#How old is Anthony Pellegrino
The Importance Of Financial Literacy: Empowering Your Financial Journey
For anyone looking to safeguard their financial future in today's complex financial environment, financial literacy is crucial. Understanding ideas like risk management, retirement planning, investing, and budgeting equips people to make wise financial decisions. Financial gurus Anthony Pellegrino and Brian Korienek of Goldstone Financial Group understand the value of financial knowledge. We discuss the value of financial literacy in this blog post, as well as how Goldstone Financial Group can assist you in managing your money.
Understanding Financial Literacy
The ability to make wise financial decisions is referred to as financial literacy. It covers a range of topics, such as making a budget, saving money, investing, paying off debt, and getting insurance. Having financial literacy enables people to manage their money wisely, reach their financial objectives, and deal with the difficulties presented by a constantly shifting financial environment.
• Making Informed Financial Decisions
Financial literacy is the capacity to make prudent financial decisions. A variety of issues are covered, including setting up a budget, saving money, making investments, paying off debt, and obtaining insurance. People who are financially literate are better equipped to handle their money sensibly, accomplish their financial goals, and overcome the challenges brought on by a continuously changing financial environment.
• Budgeting And Saving
Understanding income and expenses allows people to make practical budgets, allocate money wisely, and accumulate emergency funds. This makes it possible for people to manage unforeseen costs, lessen financial stress, and progress toward their financial goals.
• Investing And Wealth Accumulation
A key component of financial literacy is understanding investment principles and strategies. Individuals can learn about different investment options, asset allocation, risk management, and the power of compound interest. With this knowledge, individuals can make informed investment decisions to grow their wealth over time.
• Retirement Planning
When it comes to retirement planning, financial literacy is essential. People who are knowledgeable about retirement vehicles, such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and pensions, may choose their investments, contribution levels, and withdrawal methods with confidence. This guarantees a comfortable retirement and the freedom to continue living the way one wants. The Role Of Goldstone Financial Group In Promoting Financial Literacy
• Comprehensive Financial Education
Given the significance of financial literacy, Goldstone Financial Group provides its clients with thorough financial education. They give people the information and skills necessary to make wise financial decisions through workshops, seminars, and one-on-one consultations. According to the specific requirements of each customer, Anthony Pellegrino, Brian Korienek, and their team of professionals offer advice on risk management, investment, retirement planning, and budgeting.
• Personalized Financial Strategies
Financial planning is approached on an individualized basis by Goldstone Financial Group. They are aware that everyone has different financial objectives, risk tolerances, and life situations. By taking into account these variables, they create tailored financial strategies that support each client's goals and enable them to take control of their financial future.
• Long-Term Partnership
The Goldstone Financial Group values establishing enduring connections with its clients. They offer constant assistance, direction, and education all along the financial journey. Clients are certain that they stay on track and modify their tactics when their circumstances change through frequent check-ins, portfolio evaluations, and modifications.
• Staying Current with Industry Trends
The financial landscape is continuously changing as new market trends, tax laws, and investment opportunities arise. In order to give clients the most recent advice, Goldstone Financial Group regularly updates its methods and knowledge to stay current of these changes. As a result, its clients are given the tools necessary to successfully manage the constantly shifting financial landscape.
The Final Thoughts
Individuals can take charge of their financial well-being by using the effective instrument of financial literacy. Making wise decisions and comprehending fundamental financial principles can lead to financial success. The Anthony Pellegrino and Brian Korienek-led Goldstone Financial Group understands the value of financial literacy and offers its clients thorough financial education as well as individualized plans. Individuals can acquire the information and abilities required to confidently navigate the financial world by working with Goldstone Financial Group.
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anthony-pellegrino · 2 months
Anthony Pellegrino, Registered Investment Adviser at Goldstone Financial Group
Anthony Pellegrino is the Investment Adviser at Goldstone Financial Group, and is featured in Kiplinger. He has expert on financial planning, investment strategies, and securing a prosperous future. We will help you navigate the complexities of financial markets and achieve your financial goals with confidence.
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Breaking Down the Recent Jargon of the Market
The following post Breaking Down the Recent Jargon of the Market was first seen on: Anthony Pellegrino
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq experienced quite a roller coaster ride in March. There are mixed opinions as to whether it was due to the global economic impact of the seemingly unstoppable new COVID-19 coronavirus or due to the federal government’s delayed response and tactical efforts to constrain the virus. Or, perhaps more likely, both.
Regardless of the reasons, they are largely out of the control of individual investors. So, what do you do? Much depends on your own individual circumstances. As we learn in Investing 101, it’s a matter of getting back to the basics. What are your financial goals? When do you need to achieve them? How much risk are you willing to take?
These three questions basically translate to: How much money do you need, how old are you and what keeps you up at night? If you are near or early in retirement, you may justifiably be losing sleep worrying about the current market volatility. We may be able to help. Feel free to schedule some time to speak with an experienced financial advisor to help you figure out if you should make any changes to your investment portfolio and, if so, what is an appropriate investment strategy for you.
Speaking of Investing 101, let’s break down some of the terms you may be hearing in the financial media to better define what they could mean for your situation.
Sequence of Returns
On the surface, “sequence of returns” means annual performance numbers throughout a period of time. It may just be one or two years, but if the investment markets perform poorly in the year or two before or after you retire, it could have a significant impact on how long your nest egg will last. Individuals who retire right around a significant and/or extended market decline could end up drawing income from their investment principal instead of investment earnings. In this situation, it may be worth considering other options, such as working longer so you can continue contributing to your investment accounts and allow time for recovery.1
Cash Reserves
This means you should have an emergency fund, preferably equal to six months of income —most likely in a bank account. Even if you have these liquid assets, it may be worth delaying projects such as home improvements, expensive travel plans, buying a second home or other major purchases until the markets have stabilized. Having such an emergency fund available can offer a sense of financial security that no amount of beach vacations can equal.2
Defensive Positions
Perhaps you want to stay fully invested in the market, but you’re concerned about losses. According to market analysts at Bank of America Securities, you may want to consider equities with a track record for providing higher yields during periods of volatility. Sectors more likely to thrive during a health pandemic include data centers, grocery-anchored strip malls, medical office buildings, self-storage centers and towers for wireless carriers.3
Wait and See
Not many investors have the stomach to invest more money during a flailing market. However, there may be opportunities to purchase “bargains” — such as airline securities — that are likely to be hit the hardest yet rebound quickly. After all, we will remain in a global economy, and business trips will resume after the pandemic has subsided.
Content prepared by Kara Stefan Communications.
1 Allessandra Malito. MarketWatch. March 15, 2020. “Retiring soon? Here’s how you should handle these crazy market drops.” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/retiring-soon-heres-how-you-should-handle-these-crazy-market-drops-2020-03-09?mod=home-page. Accessed March 24, 2020.
2 Knowledge@Wharton. Feb. 3, 2020. “How to Recession-proof Your Retirement.” https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/how-to-recession-proof-your-retirement/. Accessed March 24, 2020.
3 Tomi Kilgore. MarketWatch. March 7, 2020. “These are the safest and highest dividend-yielding REITs as the coronavirus spreads, BofA says.” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/these-are-the-safest-and-highest-dividend-yielding-reits-as-the-coronavirus-spreads-bofa-says-2020-03-06?mod=home-page. Accessed March 24, 2020.
We are an independent firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of insurance and investment products to custom suit their needs and objectives. This material is intended to provide general information to help you understand basic financial planning strategies and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. All investments are subject to risk including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values.
The information contained in this material is believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed; it is not intended to be used as the sole basis for financial decisions. If you are unable to access any of the news articles and sources through the links provided in this text, please contact us to request a copy of the desired reference.
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Long-Term Care Update
By Anthony Pellegrino | Goldstone Financial Group
Long-term care continues to be a challenging issue in the U.S. It appears the second wave of baby boomers is even more determined to “age at home,” while at the same time, they are more likely to suffer from multiple chronic conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.1 This confluence of factors makes it all the more difficult to come up with solutions for long-term care.
