#How am i supposed to tag thsi
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loathemail · 2 years ago
Was struck with an idea
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solarishashernoseinabook · 11 months ago
Solaris reads Murder as a Second Language, by Joan Hess (2013)
So yeah, this was the book I made the poll about. As this is a murder mystery I'm liveblogging, it's very likely I'll spoil the killer for you. Block the tag "solaris reads murder as a second language" if you don't want spoilers.
Murder as a Second Language is the 19th book in the Claire Malloy Mysteries and the first book by Joan Hess I've read. Last year I listened to about 30 minutes of the audiobook before DNF'ing it because of how trashy the first couple chapters were. Well, now I'm back, and we're going to see how bad the rest of it is.
MAASL picks up shortly after our main character Claire, long-time local business owner, has married Deputy Chief Peter Rosen, and just before she packs her daughter Caron off to college. To get into the college she wants, Caron has to spend the summer doing volunteer work, and Claire - now faced with the possibility of spare time - decides to volunteer as well. When a murder happens in town, Claire and Peter team up to solve the case.
Well, let's see what I've gotten myself into...
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[Transcript: "Inez found thsi really cool place where we can volunteer to teach English as a second language to foreigners. It's like four hours a week, and we arrange our own schedules. I figure that if we're there from eleven to noon, we'll have plenty of time to go to the lake and the mall." /end]
Just setting up some background here. Caron has picked fairly easy volunteer work that gives her plenty of time to still enjoy summer, and only really has to devote 40 odd hours to it. As far as last-minute requirements to get into college go, Caron has it pretty damn easy.
Or maybe not. See, she has to attend a training session and...
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[Transcript: "Yeah," Caron muttered. "The training session was interminable. The teacher basically read aloud from the manual while we followed along, like we were illiterate. We broke for pizza and then listened to her drone on for another four hours. After that, the executive director, some pompous guy named Gregory Whistler, came in and thanked us for volunteering. I was so thrilled that I almost woke up."
"Then it got worse," Inez said. "The program director, who's Japanese and looks like she's a teenager, told us that because of the shortage of volunteers in the summer we would each get four students - and meet with them twice a week for an hour."
"For a total of Eight Hours." Caron's sigh evolved into an agonized moan. "We have to call them and find a time that's mutually convenient. It could be six in the morning or four in the afternoon. We may never make it to the lake." /end]
How heartbreaking! Caron, on the cusp of adulthood, faces a fraction of the responsibilities she will face in a year when she goes off to college! Her life is truly difficult (sarcasm)
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[Transcript: "And I," Caron said, rolling her eyes, "have to tutor an old lady from Poland, a Chinese man, an Iranian woman, and a woman from Russia. How am I supposed to call them on the phone? They don't speak English. Like I speak Polish, Chinese, Russian, and whatever they speak in Iran. This is a nightmare, and I think we ought to just quit now. I say we set up a lemonade stand and donate the proceeds to some charity." /end]
And it gets worse (heavy sarcasm)! Did you know that people who need to learn English as a second language don't speak English perfectly? Caron is right to throw away the chance to go to a good college over this (heavy sarcasm)
Anyway, all is saved, because Claire promises to volunteer as well and take some of their students off their hands so Caron doesn't give up and go to the local community college instead. Personally I'd say a good parent would make their child take responsibility for themselves, but what do I know. This post is getting long, so check the reblogs for how well that works out for everyone
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juleatic · 6 years ago
Lair Review: Arthurie, #71634
@arthurie-fr Thank you for letting me review your lair! I see, you already joined shortly after me, in 2014. I’m very excited :D You seem to have many fractions/clans and I hope I will not be able to remember them!
First impression: Maaaan, many tabs, many dragons! How am I supposed to choose between all these prettiy and interesting dragons? I hope it’s okay when I don’t do the breeding pairs section, I find the lore aspects a little more intriguing. Thanks for the heads up about the hibernal den and the “normal” dens, I always forget we have those now... and gosh, your dragons are gorgeous in every single one!
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I’m going to start with Ophelia. She directly caught my eye and I just... am at a loss for words! The combination of the colors, genes and apparel is gorgeous. I totally didn’t know about the Hand-apparel (I hope you know which one I mean) and it’s kind of creepy but cool at the same time. Conclusion: I love her!
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Romeo, oh Romeo... I ship him and Mondo. I’m glad he survived that Emperor, would have been sad if he didn’t :( Anyway: He is so cute. I have to admit, the Watermelon Rosette feels a little weird, I’d love to see more of his primary color. But overall it’s a real nice combination of the apparel and the contrast with his secondary color makes him stand out a lot. And yeah, I loved to read his lore Q_Q
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Ghost is a little creepy. but in a good way! I totally forgot about the Kelpie manes (man, what did i miss!). It fits him perfectly. And the contrast between the midnight and robin is SO great! I had hoped to read a little more lore about him, but maybe that will follow one day :D Anyway, he’s a good boy!
