first fell through the portal and joined the chain on their quest, you had revealed that they were only stories in your world. It had taken a while for them to understand the concept of a video game, and even longer for them to come to terms with the fact that some of the most traumatic events of their lives were reduced to children’s entertainment. However, as they talked with you, they came to another horrifying discovery: YOU were their “player.” Your actions in your world, the decisions you made while playing the games, directly influenced their own lives. What’s more, you were a speedrunner.
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“Hey, Y/N?” Sky approaches you at camp, wringing his hands nervously. He won’t meet your gaze. “Did… did I do something to make you mad?”
“What?” You think back on your last few interactions. You hadn’t been treating him any differently. Unless you were somehow a jerk and didn’t even know it? You have been pretty sleep-deprived lately. “No. Why do you ask?”
“It’s just that…” He trails off, clearly not sure how to approach this topic. He takes a breath and tries again. “You kind of controlled us during our adventures, right?”
Well, crap.
“I think so? I’m not really sure how it works.” Now you’re the one that won’t look him in the eyes. “My influence on you guys is still… weird to think about.”
“Yeah.” He nodded. Learning the existence of your free will was questionable at best was not a great feeling. “But you controlled everything we did, right?”
“Not necessarily!” You can feel the sweat dripping down your neck. “Talking to some of the others, maybe you guys could influence me, too? Like, Four said he felt scared during the final fight, and that’s the same time that I messed up with the controls!”
Sky hums, as if agreeing. It’s clear he doesn’t believe it.
“But you’re the one that made me jump off that post in Skyloft.” He says quietly. He’s not angry. He just seems sad, honestly. “And then… Fi was there all of a sudden? I can’t remember exactly. Everything seemed so… out of order?”
You swallow the glob of spit in your throat. He was talking about the Back in Time glitch. How did he even remember that? It requires two save files and to move around while in the menu.
“You remember that?” You yelp. “Shoot, I’m so, so sorry. That’s a glitch to make the game faster. I swear, I had known you weren’t just a video game I would have never-”
“It’s fine.” He interrupts, giving a weak smile. “I’m used to it.”
“Used to what?” You ask, but he walks away. He disappears between the trees, and you’re left staring at the empty clearing full of camping equipment.
“...Used to what?” You whisper to yourself.
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“Y’alright?” Twilight asks you. He’d found you a ways away from camp, curled up agains the side of a tree. You sniff, wiping your eyes but not meeting his gaze.
“Peachy,” you say sarcastically, but your voice cracks, and it sounds more pathetic than anything else. He sits down next to you.
“Rupee for your thoughts?” He smiles. When you don’t respond, he leans forward, trying to get a look at your face. “You know you can talk to me, right? Or I could be Wolfie, if that would be easier? Dog therapy is a thing right? Wolf therapy is just a few degrees removed from that.”
“Don’t go transforming for my sake.” You snicker, finally turning your head to look at him. Your eyes are red and puffy from crying. “It’s nothing. No need for you to get worked up over it.”
“It is very clearly not ‘nothing’.” His eyebrows furrow. “Did one of the others say something? I swear if Legend was giving you grief again–”
“No, nobody said anything. It’s just a lot of things, I guess…” You explain hesitantly. “Like, I got sucked through a random portal and suddenly a bunch of game characters are real. And what’s worse is the things I did in the game actually happened to them? Does that apply to every game I’ve played? What about when I stopped playing a game? Or deleted a save file?” You thread your fingers through your hair, feeling more tears threatening to spill out. How many deaths and traumas were your fault? How many lives have you ruined? 
“You couldn’t have known. Heck, WE didn’t know about you.” Twilight pats your back, bringing you back to reality.
“But didn’t you feel something was off? I was like,” you make claws with your hands, emphasizing your point “controlling you guys against your will or something.”
“Well, it was kinda weird when I stared at a rupee for fifteen hours straight.” He chuckles, “But like I said, you had no way of knowing. Nobody here blames you.”
“I’m pretty sure Wars hates me…”
“Well, he’s an asshole.” Twilight rolls his eyes. “I’ll give him a piece of my mind next time he’s bothering you, ya hear?”
“Okay,” you smile, wiping your nose with your sleeve. “Thanks.”
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“Speedrunning? That sounds incredibly stupid.” Legend scoffs. You had tried explaining some of the strange things that he had encountered during his adventure, only to be made fun of. Honestly, you probably deserved it a little bit.
“Yeah, it’s a whole thing. People compete to get the fastest time, which usually requires glitches.” You chuckle nervously, scratching the back of your head.
“So you broke the very fabric of reality in order to win.” He raises an eyebrow.
“I didn’t break reality!” You exclaim.
“I climbed up a ladder and just… kept going up, even when there wasn’t anything to climb on!” Legend throws his hands in the air. “I held a bomb above my head and floated across a room.”
“That’s not necessarily breaking reality,” you grimace. He’s honestly got a point, but you’re not about to concede like that. “People can fly. There’s a whole race of bird people called the Rito in the other timelines.”
“Do I look like a bird?” Legend motions to himself, showing off his very-much-not-a-bird-self. “You know what? Forget it. If all you’re going to do is make excuses, I’m done.”
He turns to walk away, but you grab his hand. His back is to you, so you can’t see his face. Hopefully he won’t hate you too much.
“Legend, I swear I would never have played the games if I knew I was messing with real people. I had no idea.” You sniff, tears threatening to fall. You’re so sick of this. You’re so sick of needing to explain this to them. “Your games were some of the first games I ever played. I remember coming back from school as a kid, excited to play them. I… I loved all the characters. I spent hours trying to find every side quest, trying to get everyone a happy ending. When I started speedrunning… I never could have known… I’m sorry.”
He turns around, his bangs half-covering his eyes. He looks ready to cry, too.
“You loved her too, huh?” He whispers, then laughs, regaining his composure and returning to the snarky Legend you know and love. “Just make sure you don’t, like, puppet me around now, alright? I can’t imagine what the others would do if I started backflipping through walls.”
You giggle at his annoyed expression. They were sure to be insufferable about it.
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uwukillmenowowo · 6 months ago
I was in my class, break time, playing CRK and "Love in Paradise" came up.
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Love in the Wind
[Yandere! Wind Archer Cookie x Human! Reader]
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Reader is female
Reader is a hardcore CRK player.
Buys all the limited packs, saves her gems for Super Epic+ cookies
Etc Etc Etc
But something went... wrong...
When Wind Archer first came out, you were the first to get him and his legendary costume.
You showed him much more love than you have any other cookie. Absolutely maxing him out until he had 1 Million combat power on his own. You got very lucky with the RNG.... Dang...
On the other hand... He loved it.
When he first came, he was already told how he was simply part of a game.
But after experiencing all your affection... He felt something in his code go wrong.
He started admiring you from beyond the screen, making sure his dialogue greeted you first.
Seeing you get all excited all over him flustered him beyond belief.
That's when things got bad.
The others cookies noticed Wind Archer acting out of place.
In turn the others starting acting out too, wanting to be a part of your team, wanting to be useful for their user.
Wind Archer did not like that... and decided to do something drastic
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The Unthinkable happened... You were baking a cake when you couldn't find your phone. You looked around desperately since you needed to do your daily tasks. But that's when you heard a loud explosion. That's when you realized that you dropped your phone in the oven. the last thing you saw was your phone glitching all shades of green.
{Second POV}
Waking up slowly, you found yourself in an unfamiliar... yet familiar place. Sitting up, you were shocked to see yourself in clothes that you know all too well. After all, you designed it after Wind Archer Cookie's Legendary costume. "Morning Sleepyhead. You've been resting for a while."
You recognized the voice instantly. When you looked to where the voice came from, you saw the familiar green frosting. Stammering over your words, you stared at Wind Archer Cookie in shock, confusion, but most of all, amazement. "Are you... Real..?" You tilted your head. Wind Archer chuckled softly and sat beside you on the grass. "I swear I thought you were dead when you were laying in the soil."
You sweatdropped and rubbed the back of your neck. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?" Blushing in embarrassment, you chuckled and shook your head no. "Tell me though, who's [User]" In shock, you looked away. That was your username in Cookie Run Kingdom. Does hat mean that all the cookies you have are sentient..? "My... Player name..."
Wind Archer Cookie just smiled. "Anyways I've got all your could want here, all you can need here, just you and me my dear, my love for life!" You gasped at what Wind Archer said. "Wha- I-I'm not that" you blushed and looked away. Only for Wind Archer to suddenly be behind you and hug you tight. "I'm what you want here, I'm what you need dear, Just you and me my Love in Paradise! Now til' the end of time, From here on out you're mine. All mine~"
Flinching, you back up. "Yeah- No I can't stay here that's a fact- Are you sure this ain't a trap?" Wind Archer smirked and moved closer to you. "How cute of you to think, but last I checked, our codes are linked." You felt pale as you bit your lip. "Code?" "You're adorable~" Wind archer pat your head. "Our codes are connected due to your game crashing down on our heads but fear not cuz you're not dead. 'Cause I got all you could want here, all you could need dear, Under my spell, we're stuck in paradise. No one can come or go. My palace stays unknown-"
"No- No..." You look around in desperation to find a way to get out. "I don't belong here! There's something wrong here! I won't be drawn to Love in Paradise- not til the end of time there is no way-" Backing up on the bed, you were simply followed by Wind Archer.
"You're mine~! All mine~!"
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I thought of this on the spot- I love this song and I--
I may have made multiple mistakes but ehhhh.....
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pastryland · 2 years ago
f1 completed fic recommendations
Lestappen | Landoscar | Maxiel | Dando | Charlos | Brocedes | Carlando | Piarles | Galex | Sebchal | Versainz | Britcedes | Martian | Strollonso | Yukierre | Carcar | Sargebon | Sewis | Ricrussel | Charles/Lewis | Misc
F1 fics are the main reason I got into this fandom and I figured I should share some (or so so many) fics that I like. While I do primarily follow Lando/Oscar and Charles/Carlos, I do read fics from other ships especially if they're from an author I like or the concept is interesting.