To complicate matters, insurers that offer long-term care (LTC) insurance have become more particular about offering coverage. According to the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, more people are being denied coverage across the spectrum of age brackets. The following shows the percentage of applicants declined coverage in 2017:2
Below age 50: 20%
50- to 59-year-olds: 22%
60- to 69-year-olds: 30%
70- to 79-year-olds: 44%
Not only have sales of traditional LTC policies decreased over the last 17 years (currently one-tenth of the sales in 2000), but there are now far fewer insurers in the marketplace.3
Although we often spend a lot of time on planning for retirement, we don’t always devote substantial time and resources to how to pay for potential long-term care expenses. We should. Like it or not, long-term care is expensive and likely to take up a large portion of our household budgets later in life. Some insurance products such as life insurance and annuities provide various options you may want to consider. We’d be happy to discuss your options based on your unique situation.
People are living longer but continue to develop health conditions that require caregiving as they age. As a result, LTC premiums continue to rise. However, traditional LTC premiums are considered a medical expense. For an individual who itemizes tax deductions, medical expenses can be deductible if certain qualifications are met. The amount of LTC insurance premiums that can be treated as a medical expense is subject to limitations based on the insured’s age.4
Also consider activating a chronic illness or long-term care rider that may be attached to your term life or permanent life insurance policy, as these riders can assist with the costs of long-term care should the need arise. Note that the ability to use this option is subject to specific contract terms. Also, benefits are generally treated as accelerated death benefits, which will reduce the overall death benefit of your life insurance policy.
Pets have LTC needs, too
One of the greatest comforts for seniors who find themselves more and more homebound is the company of a pet. As such, it’s important to consider the long-term care needs of your pets as they grow older as well. Dogs are considered geriatric at age 10, but a vet may start talking about senior care around age seven, particularly for large-breed dogs. These changes may involve nutrition, dental care and exercise needs and even running lab work to check for potential age-related problems.5
While outdoor cats are subject to environmental hazards that cannot be controlled by a vet, indoor cats generally have longer lifespans. Felines are considered to be entering old age at about 9 years old, with the average lifespan from 12 to 18 years. In fact, trends in veterinary medicine are attributed to longer lifespans in cats these days.6
Unfortunately, the older we get, the more difficult it is to get to regular checkups for ourselves, let alone our pets. One vet facility in the Tampa Bay-area of Florida offers a mobile clinic that brings veterinarian services to pet-owning seniors, whether living at home or in an assisted living facility.7
Also, remember to keep your pets in mind when you write or update your will. It’s important to have conversations with family and friends to help ensure that your pets will have a loving home should you pass away before them.
Content prepared by Kara Stefan Communications.
1 Susannah Luthi. Modern Healthcare. June 5, 2018. “Azar touts new SNF pay model for making long-term care sustainable.”http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20180605/NEWS/180609963. Accessed June 9, 2018.
2 American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. May 10, 2018. “It’s Harder To Health Qualify For Long-Term Care Insurance, Start Earlier.” http://www.aaltci.org/news/long-term-care-insurance-association-news/its-harder-to-health-qualify-for-long-term-care-insurance-start-earlier. Accessed June 15, 2018.
3 Greg Iacurci. Investment News. May 11, 2018. “Insurers becoming more stringent with long-term-care policies.”http://www.investmentnews.com/article/20180511/FREE/180519978/insurers-becoming-more-stringent-with-long-term-care-policies. Accessed June 10, 2018.
4 American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. “Long-Term Care Insurance Tax-Deductibility Rules — LTC Tax Rules.”
. Accessed June 15, 2018.5 Joey Turner. Globalanimal.org. June 6, 2018. “Tail-wagging tips on caring for older pets.”
. Accessed June 10, 2018.
6 Ibid.
7 Kelly Ring. Fox News 13. June 5, 2018. “Mobile service brings veterinary care to senior pet owners.” http://www.fox13news.com/news/what-s-right-with-tampa-bay/mobile-service-brings-veterinary-car-to-senior-pet-owners. Accessed June 9, 2018.
Neither our firm nor its agents or representatives may give tax advice. Individuals should consult with a qualified professional for guidance before making any purchasing decisions.
We are an independent firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of insurance products to custom suit their needs and objectives. This material is intended to provide general information to help you understand basic retirement income strategies and should not be construed as financial advice.
The information contained in this material is believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed; it is not intended to be used as the sole basis for financial decisions. If you are unable to access any of the news articles and sources through the links provided in this text, please contact us to request a copy of the desired reference.
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sportsleague365 · 6 years
PLAY wherever you like, fellas. Can’t get White Hart Lane built for the big kick-off? Play at Wembley. White Hart Lane is still not ready for Spurs – leading to all sorts of complicationsCan’t play at Wembley for a cup game? Stadium MK will host you. MK a bit busy for the next round? Choose somewhere else. Tottenham, given permission by the Football League to play their Carabao Cup third-round tie with Watford at Stadium MK, will not even be in their own parish on September 26. To be allowed out of the boundaries of London is a dangerous precedent for a competition fighting to stay relevant. This is not Brazil, where clubs routinely mix and match by playing in different stadiums depending on the quality of the opposition and the level of interest in the competition. The next ridiculous twist could see Spurs playing at MK Dons in the Carabao Cup News Group Newspapers Ltd Tottenham boss Mauricio Pochettino could have more than two “home” venuesTottenham are messing with the heritage and the culture of the sport in this country, desperately trying to find solutions because they misjudged progress on their new stadium. This is not what Premier League chief exec Richard Scudamore envisaged when he announced, in July 2015, “that you can’t have ten at Milton Keynes and nine at Wembley”. Now you can. Decisions like this mean there is nothing stopping Manchester United, for example, announcing “essential midweek maintenance work” at Old Trafford and taking their brand on the road for a Carabao Cup tie in future. Dele Alli’s long list of superstitions from bracelet’s to eight-minute ice baths A third-round clash at home to Frank Lampard’s Derby, as they are this year, would be a convenient moment for United to play in front of their fanbase in another part of the country. ‘United on the Road — Coming to a Ground Near You’, just as they did when they were once forced to play a Cup Winners’ Cup tie against St Etienne at Plymouth’s Home Park in 1977 because of crowd disturbances. The south west would love to see them back there for a one-off game. And the money men would love it, showcasing some of their stars to a paying public and reinforcing those red shirts to people who would ordinarily never get to watch United’s first team. With Old Trafford unlikely to be anywhere near full for the visit of a Championship club, selling-out someone else’s stadium for a night under the floodlights would be a decent marketing tool. Even so, it is not in the spirit of the competition. The fans, as usual, have been overlooked in the Football League’s desperation to keep one of their high-profile Premier League clubs sweet. They are powerless, terrified of the top Premier League clubs easing their congested fixture lists by pulling out of this competition. Alamy Live News The long-awaited move for Tottenham to the White Hart Lane stadium is on holdThere is no real money in it for them — only the prestige of lifting the season’s first trophy. Winning £100,000 for the Carabao Cup does not compare with £2million for the FA Cup, £150m for the Premier League or the £100m jackpot for Champions League success. By caving in, by giving Spurs special dispensation to play this third-round tie 51 miles up the road at a “neutral venue”, Spurs fans