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Me? A sucker for Imps? Phew... I mean... Copper... is just.. the best color. No discussion about thsi allowed. Like DANG. If I weren’t in love with the apparel so much I would be really sad that you can’t see his colors better. But with the Copper and the contrast and everything, Iolo is just perfect. I’d love to know more about him though. Who is he? He looks mysterious. Can he do magic? Does he like other dragons? Or is he more of a loner type of guy?
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I don’t know if this is fair because I think you just adopted this boy. BUT HE’S SO CUTE. I can’t wait for him to grow up, would you mind tagging me when you��re done dressing him and everything? I’m such a sucker for Skink on WCs, it’s unnatural. Gimme all of them. And then caramel of all the colors. Jeeeeez. I can’t wait to see him grow up! I think we’re done! Thank you so much and I hope you liked it :D
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whatohitsonfirewelp · 4 years ago
WARNING: long post because I decided to rant about stuff today I’m pretty sure it’s fine like nothing bad except for the fact that I curse. So just ignore this. I wrote this during class
Now they want to show students all the different classes and I’m just here like
I already submitted by form for classes for next year because I don’t fucking think about my choices until after I make them and I know there are students like me and the ones who have pare who aren’t involved enough to stop them from being impulsive.
And I’m just here like why didn’t you show thsi to me before registration started??? And then I’m half glad they didn’t because it would have made it so much harder and I probably would have cried so many times.
On the bright side I- I there’s no bright side. I don’t wanna do PE because that still sucks because I can’t freaking run but that means trying out for more sports next year and I’m just full on ranting right now so y’all can absolutely ignore this.
Please ignore this. No I didn’t watch the freaking bee movie it freak me out- oh here we go now you wanna do the whole film making class! But no no because I already signed up! But now it’s to late unless I just join a bunch of freaking sports!
I do not want to join sports.
There’s tryouts and talking and socializing and that’s scary.
How the hell am I supposed to do honors math next year? I learned nothing this year.
Oh here we go! Now there’s something about the German class and that’s the one I chose but then everyone said nooo change it to Spanish so I did that and now I’m just-
This is why I don’t like making choices alone. Because I don’t think and then I already make them and ask people after and then I’m just panicking.
You know what? I’ll learn it in college. Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t actually know what I want to do in college.
Like maybe I wanna fucking cook or something. That thought sure lingers in my mind rent freee and gives me problems. So does the fact that maybe now I want to be a firefighter but that’s a whole other I’m gonna ignore right now.
Back to the sports thing now.
So I’m gonna try out for one like this year bUT it’s different for next year. It’s like- I can’t run for shit so why the hell would I do cross country or track and field? I can’t really swim- okay I can and I do junior lifeguards but stuff like forms? I can’t do that. My feet will not ducking cooperate- that’s how you spell that?- and I did do soccer when I was younger for like two years and then in I think fifth grade again. But I don’t know the rules or anything.
And I fucking refuse to do cheerleading. I did that sport for years and I hate it and both like it at times. At the end of the day I’m not a preforming because of trauma so cheer? Nope. Not for me. Plus I’ve seen our high school cheer team and it’s a fucking dissapointment. Like cheering has changed so much over the years and right now it’s mostly girls standing on boxes and yelling cheers and it’s the worst.
Like where are the stunts? The kicks and jumps? Where is that spirit? And while I don’t want to do cheerleading ever again my sisters still do it and my mom was a coach until stuff happened. Like I was one from kindergarten to around sixth grade take out a year or two.
I mean on one hand you don’t really need any experience before hand you just gotta show you follow the chants and arm movements quick and that you can scream without yelling. And some other stuff. It’s you present yourself when preforming as well. Like definitely not hard trust me your overthinking how hard it will be if you do wanna try out for cheer at your school. There’s also flexibility but honestly you can make it seem like you can do a high kick when you actually can’t. I just don’t like cheering that much problem do to some trauma and the fact that I hate the outfits. They itch and move high up and it’s just generally uncomfortable for me.
Well this post certainly took a turn. Right okay here’s another question I have. Or first one maybe? Anyways, so I’m not counting at sports are this year that got all screwy but next year if I wanna do the sport I’m trying out for now it’s a fall sport for girls. Will that still be happening in winter season? Or just call and then it’s done. Or does it depend on the sport? Because I don’t wanna take PE at all- oh fuck do I gotta do like that testing for it still? For PE even if I am in a sport? I can’t run a mile. I mean they are definitely better that The whole running from one side to another as the time spreads up with that fucking voice counting. But yeah I can’t run. I mean I can I guess but it’s certainly not something I enjoy unless it’s like tag or something. Like tag? I can run for fucking hours when I’m playing with my baby cousins and some other random kids that I end up watching at the park. And those little demons run fucking fast okay.