I have way too many fics (100+ though not all are completed) bookmarked so I'll just share my absolute favorites on this post and link posts of individual ships on their own posts. Also, I will continually keep updating this post and the other ones as fics complete and I read more.
If any of the authors of the fics mentioned here or are tagged and don't want their fics to be here, please let me know and I'll remove it!
❤️ = favorite
⭐️ = I love fics by this author in general
❌ = triggering themes
🔥 = explicit
Absolute Favorite Fics:
the trials of 2022 - 33k - Charles Leclerc/Carlos Sainz Jr - ❤️ ⭐️ 🔥
A partial summary of the 2022 season, as told by Charles or Carlos, following each race.
This would be my all-time favorite F1 fic if I had to choose, only rivaled by its currently unfinished sequel and the second fic here. Charles's and Carlos's relationship in this fic is so organic and realistic and the chemistry is incredibly tangible. The angst, tension, the emotion in this fic is delectable, beautiful writing by @/f1-stuff. Even if you aren't into this ship, I implore you to try this fic out.
the end of the strain - 19k - Lewis Hamilton/Nico Rosberg, Lewis Hamilton/Sebastian Vettel - ❤️
They didn't end up together in the end, which he had already prepared for in his heart.   Lewis, in seven parts.
For the first time ever reading any fic of any fandom, I had to lie on the floor for a couple minutes to process the emotional damage this fic gave me. The characterizations of all the people are on point and the relationships are heartbreaking and devastating in all the right ways. If you want to cry or lie on the floor and contemplate love like I did, this is the fic for you.
Negative Splits - 10k - Lando Norris/Oscar Piastri - ❤️ ⭐️
So officially, Oscar Piastri, pretty good steepler and pretty bad pacer, was now a professional runner. They wanted him to steeple, mostly, though he’d be doing cross country in the fall, and Lando had pinky promised him, mid-distance guy to mid-distance guy, that if he wanted to get into the 3k flat indoor then he would get him in. Oscar didn’t really want to ask how he planned on doing that. Felt safer not to ask.
@/ocontraire is the queen of Sports AU's for the F1 boys (go check out her other fics too! They're also incredible). As an athlete myself, the mentalities of both Lando and Oscar are relatable to me, though I'm also fascinated by the differences in various sports. This fic is certainly on the more lighthearted side (emotionally at least) and I thoroughly enjoy Lando and Oscar's friendship/relationship and its development.
induction, consolidation, maintenance - 6k - Pierre Gasly/Charles Leclerc - ❤️ ❌
In which Charles is sick, Pierre is desperate, and he wishes he didn't have to do what he's doing to pay for Charles to have a chance.
Piarles is certainly not a ship that I read often, but this fic caught my eye and I'm certainly glad that I read it. Pierre's and Charles's relationship is quite cute, though I mainly love Pierre's desperation to save Charles no matter what. He is willing to do anything, the world could burn for all he cares, to make sure Charles is healthy again and it got me heavily in the feels.
glitch - 26k - Max Verstappen/Charles Leclerc - ❤️ ⭐️
Max hums. “Well, at least that means I won’t bump into Charles Leclerc again.” “Bummer, really,” Daniel says, moving back to his own seat and drinking the little bit of coffee that was still in the cup. “Could’ve been the start of a great love story.” Lando snorts. “Kids, it all started when I told your father, who had won two World Driver Championships at that point, that he sucked at driving.” Max sticks his middle finger up at them, and pulls his noise canceling headphones back over his ears. Only two hours left to go, he thinks, wistfully, and goes back to work.
I mainly read @/nyoomfruits's fics because of Landoscar, though this Lestappen fic took me completely by surprise. I adore the romcom vibes of this whole fic and Daniel and Lando are so hilarious and chaotic. Max's personality fits so well in this fic as an unbothered IT guy, but completely loses his composure when he meets Charles, his favorite F1 driver.
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superbpudding · 6 months ago
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"I saw in the dark. Two floors below me, two women of the same soul spoke about the fate of the world."
Anyway i decided to combine the text posts with image posts so now uhh have this stupid image at the beginning.
So, today's text post is going to be about a completely unrelated to YIIK's lore bug that for sure will be fixed in later versions but i just want to share it cause it's pretty fun imo. First of all the backstory of how i found about this bug, there's this youtube channel called "Year of Chen Official YouTube" which seems like perfectly normal youtube yiik themed channel except their last 2 video which have no text or voice in them and it's just really long footage of gameplay, so they can either be a paid actor or they just went insane or something and decided to do their last 2 videos like that.
The first of these 2 videos ("YIIK 2022 05 17 18 29 21 BIT?") is nearly 30 minutes long and most of these is either just main menu or Alex falling into the void, the most interesting part of this video is author acitvating some weird bug or something and getting the background of Factory Hotel room to be blue and also enemies that weren't there before spawning, fighting them and then running/winning results in Alex falling in endless void. And uh, the bug is real! Btw before i talk about the bug i want to note how the video's description is encrypted and upon translation says:"I am uncertain But my mind is telling me We must BACK IN TIME https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8au3gdSu8Y" with the link redirecting you to a link only Zelda video about back in time glitch, this video link makes me somewhat believe that if at least not the bug itself but this video description could be somehow a hint by the devs. Anyway back to the bug, first of all you need to go back to Factory Hotel after visiting it for the first time, which you can do after getting key from Mancer's gate.Specifically you need to get to this room:
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Then after going to the Fire Escape room and going through windows you need to get to this window:
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Enter it and then comes to most important part. In this place there is a water fountain, currently there is a bug where if you interact with a water fountain and then press exit button youwill then be able to walk while still being in exit menu.
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After that in this state go back to the window with ladder and interact with it, while having NO as chosen option.
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It will result in game freezing for a bit after you climb the ladder aaaand
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You bugged the game! The most notable effect of this is the blue fog appearing on background, however there are also few more effects of this bug i managed to notice: 1.All monsters in this room will respawn, including even one that aren't supposed to spawn there yet. 2. The lever and the barrier it turns off will be reset to default. 3.All sound will be echoed like in the fire escape room. And the main, fourth one is that making game re load you into this room you will instead spawn back in the fire escape room falling endlessly in the void, from which you can't escape except closing the game.
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This can be achieved by 3 ways: fighting a monster and then running away or winning, saving in such state and then loading this save, entering and exiting mind dungeon. You can easily cancel this state by going to either back to Fire Escape room or using the elevator to any other floor. The coordinates in which you spawn in Fire Escape room seem to be somewhat connected to spawning coordinates in room which you were in before falling in the void, if you go to Mind Dungeon, enter the halls zone, then leave it and leave Mind Dungeon you will still spawn in Fire Escape room, however you will spawn on walkable collider and can escape back.
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Uh, that's it. Thanks for reading.
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reflectingravens · 2 months ago
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Had fun today doing an exploit thingie with Nere on PS5. I live under a rock, so this was the first time I'd heard of how to do it since console players still can't replace companions with NPCs 😭 Thought I'd share in case there's other console players also living under a rock... Details below!
It's probably old news to many, so sorry in advance, but I saw it in this reddit post I found the other day (originally posted to show how to ‘recruit’ Kar’niss) all you need is a Druid hireling and a mage/someone to cast Polymorph.
So I tried it on Nere and with a bit of tweaking, lots of saving and persistence, it works! I play on PS5 and while no mods are needed, I found using the cheaters ring to have all the positive thingies helped and reduced the time/save scumming.
What I did:
It’s essentially the same as in the Kar’niss post I linked, so familiarise yourself with the steps and spells. Before you free Nere from the rockfall, make sure all the duergar are dead (it’s just easier really) and make sure you’ve recruited the Druid hireling, Danton. He needs to be on level 7 before he’ll learn Dominate Beast so mods might be needed to artificially level him up. I ended up giving him his own cheaters ring and toggling the positive roll thingies otherwise Nere will succeed aaaaaall the throws and it’s just annoying. 
If you don’t have a mage, make sure you have a scroll of Polymorph. This is where the cheaters ring comes in handy cos you can summon the cheaters box of scrolls. 
Once you’re ready and set up, make a save. 
Blast the rockfall and let the cutscene play out.
As soon as you get the chance, choose to attack Nere (I know, I’m sorry, this was painful for me to select 😔) Don’t actually attack him though! He needs to not be an ally for Dominate Beast to work!
Get your party to flee combat. You’ll all end up in camp.
Exit camp, you should appear far enough away that you won’t get attacked.
Have someone cast Greater Invisibility (I had Astarion do it, since the Druid needs to concentrate on Dominate Beast and someone else needs to do Polymorph).
Return to where Nere is. He should just be standing at the cleared rockfall. He doesn’t move around the area.
Save again!
Enter turn-based mode.
Cast Polymorph.
Switch to the Druid hireling and cast Dominate Beast.
Switch to your character, exit turn-based mode and immediately go to camp. If you have trouble at any stage, just experiment with turn-based and what you cast/do while in it.
Tell the Druid in camp to “wait for me in camp” then immediately tell him to “follow me”. You need to be very quick with this step! If it doesn’t work, just reload and keep trying. It took me about 3 tries all up.
If you’re successful, Nere’s icon will appear next to the Druid’s and you’ll see him run past you! Woo!
You can exit camp now and Nere will be in your party as the Druid’s follower.
This is very important, but you MUST NOT TALK TO NERE AT ALL NOW! If you do, his cutscene will play out and most of it will be glitched as in you’ll be having a silent conversation with the Druid hireling mixed in with some dice rolls when you convince Nere to return to Lolth or whatever. If you go through with talking to him like usual, he will disappear once you leave Grymforge but his icon will still be next to the Druid’s and outlined in purple.
Going to camp and long resting is fine, Nere just stands off to the side like a weirdo while everyone sleeps. Talking to the gnomes is also fine, but if in doubt, just save, save, save!