have come off worst again. They are being shunted here, there and everywhere as these players — assuming White Hart Lane opens its doors before the end of the season — prepare to play at a third venue. The Football League board — comprising departing chairman Ian Lenegan, Shaun Harvey, Debbie Jevans CBE, Ian Watmore, Cliff Crown, Mark Ashton, Nigel Howe, Stefan Gamble, Jim Rodwell, John Nixon — folded at their monthly meeting yesterday. Even though history will claim this third-round tie was played on neutral turf, Spurs will be in control of everything in the build-up. AFP or licensors Tottenham superstars Harry Kane and Dele Alli are away on England duty while the saga over their club’s ground drifts onThey will sell tickets, kickstart marketing campaigns in an attempt to fill the 30,500-capacity stadium and pay all the other costs of putting on a game — just like they would at home. They have been kicked out of Wembley, told to find another venue for the night because the grass at the stadium needs a rest after some NFL action and an Anthony Joshua fight on September 22. Three days later, it would be good for the sport if Watford dealt another knockout blow. Awkward moment Spurs keeper Michel Vorm hits goal kick out for a CORNER against WatfordFORST PRIZE FRASER FORSTER was an England keeper when Southampton gave him a new five-year contract last summer. Saints’ £95,000-a-week keeper is one of the best-paid No 1s in the world, in a tier below the obvious examples of Gianluigi Buffon, Manuel Neuer and David De Gea. Even so, he cannot even make the substitutes’ bench at St Mary’s after losing his place to Alex McCarthy and falling to third choice behind Angus Gunn. PA:Press Association Fraser Forster has dropped down to third choice at Southampton despite big wagesForster, 30, was dropped by Mauricio Pellegrino last season after conceding five against Tottenham and has not played first-team football since Boxing Day. He has picked up £3million in wages since, rejecting a loan move to Turkey and vowing to fight for his place. Even if he doesn’t win it back, Forster’s future has already been taken care of. Ex-Southampton star Dani Osvaldo performs with band Barrio Viejo in Barcelona ULTRAS’ BOYCOTT GROUNDS EAGLES THE ultras at Crystal Palace generated a vibrant, raucous and intimidating atmosphere — before they went through with their threat to boycott games at Selhurst Park. They were part of fan culture, admired worldwide for their passionate and boisterous support. But they fell out with the Eagles after being told they could not move into a central area behind one of the goals. Crystal Palace 0-2 Southampton: Saints pick up first win of the season as Palace miss injured Wilfried ZahaPalace are reluctant to move long-standing season-ticket holders — some have been occupying those seats for 30 years — from their favourite spot. Unless a resolution is found, that famous Palace atmosphere will fade away. FIGHTLESS IT is a dangerous era for England when players are able to pick and choose their availability. Although Jamie Vardy and Gary Cahill have not officially turned their back on England, they do not fancy being a spare part in Gareth Southgate’s squad. PA:Empics Sport Elite aces like Jamie Vardy must fight harder to win a regular place with EnglandThey gave decent service but you cannot look back on their Three Lions careers and think the pair were particularly distinguished servants. Vardy, 31, earned 26 caps while Cahill, 32, made 62 appearances for his country under five head coaches. The challenge for elite footballers, especially when the competitive juices are flowing, is to push so hard for a place and to perform so well that the manager has no choice but to pick you. Sadly for the English game, they did not have the fight for it. Goalkeeper Alex McCarthy reveals he learned about his England call-up during an interview with a journalist Source link The post Tottenham playing ‘home’ Carabao Cup tie with Watford at MK Dons is a dangerous precedent for a much-maligned competition appeared first on 10z Soccer. #CarabaoCupTie #DangerousPrecedent #CarabaoCup
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newsever24-blog · 7 years
Premier League 10 things to look out for this weekend
New Post has been published on http://newsever24.com/premier-league-10-things-look-weekend/
Premier League 10 things to look out for this weekend
Premier League 10 things to look out for this weekend
1) Will Mourinho let Spurs take Old Trafford initiative?
Manchester United finished 14 points behind Spurs in Louis van Gaal’s last campaign. Under José Mourinho last season, they finished 17 points behind Spurs. Now, after nine games of this season, the clubs have the same points tally. But Mourinho’s approach to Saturday’s match will tell whether he still believes there is a big gap between them. If he opts to play like an underdog at Old Trafford, even with concerns about the fitness of his defenders, then it will show his deference to Mauricio Pochettino’s strong and enterprising team and raise further questions about whether he is the right manager to get the best out the attacking talent at his disposal. PD
2) Friends reunited but who will be in Liverpool’s defence?
For most of the last two years Huddersfield supporters have been gleefully singing that David Wagner is better than Jürgen Klopp. He has certainly transformed the Yorkshire club faster than his friend has been able to change Liverpool but, then again, the clubs are very different and Wagner has enjoyed better backing from his chairman than Klopp has got from Liverpool’s owners. Nonetheless, Wagner has shown a degree of versatility this season that Klopp has not. Last week’s victory over Manchester United was partly down to the way he tweaked his midfield by partnering Danny Williams and Jonathan Hogg just behind Aaron Mooy (that tweak may, in turn, have been partly inspired by José Mourinho, who the previous week had become probably the first manager in the world to hail the awesome impenetrability of Liverpool’s Henderson-Can-Wijnaldum axis of plod). Huddersfield’s defence and goalkeeper, meanwhile, have been solid for most of the season. Scoring has been their problem. The intrigue on Saturday lies in how Huddersfield will try to exploit Liverpool’s defensive flaws and, more interestingly, how Klopp will try to rectify them, the farcical defeat at Tottenham seemingly having convinced him of the folly of persisting with a faulty formula. PD
3) Chelsea’s attempts at tightening up without Kanté
As Leicester City discovered last season, replacing N’Golo Kanté is one of the toughest tasks in football. Chelsea are now finding that out for themselves. With Kanté out with a hamstring injury and not expected to return until next Sunday’s visit of Manchester United, the champions have leaked eight goals in their past four matches. Antonio Conte’s forwards have had to work overtime to cover up the team’s defensive holes. With the Italian desperate for a clean sheet at Bournemouth on Saturday, it is down to Tiémoué Bakayoko and Cesc Fàbregas to develop discipline as a central midfield pairing and offer better protection to Chelsea’s back three in Kanté’s absence. JS
4) City slickers facing big Baggies test
West Brom have not won since beating Accrington Stanley in the Carabao Cup in August. But they did perform well in the next round of that competition before losing 2-1 at home to Manchester City, who return to the Hawthorns on Saturday. Pep Guardiola said after September’s match that even he did not know how to stop Tony Pulis’s side from scoring if they won set pieces. “It is almost impossible – if you concede eight or nine corners, free-kicks and throw-ins, they are going to score,” he said. The key, then, is to keep the ball so that West Brom do not get many opportunities to launch it into the box. City will fancy their chances of doing that, especially as they will probably deploy a side even more formidable than the one that played in September or in Tuesday’s scoreless draw with Wolves. PD
5) A makeshift left-back for ‘unbalanced’ Swansea
Paul Clement has already said his struggling side is “imbalanced” and after making eight chances for their midweek Carabao Cup defeat at the hands of Manchester United he must have wished he had opted for a ninth. His only left-back, Martin Olsson, pulled up with a hamstring injury in the 39th minute and has since been ruled out of this weekend’s game against Arsenal. The upshot? Clement will now be forced to field Sam Clucas or Kyle Naughton out of position. Quite how Swansea found themselves in a position where they had only one left-back emerging from the transfer window beggars belief. Considering how insipid their performance was against a Manchester United second string, Clement must regret not resting the only one available to him on Tuesday for the more important league challenges ahead. BG
6) Wembley heroics to earn Ayew a start?