But me? Running a mile or something? Nope. Can’t do it. Like if I have to I will but I will not enjoy it and I’m this type of person who will turn down a ride on a car for the rest of the way because if I had to start this I will fucking finish it even though I’m embarrassed at how long it’s taking me and calling myself every name in the book in my head and that’s more information then I wanted to share.
Which is fine because all of you should be ignoring this.
I mean hey maybe if the sport does end in the fall I can do the water one in the winter. Like sure I definitely have trauma with swimming that I haven’t explained to anyone and there’s the fact that I enjoy swimming and don’t want it to be ruin because I’m worried that I’m not good enough.
Honestly I’d probably he okay with trying out for sports except when I was like nine or younger I said I wanted to do tennis to my day and I got told no because it has running and I’m basically not fit for that and oh boy did that ruin whatever self esteem I had left by then. I was genuinely interested and excited to do it. Now? Now it’s all about running more and doing this and doing that and jeez I wonder why I don’t want to.
Well this got depressing fast. ANYWAYS. Uh. Huh. Okay I don’t think I have anything more to say- no nope that’s a lie apparently I do. Does me maybe doing a sport next year give me a free period for a bit? Now I’m just fucking confused. Alright okay I’m done I finished whatever this even was because I could not stay on one topic for long and this is why I don’t actually talk. Well that and the whole stuttering thing.
Wait back to the cheer team. If y’all are cheerleaders and disagree with whatever I said then hey maybe your school actually understands cheer. And for tryouts? Maybe it’s different for your school but from what I’ve gathered it’s not all that hard and maybe gangs just because I was a cheerleader for years so y’all might think differently.
But cheerleaders who do stunts are badass don’t any of you forget that. I can literally feel another girls shoe digging into my thigh as I type this. Okay now I’m done.
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kiribirb · 8 years ago
i was tagged by my boyo over here @gwynnabun thanks dad
Nickname: My real name  is long-ish so everyone jus calls me Alex;; a few people tht know me thru the internet will often give me screename nicknames like Kiri, Rev, Charlie, Indie, etc. etc. You can call me whatever you want honestly jus keep in mind my real name, alright maties :^) i luv ya
Height: 5′3 im a shorty-short
Time: for you to get a watch xd
Birthday: you’ll only know this if you’re a real og
Favorite Bands: Miniature Tigers, Phoenix, Two Door Cinema Club, Gorillaz, The Struts, Bibio, Electric Guest, Madeon, Passion Pit, Vampire Weekend, The Shins, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Sondre Lerche, Rooney, STRFKR, Tame Impala, Mother Mother, Men at Work, Foster the People, Empire of the Sun, Blur, Lemaitre, The Clash, Depeche Mode, The Magic Gang, and that’s about all i can think of, there’s probably more though :^)
Favorite Solo Artist: boyeee i can’t just choose one //coUGH i love Sondre Lerche and Stephen Wilkinson
Song Stuck in my Head: Long Distance Call- Phoenix
Last Movie I Watched: A Cure for Wellness 
Last Show I Watched: Rick and Morty
Blog Created: The fucc you think i’m supposed to kno this for my guy ;; like last fall or smth ? ?
Last Thing I Googled: “Can I Get a Hooyah”
Other Blogs: @hallowbodycrosswalk @strobelite-cinema nd other Phoenix related blogs but they’re a group effort
Do You Get Asks?: N O guYS PLE A Se drop by my inbox i swear to fuc it will brighten my day tf up PLEASE JUS dO IT
Why Did You Choose Your URL?: well i was half asleep one night and this url popped into my head and it sounded cool
Following: 100+ idk i forgot
Followers: like 28 or smth
Favorite Colors: orange and some pink;; maybe red on occasion
Average Hours of Sleep: uhh hh 5-7 maybe 12 on occasion ik it’s unhealthy
Instruments: Electric guitar and electric bass guitar
What I’m wearing: burgundy T-shirt w black pajama shorts and a knitted long cardigan 
How Many Blankets: either none or 7 it’s all or nothing, baby
Dream Job: Astronomer or Indie/rock musician
Dream Trip: Either Europe or Arizona roadtrip with my girls, Veronica and Samantha //sob sob// we’re gonna make this happen one day
Favorite food: mmmaaAAA?? ? ? sushi
Nationality: u h h ?? america
Favorite song: UMM? ? ? ??  Trying to be Cool- Phoenix but DUUDE i could go on for days naming ALL of my favorite songs; fight me behind Denny’s at 2:06 AM if you think you can only have one favorite song
and im tagginf nO ONE becos i jus want you all to feel open to doing thsi i ain’t forcig anyone
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