Unfortunately you can’t clean the big, dirty drow at all, so you’ll just have to put up with his grubbiness 😂 You can control him though and run around with him like you would with a summons. He’s pretty slow 😂
Interestingly, he has his attacks available to him like he does when you fight him. He’s only on level 5 though so you’ll need to be careful you don’t accidentally get him killed 💀
Ok that’s it! I’m really sorry if this is already known but I’m hardly online and I just now saw this method 💀 Plus as I said, on console, we still can’t replace a companion with an NPC 😭😭 so I was very excited to try this! It’s not perfect but at least you can have Nere follow along with you like a big, silent (and dirty) puppy! ❤️
(Bonus video of me running around like an idiot cos I was so excited it worked)
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studywave · 1 year ago
PDF Readers: What Do You Want? What Do You Need?
Hey all! I promised a series of posts on resources that have helped me during undergrad, and I'm going to start with the basics: how to read your coursework. I'm going to tag a few people who mentioned being interested in this series, but please let me know if you'd like to be untagged!
@anyto @wocinstem @youneedtostudyives @studyblr-perhaps
Now, I'm an English major, so I can't speak on behalf of the sciences, but almost all of my course materials have been given to me in the form of PDFs. I also download almost all my research in PDF format, and when I find books for free online, they're usually PDFs. Clearly, this means I need some easy way to read and edit PDFs. Below the cut, you'll find information on how to choose a PDF reader that's right for you, as well as information on Xodo, my personal favorite reader.
What should you consider when choosing a PDF reader?
Well, first, there's cost. There are all kinds of PDF readers at all kinds of price points. Xodo, my favorite, is free. I've never used the paid version, because for my purposes, the free version is more than enough. Now, let's talk about those purposes.
As an English student, I'm mostly concerned with annotation. I want to be able to mark my documents up, highlight them, write on them, leave comments, all that good stuff. However, what I need might not be what you need. Do you need to sign a lot of documents? Do you need to build PDFs from scratch? Are you more concerned with appearance, or with functionality?
Once you've answered these questions, you'll be able to search online for reviews dealing with the specific kinds of functionality you need.
Why should you use Xodo?
Well, for starters, the free version has more than I will ever need. I can edit, I can annotate, I can sign, I can highlight. I can do pretty much anything my English major heart desires, and I can use my Apple pencil to do it (I'll make another post about ipads and Apple pencils and link it here once it's finished).
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This screenshot shows a lot of my favorite parts of Xodo. I can highlight in different colors (I use green to make information on further reading stand out) and I can write (also in different colors) with my Apple pencil, all while scrolling and navigating with my hand. I don't have to constantly click back and forth between marking and scrolling like I do with some apps, and I can lay my hand on the screen without disturbing anything. This, the ability to confine the text marking to the pencil, is really important to me. I don't like to be constantly clicking around and making accidental marks.
I've also been able to read almost every PDF I've put on here without much trouble. Between the size of my ipad screen (which will be the subject of another post), the high resolution, and the ability to zoom and scroll at the same time, I can read even pretty low-quality PDFs with very little trouble.
You might also notice the little box with the "4" in it in the upper right corner. This indicates the number of tabs I have open because yes, you can have multiple tabs open in Xodo. I've had over ten tabs open at a time, some containing 300+ page documents, and I've never had lagging or glitching problems.
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Here's a selection of other actions Xodo allows. I've never scanned anything to PDF using it, but if the rest of the app is anything to go by, it probably works just fine.
I've had the occasional problem with glitching (maybe once per every five hours of reading I do, if that) which usually just involves a section of the text going black and can be solved by closing and reopening the app. Closing and reopening is no problem, either, because Xodo saves your place.
All this to say, I've used Xodo for a little over a year now, and I have no complaints. I cannot recommend it highly enough, and I'm sure the paid version is even better. That's all for now. Happy reading!
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airjemsfandump · 7 months ago
❝Did you never know, long ago, how much you loved me—
Doomed by the Narrative
(incorrect Link Click), mild canon divergence
─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉ ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉ ─┉┈◈◉◈┈┉
╰┈➤ ❝
Theirs is a case that's happened many times in the past. They aren't special. Even if it often feels like it, the truth is that the gods were too occupied with merrymaking to pay any attention to the board when they rolled the dice and moved the pieces. No matter how much pain it caused them--so much they could've sworn no other human had bled the way they did--the truth of the matter is that it's just another blip on the radar. Nothing groundbreaking. Just a moment within a second that would soon be forgotten when the clock's hand completed a full turn into a minute--into an hour, a day...
He knew this. He was no fool.
The first time Cheng Xiaoshi died before his eyes, the world didn't stop. It kept turning, uncaring, as if his world didn't end right then and there.
The second time it happened, nothing changed, only the circumstances of his death.
But people say that the third time's the charm because there's always something about the number three that is quite fascinating. The Law of Thirds, it's called. A single day, for instance, is divided into three parts. If one part goes missing, tomorrow cannot come nor can you return to yesterday. Their little tight-knit friend group which was almost like his blood family was also made up of three people--Cheng Xiaoshi, Qiao Ling, and him--Lu Guang. And then this--an answer to his grief after going back in time twice.
Thrice now.
When Lu Guang made his dive for the third time, the stars seemed to shift. He didn't know what it was. A glitch in the matrix? A coincidence? Or was it the gods toying with their red strings again? Lu Guang couldn't say for sure but for some unknown reason, Cheng Xiaoshi deviated from the script they had followed since. The safe part, not yet the climax of the tragedy.
They had walked this path before and in all those timelines, they had both come out unscathed. The grand confrontation would come later, approximately five months from now. This should still be part of their grace period. But. But Cheng Xiaoshi, stubborn, smart, and frustratingly kind Cheng Xiaoshi, had decided to throw that away to save one woman's life.
One single text message. That was all it took to alter this time's future. And once again, Lu Guang found himself grasping at airs.
Lost. Anxious. Confused. He stood on his toes, always on high alert, attentive as ever in case something jumped out from the shadows and threatened the peace they'd built.
But it would all soon come to pass when Lu Guang finally gleamed at a semblance of clarity. The neverending whys and what's, all answered with a single thrust of a sharp blade into his gut. Eyes wide in disbelief as he looked at Qiao Ling--their sweet Qiao Ling, ever so sassy, courageous, and kind--wearing a sinister smile that didn't belong in her angelic face.
As he fell on the couch, hot blood pouring from his wounds as Qiao Ling made sure he wouldn't stand again, a light flicked on in his mind. A hypothesis. One he didn't consider before because he was too damn selfish, too caught up on his idea of happiness that he didn't consider this. That maybe, just maybe, the thing he needed to fix was himself all along. He was the hamartia. The disease. And in order for Cheng Xiaoshi to live, he had to terminate his very own existence.
Such a simple answer. He should've just done it a long time ago. He could've saved Xiaoshi all the grief from reliving other people's pain.
How ridiculous.
He wanted to laugh but his vision was already blurring. And as darkness began to devour him, beyond it, he heard his Xiaoshi scream.
Please, gods... He prayed for the first time in a long while, Please, let me be right. Make of me as you see fit, but please let him live.
The next time he opens his eyes, he'd be fourteen again.
Someone just called him.
When he turns his head, he sees the kid he met at the basketball court a week prior.
There's a huge smile plastered on his face and then there it is again, this irritating feeling under his skin. Itchy. Scalding. Begging for him to notice. This familiarity that seems to draw him in toward the boy. As if he had known him before. That bright smile and the subtle sadness in his eyes. It fees like something he should know, like a forgotten memory.
He said his name is Cheng... Cheng Xiaoshi? That was how he had introduced himself to him, all sweaty and smiles after a rather energetic round of basketball.
Cheng Xiaoshi waves him over and Lu Guang immediately heeds as if it is the most natural thing in the world.
And at that moment, the stars shifted once more.
As he watches Lu Guang close the distance between them, Cheng Xiaoshi is hit with the urge to take him into a tight embrace and keep him there for as long as time allowed.
But he couldn't. He shouldn't. This Guang Guang doesn't know him yet. All the words he has been wanting to say, he's kept close to his heart, waiting for the right moment to pour them out once and for all.
Two lifetimes already. He has wasted two. And in both lives, he had lost Lu Guang too.
But this time--This time, he promised himself as he stares at his reflection in those beautiful gray eyes he thought he'd never see again, this time, let me be the one to save you.
Even if it costs me my life...
And it will. They will never know this, they will keep trying to pull each other from the quicksand of death, but their fates have been written long ago. The gods have willed it. No matter the time or the universe, one of them is always going to be a star and the other--destined to only gaze at them from afar. ❞
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hyouta · 3 months ago
KH ramblings part 3 of me saying a whole lot of nothing!! (Person who didn't know Re:Coded was this short)
Actually started this draft immediately after finishing the last post. Things I forgot to say...
It's not that I dislike Disney Town but I feel like the loop was so much shorter than it is in Melody of Memory so the Mickey March + It's a small world had me going crazy...
My dad heard it looping and came in to see because he got nostalgic for the song
Also fuck the platforming in the sewers, I think I accidentally unlocked it before I had good movement but I will burn it to the ground
KH racer game when
Didn't go to the Mirage Arena until just before going to the Keyblade Graveyard as Aqua, and then going to get a Xehanort Report for Terra
Also I rarely used D-Links, oops... it's actually sad how little I utilised them...
Getting trapped in combos was so so painful in BBS and I still don't know what I could've done otherwise because it was never this bad in any other game --- except Re:Com... I remember being so mad fighting Axel the second time even with my cheese boss deck, then I get his boss card that lets you attack even while staggering... which was a slap on the face lmao I was so salty...
Even though I want the full KH experience I've not attempted to unlock the secret movie for any game that has it... maybe I'll try unlocking a few after all games are done.
Speaking of... not sure what I want to do with the mobile games... I have played Union X before and I have access to the app on my phone but I'm not sure about playing all that again.