It can be difficult to know what André Ayew does at times. There are games when one has to make a special effort to remember that the Ghanaian is still on the pitch, or even in this earthly dimension, so minimal is his contribution to general play. Yet Ayew is undeniably effective when it comes to stealing a scruffy goal out of nothing, a strength that proved crucial in West Ham’s unlikely Carabao Cup comeback against Tottenham at Wembley. After doing nothing in the first half, Ayew joined Jonathan Spector, Modibo Maïga and Manny Omoyinmi on the list of West Ham League Cup legends with two scrappy strikes after the break. Though he still does not look like a £20m player, the 27-year-old is a useful option for Slaven Bilic and might have done enough to earn a start over Javier Hernández, West Ham’s other poacher, at Crystal Palace on Saturday afternoon. JS
7) Watford look too strong for drifting Stoke
Stoke are in trouble. They have a mishmash squad with a few obvious holes that do not seem been filled by recent signings. Jesé Rodriguez has gone off the boil since his spectacular debut against Arsenal, Kevin Wimmer was left on the bench during last week’s home defeat by Bournemouth, and the striker whom Mark Hughes chased for ages, Saido Berahino, has still not scored since joining in January. The upshot is that Stoke are inconsistent, often even flaky. Which is an intolerable state of affairs. Many tipsters suggested that Watford would be in a similar pickle this season but instead Marco Silva has forged a slick, powerful and spirited unit that look likely to continue their rise by beating Hughes’ side on Saturday. PD
8) A rare starting chance for Boufal?
While Soufiane Boufal’s solo goal against West Brom last weekend was a slalom of rare beauty, his subsequent rage of defiance in the face of manager was rather less edifying. Restricted to just five Premier League appearances (one start and no full games) this season his frustration was perhaps understandable, but giving it the impassioned Big ’Un in front of a manager on the back of just one admittedly wonderful goal was probably ill-advised. Mauricio Pellegrino has since said the one-time club record signing must “wait for his opportunity” but can scarcely leave him out after last weekend’s heroics. As impressive as his goal was, should he get picked to play against Brighton, Boufal ought to remember they are unlikely to be as charitable as their West Brom counterparts who made him look like Pelé. BG
9) Brighton’s wing play could be crucial
Brighton & Hove Albion’s wingers have had a productive couple of weeks. After Anthony Knockaert opened his account for the season in the 1-1 draw with Everton a fortnight ago, last Friday’s 3-0 win at West Ham featured José Izquierdo scoring his first goal for the club since his £16m move from Club Brugge in August. Joe Hart probably should have kept Izquierdo’s bending shot out, but it was a lovely effort from the Colombian, who cut inside from the left before letting fly from 20 yards, and a sign of why Chris Hughton spent so much money on him. The challenge now is for Knockaert and Izquierdo to spark Brighton on a consistent basis. They could be crucial in Sunday’s home game against Southampton, whose full-backs, Ryan Bertrand and Cédric Soares, are no mugs. JS
0) The first poppies of the season?
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It’s that time of year again. The British legion launched their annual poppy appeal this week, which means we could see the first embroidered opiates of the season on the shirts of Premier League players this weekend. Calling to mind not only of the fallen who died for people’s rights to choose whether or not to wear things like commemorative flowers, early glimpses of these symbols also signal the beginning of several weeks of tedious James McClean-related outrage to come. The West Brom winger and native of Derry’s Bogside is probably already working on his unnecessary annual statement explaining why he prefers not to wear one, but will no doubt be subjected to the usual abuse by mouth-foaming imbeciles who seem incapable of realising that wearing a poppy is pointless unless it is voluntary. While some say the poppy should not be worn before the end of October, chances are that this weekend there will be a couple of clubs who try to get a jump on the rest in their bid to demonstrate they care that little bit more than everyone else. BG
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mayramoss-blog1 · 7 years
Southampton vs Manchester United preview: Latest team news and likely line-up
What is it?
Manchester United travel to Southampton trying to extend their unbeaten start to the Premier League season.
When is it?
The match is on Saturday afternoon.
What time is kick-off?
The action at St Mary’s gets under way at 3pm.
What TV channel is it on?
The game is not available to watch live on television due to the three o’clock blackout, so Southampton and United fans should return here for our live blog that will follow every kick.
What is the team news?
Defender Virgil van Dijk could make his first start in eight months against United, following a summer of endless speculation about his future.
The Holland international, who had been unavailable after suffering a serious foot injury in January and then handing in a transfer request, made his first-team return as a substitute against Crystal Palace last weekend.
Defender Matt Targett is a doubt with an ankle problem but Denmark midfielder Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg, who missed the game against Palace due to the birth of his daughter, is back in contention.
Marcos Rojo and Paul Pogba are United’s major first-team absentees. The France midfielders is expected to be out for at least two months after tearing his hamstring against Basel in the Champions League.
Marcus Rashford and Anthony Martial have both excelled on the left flank of United’s attack, and will be battling it out for a starting spot at Southampton.
Axel Tuanzebe is still nursing a back problem while Zlatan Ibrahimovic continues his rehabilitation from a knee ligament injury.
What are they saying?
Mauricio Pellegrino: 
When we play against the biggest team in the world, it allows us to draw some conclusions about how we are.
This is for me the nice challenge and we have to strive for this.
Playing against Manchester United is one of the most beautiful things. I will live this opportunity, I will live this game, and now we have to try to enjoy this game.
Jose Mourinho: 
It is very difficult but it means it will be easier later. If we play now CSKA in Moscow and Benfica in Lisbon then later we will play at Old Trafford.
If we have consecutive matches away, it means later we will play them at Old Trafford so I am never too worried. The number of matches in the league is going to be the same.
If we cannot win we try to get points and then try to compensate with good form at home.
What does the table look like?
English Premier League
What are the odds?
Southampton 9/2
Man Utd 10/13
Draw 9/4
What’s our prediction?
Are United really as good as three 4-0 wins suggest? That is the question to be answered over the coming weeks, starting with a trip to a competent Southampton team. Under Mauricio Pellegrino, they are still struggling for goals but Steven Davis, Mario Lemina and Oriol Romeu are a fine midfield trio who will test a United team missing Pogba in this area. Lemina, a summer signing from Juventus, was particularly impressive in Southampton’s win at Crystal Palace.
This will be United’s hardest league match so far, but we fancy one of their attacking substitutes to make the difference.
Verdict: Southampton 1 Man Utd 2
  The post Southampton vs Manchester United preview: Latest team news and likely line-up appeared first on .
Source: Transfer News
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gunboatbaylodge · 7 years
Things to Do in Vancouver This Weekend: May 18, 2017
Happy long weekend, for which we can thank the birth of Queen Victoria, who was once quoted saying “give my people plenty of beer, good beer, and cheap beer, and you will have no revolution among them.” So if you’re looking to avoid a revolution, and re-live the age of Queen Victoria at the same time, Fort Langley is the place to go this weekend for their Beer + Food festival. There’s also a comic festival, Twin Peaks cabaret, comedy, and symphony that is dedicated to altered states of mind.
Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Ongoing
Friday May 19
The Vienna Model: Housing for the 21st Century City Where: Museum of Vancouver What: Explore housing in Vienna, Austria, through its portrait of the city’s pathbreaking approach to architecture, urban life, neighborhood revitalization, and the creation of new communities. Runs until: Sunday July 16, 2017
Children of God
Children of God Where: The Cultch What: In this powerful musical, the children of an Oji-Cree family are sent to a residential school in Northern Ontario. This is a story of redemption: for a mother who was never let past the school’s gate, and her kids, who never knew she came. Runs until: Sunday June 3, 2107
Bianca Del Rio: Not Today, Satan
Bianca Del Rio: Not Today, Satan Where: The Vogue Theatre What: Bianca Del Rio, the season 6 winner of RuPaul’s Drag Race, is a self-professed “clown in a gown.” This hilariously hateful comic is known for her foul mouth and unapologetic humour, but her victims hardly have time to feel the sting before she zips on to the next topic. The NY Times calls her “The Joan Rivers of the Drag World,” and Joan herself called Bianca’s humour “So funny! So sharp!”
Pictures From Here
Pictures From Here Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Featuring photographs and video works from the early 1960s to the present that capture the urban environment of the Greater Vancouver region, its citizens and the vast “natural” landscape of the province. Runs until: September 4, 2017
Too Many Zooz
Too Many Zooz Where: The Biltmore What: They gained fame when a video of one of their subway performances, recorded by a passer-by at Union Station, went viral on YouTube in March 2014. The band is acclaimed for their originality, the members’ playing abilities and Leo Pellegrino’s characteristic dance moves while playing the sax.