Anyway onto Re:coded, damn people are way too mean about this game. People say out of the 2 DS games that this one is skippable and I'm not so sure about that... ok the story impact isn't HUGE but it does tie-in quite nicely. It's also like 16 hours without doing any extra stuff, that's one of the shortest experiences, not gonna kill anyone to try it out.
I heard KH3 acknowledges it, so... good. Game so fun I played for 11.5 hours straight.
Honestly the gameplay is so fun and it's a lot more straightfoward than BBS was (though I'm not sure if I utilised everything to the utmost, I got through in the end). Even as it goes through KH1 story beats the different level designs and new ways to fight the bosses makes it feel fresh (except who the hell decided to put an eliminator in the wonderland system sector... what is their deal?? are they satan???).
I watched the movie as I was going through Castle Oblivion (disappointed that they didn't use 13th floor, love that track) and didn't quite finish the game by the time I was done watching but I liked the small things they added to the movie. Some cutscenes were a lot more impactful but I miss some of the dialogue that was cut, even if small stuff.
Quick notes I made:
First impressions is the sprites are giving movie tie-in game. Low-key miss the expression less low-poly ds models lol
Sora babysitting the triplets is cute
First time playing one of the side-scrolling segments and he says "I feel flat".
Olympic Coliseum was so fun. Not gonna lie this world almost became my Agrabah, for it being in every single game so far, but this saved it.
This note just says "fire dashed off the map" because I glitched out of bounds. Thankfully the game did not punish me.
"You always try to take everything on by yourself. But I LIKE getting dragged into your messes" (crying emoji)
One of my new fav bits of dialogue: "Heh, I sometimes envy how simple your world is." "Is... that a compliment?" "I envy whatever makes you think it could be."
I have never had an issue with Hollow Bastion Riku, data or otherwise... but the last one was rage inducing, I just could not for the life of me remember how to counter his charge attack.
Last note is just expressing my disappointment that Sora doesn't hold the cards up to the door in the DS version like he does in Re:Com.
Actually last, last thing... it's funny in the secret ending how they cut of saying Saïx's name, as if it could've been anyone else?? I checked, it's the same in the japanese version... though it doesn't matter too much I suppose, I'm not even sure how long the wait was between this cutscene and DDD.
I have a day off tomorrow to begin my DDD replay!! Then a 3-day weekend to play some more... I already have a note on it that says "Something something Axel not calling Saïx 'Isa' until he himself becomes Lea again something" thanks, me.
Cause it's Christmas... I'll post tiny snippets of SOME things I've been doodling (cause also the likelihood of me posting anything is 10% at best, some of these are already months old lmao)
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I want you all to know that I drew Vexen to complete the trio. Because I'm not a coward. However even though these are still the sketch phase too, for his one it's even less finished so I will not be posting lmao...
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robynbaldurlogs · 1 year ago
baldur log day 1 + 2
day 1 i dont have much to show for this day visually bc i wasnt actively documenting... but essentially, i: made my character, went through the beginning tutorials and stuff, took the little brain guy with me, saved shadowheart, and crashed on the beach. then i stopped playing. here is the only image i took before i got off LOL
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day 2 ok. so: shadowheart is cool as fuck. i LOVE her already. cannot wait to strengthen the social link with her or whatever the hell you call it. get the friendship numbers up. this fuckass poem had me dead:
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shoutout the bitch queen ig whoever you are. keep serving also i love this fucking guy. i can tell hes a conniving fuck but ohhhh hes kinda hot though!
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like why is he kinda cunty. but yea anyways he joined my party. also met this guy. gale. he is strangely charming. but he also gives me zephyr breeze vibes (which is bad) and jack sparrow vibes (which is very good). told my friend speves that and that i thought he looked like a smart himbo and she was like "i dont blame you for that read" + "we'll see" which i Dont Know how to take. my judgements were based off the literal first minute of conversation btw
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+ really stupid visual glitch i almost didnt notice. theyre fusing
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shadowheart talk your shit man.
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"just waiting, like a lovesick puppy?" ...... thats a bad thing? whatever you say man. gonna scare shadowheart with commitment. COMMITMENT JUMPSCARE BOO also little parentheses shadowheart is the most fucking dementia raven way ass name and i love it but it was hard to take it seriously for a little bit. warrior cats ass name. also i got crazy fucking lucky with my rolls. dont have many screenshots but i kept getting high numbers it was lucky as shit up until gale talked to me about needing to consume magical items like crack i read his mind with the mindflayer tadpole and found out it was cus he consumed some crazy ass Dark Magic or something, got a critical failure first, then just used some inspiration i had to get it right, and rolled high as shit LMAO
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hit the rolls TWICE btw. read his mind once and then went deeper into his mind which had a 15 dc and got that too. hell yeah baby. also afterwards i was totally honest with him about reading his mind and he freaked the fuck out which fair i read your mind. i get it. but still
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then i calmed him down by being like "hey man i had to know. youre dangerous" and passed the persuasion check :sunglasses: easiest game of my fucking life oh i talked to shadowheart abt her pains before that which was cool every conversation i have with her makes me like her more.
i met wyll. great guy. i went to camp to long rest and he dropped some INSANE fucking knowledge on me. like. i could live by this
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so i switched gale out in my party with him LMAOOOOOOO and had a conversation with astarion about how hed kill me if i started turning. i asked what he would prefer personally and he said decapitation. which was CRAZY. so i was like yeah sure king decapitate me if i turn. do your thing. i trust your judgment
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also talked to shadowheart bc i will seize every chance to learn more about her
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then i left camp, talked to kagha while looking for a healer, got them to free a tiefling girl through more persuasion rolls (BECAUSE IM GOATED) and talked to the healer nettie who was fixing a Regular Bird
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she told me how strange it is that we arent turning, to swear on my life id drink a poison if i saw any symptoms (which i of course agreed to, shadowheart approved and astarion did not) and stopped playing on the way to rescue halsin. fun times!
p.s. days doesnt necessarily mean im playing this daily but rather just what happens when i play per irl day... days just works as a way to categorize tbh
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weed-ols · 8 months ago
Reviewing Every UKISS Release: By Unpopular Demand ~ NEVERLAND
This release, by no exaggeration, permanently altered the direction of my life. This album is just hit after hit, and oscillates between adrenaline rush and sobbing loudly from the abrupt mood swings between songs, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
And yeah, this was supposed to be posted months ago but when I was grabbing screenshots, the post glitched and never saved and I rage quit writing this, but I'm back now!
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NEVERLAND - 2nd Studio Album | 2011.09.01
This was so big when it came out, like I think if you were an international fan of K-pop at the time, you'd 100% know this song. Like there were download links for it everywhere, dance covers, fan uploads, it was crazy. We were so sure they were going to get their first music show win, but in classic UKISS fashion, they overlapped with another titanic comeback and had to settle for second.
So there was a little docuseries about them in 2011, when exactly it took place, I'm not entirely sure, but I'm fairly certain it was during NEVERLAND promotions. It was technically about all of the members, and the work that goes into being an idol. Some funny bits I remember about it -
Kevin accidentally stomping on Soohyun's foot during practice
Worrying about their future because groups that don't win a music show in their first 3 years usually disband (lol we're in the big old year 2024 now)
Dongho eating cake in the bathroom like a gremlin
Eli's alleged bachelor pad
I actually don't remember if this was in this documentary or from something else, but Hoon saying Kevin was the meanest to him when he first joined because he would tease him over not knowing how to dance
About the actual album now, I think that this, like Bran New Kiss, is another real turning point for them. We get a good mix of dance songs and more emotional songs, we have their first unit songs, and first real self-written song (albeit just lyrical composition with some help, but still baby steps!!)
Intro | YouTube Music 7.1k | Spotify 31k
It's 56 seconds long and basically a NEVERLAND remix
What is there to review?
7.5/10 I don't hate it though
NEVERLAND (Audio) | YouTube Music 26M | Spotify 2.5M
This went triple platinum in my bedroom I was so in love with this song (still am a bit)
One of the few songs where everyone is an active and roughly equal participant
Soohyun, Kevin, and Dongho get a bit more though but that's fine
"Money love fashion fame and all that's in between" what a banger line from Eli for once I'm not laughing at him
"And we stay forever young" Dongho, the most babyfaced baby to ever baby says
"Ggeuteun eobseo never end/Yeogin Neverland" part of the chorus? Batshit so good I love it
Some interesting vocal/rapper combos - Kevin/Kiseop/Eli; Hoon/AJ/Dongho; AJ/Kevin/Kiseop; Hoon/Eli/Kiseop/Dongho
Chorus is basically Kevin/Soohyun + Hoon for the second one
It's not very deep, but I am a sucker for the eternal youth and hedonism themes
Makes a fun dance track just slightly dark, like we're having fun at the club but also a little scared
I also like that while the vocals have clearly been processed for stylistic purposes, you can still really hear the differences in their voices, and the power in Soohyun and Kevin
9.5/10 it's just so iconic
NEVERLAND (MV) | Official upload 23M
Just realized it's been years since I've actually properly watched this MV but good god if it isn't permanently burnt into my brain
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I have so many questions about who this mysterious DJ is and his purpose
Is he the reason they're seemingly trapped in this wintry apocalyptic-esque space? Is he why the party never stops? Is he even human?