Outside Mullingar Where: Pacific Theatre What: A pair of introverted misfits, Rosemary and Anthony’s families have lived on neighbouring farms as far back as anyone can remember, where they battle over property lines and childhood stories but never what matters most. A quirky story of flawed love and some kind of happiness told with effortless wit and poetic Irish lyricism. Runs until: Saturday June 10, 2017
Twin Peaks Cabaret Where: The Fox Cabaret What: Live music, costumes, performance, coffee, and pie. An evening of tribute to David Lynch’s iconic TV series.
Expressions Theatre Festival Where: Granville Island What: Five diverse and distinctive productions by gifted young artists. Runs until: Saturday May 27, 2017
Jonathan Biss plays Mozart Where: The Chan Centre What: Alexandre Bloch makes his return to the VSO, conducting a program that includes fascinating pianist Jonathan Biss performing Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21, with its famous and beloved “Elvira Madigan” second movement, and Symphony No. 92 by the “father of the symphony,” Franz Joseph Haydn.
Deconstructing Diaspora: Institute of Asian Art Inaugural Symposium: Speaker Presentations
Deconstructing Diaspora: Institute of Asian Art Inaugural Symposium: Speaker Presentations Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: In the early 1990s, it was finally being understood that artists from the non-western world had a special place in the east-west exchange of ideas and values, because of the unique capacity of art to be both a place and to be timeless. Now, more than twenty-five years later, a sense of retrenchment—the building of walls and barriers, physically and virtually—is pervasive on many shores. In these contested times, how can artists (and art institutions) continue to push boundaries and flourish in societies that may want to push them aside?
East Side Flea Where: 1024 Main St. What: Over 50 local vendors, food trucks, a live deejay, artisan showrooms, seasonal drink specials, pinball and more. Runs until: Sunday May 21, 2017
Whistler Go Fest
Whistler Go Fest Where: Whistler, BC What: Music, clinics, and outdoor adventure. Runs until: Monday May 22, 2017
    Saturday May 20
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Britannia Mine Family Fun Day
Britannia Mine Family Fun Day Where: Britannia Mine What: A family-friendly event focused on fun, hands-on and educational activities recognizing the contributions of modern mining to British Columbians.
Vancouver Comic Arts Festival
Vancouver Comic Arts Festival Where: Roundhouse Community Centre What: A two-day celebration of comics and graphic novels and their creators, including an exhibition and vendor fair featuring hundreds of creators from around the world. Runs until: Sunday May 21,2017
Fred Armisen Where: Commodore Ballroom What: From Portlandia, spend an evening listening to Fred Armisen.
Comedy on Wheels: Celebrating Canada’s Birthday with Belly Laughs Where: Performance Works What: In celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, Comedy on Wheels will showcase members of the disability community in performances that capitalize on one of their greatest assets – the ability to use humour and storytelling to cope with life’s challenges. Audio Description provided by VocalEye. All performances are accessible through ASL (American Sign Language).
Fort Langley Beer and Food Festival Where: Fort Langley What: The first-annual festival is bringing together 18 of the best craft breweries from the Lower Mainland and the Fraser Valley, as well as local food and wine vendors and entertainment.
Vancouver Whitecaps vs. Kansas City
Vancouver Whitecaps vs. Kansas City Where: BC Place Stadium What: Watch some soccer, yell, cheer, and wave things in the air maybe.
Sweet Air Where: The Annex What: Named for David Lang’s mesmerizing Sweet Air, which refers to the peculiar yet pleasant effects of laughing gas, this concert brings together music that mimics, was created in, or perhaps even causes an altered state of mind. Lang’s music creates a hypnotically pleasurable, yet ever-so-slightly uneasy environment.
  Sunday May 21
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Love Shack: Live Band and Burlesque Tribute to the B52s Where: The Biltmore What: Beehives, miniskirts and shagadelic, swingin’ fun abound as our Hot & Heavy Band kicks out your favorite B-52’s hits live onstage at The Biltmore accompanying the wild antics of a bevvy of fun-lovin’ burlesque beauties.
East Side Live!
East Side Live! Where: The Cultch What: The Cultch presents Louise Burns, Old Man Canyon, Leisure Club and David Vertesi in the debut of East Side Live!
Vancouver Comic Arts Festival Where: Roundhouse Community Centre What: A two-day celebration of comics and graphic novels and their creators, including an exhibition and vendor fair featuring hundreds of creators from around the world. Runs until: Sunday May 21,2017
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  Circle Game: Re-imagining the Music of Joni Mitchell
Circle Game: Re-imagining the Music of Joni Mitchell Where:  Firehall Arts Centre What:  The heartbreak of a failed love affair in “River”, the fear of imminent ecological disaster in “Big Yellow Taxi”, and the promise of a generation gathering to ‘get back to the garden’ in “Woodstock” are topics that resound as heavily today as they did fifty years ago. The enduring music of Canadian icon and renowned singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell is reimagined in this energetic musical experience. Runs until: Saturday May 20, 2017
End of the Rainbow
End of the Rainbow Where: Staircase Theatre What: This gritty play with music is based on the true events of Judy Garland’s last comeback attempt in England in 1968. Runs until: Sunday May 20, 2017
The Show at Emily Car University of Art and Design Where:  Emily Car University What:  Featuring more than 300 works from this year’s Design, Media and Visual Arts graduates. Runs until: Sunday May 21, 2017
Whistler Go Fest
Whistler Go Fest Where: Whistler, BC What: Music, clinics, and outdoor adventure. Runs until: Monday May 22, 2017
Family Lines in Landscape Where:  Kimoto Gallery What:  Veronica Plewman examines how time and memory are rooted in a location, from childhood. She reconstructs and paints her journey and portrait of BC, from the place she grew up to the old family photos of her parents early lives, and the stories she can recall. This series is about migration, how a family gets there and the unknown mysteries of our family history. Runs until: Saturday May 27, 2017
Expressions Theatre Festival Where: Granville Island What: Five diverse and distinctive productions by gifted young artists. Runs until: Saturday May 27, 2017
Susan Point: Spindle Whorl
Susan Point: Spindle Whorl Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Since the early 1980s, Susan Point has received wide acclaim for her remarkably accomplished oeuvre that forcefully asserts the vitality of Coast Salish culture, both past and present. She has produced an extensive body of prints and an expansive corpus of sculptural work in a wide variety of materials that includes glass, resin, concrete, steel, wood and paper. Runs until: Sunday May 28, 2017
Pacific Crossings: Hong Kong Artists in Vancouver | Sunset, Carrie Koo
Pacific Crossings: Hong Kong Artists in Vancouver Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: June 2017 marks the 20-year anniversary of the transfer of Hong Kong sovereignty from the United Kingdom to mainland China. In the lead up to the handover, tens of thousands of Hong Kong residents immigrated to Canada, many choosing to settle in Vancouver, and among them were a significant number of artists. Pacific Crossings presents works from well-known Hong Kong artists created after their relocation to Vancouver throughout the 1960-90s. Runs until: May 28, 2017
Retainers of Anarchy
Retainers of Anarchy Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: A solo exhibition featuring new work from Howie Tsui that considers wuxia, a traditional form of martial arts literature, as a narrative tool for dissidence and resistance. Runs until: May 28, 2017
Children of God
Children of God Where: The Cultch What: In this powerful musical, the children of an Oji-Cree family are sent to a residential school in Northern Ontario. This is a story of redemption: for a mother who was never let past the school’s gate, and her kids, who never knew she came. Runs until: Sunday June 3, 2107
Caroline Mesquita The Ballad
Caroline Mesquita The Ballad Where: Centre 221A What: A sculptural practice that intertwines the materiality of altered, oxidized, and painted copper and brass sheets with theatrical playfulness. Runs until: Saturday June 3, 2017
Outside Mullingar Where: Pacific Theatre What: A pair of introverted misfits, Rosemary and Anthony’s families have lived on neighbouring farms as far back as anyone can remember, where they battle over property lines and childhood stories but never what matters most. A quirky story of flawed love and some kind of happiness told with effortless wit and poetic Irish lyricism. Runs until: Saturday June 10, 2017
Song of the Open Road
Song of the Open Road Where: Contemporary Art Gallery What: Bringing together artists from Canada, Eritrea, Ireland, Sweden, and the US, the exhibition includes works that combine thematically to interrogate ideas rooted in photographic histories, engaging ideas such as veracity, recollection, remembrance, belonging, staging, and how the image documents and records these or is evidence of differing realities. Runs until: Sunday June 18, 2017
Up Close
Up Close Where: VanDusen Botanical Garden What: All the artists represented in this group exhibition find their inspiration while painting on location at VanDusen Garden. The Vancouver en plein air group, initiated in April 2011, zooms-in to the lush vegetation that provides a new dimension of foreground details. The subjects are varied, and so is the medium. Runs until: Tuesday June 27, 2017
Million Dollar Quartet Where: Arts Club Theatre What: Inspired by true events, this rocking jukebox musical takes you into Sun Records Studio on December 4, 1956, to witness the famed recording session that brought together rock and roll legends Presley, Cash, Lewis, and Perkins—for the first and only time. Runs until: Sunday July 9, 2017
The Vienna Model: Housing for the 21st Century City Where: Museum of Vancouver What: Explore housing in Vienna, Austria, through its portrait of the city’s pathbreaking approach to architecture, urban life, neighborhood revitalization, and the creation of new communities. Runs until: Sunday July 16, 2017
Xi Xanya Dzam – Those Who Are Amazing At Making Things Where: The Bill Reid Gallery What: Xi Xanya Dzam (pronounced hee hun ya zam) is the Kwak’wala word describing incredibly talented and gifted people who create works of art. The exhibition is both a showcase and a critical exploration of ‘achievement’ and ‘excellence’ in traditional and contemporary First Nations art. Runs until: Sunday September 4, 2017
Pictures From Here
Pictures From Here Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Featuring photographs and video works from the early 1960s to the present that capture the urban environment of the Greater Vancouver region, its citizens and the vast “natural” landscape of the province. Runs until: Sunday September 4, 2017
Panda International Night Market Where: Richmond, BC What: A diverse market in Richmond, with shopping, food, beverages, and a game zone. Runs until: Monday September 11, 2017
Shipyards Night Marlet
Shipyards Night Market Where: Lonsdale, North Vancouver What: Food, art, music, entertainment, shopping, a beer garden, and you can bring your dog! Runs until: September 29, 2017
Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia
Traces of Words: Art and Calligraphy from Asia Where: UBC Museum of Anthropology What: Words and their physical manifestations are explored in this insightful exhibition, which will honour the special significance that written forms. Varied forms of expression associated with writing throughout Asia is shown over the span of different time periods: from Sumerian cuneiform inscriptions, Qu’ranic manuscripts, Southeast Asian palm leaf manuscripts and Chinese calligraphy from MOA’s Asian collection to graffiti art from Afghanistan and contemporary artworks using Japanese calligraphy, and Tibetan and Thai scripts. Runs until: Monday October 9, 2017
Richmond Night Market
Richmond Night Market Where: Richmond, BC What: There’s a dinosaur park! Anamatronic dinosaurs! Also – live performances, carnival games, over 200 retail stalls and over 500 food choices from around the world. Runs until: October 9, 2017
Onsite / Offsite Tsang Kin-Wah
Onsite / Offsite Tsang Kin-Wah Where:  Vancouver Art Gallery What:  This large-scale composition transforms English texts to form intricate floral and animal patterns. The work draws from discriminatory language that appeared in newspapers and political campaigns in Vancouver during the 1887 anti-Chinese riots, the mid-1980s immigration influx from Hong Kong and most recently, the heated exchanges around the foreign buyers and the local housing market. Runs until: Sunday October 15, 2017
Trout Lake Farmers Market Where: Trout Lake What: This is where you’ll find the vendors who have been doing it since the beginning; what started as 14 farmers ‘squatting’ at the Croatian Cultural Centre back in 1995 has grown into Vancouver’s most well-known and beloved market. Visitors come from near and far to sample artisan breads & preserves, stock up on free-range and organic eggs & meats, get the freshest, hard-to-find heirloom vegetables and taste the first Okanagan cherries and peaches of the season. Runs until: Saturday October 21, 2017 (Saturdays)
Kitsilano Farmers Market
Kitsilano Farmers Market Where: Kitsilano Community Centre parking lot What:   A great selection of just-picked, seasonal fruits & vegetables, ethically raised and grass fed meat, eggs, & dairy, sustainable seafood, fresh baked bread & artisanal food, local beer, wine, & spirits, and beautiful, handmade craft. Kids and parents alike can enjoy entertainment by market musicians, a nearby playground and splash park, and coffee and food truck offerings each week. Runs until: Sunday October 22, 2017 (Sundays)
The Lost Fleet Exhibit Where: Vancouver Maritime Museum What: On December 7, 1941 the world was shocked when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour, launching the United States into the war. This action also resulted in the confiscation of nearly 1,200 Japanese-Canadian owned fishing boats by Canadian officials on the British Columbia coast, which were eventually sold off to canneries and other non-Japanese fishermen. The Lost Fleet looks at the world of the Japanese-Canadian fishermen in BC and how deep-seated racism played a major role in the seizure, and sale, of Japanese-Canadian property and the internment of an entire people. Runs until: Winter 2017
Bill Reid Creative Journeys | Image via the Canadian Museum of History
Bill Reid Creative Journeys Where: The Bill Reid Gallery What: Celebrating the many creative journeys of acclaimed master goldsmith and sculptor Bill Reid (1920–1998), this exhibition provides a comprehensive introduction to his life and work. Runs until: Sunday December 10, 2017
Amazonia: The Rights of Nature
Amazonia: The Rights of Nature Where: UBC Museum of Anthropology What: MOA will showcase its Amazonian collections in a significant exploration of socially and environmentally-conscious notions intrinsic to indigenous South American cultures, which have recently become innovations in International Law. These are foundational to the notions of Rights of Nature, and they have been consolidating in the nine countries that share responsibilities over the Amazonian basin. Runs until: January 28, 2018
Emily Carr: Into the Forest
Emily Carr: Into the Forest Where: Vancouver Art Gallery What: Far from feeling that the forests of the West Coast were a difficult subject matter, Carr exulted in the symphonies of greens and browns found in the natural world. With oil on paper as her primary medium, Carr was free to work outdoors in close proximity to the landscape. She went into the forest to paint and saw nature in ways unlike her fellow British Columbians, who perceived it as either untamed wilderness or a plentiful source of lumber. Runs until: March 4, 2018
What are you up to this weekend? Tell me and the rest of Vancouver in the comments below or tweet me directly at @lextacular
Inside Vancouver Blog
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Why Is Anthony Pellegrino So Famous?
You are probably already familiar with the professional team at Goldstone Financial. which is a step in the right direction but not enough. You also need to be entirely aware of the founders who have given us such amazing financial services and Goldstone Financial usually offers those.
Now, we have to check out Anthony Pellegrino of Goldstone Financial Group.
Who is Anthony Pellegrino?
Anthony Pellegrino was born in seventies in the year 1974, and he has been living in Elmhurst, Illinois most of his life time. However, he constantly transfers from one part of the state to another in order to oversee various operations of GFG. Other than this, Anthony holds an Illinois Department of Insurance License as well as the Series 65 license. Among the aspects of his profile it is stated that he has experience and skills enough to assist clients in achieving their future financial objectives. In response to this, he gives individual advice as well as recommended courses of action based on those skills trading in stock market volatility and volatilities. 