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Iconique this was my laptop's wallpaper for like a good year in middle school (which is a super long time)
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These tinsel tops are both questionable and perfect, love the way the fabric and fringes move
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This was like peak male fashion in 2011 where copious amounts of guyliner can give untold confidence
Like guyliner so thick it removes the need for eyeshadow
That's deadass gotta be like an entire bottle of liquid liner right there
Also I really like that hair colour on him
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Peak male hairstyle in 2011
Like I think this was almost universal where if a guy in middle/high school had this haircut, he was automatically the coolest guy
Or in my experience, every Asian guy had either this hair, a buzzcut, or a bowlcut, those were the only hairstyles from like 2008-2012
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Not the statement necklace
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This is honestly one of my favourite parts
Also someone please let them out of the freezer the floor is cold and hard
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Love the obligatory smoulder and brood shots of the members so angsty for no reason
I like to think that this ice sculpture actually ate up majority of the budget along with the plethora of arts and crafts baubles attached to their outfits and eyeliner
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Love love love this bit of choreo
I was so obsessed with this water set as a kid and still am
So obviously there isn't much to talk about the MV since it's basically a bunch of dance videos in different sets spliced with some brooding solo shots and smouldering group shots
But you know what? It works the song has enough going on that if the MV had more it would feel like too much
The sets are standard vaguely apocalyptic wastelands, and I really like the blue snowy one and the orange water one in particular
Three outfits -- the black tanks with the silver mesh/tinsel loose tank over; the black short-sleeve/sleeveless tops with metallic accents, and the white outfits at the end, and they all look good still and in motion
The hairstyles were all fine, with Kevin and Kiseop really embodying Peak 2011 Male Fashion, and Dongho with the most bowlcut to ever bowl
9/10 so iconic so good so 2011
NEVERLAND (Stages) | Highest viewed 765k (Music Core)
I was so obsessed with this when it came out like how could I not? Also incredible that they've brought The Box, which was not one of the sets used for the MV, to the music show absolutely incredible
It's like they gotta hit all the second gen tropes they can
Can't tell if I love or hate this motion sickness-inducing camera work
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I can't take this part seriously anymore because I keep thinking about that charades game they played in Japan where they all mocked Kevin for this
The lines his arms make are very nice though, sharp and straight
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That hair is ahead of its time
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Another personal favourite part of the dance
Love that the smaller group work
This is more on the camera, but those background dancers integrated in seamlessly
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Also love that everyone gets a chance to be centre I think that's really cute and everyone gets some time to shine
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RIP to this arm pumping movement that disappears in like 2012 and the fact that AJ kept doing this last year
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This part is so good
Everyone crowding around Soohyun while he belts, the turns, so good
Kinda like he's sucking up their energy to sustain his singing lol
Firstly, outfits
Love that they're all wearing the same basic black vest and pants, and have their own gold accents for the vests. Super simple but interesting to look at, moves very nicely
Nobody has hair crimes against humanity, just the standard 2011 hairstyles
Singing-wise, oh this was absolutely live and it's kind of insane they did all of this?
Like yeah of course there's the backtrack, but it's obvious when they're singing live versus letting the backtrack take over for the moment
I completely get why they were constantly talking about having to improve their health and fitness for this comeback because wow they sound really clean, both the vocal and rap lines
Also get why they said this was dangerous for their health, I remember trying to learn the dance and it was hard. I can't imagine having to train the dance and sing cleanly like that
On the topic of singing while dancing and the fitness and skill required for it, I think the NEVERLAND choreo is really interesting in that regard
There's a lot of up and down movement, lots of arm and footwork, but the torso stays relatively intact
Not static, but very shoulders-ribs-hips connected, and a lot of the interesting shapes and lines in the dance are mostly illusions created from arm, leg, and head placements
Which makes sense because while I don't sing, I'd imagine that keeping the torso straight and connected would help with maximizing airflow
Overall, they all did great. Everyone got their little moments to shine, though of course Soohyun shone the most, and nobody was super eyecatching, which is really good for this kind of dance
10/10 this is definitely one of those songs where the live stages are just insane to watch (*cough cough* SBS Chuseok water stage *cough cough*
Anyway, lookbook time
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These feathered monstrosities with the rhinestoned tops
I swear they brought it up during UKISS On The Block when they were bemoaning second gen fashion
I think I see the vision of drawing attention to the upper body and arm lines, but it just makes their shoulders look perma-hunched
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Love the skinny jeans, combat boots, and black jacket look
The individualized jackets with gold embellishments never misses
The dangly bits really help draw attention in a good way without ruining the overall lines
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The white ensemble is nice, cuts a clean silhouette
But I don't like that Kevin and Hoon have theirs unbuttoned I get why, but I think if some of the others were also unbuttoned, or if they just had a different cut it would look better
The flopping vest is just a bit weird
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So these outfits are from a 2011.12.30 special performance
Love love love it why did they tease a vampire concept like this if they weren't ever going to do it
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Also really love reusing these vests with white skinny jeans, it's such a clean look
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Shiny silver trashbag vests and blazers with white jeans
Not loving the cut of the blazers though I do think vests are probably the way to go for the dance
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I do love these blazers though the slimmer-cut is definitely more flattering
Baby Don't Cry | YouTube Music 661k | Spotify 250k
I genuinely think this could've been a title track of its own it's so good
Another staple of my tween years - it's sad and angsty and moody
I like how the song song builds by letting all these sweet-toned singers do the first half before the second half is basically dominated by Soohyun and AJ + Kevin backing
Those first two verses honestly sound so pretty, and fit very well considering it's just them being sad boys
Second half is being slightly angry and petty, so of course Soohyun fits it perfectly
It's a genre-crossing "baby I love you please come back" to "baby you broke up with me :(" to "I'm gonna fight this other dude and I hope you become miserable >:c"
So so petty "I'm going to wish for your unhappiness"
Also went triple platinum in my bedroom
9.75/10 I would've given it a 9/10 for the first two verses alone they were that good
SOMEDAY (audio) | YouTube Music 1.5M | Spotify 336k
I'm fairly certain this is their first real slow song?
This was and still is such a comfort song
I love that it's a weepy song, not because it's sad in any way, but just because it's literally a comfort song
Another great collaborative effort for the first half before letting Soohyun and Kevin take the second half
Kinda surprised Hoon doesn't have more individual lines
Again, NH was kinda cooking by accident when they put them together like their voices all work so well
It's a shame we don't get to hear Dongho sing more I like his voice
The chorus is single-handedly responsible for getting me through middle school
10+ years later I still get a bit misty-eyed from this sometimes
8.5/10 I think it's a great foray into softer and more emotional songs, not their best especially compared to their JP ones, but a fantastic first go
SOMEDAY (stages) | Highest viewed 130k (Fan upload)
I don't remember them promoting this song that much yet there's so many stages?
I remember this Wave Kpop one but not the others
There's not much to really talk about since it's just singing, but it is crazy to hear Eli sing here versus even just a couple years later like he improved a lot
Super funny when Dongho sings his part and when Kevin's harmonization comes in, you completely lose Dongho's voice lol
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These outfits are fine, simple, but gets the job done
Also lol Kevin wearing full smokey eye makeup here
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Ooh these outfits are cozy, love the earthy palette
But also peak preppy 2011
Hoon in a full winter jacket is super funny though like everyone else is just dressed for autumn
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More cozy fits, but this time in black/white/grey
Lol Dongho's little newsie cap
And Kevin's poncho like can we talk about how in ponchos were in 2011-2012?
They also sound super on in this performance. Probably the best version of the Dongho-Kevin bit I've heard
You can also pick out all the others singing during the chorus, which is pretty rare
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Black jackets over white shirts with white pants, hard to go wrong
The blazers over graphic tees was so in at the time
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Oh I love this very cohesive look
I don't love the jackets but the aesthetic is so consistent I don't hate it?
Different looks but very similar, very well done
Take Me Away | YouTube Music 1.3M | Spotify 272k
The goddamn faint emergency siren is literally both the worst and best part of this song because it adds ambience, but I hate the possible implications of it
Hoon/Kevin duet?!?!?! The first and last they literally just did this one song together and never again
It's like they knew this couldn't be topped and just had to pack it up
Love that every part of this song is so simple and understated so that their sweet and slightly teary voices can shine love that for them
Lyrics are hella depressing, which is why I actually don't have this on a lot of playlists because I can and will cry
I think the lives of this are way better (unsurprisingly) they really hit you with the full brunt of everything
8.5/10 simple, depressing, and understated for all the right reasons
ON THE Floor | YouTube Music 246k | Spotify 166k
I love that that's literally the official title like why is it capitalized like this
So we're just gonna completely change the mood with a fun dance song now
Soohyun/Kevin duet featuring AJ, Hoon, and Kiseop in roughly equal parts
Kiseop gets a whole verse to himself?!?!
Really is just a party song with a dash of "girl we in love"
8/10 it's a fun song that does its job, it's just not a standout in any way
Love Of A Friend | YouTube Music 434k | Spotify 68k
Back to slow and emotional again
This song doubles as both a friendzone anthem and a situationship anthem like what do you mean "we're not friends, we're not lovers"??
Another song where everyone gets a little part I love it
Opening with Soohyun/Hoon/Kevin? Goated I love the slowly increasing sweetness
Third verse with the entire vocal line stuffed in there? Incredible
I also think that verse is just so sweet lyrically
It's such a sappy love song it almost feels out of place in their KR discography like this would 100% work for a JP release
I think they all sing the chorus? Hard to tell because Soohyun and Kevin are always loud as hell and drown everyone else out, but I can hear Hoon and AJ pretty clearly at times
The bridge confuses me greatly because Soohyun clearly sings the second line, but the first line sounds like it's split between Hoon and Kiseop
I wish there was a live of this so I could confirm it
Why is there no live for this??? A travesty I say an absolute travesty
The last chorus though? Incredible
Soohyun belting his little heart out like rent's due, Kevin fighting for attention, and AJ randomly busting through
10/10 I can't even put into words how much I love this song it's one of their best slow songs
Story of April | YouTube Music 68k | Spotify 43k
Soohyun landing their first collabotration with a female artist good for him
It's a weepy love song, which is basically his forte
I think it's nice, not my favourite, but I do like their voices together
7.75/10 I don't have much else to add, but something about the song makes me feel like it's missing something?
Obsession | YouTube Music 692k | Spotify 192k
The chokehold this had me in was insane
I think this was one of the most listened-to song on my iPod throughout all of middle school and part of high school
I was so not normal about this song and I'm still not how could I be when I was so completely in love with the both of them
And it's so cute they cowrote this
"Love which is effable" AJ that was such a banger
Remember when they performed this for their 2012 tour and when AJ sings "tears are falling down" he just starts tenderly carressing Kiseop's cheek???
I really do like their voices paired together
Also does anyone remember if this came out before AJ's whole obsessive lover bit started or was it after, because either way I'm impressed he stuck to it at least until 2014
Like I'm sorry but that one Q&A game they played where the others were all like "being clingy/having a clingy lover is too bothersome :/" while AJ is just stomping his foot and shouting "love equals obsession!!" is soooo funny to me
Anyway when are we getting our Siyoon/Kiseop-produced UKISS album?? Like the chances of this actually happening now are significantly higher than when this idea was first floated
9/10 literally altered my brain chemistry
TOP THAT | YouTube Music 294k | Spotify 110k
Okay so now we're back to Bad Boy™ UKISS with another arrogant dance track
And the autotune is back babyyy
That persistent 'lalala' synth is both super annoying and infuriatingly catchy
Also lowkey kinda anxiety-inducing
So this is basically Soohyun's song since he's basically singing like half of it himself
AJ and Kevin get the next most lines, with AJ getting a whole rap to himself and Kevin coming and going throughout the entire song
Hoon, Dongho, Eli, and Kiseop are fighting for scraps lol
Honestly I don't remember feeling like AJ ever got so many parts, but this journey is proving me otherwise
Aggressively arrogant song
So I think that this is an angry post-breakup song where they're bitching at their ex?
7.5/10 I don't hate it, but the synth sound is so annoying. Otherwise, very normal uwukiss song
Tell Me Y | YouTube Music 88k | Spotify 81k
Rap line song??? Kinda sorta it's just Dongho and Eli with Swin PD doing the singing
Surprisingly slow and mellow song for what is ostensibly the rap line song
If you guessed this song is another "baby I miss you please come back" song, you'd be right
A very even three-person collaboration everyone got lines yay
I really like the instrumentation for this song, very chill and easy to listen to
8/10 I feel like I always forget about this song when I make playlists it's really nice
Let's Meet Again | YouTube Music 17k | Spotify 9.4k
Group project with Paran to cover a Paran song lol
Thank you Eli for the elephant impression, truly don't know what we'd do without you
So yeah it starts with a long group chat for the first few minutes while the 9 of them are stuffed in that recording booth
By the way, there's a making of album video of this and it's super adorable
The Paran guys are just teasing and babying Soohyun like that's exactly what he deserves
It's a bit difficult to sort through the voices because I'm not familiar with Paran, but it sounds mostly like the vocal line + the Paran guys
I think it's Paran who starts off, followed by Hoon and Kevin, then the vocal troika dominating the first chorus
Second verse sounds like Eli, who sounds very nice, followed by an equally nice Kiseop, then AJ, then the second chorus that's dominated by AJ and Kevin
Then SooHoon helping build into the very pretty last chorus that's mostly the Paran guys + Soohyun
I just kind of wish there was something else to help resolve the ending since it just kinda comes down, but the payoff doesn't feel super satisfying?
It's very pretty I love the instrumentation and how well it builds
You know, I've always wondered where AJ got his singing style from, like it's super distinct compared to the others, and he must have learnt/mimicked it from his Paran bros 🥺
It's such a mushy 'let's meet again' type song I love it
God I'd kill to hear a proper live of this done it'd be so good
8.75/10 god the buildup is so good and I love vocal-heavy songs
So yeah, after a very long time, I'm finally done with NEVERLAND, and we're entering their JP era next, yay!
Not a fun fact, but just a general observation, but this whole 2011-2014 period is so insane to me? Like they basically work nonstop for those 3 years doing constant promotions in Korea and Japan, international tours/concerts, all while members are coming and going? Honestly more surprised they didn't all crash and burn, considering how middling the returns were, but I guess that's why they're all batshit
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maddieautobot273 · 2 years ago
Silk & Cologne (16)
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A Miguel O’Hara x OC Series - Link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 16 - Normal
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Female OC
Words: 2.4K+ words
Warnings: PG but no major warnings for this one! 
Summary: Lisa tries to move past what happened the night of the attack, but can’t deny that things are changing. 
It’s been about a week now since the apartment attack. There hadn’t been any news from Earth-1997 so it was business as usual for the Spider-Society again. Miguel would monitor the multiverse for any signs of anomaly activity, send in a team to deal with it or lead his own team personally. Whenever I was present when Gwen or Hobie or Peter B. would get the call to join in on a mission, my eyes always sparkled with wonder when a portal opened up and I watched them run through. I became curious what the other dimensions would look like. 
Maybe if I trained enough, I would get to be a part of all this? 
But whenever I’d catch Miguel staring at me, noticing the wonder in my eyes, there was an expression that he made that I couldn’t quite decipher. But I knew it was something along the lines of too dangerous. I had previously asked Peter B. what fighting in other dimensions was like, and he said if it weren’t for Miguel’s invention of the Gizmos or day passes, your atoms would break apart bit by bit, slowly killing you. 
“Your atoms don’t exactly feel too jazzed about being in another dimension,” as he once put it. 
Miguel had also briefly explained the process to me the other day during one of our work out sessions. He said that I was almost about to experience the “glitch” process myself while Spider-Doc was tending to my wounds after he and Peter B. first rescued me. When I realized it all, it started to make a little more sense. 
Now I understood the look in Miguel’s eyes a bit better. He didn’t want me to get myself killed. Understandably, I knew where he was coming from. I’m still fresh with my powers, despite my training and progress to control them. But I still had hope.
In between training sessions, I’d work on composing various routines like the one I displayed to Miguel during our mock battle. Just in case. Spider-Man had to actually start fighting villains eventually. Maybe not in my dimension, as per our agreement, but perhaps in Nueva York? Maybe another another dimension?
I had thought about asking Miguel to teach me how to fight, well, properly anyways. I knew with each Spider they had their own unique fighting style. I could mix my dance moves into my evasive maneuvers, but for my attacks? It could work, but be a little tricky. Which is why I need to learn some actual fighting moves. 
In between his Spider-Society duties, Miguel would take a little time out of each day to come visit me in my dimension and help me clean up my apartment. Some of the furniture was salvageable and easily repaired, while others weren’t as lucky. I could understand Miguel’s frustration when he tried helping me fix my bookshelf after I had gathered and cleaned up my toppled book collection. 
“Miguel, are you sure it goes that way?” I asked him as I read through the old instruction pamphlet I had saved from the movers. 
“Pretty sure,” he nodded firmly. “Any other way looks stupid,” 
I glanced back at the instruction manual, looking at the pictures of the display before looking back at the shelf. “Only if you’re sure,” 
“Lisa, really, I have a PHD in biology, engineering, physics, I think I know how to fix a bookshelf from IKEA,” He chuckled with a warm huff, his chest puffing up with pride as he worked. 
He carefully forced the piece in, snapping it in place. He wiped the sweat off his brow as he sat up. His holographic outfit was a blue tank top with beige cargo pants and white sneakers. He stepped back, admiring his work before looking over at me. 
“I think you fixed it!” I beamed, smiling at him. “Now I can finally put these books away,” 
Until the board cracked, and toppled down, creating a domino effect that knocked over the other boards. My mouth gaped open at the sight, no words coming out. I glanced over to Miguel and I swear I could see his left eye twitching. 
He huffed, dropping the hammer on the floor. “That’s it, I’m buying you new furniture,” 
“Miguel, it’s okay, you don’t have to do that,” I spoke quickly, waving my hands frantically to try and ease him. “Besides, I can’t pay you back,” 
“Don’t worry about the money, really, it’s on me,” Miguel reached out and used his hand to gently pat my head, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. “Relájate y deja que yo me ocupe, mi Mona Lisa,” - Relax and let me take care of it, my Mona Lisa 
I raised a curious brow at the man as my hand gently caressed his. “How much are we talking here?”
“Lisa, don’t worry, really,” Miguel chuckled softly as his fingers latched on to my hand, squeezing them rightly as he lowered his hand from my head. “Besides, I already ordered everything and they’ll be delivered within a few days,” 
“¡¿QUÉ?!” I gawked at Miguel as he brushed past me, grabbing his water bottle. - What?!
“Did you just gawk at me in my mother tongue?” He smirked at me. 
“Well, with us spending a bit more time together, can you blame me for picking up on some phrases?” I crossed my arms at him. “How much was everything?”
He gave me a side eye as I watched him gulp down his water, the adam’s apple of his throat bobbing with each gulp. When he pulled away, he sighed deeply, the drink refreshing him as a small trail of water traveled down his chin and neck. “That’s classified,” 
I whined, telling me to cut me some slack. All he did was laugh at my reaction. 
“Maybe it hasn’t occurred to you that I’m doing this out of the kindness of my own heart?” I smirked. “Maybe because I simply want to?”
My cheeks turned a light shade of pink at the realization that he was going out of his way, willingly, to make me happy. I felt spoiled. 
“No buts about it, my Mona Lisa,” He grinned as he gently flicked his finger on my forehead before leaning in closer to my face. “Suffer,”
That all happened yesterday and the butterflies still hadn’t gone away. I had noticed he only acted this way around me when it was just the two of us. While at the Spider-Society, he of course would still be nice to me and offer me warm glances every now and again, but he would always keep things professional while working with the other Spiders. In a sense, I understood the switch and actually agreed. 
There could be a million reasons as to why Miguel chose to act the way he did. I was just happy he felt okay to relax a little bit and let himself go around me. I decided the next time I saw Miguel, I’d put my foot down and ask him to teach me how to fight. 
Anything to try and get that hopeless feeling out of my body after what happened at the apartment. I could feel the pulse of my web fluid quaking in my wrists during that entire encounter. The way that evil Miguel, no– Chameleon, was his name, taunted me, toyed with me. Never again. I’ll never give another villain the satisfaction. 