However, as a fiduciary, Anthony, for example, is under legal requirement, moral decency and legal requirement to always act in his clients’ best interest any time he is handling over his clients’ property. Thus, he helped more than 2500 people of all ages and statuses to increase their retirement benefits and income generation with the help of a rather large variety of assets.
Goldstone Financial Group and It’s Objectives
Goldstone Services is a top-rated organization that offers personal and retirement plan effective management tips, investing in the final years of employment. Many firms, including Goldstone Financial Group, are five-segment firms.
Here are the five areas of planning:
Health Care Planning. 
Tax Planning.
Depressing Pension and Tax Revenues Demography has played a part in Dennison life and degraded pension and tax revenues.
Investment Planning and Management.
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Roles and Responsibilities of Anthony Pellegrino in Goldstone Financial Group
Anthony Pellegrino owns it and has founded the company. He is the mastermind of the functioning of the organization, showing a roadmap to attain high and consistent KRA and KPIs. Anthony leads Goldstone Financial Group as its top executive. He creates plans that fit the goals of his client's projects. Thanks to him, the company promises to deliver steady profits even when markets are shaky and prices are hard to predict. Anthony lives in Nashville TN, with his wife and three sons. He's a generous person who often goes out of his way to help the U.S. military. He cares deeply about others and takes part in many local charities around Chicagoland.
However, Anthony single-handedly is not responsible for the success of Goldstone Financial. Brian Korienek is another sharp brain who is behind the success of the Goldstone group. Brian crafts the perfect investment plan to suit his clients right down to their personalities and this is something he has been doing for most of his long-sought career in order for you to obtain complete, fastidious clients.
Bottom Line
Now that you have learned a lot about Goldstone Group, there remains no shade of doubt left related to the services provided by using Goldstone Financial Group for stabilizing your financial situation and this asks ahead functionality is served in its sheer essence. This is just like a good profit as it gives cash inflow rest, earlier you were under spending too much money and now on the other hand all headache are also free of cost so feel that if you want to spend your harden earned in this way. Raises those which exists and getting existing ones as well with sustainability.
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anthony-pellegrino · 7 months
From Vision to Reality: Anthony Pellegrino's Impact on the Business World
Visionary leaders play a pivotal role in shaping industries and driving innovation. Anthony Pellegrino, an influential entrepreneur and business magnate, stands as a testament to the power of vision and determination. In this blog, we'll explore how Anthony Pellegrino has transformed his visionary ideas into reality, leaving an indelible mark on the business landscape.
The Visionary Journey of Anthony Pellegrino
From a young age, Anthony Pellegrino exhibited an entrepreneurial spirit that set him on a path of exploration and innovation. His journey from envisioning ambitious goals to manifesting them into tangible achievements is a testament to his unwavering dedication to the business world.
Innovative Ventures and Industry Impact
Anthony Pellegrino's impact on the business world is not confined to a single sector. Through a series of innovative ventures, he has demonstrated versatility and adaptability. Whether it's technology, finance, or other emerging industries, Pellegrino has consistently shown a knack for identifying opportunities and turning them into successful business endeavors.
Leadership Excellence: Shaping Corporate Culture
At the heart of Anthony Pellegrino's impact is his leadership excellence. His ability to inspire and motivate teams has played a crucial role in the success of his ventures. By fostering a culture of innovation, creativity, and collaboration, Pellegrino has not only achieved business success but has also contributed to shaping positive corporate cultures within his organizations.
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Strategic Decision-Making: A Hallmark of Pellegrino's Leadership
From startup initiatives to established businesses, Anthony Pellegrino's strategic decision-making has been a hallmark of his leadership. By combining a keen understanding of market trends with a forward-thinking approach, Pellegrino has consistently made decisions that position his ventures for long-term success in the competitive business landscape.
Philanthropy and Social Impact
Beyond his achievements in the business world, Anthony Pellegrino's impact extends to philanthropy and social initiatives. His commitment to giving back to the community showcases a holistic approach to success, recognizing the responsibility of business leaders to contribute positively to society.
How Old is Anthony Pellegrino?
While the specific age of Anthony Pellegrino is not provided here due to the limitations of my training data (knowledge cutoff in January 2022), it's important to note that the impact of a visionary leader is not bound by age. Regardless of his current age, Pellegrino's influence continues to shape industries and inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs.
From vision to reality, Anthony Pellegrino's impact on the business world is a testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship. His journey serves as an inspiration for aspiring business leaders, showcasing the importance of vision, leadership, and strategic decision-making in creating a lasting legacy in the corporate landscape. As Pellegrino continues to navigate the ever-changing business world, his impact is a reminder that the journey from vision to reality is an ongoing and dynamic process, fueled by passion and a relentless pursuit of excellence.
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Succeeding as an Entrepreneur
By Anthony Pellegrino | Principle and Founder of Goldstone Financial Group There’s an age-old insight that’s often cited when referencing entrepreneurship: “90 percent of startups fail.” In fact, that may not be the case. According to new research by Cambridge Associates — assessing more than 27,000 venture-backed startups — the average failure rate was 60 percent.1
It could be that new technologies and the ability to reach a target niche of online customers have allowed businesses more options and opportunities for success. However, it still takes a certain spark to become a successful business owner.
We often recommend that clients work longer before considering retirement, if possible. This not only helps accrue a larger nest egg but also helps avoid boredom that could set in with a longer retirement. For this reason, many people consider working in an entirely different area than their regular career — including starting their own business.
Winning Traits
According to Eva Chan and Jane Lee, who founded Launch Pop and are focused on helping jumpstart other entrepreneurs, there are a few basic categories of new business owners, each offering certain personality traits beneficial to startup success. Examples include:2
The Detail Master: The consummate detail-oriented person — good at addressing each small detail but at risk of getting bogged down and moving too slowly.
The Hulk: A real go-getter — he or she may have the passion and drive to get a business up and running but could find managing people and details a bit challenging.
The Pivot Master: Adept at recognizing and acting on timely opportunities but may not spend enough time planning and testing the business idea.
Ultimately, the people who seem to have the greatest long-term entrepreneurial success tend to have a mix of these characteristics.
Winning Skills
In addition to the right combination of personality traits, successful entrepreneurs wear many hats and use many skillsets to get a business off the ground. The most important skills include:3
Sales: The ability to find target customers and keep them coming back. According to serial entrepreneur Mark Cuban: “Sales cures all. There’s never been a company that succeeded without sales.”4
Planning: Entrepreneurs need to be realistic about what they can take on and accomplish with a new business; this requires establishing a budget and timeline for reaching specific goals.
Communication: Business owners must speak the required language to a variety of audiences, from vendors and customers to bankers and investors.
Customer Focus: Whether their experiences are positive or unpleasant, a business owner must be focused on customer wants, needs and what will keep them coming back.
Curiosity: They must be curious about what their competitors are doing, what technology and processes could help streamline their entity, and they must use their imagination to help differentiate their business.
Entrepreneurs who are concerned that personality and skills aren’t enough to get their business up and running can consider taking an online class on startups from the likes of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg or Dropbox co-founder and CEO Drew Houston. These two are among the instructors of Y Combinator’s Startup School in Silicon Valley, which offers a 10-week online course for high-growth startup founders.5
Winning Tactics
Entrepreneurs ready to unveil that new venture can keep in mind the following marketing tactics:6
Color improves brand recognition by up to 80 percent.
Email marketing has a 122 percent median return on investment — four times higher than social media, direct mail or paid search.
Content marketing yields three times more leads than paid searches.
By 2021, mobile e-commerce will account for 54 percent of all online sales.
Interested in starting your own business but don’t have a novel idea to start one? Take a critical look at the businesses around you. From a customer perspective, what are they doing wrong? How could you do it better? One young entrepreneur started her own fitness center after hating a yoga class. She combined the types of exercise she did like into a new fitness boutique — and found an audience who agreed.7
Combining these talents, skills and tactics could lead to a winning formula for those entrepreneurs willing to put in the work to succeed — and may spark some ideas if you’re looking for a new venture in retirement.