These thoughts had been plaguing me for the last few days, most noticeably during dance practice. Most of the teams had broken off to practice their work in smaller studios throughout the building, while my team and another worked in the main studio. We were doing our warm ups to some of METRO’s other music when I faltered suddenly and missed a step. 
“Okay, time out,” Kasey spoke up suddenly, signaling to stop the music. “We need to host an emergency team meeting,”
Toya paused the music as Hannah reached out a gentle hand, helping me up to my feet. I smiled warmly at the gesture, silently thanking her. 
“Coach, we’re gonna take a 15 in the break room,” Kasey yelled over towards our coach who gave her a thumbs up as an acknowledgement of her request. 
“Come along, our fearless leader,” Kasey took my wrist and pulled me along as the five of us left the main studio. 
“What’s going on? Did I do something wrong?” I asked nervously. 
We entered the break room, Touga immediately making a b-line for the vending machines as his eyes wandered over the various snacks and drinks. Kasey sat me down on a chair while the others sat around me at a round table. 
“Something's been bothering you, Lisa,” Kasey stated. “What’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” I shrugged my shoulders, trying to appear as normal and calm as I could. “I’m fine,”
“No, you’re not, I think we’ve worked together long enough for me to tell the difference, Kendrick,” Kasey shot me a stern look but mixed a playful grin. 
“Did something happen?” Toya asked as his brother neared carrying an assortment of snacks and drinks. 
“You can tell us, Lisa,” Hannah pleaded gently, her blue eyes pouring into mine. “We won’t judge you,” 
I glanced around at their worried faces before I sighed in defeat. “I can’t hide anything from you guys, can I?”
They all shook their heads. 
I sighed again, my arms leaning against the table as I met their gazes. “Last week, there was a break in at my apartment,” 
“What?!” They all gasped, staring at me with wide eyes. 
“They didn’t take anything did they?” Hannah asked with worry as she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. 
“No, but my apartment was and still is sort of trashed,” I sighed deeply as Touga handed everyone a snack bag and some water. He took pity on me and gave me an extra snack. “They weren’t trying to take something from the apartment. . .”
“What were they–” Touga began to speak until he stopped speaking mid-sentence, the realization hitting him as he sat down. 
“Oh shit, Lisa, I’m so sorry that happened to you,” Toya’s voice lowered with a sympathetic look in his eyes. 
“Why didn’t you tell us, girl?” Kasey asked. 
“I didn’t want me telling you guys to affect our team’s morale, and. . . I felt scared and ashamed that it happened,” I sighed, leaning back in my chair as I opened one of my snack bags and started munching on the mini pretzels. 
“You weren’t by yourself, were you?” Hannah asked with concern. 
I paused for a moment. If we created this ruse for the police, do I keep it going with my friends? I couldn’t lie and tell them that I was alone and make them even more fearful. But I couldn’t tell them the truth and say that Spider-Man from another dimension saved me. 
“No, I wasn’t,” I shook my head. “My. . . boyfriend saved me,” 
“Boyfriend?” Toya and Touga repeated at the same time, sounding surprised. 
Kasey nudged Toya’s side with her elbow to shut him up before looking back over towards me. “What exactly happened?”
“The attacker pinned me down and before he could do anything else, my boyfriend tackled him and told me to run. They got into a fight and the apartment got trashed in the process,” I explained softly. 
“So he sent the creep packing, mad respect,” Touga nodded his head with an approving look in his eyes as Toya mimicked the gesture. 
I smiled gently at them. I very much approved as well. 
“Well we’re glad that you’re alright, Lisa,” Kasey smiled warmly. “From now on, no more keeping secrets from us, alright? We’re a team, you know,”
“Not just a team, we’re friends!” Hannah beamed as she hugged me. “Friends help each other out, right, boys?”
“Yeah! If that creep even thinks of showing his ugly mug again, give us a shout and we’ll show’em not to mess with you!” Toya stated as he punched the air. 
I looked out at my friends and I could feel a warm bubbly sensation come over me as I looked at their smiling faces. “You guys are amazing, you know that?”
“What are friends for?” Kasey grinned. 
“Hey, there’s this new ramen shop that opened not too far from here. We should all go after practice today,” Touga offered. 
Hannah smiled, clapping her hands together. “That is a wonderful idea!”
I smiled at my friends as we moved on to other bits of conversations during the remainder of our break, munching on our snacks. It felt good knowing I had another group of people I could trust that I knew would have my back. A group of friends that I didn’t need to travel to another dimension just to see. 
Princess Petra soared through the air on her web sling, her silk skirt of her dress retracting into a shorter one as the web fabric silk morphed into her spider suit. The moon was full out that night as the silk of her webs glowed in the moonlight. Her spider pet, Webster, clung tightly to her shoulder as she swung across her kingdom. 
She had sensed a disturbance with her Spider-Sense, as Petra made her way to the forest. She caught herself on a tree branch, hunching over as she hid herself within the leaves as she found her prey. 
A strange fiend appeared through a magical portal. It appeared to be some sort of animal, with razor sharp teeth, a long tongue and covered in this black goo. Why, this creature looked very similar to Venomilcent, a horrible beast that had plagued her kingdom in months passed. But this creature clearly wasn’t the monster she was familiar with. 
“Oh dear, Webster, I do believe the danger we were warned about is upon us now,” Petra groaned with worry as she glanced down at her spider friend. “Of all the days to leave behind that handy bracelet he gave me,” 
As much as she hated leaving the monster to roam free in the forest, Petra knew she wouldn’t be able to fight that thing along. She wouldn’t just need the help of the royal guard, no, she needed their help to stop it and send it back from whence it came. 
“Come on, Webster, we must hurry and summon Lord O’Hara and his Society of Spiders!” Petra swung back the way she came. 
Meanwhile, Venom was left to roam the forest, searching for fresh prey to feast on.
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mashounen1945 · 1 year ago
I'm gonna try to put my two cents after reading other users' reblogs and replies.
First of all, what does "open-world videogame" mean here?
Wait, no, I'll rephrase it better...
What's the difference between a game belonging to the open-world genre and a game merely having open-world elements? And at what point would a game become "too open-worlded"?
If having sidequests makes a game "open-worlded", then the Pokémon Gen 1 remakes released on the GBA belong to this genre. I've already seen quite a few people here arguing the Pokémon main series has had open-world elements and potential ever since its inception (although one user claims Pokémon lost its open-world traits around Gen 6, then Game Freak went to the opposite extreme and made Gen 9 too open-worlded while forgetting why the open-world elements worked well in the first few Pokémon generations). Another game series that had this kind of thing was Mega Man Battle Network -along with its continuation, the Mega Man Star Force trilogy-, but in this case, I've also seen people criticizing those games for making the player spend way too much time on "wild goose chases" (I'm in the middle of a Battle Network 2 playthrough right now, and I kinda have to agree with that).
If being open-world means having areas where you can leave the level progression aside for a moment and freely explore and do stuff other than beating levels and advancing on the story... That's just a hub world. Sonic Adventure already had at least three of them, and Sonic Unleashed also had a bunch of those (and it also had some sidequests, IIRC), as well as Sonic 06. Kirby and the Forgotten Land has a hub world, too.
If a game belongs to the open-world genre because it has multiple optional paths for the player to freely follow in any order they want -or several bosses for the player to also beat in any order they want-, then the older The Legend of Zelda titles (or at least A Link to the Past) and Metroid * -along with the entire Metroidvania genre- already have that (I think people mostly agree that the Metroid series is open-worlded enough and doesn't need the "Breath of the Wild treatment").
[* Namely, Zero Mission would be the maximum expression of open-world elements in any Metroid game (at least within the 2D ones), with all the sequence-breaking it allows. I thought about using Super Metroid as an example instead, but then I realized most of the sequence-breaking in Super Metroid is technically possible due to glitches and was probably not intended by the developers, unlike the "sick tricks" you can pull off in Zero Mission.]
Also, we should probably remind everyone of the difference between "open-world" and "sandbox". If I've read it correctly, "sandbox" is when the player can take stuff from different parts of the game and make new stuff with it in the game, like taking ingredients from different places and using them to make a potion you'd never get if you tried to find it in the game's world. If that already made a game "open-worlded", then Freedom Planet 2 would be an open-world game since it includes a gimmick of synthesizing custom potions out of items and stuff you collect throughout the game's levels, but everyone agrees on classifying it pretty firmly as a Sonic-inspired linear platformer (it does have multiple branching paths to follow, but that branching only happens on a couple of points for Story Reasons and the only way to "freely" explore all branches is by opening and simultaneously playing several save-files for each of the four playable characters).
Someone else said in the tags that, despite enjoying Pokémon Violet, they had to play it with a guide. That sure sounds familiar to me: if I tried to play something like Breath of the Wild... I know what Zelda is about and how those games usually go, so I'm not totally uncultured on that front, but I'd still feel utterly lost the whole time, most likely. For similar reasons, the mere idea of playing either Ocarina of Time or The Wind Waker by myself for the first time is also making me feel a subtle existential dread, even though I have some interest in trying out any of them someday.
But the thing about a guide being required to enjoy playing an open-world game also reminds me of some very specific criticism I heard against The Legend of Zelda (the original one released for the NES back in the mid-1980s): that it's a "guide game" and you'll need to get from the Internet a detailed map of the game's entire world if you wanna play it. If the Zelda series released an open-world game that accidentally does this BS again, it'd be so hilariously ironic (and it's a deeply worrying thought, too).
I have a suspicion that the current "open-world trend" is just an excuse to do the bare minimum during a game's development process: just grab a couple regions of the game's world, copy-paste them as much as the SD card's or the disc's max memory capacity allows to, make a few changes to each repetition of those few regions to pretend that they're unique in some way, put items or whatever in that world, and boom, you have a game. As others already said in various ways on the reblogs, making a decent open-world game requires commitment, planning, care, attention to detail and such, and game developers ain't putting in enough of all that lately.
There's a debate that needs to be had on who's at fault for this: the development teams being lazy, or the gaming companies not paying enough and not giving enough time to those development teams. But that's another story.