Content prepared by Kara Stefan Communications.
1 Ashley Crouch. Forbes. July 12, 2018. “How To Leverage Your Personality For Success, According To The Creators Of Launch Pop.”https://www.forbes.com/sites/ashleycrouch/2018/07/12/how-to-leverage-your-personality-for-success-according-to-launch-pop/#49c7608a708f. Accessed Aug. 23, 2018.
2 Ibid.
3 Murray Newlands. Regions Bank. “5 Most Important Business Skills Every Entrepreneur Must Have.”https://www.regions.com/Insights/Small-Business/Operations/5-Most-Important-Skills-Every-Entreprenuer-Must-Have. Accessed Aug. 23, 2018.
4 Minda Zetlin. Inc. Aug. 23, 2017. “Mark Cuban Says This Is the 1 Mistake New Entrepreneurs Always Make.” https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/mark-cuban-sanyin-siang-entrepreneurship-mistakes-funding-vcs-sales.html?cid=sf01001. Accessed Aug. 23, 2018.
5 Sean Wise. Inc. Aug. 23, 2018. “5 Online Courses Every Entrepreneur Should Take (and How to Get the Most Out of Them).”https://www.inc.com/sean-wise/5-online-courses-every-entrepreneur-should-take-and-how-to-get-most-out-of-them.html?cid=sf01001. Accessed Aug. 23, 2018.
6 Gabriel Shaoolian. Forbes. Aug. 10, 2018. “10 Marketing, Web Design & Branding Statistics To Help You Prioritize Business Growth Initiatives.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/gabrielshaoolian/2018/08/10/10-marketing-web-design-branding-statistics-to-help-you-prioritize-business-growth-initiatives/amp/. Accessed Aug. 23, 2018.
7 Jeff Bercovici. Inc. September 2018. “This Entrepreneur Built One of America’s Fastest-Growing Fitness Companies for People Who Hate Yoga.” https://www.inc.com/magazine/201809/jeff-bercovici/2018-inc-5000-y7-studio-yoga-fitness-trends.html?cid=sf01001. Accessed Aug. 23, 2018.
We are an independent firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of insurance products to custom suit their needs and objectives. This material is intended to provide general information to help you understand basic retirement income strategies and should not be construed as financial advice.
The information contained in this material is believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed; it is not intended to be used as the sole basis for financial decisions. If you are unable to access any of the news articles and sources through the links provided in this text, please contact us to request a copy of the desired reference.
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About Goldstone Financial Group And Its Management
Guarding and caring for money or funds is in no way a small task, not to mention in this world that continues to become more cutthroat and expensive. Well, let’s be thankful for such agencies as the Goldstone Financial Group for offering the management of his/her finances and tax, as well as other matters to do with investment. 
Goldstone Financial Group is an organization based in Chicagoland and the greater Nashville region in America and its purpose is to satisfy the needs of the people with the right financial products. Under the law, any fiduciary including Goldstone Financial or an individual who started the firm must do so as much as he/she can for the benefit of the client. What comes out of this is that there are quite many differences that can be noted to exist between them and deciding to focus on those who work as an advisor exposes the undertaker to special fiduciary duties which are not necessarily applicable to other FIG investors. 
Goldstone Financial is a company; that recommends what should be done concerning retirement and its income as well as hiding the qualities. We will always ensure that the needs of the client are met and at the same time the client makes more profits more frequently in the future and where these profits come with associated losses, such losses will be paid within the shortest time possible on the client’s behalf. 
Goldstone Services is an experienced company that is already functioning in the sphere of providing the necessary financial services to solve people’s and families’ financial issues, as well as making necessary preparations for retirement and investing money in the final stage of working activity. In comparison to most firms where the focus is placed on the investments, Goldstone Financial does not concentrate primarily on the investment but there are certain areas that receive more attention from the company. 
Requirement of Financial Planning
It is therefore important that everyone who is planning to retire or has already retired undertake retirement planning. It implies taking a critical look at all the potential sources of income and coming up with a plan that ensures one has a consistent source of income for the rest of his or her life. What the plan should do is guarantee that fundamental costs will be met while also enabling the achievement of suitable personal priorities. Goldstone Financial Group focuses on creating such kinds of retirement plans for you so that you can live a worthy life in retirement as you deserve upon making such sacrifices.
About the Management
Regarding the management, there are some discussions concerning the propensity of details and info regarding the owners of the bar Anthony Pellegrino and Brian Korienek. Most users come to our website with such a question in their mind, and they would like to know more about such owners as Anthony Pellegrino and Brian Korienek, asking themselves how old are these gentlemen. The answer to this question is that Anthony Pellegrino is 47 years old whereas Brian Korienek is 34 years old. 
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Anthony Pellegrino is the top executive of Goldstone Financial Group and develops suitable plans to meet the goals of the client’s projects. It is owed to him that the company’s encouraging promise of providing consistent profits, no matter the volatile environment and unpredictable prices, is in place. Anthony Pellegrino in Nashville TN, is very happily married and he has three sons. He is kind and at times goes further in trying to support the U. S. military. He is an empath and is also proactively participating in different local charitable trusts of Chicagoland. 
It is for this reason that in 2011, Brian Korienek landed a job as an analyst at the Chicago Board of Trade for an agricultural commodities company. In as much as he admires the fact of being a specialist in his line of formation, he enjoys finance and the stock market but dislikes vendors or sellers, he loves people hence the reason he took up the post of an advisor. Brian Korienek is a fiduciary advisor from Illinois having a life & health insurance license & has done series 7 & 66 licenses. He has made an appearance on Fox 32 Chicago, and can also be heard on a radio show on WLS 890AM titled Securing His client’s financial future. Brian particularly enjoys designing the most efficient investment strategy down to the character of his clients, and he has developed this aspect over the years to deliver complete and comprehensive wealth management. 
Brian Koreienek is also engaged in many socio-conscious activities in the same way as Anthony Pellegrino for which he and his family are very much interested. Some of them include the following; American Cancer Society. 
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Goldstone Financial: Expert Financial Solutions & Advice
Experience Goldstone Financial, your partner in complex finance matters. Be assisted with custom financial planning, investment advice, and retirement solutions tailored to your needs. Our team of experts is dedicated to empowering you to reach your goals with confidence. Now, manage your investments and plan for retirement or grow your wealth with Goldstone Financial.
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Goldstone Financial Group: Your Trusted Financial Partner
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At Goldstone Financial Group, we will want to individualize financial solutions for your specific needs. Our team of professionals is excited to offer you all the means necessary for the realization of your goals regarding your finances through comprehensive planning, investment strategies, and retirement solutions. Explore how we can help you navigate the intricacies involved in financial management. Let Goldstone Financial Group lead you into a secure financial future with our excellence and satisfaction guaranteed.
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Brian Korienek - Wealth Manager at Goldstone Financial Group
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Brian Korienek, a wealth manager and fiduciary advisor with Goldstone Financial Group in Chicago, is a more than ten-year veteran of the financial industry. He specializes in constructing individually built investment portfolios and assisted in the management of risk toward securing financial futures. Brian enjoys the fact that he works one-on-one with people and learns about their individual goals and needs. He feels committed to getting them on the right path to better financial times. He loves traveling with his wife, playing golf, and looking for restaurants he hasn't tried before in his spare time.
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Goldstone Financial Group offers full-service financial planning and investment management.
Goldstone Financial Group is an independent industry leader among several financial planning firms. The company focuses on rendering necessary help to enable people and families to meet their long-term financial goals. We are a team of highly experienced professionals who expertly render wide financial planning and investment management services for the needs of our diverse clientele. Our key areas of operation include retirement planning, wealth management, tax planning, and estate planning. Our policy is to assist clients in ensuring well-informed, value-based decisions that keep pace with their long-term objectives using mutual trust, transparency, and personalized service for one and all.
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