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I would simply not make Pokemon an open world game
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fic-dumpster · 3 years ago
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There are other topics here! It’s a general on how to do things! Like readmore, colored text, dividers, replace URLs, reblogs, etc.
I wanna clarify that this is my own experience or my close friends experiences. I am in no way invalidating nor denying anyone’s experience/claims. I'm just trying to help.
Important! <- tumblr etiquette
What is shadowban? How do I know? See this post!
In my experience, the first thing that can get your blog SB is the tags. The tags can trigger SB and a post not showing up in the wide search thingy. So… be careful with your words in the tags.
NEVER USE N*SF*W as a tag! that is the first red flag for Tumblr to ban your blog. (This no longer seems to be a problem)
When tagging trigger warnings, use a dot between TW and the word ex: tw.cunnilingus (For some words, not all). (this also helps to avoid bots).
I think the word smut could be a problem for some. (this has never happened to me, but I’ve seen blogs talk about it). <- something about the number of times you repeat that same word in the tags. Ex: #inui smut #kokonoi smut #tokyorev smut x10 (again, I have no personal experience of this).
A common problem is a btch petty person getting mad and prob reporting your blog for breaking Tumblr community guidelines 🙄🙄🙄.
Last but not least, a glitch from tumblr’s part
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And about the spam liking thing, I believe it can happen but there are a lot factors that contribute to being banned for spam likes. (Number of followers, how active you are with rb, posting, liking, the number of blogs you follow, etc. etc.). So the higher those interactions are, the more likes you can receive without being flagged for suspicious activity.
Latest update: try to send your request/case when @/changes (changes on tumblr) posts! That’s when they(support) answers mails/requests.
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Part 2: post not showing up in the wide search tags
About your fic not showing up in the tags… uh if you waited minutes/hours, the next step is to erase all the tags from the post, save that, Wait a couple of minutes with the post untagged. And then write everything again in the tags
If the problem still happens, try adding the tags one by one and see which ones are triggering the ban.
How To: Make Sure Your Content Shows Under Hashtags
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This has nothing to do with shadowban but I wanna add them just in case.
Read more is now available for mobile!
How to add the read more option on mobile.
Write :readmore: like in the gif, all in lower case, make sure there are no spaces in between, the readmore needs to be alone in a paragraph, and then press enter.
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How to add color gradient text! Here’s a nice guide! <- desktop by @/kylos || a lil video on how it works 🤔 I made it but still credits to Kylos!
Another guide for color gradient text!
How to add music to your posts without a link for Spotify or SoundCloud? like in my Navi? Here’s a guide I made! <- desktop
How to add links to your bio HERE
How to update links on Masterlists when changed username. Here (broken link) || new guide (old was better) -> HERE
How to protect your data on Tumblr by @/chicoree (broken link)
Use this site to change/replace your tags!
Use this site to cut dividers from GIFs, PNGs, JPGs and more info on divider making
- Content filters and how to use them correctly!
How to filter tags on the App! Be responsible of your own experience. Don’t like something? Then don’t read it. Simple as that. <- Other options to filter tags and phrases! Here
- Reblogging and the differences!
I’ve been running a personal experiment for a while and it turns out that reblogs with just tags are for internal blog order and yes, sometimes it will show up on the “For You” thing. BUT a reblog with tags + a phrase or just anything written (even keyboard smashing works) will show up on the wide search again! That’s why this option exists! It’s to avoid reblogs
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Just a picture or GIF won’t do! It has to be text/written.
How to block anon’s IPs > here
How to block from your sideblog without logging into a computer? The only answer so far is to log in on safari/google*chrome on your mobile phone.
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sorio99 · 2 years ago
How will Tears of the Kingdom deal with Breath of the Wild’s completion?
So, Tears of the Kingdom is coming in less than half a year, and I’ve gotta say, one thing that’s really been bugging me is, this is the first Zelda sequel to actually be a fully direct sequel.
Sure, we’ve had games like Link’s Awakening, Majora’s Mask, and Phantom Hourglass, which all definitely have returning Links, but those games take place in completely different locations, even completely different worlds. LA takes place on a separate island, MM in another world, PH in a completely different part of the ocean, plus all three might be dreams. TotK, meanwhile, seems to take place in the exact same Hyrule as BotW, within, like, a few years at most.
Plus, Breath of the Wild is a very different game, in terms of completion, to just about every other Zelda game. Sure, you can miss some side quests in Wind Waker and still beat the game, but unless you’re exploiting just about every possible glitch, you still have to beat all the dungeons, you still have to awaken certain sages, and you have to get certain items and equipment. BotW, meanwhile, you can beat with just four runes, a paraglider, and any spare sticks on the Great Plateau, while only talking to one (1) old ghost.
So, something I’ve been thinking about a lot is, how is Tears of the Kingdom going to deal with the various states Link could beat Breath of the Wild in? The ways Hyrule could be left after Ganon is defeated? The Schrödinger’s Champions that may still be hanging around?
Welp, I’m gonna theorize about it, and you can’t stop me.
Also, if I'm right about any of this, I'm going to be so smug.
Part 1: Link's Abilities, or Goodbye Collectibles!
I've seen one discussion about this online, where people were questioning if the game would carry over save-data from BotW, and if players would be able to keep everything they got in that game. I think what everyone realized quickly is "If they do that, the entire game is screwed."
Obviously, I don't think we're going to be able to use every ability and item we collected in BotW from the start of Tears of the Kingdom. If we could, the game's difficulty curve would look less like a curve and more like a flatline. If I had to guess, the game will probably hit the reset button during the intro, sending us back to square one. It might be nice if we get a playable sequence with an upgraded Link beforehand, kind like Metroid Prime, but I'm not exactly gonna dock a point if we don't.
As for later in the game, I imagine we'd be able to get our health and stamina back similarly to BotW, though probably not in exactly the same way? Like, I very much doubt we'll go through the exact same 120 Shrines, if we even have Shrines at all.
We'll probably also have similar if not the same equipment from the last game, in terms of weapons and armor sets. Probably some new ones, of course, and we may have some removals (I doubt we'll have the Salvager Armor, sorry Xenoblade fans), but by and large, I imagine we aren't going to be losing the Hylian outfit.
I think the only upgrade I can imagine carrying over from the start might be the Korok Seeds and Inventory Expansion? Like, I imagine we'll have MORE Korok Seeds, or some similar collectible, but I think it would make sense if we start out with our Inventory expanded at least somewhat, either through reading save-data, or just as a general upgrade to be built off of.
Part 2: The World, or Is The World Saved?
Okay, so, as mentioned, unlike just about every other Zelda game, you can beat Breath of the Wild without doing pretty much ANYTHING to make the world better except killing Calamity Ganon (and depending on TotK's story, even that might not have taken). So, how exactly would the game cope with these options?
I think it's unlikely that the actual state of Hyrule would change drastically, even if Save Data is carried over. I doubt we'll find Zora's Domain flooded, even if we never actually calmed Vah Ruta. We MAY see some alternate dialogue from NPC's if they carry over, depending on how we acted in BotW, but even that might not happen.
It's worth mentioning, considering the game originally began life as BotW DLC, that it's technically possible that TotK will include literally ALL of BotW's content in it, so it's possible that, if they carry over save-data, they'll just selectively include or close off certain parts of the game depending on what's already been done. However, I hope everyone would agree that might be the single dumbest way to make a sequel.
I'm guessing the way they'd solve the problem is through the presumed time-skip between games; namely, I'd guess that in-between BotW's ending and TotK's opening, Link and Zelda have been going around Hyrule doing stuff and fixing things, which in a less than 100% game of the former, would include completing any major story beats that were previously undone.
Probably the simplest and cheapest way to do this would just to have a little moment at the beginning that is like "Link and Zelda have spent X years traveling Hyrule, helping improve the Kingdom", which both serves as a wink and nudge to minimalist players, and continues on nicely from BotW's true ending. Obviously, there are more elaborate ways of doing it, though, and I could think of at least one that I'd really like to see.
Part 3: Wild Speculation, or Zelda's Diary 2 The Squeakel
Okay, hear me out: we know Zelda likes keeping journals. What if the game carries over save data from BotW, and depending on what Link did in that game, Zelda's diary changes?
It probably* wouldn't be that difficult. Just have a couple different versions of most entries, and based on the event flags triggered in the previous game, have the diary use the entry that fits. For example, if Link hasn't even started the memory side quest, have it mention that he doesn't seem to recognize her at all. If he's completed the memory side quest and seen every single memory of her, have it say that he fully remembers her.
*Disclaimer, I am not a programmer of any kind.
I don't think every single side-quest, or even most of them, need to have a role (I somehow doubt Link showing a random girl at a random stable the Master Sword is gonna play much of a role in the story, and most of the Kakariko side-quests are less important than the "Stolen Heirloom" shrine-quest), but it would be nice to see some of the more major quests from the game have some acknowledgement from its sequel.
For example:
If Link never went to the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab:
"We made it to the Ancient Tech lab today. I was surprised to see Robbie was still around, and he seemed just as shocked to see us. He almost didn't believe it was us. He actually asked Link to take off his shirt, so he could check if Link had the scars he remembered. I'd almost forgotten how...eccentric Robbie was."
If Link reached the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab but never completed "Robbie's Research":
"We made it to the Ancient Tech lab today. I was surprised to see Robbie was still around, though he seemed less than thrilled to see us. He started yelling at Link, saying Link had never actually gotten the blue flame up to his furnace. I don't think Link shrugging in response helped calm him down. I'd almost forgotten how...eccentric Robbie was."
If Link completed "Robbie's Research":
"We made it to the Ancient Tech lab today. I was surprised to see Robbie was still around, but he seemed almost as surprise to see me. He started showing me some of the lab's newer features, introduced me to his wife, Jerrin...and showed me a robot he made that he named after Cheria. I'd almost forgotten how...eccentric Robbie was."
You know, something like that!
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